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Research Article: Electric Control Substituting Pitch Control For Large Wind Turbines

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Wind Energy

Volume 2013, Article ID 342061, 4 pages

Research Article
Electric Control Substituting Pitch Control for
Large Wind Turbines

Jon Kjellin, Sandra Eriksson, and Hans Bernhoff

Division of Electricity, Swedish Centre for Renewable Electric Energy Conversion, Uppsala University,
Box 534, 751 21 Uppsala, Sweden

Correspondence should be addressed to Sandra Eriksson; [email protected]

Received 8 May 2013; Revised 15 August 2013; Accepted 20 August 2013

Academic Editor: Ujjwal K. Saha

Copyright 2013 Jon Kjellin et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

A completely electrical control of a variable speed wind turbine is experimentally verified. A vertical axis wind turbine with a direct
driven generator and an electrical system with diode rectification and full inverter connected to the electric grid is presented. This
is the first paper that presents this novel 200 kW wind power plant erected at the west coast of Sweden. The turbine has fixed pitch
and is only controlled electrically accommodated by passive stall of the blades. By electrically controlling the generator rotational
speed with the inverter, passive stall regulation is enabled. The first results on experimental verification of stall regulation in gusty
wind speeds are presented. The experiments show that the control system can keep the turbine rotational speed constant even at
very gusty winds. It is concluded that electrical control accommodated by passive stall is sufficient as control of the wind turbine
even at high wind speeds and can substitute mechanical control such as blade pitch.

1. Introduction axis wind turbines [4]. However, in this concept it is used

together with a variable speed turbine instead of fixed speed.
Increased amount of electricity produced from wind power In conventional horizontal axis wind turbines, the gear-
is one of the ways to reach the goal of lowering emissions box, pitch, and yaw system stand for a substantial part of the
of greenhouse gases from energy production. Installed wind
downtime [5]. Further, by placing the generator on ground,
turbines and wind power plants have increased both in size
it is easier to mount and maintain it. The generator can
and number in the last 25 years. However, research is still
be designed for robustness and efficiency in the absence of
needed, in order to increase the reliability of turbines [1].
The research in wind power at the division of electricity weight and volume constraints. Additionally, recent results
at Uppsala University is focused at vertical axis wind tur- indicate that vertical axis turbines can perform better in
bines of straight-bladed Darrieus type. Darrieus turbines parks than horizontal axis turbines [6]. The first experimental
are described in [2]. The novel concept with an all-electric research started in 2006 when a 12 kW turbine was erected
control and a variable speed turbine connected to a direct north of Uppsala [7, 8]. In 2010 a first commercial 200 kW
driven PM generator placed on ground reduces the number turbine based on the same concept was erected and grid
of moving parts compared to conventional wind turbines. connected in Falkenberg at the west coast of Sweden, Figure 1,
Hence, the maintenance cost is expected to be lower than by Vertical Wind AB a spin-off company from Uppsala
for conventional wind turbines. The turbine is controlled University. The 200 kW turbine was built as a scaled-down
electrically by controlling the power output and rotational prototype of a multi-MW turbine. This is the first paper that
speed of the generator; that is, no mechanical control as presents experimental results from the 200 kW turbine built
described in [3] is needed. In wind speeds above nominal, with this novel concept. The paper presents an experimental
the electrical system is accommodated by passive stall. Passive verification of the electric control accommodated by passive
stall has also been used historically in fixed speed horizontal stall during gusty wind speeds above nominal wind speed.
2 Journal of Wind Energy

Power coefficient (CP )

Tip speed ratio

Figure 2: The relationship between and tip speed ratio. The

dashed line indicates the optimal tip speed ratio.

Figure 1: The 200 kW wind turbine used in the experiment.

Table 1: Nominal properties of the wind turbine.

Power (kW) 200

2. Theory Rotational speed (rpm) 33
Blade tip speed (m/s) 45
The power absorption, mech , of a wind turbine is described Wind speed (m/s) 12
Number of blades 3
1 Swept area (m2 ) 624
mech = V3 = wind , (1)
2 Hub height (m) 40
Turbine radius (m) 13
where is the air density, is the projected area, V is the Blade length (m) 24
wind speed and is the power coefficient. wind is the power
Aerodynamic control Passive stall
available in the wind. depends on the tip speed ratio, ,
which is described by
3. Method
= , (2)
3.1. The Wind Turbine. The 200 kW turbine consists of three
where is the rotational speed and is the turbine radius. 24 meter long straight blades with a standard NACA profile;
The theoretical curve for this specific turbine was found from see Table 1. Each blade is connected to two streamline-shaped
simulations based on [9]; see Figure 2. This figure has not struts bolted to the hub. The blades and struts are made
been experimentally verified yet, and therefore the axes do from glass fiber. The turbine is mounted on a 40 m high
not have scales. It serves as a representation of the behaviour conical tower that encases and carries the shaft connecting
of the - curve. the turbine and generator.
During operation, the absorption of the turbine is reg- The generator design is adapted to the torque and rota-
ulated by altering the tip speed ratio of the turbine. For tional speed of the turbine without the use of a gearbox. It is
wind speeds lower than rated (12 m/s), the control system designed to have good over load capacity with a load angle
aims at keeping an optimal tip speed ratio to maximize the of 9.9 degrees at nominal operation and can thereby handle
absorption. As the tip speed ratio decreases, the turbine stalls the turbine in all possible operational conditions. The 36-pole
and the power absorption is reduced. For wind speeds close to rotor is permanently magnetized with NdFeB magnets. The
rated wind speed and higher, the tip speed ratio is decreased stator is cable wound with 50 mm2 PVC insulated stranded
to assure constant power absorption from the turbine. In copper conductors. At nominal operation the three phase
this region the tip speed ratio is regulated to decrease power generator delivers a line-to-line voltage of 839 V and a current
output for increasing wind speeds; that is, the turbine is stall of 160 A at an electrical frequency of 9.9 Hz. The efficiency
regulated. The turbine is controlled to always operate on of the generator is calculated to 96.7%. The design of the
optimal tip speed ratio or lower to ensure stable operation generator and its overload capacity are further described in
which in the figure corresponds to the part of the graph [10].
placed to the left of the dashed line. For this turbine the The turbine does not have any moving parts such as pitch
optimal tip speed ratio is expected to be between 3.5 and 4, control; instead absorption is electrically controlled by the
and the corresponding is expected in the region of 0.35 generator which controls the rotational speed of the turbine.
0.4. The turbine is grid connected through an electrical system.
Journal of Wind Energy 3

Rectifier Inverter 25
= Grid
Gen AC-filter


Start 15

Figure 3: Layout of the electrical system from generator to grid.

Parallel to the rectifier is a small inverter used for starting the 10

All parts of the electrical system, except the generator, are

placed in a nearby substation where the three-phase current 0
0 500 1000 1500
from the generator is rectified to a capacitor-stabilized DC-
bus connected to a three-phase inverter. The rectifier is a Time (s)
passive diode bridge. The voltage over the DC-bus varies with Rotational speed (rpm)
the rotational speed of the generator and is controlled by the Wind speed (m/s)
inverter, which thereby also controls the rotational speed of Tip speed ratio
the turbine. The operating voltage span of the DC-bus is from
520 V up to 950 V which corresponds to a span of 15 to 30 rpm Figure 4: The rotational speed, wind speed and tip speed ratio
during stall operation.
in rotational speed. The present wind speed together with the
desired tip speed ratio is used to calculate a set point for the
DC voltage. The difference from the present DC voltage and
the output from a PLL (phase locked loop) control the PWM the experiment, and the rotational speed was measured to
(pulse width modulation) output of the inverter. Figure 3 give the correct tip speed ratio. During the experiment, the
shows the basic layout of the electrical system. tip speed ratio was kept low, to make the turbine stall and
thereby absorb less power. The experiment was only run a
3.2. Measurement Setup. All experimental data was logged limited amount of time since more time was spent on running
by the LabVIEW Compact RIO based control system of the turbine at higher tip speed ratio where it would absorb
the turbine. The sampling frequency for measurements is more power.
1 Hz. The wind speed is measured in a nearby measurement
tower, which is placed at hub height 100 m from the wind 4. Results
turbine according to the international standard for power
performance measurements [11]. The anemometer used is a Results are shown for about 24 minutes of operation. The
Thies Clima 4.3351.00.161. The rotational speed of the turbine control system is able to limit the rotational speed of the
is measured by a 10 bit rotational encoder placed on the drive turbine even under conditions with high variation in wind
shaft. The power is measured as the DC power delivered from speeds, as shown in Figure 4. During this experiment, the
the turbine after rectification measured by a Tektronix P5200 mean power delivered from the turbine was 85 kW, the wind
for voltage and a SSET CEIZ04-55E4-1.0/0400 A for current. speed was between 8 m/s and 18 m/s, and the rotational speed
All experimental results are shown as 20 s sliding averages was kept at 20 rpm with a standard deviation of 0.2 rpm.
of data to reduce the effects of the difference in wind speed The tip speed ratio varied between 1.6 and 3. The difference
at the turbine and the measurement tower and to improve between available power in the wind (see (1)) and absorbed
readability of figures. DC power in Figure 5 shows that the turbine is operating in
stall; that is, the power absorption is stall regulated. A strong
3.3. Experiment. In order to verify that the passive stall gust passes the turbine roughly 950 s into the experiment,
control worked as expected, an experiment at fixed rotational which strongly increases the available power in the wind
speed and very turbulent winds was performed. During the but does not make a distinguishable impact on the absorbed
experiment no power tracking algorithms were used; instead power. During this gust, the tip speed ratio decreases (moving
the rotational speed was set manually to a constant level by towards zero on the curve in Figure 2) and thereby
fixating the rectified DC-voltage from the generator. This increases the stall of the turbine. The turbine was not run at
method keeps the rotational speed constant as long as the an optimal regulation during the test of stall operation,
wind speed is high enough for the turbine to extract power since stall occurs at lower tip speed ratios than optimal.
at the set rotational speed, which was the case during the
experiment. However, the rotational speed can vary slightly 5. Discussion
due to the varying small voltage drop across the generator
windings during high fluctuations in currents. During this The results from the stall regulation experiment show that
experiment these variations were small enough not to affect it is possible to maintain control of a turbine in strong
4 Journal of Wind Energy

1800 Vertical Wind AB, E.ON, Falkenberg Energy and the Swedish
Energy Agency. The Swedish Energy Agency and Vinnova
are acknowledged for contributions to the Swedish Centre for
1400 Renewable Electric Energy Conversion.

800 [1] European Wind Energy Association, Wind Energy Factsheets,
2010, http://www.ewea.org/.
[2] G. J. M. Darrieus, Turbine having its rotating shaft transverse
400 to the flow of the current, United States Patent Office, Patent
no. 1835018, 1931.
[3] V. Samsonov and P. Baklushin, Comparison of different ways
0 for VAWT aerodynamic control, Journal of Wind Engineering
0 500 1000 1500 and Industrial Aerodynamics, vol. 39, no. 13, pp. 427433, 1992.
Time (s) [4] A. Hansen and C. Butterfield, Aerodynamics of Horizontal-
Pwind (kW)
Axis Wind Turbines, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, vol.
Pdc (kW) 25, pp. 115149, 1993.
[5] J. Ribrant and L. M. Bertling, Survey of failures in wind power
Figure 5: Stall behavior of the turbine. The available power in the systems with focus on Swedish wind power plants during 1997
wind and the absorbed DC power during the same time interval as 2005, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 22, no. 1,
in Figure 4. pp. 167173, 2007.
[6] J. O. Dabiri, Potential order-of-magnitude enhancement of
wind farm power density via counter-rotating vertical-axis
wind turbine arrays, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable
gusty winds without any mechanical control systems such Energy, vol. 3, no. 4, Article ID 043104, 12 pages, 2011.
as pitching of blades. The electrical system can handle the [7] J. Kjellin, S. Eriksson, P. Deglaire, F. Bulow, and H. Bernhoff,
turbine accommodated by passive stall. The intrinsic stall Progress of control system and measurement techniques for a
control is effectively used by limiting the rotational speed 12 kW vertical axis wind turbine, in Proceedings of the European
before the nominal power has been reached. The result Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition (EWEC 08), Brussels,
implies that as long as the generator voltage can be kept at a Belgium, 2008.
desired level during the entire operating span, no other active [8] J. Kjellin, F. Bulow, S. Eriksson, P. Deglaire, M. Leijon, and H.
storm protection is needed. Instead, the design of the control Bernhoff, Power coefficient measurement on a 12 kW straight
system can be focused towards optimizing power production. bladed vertical axis wind turbine, Renewable Energy, vol. 36,
In addition, this may simplify the control of a wind farm; no. 11, pp. 30503053, 2011.
if the turbines are working against the same DC-bus, the [9] P. Deglaire, Analytical aerodynamic simulation tools for vertical
production can be controlled for the entire farm without axis wind turbines [Ph.D. thesis], Uppsala University, 2010.
the need of individual speed control. However, the results [10] S. Eriksson, H. Bernhoff, and M. Leijon, A 225 kW direct driven
only suggest that this type of wind farm control is possible; PM generator adapted to a vertical axis wind turbine, Advances
experiments are needed to validate the performance of such in Power Electronics, vol. 2011, Article ID 239061, 7 pages, 2011.
a wind farm. [11] IEC, International Electrotechnical Commission, International
Standard IEC, 61400-12-1, Power Performance Measurements of
Electricity Producing Wind Turbines, 1st edition, 2005.
6. Conclusions
The concept with an all-electric control has been demon-
strated. It has been experimentally verified that it is possi-
ble to control the turbine rotational speed in gusty winds
above nominal wind speed without mechanical control. The
rotational speed was kept constant in wind speeds varying
from 8 m/s to 18 m/s. Previous results in [10] state that the
generator is capable of electrically induced stall, which was
verified for the complete wind turbine in this experiment.
Long-time measurements are ongoing to find experimental
- and power-curves for the turbine.

This work was conducted within the StandUP for Energy
strategic research framework. Acknowledgments are given to
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