Archaeological Institute of America American Journal of Archaeology
Archaeological Institute of America American Journal of Archaeology
Archaeological Institute of America American Journal of Archaeology
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Dating the Earliest Coins of Athens,
Corinth and Aegina*
early electrum coins from the Central Basis deposit in
An article recently published in this journal (D. Ka-
the Artemisium at Ephesus were buried around the
gan, AJA 86 [1982] 343-60) proposes to revive a seventh
middle of the seventh century, that the invention of
century B.C. dating for the earliest coinages of Aegina,
coinage in western Asia Minor consequently goes
Corinth and Athens, in keeping with the ancient testimo-
nia that connect coinage with Pheidon of Argos and back
the to around 700, and that all chronological diffi-
culties are therefore removed for accepting the view,
reforms of Solon. Apart from such testimonia, however,
the only chronological argument adduced for this dating
widely held by numismatists and historians until the
is Kagan's contention that coinage began in Lydia and
1950s, that coinage spread to Aegina before ca. 650
Ionia near the beginning of the seventh century. B.C. and thence to Corinth and Athens later in the
Here we review the very considerable body of literary,
seventh century.2
typological, contextual, metallurgical, stylistic and com-
parative numismatic evidence that bears on the chrono-It would be premature at this time to arbitrate be-
logy of archaic Aeginetan, Corinthian and Athenian
tween Kagan's discussion of the Artemisium Central
coinage, and conclude that, regardless of when in the sev-
Basis deposit and the opposing position advocated by
enth century coinage developed in western Asia Minor, it
was not introduced at Aegina, Corinth and Athens until
E.S.G. Robinson and most recently by M.J. Price
the sixth century B.C. that the deposit was not closed until around or after
600.3 On March 23-24, 1984, a colloquium was held
Some 20 years ago, D. Kagan defended the ancient at the British Museum for the explicit purpose of re-
historical tradition that the coinage of Aegina was viewing
in- the finds and related architectural, historical-
stituted by Pheidon, the relatively obscure tyrantliterary,
of and numismatic evidence for the absolute
Argos whose career is most commonly placed in the chronology of the earliest stages of the Artemisium.
The papers presented at the colloquium are being
first half of the seventh century B.C.' Now Kagan has
broadened his defense in a paper that argues that published
the together, and when they appear all future
* The authors gratefully acknowledge the interest and Kagan 1960 D. Kagan, "Pheidon's Aeginetan Coin-
tions of S. Brunet, R.R. Holloway, M.J. Price, and A.S. Walker. age," TAPA 91 (1960) 121-36.
Kagan 1982 D. Kagan, "The Dates of the Earliest
Special abbreviations used are:
Coins," AJA 86 (1982) 343-60.
ACGC C.M. Kraay, Archaic and Classical Greek Kroll J.H. Kroll, "From Wappenmfinzen to
Coins (Berkeley and Los Angeles Gorgoneia to Owls," ANSMN 26
1976). (1981) 1-32, pls. 1-2.
Cahn 1946 H.A. Cahn, "Zur frihattischen Minz- "Owls" C.M. Kraay, "The Archaic Owls of
praigung," MusHelv 3 (1946) 133-46; Athens: Classification and Chronolo-
reprinted in Cahn, Kleine Schriften gy," NC ser. 6.16 (1956) 46-68, pl. 13.
zur Miinzkunde und Archiiologie (Ba- Price and Waggoner M. Price and N. Waggoner, Archaic
sel 1975) 70-80. Greek Coinage, The Asyut Hoard
Cahn 1971 H.A. Cahn, "Dating the Early Coinages (London 1975).
of Athens," lecture given at the Ameri- Seltman C.T. Seltman, Athens, Its History and
can Numismatic Society, April 17, Coinage before the Persian Invasion
1971; Kleine Schriften 81-97. (Cambridge 1924).
Cahn 1977 H.A. Cahn, "Asiut, kritische Bemerkun- SKagan 1960. The chronology of Pheidon is notoriously prob-
gen zu einer Schatzfundpublikation,"
lematic (Kagan 1960:125-28; A.R. Burn, CR 33 [1983] 252); but
SNR 56 (1977) 279-87. Kagan (1982:344, 359) has recently shown a preference for the first
HN2 B.V. Head, Historia Numorum2 (Oxford half of the seventh century, the dating preferred by most historians
1911). and numismatists and hence provisionally accepted here.
Holloway R.R. Holloway, "An Archaic Hoard from 2 Kagan 1982.
Crete and the Early Aeginetan Coin-
3 E.S.G. Robinson, "The Coins from the Ephesian Artemision
age," ANSMN 17 (1971) 1-21, pls. Reconsidered," JHS 71 (1951) 156-67; "The Dates of the Earliest
Coins," NC ser. 6.16 (1956) 1-8; and M.J. Price, "Thoughts on the
IGCH M. Thompson, O. Morkholm and Colin Beginnings of Coinage," in C.N.L. Brooke, I. Stewart, J.G. Pollard
and T.R. Volk eds., Studies in Numismatic Method Presented to
M. Kraay, An Inventory of Greek Coin
Hoards (New York 1973). Philip Grierson (Cambridge 1983) 1-4.
American Journal of Archaeology 88 (1984)
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so, it is true that-as in all areas of scientific In other words, the change in the nomisma apparently
search-the fundamental technical studies have been consisted of a 100:70 or 30 percent reduction in the
weight standard of the drachma.
addressed primarily to specialists in the field. And,
even among these specialists, a small minority ledThe by slightly later Ath. Pol., chapter 10, attributes
to Solon
H.A. Cahn has continued to champion the traditional
"high" chronology based on the literary referencesantoaugmentation of the measures and the weights and
the nomisma. For under him (a) the measures became
Pheidon and Solon.5 Therefore, we here summarize
greater than the Pheidonian measures and (b) the mi-
the case for the "low" chronology for a wider, non-
na, previously having the weight of seventy drachmas,
specialist audience and underscore certain key argu-
was filled up to one hundred drachmas. (c) The an-
ments that unconvinced scholars have either underes-
cient denomination was the didrachma. (d) He also es-
timated or overlooked.
tablished weights corresponding to the nomisma, at the
In general terms, the traditional "high" chronology rate of 63 minas to a talent, and the three (additional)
begins with the literary testimonia regarding Pheidon minas were distributed among the stater and the other
and Solon and simply develops a numismatic chrono- units of weight.7
logy to fit these references. The "low" chronology, on According to some commentators, the clause that ex-
plains the augmentation of the nomisma is (c), which
the other hand, starts with the fact that particular late
stages in the archaic coinages of Aegina, Corinth andwould imply that the augmentation was an increase
Athens are empirically anchored in the late sixth and in denomination from the old didrachm coins to the
early fifth centuries B.C., and proceeds to work back tetradrachm.A Other scholars, however, have various-
from these points as far as the evidence of the coinage ly seized on (d), which deals with the relation of
allows. Such evidence is especially plentiful and infor-trade weights to coin weights, or (b) to explain
mative in the case of the archaic coinage of Athens, Solon's reform as either an increase or (in keeping
which we take up first before turning to Corinth and with Androtion) a reduction of the weight standard
Aegina. of the drachma.9
4 Kagan 1982:360.
5 Cahn 1971:86-88; Cahn 1977:283-84. avflrvw. 7T'w' EELvov yap EY4vEro KaL rT /irpa /tlEco rOv QEL~BO-
vElCv, KaL / a, 7TpOTEpov E'X[o]vOa [o]raOtpbv pbot/jKovra
6 Translation of B. Perrin, Plutarch's Lives 1 (Loeb Classical
Library, Cambridge, Mass. and London 1914), with minor altera- bpayjdtc, avEr7rApc8O6? rarc EKardv. ?v &' b hpxatoo XaparITlp
tions. Emended text as printed by P.J. Rhodes, A Commentary onLibpaytJov. "rotlorE b KaL OvraOta 7rpoS r[b] vodytrta, r[p]E'L a K a
the Aristotelian Athenaion Politeia (Oxford 1981) 164: 4?Kxovra /tva b rTO TavroP ayoOrar, KaL EprseLvEtjOBlOrav [aI
girprov Tradhew sa roSKaL
E7Ta?4?)OLV volpToy
ror POtCArtaTo~
up. ?nb ' r]peiL
TLljj..ValT rO TrrariTpt Kal roL aiAAoS OraBo.~t. (Teubner ed.).
8 See, EaToPv
e.g., Cahn 1946:136-38; C.M. Kraay, "An Interpretation
of Ath. Pol. Ch. 10," in Kraay and G.K. Jenkins eds., Essays in
yhp o7Tol7To apaX(,v T7lv t#vav, 7rpOEpov E ifO/rKO T' 'yovoav, Greek Coinage Presented to Stanley Robinson (Oxford 1968) 5-9.
CorT' rptO~Bi p P 'LOov, vvdg/t L' 'AaTrrov haOL~oBdroy, 0g4e-
9 For increase, see, e.g.: K. Kraft, "Zur solonischen Gewichts-
AEiOaL /V To or EvKTVv ..tEyAa, tv bE 'A7TTOBeaL ToVs und Muinzreform," JfNG 19 (1969) 7-24; for reduction (which
xoptzollgvove. would cause an increase in the number of drachmas obtained from
7rv rT? T v TC Z/rEp Ov KCaL OTraBtcv KaL rTV roT vo,.lLO.aror
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ma of "Euboic-Attic" weight of about 4.3 g., and this it can be seen at a glance that the ear-
Table I, where
standard remained in effect down through liest
Hel- (I) appears alone in two hoards, that it is
lenistic period.10 There was a change in thejoined
majorby the following typological group (II) in a
nomination from the didrachm to the tetradrachm,
subsequent hoard, that Groups I and II are later
but it occurred long after Solon, as did thejoined
by III, and so on. Since the relative chronology
of Athenian coinage itself. This last point suggested by typological considerations is confirmed
is particu-
larly critical. For if the coinage did go back toidentical
by the the relative chronology implied by the
early sixth century, some scholars might behoards, Kraay's
tempted to arrangement of the groups must be
judged correct.
argue that prior to Solon the Athenians employed Ae-
Some of
ginetan coins, which were heavier than Athenian bythe hoards are of course more securely
the same 7:10 ratio mentioned in the above passages,
dated than others, but for our purposes it is enough to
and that Solon was therefore responsible for that most of the hoards listed in Table I are firm-
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18 Kroll 23, with 32, nos. 1-14. and accompanying didrachm issues, see Kroll 10-13.
19 Seltman pl. 14 (Group K); ACGC pl. 9.173-74. For the 20
Seltman pls. 13-14 (Group H); ACGC pl. 10.175-78.
icance of the gorgoneion type and the sequence of the tetradrachm
21 Seltman pl. 15 (Group L); ACGC pl. 10.179-80.
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The degeneration continues through Group V (31 A skeptic might reply that the Taranto hoard of ca.
obverse dies in Seltman)25 and reaches bottom in the 500-490 gives nothing more than a terminus ante
Group VI owls (28 dies),26 whose utterly "barbarous" quem and that the Group II owls could just as well be
die-cutting has been suggestively attributed to black-placed in the mid- or earlier sixth century. As Cahn
smiths pressed into service when a great amount ofand Kagan remind us, it is not uncommon to find in
silver had to be coined with all possible haste. On the
fourth century and Hellenistic hoards coins that had
evidence of the Acropolis hoard, the Class VI owls been circulating for as much as a century or more be-
must have been produced before the evacuation of At- fore being buried.32 But for the question at hand, this
observation would be irrelevant: such old coins show
tica in 480. The characteristic design of their reverse
olive sprays links them to the Group VII owls,27 to up also in much earlier hoards as well as in hoards of
which a new detail of a row of four olive leaves is the 300s or later, whereas the Group II owls appear
added on Athena's visor. Since these "wreathed" owls for the first time around 500. Moreover, whereas old
do not show up in any hoard datable before 480, and coins in fourth century and Hellenistic hoards are on
since the addition of the obverse olive leaves is plausi-
the whole heavily worn from their long circulation,
bly interpreted as commemorating Athens' success the five Group II specimens in the Taranto hoard are
over the Persians, there is good reason to conclude
uniformly in a mint-fresh or nearly mint-fresh condi-
that Group VII represents the resumption of Athe-
tion,33 having circulated little before being buried.
nian coinage after the Persian defeats of 480 and
One must remember finally that it is not just the
479.28 Accordingly, the inept die-cutting of GroupGroup
VI II phase of the owls whose initial time of circu-
presumably reflects the urgency of the final prepara-
lation is documented by several hoards of the early
tions for meeting the Persian attack. fifth century, but also the successive Group III and IV
The fact that the earliest (Group II) owls are phases.
not If one were to raise the date of Group II much
present in hoards before 500 strongly suggests that
before ca. 525, the dates of the later owl groups should
22 R.J. Hopper, "Observations on the Wappenmiinzen," in Es- (R.J. Hopper, "The Attic Silver Mines in the Fourth Century,
says... Robinson (supra n. 8) 26-36, 38. For a tabulation by is-
BSA 48 [1953] 227-31, 237-38), this revenue consisted only of the
sues, see Kroll 22. rents on the state-owned leases paid by the private speculators who
worked the mines, the actual amount of silver being produced be-
23 Seltman pls. 16-17 (Group M), 7-12 (Group G); ACGC pl.
10.181-82. fore 483/2 must have been many times greater than the 100 talents
24 Price and Waggoner 63; Cahn 1977:283, with reference to the in by the state. See W.P. Wallace, "The Early Coinages of
154 Group IV tetradrachms in the Asyut hoard. Attica and Euboia," NC ser. 7.2 (1962) 28-31. It is reliably esti-
25 Seltman pls. 2-3 (Group C), 6-7 (Group F); ACGC matedpl.
that 15-25 obverse tetradrachm dies were needed to mint
10.183-84. 100 talents of silver (R.W. Mathisen, "Antigonus Gonatas and the
26 Seltman pls. 5-6 (Group E); ACGC pl. 10.185-86. Silver Coinage of Macedonia circa 280-270 B.C.," ANSMN 26
27 Seltman pls. 18-19 (Group N); ACGCpl. 11.187; C.G.[1981]
Starr,117-18, n. 66).
Athenian Coinage 480-449 B.C. (Oxford 1970) pls. 1-2 (Group I). of ca. 515: P. Bicknell, "The Date of the Archaic Owls
31 In favor
28 "Owls" 55-58; Starr (supra n. 27) 3-7, 11; ACGC 61-62, 65.
of Athens," AC 38 (1969) 175-80; Kroll 24-30. In favor of 510 or
29 "Owls" 55-58; Kraay, "The Early Coinage of Athens," NC
506: Wallace (supra n. 30) 23-28; Price and Waggoner 64-66.
ser. 7.2 (1962) 418, 420; ACGC 61, 355 (ad no. 175). 32 Cahn 1971:82; Kagan 1982:359, n. 144.
30 In 483/2 Athens had on hand a profit of 100 talents from the
33 E. Babelon, "Trouvaille de Tarente," RN 1912, pl. 1.9-12 (cf.
mines at Laurion and especially from the rich strike in theSeltmanMaro- 190, no. 287a).
neia district (Hdt. 7.144; Ath. Pol. 22.7). If, as in the fourth century
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rise with it, bringing at least part of the vastRarelyGroup
in numismatic
IV scholarship does
coinage before the time of theone Taranto hoard.
find the kind But that has attended the
of unanimity
specimens of this profusely mintedgeneral chronology
coinage areof the
con-Group II owls. Art histor-
spicuously absent from the latterical considerations
and convergein
do not appear with the independent im-
fact until after 490 in the Gela hoard, of the hoards
making to establish their date in the
it prob-
able that, while Group II was fairly recent
last quarter around
of the sixth century.
500-490, Group IV did not commenceFrom hereuntil around
the absolute chronology of the Wappen-
500-490 or sometime thereafter. muinzen (Group I) is obtained by working backward.
The truth is that no one has ever proposed to date
As stated, the Wappenminzen tetradrachms are the
the Group II owls prior to ca. 525. Before Kraay's
immediate precursors of the Group II owls and, along
analysis, scholars commonly assumed that the archaic with the late Wappenmuinzen didrachms (with gorgo-
owls began much earlier and gradually evolved from neion obverses) that accompany the tetradrachms,36
the relatively crude-looking Group VI or IV coins at must date therefore in the vicinity of 525. Since the
the start of the series down to the fine Group II andtetradrachms were manufactured from only six
III coins at the end, in the late sixth and early fifth
known obverse dies and in only two issues (one with
centuries. Although Cahn still advocates this reversethe reverse device of a bull's head, the other with a
lion's head reverse), they are not likely to have been
relative chronology,34 it is disproved by the typolog-
ical and hoard evidence outlined above and can no minted for more than a few years. Their close rela-
longer be accepted. But even Cahn agrees that the to the early owl tetradrachms is underscored
owls of Group II must fall around the 520s, by and infact that specimens of the Wappenmunzen te-
tradrachms occur along with Group II or III owls in
this he is joined by Babelon, Seltman and all others
who have dated the highly artistic obverses of the
GroupTaranto, Benha and Asyut hoards.
II through comparisons with Attic vase-paintingAs and for the Wappenminzen coinage as a whole,
34 Cahn 1971, with Cahn 1946 and Cahn 1977:283-86. Cahn's
tal-i.e., in cleaning, the original surface of the coins has been re-
chronology rests on his contentions that (a) the Wappenmunzen moved do in many cases-and in part technical-i.e., in striking such
not entirely precede the owls but were minted for domestic thick con-
lumps of silver, the obverse in the anvil has not always re-
sumption as a parallel coinage alongside the owls, which were
ceived sufficient power in the blow to press the flan into the en-
struck exclusively for foreign trade; (b) the wear of the owls graved
in thetype. I would recommend that these coins be studied for
Gela hoard shows them to be much older than the Sicilian coins in wear particularly on the reverse, bearing in mind that the depth
the hoard; (c) the archaic owl coinage is throughout an "artistic"reached by the punch die must be at least equal to the depth of
coinage, whose obverse Athena heads may in every instance be engraving at the deepest point for the design to be struck without
dated absolutely with reference to Athenian vase-painting and any 'flattening' of the highest relief points." The greater overall
sculpture; and (d) on the authority of Ath. Pol. 10 (and, accord- "wear" of the Athenian material in the hoard noted by G.K. Jen-
ing to Cahn 1971:87, Androtion), Solon inaugurated the (owl)
kins, The Coinage of Gela (Antike Minzen und geschnittene Steine
tetradrachms. 2, Berlin 1970) 20-21, 151, pl. 36, would seem therefore to be the
Cahn (1971:85) concedes, however, that (a) has to be accepted as result of the hurried, mass production of the later archaic owls
an "anomaly" since it goes against reason. We would add that it alsorather than of any prolonged circulation.
goes against the evidence of the hoards (IGCH nos. 3, 5, 9 and 10, As for style, (c), since Athens' coinage in the later fifth, fourth
in addition to those here listed in Table I, which imply that the owls
and third centuries was never in step with the latest currents of
did not circulate until after the Wappenmunzen series was com- Greek artistic development, why should the bulk of her archaic
pleted), and against the results of metallurgical analysis whichcoinage be any different? Price and Waggoner (66-68) show that
show that until their latest phases the Wappenmunzen were struck the treatment of Athena's eye, ear and hair on the owls of Group II
from non-Attic silver, whereas the early owl coinage was produced through IV underwent a progressive stylization similar to the styli-
from Laurion silver (Kroll 13-15; N.H. Gale, W. Gentner, and zation one finds in the evolution of numerous other ancient coin-
G.A. Wagner, "Mineralogical and Geographical Silver Sources ofages, like the early denarius coinage of Rome, to take only the best
Archaic Greek Coinage," in D.M. Metcalf and W.A. Oddy eds., known example: once the denarius began to enjoy a wide circula-
Metallurgy in Numismatics [London 1980] 26 [Table 6], 29-33, tion and to be mass produced in increasing quantities, the exqui-
49). As remarked by M.J. Price ("The Uses of Metal Analysis insitely engraved dies of the earliest issues came to be copied by sec-
the Study of Archaic Greek Coinage: Some Comments," Metallur-
ond- and third-rate die-cutters, whose own hasty copies were in
gy in Numismatics 51), "(i)t is most unlikely that silver from a par- turn copied by others, causing a progressive degeneration of style
ticular source was reserved for the owls and other silver for Wap-(compare C.H.V. Sutherland, Roman Coins [New York 1974] fig.
penmunzen, and it is much more likely that the Wappenmunzen of 50 with figs. 54, 58, 60, 66 etc.). On this phenomenon, see further
different ores were in fact a chronologically different coinage." O.E. Ravel, "The Classification of Greek Coins by Style," NC ser.
6.5 (1945) 123-24.
(b) is more difficult to assess since so little of the Gela hoard has
been published and because it is frequently impossible to distin- 3 Cahn 1975:85, 88 (no. 5); Cahn 1977:285; E. Babelon, Traiti
des monnaies grecques et romaines 2.1 (Paris 1907) 742-62, with
guish genuinely worn coins from coins that were imperfectly struck
or minted from worn dies. The British Museum has silver foil im- plates; C. Seltman, Masterpieces of Greek Coinage (Oxford 1949)
pressions of 112 Athenian coins from the Gela hoard, and we are31. For further citations, see "Owls" 58, ns. 5-6. For complemen-
grateful to M.J. Price for examining them and communicating thetary chronological evidence involving details of helmets on the owls
following remarks (per ep., 15 March 1983): "The Athenian coinsand Attic painted pottery, see "Owls" 52; R.T. Williams, "The
have very much the look of the Asyut pieces, and I would entirely 'Owls' and Hippias," NC ser. 7.6 (1966) 9-12.
support your suggestion that signs of wear are in part environmen- 36 Kroll 11-13.
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to the lawseach
coinages with changing types or symbols, of Solon
Wap-that the Athenian economy in
Solon's time
penminzen device did denote the coinage of awas a monetary economy employing sil-
ver as the
year, Kraay's original 50-year maximum means of exchange.
estimate for At Ath. Pol. 8.3 we read:
the Wappenminzen would be overly generous
Therefore in-
in the laws of Solon that are no longer in
force it more
deed. The coinage need not have spanned is often written
thanthat "the naukraroi are to
levy..." andwhich
14 years, although a more realistic estimate, "are to al-
spend out of the naukraric
lows for occasional years when no coinage was needed
or struck and perhaps other years that 10.18 quotes
might in full a law of Solon on usury
be repre-
that similarly
sented by possible Wappenminzen types refers to money as "silver."46 And Plu-
on denomi-
nations smaller than a didrachm,43tarch's
should Lifeprobably
of Solon (23) contains a long and detailed
be in the neighborhood of two or (atdiscussion of certain
the most) threefines, prices and monetary
decades. Counting back from the Group owls in in
thelaws, the prices of sacrificial
last quarter of the century, the start beingWappen-
of the specifically cited from the sixteenth
miinzen would fall around the middleaxon of
of the
thelaws. The fines, prices and awards are all
or shortly thereafter. expressed in drachmas, which can hardly be other
than drachmas
It might be objected that the foregoing of silver, as Plutarch implies when he
is essentially inferential and that the 14 to the monetary
didrachm fines as "silver fines" (argyri'as
sues could still be stretched over 70 zamfas).
or 80 years
Inasmuchback to
as coinage proper was not intro-
the time of Solon's legislation in duced
the in590s. From
Attica until abouta half a century after Solon,
it follows
strictly logical point of view this is, of that these
course, true.drachmas
Yet must have been drach-
the methodological question here isma weights
not oneofof uncoined
logicalor bulk silver.47
We conclude
possibility, but of numismatic probability that,on
based while Solon could have had
nothing to dochrono-
what can be deduced from the comparative with coinage, a Solonian monetary re-
logies of better understood Greek formcoinages with within the context of the
is readily intelligible
changing types or symbols. And within but silver-using
these terms, economy of early sixth
given the two alternatives-the 70-80 years
century needed
Athens. to of such a reform may well
The terms
extend the Wappenmiinzen backhave
tobeen written
Solon ordown
theas one of Solon's laws and
20-30 years that bring the coinage may well have involved
no farther than a 30% reduction of the weight
of the drachma, as Androtion
mid-century and the tyranny of Peisistratus-the lat- and a clause of the Ath.
Pol. conclusively
ter chronology is overwhelmingly and suggest. The drachma
to in question, however,
be preferred, as it is from a technical have been
ofa view.
weight denomination, not a coin
denomination. And show
Prior to the tetradrachms, the Wappenminzen indeed the reform itself would
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explains, a money of iron spits.48 To be sure, a bronze coinage in the fifth century B.C. be-
sma in Ath. Pol. 10 must be understood as cause
penalties and manumission payments were ex-
since the passage goes on to speak about thepressed in bronze asses in the Law of the Twelve
Tables.52 Such monetary denominations, again, must
(coin "stamp," hence in this context coin "denomina-
tion") of the didrachmon (which is unknown as denominations
be the a de- of the weights used in weighing
nomination of Athenian weights) and about coin
money in the form of uncoined metal; for, although
the terminology
weights as distinct from trade weights. In the passage of these early law codes certainly
brings later
from Androtion, on the other hand, the generic, less coin denominations to mind, the numis-
matic record
prejudicial interpretation of nomisma as "money" fits proves that no shekel coins existed before
the sense admirably, as Perrin's Loeb translation
the Greek period and that the Romans did not mint as
("augmentation of the measures and the purchasing
coins until the third century.53 One could legitimately
power of the money") makes clear. Androtion doesthe
not earliest coins of Athens with Solon's law-
say that Solon actually modified the nomisma,givingonly
only if the numismatic evidence for the chrono-
48 See also Plutarch, Life of Lycurgus 9; Pollux 7.105, 9.77, 79. 54 0. Ravel, Les "poulains" de Corinthe 1 (Basel 1936).
49 Rhodes (supra n. 6) 168. ss ACGC 80-82, pl. 13.220 (Ravel Group I.1), 221, 223 (Group
50so See Jacoby, FGrHist 3b (suppl.) 1.566-69; Rhodes (supra n.1.2), 222 (Group 1.3), 225-26 (Group II).
6) 169. 56 B.V. Head, British Museum Catalogue of Greek Coins: Cor-
s51 J.B. Pritchard, The Ancient Near East 1. An Anthology of inth, Colonies of Corinth, Etc. (London 1889) xviii-xx; HN2 400.
Texts and Pictures (Princeton 1958) 133-48. An alternate chronology, which begins Group II ca. 550, was ar-
52 E.H. Warmington, Remains of Old Latin 3 (Loeb Classical gued by P. Gardner, A History of Ancient Coinage 700-300 B.C.
Library, Cambridge, Mass. and London 1938) 476-77, 514-15. (Oxford 1918) 135-36, and adopted by Ravel (supra n. 54) 15-19.
53 Shekel coins: ACGC 287-90; M.J. Price, "The 'Porus' Coin- 7 The stater, now in Paris, is illustrated in the Basel sale cata-
age of Alexander the Great," in Studia Paulo Naster Oblata 1 logue 8, 23 Mar. 1937, 302, and was struck from the obverse die
(Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 12, Leuven 1982) 76. As coins: Ravel P36, the nineteenth die in Ravel's sequence of 42 Group II.2
Sutherland (supra n. 34) 20-26. obverse dies (P18-P60).
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58 See Table II and supra p. 327. As shown in Table II, the Sam-
drachm (or octadrachm) dies fluctuates from 1.2 to 2.2 per annual
biasi, Mit Rahineh, Demanhur, Sakha and South Anatolian issue: May (supra n. 41) 72, 84-85, 144, 178. ACGC 19, 84 n. 1,
hoards contained Group I but no Group II Corinthian staters, notes
a the simultaneous use of two obverse stater dies at the mint of
further indication that Group II does not begin until very late in the
Leukas from the late sixth century to the mid-fourth century. The
sixth century. The fact that Group I (but, again, no Group II) sta-110 issues of the New Style silver coinage of second and first cen-
ters were often overstruck by coins of Metapontum belonging to the tury B.C. Athens were struck from an average of ten dies per issue,
period after 510 (supra p. 327) points in the same direction. See
with as many as 30-47 obverse dies being consumed in peak years
ACGC 81, pl. 13.224; Price and Waggoner 78, 132, n. 106. of minting (M. Thompson, The New Style Silver Coinage of Athens
9 ACGC 82; Price and Waggoner 78. [New York 1961] 650-54); if one accepts the revised chronology
60 Head (supra n. 56) xviii. that dates the coinage from the 170s down to the late 40s B.C. and
61 C. Seltman, Greek Coins2 (London 1955) 39. requires certain gaps in the annual sequence during the early and
62 W.L. Brown, "Pheidon's Alleged Aeginetan Coinage," NC ser. late periods (O. Picard, Chalcis et la Confidiration Eublenne [Bi-
6.10 (1950) 187-88, 201-202, ns. 44-48. bliothtque des Ecoles frangaises d'Athtnes et de Rome 234, Paris
63 Supra p. 331. 1979] 198-202; J.H. Kroll, "Two Hoards of First-century B.C.
64 E.g., Barron, (supra n. 14) 40-45, 178-79, lists ten obverseAthenian Bronze Coins," Deltion 27 [1972] Meletai 93-99), the
dies for the five years of tetradrachm coinage of the Samians overall
at expenditure of recorded obverse tetradrachm dies falls to an
Zancle in the late 490s and (Barron 48, 58-64) twelve obverse dies
annual average of nine.
for the Group VI-VII Samian tetradrachms that spanned fifteen 65 Supra n. 37.
66 ACGC 80.
years later in the fifth century. In the sixth, fifth and early fourth
century coinage of Abdera, the average number of known tetra-
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B.C. employed
565 B.C. If, as is likely, the mint commonly scholarship, employing good documentary e
more than a single obverse die in certaindenceyears,
for the
a reforms of Solon, could be confus
somewhat later estimate for the beginning of nature
about the the of Athenian currency at the tim
Group I coinage would of course be calledthese
for. reforms,
And in it was not likely to have been any be
fact a slightly later and probably more dependable
informed about monetary matters at the much ea
outside calculation of ca. 560 is obtainedtime
by counting
of Pheidon of Argos.
back from the terminus of ca. 525 afforded According
by the to Strabo (8.6.16 and 8.3.33), the trad
above-mentioned Group II.2 Wappenminzen tion that Pheidon struck the first coinage at Aeg
strike, which according to Ravel's Corinthian die
rests on se-authority of Ephorus, the fourth cen
quence was preceded by 17 Group I.1 and 18 whose
Groupattributions of famous inventions to
1.2 obverse dies.67 Kraay has suggested famous
ca. 570-560
figures as
of the dim past were in some instances
the most probable time for the start ofrecognized
Group I, as and
anachronistic even by ancient writers.69
Price and Waggoner have proposed a date as lateversion
An expanded as of the tradition, found in the
ca. 550.68 In any case, a date within or very close (on
fifth century A.C. Etymologicum of Orion (s.v. /3E-
Xds), adds
either side) to the second quarter of the sixth that when Pheidon issued the coins he took
is assured. in the spits that had served as the previous currency
There being no literary testimonia or (aside from and dedicated them to Argive Hera.70
Seltman's superficial late Protocorinthian compari- The elements that gave rise to the tradition seem
son) any other evidence to the contrary, this sixth cen- apparent enough: 1) Just as Solon was well known for
tury chronology should cause no misgivings. The only his metrological reforms at Athens, Pheidon was re-
disagreement is with the beliefs of past scholarship, membered for "having made standard measures (me-
and here we would point out that the usual assump- tra) for the Peloponnesians" (Hdt. 6.127). These
tion that the earliest staters of Corinth necessarily measures undoubtedly involved measures of capacity,
precede the introduction of the Wappenmuinzen coin-and at least Ephorus-although we have no indepen-
age at Athens is itself open to question. The only sure dent literary or epigraphical evidence to this effect-
sequence is that the Corinthian Group I.1 staters with believed that Pheidon established measures of weight
the incuse "Union Jack" reverses must follow the ear-as well.7' 2) In the Classical period the popularity of
liest phase of coinage at Aegina in which the "Union Aeginetan coinage in Southern Greece was so wide-
Jack" reverse punch originally developed. This in spread that Pollux (9.74) and Hesychius (s.v. XEXW-
turn raises the question whether Aeginetan coins real-vrm) refer to it as "Peloponnesian nomisma." The
ly did begin in the first half of the seventh century,primitive appearance of archaic specimens, many of
some 75-100 years before coinage was adopted atwhich were still circulating in the fourth century
Corinth, or whether the chronology of early Aegine- B.C., showed them to be the oldest coins of Greece.
tan coinage too should be lowered considerably in or-And whether or not their weight standard corre-
der to bring it into a closer and more plausible tem- sponded to any Pheidonian metra, it was almost in-
poral relationship with the earliest issues of Corinth evitable that someone would have come to associate
and Athens. them with the metrological activities of Pheidon,
much as early Athenian coins came to be associated
with the weight reform of Solon. Thus, Pheidon re-
Our discussion of early Athenian numismatic chro-for introducing coinage in Greece. 3) A
ceived credit
nology illustrates the hazards of uncritically regard-
dedication of spits in the Argive Heraeum was known
ing ancient testimonia as unimpeachable orevidence
believed for
to have been made by Pheidon, and, be-
the early history of Greek coinage. If fourth century
cause (as the entry in Orion's Etymologicum empha-
67 Supra n. 57.
68 ACGC 80; Price and Waggoner 79. Theophrastus, AorxpoKd'pa1s 11. On the other hand, the sources
are silent about any specifically "Pheidonian" weights, and the as-
69 Brown (supra n. 62) 194. sumption made frequently by modern scholars that the weight stan-
70 For the relevant texts and extensive discussion of the Pheidon-
dard of Aeginetan coins went back to Pheidon is therefore very
Aegina tradition, see Brown (supra n. 62) 177-98; Kagan
much open to question; see J. Beloch, Griechische Geschichte 1.2
1960:121-36; ACGC 313-15. (Berlin and Leipzig 1926) 347-49; J. Johnston, "Solon's Reform of
71 FGrHist 70, F 115 (apud Strabo 8.3.33): KaL /Lrpa &Evpa rh
Weights and Measures," JHS 54 (1934) 182-83; Kraay (supra n.
8) 4. Whatever its origin, the weight standard that was eventually
4eLwv8 a KXaAovLgva KaL o'raO8ow K~L vo/d.ouLa KeXapa-Y.Ivov rTO
re aAAo KaL Tb apyvpokv. That "Pheidonian" measures of capacity known as the Aeginetan standard must have been widely dissemi-
were known and still employed in some parts of Greece during the nated by the beginning of the sixth century if it was employed at
fourth century is clear from Ath. Pol. 10 (supra n. 7); M.N. Tod, Athens before the reforms of Solon (supra pp. 326-27, 332).
Greek Historical Inscriptions 2 (Oxford 1948) no. 140, line 82; and
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chaic Aeginetan chronology from the coinage and iib "Five triangles" and "Windmill sail"
hoard contexts alone. joined by "Proto-skew"
iic "Small skew"
The earliest phase of the coinage, Holloway's
"Early Linked Series," which we have chosen to des-There is a certain ambiguity between late Period
ignate as Period i, is in some ways the best under-and early Period iib, but classification here is assi
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TABLE II: Early Hoards Containing Archaic Coins of Aegina and Corinth
80 Holloway 7-8; Price and Waggoner 70-76. Hence our Period and late "Proto-tortoise" group.
iia is equivalent to the "Thin collar" group of Holloway (16) and s' Holloway 8, pl. 6.4; ACGC 46, pl. 6.123.
Price and Waggoner (76); our Periods iib-c correspond to Hollo- 82 Holloway 8; ACGC 46.
way's and Price and Waggoner's "Heavy collar," "Trefoil collar,"
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from the Asyut hoard.83 In this pioneering study, the published with illustrations and the three Period i sta-
silver of the seven analyzed "Union Jacks" of Period ters known from the Cyclades hoard and the two Peri-
iia was found to derive from two sources: the mines of od iia "Union Jacks" known from the Sakha find were
Siphnos and an as yet unidentified source, possibly selected from a much larger original total of Aegine-
Macedonian. In all later phases of the coinage, begin-tan coins in these hoards for their fine, i.e., relatively
ning with Period iia "Five triangles" and "Windmill unworn, condition.86 Still, the publication on Deman-
sails," however, some of the silver employed camehur notes that "Mill sails" were conspicuously absent
from the Laurion mines of Attica. This silver is not from that hoard,87 indicating once again that the fully
found in Athenian coins until near the end of the developed phase of Period iia belongs quite late in the
Wappenmiinzen series, ca. 530-520, and wassixth
not century. And there can be no question of modern
produced in optimum quantities until the massive ex-
selection regarding the "Union Jack" excavated with
pansion of the (Group IV-VI) owl coinage aafter tetradrachm of Abdera and four light-weight gold
ca. 500.84 Thus, at the least, a substantial part of the
Croesids from the foundation deposit of the Apadana
Period iia coinage of Aegina must date no earlierof
Darius I at Persepolis, buried according to the in-
the last quarter of the sixth century. scription in the deposit between 517 and 514.88 The
What little is known about the history of silver ex- and Lydian coins were probably quite re-
ploitation on Siphnos may also have some significance
cently minted at this time,89 but in any event cannot
for the chronology of Period iia. Although the be dated before 550. Abdera was not founded until
nian mines had been worked since the prehistoric
544, and the light-weight Croesids must follow the is-
era,85 Herodotus (3.57) informs us that the income
sues of heavier weight with which Croesus (560-545
from the mines reached its apogee at the time ofB.C.)
Poly-initiated his gold coinage. It stands to reason
crates of Samos (532-522 B.C.), when the Siphnians
that, especially in a royal, ritual burial such as this,
undertook expensive building projects at home and
the at
Period iia "Union Jack" ought to be contemporary
with these other coins and thus it too was minted in
Delphi and were forced to pay off attacking Samian
exiles with 100 talents of silver. Until Laurion silver
the second half of the century. Beyond this one cannot
became available in the last quarter of the sixth cen-
go, for the Persepolis deposit is the earliest absolutely
tury, Siphnos was one of two sources of silver for Ae-
dated context for any Greek silver coins on record.90
83 Gale, Gentner and Wagner (supra n. 34) 28 (Table 7), 33-43. Sasanian Mint-names," in J. Allan, H. Mattingly and E.S.G. Rob-
84 For the gradual changeover from non-Attic to Laurion silver ininson eds., Transactions of the International Numismatic Congress,
the late Wappenmiinzen with wheel and gorgoneion types, seeLondon 1936 [London 1938] 414, fig. B = E.F. Schmidt, Persepolis
Kroll 13-15; Gale, Gentner and Wagner (supra n. 34) 30-33, 49. II [Chicago 1957] pl. 84.27) is in a good state of preservation, i.e.,
85 N.H. Gale and Z.A. Stos-Gale, "Cycladic Lead and Silverthe pellets running down the turtle's carapace have not been worn
Metallurgy," BSA 76 (1981) 202, 211-17. away by long circulation.
86 Cyclades hoard: Holloway 9-11, pl. 7.1, 6, 10. Sakha find: H. 89 In his review of May, (supra n. 41) 321, Holloway plausibly
Weber, "On Finds of Archaic Greek Coins in Lower Egypt," NC argues for a date of ca. 517 for the Abderite coin. Light-weight
ser. 3.19 (1899) 273, pl. 15.6-7. Croesids continued to be struck after the Persian annexation of
87 H. Dressel and K. Regling, "Agyptische Funde altgriechischerLydia down into the reign of Darius I (ACGC 31-32).
Munzen," ZfN 1927, 55. 90 The ca. 550-525 date given in IGCH for the Matala hoard of
88 The Aeginetan coin (E. Herzfeld, "Achaemenid Coinage and 68 Period iia Aeginetan staters derives from T.J. Dunbabin's iden-
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Period iia Aeginetan stater. But as a matter Although the outcome of the current discussion
of princi-
ple, one is obliged to work with the evidence that
over the dating of the earliest electrum coinage of
exists and to assume that, so long as it is Western
consistent, it
Asia Minor will provide a high or low ter-
should be meaningful. On this assumption, the
minus Period
post quem for Period i at Aegina, the terminus
iia coinage as a whole does indeed appearcan
little effect on the independent chrono-
logical considerations
an intensively struck and relatively compressed coin- outlined above. A late seventh
age, like the demonstrably compressed Period iib-iic
century date for the electrum coinage would reinforce
coinage that succeeded it, and may well date
a sixthin its en-
century chronology for the beginning of Aegi-
tirety to the second half of the sixth century. Hence
netan coinage. An early seventh century date would
there is considerable justification for the Aeginetan
merely create a long interval in the spread of coinage
chronology developed by Holloway and Kraay,
from Ioniawhich
to Aegina and require numismatists and
places the start of Period iia around 550 historians
and therefore
to rethink their assumption that the spread
the beginning of Period i, with its 16 known obverse
of coinage was a rapid phenomenon. No matter how
dies, around 580 or 570.91 Both scholarslong,
were admit-
or short, the interval must allow for the change
tedly influenced by Robinson's late seventh
from century
coinage in a special and valuable alloy-elec-
dating for the early development of coinage inone in pure silver; and this fundamental
Greece and Lydia, but it should be clear that
change alonetheir
relates the early silver coins of Aegina
chronology does not depend on that datingmuch since it is to the sixth century silver coinages
more closely
more broadly based on a reasoned assessment of and
of Corinth the Athens than to the electrum coinages
late sixth century evidence for Period iia.
of East Greece and Lydia, regardless of when in the
Against this chronology must be set the difficulties
seventh century these electrum coinages were first
of the traditional chronology that would produced.
stretch Aegi-
netan coinage back into the first half of the seventh
century in order to bring it into conjunction with the
preferred dating for Pheidon of Argos. As the welldid not spread widely throughou
studied Period i coinage hardly admits of extension
Greek world until the second half of the sixth c
beyond about a quarter of a century andB.C., to later
as the which time the earliest silver coins of
part of Period iia is anchored in the late sixth Sicily, Northern Greece and most Ce
the only phase of the coinage left for expansion is thebelong. Primarily from stylistic co
Greek states
early, exclusively "Union Jack" part of Period
ations,iia, and
this chronological pattern was correctly
it in effect would have to be stretched back overinsome-
nized the nineteenth and earlier twentieth cent
thing like a century. For a coinage that shows no evo-
by numismatists who nevertheless felt obliged
lutionary change, such an extremely attenuated chro-
gard the first silver issues of Aegina, Corinth, A
nology is improbable enough; although it cannot
and at
a number of Aegean island states with coin
present be formally disproved, it would typologically
introduce the derived from Aeginetan coins as
further problem of a tremendous gap between
earlierthe in-
exceptions of the seventh century beca
auguration of coinage at Aegina before 650 and the
the testimonia pertaining to a Pheidonian coin
spread of coinage to nearby Corinth and Aegina
Athens and
somea Solonian reform of coinage at At
75 to 100 years later. One might be forced
Theto admit increasing numismatic evidence, h
ever, no
such an interval if the chronology itself rested on longer
any- allows the first coins of Corin
Athens to be dated
thing more than an unquestioning acceptance of earlier than ca. 575 and ca. 550
Ephorus and the tradition that the Aeginetans owed and points to a sixth century date for
B.C. respectively
their coinage to the intervention of an the
alien ruler
earliest of of Aegina as well.
hoard, ca. 500-490.
tification of the container as either "an Attic pot of ca. 525" (Brown
[supra n. 62] 186) or "an olpe of the type belonging to the mid-sixth "' Holloway 13-16, who suggests that the prolific Period ii coin-
century" (Holloway 3). But the lost pot was known to Dunbabin
age may be an indirect consequence of the increased commercial
only through an oral description and so provides no verifiable chro-
importance of Aegina after the Aeginetans were granted a trade
nological evidence. With justification Price and Waggoner (19) concession at Naucratis around the middle of the sixth century.
would date the find from its contents to the time of the Taranto ACGC 43, 354, ad no. 113.
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