Indiabix With Explanations
Indiabix With Explanations
Indiabix With Explanations
15. In the given figure reflection coefficient at load is 18. Skin effect is more pronounced at high frequencies.
B. False
Answer: Option A
Skin effect increases as frequency increases.
26. A line has Z0 = 300 0 . If ZL = 150 0 , 28. In a microstrip transmission the signal can be easily
reflection coefficient is redirected by changing the centre strip.
A. 0.5 A.True
B. 0.3333 B. False
C. -0.3333 A
Answer: Option A
Answer: Option C A Microstrip line has a single dielectric substratc with
Explanation: ground plane on one side and a strip on the other
Reflection coefficient face.
Its special feature is easy access to top surface so
that minor adjustments can be made after circuit
The high dielectric constant of the substrate reduces
27. Assertion (A): A backward wave oscillator has an guide wavelength and circuit dimensions.
internal positive feedback. A microstrip line is the most commomly used
Reason (R): A positive feedback is necessary for transmission structure for microwave integrated
sustained oscillations. circuits.
Both A and R are correct and R is correct
explanation of A 29. The frequency of oscillation in a backward wave
oscillator can be changed by
A. varying the voltage which controls beam velocity 31. In the given figure the time taken by the wave to make one ro
B. varying the beam current
both by varying the beam current and by light
varying the voltage which controls beam velocity
D.changing the rate of thermionic emission
Answer: Option A
It is somewhat similar to TWT and can deliver
microwave power over a wide frequency band.
A. 10 ns
It has an electron gun and a helix structure. However
B. 20 ns
the interaction between electron beam and RF wave
C. 30 ns
is different than in TWT.
D.40 ns
The growing RF wave travels in opposite direction to
the electron beam. D
The frequency of wave can be changed by changing Answer: Option D
the voltage which controls the beam velocity. Explanation:
Moreover the amplitude of oscillations can be
decreased continuously to zero by changing the
beam current.
It features are: 32. For a 50 resistor for 3 GHz application, the stray
1. Frequency range - 1 GHz to 1000 GHz. capacitance should be less than
2. Power output - 10 mV to 150 mW (continuous A. 1 F
wave) 250kW (pulsed). B. 1 nF
It is used as signal source in transmitters and C. 1 pF
instruments. D.0.1 pF
30. A line has a phase constant of 29.8 rad/m. At 1000 MHz the wavelength is
A. 29.8 m Answer: Option D
B. 2.98 m Explanation:
C. 2.1 m XC should be at least ten times greater than R.
D.0.21 m Therefore for 50 resistor at 3 GHz, C should be less
D than 0.1 pF.
= finite number. C.
Reason (R): A quarter wave transformer is a
D. transmission line of quarter wave length.
Both A and R are correct and R is correct
A A.
explanation of A
Answer: Option A Both A and R are correct but R is not correct
Explanation: explanation of A
C. A is correct but R is wrong
D.A is wrong but R is correct
frads/unit length.
34. The total field developed by an antenna array at a Answer: Option B
distant point is Explanation:
phasor sum of fields produced by individual
antennas of the array A line of length is called quarter wavelength line.
algebraic sum of fields produced by individual Such a line is used for impedance matching.
antennas of the array
C. either (a) or (b) depending on type of array If
D.neither (a) nor (b)
Answer: Option A A quarter wave line can match a source impedance
Explanation: Zin with load impedance ZL by selecting a proper value
Since field is a phasor quantity we have to take of Z0 so as to satisfy equation.
phasor sum.
Such a line is also called transformer.
35. High speed logic circuits use
A. pulses with very small width 38. Assertion (A): Magnetron is generally used in n mode.
B. pulses with very large width Reason (R): Frequency for p mode can be easily
C. pulses whose width is neither small nor large separated from adjacent modes.
D.either (b) or (c) Both A and R are correct and R is correct
A explanation of A
Both A and R are correct but R is not correct
Answer: Option A B.
explanation of A
C. A is correct but R is wrong
High speed means time period is small. Therefore pulses should also have small width.
D.A is wrong but R is correct
36. To couple a coaxial line to a parallel wire line it is best to use A
A. slotted line Answer: Option A
B. balun Explanation:
C. directional coupler It is somewhat similar to TWT and can deliver
D./4 transformer microwave power over a wide frequency band.
B It has an electron gun and a helix structure. However
the interaction between electron beam and RF wave
Answer: Option B
is different than in TWT.
The growing RF wave travels in opposite direction to
A balun gives 4 : 1 impedance transformation.
the electron beam.
The frequency of wave can be changed by changing
37. Assertion (A): A quarter wave transformer is used to
the voltage which controls the beam velocity.
match a resistive load to a transmission line.
Moreover the amplitude of oscillations can be Explanation:
decreased continuously to zero by changing the TE01 mode is unaffected because its horizontally oriented elect
beam current. to the conducting strips.
It features are:
1. Frequency range - 1 GHz to 1000 GHz. 42. The directive gain of a transmitting antenna is
2. Power output - 10 mV to 150 mW (continuous A. proportional to wavelength
wave) 250kW (pulsed). B. inversely proportional to wavelength
It is used as signal source in transmitters and C. proportional to square of wavelength
instruments. D. inversely proportional to square of wavelength
39. A balun should have
A. low SWR at both ports Answer: Option D
B. high SWR at both ports Explanation:
C. high SWR at input port and low SWR at output port
D.low SWR at input port and high SWR at output
Answer: Option A 43. A duplexer is used to
Explanation: A. couple two antennas to a transmitter
Turn ratio is so selected as to give low SWR at both B. isolate the antenna from the local oscillator
ports. prevent interference between two antennas
connected to receiver
use an antenna for reception or transmission
40. Assertion (A): The velocity factor of a line is the ratio of wave velocity
the line to speed of light.
Reason (R): If the conductors of a line are immersed in a non magnetic
D insulating liquid, the wave
velocity increases.
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation of A Answer: Option D
B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation of Explanation:
C. A is correct but R is wrong Same antenna is used for transmission and reception.
D.A is wrong but R is correct
44. A branched duplexer requires
A. TR tubes
Answer: Option C B. ATR tube
Explanation: C. both TR and ATR tube
R is wrong because wave velocity decreases. D.none of the above
41. In mode filter of the given figure which of the following modes is unaffected
Answer: Option C
A branched duplexer funds use in narrow bandwidth
TR tube stands for transmit-receive tube and ATR
A. TE01 tube stands for antitransmit receive tube.
B. TE10 Both these tubes are used in branched duplexer.
C. TE11
D.all TM 45. In a backward wave oscillator the wave
A. travelling along the line winds itself back and forth
B. progresses only in forward direction
Answer: Option A C. progresses only in backward direction
D.either (a) or (c) Both A and R are correct but R is not correct
A explanation of A
C. A is correct but R is wrong
Answer: Option A D.A is wrong but R is correct
It is somewhat similar to TWT and can deliver microwave powerBover a wide frequency band.
It has an electron gun and a helix structure. However the interaction
Option Belectron beam and RF
wave is different than in TWT. Explanation:
The growing RF wave travels in opposite direction to the electron
A PINbeam.
diode has an intrinsic (i) layer between p and n
The frequency of wave can be changed by changing the voltage layers.
the beam
bias isvelocity.
applied depletion layers
Moreover the amplitude of oscillations can be decreased continuously
are formed to at
p-i by
i-n junctions.
the beam
current. The effective/width of depletion layer increases by
It features are: the width of i layer. It can be used as a voltage
1. Frequency range - 1 GHz to 1000 GHz. controlled attenuator.
2. Power output - 10 mV to 150 mW (continuous wave) 250kW At(pulsed).
high frequencies the rectification effect ceases
It is used as signal source in transmitters and instruments. and impedance of diode is effectively that of i layer.
This impedance varies with the applied bias. It is used
46. A coaxial line has L = 500 nH/m and C = 50 pF/m. The characteristic
in highimpedance
frequency isswitching circuits, limiters,
A. 500 modulators etc.
B. 250
C. 100 49. In a vacuum tube, the transit time of electron
D.50 between cathode and anode is important at
C A. low frequencies
B. high frequencies
Answer: Option C C. both (a) and (b)
Explanation: frequencies which are neither very low nor very
Answer: Option B
47. The main feature of a parametric amplifier is Explanation:
A. low noise At high frequencies transit time is large as compared
B. very high gain to the period of microwave signal.
C. broad bandwidth
D.both (b) and (c) 50.
C Assertion (A): A line of length and short circuited
Answer: Option C at far end has an input impedance of infinity.
Since reactance does not contribute thermal noise to Reason (R): A line of length and short circuited at
the circuit, it is a low noise device. far end behaves as a parallel resonant circuit.
Both A and R are correct and R is correct
48. Assertion (A): PIN diode is commonly used for explanation of A
microwave control. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct
Reason (R): A PIN diode uses heavily doped p and n explanation of A
materials. C. A is correct but R is wrong
Both A and R are correct and R is correct D.A is wrong but R is correct
explanation of A A
Answer: Option A 1. A cavity resonator is
Explanation: A. a hollow metallic enclosure
A parallel tuned circuit has an infinite impedance if R a hollow enclosure having magnetic material as its
is zero. walls
a hollow enclosure having dielectric material as its
D.either (b) or (c)
Answer: Option A
Answer: Option C
4. Atomic and molecular resonance is observed in many Z01 provides series inductances and teflon filled low impedance
substances line Z02 provides shunt capacitance.
A. at microwave frequencies
B. at low frequencies
C. at frequencies used in AM broadcast 6. The semiconductor diode which can be used in switching circui both (b) and (c) microwave range is
A A. PIN diode
B. Varactor diode
Answer: Option A C. Tunnel diode
D. Gunn diode
Explanation: A
Answer: Option B It uses a single cavity resonator for generating microwave osci
Explanation: Its parts are electron gun, resonator, repeller and output coup
0.054 x 8.68 = 0.47 dB/m. It operates on the principle of positive feed back.
9. If a line is open circuited Zin = Z0 tanh (gl). The repeller electrode is at negative potential and sends the p
This positive feedback supports oscillations. Its feature are: Explanation:
1. Frequency range - 2 to 100 GHz Power handling capacity (voltage)2 and is inversely
proportional to f2 max.
2. Power output - 10 MW to about 2 W
13. To couple a coaxial line to a parallel wire line it is best
3. Efficiency - 10 - 20 % to use
A. slotted line
B. balundevices, oscillator for microwave measurements in
Its applications include radar receivers, local oscillator in microwave
laboratories etc. C. directional coupler
D./4 transformer
11. A coaxial RF cable has a characteristic impedance of 50 and C equal to 40 pF/m. The inductance is
A. 1 H/m
Answer: Option B
B. 10 H/m
C. 0.1 H/m
D.0.01 H/m
C A balun gives 4 : 1 impedance transformation.
In a two cavity klystron only buncher and catcher Some applications require dual polarization
cavity are used. In multi cavity klystron one or more capability. Circular waveguide has this capability.
intermediate cavities are also used.
These analysis uses cylindrical coordinates.
The features of a multicavity klystron are :
In circular waveguide TE11 mode has the lowest cut
1. Frequency range - 0.25 GHz to 100 GHz off frequency and is the dominant mode.
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option C
In a two cavity klystron only buncher and catcher A. The radial lines are E lines and circular lines are H lines
cavity are used. In multi cavity klystron one or more B. Radial lines are H lines and circular lines are E lines
intermediate cavities are also used. C. The directions of E and H lines are wrong
D.Radial lines may be E and H lines depending an direction of c
The features of a multicavity klystron are : A
Range = (power)025.
Answer: Option A
23. Which mode has the lowest cut off frequency in
circular wave guides?
A. TE01
A Klystron is a vacuum tube used for
B. TE11
generation/amplification of microwaves.
C. TE20
An electron beam is produced by oxide coated
B indirectly heated cathode and is focussed and
accelerated by focussing electrode.
Answer: Option B
This beam is transmitted through a glass tube. The
Explanation: input cavity where the beam enters the glass tube is
called buncher.
Some applications require dual polarization
capability. Circular waveguide has this capability. As electrons move ahead they see an accelerating
field for half cycle and retarding field for the other
These analysis uses cylindrical coordinates. half cycle.
Therefore, some electrons are accelerated and some
are retarded. This process is called velocity Answer: Option A
The velocity modulation causes bunching of
electrons. This bunching effect converts velocity It uses a single cavity resonator for generating microwave osci
modulation into density modulation of beam.
Its parts are electron gun, resonator, repeller and output coup
The input is fed at buncher cavity and output is taken
at catcher cavity. It operates on the principle of positive feed back.
In a two cavity klystron only buncher and catcher The repeller electrode is at negative potential and sends the p
cavity are used. In multi cavity klystron one or more
intermediate cavities are also used. This positive feedback supports oscillations. Its feature are:
3. Power gain - 60 dB (nominal value) Its applications include radar receivers, local oscillator in micro
laboratories etc.
4. Efficiency - about 40%.
27. Consider the following applications
A multicavity klystron is used in UHF TV transmitters,
Radar transmitter and satellite communication. 1. TV tuning
2. Active filter
25. A wave Em cos (bx - t) is a backward wave. 3. Microwave frequency multiplication
B. False In which of above can a varactor diode be used?
B A. 1 2 and 3
B. l and 2 only
C. 1 and 3 only
Answer: Option B
D.2 and 3 only
Explanation: A
26. A reflex klystron oscillator is a
A. low power device Varactor diode is used in all the three applications.
B. high power device
C. high efficiency device 28. Consider the following statements
D.both (a) and (b)
1. Dissipative attenuator has a fixed value of
attenuation. Answer: Option A
2. Reflective attenuator has a fixed value of
attenuation. Explanation:
3. Both dissipative and reflective attenuators
are available only with fixed attenuation. A Klystron is a vacuum tube used for generation/amplification
4. Both dissipative and reflective attenuators
are available with either fixed or variable An electron beam is produced by oxide coated indirectly heate
attenuation. electrode.
Which of the above are correct? This beam is transmitted through a glass tube. The input cavity
A. 1 only
B. 1 and 2 As electrons move ahead they see an accelerating field for hal
C. 1, 2 and 3
D.4 only Therefore, some electrons are accelerated and some are retar
The velocity modulation causes bunching of electrons. This bu
Answer: Option D modulation of beam.
Explanation: The input is fed at buncher cavity and output is taken at catche
Both dissipative and reflective attenuators are In a two cavity klystron only buncher and catcher cavity are us
available with either fixed or variable attenuation. cavities are also used.
29. Impedance inversion may be obtained with The features of a multicavity klystron are :
A. a short circuited stub
B. a quarter wave line 1. Frequency range - 0.25 GHz to 100 GHz
C. an open circuited stub
D.a half wave line 2. Power output - 10 kW to several hundred kW
3. Power gain - 60 dB (nominal value)
32. Ga As exhibits negative differential mobility A Klystron is a vacuum tube used for
A.True generation/amplification of microwaves.
B. False
A An electron beam is produced by oxide coated
indirectly heated cathode and is focussed and
accelerated by focussing electrode.
Answer: Option A
This beam is transmitted through a glass tube. The
input cavity where the beam enters the glass tube is
called buncher.
A Gunn diode uses GaAs which has a negative
differential mobility, i.e., a decrease in carrier
As electrons move ahead they see an accelerating
velocity with increase in electric field.
field for half cycle and retarding field for the other
half cycle.
This effects is called transferred electron effect. The
impedance of a Gunn diode is tens of ohms.
Therefore, some electrons are accelerated and some
are retarded. This process is called velocity
A Gunn diode oscillator has a resonant cavity, an modulation.
arrangement to couple Gunn diode to cavity, biasing
arrangement for Gunn diode and arrangement to
The velocity modulation causes bunching of
couple RF power to load.
electrons. This bunching effect converts velocity
modulation into density modulation of beam.
Applications of Gunn diode oscillator include
continuous wave radar, pulsed radar and microwave
The input is fed at buncher cavity and output is taken
at catcher cavity.
33. Consider the following statements
In a two cavity klystron only buncher and catcher
cavity are used. In multi cavity klystron one or more
1. Bunching of electrons occurs in two cavity
intermediate cavities are also used.
klystron amplifier.
2. Bunching of electrons occurs in multi cavity
The features of a multicavity klystron are :
klystron amplifier.
3. Bunching of electrons occurs in reflex cavity
1. Frequency range - 0.25 GHz to 100 GHz
klystron amplifier.
2. Power output - 10 kW to several hundred kW
Which of the above statements are correct?
A. 1, 2, and only
3. Power gain - 60 dB (nominal value)
B. 1, 2 and 3 only
C. 1 and 3 only
D.2 and 3 only 4. Efficiency - about 40%.
A multicavity klystron is used in UHF TV transmitters,
Radar transmitter and satellite communication.
Answer: Option B
34. Assertion (A): For high frequency lines inductive 36. Which one of the following is not a negative resistance device
reactance is very high as compared to ac resistance. A. Gunn diode
B. Tunnel diode
Reason (R): Due to skin effect ac resistance of line is C. Impatt diode
higher than dc resistance. D. Varactor diode
Both A and R are correct and R is correct D
explanation of A
Both A and R are correct but R is not correct
B. Answer: Option D
explanation of A
C. A is correct but R is wrong
D.A is wrong but R is correct Explanation:
Gunn diode, Tunnel diode and Impatt diodes are negative
resistance devices.
Answer: Option B
The limitation of solid state devices at high frequencies includ
Explanation: those associated with transit time and junction capacitances.
XL = L. As frequency increases line resistance The devices used are : Transferred electron oscillators (Gunn
increases slightly but XL increases directly as per diode), Avalanche diode oscillators (Impatt diode, Trapatt dio
frequency. Masters, Lasers, Tunnel diode, Varactor etc).
35. Consider the following applications 37. Microwave links are typically 50 km apart
A. because of atmospheric attenuation
1. Switch B. because of output tube power limitation
2. Attenuator C. because of earth's curvature
3. Phase shifter ensure that applied dc voltage is not excessive
4. Oscillator C
Double stub is useful for matching over a range of 2. Power output - 10 mV to 150 mW (continuous
frequencies. wave) 250kW (pulsed).
39. Assertion (A): In the interaction region of magnetron It is used as signal source in transmitters and
an electron is subjected to three forces: force due to instruments.
electric field, force due to magnetic field and
centrifugal force. 40. Which of the following is wrong for a magic used to tee?
A. E and H arms are decoupled
Reason (R): The mechanism of generation of B. coplanar arms are coupled
microwaves, in a magnetron, involves interaction of C. all ports are perfectly matched
electromagnetic fields with electrons moving in static D.A signal into coplanar arm splits equally between E and H ar
electric and magnetic fields oriented at right angles B
to each other.
Both A and R are correct and R is correct
A. Answer: Option B
explanation of A
Both A and R are correct but R is not correct
B. Explanation:
explanation of A
C. A is correct but R is wrong
D.A is wrong but R is correct Coplanar arms are decoupled.
41. The expression HZ = C cos(Bx) cos(Ay)yz is for
A. TE wave
B. TM waves
Answer: Option A C. both TE and TM waves
D.some TE and some TM waves
Explanation: A
The growing RF wave travels in opposite direction to 42. Assertion (A): Impedance matching can be done by
the electron beam. using stubs.
The frequency of wave can be changed by changing Reason (R): A double stub is used for impedance
the voltage which controls the beam velocity. matching when frequency of signal varies.
Both A and R are correct and R is correct
Moreover the amplitude of oscillations can be explanation of A
decreased continuously to zero by changing the Both A and R are correct but R is not correct
beam current. explanation of A
C. A is correct but R is wrong
D.A is wrong but R is correct
It features are:
Therefore the signal gets strengthened and amplified
Answer: Option A output is delivered at the other end of tube.
Hollow metallic enclosures exhibit resonance 1. Frequency range - 0.5 GHz to 90 GHz
behaviour when excited by electromagnetic field.
2. Power output - 5 mW at low frequencies(less than
These enclosures are called cavity resonators. 20 GHz) 250 kW (continuous wave) at 3 GHz 10 MW
(pulsed) at 3 GHz
43. Read the following statements about TWT
3. Efficiency - about 5 to 20%
1. It uses thermionic emission.
2. It uses an attenuater. 4. Noise - about 5 dB for low power TWT 25 dB for
3. It is inherently a resonant device. high power TWT
4. It has broad bandwidth.
TWT is used as RF amplifier in broadband microwave
Which of the above are correct? receivers, repeater amplifier in broad band
A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 communication systems, communication satellites
B. 1, 2 and 3 etc.
C. 1, 3 and 4
D.1, 2 and 4 44. If a line having Z0 = 300 0 W is short circuited at far
D end, VSWR is
A. 0
B. 1
Answer: Option D C.
Its parts are electron gun, resonator, repeller and output47. A pulsed radar produces 1 sec pulses at a rate of
coupling. 1000 per second. The duty cycle is
A. 0.001
It operates on the principle of positive feed back. B. 0.01
C. 0.1
The repeller electrode is at negative potential and sends the D.1
partially bunched electron beam back to resonator cavity. A