BCS Combined Preli Written Syllabus PDF

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wewmGm wcwjwgbvwi U-Gi wmjevm

evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ 35

BsiwR fvlv I mvwnZ 35
evsjv`k welqvewj 30
AvRvwZK welqvewj 20
f~Mvj (evsjv`k I wek), cwiek I `yhvM eevcbv 10
mvaviY wevb 15
KwDUvi I Z_ chyw 15
MvwYwZK hyw 15
gvbwmK `Zv 15
bwZKZv, g~jeva I mykvmb 10

megvU- 200








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1. Bangla 200

2. English 200

3. Bangladesh Affairs 200

4. International Affairs 100

5. Mathematical Reasoning and Mental Ability 100

6. General Science and Technology 100

AvewkK welq(Compulsory Subjects)
c~ Ygvb : 200
c_g c
(mvaviY Ges UKwbKvj/ ckvMZ-Dfq KvWvii Rb)
c~ Ygvb- 100
1| evKiY - 5 x 6= 30
K) kMVb
L) evbvb/ evbvbi wbqg
M) evKw/ cqvM-Acc qvM
N) cev`-c ePbi wbwnZv_ c Kvk
O) evKMVb
2| fve-mmviY - 20
3| mvigg - 20
4| evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ-welqK cki Di - 30

wZxq c
(aygv mvaviY KvWvii Rb)
c~ Ygvb- 100
1| Abyev` (BsiwR _K evsjv) - 15
2| KvwbK msjvc - 15
3| cwjLb - 15
4| M-mgvjvPbv - 15
5| iPbv - 40

(For both General and Technical/Professional Cadres)
Total Marks-200

1. Reading Comprehension
An unseen passage dealing with a topic relevant to our times will be set. Candidates will be
required to answer (a) a number of thematic questions that will test their understanding of the passage
(30 marks), and (b) a number of questions related to grammar and usage. (30 marks)
2. Candidates will be required to write a summary of the given passage in their own words within 100
words. (20 marks)
3. Candidates will have to write a letter relating to the thematic issue of the given passage to the editor
of an English newspaper. (20 marks)


1. Candidates will be required to compose an essay on a topic related to an issue of topical relevance.
The essay must conform to the word limit set and must convey a candidates ability to express his or
her ideas clearly and correctly in English as well as reflect and analyze a topic of contemporary
interest. (50 marks)

2. Translation from English into Bangla and Bangla into English

Candidates will be required to translate a short passage from Bangla into English and another from
English into Bangla. (25+25=50 marks)

Total Marks 200
(For both General and Technical/Professional Cadres)

This paper is designed to cover various issues/topics concerning Bangladesh affairs which include
history, geography, environment, society, culture, economy and politics.
The topics/areas that should be covered are stated below:

1. Geography of Bangladesh that should include topographical features of different areas/regions

and their developments over time.

2. Demographic features including ethnic and cultural diversity.

3. History and culture of Bangladesh from ancient to recent times.

4. Economy, society, literature and culture of Bangladesh with particular emphasis on

developments including Poverty Alleviation, Vision- 2021, GNP, NNP, GDP etc. after the
emergence of the country.

5. Bangladeshs environment and nature and challenges and prospects with particular emphasis on
conservation, preservation and sustainability.

6. Natural resources of Bangladesh with focus on their sustainable harnessing and management.

7. The Constitution of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh: Preamble, Features, Directive

Principles of State Policy, Constitutional Amendments.

8. Organs of the Government:

a) Legislature: Representation, Law-making, Financial and Oversight functions; Rules of
Procedure, Gender Issues, Caucuses, Parliament Secretariat.
b) Executive: Chief and Real executive e.g., President and Prime Minister, Powers and
Functions; Cabinet, Council of Ministers, Rules of Business, Bureaucracy, Secretariat, Law
enforcing agencies; Administrative setup- National and Local Government structures,
Decentralization Programmes and Local Level Planning.
c) Judiciary: Structure: Supreme, High and other Subordinate Courts, Organization, Powers
and functions of the Supreme Court, Appointment, Tenure and Removal of Judges,
Organization of Sub-ordinate Courts, Separation of Judiciary from the Executive, Judicial
Review, Adjudication, Gram Adalat, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

9. Foreign Policy and External Relations of Bangladesh :

Goals, Determinants and policy formulation process; Factors of National Power; Security
Strategies; Geo-Politics and Environment Issues; Economic Diplomacy; Man-power
exploitation, Participation in International Organizations; UNO and UN Peace Keeping
Missions, NAM, SAARC, OIC, BIMSTEC, D-8 etc, and International Economic Institutions,
Foreign Aid, International Trade.

10. Political Parties: Historical development; Leadership; Social Bases; Structure; Ideology and
Programmes; Factionalism; Politics of Alliances; Inter and Intra-Party Relations; Electoral
Behaviour; Parties in Government and Opposition.

11. Elections in Bangladesh. Management of Electoral Politics: Role of the Election Commission;
Electoral Law; Campaigns; Representation of Peoples Order (RPO); Election Observation

12. Contemporary Communication; ICT, Role of Media; Right to Information (RTI), and E-

13. Non-formal Institutions; Role of Civil Society; Interest Groups; and NGOs in Bangladesh.

14. Globalization and Bangladesh: Economic and Political Dimensions; Roles of the WTO, World
Bank, IMF, ADB, IDB and other development partners and Multi National Corporations

15. Gender issues and Development in Bangladesh.

16. The Liberation War and its Background: Language Movement 1952, 1954 Election, Six-Point
Movement, 1966, Mass Upsurge 1968-69, General Elections 1970, Non-cooperation Movement,
1971, Bangabandhus Historic Speech of 7th March. Formation and Functions of Mujibnagar
government, Role of Major Powers and of the UN, Surrender of Pakistani Army, Bangabandhus
return to liberated Bangladesh. Withdrawal of Indian armed forces from Bangladesh.
Total Marks 100
(For both General and Technical/Professional Cadres)

Brief Description
International Affairs is a compulsory paper for candidates of competitive examinations under the Public
Service Commission, Bangladesh and applicable to both general and professional cadre. This paper
deals with conceptual issues and actors in the study of international affairs. It starts with a basic
understanding of international affairs, its nature and evolution. It focuses on both conceptual and
empirical issues in international affairs. Under this paper basic concepts and theories such as power,
balance of power, realism, liberalism/neo-liberalism, foreign policy, security, trade, and environment
will be addressed. The empirical focus of the paper is on understanding bilateral and multilateral
relations, processes, functions, and politics of regional and global institutions. The paper is divided into
two sections: conceptual and empirical issues.

The paper strives to understand a basic knowledge about international affairs. It aims to examine
whether the candidates are well equipped with the key concepts, perspectives and theories for explaining
global phenomena to deal with policy matters effectively. Another purpose of the paper is to examine
analytical capacity of the candidates about global issues and events that are closely linked with domestic

Proposed Distribution of Marks:

1. Short Conceptual Notes : 10 out of 12 10 x 4 =40

2. Analytical Questions: 3 out of 4 questions 3 x 15 =45

3. Problem-solving question 1 x 15 =15

Section A: Conceptual Issues

Introduction to International Affairs: Significance of international affairs; meaning and scope of

international affairs; linkage between international affairs and international politics

Actors in the World: Modern state, types of state, sovereignty, non-state actors, international
institutions, relations between state and non-state actors

Power and Security: power, national power, balance of power, disarmament, arms control, geopolitics,

Major Ideas and Ideologies: Nationalism, imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, post-modernism,

globalization and new world order

Foreign policy and Diplomacy: concepts of foreign policy and diplomacy, decision-making process,
determinants of foreign policy, diplomatic functions, immunities, and privileges
International Economic Relations: International trade, free trade, protectionism, foreign aid, debt
crisis, foreign direct investment (FDI), financial liberalization, regionalism, regionalization, North-South
gap, global poverty, MDGs

Global Environment: Environmental issues challenges, climate change, global warming, climate
adaptation, climate diplomacy

Section B: Empirical Issues

The United Nations System: The UN and its organs, importance and limitations of the UN, Reforms of
the UN, Role of the Security Council, UN Peacekeeping and peace-building functions, Human rights
agenda, Environmental agenda, International Court of Justice, and Women empowerment

Foreign Relations of Major Powers: USA, Russia, UK, China, France, Germany, India, Japan etc.

Global Initiatives and Institutions: World Bank, IMF, ADB, G8, G-77, WTO, Kyoto Protocol, COP

Regional Institutions: SAARC, BIMSTEC, EU, ASEAN, NATO, APEC, OIC, AU, GCC

Major Issues and Conflicts in the World: The Palestine Problem, the Arab Spring, the Kashmir Issue,
the Syrian Crisis, Persian Gulf Conflict, nuclear issue and Iran, the North Korean issue, territorial
disputes in Southeast and East Asia, Nuclear proliferation and other contemporary issues.

Politics in South Asia: India-Pakistan relations, Bangladesh-India relations, regional integration, water
dispute, border problems and terrorism

Bangladesh in International Affairs: Major achievements, challenges, future directions

Section C: Problem-solving
The candidates may be asked to come up with an analysis of a problem and its solution on any aspect of
global developments and security issues, such as trade, climate change, foreign aid, arms proliferation
(For both General and Technical/Professional Cadres)
Total Marks-50

Mathematical Reasoning is based on the principles of Logic. A sound knowledge of Mathematical

Reasoning prepares one not only to solve mathematical problems but also develops the intellectual
ability to resolve problems in all spheres of public life and to arrive at impartial and impersonal
intelligent decisions.

The examination in Mathematical Reasoning will test the ability of the candidate to apply knowledge
of Mathematics and Mathematical Reasoning acquired up to secondary level, especially to concrete
application-oriented problems.

The syllabus of the examination is given below:

1. Simplification of Arithmetic and Algebraic Expressions.

2. Unitary Method, Average, Percentage, Simple and Compound interest, LCM, GCD, Ratio and
Proportion, Profit and Loss.
3. Algebraic Formulas, Factorization of Polynomials, Linear and Quadratic Equations, Linear and
Quadratic Inequalities.
4. Systems of Linear Equations with two or three unknowns.
5. Exponents and Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic functions.
6. Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences and Series.
7. Line, Angle, Triangle related theorems. Theorem of Pythagoras, Circle Theorems, Corollaries.
8. Area related theorems and construction, Mensuration plane figures and solid objects.
9. Cartesian Geometry- Distance, Equation of a Straight Line.
10. Trigonometric ratios and functions. Problems on height and distances.
11. Set theory. Venn diagram.
12. Counting Principles, Permutations and Combinations. Elementary Probability.

Marks Distribution

Full marks is 50. Twelve questions will be set, each carrying five marks. The candidate will be asked to
answer any ten questions out of twelve.

(For both General and Technical/Professional Cadres)
Total Marks-50

The objective of mental ability test is to assess differential aptitude of the candidate. The following areas
are likely to be covered:

1. Verbal Reasoning: The verbal reasoning test, as its name implies, is a measure of ability to
understand concepts framed in pairs of words. The word used in these items may come from
history, geography, literature, science, or any other content area. The item thus samples the
candidates knowledge and his/her ability to abstract and generalize relationships inherent in that

Example: Man has an inborn desire to..........the unknown.


2. Abstract Reasoning: The abstract reasoning test is intended as a nonverbal measure of the
candidates reasoning ability. The series presented in each problem requires the perception of an
operating principle in the changing diagrams. In each instance, the candidate must discover the
principle or principles governing the change of the figures and give evidence of his
understanding by designating the diagram which should follow.
3. Space Relations: The Space Relation test is a measure of ability to deal with concrete materials
through visualization. The ability to visualize a constructed object from a picture of a pattern has
been used frequently in test of structural visualization. The ability to imagine how an object
would appear if rotated in various ways has been used effectively in the measurement of space

Example: A man travels 1 mile, then turn left and travels 1 mile, then he turns right and travels 2
miles, then again he turns right, and travels 5 miles. How far is he from the starting point?

A. 5 Miles
B. 1 mile
C. 9 miles
D. 6 miles

4. Numerical Ability: The test is a measure of the candidates ability to reason with numbers, to
manipulate numerical relationship and to deal intelligently with quantitative materials.

Example: What number has been left out?

4 25 6 49 ?
A. 8
B. 81
C. 24
D. 121
E. None of these

5. Spelling and Language: The spelling and language test is intended to measure the candidates
ability to detect errors in grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. The items reflect the
principles of present day formal writing, and the ability measured by the test is highly predictive
of success in a variety of academic courses.
Example: wbPi Aiiv w`q k MVb Kib|
i jv `v c d j
6. Mechanical Reasoning: The ability measured by the Mechanical Reasoning test may be
regarded as one aspect of intelligence, if intelligence is broadly defined. The person who stands
high in this characteristic finds it easy to learn the principles of operation and repair of complex
Total Marks 100
(For General Cadre only)

Introduction: This is intended to test candidates basic knowledge and understanding about application
of science and technology in our daily life.

Part A: General Science

Marks - 60

i. Light: Nature, Spectrum, Different colours and wavelengths, UV, IR, and LASER, Reflection of
Light, Refraction of Light, Total Internal Reflection of Light, Lenses, Thin converging lens,
Dispersion of light, particle nature of light, Einsteins photoelectric equation, photocells

ii. Sound: Hearing mechanism, Decibel, Frequency, Sound machines in home and around ,
Microphone, Loud speaker, Public address system, Characteristics of a sound note, Formation of
stationary waves in stretched string, Laws of vibrating strings, Beats, Doppler Effect, Applications
and limitations of Doppler Effect, Echoes, Absorption of sound wave, Reverberations, Fundamentals
of Building acoustics, Statement of Sabine's formula

iii. Magnetism: Polarity and relationship with current, Bar magnet, Magnetic lines of force, Torque on
a bar magnet in a magnetic field, Earths magnetic field as a bar magnet, Tangent galvanometer,
Vibration magnetometer, Para, dia and ferromagnetic substances with examples, Electromagnets and
permanent magnets

iv. Acid, Base and Salt: Acid-base concepts; characteristics of acids and bases; acid-base indicators;
uses of acids and bases in daily life and caution in handling them; social effects of misuse of acids;
reason for acidity in stomach and selection of the right food; pH; measurement and importance of pH
of substances; salts; characteristics of salts; necessity of salt in daily life; uses of salts in agriculture
and industries

v. Water: Properties of water; melting and boiling points of water; electrical conductivity; structure of
water; hydrogen bonding; sources of water; sources of fresh water in Bangladesh; water quality
parameters (colour and taste; turbidity; presence of radioactive substances; presence of waste;
dissolved oxygen; temperature; pH and salinity); recycling of water; role of water in conservation of
nature; necessity of quality water; purification of water (filtration; chlorination; boiling and
distillation); reasons for pollution of water sources in Bangladesh; effects of water pollution on
plants, animals and human beings; effects of global warming on fresh water; strategy for preventing
water pollution and responsibility of citizens or public awareness; prevention of water pollution by
industries; prevention of water pollution due to soil erosion from agricultural land; conservation of
water sources and development

vi. Our resources: Soil; types of soil; soil pH; reasons and effects of soil pollution; natural gas and its
main compositions; processing, uses and sources of natural gas, petroleum and coal; forestry;
limitations and conservation of our resources

vii. Polymer: Natural and synthetic polymer; polymerization process; sources, characteristics and usage
of natural and synthetic polymers; manufacturing process, characteristics and uses of fibers, silk,
wool, nylon and rayon; physical and chemical properties of rubber and plastic; role of rubber and
plastic for environmental imbalance; aware of using rubber and plastic

viii. Atmosphere: Biosphere and Hydrosphere, Ionosphere, role of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
Potable and polluted water, Pasteurization.

ix. Food and Nutrition: Elements of food; carbohydrates; protein; fats and lipid; vitamins; types and
sources of carbohydrates, proteins; nutritional value; menu of balanced diet; the pyramid of balanced
diet; body mass index (BMI); fast food or junk food; preservation of food; various processes of
storing food; use of chemicals for preservation of foods and its physiological effects

x. Biotechnology: Chromosome; shape, structure and chemical composition of chromosome; nucleic

acid; deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA); ribonucleic acid (RNA); protein; gene; DNA test; forensic test;
genetic disorder in human beings; Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering; cloning; social effects of
cloning; transgenic plants and animals; Use of biotechnology in agricultural, milk products and
pharmaceutics; Gene therapy; Genetically modified organism; Nanotechnology; Pharmacology;

xi. Disease and Healthcare: Deficiency, Infection, Antiseptic, Antibiotics, Stroke, Heart Attack, Blood
Pressure, Hypertension and Diabetes, Dengue; Diarrhoea; Drug addiction, Vaccination, Cataract,
food poisoning, X-ray; Ultrasonography; CT Scan; MRI; ECG; Endoscopy; Radiotherapy;
Chemotherapy; Angiography; uses, risk and side-effects of above techniques; Basic concept of
Cancer, AIDS and Hepatitis

Part B: Computer and Information Technology

Marks - 25

i. Computer Technology: Organization of modern personal computer and its major functional units,
computer generations, History of computers, central processing unit and microprocessor, computer
memories and their classification and characteristics, input and output devices with characteristics
and uses. The role of BIOS. Bus architecture, Motherboard and its components, functions and
organization of microprocessors, Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU), Control unit, Language translator,
Text editor, Compiler, Interpreter, Computer software, system software, operating system,
application software with examples of applications, Computer virus, office automation.
Computational biology; Role of computer in Drug design; Programming languages, their types and
levels, steps for software development. Impacts of computer on society.

ii. Information Technology: Data communication and information, information collection, processing,
and distribution, System analysis and information systems, expert systems. Database software and
structures, Database Management System(DBMS), Basics of multimedia systems with examples of
hardware and software, concept of data compression, multimedia system development life cycle.
Local area, metropolitan area and wide area computer networks,(LAN, MAN,WAN ), LAN
Topology, Networking devices(Router, Switch, HUB),TCP/IP Protocol suite, Internet, Internet
services and protocols, Internet Service Providers(ISPs) and their responsibilities, intranet and
extranet, Word Wide Web(WWW) and web technology. Popular websites. Access control security
and privacy. E-mail, Social media (facebook, twitter, blog ) and their impacts. Different types of
Transmission media with examples, bandwidth. Major components of telecommunication systems,
mobile telephone systems, satellite communication systems and VSAT, importance of fibre optic
communication system, Wi-Fi, E-Commerce technology and its impact to society, examples of E-
Commerce websites, B2B, B2C, M-Commerce, Smart phones, GPS

Part C: Electrical and Electronic Technology

Marks - 15

iii. Electrical Technology: Electrical components, voltage, current, Ohms Law, Electrical power and
energy, Electromagnet and magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, Circuits Breakers, GFCIs and
Fuses, Power Distribution and Series circuit, Voltage Sources in a Series, Kirchoffs Voltage Law,
Voltage Division in a Series Circuit, Interchanging Series Elements, Voltage Regulation and the
Internal Resistance of Voltage Sources, Parallel Resistors, Parallel Circuits, Power Distribution in a
Parallel Circuit, Kirchhoffs Current Law, Open and Short Circuits, Generation of AC and DC
voltages, thermal, hydraulic and nuclear power generators. Electric motors and their applications.
Transformers, AC transmission and distribution, Electrical instruments, voltage stabilizers, IPS and

iv. Electronics Technology: Electronic components, analog and digital signals, analog electronic
devices, amplifiers and oscillators, resistance, types of resistors, conductance, ohmmeters,
Capacitance, Capacitors, Inductors, Inductance, Sinusoidal Alternating, Waveforms, Frequency
Spectrum, The Sinusoidal Waveform, General format for the sinusoidal Voltage of current, Phase
Relations, The Basic Elements and Phasors, Response of Basic R,L and C, Elements to a Sinusoidal
Voltage or Current, Frequency Response of the Basic Elements, Average Power and Power Factor,
Complex Numbers, Rectangular Form, Polar Form, Conversion between Forms, Impedance and the
Phasor Diagram, Introduction to 3 phase Systems, Elementary Concepts of Generation,
Transmission, and Distribution, Various Levels of Power, Basic Concepts of Transformers, radio,
television, and radar. Digital devices and digital integrated circuits, impact of digital integrated
circuits, counters and digital display devices, digital instruments
(For Professional/Technical cadre only)

evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ t
c~ Ygvb-200
cvU -I
(K) evsjv mvwnZi cwiPq t c vPxb I gahyM 50 b^i
Phvc`, eoP x`vm, kvn& gyn ` mMxi, g~jKve, ee c`vejx, AvivKvb
ivRmfv, mq` myjZvb, Kwevm, `jZ DwRi evnivg Lvb, gy Kz`ivg
PeZx, Kvkxivg `vm, AvjvIj, Ave`yj nvwKg, fviZP` ivqYvKi, kvn&
gyn` Mixey jv , AvivKvb ivRmfv Kw` K evsjv mvwnZ, gqgbwmsn MxwZKv|

(L) evsjv mvwnZi cwiPq t AvaywbK hyM 50 b^i

CkiP` , CkiP` we`vmvMi, gaym~`b `, ewgP` Pvcvavq, gxi
gkviid nvmb, KvqKvev`, iex`bv_ VvKzi, cg_ Payix, kirP`
Pvcvavq, bwRei ingvb mvwnZiZ, Rxebvb` `vm, KvRx bRij Bmjvg,
diiL Avng`, Rmxg D`&`xb|

evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ

cvU -II
(K) Kve t gvBKj gaym~`b `, wenvix jvj PeZx, KvqKvev`, 20
iex`bv_ VvKzi, KvRx bRij Bmjvg, Rxebvb` `vm, Rwmg D`&&`xb|

(L) M` t Cki P` we`vmvMi, ewgP` Pvcvavq, 20

kir P` Pvcvavq, gxi gkviid nvmb, cg _ Payix|

(M) bvUKt `xbez wg, gxi gkviid nvmb, iex`bv_ VvKzi| 20

evKiY t hy vi MVb, Y-Z I l-Z weavb, c wgZ evbvbi wbqg 45= 20
(evsjv GKvWgx cYxZ), evKMVb, evsjv evK MVb BsiwR
ixwZi cfve, evK I evbvbi vw, PjwZ ixwZi wbqgvejx,
evsjv fvlvi kmvi, kMVbi ewk, mgv_K I wecixZv_K
k, ki evbvb I DPviY|

(O) AbyQ` iPbv| 10

(P) mvay, PwjZ I AvwjK fvlvixwZ 10
Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

(Shakespeare to Romantic Period)

(Candidates will have to answer five questions in all of twenty marks each- two from group-A and three
from group-B. In group-A, there will be one question from each text. In group-B, there will be one
question from each author.)
Group A - Marks 50
Shakespeare : Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, Othello, The Tempest.
Group B - Marks 50
Milton : Paradise Lost, Book IX and X
Swift : Gulliver's Travels
Wordsworth: " Tintern Abbey", " Ode: Intimations of Immortality"
Coleridge :" The Rime of the Ancient Mariner",
" Kubla Khan", " Dejection: an Ode"
Shelley: " Ode to the West Wind", " To a Skylark"
Keats : Odes
Jane Austen : Pride and Prejudice
Marks : 100

(Victorian to Modern Period)

Group A - Marks 50

(There will be one question of 20 marks from each author. Candidates will have to answer two questions
from this group.)
Tennyson : " Ulysses", " The Lotos Eaters",
" Tithonus", " In Memoriam" (selections)
Browning : " Andrea del Sarto" " Fra Lippo Lippi"
" My Last Duchess", " Rabbi Ben Ezra"
Mathew Arnold : " Dover Beach", " The Scholar Gipsy", " Thyrsis"
Dickens : Great Expectations
Hardy : Tess of the D'Urbarvilles

Group B - Marks 50
(There will be one question of 20 marks from each author. Candidates will have to answer three
questions from this group.)
Yeats : Selections
T.S.Eliot : " The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
" The Waste Land"
D. H. Lawrence : "Sons and Lovers"
Conrad : "Heart of Darkness"
Arthur Miller : "Death of a Salesman"
Beckett : "Waiting for Godot"

Total Marks-200
Marks 100
(Evaluation System & Distribution of Marks)

a) Translation 10 x 4 = 40
b) Explanation 5 x 4 = 20
c) Critical Questions on : 10 x 4 = 40
1. The Quran
2. The Hadith
3. Literary works of the following poets and prose writers
a) Poets :
Zuhayr bin Abi Sulma, Kab bin Zuhayr, Farazdaq, Abu Nuwas, Al-Mutanabbi, Amad
Shawqi, Hafiz Ibrahim, Mahmud Sami al Barudi, Mikhail Nuaima.
b) Prose writers :
Najib Mahfuz, Husain Haikal, Taha Husain, Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad, Al-Manfaluti,
Ahmad Amin, Tawfiq al-Hakim.
4. History of Arabic Literature :
a) Qasida : origin and development
b) The Seven Odds
c) Al-Hamasa : Diwan
d) Collection and preservation of al-Quran
e) Compilation of al-Hadith with special reference to al-Sihah al-Sitta
f) Development of Arabic Literature in Umayyad and Abbasid periods
g) Development of Modern Arabic Literature

Marks 100

(Evaluation System (Distribution of Marks)

1. Arabic Grammar 48

a. Syntax (Nahw) 3 question x 8 = 24

b. Morphology (Sarf) 3 question x 8 = 24

2. Composition
a) Translation from Bengali/English to Arabic and vice versa 10
b) Correction 6
c) Prcis writing 8
d) Letter/Application writing 8
e) Paragraph writing 8
f) Essay writing 12
Total Marks-200
Marks : 100
A: Prose
(1) Gulistan, Chapter I By Saadi Shirazi 15
(2) Azfa Book III By Dr. Yadollah Samarch 15

B: Poetry
(1) Dewan-e-Hafiz Shirzi (First 10 Ghazals) 15
(2) Rubayat-e-Omar Khyyam (First 20 Rubaiyat) 15

C: A Short History of Persian Literature in Iran

(Gajnavi and seljuki period) 40

Total : 100

Marks : 100
Group : A
(1) Grammar : Illustration of Idiom& Phrases 20
(2) Translation from Persian into Bengali or English 10
(3) Translation from Bengali or English into Persian 10
(4) An Essay in Persian 20

Group : B
A Short History of Persian Literature in Bangladesh
(20th Century) 40

Total : 100
Total Marks-200
Marks : 100
A: Prose
(1) Intekhab-e-Mazameen-e-Sir Syed Ahmad khan 15
(a) Ummid (b) Ta'assub
(2) Prem Chand ke Numaindah Afsane : 15
(a) Do-Bail (b) Kafan
B: Poetry
(a) Shikwa by Dr. Allama Iqbal 15
(b) Musaddas-e-Hali 15
C: A Short History of Urdu Literature in the Sub-Cotinent :
( 1801 A.D. 1947 ) 40

Total : 100
Marks : 100
A. Grammar& Composition 60
B. A Short History of Urdu Literature in Bangladesh (20th Century) 40

A: Distribution of Marks
(1) Grammar: Illustration of Idiom& Phrases 20
(2) Translation from Urdu into Bengali or English 10
(3) Translation from Bengali or English into Urdu 10
(4) An Essay in Urdu 20

B: A Short History of Urdu Literature in Bangladesh

( 20th Century) 40

Total : 100
c~ Ygvb-200
cvU- I
(ms Z mvwnZi BwZnvm, `vkwbK Kve, Q` I Abye v`)
welq t
(K) msZ mvwnZi BwZnvm ..... 50 b^ i
(L) `vk wbK Kve(MxZv-m~Y) ..... 20 b^i
(M) Q`(B`eRv, Dc` eRv, we`y bvjv, wkLwiYx, gvwjbx, em wZjK,
i_vZv, nwiYx, eskwej, g`vvv, iwPiv, fyRcqvZ, Avhv,
kvwjbx, kv`yj wexwoZ ..... 10 b^i
(N) Abyev` (msZ _K evsjv ev BsiwR) ..... 20 b^i

100 b^i
cvU- II
(bvUK, c`Kve, evKiY I Abyev`)
1| bvUK t
(K) AwfvbkKzjg& ..... 15 b^i
(L) ^ce vme`g& ..... 15 b^i
2| c` t
(K) gN`~Z g&(m~Y) ..... 20 b^i
(L) wKivZvRy bxqg&(1g mM) ..... 10 b^i
3| evKiY t
mw, KviK I wefw, mgvm, Aeq, xcZq, AvZgbc` I
cic`weavb, Kr I ZwZ cZq, Y-Z I l-Z weavb ..... 20 b^i
4| Abyev` t ..... 20 b^i
(evsjv ev BsiwR _K ms Z fvlvq Abyev`)
100 b^i
Total Marks-200
Marks : 100
(Texts and History of Pali Literature)
A. Pali Prose 30
Selected Topics :
1. Majjhima Nikays : Anigulimata Sutta, Dhammacetiya Sutta and Rahulavada Sutta.
2. Milinda Panha : Bahirakatha, Sila, Saddha, Viriya, Samadhi, Pauna and Nibbana.
3. Atthakatha : Udena and Vasuladatta, Marriage of Visakha and Porana-
B. Pali Poetry 30
Selected Topics :
1. Samyutta Nikaya : Kutika, Kasi, Jata, Acchara, Sela and Alavaka.
2. Dhammapada : Yamaka, Appamada, Citta, Puppha, Danda, Magga, Bhikkhu and
3. Thera-Therigatha : Mahakaccayana, Vangisa, Silava, Punnika, Ambapali and Isidasi.
C. History of Pali Literature 40
1. Origin and Development of Pali Canonical literature.
2. Non-canonical literature.
(Candidate will be expected to have knowledge of Pali
literature along with principal author).
Marks : 100
(Pali Prosody, Rhetoric, Grammar and Comparative Philology)
A. Pali Prosody and Rhetoric : 30
i) Vuttodaya
ii) Subodhalanikara
B. Pali Grammar : 30
Sandi, Declension, Conjugation, Compound, Case-edning,
Upasagga and Nipata, Participles, Infinitive, Gerund,
Causative, Denominative, Intensive, Desiderative and
Denominative Verb.
C. Translation from Bengali or English into Pali (Simple Sentence only) 10
D. Comparative Philology : 30
Principles, Family of Languages, Relation between Pali
and Inscriptional Prakrits, Sounds, Phonetics and Inflictions.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100
(General and Developmental Psychology)
AGeneral Psychology 50
1. Definition and subject matter of Psychology; Fields of Psychology; Research Methods:
Observation, Survey, Experimental method, Case study:
2. Psychological basis of Behavior : Structure and functions of Central and Peripheral nervous
system Endocrine glands and their effects on behavior;
3. Sensation and Perception : Definition of Sensation and Perception; Visual and
auditory sense. Thresholds and their measurement.
Perceptual organization Depth perception Illusion and
4. Motivation and Emotion : Definition of Motivation and Emotion; Physiological and
Social motives; Theories of Motivation,
Development of Emotions Bodily charges in Emotion;
Theories of Emotion.
5. Learning and Memory : Definition of Learning. Factor of Learning. Classical
Conditioning and Operant Conditioning; Observational
Learning, Perceptual Learning.
The process of Memory; Sensory Memory, Short-term
Memory and Long term Memory, Forgetting and its
6. Cognition and Intelligence : Definition of Thinking, Concept formation, Problem
solving; Creative Thinking. Cognitive development;
Definition of Intelligence; Measurement of Intelligence-
Standford-Binet and Wachslets- Intelligence Scales.
7. Personality : Definition of Personality. Development of Personality-
Psychoanalytic and Behavioral approaches. Assessment
of personality.
BDevelopmental Psychology 50
8. Development Psychology : Definition of Developmental Psychology. Division of the
Life Cycle, Principles of Development. Methods used in
studying Development.
9. Beginning of Life : Conception, Prenatal development, Stages of and Factors
affecting prenatal development.
10. The Birth : Birth process, Types of birth and its effect on Development.
11. The Neonate : Physiological functioning. Reflex actions.
12. Infancy : Physical, Language, Social and Emotional Development.
13. Childhood : Physical, Language, Social and Emotional Development.
14. Adolescence : Physical changes. Causes and psychological effects of
physical change, Problems of adolescence : Juvenile
delinquency, Drug addiction, Suicide.

Marks : 100
(Social and Abnormal Psychology)

A. Social Psychology
1. Social Psychology : Definition and subject matter of Social Psychology
and its relation to other Social Sciences, Methods used
in studying social behaviour,

2. Socialization : Its processes and products, Agents of socialization,

Family, Schools and Neighburs, Cultural influences on

3. Attitudes : Definition of Attitude; Components of Attitude;

Opinions and values.
Formation of attitudes; Attitude change : Cognitive

4. Groups : Types of group. Group cohesiveness.

5. Leadership : Definition of leadership; Approaches to the study of

leadership : Trait approach, type approach and
situational approach.
Functions of leader; Characteristics of leader;
Effective leadership.
6. Mass Communication and
collective behaviour : Public opinion-formation and assessment of public
opinion. Propaganda-Techniques and principle of
propaganda. Rumour and Prejudice, Abnormal
B. Abnormal Psychology: 50
7. Abnormal Psychology : The concept of normality and abnormality in
behaviour. Relation of Abnormal Psychology with
Clinical psychology, Psychiatry and Mental health.
8. Causes of Abnormal Behaviour : Biological, psychological and socio-cultural causal
factors of abnormal behaviour.
9. Anxiety-based disorder : Generalized anxiety disorder, Phobias, Obsessive-
Compulsive disorder.
10. Somatoform and Dissociative
disorder : Conversion disorder, Hypochondriasis.
11. Schizophrenia : Types and causal factors of schizophrenia.
12. Treatment of behaviour disorder : Psychoanalytic therapy, Client-centered therapy and
Behaviour therapy.

Total Marks-200
History of Bangladesh
(From earliest times to 1971 A.D)
Group-I: Ancient
a. Maurya and Gupta rule in Bengal
b. Sasanka
c. Pala rule in Bengal: Rise of the Palas; Dharmapala; Devapala; Mahipala I; Samantra
Rebellion during the reign of Mahipala II; Ramapala; glories of Palas
d. Dynasties of South-Eastern Bengal: the Devas; the Chandras; the Varmans
e. Sena rule in Bengal: VijayaSena; VallalaSena; LaksmanaSena; Glories of the Senas.

Group-II: Medieval
a. Coming of the Muslims: Bakhtiyar Khalji: Ghitasuddin Iwaz Khalji
b. Cricumstaces leading to the independence of Bengal
c. Independent Sultannate: Shamsuddin IIiyas Shah; Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah; Alauddin
Hussain Shah; Glories of the Hussain Shahi Period.
d. Foreigh Accounts on Bengal: Ibn Barutah; Ma-Huan
e. Prtuguese in Bengal
f. Mughal occupation of Bengal and the Bara Bhuiyas;
g. Mughal Subahdars:Shaista khan; Mir Jumla; Murshid Quli Khan
h. Bengal under the Nawabs: Alivardi Khan; Sirajuddaula

Group-III: Modern
a. Coming of the English: Battle of Plassey; Battle of Buxar; Crant of Diwani to the East
India Company
b. The Permanent Settlement
c. Early Resistance Movements against the British: Fakir-Sannyasi movement; Titumir
d. Reform Movements: the Faraizi Movement; Rammohan Ray
e. Partition of Bengal, 1905; Swadeshi and Non-Cooperation Movement
f. Bengal Politics, 1937-1946; Lahore Resolution; Partition of 1947
g. 1952 Language Movement and the Election of 1956
h. Disparity between the two wings of Pakistan
i. The demand for autonomy of East Pakistan; Six-Point Programme
j. Eleven Point Movement of 1969
k. Election of 1970 and its aftermath
l. The War of Liberation and the emergence of Bangladesh

(Candidate shall have the option of choosing five questions from the three groups taking at least one
form each group)

(This Paper has been divided into two parts, viz., part A and part B.
Candidates shall have the option of choosing either part A or Part B)
History of the Indian Subcontinent, 1206-1947
(Selected topics)
Group-I: Sultanate Period
a. Coming of the Muslims: invasion of Sindh; invasion of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni;
Ghoride invasion
b. Sultans: Iltutmish; Ghiyasuddin Balban; Alauddin Khalji; Muhammad bin Tughlaq
Group-II: Mughal period
a. Battle of Panipath and the foundation of Mughal rule; Badur
b. Humayun's struggle with Sher Shah; Sher Shah's Reforms
c. Akbar: Conquests, Revenue Reforms , Rajput Policy, Religious Policy: Mansabdari
d. Art and Architecture under Shahjahan; War of Succession
e. Aurangzeb: Deccan Policy; Decline of Mughal Rule
Group-III: British period
a. Battle of Plassey; Battle of Buxar and the Grant of the Diwani
b. Consolidation of British rule: Warren Hastings; Cornwallis
c. Expansion of British Rule: Wellesley; Dalhousi
d. Social & Administrative Reforms: Ripon; Bentinck
e. War of 1857
f. Growth of Nationalism: Indian National Congress and the Muslim League; Partition of
Bengal of 1905 and its aftermath; Swadeshi and Khilafat Movements; Act 1935; Lahore
Resolution, 1940.
g. Partition of 1947
(Candidates shall have the option of choosing five questions from the three Groups taking at
least one from each group)
Part -B
History of Europe, 1453 1945
(Selected Topics)
a. Geographical Discoveries; Impact on the subsequent course of history
b. Martin Luther and Protestant Reformation
c. Counter Reformation
d. Benevolent Despots: Frederick; Peter; Catherine II; Joseph II
e. Absolute Monarchy: Louis XIV of France
a. French Revolution: background and cause; role of the philosophers
b. Napoleon: rise and conquests; reforms; fall of Napoleon
c. congress of Vienna and Metternich
d. French Revolutions of 1830 and 1848
e. Unification of Germany
f. Unification of Italy
g. The Eastern Question; the Crimean War; the Berlin Congress
h. World War I: background and causes; results; Versailles Treaty
i. Rise of Socialism in Europe: the Bolshevik Revolution
j. Rise of Hitler in Germany and Mussolini in Italy
k. World War II: Background and cause; the Allied and Axis Powers; American
l. Yalta Conference; Potsdam Declaration
m. The establishment of the UNO

(Candidates shall have the option of choosing five questions from the two Groups taking at least
one from each group)
Total Marks-200
(a) Pre-Islamic Arabia
The Ayyam Al-Arab; The Social, Political, Economic and Religious Aspects of the Arabs
Life; Trade and Trade Routes; Geophysical Environs.
(b) The Prophet Muhammad(Sm) 632 A.C.
Important events of the Makkah life of the Prophet with reference to the backdrop of his
receiving the prophetic call in the cave of Hira, to the oath of al-Aqabah and the hijrat or
migration from Makkah to Madinah; the Madinite life with special emphasis on the Sanad or
the Charter of Madinah and the foundation of state, the war policy, the Treaty of Hudaibiyah,
the conquest of Makkah, the farewell pilgrimage sermon and the multidimensional reforms.
(c) The Khulafa Rashidun (the pious caliphs) 632-661 A.C.
Hazrat Abu Bakr-his election and services for the cause of Islam and the nascent state of
Madinah; Hazrat Umar-the territorial expansion of the caliphate and the administrative policy;
Hazrat Uthman-charges and civil disturbances; Hazart Ali- civil war, forces of disintegration
and the end of the pious caliphate; the salient features of administration under the pious
(d) The Umayyad dynasty 661-750 A.C.
The Umayyads : the Khilafat under Muawiyah; Abdul Malik and his consolidation and
arabicization; Khilafat of al-Walid-expansion in the East and the West; the services of Hajjaj
B. Yusuf; later Umayyad Khalifas with special reference to Umar b. Abdul Aziz; the Mawali
and their role in the Abbasid Revolution; causes for the fall of the Umayyad Khilafat; outline
of the administration under the Umayyads.
(e) The Abbasid dynasty 750-1258 A.C.
Factors leading to the foundation of the Abbasid dynasty; Al-Mansur-his policy of the
consolidation and administration; al_Mahdi-the important events of his reign; Harun al-Rashid-
his character and achievements; al-Amin and al-Mamun-civil war between the two brothers
and its aftermath; the reign of al-Mutawakil and the forces of disintegration; the rise and fall of
the Barmakides; early Abbasid caliphs Byzantine policy; Turkish and Persians ascendancy in
the court and its results; the development of learning and culture under Harun al-Rashid and al-
Mamun; the rise of the Buwaihids and Saljuqs with reference to their impacts on the Abbasid
caliphate; causes for the decay and downfall of the Abbasid dynasty; sack of Baghdad by
Halaku Khan in 1258 A.C. and its farreaching effects; social and intellectual life under the

(f) Religious beliefs and practices

Five pillars of Islam; al-Quran, al Hadith; the sources of Muslim law; four Sunni schools of
law; the Shites; the Murjites; the Kharijites; the Mutazilites, the Asharites.



a. Review of the sources for the study of the subject.

b. Pre-Muslim background of the land and people of India.
c. The Arab conquest of Sind-its effects; Sultan Mahmuds invasion of India and the later
Ghaznavids; India on the eve of Muhammad Ghoris invasion; the battles of Tarain and the
foundation of Muslim rule in India.
d. Qutubuddin Aibak-the Mamluk dynasty-its consolidation by Iltutmish; the successors of Iltutmish;
Ghiyasuddin Balban and his policy of consolidation with special reference to the theory of
kingship; the beginning of Mongol invasion.
e. The Khaljis : the foundation of the dynasty; Alauddin Khaljis conquests and price control system.
f. The Tughlags : Muhammad b. Tughlags ambitious projects and their results; Firuz Shah
Tughlaqs reforms and army organization.
Sayyids and Lodis : the forces of disintegration; the causes of the fall of Sultanate and the rise of
the Mughals; Sher Shah Sur and his agrarian policy.
Society, learning, culture, history-writing and administration under the Sultanate of Delhi.
g. The foundation of Mughal Empire and its corresponding power, Zhairuddin Muhammad Babur-his
struggle for power and the foundation of Mughal dynasty in India-character and achievements;
Nasiruddin Humayun-his struggle with Sher Shah, exile and restoration of power; Jalauddin
Muhammad Akbar-his approchement with the Rajputs, The religious policy and the promulgation
of Din-i-Elahi Nuruddin Jahangir-his state policy, patronization of art and painting, the influence
of Nurjahan in the court; Shihabuddin Shah Jahan-his administration and architectural
development-war of succession among his sons; Muhiuddin Alamgir Aurangzib-his expansion of
the empire-struggle with the Marahtas and Deccan policy-his revivalist and religious policy; the
weak successors of the dynasty and the forces of disintegration; the causes for the decay and
downfall of the dynasty; society, learning, culture and administration in Muhgal India.
h. Advent of the Europeans and struggle for power
English East India Companys ascendancy, the battles of Plassey and Buxar, the Grant of Diwani
to the East India Company, Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar and the Indian war of Independence,
1857; Banishment of Bahadur Shah and the end of the Mughal rule theoretically and practically.
Total Marks-200
Marks 100
Part - I 50

Quranic Studies and Studies of Hadith :

(a) Quranic Studies, Textual Study of Surahs : al-Fath, al-Hujurat and an-Nur
(i) Translation 15
(ii) Critical questions 10

(b) Studies of Hadith : Kitab al-Iman (upto Bab al-Kabair), Kitab al-Ilm
(pp.32/38) and Kitab al-Adab (upto Bab al-Istizan):
(i) Translation 15
(ii) Critical questions 10
Part -II 50
Al-Sirat al-Nabawiyyah and Islamic personal law :
Al-Sirat al-Nabawiyyah : 40

(a) The life of the Prophet (S.) before Hijrah;

(i) Pre-Islamic Arabia : Its social, Political, economic, moral
and religious conditions.
(ii) The Prophet (S.) : His life before Hijrah;
(iii) Pre-Nabuwat period;
(iv) Post-Nabuwat Period.
(b) The life of the Prophet (S.) after Hijrah;
(i) Causes of Hijrah, Muwakhat (Islamic brotherhood),
(ii) Charter of Madina, the first Magna carta of the world.
(iii) Conflict with the Quraysh and its consequence :
The battles of Badr, Uhud and Ahzab etc.
(iv) The Prophet (S.) as peace maker and the Treaty of Hudaybia
Preaching of Islam to the kings and emperors of the world.
(v) Conquest of Makka and its effects on the spread of Islam.
(vi) The Farewell pilgrimage (Hijjatul wida)

Part - III : Islamic personal law 10

Islamic personal law as regards marriage, dissolution of
marriage and succession and inheritance.

Marks : 100

Part - I 50
(a) Social System of Islam
(i) Dignity of man, Position of women, duties to parents, children, neighbours, relatives and their
(ii) Concept of family welfare in the light of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah, Marriage and polygamy
in Islam. The relationship between husband and wife.
(iii) Islam and Family planning in the twentieth century, concept of 'Azl' in the Hadith.

(b) Economic System of Islam :

(i) Tax structure in Islam : Zakat, Kharaj (Land Tax,) Ushur, Sadaqat, Baitul Mal etc.
(ii) Consumption and consumer, Factors of production and the concept of ownership, Distribution of
Income and wealth etc.
(iii) Islamic Insurance (Takaful)

(c) Political System of Islam :

Topics to be discussed include : Millat, Khilafat, Amr bil ma' ruf wa nahy an al-Munkar, Islamic
Government and individuals, Islamic legislation,Majlis-i-Shura, Sovereignty, Democracy, internal
policy and foreign policy of the Islamic State.

Part - II 50

(a) Muslim Contribution to Science and Technology :

Muslim Contribution to various Science, such as Mathematics, Medicine, Geography, Chemistry,
Astronomy, Physics, Architecture and Surgery with special reference to al-khawarizimi, Ibn Sina,
Yaqub Ibn Abdullah, Jabir bin Hayyan, Al-Biruni, Al-kindi, Al-Razi etc.
(b) Human Rights in Islam :
Conception of human rights in Islam : Civil, political, Social economic and cultural rights; Islam
and slavery, Human rights during war; Rights of religious minorities and women; Study of human rights
in Islam with special reference to the Universal Declaration of U.N.O.
(c) Study of Religions :
History Main tenets and comparative study of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and
Total Marks-200
(a) Al-Qur'an 30
Translation, Explanation, Collection, Preservation.
(b) Al-Hadith 30
Translation, Explanation, Compilation, Preservation, Preaching.
(c) Prose literature 40
Pre-Islamic period, Period of Holy Prophet and pious Caliphs, Umayyad and Abbasid
period, Fatimid in Egypt and Umaayyad in Spain.


(a) Development of Arabic poetry-Pre-Islamic and post Islamic ages. 20

(b) Modern Arabic literature 15

Prose and Poetry.

(c) Outlines of the history of Arabic literature. 10

(d) Development of literary criticism of Arabic. 10

(e) Grammar and Composition. 25

(f) Translation into Arabic and into Bengali/English. 20

Total Marks-200
a) Al-Qur'an 30
Translation, Explanation, Collection, Preservation.
(b) Al-Hadith 30
Translation, Explanation, Compilation, Preservation, Preaching.
(c) Prose literature 40
Pre-Islamic period, Period of Holy Prophet and pious Caliphs. Umayyad
and Abbasid period, Fatimid in Egypt and Umaayyad in Spain.


(a) Development of Arabic poetry-Pre-Islamic and post Islamic ages 20

(b) Modern Arabic Literature 15
Prose and Poetry.
(c) Outlines of the history of Arabic Literature. 10
(d) Development of literary criticism of Arabic 10
(e) Grammar and Composition. 25
(f) Translation into Arabic and into Bengali/English. 20

Total Marks-200
100 Marks

The nature, scope, methods and aims of Philosophy. Is Philosophy Useful in Life? Relation of
Philosophy to Religion, Science and Commonsense.

Logic and Epistemology :

Logic as a normative science. The nature of Deductive and Inductive arguments.
What is knowledge? Theories of sources of Knowledge: Rationalism, Empiricism, Criticism
(Kant) and Intuitionism. Realism and Idealism.

Theories of Reality :
Materialism and Idealism. Monism, Dualism and Pluralism.

Theories of Evolution:
Creation and Evolution. Types of Evolution: Mechanical, Teleological, Emergent, and Creative

Freedom of the Will :

Cause, Determinism and Freedom.

Philosophy of Mind:
Mind as a spiritual substance, The empirical concept of the self, Theories of mind-body
Immortality of the Soul:
Its meanings and implications, Classical proofs for immortality, Kant's ethical proof.
Fact and Value, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Values, Three cardinal values: Truth, Beauty and
Goodness, Subjectivity and objectivity of values.

What is truth ? Three main theories of truth: Correspondence, Coherence and Pragmatic theories.

Philosophy of Religion :
What is meant by God? Three concepts about God: Pantheism, Deism and Theism, Proofs for
God's Existence, God and the Problem of evil.

Major Trends in Contemporary Western Philosophy:

Existentialism, Logical Positivism, Pragmatism, Neo-Idealism, Neo-Realism, Intuitionism and
Analytical Philosophy.

100 Marks

Modern Philosophic Trends in Bangladesh :

Materialism, Idealism, Humanism and Mysticism.
Philosophic Approach to Certain Problems of Practical Life:
Suicide, Abortion, Environmental Pollution, Terrorism, Hoarding, Corruption in Profession, and
Dealings with Lower Animals.

Moral Standard : Evolution of moral standard.

The nature of moral standard. Theories of moral standard: Hedonism, Perfectionism and
Law(Categorical Imperative).

Right and Duty :

Mutual involvement of right and duty. Duties towards one's fellow-human beings.
Moral Pathology:
Wrong-doing and punishment. Main theories of punishment: The Retributive Theory, the
Deterrent Theory and the Reformative Theory.

Individual and Society:

Egoism, Universalism and Altruism, Justice and Beneficence.

Muslim Philosophy :
Four great medieval Muslim philosophers: Al-Farabi, IbnSina, Al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd.
Modern Muslim Philosophers: Shah Waliullah Dehlawi and Muhammad Iqbal.

Indian Philosophy :
Buddhism, Sakhya, Naya and Vedanta Schools Swami Vivekananda and Aurobindo Ghosh.
Total Marks-200
Marks 100
A. Physical Geography
Definition, history and development
Nature and scope of Geomorphology
Recent trends in physical Geography
B. The Earth as a Planet
Origin of the earth
Shape and Size
Rotation and Revolution
Perihelion and Aphelion
Earths orbit : Solstice and Equinox
Internal Structure of the Earth
World time zones
Geological Time Scale
C. The Lithosphere
Composition of the earth crust: Minerals and rocks
Diastrophism and Volcanism
Denudation and Weathering
Agents of earth sculpture: Landforms produced by the work of rivers, glaciers, wind, oceanic
waves and ground water
Pre-Davision geomorphology
Davisian cycle of Erosion
D. Theories on the Various Tectonic Aspects of the Earths Surface Processes
- Plate Tectonic Theory
- Wegners Continental Drift Theory
- Theories of Isostasy and Gravity Tectonics
E. The Atmosphere
- Composition of the atmosphere
- Elements of climate:
- Insulation and temperature, horizontal and vertical distribution of temperature;
- Air pressure and pressure belts;
- Winds and planetary wind system;
- Humidity, types of rainfall;
- Airmass; cyclones and anticyclones; Thunderstorms;
- Major climatic types.
F. The Hydrosphere
- Hydrological cycle
- Oceans and their locations
- Profile of the ocean floor
- Major ocean currents
- Marine resources and deposition
G. The Biosphere
Definition of Ecology and Ecosystem
Soil Profile
Factors of soil formation
Major soil types of the world
Geographical Distributions of Plants
Biodiversity and conservation
Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh


(Human Geography and Geography of Bangladesh)

Part I Human Geography 80
A. Human Geography
Definition scope and methodology
Branches of human
Current approaches to human Geography
Man environment interaction
B. Population
Definition and concept of population Geography
Global distribution and density
Population dynamics (fertility, mortality and migration)
Population growth theories
Population Projection
Life table
Population Policy
C. Settlements
Definition, scope and approaches of settlement Geography
Types and patterns of settlements
Rural and urban settlements
D. Economic Activities
Primary activities:
- Agriculture (major crop types, agricultural systems, livestock);
- Fisheries
- Forestry (distribution and principal use/products)
- Mining (industrial minerals and energy resources)
Secondary activities:
- Vocational factors of industry
- Global distribution of iron-steel and textile industries
Tertiary activities:
- Internal and international trade
- Transportation: land, water, air
- Service industries: commerce and finance
E. Urban Geography
Definition, scope, methodology of urban Geography
Urbanization concepts
Internal structure of the city
Hierarchy of urban areas (Christallers theory and Growth Pole concept)
Transportation system
Part II Geography of Bangladesh 20
A. Natural Environment
Geographical location and boundary
Geology : Relief and physiography
River system
Wet lands
Natural hazard

B. Population
Population composition
Density and distribution
Population dynamics (fertility, mortality and migration)
Population policy and problems
C. Natural Resources Base:
Natural vegetation and forest
Agriculture and fisheries
Minerals and fuel energy
Water resources and land resources
D. Economic Base:
Industry: Nature, growth and location
Transport and Communication
Trade and commerce
Urbanization and economic development


Total Marks-200
(a) Journalism.
(i) Aims, objectives, functions, nature & scope;
(ii) Terminology;
(iii) Contents of Newspaper.
(b) News.
(i) Definitions, elements, functions & types;
(ii) News value, News sense, News analysis.
(c) Reporting.
(i) News gathering and writing;
(ii) News structure;
(iii) Reporting: types & writing;
(iv) Lead: types & writing;
(v) Interview: types & writing;
(vi) Practical report writing excercise based on information/setting to be provided in the
question paper;
(vii) Parliamentary reporting: terminology, importance of parliamentary reporting, bill &
its passage in parliament.
(d) Editing.
(i) News room: functions;
(ii) Art of selection, correction, compression & improvement of news;
(iii) Headline: types & writing;
(iv) Make-up-types & functions.
(e) Law relating to Journalism.
(i) Defamation: libel & slander;
(ii) Contempt of court;
(iii) Copyright.
(f) Ethics of Journalism.
(g) Pressures on the Press
(h) Role & responsibilities of the Press.
(i) History of Journalism in Bangladesh (since 1947).
(j) Radio & Television Journalism.
(k) Publicity, Public Relations & Propaganda.
(l) Handout, Press release and Press note.
(m) Editorial.
(n) Feature.
(a) Communication.
(i) Definitions;
(ii) Scope & purpose of communication;
(iii) Process of communication;
(iv) Functions of communication;
(v) Types of communication;
(vi) Models of communication;
(vii) Barriers to communication.
(b) Mass Communication.
(i) Nature of mass communication.
(ii) Scope of mass communication.
(iii) Functions of mass communication.
(iv) Communication policy & planning.
(v) Communication & development.
(c) Media.
(i) Media's watchdog role in society;
(ii) Governance and media;
(iii) Media's role in shaping public opinion;
(iv) Media effects;
(v) Media research.
Total Marks-200
Marks 100
Principles of Economics
1. Micro and Macro economics. Basic Macro economic concepts in relation to the
Keynesian model of income determination relevance of Keynesian economics
for underdeveloped countries.
2. Concepts of supply and demand and their determinates concepts and
measurements of various elasticities of demand and supply.
3. Cardinal and Ordinal utility law of diminishing marginal utility
equimarginal principle.
4. The Indifference Curve analysis Properties of Indifference Curve
consumers equilibrium income substitution and price effect.
5. Analysis of Production costs Production function, Isoquants and return to
scale short run and long run cost curve Producers equilibrium.
6. Price determination in a perfectly competitive market equilibrium of the farm
and the industry short run and long run equilibrium pricing under
monopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competition.
7. The Marginal Productivity theory of distribution determination of rent,
wages, interest and profit.
8. Types of function linear, Quadratic, Hyperbolic, exponential and log
functions graphs of function. Equation of a straight line Rectangular
hyperbola coordinates and location of points.
9. Concept of national income, utility of the study of national income, methods of
measuring national income, nominal income and real income.
10. Theory of international trade: Necessity of Trade, Theory of Comparative
advantage, Hecksher-ohlin theory of trade, terms of trade, gains from trade,
tariffs and their justifications.
11. Globalization and its necessity, effects on the developing countries,
Globalization under WTO regime.

Marks 100

a) Meaning of development and under development, causes of under development and

their remedies characteristics of a developing economy like Bangladesh, prospects of
development of Bangladesh.
b) Issues related to development of Bangladesh: Population growth, level of
unemployment, inequality in distribution of income and wealth, gender inequality,
economic governance, corruption and poverty.
c) Role of Fiscal Policy in economic development : Governments budget, taxes,
borrowings and repayments.
d) Role of monetary policy in economic development : role of central bank, commercial
banks, specialized banks, Grameen bank, PKSP, NGOs and micro credit programs,
money market, capital market, credit policy, exchange rate policy, devaluation.
e) Growth of exports, imports, terms of trade, balance of trade, foreign aid, balance of
f) Changing structure of real GDP of Bangladesh (1972-2005): role of agriculture,
industry and service sectors.
g) Changing structure of Bangladesh agriculture (1972-2005): role of crops, livestock,
fisheries and forestry-land use pattern, agricultural productivity and reforms-self
sufficiency in food.
h) Industralisation in Bangladesh (1972-2005): Role of large scale, small scale and
cottage industries, RMG and other export promotion and import substitution
i) Growth of service sector in Bangladesh (1972-2005) and its importance.
j) Development planning-private sector versus public five year plans BDF PRSP.
k) Bangladesh economy in the era of Globalization and WTO regime: new challenges.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

A. Introduction to Political Science : Basic Concepts, State and its evolution, Society, Citizenship,
Law, Meaning and Classification of Constitution, Classification and forms of Govt.,
Democratic, Dictatorial, Totalitarian, Presidential and Parliamentary, French model, Unitary,
Federalism, Problems and new trends.
B. Organs of Govt. : Separation of Power-Variety and Proportional Representation, Electorate,
Political Party, Interest Group, Pressure Group, Public Opinion, Bureaucracy, Elite, Local
Govt., Local Self govt.
C. Nature and Meaning of Public Administration : Scope and the main elements of Public
Administration, Public and Private Administration, Approaches to the Study of Public
D. Administrative Concepts : Hierarchy, Division of Work, Co-ordination, Span of Control, Unity
of Command, Line and Staff, Centralization and Decentralization, Departmentalization.
E. Bureaucracy : Meaning and Characteristics, Political and Administrative Role, Administrative
Accountability : Legislative, Executive and Judiciary.
F. Approaches to the Study of Politics : System Analysis, Structural-Functional Analysis, Elite
Theory, Group Theory, Role Theory, Decision-Making Theory, Conflict Theory, Game
Theory, Communication Theory, Psycho-Analytic approaches, Marxist and Neo-Marxist

G. Political Thought
Greek City State and/Greek Philosophy Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.
Kautilya and Arthashastra
Confucianism, Taoism
Ibne Khaldun, Imam Gazzali
Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locks, Montesquieu, Rousseau
Karl Marx, Mao-Ze-Dong.

Marks : 100

A. Politics In Bangladesh : Geography, History, Society, Culture.

B. The Liberation War and its Background : Language Movement, 1952; Constitutional
Movement, 1962; Autonomy Movement, 1966; Mass Movement, 1968, 1969; Non-
Cooperation Movement, 1971.
Liberation War-Courses and various Dimensions.
C. Political Process & Constitution Making : Political Development, 1972-2005. Rule of Military
and Military withdrawal from Politics, Role of Opposition, The Concept of Caretaker Govt.
Amendments to the Constitution.
D. Foreign Policy of Bangladesh : The Big Power Diplomacy in the Bangladesh Liberation War,
The Nature and the Objectives of Bangladeshs Foreign Policy, Foreign Policy Making Process
in Bangladesh, Economic and Political bases of Bangladesh Foreign Policy, Bangladesh and its
South Asian Neighbours, Bangladeshs Relations with the US, Former Soviet Union, Russia,
China and the EU, Bangladesh and the Islamic World, Bangladesh and UNO, Recent trends in
Bangladesh Foreign Policy.
E. International Politics of South & South East Asia : The Region, Social & Cultural Setting,
Historical & Colonial Experience, Nationalist Movement, Nature & Political System :
Democratic Setup, The Foreign Policies of South and South East Asian Countries, The
Formation of SAARC, ASEAN, and Future Prospects.
F. Major Political Systems : UK, USA, PRC and Japan.
Total Marks-200
Marks : 100
(Introducing Sociology)

1. Subject matter of Sociology

1.1 Definition, nature, scope & importance.
1.2 Origin and development of Sociology.
1.3 Sociology and other social sciences.
1.4 Research methods in Sociology.
2. Some Primary Concepts of Sociology
2.1 Society, community, association, institution, group.
2.2. Culture, civilization, cultural lag, social structure.
2.3 Family, marriage, property, state and religion.

3. Stage of Development of Human Society

3.1 Pre-industrial society, ancient society, pastoral society, agricultural society.
3.2 Industrial society and post-industrial society.

4. Social Institutions
4.1 Family, types, functions and future.
4.2 Marriage, types and functions.

5. Economic Institution
5.1 Property, definition, types, forms of ownership.
5.2 Origin of private property-primitive communism-arguments for and against private
5.3 Economic systems-capitalism, socialism and mixed economy.
5.4 Property in ancient society, pastoral, agricultural and industrial society.

6. Political Institution
6.1 State, state and government.
6.2 Legitimacy, power and authority.
6.3 Marx and state.
6.4 Democracy and state.

7. Social Stratification & Social Mobility

7.1 The concept of social stratification-its characteristics & consequences.
7.2 Major types of social stratification, slavery, estate, caste, class & status.
7.3 Theories of social stratification-functionalist and conflict theories.
7.4 Towards an integrative theory, Dahrendrof & Lenskis theories.
7.5 Social mobility-types and causes of mobility-horizontal & vertical mobility.

8. Deviance and Social Control

8.1 Crime and deviance, functions and dysfunction of crime, types of crime and criminal.
8.2 Etiology of crime and deviance, biological, psychological and sociological theories.
8.3 Social control-signification and agencies of social control. Formal and informal agencies.

9. Population and Society

9.1 Fertility, mortality and migration.
9.2 Population growth and problem, causes and consequences of population growth.
9.3 Theories-Malthus, Demographic transition, optimum, population theory.
9.4 Solutions to population problem.

10. Social Change

10.1 The concept of social changes.
10.2 Theories of social change linear theories-Comte, Spencer, Hobhbouse, Marx.
10.3 Cyclical theories, bio-cyclical theory-Spenglers theory-Paretos theory-Chapins theory-
Sorokins theory-Toynbees theory.
10.4 Ancient & medieval theories of social change.
10.5 Invention, discovery & diffusion and social change-general causes of social change.
10.6 Planned social change.

(Social and Culture of Bangladesh)
Marks : 100

1. The People of Bangladesh

1.1 Race : the racial characteristics of the people of Bangladesh.
1.2 The ethnic & linguistic composition.
1.3 Major religious communities of Bangladesh.
1.4 The land, people of physical environment

2. The major archeological sites of Bangladesh

2.1 Mahastan Garh.
2.2 Mainamoti.
2.3 Paharpur.
- The archeological relics and their socio-historical significance.
3. The Indus Valley Civilization
3.1 Brief history of the civilization.
3.2 Relics and their significance

4. Glimpses of Social History of Bangladesh

4.1 Society and economy of pre-British Bengal. Self-sufficient village communities.
4.2 The advent of the British Rule in Sub-Continent and its impact. Permanent Settlement Act of
1993; Introduction of English Education; Growth of Middle Class; Society and Economy
during Pakistani Rule.
4.3 Social background of the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent state.

5. Rural and Urban Society of Bangladesh

5.1 Rural and urban life : an overview.
5.2 Rural and urban social life of Bangladesh : socio-economic, politico-cultural, education &
religious life.
5.3 Rural and urban social stratification.
5.4 Power structure : rural and urban.

6. Family, Marriage and Kinship in Bangladesh

6.1 Family, types, rule and functions.
6.2 Marriage, types, role and functions.
6.3 Kinship- types, role and functions.

7. Industrialization & Urbanization in Bangladesh

7.1 Industrial society : an overview.
7.2 Importance of Industrialization.
7.3 Obstacles to industrialization.
7.4 Urbanization & urbanism in Bangladesh.
7.5 Major urban problems.
7.6 Impact of urbanization and industrialization upon the society of Bangladesh.

8. The Ethnic Societies of Bangladesh

(Some major ethnic societies)
8.1 The Chakma society
8.2 The Marma society
8.3 The Garo society
8.4 The Santal society

9. Social Problems in Bangladesh

(Some selected problems)
9.1 Population problem-causes, consequences & solutions.
9.2 Poverty- causes, consequences & solutions.
9.3 Illiteracy- causes, consequences & solutions.
9.4 Dowry- causes, consequences & solutions.
9.5 Problems of unemployment- causes, consequences & solutions.

10. Social change in Bangladesh

10.1 The concept in social change.
10.2 Present social structure of Bangladesh.
10.3 Social change in Bangladesh-causes and consequences-problems and prospects.


Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

(i) Meaning objectives, scope and necessity of social welfare or social work. Welfare State.

(ii) Nature of social work in pre and post industrial society, basic differences of social work between
pre and post industrial society, contributions of traditional social welfare to the development of
organized and modern social work.

(iii) Industrial Revolution, its meaning and impact on social life, Industrialization and Urbanization,
emergence of social problems due to industrialization and urbanization, social services to combat
the problems of industrialization and urbanization.

(iv) Relationship of social welfare/social work with other branches of science/social science -
Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Political Science, Anthropology, Philosophy and Public

(v) Some important concepts related to social welfare: social work, social service, social security,
social change and social development.

(vi) Historical Foundation of social welfare in Indo-Pak-Bangladesh sub-continent: Ancient,

Medieval and British Period, Evolution of social welfare in Bangladesh.

(vii) Reform movement and its meaning and importance, some reform movements of the sub-
continent- Brahma Samaj, Faraizee Movement, Ram Krishna Mission, Mohammedan Literary
Society and Aligarh Movement.

(viii) Philosophical values of social work, contributions of major religions to the development of
modern social work-Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. Human Rights and social
justice and its relationship with social welfare/social work.

(ix) Importance of social legislation in social welfare/social work, some important social legislations
in Bangladesh- The Workmen's Compensation Act of 1923, The Maternity Benefits Act of 1939,
The Children Act of 1974, The Dowry Prohibition Act of 1980.

(x) Social work as a profession: Definition and characteristics of profession, evolution of social
work as a profession, difference between professional non-professional social work. Social work
in Developing countries.


Marks :100
(i) Basic human needs- food, clothing, shelter, health, education, recreation and their bearing on
human life and welfare with special reference to Bangladesh.
(ii) Major social evils and social problems in Bangladesh- poverty, unemployment, ill health,
beggary, over-population, illiteracy, drug addiction, crime and delinquency-their causes, effects
and remedies.

(iii) Constitutional guarantee of social welfare and social security in Bangladesh, Social Welfare in
the five-year plans of Bangladesh.

(iv) Social Services under Social Service Development: Urban Community Development, Rural
Social Service, Child Welfare, Correctional Services, Medical Social Work, Training and
Rehabilitation Programmes for the Handicapped.

(v) Social Services outside Social Service Department: BRDB, Family Planning, Youth Welfare,
Labour Welfare, Co-operative and Women Welfare.

(vi) Social Work Methods, types and importance of social work methods, interrelatedness of social
work methods.

(vii) Definition, scope and significance of social Case Work, social group work, community
organization and community development.

(viii) Social Case Work as a problem-solving process - its elements, steps and methods.

(ix) Use of Social Group Work as a problem-solving process in the context of Bangladesh. Scope
and importance of Community development in Bangladesh.
(x) Definition and role of Social Administration in promoting social welfare in Bangladesh. Social
Action as method of social change.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100
1. Principles of International Relations : Nature, Scope and Development of International Relations
as an academic discipline.
2. Evolution of the International society, Development of the modern state system.
3. Elements of International Politics : Power, National Power, Geo-politics, Geo-economics,
4. Concepts of power, balance of powers, balance of terror, polarity of power, national power and
collective security.
5. Global environmental degradation and its causes, nature and consequences-Rio Summit- Kyoto
6. Concept of Civil Society and Human Rights Human Rights as foreign policy instrument,
Relations between Human Rights, National Development and World Peace.
7. Foreign Policy : Objectives, Determinants, Diplomacy, Coercions and Force, Bargaining.
8. Elements of International Economic Relations : Trade, Balance of Trade, Trade Blocs.
9. Arms Race Issues : Arms Control and Disarmament, Theories of Deterrence.
10. Various approaches to the study of International Relations : Traditionalists and Behavirouralists,
Various Perspectives of International Relations : Realism, Pluralism, Globalism and Marxism.
11. International Relations Theory
Game Theory
Collective Security Theory
Balance of Power Theory
System Theory
Conflict Theory
Integration Theory
Decision Making Theory
Lateral Pressure Theory

12. Different Perspective of International Political Economy : Realism, Mercantilism,

Structuralism and Radical Theories of International Political Economy,
Theories of Imperialism and Dependency,
Sustainable Development : Concepts and Theories.

Marks : 100

1.A. Evolution of International Relations since 1914,

The First World War and the Second World War
Birth & Demise of the Cold War-Sino Soviet Conflict and Cooperation
European Imperialism and its Consequences.
B. Global Security Issues
Future World Order Questions
Global Arms Trade
Internatinal Terrorism
Ethnic Conflict and Territorial Fragmentantion
Peace Research and Future Perception of Security.
2. A New World Order-post-cold war US foreign policy and impact of 9/11. The End of History
and 'The Clash of Civilizations', Resurgence of Russia in the New Millennium, Chinese
preparedness to play global role, Japanese nuclear ambition.
3. World - Ethnic conflicts in the post-cold Warthe cases of Bosnia, Kosovo, Rwanda, Chechnya,
Tamil Crisis, Moro Problem, Darfur Crisis.
4. Changing Role of the UNO
The UN and Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
The UN and Regional Arrangement
The UN Charter and Regionalism : Functionalism and Neo-Functionalism
The question of restructuring the UN.
5. WTO and regional trading blocks :
Role of the MNCs
Role of NGOs

6. Non-Aligned Movement and Commonwealth.

7. Major international Flashpoints: Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea and Kashmir, South
Africa's transition to multiracial democracy.
8. Enlargement of NATO and EU and its consequences.
9. Feminism and Post-Feminism.
10. Policy Issues and International Politics :
Bangladesh, India Japan, UK, USA.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

(Administrative Organization : Theories and Behaviour)

1. Meaning, nature & scope of Public Administration

2. Impact of Science & Technology, Industrialization, Urbanization on Public Administration.
3. Organization Theories, Classical, Neoclassical & Modern.
4. Principles of organization, Hierarchy, Span of control, Unity of command,
Departmentalization, Line and staff, integration VS Disintegration, Centralization VS
5. Policy Formulation & Decision Making.
6. Paradigm of Public Administration. Politics-Administration Dichotomy.
7. New Public Administration. Issues and Challenges.
8. Contribution of Elton Mayo C.I Barnard, Herbert Semon, Henry Fayol and Marry Parker
Follet on Public Administration.
9. Max Weberian Ideal Type of bureaucracy, Criticism labelled again Max Weberian
bureaucracy, Reutilization of bureaucracy.
10. Theories of Motivation, Role of Motivation on Productivity, Morale & Efficiency.
11. Theories of Leadership. Role of Leadership in Organizational Effectiveness.
12. Co-ordination, Delegation, Communication & Supervision.

Marks : 100
(Public Administration in Bangladesh)

1. Historical Background of the Growth of Civil Service in Bangladesh.

2. The Philosophy of the Constitution of Bangladesh and it's provision on Public Administrative
System, Secretariat, Attached Departments, Directorate and their relationship, public
corporation : purpose, structure, Functions.
3. Personal Administration-Human Resource Development, Recruitment, Role of Public
Service Commission & Establishment Division of the Government of Bangladesh.

4. Training System-Role of Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC),

Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), National Local Government Institute
( NLGI).
5. Conditions of Service; Pay Structure, Incentive, Discipline, Retirement and pension.
6. Development Administration, Development Planning, Issues and Processes, Organization &
Problems, Role of Civil Servants in Development, Preparation of Different types
Development plan; Plan Implementation Strategies; Institutions & Processes : Development
Performance, Monitoring and Project Impact Evaluation, Role of Planning Commission &
Executive Committee of National Economic Council.
7. Financial Administration in Bangladesh, Fiscal Policy & Monetary Policy, Ministry of
Finance, Internal Resource Mobilization, Role of Comptroller & Auditor General, Budgetary
Process, Performance Budgeting.
8. Administrative Reforms in Bangladesh, Recommendations of the main reform committees,
Recent trend in Administrative Reforms, Political Commitment to administrative reforms.
9. Corruption, Causes & remedies, Transparency & Accountability in Public Service.
10. Bureaucracy in Democracy : Bureaucracy & Development.
11. Rule of Law, Protection & Promotion of Human Rights and Role of Law Enforcing
12. Control of Public Administration, Role of Executive, Legislature and Judiciary.
13. Good Governance : Decentralization, Peoples Participation & Role of Civil Society, Issues &
Challenges of Corporate Governance.
14. Impact of E-Governance on Public Administration.
15. Field Administration, Regional, District & Local Level Administration.
16. Non Governmental Organization (NGO) & Local Government, Government Non
Governmental Organization Interface.
17. Rural Development and National Development.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

Part I : Home Management and Housing

1. Definition, meaning and scope of Home Management
a. Home Management as a course of study.
b. As a responsibility of manager of family.
c. Scope and application of management principles.
d. Socio-cultural & economic changer & its effect on home management.

2. Functions of Home Management

a. Function of a home manager
b. Management Process :
(i) Goal setting, (ii) Planning& decision making, (iii) Organizing
(iv) Controlling, (v) Evaluating (vi) Communicating.
3. Management of Resources in Day to day living
a. Definition, classification & characteristics of resources.
b. Guidelines for the use of resources.
c. Motivational components in the management of resources.
4. Financial Management
a. Family Income-types & income of budgeting income.
b. Family expenditure & means of controlling it.
5. Management of Energy & Time :
a. Courses of control of fatigue.
b. Ways of improving work in the home same time.
(i) effective use of body posture.
(ii) effective measure of work simplification.
Family Housing & Interior Decoration :
c. Housing needs of the family.
d. Basic principle of House Planning & site selection.
e. Building materials-knowledge of traditional, low cost & modern materials.
f. Home furnishings in Interior decoration
(i) Art principle & elements of design in home furnishings.
(ii) Arousing furniture & accessories, light & colour in interior decoration.

Part-2 : Art, Family, Clothing & Textiles

1. Planning the Family wardrobe
a. Special emphasis on budget, occupation, climate, family composition, fashion accessories
b. Art elements of principles its relation to choice of clothing & design.
c. Personality & selection of clothing.
d. Care & storage of clothing.
2. Textile Fibers :
a. Sources & classification of fibers
b. Characteristics of fibers-
(i) Physical characteristics
(ii) Chemical characteristics
(iii) Basic Performance characteristics.
3. Identification of Textile fibers :
a. Physical methods-feeling test, moisture test, burning test.
b. Chemical and other methods
4. Finishing Processes of fibers :
a. Objective & methods of fiber finishing
b. Process of manufacturing fiber
c. Classification of woven & knitted fabrics.
d. Dyeing and Printing of fiber & fabrics.

5. Fashioning clothing and Textiles

a. Definition of fashion & fashion promotion
b. Factors inflecting changer in fashion
c. General economic importance of fashion & its implication on textile industry.

Marks : 100
PartI : Child development & Family Relation

1. Meaning of growth & development

a. Principle of Childs development.
b. Methods of studying childs behaviour and development.

2. States of childs development

a. Characteristics of childs nature at different stages of development
(i) Early childhood
(ii) Middle childhood
(iii) Preadolescent
(iv) Adolescent.
3. Different aspects of development-
(i) Physical development & maturation
(j) Mental development
(k) Social development
(l) Emotional development
Factors effecting development at different stages.
4. Adolescence-
(i) Physical champers in adolescent years
(ii) cognitive & intellectual development
(iii) Social & personality development
(iv) Problems of adolescence-aggression, juvenile delinquency, addiction to drugs causes &
5. Functions of Family :-
a. Stages of family life cycle and changer in family functions.
b. Changer in family function due to urbanization, industrialization, womens employment
2. Family Relations-
a. Factors influencing family relation
b. Relationship between parents & children.
c. Principles of childs guidance at different stages of development
d. Family crisis effect on childs development, ways to improve family relations and
family solidarity.
Part-II : Food & Nutrition
1. Basic Knowledge of Food & Nutrition
a. Function of food in the body
b. Relation between health, food and nutrition
2. Classification functions, food sources & deficiency diseases of the following nutrition-
a. Carbohydrate, (b) Proteins, (c)Lets, (d) Vitamins, (e) Minerals.
3. Balanced Diets
a. Food grows & their significance
b. Principles of planning balanced diets using food groups.
c. Factors influencing planning of balanced diets.
d. Balanced diets in pregnancy, lactation, infamy, childhood & old age.

4. Therapeutic Diet
a. Meaning & planning of Therapeutic diets.
b. Kinds of Therapeutic diets.
c. Diet Therapy in different diseases-diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, Renal diseases &
liver diseases.
5. Food Contamination and Food Spoilage-
(a) Censer of food contamination, food borne diseases.
(b) Types of good spoilage, characteristics of spoiled foods.
(c) Ways of preventing food contamination
(d) Principles and methods of food preservation.
6. Nutrition situation in Bangladesh
a. Etiology of malnutrition-PEM, IDA, IDD & other micronutrient deficiencies.
b. Nutritional assessment-anthropometrical, clinical & biochemical methods of assessing
nutritional status.
c. Role of government & NGO in nutritional sector-Food supplementation, fortification &

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100
1. Meaning and Definition of Anthropology
Definition of Anthropology. Anthropology and its relation with other social science.

2. Schools of Anthropology
Historical Development of Anthropology. Schools-Evolutionism, Diffusions, Frustrations,
structuralism, and structural functionalism.

3. Anthropological Research Methods

Participant Observation, in-depth interview, focus group discussion, Case study and oral history.

4. Kinship, family and Marriage

Kinship-Definition, Classification and types. Role and Function of family. Marriage-definition,
type, incest and Taboo.

5. Religion
Religion-Definition, evolution, theories, Role and Function of religion. Magic and Science.

6. Social Change
Change, Evolution and Development, Theories of Social change, Factors of social change.

7. Political Organization
Meaning and definition, Type, Structure, Power and Leadership in small communities.
8. Economic Organization
Meaning and definition, ownership and inheritance, Division of labour, tools and Technology,
trade and market system, Exchange, reciprocity and redistribution.
9. Archaeology
Archaeology and prehistory, Major Archaeological discoveries, Archaeological sites in
10. Anthropology and Bangladesh society, culture, importance of Anthropological studies in
Bangladesh. Major Anthropological works in Bangladesh scope of Anthropological researches in
Marks : 100

1. Anthropology in the present world : Understanding the colonialism. Role of Anthropologists in

developed and developing countries.
2. Prehistory and Early Civilizations : Pre-history-Stone age, copper age, Bronze age and Iron age.
Early CivilizationsEgyptian, Babylonian, Indus, Chinese, Greek and Roman.
3. Technique of production and social change : Primitive communism, slavery, feudalism,
capitalism, socialism and Asiatic mode of production.
4. Races and Human Variation : Definition and problems, biological and social perspective, myths
and conflicts, Ethnology and Bengali population.
5. Ethnic Minorities in Bangladesh : Ethnic MinoritiesDefinition, Number of groups and
distribution, characteristics, origin, culture, transformation and mainstreaming.
6. Poverty and Poverty Alleviation : Poverty Definition and measurement, urban and rural
poverty, poverty alleviationapproaches of government and non-government agencies in
7. Environment and Sustainability : EnvironmentDefinition, Ecosystem and major Ecosystem of
Bangladesh, Critical Environmental issues and concerns, sustainable environmental programmes
and projects in Bangladesh.
8. Urban Society and Culture : Definition, Urbanization and Urbanism, growth of urban centres,
urban problems in Bangladesh.
9. Development Anthropology and Bangladesh: Importance of Development Anthropology and
Bangladesh, Scope of Research, Policy and Planning Role, Prospect of Development
Anthropology in Bangladesh.


Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

Part-A : History of Printing, Books and Libraries Marks 50

I. Evolution and development of paper, writing, printing press and book making
from the earliest age to present times.
II. History of libraries during ancient period. Babylonian and Assyrian libraries;
Egyptian, Greek, Roman libraries.
III. Libraries during the Middle ages, Renaissance and Reformation. Byzantine
libraries; Muslim libraries in Baghdad, Basra, Constantinople, Persia, Damascus,
Southern France, Cairo, Algiers, Morocco, Cordova, Seville, Toledo, Malaga,
Granada(Spain); Turkey, Egypt, Sicily(Italy); Samarkand, Vatican Library(Rome);
Assurbanipal Library (Mesopotamia); Nalanda University Library(Patna);
Alexandria Library(Egypt), Pergamum Library, Monastic and Cathedral Library.
IV. Libraries in the modern world. Bibliotheque Nationale (Paris), Lenin State Library
(Moscow), National Diet Library(Tokyo), The British Library(London), Library of
Congress (Washington DC).
V. Status of libraries in Bangladesh.
Part-B : Development of Information Resources Marks 50
1. Principles of collection development; Acquisitions policy of library materials;
Evaluation and selection of library materials.
2. Criteria of selection of non-fiction and fictions, AV materials and electronic
3. Principles of selection and evaluation in different kinds of information Institutions:
School, College, University, Special, Public and National libraries.
4. Aids and guides to selection: International: subject guide to BIP, Whitakers book
list, CBI, BNB, INB, Publishers weekly, BRD. National: Bangladesh national
bibliography, Bangla sahitya granthapanji, Shishu Sahitya granthapanji, Books in
print from Bangladesh, Boiar khabar, Boi, trade catalogues.
5. Book reviews and Annotations.
6. Copyright and censorship; Operation of copyright laws; Copyright law of
Bangladesh, 2000; Selection of controversial materials; Weeding Banned books.


Marks : 100

Part-A : Organization of Information Marks 50

1. Bibliographical/Technical reading of a book. Elements in catalogue entry.
2. Definition, purpose, functions of a catalogue.
3. Characteristics of an ideal catalogue; comparative analysis of different physical
forms of catalogue.
4. Types and kinds of catalogue: The Inner form construction of classified and
Dictionary catalogue.
5. Sears list of subject headings: Uses, Purposes of subject headings. Steps to subject
determination. Principles of construction directions for using the list. Construction
of subject headings using various sub-divisions.
6. Basic elements of automated cataloguing. Development of MARC, OPAC. Major
variable data fields of USMARC 3 formal. OPAC vs. card, microfiche, printed
catalogues. Superiority of online catalogue, Reasons for introducing automated
online integrated catalogue.
7. Comparative studies amongst DDC, UDC, LC classification schemes.
8. Purposes of classification.
9. Principles of book classification.
10. Mnemonic values of DDC.
11. Notation: Definition, functions, criteria of good notation.
12. Rules for classifying books.

Part-B : Bibliography and Reference Service Marks 50

1. Definition, use, importance and scope of Bibliography.
2. Different types, examples, sources of Bibliography.
3. Bibliography vs. Catalogue.
4. Methods of preparing Bibliography; various styles and systems of preparing
5. Introduction to major national bibliographies of the world: BNB, CNB, INB,
Bangladesh National Bibliography.
6. Bibliographical control, Copyright.
7. Bibliographical services in Bangladesh.
8. Kinds of reference services, sources, materials.
9. Evaluation of reference materials.
10. Reference functions.
11. Reference sources in Bangladesh. Major encyclopedias, bibliographies,
biographical sources, catalogues, indexes, abstracts published in Bangladesh.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

(a) Mechanics :
Particle Dynamics: Newtons law of motion, Motion in one dimension, Motion in a
plane, Work, energy and power, Conservation laws, Conservative force, Mass-energy
Rotational Motion: Angular velocity, Angular acceleration, Uniformly accelerated
angular motion, Torque, Kinetic energy of rotation, Angular momentum, Moment of
Gravitation: Newtons law of gravitation, variation of acceleration due to gravity,
Gravitational field and gravitational potential, Calculation of potential and force in
simple cases.

(b) Properties of Matter :

Elasticity : Stress and strain, Hookes law, Elastic modulii, Bending of beams, Torsion.
Surface Tension : Adhesive force, Cohesive force, Molecular theory of surface tension,
Surface energy and surface tension, Angle of contact and capillarity.
Viscosity : Newtons law of viscosity, Streamline and turbulent motion, Poiseulles
formula, Bernoulis theorem, Applications.

(c) Waves and Oscillation :

Waves : Transverse and longitudinal wave, Traveling and stationary wave, Vibration in
strings, Resonance, Beats, Doppler effect.
Sources and propagation of sound, Spiced of sound, Ultrasonic.
Oscillation: Definition of simple harmonic motion(SHM), combination of two SHMs,
Damped oscillation, Forced oscillation, Resonance, Power and intensity of wave motion,
Simple and compound pendulum.

(d) Heat, Thermodynamics and kinetic Theory of Gases :

Heat and Temperature : Concept of temperature, Thermal equilibrium, Temperature
scale, Mechanical equivalent of heat, quantity of heat, Specific heat and heat capacity.
Transmission of heat : Conduction, Convection and Radiation, Conduction of heat in
solids, Co-efficient of conductivity, Measurement of conductivity of a poor conductor.
Thermodynamics : First law, difference between Cp and Cv for an ideal gas, Adiabatic
process for an ideal gas, Second law, Entropy and disorder, Absolute scale of
temperature, Thermodynamic functions, Maxwell relations, Clausius-Clapeyron
equation, Gibbs phase rule.
Kinetic theory of gases : Basic assumptions, Equation of state of an ideal gas, Kinetic
interpretation of temperature and pressure, Mean free path, Equipartition law, Van der
Waals equation of state.

(e) Electricity and magnetism :

Charge and Matter, Electric field, point charge in an electric field, Dipole in an electric
field. Gausss law and Coulombs law : Application to a spherically symmetric charge
distribution and a charge sheet; Electric potential: potential and field strength; potential
due to a point charge; Due to a dipole; Calculation of E from V.
Capacitance and dielectric : Calculation of capacitance, Dielectric and Gausss Law,
Energy storage in dielectric.
Current and Circuits : Ohms law, Resistivity and atomic view, Electromotive force
Kirchoffs law, Wheatstone bridge, Potentiometer.
Magnetic field: Definition of B, Amperes law, Biot-Savart law, Magnetic force on a
current, Torque on a current loop, Electric meters.
Faradays law : Inductance, Energy density and the magnetic field, Diamagnetism,
Paramagnetism and Ferro-magnetism.
Electromagnetic Oscillation : LC oscillation, Maxwells field equations.
Alternating current : Alternating emf, LCR circuit, Effective of RMS value of voltage
and current.

(f) Optics :
Nature and propagation of light : Light and the electromagnetic spectrum, Velocity of
light, Huygens principle and the laws of reflection and refraction, Total internal
Interference and Diffraction : Youngs experiment, Coherence, Michelsons
interferometer, Diffraction from single slit, double slit and grating, X-ray diffraction and
Braggs law, Resolving power.

Marks : 100

(a) Classical Mechanics and Special theory of Relativity :

Conservation laws of a system of particles. Rocket motion. Generalized coordinates.
Euler-Lagrange equations of motion. Hamiltons Principle.
Principle of least action, Hamiltons equation of motion.
Postulates of special theory of relativity. Lorentz transformation.
Relativistic equations of motion.

(b) Quantum Mechanics :

Schrodinger equation. Postulates of quantum mechanics. Probability in quantum
Fundamental commulation relations.
Heisenbergs uncertainty relations.
Operators and Eigenvalue equation.
Eigenvalue and Eigenfunctions.
Hermitian operators.
Eigenvalues of the angular momentum operator. Spin angular momentum operator.
Approxmation methods. WKB Approxmation.
(c) Atomic and Molecular Physics :
Quantum character of radiations.
Photoelectric effect. Compton effect.
Wave-particle duality. De Broglie wave.
Electron diffraction.
Rutherford experiment
Bohrs theory and hydrogen atom.
Atomic spectra.
Paulis principle. Electronics configuration of atom.
Production of X-ray, Moseleys law.
Molecular spectra.
Laser. Three and four level lasers.
Properties of a laser beam. Ruby, He-Ne,
Nd : Y and CO2 lasers, Applications of lasers.

(d) Nuclear Physics :

Constituents of Nuclei, Nuclear density, Nuclear spin and angular momentum, Nuclear
Nuclear binding energy, Liquid drop model, Shell model.
Radioactive decay, Decay law.
Radioisope-productions and uses.
Alpha particle emission, Beta decay, Gamma radiation.
Nuclear reaction, Q-value.
Nuclear fission and fusion, Nuclear reactor.
particle accelerators-Van-de-Graff accelerator, Linear accelerator, Cyclotron,
Elementary particles.

(e) Solid State Physics :

Crystalline nature of solids. Unit cell, Classification of solids-lonic, Valence and Vander
Waals Crystals. Madelung constant, Theory of specific hearts, Einstein and Debye
Defects in srystals-Schottky and Frendel types, Dislocations, Consequences of defects on
Mechanical properties.
Band theory of solids.
Semiconductors-Extrinsic, Semiconductor, Density of states. Charge carrier.
Superconductivity, Introduction to high Tc superconductivity.
(f) Electronics :
Semiconductor diode. p-n junctions.
Breakdown Avalance and Zener Mechanism
Bipolar Junction Transistor (npn & pnp)
Transistor action, Amplifiers (CB, CE & CC)
Operational Amplifier, Inverting amplifier non-inverting amplifier, Adder subs tractor,
Comparator, Integrator, Differentiator, FET and MOSFET Applications.
SCR and TRIAC action and characteristics.
Modulation and Demodulation (AM, FM)
Television and RADAR.
Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

Electrostatics : Coulombs law, The electric field, Dipole in an electric field,

Potential and field strength, Capacitance, Dielectric, Gausss law.
Steady Current : Ohms law, Heating effect of current, Electric power and energy,
Kirchoffs law, Thevenins theorem, Nortons theorem,
Superposition theorem.
Magnetic effect : Amperes law, Forces between currents, Biot-Savart law of
current and Faradays law, Lenzs law, Self and mutual
Electromagnetic : L.R circuits.
Alternating : Generation of alternating E.M.F. Impedances in A.C. circuits.
Current A.C. power, Resonance circuits, D.C. and A.C. generators and
motors, Measuring instruments.
Electron : Work function, Thermionic emission, Field emission, Secondary
Emission and emission, Photoelectric effect and emission, TV picture tube,
Electron Electrostatic and Magnetostatic deflection, CRT, Electron optics
Ballistics and Electron microscopy.
Physical : Electron theory of metals, Fermi Dirac distribution function,
Electronics Fermi level, Band theory of solids, intrinsic and extrinsic
semiconductors, Hall effect.
Electronic : Diode, BJT, SCR, JFET, MOSFET, LED, LCD, Solar cell, LASER.
Rectifier : P-N junction diode, Load line of a diode circuit, Half wave and
circuits Full wave rectifier, Bridge rectifier Filters, Zener diode and
voltage regulation.

Marks : 100

Transistor : A.C equivalent circuit with Y.Z and H parameters for CB, CE and CC
Equivalent Configuration. Small signal analysis of a transistor amplifier using H
Circuit parameter at low frequency, small signal JFET parameters.
Transistor : Different methods of transistor biasing, D.C and A.C operating
Amplifier characteristics, Amplifying action of a transistor, Classification of
Circuits amplifiers, Tuned amplifier, Power amplifier, Negative feedback
Oscillator : Principle of positive feedback, Tuned collector oscillator, Hartley
Circuits oscillator, Phase shift oscillator, negative resistance oscillator, Crystal
oscillator, Frequency stability.
Pulse and : Wave shaping, Clipping and Clamping circuits, Astable, Monostable
Switching and Bistable multivibrators. Schmitt trigger, Blocking oscillator, Voltage
circuits time base generators.
Digital Circuits : Logic gates, Combination logic circuit design, Clock signal and clocked
Flip-Flops, Synchronous and asynchronous counter design, Half adder,
Full adder, Digital to Analog and Analog to Digital converter.
Operational : Differential amplifier circuits, Ideal operational amplifier, Inverting and
Amplifiers non-inverting amplifier, Summing amplifier, Integrator and
differentiator, Active filters, Multivibrator with op.amp.
Communication : Different types o f modulation and demodulation, Super heterodyne
receiver, Noise in radio communication, Digital communication, Mobile
telephony and Cellular telephony, Principles of TV and RADAR.
Microprocessors : Microprocessors as the CPU of microcomputer, General purpose and
and Computers single chip microprocessor, Organization of RAM, Static and dynamic
RAMs, ROMs, PROMs and other types of memories, The computer
system, Input output devices, CPU structure and function, computer
control system.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

Gas Laws, Kinetic theory of gases, Liquifaction of gases, Energy changes, Enthalpy changes &
determination, The law of energetics, Elementary principles of thermodynamics, the nature of
S, H and G, Electro chemistry-Electrode potentials, Voltace cells, Redox electrodes, The
Nerust equation, Colligative properties of solutions, Phase rule, Chemical equilibria and
chemical kinetios, pH and buffer solutions, Conductance Theoretical aspects of chemical
equilibria and chemical kinetios, pH and buffer solutions, Conductance Theoretical aspects of
chemical and instrumental methods of analyses and their applications.
Atomic Structure, Periodic table and Classification of elements, Chemical bonds, Oxidation
and reductions, Detailed group chemistry.
Radioactivity, Nuclear reactions and atomic energy, Elementary aspects of environmental
Organic compounds-aliphatic, aromatic and heterocyclies, Synthesis and chemical properties
of different classes of compear, Confirmation, Stereochemistry, Optical activity, General
concepts of nucleophilic, electrophilic and free radical reactions.
Aromatic and heterocyclic substitution reactions.
Principles of manufacturing common organic and inorganic industrial products. Disposal of
Industrial wastes.
Marks : 100
This Paper should contain advanced Topics of Physical, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry
including Chromatography and Spectroscopy.

Acids, Bases, Nucleophiles, Electrophiles.

Hard and soft Nucleophiles and electrophiles Molecular or bitals & Frontier or bitals-HOMO
& LUMO Kinetics and energetics in reaction mechanism. Comprehensive treatment of
solvolytic reactions substitution reactions of ambidient nucleophiles, Multicentre addition
reactions, Carbonium ion rearrangements.

Chirality, Molecular dissymmetry, Atomic asymmetry & conformational asymmetry, Circular

bifreingence & circular dichroisers, Cotton effect, Optical rotatory dispersion and their
application, Purity of optical analysis, Conformational analysis.
UV, IR, Raman, ESR, 1H & 13c NMR, Mass spectrometry-Principles and utility (application).
Different chromatographic techniques-

Principles and applications, Advantages & disadvantages.

Carbohydrates & Polysaccharides, Cellulose, Aminoacids, Proteins, Vitamins, Hormones,

Antibiotics, Alkaloids, Dyes.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

1. Importance of Chemical technological processes. Development of Chemical technology,

Classification of Chemical technological processes.
2. Techno-economic feasibility study of a project. Site selection for chemical industry. Unit
process and unit operation. Design and implementation of a chemical project.
3. Chemical Process Industries: Fundamentals of Chemicals Industries, Importance of
Chemical Technology for Industry. Pre-conditions for setting up of a new Chemical
Industry. Problems of Chemical Process Industries in Bangladesh and their solutions.
4. Fluid Mechanics : Types of fluid, General properties of fluid, Fluid statics, Fluid
dynamics, Eulers equation, Bernoullis equation, Fluid flow measurement.
5. Corrosion : Corrosion damage. Types of Corrosion. Corrosion prevention.
Electrochemical aspects of Corrosion, Corrosion Testing.
6. Metallurgy of Iron : Detailed Study on Pig iron, Wrought iron and steel.
7. Coal and Petroleum.

8. Principles of industrial separation processes. Distillation: Design & operating

characteristics of plate column, operation efficiency. Analysis of fractionating column
by McCode-Thiele method and enthalpy-concentration method. Construction details of
plate column, sieve column.
9. Refrigeration and Air conditioning : Basic theory. Compression and Absorption
Refrigeration Cycles. Ammonia Absorption machines. Refrigerants.
10. Air and water pollution. Greenhouse effect. Ozone hole. Kyoto protocol. Industrial
waste management.
11. Water conditioning and water treatment. Physical and chemical methods of treatment.
Municipal water supply. Boiler feed water. Water treatment plants in Bangladesh.
Electrodialysis, ultrafiltration, activated carbon absorption, BOD, COD.

Marks : 100

1. Sulphur and sulphuric Acid : Sources of sulphur, Recovery of sulfur from nature,
Manufacture of sulphuric acid, Environmental aspects.
2. Fertilizer Industry : Technological aspects of Fertilizer industries of Bangladesh.
Ammonia, Urea and triple sugperphosphate manufacturing processes. Environmental
3. Sugar industry : Manufacture of sugar from sugarcane and sugar beat. Utilization of
byproducts. Sugar Industry in Bangladesh.
4. Coal:Coal deposits in Bangladesh. Composition, classification, carbonization,
gasification. Utilization and environmental aspects.
5. Petroleum : Atmospheric and Vacuum distillation. Thermal cracking, catalytic cracking,
Reforming, Hydrocracking. Products of petroleum processing and their uses. Petroleum
refining industry in Bangladesh.
6. Glass and Ceramics: Composition, classification, manufacturing processes, special
glasses and ceramic products.
7. Cement : Classification, strength of cement. Cement kilns. Manufacturing processes.
Cement industry in Bangladesh.
8. Caustic-Chlorine Industries : Methods of production of caustic soda and soda ash.
Electrolytic process for caustic soda and chlorine. Diaphragm, Mercury and Membrane
processes. Caustic soda-chlorine industry in Bangladesh. Environmental aspects.
9. Plastic Industry : Polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polymethylacrylate,
10. Pulp, Paper and Rayon Industries : Manufacturing processes and their comparisons.
Environmental aspects.
11. Soaps and Detergents : Manufacture of Soap, Detergent and Glycerine.
12. Leather Industry : Leather processing including Chrome and Vegetable Training.
13. Edible oils : Extraction, Purification and Hydrogenation, Different Tests for Oils.
14. Surface Coatings : Paints; Pigments; Varnishes; Lacquers-constituents, manufacture,
classification and application.
Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

Group-A. Algebra, Analytical Geometry, Linear Algebra.

1. Order properties of real numbers. Inequalities involving different types of means,
Chebyshevs inequality.
2. Complex numbers, DeMoivres theorem and its applications.
3. Summation of finite algebraic and trigonometric series.
4. Polynomials and their roots, Honers scheme(synthetic division), Descartes rule of
5. Relation between roots and coefficients. Symmetric functions of roots.

Analytical Geometry
1. Pairs of straight lines. Transformation of coordinates.
2. General equation of the second degree, Reduction to standard forms, Conics in general.
3. Planes and straight lines in three dimensions, Shortest distance between two straight
4. Vector algebra with applications to geometry.

Linear Algebra
1. Algebra of Matrices. Systems of linear equations and their solutions.
2. Vector spaces over the field of real numbers, Subspaces, Linear dependence and
independence of vectors, Basis and dimension.
3. Linear transformations, Rank and nullity.
4. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
Group-B. Differential and Integral Calculus (including Elementary Real Analysis)
1. Sets of real numbers, Supremum and infimum, The completeness axiom Dedekinds
theorem, The Archimendian property.
2. Convergence of infinite sequences and series of real numbers, Standard theorems and
tests of convergence. Absolute convergence.
3. Continuous functions. Intermediate value theorem. Uniform continuity.
4. The derivative. Rolles theorem, Mean value theorems, Toylors theorem with
remainder, Taylors series, Indeterminate forms.
5. Maxima, minima, tangents and normals.
6. Indefinite integrals, Techniques of integration, Recurrence Relations.
7. The Riemann integral, The fundamental theorem of calculus.
8. Improper integrals. Tests of convergence.
9. Determination of areas and volumes.
Five questions will be set from each group; candidates will be required to answer SIX
questions, taking at least TWO from each group.
Marks : 100

Group-A. Mechanics
1. General conditions of equilibrium, Principle of virtual work, Stable and unstable
equilibrium, Centre of gravity.
2. Rectilinear motion, simple harmonic motion, Motion in a plane, Motion under a central
3. Dynamics of rigid bodies, Moments of inertia, A Alemberts principle.
4. Motion about a fixed axis.
5. Lagranges equation for holonomic systems.

Group-B. Methods of Applied Mathematics

1. Ordinary differential equations of first and second order.
2. Liner equations with constant coefficients.
3. Solution of differential equations in series.
4. Beata and Gamma functions.
5. Special functions, Legendre, Hermite and Languerre polynomials; Bessel functions.
Generating functions, recurrence relations and other properties.
6. Complex functions, Differentiability, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Analytic function.
Complex integration, Cauchy theorem and Chuchys integral formula, Taylor and
Laurent expansions. Singularities, poles and residues.
7. Cauchys residue theorem, Evaluation of definite integrals.
Five questions will be set form each group; candidates will be required to answer SIX
questions, taking at least TWO from each group.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

Group-A : Statics
(a) Forces acting in a plane, parallel forces, moments and couples.
(b) Equilibrium of coplanar forces. Astatic, stable and unstable equilibrium.
(c) Work, Virtual work.
(d) Centre of gravity. Forces in three dimensions.

Group-B : Dynamics
(a) Motion in a straight line, Simple harmonic motion.
(b) Motion in a plane referred to Cartesian and polar coordinates. Radial and transverse
velocities; central, tangential and normal acceleration. Central forces.
(c) Motion in resisting medium.
(d) Motion in three dimensions.
Group-C : Mathematical Methods

(a) The Laplace Transform : Definition, existence and basic properties Differentiation and
integration, Inverse Laplace transform and convolution, Solution of linear differential
equations with constant coefficients.
(b) Bessels Equation : Solution, Generating function, Recurrence relation, Orthogonality.
(c) Legendres Equation : Solution, Generating function, Recurrence relation, Rodriguis
formula and orthogonality of Legndre Polynomial.
(d) Fortier Series : Fortier Coefficients, Sine and Cosine series, Dirichlets theorem,
Properties and applications.

Marks : 100

Group-A : Real Analysis

(a) Metric Spaces : Definition and examples. Open and closed sets, Compact sets, perfect
set and cantor set.
(b) Sequence : Convergent sequence, bounded sequence, subsequence, Cauchy sequence,
and completeness of IR.
(c) Differentiation : Continuous function. Derivative of a function. Rolles theorem, Mean-
value theorem, Toylors theorem.
(d) Functions of Several Variables : Limit and Continuity. Partial differentiation. Schwarzs
theorem, Youngs theorem.

Group-B : Complex Analysis

(a) Complex Functions : Single and many valued functions. Limit, Continuity and
differentiability of complex function.
(b) Analytic Functions : Necessary and sufficient conditions. Harmonic functions. Mobius
transformation and power series.
(c) Complex Integration : Zeros of analytic functions, Cauchys theorem, Moreras theorem,
Cauchys integral formula, Singularities, Classification of singularities.
(d) Complex integration : The open mapping theorem, Taylors and Laurent series.
Fundamental theorem of algebra, Rouches theorem, The residue theorem, Contour
Group-C : Numerical Analysis
(a) Solution of algebraic and transcendental equation, Interpolation.
(b) Numerical solution of linear and non-linear system of equations.
(c) Numerical differentiation and integration.
(d) Numerical solutions of ordinary differential equation.

Group-D : Hydrodynamics

(a) Velocity and acceleration of fluid particles, Steady and unsteady flows, Uniform and
non-uniform flows, Stream lines, path lines, vortex lines and velocity potential.
Rotational and irrotational flows. Equation of continuity.
(b) Eulers equation of motion, conservative field force. Lambs equations of motion.
Bernoulis equation.
(c) Motion in two-dimensions, stream function and its physical meaning, velocity in polar
coordinates, relation between stream function and velocity.
(d) Sources, sinks and doublets. Complex potential and complex velocity, stagnation
points, Complex potential due to a source and a doublet. Circulation and vorticity,
relation between circulation and vorticity. Kelvins Circulation theorem.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

Plant Diversity : Morphology, Anatomy and Reproduction. (Microbiology, Mycology and

Plant pathology, Phycology, Higher Cryptogams, Angiosperms, Plant anatomy,
Embryology of Angiosperms)

Microbiology :
1. Nature and structure of simple RNA virus (TMV) and DNA virus(T2 Phase),
multiplication and transmission.
2. Prion and viroid : Structure, properties and importance.
3. Bacteria : Classification (different types), reproduction, bacterial photosynthesis,
transformation and transduction.
4. Economic importance of microbes

Mycology and Plant pathology :

1. Modern classification of fungi and the bases of classification;
2. Economic importance of fungi,
3. Concept and causes of plant diseases,
4. Stages in the development of plant diseases : Inoculation, infection, growth and
reproduction of the pathogens, dissemination of pathogens, over-wintering and over
summering of pathogens)
5. Control of plant diseases.
6. Symptom, causal agents, disease cycle control measures of the following diseases : i.
Blast of rice, ii. Stem rust of wheat, iii. Late blight of potato, iv. Stem rot of jute, v. Red
rot of sugarcane, vi. Tungro disease of rice, vii. Panama disease of banana.
Physiology :
1. Modern classification of algae based on different characters.
2. General characteristics of all the major division of algae.
3. Range of vegetative structures in algae.
4. Phytoplankton-General features, biological and economic importance.
Higher Cryptogams :
1. Characteristic features and methods of reproduction with examples.
2. Distribution of bryophyte and pteridophyte genera in Bangladesh with examples.

Angiosperms :
1. Concept about ICBN, cytotaxonomy, chaemotaxonomy, ecotype and biosystematics.
2. Different systems of classification(i) Artificial; (ii) Natural and (iii) Phylogenetic.
3. Definition and importance of herbarium. Information and activities of world herbaria
including Bangladesh.

Plant anatomy :
1. Stele in Pteridophyte
2. Vascular tissue system in angiosperms.
3. Meristem (origin, classification, structure, development and function).

Embryology of Angiosperms :
1. Mega-sporogenesis and Mega-gametogenesis.
2. Micro-sporogenesis and Micro-gemetogenesis.
3. Different types of embryo sac and their development (with examples).

Marks : 100

Functions and Applications.

(Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Cytology and Cytogenetics, Genetics and Molecular
Genetics, Tissue Culture, Horticulture, Ethnobotany, Ecology.)

Plant Physiology and Biochemistry :

1. Photosynthesis : Details of C3 and C4 pathways.
2. Comparison between C3, C4 and CAM pathways.
3. Respiration : (i) Aerobic respiration, Glycolysis, (ii) Anaerobic respiration, fermentation
with special reference to alcohol fermentation.
4. Physiological and biological nitrogen fixation.
5. Mechanism of salt absorption.
6. Dormancy, Phtotoperiodism and Vernalization.
7. Biosynthesis of some important carbohydrates (a) Sucrose, (b) Starch and (c) Cellulose.
8. Alkaloids : (a) Classification with examples and distribution and (b) importance of
9. Fats : (a) Chemical constitution of fatty acid and (b) Biosynthesis of fatty acid.

Cytology and Cytogenetics:

1. Chromosome : Physical structures.
2. Karyotype and genome analysis.
3. Chromosomal aberrations.

Genetics and Molecular Genetics :

1. Mendels Laws of inheritance.
2. Sex determination.
3. Physical structure and chemical composition of DNA and RNA.
4. Plasmid : Structure, function and importance.
5. Recombinant DNA(rDNA) : Method of construction and importance.
6. Genetic engineering for crop improvement.
Tissue Culture :
1. Cell suspension culture.
2. Somatic embryogenesis.
3. Haploid production.
4. Clonal propagation and its commercial application.
Horticulture :
1. Classification of fertilizer, composition, doses, application and procedures.
2. Application of growth regulating chemicals in horticulture.
Ethonobotany :
1. Ethno-botanical research in Bangladesh
2. Medicinal plants of Bangladesh, their conservation and sustainable use.

Ecology :
1. Methods of studying vegetation.
2. Ecosystem : (i) Structure and components of ecosystem, (ii) Pond ecosystem.
3. Pollution : Kinds of pollution, harmful effects, effects of dams and embankment on
4. Methods of measurement of primary production, Factors limiting primary productivity
in aquatic and terrestrial communities.
5. Environmental hazards : Green house effect, ozone depletion, desertification, aridity
and drought. Salinity flood and water logging in the light of Bangladesh condition.
6. Different forest types and forest area of Bangladesh, causes of depletion of forests of
Bangladesh and the ways and means to prevent it.

Total Marks-200
Animal Biodiversity.
(a) Concept of biodiversity.
(b) Classification of major phyla up to classes with diagnostic characteristics and examples.
(c) Morphology, biology and life-history of Entamoeba, Paramecium and Eimeria.
(d) Canal systems and affinities of Porifera.
(e) Morphology, reproduction and life-history of Obelia. Polymorphism and coral reefs in
(f) Life-history and parasitic adaptations of Fasciola hepatica, and Taenia solium and Ascaris,
Epidemiology and Control measures.
(g) Mode of life and reproduction of Nereis and Hirudo; Vermicomposting.
(h) Mouth parts of insects, Respiration, Exceretion and Metamphosis in insects.
(i) Biology, mode of life and reproduction of Pila and Sepia. Structure and formation of shell
in Mollusca, Economic importance of mollusca.
(j) Morphology and reproduction of Astropecton, Echinus and Cucumaria. Water vascular
systems in Echinodermata.
(k) Morphology and mode of life of Ascidia, Branchiostoma, Petromyzon and Myxine.
Metamorphosis in Ascidia. Affinities of Ascidia.
(l) Morphology, digestive and respiratory system of Scoliodon and Labeo rohita. Types of
Scales and fins in Pisces.
(m) Mode of life, reproduction and parental care in Amphibians. Economic importance of
toad and frogs.
(n) Venomous Snakes and Snake bites, Morphology, habit and habitats of crocodiles and
alligators. Dinosaurs.
(o) Flight adaptation, Migration of birds, Flightless birds.
(p) Egg laying mammals and marsupials; aquatic mammals.

Cytology, Genetics and Evolution
(a) Ultrastructure of an animal cell; Structure and functions of different organelles of cells;
Mitosis and miotic cell divisions; Chromosomes.
(b) Nucleic acids; Structures of DNA and RNAs; replication of DNA, transcription of mRNA
and translation (Protein synthesis).
(c) Mendelian rations and their modifications, linkages and crossing overs; multiple alleles,
blood groups; epistasis; gene interactions.
(d) Genetic engineering, steps in preparing insulin from genetically engineered E. coli.
(e) Evidences of evolution; early theories of evolution; Darwin's Natural Selection theory of
evolution, Speciation; allopatric and sympatric evolution.
(a) Ecosystem, food chain, food web; food pyramids, ecosystem of a typical pond.
(b) Causes of environmental degradation; air, Water and Soil pollutions.
(c) Effects of pollution on human health and the economy of Bangladesh.
Wild-life :
(a) Wild-life fauna of Bangladesh; Principles and Significance of wild-life conservation in
(b) National parks, game reserves and Sanctuaries.
(c) Ecotourism.
Zoogeography :
(a) Zoogeographical regions and their characteristics, bird and mamalian fauna.
(b) Wallace's line and Weaver's line, endemic fauna.
(c) Oriental Region and its relationship with Bangladesh.

Human Physiology, reproduction and population dynamics :

(a) Physiology of digestion, Circulation, respiration and excretion.
(b) Metabolism: Carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
(c) Gametogenesis; ovarian cycle; role of hormones in ovarian cycle; fertilization,
implantation, placenta and birth.
(d) Principles of population dynamics; human population and its control strategies in
Bangladesh; and principles of birth control practices.

(a) Egg types, fertilization, Cleavage types and gastrulation.
(b) Early embryonic development of Amphioxus.

Economic Zoology.
(a) Culture of Carp, Prawn and Shrimps in Bangladesh. Factors responsible in decline of
fishery resources in Bangladesh.
(b) Major insect pests of rice, jute, sugarcane and stored products: Biology, nature of damage
and control measures of these major pests.
(c) Apiculture and Sericulture in Bangladesh.
(d) Role of mosquitoes in transmission of diseases in human. Malaria eradication and
measures of mosquito controls.

Total Marks-200

A. Biophysical Chemistry
(i) Atomic structure: Fundamental particles, atomic number, atomic mass, isotopes,
relative atomic mass, the mole concept, atomic models, Avogadro constant.
(ii) Periodic property: Periodic table, Mosleys law, ionization potential, electron
affinity and electro negativity.
(iii) Gas laws, Ideal gas equation, Kinetic theory of gases, Daltons law of partial
pressure, van der Waals equation.
(iv) Thermodynamics: First and second law of thermodynamics, enthalpy, entropy
and free energy change, standard free energy change of chemical and
biochemical reactions.
(v) Solution: Types of solution, Collogative properties of solutions, Osmosis and
osmotic pressure, Molecular weight determination by the use of osmotic
(vi) Acids and bases: Brown stead-Lowry concept of acids and bases, Lewis concept,
netralisation, indicators, ion product of water, pH, Buffer, Handerson Hasselbalch
equation, biological buffers, buffering capacity.
(vii) Spectrophotometry: Beer-Lambart laws, optical density, standard curve and its
use for quantitative determination of biochemical substances.

B. Organic Chemistry
(i) Aliphatic compounds: Hydrocarbon, Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes-their
nomenclature, structures, properties and reactions. Alcohols, aldehydes, Ketones,
carboxylic acids and derivatives-their nomenclature, structures, physical and
chemical properties and reactions.
(ii) Aromatic compounds: Aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrobenzenes, aromatic amines,
deazonium salt, phenols-their structures, preparation,properties and reactions.

C. Biomolecules:
(i) Carbohydrates: Nomenclature, classification, structures and important reactions,
mutarotation and optical properties. Some important polysaccarides-Starch,
glycogen, cellulose, mucopolysaccarides-their structures and functions.
(ii) Proteins: Biological functions of proteins, Classification of amino acids, their
structures and properties, essential amino acids, identification of amino acids,
classification of proteins, primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures
of proteins. Sequencing of proteins.
(iii) Lipids: Classification, biological function, characterization of fats and oils,
essential fatty acids, role of phospholipids, glycolipids and cholesterol in
membrane formation. Structures of phospholipids, glycolipids and cholesterol.
(iv) Nucleic acids: Purines and pyrimidines, nucleosides, nucleotides, Classification
of nucleic acids-DNA double helix, other structures of DNA. Types of RNA-their
structures and functions.
D. Nutrition
(i) Classification of food, importance of carbohydrate, proteins and fat, their energy
values. SDA, RQ.
(ii) Balanced diet chart for different physiological condition, nutritional diseases and
nutritional status of people in Bangladesh.
(iii) Vitamins: Classification, structures, dietary sources, recommended daily
allowances, deficiency symptoms and functions of different vitamins. Coenzyme
activity of Vitamin B Complexes.
(iv) Minerals and trace elements: Biochemical functions, sources, daily requirements
and deficiency symptoms.
A. Intermediary Metabolism :
(i) Enzymes, characteristics, classification, active sites, enzyme activity units, factors
affection enzyme activit, Michaelis-Menten equation, significances of Km and
Vmax, Inhibition of enzymes, Allosteric enzymes.
(ii) Carbohydrate Metabolism: Glycolysis, TCA cycles, Pentose phosphate pathway-
their regulation and energetics. Gluconeogenesis.
(iii) Lipid metabolism: Detradation of triglycerides and phospholipids, oxidation of
fatty acids, ketone bodies, production of energy by complete oxidation of
palmatic acid, fatty acic biosynthesis and its regulation, biosynthesis of
(iv) Protein Metabolism: Outline of metabolism of amino acids by transamination,
deamination and decarboxylation, glucogenic and ketogenic amino acids, urea
B. Physiology :
(i) Blood: composition, function, blood cells, blood grouping, Heart structure and
coronary heart diseases.
(ii) Digestion: Dtructure of the gastrointestinal tract, composition of digestive juices,
Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fat.
(iii) Structure and functions of liver, lung and kidney.

C. Endocrinology:
Classification of hormones, mechanism of hormone actions, synthesis, physiological
functions and biochemical functions of Pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreatic and
gonad hormones.

D. Clinical Biochemistry:
1) Diagnostic importance of ALT, AST, CK, LDH, acid phosphotase, alkaline phosphotas,
urea, uric acid, billirubin, glucose, cholesterol, calcium ion, iron ion, phosphate and
bicarbonate ion. Genetic basis of some Biochemical disorders-phenylketonuria, alkaptouria,
sickle cell anemia, thalsamia, gout.
2) Biochemistry of some diseases: Diabetes, Jaundice, Cholera, Diarrhoea.

E. Molecular Biology :
(i) DNA replication, Structure of m-RNA. Transcription, structures of t-RNA and
ribosomes, Translation, Genetic code, Mutation, DNA sequencing, Northern
blotting, Southern blotting and Western blotting.
(ii) Restriction enzymes, Vectors, DNA ligase, Cutting and joining of DNA, cDNA,
reverse transcriptase, transformation. Host control restriction and
modification,cloning of particular gene in different vectors, Polymerase chain
reaction (PCR), Human Genome Project.
(iii) Regulation of Gene expression, Lac operon and arabinose operon, Catabolic
Total Marks-200
(a) Chemical bonds: Electronic concept of valency, different types of chemical bonds,
theories of covalent bonding and hybridisation.
(b) pH and buffer: Determination of pH of acids and bases, salt solutions and buffers.
Preparation of buffers. Buffers in pharmaceutical and biological systems.
(c) Principles and applications of absorption spectroscopy such as UV- Visible
spectrophotometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry.
(d) Separation techniques: Basic principles of chromatography, layer chromatography, ion
exchange chromatography, gas chromatography, gas liquid chromatography and high
performance liquid chromatography. Applications of chromatography in pharmaceutical
(e) Quality control and quality assurance: Method validation, calibration, SOP and CGMP.
(f) Chemistry, SAR and mechanism of action and pharmacological properties of individual
class of drugs.
(i) Analgesics and antiinflammatory agents.
(ii) Antihistamines.
(iii) Antibiotics.
(iv) Antihypertensive agents.
(v) Antidiabetic drugs.
(g) Vitamins and antioxidants: Classification and uses of vitamin preparations. Properties
and uses of antioxidants.
(a) Pharmaceutical dosage forms.
(i) Tablets: Manufacturing of tablets by wet granulation, dry granulation and direct
compression, advantages and disadvantages of different processes, common
tableting problems and evaluation of tablets.
(ii) Capsules: Classification, advantages and limitations of capsule dosage form,
properties of capsules, formulation of capsules, problems in capsule
manufacturing, quality control of capsules.
(iii)Suspensions: Advantages and disadvantages, aggregated and dispersed systems,
formulation of suspensions, stability of suspension, quality analysis of
(iv) Emulsions: Applications, advantages and disadvantages, theory of emulsion,
formulation of emulsion, classification of emulsifying agents, HLB values of
surface active agents, quality analysis of emulsion.
(vi) Sustained release drug delivery systems: Principle of SR dosage forms,
advantages and limitations of SR dosage forms, classification and types of
SR dosage forms, drug release mechanisms from SR dosage forms, dose
calculation for SR dosage forms.
(vii) Parenteral products: Classification of parenteral products. Formulation
considerations. Vehicles, additives and containers.
(b) Skin creams and dental products: Introduction, classification and formulation of skin
creams. Anticaries and antiplaque agents. Properties and types of dentifrices, formulation
of powder dentifrices and pasts.
(c) Biopharmaceutical consideration: pKa and gastrointestinal absorption, important
pharmacokinetic parameters such as biological half life, apparent volume of distribution,
area under the curve, elimination rate constant etc. First pass effect, bioavailability and
bioequivalence studies.
(d) Pharmacy act, new drug policy of government, drug act, drug rules, poison act, poison
rules, dangerous drug act and dangerous drug rules as in force in Bangladesh.


Total Marks-200
Marks- 100
Soil formation: Soil forming materialsrocks and minerals primary and secondary minerals;
silicate and non minerals; clay minerals their formation and importance weathering of rocks
and minerals; soil profiles and pedons; formation of soil horizons; master horizons and
diagnostic horizons; factors of soil formation; important soil forming processes; major soil
groups of the world.

Physical properties of soil: Soil as a three phase disperse system; mass and volume
relationship of soil constituents; soil texture; soil structure classification, evaluation,
management and importance; soil water energy state of soil water, soil water potential;
retention and movement of water in soil; concepts of available water; soil air and soil
Irrigation and drainage: Sources and quality of irrigation water; methods of irrigation;
irrigation requirements of major crops of Bangladesh; irrigation projects in Bangladesh;
drainage types and benefits.
Soil survey and soil classification: Different types of soil survey; techniques of soil survey;
agricultural and non agricultural uses of soil survey data; soil Taxonomy; properties and uses
of soil orders.
Land evaluation: Concept of land evaluation; techniques and importance of land evaluation;
land use planning.
Soil of Bangladesh: General condition of soil formation in Bangladesh; nature of soil forming
factors; dominant soil forming processes; characteristics of major soil groups; agro ecological
zones of Bangladesh.


Marks- 100

Chemical properties of soil: Chemical composition of inorganic components of soil; humus

its characteristics and importance; soil solution composition and importance; ion exchange in
soil origin of ion exchange properties, ion exchange capacities of various soil constituents,
importance; soil reaction measurement of soil acidity, importance of soil pH; liming of acid
soil; non biological fixation of N, P, and K in soil.

Biological properties of soil: Macro microorganisms in soil their morphology, structure and
classification; factors affecting microbial growth in soil; nitrogen and sulphur transformation
in soil; biological N 2- fixation; bio-fertilizer.
Soil fertility and plant nutrition: Concepts of soil fertility and soil productivity; essential
nutrient elements macro and micronutrients; physiological function of N,P and K;
fertilizers sources, types and grades; fertilizer law; diagnosis of fertilizer needs in soil;
methods of fertilizer application; residual effects of fertilizer; manures and compost; nutrient
status and fertilizer needs of different AEZ of Bangladesh.

Soil pollution: Sources of pollutants in soil; effects of soil pollution on ecosystem and food
quality; permissible limits of heavy metals in soil, plants, sewage sludge, city wastes, irrigation
water, industrial wastes and effluents; waste management.

Soil degradation and conservation: Types and processes of soil degradation; assessment of
soil degradation; soil quality concept and assessment; soil conservation and reclamation
principles of soil conservation; agronomic and mechanical practices of soil conservation.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100
Financial Accounting :
1. Introduction-Definition of Accounting, Objective, Need and Importance of Accounting,
Users and Uses of Accounting Information. Brief History of Accounting, GAAP-
Operating Guidelines. Basic Accountings Equation-International Accounting Standards-
Accounting Profession.
2. The Recording Process-The Account-Rule of Debit and Credit, Expansion of Basic
Equation, Journal, Ledger, Trial Balance, Adjusting Entries, Closing Entries, Correcting
Entries, Work Sheet, Closing Entries, Financial Statement Preparation for Sole
Proprietorship and Companies.
3. Inventory Accounting System-Perpetual & Periodical-Valuing Inventory at the Lower of
Cost or Market(LCM).
4. Internal Control-Cash & Bank, transactions -Bank Reconciliation Statement.
5. Depreciation-Definition, factors and methods of changing deprecation.
6. Cash flow statement-Importance-Preparation of cash flow statement.
7. Accounting for Common stock Issue, Treasury Stock and Preferred Stock, Dividends and
Retained Earnings-Bonus Shares or Stock Dividend.
8. Elementary Idea about Integrated Accounting System as practised in the sector
Corporations in Bangladesh.
9. Elementary Idea about Social and Government Accounting-Feature of Government
Accounting-CAG, his functions-Annual Account-Departmentation of Accounts.
10. Environmental or Green Accounting.
11. Financial Statement Analysis-Use and limitations-Vertical & Horizontal Analysis.

Marks : 100
A. Cost Accounting : 50
1 Introduction : Meaning, Objective, Function and Importance of Cost Accounting.
Financial Accounting Vs Cost Accounting. Methods & Types of Costing. Elements of
Cost, Statement of Cost, Cost Concept, Cost classification. cost Accounting Vs
Management Accounting
2 Accounting for materials, labor and overhead.
3 Accounting procedures for Job, Batch and Contract Costing.
4 Accounting Procedures for Process for Costing-Valuation of Work-in-Progress.
Equivalent Production, Costing for By-Product & Joint Product.
5 Budgetary Control and Elementary Idea of Standard Costing.

B . Auditing : 25
1. Introduction : Objective, Advantage, Procedures and Techniques of Auditing, Audit
Program, Various Modes of Conducting Audit.
2. Errors & Frauds-Nature & types, Auditors duty, Preventive Measures.
3. Internal Audit-Internal check and Internal control-Object, Procedures & Auditors
4. Vouching-Verification and Valuation of Assets and Liabilities-Auditors Duties &
5. Auditing standards and Auditing Profession in Bangladesh.

C. Income Tax : 25
1. Principles of Public Finance-Objective of Taxation. Types of Taxes in Bangladesh,
Incidence shifting of Burden-Internal Resources mobilization.
2. Income for Tax Purpose, Characteristics, Classifications and Heads of Income.
3. Assessment procedure of Income Tax for Individuals and companies.
4. Income Tax Authority in Bangladesh.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

Business finance-nature objectives-scope of Business Finance goals and functions of business

finance-Financial Manager-Controller and Treasurer Functions-Sources of financial
Information-Sources of short term. Intermediate term and long term financing.
Corporate Planning and financial Management-Funds Flow Analysis-Approaches to Financial
Forecasting-Managing Cash Position-Management of Working Capital-Capital Budgeting-Cost
of Capital Structure Theory-Financial Leverage-Planning the Capital Structure-Corporate
Taxes-Personal and Corporate Taxes.
Ratio Analysis-Time-series Analysis-Projection of Financial Requirements-Pro-forma
Statements-Role of Financial Markets-Primary and Secondary Securities Market-Dividend
policy-Issue of Bonus Shares-Right share-Valuation of Share.
Insurance Meaning-Objectives of functions-Types-Life, Property and others-Principles of
insurance : Insurable interest, Indemnity, Subrogation, Contribution, Utmost Good Faith,
Proximate Course; Reinsurance; Insurance marketing; Insurance pricing; Insurance in
Bangladesh-Insurance Corporations and Private Insurance Company Operations in
Financial Institution-BSB. BSRS and ICB-Operation of Securities Exchange Commission and
Stock exchange in Bangladesh.
Marks : 100

Need for Banks and Banking-Commercial and Central Banking-Banker-customer relationship-

Negotiable Instrument Act-Comparative Banking-Fund Management and Measures of
Performance of Banks.
Deposit Management-Capital Management- Management of Reserves-Liquidity Management-
Loans and advances, Cash Credit, Overdrafts-Loan Management-Loan policy, Tools of credit
analysis-Classification of loans-Problem loans, symptoms, causes and remedies of problem
Financial Service Consumer-Identifying and Targeting Financial Prospects-Development and
Management of Financial Products-Pricing of Financial Service-Islamic Banking-Mode of
Investment-Characteristics of Rural Economy of Bangladesh-Need for Funds in Rural Areas-
Role of Rural Credit-Micro Finance-sustainability of micro finance-Foreign Exchange Reserve
Management-Banking Reforms committee recommendation-Regulatory Arrangement of Bank-
Impact of Regulation and Supervision of Financial Institutions-Investment Management of
Bank Funds.
Electronic Banking-Opportunities, Legal Framework-e-payment Systems; Cheques Collections,
Debit and Credit Cards, Lock Box, Clearing House-ATM and Tele Banking Banking system in
Bangladesh - Bangladesh Bank-Nationalized Commercial Banks-Private Commercial Banks
and Development Bank Operations in Bangladesh.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

Introduction :
Definition of Marketing, Core Marketing Concepts, Company Orientation Toward the Marketplace
: The Production concept, The Product Concept, The Selling Concept, The Marketing Concept, The
Customer Concept, The Societal Marketing Concept, The Application of These Concepts in Bangladesh.

Scanning the Marketing Environment: Actors of Microenvironment, Analyzing Needs and Trends in
the Macro environment, Identifying and Responding to the Major Macro environment Forces:
Demographic, Economic, Natural, Technological, Political-Legal, Social-Cultural.

Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning: Market Segmentation: Definition of Market Segmentation,

Levels and Requirements for Effective Market Segmentation, Bases for Segmenting Consumer and
Business Markets.
Target Marketing : Evaluating Market Segments, Selecting Target Market Segments.
Positioning by Competitive Advantage: Choosing a Positioning strategy, Communicating and
Delivering the Chosen Position.

Product, Services, and Branding:

Product: Definition, Levels of Product, Product Classifications, Product Mix, Definition, Stages, and
Strategies of Product Life Cycle.
Services: Definition, Characteristics and Marketing Strategies for Service Firms.
Branding: Definition, Brand-Name Decisions, Brand Strategy Decisions: Line Extension, Brand
Extension, Multi brand, New Brand.
Pricing Approaches and Strategies:
Pricing Considerations and Approaches: What is a Price? Factors to Consider When Setting Prices,
General Pricing Approaches.
Pricing Strategies: New-Product Pricing Strategies, Product Mix Pricing Strategies, Price Adjustment
Strategies, Initiating and Responding to Price Changes.

Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations:

Advertising: Definition, Setting Advertising Objectives, Setting the Advertising Budget, Developing
Advertising Strategy, Evaluating Advertising.
Sales Promotion : Definition, Sales Promotion Objectives, Major Sales Promotion Tools, Developing the
Sales Promotion Programs.
Public Relation: Definition, The Role and Impact of Public Relations, Major Public Relation Tools.
Marketing Channel and Supply Chain Management: Supply Chain and Value Delivery Network, The
Nature and Importance of Marketing Channel, Channel Behavior and Organization: Vertical and
Horizontal Marketing Systems, Multi channel Distribution Systems, Channel Management Decisions:
Selecting, Managing, Motivating and Evaluating Channel Members.

Marketing in Bangladesh: Marketing Problems and Prospects of Consumer Products in Bangladesh,

The Role and Functions of BSTI, EPB, EPZ and Stock Exchange in Marketing in Bangladesh.

Marks : 100

Managing Integrated Marketing Communications: The Communication Process, Developing

Effective Communications: Identify the Target Audience, Determine the Communication
Objectives, Design the message, Select the Communication Channels, Establish the Total
Marketing Communication Budget, Deciding on the Marketing Communication Mix: The
Promotional Tools, Factors in Setting the Marketing Communications Mix, Measure the
Communications' Results, Managing the Integrated Marketing Communications Process.

Personal Selling and Direct Marketing:

Personal Selling: Definition, Steps in the Selling Process, Personal Selling and Customer
Relationship management.
Direct Marketing: Definition, Growth and benefits of Direct Marketing, Forms of Direct
Marketing, Integrated Direct Marketing, Catalog Marketing, Telemarketing and E-Commerce.

Company and Marketing Strategy: Definition of strategic Planning, Defining a Market-

Oriented Mission, Setting Company Objectives and Goals, Designing the Business Portfolio,
Planning Marketing: Partnering to Build Customer Relationship, Marketing Process,
Managing the Marketing Effort.

Creating Competitive Advantages:

Competitor Analysis: Identifying Competitors, Assessing Competitors, Selecting Competitors
to Attack and Avoid, Designing a Competitive Intelligence System.
Competitive Strategies: Approaches to Marketing Strategy, Basic Competitive Strategies,
Competitive Positions, Market Leader Strategies, Market Challenger Strategies, Market
Follower Strategies, Market Nicher Strategies.

Developing New Market Offerings : Challenges in New-Product Development, Organizational

Budgeting for New-Product Development, Organizing New-Product Development, Managing
the New-Product Development: Ideas, Idea Screening, Managing the Development Process:
Development to Commercialization, Product Development, Market Testing,
Commercialization, The Consumer-Adoption Process: Stages in the Adoption Process, Factors
Influencing the Adoption Process.

Designing Global Market Offerings:

Competing on a Global Basis, Deciding Whether to Go Abroad, Deciding Which Markets to
Enter: How Many Markets to Enter, Regional Free Trade Zones, Evaluating Potential Markets,
Deciding How to Enter the Market: Indirect and Direct Export, Licensing, Joint Ventures,
Direct Investment, The Internalization Process, Deciding on the Marketing Program: Product.

Managing Retailing, Wholesaling and Market Logistics:

Retailing: Types of Retailers, Marketing Decisions, Wholesaling: Types of Wholesaling,
Wholesaler Marketing Decisions, Market Logistics: Market-Logistics Objectives, Market-
Logistics Decisions, Organizational Lessons.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100
Introduction : Definition of management, concepts, phases of development, importance,
functions, principles, managerial skills, organization.
Scientific &
Management : Concepts and importance, different aspects of scientific management, results of
Taylors experiment, merits and demerits of scientific management, features of
modern management, Fayols principles of modern management.
Management : Separation of ow nership and professional management, methods of company
management, board of directors, size, qualification, methods of appointment,
functions, duties and responsibilities, powers, code of conduct, corporate executive
and chief executive officer(CEO).
Management : Importance, methods of office Management, co-ordination of various departments,
filing and indexing, preparation of reports and Commercial documents, Meetings
and resolutions, company/ corporate secretary.
Human Resource
Management : Importance, selection and recruitment of staff, training, appraisal, Compensation,
promotion, termination, retirement, personnel administration.
Marks : 100

Introduction : Management thought, management and society, social responsibility, ethics,

internal and external environment of organization, managing change, comparative
Planning : Importance, nature, purpose, types, steps, objectives, managing by
objectives(MBO), strategic planning, decision making.
Organizing : Nature, formal and informal organization, Span of management, departmentation,
organization structure, Line and staff concepts, delegation of authority,
centralization, decentralization and re-centralization.
Leading : Managerial leadership, various approaches, leadership behavior and styles,
situational leadership, motivation and motivators, various motivation theories and
application, two-way communication.
Controlling : Basic control process, feedback and feed forward control, effective control, control
techniques, Budgetary and non-budgetary control, preventive control,
management audit.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100
(a) Introduction, Nature and Importance of Business Administration, Administration as a Social
Skill-principles of Administration, Social responsibility of Administration.
(b) Business Organizations- Forms of ownership in Bangladesh, Relative position of each form, sole
proprietorship, partnership, joint stock company, co-operative society, combination and state
ownership, considerations in the choice of specific form of ownership.
(c) Basic Process of Administration-Planning, Organizing, Assembling. Resources, Co-ordinating,
Directing, Motivation and Co-ordinating.

(d) PlanningTypes of planning: Goals, Objectives and Targets: Steps in Planning, Decision
Making, Analytical Approaches of Decision Making-Policies and strategies.

(e) Organizing-Organization Structure, Departmentation, Span of SupervisionDelegation

and Decentralization of Authority.

(f) Co-ordinatingNeed for Co-ordinationPrinciples of Co-ordinationTechniques of Co-

(g) Directing-Nature and Characteristics of DirectionConsultative
DirectionLeadershipLeadership styles.

(h) MotivatingNeed for MotivationMethods of Motivation, Incentives.

(i) ControllingNeed for ControlBasic Steps in ControlStrategic Control

PointsDeveloping a Control System.
(j) Decision Making, Importance and Limitations of Rational Decision Making, Development
of Alternatives, Nature and the Process of Evaluation of Alternatives, Selecting an
Alternative, Modern Approaches to Decision Making, Evaluating the Importance of a
Marks : 100

(a) The Environment and Culture of Organizations, The Organization's Environment, The
External Environment, The Internal Environment, Organization-Environment
Relationships-The Organization's Culture.
(b) Strategy and Strategic Planning, The Nature of Strategic Management, Using SWOT
Analysis to Formulate Strategy, Formulating Business-Level Strategies, Implementing
Business-Level Strategies, Formulating Corporate-Level Strategies, Implementing
Corporate-Level Strategies.
(c) Organization Design, The Nature of Organization Design, Universal Perspectives on
Organization Design, Situational Influences on Organization Design, Strategy and
Organization Design, Basic Forms of Organization Design, Emerging Issues in
Organization Design.
(d) Organization Change and Innovation, The Nature of Organization Change, managing
Change in Organizations, Areas of Organization Change, Reengineering in
Organizations, Organization Development, Organizational Innovation.
(e) Nature and Purpose of Staffing, The Systems Approach to Staffing, Situational Factors
Affecting Staffing, Systems Approach to the Selection of Managers, Selection Process,
Techniques and Instruments, Orienting and Socializing New Employees.
(f) Basic Elements of Individual Behavior in Organizations, Understanding Individuals in
Organizations, Personality and Individual Behavior, Attitudes and Individual Behavior,
Perception and Individual Behavior, Stress and Individual Behavior, Types of Workplace
(g) Leadership and Influence Processes, The Nature of Leadership, The Search for Leader Traits,
Leadership Behaviors, Situational Approaches to Leadership, Related Perspectives or Leadership,
Political Behavior in Organizations.
(h) Globalization and Management, What Globalization means, Globalization and Competitiveness,
How Governments Influence Competitiveness, The Changing International Scene, A Brief
Modern History of Globalization, Global Business Practice.
(i) Social Responsibility and Ethics, Ethics and Social Responsibility Today, The Changing Concept
of Social Responsibility, The Shift to Ethics, The Tools of Ethics.
(j) Business Administrative Practices in Bangladesh.
Total Marks-200
(Physiology and Anatomy)
Part-I : Physiology 50
(a) Physiology of basic tissues.
(b) Blood and circulatory system.
(i) Haemostasis
(ii) Coagulation of blood
(iii) Cardiac cycle
(iv) E.C.G.
(v) Blood pressure
(vi) Cardiac out put
(vii) Physiology of shock
(viii) Regional circulation
(c) Respiratory system :
(i) Lung function tests
(ii) Mechanism of rhythmic breathing
(iii) O2 and CO2 carriage
(iv) Regulation of respiration
(v) Cyanosis and hypoxia
(d) Digestion, Metabolism and Nutrition
(e) Kidney and body fluid:
(i) Mechanism of urine formation and concentration.
(ii) Renal circulation.
(iii) Renal function tests.
(iv) Regulation of body fluids.
(f) Endocrinology and reproduction :
(i) Hypophysis.
(ii) Thyroid.
(iii) Parathyroid.
(iv) Pancreas.
(v) Adrenal gland.
(vi) Ovary and testis.
(vii) Reproduction and control of fertility in the male and female.
(g) Nervous system:
(i) General organization of nervous system.
(ii) Reflexes.
(iii) Cerebellum.
(iv) Hypothalamus.
(v) Emotion.
(h) Special senses:
(i) Vigual pathway.
(ii) Light reflex.
(iii) Accommodation reaction.
(iv) Vestibular apparatus.
(v) Pathway for test and audition.

Part-II : Anatomy 50
(a) Anatomy of cells.
(b) Cell divisions.
(c) Elementary geneties.
(d) Tissues of the body:
(i) Epithelial tissue.
(ii) Connective tissue proper.
(iii) The skeletal system functions of the bones, Ligaments cartilages, structures of the
bones and joints.
(d) The muscular tissues
(e) The nervous systemstructures of the nervous tissue neurone and neuroglia; Central nervous
system; peripheral nervous system and autonomic nervous system.
(f) The sense organs.
(g) Dermatomes.
(h) The skin.
(i) The circulatory system Heart, arteries, veins.
(j) The Respiratory System Nose, Throat, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi and Lungs.
(k) Digestive systemMouth, Pharynx, Oesophagus, Stomach, Intestines, Salivary glands, Liver, Gall
bladder, Pancreas and Spleen.
(l) Urinary system Kidneys Ureters, Urinary bladder, Urethra.
(m) The reproductive system Male and Female reproductive system.
(n) The endocrine glands.
(o) General embryology.
(p) Special embryology of the human body.

(Medicine and Pathology)
Marks : 100

Part-I Medicine : 50

1. Objective : A graduate doctor will be able to :

Diagnose and manage various common medical conditions prevalent in the community
(particularly in Bangladesh) and give proper counseling to patients and relatives.
Recognize, provide competent initial care and refer complicated cases to secondary and
tertiary centers at appropriate time.
Diagnose and manage medical emergencies commonly encountered in hospital practice.
Demonstrate the awareness of the need to keep abreast of new knowledge and techniques in
Introduction to General Medicine :
Overview to medicine as a discipline and subject
Approach to common symptoms of diseases : e.g. pain, edema, cough, vomiting, dysuria,
paralysis, joint pain, weakness, enlarged lymph node, anaemia etc.
Blood Transfusion :
Clinical Medicine :
Nutritional Factors in diseases :
Energy yielding nutrients.
Protein energy malnutrition in adult.
The vitamins-deficiency and excess.

Diseases due to infections :

Approach to infectious diseases-diagnostic and therapeutic principles.
General principles and rational use of antibiotics.
Enteric fever.
Amoebiasis, giardiasis.
Cholera, Diarrhoeal Disease.
2. Approach to common symptoms of disease : Fever, Pain, Palpitation, Jaundice, Anaemia, Bleeding,
Heamoptysis, Dyspnoea, Paralysis, Syncope, Ascitis, Oedema, Cough, Vomiting, Dysuria.
3. Nutritional, Metabolic and Environmental diseases : Protein energy malnutrition, Obesity,
Diseases due to Vitamin deficiency and excess.
4. Respiratory disease : Bronchial asthma, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Pneumonia,
Pleural effusion, Pneumothorax, Bronchogenic carcinoma.
Cardiovascular disease : Hypertension, Ischaemic heart disease. Acute rheumatic fever, Valvular
heart disease, Heart failure.
Blood disorders : Leukemia, Lymphoma, Hazards of blood transfusion etc.
5. Helminthic diseases :
HIV and infections in the immuno compromised conditions.
Syphilis, gonorrhoea.
6. Diseases of the cardiovascular system :
Ischaemic heart disease.
Rheumatic fever and Rheumatic heart disease.
Valvular diseases of heart.
Infective endocarditis.
Hypertension and hypertensive heart diseases.
Cardiac arrhythmias(common).
Heart failure Acutechronic
Acute and chronic pericarditis, pericardial effusion & cardiac tamponade
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract :
Peptic Ulcer disease and non-ulcer dyspepsia.
Malabsorption syndrome.
Irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease.
Acute viral hepatitis and chronic hepatitis.
Abdominal tuberculosis.
Nephrology & Urinary System :
Nephritic & Nephrotic Illness.
Neurological System :
Cerebrovascular diseases.
Meningitis : viral, bacterial and tuberculosis.
Encephalitis, viral.
Peripheral neuropathy.
Water and electrolytes and acid-base homeostasis :
Diagnosis and treatment of specific fluid and electrolytic disorders.
Endocrine and Metabolic diseases :
Diabetes mellitus.
Hypothyroidism and Iodine deficiency state.
Cushings syndrome and Addisons disease.

Connective tissue Disorder :

Rheumatoid arthritis and reactive arthritis
Degenerative joint diseases including cervical spondylosis.
Geriatric medicine :
Common Genetic Disorders :
Common Immunologic disorders :
7. Diseases of the blood :
Anaemia : iron deficiency.
Common Haemolytic anaemia(Thalassaemia and acquired haemolytic anaemia).
Common bleeding disorders(Thrombocytopendia and haemophilia).
Agranulocytosis and aplastic anaemia.
Leukaemas : Acute and chronic.
Multiple myelomas.
Blood transfusion.
Diseases of the respiratory system :
Upper respiratory tract infections.
Lung abscess and bronchiectasis.
Diseases of the pleura : Pleurisy, Pleural effusion & empyema. pneumotheorax.
Chronic Obstructive lung diseases and corpulmonale.
Bronchial asthma & pulmonary eosinophilia.
Acute and chronic respiratory failure.
Neoplasm of the lung.
8. Pancreatic disease : Acute pancreatitis, Chronic pancreatitis.
9. Liver and Biliary tract disease : Viral hepatitis, Chronic liver disease, cirrhosis of liver
carcinoma liver, liver abscess.
10. Neurological disease : Cerebro vascular disease, Meningitis, Encepthalities, Epilepsy,
Peripheral neuropathy, Management of unconscious patient.

11. Musculskletal disorders : Rheumatoid arthritis, Seronegative spondarthritis, Law back

pain, Osteo-arthrtitis, Gout, Reactive asitritis etc.

12. Geriatic medicine : General principles of treating elderly, Health problem of the elderly.

13. Poisoning and drug overdose :

Initial evaluation of the patient with poisoning of drug overdose.
General principles of management.
Treatment of common specific poisoning : OPC, sedatives, kerosene, alcohol,
methanol, Dutra poisons.
Venomous stings, insect bites, poisonous snakes and insects.
Emergency Medicine :
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Acute pulmonary oedema and severe acute asthma.
Hypertensive emergencies.
Diabetic ketoacidosis and hypoglycaemia.
Status epileptics.
Acute myocardial infarction, shock and anaphylaxis.
Upper G.I bleeding and hepatic coma.
Diagnosis and management of comatose patient.
Drowning, electrocution.
Common skin diseases : Scabies, eczema, fungal infection
common psychiatric conditions: Somatoform disorders, depressive illness, schizophrenia,
substance abuse.
Clinical Methods in the Practice of Medicine :
History Taking.
Physical Examination.
Principles of treatment.
Interpersonal skills.
Communication skills.
Doctor-patient relationship.
Ethical Behavior.
Referral services.
Medical Certificate.
Common Clinical Procedures :
- Injections.
- Nebulisation.
- IV infusion.
- Intubations.
- CPR.
- Hyper pyrexia.
- Skin Sensitivity Test.
14. Clinical genetics : Introduction to medical genetics, Modern techniques of medical
genetics, Downs syndrome, Klinefelters syndrome, Turners syndrome etc.
15. Immunologic disorders : Basic facts of Immunology, Immunologic deficiency diseases.
16. Sexually transmitted disease : Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Non Gonococcal urethritis.
17. Skin disease : Scabies, Superficial fungal infection, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Drug
reaction etc.
18. Medical Psychiatry : Anxiety neurosis, Depression, Dissociative disorder,
Somatoform, disorder etc.
19. Communication skill
20. Terminal Care
Part-II : Pathology : 50
(a) Cell biology general concept.
(b) Inflammation, Degeneration, Necrosis and gangrene.
(c) Sterilization and disinfection.
(d) Disorder of growth :Tumors including cancers.
(e) Radiation, Hazards and prevention.
(f) Immunity, Immunization against common bacterial and viral infection. Immuno
deficiency syndrome with special reference to AIDS.
(g) Common cause of diarrhoea and pathogenesis and complication. General reaction to
trauma, hemorrhage and shock.
(h) Bacterial infections with special references to Enteric fever, Tuberculosis, Leprosy,
Diphtheria, Whooping cough, Tetanus, Gas gangrene, Food poisoning, Strepto and
Staphylococcal infections, Bacillary dysentery, Cholera.
(i) Common viral disease like poliomyelitis, Chickens pox, Measles, Viral hepatitis, Rabies,
Herpeszoster, HIV. AIDS. Dengue.
(j) Common parasitic disease Ascariasis, Ankylostomasis(Hook worm infection).
(k) Common protozoal disease Malaria, Kala-Azar, Giardiasis.
(l) Sexually transmitted disease like, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, elaneaid, Nongonococcal
(m) Routine laboratory procedure for peripheral blood film Urine, Stool malarial parasite
examine sputum for Gram stains and AFB examine Blood examine for Hb% and ESR.
(n) Special pathology for some diseases like Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Bronchial Carcinoma, Chronic
Bronchitis, Empygenia, Bronchicetasis, Respiratory failure, pleurisy, pleural effusions,
Liver disease like viral hepatitis, Hepatic amebiosis, liver abscess, primary and secondary
carcinoma of liver
Collage disease like systemic lupus erythomatosus, Systemic sclerosis, Dermatomyositis-
Rheumotoid arthritis.
Joint disease Gout, spondylitis psoriatic arthritis. Osteo arthritis Seronegetive arthritis
Endocrine disease : Pituitary tumors, Acromegaly, Thyroid tumors, Hyperthyroidism,
GI tract : Peptic ulcer disease, Carcinoma , Stomach Carcinoma, colon, renal disease:
Acute and chronic glomerlo nephritis, Acute and Chronic pyeto nephritis. polycystic
disease of Kidney, Renal artery stenosis, Renal failure.
Neurological disease : Cerebrovascular disease, multiple Meningitis, Epilepsy,
multiple sclerosis, Neurosyphilis, ryopathy mysthesis grovis.
Cardiovascular disease : Congenital and acquired valvular heart disease. Ischemic heart
disease, Hypertensive heart disease. cardiomyopathies Heart failure.

Total Marks-200
1. Oral Surgery and Anesthesia:
(i) Acute infections of the Oral cavityAcute infections of the jaws, periapical abscess,
pericoronal infections, dissecting subperiostial abscess, periodontal abscess, facial
planes and spread of infections, acute cellulitis, ludwig's angina, cavernous sinus
thrombosis, differential diagnosis of neck swelling and lymph node enlargement
in and around the jaws and the neck.
(ii) Hemorrhage diseases, disorders and lesions and complications associated with
oral surgery.
(iii) Extraction of teeth-Indications and contra-indications for extractions or other
surgical operations.
(iv) Cysts of bone and soft tissue of the oral cavity-Classification, development of cyst,
general consideration of cystic lesions, treatment, post operative complication.
(v) Wounds and injuries of the soft tissues of the facial areas-General consideration
and classification of wounds: concussion, abrasion, laceration, penetrating
wounds, gunshot wounds, burns, treatment of wounds & burns.
(vi) Fractures of the jaws-Etiology, classification, examination, diagnosis, management
and complications of fractures of mandible, maxilla zygoma and other facial bones.
(vii) Surgical aspects of the oral tumours-Tumours of the hard tissues of the cavity,
odontogenic tumours, osteogenic tumours, pregnancy tumours, tumours of the
soft tissues of the oral cavity, carcinoma of the oral cavity, diagnosis and
(viii) The temporomandibular joints-Anatomy, painful temporomandibular joint,
actiology symptoms, clinical findings, roentgen graphic findings and treatment of
T.M.J. dislocation, Ankylosis with complications.
(ix) pre-prosthetic Surgery-Edentulous ridge criteria, types of oral and extra oral
surgical procedures, abnormalities of soft & osseous tissues, Frenectomy,
ankyloglosia, ridge extension procedures.
(x) Plastic Surgery-Embryology, etiology, classification objectives, surgical correction
of lip, alveolus and palate.
(xi) Local anaesthesia-Infiltration nerve block technique, the art of local indications and
contra-indications of local anaesthesia.
(xii) General Anaesthesia-Role of general anaesthesia in dentistry, indications for
general anaesthesia, preoperative preparation for in-patient or our patient general
2. Conservative Dentistry and Dental Radiology:
(i) Dental caries and classification of caries.
(ii) Class I and II cavity preparation in extracted molar teeth for silver amalgam
restorations, Matrix band application, Insertion of lining materials, Amalgam
plugging and finishing.
(iii) Class III and IV cavity preparation in extracted teeth and insertion and finishing of
different anterior filling materials.
(iv) Class V cavity preparation in the extracted teeth and insertion and finishing of
different filling materials.
(v) M.O.D. cavity preparation.
(vi) Retentive pin technique for different restoration.
(vii) Inlay preparation in the extracted teeth.
(viii) Jacket crown preparation in the extracted teeth.
(ix) Preparation of teeth for root canal treatment-Anaesthesia-isolation, surface
(x) Root canal theraphy.
(xi) Endodonties in children.
(xii) Periodontal diseases and the dental pulp.
(xiii) Problems in endodonties treatment.
(xiv) Technique of dental and oral radiography.
(xv) Radiation Hazard.

1. Prosthodontics.
Complete Denture Prosthesis-
(i) Impression procedure, preliminary and final.
(ii) Construction of cast from impression, base or permanent base & wax rim.
(iii) Selection of teeth (Shade & Mould).
(iv) Alignment of teeth.
(v) Trial of complete denture.
(vi) Finishing of complete denture, fitting the finished denture (insertion).
(vii) Complaints of patients.
Partial Denture Prosthesis-
(i) Impression.
(ii) Treatment planning and mouth preparation.
(iii) Model Surveying.
(iv) Component parts of partial denture.
(v) Materials used in partial denture construction.
(vi) Design of partial dentures.
(vii) Wax pattern for cast denture and acrylic dentures.
(viii) Recording of occlusion.
(ix) Trial of partial denture.

Crown and Bridge Prosthesis-

(i) General indication of crown.
(ii) Tooth reduction steps & preparation of principle crown.
(iii) Full veneer crown.
(iv) Partial veneer crown.
(v) Inlay retainer.
(vi) Impression technique.
(vii) Construction of porcelain jacket crown.
(viii) Construction of veneered gold crown.
(ix) Construction of veneered jacked crown using resin.
(x) Abutment general principles retention and support.
(xi) Pontics.
(xii) Design of the pontic.
(xiii) Construction of bridge.

Cleft Plate and Oro-Facial Prosthesis-

(i) Obturation for intra oral loss at tissue by surgery.
(ii) Implant denture.

(i) Definition, Aims objectives and scope of Orthodontics.
(ii) Growth and development of jaws, face and skull.
(iii) Normal occlusion and its characteristics, factors responsible for establishment and
maintenance of normal occlusion.
(iv) Soft tissue morphology and behaviour.
(v) Malocclusion, Types: Arch and skeletal classification.
(vi) Aetiology of Malocclusion.
(vii) Types, design of appliances and anchorage.
(viii) Appliances for different tooth movement.
(ix) Preventive, Interceptive and corrective treatment of Malocclusion.
(x) Extractions in orthodontics.

3.Children Dentistry, Preventive and Community Dentistry-

Children Dentistry-
(i) Scope and importance of pedodontics.
(ii) Diagnosis and treatment planning for child patient.
(iii) Diseases of the oral mucous membrane and related problem in children.
(iv) Nutritional factors in diseases.
(v) Child psychology and management of child patient in dental office.
(vi) Oral habits in children.

3. Preventive & Community Dentistry-

(i) Prevention of dental caries with fluorides.
(ii) Food and dental caries.
(iii) Prophylactic and operative technique in dental caries prevention.
(iv) Prevention of periodontal disease and dental caries in individual and mass level.
(v) Dental ancillaries.
(vi) Dental epidemiology, survey, and Introduction to Biostatistics.
(vii) Parent counseling and child behavior.
(viii) Planning for Manpower requirements in dental public health.
(ix) An approach to dental Health Education for school children.
(x) Field programme-for oral health surveys, motivation and oral Health Education.
(xi) In rural areas to conduct survey of dental disease, Provide dental health education
and emergency treatment.
(xii) School-Health Programme-Dental care for school children and preventive
Programme-Topical fluoride application and oral hygiene demonstration.
4. Dental Jurisprudence-
(i) Legal rights and protection.
(ii) Dental record keeping and person identification.
(iii) Ethics, Particularly as they apply to the dental surgeon in his relation with parents,
the public and his colleagues.
(iv) The ethics of epidemiological studies and other projects.
(v) An outline of forensic odondology.

Total Marks-200

a) Production technology and costing of field crops- rice, wheat, maize, jute, sugarcane, tea,
tobacco, lentil, groundnut, soyabean and mustard. External morphology and desirable
qualities of these crops.
b) Production technology of horticultural crops-Banana, papaya, pineapple, potato, tomato,
cabbage, cauliflower, brinjal, onion, garlic and chili. Post-harvest management (e.g.
processing and storage) of these crops.
c) Importance of irrigation and drainage for crop production. Merits and demerits of
different methods of irrigation. Irrigation seedling in crops. Quality of irrigation water in
relation to crop production and soil condition.
d) Crop nutrition and fertilizer management: sources and available forms of plant nutrients,
fertilizer and manners, judicious application of fertilizers and organic matters in different
agro-ecological zones (AEZ) of Bangladesh. Use of Bio-fertilizers in agriculture and
water management utilization of agriculture wastes. Scope and importance of bio
energy, and generation of Bio-gas.
e) Major insect pests and diseases of rice, wheat, jute, sugarcane, potato and mango and
their control measures.
f) Pesticides - their formulation, mode of action, methods of application residual effects
with safety measures. Economic injury level and LD50. Integrated pest management
(IPM) -concept, prospects and limitations.
g) The principles and practices of agricultural extension with special emphasis on program
planning, transfer of technologies, communication, diffusion and leadership. Importance
of rural youth, rural women and landless farmers in agricultural extension and their

i) Plant genetic resources (PGR) -diversity of PGR and their conservation methods.
ii) Crop improvement- introduction, selection, hybridization and mutation breeding.
Development of hybrid and modern varieties (MVs). Concepts of variety Act and
intellectual property right (IPR), seed certification and variety release.
iii) Biotechnology in Agriculture: Tissue culture, genetic engineering. GMO and bio
safety regulations-environmental, social, legal and ethical issues.
iv) Plant growth regulators, growth retardants and phytohormones. Ripening chemicals-
uses and abuses.
v) Concept and significance of seed viability and seed vigor. Testing seeds for purity,
moisture, germination and vigor. Principles of seed crop production.
vi) Weed competition and factors affecting crop-weed competition. Allelopathic effects
of weeds on crops and vice-versa. Herbicidal weed control in rice, jute, cotton and
sugarcane. Integrated Weed Management (IWM).
vii) Environmental degradation and pollution (soil, water and air pollutions)-causes and
impact on Bangladesh Agriculture. Management of drought, flood and soil salinity
and other current environmental issues.
viii) Concept and scope of agro-forestry, present status of forest resources in Bangladesh,
possible improvement of present land use system through sustainable agro-forestry.
Multistoried tree production system, hill cultivation-SALT practices and their
different models.
ix) Economic importance of fiber, oil, timber, medicine, rubber, narcotic and beverage
crop plants and their products. Tapping system, composition and latex coagulation of
rubber. Manufacturing process and changes in chemical composition in tea leaves.
Total Marks-200
Agricultural Economics : Definition and scope of Agricultural Economics-Concepts and tools used in
Agricultural Economics. Importance of the study of the discipline.
Production Economics : Production and cost functions, types of production function, stages of
production, law of diminishing return, economic efficiency and profit maximization. Production with
two variable inputs, least cost combination of factors; Enterprise combinations- Returns to scale and
equilibrium in the long run.
Farm Management : Principles and functions of management, economic principles in farming. Data
collection methods. Types of data collected by survey; sampling techniques. Analytical techniques: -
cost accounting gross margin analysis, operating statement. Measures of whole farm performance, farm
planning and budgeting.
Economic Growth and Development : Meaning and theories of economic growth. Characteristics of
economic growth. Growth versus Equity. Economic and social indicators of development; Salient
features of Bangladesh Agriculture: Employment problems. Government policies and strategies for
agricultural development in Bangladesh.
Land Resource Economics : Concepts of land and land resources, factors affecting supply of land
resources for economic use. Population and land resources, application of proportionality in land
resources; land use intensity; economic returns of land resources land development costs and
conservation of land resources. Tenancy and leasing arrangements; land reforms and land use planning
in Bangladesh.

Agricultural Prices : Meaning, role and functions of agricultural prices. Characteristics of agricultural
prices. Factors affecting pricing of agricultural products. Determinants of demand, determinants of
supply and relation to costs and production function. Factors influencing agricultural supply. Price
variations over time and over space. Role of government in price determination and price support
policies in Bangladesh.
Agricultural Marketing : Basic concepts of marketing approaches to the study of marketing, Marketing
functions and marketing institutions, marketing channels. Marketing cost, margin, efficiency and
marketing mix, market organization and integration. Input and output marketing. Government
intervention in farm products, co-operative marketing.
Rural Development and Institutions: Importance and scope of rural development. Models of rural
developments. Co-operatives as institution for rural development. Traditional co-operatives and new
two-tier co-operatives, Principles and practices co-operation, Organization of cooperatives,
Determinants of success and failure of old co-operatives. Integrated Rural Development-Stages of two
tier co-operatives, and their position in institution building, poverty alleviation and women's
development programmes of present day co-operatives.
Agricultural Finance : Its nature and scope, financial institutions in agriculture, role and classification
of credit, evaluation of credit capacity, factors affecting cost of credit. Loan repayment plans and
methods of computing loan repayment. Risks and uncertainties in agriculture, Strategies to reduce
risks. Farm credit systems of Bangladesh Krishi Bank and BRDB Co-operatives. Poverty situation in
Bangladesh. Micro credit and poverty situation.

Total Marks-200
Marks : 100

1. Agricultural Machinery : Type of primary and secondary tillage implements, principles

of operations and their specific use; mechanical functions of seeding machines and
planers, their types and uses and their maintenance; Functions and use of combine
harvester, fertilizing, spraying and plant protection machines, weeding and thinning
equipments; Present status and scope of utilization of power tillers, tractors and other
power sources at the farm level of Bangladesh; Soil implement mechanics and Biomass
resources and utilization in Bangladesh.
2. Irrigation & water management :
Importance of irrigation and drainage practices in food and fodder production sources
and quality of irrigation water. Advantages and disadvantages of surface and
groundwater utilizations. Technological innovation in the field of water lifting devices :-
traditional and modern methods. Reliability of irrigation water resulting from
climate/geological phenomenon and O & M difficulties. Hydrostatic pressure on
surfaces, Eulers equation, Bernoulls equation, Flow through-orifice, pipes, Flow over
notches, open channels, Boundary layer theory. Scheduling of irrigation water and
irrigation water distribution system.

3. Food Engineering Principles :

Food preservation principles and processes. processes for preservation of vegetables,
fruits, fish and meat products. Village processing food based on low level technologies
in Bangladesh. Cold storage design, performance and operational characteristics.
Sanitation and control of microbiological problems involved in the processing and
storage of food. Quality control requirements of processed foods. Design and selection
of food machinery, packaging materials, Homogenization and pasteurization.
4. Food Engineering :
Food preservation principles and processes, Selection of good machinery, Food plant
design and layout, Material handling systems and packaging aspects of food industries,
Safety and hygienic measures in food plant, Water treatment and utilization in food
plant, Water treatment and utilization in food plant, selection, operation and
maintenance of food machineries.
Marks : 100
1. Advanced Agricultural Machinery :
Design requirement and development aspects of various agricultural machineries and
implements. Soil and tillage inter-action and its application in the design of tillage tools
maintenance and trouble shooting of farm machineries and implements. Force system,
equilibrium condition, frictional force system, centroids, structures, kinetics of particles and
rigid bodies. Design of machine members, bearings, gears, and flexible power transmission
elements. Welding, planer machine, shaper machine, milling machine. Primary and
secondary tillage implements, fertilizer, sprayers, crop harvesting equipments.
2. Irrigation Engineering :
Criteria for installation of water diversion and control structures and selection of water lifting
devices including pumps. Methods of irrigation of different crops in given soil and topography;
Factors causing water losses and estimation of application, conveyance, water use efficiencies.
Importance of irrigation need at various stages of growth of important crops and its implication in
irrigation system design.

3. Quality and environmental control requirements for processed food, Principles and methods of
freeze drying, filtration, sedimentation and concentration, process extraction, distillation, chilling
methods and cold storage; Processes for preservation of vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, fish and food
products; Food regulations and compliance. Village level technologies of food processing.

4. Concept, scope and problems of On-farm water management; Influence of climatic factors and
agricultural meteorology, Hydraulic machinery theories and types of pumps. Design of various
hydraulic structures, earth embankments and their problems; Ground water and wells, problems of
ground water development and management in Bangladesh, evaluation and assessment of
irrigation project.

Total Marks-200

Contribution of livestock in the farming system of Bangladesh. Classification of common farm and
domestic animals with the description of different breeds of cattle, buffalo, goat and sheep.
Judging of goat and sheep for meat, milk and wool. Judging and selection of cattle and buffalo for
productive purposes.
Chemical composition and microscopic structure of hides, skins and wool. Factors affecting the quality
of hides and wool.
Prospect, potential and constraints of development of meat industry in Bangladesh. Factors affecting
the quantity and quality of meat. Marketing of meat and meat products.
Development of technologies for processing and treatment of animal wastes. Environment pollution
through animal wastes.
Farm planning and evaluation for commercial beef and buffalo production.
Ruminant and non-ruminant nutrition. Feed nutrients and their utilization in animal body.
Reduction of methane production by ruminants and improved productivity to dietary manipulation in
the rumen.
Animal feed resources-conventional and unconventional. Nutritional evaluation of feeds. production
and prospect of green forages in the existing crop farming system. Preservation of forages and its
feeding to animals. Processing and utilization of feedstuffs and agro-industrial by products as animal
Nutrient requirement of different types of animals. Formulation of ration for different animals for
different purposes. Feeding during scarcity periods, like flood, drought etc.

Factors affecting nutritive value of feedstuffs. Anti-nutritional factors of feedstuffs.

Prediction of feed intake for livestock. Importance, present status and future scope of fees milling
industry in Bangladesh.
Characteristics of important dairy cattle breeds. Selection of site for dairy farm. Judging and condition
scoring of dairy cow. Role of cooperative in dairy development.
Definition, composition and structure of milk and colostrum. Factors affecting composition of milk.
Food value, standard, grades and classes of milk. Milk collection, transportation and payment.
Processing, transport and marketing of milk and milk products. Methods of preservation of milk.
Factors affecting the success of dairy farm (operating quality and quantity of milk).
Factors responsible for development of dairy industry in Bangladesh. Problems of dairy industry in
Bangladesh and there possible solution. Dairy by-product in Bangladesh. Preparation of butter, ghee,
Dairy farm planning. Layout and prospects for successful dairy operation. Feeding, housing and
management of dairy cows, calves and heifers. Planning for year-round feeds and fodder supply in
dairy farm. Record keeping for successful dairy operation.
Origin, domestication and distribution of different poultry species. Classes, breeds, varieties and
strains of chicken and ducks.
Housing principles of poultry. Poultry feed ingredients, their classification, nutritive value.
Artificial incubation, fertility and hatchability eggs. Selection of hatching eggs. Economics of hatchery
Production of duck, quail, geese and pigeon. Poultry processing plant.
Parent stock and commercial layer production. Egg production in small holder farmers condition.
Marketing of eggs-its problems and solution. Commercial broiler production and management in
Bangladesh. Importance of poultry and poultry products.
Poultry farm planning and management. Bio-security in planning and designing of poultry farm.
Commercial poultry farming on village ames-problem, utility and caution.
Production and control measures for common poultry disease in Bangladesh.
Genetics and its contribution to livestock development. Linkage, crossing over and chromosome
mappings, immunogenetics, mutation. Genotype-environment interaction and its implication in
livestock production Partitioning of causes, phenotypic varition into its components.
Chemical basis of inheritance, genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology and its application in
Estimation of heritability repeatability and genetic correlation. Estimation of breeding value,
transmitting ability, most probable producing ability. Animal selection-aids to selection, selection
purpose, selection limit.
Use of specialized computer programs for solving breeding problems. Genetic diversity, animal genetic
resources, out breeding, out crossing, cross breeding, line crossing, and up-grading. Open nucleus
Breeding system(ONBS), community breeding programme.
Portraits of economic importance, selection and breeding plan for the improvement cattle, buffalo, goat
sheep and poultry.

Importance of livestock in the socio-economic conditions of Bangladesh. Characteristics and constraints
of livestock development in Bangladesh. Existing livestock production, marketing and disease
prevention situation.
Livestock development strategies-dairy cattle, beef cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep, chicken, duck etc.
Animal slaughtering and meat quality aspect-status, problems, prospects.
Balanced feed-criteria, formulation procedure, problems, prospects and quality control.

Green feeder- Status, ways and means to attain self-sufficiency.

Livestock development through breeds and breeding-genetic resources, matching genotype, genotype-
environment interaction, appropriate breeding tools, prevention of genetic crosior. In-situ breeding
and conservation programe for valuable native animal genetic resources.

Major constraints of small holder dairy development in Bangladesh and ways and means to overcome
them. Multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) technology in dairy cattle breeding.
Production of clean and sage milk and milk products in Bangladesh. Importation of powdered milk-
causes, risk and ways of minimize it.

Small holder poultry production- an economic vehicle for rural women's livelihood-problems and
prospects causes of poor production of indigenous chicken. Selection and come of hatching eggs.
Principles of poultry feeding. Factors regulating profit margin from poultry farming.

Total Marks-200
1. (i) Definition and scope of veterinary science.
(ii) Horizon of veterinary activities.
(iii) Contribution of livestock and poultry to national GDP, employment and rehabilitation
of distressful women.
2. (i) Important task of animal health and hygience : General measurement for the prevention
and control of infectious diseases, effect of environment on animal health.
(ii) Degestion and metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat in simple and compound
stomach animals.
(iii) Puberty and sexual maturity, factors affgecing puberty and sexual maturity in
(iv) Reproductive hormones, estrous cycle, gestation, parturition and lactation.
(v) Endocrine glands, secretions, functions and regulations.
3. (i) Livestock and poultry industry : Programme of a farm activities in relation to each type
of herd and flock health management including feeding, breeding, housing, application
of biosecurity and harvesting of animal products and their marketing.
(ii) Formulation and preparation of ration for cattle, sheep, goat and poultry.
(iii) Breeds of animal and poultry and their important characters.
(iv) Animal by-products including hides, skins and leathers, their marketing at home and
4. (i) Isolation and identification of common bacteria, virus and fungus and collection of
samples for bacteriological, virological and mycological examinations.

5. (i) Clinical tests for examination of blood, feces, urine and skin scrapings with their

(ii) Principles and interpretations of different tests for liver and kidney functions.
(iii) Interpretation of hemostatic disorders such as coagulation time, bleeding time,
prothrombin time and thrombocyte count.
(iv) Techniques of postmortem examination in animals and birds and systematic
investigation of infectious, non-infectious diseases and other pathologic disorders.
(v) Methods of collection, preservation, fixation, processing and staining of pathologic
specimens including dispatching them to diagnostic laboratory.
6. (i) Clinical Examination of animals.
(ii) Determination of sex and age.
(iii) Clinical diagnosis of diseases.
(iv) Livestock and poultry diseases : Clinical findings, postmortem lesions, diagnosis,
treatment, prevention and control of important parasitic (ascariasis, haemonchosis,
fascioliasis, babesiosis, coccidiosis), infectious (anthrax, black quarter, hemorrhagic
septicekmia, tuberculosis, paratuberculosis, enterotoxemia, foot and mouth
disease, rabies, PPR, Gumboro disease, Newcastle disease, Marek`s disease,
salmoinellosis, fowl cholera, colibacillosis, mycoplasmosis), non-infectious
including metabolic diseases (milk fever, ketosisc pregnancy toxemia, grass
tetany), diseases caused by nutritional (copper, cobalt, iron, zinc) and vitamin ( A,
D, E,B vitamins) deficiencies.
(v) Important diseases of small animal and zoo animal (hookworm, heartworm,
mange, tuberculosis, anthrax, canine distemper, infectious canine hepatitis,
psittacosis, amoebiasis) their diagnoses, treatment, prevention and control.
(vi) Diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of important reproductive diseases
(cysts in ovary and mesovarium, pyometra, endometriosis, retained placenta,
abortion and stillbirth).
(vii) Uses of antibiotics, anthelmintics, insecticides, steroids and other hormones. Drug
withdrawal and residue avoidance.
7. (i) Sampling procedures and use of t & F test for statistical analysis of the result of a
scientific experiment.

8. Animal disease Act and Animal Slaughter Act and their implementation.

9. Importance of Veterinary Public health in Bangladesh and its drawback in comparison to

developed countries.
10. Improved Variety feeds and fodder available in the country and their characteristics.


1. (i) The etiology, clinical findings, gross pathological changes, diagnosis, prognosis
and treatment of common diseases of digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular,
hematological and urogenital, nervous and integumentary systems.
(ii) Principle of epidemiology, methods of epidemiological investigation, their
application in the control of important infectious and non-infectious diseases of
domestic animals and poultry.
(iii) Common frauds practiced in sell of livestock and livestock products.
(iv) Veterinary ethics and laws. Legislation against animal diseases in Bangladesh.

2. (i) Common characters and pathogenecity of following bacteria : Bacillus,

clostridium, streptococcus, staphylococcus, eschedrichia, pseudomonas, brucella,
salmonella, actinobacillus, actionomyces, shigella, pasteurella, listeria, leptospira,
corynebacterium, mycobacterium and following fungus: Aspergillus,
blasstomyces, cryptococcus, histoplasma, rhinosporidium, candida,
microsporum, trichophyton of domestic animals and poultry.
(ii) Common characters and pathogenecity of following viruses : The viruses of Goat
pox, fowl pox, Marek`s disease, malignant catarrhal fever, IBR, infectious canine
hepatitis, duck hepatitis, FMD, NCD, PPR, canine distemper, rabies, IBD
ofdomestic animals and poultry.
(iii) Immunity and its classification, types of immune response, cells responsible for
immune response, antigen, vaccines, antibody, antibody production and
serological test (Rapod plate agglutination test, HA, HI, FAT and ELISA).

3. (i) Principles of sedation, analgesia and premedication, common intravenous and

inhalation agents used in anaesthesia.
(ii) Methods of producing various local and regional anaesthesia, hazards associated
with anaesthesia.
(iii) Operative technique of the common surgical diseases ( Bloat, impaction, dystocia,
dermoid cyst, cataract, gluocoma, atresia ani, abdominal hernias, phimosis,
paraphimosis ) including postoperative care.
4. (i) Properties and exposure factors of x-rays.
(ii) Hazards of radiation and the protective measures.
(iii) Radio-diagnosis and radio-therapy.
(iv) Examination of animal for soundness and certificate writing.
5. (i) Diseases and accidents associated with purturition : metritis, utero-vaginal
prolapse, downers cow syndrome.
(ii) Collection and preservation of liquid and frozen semen of bulls and bucks.
(iii) Techniques of artificial insemination (A1) in cows and does, health management
of A1 bulls and bucks.
(iv) Venereal and semen borne diseases in ruminants.
(v) Livestock population and cattle breeding policy in Bangladesh.
6. (i) Methods, standardization and evaluation of common drugs used in veterinary practice.
(ii) Poisonous plants (Datura, abrus, ricinus, strychnos), mycotoxins (aflatoxins, ergot) and
minerals (arsenic, copper, lead, selenium, zinc) concerning the veterinarians.
7. (i) Role of veterinarian in public health.
(ii) Prevention and control of common zoonotic diseases (Anthrax, brucellosis, rabies,
hydatidosis, scabies).
(iii) Food horne infections and intoxications.
(iv) Meat inspection and meat borne diseases.

8. Criteria to be followed for establishing a small scale dairy, goat and poultry farm.
9. Role of Drug control Authority and BSTI in Veterinary drug and product control.
10. The quarantine procedures to be followed to prevent disease transmission across the borders.

Total Marks-200
(Fisheries Biology and Management)

(i) General Ichthyology : Classification of major groups of fishes. External morphology: Body forms,
shape and size, appendages and their origin. Scales and skeleton, coloration in fishes and its
significance. Anatomy of different internal organ system: Respiratory, Digestive, Circulatory,
Excretory and Reproductive. Swim bladder: origin and its role in buoyancy. Adaptive radiation in
fishes. Receptors.
(ii) Biodiversity and Fishery Systematic : Definition, different types of biodiversity. Economic and
ecological values of biodiversity. Causes of the loss of biodiversity: natural variation in time and
space. Red list: present status of aquatic biodiversity and endangered aquatic species of
Bangladesh. Protected areas of Bangladesh-important haor, river and lakes, exotic species.
Conventional Biological Diversity (CBD), Sundarban, Coastal and Marine Biodiversity,
Conservation-in situ and ex-situ. Scope of fishery systematic, species concepts and speciation in
fish. Taxonomic characters, criteria for taxonomic categorization. Zoological nomenclature: Rules,
International code, validity of names, homonymy, synonymy.
(iii) Fish Physiology : Classification of fish on thermal regulation. Physiology of Respiratory,
Digestive, Circulatory, Excretory and Reproductive systems. Osmoregulation and Endocrine
system. Special organs-light and electric organs.
(iv) Genetics and Fish Breeding: Mendel's laws of inheritance, principles of independent assortment.
Interaction of genes, theory of chromosome inheritance and manipulation, gametogenesis. Sex-
influenced and sex-limited inheritance, mutation.
Genetic variance and hybridization, heterosis and hybrid vigor, impact of hybridization. Gene
and Brood banking.
Importance of fish-hatchery, status and rule of hatcheries in Bangladesh. Brood stock rearing
strategy. Hatchery operation and management methods including cry preservation of fish
gametes. Natural and artificial spawning of indigenous and exotic species, larvae and fry rearing
techniques. Transportation of live fishes.
(v) Ecology : Concept of ecosystem, ecological niche, food chain, homeostasis and ecological balance.
Population concepts, density, rates, nasality, mortality, age distribution and growth. Carrying
capacity and ways of increasing the carrying capacity. Types of interaction between tw o species.
Ecological classification of fresh water organisms.

(vi) Limnology: Physical characteristics of inland water (light, colour, turbidity, temperature).
Chemical characteristics of inland water (pH, oxygen, carbon-dioxide and other dissolved
gases). Dissolved solids (phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron
and silica). Role of nutrients in primary production. Biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen,
phosphorus, carbon, silicon and iron.

Factors affecting primary and secondary production estimation of primary and secondary
production. Bioturbation and its effects on productivity.

Phytoplankton: Characteristics, types, life history, flotation, distribution, seasonal succession

and eutrophication. Phytoplankton bloom: factors, effects, control interaction with other

Zooplankton: Characteristics, abundance, food and feeding habits, reproduction, movement,

phytoplankton-zooplankton relations.

Benthos: Significance, distribution, factors, affecting distribution.

Periphyton: Major groups, characteristics, abundance, substrates, distribution in lentic and lotic
habitats, Importance and relations with other organisms.

Bacteria: Roles in bio-geochemical cycles, relations of plankton and benthos with bacteria.
Aquatic vascular plants: Major groups, importance and influence on aquatic environment.

(vii) Fish Population Dynamics: The concept of unit stock, extimation of relative and absolute
abundance of population, length-weight relationship, selectivity of fishing gear. Procedures
for estimating the parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth curve using data from length
frequency analysis and hard part analysis; Stock-recruitment relationships, determination of
spawning season and fecundity estimation. Definition and types of fish mortality,
estimation of fishing mortality and natural mortality. Basic concept of fish yield, estimation
of maximum sustainable yield(MSY) and maximum economic yield(MEY).

(viii) Fisheries Management: Importance and relation of life history data in fisheries
Management. Protection against hazards-fish pass. Habitat improvement devices and
measures. Restoration and conservation of open water fisheries: New fisheries management
policy (NEMP), Community Based fisheries Management (CBFM) (Jalamohal, Oxbowlakes,
Haors, Baors, rivers and Coastal fisheries). Fish Sanctuary, Fishery Regulations.
Management problems and their mitigation measures. Role, principles, objectives,
problems, and activities of Fisheries cooperative. Fish markets and marketing systems in
Bangladesh. Recreational fisheries.
(Aquaculture and Industrial Fisheries Technology)

(i) Aquaculture: Resources, site selection, pond construction, pond preparation, pre-stocking
management and post-stocking management. Extensive, semi-intensive and intensive
aquaculture. Specialized aquaculture: cages, pen raceway and integrated farming system.
Carps, pangas, freshwater prawn and tilapia culture. Use of Geographical Information
System (GIS) for aquaculture planning and development. Coastal aquaculture: Shrimp,
crabs, mollusks and seaweeds. Impact of coastal shrimp culture on the socio-economic
condition of rural community. Basic engineering principle and designs for aqua farming,
present status and future prospects. Feeding and aeration techniques in aqua farming.
Wastewater treatment and disposal methods.
(ii) Disease and parasites: General signs of diseased fish. Significance and factors producing
diseases: Parasitic Bacterial, Fungal and viral diseases in fish. Characteristics, pathogens,
clinical signs, diagnosis and prevention and control measures. Prevention and control
measures against common protozoan and metazoan fish parasitic diseases, disease of
shellfish. Physiological factors of fish diseases. Prevention and control of zoonotic
(iii) Fish Nutrition: Role of nutrition in aquaculture. Dietary protein, lipid, carbohydrates,
mineral and vitamins requirement for fish and crustaceans. Feed stuffs of Bangladesh :
proximate composition, cost, nutrient bioavailability, palatability and formulation
methods. Commercial feed types. Antinutintional factors in feed stuffs and feed, Brood
stock nutrition, role of live food in nutrition.
(iv) Fish harvesting, handling and preservation: Types and use of commercial modern fishing
gears and crafts. Techniques of location of fishing grounds. Fish finding techniques-radio
direction finder(RDF), RADAR, LORAN( long range navigation) Dhaka, Navigator
system, Satellite.
Fish detection: Acoustic equipment-echo sounder, Eco-Ranger, SONAR(sound navigation
and ranging), net monitoring system. Aquaculture Harvesting system: Seine netting,
falling gears, traps fishing, FAD(Fish aggregating devices).
Commercial handing of fish and shellfishes: Principles, methods, types, storage and
Fish chilling and freezing: Principles, methods, types, storage and distribution.
Packaging of fresh fish: Materials for wholesale, traditional retail and airfreight packing.
(v) Fish processing: Fish curing: drying and dehydration, salting fermentation, smoking;
Principles, raw materials steps, types and examination of processed product.
Fish canning: Principles, preparation of raw materials, methods, types of can materials,
examination of processed product storage.
HACCP: Principles application in fish processing industry.
Planning and design of cold storage and fish processing plant.
(vi) Fishery Products and By-products: Fishery products and by-products of Bangladesh
Scientific and technological development in fishery products.

Various minced and surimi based fish and shrimp products, fishcakes, fish pickles and
fish soup powder.

Fishery by-products: Fish meal, fish Protein Concentration (FPC), fish Oil, shark fin rays,
icing glass, fish maws, pearl, essence gelatin, fish glue, fish silage and pharmaceutical

Total Marks-200
Marine Ecology :
a. Major ecological division of marine environment and its related flora and fauna;
b. floral and faunal study of sandy, muddy and rocky shore (St. Martins Island,
Kutubdia Island, Moheshkhali Island, Sonadia Island);
c. Energy flow in the marine environment
d. Biogeochemical cycle in the coastal and marine ecosystem.

2. Mangrove Ecosystem :
(i) Occurrence and distribution of mangrove;
(ii) Habitat;
(iii) Ecological role;
(iv) Economic role;
(v) Flora and fauna of mangrove forest;
(vi) Afforestation and deforestation;
(vii) Problem in the mangrove forest(top dying disease, sedimentation).

3. Seaweed :
i. Occurrence and distribution;
ii. Habitat;
iii. Ecological role;
iv. Biology of seaweed;
v. Economic role;

4. Estuarine and Coastal Process :

i. Definition and general characteristics;
ii. Types of estuaries;
iii. Human activities and their implications;
iv. Port and harbor activities;
v. Dredging and waste disposal;
vi. Fishing;
vii. Study of the estuaries of Bangladesh (Karnafully river estuary, Pashur river
estuary, Meghna estuary).

5. Oceanography:
a. Global distribution of land and water;
b. Physical-chemical properties of sea water;
c. Tide, wave & current of the Bay of Bengal;
d. Different elements in sea water (major, minor, trace and radioactive);
e. Dissolved gases & nutrient distribution in sea water;
f. Marine natural products chemistry;
g. Importance of Plankton (Phytoplankton, Zooplankton);
h. Hydrocarbon resources of the Bay of Bengal & its commercial uses.

6. Navigation and Communication :

a. Navigation equipments :
I. Magnetic
II. Gyro compass
III. Sextant
IV. Radar

b. Means of communication :
I. Signaling in morse code by light
II. Sound signal
III. International code of signals by code flags
IV. Semaphore
V. Wireless communication

c. Ship hygiene and safety precaution

I. Ship hygiene
II. Fire fighting and life saving appliances
7. Environmental Pollution :
a. Types of marine pollution;
b. Oil pollution and its impact on marine environment ;
c. Green house gases and effect;
d. Eutrophication;
e. International convention for the protection of marine environment;
(MARPOL/SOLAS) & biodiversity (CBD);
f. Impacts of development activities: Farakka barrage & Flood protection;
embankment, destruction of mangrove forest due to coastal aquaculture, human
interferences in St. Martin coral island.

1. Fish biology :
a. Biology of commercially important fin and shell fishes of marine and coastal water
of the Bay of the Bengal (Physiology, Feeding , Breeding, Life cycle, Migration,
Seasonal Occurrence, Abundance, Distribution, Biodiversity)
b. Stock assessment methods and population dynamics of fin and shellfish of the Bay
of Bengal.
c. Crafts and gears used in the Bay of Bengal.

2. a. Marine Invertebrates & Chordates:

1. Classification and salient features of marine invertebrates of the Bay of Bengal.
2. Classification and geographical distribution of marine chordates with special
reference of fishes of the Bay of Bengal.
b. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM):
1. Definition and objectives of ICZM, multiple uses & issues of coastal zone anagement,
tools for coastal zone management plan.
3. Hatchery operation and management :
a. Breeding criteria of marine species under controlled condition;
b. Hatchery facilities and equipments;
c. Hatchery design;
d. Water quality management;
e. Brood stock transportation;
f. Hatchery techniques;
g. Phytoplankton culture( Skeletonema costatum, Tetraselmis, Chlorella);
h. Rotifer culture;
i. Artemia production;
j. Fry transportation and marketing.

4. Culture of marine species :

a. Fish culture (Tilapia, Pangus, Mullet, Seabass);
b. Shrimp (Peneaus monodon) farming;
c. Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming;
d. Pond and cage culture of crab;
e. Mollusk culture;
f. Seaweed Caulerpa racemosa, Hypnea spp.) farming;
g. Fish and shrimp nutrition;
h. Disease of cultured species (fish and shrimp);
i. Feed preparation;
5. Processing and microbiology :
a. Processing and preservation of marine species (fish,shrimp, crab);
b. spoilage of fish shrimp and control methods;
c. Detection and isolation of pathogenic organisms.
6. Marking of cultured species :
a. Local and international market;
b. Value chain;
c. Future possibility.

7. Sustainable Aquaculture in Bangladesh :

a. Introduction to sustainability;
b. Environmental interactions :
i. Impacts of the environment on aquaculture
ii. Impacts of aquaculture on the enviornment
c. Nutrient load of aquaculture
d. Government policy on shrimp culture
e. Organic aquaculture :
i. Definition
ii. Importance of organic aquaculture
iii. Practice of organic aquaculture in Bangladesh

Total Marks-200

1. Scope and importance of Forestry in Bangladesh. Principal forest types and silvicultural and
Management Systems followed in Bangladesh.
2. Silviculture of Teak, Sal, Garjan, Dhakijam, Gamar, Chapalish, Champa, Sundari, Keora, Bain,
Gewa, Golpata and Bamboos.
3. Regeneration, Tree reproduction, Clonal propagation, Seed technology, Nursery practices,
Planting, Tending and cultural operations practiced in forest plantation in Bangladesh.
4. Importance and practices of Agro forestry, Social forestry and Forest Extension in Bangladesh.
5. Mangrove Silviculture and coastal afforestation in Bangladesh.

1. Forest Policy of 1979 and Forest (Amendment) Act 1927 of Bangladesh.
2. Influence of Forest on environment and of environment on Forests.
3. Diameter height and basal area measurement and volume estimation of trees. Formulae for
measuring logs. Aerial photography, volume estimation of trees with the help of aerial
4. Outdoor recreation, wildlife management, national, Zoological and botanical parks
management in Bangladesh.
5. Methods of felling, logging transportation in use in Bangladesh.
6. Objective, importance and common methods of wood seasoning and preservation.
7. Manufacturing process of paper and fiver boards.
8. Distribution and uses of Bamboo, Cane, Golpata, Sungrass and Khoir.
9. Major diseases and pests in forest nurseries and of important trees and of their control.
Total Marks-200
Analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate structures by various methods.
Space truss analysis. Deflection of beams, frames and trusses using different methods.
Influence lines for statically determinate beams, truss, frames.
Analysis of bridge truss, and frames.

Water Resources Enginnering-30

Importance of irrigations: sources and quality of irrigation water, soil-water relationship;

consumptive use and estimation of irrigation water requirements; methods of irrigation;field-
irrigation structures; irrigation canal system; irrgation pumps and wells; problems of irrigated
lands; land drainage; flood and its mitigation; methods of river training and bank protection.

Environmental Engineering-30

Water Supply:

Planning and design consideration of water treatment plant, various methods

(Sedimentation, coagulation, filtration, dis-infection, chemical precipitation) of water
treatment, distribution system, environment impact assessment(EIA). Design of water supply

Sewage :

Physical, chemical and biological treatment of sewage, planning and design of sewage
treatment, industrial wastes and their treatment, solid waste management, microbiology of
waste water, introducation to aerobic and anaerobic treatment of waste water, self-purification
of stream BOD removal kinetics. Design of domestic and storm sewers.


R.C.C. Part:
Introduction of high rise building structure, structural forms of tall building, analysis of
multistoried building frames subjected to wind and earthquake forces.

Working stress and ultimate strength analysis and design of reinforced concrete beams,
columns, footing, two ways slab, flat slab, flat plate structure .

Pre-stressed Part:
Pre stressed concrete materials and their properties; pre-stressing system; losses of pre-
stress, shape, selection and tendon profile; analysis & design of section for flexure, shear,
bond, and bearing.

Transportation Engineering-30
Design, construction and maintenance of rigid and flexible pavements. Characteristics,
sub-grade, sub-base, base and asphaltic surface courses, soil stabilization, brick and block
pavements, cement concrete pavements. Highway maintenance, highway drainage,
airways and air-ports, waterways and terminals.

Transportation engineering, modes of transport planning of transportation system.

Highway planning, geometric design, vehicle operating characteristics, traffic survey,

traffic flow and control traffic management and administration, highway materials.

Railway alignment, gradient and curves, permanent way track construction and
maintenance, points and crossings, signaling and interlocking.

Foundation Engineering-30

Engineering properties of soils, shear strength, permeability, consolidation, settlement

and compaction. Analysis and design of spread footings pile foundations, mat
foundation, settlement analysis, large excavation underpinning etc.

Total Marks-200
1. Electrical Circuits:
Circuit variables and elements: Voltage, current, power, energy, independent and
dependent sources, resistance. Basic laws: Ohms law, Kirchoffs current and voltage
laws. Simple resistive circuits: Series and parallel circuits, voltage and current division,
wye-delta transformation. Techniques of circuit analysis: Nodal and mesh analysis
including supernode and supermesh. Network theorems: Source transformation,
Thevenins Nortons and superpostion theorems with application in circuits having
independent and dependent sources, maximum power transfer condition and reciprocity
theorem. Energy storage elements: Inductors and capacitors, series parallel combination
of inductors and capacitors. Responses of RL and RC circuits: Natural and step responses.
Sinusoidal functions: Instantaneous current, voltage, power, effective current and
voltage, average power, phasors and complex quantities, impedance, real and reactive
power, power factor. Analysis of single phase ac circuits: Series and parallel RL, RL and
RLC circuits, nodal and mesh analysis, application of network theorems in ac circuits,
circuits with non-sinusoidal excitations, transients in ac circuits, passive filters. Resonance
in ac circuits: Series and parallel resonance, Magnetically coupled circuits. Analysis of
three phase circuits: Three phase supply, balanced and unbalanced circuits, power

2. Electrical Machines:
Transformer: Ideal transformer-transformation ratio, no-load and load vector diagrams:
actual transformer-equivalent circuit, regulation, short circuit and open circuit tests.
Three phase induction motor: Rotating magnetic field, equivalent circuit, vector diagram,
torque-speed characteristics, effect of changing rotor power, no-load test, blocked rotor
test, starting and braking and speed control. Single phase induction motor: Theory of
operation, equivalent circuit and starting.
Synchronous Generator: Excitation systems, equivalent circuit, vector diagrams at
different loads, factors affecting voltage regulation, synchronous impedance,
synchronous impedance method of predicting voltage regulation and its limitation.
Parallel operation: Necessary conditions, synchronizing, circulating current and vector
diagram. Synchronous motor: Operation, effect of loading under different excitation
condition, effect of changing excitation, V-curves and starting. DC generator: Types, no-
load-voltage characteristic, effect of speed on no-load and load characteristics and voltage
regulation. DC motor: Torque, counter emf, speed to-que-speed characteristics, starting
and speed regulation. Introduction to wind turbine generators Construction and basic
characteristics of solar cells.
3. Electronics:
P-N junction as a circuit element: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, operational
principle of p-n junction diode. Diode circuits: Half wave and full wave rectifiers,
rectifiers with filter capacitor, characteristics of a zener diode, zener shunt regulator,
clamping and clipping circuits. Bipolar junction transistor(BJT) as a circuit element:
Bipolar junction transistor, current components, BJT characteristics and regions of
operation, BJT as and amplifier, biasing the BJT for discrete circuits, small signal
equivalent circuit modes, BJT as a switch, Single stage mid-band frequency BJT amplifier
circuits. Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor(MOSFET) as circuit element:
Structure and physical operation of an enhancement MOSFET, threshold voltage, current-
voltage characteristics of an enhancement MOSFET, biasing discrete and integrated MOS
amplifier circuits, single-stage MOS amplifiers, MOSFET as a switch, CMOS inverter.
Single-stage and cascode amplifiers, frequency response of differential amplifiers.
Operational amplifiers (Op-Amp): Non-inverting and inverting amplifiers, inverting
integrators, differentiator, weighted summer and other applications of Op-Amp circuits.
Negative feedback: properties, basic topologies, feedback amplifiers with different
topologies, stability, frequency compensation.
Basic logic functions, Boolean algebra, combinational logic design, minimization of
combinational logic. Sequential circuits: different types of latches, flip-flops and their
design using ASM approach, timing analysis and power optimization of sequential
circuits. Modular sequential logic circuit design: Shift registers, counters and their
BJT, MOSFET, SCR, IGBT, BTO, TRIAC, UJT and DIAC. Rectifiers: Uncontrolled and
controlled single phase and three phase. Regulated power supplies: Linear-series and
shunt, switching buck, buck boost, boost and Cuk regulators. AC voltage controllers :
single and three phase, Choppers. CD motor control, single phase cycloconverter.
Inverters: Single phase and three phase voltage and current source, AC motor control.
Stepper motor control, Resonance inverters, Pulse width modulation control of static
1. Power Systems:
Network representation: Single line and reactance diagram of power system and per unit. Line
representation: Equivalent circuit of short, medium and long lines. Load flow: Gauss-Siedel and
Newton Raphson Methods. Power flow control: Tap changing transformer, phase shifting,
booster and regulation transformer and shunt capacitor. Fault analysis: Short circuit current and
reactance of a synchronous machine. Symmetrical fault calculation methods: Symmetrical
components, sequence networks and unsymmetrical fault calculation. Protection: Introduction to
relays, differential protection and distance protection Introduction to circuit breakers, Typical
layout of a substation. Load curves: Demand factor, diversity factor, load duration curves, energy
load curve, load factor, capacity factor and plant factor.
Transmission lines cables: Overhead and underground. Stability: swing equation, power angle
equation, equal area criterion, multi-machine system, step by step solution of swing equation.
Factors affecting stability, Reactive power compensation. Fleible ac transmission system (FACTS).
High voltage de transmission system. Power quality: harmonics, sag and swell.
Power plants: General layout and principles, steam turbine, gas turbine , gas turbine, combined
sycle gas turbine, hydro and nuclear. Power plant instrumentation. Selection of location :
Technical, economical and environmental factors. Load forecasting. Generation scheduling:
Deterministic and probabilistic. Electricity tariff: formulation and types.
2. Telecommunication Systems :
Communication systems: Basic principles, fundamental elements, system limitations, message
source, bandwidth requirements, transmission media types, bandwidth and transmission
capacity. Noise: Source, characteristics of various types of noise and signal to noise ratio.
Information theory: Measure of information, source encoding, error free communication over a
noisy channel, channel capacity of a continuous system and channel capacity of a discrete
memory less system. Communication Systems: Analog and digital. continuous wave modulation:
Transmission types, base-band transmission, carrier transmission; Amplitude modulation:
Introduction, double side band, single side band, vestigial side band, quadrature; spectral anslysis
of each type, envelope and synchronous detection; Angle modulation-instantaneous frequency,
frequency modulation (FM) and phase modulation (PM), spectral analysis, demodulation of FM
and PM. Pulse modulation: Sampling-sampling theorem, Nyquist criterion, aliasing,
instantaneous and natural sampling; pulse amplitude modulation-principle, bandwidth
requirements; Pulse code modulation (PCM) : quantization principle , quantization noise, non-
uniform quantization, signal to quantization error ratio, differential PCM, demodulation of PCM;
Delta modulation (DM) : Principle, adaptive DM; line coding-formats and bandwidths. Digital
modulation: Amplitude-shift keying-principle, ON-OFF keying, bandwidth requirements,
detection, noise performance; Phase-shift keying(PSK) : Principle, bandwidth requirements,
detection, differential PSK, quadrature PSK. noise performance; Frequency-shift keying (FSK) :
Principle, continuous and discontinuous phase FSK, minimum0-shift keying, bandwidth
requirements , detection of FSK. Multiplexing time : Division multiplexing (TDM) principle,
receiver synchronization, frame synchronization, TDM of multiple bit rate systems; frequency-
division multiplexing : Principle, de-multiplexing; wavelength-division multiplexing, multiple
access network-time-division multiple-access, frequency-division multiple access; code-division
multiple-access (CDMA) : Spread spectrum multiplexing, coding techniques and constraints of
CDMA. Communication system design: design parameters, channel selection criteria and
performance simulation.
Mobile Cellular Telephone: Concept , evolution and fundamentals. Analog and digital cellular
systems. Cellular Radio System; Frequency reuse, co-channel interference, cell splitting and
components. Mobile radio propagation: Propagation characteristics, models for radio propagation
antenna at cell site and mobile antenna, Frequency management and Channel Assignment;
Fundamentals spectrum utilization, fundamentals of channel assignment, fixed channel
assignment, non-fixed channel assignment, traffic and channel assignment. Handoffs and
Dropped calls: Reasons and types, forced-handoffs, mobile assisted handoffs and dropped call
rate. Diversity Techniques: Concept of diversity branch and signal paths, carrier to noise and
carrier to interference ration performance. Digital cellular systems: Global system for mobile, time
division multiple access and code division multiple access.

Total Marks-200

Properties of gases and various, Law of thermodynamics and their corollaries, Ideal gases and their
cycles. Study of stream generators, their accessories and mountings, Steady state conduction of one
dimensional heat in different geometrics and composite structures. Transient heat conduction in solids
with negligible internal resistance and surface resistance. Laws of radiation heat transfer, Net radiation
interchange between two infinite parallel plates. Concept of refrigeration and its application.
Continuity, momentum and energy equation and their applications . Pressure, velocity and flow
measurement devices. Basic conception about pumps and turbines.
Stress analysis: Axially loaded member, thermal and centrifugal stresses, stresses in thin and thick
walled cylinder and spheres. Shear force and bending moment diagram of beams. Combined stress.
Types of fits, Design for static and fatigue strength, Design of screws, fasteners and connections and
colum ns.

Power transmission by belts, clutches & brake, gear and gear trains, static and dynamic
balancing. Static and dynamic balancing. Undamped free vibration with one and two degrees
of freedom. Velocity and acceleration of mechanisms. Damped free and forced vibration with
single degree of freedom.

Basic engine types, their operation and testing. combustion in SI engines, CI engines and gas
turbine. Compression process. Source of energy , production of power, steam power plants.
The variable load problem of power plant.
Mechanism of Convective heat transfer, Free convection form exterior surfaces of common
geometrics. Concept of air condition and its uses. Cooling load calculation.

Principle of measurements. Different types sensing elements, measurements of displacement, pressure,

temperature, heat flux flow, force torque, and strain

Sampling theory estimation hypothesis testing. Control charts, X,P and C charts. Regression
analysis, analysis of variance. Concept of quality circle.

Basic of casting, welding, metal removing processes such as turning, drilling, shaping and
milling; Tool geometry.

Various type of organization and management information systems, concepts and scope of
application. Ogranization structure, Personal management. Technology management.

Total Marks-200

Chemical Engineering and its application, Principles of chemical engineering Calculations;

flow of fluids in closed conduits and measurement of different parameters, calculation power
requirement for transport of different fluids; different modes of heat transfer and design of
heat exchangers. Design of equipment for mass Transfer operator.

Principle of the design of chemical process equipments such as distillation, absorption and
extraction towers, chemical reactors, procedures for control system design of chemical plants
and equipments.

Principle of corrosion and material protection, selection of construction materials for ndustries.


Economics and management of chemical processes, cost estimation for process plants,
profitability analysts, project management, safety and environmental analysis. Economic
analysis projects, CPM and IRR.
Energy situation and sources in Bangladesh. Design of energy efficient process, energy crisis
and its effect on Bangladesh economy.
Fertilizer, paper and other chemical industries in Bangladesh, Design operation and future of
Sources of natural gas in Bangladesh and its production, selection of processing and
Water and air pollution : source and source control, municipal water treatemnt and waste
water treatment.
Environment issues of Bangladesh.
Total Marks-200

Calculation of areas, volumes, weights and displacement related to ships. Centre of gravity,
Centre of buoyancy, Moments, Conditions of equilibrium, Transverse metacentre, Moment of
inertia, Transverse BM , Met centric height, Inclining experiment. Effects of loading, unloading
and flooding on trim, Launching calculations, Statical stability, Dynamical stability.
The Trochoidal wave theory, Load curves, Shearing force and bending moment curves, Smith
correction, Approximations for maximum bending moments and shearing forces, Modulus
and stress calculations, Stresses in the inclined condition of a ship. Resistance of ship
structures to bucking.
Natural vibration, Forced vibrations, Damping, Natural vibrations with viscous damping.
Forced vibrations with viscous damping, Transverse vibration of beams, Schlicks formula,
Todds formula and Burrills formula for the natural frequency of vibration of ship, Lockwood
Taylors formula for the frequencies of torsional vibration of a ship. hydrodynamic inertia
coefficients and added virtual weight, Elastic mountings for marine engines.



The frictional resistance, wave-making resistance, eddy-making resistance, air resistance and appendage
resistance of a ship, Prediction of the total resistance of a ship by testing a model in a towing tank,
Froude's Law of Comparison.
Propeller types, Design of screw propellers, The momentum theory and the blade-element theory of
screw propellers, Slip, Wake fraction, Thrust deduction fraction, Quasi propulsive coefficient,
Sinusoidal water waves, Velocity, length and period of waves, Addition of wave trains, Standing wave,
Pressure in a wave, Energy in a wave, Group velocity, A ship in waves, Head sea, Following sea, Beam
sea, Frequency of encounter, Uncoupled heaving, pitching and rolling motions of a ship, Motion
Total Marks-200

1. Classification of Engineering Materials and their main Characteristics :

Metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, composites and electronic materials. Atomic
bonding, crystal structure and x-ray diffraction.
2. Properties of Materials:
Strength, ductility, hardness, toughness, creep and fatigue, etc. Corrosion and
degradation characteristics.
3. Phase diagrams:
Common binary equilibrium diagrams, isothermal reactions, Iron-iron carbide thermal
equilibrium diagram.

4. Heat Treatment:
Annealing, normalizing, quenching, I-T and CCT diagrams, tempering austempering
5. Surface hardening:
Carburizing, nitriding, carbonitriding, flame hardening and induction hardening.

1. Fabrication of Materials :
Industrial fabrication techniques for metals, ceramics, glasses and polymers,
2. Non-metallic Materials :
Conventional and engineering ceramics, thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics.
3. Steel making:
Raw materials, basic oxygen and electric steel making processes.
4. Engineering Alloys:
(a) Ferrous alloys: Plain carbon steel, common alloy-steels, stainless steels, tool steels, HSLA
steels, etc. Cast irons including malleable band ductile cast iron.
(b) Non-ferrous alloys: Copper base-, aluminum base-and nickel base alloys, bearing metals
Total Marks-200
1. Art & Architecture:
A general survey of Art and Architecture. Art and Architecture of the sub-continent from
ancient to modern times. Modern Architecture.
2. Planning & Urban Design:
Basic Planning theories, Development of urban space through history : Principles and
technique for urban design. Urban renewal, Urbanism in Bangladesh.

3. Housing:
Housing and community: their influence of individuals, developer built and public
housing, Housing finance, low cost housing, Housing problems in Bangladesh. Users
response in high-rise apartments and its comfort and convenience conditions. Housing
infrastructure, Rural housing.

4. Building & finish Materials:

Preparation, manufacture, Properties, Use and application of brick, Cement, Concrete,
Timber, Steel, Glass, Tile, Stone, Terrazzo and Paint.


1. Building type and functional facilities:

Objectives, principles and technique for the design of commercial building, Industrial
building, Recreational buildings, Institutional buildings, educational building, Health
care and Hospitals, Sports centers and terminal buildings and airports.

Structure & Form:

Modular system of design, Construction methods, Space frame, Membrane structure,
Folded Plates, Shell, High-rise Structure, Geodesic Dom and Cable Structure.

2. Environmental studies:
Elements of climate, microand macroclimate. Climate conscious design, green
architecture, day lighting, method of passive cooling in building, Ventilation and air
movement in building, Building Acoustics.
3. Landscape Design:
Elements of space organization, ecosystem, site development and environment design,
Site analysis, Site Planning, Plants and planding design, history of garden design, Public
Parks and Plaza, conservation, landscape as climate modifier.
4. Professional Practice:
Building construction rules, Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC), Professionals
ethics, Conditions of engagement and types of contacts.

Total Marks-200
1. Urbanization:
Concepts of urbanization and urban growth. The nature of urbanization in Bangladesh
and comparison with urbanization in the western world. The growth and development of
towns and cities in Bangladesh. Effects of urbanization on economic and social
development of a country.
2. Urban function:
Causes of origin and evolution of towns and cities. The important functions for which the
towns and cities, exist. The reasons in the variation of sizes of urban areas. The rural-
urban relationship. The sphere of influence of urban areas. The meaning of land use. The
major of land use components of urban areas; CBD, neighborhood unit, recreational
3. Urban Development:
Meaning of Development in urban planning. Necessity of development control in urban
areas. Methods of development control: Enabling legislation; Police power; Zoning;
building control regulation; Town Improvement Act. Paurashava ordinance. Urban
planning institution.

4. Urban Transportation and Housing:

Different pattern of urban road network system and their advantages and disadvantages.
Hierarchy of urban roads and the functions of different hierarchies. Cross-sectional
elements of roadways. National Housing Policy of Bangladesh and its objectives,
strategies and salient features.

1. Urban Form and Structure:
Theories on size, spacing and distribution of urban areas; Christaller Model. Spatial
structure of urban areas; Concentric Zone theory, Sector theory; Multiple Nuclei theory;
Utopian ideas of urban planning; Garden City of Sir Ebenezer Howard, Linear City of
Soria-Y-Mata, Vertical City of Le Corbusier, Neighborhood idea of Clarence Perry,
Radburn Layout of clarence Stein.
2. Methods and Techniques of Urban Planning and Management:
Urban Development Plan. Structure Plan. Master Plan. Detail Area Plan. Sites and
Services Program. Land Readjustment Technique. Upgrading of Low-income Settlements.
Urban conservation. Strategies for managing the growth of cities.
3. Urban and regional Economics:
Economic base of cities; the basic and non-basic concepts: Export activities and
Residentiary activities. Economic function of cities. Models of urban economic growth.
Spatial organization of regional economic activities. Regional economic growth models;
Place prosperity vs. people prosperity; economic development vs. regional growth;
dispersal vs. concentration; balance vs. imbalance; growth vs. welfare; polarisation and
trickle down effect.
4. Transportation and Site Planning:
Traffic generation in urban area; land use and transport interaction. Urban transportation
study; volume study, O-D survey, parking survey, inventory of physical infrastrucure.
Characteristics and role of different transport modes.Principle of site planning. Different
patterns of layout design. Principles of designing with cut-de-sacs. Principles of planning
pedestrian pathway system.
Total Marks-200

1. Definition of textile fibres, classification of fibres with examples.

2. Study of cellulosic fibres:
Cotton-cultivation and harvesting, growth, composition, physical and chemical structure
and properties, geographical distribution, ginning, grading and classification. End uses.
Bast fibrs-Cultivation and harvesting of different types of bast fibres with special
reference to jute, growth, composition, phyiscal and chemical structure and properties.
Retting, study of fibre ultimates, sorting, grading and classification.

3. Study of protein fibres:

Wool-Growth, composition, physical and chemical structure and properties.
Geographical distribution of main wool producing countries. Silk- Growth, composition,
physical and chemical structure and properties. Sericulture and methods of production.
Geographical distribution. End uses

4. Textile raw Materials:

Definition and classification of chemical fibres. Principles of different spinning systems.
Different fire structures and their effects on fibre porperties.

Present trends of chemical fibres production and their economic and social aspects.

5. Textile Technology:
Characteristics of fibre considered by a spinner. FLow-Chart for the production of carded
and combed yarns. Importance of mixing and blending.

Blow Room-Principles of opening and Cleaning, Study of blow room machines for
blending, opening, cleaning and control of regularity of mass per unit length. Extraction
and control of waste, settings for waste, Blow room libes for different purposes, sue of
suitable sequences.

Carding-Principles and objects of carding; detailed study of the revolving flat card; types
and care of wire, stripping and grinding, doffing mechanism. Extraction and control of
waste and dust. can coiling . Speeds, productions, settings, cleaning efficiency, control of
nep and fibre damage, vriation in sliver mass per unit length.

6. Fabric Manufacturing Technology:

Chronological development of looms. Loom drive and brakes. Different types of sheds.
Features of automatic looms. Weft replenishment, methods of weft patterning, warp
protector motion, Side & centre weft fork motion, Warp stop motions. Jacquard Weaving:
Classification of Jacquards. L.L.S.C., D.L.S.C. & D.L.D.C, open shed, centre shed fine pitch
and cros border jacquard shedding. Systems of harness mountion. Methods of increasing
the figuring capacity of Jacquard costing out. Card cutting and lacing. Jacquard

7. Yarn Manufacturing Technology:

Detailed study of projectile, Rapier, Jet and multiphase weaving machines.

8. Fabirc Manufacturing Technology:

Weaving Preparation , winding, warping, sizing, weaving mechanism. knitting.

TEXTILE Technology
1. Applied Chemistry:
Water and its importance in wet processing (hydrogen bonding, cluster formation, Heat of
evaporation, Dissolving ability), general concepts of soaps, classification of detergents,
Detergency (Mono molecular layer, micelle formation, Surface and interface tension,
wetting and dispersing).

a. Pretreatment and Bleaching:

Flow-chart of wet processing, chemistry of various impurities in fibres and their removals;
singing, desizing scouring of cotton, Jute, wool and silk fibres. Methods of bleaching of
cotton, Jute, wool and silk fibres.

c. Technology of Printing:
Flow-chart of Printing , Thickeners(types of thickeners rheology). Methods and styles of
printing; machineries used for printing; printing processes for different fibres with direct,
acid, basic and vat dyes.

d. Technology of dyeing:
Structure and application of sulphur, azoic, reactive and Disperse dyestuffs on different
fibres; stripping.(Assistants used in printing operations and their functions; Structure of
pigments, Pigment printing.)

e. Technology of finishing :
Definition and classification of finishing . Physical and Mechanical Finishing of Cotton.
Jute, wool and Silk fabrics. Shearing and Cropping different types of calendering,
measuring and cutting, making up of different jute goods. Hoop-length and dead weight
measurement calculations, raising, beetling, breaking, folding sanforising; chemical
finishing; mercerisation and parchmentisation, resin finishing, water repellency, flame

2. Applied Chemistry:
Water teatment (Estimation and Removal of Hardness). Different types of surface active
agents (Synthesis, Effects, Degradability); Chemistry, properties and uses of various acids,
alkalies salts, oxidizing agents and reducing Agents in Textile Wet Processing.
a. Dyeing:
Dye Aggregation; interaction of dyes and fibres. Mechanism of dyeing, dyeing
kinetics,(Diffusion, Pre Model, Free volume model). Thermodynamics of dyeing (Dyeing
Isotherms, Affinity/standard Chemical Potential difference).

b. Printing:
Special types of thickeners (Synthetic Polymers, Emulsion thickeners); Methods of screen
and roler preparation; detailed study on screen printing technology.

c. Finishing:
Softening agents-different types, applications. Special finishing treatments (rot-proofing,
mildew proofing, insect and bactericidal finishes, soil lease finishes).
3. Garment Technology:
Historical development of Garments Industry in Bangladesh and other countries of the
world. Garments terms and definitions.
Germs terms and definitions
Garments manufacturing sequence
General discussion on pattern making
Sample garments making
Sample garments making
Components of shirt, trouser & their types, Standard body measurement for Gents,
Standard body measurement for ladies, Principle of pattern making for shirt & trouser,
Pattern grading.
a. Sewing: Seam properties, types & usages; Stitch types, properties & usages; Principle of
lock stitch & chain stitch formation; Sewing machine feed mechanism. needles Sewing
thread, sewing problem and remedies, sewing machines, Work aids in sewing, simple
automatic machines.
Alternative methods of joining fabrics Welding, adhesives, Fusing, Moulding and their
b. Trimmings : Discussion on label and motifs, Chain, Buttons, lining, Hook & loop fastening,
shoulder pad, lace braid & elastic, performance of trimmings.
c. Pressing and Finishing : Objects, types, methods, & International care labelling codes.
d. Folding & Packing : Types, methods, equipments, symbol and marking.
4. Textile:
Introduction to Textile Testing, Importance of Textile Testing. Sampling methods for fibre.
a. Yarn Testing- Sampling methods, Zoning, stratified samples, Measurement of tensile
strength of yarn; single thread, skein or lea strength and ballistic test; comparison of
results, CRT, CRE and CRL machines and methods of loading.
Silver, roving and yarn irregularity; measurement by cutting and weighing methods,
thickness under compression, capacitance and other methods, length variance curves. Use
of spectrogram for analysis of periodic , random and drafting wave variation,
Measurement of imperfections. comparison of results with Uster statistics.
b. Measurement of yarn hairiness.
Fabric Testing : Fabric dimensions, measurement of length, width, thickness; ends and
picks per unit length in woven fabric; courses and wales per unit length in knitted fabric.
Crimp of yarn in woven and knitted fabric.
Methods of measurement for tensile, tearing, ballistic and bursting tests. Relationship of
fibre, yarn and fabric strength.
Measurement of tabric stiffness and its relation to handle and drape.
Measurement of air, water permeability/retention, water pressure; crease recovery.
Serviceability, wear and abrasion tests, pilling of fabrics. Flame retardant/flame resistance
Measurement of fastness to light, washing and rubbing. Estimation of damage to marerials
caused by physical & chemical treatements. viz. Singeing scouring, bleaching,
Determination of size and filling.
Carpet testing: carpet thickness, compression and durability, Identification of fibres.

Total Marks-200
Hides and Skins:
Histological structure and Chemical Composition, Marketing channel of hides and skins and
constraints at different stages. Supply Position in Bangladesh, Curing of Hides and Skins,
evaluation of different methods of curing, antemortem, post mortem and industrical defects of
Hides and Skins.

Wet processing:
Soaking, liming, deliming , bating, degreasing, tanning, neutralization, re-tanning, dyeing, fat-

Chrome Tanning:
Historical development, theories of Chrome tanning, Factors affecting Chrome tanning,
chrome tanning and its impact on environment, recycling, reduce and reuse of chrome liqours,
defects of chrome tanning, and their remedies, control in chrome tanning.

Other tanning Operation:

Aluminum and titanium tanning, Vegetable tanning, Synthetic Tanning, Aldehyde Tanning,
Oil-tanning, Resin and Polymeric tanning,

Neutralizing agents, degree of neutralization and their impact on dying, fat-liquoring and
finish leather.
History and development of dyes, Nomenclature and classification of dyes, structure of
natural and synthetic dyes, Azo dyes: Preparation, azo coupling and diazotization,
classification, stereoisomerism and tautomerism of azo dyes, reaction mechanism between azo
dyes and protein fibre, banned a mines in azo dyes, commercial azo dyes, and their
application. metal complex dyes-their chemistry mechanism, toxicity and application. Reactive
dye-their chemistry and application, selection of leather dyes, leather dyes in colour index.

Fat liquoring:
Objective, Selection of Fat liquors and oils, influencing factors of the fat liquoring operation,
Quality control during fat-liquor.

Mechanical Operations:
Fleshing, Samming, Setting out, Splitting, Shaving , Vacuum drying and Drumming.

Leather Drying:
Introduction, types of leather drying, theory of leather drying, principles of heat and mass
transfer, equilibrium moisture content, rate of drying, constant drying and falling rate periods,
factors affecting the drying of leather, defects of leather drying.

Environmental Impact and Pollution Control:

Pollution results during Pre-tanning, Tanning and Post-tanning stage, nature of effluent and
solid wastes, treatment of effluent, central effluent treatment plan(CETP), chrome recovery
plant. ISO 14000 and its application for leather industry.
Health Hazards and Safety:
Safety measurements during leather productions, chemicals handling, Banned amines and
their effect of health. Pentachlorophenol (PCP), Chromium(vi), and formaldehyde hazards,
social and international trade barrier due to health and safety requirements.


Leather Finishing:
Introduction, history of finishing, aim and purpose, Classification of Leather Finishing,
requirements of Leather finishes, dimensions of the finish as a protecting layer and
characteristics of the finish film, formulation of leather finishes, different layers in finish coat.

Mechanical Operation for Finishing:

Buffing, snuffing, de-dusting, flesh coating, staining/colour impression, ironing, glazing,
plating selection.

Theory of Leather Finishing:

Basic concept of coating, ground coating, season coating, top coating, preparation of leather
surface for finishing, coating, of leather , theory of adhesion, theory and mechanism of film
formation, gloss and gloss retention, plasticization of finish film, techniques of leather coating,
ironing and embossing during coating, evaluation and control of leather finishing.

Leather finishing materials:

Introduction, aqueous and non-aqueous finishing materials, different types of finishing
materials-protein, shellac, resin binder, liquid dyestuffs, pigment, plasticizer, preservatives,
wetting agents, dispersing agents, defoamers, plate release agents, penetrators, optical
brighteners, polishing agents, flow improver, cross-linking agents and hardeners, leveling
agents, filling agents, thickeners, matting agents, fluorescent agents, crackle lacquers, silicones,
modifiers, slip and fixing agents.

Definition, objects of pigmentation, properties of pigments classification, organic and
inorganic pigments, different forms of pigments power and pastes. Evaluation and control of
their brilliance, opacity, particle size, resistance to solvent heat and light and colour matching,
application of colour circle for colour matching, pigment dyeing-their advantages and

Polymeric materials and their chemistry and application:

Chemistry and application of acrylics, polyurethane and Cellulose derivatives. Solvents and
Formulation of Leather finishes:
Plain finishes, glazing finish, shellac finish , wax finish, pigment finishes, pigment finish of a
simple type, side leather finish for corrected leather, finish for glazes lining leather, suede
leather finishes, patent and wet look leather.

Physical tests:
Physical tests essential for leather, footwear and leather products manufacture, principles of
different physical tests such as tensile strength, present elongation at break, bursting strength,
tearing strength, flexing endurance test, vamp flexing, water vapour permeability test, air
permeability of leather, dynamic water proofness test, apparent and real densities, scuffing
and abrasive resistance, absorption of water, water penetration, resistance of cracking of grain
and crack index, perspiration resistance of leather, leather softness, fogging tendency of
Standards for leather testing:
International standards, national standards, testing of different leather chemicals, computer
use for quality control in the leather industries, selection of tests, description of different test
methods, quality requirement of upper leather, garment leathers, furniture leather, lining and
book-binding leather.
Quality control for different stages of leather:
Sorting and selection of hides and skins, unit operation of leather processing, their objects and
principles, techniques of controlling of chemical processes such as web-processing, tanning,
neutralization, dyeing and finishing , control of mechanical operation.
Total Marks-200
(a) Computer Programming:
Introduction to computer programming. Assembling language programming. Problem
solving techniques, algorithm specification and development. Programming style, testing
and debugging. Program design techniques: Structured and modular program design.
Programming languages and paradigms: classification. Programming in C: Data type,
statements, control structures, arrays, pointers, strings, functions, preprocessor directives,
structures, unions and bit-fields, files. Introduction to object oriented programming:
Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism, Mechanic Language Programming,
Template functions and classes multi-threads exceptions, Class and object. Introductory
programming with C++/JAVA.

(b) Digital System:

Number system: binary, octal, hexadecimal and BCD. Data representation. Logic gates and
Boolean algebra: Combinational circuits. Circuit design using logic gates. Circuit and
expression minimization: Karnaugh map and Quine-McCluskey. Basic flip-flops(FF),
Design of half and full adder. Basic counters and register. Basic decoders, encoders,
multiplexers and demultiplexers. ADC and DAC circuits. PLA design, Pulse mode and
fundamental mode logic, Pulse & switching units, Newtrivibrations , Digital LC: DTL, TTL,
III, CMOS MOS gates, Memory system, LED, LCD applications of Op-Amps. Cooparators.

(c) Discrete Mathematics:

Prepositional and predicate calculus: Basic concept. Theory of sets: set operations, algebra
of sets. Mathematical induction. Basic concept of relations and its representation. Functions
and its classification and pictorial representation. Graph theory and its application.
Elementray number system. Principles of counting. Reversion, generating, functions,
recurrence relation.

(d) Numerical Analysis:

Solving linear systems with Gaussian elimination and Gauss-Jordan elimination method.
Interpolation: Newtons formula, Lagranges formula. Numerical differentiations and
integrations: Trapezoidal, Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8 th rule. Romberg integration. Solutions
and Newton-Ralphsons method. Solution of ordering differential equation and least
square approximation of functions.

(e) Data Structures:

Arrays: Representation and operations. Sparse and dense matrices: Concept and operation.
Stacks and queues: Concept, structures and basic operations. Quick-sort and Polish
notation: Applications of stack. Recursion: Concept and applications. Linked lists:
Representation and various operations. Trees: Binary trees, traversing binary trees. Binary
search trees: Various opeations. Binary heaps: Heap sort. Huffmans algorithm. Graphs:
Representations and operations. Spanning trees, shortest path and topological sorting.
Internal sorting: Insertion sort, selection sort, merge-sort, radix sort, Basic hashing

(f) Microprocessor and Interfacing:

Microprocessor and microcomputers. Evolution of microprocessor. Architecture of a
general purpose microprocessor and its operation. Addressing modes. Common
instruction types: Basic assembly instruction set. Intel 8086 microprocessor: Internal
architecture, register structure, programming model, addressing modes and instruction
sets. Interrupts its classification and interrupt handling, Memory management in Intel
80x86 family: Real-mode memory management,segmentation and segmented to physical
address translation. Protected mode memory management: Segmentation and virtual
addressing, segment selectors and descruptors and tables. Intel 80386 and 80486 register
formats. Paged memory operation and TLB structure I/O port organization and accessing.
Interfacing the keyboard, printer and monitor. Structure and operation of certain chips as
8255A, 8253, 8272, 8259A, 8237. Bus interfaces and micro controllers.
(g) Computer Organization and Architecture:
Fundamentals of computer design. Processor and ALU design. Control design: Hardware
control and micro-programmed control. Caches Memory organization. Exceptions System
organization Bus and hazards I/O subsystem and I/O processor. Parallel processing:
Concept, pipeline processors. Interrupts systolic arrays and fault-tolerant computers.
(h) Compiler and theory of computation. Introduction to compiliary. basic issues, logical
analysis, hexical analysis, syntax analyses. semantic analysis, type cheeking, run-time
environments, code generation, code optimization and language theory.

(a) Algorithm:
Algorithm and complexity: Asymptotic notations. Basic algorithm techniques and analysis:
Divide and conquer, dynamic programming, greedy method, branch and bound, string
matching, computational geometric problems, graph algorithms, spanning trees, shortest
paths, max-flow problem, searching algorithms. Techniques for analysis of algorithms,
approximation algorithms, parallel algorithms.

(b) Operating System:

Introduction, evolution, goals and components of OS. Types of OS Process management:
Process states PCB, job and process scheduling. CPU scheduling algorithms, critical section
problems and solutions. Semaphores, Inter-process communication techniques. Deadlick
handling methods. Memory management techniques: Paging, segmentation and page
replacement policies. Secondary storage management: Disk scheduling algorithms. File
management: File system structure, organization, FCB, space allocation, tree structured file
system. Protection and security: classification and handling techniques.
(c) Database Management System:
Definition of DBMS, types of DBMS, its advantages and disadvantages, Data model: ER
model and relational model. Integrity constraints. Functional dependencies. Assertions and
triggers. File organization: Definition of various file organization, classification and
Representation. Indexing techniques: sparse and dense indexing. B+ tree indexing, hash
indexing. Relational database design: normalization , 2NF, 3NF and BCNF. Query
processing: Various notations, cost estimation of selection operation and join operation.
Transaction concept and concurrency control: Lock based protocol, deadlock handling.
SQL and application using SQL.

(d) Software Engineering:

Introduction, Software process. Project management. Requirements engineering processes.
System models: Context, data, behavioral and object models. Object oriented design
techniques. Real-time software design. System design with reuse. Critical system design
dependability, software maintenance, critical system specification and development
Verification and validation. Software testing. Software cost estimation: COCOMO model
Halstead formula, Graph: Cel analysis of complexity measures, software reliability and
availability, Quality assurance.

(e) Data Communication:

Introduction to OSI and TCP/IP protocol. Data transmission basics: analog and digital
data, spectrum and bandwidth. Transmission impairments. Data rate channel capacity.
Transmission media: Twisted pair, coaxial cable and optical fiber, wireless transmission.
Data encoding: NRZ. NRZI, Manchester and differential Manchester modulation
techniques-AM, FM, PM, Della modulation, compounding Equations, ASK, PSK, FSK.
QPSK. QAM sampling theorem, PCM. PPM. PAM. Data transmission: Synchronous and
asynchronous and asynchronous. NUll modem configuration. Data link control error and
flow control CRC and HDLC. Multiplexing : FDM, TDM, statistical TDM. Basic circuit
switching and packet switching techniques.

(f) Computer Netw ork and the Internet:

Protocol, fundamentals of control protocol,
Introduction and network types, LAN, MAN, WAN. Topologies : Star, switched, bus, ring.
Ethernet LAN standards. Internetworking : Network interconnection, bridges, routers. Network
layer protocols: IP, ARJP, ICMP, IP addresses. Unicast and multicast routing protocols. IPV6
congestion control, Transport layer protocol: TCP and UDP. Introduction to wireless LAN,
VSAT, analog and digital cellular system. Network security: Types of attack, encryption
techniques and digital signatures. ATM switches, ATM protocol; DNS, HTTP, Email.
(g) Artificial Intelligence :
Overview of AI. General concepts of knowledge. Introduction to PROLOG. Knowledge
representation. Intelligent agents. First order logic. Knowledge organization and manipulation :
Search strategies, matching techniques and game planning. Natural language processing ,
Probabilities reasoning, expert systems and computer vision, Knowledge acquisition: Learning
in symbolic and non-symbolic representation.
Total Marks-200
Marks - 100

1. Introduction to Statistics : Definition and scope, Scope of Statistics, Classification, Variables.

2. Presentation of Data : Charts or Diagrams, Types of diagrams.
3. Grouping Data: Frequency Distribution, General rules for forming frequency, Graphical
presentation of frequency distribution, Relative frequency distribution.
4. Measures of Central Tendency: The Arithmetic mean, the Median, The Mode, The Geometric
Mean. The Harmonic Mean, Finding Measures of Central tendency from Grouped data, Graphical
determination of Measures of Central tendency, Comparative discussion on measures of central
5. Measures of Dispersion : Dispersion or variation, Measures of dispersion from grouped data,
Interpretation of Standard deviation, Chebyshev rule, Normal rule, Relative dispersion: Co-
efficient of Variation.
6. Skewness and Kurtosis : Skewness, Kurtosis, Skewness and kurtosis from graphical displays,
Descriptive measures of skewness and kurtosis.
7. Regression and correlation : Simple regression and correlation. Least squares estimates of simple
linear regression, regression coefficient and correlation coefficient. Rank correlation, correlation
ratio and partial correlation. Multiple regression and Multiple correlation coefficient. Coefficient
of determination.
8. Demography : Crude birth and death rates, Fertility rate, Age specific and total fertility rates,
Population growth in Bangladesh, Migration, Nuptiality.
9. Index Number: Definition, Properties of index numbers, Significance of index numbers,
Classification of index numbers, Simple Index Number, Un weighted indices, Simple average of
price index, Simple Aggregate Index, Weighted Indices, Laspeyres index, Paasche method,
Fisher's Ideal Index, Weighted average of relatives.
10. Time Series Analysis : Components of a time series. Measurement of secular trend, seasonal
variations, cyclical variations and measurement of irregular variations.
11. Sampling : Statistical population and sample. Advantages and disadvantages of sampling over
census. Sample design. Probability and non-probability sampling. Simple random sampling,
stratified random sampling and systematic sampling. Cluster sampling, Sampling error and non-
sampling error. Determination of sample size.

Marks - 100

1. Concept of probability : Basic Definitions, Approaches of Defining probability, Basic properties of

probabilities, Notation and Graphical displays for events.
2. Rules of Probability : Special Addition rule, The complementation Rule, General Addition rule,
Bivariate data and Contingency table. Joint and marginal probabilities, Multiplication rules,
Conditional probabilities, Concept of Bayes' Theorem.
3. Random Variables and probability Distributions : Random variable, Discrete Probability
Distribution, Binomial Probability, Hypergeometric distribution, Poisson distribution, Normal
4. Sampling Distribution: Sampling distribution of the sample mean for a normally distributed variable,
The Central Limit Theorem (CLT), Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean, Sampling distribution of
the sample proportion, Sampling distribution of function of mean and proportion. Confidence interval,
Confidence interval of Population mean. Depermination of Sample size, Sampling for estimating
mean, Sampling for estimating proportion.
5. Basic Concepts of Hypothesis Testing : Null and Alternative hypothesis, simple and composite
hypotheses, Test statistic, acceptance and rejection regions, type I and type II errors, the significance
level, one tailed and two tailed tests, general procedure for test of hypothesis. Tests based on normal,
student's t,F, and X2 distribution. The Z- test for two population means. The pooled t-test for two
population means. The paired t-test for tw o population means.
6. Analysis of Variance : Concept of analysis of variance, treatment, response, extraneous variables,
One-Way Anova Model, Estimate of The Model Parameters, Hypothesis Testing In Anova. Two-Way
Anova, significance of Correlation and rank correlation coefficients. Multiple comparison test. Tw o-
way analysis of variance with and without interaction.
7. Experimental Designs: Basic principles of Experimental Design. Randomization, Replication and
Local control. The completely Randomized Design (CRD), Randomized Complete Block Design
(RCBD) and Latin square Design.

Total Marks-200
Marks -100

1. Physical Geology and Geomorphology:

Introduction to the science of Geology and historical development, the Earth and its position in space
and solar system; its origin ; interior of the Earth; the Earth materials and crystal processes. Evolution
of crystal features and fundamentals of plate tectonics. Theory of Isostasy, Diastrophism, Magmatism
and volcanism.

Earth's surface processes-Natural agents of sculpturing the Earth's surface(Running water, Glaciers,
wind) and their origin; alluvial processes and morphology; geo-morphological tools; methods of study
of geomorphic features; morphometric units of Bangladesh.

2. History of Geology :
Fundamental laws of historical geology; geological time and methods of measurements; geological
column; geological time scale; evolution of the Earth and origin of life; fossils; major physical
events and life forms and their evolution through geological time; glaciation; palaeomagnetism;
polar wandering; brief geological history of the Indian subcontinent.

3. Petrology and Mineralogy :

Introductory crystallography and different crystal forms. Study of the physical properties, and
classification of common rock forming minerals. Rocks and rock cycle, study of the mode of
occurence, texture, structure, composition and classification of Igneous, Metamorphic &
Sedimentary rock.
4. Structural Geology and Tectonics :
Deformation of the earth crust: structural features(fold, joint, fault and unconformity). Concept of
continental drift, Rise of theory of Plate tectonics, and Sea floor spreading. Tectonics and Structural
framework of Bangladesh. Causes, types, distributions and effects of earthquake & tsunami and

5. Rock Mechanics & Engineering Geology :

Stress analysis-theory, stress components, stress ellipsoid, relation of rupture to stress, Stain
analysis-theory, geological significance of strains, mechanics of deformation. Surface and
subsurface investigations, sampling and sampling methods. Engineering properties of soil
geological criteria for site selection.

6. Oceanography :
Distribution and origin of the ocean; ocean morphology-physical features of deep ocean floor
including the ridges, rises and trenches. Sea-floor spreading, major tectonic features and tectonic
history of the oceans. Bengal Deep Sea Fan and other bottom topographical features of the Bay of
Bengal. Mineral resources of the oceans.


1. Stratigraphy :
Principles of Stratigraphy, Stratigraphic Correlation; Stratigraphic outline of Bangladesh and
adjoining areas. Quaternary geology of the Bengal basin-physical framework and its landforms,
distribution of the Quaternary deposits.

2. Exploration methods:
Widely used methods in exploration like: Seismic method-Importance of seismic work, geometry
of seismic wave path, reflection and refraction field methods and equipment, elevation and
weathering correction of seismic data, velocity, depth and dip determination by reflection and
refraction data both for single layer and multi layer, interpretation of seismic sections. Gravity
method-introduction, earth's gravity field and its variations, reduction of gravity data, gravity
instruments, techniques and field survey, interpretation of gravity data. Electrical method-
elementary theory, effect of inhomogeneous ground, electrode configuration, field procedure,
interpretation of profiling and sounding data.

3. Petroleum Geology:
Chemistry of petroleum, formation of oil and gas; generation of hydrocarbon, organic matter in
sedimentary basins, diagenesis, catagenesis, kerogen composition and classification. Petroleum
migration and accumulation, primary and secondary migrationas and their mechanism. The traps
and their classification. The reservoir properties-porosity and permeability, diagenesis with
emphasis on clay mineral diagenesis, reservoir continuity and reserve estimation. World's major oil
provinces; a brief account of the petroleum geology of Bangladesh.
4. Hydrogeology:
Origin and occurrence of ground water, rock properties affecting ground water, subsurface
distribution of groundwater, geological formations as aquifers, types of aquifers. Ground water
movement , Darey's law, permeability, transmissibility, tracing of ground water movement,
ground water flow lines and contours. Ground water exploration, presentation and interpretation
of results; determination of aquifer characteristics pumping test. Water wells, well design and well
development. Ground water resources of Bangladesh : Problems and Prospects.
5. Mineral Resources:
Classification of economic mineral deposits; mode of occurrence, controls of ore localisation,
formation of ore mineral deposits by magmatic and metamorphic processes including magmatic
concertration , hydrothermal processes, contact metamorphism, metamorphic minerals,
submarine, exhalative and volcanogenic minerals; Mineral resources of Bangladesh -occurrence,
distribution, stratigraphic relationship, reserve and uses of gas & oil, coal, peat, limestone, glass
sand, white clay, placer deposits, hard rocks, building materials and metallic minerals.

Total Marks-200

1. Concepts and Connotations of commonly used Educational Terms:

- Education : Origin, meaning, concept. Continental and westerns definitions;
- Literacy and Education: Literacy and its conditions , literate and illiterate, education for all,
mass education, compulsory education, work experience vocational and technical education,
professional education.
- Basic Education: Concept, components-life skills, rights of Basic Education with regard to
declaration of Human Rights, Rights of the Child, Constitutional Provision, EFA and DFA.
- Informal, Non-formal and Formal Education: Connotation, concept, nature, scope, significance
of Non-formal Education, Continuing Education, Life-long Education.
2. Foundations of Education:
- Philosophical: Theme-based major philosophies-idealism, naturalism, pragmatism, materialism,
realism and existentialism.
- Sociological : Child-society and Education, Social bases of Education and Social functions of
- Psychological: Human psychology and Education, individual needs and Education, human
ability, personality and Education.

3. Organization and Management in Education:

- Concepts and significance of Education Organization, Management, Administration,
Monitoring, Inspection and Supervision;
- Principles and functions of organization, management, monitoring and supervision;
- Roles and Functions of Heads as Leaders;
- Management of Curricular Activates;
- Mobilization and Management of Funds and Resources.
4. Curriculum :
- Concept, nature, scope and significance;
- Curriculum and syllabus;
- Aim, objective and competency, domains of objective;
- Principles of Curriculum;
- Major components of Curriculum.

5. Roles of Education in Human Resource Development:

- Roles of Basic Education - literacy and life skils;
- Roles of Secondary Education;
- Roles of Higher Education;
- Roles of Vocational/Technical Education;
- Roles of Women's Education;
- Roles of Professional Education;
- Roles of Environmental Education;
- Roles of Non-formal Education;
- Education as a means for Poverty Reeducation: PRSP and Education.

1. Learner and Learning :
- Concepts of learner and learning ;
- Child and adolescent phsiological and psychological needs and characteristics of child and
- Piaget's and Bruner's theories of cognitive development;
- Insightful learning theories and their applications;
- Connectionism, classical conditioning, operant conditioning and Gestalt Theories and their
application in learning.
2. Learning Experience:
- Concepts effective learning experience;
- Changing roles of teacher as facilitator;
- Criteria of facilitating learning;
- Maxims of effective learning;
- Learning how to learn than what to learn;
- Child centric and joyful learning strategies;
- Activity based learning strategies;
- Reinforcement for effective learning;
- Effective communication in classroom;
- Classroom methods and techniques;
- Classroom management and learning environment.

3. Assessment of Achievement :
- Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation: concepts, nature, significance Test: classification,
characteristics, standardization, administration, scoring
- Analysis of test-results: use of descriptive statistics, interpretation.
4. Education in Bangladesh:
- Historical background
- Structure, organization and management;
- Constitutional provision and legal framew ork.
- Primary Education: structure, statistics, curriculum, development programs, major issues and
problems and their solutions
- Secondary Education: structure, statistics, curriculum, development programs, major issues and
problems and their solutions
- Higher Education: structure, statistics, curriculum, development programs, major issues and
problems and their solutions
- Language Education: nature, scope, limitation and shortcomings, possible solutions
- Social Science Education: nature, scope, limitation and shortcomings, possible solutions
- Mathematics, Science and Technology Education : nature, scope, limitation and shortcomings;
possible solutions;
- Technical, Vocational and Professional Education: programs, statistics , major issues and
problems and their solution.

5. Teacher Education and Research in Education:

- Primary Teacher Education : initial and in-service short programs, curriculum, modalities of
delivery, shortcomings and problems, possible solution
- Secondary Teacher-Education: initial and in-service short programs, curriculum, modalities of
delivery, shortcomings and problems, possible solution
- Provisions and Scope of Higher Degree in Education: Master's M.Phil and Ph.D
- Research in Education: Nature, scope, limitations and future directions.


Total Marks-200
Marks 100

Part 1. Dramatic Literature and History of Theatre: 30

a. Theatre of Ancient Greece;
b. Roman Theatre;
c. Classical Sanskrit Theatre;
d. Elizabethan Theatre;
e. French Neo-classic Theatre;
f. Western Theatre of the Nineteenth and the Twentieth Century;
g. Indigenous Theatre of Bengal/Bangladesh;
h. Colonial and post-colonial Theatre of Bengal/Bangladesh.

Part 2. Theory of Drama and Performance : 30

a. The Poetics by Aristotle;
b. The Natyashastra by Bharatmuni;
c. Neo-classic criticism;
d. Symbolism;
e. Expressionism;
f. Epic Theatre;
g. Theatre of the Absurd;
h. Postmodernism;
i. Indigenous Theatre of Bangladesh.
Part 3. Theater as Practice : 30
a. Theory of Acting (Konstantin Stanislavshy, Bertolt Brecht, Vsevolod Meyerhold and
Jerzy Grotoeski);
b. Principles of Play Direction;
c. The Elements and the Principles of Set Design;
d. Basic Concepts of Light Design;
e. The Elements and the Principles of Costume Design;
f. Concepts of Makeup.
Part 4. Applied Theatre : 10
a. Theatre for Development;
b. Theatre in Education;
c. Television Drama.
Part-II (Music)
Marks - 100

Part 1. History of Music (Theory): 25

(Ancient, Medieval & Modern Age)
a. Classical Music;
b. Bengali Music;
c. Folk Music;
d. Eastern & Western Music-a comparative study.
Part 2. Practical Oriented Theory (Music): 25
a. Bengali Folk songs: characteristics and varieties;
b. Classical Music : Dhrupad, Dhamar, Khayal, Thumri;
c. Definition of Talas and Ragas (According to Eastern system);
d. Rabindranath Tagor's Songs : Characteristics and varieties;
e. Kazi Nazrul Islam's songs: Characteristics and varieties.

Part 3 . Life and Works of Musicians: 25

a. Ustad Alauddin Khan, Ustad Fayaz Khan, Ameer Khasru, Mian Tansen, Baiju Baora, Ustad
Vismilla Khan, Ustad Amir Khan, Ustad Karamat Ullahi Khan, Ustad Enauet Khan, Pandit
Omkarnath, Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, Pondit Ravi Sankar.
b. Beethoven, Mozart, Sebastion Bach, Hayen, Richard Wagner, Robert Schuman, Franz Liszt,
Frederic Handel, Oscar Straus, Fraunz Schubert.

Part 4. Musicians of Bangladesh : 25

a. Ustad Munsi Raisuddin, Ustad Aeyet Ali Khan, Fuljhuri Khan, Ustad Fozlul Haque
Pandit Barin Majumder.
b. Abbasuddin Ahmad, Folk Poet Jasimuddin, Sahid Altaf Mahmood, Samar Das. Abdul
Ahad, Abdul Latif, Azad Rahman, Sekh Sadi Khan.
c. Baul Lalon, Radharamon, Hason Raja, Pagla Nanai, Pangu Shah, Jalaluddin, Ukil Musshi,
Bioy Sarkar.
d. Mass Media & Stage Performance.
e. Modern Lyricist of Bengali Music: Abu Hena Mustafa Kamal, Dr. Maniruzzaman, Sabir
Ahmed Choudhury, Nazrul Islam Babu, Abu Bakar, Rafiduzzaman, Fazal-E-Khoda.

Total Marks-200
Marks - 100

1. Definition of Archaeology as an Interdisciplinary Approach.

2. Nature of Archaeological Data.
3. Relation of Archaeology with other Disciplines; Multidisciplinary vs. Interdisciplinary.
4. Dating Methods in Archaeology.
5. Some Basic concepts (i) Artifacts; (ii) Typology,(iii) Industry; (iv) Ecology; (v) Society; (vi)
6. The Origin and Growth of Archaeology in World Context.
7. Indigenous (Sub-continent) Conceptions of the Study of the Past.
8. Early (Pre-1981) Western Perceptions of the India's Past.
9. The Establishment of Asiatic Society of Bengal and Archaeology.
10. Alexander Cunningham's Surveys and the work of his contemporaries and successors.
11. John Marshal and His Successor's Period (1902-1944).
12. Sir Mortimer Wheefer and the Scientific Archaeology in the Sub-continent.
13. Present Structure of Archaeology in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
14. Archaeology of Bangladesh from the Beginning till Date:-
(I) Differential levels of culture/development in space and time and the persistence of
ancient modes of life into the present.
(II) Roots and migration of ancient peoples of Bengal.
(III) Origin and migration of Society and Religion in the Sub-continent.
(IV) Important social institutions:- Family, Kinship, Caste, Tribe, Totem, Magic, Religion.
(V) Early important archaeological sites of Bangladesh:-
(i) Mahasthangarh;
(ii) Mainamoti;
(iii) Paharpur.

Marks - 100

1. Archaeology and Fieldwork and the Basic Units Archaeology.

The Goals and the Framew ork of Archaeological Inquiry. What is field archaeology. Theoretical
Archaeology vs. Field Archaeology: Meaningless Opposition. Theoretical basis of archaeological
Fieldworks; Culture, Historical, Processual and Post-processual theoretical paradigms in
Archaeological Fieldwork. Archaeological Fieldwork Management in the sociocultural context
of Bangladesh.
Basic Units: Artifacts and Ecofacts: Definition, Classification and interpretation. Importance of
Artifacts and Ecofacts in archaeological interpretation.

Stratigraphy: Law of Superposition. Law of Uniformatarianism. Law of sequence. Strata and

Stratification: Identification, Stratigraphy, Interpretation. Significance of Stratigraphy in the
reconstruction of chronology and culture.
Archaeological sites : Kinds of archaeological sites and their formation process.
Settlement Pattern : Definition, Determining factors of a settlement pattern.
Context : Definition, Space, Time, Form, Function, Structure and Content as dimensions of
Culture : Culture Historical view, Functional view and Interpretive view of Archaeology
2. Surface Exploration and Discovery: Methods, Equipment and Record. Objectives. Importance of
having objectives in exploration. Survey of Pre-historic, Proto-historic and Historical Sites. A
General Survey. Survey for a Specific Problem.
3. Methods of Sites Survey. Library and other types of pre-survey research. Ground Survey. Aerial
Survey. Map Reading, Geophysical Prospecting. Chemical Survey, Physical Features Rocks and
Minerals. Soil Sampling, Ethnological Data Collection. Legends and Folktales. Methods of Data
Retrieval. Methods of Recording. Site Survey Data. Staff. Exploration Kit.

4. Excavation: Principles and Methods. Problems and Strategy. Permission, Funding and Law with
special reference to Bangladesh. Mapping. The Processes, Methods and Types of Excavation.
Recurrent Types of Context and their excavation. Excavation of Structures. Excavation of Sites
without Features. Excavation Staff, Equipments and Logistics. Planning and Management of
Excavation. Field Preservation. Responsibility and Qualifications of an Excavation Team.
Importance and Methods of Recording in Excavation. Recording of pottery and Small Finds.
Artifacts and Ecofacts: Their Recovery and Treatment.
5. Post Fieldwork Planning, Processing and Finds Analysis and Dating:
Post-Fieldwork Planning. Finds Analysis. Pottery Analysis, Stone, Metal and Organic Artifacts
Analysis, Bones, Seeds and Other Plants Remains Analysis. Soil and Sediments Analysis. Pollen,
Land Snail and other Environmental Sample Analysis.
Dating, Absolute and Relative Dating Techniques. Radio Carbon Dating. Thermoluminiscence
Dating, Archaeomagnetism. Dendrochronology, Stratigraphic Dating, Cross Dating. Flourine-
Uranium-Nitrogen Dating.
6. Interpreting the Evidence : What is Interpretation? Levels of Interpretation. Interpreting Site's
Environment. Interpreting the Household Activity Areas, Community Activity Areas.
Interpretation of How People Lived.
7. Prehistoric tools, techniques and uses.
8. Human achievements during Paleolithic and Neolithic periods.
9. Urban Revolution and Criteria of Civilization.
10. Egyption Civilization, Mesopotamian Civilization and Indus-Civilization.
11. Second Urbanization: Various Resource and sequences.
12. Paleontology: Its history and development from classical stage to the present.
13. Meaning of Epigraphy, types, nature and importance of Epigraphy and Numismatics in the
Context of Archaeology of South Asia, especially Bengal.
14. Social, economic, religious and cultural aspects as reflected in ancient and early medieval Indian
15. Geographical Information System (GIS) and its implications in archaeology.
16. Archaeology and Fieldwork and the Basic Units Archaeology.
The Goals and the Framework of Archaeological Inquiry . What is field archaeology?
Theoretical Archaeology vs. Field Archaeology: Meaningless Opposition. Theoretical basis of
archaeological Fieldworks; Culture, Historical, Processual and Post-processual theoretical
paradigms in Archaeological Fieldwork. Archaeological Fieldwork Management in the
sociocultural context of Bangladesh.
17. Definition of terms: Preservation, Conservation, Restoration, Artifacts, Cultural Property,
Archaeology and archaeonetry.
(a) Ethics and principle of conservation purpose of conservation.
(b) Conservation of organic objects, building materials and other archaeological materials.

18. Definition, scope and limitation of Ethnoarchaelogical research. Role of Ethnographic evidence
in the interpretation of archaeologica record and reconstruction of past societies and culture.


Total Marks-200
Total Marks-100
Fluid properties, fluid flow concepts and basic equations, similitude and dimensional 50
analysis, laminar and turbulent flow, pipe flow and problem.
Open channel flow and classification, energy equations, critical flow concepts, uniform
flow, hydraulic jump.
Flood management, its causes and economic aspects of floods, Principles and design of river
training and hydraulic structures such as dams, barrages, cross-drainage works, revetments and
guide banks, coasts and coastal features, ports and harbours, coastal sedimentation process, shore
protection works and dredging.

Structure 20
Analysis of beams, truss, Influence lines for beams, truss, Deflection of beams. Statically
indeterminate structure, beams, trusses.

Geotechnical 15
Soil exploration, properties of soil, bearing pressure, settlement of structure.

Environment 15
Water supply. Theory of water treatment, sewage treatment and disposal.


Total Marks-100

Hydrologic cycle, precipitation, stream flow. runoff relations, hydrographs, routing and 50
statistical methods.

Integrated water resources management. O&M of water resources projects, principles

of project management, contracts and pacifications, quality control cost accounting
system, report preparation and project evaluation; Groundwater and well hydraulics,
environmental aspects in water resources; waterways systems, measures of
improving waterways, navigational aids, waterways of Bangladesh.

Structure 30
Design and analysis of RCC beams, one way to way slab, column design, introduction
to Pestered Concrete.

Geotechnical 20
Design of foundation, retaining wall, sea wall. Deep excavation. Introduction of transportation

Total Marks-200
Course Outline:
Introduction to mining: Elements of mining, development of mining technology, stages in the Life
of a Mine, Unit operation of mining, consequences of mining, governments influence and
regulation; Stages of mining: prospecting, development, exploration etc, calculation of ore reserve
estimate; Unit Operation of mining: fundamental operation and cycles, drilling, blasting, loading
and excavation, explosives: different mining methods and their scope: surface mining,
underground mining, other methods; Selection of mining method.

Course Outline:
Fundamentals of Mineral Processing; characterization of Particles; Analysis of Separation
processes; fluid Dynamics; Mechanisms and Processes of Particulate Separations;
Mechanisms of Fracture; Crushing and Grinding; Surfaces and Interfaces; Flotation and
other Surface Separations; Ore Sorting; Magnetic Separation; Electrostatic Separation;
Screening and Sieving; Classification, Gravity & Dense Medium Separation, Sedimentation,

Total Marks-200

Electrical Circuits :
Circuit variables and elements : Voltage, current, power, energy, independent and
dependent sources, resistance. Basic laws: Ohm's law, Kirchoff's current and voltage laws.
Simple resistive circuits: Series and parallel circuits, voltage and current division, way-
delta transformation. Techniques of circuit analysis. Nodal and mesh analysis, Network
theorems : Sources transformation. Thevenin's Norton's and superposition theorems.
Energy storage elements: Inductors and capacitors, series parallel combination of inductors
and capacitors. Responses of RL and RC circuits: Natural and step responses.

Instantaneous current, voltage, power, effective current and voltage, average power,
phasors and complex quantities, impedance, real and reactive power, power factor.
Analysis of single phase a c circuits : Series and parallel RL, RC and RLC Circuits, nodal
and mesh analysis, application of network theorems in a c circuits, circuits with non-
sinusoidal excitations. Passive filter. Resonance in a c circuits: Series and parallel resonance.
Magnetically coupled circuits. Power calculation.

Electronic Circuits :
P-N junction as a circuit element : Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, operational
principle of p-n junction diode, contact potential, current-voltage characteristics of a diode,
simplified dc and ac diode models, dynamic resistance and capacitance. Diode circuits: half
wave and full wave rectifiers, rectifiers with filter capacitor, characteristics of a zener diode,
zener shunt regulator, clamping and clipping circuits. Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) as a
circuit element; Bipolar junction transistor; current components. BJT characteristics and
regions of operation, BJT as a switch. Single stage mid-band frequency BJT amplifier
circuits; Voltage and current gain, input and output impedance of a common base,
common emitter and common collector amplifier circuits. Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-
effect-transistor (MOSFET) as circuit element; structure and physical operation of an
enhancement MOSFET, threshold voltage, Body effect, current voltage characteristics of
and enhancement MOSFET, biasing discrete and integrated MOS amplifier circuit, single-
stage MOS amplifier, MOSFET as a switch, CMOS inverter. Junction field-effect transistor
(JEFT): Structure and physical operation of JEFT, transistor characteristics, pinch-off
voltage. Differential and multistage amplifiers; Description of differential amplifiers, small-
signal operation, differential and common mode gains, RC coupled mid-band frequency

Frequency response of amplifiers: Poles, zeros and Bode plots, amplifier transfer function,
techniques of determining 3 dB frequencies of amplifier circuits, frequency response of
single-stage and cascode amplifiers, frequency response of differential amplifiers.
Operatinal amplifers (Op-Amp): Properties of ideal Op-Amps, non-inverting and inverting
amplifiers, inverting intergrators, differentiator, weighted summer and other applications
of Op-Amp circuits, effects of finite open loop gain and bandwidth on circuit perfomance
logic signal operation of Op-Amp, de imperfections. General purpose Op-Amp; DC
analysis, small-signal analysis of different stages, gain and frequency response of 741 Op-
Amp. Negative feedback: properties, basic topologies, feedback amplifiers with different
topologies, stabitlity, frequency compersation. Active filters; Differnet types of filters and
specifications, transfer functions, realization of first and second order low, high and band
pass filters using Op-Amp. Signal generators: Basic principle of sinusoidal oscillation, Op-
Amp RC oscillators, LC and crystal oscillators. Power Amplifiers; Classification of output
stages, class A.B. and AB output stages.

Electromagnetic :
Static electric field: Postulates of electrostatic, Coulomb's law for discrete and continuously
distributed charges, Gauss's law and its application , electric potential due to charge
distribution, conductors and dielectrics inn static electric field density-boundary
conditions; capacitance electrostatic energy and forces, energy in terms of field equations,
capacitance calculation of different geometries, boundary value problems Poisson's and
Laplace's equations in different co-ordinate systems. Steady electric current, Ohm's law,
continuity equation. Joule's law, resistance calculation. Static magnetic field, Postulates of
magnetostatics, Biot-Savart's law, Ampere's law and application, Vector magnetic potential,
magnetic dipole, magnetization, magnetic field intensity and relative permeability,
boundary conditions for magnetic field, magnetic energy, magnetic forces, torque and
inductance of different geometries. Time varying field and Max well's equations; Faraday's
law of electromagnetic induction, Maxwell's equations differntial and integral forms,
boundary conditions, potential functions; time harmonic fields and Poyntng theorm. Plane
electromagnetic wave; place wave in loss less media - Doppler effect, transverse
electromagnetic wave, polarization of plane wave, plane wave in losssy media-low-loss
dielectrics, good conductors, group velocity, instantaneous and average power densities,
normal and oblique incidence of plane waves at plane boundaries for different

Digital Electronics :

Introduction to number systems and codes. Analysis and synthesis of digital logic circuits:
Basic logic functions, Boolean algebra, combinational logic design, minimization of
combinational logic. Implementation of basic static logic gets in CMOS and BICMOS: DC
characteristics, noise margin and power dissipation, Power optimization of basic gates and
combinational logic circuits. Modular combinational circuit design: pass transistor, pass
gates, multiplexer and their implementation in CMOS, decoder, encoder, comparators,
binary arithmetic elements and ALU design. Programmable logic devices; logic arrays,
field programmable logic arrays and programmable read only memory. Sequential circuits:
different types of latches, flip-flops and their design using ASM approach timing analysis
and power optimization of sequential circuits. Modular sequential logic circuit design: shift
registers, counters and their applications.

Electrical Properties of Materials :

Crystal structures: Types of crystals, lattice and basic, Bravais lattice and Miller indices.
Classical theory of electrical and thermal condition: Seattcring, mobility and resistively,
temperature dependence of metal resistively, Mathiessen's rule, Hall effect and thermal
conductivity. Introduction to quantum mechanics; Wave nature of electrons, Schrodinger's
equation, one dimensional quantum problems infinite quantum well, potential step and
potential barrier, Heisenbergs's uncertainty principle and quantum box. Band theory of
solids; Band theory from molecular orbital, Bloch theorem, Kronig-Penny model, effective
mass, density-of-states. Carrier statistics, Maxwell-Bolzmannand Fermi-Dirac distributions,
Fermi energy. Modern theory of metals: Determination of Fermi energy and average
energy of electrons, classical and quantum mechanical calculation of specific heat.
Dielectric properties of materials, Dielectric constant, polarization electronic, ionic and
orientational, internal field, Clausius-Mosotti equation, spontaneous polarization,
frequency dependence of dielectric constant, dielectric loss and piezoelectricity. Magnetic
properties of materials; Magnetic moment, magnetization and relative permitivity,
different types of materials, origin of ferromagnetism and magnetic domains. Introduction
to superconductivity; Zero resistance and Meissner effect, Type I and Type II
superconductors and critical current density.

Communication Theory :
Overview of communication systems: Basic principles, fundamental elements, system
limitations, message source, bandwidth requirements, transmission media types,
bandwidth and transmission capacity. Noise: characteristics of various types of noise and
signal to noise ratio. Information theory: Measure of information, source encoding, error
free communication over a noisy channel, channel capacity of a continuous system and
channel capacity of discrete memory less system. Communication systems, Analog and
digital, Continuous wave modulation, Transmission types-base band transmission, carrier
transmission, amplitude modulation introduction, double side band, single side band,
vestigial side band, Quadrature: spectral analysis of each type, envelope and synchronous
detection, angle modulation instantaneous frequency, frequency modulation (FM) and
phase modulation (PM). spectral analysis, demodulation of FM and PM. Pulse modulation:
Sampling: sampling theorem, Nyquist cirterion, aliasing, instantaneous and natural
sampling, pulse amplitude modulation-principle, bandwidth reuirements; pulse code
modulation (PCM)-quantization principle, quantization noise, non-uniform quantization,
signal to quantization error ratio, differential PCM, demodulation of PCM; delta
modulation (DM)-principle, adaptive DM, line coding-formats and bandwidths, digital

Amplitude-shift keying-principle, on-off keying, bandwidth requirements, detection, noise

performance, phase-shift keying (PSK)-principle, bandwidth requirements, detection,
differential PSK. quadrature PSK, noise performance, frequency shift Keying (FSK)-
principle, continuous and discontinuous phase, FSK, minimum-shift keying, bandwidth
requirements, detection of FSK. Multiplexing: Time-division multiplexing (TDM)-
principle, receiver synchronization, frame synchronization, TDM of multiple bit rate
systems; frequency division multiplexing principle, de-multiplexing; wavelength-division
multiplexing, multiple-access network-time-division multiple-access, frequency-division
multiple-access; code-division multiple-access (CDMA)- spread spectrum multiplexing,
coding techniques and constraints of CDMA. Communication system design: Design
parameters, channel selection criteria and performance simulation.

Microprocessor and Interfacing

Introduction to microprocessors. Intel 8086 microprocessor, Architecture, addressing
modes, instruction sets, assembly language programming, system design and interrupt.
Interfacing: programmable peripheral interface, programmable timer, serial
communication interface; programmable interrupt controller, direct memory access,
keyboard and display interface, introduction to micro-controllers.
Total Marks-200
Total Marks-100
Group-A: Marks-50
(a) Concept and different theories of law : Imperative theory: Law according to Historical
School; Law According to Sociological School - Functional theory of law.

(b) Sources of Law :

(i) Sources according to modern jurisprudence, Legislation, precedent and custom.
(ii) Sources according to Islamic Legal System_ Quran, Sunnah Ijma, Qiyas and Ijtehad.
(iii) Sources according to Hindu Legal System-Smriti, Stuti, Custom and Legislation.

(c) Kinds of Law :

(i) International law or law Nations-Concept, sources, nature, relationship with
Municipal law.
(ii) Civil law or of the state nature and definition of law, law and equity, General Law
and Special Law, Common law and Constitutional Law.
(d) Rights, Ownership and Possession.

Group-B: Marks-50

(a) Constitution and state organs under the Constitution - Supremacy and other features of
the Constitution, Principles of state policy. Fundamental rights and their enforcement,
Amendment of the Constitution.

(b) The Executive : The president, Council of Ministers; Legislative powers of the President.

(c) The Legislature : Jatiya Sangsad, Composition, powers and functions- Powers to control
the executive.

(d) The Judiciary :

(i) The Supreme Court - High Court and Appellate Division, Composition,
original, Appellate, Revisional, Advisory and with Jurisdictions.
(ii) Sub-ordinate Courts Structure and jurisdiction of Civil and Criminal Courts.
Inherent powers of the Courts Injunction.

Civil Procedure Code
1. Introduction : Procedural lawSubstantive lawHistory of CodeCommencement of
CodeExtent and applicability of CodeObject & Scope.
2. Definition : 1. General
2. Important Definitions
Decree : meaning essential elementsClasses of decreesRejection of
Plant, Decree and Order-Decree and Judgment.
3. Judge
4. Judgment : Meaning, Decree and Judgment, Distinctions.
5. Order : Meaning Decree and order distinction.
6. Decree-holder
7. Judgment debtor
8. Legal Representative
9. Mesne profit
10. Affidavit
11. Appeal
12. Cause of Action
13. Defendant
14. Plaintiff
15. Issue
16. Jurisdiction
17. Plaint
18. Set off
19. Summons
20. Written Shelter

Suits :
1. Suits of Civil nature
2. Jurisdiction of Civil :
1. General
2. Meaning of jurisdiction
3. Kinds of jurisdiction
4. Lack of jurisdiction, objection as to jurisdiction
3. Res Sub- judice :
1. Res sub-judice : Stay of suits
2. Section 10
3. Object
4. Conditions
5. Res sub-judice and res-judicata.
4. Res-judicata :
1. Section II
2. Object
3. Conditions
4. Res-judicata between co-plaintiff and res-jucicata between co-
5. Matter directly and substantially in issue
6. Matter collaterally or incidentally in issue
7. Constructive res-jidicata
8. Res-judicata Estoppel
5. Place of Suing :
1. Rules as to forum
2. Rules as to pecuniary jurisdiction
3. Objection as to jurisdiction
6. Institution of suit :
1. Presentation of plaint
2. Time and place of presentation
3. Parties to suit joinder of parties-joinder of plaintiff and defendants
necessary and proper parties non-joinder or mis-joinder of parties
and its effect.
7. Pleading :
1. Generalrules of pleading
2. Plaintgeneral rules of plaint. Particulars Return of plant rejection
of plaint. Effect of rejection of plant.
3. Written statementgeneral meaning of written statement, in
4. Set-off meaning conditionslegal and equitable set-off counter
5. Issue and service of summongeneral rules, modes of service
summon, contents of summon. Exception from appearance.
8. Discovery Inspection and Production of documents
1. Discovery and InspectionDiscovery by interrogatoriesDiscovery
of documents. General rules of Discovery and inspection.
2. Admissionkinds of admission, judgment of admission
3. Affidavit, Evidence of Affidavit.

9. Appearance and Non-Appearance of Parties :

1. Appearance of Parties.
2. Whether neither party appears
3. Where only plaintiff appears
4. where duly defendants appears
5. Remedies in case of ex-parte decree
10.First Hearing
1. Framing of Issues
2. Kind of Issues
3. Importance of Issues
4. Country power of duty as to issues
5. Materials for framing issues
6. Disposal of suits.
11. Inter in Order
a. Commissions
1. Power of commit to issue commission
2. Purpose
3. Power
4. Expenses
b. Arrest before judgment
1. Object
2. Grounds
3. Principles
4. Security
5. Arrest before judgment under allowed
6. Arrest on insufficient grounds
c. Attachment before judgment
1. Object
2. Grounds
3. Mode of attachment
4. Exception
d. Temporary Injunction
1. Definition
2. Object
3. Types
4. Grounds
5. Principles
6. Description
7. Interlocutory order
1. ReceiverDefinitionAppointPower dutiesliabilities
2. Security for costsapplicabilityobjectfailure to furnish security.

12. Withdrawal and Compromise of Suits :

1. Withdrawal without leave of court;
2. Withdrawal with leave of court;
3. Compromise of suits;
4. Compromise by minor's Decree;
5. Compromise by pleader;
6. Representative suit;
7. Compromise Decree and res-judicata;
8. Execution of Compromise Decree.

13. Death, Marriage and Insolvency of Parties :

1. Death of Party Consequences;
2. Marriage of party Consequences;
3. Insolvency Consequences;
4. Insolvency of Plaintiff;
5. Insolvency of defendant.

14. Trial :
1. Summons and attendance of witnesses;
2. Adjournment;
3. Heavy of suit-Right to being recording of evidence.

15. Judgment and Decree :

1. Judgment-definition-Essentials;
2. pronouncement-contents-attention

16. Suits in Particular Cases :

(a) Suits by or against government or Public officer;
(b) Suits by or against aliens and foreign rulers;
(c) Suits by or against soldiers, sailors, airmen;
(d) Suits by or against Corporation;
(e) Suits by or against firms;
(f) Suits by or against trustees, executors & administrators;
(g) Suits by or against minors and lunacies;
(h) Suits by or against indigent persons;
(i) Suits relation to mortgages;
(j) Inter-pleader suit;
(k) Suits relating to public nuisance;
(l) Suits relating to public characters.
17. Appeal, Reference, Review and Revision.

18. Execution :
1. Modes of Execution;
2. Stay of Execution;
3. Arrest and Detection;
4. Attachment of Property;
5. Sale and Delivery of Property;
6. Distribution of Assets.

19. Miscellaneous :
1. Transfer of Causes;
2. Restitution;
3. Caveat;
4. Inherent Powers of Court.

Limitation Act
Objects, Interpretation and application of statutes of Limitation -Limitation of suits, Appeals and
ApplicationComputation of period of LimitationExtension and Exemption of period of Limitation
Suspension of Limitation Waiver of Limitation -Effect of Fraud and Acknowledgement of Limitation
Adverse possession Acquisition of easement rightsLimitation in suit for recovery of Land.

The Code of Criminal Procedure

Evolution of Criminal judicial System in Bangladesh;
Constitution, Jurisdiction & Powers of Criminal Courts;
Summons and Warrants;
Arrest Bail & Bail Bonds;
Prevention offences Security for keeping good behaviours & peace;
Unlawful Assembly;
Public Nuisances & Temporary orders in urgent cases of Nuisance or apprehended dangers;
Disputes as to Immovable Property;
Preventive Action of the Police;
Police Investigation and Inquiry;
The mode of taking evidence in trials;
Complaints to Magistrates, Charge, Summary Trials, Trial of Summons and Sessions Cases,
Judgment, Acquittal, Conviction, Appeal, Reference & Revision;
Submission of sentences for confirmation;
Provision as to Execution;
Provision as Lunatics;
Disposal of Property;
Proceedings in cases of certain offences affecting the Administration of Justice;
Transfer of Criminal Cases;
Suspensions, Remissions & Commutations of Sentences;
Irregular Proceedings;
Public Prosecutor;
Inherent Power of the Court;
Penal Code
Definition of Crime.
Essential elements of Crimes.
General exceptions from Cr.liabilities.
Right of Private Defense.
Offence against public tranquility.
Criminal conspiracy and Sedition.

Offences by or relating to Election

False evidence.
Offences relating to coin & Govt. Stamps.
Offences by public Servants.
Contempt's of Courts.
Public Nuisance.
Offences relating to religion.
Offences relating to human body.

Culpable Homicide, Murder, Hurts, Wrongful Confinement, Wrongful Restraint, Criminal Force.
Assault. Kidnapping, Abduction, Rape unnatural office.
Offences against property.

Theft. Extortion, Robbery, Dacoity, Cheating, Criminal Misappropriation of Property, Criminal Breach
of Trust.
Trespass: Criminal trespass, House-trespass, House breaking.
Forgery & Falsification Accounts.
Offences Relating to Marriage.
Criminal Intimidation, Insult and Annoyance.
Attempts of offences.

Law of Evidence
Evidence Act

A. Law of Evidence
1. Function of the Law of Evidence.
2. Preliminary : Short Title-extent and commencement of the Act. Definitions.
3. Scheme of Evidence Act.
Relevancy of factsMode of proofProduction and effect of Evidence.
Improper Admission or Rejection of evidence.

Relevancy of facts
Facts in issue and Relevant facts. Facts connected with the facts to be provided. Statement about the
facts to be proved. Decision about the facts to be proved. Opinions of the facts to be proved. Character
of the persons who are concerned with the facts to be proved.

Mode of Proof
Judicial notice. Facts admitted. Proof of facts other than contents of documents. Proof of documents
including proof of execution of documents and proof of existence.

Production and effect of evidence

Burden of Proof. Presumptions, competence of the witness. Privilege, Examination of witnesses.
Impeachment or confirmation of the credit of the witness. Power of the court in relation to examination

Improper Admission or rejection of evidence

Specific Relief Act

Equitable remedies, Rules regarding Possession of Immovable and Movable Properties, Specific
performance, Declaratory suit, Receiver, Injunction.

Company Law

Company : Definition and Nature

Nature of Company Law
company Law as applied in Bangladesh
Types of Companies
Formation of Company
Memorandum and Articles of Association

Management of Company: Directors, Managing Director, Manager and Managing Agent Raising
and Maintenance of Capital; Share, Debenture and Dividends.
Members and Shareholders
Meetings and Resolutions
Accounts and Audits
Winding up

Commercial Law

The Sale of Goods : Formation of the Contract Subjectmatter of the ContractCondition and
WarrantiesTransfer of Property between Seller and Buyer-Islamic Principle in this matter
Performance of the ContractRights of Unpaid SellerSuit for Breach of the Contract.

Partnership : Definition and NatureDistinction between Partnership Firm and Company

Islamic Principles in these matersHistory of Partnership Law in Bangladesh.

Partnership Relations: Relations between the PartnersRelation between the Partners and
Third PartiesInclusion and Exclusion of Partners, Registration of a FirmDissolution of a
FirmConsequence of Dissolution of a FirmIslamic Regulations.

Carriage of Goods : Contract of Carriage -Classification of Carriers-Railways as Carriers-

Carriage of Goods by Sea-Charter-Party-Bill of Lading-Carriage by Air.

Insurance : Nature of the Contract of InsuranceFundamental PrinciplesPremiumPolicy

ReinsuranceDouble InsuranceMarine Insurance: The PolicyWarrantiesthe VoyagePerils
LossesParticular average, General averageTermination of-Risk-Fire InsuranceLife
Insurance. Islamic Principle in the matter.

Law of Insolvency: Principles and objects of Insolvency legislation. Insolvency Court:

Functions and jurisdiction.

Negotiable Instruments : Promissory Notes Bill of ExchangeCheques Holder in due

CourseNegotiationEndorsementsDefective TitleLiability of PartiesDischarge.

Law of Arbitration : Defining Arbitration-Submission and modes of submission. Appointment

and removal of arbitrators. The Award, Power of the Court in respect of the award.

Land Laws of Bangladesh

Evolution of TenancyFrom ancient period to the passing of the State Acquisition and
Tenancy Act. 1950.
State Acquisition Act. 1950
Special provisions for the acquisition of the interests of certain rent-receivers.
Special provisions regarding lands on lieu of service Preparation of records-of-rights.
Assessment of compensation and acquisition of interest of rent-receivers and of certain other
Special provisions for preparation of compensation Assessment rollers in respect of properties
required under chapter-II
Authorities for preparation of compensation Assessment rolls.

Revision of the compensation Assessment roll and the decision with regard to compensation.

Payment of compensation.
Provisions relating to arrears of reverate, rent and assess.
Special provisions relating to arrears of rent provision relating to indebted rent-receivers.
Application of Parts V and class of agricultural tenants Incidents of holdings of raiyats and
transfer, purchase and acquisition of lands.
Provisions as to enhancement and reduction of rent.
Amalgamation, sub-division and consolidation of holdings.
Provisions as to rent and realization of rent maintenance and revision of the record of rights.
Jurisdiction, Appeal, Revision, Review.
Land Reforms Ordinance, 1984.

Non-Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1949

Non-Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1949

Classes of non-agricultural tenants.
Under Tenants
Provisions as transfer of a non-agricultural land
Other incidents of non-agricultural tenancies
Judicial procedure.

Total Marks-200

(i) Concept and Nature of International Law. History. Development and Schools of
International Law. Sources of International Law. Relation between International
Law and Municipal Law.

(ii) State Territorial Sovereignty, different modes of Acquisition of State Territorial

Sovereignty. Jurisdiction of a State in International Law. Territorial Jurisdiction.
Personal Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction according to the protective Principle. Jurisdiction
according to the University Principle. Jurisdiction of High seas. Exemptions from
and Restrictions upon the Territorial Jurisdiction.
(iii) Recognition : Definition and forms of Recognition. Recognition of Government
and State. Methods. Withdrawal and Consequences of Recognition. Retroactivity
of Recognition. Recognition of Insurgency and Belligerency.
(iv) Place of the Individuals in International Law & human Rights. State and
Individuals as subjects of International LawThe U.N. Charter and Human Rights
Universal Declaration of Human RightsInternational Covenant of Economic,
Social and Cultural RightsEuropean Convention for the Protection of Human
Right-American Convention on Human RightsPrinciples of Self-determination of
(v) Law of the Sea. Internal Waters. Territorial sea and contiguous Zone. Legal Regime
of the Territorial Sea. Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf. Legal
Regime of the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf. High Seas. Deep
Seabed and Ocean Floor.
(vi) State Succession Passing of Rights and Obligation upon External Changes of
Sovereignty over Territory. Passing of Rights and Obligations upon Internal
Changes of Sovereignty.

(a) Intervention, Kinds and Grounds of Intervention. Various Doctrines concerning
Intervention. Intervention and the charter of the U.N.
(b) Law of Practice as to Treaties, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969.
Different stages involved in Conclusion of the Text. Means of expressing consent to be
bound by a Treaty. Reservations to treaty. Legal effects of Reservation. Treaties third
States. Invalidity. Termination and suspension of the operation of treaties.
(c) Diplomatic Protection and Immunity. Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 1961
Diplomatic Missions Categories of personnel of Diplomatic Mission. Diplomatic
Privileges and Immunities. Inviolability of Missions. Inviolability of Diplomatic Agents.
The Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons.
(d) Neutralization and Neutrality. Neutralised States. Object and essence of Neutralisation.
Obligations of Neutralized states and States guaranteeing Neutralisation. Declaration of
Neutrality, Rights and Duties of Belligerent and Neutral States.
(e) Settlement of International Disputes. Peaceful or Amicable means of Settlement.
Forcible or coercive means of Settlement. Judicial Settlement of International Disputes.
The International Court of Justice. Settlement under the auspices of the United Nations
(f) Disarmament Imperative. Urgency for Disarmament. US-USSR talks at Geneva, 1985.
US-USSR Treaty on ArmsLimitation The SALT-I Agreement. The SALT_II Agreement,
Convention on Prohibition or Restriction on the use of certain Conventional Weapons.
(g) International Rivers. Rights and Obligations of riparian States over International Rivers.
Ganges Water Dispute and Farakka Issue.

(h) International Organisations :

Concept of International OrganisationStructureClassificationEmergence of
International Organisations

League of Nations-BackgroundLeague Covenant-FailuresTermination.

(i) The United Nations-Historical Background-The United Nations-Charter-Objectives-
Purpose-Principle-Organs-General Assembly-Security Council-Economic and Social
Council-Trusteeship Council-International Court of Justice-The Secretariat.

International Criminal Court(ICC):

(j) Specialised Agencies of the United NationsProvisions in the UN
CharterCompositions, Power and Function of all the 18 (eighteen) Specialised
Agencies so far being contracted with the United NationsWorld Trade Organisation
(WTO) International Atomic Energy Agency.
(k) Regional OrganisationsIts provisions in the United Nations Charter. The Arab
LeagueOrganisation of American States (OAS), African Union (AU). European Union
(EU), North Atlantio Treaty Organisation (NARO) South Asian Association of regional
Co-operations (SAARC). Association of South East-Nation (ASEAN), The Organisation
of Islamic Conference (OIC)The Organisation of the Peteroleum Exporting Countries
(OPEC), The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), The Commonwealth.

Total Marks-200
A: Principles of Al-Fiqh 15 (Marks) 2(Questions)= 30
Study of Islamic legal foundation, namely, al-Quran, al-Sunnah, al-ljma, al-Qiyas, al-
ljtihad, al-lstihsan, al-lstidlal and al-Istilah. Legal connotation of words and sentences of
these foundatin such as al-Am, al-Khas, and al-Amar, al-Nahy, al-Mujmal and al-
Mufassal, al-Haqiqah and al-Majaz al-Nasekh and al-Mansukh etc. Utilization of usul-
al-fiqh in the daily life of Muslims.
This course will cover a discussion of important concepts and principles of usul-al-fiqh,
such as methods of extracting the rules (lstinbat al-ahkam) from the texts, the evidence
over which the jurists differed, the objectives of shariah(maqasid al-shariah) and
conflicts of evidence and methods of resolving them. The course is also designed to
train the students to use and be familiar with the early texts of usul-al-fiqh. The
application of usul-al-fiqh in contemporary society will also be discussed.

B: History of al-Fiqh 15 (Marks) 2(Questions)=30

Development of Fiqh in the periods of the Prophet(Sm.), Companions, Tabiun and Tabi
Tabiun; the emergency of various schools of fiqh such as Maliki, Hanafi, Shafi-i,
Hambali and Jafari. This course will focus on the reason for al-ikhtilaf(difference of
opinion among fuqaha) and the muqaran in the study of Fiqh.

C: Fiqh al-Ibadat[Tharat, Salat, Sawm, Zakat, Hajj] 20 (Marks) 2(Questions)- 40

A: Fiqh al-Muamalat and al-Jinayat 15 (Marks) 2(Questions)=30
(i) Fiqh al-Muamalat: [Buyu(Trade, Commerce)]
Definition of al-Buyu, various types of al-Buyu and its provision in Islam.
(ii) Fiqh al-Jinayat (criminal law) : al-Qisas, al-Hudud and al-Tazir.

B: Fiqh al-Nikah and Talaq 15 (Marks) 2(Questions)= 30

(i) Fiqh al- Nikah(Marriage) : (Definition; the words by which marriage is contracted and not
contracted. goals, purpose witnesses and its qualifications.) Muhramat (Meaning of the
women whom it is Lawful to marry and of those with whom marriage is unlawful; Nikha
Mutah (Usufructuary) and Nikha Muwakkat (Temporary marriage). Wali and Kufo
(Guardianship and equality) (Who is one allowed to marry? Qualities to look for a spouse.)
The Mahr or Dower: Meaning, amount of Mahr, various types of Masalah and solution related
to the mahr or dower. Nikah-e-Raqeq (The Marriage of slaves) Nikah-e-Ahlo-Shirk (The
marriage of infidels), Riza of fosterage: Definition and tenets related to Riza or fosterage.
(ii) Fiqh al-Talaq(Divorce) : Meaning, the Talaq-al-sunna or Regular Divorce, Execution of
Divorce, Delegation of Divorce, Divorce by a conditional vow, the Divorce of the sick, Rijat or
returning to a divorced wife, Hila, Khoola, Zihar, Liaan or Imprecation, Impotence, the Iddah,
the Establishment of parentage, Hiz or the care of infant children and Nafqa or subsistence.
C: Fiqh al-Farayed(Law of Inheritance and Disposal of Property),
al-Shufa, al-Hiba, al-Waisyyat and al-Waqf. 20 (Marks) 2(Questions)=40
(i) Fiqh al-Farayed (Law of Inheritance and Disposal of Property) : Definition of Ilm al-
Farayed (Law of inheritance), Meaning of the Dhawil Furud, different kinds, and their rights,
definition of al-Asaba and its kinds, Meaning of al-Awl and its kinds, deifnition of Tamasul;
Tadakhul; Tawafuq and Tabayun, definition of al-Rad and its method, definition of al-
Munasakha and its method).
(ii) Al-Shufa
(iii) Al-Hibah
(iv) Al-Wasiyyah
(v) Al-Waqf
Total Marks-200
1. Basic Design: Definition of design, Elements of design, Principles of design, Different
types of design, Bao House School of design, Pushpin studio. Discussion about the
countries those who have in leading position making designs.
2. Folk design: Folk design adaptation of Folk-art in various uses in our modern life style
such as in wearing clothes, invitation card, cover & jackattes of books & periodicals and
3. Drawing: Human figure drawing of male & female Study and exercises of different parts
of body.
4. Perspective: Definition of perspective, Linear & Arial perspective, Square, cube,
cylindrical objects study, Perspective drawing of still life objects & architectural
5. Typography: Definition. Copy of Bangali & English alphabets. Study of different type
faces. Know-how of measurement. face and constructions. Creating new & modern type
faces. Calligraphy drawing.
6. Poster: Definition of Poster. Varieties of poster procedure of applying technique &
method to create a poster.
7. Art & Civilization : Pre-historic art & civilization, History, Analytical study of Egyptian
art, Greek art, Roman art, Bygantian art & Indo-Pak sub continental art.

1. Illustration: Definition of Illustration, Variation of Illustration, Knowing about subjects,
Characteristics, materials, method & Technique of Illustration, Drawing new
2. Advertising art: Definition, Ancient history of advertising forms, Modern applications,
Advertising new product, Organogram of advertising agencies, Discussion of systems
how they work.
3. Logo or Corporate Identity: What is Logo or why Logo? Its different uses & applications.
4. Book designing: Book production. History of book-publishing & printing. Cover &
Jackette design for books, definition and usefulness. Thorough studies of books title page
and paper, inner illustrations, printing & binding.
5. Computer basic: Definition history of its invention, Discussion on computer and its major
equipments, Knowing various softwares, About personal computer, use & works of its
various parts.
6. History of art: Study of South Asian art, Western art, Pre renaissance & post renaissance,
Worlds art movements and isms detail study.

Total Marks-200
1. Elements of Design.
2. Definitions of different subjects:
a) Drawing
b) Painting
c) Graphics (including Computer Graphics)
d) Print Making
e) Sculpture
f) Ceramics
g) Crafts
h) Oriental Art

3. Descriptions, use and appliances of (Techniques) Medias, Painting, Drawing, Graphic

Design, Oriental Art:
a) Oil
b) Water Color (Transparent and Opaque Gouache)
c) Acrylic
d) Pen and Ink
e) Pencil and Charcoal
f) Poster
g) Mixed Media

4. Cave paintings: Techniques Materials used.

5. Material and Technique : Ceramic.
6. Print Making: Material and Technique: including Medias such as Lithograph, Etching,
Aquatint, Wood Cut, Wood Engraving.
7. Material and Technique : Sculpture.
8. Craft: Media: (Weaving, batik, Texture Design, Wood Carving etc.)
9. Graphic Design: definition of Ad-Art, Poster-Art, Illustration and Jacket design.
10. Terracotta: Material and technique.

1. Modern Sculptures of 20th Century.
Henry Moore, Giacometti, Revolutionary Sculpture in Russia, Barbara Hepworth,
2. Modern art of Europe and America.
Cubism, Dadaism, Fauvism, Futurism, Abstract Expressionism etc.
3. Modern Art movement in 50s and 60s in Bangladesh.
Zainul Abedin, Quamrul Hasan, Safiuddin Ahmed, Anwarul Haque, Novera Ahmed,
Mohammad Kibria, Aminul Islam, Hamidur Rahman, Qayyum Chowdhury, Rashid
Chowdhury, Abdur Razzaque, Murtaza Bashir, Kazi Abdus Rouf, Kazi Abdul Baset.
4. Post liberation era of Art and Artists. (4 decades since 1971).
5. Asian Art Biennial and its impact.
6. Folk Art of Bangladesh.
7. Art Education: Necessity and Development.
8. Installation Art.
Total Marks-200
Part 1. History of Music (Theory) : 25
(Ancient, Medieval & Modern Age)
a. Classical Music
b. Bengali Music
c. Folk Music
d. Eastern & Western Music-a comparative study.
Part 2. Practical Oriented Theory(Music) : 25
a. Bengali Folk Music : characteristics and varieties.
b. Classical Music: Dhrupad, Dhamar, Khayal, Thumri.
c. Definition of Talas and Ragas(According to Eastern system).
d. Rabindranath Tagores Songs: characteristics and varieties.
e. Kazi Nazrul Islams Songs: characteristics and varieties.
Part 3. Life and Works of Musicians : 25
a. Ustad Alauddin Khan, Ustad Fayaz Khan, Ameer Khasru, Mian Tansen,
Baiju Baora, Ustad Vismilla Khan, Ustad Amir Khan, Ustad Karamat
Ullah Khan, Ustad Enaet Khan, Pandit Omkarnath, Ustad Ali Akbar Khan,
Pandit Ravi Sankar.
b. Beethoven, Mozart, Scbastian Bach, Hayden, Richard Wagner, Robert
Schuman, Franz Liszt, Frederic Handel, Oscar Straus, Fraunz Schubert.
c. Life and works of 5 Lyricist & Musicians: Rabindranath Tagore, Dejendra
Lal Roy, Rajani Kanta Sen, Atulprasaid Sen and Kazi Nazrul Islam.
Part 4. Musicians of Bangladesh: 25
a. Ustad Munis Raisuddin, Ustad Aeyet Ali Khan, Fuljhuri Khan, Ustad
Fozlul Haque, Pandit Barin Majumder.
b. Abbasuddin Ahmed, Folk Poet Jasimuddin, Shaid Altaf Mahmood, Samar
Das, Abdul Ahad, Abdul Latif, Azad Rahaman, Sekh Sadi Khan.
c. Baul Lalon, Radharaman, Hason Raja, Pagla Kanai, Panju Shah, Jalaluddin,
Ukil Musshi, Bijoy Sarkar, Bhaba Pagla, Kangal Harinath.
d. Mass Media & Stage Performance.
e. Modern Lyricist of Bengali Music: Abu Hena Mustafa Kamal, Dr. Maniruzzaman,
Sabir Ahmed Chowdhury, Nazrul Islam Babu, Abu Bakar Siddik,
Rafikuzzaman, Fazal-E-Khoda.

(Each part of the syllabus obtained 25 marks equally)
Part 1. History of Instrumental Music : 25
a. Sitar, Sarod, Violin, Tanpura.
b. Pankwaj, Tabla-bia, Dubki-Khamak, Dhool, Mondira.
c. Ektara, Dotara, Sanai, Flute, Sarangi.
Part 2. Oriental Music and Western Music : 25
a. Bengali Music of thousand years.
b. History of Western Music.
c. Eastern and Western notation System.

Part 3. History of Dance : 25

a. History of Classical Dance (Bharat Natyam, Kathakali, Katthak,
b. Rabindranath Tagores Dance Drama, Kazi Nazrul Islams Dance
Drama, Folk dance Drama & Purbabangla and Mymensingha Gitika.
c. Folk-Dance of Bangladesh.

Part 4. Evolution of Patriotic Song: 25

a. Songs of Language & Liberation Movement.
b. History of Patriotic Song.
c. People Songs of Bangladesh.
Total Marks-200

History of World Art :

1. Introduction: Art and Artist, Art and Society etc.
2. The Ancient World:
a) Prehistoric Art: The old stone Age,
Alta Mira cave Paintings.
Cave Paintings of France.
b) Bronze Age:
i) Egyptian Art: The old kingdom, the middle kingdom, the new kingdom
(Paininting, Sculpture & Architecture)
ii) Mesopotamian Art: (Sumerian Art, Assyrian Art, Babylonian Art)
iii) Persian Art.
iv) Aegean Art.

3. Greek Art :
i) Vase Paintings: (Black figure and Red figures Pottery)
ii) Sculpture: (Archaic and classical Period)
iii) Architecture: Pillars.

4. Roman Art:
i) Etruscan Period Sculpture.
ii) Roman Architecture; Arches; Parthenon;
iii) Roman portrait Sculpture.

5. Islamic Art:
i) Persian Miniatures:
ii) Mughal (Akbar, Jahangir, Shajahan, Aurangazeb and decline of
Mughal painting.)
6. Modern period:
i) Renaissance Art: The Eyck Brothers.
Donatetello, Fillippo Brunelleschi Masaccio; Fra Angelico.
ii) High Renaissance Art: Leonardo-Da-Vinci Michelangelo,
iii) The Baroque Art, Rococco Art, Neo-classicism Romanticism,
Realism and Impressionism.
7. 20 Century Art:
Post War Art: (after 1945)
Modernism. (Cublism, Surrealism, Dadaisim, German
expressionism, Abstract-Expressionism.)

1. Art and Literature of Bangladesh: (Instroduction Geographical and Cultural Survey).

i) Pala period Paintings; Architecture.
ii) Mahasthan Gar, Paharpur, Maynamati, Kantajeer Mandir and other temples of medieval
iii) Mosque of Bangladesh:
(Shat Gambooge Mosque, bagha Mosque, Chotto Sona Mosque, Lalbagh Fort etc.)

2. Folk Art :
Gazir Pata.
Laxmi Sara.
Monosha Pata.
Sokher Handi.

3. Crafts of Bangladesh :
Zamdani Sari, Sika, Nakshi-Kantha, Ornaments, Weaving, Metal Crafts.

4. Modern Art of Bangladesh :

Shilpacharaya Zainul Abedin and other artists who established the Art Institute of Dhaka.

Artists of Bangladesh:
1. Zainul Abedin
2. Quamrul Hassan
3. S.M. Sultan.
4. Safiuddin Ahmed.
5. Mohammad Kibria.
6. Kazi Abdul Baset.
7. Rashid Chowdhury.
8. Novera Ahmed.
9. Aminul Islam.
10. Murtaza Bashir.


Total Marks-200
Full Marks- 100

1. Definition of Nutrition, Health and Malnutrition:

(a) Relation of nutrition and health.
(b) Major nutritional problems of Bangladesh- PEM, micronutrient malnutrition.
(c) Classification and functions of nutrients.
2. Carbohydrates:
(a) Classification, chemical nature, source and functions of different types of carbohydrate-
simple and complex carbohydrates.
(b) Functions of dietary fiber.

3. Proteins:
(a) Classification, chemical nature and sources of different proteins.
(b) Essential amino acids.
(c) Functions and deficiency of proteins in the body.

4. Fats and fatty acids:

(a) Classification and chemical nature of different fats in the body.
(b) Essential fatty acids- Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids- their role in nutrition.
(c) Disadvantage of excess fat intake.
5. Vitamins:
(a) Classification, chemical nature and food sources.
(b) Co-enzyme functions of vitamins.
(c) Deficiency of vitamins in the body.
6. Minerals- their physiological roles- functions and food sources:
(a) Major minerals
(b) Minor Minerals

7. Energy intake and expenditure:

(a) Measurement of energy expenditure.
(b) Factors influencing energy requirement.
(c) Calculation of ones energy requirement.

8. Enzyme and hormones:

(a) Classification and chemical nature of different forms of enzyme and hormones.
(b) Physiological role and disease states of hormones action.

9. Metabolism of carbohydrate, fats and proteins:

(a) Glycolysis, TCA cycle, fatty acid oxidation, deamination and transamination.
(b) Inborn errors of metabolism- Glycogen storage disease, fructosuria, phenylketonuria etc.


Part-I I
Full Marks- 100

1. Approximate composition of common food stuffscereals, meat, fish, eggs, milk, pulses and
legumes, nuts and oil-seeds, vegetables and fruits.

2. Nutrition during normal life cycle:

(a) Pregnancy and lactation- nutrition requirement, effect of malnutrition during pregnancy.
(b) Infancy and early childhood- nutritional requirement breast-feeding and weaning.
(c) Elderly- health problem and nutritional modification of adult diet for old people.

3. Assessment of nutritional status of community:

(a) Types of assessment- anthropometry, clinical, biochemical, dietary assessment and surveys.
(b) Advantage and disadvantages of each type.

4. Concept and importance of nutrition education:

(a) Objectives of nutrition education and implementing nutrition education program in a
(b) Use of audio-visual aids in nutrition education.

5. Community based approaches to solve nutritional problems:

(a) Improving household food security.
(b) Food fortifications and supplementation.
(c) Promoting appropriate dietary guidelines.

6. Causes, symptom and nutritional management in-

(a) Diarrhea;
(b) Constipation;
(c) Diabetes mellitus;
(d) Hypertension;
(e) Liver and kidney diseases.

7. Food additives and Food Preservation:

(a) Classification of food additives and their uses in food industry.
(b) Method of food preservation- heating, refrigeration, drying, use of chemicals, irradiation,
pasteurization, canning, bottling, jams, pickles etc.
(c) Causes of Food spoilage.

8. Antioxidant in health and nutrition:

(a) Chemical nature and sources of anti-oxidants.
(b) Role of anti-oxidants in detoxification of the body.
(c) Free radials and oxidative stress.

9. Micronutrient malnutrition in Bangladesh:

(a) Prevalence of vitamin A deficiency, IDD and anaemia.
(b) Steps and measures to remove micronutrient malnutrition among the population.
(c) Importance of nutritional rehabilitation for the vulnerable group.


Total Marks-200
Part -I
Full Marks- 100

1. Definition of Institutional Food Management:

(a) Goals and objectives of Institutional Food Management.
(b) Concept of Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), and Recommended Dietary Intake
(c) Food exchange list.
(d) Food service in institutions.

2. Tools for menu planning:

(a) Basic Food groups and their uses.
(b) Concept of a balanced diet.
(c) Importance of menu planning, and factors affecting menu planning.

3. Nutritional requirements in normal life cycle:

(a) Infancy and childhood.
(b) Adolescence and adulthood.
(c) The elderly.

4. Water and electrolyte balance of the body:

(a) Composition of body fluids.
(b) Electrolyte distribution of ICF and ECF.
(c) Acidosis and alkalosis- causes and treatment.

5. Diet Planning:
(a) Factors to consider in planning a therapeutic diet.
(b) Types of diet therapy.
(c) Types of feeding technique- tube feeding, intravenous feeding, etc.

6. Dietary Management in following disorder:

(a) Diabetes Mellitus.
(b) Gout.
(c) Hyperlipidemia.
(d) Cardiovascular diseases, Atherosclerosis and heart attack.

7. Nutritional Management for different physiological states:

(a) Causes, symptoms and dietary management in obesity, underweight and low birth weight.
(b) Dietary management in PEM.
(c) Principles of dietary management in metabolic disorder- PKU, Galactosemia, Glycogen
storage diseases, Fructosuria, Hyperlipidemia, Hypercholesteremia.

8. Food preparation, service, storage of raw and cooked food in institutions:

(a) Hostel.
(b) Cafeteria.
(c) Hospitals/Clinics.
(d) School lunch programmes.
(e) Fast food shops/restaurants.


Part -II
Full Marks- 100

1. Principles of menu planning in different institutions and factors affecting it:

(a) Age and physical activity level.
(b) Profession.
(c) Health status.
(d) Economic status.
(e) Climate and food availability.
(f) Customs and religion.
(g) Occasion.

2. Role of food manager:

(a) Duties and responsibilities of food manager.
(b) Qualities of a good manager.
(c) Management techniques and their application in food institutions.

3. Food hygiene and sanitation in food preparation and service:

(a) Aseptic methods of food handling.
(b) Proper disposal of food waste.

4. Tools and equipments used in food preparation and service:

(a) Electrical and non electrical.
(b) List of equipments used in different preparation methods.
(c) Storage and care of small and large appliances.

5. Common food berne diseases:

(a) Typhoid, dysentery, jaundice, diarrhoea, hepatitis, gastrointestinal problem.
(b) Mode of transmission.
(c) Preventive measures to be taken.

6. Setting up of an ideal food institution:

(a) Factors to consider.
(b) Costing and efficiency.
(c) Type of service to be offered.
(d) Ease in communication.
(e) Employee selection.

7. Different types of food service and their uses:

(a) Room service.
(b) Take out service.
(c) Dining service.
(d) Waiter service.
(e) Home delivery and catering service.
8. Food Preparation and processing:
(a) Different methods of cooking.
(b) Physiochemical changes in food preparation.
(c) Correct method of food preparation and service.


Total Marks-200
Part -I
Full Marks- 100

1. Philosophy and Purpose of Home Management:

(a) Meaning of Home Management.
(b) Objectives and scope of Home Management.
(c) Family life in changing world and management in the changes.
(d) Motivational factors of management- goal, value and standard.

2. Functions of Management:
(a) Planning;
(b) Organizing;
(c) Controlling; and
(d) Evaluating.

3. Decision making- crucial process of management:

(a) Role of decision making in management.
(b) Decision terms defined.
(c) Dimensions of decision.
(d) Decision making process.

4. Resources:
(a) Definition, characteristics and classification of resources.
(b) Principles of using resources.
(c) Utilization of time and family interaction.
(d) Work simplification.

5. Money Management:
(a) Income concepts.
(b) Factors affecting the use of income.
(c) Budget-types, steps in making budget.
(d) Account keeping process and accounting system.

6. Human Resource Management:

(a) Definition of education and training.
(b) Importance of training.
(c) Training methods.
(d) Objective of career development.
(e) Career development activities.
7. Consumer behavior and education:
(a) Meaning, necessity and importance of consumer behavior.
(b) Interdisciplinary dimensions of consumer behavior.
(c) Environmental and personal influence of consumer liking behavior.
(d) Social and cultural determinants.
(e) Personal determinants.
(f) Consumer rights and responsibilities.
(g) Consumer problems and consumer protection.

8. Analysis of consumer behavior (consumer behavior theory):

(a) Utility analysis of consumer behavior (Marchallian theory of consumer behavior).
(b) Indifference curve analysis- budget line, income effect, substitution effect and price effect.
(c) Elasticity of demand- price elasticity of demand, income elasticity of demand, substitution
elasticity of demand and cross elasticity of demand.

9. Appropriate technology for better living:

(a) Concepts, characteristics of appropriate technology.
(b) Significance of appropriate technology with special reference to developing countries.
(c) Women and appropriate technology.
(d) Employment generating technology for rural women in Bangladesh.
(e) Appropriate health technologies at home.
(f) Energy saving simple technology- solar cooker, solar dryer etc.


Full Marks- 100

1. Family Housing Concepts:

(a) Family housing needs protective, economic, affection, social status, family goals, family
(b) Family size and composition.
(c) Family resources.

2. House Planning:
(a) Nature of housing- traditional, normal and low cost building materials.
(b) Principles of house plan.
(c) Factors of influencing house plan.
(d) Factors considered for comfortable housing.

3. Providing efficient work center and adequate storage space for a home:
(a) Planning of an efficient kitchen.
(b) Planning adequate and desirable storage space at home.
(c) Planning and efficient laundry and work areas at home.

4. Elements of design and interior decoration:

(a) Meaning of interior design and interior decoration- elements of interior design, purpose of
interior design.
(b) Basic principles of interior design.
(c) Design vocabulary (visual character).

5. Landscaping:
(a) Definition and scope.
(b) Necessity and modern approach of landscaping.
(c) Design process develop a plot plan, site analysis, family needs and desires, activity analysis,
design activity areas, plant selection and placement.

6. Housing situation in Bangladesh:

(a) Nature of housing- traditional, modern and low cost building materials.
(b) Nature of urban and rural housing in Bangladesh.
(c) Role of women in housing improvement.
(d) Role of real estate in housing situation of Bangladesh

7. Ecological aspects of home management:

(a) Meaning of ecology and ecosystem.
(b) Family and ecosystem.
(c) Components of the environment.
(d) The effect of human activity on the global ecosystem.
(e) Types of pollution and effects to human life.
(f) Familys efforts to cope with problem.

8. Wiring the house, household water supply and sewerage disposal.

9. Energy (fuel) management:

(a) Sources of fuel.
(b) Energy crisis and measures to be taken to meet up the energy crisis in Bangladesh.
(c) Construction and use of bio-gas plant.
(d) Construction and use of improve stove (chula).


Total Marks-200
Full Marks- 100
1. Basic concept of child development:
(a) Meaning of development.
(b) Stages of development.
(c) Principles of development.

2. Beginning of life:
(a) Stages of pre-natal development.
(b) Genetic factors in development (heredity and environment).
(c) Environmental effect on foetus during pregnancy.

3. The newborn:
(a) Characteristics of the newborn.
(b) Care of the newborn.
(c) Hazards of the newborn.

4. Babyhood (birth to 2.5 years):

(a) Characteristics of babyhood.
(b) Babyhood development (physical, language and social).
(c) Hazards of babyhood.
(d) Importance of attachment and mothering.
(e) Proper child rearing practices.

5. Early childhood (2.5 years to 6 years):

(a) Concept and ecology of early childhood.
(b) Developmental tasks of early childhood.
(c) Characteristics of early childhood development.
(d) Importance of nursery education.
(e) Principles of guidance.

6. Childhood (6 years to 11 years):

(a) Physical development, cognitive development, common skills and developmental task.
(b) Development of personality and self concept.
(c) Moral development, effect on family, culture and society.
(d) Psychological and psychosomatic problems.

7. Adolescence:
(a) Concept of adolescence.
(b) Physical changes, growth spurt, hormonal changes.
(c) Development of personality and self-concept.
(d) Parent adolescents relationship.
(e) Adolescents career development.
(f) Behavioral problems in adolescence.
(g) Counseling of parents and adolescents.

8. The child with special needs:

(a) Definition and classification of special need of children.
(b) General causes of disability.
(c) Need of identification and early intervention.
(d) Special methods and techniques for inclusive education.


Full Marks- 100

1. The child, its family and society :

(a) Family as a social institution.
(b) Family forms effect on child development.
(c) Interpersonal relationship effect on child development.
(d) Family crisis and children.

2. The concept of child and family welfare:

(a) Basic factors in welfare- economic security, enlightening parenthood, physical and
mental health facility, education and recreation, special care for children.
(b) Welfare services of child and families.
(c) Preventive services- play center, baby care, foster home, adoption center, day care
center, Planned Parenthood Organization.
(d) Curative services- homes for the crippled, correction center, vagrant homes and homes
for the aged.

3. Welfare agencies for children:

(a) Ministry of Child and Family Welfare in Bangladesh.
(b) National and international welfare agencies.
(c) Activities of some leading organizations.
4. Socialization of children: Role of parents-
(a) Two ways of interaction, bi-directional and dynamic interaction.
(b) Parental care giving practices- types of care, permissive and authoritative.
(c) Child abuses- family interaction in abuse, neglectful and normal family.

5. Influences of the external environment:

(a) The child and the school- children and their friends.
(b) Peer groups, group structure and conformity to group pattern.
(c) Patterns of behavior learned from gang membership.

6. Theories of child development:

(a) The learning theory of B.F. Skinner.
(b) The cognitive theory of Jean Piaget.
(c) The affective theory of Erik H. Erikson.

7. Counseling in various family relationship:

(a) Need for counseling in family life.
(b) Parental counseling.
(c) Family and marital counseling.
(d) Counseling of women and girls.
(e) Counseling elderly.
8. The Family and women in society:
(a) Women and development- womens rights as human rights- CEDAW.
(b) The changing status of women role- conflict, the female dilemmas.
(c) Violence against women: Causes and trends of violence against women- domestic
violence, acid throwing and other forms of violence.

Total Marks-200
Part -I
Full Marks- 100

1. Meaning and importance of nursery school education.

2. Historical background of development of nursery schools in different countries.

3. Different stages of child development:
(a) Infancy and toddler hood.
(b) Early or pre-School years.
(c) School age child.
(d) Preadolescence and adolescence.

4. Different aspects of childs development:

(a) Physical development.
(b) Motor development.
(c) Mental development.
(d) Social development.
(e) Emotional development.
5. Childs Learning:
(a) Theories of how children learn.
(b) Methods of childs learning.
(c) Guidance of childs learning.

6. Care of a nursery school child:

(a) Parenting.
(b) Attachments.
(c) Diet and nutrition.
(d) Immunization.
(e) Care during illness.

7. The child with special needs:

(a) Autistic child.
(b) Handicapped child.
(c) Mentally retarded child.
(d) Advance and exceptional children.

8. Family crisis and its influence on nursery school children:

(a) Divorce and separation.
(b) Death.
(c) Family violence.
(d) Unemployment and migration.

9. Common childhood diseases:

(a) Measels and mumps.
(b) Pox.
(c) Diphtheria.
(d) Fever and cold.
(e) Diarrhoea.
(f) Polio.

Full Marks- 100

1. Characteristics of Babyhood:
(a) Development- physical, language and social.
(b) Proper child rearing practices.

2. Principles of effective parental guidance:

(a) Types of guidance.
(b) Factor affecting parent-child interaction and guidance.
(c) Principles of effective guidance.

3. Organization and set-up of good nursery school:

(a) Factor to consider in a good nursery school.
(b) Setting up of daily work-plan.
(c) Parent-teacher counseling.

4. Significance of play in child development:

(a) Type of play.
(b) Selection of play equipments.
(c) Guiding childrens play.

5. Common behavioral problems of nursery school child:

(a) Bedwetting.
(b) Stuttering.
(c) Lying and stealing.
(d) Day dreaming.
(e) Attention deficiency disorder.

6. Different teaching methods in nursery school:

(a) Montessori Method.
(b) Traditional Method.
(c) Teaching by learning and doing.
(d) Teaching through play and music.

7. Theories of childs learning:

(a) Different theories on how children learn.
(b) Presenting materials to improve learning in a child.
(c) Qualities of a good nursery school teacher in initiating learning and behavior modifications.

8. Social and language development in nursery school children:

(a) Development of socialization in young children.
(b) Peer group and its influence.
(c) Different stage of a childs language development.
(d) Guiding childs social and language development.
9. Emotional development of young children:
(a) Basic emotions in young children.
(b) Characteristics of young childrens emotion.
(c) Guiding young childrens emotional development.

Total Marks-200
Full Marks- 100

1. Art Elements and Principles:

(a) Review and further study of the following concepts:
Art Elements,
Art Principles,
Function of Elements, and
Principles of Design.
(b) Elements and principles of Art as everyday experience utilized for the enrichment of
(c) Relation of Art Elements and principles to- Home Furnishing, Architecture, Clothing and
other aspects of daily living.

2. History of Art:
(a) Primitive Art.
(b) Egyptian Art- Architecture, Sculpture, Painting and Pyramid.
(c) Greek Art :
i. Sculpture, Architecture and Painting,
ii. Minoan Art, Terracotta Art, Hellenistic Art and Sculpture.
(d) Renaissance Art:
i. Leonardo-Da-Vinci,
ii. Michael Angelo,
iii. Raphael.

3. Textile Printing:
(a) Materials and Equipment for textile printing.
(b) Dyeing of textile :
i. Dyes used for textile fibers and fabrics- Direct, Basic, Acid, Mordant, Sulfur, Vat,
Anilines etc.
ii. Vegetable dye- classification, preparation.
(c) Pre-treatment of fabric.
(d) Printing technique- block printing, batik printing, stencil printing, screen printing and tie &
4. Recreational Crafts:
(a) Recreation Crafts- Definition: Educational, Social & Economic Values.
(b) Possibilities, Limitation and Solution to the problems of craftwork in recreation.
(c) Collage.
(d) Family Art & Craft gallery.

5. Art & Artist of Bangladesh:

(a) Artists of Bangladesh- their lives and art works: Zainul Abedin, Qamrul Hassan, Quayum
Chowdhury, S.M. Sultan, Sahabuddin, Rafiqunnabi, Hashem Khan, Abdus Sattar, Nitun
Kundu, Kanak Chapa Chakma, Novera Ahmed, Shamim Sikder & Dr. Farida Zaman.
(b) Meaning & Definition of Architecture and Sculptures.
(c) Study of some mentionable architecture and sculpture of Bangladesh:
i. Historical: Ahsan Monjil, Sona Masjid, Kuthi Bari, Tara Masjid, Shat Gambuj
Masjid & Lalbag Fort.
ii. Modern: Sangshad Bhaban, Smriti Shaudha & Kendrio Shahid Minar.

6. Essence of Design:
(a) Definition, aim & objective of design.
(b) Sources of design- natural and man made.
(c) Functions of design- aesthetic function, practical function.
(d) Classification and evaluation of design:
i. Structural and design,
ii. Natural Forms,
iii. Geometric Forms,
iv. Nonobjective Design,
v. Abstract Design,
vi. Decorative Design.
(e) Physiological, social, economic & therapeutic value of design.
(f) Development of good design sense.

7. Art of Weaving:
(a) Weaving- Definition & History.
(b) Importance of weaving.
(c) Weaving process & handloom.
(d) Loom- parts of the loom, Assembling, repair & care of the loom,
(e) Fibers, yarn and their uses in waving. Counts of Yarn.
(f) Dyeing of yarns of weaving- methods, equipment needed, commercial dye & natural dye.

8. Pottery Making:
(a) Pottery- Definition, Functions, Tools & equipments.
(b) Types of clay- wedging & cutting of clay, removing air bubbles etc.
(c) Techniques & ideas for hand building: Pinching method, Coil method, Slab method, etc.
Learning the art of working on the potters wheel.
(d) The firing of clay wares.
(e) Basic techniques and types of decoration.
(f) Types of glaze, experiments, mixing glaze, spraying, blushing, pouring, dipping, etc. &
equipments needed for that.

Full Marks- 100

1. Jute Craft:
(a) Botanical Origin of Jute.
(b) Cultivation of Jute.
(c) Grading of Jute.
(d) Usage and marketing of Jute.

2. Wood Craft:
(a) Trees and their different layers.
(b) Growth of tree.
(c) Seasoning defects, diseases and preservation of timber.
(d) Characteristics of good wood.
(e) Harvesting and wood preparation.
(f) Wood joinery.

3. Art of South Asia:

(a) Shind Civilzation.
(b) Gupto Period:
(i) Kushan Period,
(ii) Gandara and Mathura art.
(c) Muslim Period (1200 century to 1500 century).
(d) Modern art of Bangladesh.
4. Interior Design in Home Living:
(a) Use of art elements and principles in making home living artistic and comfortable.
(b) The modern style pf interior decoration- Modern use of materials, architecture and
(c) Art design in home furnishing- Selections and use arrangements of furniture.
(d) Accessories in home furnishing and Interior finishing.

5. Creative art:
(a) Flower Arrangement.
(b) The art of paper-mache.
(c) The creative art of Macrame.
(d) Creativity of candle making.
(e) Art of leather craft.

6. Art of Jewellery :
(a) Definition classification, importance and objectives of jewellery.
(b) Jewellery of our country:
(i) Ancient,
(ii) Traditional,
(iii) Folk,
(iv) Tribal,
(v) Moern.
(c) Jewellery around the world:
(i) Ancient,
(ii) Mughal,
(iii) European,
(iv) Bedouin,
(iv) Tribal.
(d) Materials, tools and techniques of producing jewellery made of jute, wood, clay,
fabric, gold etc.

7. Art and traditional culture of Bangladesh:

(a) Definitions Functions and classifications of folk literature, folk songs, folk dance,
folk Music & folk games.
(b) Museum- Definition, History, Types & Importance of museum.
(c) Ancient craft of our country:
(i) Muslin,
(ii) Jamdani,
(iii) Terracotta- plaque,
(iv) Mask,
(v) Pot & Ghote,
(vi) Nakshi Kantha.
(d) Traditional culture and heritage sites of Bangladesh:
(i) Lalbag fort,
(ii) Sorargoan,
(iii) Moina Moti,
(iv) Paharpur.

8. Landscape:
(a) Definition types & necessity of landscape.
(b) Landscape in Architecture.
(c) Natural & artificial elements of Landscape.

9. Art & Craft: Income generating sources for women-

(a) Sources of income for women.
(b) Govt. and Non-Govt. Organizations helpful to women entrepreneurs of Bangladesh.
(c) Selection of business for women entrepreneurs.


Total Marks-200
Full Marks- 100

1. Introduction to clothing and textiles:

(a) Definition of clothing and textiles.
(b) History of clothing and textile industry of Bangladesh.
(c) Importance of textile industry and RMG industry in the economy of Bangladesh.

2. History of costume:
(a) Historical costume of Bangladesh cultural and economical significance.
(b) Cultural, functional and technological development in clothing, textile and RMG industry in
(c) Historical development of ready made garments.

3. Principles of family clothing:

(a) Factors of clothing selection.
(b) Steps in decision making in selection of clothing for the family.
(c) Budgeting for family clothing.
(d) Art elements and principles in relation to choice of clothing for different family members.
(e) Impact of clothing on personality.
4. Factors influencing consumption of clothing and textiles:
(a) Mode of living.
(b) Purchasing power.
(c) Availability of goods.
(d) Fashion.
(e) Profession etc.

5. Basic design concept:

(a) Definition.
(b) Classification of design.
(c) Sources of design.
(d) Principles of design.
(e) Use of prints, color, lines, checks and strips.

6. Fashion and style in clothing and textiles:

(a) Definition of fashion, style, fad and fashion cycle.
(b) Fashion terminology- area and scope, sources for ideas, fashion figure.
(c) Fashion figure.
(d) Fashion accessories.
(e) Fashion promotion.
(f) Economical importance of fashion and its implication on textile industry.

7. Management in textile industry in Bangladesh:

(a) Function of production and operation management.
(b) Product design and development.
(c) Production, planning and control.

8. Small business and large business of Bangladesh in textile and garment industries:
(a) Characteristics of small and large business in textile and garment industries in Bangladesh.
(b) Problems faced in small and large business in textile and garment industries in Bangladesh.
(c) BGMEA, BKMEA, BTMC and others corporate organizations.


Full Marks- 100

1. Introduction of textile fiber, yarn, fabrics and garments.

2. Textile fiber:
(a) Definition and History of textile fibers.
(b) Classification and properties of textile fibers.
(c) Identification of textile fibers.

3. Yarn manufacturing:
(a) Classification of yarn.
(b) Construction of yarn.
(c) Flow chart for the production of yarn.

4. Fabric manufacturing Technology:

(a) Brief description of winding warping and sizing process.
(b) Basic methods of fabric construction- wearing, knitting etc.
(c) Basic methods of weaving.
(d) Study of looms used in fabric manufacturing (primitive and industrial).

5. Garments merchandizing:
(a) Definition and scope of textile merchandizing.
(b) General description of principles related to merchandizing- relating, whole selling.
(c) Advertising for merchandizing.
(d) Study of labeling and branding, textile labeling act.
(e) Qualities and responsibilities of good textile merchandiser.

6. Textile testing and quality control:

(a) Moisture content and moisture regain of different fibers.
(b) Relative humidity and measurement of relative humidity.
(c) Methods of measurement of moisture in textile.
(d) Fiber testing- different methods of testing of fiber.
7. Garment manufacturing technology:
(a) Garment manufacturing sequence.
(b) Description and quota and categories.
(c) Future scope of ready made garment sector of Bangladesh.
(d) Standard body measurement of gents and ladies.
(e) Marker making.
(f) Components of shirt, trouser.
(g) Quality control.

8. Textile dying, printing and finishing:

(a) Definition and difference between dying and printing.
(b) Differences between dyes and pigments.
(c) Dying process.
(d) Methods and style of printing process- block batik tie & dye and screen print.
(e) Different methods of fabric finishing.

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