Research Article: Electric Control Substituting Pitch Control For Large Wind Turbines
Research Article: Electric Control Substituting Pitch Control For Large Wind Turbines
Research Article: Electric Control Substituting Pitch Control For Large Wind Turbines
Research Article
Electric Control Substituting Pitch Control for
Large Wind Turbines
Copyright 2013 Jon Kjellin et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A completely electrical control of a variable speed wind turbine is experimentally verified. A vertical axis wind turbine with a direct
driven generator and an electrical system with diode rectification and full inverter connected to the electric grid is presented. This
is the first paper that presents this novel 200 kW wind power plant erected at the west coast of Sweden. The turbine has fixed pitch
and is only controlled electrically accommodated by passive stall of the blades. By electrically controlling the generator rotational
speed with the inverter, passive stall regulation is enabled. The first results on experimental verification of stall regulation in gusty
wind speeds are presented. The experiments show that the control system can keep the turbine rotational speed constant even at
very gusty winds. It is concluded that electrical control accommodated by passive stall is sufficient as control of the wind turbine
even at high wind speeds and can substitute mechanical control such as blade pitch.
Rectifier Inverter 25
= Grid
Gen AC-filter
Start 15
1800 Vertical Wind AB, E.ON, Falkenberg Energy and the Swedish
Energy Agency. The Swedish Energy Agency and Vinnova
are acknowledged for contributions to the Swedish Centre for
1400 Renewable Electric Energy Conversion.
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6. Conclusions
The concept with an all-electric control has been demon-
strated. It has been experimentally verified that it is possi-
ble to control the turbine rotational speed in gusty winds
above nominal wind speed without mechanical control. The
rotational speed was kept constant in wind speeds varying
from 8 m/s to 18 m/s. Previous results in [10] state that the
generator is capable of electrically induced stall, which was
verified for the complete wind turbine in this experiment.
Long-time measurements are ongoing to find experimental
- and power-curves for the turbine.
This work was conducted within the StandUP for Energy
strategic research framework. Acknowledgments are given to
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