Foreign Affairs May June 2017 Ver1
Foreign Affairs May June 2017 Ver1
Foreign Affairs May June 2017 Ver1
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may/june 2017 volume 96 number 3
Trump in Practice
present at the destruction?
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May/June 2017
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Peter Orszag on the James Goldgeier and Kathleen McNamara
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May/June 2017
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The College of Public
Foreign Affairs . . . will tolerate wide differences of opinion. Its articles will not represent any consensus
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Archibald Cary Coolidge, Founding Editor
Volume 1, Number 1 September 1922
May/June 2017
May/June 2017 Volume 96, Number 3
Published by the Council on Foreign Relations
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overing the Trump administration Damage is already being done. In our
is difficult because it requires lead package, G. John Ikenberry details
disentangling three strands of its the harm the administration is inflict-
behavior: the normal, the incompetent, ing on the liberal international order.
and the dangerous. Philip Gordon traces how a continuation
The normal aspectthe administra- of the administrations early course
tions conventional Republican policies could lead to three different wars. And
and appointmentsis, broadly speaking, Robert Mickey, Steven Levitsky, and
politics as usual. The amateur aspect Lucan Way document the ongoing
its early fumbling and bumblingis deterioration of American democratic
what one finds every time power changes norms and practices.
hands, exacerbated by an unusually Foreign Affairs, as its editorial mani-
inexperienced incoming team. The danger festo stated almost a century ago, will
is unique. tolerate wide differences of opinion.
Every administration spins, fights As always, our pages and pixels are open
with the press and the bureaucracy, to all articles that are competent and
pushes its own agenda, and tries to well informed, representing honest
evade intrusive oversight. But ordinary opinions seriously held and convincingly
White Houses do not repeatedly lie, expressed. We will not hesitate to offer
declare war on mainstream media readers defenses of administration policy,
institutions, pursue radical goals while such as the article by Matthew Kroenig
disdaining professional input, and refuse that rounds out the package. But nor will
to accept independent scrutiny. we shy away from offering criticisms and
How seriously you take these behaviors warnings as appropriate. And rarely, if
depends on how you assess the motiva- ever, have those criticisms and warnings
tions behind them, generating a game seemed so urgent and important.
that some have taken to calling Stupid Gideon Rose, Editor
or nefarious? or Veep or House of Cards?
Do slow appointments signal poor
management or a deliberate attempt to
deconstruct the administrative state,
as Trump guru Steve Bannon says? Is
dismissing experienced senior officials
en masse just a clumsy way of handling
a presidential transition or a purge of
potential obstacles and whistleblowers?
Are all the lies mere venting or a delib-
erate plot to distract critics and undermine
reasoned discourse?
Trump has abdicated responsibility for
the world the United States built, and
only time will tell the full extent of the
damage he will wreak.
G. John Ikenberry
s the world witnessing the demise Trump describes horrible deals and
of the U.S.-led liberal order? If so, allies that arent paying their bills. His
this is not how it was supposed to is a vision of a dark and dangerous world
happen. The great threats were supposed in which the United States is besieged by
to come from hostile revisionist powers Islamic terrorism, immigrants, and crime
seeking to overturn the postwar order. as its wealth and confidence fade. In
The United States and Europe were his revisionist narrative, the era of Pax
supposed to stand shoulder to shoulder Americanathe period in which the
to protect the gains reaped from 70 years United States wielded the most power
of cooperation. Instead, the worlds most on the world stageis defined above all
powerful state has begun to sabotage by national loss and decline.
the order it created. A hostile revisionist Trumps challenge to the liberal
power has indeed arrived on the scene, order is all the more dangerous because
but it sits in the Oval Office, the beating it comes with a casual disrespect for the
heart of the free world. Across ancient norms and values of liberal democracy
and modern eras, orders built by great itself. The president has questioned the
powers have come and gonebut they legitimacy of federal judges, attacked the
have usually ended in murder, not suicide. press, and shown little regard for the
U.S. President Donald Trumps every Constitution or the rule of law. Facts,
instinct runs counter to the ideas that have evidence, scientific knowledge, due dili
underpinned the postwar international gence, reasoned discoursethe essential
system. Trade, alliances, international law, elements of democratic political life
multilateralism, environmental protection, are disparaged daily. One must look
torture, and human rightson all these long and hard to find any utterances by
core issues, Trump has made pronounce Trump about the virtues of the nations
ments that, if acted on, would bring to political traditions, the genius of the
an end the United States role as guarantor Founding Fathers, or the great struggles
and accomplishments of liberal democracy.
G. JOHN IKENBERRY is Albert G. Milbank
Professor of Politics and International Affairs at This silence speaks loudly. And in
Princeton University. February, when asked on Fox News
2 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Plot Against American Foreign Policy
May/June 2017 3
G. John Ikenberry
vast economic and social injustices policymakers have begun to talk about
remainbut it has empowered people building an eu nuclear weapons program.
across the world who seek a better life China, meanwhile, has already begun to
within a relatively open and rules-based step into the geopolitical vacuum Trump
global system. is creating: in January, for example, in a
When Trump sees the United States speech at the World Economic Forum,
losing to other countries, then, he in Davos, Chinese President Xi Jinping
misses the bigger picture. As the most launched Beijings bid for leadership of
powerful state in the system, the United the world economy. As the order unravels,
States has agreed to restrain itself and Trump may succeed in bullying some
operate within an array of regional and U.S. partners into a slightly better deal
global institutions. In 1945, at the meeting on trade or defense burden-sharing, but
in San Francisco that established the un, he will squander a 70-year investment
President Harry Truman declared, We in a system that has made the United
all have to recognize, no matter how great States more secure, more prosperous,
our strength, that we must deny ourselves and more influential.
the license to do always as we please.
The United States became, in effect, a DANGEROUS IDEAS
user-friendly superpower. Its power was Trumps revisionism is dangerous
loosely institutionalized, making it more precisely because it attacks the logic
predictable and approachable. The country that undergirds the United States
may spend more on security than its global position. There are voices in
partners, but they host and subsidize the administrationSecretary of
U.S. forces and offer political solidarity. Defense James Mattis and National
Washington receives geopolitical access Security Adviser H. R. McMaster
to Europe and East Asia, where it still that do not appear to share Trumps
wields unrivaled influence. It gives up destructive instincts. But the worldview
a little of what Trump sees as unused of the president and his base has long
leverage, but in return it gets a better been clear, and it represents a frontal
deal: a world of friendly states willing assault on the core convictions of the
to cooperate. postwar U.S. global project.
Trumps transactional view of The first is internationalism: the
international relations misses the belief that the United States can best
larger, interdependent logic of the advance its economic, political, and
U.S.-led system. The United States security interests by leading the order
remains the linchpin of this order, and engaging deeply with the major
and if it withdraws, the architecture of regions of the world. This was the
bargains and commitments will give hard-earned lesson of the twentieth
way. Countries that expected to live century. From the 1930s onward, the
within this system will need to make United States has faced the prospect
other plans. On the campaign trail, of a world divided into competing
Trump said that it might be time for empires, blocs, and spheres of influence
Japan and South Korea to get their own controlled by hostile great powers.
nuclear weapons, and some European The building of the postwar order
4 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Plot Against American Foreign Policy
Just the two of us: Angela Merkel and Shinzo Abe in Meseberg, Germany, May 2016
was driven by a bipartisan aspiration ascendancy of the liberal democratic
to reject such a world. world. As the historian Paul Johnson
Yet when Trump looks beyond U.S. has argued, in the decades following
borders, he does not appear to see an World War II, the open trading system
orderdefined as a strategic environ- ushered in the most rapid and prolonged
ment with rules, institutions, partners, economic expansion in world history.
and relationships. Not surprisingly, Since then, it has provided the economic
therefore, he sees no larger significance glue that has bound Europe, East Asia,
in U.S. alliances. He has made it clear and the rest of the world together. The
that the United States commitment to World Trade Organization, championed
allies and regions is contingent. It is a by the United States, has developed
business proposition, and allies need elaborate trade rules and dispute-
to pay up. settlement mechanisms that make the
The second fundamental conviction system fair and legitimate, and the
that Trump rejects is the U.S. commit- organization has given the United
ment to open trade. This responsibility States tools to defend itself in trade
dates back to the 1934 Reciprocal Trade conflicts with countries such as China.
Agreements Act, which started the slow Every postwar president has regarded
process of reopening the world economy this open system as integral to the
after the Great Depression. Ever since, prosperity of the United States and to
trade has played a central role in U.S. its larger geopolitical goalsuntil Trump.
foreign policy. It has strengthened the For decades, Trump has displayed a more
U.S. economy and driven the postwar mercantilist, or zero-sum, understanding
May/June 2017 5
G. John Ikenberry
of trade. In his view, trade is a game of through the un and the U.S. alliance
winners and losers, not an exchange that system leverages U.S. power. When the
generates mutual gains. Small wonder, United States embraces multilateralism,
then, that the new administration withdrew it gains greater public acceptance in
from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (tpp) other countries, particularly in Western
and has pledged to renegotiate the North democracies, making it easier for their
American Free Trade Agreement. Even governments to support U.S. policy.
the European Union, according to Trump, An America first attitude toward
represents merely a tool Germany uses global rules and cooperation will breed
to beat the United States on trade, as a generation of anti-Americanismand
he said in an interview in January. it will take years to undo the damage.
A third conviction underpinning U.S. Fourth, Trump disdains the multicul-
global leadership has been the United tural and open character of American
States support for multilateral rules and society. U.S. power is often denominated
institutions. This is what has made U.S. in units of gdp and military spending.
power so uniqueand legitimate. After But American society itself has been a
World War II, the United States proceeded sort of hidden asset. The United States
to create a global web of institutions and is a nation of immigrants, and its openness
regimes. As a result, other countries has attracted people the world over.
realized that they could benefit from U.S. Racial, ethnic, and religious diversity
ascendancy. Global institutions fostered makes the U.S. economy more dynamic,
cooperation and allowed Washington to and countless familial and cultural linkages
attract allies, making its global presence tie the United States to the rest of the
more acceptable and durable. These world. Immigrants come to the United
institutions helped the international States to make their mark, but they do
order solve common problems. And not entirely leave the old world behind,
when the Cold War ended, no anti- and the resulting networks boost U.S.
American bloc formed. To the contrary, influence in real, if intangible, ways.
countries gravitated toward a global This aspect of U.S. leadership is
liberal internationalist system. The un, often forgotten, but it becomes visible
the Bretton Woods monetary system, when threatened, as it is today. The
arms control regimes, environmental Trump administrations flagship policies
agreements, human rights conventions on immigrationbuilding a wall along
these features of the order are easy to the Mexican border, banning immigrants
take for granted, but they would not exist from six Muslim-majority countries,
without a persistent U.S. commitment. and temporarily barring all refugees
Trump has shown little respect for have sent an unmistakable message to
this accomplishment. He has signaled the world. But more worrying than the
that he is willing to rethink the United specific policies themselves are the
States financial and political commitment ethnonationalist, nativist ideas behind
to the un. He disdains international law them. For some of his advisers, such as
and endorses torture. Trump has yet Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller,
to grasp what past presidents learned, immigration not only threatens national
sometimes the hard way: that working security; it also poses a cultural danger,
6 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
as it plants the seeds of multiculturalism
and accelerates the decline of a white
Christian society. What has made the
U.S. experience with immigration work
so well is the notion that the U.S. polity
is based on civic nationalism, not ethnic Unlikely Partners
nationalismthat the United States Chinese Reformers, Western
Economists, and the Making
political community is defined by the of Global China
Constitution, by citizenship, and by Julian Gewirtz
shared values, not by ethnicity or religion. At a time when the Chinese
Trumps advisers speak the language of model again seems to be
ethnic nationalism, and the world has creaking, President Xi Jinping
would be wise to heed the
taken note. Protests against the new message of Gewirtzs book:
administrations immigration policies that China does best when it
have broken out in cities all over the is open to foreign ideas.
Howard French,
world. The United States great myth
Wall Street Journal
about itselfthat it offers refuge to $39.95
the tired, the poor, and the huddled
masses yearning to breathe free Americas Dream
remains a powerful source of the United Palace
Middle East Expertise and
States appeal abroad. But Trump is the Rise of the National
threatening to extinguish it. Security State
G. John Ikenberry
Trump disdains this vision of the order, better world after the war ended. They
refusing to distinguish between liberal pledged to establish an international
democratic friends and autocratic rivals system based on the principles of
in January, he said that he trusts Merkel openness, cooperative security, and social
and Putin equally. In response, some and economic advancement. Today, the
western Europeans now view the Trump leaders of the liberal democratic world
administrationand therefore the United should present a charter of their own, to
Statesas a greater threat than Putins renew their support for an open and
Russia. In February, for example, an rules-based order.
editorial in the German newsmagazine Der The United States friends and allies
Spiegel called on Europe to start planning need to make it tough for Trump to
its political and economic defenses. pursue an America first agenda. They
Against Americas dangerous president. need to show that they are indispens-
able partners, increasing their military
IF NOT AMERICA . . . spending and taking the lead on issues
If the liberal international order is to such as climate change, nuclear prolif-
survive, leaders and citizens in the eration, trade cooperation, and sustain-
United States and elsewhere will need able development. Abe and Merkel, the
to defend its institutions, bargains, and new leaders of the free world, will have
accomplishments. Those seeking to to sustain liberal internationalism for as
defend it have one big advantage: more long as Trump is in office. Abe should
people, within the United States and keep promoting liberal trade agreements,
abroad, stand to lose from its destruc- modeled on the tpp, and Merkel, as the
tion than stand to win. leader of the country that perhaps most
The defenders of the order should start embodies the virtues and accomplishments
by reclaiming the master narrative of the of the postwar liberal order, is uniquely
last 70 years. The era of U.S. leadership positioned to speak as the moral voice
did not usher in the end of history, but of the liberal democratic world. U.S.
it did set the stage for world-historical allies also need to engage in what the
advances. Since the end of the Cold War, Japanese call gaiatsuforeign pressure.
over a billion people have been raised out The French government had the right
of poverty and hundreds of millions of idea when it proposed placing a surtax
children have been educated. The world on U.S. goods if the Trump administration
has been spared great-power war, and a pulled out of the Paris climate agreement.
sense of common responsibility for the The United States needs allies in part
well-being of the planet has emerged. because they will push back when it
In trying to reclaim this narrative, goes off track.
politicians and public intellectuals should Those seeking to rebuild the worlds
take their lead from U.S. President troubled trading system will need to think
Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime about how it can once again strengthen
Minister Winston Churchill. In 1941, the national economies. Since World War II,
two leaders met in Newfoundland and policymakers have used trade agreements
signed the Atlantic Charter, a declaration to increase the flow of goods and invest
of their shared commitment to building a ment. The Harvard economist Dani
8 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Plot Against American Foreign Policy
Rodrik has argued that governments with the collapse of the Soviet Union,
should instead view trade agreements the liberal order expanded across the
as exercises in which governments globe, and sowed the seeds for todays
provide access to one anothers policy crisis: it lost its embedded, protective
space to manage open trade. The goal is qualities and was increasingly seen as a
not primarily to lower barriers to trade neoliberal project aimed at facilitating
and investment; it is to cooperate to the transactions of globetrotting
stabilize the flows, and in a way that capitalists.
protects the interests of workers and the Today, the defenders of the order
middle class. In his last address to the will need to recapture its essence as a
un General Assembly, in September, security community, a grouping of
Obama hinted at this agenda, calling countries bound together by common
on countries to preserve the gains values, shared interests, and mutual
from global economic integration while vulnerabilities. Trump will do a lot of
cooperating in new ways to reduce the damage to this order, but the decisions of
ravages of soulless capitalism, combating othersin the United States and abroad
inequality within countries and strength will determine whether it is ultimately
ening the position of workers. The destroyed. The best lack all conviction,
challenge ahead is to build on these visions while the worst / Are full of passionate
of how the open world economy might intensity, William Butler Yeats wrote
adapt to the deep economic insecurities in the aftermath of World War I. If the
across the advanced industrial world. liberal democratic world is to survive,
The liberal international order is in its champions will have to find their
crisis for reasons that predate the Trump voice and act with more conviction.
administration. It has lost something
critical in the decades since its birth
during the Cold Warnamely, a shared
sense that a community of liberal democ
racies exists and that it is made physically
safer and economically more secure by
staying united. Across the democratic
world, the first generation of postwar
policymakers and citizens understood
that the liberal order provided the political
and economic space in which countries
could prosper in safety. The political
scientist John Ruggie has described
this order as embedded liberalism:
international agreements, embodied in
the Bretton Woods system, gave govern
ments discretion to regulate their econ
omies, allowing them to reconcile free
trade with economic stability and policies
aimed at ensuring full employment. But
May/June 2017 9
Return to Table of Contents
ust a few months into the Trump work. Moreover, putting the theory into
administration, it still isnt clear practice requires the capacity to act
what course the presidents foreign judiciously at the appropriate moment,
policy will ultimately take. What is something that Trump, as president,
clear, however, is that the impulsiveness, has yet to demonstrate. And whereas a
combativeness, and recklessness that failed business deal allows both parties
characterized Donald Trumps election to walk away unscathed if disappointed,
campaign have survived the transition a failed diplomatic gambit can lead to
into the presidency. Since taking office, political instability, costly trade disputes,
Trump has continued to challenge the proliferation of dangerous weapons,
accepted norms, break with diplomatic or even war. History is littered with
traditions, and respond to perceived examples of leaders who, like Trump,
slights or provocations with insults or came to power fueled by a sense of
threats of his own. The core of his national grievance and promises to force
foreign policy message is that the United adversaries into submission, only to end
States will no longer allow itself to be up mired in a military, diplomatic, or
taken advantage of by friends or foes economic conflict they would come
abroad. After decades of losing to other to regret.
countries, he says he is going to put Will that happen to Trump? Nobody
America first and start winning again. knows. But what if one could? What if,
It could be that Trump is simply like Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens
staking out tough bargaining positions as A Christmas Carol, Trump could meet a
a tactical matter, the approach to nego ghost from the future offering a vision
tiations he has famously called the art of where his policies might lead by the
of the deal. President Richard Nixon end of his term before he decides on
long ago developed the madman theory, them at its start?
the idea that he could frighten his It is possible that such a ghost would
show him a version of the future in which
PHILIP GORDON is a Senior Fellow at the his administration, after a turbulent start,
Council on Foreign Relations. From 2013 to moderated over time, proved more
2015, he was Special Assistant to the President
and White House Coordinator for the Middle conventional than predicted, and even
East, North Africa, and the Gulf Region. had some success in negotiating, as he
10 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
A Vision of Trump at War
has pledged, better deals. But there is his chief strategist, Steve Bannon; and
a real risk that events will turn out far his defense secretary, James Mattis. Some
worsea future in which Trumps erratic of Mattis former military colleagues
style and confrontational policies destroy said he had a 30-year-long obsession
an already fragile world order and lead with Iran, noting, as one marine told
to open conflictin the most likely cases, Politico, Its almost like he wants to get
with Iran, China, or North Korea. even with them.
In the narratives that follow, everything During his campaign and first
described as having taken place before months in office, Trump whipped up
mid-March 2017 actually happened. That anti-Iranian feelings and consistently
which takes place after that date isat misled the public about what the nuclear
least at the time of publicationfiction. deal entailed. He falsely insisted that
the United States received absolutely
STUMBLING INTO WAR WITH IRAN nothing from it, that it permitted Iran
It is September 2017, and the White to eventually get the bomb, and that it
House is consumed with a debate about gave $150 billion to Iran (apparently
options for escalation with Iran. Another referring to a provision of the deal that
dozen Americans have been killed in allowed Iran to access some $50 billion
an Iranian-sponsored attack on U.S. of its own money that had been frozen
soldiers in Iraq, and the president is in foreign accounts). Critics claimed
frustrated that previous air strikes in that the rhetoric was reminiscent of the
Iran failed to deter this sort of deadly Bush administrations exaggerations of
aggression. He is tempted to retaliate Iraqs weapons of mass destruction pro
much more aggressively this time but grams in the run-up to the Iraq war. In
also knows that doing so risks involving February 2017, in response to an Iranian
U.S. troops even further in what is ballistic missile test, Flynn brashly
already a costly and unpopular warthe declared that he was officially putting
very sort of mess he had promised to Iran on notice. Two days later, the
avoid. Looking back, he now sees that administration announced a range of
this conflict probably became inevitable new sanctions on 25 Iranian individuals
when he named his foreign policy team and companies involved in the ballistic
and first started to implement his new missile program.
approach toward Iran. Perhaps just as predictably, Iran
Well before his election, of course, dismissed the administrations tough
Trump had criticized the Iran nuclear talk. It continued to test its missiles,
agreement as the worst deal ever nego insisting that neither the nuclear deal nor
tiated and promised to put a stop to un Security Council resolutions prohib
Irans aggressive push to destabilize ited it from doing so. Ali Khamenei, Irans
and dominate the Middle East. Some supreme leader, even taunted Trump for
of his top advisers were deeply hostile his controversial immigration and travel
to Iran and known to favor a more ban, thanking him on Twitter for revealing
confrontational approach, including his the true face of the United States. Tehran
first national security adviser, Michael also continued its policy of shipping arms
Flynn; his cia director, Mike Pompeo; to the Houthi rebels in Yemen and
May/June 2017 11
Philip Gordon
providing military assistance to Bashar al- release of all U.S. detainees and a return
Assads regime in Syria, neither of to negotiations to address the nuclear
which proved particularly costly to the deals flaws. Instead of submitting to
Iranian treasury. U.S. efforts to get Russia these demands, Iran responded with
to limit Irans role in Syria were ignored, defiance. Its new president, a hard-liner
adding to the White Houses frustration. who had defeated Hassan Rouhani in
To the surprise of many, growing the May 2017 election, declared that in
U.S. pressure on Iran did not immedi- the face of U.S. noncompliance, Iran
ately lead to the collapse of the nuclear would resume certain prohibited nuclear
deal. As soon as he took office, Trump activities, including testing advanced
ended the Obama administrations practice centrifuges and expanding its stockpile
of encouraging banks and international of low-enriched uranium. Washington
companies to ensure that Iran benefited was suddenly abuzz with talk of the
economically from the deal. And he need for a new effort to choke off Iran
expressed support for congressional economically or even a preventive
plans to sanction additional Iranian military strike.
entities for terrorism or human rights The Trump administration had been
violations, as top officials insisted was confident that other countries would
permitted by the nuclear deal. Iran com back its tougher approach and had
plained that these backdoor sanctions warned allies and adversaries alike
would violate the agreement yet took that they must choose between doing
no action. By March 2017, U.S. officials business with Iran and doing business
were concluding internallyand some with the United States. But the pres-
of the administrations supporters began sure did not work as planned. China,
to gloatthat Trumps tougher approach France, Germany, India, Japan, Russia,
was succeeding. South Korea, and the United Kingdom
Different behavior on either side all said that the deal had been working
could have prevented relations from before the United States sought to
deteriorating. But ultimately, the deal renegotiate it, and they blamed Wash
could not be sustained. In the early ington for precipitating the crisis. The
summer of 2017, real signs of trouble eu even passed legislation making it
started to emerge. Under pressure from illegal for European companies to coop
hard-line factions within Iran, which erate with U.S. secondary sanctions.
had their own interest in spiking the Trump fumed and vowed they would
deal, Tehran had continued its provoca pay for their betrayal.
tive behavior, including the unjustified As the United States feuded with
detention of dual U.S.-Iranian citizens, its closest partners, tensions with Iran
throughout the spring. In June, after escalated further. Frustrated by contin-
completing a review of his Iran policy, ued Iranian support for the Houthi
Trump put Irans Islamic Revolutionary rebels in Yemen, the Pentagon stepped
Guard Corps on the State Departments up patrols in the Strait of Hormuz and
list of foreign terrorist organizations loosened the rules of engagement for
and announced that continued sanctions U.S. forces. When an Iranian patrol
relief would be contingent on Irans boat aggressively approached a U.S.
12 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
A Vision of Trump at War
May/June 2017 13
Philip Gordon
expelled the un monitors, and announced side had predicted, a clash in the South
that it was no longer bound by the agree- China Sea has led to casualties on both
ment. With the cia concluding that Iran sides and heavy exchanges of fire between
was now back on the path to a nuclear the U.S. and Chinese navies. There are
weapons capability, Trumps top advisers rumors that China has placed its nuclear
briefed the president in the Oval Office. forces on high alert. The conflict that
Some counseled restraint, but others, led so many long feared has begun.
by Bannon and Mattis, insisted that the Of the many foreign targets of
only credible option was to destroy the Trumps withering criticism during the
Iranian nuclear infrastructure with a campaign and the early months of his
massive preventive strike, while reinforcing presidency, China topped the list. As
the U.S. presence in Iraq to deal with the a candidate, Trump repeatedly accused
likely Iranian retaliation. Pompeo, a long- the country of destroying American
standing advocate of regime change in jobs and stealing U.S. secrets. We cant
Iran, argued that such a strike might also continue to allow China to rape our
lead to a popular uprising and the ousting country, he said. Bannon, who early
of the supreme leader, an encouraging in the administration set up a shadow
notion that Trump himself had heard national security council in the White
think-tank experts endorse on television. House, had even predicted conflict with
Once again, nervous allies stepped in China. Were going to war in the South
and tried to broker a diplomatic solution. China Sea in five to ten years, he said
They tried to put the 2015 nuclear deal in March 2016. Theres no doubt
back in place, arguing that it now looked about that.
attractive by comparison. But it was too Not long after the election, Trump
late. U.S. strikes on Irans nuclear facil took a congratulatory phone call from
ities in Arak, Fordow, Isfahan, Natanz, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen,
and Parchin led to retaliatory counter breaking with decades of diplomatic
strikes against U.S. forces in Iraq, U.S. tradition and suggesting a potential
retaliation against targets in Iran, terror change in the United States one China
ist attacks against Americans in Europe policy. It wasnt clear whether the move
and the Middle East, and vows from was inadvertent or deliberate, but either
Tehran to rebuild its nuclear program way, Trump defended his approach and
bigger and better than before. The presi insisted that the policy was up for nego
dent who had vowed to stop squander tiation unless China made concessions
ing American lives and resources in the on trade. Did China ask us if it was
Middle East now found himself wonder OK to devalue their currency (making
ing how he had ended up at war there. it hard for our companies to compete),
heavily tax our products going into their
FIGHTING CHINA country (the U.S. doesnt tax them) or
It is October 2017, and experts are calling to build a massive military complex in
it the most dangerous confrontation the middle of the South China Sea? he
between nuclear powers since the Cuban tweeted. I dont think so! In February
missile crisis. After a U.S.-Chinese trade 2017, after a call with Chinese President
war escalated well beyond what either Xi Jinping, Trump announced that the
14 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Think Otherwise.
New spring books from Cornell University Press
Why National Movements Compete, Fight, and Win
Oxford University Press/Hurst, 2016 Oxford University Press/Hurst, 2016 Yale University Press, 2016 Oxford University Press/Hurst, 2016
Oxford University Press/Hurst, 2014 Oxford University Press/Hurst, 2016 Cornell University Press, 2015 Oxford University Press/Hurst, 2016
The Center for International and Regional Studies (CIRS) at Georgetown University in Qatar is a premier research
institute devoted to the academic study of regional and international issues through dialogue and exchange of
ideas, research and scholarship, and engagement with scholars, opinion makers, practitioners, and activists. To
contribute to the existing body of knowledge on issues related to the Persian Gulf region, the Middle East, and
beyond, CIRS sponsors empirically-based research initiatives, and publishes original books in these areas.
A Vision of Trump at War
United States would honor the one June 2017, when North Korea tested
China policy after all. Asia experts yet another long-range missile, which
were relieved, but it must have infuriated brought it closer to having the ability
the president that so many thought he to strike the United States, Trump
had backed down. Trump lost his first demanded that China check its small
fight with Xi and he will be looked at as ally and announced serious conse
a paper tiger, Shi Yinhong, a professor quences if it refused. China had no
at Renmin University of China, told The interest in promoting North Koreas
New York Times. nuclear capacity, but it worried that
There were other early warning signs completely isolating Pyongyang, as
of the clashes to come. At his confirma- Trump was demanding, could cause the
tion hearings for secretary of state, Rex regime to collapsesending millions of
Tillerson appeared to draw a new redline poor North Korean refugees streaming
in the South China Sea, noting that into China and leaving behind a united
Chinas access to islands there is not Korea ruled by Seoul, armed with North
going to be allowed. Some dismissed Koreas nuclear weapons, and allied with
the statement as overblown rhetoric, Washington. China agreed to another
but Beijing did not. The state-run China un Security Council statement condemn
Daily warned that any attempt to enforce ing North Korea and extended a suspen
such a policy could lead to a devastating sion of coal imports from the country but
confrontation, and the Global Times refused to take further action. Angry
said it could lead to large-scale war. about Trumps incessant criticism and
Then there were the disputes about confrontation over trade, Xi saw the
trade. To head the new White House United States as a greater danger to
National Trade Council, Trump nomi- China than North Korea was and said
nated Peter Navarro, the author of The he refused to be bullied by Washington.
Coming China Wars, Death by China, and At the same time, the U.S. current
other provocative books that describe account deficit with China had swelled,
U.S.-Chinese relations in zero-sum terms driven in part by the growing U.S.
and argue for increased U.S. tariffs and budget deficits that resulted from
trade sanctions. Like Bannon, Navarro Trumps massive tax cuts. That, com-
regularly invoked the specter of military bined with Chinese intransigence over
conflict with Beijing, and he argued that North Korea, convinced the White
tougher economic measures were necessary House that it was time to get tough.
not only to rectify the U.S.-Chinese Outside experts, along with Trumps
trade balance but also to weaken Chinas own secretary of state and secretary of the
military power, which he claimed would treasury, cautioned against the risks of a
inevitably be used against the United dangerous escalation, but the president
States. The early rhetoric worried many dismissed their handwringing and said
observers, but they took solace in the that the days of letting China take
idea that neither side could afford a advantage of Americans were over. In
confrontation. July, the administration formally
It was the decisions that followed branded China a currency manipulator
that made war all but inevitable. In (despite evidence that it had actually
May/June 2017 15
Philip Gordon
been spending its currency reserves to prices only fueled a nationalist reaction
uphold the value of the yuan) and imposed in the United States. Trump tapped into
a 45 percent tariff on Chinese imports. it, calling for a new law to block Chinese
To the delight of the crowd at a campaign- investment.
style rally in Florida, Trump announced With personal insults flying back
that these new measures would remain and forth across the Pacific, Trump
in place until China boosted the value announced that if China did not start
of its currency, bought more U.S. goods, treating the United States fairly, Wash
and imposed tougher sanctions on ington might reconsider the one China
North Korea. policy after all. Encouraged by Bannon,
The presidents more hawkish advisers who argued privately that it was better
assured him that Chinas response would to have the inevitable confrontation
prove limited, given its dependence on with China while the United States still
exports and its massive holdings of U.S. enjoyed military superiority, Trump
Treasury bonds. But they underestimated speculated publicly about inviting the
the intense nationalism that the U.S. president of Taiwan to the White House
actions had stoked. Xi had to show and selling new antimissile systems
strength, and he hit back. and submarines to the island.
Within days, Xi announced that China China responded that any change
was taking the United States to the World in U.S. policy toward Taiwan would be
Trade Organization over the import tariff met with an overwhelming response,
(a case he felt certain China would win) which experts interpreted to mean at a
and imposed a 45 percent countertariff minimum cutting off trade with Taiwan
on U.S. imports. The Chinese believed (which sends 30 percent of its exports to
that the reciprocal tariffs would hurt the China) and at a maximum military strikes
United States more than China (since against targets on the island. With over
Americans bought far more Chinese one billion Chinese on the mainland
goods than the other way around) and passionately committed to the countrys
knew that the resulting inflation nominal unity, few doubted that Beijing
especially for goods such as clothing, meant what it said. On October 1, Chinas
shoes, toys, and electronicswould normally tepid National Day celebrations
hurt Trumps blue-collar constituency. turned into a frightening display of
Even more important, they felt they anti-Americanism.
were more willing to make sacrifices It was in this environment that an
than the Americans were. incident in the South China Sea led to
Xi also instructed Chinas central the escalation so many had feared. The
bank to sell $100 billion in U.S. Treasury details remain murky, but it was triggered
bonds, a move that immediately drove when a U.S. surveillance ship operating
up U.S. interest rates and knocked in disputed waters in heavy fog acciden
800 points off the Dow Jones industrial tally rammed a Chinese trawler that was
average in a single day. That China harassing it. In the confusion that ensued,
started using some of the cash resulting a Peoples Liberation Army Navy frigate
from the sales to buy large stakes in fired on the unarmed U.S. ship, a U.S.
major U.S. companies at depressed destroyer sank the Chinese frigate, and
16 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
A Vision of Trump at War
a Chinese torpedo struck and badly Washington had expected some sort
damaged the destroyer, killing three of a North Korean response when it
Americans. preemptively struck the test launch of
A U.S. aircraft carrier task force is an intercontinental ballistic missile
being rushed to the region, and China capable of delivering a nuclear warhead
has deployed additional attack subma to the continental United States, fulfilling
rines there and begun aggressive over Trumps pledge to prevent Pyongyang
flights and patrols throughout the South from acquiring that ability. But few
China Sea. Tillerson is seeking to reach thought North Korea would go so far as
his Chinese counterpart, but officials in to risk its own destruction by attacking
Beijing wonder whether he even speaks South Korea. Now, Trump must decide
for the administration and fear Trump whether to continue with the war and
will accept nothing short of victory. risk nuclear escalationor accept what
Leaked U.S. intelligence estimates will be seen as a humiliating retreat.
suggest that a large-scale conflict could Some of his advisers are urging him to
quickly lead to hundreds of thousands quickly finish the job, whereas others
of casualties, draw in neighboring states, warn that doing so would cost the lives
and destroy trillions of dollars worth of of too many of the 28,000 U.S. soldiers
economic output. But with nationalism stationed on the peninsula, to say nothing
raging in both countries, neither capital of the ten million residents of Seoul.
sees a way to back down. All Trump Assembled in the White House Situation
wanted to do was get a better deal Room, Trump and his aides ponder their
from China. terrible options.
How did it come to this? Even Trumps
THE NEXT KOREAN WAR harshest critics acknowledge that the
It is December 2018, and North Korea United States had no good choices in
has just launched a heavy artillery barrage North Korea. For more than 20 years, the
against targets in Seoul, killing thousands, paranoid, isolated regime in Pyongyang
or perhaps tens of thousands; it is too had developed its nuclear and missile
soon to say. U.S. and South Korean capabilities and seemed impervious to
forcesnow unified under U.S. com incentives and disincentives alike. The
mand, according to the provisions of so-called Agreed Framework, a 1994 deal
the Mutual Defense Treatyhave fired to halt North Koreas nuclear program,
artillery and rockets at North Koreas fell apart in 2003 when Pyongyang was
military positions and launched air caught violating it, leading the George W.
strikes against its advanced air defense Bush administration to abandon the deal
network. From a bunker somewhere near in favor of tougher sanctions. Multi
Pyongyang, the countrys erratic dictator, ple rounds of talks since then pro-
Kim Jong Un, has issued a statement duced little progress. By 2017, experts
promising to burn Seoul and Tokyo estimated that North Korea possessed
to the grounda reference to North more than a dozen nuclear warheads and
Koreas stockpile of nuclear and chemical was stockpiling the material for more.
weaponsif the imperialist forces do They also thought North Korea had
not immediately cease their attacks. missiles capable of delivering those
May/June 2017 17
Philip Gordon
warheads to targets throughout Asia 20 years had failed and that a new
and was testing missiles that could give approach was needed.
it the capacity to strike the West Coast In the ensuing months, critics urged
of the United States by 2023. the administration to accompany its
Early in the administration, numerous military buildup with regional diplo
outside experts and former senior officials macy, but Trump chose otherwise. He
urged Trump to make North Korea a top made clear that U.S. foreign policy had
priority. Accepting that total dismantle changed. Unlike what his predecessor
ment of the countrys nuclear and missile had done with Iran, he said, he was not
programs was not a realistic near-term going to reward bad behavior. Instead,
goal, most called for negotiations that the administration announced in the
would offer a package of economic incen summer of 2018 that North Korea was
tives and security assurances in exchange officially on notice. Although the White
for a halt to further testing and develop House agreed with critics that the best
ment. A critical component, they argued, way to pressure North Korea was through
would be outreach to China, the only China, it proved impossible to cooperate
country that might be able to influence with Beijing while erecting tariffs and
North Korea. attacking it for raping the United
But the administration preferred a States economically.
more confrontational approach. Even Thus did the problem grow during
before Trump took office, when Kim the administrations first two years.
blustered about developing the capacity North Korea continued to test missiles
to strike the United States with a and develop fissile material. It occasion
nuclear weapon, Trump responded on ally incited South Korea, launching
Twitter: It wont happen! On Febru shells across the demilitarized zone and
ary 12, 2017, North Korea fired a test provoking some near misses at sea. The
missile 310 miles into the Sea of Japan war of words between Pyongyang and
at the very moment Trump was meeting Washington also escalatedadvisers
with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo could not get the president to bite his
Abe at his Mar-a-Lago estate, in Florida. tongue in response to Kims outrageous
The next morning, Stephen Miller, a tauntsand Trump repeated in even
senior adviser to Trump, announced more colorful language his Twitter warning
that the United States would soon be that he would not allow Pyongyang to
sending a signal to North Korea in the test a nuclear-capable missile that
form of a major military buildup that could reach the United States.
would show unquestioned military When the intelligence community
strength beyond anything anyone can picked up signs that Pyongyang was
imagine. Later that month, Trump about to do so, the National Security
announced plans for a $54 billion increase Council met, and the chairman of the
in U.S. defense spending for 2018, with Joint Chiefs of Staff briefed the presi-
corresponding cuts in the budget for dent on his options. He could try to
diplomacy. And in March 2017, Tillerson shoot down the test missile in flight,
traveled to Asia and declared that the but shooting carried a high risk of missing,
political and diplomatic efforts of the past and even a successful intercept might
18 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
A Vision of Trump at War
provoke a military response. He could and wishful thinking did lead to a catas
do nothing, but that would mean losing trophe that could have been, and often
face and emboldening North Korea. was, predicted in advance.
Or he could destroy the test missile on Maybe Trump is right that a massive
its launch pad with a barrage of cruise military buildup, a reputation for unpre
missiles, blocking Pyongyangs path to dictability, a high-stakes negotiating
a nuclear deterrent, enforcing his redline, style, and a refusal to compromise will
and sending a clear message to the rest convince other countries to make con
of the world. Sources present at the cessions that will make America safe,
meeting reported that when the president prosperous, and great again. But then
chose the third option, he said, We again, maybe hes wrong.
have to start winning wars again.
May/June 2017 19
Return to Table of Contents
he election of Donald Trump as stamp out authoritarianism in southern
president of the United Statesa statesthat the country truly became
man who has praised dictators, democratic. Yet this process also helped
encouraged violence among supporters, divide Congress, realigning voters along
threatened to jail his rival, and labeled racial lines and pushing the Republican
the mainstream media as the enemy Party further to the right. The resulting
has raised fears that the United States polarization both facilitated Trumps
may be heading toward authoritarianism. rise and left democratic institutions more
While predictions of a descent into fascism vulnerable to his autocratic behavior.
are overblown, the Trump presidency The safeguards of democracy may
could push the United States into a not come from the quarters one might
mild form of what we call competitive expect. American societys purported
authoritarianisma system in which commitment to democracy is no guar
meaningful democratic institutions exist antee against backsliding; nor are con
yet the government abuses state power stitutional checks and balances, the
to disadvantage its opponents. bureaucracy, or the free press. Ultimately,
But the challenges facing American it may be Trumps ability to mobilize
democracy have been emerging for public supportlimited if his admin
istration performs poorly, but far greater
ROBERT MICKEY is Associate Professor of in the event of a war or a major terrorist
Political Science at the University of Michigan attackthat will determine American
and the author of Paths Out of Dixie: The
Democratization of Authoritarian Enclaves in
democracys fate.
Americas Deep South, 19441972.
STEVEN LEVITSKY is Professor of Govern-
ment at Harvard University. If democratic backsliding were to occur
in the United States, it would not take
LUCAN AHMAD WAY is Professor of Political the form of a coup dtat; there would
Science at the University of Toronto and a
co-author, with Levitsky, of Competitive Authori- be no declaration of martial law or impo
tarianism: Hybrid Regimes After the Cold War. sition of single-party rule. Rather, the
20 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Is America Still Safe for Democracy?
May/June 2017 21
Robert Mickey, Steven Levitsky, and Lucan Ahmad Way
22 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Is America Still Safe for Democracy?
and they used state-sponsored violence House staff, journalists, political oppo-
to achieve it. nents, and activists. Between 1956 and
For half a century, southern states 1971, the fbi launched more than 2,000
capitalized on their influence in Congress operations to discredit and disrupt black
and the national Democratic Party to protest organizations, antiwar groups,
shield themselves from outside reform and other perceived threats. It even
May/June 2017 23
Robert Mickey, Steven Levitsky, and Lucan Ahmad Way
24 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
2017-May-June-Rich-Democracy-Vtl_Foreign Affairs 3/21/17 10:56 AM Pag
Robert Mickey, Steven Levitsky, and Lucan Ahmad Way
ideological (unlike their representatives income inequality has reached its highest
in Congress), voters now exhibit height- level since the onset of the Great
ened animosity toward politicians and Depression. The explosive growth of
voters of the other partywhat the incomes at the top has increased support
political scientists Alan Abramowitz among wealthy voters and campaign
and Steven Webster have termed contributors for conservative economic
negative partisanship. policies, especially on taxes, and has
Partisan polarization has been rein moved Republican legislators to the
forced by the weakening of the estab right. The stagnation of working-class
lishment news media, a critical component wages over the past three decades, more
of democratic accountability. Until the over, has triggered a right-wing populist
1990s, most Americans got their news reaction with racial overtones, especially
from a handful of trusted television among rural whites, who have directed
networks. Politicians themselves relied their anger at liberal spending pro
heavily on the press to get the publics grams that they view as benefiting
attention, and so they could ill afford urban minorities.
to alienate journalists. But over the last The growing political differences
20 years, the media have become increas over identity extend beyond the tradi
ingly polarized. The rise of Fox News tional black-white binary. Since the
kicked off the era of partisan news 1970s, increased immigration has added
channels. The Internet, meanwhile, has more Hispanic and Asian Americans
made it easier for people to seek out to the electorate, largely as Democrats,
news that confirms their existing beliefs further solidifying the partisan gap
and has played a role in the widespread between whites and nonwhites. These
closure of local and regional newspapers. trends have exacerbated anxieties
Today, Democrats and Republicans among many white voters about losing
consume news from starkly different their numerical, cultural, and political
sources, and the traditional medias influ preeminencejust as white southerners
ence has declined precipitously. As a feared before democratization. In many
result, voters have grown more receptive respects, then, the Souths racial politics
to fake news and more trusting of party have gone national.
spokespeople. When events are filtered
through fragmented and polarized media, THE PERILS OF POLARIZATION
Americans view nearly all political events Partisan polarization poses several
through purely partisan lenses. Consider threats to U.S. democracy. First, it
what happened after Trump, breaking with leads to gridlock, especially when dif
traditional Republican policy, embraced ferent parties control the legislative
Putin: one poll found that Putins favor and executive branches. As polarization
ability rating among Republicans increases, Congress passes fewer and
increased, from ten percent in July 2014 fewer laws and leaves important issues
to 37 percent in December 2016. unresolved. Such dysfunction has eroded
The growing gap between the richest public trust in political institutions, and
Americans and the rest of the country along partisan lines. Voters backing the
has also accentuated polarization. U.S. party that does not currently occupy
26 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Is America Still Safe for Democracy?
the White House have astonishingly Even more dangerous, the Republican
little trust in the government: in a Party has radicalized to the point of
2010 poll conducted by the political becoming, in the words of the scholars
scientists Marc Hetherington and Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein,
Thomas Rudolph, a majority of Repub dismissive of the legitimacy of its
lican voters surveyed said they never political opposition. Over the last two
trust the federal government. decades, many Republican elected offi
Gridlock, in turn, encourages cials, activists, and media personalities
presidents to pursue unilateral action have begun to treat their Democratic
on the edges of constitutional limits. rivals as an existential threatto
When there is divided government, national security or their way of life
with the party out of power determined and have ceased to recognize them as
to block the presidents legislative agenda, legitimate. Trump himself rose to
frustrated presidents work around political prominence by questioning
Congress. They expand their power President Barack Obamas citizenship.
through executive orders and other During the 2016 campaign, he repeat-
unilateral measures, and they centralize edly referred to his opponent, Hillary
their control of the federal bureaucracy. Clinton, as a criminal, and Republican
At the same time, polarization makes it leaders led chants of lock her up at
harder for Congress to exercise oversight their partys national convention.
of the White House, since members Parties that view their rivals as
have a hard time forging a collective, illegitimate are more likely to resort
bipartisan response to executive overreach. to extreme measures to weaken them.
When the same party controls both Indeed, the Republican Party has increas
Congress and the White House, legisla ingly abandoned established norms of
tors have little incentive to exercise tough restraint and cooperationkey pillars
oversight of the president. Today, then, of U.S. political stabilityin favor of
polarization reduces the chance that tactics that, while legal, violate demo
congressional Republicans will constrain cratic traditions and raise the stakes of
Trump. Although many party elites would political conflict. House Republicans
prefer a more predictable Republican in impeachment of President Bill Clinton
the White House, Trumps strong support in 1998 represented an early instance.
among the partys voters means that any Senate Republicans refusal to hold
serious opposition would probably split confirmation hearings for Obamas
the party and encourage primary chal Supreme Court nominee in 2016
lenges, as well as endanger the partys marked another.
ambitious conservative agenda. Con At the state level, Republicans have
gressional Republicans are thus unlikely gone even further, passing laws aimed
to follow in the footsteps of their prede at disadvantaging their rivals. The most
cessors who reined in Nixon. Indeed, so blatant example comes from North
far, they have refused to seriously investi Carolina, where in late 2016, the lame-
gate Trumps conflicts of interest or duck Republican legislature passed a
accusations of collusion between his series of last-minute laws stripping
campaign and the Russian government. powers from the newly elected
May/June 2017 27
Robert Mickey, Steven Levitsky, and Lucan Ahmad Way
28 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Is America Still Safe for Democracy?
The United States federal system of struck down his initial travel ban of
government and independent judiciary putting the country in peril and
should provide more robust defenses describing the mainstream media as
against backsliding. Although the extreme enemies. In the event of an attack
decentralization of U.S. elections makes comparable in scale to those of 9/11,
them uneven in quality, it also hampers any efforts to crack down on the media,
any effort at coordinated electoral manip dissent, or ethnic and religious minor
ulation. And although U.S. courts have ities would face far fewer obstacles.
often failed to defend individual rights The Trump presidency has punctured
in the past (as when they permitted the many Americans beliefs about their
internment of Japanese Americans during countrys exceptionalism. U.S. democ
World War II), federal judges since racy is not immune to backsliding. In
the 1960s have generally strengthened fact, it now faces a challenge that extends
civil rights and civil liberties. Still, well beyond Trump: sustaining the
even U.S. courts are not immune to multiracial democracy that was born
political pressures from other branches half a century ago. Few democracies
of government. have survived transitions in which
Ultimately, the fate of American historically dominant ethnic groups
democracy under Trump may hinge on lose their majority status. If American
contingent events. The greatest brake democracy manages to do that, it will
on backsliding today is presidential prove exceptional indeed.
unpopularity. Republican politicians
troubled by Trumps behavior but
worried about winning their partys
nomination will have an easier time
opposing the president if his support
among Republican voters weakens.
Declining support may also embolden
federal judges to push back against
executive aggrandizements more aggres
sively. Thus, factors that undermine
Trumps popularity, such as an economic
crisis or a Katrina momenta high-
profile disaster for which the government
is widely viewed as responsiblemay
check his power.
But events could also have the
opposite effect. If a war or a terrorist
attack occurs, the commitment to civil
liberties on the part of both politicians
and the public will likely weaken. Already,
Trump has framed the independent
judiciary and the independent press as
security threats, accusing the judge who
May/June 2017 29
Return to Table of Contents
edia coverage of U.S. Presi foreign policy, it helps to examine the
dent Donald Trumps foreign record of his immediate predecessor.
policy has been overwhelm Here, the Trump administration has a
ingly negative. Analysts have seized on low bar to clear. In Europe, Asia, and
early policy missteps, a supposed slow the Middle East, Obama left behind a
ness in staffing the national security far more dangerous world than the one
bureaucracy, and controversial statements he inherited in 2009.
and actions as evidence that Trumps For the first time since World War II,
foreign policy is already failing. Russia is redrawing the map of Europe
But the critics have gotten a lot wrong at gunpoint. Meeting only a weak
and failed to give credit where credit is response from the West, Russian
due. The Trump administration has left President Vladimir Putin continues to
behind the rhetoric of the campaign trail threaten and undermine the United
and has begun to adopt foreign policies States and its nato allies in a bid to
that are, for the most part, well suited to break the alliance.
the challenges ahead. Trump inherited a In Asia, the picture is little better.
crumbling international order from China has seized contested territory
President Barack Obama, but he has from U.S. allies and is undertaking a
assembled a highly capable national secu- massive military buildup that the
rity team to help him update and revital- countrys leaders hope will eventually
ize it. Many of the controversial foreign render the United States unable to
policy statements that Trump has made keep its security commitments in the
as president have, in fact, been consistent Asia-Pacific. The Obama administra-
with established U.S. policy. Where he tions policy of strategic patience
has broken with tradition, it has often with North Korea was a euphemism
been to embrace much-needed change. for standing idly by as threats gath-
ered. According to expert estimates,
MATTHEW KROENIG is Associate Professor of Pyongyang now has up to 21 warheads
Government and Foreign Service at Georgetown and is on track to have nuclear mis-
University and a Senior Fellow at the Brent
Scowcroft Center on International Security at the siles that could hit the continental
Atlantic Council. Follow him on Twitter @kroenig. United States.
30 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Case for Trumps Foreign Policy
and projecting its influence throughout point may allow Trump to dramatically
the Middle East, worsening the security improve the United States position.
of the United States and its partners.
Moreover, although the nuclear deal THE A-TEAM
delayed the Iranian nuclear program, A president cannot foresee all the
it created a serious problem for future foreign policy crises he will face, but
U.S. presidents, who will have to figure he can choose the people he will have
May/June 2017 31
Matthew Kroenig
32 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Case for Trumps Foreign Policy
interview with Reuters in February that Times in March of last year. But alliance
the United States would be at the top of officials in Brussels are the first to agree
the pack in nuclear capabilities. Critics that nato must continue to adapt to meet
have called this goal reckless, but the twenty-first-century threats.
United States must have a robust nuclear It is true that Trump has shown an
force to protect its allies in Europe and unusually intense interest in greater
Asia. Moreover, past U.S. presidents cooperation with Russia, but the general
have expressed similar ambitions. John F. inclination is not unreasonable. Both
Kennedy, for example, avowed in 1963 Bush and Obama sought closer relations
that it was essential that the United States with Putin, and there is no doubt that
in this area of national strength and more cooperation could further U.S.
national vigor should be second to none. interests. Yet the blame for the recent
Since Trumps inauguration, his downturn in relations falls squarely on
administration has also shown strong Putins shoulders. And Trump has dem
support for U.S. allies. Mattis made onstrated that he will be no pushover,
Seoul and Tokyo the first overseas stops promising to support nato and strengthen
by a Trump cabinet official, and Trump the United States nuclear deterrent.
further solidified his commitment to He has also appointed Putin critics to
Asia by hosting Japanese Prime Minis every major national security post,
ter Shinzo Abe for an intimate weekend including the Brookings scholar Fiona
gathering at his Mar-a-Lago estate, in Hill as the senior director for Europe
Florida. As president-elect, Trump called and Russia at the nsc.
nato obsolete, but since taking office, In the Middle East, in a welcome
he has repeatedly voiced his support for reversal from the Obama years, U.S.
the alliance, a message that Pence and partners such as Israel and the Gulf
Mattis relayed in person at the Munich states are hopeful, while the United
Security Conference in February. Some States long-standing enemy Iran is
have criticized Trump for suggesting wary. Critics scoff at Trumps promise
that nato members should increase their to renegotiate the Iran nuclear deal,
defense spending, but U.S. adminis but the deal will have to be renegotiated
trations from Dwight Eisenhowers to at some point to address its sunset clauses,
Obamas have made this same request. because after they expire, Iran will have
The only difference is that Trumps a rapid path to a nuclear weapon. To
approach is working. As Germanys pressure Iran into returning to the table,
defense minister, Ursula von der Leyen, Trump has signaled that he will enforce
said at the Munich Security Conference, the strict terms of the nuclear accord
Our traditional reflex of relying above while turning up the heat on Iran in all
all on our American friends vigor and the ways not covered by the deal. These
ducking away when things really get should include countering Irans malign
tight . . . will no longer be enough. . . . influence in the region by, for example,
We must also carry our share of the intercepting more of Irans arms ship
burden. Others disparage Trump for ments to the Houthi rebels in Yemen
saying that nato should be updated to and imposing new sanctions in response
include terror, as he told The New York to its ballistic missile tests, support for
May/June 2017 33
Matthew Kroenig
terrorist groups, and human rights created an opening for China, Trumps
violations. Finally, Trump has already promise to renegotiate old trade deals
begun to follow through on his promise and strike new ones could pave the way
to wage a more aggressive campaign to a global trade regime that advances
against isis, following years of bipartisan U.S. political and economic interests
calls to increase the tempo of operations simultaneously.
against the group. On almost every front, Trump has
In Asia, the Trump administration begun to correct the failures of the past
has launched a review of U.S. policy eight years and position the United
toward North Korea that will leave no States well for the challenges to come.
options off the table. Trump has also With the current team and policies in
accepted the long-standing and success place, and with greater adherence to a
ful one China policy, under which core strategy going forward, Trump
Washington officially recognizes only may well, as Kissinger predicted was
the government in Beijing but has an possible, go down in history as a very
unofficial relationship with Taiwan. The considerable president.
administration also seems committed to
strengthening the alliances necessary
to counter Chinese aggression and has
vowed to stand up to Chinas mercan
tilist policies.
The United States benefits from free
trade, as Trump has repeatedly acknowl
edged. In February, for example, he told
Congress, I believe strongly in free trade,
but it also has to be fair trade. Indeed,
Washington cannot stand by as China
and other trading partners game the
system. Whats more, long-standing
trade pacts, such as the North American
Free Trade Agreement, lack provisions,
such as standards for Internet commerce,
contained in modern accords. Updating
them would improve protections for
millions of American workers. U.S.
business leaders from sectors as diverse
as traditional manufacturing and high-
end services, such as finance and shipping,
complained that in negotiating the
Trans-Pacific Partnership, Obama sold
out U.S. business interests to increase
U.S. political influence in the Asia-
Pacific. Although the administrations
withdrawal from the agreement has
34 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
In a world where problems of
growth, poverty, governance,
inequality, and vulnerability
persist as central questions of
global affairs, the demand for
advanced study in international
relations has never been higher.
Johns Hopkins SAIS graduates
play key roles solving critical
global problems.
We did not pay enough attention as
capitalism hijacked globalization.
Jeff Colgan and Robert Keohane
Brian Winter 87
Intelligence and the Presidency
Jami Miscik 57 How to Maintain Americas Edge
L. Rafael Reif 95
Getting Tough on North Korea
Joshua Stanton, Sung-Yoon Lee, and The Boom Was a Blip
Bruce Klingner 65 Ruchir Sharma 104
Return to Table of Contents
rior to 2016, debates about the global order mostly revolved
around its structure and the question of whether the United
States should actively lead it or should retrench, pulling back
from its alliances and other commitments. But during the past year
or two, it became clear that those debates had missed a key point:
todays crucial foreign policy challenges arise less from problems be-
tween countries than from domestic politics within them. That is
one lesson of the sudden and surprising return of populism to Western
countries, a trend that found its most powerful expression last year
in the United Kingdoms decision to leave the eu, or Brexit, and the
election of Donald Trump as U.S. president.
It can be hard to pin down the meaning of populism, but its cru-
cial identifying mark is the belief that each country has an authentic
people who are held back by the collusion of foreign forces and
self-serving elites at home. A populist leader claims to represent the
people and seeks to weaken or destroy institutions such as legisla-
tures, judiciaries, and the press and to cast off external restraints in
defense of national sovereignty. Populism comes in a range of ideo-
logical flavors. Left-wing populists want to soak the rich in the name
of equality; right-wing populists want to remove constraints on wealth
in the name of growth. Populism is therefore defined not by a particular
view of economic distribution but by a faith in strong leaders and a
dislike of limits on sovereignty and of powerful institutions.
36 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Liberal Order Is Rigged
May/June 2017 37
Jeff D. Colgan and Robert O. Keohane
38 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Liberal Order Is Rigged
obsolete, compensation for those who lost out from trade liberalization,
and validation of the self-worth of all citizens, even if they were not
highly productive in economic terms. Elites pushed for and supported
the first part of this visionfree markets, open borders, and multi-
lateralismbut in the 1970s and even more so in the 1980s, they began
to neglect the other part of the bargain: a robust safety net for those
who struggled. That imbalance undermined domestic support for free
trade, military alliances, and much else.
The bill for that broken social contract came due in 2016 on both
sides of the Atlantic. And yet even now, many observers downplay
the threat this political shift poses to the liberal order. Some argue
that the economic benefits of global integration are so overwhelming
that national governments will find their way back to liberalism, regard-
less of campaign rhetoric and populist posturing. But the fact is that
politicians respond to electoral incentives even when those incentives
diverge considerably from their countrys long-term interestsand
in recent years, many voters have joined in the populist rejection of
globalization and the liberal order.
Moreover, business leaders and stock markets, which might have
been expected to serve as a brake on populist fervor, have instead
mostly rewarded proposals for lower taxes with no accompanying
reduction in government spending. This is shortsighted. Grabbing
even more of the benefits of globalization at the expense of the middle
and working classes might further undermine political support for the
integrated supply chains and immigration on which the U.S. economy
depends. This position is reminiscent of the way that eighteenth-
century French aristocrats refused to pay taxes while indulging in
expensive foreign military adventures. They got away with it for many
yearsuntil the French Revolution suddenly laid waste to their privi-
lege. Todays elites risk making a similar mistake.
May/June 2017 39
Jeff D. Colgan and Robert O. Keohane
40 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
New York University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. 2017 NYU School of Professional Studies.
Jeff D. Colgan and Robert O. Keohane
tion to that trend and should have served as warning signs of growing
working-class discontent. In eastern Europe, anti-Soviet othering was
strong during the 1980s and 1990s but appears to have faded as memo-
ries of the Cold War have become more distant. Without the specter
of communist-style authoritarianism haunting their societies, eastern
Europeans have become more susceptible to populism and other
forms of illiberalism. In Europe, as in the United States, the disap-
pearance of the Soviets undermined social cohesion and a common
sense of purpose.
The second force stirring discontent with the liberal order can be
called multilateral overreach. Interdependence requires countries
to curb their autonomy so that institutions such as the un and the
World Bank can facilitate cooperation and solve mutual problems. But
the natural tendency of institutions, their leaders, and the bureaucra-
cies that carry out their work is to expand their authority. Every time
they do so, they can point to some seemingly valid rationale. The
cumulative effect of such expansions of international authority, however,
is to excessively limit sovereignty and give people the sense that foreign
forces are controlling their lives. Since these multilateral institutions
are distant and undemocraticdespite their inclusive rhetoricthe
result is public alienation, as the political scientist Kathleen McNamara
has documented. That effect is compounded whenever multilateral
institutions reflect the interests of cosmopolitan elites at the expense
of others, as they often have.
Derigging the liberal order will require attention to substance but
also to perceptions. The United States has made only feeble attempts
to sustain something like Ruggies embedded liberalism, and even
those attempts have largely failed. Germany, Denmark, and Sweden
have done better, although their systems are also under pressure.
Washington has a poor track record when it comes to building gov-
ernment bureaucracies that reach deep into society, and the American
public is understandably suspicious of such efforts. So U.S. officials
will have to focus on reforms that do not require a lot of top-down
To that end, Washington should be guided by three principles.
First, global integration must be accompanied by a set of domestic
policies that will allow all economic and social classes to share the
42 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Liberal Order Is Rigged
May/June 2017 43
Jeff D. Colgan and Robert O. Keohane
44 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
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n his inaugural address, U.S. President Donald Trump pledged
that economic nationalism would be the hallmark of his trade
policy. We must protect our borders from the ravages of other
countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying
our jobs, he said. Within days, he withdrew the United States from
the Trans-Pacific Partnership (tpp), announced that he would rene
gotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (nafta), and threat
ened to impose a special tax on U.S. companies that move their
factories abroad.
Although Trumps professed goal is to get a better deal on trade, his
brand of economic nationalism is just one step away from old-fashioned
protectionism. The president claimed that protection will lead to
great prosperity and strength. Yet the opposite is true. An America
first trade policy would do nothing to create new manufacturing jobs
or narrow the trade deficit, the gap between imports and exports.
Instead, it risks triggering a global trade war that would prove
damaging to all countries. A slide toward protectionism would also
undermine the institutions that the United States has long worked to
support, such as the World Trade Organization (wto), which have
made meaningful contributions to global peace and prosperity.
At the same time, not all tariffs are bad. Congress is considering corpo
rate tax reforms that would involve a border adjustment taxa tax
that would apply to all imports to the United States but not to exports.
If implemented fairly, such a measure would not be protectionist.
DOUGLAS A. IRWIN is Professor of Economics at Dartmouth College and the author of
the forthcoming book Clashing Over Commerce: A History of U.S. Trade Policy. Follow him
on Twitter @D_A_Irwin.
May/June 2017 45
Douglas A. Irwin
Likewise, not all trade threats are bad. Although it is true that closing
the market to foreign competition is the wrong way to improve U.S.
economic performance, the threat of closing the market has some-
times helped ensure compliance with international trade rules. But
this is a high-risk strategy that must be used with care, since it could
spark damaging foreign reprisals.
It is all the riskier given the growing nationalist sentiment around
the world. According to the wto, the import restrictions imposed by
G-20 countries since 2008 now cover a disturbingly high 6.5 percent of
their merchandise imports. The rate at which new measures are being
imposed exceeds the rate at which old measures are being removed,
resulting in the steady accumulation of
trade barriers. In January, citing protec
The Trump administration tionist pressures, the World Bank
must recognize that reduced its forecast for global economic
protectionism at home can growth in 2017.
lead to protectionism abroad. In this environment, a move toward
protectionism by Washington could
unleash a similar response abroad. Such
a scenario has a historical precedent: when Congress passed the
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act in 1930, it was taken as the signal for an
outburst of tariff-making activity in other countries, partly at least by
way of reprisals, as a League of Nations report explained at the
time. Washington should not send that signal again.
As the Trump administration plots its next move, it should take
care to distinguish between what trade policy can achieve and what
it cannot, and between changes to current policy that would be
constructive and those that would prove counterproductive. It must
also recognize that protectionism at home can lead to protectionism
abroad. Indeed, perhaps the greatest danger of Trumps trade policy
is that a misstep might do irreparable damage to the open world
trading system that the United States had, until now, so assidu-
ously promoted since World War II. That system constrains the
policies of the 163 other wto members, with which the United
States trades. If the United States backs away from current trade
rules, those countries will feel free to discriminate against the
United States, and the system will unraveldoing grave damage
not only to the global economy but also to the very Americans
Trump claims to represent.
46 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The False Promise of Protectionism
May/June 2017 47
Douglas A. Irwin
48 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The False Promise of Protectionism
May/June 2017 49
Douglas A. Irwin
Today, the prospect that import restrictions can help domestic produc
ers is even dimmer than it was in the 1980s. Thats because firms
engaged in international trade now form part of intricate global supply
chains. About half of all U.S. imports consist of intermediate goods,
such as factory equipment, parts and components, and raw materials.
Many U.S. companies depend on imported intermediate goods in
their production process or sell their outputs to other firms around
the world that use them as inputs. As a result, protectionist measures
today would prove much more disruptive than they did in the 1980s.
The implications for trade policy are enormous. Any import
restriction that helps some upstream producers by raising the prices
of the goods they sell will hurt downstream industries that use those
goods in production. If a tariff raises the price of steel to help U.S.
Steel, it will hurt steel consumers such as John Deere and Caterpillar
by raising their costs relative to those of foreign competitors. If a
quota keeps out imported sugar to boost domestic prices, it will raise
costs for the domestic confectionery industry. (Indeed, in 2002, Kraft
moved the production of Life Savers candy to Canada in response to
the high cost of sugar in the United States.) Typically, there are far
more workers in the downstream industries whose jobs will be
jeopardized by trade restrictions than workers in the upstream indus
tries whose jobs might be saved by them. In an effort to help the
147,000 Americans employed in the steel industry, for example,
Washington may harm the 6.5 million Americans employed in steel-
using industries.
Even if trade protection can succeed in helping some domestic
producers at the expense of others, it is an illusion to think that it
will create many new manufacturing jobs, particularly for low-
skilled workers. In the United States, manufacturing has become
technologically sophisticated and involves many more engineers
and technicians than blue-collar workers on the assembly lines. The
clock cannot be turned back. Consider the steel industry: in 1980,
it took ten man-hours to produce a ton of steel; today it takes just
two. So boosting steel output will not create nearly as many jobs as
it would have in the past.
Even if a particular trade measure succeeds in terms of protecting
jobs in a specific sector, it will cost consumers dearly. When the
Obama administration imposed special duties on tires imported from
50 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
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China in 2009, the measure saved at most about 1,200 jobsat a cost
to consumers, in the form of higher tire prices, of $900,000 per job.
And by pushing U.S. production toward the types of lower-quality
tires that the United States had been importing and away from the
high-quality tires that U.S. producers specialized in making, the tariff
froze American workers in low-end jobs at the expense of high-end
ones. No country can protect the jobs of the past without losing the
jobs of the future.
Another reason trade protection today makes even less sense than
it did three decades ago is that other countries are sure to retaliate in
a way that they did not before. Back
then, the United States demanded that
other countries restrict their exports
The mix of macroeconomic
to the United States. Because foreign policies Trump has promised
suppliers reduced their exports them will likely enlarge, rather
selves to avoid U.S. punishment, they than shrink, the trade deficit.
were able to charge much more for these
suddenly scarce goods and earn excep
tionally high profits. Although countries such as Japan did not always
like restricting their exports, they did not strike back because the
United States was not imposing tariffs on them.
Today, such export restrictions would violate wto rules. If the
United States nonetheless arbitrarily imposed steep tariffs or other
trade restrictions on imports, other countries would inevitably retaliate
against U.S. exports. That would directly threaten U.S. farm and
factory workers. In a report released last year, the Department of
Commerce estimated that 11.5 million U.S. jobs were supported by
exports. Those jobswhich tend to pay above-average wages for
manufacturingwould be jeopardized if the United States started
slapping taxes on imports. Protectionism is a game that more than
one country can play.
Foreign retaliation could even occur if the measures were permis
sible under wto rules. In the past, whenever the United States slapped
duties on Chinese imports under antidumping provisions allowed by
the wto, Chinas regulators would suddenly find that U.S. poultry or
pork was contaminated and had to be banned, its airlines would start
buying from Airbus instead of Boeing, or its food companies would
purchase Argentine soybeans and Australian wheat rather than the
American equivalents.
May/June 2017 51
Douglas A. Irwin
52 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The False Promise of Protectionism
instead of U.S. goods. This, in turn, means that the United States will
continue to buy more from other countries than they do from it.
Ironically, even though Trump has said that he wants to reduce the
trade deficit, the mix of macroeconomic policies he has promised will
likely enlarge, rather than shrink, it. Just as the Reagan administration
discovered, the combination of an expansionary fiscal policy (Trump
has promised lower taxes and greater infrastructure spending) and a
tighter monetary policy (the Federal Reserves ongoing response to
falling unemployment) will cause the dollar to appreciate against other
currencies. In the 1980s, these policies dealt a painful blow to U.S.
companies that exported goods or competed against imports. The
result was a growing trade deficit and louder calls for protectionist
measures. Over the past three years, the dollar has already risen by
more than 25 percent compared with other currencies. If the Federal
Reserve continues to tighten monetary policy and the fiscal deficit
continues to grow, the trade deficit will likely grow, too, despite Trumps
trade policies.
May/June 2017 53
Douglas A. Irwin
54 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The False Promise of Protectionism
May/June 2017 55
Douglas A. Irwin
56 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
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Return to Table of Contents
.S. presidents and other senior policymakers often come into
office knowing little about the 17 federal agencies and offices
that make up the U.S. intelligence community, but in short
order, they come to rely heavily on its unique technologies, tradecraft,
and expert analysis. The intelligence communitys mission is to provide
national leaders with the best and most timely information available
on global affairs and national security issuesinformation that, in turn,
can help those leaders achieve their foreign policy objectives.
The president is the countrys top intelligence consumer and the
only person who can authorize a covert action, and the services he
receives from the intelligence community can be invaluableproviding
early warning of brewing trouble, identifying and disrupting threats
before they materialize, gaining insight into foreign leaders, and discreetly
affecting developments abroad. For the relationship between intelligence
producers and consumers to work effectively, however, each needs to
understand and trust the other.
May/June 2017 57
Jami Miscik
58 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Intelligence and the Presidency
May/June 2017 59
Jami Miscik
At the start of a new administration, policymakers should have realistic
expectations of what intelligence can and cannot do. Many assume
that the intelligence community tries to predict the future. It does not.
Intelligence officers present the intelligence that has been collected,
assess it, and evaluate possible actions and outcomes. They anticipate
possible contingencies and warn about possible dangers, but they do
not try to predict results. The relationship between intelligence
officers and policymakers resembles that of scouts and coaches. A
scout is responsible for studying the strengths, weaknesses, and
tendencies of the other team. The scouts job is to provide data and
insights on the opposition. Armed with that information, the coach
can then decide how to deploy the team and what plays to execute.
The scouts goal is to help the coach win, but nobody expects the scout
to correctly predict the final score before the game is played.
Policymakers new to government must understand that intel
ligence operates in a world of uncertainties and changing realities.
As Clausewitz noted, Many intelligence reports in war are con
tradictory; even more are false, and most are uncertain. . . . In
short, most intelligence is false. All too often, this remains true
today. But false or incorrect is not fake, nor is it necessarily failure.
Intelligence officers are forced to deal with partial bits of
information, some sources who faithfully report inaccurate infor
mation that they mistakenly believe is correct, and other sources
who are deliberately trying to mislead and deceive. Intelligence is
cumulative, moreover, and earlier reports may prove less accurate
than later ones. As more intelligence is collected, analysts can
dismiss some reports that they had once credited. This natural and
correct dynamic should not be seen as waffling or simply changing
the story. It is actually how increasingly sophisticated answers to
intelligence puzzles emerge.
60 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Intelligence and the Presidency
May/June 2017 61
Jami Miscik
To gain an edge over their targets, intelligence officers have to take
risks. They must face unimaginable dangers and overcome incredible
obstacles just to collect small but critical fragments of an unknown
story. The essential national service they provide should not be
dismissed, minimized, or overlooked by the president or senior policy
makers. Law enforcement officers, first responders, and members of the
military and intelligence services are the only Americans who vol
untarily agree to run mortal risks for their fellow citizens. The cias
memorial wall honors 117 officers who died in the line of duty; many
of them still remain undercover. As George Tenet, the former director
of central intelligence, has said, their families and colleagues must
have the courage to bear great grief in silence. Their service and that
of currently serving officers should be respected.
When using intelligence, policymakers need to be risk takers of a
different kind. They might base a decision on intelligence that turns out
to be wrong. A presidentially approved covert operation may be blown,
leading to death, embarrassment, or retaliation. A foreign leader may
learn that U.S. intelligence has been monitoring his or her phone
calls. Skiers, when renting equipment, sign a waiver that begins with
the phrase, Skiing is an inherently dangerous sport. National security
policymakers should mentally sign a similar waiverand in practice ask
themselves, How much risk are we willing to take?
Faced with the complexities of international crises, presidents are
often drawn to the option of covert action. As Henry Kissinger once
described it, We need an intelligence community that, in certain
complicated situations, can defend the American national interest in
the gray areas where military operations are not suitable and diplomacy
cannot operate. Covert action can range from propaganda to coup
plotting to paramilitary operations. Used judiciously, it can be an
effective foreign policy tool, but it cannot substitute for not having a
policy in the first place.
Covert actions pose three risks for policymakers: exposure, failure,
and the blowback of unintended consequences. Traditionally, covert
action was the mandate solely of the cia, with operations requiring a
finding personally signed by the president and timely notification of
62 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Intelligence and the Presidency
To meet current and future challenges, the U.S. intelligence community
must constantly innovate and improve. A new administration can
bring a fresh perspective on how best to organize and modernize the
community, and positive change should be embraced and welcomed
by intelligence professionals. The new national security team, however,
needs to balance a desire for change against the potential disruption
drastic change may cause in the intelligence mission. Although disruption
can be a positive force in technology and business, in the intelligence
community, it could carry serious risks.
Future relations between intelligence producers and consumers in
Washington remain uncertain. The gravity of the presidency and the
weight of the decisions the president alone must make almost inevitably
change the person who sits behind the desk. As the complexities of the
May/June 2017 63
Jami Miscik
64 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Return to Table of Contents
Getting Tough on
North Korea
How to Hit Pyongyang Where It Hurts
Joshua Stanton, Sung-Yoon Lee, and
Bruce Klingner
or the past quarter century, the United States and South Korea
have tried to convince North Korea to abandon its nuclear
aspirations. Beginning in the early 1990s, Washington attempted
to bargain with Pyongyang, while Seoul pursued a strategy of economic
engagement, effectively subsidizing Pyongyang with aid and in
vestment even as it continued to develop nuclear weapons. Then,
after North Korea tested an atomic bomb in 2006, the United States
pressed the un Security Council to impose sanctions on North Korea.
Yet at the urging of South Korea and for fear of angering China, the
United States failed to use its full diplomatic and financial power to
enforce those sanctions. All along, the goal has been to induce North
Korea to open up to the outside world and roll back its nuclear and
missile programs.
This combination of sanctions and subsidies has failed. North
Korea already possesses the ability to hit Japan and South Korea with
nuclear weapons and will soon have the ability to hit the continental
United States with one. Despite what some in Washington and Seoul
want to believe, the countrys leader, Kim Jong Un, is no reformer.
He has staked his legitimacy on perfecting the nuclear arsenal his
father and grandfather bought at the cost of billions of dollars and
JOSHUA STANTON is an attorney in Washington, D.C., and was the principal drafter of
the legislation that later became the North Korea Sanctions and Policy Enhancement Act of
2016. Follow him on Twitter @freekorea_us.
SUNG-YOON LEE is Kim Koo-Korea Foundation Professor in Korean Studies at Tufts
Universitys Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
BRUCE KLINGNER is Senior Research Fellow for Northeast Asia at the Heritage Founda-
tion. Follow him on Twitter @BruceKlingner.
May/June 2017 65
Joshua Stanton, Sung-Yoon Lee, and Bruce Klingner
For decades, North Korea has represented a second-tier crisis for the
United Statesnever topping Iran, for example, as a nonproliferation
priority, or Sudan as a humanitarian priority, or Iraq as a security
priority. Every president since Bill Clinton has played for time, hoping
that the North Korean regime would collapse while doing nothing to
undermine it, and at times even propping it up with aid and by
relaxing sanctions. The last three administrations cut a series of deals
that traded hard cash for false promises. Time and again, North Korea
agreed to dismantle its nuclear weapons program but did not.
In 1994, Clinton signed the first U.S. deal with Pyongyang: a pact,
known as the Agreed Framework, that offered generous fuel aid and
help building two expensive nuclear power reactors in return for
promises from North Koreas then leader, Kim Jong Il, to halt both his
uranium- and his plutonium-based nuclear programs. In 2002,
U.S. President George W. Bush, having learned that Pyongyang was
cheating by secretly enriching uranium, responded by stopping the
flow of aid. After that, Kim pulled out of the agreement, withdrew
from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, and restarted his plutonium
reactor. Despite this history, Bush signed his own agreement with
North Korea in 2007, under which he allowed North Korean entities
to use the dollar system, provided more aid, relaxed sanctions, and
removed the country from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.
Within a year, Pyongyang balked at signing a verification protocol,
and the deal collapsed as Bush left office.
U.S. President Barack Obama entered office promising to reach
out a hand if Kim would unclench his fist. Within months, Kim
answered by testing first a long-range missile and then a nuclear device.
66 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Getting Tough on North Korea
Special delivery: unloading North Korean coal in Dandong, China, December 2010
Yet Obama persisted in his outreach to Pyongyang. Under the 2012
Leap Day agreement, the United States promised North Korea aid in
exchange for a freeze of its nuclear and missile tests. Just six weeks
after agreeing to the deal, Pyongyang tested a long-range missile.
The lesson to be learned from all these experiences is clear: yet
another piece of paper will not resolve the United States differences
with North Korea. After all, Pyongyang has already signed and then
unilaterally withdrawn from two International Atomic Energy
Agency safeguards agreements and the Nuclear Nonproliferation
Treaty and violated an inter-Korean denuclearization agreement,
the 1994 Agreed Framework, a 2005 joint statement, and both the
2007 and the 2012 agreements.
May/June 2017 67
Joshua Stanton, Sung-Yoon Lee, and Bruce Klingner
as the sunshine policy, lasted from 1998 to 2008, under the presi
dencies of Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun. The cash that the sun-
shine policy provided Kim came just in time to rescue him from a
spiraling economic crisis that had already led to a major mutiny
within the North Korean army.
The failure of engagement was just as inevitable as the failure of
the Agreed Framework. Its premisethat capitalism would spur
liberalism in a despotic statewas flawed. After all, over the past
two decades, both China and Russia have cracked down on domes-
tic dissent and threatened the United States and its allies abroad,
even as they have cautiously welcomed in capitalism. In 2003, even
as it cashed Seouls checks, Pyongyang warned party officials in the
state newspaper that it is the imperialists old trick to carry out
ideological and cultural infiltration prior to their launching of an
aggression openly. For the regime, engagement was a silent, crafty
and villainous method of aggression, intervention and domina-
tion. Given this attitude, its no surprise that Kim Jong Il never
opened up North Korea. The political change that engagement ad-
vocates promised was exactly what he feared the most.
North Korea did allow a few capitalist enclaves to be built. But
while Pyongyang collected the financial windfall, it carefully isolated
the enclaves from the rest of North Korean society. Starting in 2002,
South Korean tourists booked overpriced and closely supervised hikes
along the scenic but secluded Kumgang Mountain trail in North
Koreas southeastern corner. (The tours abruptly ended in 2008, when
a North Korean soldier shot and killed a South Korean woman as she
took an unauthorized morning walk.) And beginning in 2004, South
Korean companies employed thousands of North Korean workers at
the Kaesong Industrial Complex, an inter-Korean factory park a few
miles north of the demilitarized zone. By 2015, the companies in
Kaesong employed over 54,000 North Koreans. (The regime probably
stole most of the laborers low wages.)
In 2016, after North Koreas fourth nuclear test and a missile launch,
Seoul finally conceded that Pyongyang was probably using revenues
from Kaesong to fund its nuclear program and withdrew from the
project. The leading candidate in South Koreas presidential election
this year, Moon Jae-in, has called for the Kaesong complex to reopen
and expand, but a un Security Council resolution passed in 2016 bans
the kind of public and private financial support for trade with North
68 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Getting Tough on North Korea
Korea that kept the industrial complex afloat, absent approval from a un
committee, approval that the United States couldand shouldblock.
Engagement has not changed Pyongyang, but it has often corrupted
the engagers. Take the case of the Associated Press. In 2012, when it
opened a bureau in Pyongyang, it promised to chart a path to vastly
larger understanding, while following the same standards and practices
as ap bureaus worldwide, to reflect accurately the lives of the North
Korean people. Yet it is the ap, not North Korea, that has been compro
mised, by submitting to censorship and broadcasting the regimes pro-
paganda around the world, at the same time overlooking newsworthy
eventssuch as an apartment collapse and a hotel firethat took place
just minutes from its bureau. Meanwhile, the foreign tour agencies that
promote themselves as agents of glasnost have done little more than sup-
ply the North Korean government with hard currencyand, occasion-
ally, hostageswhile shuttling tourists
through a circuit of propaganda specta-
cles. The Pyongyang University of Sci-
U.S. relations with
ence and Technology was founded by Pyong yang will have
Christian missionaries in 2010 to, in the to get worse before
founders words, help North Korea they can get better.
contribute as a member within the
international community. But defectors
have alleged that the regime is using the university to train hackers.
And to avoid expulsion or imprisonment, aid workers in North Korea
must collaborate with the governments discriminatory rationing system,
which favors those citizens it deems the most loyal to the state.
The promised results of engagement have never materialized. Since
the death of his father, Kim Jong Un has accelerated the pace of North
Koreas nuclear and missile tests, stamped out foreign media, and tight-
ened the seals on the countrys already closed borders. He has ex-
panded prison camps and carried out bloody purges, and he even seems
to have sent a team of assassins to murder his half brother in a Malaysian
airport earlier this year. Pyongyangs party elites are richer than they
were ten years ago, but they also live in greater fear of falling out of favor
with the regime and are defecting in greater numbers. Although there is
no wide-scale famine of the type that ravaged North Koreas countryside
in the 1990s, most North Koreans barely scrape together enough to eat.
North Korean society has changed in the past two-plus decades.
Markets now provide people with most of their food, consumer goods,
May/June 2017 69
Joshua Stanton, Sung-Yoon Lee, and Bruce Klingner
70 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Getting Tough on North Korea
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Joshua Stanton, Sung-Yoon Lee, and Bruce Klingner
72 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Getting Tough on North Korea
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Joshua Stanton, Sung-Yoon Lee, and Bruce Klingner
74 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Getting Tough on North Korea
crimes against the North Korean people and promise clemency for
those who mitigate them.
Because Pyongyang has so consistently reneged on its agreements,
the United States must continue to pursue the regimes assets until it has
permanently and verifiably disarmed. Until then, Washington should
work with un aid agencies to allow Pyongyang to buy and import only
the food, medicine, and other goods required to meet the humanitarian
needs of the North Korean people. Washington should release blocked
North Korean funds only in exchange for verified progress toward the
freeze, disablement, and dismantlement of Pyongyangs nuclear and
missile programs; the withdrawal of the artillery that threatens Seoul;
and humanitarian reforms. As long as North Korea remains a closed
society, outside inspectors will find it impossible to verify its disarmament.
Only financial coercion stands any reasonable chance of getting North
Korea to take the path that sanctions forced on Myanmar: incrementally
opening up its society.
Effective sanctions require years of investigation and coalition
building; they cannot be turned on and off in an instant. So this strategy
will take time, determination, and a willingness to accept that U.S.
relations with Pyongyang will have to get worse before they can get
better. The same is true of U.S. relations with Beijing. In response to
tough sanctions on North Korea, China will likely impose import tariffs
on goods from South Korea, Japan, and the United States; increase its
domestic anti-American rhetoric; take aggressive military steps in the
Pacific; and attempt to circumvent the sanctions by sending food and
other goods to Pyongyang. Yet Beijing wants neither a major trade war
nor a military conflict. And Chinese banks and trading companies have
shown that they value their access to the U.S. economy more than their
business with North Korea.
China will be most likely to put diplomatic and financial pressure on
North Korea if it believes that failing to do so will lead the United
States to destabilize the regime on its northeastern border. Accord-
ingly, Washington must make clear to both Kim Jong Un and Chinese
President Xi Jinping that it would prefer the regimes chaotic collapse
to a stable, nuclear-armed North Korea. The missing ingredient in U.S.
diplomacy with Pyongyang has been not trust but leverageand the
willingness to use it. Washington must threaten the one thing that
Pyongyang values more than its nuclear weapons: its survival.
May/June 2017 75
Return to Table of Contents
n July 17, 2016, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Irans supreme leader,
turned 77. Rumors that he suffers from cancer have circu-
lated for over a decade, and in 2014, the state-run news
agency published photos of him recovering from prostate surgery.
Although Khameneis prognosis remains closely guarded, the Iranian
government is evidently treating his succession with urgency. In De-
cember 2015, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a former president and
a kingmaker, broached the usually taboo subject when he publicly
admitted that a council within the Assembly of Experts, the body
that selects the supreme leader, was already vetting potential succes-
sors. And last March, after new members of the assembly were elected
to an eight-year term, Khamenei himself called the probability that
they would have to select his replacement not low.
The death of Khamenei will mark the biggest political change in
the Islamic Republic since the death of the last supreme leader
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the revolutionary founding fatherin
1989. The supreme leader is the most powerful person in Iran, with
absolute authority over all parts of the state. A new person in that
position could dramatically alter the direction and tenor of Irans
foreign and domestic policies.
But those hoping for a kinder, gentler Iran are likely to be disap
pointed. Since he took power in 1989, Khamenei has steadily built an
intricate security, intelligence, and economic superstructure composed
of underlings who are fiercely loyal to him and his definition of
the Islamic Republic, a network that can be called Irans deep
SANAM VAKIL is an Associate Fellow at Chatham House and a Professorial Lecturer at
Johns Hopkins Universitys SAIS Europe.
HOSSEIN RASSAM is Director of Rastah Idealogistics and a former adviser on Iran to the
British Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
76 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Irans Next Supreme Leader
When Khomeini died, observers considered Khamenei just one of
a handful of possible replacementsand not even the likeliest. A
50-year-old midranking cleric at the time, Khamenei lacked Khomeinis
towering stature. But at a meeting on June 4, 1989, the day after Kho-
meinis death, Rafsanjani, a close confidant of Khomeini, told the
assembly that Khomeini had considered Khamenei qualified for the
job. The group elected Khamenei by a vote of 60 to 14.
Khamenei pledged to maintain stability as supreme leader, saying
in a speech the year he took over, I assure you, Iran continues on
the path of the Islamic Revolution and has not diverged from its prin
May/June 2017 77
Sanam Vakil and Hossein Rassam
78 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Irans Next Supreme Leader
Most important, Khamenei has cultivated a strong relationship with
the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the parallel military force
beside the regular army, loyal to the supreme leader, that is charged
with protecting Irans security and Islamic character. His methods
have largely been financial. Over the past two decades, as Iran has
hesitantly embarked on the path of economic liberalization, Khamenei
May/June 2017 79
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80 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Irans Next Supreme Leader
May/June 2017 81
Sanam Vakil and Hossein Rassam
82 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Irans Next Supreme Leader
May/June 2017 83
Sanam Vakil and Hossein Rassam
84 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Irans Next Supreme Leader
May/June 2017 85
Sanam Vakil and Hossein Rassam
86 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Photo: shutterstock
administration, education, energy, defense, shipping, real estate and gas markets, and projects such as the TAP gas pipeline, placing
and human health and social work activities. The country Greece in good stead to become the European gateway for natural
offers high quality services and products, as well as logistics and gas. Furthermore, its developments in smart metering and smart-
communication infrastructures, has a highly skilled and talented grid technologies complement this sector.
workforce and its labor costs are highly competitive within the Greeces geostrategic position opens up opportunities for
EU. The Greek government wishes to provide the best possible enhanced pipeline, electricity grid and interconnectivity projects.
environment for foreign investment, and its top priority has The country also has significant generation potential, especially due
become attracting market leading companies and dynamic to its untapped potential in renewables. The government has been
entrepreneurs to stimulate job creation and the national economy. supporting the development of this sector with the advancement
With regards to the energy sector, Greece has become a key of several major investment projects. Key opportunities lie in the
player in the formulation of Western Europes energy development. privatization of state assets, new infrastructure for natural gas
With renewable energy potential including wind, hydro, biomass, transmission, hydrocarbon exploration, and renewable energy
geo-thermal, solar and solar thermal energy, the countrys energy projects, among others.
sector has a higher contribution to gross value added than most Public Power Corporation S.A. (PPC) is the biggest power
EU countries. And the sector is likely to grow, due to state planned production and energy supply company in Greece, currently
privatization of major energy assets, the liberalization of electricity holding assets in lignite mines, power generation, transmission
and distribution. Its portfolio consists of conventional thermal
and hydroelectric power plants, as well as RES units, and accounts
always One step ahead for approximately 68% of the total installed capacity in the
country. Emmanouel M. Panagiotakis, Chairman and CEO says,
Hellenic Petroleum Group, through 36 affiliate
companies, operates throughout the energy sector, The company has a high level of expertise in the engineering,
in rening, petrochemicals, local and international construction and operation of thermal and hydroelectric plants, in
marketing, oil and gas exploration, engineering services, the organization and exploitation of mines and in the development
electricity and natural gas sectors. It supplies around and operation of networks for all voltages. Moreover, PPC has
70% of the Greek market, 30% of which is in retail, via an invaluable knowledge and experience in the management of
1,700 EKO branded stations, while 60% of production
is exported. Operations expand into six countries, all millions of customers of all categories. These assets place PPC
of which are among the strongest SE Mediterranean Group high among the corresponding Balkan and Southeast
players, competing successfully with reneries from Mediterranean electricity companies.
South Europe, Asia and the Middle East. 2015 EBITDA PPCs subsidiary company, Public Power Corporation
stood at 790m, with around 700m expected for 2016. Renewables (PPCR), is the only Greek company active in five
The core of Hellenic Petroleums strategy is the
transformation from a primarily petroleum company forms of renewable energy. With 10% of the market, it works
into an energy provider, therefore these ve main with major energy companies and manufacturers to develop clean
pillars are essential: opportunities exploitation, energy projects. Fotis Vrotsis, CEO of PPCR explains, Our country
globalization awareness, competiveness, people as has rich potential of renewable energy sources, which can lead to
an asset and social awareness. Within this scope, and energy independence and economic growth, while ensuring a
keeping in mind the long continuous relationship with
many companies, any new project opportunities are cleaner environment.
welcomed. Business ties are essential to securing good The company is working closely with the government and the
international relations and nding allies. As Greecethe EU to reach the goal of 40% of production coming from renewables
door to the European energy marketis being upgraded by 2020: We want to take our current portfolio and double it.
into an energy hub, a favorable investment environment We have the opportunity, the willingness and openness to work
must be enhanced. In this way, extrovert collaborations
can be developed, and a successful future for Hellenic both outside and inside the Greek borders with foreign partners
Petroleum assured. and/or investors.
tor of the sensitive concept in feminine hygiene, producing the out of 4,585 ships (over 1,000 gt) of 341 million dwt, represent-
first sensitive napkin in the world that offers dryness without ing about 20% of world capacity in dwt and almost 50% of the
irritation. The founder continues, Simply put, innovation is the EU fleet in tonnage terms. Moreover, 770 ocean-going vessels
basis of and key to our growth. All our products bear uniqueness (over 1,000 gt) of 41.3 million gt fly the Greek flag, ranking sec-
and in personal hygiene we are certainly market pioneers. ond in the EU.
Heavily awarded as one of the most dynamic enterprises with- According to Petros Pappas, the CEO of the global shipping
in the European business community, MEGA Disposables has company Star Bulk: Greece offers a unique investment environ-
been the recipient of the ICAP Strongest Companies in Greece ment within shipping due to the availability of highly skilled
Certificate for three consecutive years. Additionally, the Made personnel and a community of ship owners offering unique net-
in Greece award for 2015, the Eurobank and Grant Thornton working opportunities.
Growth Award, and the honorary distinction Ruban dHonneur Star Bulk has 68 vessels and serves its customers worldwide
in the European Business Awards have all recently been bestowed in multiple trade routes, carrying a wide range of cargoes. On
upon this trendsetting and innovative exporter. completion of its new building program the company will own
The shipping industry also contributes significantly to 73 vessels with a total cargo carrying capacity of 8.2 million dwt.
Greeces national economy, as well as to European trade and Star Bulk has the strong support of 15 international banks, and it
global economic growth. Panagiotis Kouroumplis, Minister of strives to continue being one of the most efficient and low cost
Shipping and Island Policy, highlights, The efficiency in the pro- vessel operators.
vision of shipping services and non-negotiable adherence to the This growing Greek in-
international standards on safety and security and environmen- dustry activity opens up vast
tal performance, underline the quality characteristics of Greek opportunities for increased
shipping. Despite the challenging period for Greeces economy, business and partnership
Greek shipping continues to maintain its leading role in the development both nation-
international shipping industry providing maritime transport ally and globally, as well as
services of high quality, he adds, The Greek-owned fleet stead- presents new avenues for in-
ily keeps the first place internationally, with its fleet comprising vestors to explore.
Return to Table of Contents
Brazils Never-Ending
Corruption Crisis
Why Radical Transparency Is the
Only Fix
Brian Winter
ix decades ago, long before the Brazilian Senates August 2016
vote to impeach President Dilma Rousseff and remove her from
office, one of the most beloved leaders in the countrys history
was besieged by scandals of his own. President Getlio Vargas, a stocky,
gravelly voiced gaucho from Brazils deep south, had granted new
rights, including paid vacation, to a generation of workers in the 1930s
and 1940s. But after Vargas returned to power in 1951, one of his top
aides was charged with murder, and Vargas himself faced allegations
that the state-run Bank of Brazil had granted sweetheart loans to a
pro-government journalist. I feel I am standing in a sea of mud,
Vargas lamented. After a late-night cabinet meeting on August 24, 1954,
failed to solve the crisis, and with numerous generals demanding his
resignation, Vargas withdrew to his bedroom, grabbed a Colt pistol,
and shot himself through the heart.
Ever since, corruption scandals have continued to routinely upend
Brazilian politics. In 1960, the mercurial Jnio Quadros won the presidency
by campaigning with a broom, vowing to sweep away the thieving rats
in Brasliaonly to quit after eight tumultuous months in office. Following
a 1964 military coup, widespread disgust at the corruption of civilian
politicians helped Brazils generals hold on to power for two decades. In
1992, Fernando Collor de Mellothe first president to be elected fol-
lowing the restoration of democracywas impeached over allegations
that he and members of his inner circle had embezzled millions.
BRIAN WINTER is Editor in Chief of Americas Quarterly. Follow him on Twitter @BrazilBrian.
May/June 2017 87
Brian Winter
88 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Brazils Never-Ending Corruption Crisis
predecessors, illustrate why its time for Brazil to take a radically new
approach to preventing corruption. Only by renouncing their spe-
cial privileges and committing to genuine reform will Brazils poli-
ticians be able to ward off disaster and regain the publics trust.
The history of corruption in Latin America has generally been one of
dramatic headlines but few consequences for the guilty. While he was
in office, Carlos Menem, Argentinas president during the 1990s,
proudly drove a bright red Ferrari that he had received as a gift from
a businessman. Its mine, mine, mine! he crowed. Menems brazen
behavior reflected many politicians belief that they would be shielded
from public anger, either by economic growth or by pliant institutions.
In Mexico, for example, the long-dominant Institutional Revolutionary
Party controlled the courts and the media, shielding the countrys
presidents from career-ending scandals.
Only in Brazil has corruption toppled one government after another.
Some analysts blame Brazils continental size and its strong regional power
centers, which have produced a large number of political partiesat one
point, Rousseffs coalition in Congress included more than 20. The parties
themselves have weak ideological identities and little power to enforce
loyalty among their members, which often compels presidents to bargain
with legislators individually to get laws passed. This, in turn, creates strong
incentives for politicians to resort to bribery to help forge alliances.
Other scholars argue that Brazil is no more crooked than its regional
peers, pointing to surveys such as Transparency Internationals
Corruption Perceptions Index, which ranks Brazil as less corrupt than
Argentina and Mexico. Brazilian corruption is simply more likely to
be detected, they claim. Brazil has an especially vigorous free press, an
independent and well-resourced judicial branch, and a large and
historically marginalized working class that, amid levels of inequality
that are high even by Latin American standards, is almost always
ready to turn on its leaders at the drop of a hat.
Whatever the truth, in recent decades, Brazils systemic corruption
has become more unsustainable. The countrys 1988 constitution granted
extraordinary autonomy to Brazilian prosecutors, leaving them free to
investigate and imprison members of the business and political elite
with little fear of reversal or retribution. As in other parts of the
world, technological changes, including the rise of Facebook and Twitter,
May/June 2017 89
Brian Winter
90 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Brazils Never-Ending Corruption Crisis
Youre fired: Rousseff in Braslia after being stripped of the presidency, September 2016
investigations, five more ministers from Temers cabinet, in addition to
Silveira, have resigned or otherwise lost their jobs. In December, large
street demonstrations broke out after Brazilian politicians gutted an
anticorruption bill. The political instability has hampered Temers
ability to execute his legislative agenda and has scared off many domestic
and foreign investors, and most economists now expect Brazils economy
to barely grow in 2017. The only public figure in Brazil whose approval
rating consistently stands above 50 percent is Srgio Moro, the 44-year-
old judge overseeing Operation Car Wash.
With Temers term set to end in December 2018, it is probably too
late for him to relaunch his government in a more transparent mold.
But his successor will have a golden opportunity to show that he or
she has learned the lessons of Operation Car Wash. Only by prioritizing
the fight against systemic corruption and making transparency a
guiding principle of government policy can Brazils politicians regain
the support of their constituents, inspire confidence among investors,
May/June 2017 91
Brian Winter
92 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Brazils Never-Ending Corruption Crisis
Many Brazilian politicians dismiss these proposals as unworkable in
the current political climate. They insist that the true source of public
discontent is not corruption but the economy, which has contracted by
almost ten percent on a per capita basis since 2014. The government
should therefore save its political capital, the argument goes, for pass-
ing legislation that will boost job creation, simplify its notoriously
Byzantine tax code, and better integrate Brazilthe most closed major
economy in Latin Americawith the rest of the world.
Its true that recapturing the dynamism that lifted millions of Brazilians
out of poverty is critical. But the government would be reckless to
dismiss the publics outrage over corruption. In a 2016 survey, only
May/June 2017 93
Brian Winter
94 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Return to Table of Contents
How to Maintain
Americas Edge
Increase Funding for Basic Science
L. Rafael Reif
n February 2016, scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (mit) and the California Institute of Technology, or
Caltech, joined with the National Science Foundation (nsf) to
share some remarkable news: two black holes 1.3 billion light-years
away had collided, and the resulting gravitational waves had been heard
by the twin detectors of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave
Observatory (ligo). This was the first time such wavesripples in
the space-time continuum caused by the violent acceleration of massive
objectshad ever been directly observed. Albert Einstein had predicted
such waves a century ago, but it was long doubted that instrumentation
sensitive enough to confirm their existence could ever be created. It
took more than four decades of work by a vast team of scientists to
make the impossible possible.
Ligo has revealed thrilling new insights into the cosmosbut it
has given the world some gifts of immediate practical value as well,
which help illustrate the benefits of such investments in basic science.
Over the years, the ligo project has provided a crucial training
ground for thousands of top young scientists and engineers, developing
talent that has energized not only American universities but also
American businesses. Because ligo researchers had to measure displace-
ments of mirrors one-10,000th the size of a proton, they were required
to invent an array of breathtakingly precise new tools, including ultra-
stable high-powered lasers, ultrasmooth mirrors mounted on ultraquiet
vibration-isolation platforms, the worlds largest ultrahigh-vacuum
system, and software algorithms for extracting tiny signals from noisy
May/June 2017 95
L. Rafael Reif
96 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
How to Maintain Americas Edge
The truth is out there: a simulation of black holes, released at a conference in February 2016
May/June 2017 97
L. Rafael Reif
for decades to come. This concern has become acute since the White
House released its budget blueprint, which proposes crippling cuts
to science funding. Now more than ever, the fate of this crucial national
investment depends on Congress.
While other nations are vigorously investing in scientific discovery,
in recent years, total research-and-development spending in the
United States, both private and public, has stagnated. Between 2008
and 2014, the entire U.S. research-and-development enterprise grew
by just over one percent annually in inflation-adjusted dollars.
Most concerning, however, is the decline in federally supported
research. Between 2009 and 2015, federal spending on research and
development of all kinds decreased by nearly 20 percent in constant
dollars. Universities suffered the longest downturn in federal support
since the nsf began keeping track in 1972, and that has caused a great
deal of promising work to stalljust when groundbreaking new tools,
such as the ligo detectors and CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing, have
opened up enormous opportunities for new discoveries.
Such underinvestment in research and development is not merely
a temporary effect of the Great Recession. The federal government
now spends a significantly lower percentage of gdp on research than
it did in the 1960s and 1970s and has particularly stinted research in
essential fields such as the physical sciences, mathematics and com-
puter science, and the environmental sciences. The result has been a shift
over time in the source of the majority of research-and-development
investment from the federal government to industry.
Industrial research and development is necessary and valuable, of
course. But with some exceptions, it tends to focus on relatively narrow
questions directed at specific commercial outcomes. Only about six
percent of industry funding goes to basic researchto projects
designed to expand humanitys store of knowledge rather than pass
tests of immediate usefulness. This is understandable. Basic research
is curiosity-driven, and the short-term returns from it are often not
obvious. Yet we cannot do without it, because it is from such funda-
mental explorations that the world gets the startling breakthroughs
that create entirely new industries.
Unfortunately, the United States great corporate laboratories, such
as Bell Labs and DuPont Central Research and Development, once
98 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
How to Maintain Americas Edge
May/June 2017 99
L. Rafael Reif
100 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
How to Maintain Americas Edge
102 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
How to Maintain Americas Edge
he global recovery from the Great Recession of 2009 has just
entered its eighth year and shows few signs of fading. That
should be cause for celebration. But this recovery has been an
underwhelming one. Throughout this period, the global economy has
grown at an average annual pace of just 2.5 percenta record low
when compared with economic rebounds that took place in the decades
after World War II. Rather than rejoicing, then, many experts are now
anxiously searching for a way to push the world economy out of its
low-growth trap. Some economists and investors have placed their
hopes on populists such as U.S. President Donald Trump, figuring
that if they can make their countries economies grow quickly again,
the rest of the world might follow along.
Given how long the global economy has been in the doldrums,
however, its worth asking whether the forces slowing growth are
merely temporary. Although economists and business leaders complain
that a 2.5 percent global growth rate is painfully slow, prior to the
1800s, the worlds economy never grew that fast for long; in fact, it
never topped one percent for a sustained period. Even after the
Industrial Revolution began in the late eighteenth century, the average
global growth rate rarely exceeded 2.5 percent. It was only with the
massive baby boom following World War II that the global economy
grew at an average pace close to four percent for several decades. That
period was an anomaly, howeverand should be recognized as such.
The causes of the current slowdown can be summed up as the
Three Ds: depopulation, deleveraging, and deglobalization. Between the
end of World War II and the financial crisis of 2008, the global economy
RUCHIR SHARMA is Chief Global Strategist and Head of Emerging Markets at Morgan
Stanley Investment Management and the author of The Rise and Fall of Nations: Forces of
Change in the Post-Crisis World.
104 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Boom Was a Blip
The emergence of the Three Ds represents an epochal reversal in the
story of global development, which for decades prior to the Great
Recession was a tale of more: more people, more borrowing, and more
goods crossing borders. To understand why the plot took such an
unexpected turn, its helpful to consider the roots of each trend.
Depopulation was already under way prior to the economic melt
down. During the postwar baby boom, the annual rate of growth in
106 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Boom Was a Blip
Then came the global financial crisis. Regulations issued in its wake
limited the risks that U.S. and European banks could take both in
their domestic markets and overseas. In 2008, global capital flows
which are dominated by bank loans
stood at 16 percent of global gdp.
Today, those flows hover at around two
Few leaders have shown
percent of global gdpback to where the abilityor even the
they were in the early 1980s. Meanwhile, inclinationto recognize
many private borrowers and lenders the new economic reality.
have been paralyzed by debt phobia,
which has prevented new lending despite
the fact that interest rates are at record lows. The only country where
borrowing has continued to grow rapidly is China, which did not develop
a fear of debt because it remained insulated from the financial crisis in
2008. But globally, since interest rates can hardly drop any further, a
new debt boom is extremely unlikely.
Globalization is not likely to revive quickly, either. The last time
that cross-border flows of money and people slowed down was in 1914,
at the onset of World War I. It took three decades for that decline to
hit bottom, and then another three decades for flows to recover their
prewar peaks. Then, in the early 1980s, many countries began to open
their borders, and for the next three decades, the volume of cross-
border trade doubled, from the equivalent of 30 percent of global gdp
in 1980 to 60 percent in 2008. For many countries, export industries
were by far the fastest-growing sector, lifting the overall growth rate
of the economy.
In the wake of the recession, however, consumers have cut back on
spending, and governments have started erecting barriers to goods and
services from overseas. Since 2008, according to the Centre for Economic
Policy Researchs Global Trade Alert, the worlds major economies have
imposed more than 6,000 barriers to protect themselves from foreign
competition, including stealth measures designed to dodge trade
agreements. Partly as a result of such policies, international trade has
fallen back to the equivalent of 55 percent of global gdp. This trend is
likely to continue as populists opposed to globalization move to further
restrict the movement of goods and people. Witness, for example, one
of Trumps first moves in office: killing the Trans-Pacific Partnership
(tpp), a 12-nation deal that was designed by Trumps predecessor to as-
sure that American-style free-market rules would govern trade in Asia.
108 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Boom Was a Blip
110 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Boom Was a Blip
plan would push the U.S. budget deficit, which is already at unprec
edented levels, even higher. At this stage, Washington should be building
a surplusmoney it will need when the next recession inevitably
hits. But the idea of saving for a rainy day seems quaint at a time when
disgruntled voters are demanding an economic revival. The U.S.
economy is already growing in line with its potential rate of 1.5 to two
percent, yet most politicians seem to share the publics disappointment
and eagerness for more.
So what will happen when populists and nationalists fail to deliver
faster growth? One might expect everything to come crashing down
around them. In fact, history shows that canny populists can survive
such outcomes. But the tactics they tend to use often stoke international
instability, as the cases of Russia and Turkey demonstrate.
When Russian President Vladimir Putin came to power in 2000,
his basic promise was that he would make Russia great again by
reviving its economy. Thanks largely to rising prices for Russias top
exports, oil and gas, average annual income increased tenfold over the
next decade, to the equivalent of $15,000. Putin reaped the benefits,
basking in unprecedented levels of public support. But in 2014, energy
prices collapsed, setting off a recession, and average annual income
fell to just $9,000. Putin suddenly seemed politically vulnerable.
To deflect attention from the downturn, Putin embarked on a
series of foreign adventures: invading and annexing Crimea, fomenting
a pro-Russian insurrection in eastern Ukraine, and launching a mili
tary intervention to support the embattled Assad regime in Syria. By
playing the nationalism card and casting himself as the hero of a
campaign to restore Russian prestige and power, Putin has avoided
suffering the fate of so many other establishment politicians. Despite
Russias continued economic struggles, his approval rating remains
above 80 percent.
Like Putin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is also well
into his second decade in power despite the fact that he presides over
a sputtering economy. Erdogans ideas about economics are distinctly
unconventional: he has claimed, for example, that raising interest
ratesa standard antidote to inflationis in fact a cause of inflation.
Turkey faces a crippling mix of rising deficits, accelerating inflation,
and slow growth. Yet the latest polls put Erdogans approval rating at
close to 70 percent, in part because Erdogan has managed to convince
many Turks that the United States and the eu are the masterminds of
112 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Boom Was a Blip
114 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Hack Job
Emily Parker 133
Return to Table of Contents
resident Donald Trump has made ferent draft order on detainees, which
it clear that he believes the United did not call for such policy changes.
States should consider using torture But the episode left a distinct impres
when interrogating terrorist suspects. sion that although Mattis and other
Last February, during the Republican senior administration officials might
primary campaign, he pledged that if oppose torture, Trump is hardly its
elected, he would authorize techniques only proponent in the White House.
a hell of a lot worse than waterboard That torture is once again even a
ing. Doing so, he later bragged, topic of discussion at the highest levels
wouldnt bother me even a little bit. of the U.S. government is an alarming
Trump insisted that torture works development for the countryand for
and that even if it doesnt, terrorists us personally. One of us, Antonio Taguba,
deserve it anyway. as a major general in the U.S. Army,
authored a 2004 internal army report
ANTONIO TAGUBA retired from the U.S.
on prisoner abuse at the U.S. detention
Army in 2007 with the rank of Major General. facility in Abu Ghraib, Iraq. Sifting
He led a 2004 army internal investigation into through the evidence documenting the
prisoner abuse at the U.S. detention facility in
Abu Ghraib, Iraq. sickening ways that U.S. military per
sonnel and contractors mistreated Iraqi
SCOTT COOPER retired from the U.S. Marine detainees, he became intimately familiar
Corps with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He is
Director of National Security Outreach at with the very worst in human nature
Human Rights First. and the ugliness that war can produce
116 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Tortured Souls
in those waging it. And after what The wrong-headed policies that
became known as the Taguba report produced such high costs were devel-
was leaked and made headlines, every oped by dozens of officials and imple-
one learned just how stubbornly the U.S. mented by a vast bureaucracy at a safe
government can resist taking respon remove from the frontlines. But indi
sibility for its crimes and learning from viduals had to actually carry them out.
its errors. The George W. Bush admin Two such people have recently published
istration blamed the atrocities at Abu books reflecting on their experiences
Ghraib on low-level troops and staffers, doing just that. Eric Fair was a contract
and the senior civilian and military leaders interrogator for the U.S. Army in Iraq.
who devised and authorized abusive His memoir, Consequence, is an act of
tactics and encouraged an environment confession, an effort to confront his
of brutality escaped culpability. Later, demons. James Mitchell is a psychologist
the Obama administration declined to whom the cia hired after the 9/11 attacks
prosecute anyone for ordering abuse or to help devise aggressive new means of
participating in it, even though President extracting information from detainees.
Barack Obama had himself conceded The book he co-authored with the
that the United States had tortured former cia spokesperson Bill Harlow,
some folks. Enhanced Interrogation, is an act of self-
That lack of accountability might be defense. Mitchell, too, wants to confront
one reason why torture is back on the his demons, which is how he seems to
table and once again politically palatable. view almost anyone who has written
A 2014 Washington Postabc News poll critically about the abuse that he and
found that a majority of Americans others inflicted.
believed that the cias use of torture Taken together, the two books serve
was justified. And why wouldnt they? as a reminder of the importance of
By refusing to hold anyone responsible, individual choice and personal agency,
Washington sent a clear signal to Ameri even in the expansive architecture of
cans that the abuse was, in fact, justified U.S. national security. If Trump wants
even if it was illegal, immoral, and likely to put the United States back into the
ineffective. But whether or not torture torture business, he will need the compli
worked, there is little question that it ance of individuals at many levels of
harmed U.S. interests. As Douglas government who are willing to break the
Johnson, Alberto Mora, and Averell law. At a debate during the Republican
Schmidt noted recently in this magazine: primary campaign last year, a moderator
asked Trump what he would do if officials
Washingtons use of torture greatly refused to torture detainees or to take
damaged national security. It incited
extremism in the Middle East, hin
out their families, as Trump had sug
dered cooperation with U.S. allies, gested might be necessary. Theyre
exposed American officials to legal not going to refuse mebelieve me,
repercussions, undermined U.S. Trump scoffed. If I say do it, theyre
diplomacy, and offered a convenient going to do it.
justification for other governments We hope that Trump is wrong. To
to commit human rights abuses. prevent a return to the darkest days of
the so-called war on terror and the Iraq Those sentences capture the ethos
war, military officers, intelligence officials,
that guided many interrogators in the
enlisted people, and contractors must fight against terrorism, whether they
refuse to carry out any illegal orders worked for the military, the cia, or
they receiveeven from the president civilian contractors. The result was an
himself. Doing so will serve the national essentially rule-free zone in which inter
interest and their own self-interest. For rogators were untethered from the usual
as these two books demonstrateby restrictions on battlefield conduct. Fairs
design in Fairs case and inadvertently description of near chaos inside inter
in Mitchellsthe damage wreaked by rogation rooms in Iraq matches what
torture is not limited to the victims: it was learned during the investigation of
also extends to the souls of the torturers. the abuses at Abu Ghraib. Most military
and civilian interrogators had received
FOLLOWING ORDERS little more than on-the-job training and
Fair was born in 1972 and grew up a were not properly supervised. This left
devout Presbyterian. He joined the army them confused about their responsibilities
in 1995 and was honorably discharged in and, in some cases, uncertain about
2000. After the 9/11 attacks, he longed whether they were even subject to U.S.
to serve his country once more and fight legal authority at all.
its new enemies. Although unable to put In spare, haunting prose, Fair details
on the uniform again, he found a way to his own conduct in this environment,
the war zone as a civilian contractor. Fair which became more abusive over time.
was hired by caci, a U.S. corporation He recalls the first time he grabbed a
that had obtained a contract from the detainee; his use of what his colleagues
Defense Department to provide person called the Palestinian chair, a tech-
nel for intelligence work in Iraq. nique they were told that Israeli inter-
The company hired Fair as an inter rogators use to force detainees into an
rogator even though hed never received excruciatingly painful position; and
any military training in interrogation or the way some detainees cried when he
intelligence analysis. His lack of experi asked about their wives and families.
ence was compounded, he claims, by the Inflicting agony on others took a toll
fact that prior to his arrival in Iraq in on Fair. After he returned home, his
December 2003, caci did not train him, marriage unraveled. He drank to excess.
either. But the companys bare-bones He believes he will never be able to earn
orientation program did manage to redemption but that he is obligated to
convince Fair of one thing: the U.S. try. He was doing his countrys bidding;
government had approved and author he was following orders. But what he
ized brutal interrogations. In a passage did was wrong, and he still struggles to
that every policymaker should read come to terms with his actions and find
and remember, he writes: We tor- a way to make amends.
tured people the right way, following
the right procedures, and used the ROUGH MEN
approved techniques. There are no Mitchell, in contrast, feels no guilt
legal consequences. and seeks no forgiveness. He reminds
118 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Tortured Souls
readers that, in the wake of the 9/11 who was waterboarded 183 times. I
attacks, justified fears of another assault have looked into the eyes of the worst
drove U.S. policy, and the cia saw people on the planet, Mitchell writes.
coercive interrogations as one way to I have sat with them and felt their
prevent more bloodshed. The agency passion as they described what they see
turned to Mitchell and his colleague as their holy duty to destroy our way of
Bruce Jessen, who had served as psy life. He and Jessen, he goes on, did
chologists in the U.S. Air Force and what we could to stop them. Mitchell
had overseen the Survival, Evasion, paints himself as something of a good
Resistance, and Escape (sere) training cop in the interrogation room: his
program for personnel deemed to be at suggested techniques, he claims, were
high risk of enemy capture. Mitchell actually less brutal than unproven and
and Jessen had designed and supervised perhaps harsher techniques made up
some of the mock interrogations that on the fly that could have been much
sere trainees undergo to prepare them worse. Mitchell also asserts that his
for what they might endure should they efforts produced intelligence that
ever fall into hostile hands. But the two helped foil terrorist attacks and led to
men had never conducted genuine inter the capture or killing of high-profile
rogations of enemy detainees. Never targets, including Osama bin Laden.
theless, they managed to convince the The U.S. Senate Select Committee
cia that they could adapt sere tactics to on Intelligence spent five years and
the real world, and they quickly became $40 million investigating such claims.
integral players in the cias new detention Its 6,300-page report remains classified.
and interrogation program. Over the But in 2014, the committees Democratic
next eight years, their company, Mitchell majority released a heavily redacted
Jessen & Associates, reportedly earned 500-page executive summary that refuted
some $81 million for its work. They are the idea that the torture carried out by
now facing a lawsuit filed in federal Mitchell and others produced any par
court in Washington State by two former ticularly useful information. The executive
cia detainees and representatives of a summary also revealed that the cia
third, who died in custody, accusing the had routinely exaggerated the success
psychologists of human rights viola of enhanced interrogation and that
tions and seeking compensatory and much of the intelligence the agency had
punitive damages. gathered through torture was either
Mitchells book brings to mind a incorrect or had actually been (or could
quote of uncertain provenance that is have been) gleaned through other means.
sometimes attributed to Winston Mitchell dismisses such findings and
Churchill: We sleep safely in our beds makes clear that he has no interest in
because rough men stand ready in the handwringing about the moral or strategic
night to visit violence on those who costs of torture. At the end of his book,
would harm us. Mitchell casts himself he writes that Americans will not tolerate
as a rough man and takes pride in the for long the reckless squandering of our
violence he visited on detainees such as freedoms to put ointment on some polit
the 9/11 plotter Khalid Sheik Mohammed, ical leaders conscience. Like others who
have spent their careers in the armed of the U.S. Supreme Court justice
forces or the intelligence agencies, we Anthony Kennedy, The Law is
have always sought to emulate military superior to the government, and it
leaders of conscience, such as Dwight binds the government and all its
Eisenhower and George Marshall, officials to its precepts.
and have looked to political leaders of It seems likely that the Trump era
conscience to act not only with wisdom will test U.S. military and intelligence
and strategic sensibility but also with institutions and the individuals who
moral aptitude. But Mitchell seems to bravely serve them. They can pass the
have a different understanding of the test if they heed this simple advice:
role of conscience in war and politics. follow the law.
120 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Return to Table of Contents
merican democracy has always by the historian David Moss, reveals
been a work in progress. What how Americans have overcome political
Abraham Lincoln called the divisions in the past.
unfinished work of ensuring govern The authors of both books make clear
ment of the people, by the people, for that political conflicts in the United
the people has suffered its share of States are nothing new. Today, Americans
setbacks. For decades, Americans trust face serious threats to their countrys
in government has been declining, sig democracy, but they can draw on a long
naling that not all was well. Yet until tradition of conflict resolution. They
recently, democracy seemed secure in should relearn how to use the institutions
the United States. and toolsleadership, negotiation, and
No longer. President Donald Trump compromisethat have sustained
has unleashed a barrage of attacks on American democracy in the past.
the underpinnings of democratic gov
ernance, threatening checks and balances, FALLING APART
civil liberties, civil rights, and long- In Democracy for Realists, Achen and
established norms. During last years Bartels explain that deep-seated social
identities and group affiliations motivate
SUZANNE METTLER is Clinton Rossiter political action far more than individual
Professor of American Institutions at
Cornell University. Follow her on Twitter rationality does. They convincingly debunk
@SuzanneMettler1. what they term the folk theory of
122 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Democracy on the Brink
Too close for comfort? Trump at a rally in Tampa, Florida, October 2016
each have a politicized religious identity; governors in Michigan and Wisconsin,
Episcopalians and agnostics do not. two states in which Trump scored surprise
Whats missing here, in part, is victories, have hastened the decline of
attention to how politics and policy can unions by passing right-to-work laws,
shape, give meaning to, or even create which prevent unions from requiring
identities. Take, for example, the white employees of unionized firms to pay dues.
working-class voters in Rust Belt states In the absence of strong unions, politicians,
who proved pivotal in Trumps victory. including Trump, have appealed to other
In past years, many of these same people identities among the white working class,
would have belonged to labor unions and such as race, geography, and religion.
looked to union leaders for information Peoples experiences of public policies
on which candidate would best represent can create politicized groups, which
their interests. But union membership parties or candidates can then mobilize.
has been falling for years. Large numbers Recipients of Social Security and Medi
of manufacturing jobsthe traditional care, for example, are keen to protect their
base for unionshave disappeared, benefits. During last years campaign,
presidents since Ronald Reagan have Trump cemented his support among older
withdrawn their support for organized voters when he defied the current Repub
labor, and Congress has for decades lican orthodoxy and assured them that he
failed to update the moribund National would protect those programs. Veterans
Labor Relations Act, from which unions may feel kinship with one another because
derive much of their power. In recent of their shared experience of military
years, conservative legislators and service, businesspeople may unite around
their frustration with regulations, and the a large family can attest, political diversity
rich may commiserate over the intrica among close relatives is not uncommon.
cies of the tax code. Achen and Bartels Children may gravitate to a different
overlook the role that government policies party than their parents do. According
play in forging such shared identities. to the political scientists Donald Green,
Examining only contemporary group Bradley Palmquist, and Schickler, the
affiliations, moreover, obscures how association between parents partisan
specific policies created or destroyed the identity and that of their adult children is
bonds between parties and certain dem not trivial, but neither is it overwhelm
ographic groups. Although Achen and ing. The emotional distress many
Bartels review some of the relevant reported experiencing at Thanksgiving
history, a deeper look might have affected dinner tables after the 2016 election
their conclusions. Take the case of white indicates that people can find themselves
southerners, who defected from the politically distanced even from those they
Democratic Party to the Republican Party have known all their lives and love dearly.
in the middle of the twentieth century.
Achen and Bartels refute the idea that it HOW TO PERFECT YOUR UNION
was primarily Democratic leaders Throughout the United States history,
endorsement of civil rights in the 1960s Americans have had to deal with faction
that drove white southerners away. As alism. In Democracy, Moss observes that
they show, the shift in partisanship had charges of democratic dysfunction are as
begun earlier. Yet they miss the policy old as the republic itself. In fact, discord
developments on other issues that is to be expected: democracy does not
precipitated the transition. The political function like a machine, with neatly
scientist Eric Schickler has shown that humming checks and balances. It is more
white southerners began to defect from like a living, breathing organismand a
the Democratic Party soon after the fragile one, at that, constantly prone to
passage of the National Labor Relations fragmentation, breakdown and decay.
Act of 1935. That law empowered the Americans, Moss argues, should not fear
Congress of Industrial Organizations, a conflict but rather embrace it: handled
union federation, which promoted civil properly, it permits the best ideas to win
rights and prompted the gop to embrace out, guards against the tyranny of the
states rights in defense of white interests. majority, and helps prevent special interest
Richard Valelly, another political scien groups from gaining too much power.
tist, has highlighted how in the 1950s, Moss makes this argument in his
Republican leaders appealed to white brilliant introductory and concluding
southerners social conservatism, partic chapters, while the core of the book
ularly regarding gay rights. consists of 19 cases from throughout U.S.
Tracing the emergence of group history that exemplify the complexity of
affiliations also reveals that ideas serve political conflict. Moss, a professor at
as a greater driving force than Achen and Harvard Business School, brings the
Bartels acknowledge. They claim that case-study teaching method to history. He
people who grew up together typically challenges readers to imagine themselves
share political views. But as anyone from as participants in the historical cases he
124 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
uses, to better understand the deliberative
and decision-making skills necessary for
self-governance. The cases span a wide Not all readers
range. Moss tells the story of the debate
at the Constitutional Convention, in 1787, are leaders,
over James Madisons proposal that
Congress should have the power to veto but all leaders
state laws (the convention rejected the
idea). He presents the decision Martin are readers.
Luther King, Jr., faced in 1965: whether - Harry S. Truman
to defy a federal court order and lead some
2,000 protesters across the Edmund Pettus
Bridge, in Selma, Alabama (King decided
to turn the marchers back; 12 days later, SIGN UP for the
after a higher court lifted the order, they Foreign Aairs
set out over the bridge to Montgomery). Books & Reviews
Moss presents each case in rich detail
so that readers can grapple with the tough
choices that the people at the time faced
and decide how they themselves would
have proceeded. Readers can take on the
roles of New York State legislators in
1851, deciding whether to require school
districts to levy taxes to pay for public
education (they produced a weak compro
mise measure with one-time funding, but
the principle of free schools prevailed and
became law in 1867). They may imagine
they are Florida lawmakers in 1982,
charged with ratifying or rejecting the
Equal Rights Amendment (they voted it
down). Moss wisely presents each case
without the outcome; for that, readers
must turn to the appendix.
Together, these cases convey that
Americans today have inherited not
only a set of governing institutions but
also a tradition of conflict resolution
that both relies on democratic norms
and strengthens them through practice.
Tensions are a constant throughout U.S.
political history. The crucial question is
whether citizens can resolve them con
structively. Moss suggests that Americans
Suzanne Mettler
have lost sight of whats needed: a funda ment experience among several of them
mental commitment to the democratic makes them unorthodox choices. On
principles of self-government. the other hand, Trumps disregard for
facts, his repudiation of the role of the
COMING TOGETHER mainstream media, his criticism of
Both books point out that the American judges, and his disregard for political
founders anticipated challenges much opposition all degrade democratic norms.
like those the United States faces today. Citizens need to assess Trumps actions
As Achen and Bartels acknowledge, their through this lens, distinguishing standard
emphasis on how groups matter in politics partisan moves from those that under
is not new. Madison argued, in The mine self-government and threaten
Federalist Papers, no. 10, that humans are authoritarianism.
all too likely to form factionsgroups On the same day that the Second
that possess a zeal for different opinions Continental Congress ratified the
concerning religion, concerning govern Declaration of Independence, Moss
ment, and many other points. That zeal, reminds readers, it charged Benjamin
he wrote, had divided mankind into Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas
parties, inflamed them with mutual Jefferson with coming up with an
animosity, and rendered them much emblem for the new nation. They
more disposed to vex and oppress each arrived at a motto: E pluribus unum
other than to co-operate for the (Out of many, one). In 1782, Congress
common good. adopted it as part of the seal of the
As Madison knew, it is fruitless to try United States. At the time, it symbolized
to remove the causes of faction, which the challenge of bringing 13 colonies
are sown in the nature of man; people together in the shared project of self-
can only aim to control its effects. The governance. Since then, the principle it
best way of doing so, he argued, is through conveys has enabled Americans across
representative democracy. As Moss nearly two and a half centuries to work
reminds readers, for democracy to succeed, though conflicts and to preserve democ
it requires not only strong institutions, racy. Our differences as Americans are
with checks and balances, but also norms, in fact a profound source of strength,
principles, and the capacity to work across not weakness, Moss writes, but only
differences to get things done. so long as we find enough in common
In this moment of intense political to see ourselves as one nation. The
division, its important to distinguish predecessors of todays Americans gave
the events that are part of the normal, if them the tools to manage, mitigate, and
deeply partisan, course of politics from transcend their current deep divisions,
those that threaten the basis of democ- if they can proudly reaffirm what they
racy itself. Trumps nomination of Judge share: their system of government.
Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court,
for example, is a normal political action,
aimed at satisfying Trumps conservative
base. This holds for his cabinet nominees
as well, even though the lack of govern
126 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Return to Table of Contents
n the early summer of 2003, a few The Egyptians turned the elder Matar
months after the U.S.-led invasion over to the security services of Libyas
of Iraq, I arrived at the door of a vicious ruler, Muammar al-Qaddafi; he
pockmarked building in Baghdad where then entered the ranks of the disappeared.
many of the military and intelligence His family never knew where he was
files of Saddam Husseins government being held; by the mid-1990s, they were
were stored. The street was full of dust, no longer certain if he was even alive.
and Iraqis of all ages were streaming in Capturing Jaballa Matar was a significant
and out, some of them clutching folders. feat for the Libyan regime: he had been
A group of men was standing near the a leading figure in the opposition, using
door in authoritative poses, and older the considerable wealth hed built as a
women were yelling at them, pleading businessman to organize a network inside
for information. I was new to the country, and outside the country that aimed to
and a little baffled at first that these overthrow Qaddafi. In 1979, his family
scraps of yellowing paper had provoked had left Libya for Egypt with him, and
so much passion and excitement. It did soon afterward, his sons had been sent
not take me long to figure out why. For to the even safer remove of European
all the Iraqis publicly executed under boarding schools.
Saddam, countless more had disappeared Matars novels evoke and reference
into his archipelago of dungeons. Their these events; in The Return, Matar fully
families had submitted to a familiar lifts the veil, providing a mesmerizing,
pattern: years of soul-sapping hope and harrowing account of his return to Libya
dread, with regime officials cynically in 2012 and his long effort to grapple
with his fathers fate and legacy. I envy
the finality of funerals, Matar writes early
ROBERT F. WORTH is a journalist and former on in the book. I covet the certainty.
chief of The New York Times Beirut bureau. He
is the author of A Rage for Order: The Middle How it must be to wrap ones hands
East in Turmoil, From Tahrir Square to ISIS. around the bones, to choose how to
128 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Libyan Ghosts
agreed that the dish did taste better remarkable bravery on several fronts
than at any other time because the
until he was shot and killed by a sniper
meat was, as one of the adults had
during the liberation of Tripoli in late
said, unbelievably fresh.
August, six months into the conflict.
Izzos brother Hamed kept fighting, despite Matars own father remains a central
his parents pleas, and later traveled to (although spectral) figure in the book,
Syria to join a rebel group there in the and the grandeur and mystery of the
fight against the Assad regime. Matar elder Matar continue to expand during
yells at Hamed over the phone, exhorting his sons return journey. I am the son
him to come home, to no avail. Only of an unusual man, perhaps even a great
after Hamed is wounded and removed man, Matar writes. Many boys are
from the Syrian battlefield does he inclined to think this way about their
agree to return to Libya. fathersand if a father disappears, the
Matars family drama coincides, in temptation only grows. But Matars
many respects, with the brief modern father was clearly a person of immense
history of Libya. His paternal grandfa- charisma long before his disappearance.
ther was born around 1880, when the During the 1980s, capturing the elder
country was a vast and nearly empty Matar became a top priority for the
landscape, as Matar writes, nominally Libyan regime, which sent hit men
under Ottoman rule. After the Italians abroad to find him. He gave his chil-
invaded in 1911, jockeying for a better dren pseudonyms to use when talking
position in the European race for colonial about him in public. At one point, during
territory and hoping to gain a fourth a trip to Europe, Matar chastised his
shore, a fierce native resistance arose, father for being so paranoid. But shortly
guided by the Senussi, a mystical afterward, they passed two men on the
religious order. Its leader was Omar al- street speaking Libyan Arabic. So
Mukhtar, a legendary guerrilla who what does this Jaballa Matar look like
remains Libyas great national hero. anyway? one said to the other. Later,
Matars grandfather fought in the first Matars brother, Ziad, narrowly escaped
phase of the resistance, from 1911 until a carful of would-be kidnappers who
1919. He lived a long life, and Matar chased him all the way to his boarding
knew him well as a boy. He recalls his school in a Swiss mountain village.
grandfather unbuttoning his shirt to When the family urged Jaballa to with
reveal a small rosette just beneath the draw from politics, they encountered
collarbone where an Italian soldiers an austere patriotism: Dont put
bullet had wounded him. Matars yourselves in competition with Libya,
grandfather probably would have died he told them. You will always lose.
had he not fled to Egypt and avoided On his return to Libya in 2012,
the bloodiest phase of the Italian war, Matar meets men who knew his father
after Mussolini took charge in 1922. in prison, and revered him. He hears
Airplanes bombed and gassed villages, about how his father took an enormous
and tens of thousands of Libyans were risk by smuggling out a letter authorizing
marched to concentration camps, where a loan to the family of a fellow prisoner.
torture and starvation were common. When prison officials found out, he
Official Italian records show that the refused to name his accomplices and
population of eastern Libya dropped was tortured horribly for three days.
from 225,000 to 142,000 during this One man shows Matar his fathers
period, Matar writes. youthful fiction, published in a student
130 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
journal, some of it relating to the
desert war for independence against the
Italians. Another former prisoner who
knew Matars father and admired him
immensely clutches Matars hand and
gazes into his eyes, unable to express
his emotions except by repeating the
same phrase again and again: Are you
well? Your health? Your family? Franklin Williams
These encounters are interspersed Internship
with Matars reports on the disgraceful The Council on Foreign Relations is seeking
efforts of the Libyan regime to placate talented individuals for the Franklin Williams
him in the years prior to the 2011 revolt. Internship.
The messenger was Qaddafis son Saif, The Franklin Williams Internship, named after
who arranged to meet Matar at a London the late Ambassador Franklin H. Williams,
was established for undergraduate and graduate
hotel in 2010. The British government students who have a serious interest in
was mending fences with Qaddafi at international relations.
the time, and Saif seemed confident Ambassador Williams had a long career of
that he could buy Matar off and elide public service, including serving as the
all the horrors of the previous decades. American Ambassador to Ghana, as well as the
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Lincoln
Saif claimed that he knew what had
University, one of the countrys historically
happened to Matars father, but he black colleges. He was also a Director of the
refused to tell him, saying that he first Council on Foreign Relations, where he made
had to reach some shadowy accommo- special efforts to encourage the nomination of
dation with the Egyptian security black Americans to membership.
services and Qaddafis henchmen. At The Council will select one individual each
term (fall, spring, and summer) to work in
one point during their correspondence,
the Councils New York City headquarters.
Saif texted Matar a quote attributed to The intern will work closely with a Program
the Israeli military leader Moshe Dayan: Director or Fellow in either the Studies or
Most important, dont do anything you the Meetings Program and will be involved
dont want. Matar texted back a quote with program coordination, substantive
and business writing, research, and budget
from Gandhi; Saif responded with a management. The selected intern will be
smiley-face emoji. required to make a commitment of at least 12
In the end, Matars quest to touch hours per week, and will be paid $10 an hour.
his fathers bones is thwarted. For a To apply for this internship, please send a
quarter of a century now, hope has rsum and cover letter including the se-
mester, days, and times available to work to
been seeping out of me, he concludes.
the Internship Coordinator in the Human
Now I can say, I am almost free of it. Resources Office at the address listed below.
He must accept the overwhelming The Council is an equal opportunity employer.
likelihood that his father was murdered Council on Foreign Relations
at the Abu Salim prison in 1996, during a Human Resources Office
massacre in which the Libyan authorities 58 East 68th Street, New York, NY 10065
tel: 212.434 . 9400 fax: 212.434 . 9893
murdered 1,270 men. Their remains [email protected]
were scattered at sea or buried in a mass
Robert F. Worth
grave. Fittingly, it was this atrocity of the few hopeful notes I have heard
that helped give rise to the 2011 from revolutionaries in the Middle East
uprising, which was sparked in part is the idea that the Arab revolts of
by a demonstration in Benghazi in 201011 were part of a broader shift
support of a lawyer for the victims away from paternalism. The younger
of the Abu Salim killings. generation, some say, is slowly turning
away from the traditional Arab rever-
FAREWELL TO THE BIG MAN? ence for a big man in politics, culture,
Matars narrative ends in mid-2012, and religion. They hope that this reori
during his brief stay in Libya. At that entation of social life will eventually
point, Libyans were still recovering erode the pillars of autocracy and the
from Qaddafis overthrow and death in ills that came along with it.
the wake of a nato-led military inter The potential for such an outcome
vention. The country had not yet provides little comfort in the present
begun its disintegration into militia- moment. But taking a long-term per-
run fiefdoms, and Matar chooses not spective may be the best way to view
to narrate that catastrophe. In a book the Arab worlds current mayhem. It
so layered with tragedies, perhaps it also gives added meaning to Matars
would have been too much to add preoccupation with a legendary father
another one. Instead, Matar frames his figure, the man whose terrible shadow
return home as a brief moment of is so difficult to escape. I am no
clarity, almost an idyll, when anything different, Matar writes of his filial
seemed possible, and nearly every obsession. I live, as we all live, in
individual I met spoke of his optimism the aftermath.
and foreboding in the same breath.
Those days are long gone. One can
only hope that someday Libyas
national story will again be amenable
to a narrator as sensitive, honest, and
forgiving as Matar.
For the time being, Libya has become
a tale so furious that it seems to resist
all efforts at translation. The outlines
are familiar: two rival governments,
each with foreign backers; a jihadist
insurgency, now largely broken; and a
fragmentation of authority among rival
gangs. Is this the harvest of a miscon
ceived nato intervention? Is it the
inevitable result of Qaddafis deliberate
destruction of Libyan institutions? No
one can be sure.
Matar has said little about Libyas
descent into chaos, perhaps wisely. One
132 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Return to Table of Contents
odays cyberbattles could almost a powerful aggressor in cyberspace.
make one nostalgic for the Cold In the future, the United States must
War. The nuclear arms race use its cyberpower judiciously. Every
created a sense of existential threat, conflict poses the risk that one party
but at least it was clear who had the will make a mistake or overreact, causing
weapons. In contrast, a cyberattack things to veer out of control. When it
could be the work of almost anyone. comes to cyberwar, however, the stakes
After hackers broke into the U.S. are particularly high for the United
Democratic National Committees States, as the countrys technological
servers in 2016 and released e-mails sophistication makes it uniquely
embarrassing to the dncs leadership, vulnerable to attack.
the Republican presidential candidate
Donald Trump said the attacker could CYBER-SUPERPOWER
be China, Russia, or somebody sitting The dramatic headlines surrounding
on their bed that weighs 400 pounds. Russias alleged hacking of the dnc
U.S. intelligence officials have said and attempts to spread misinformation
that the attack did indeed come from online during the U.S. election may
Russia, which Trump later acknowledged. have reinforced the perception among
Americans that the United States is
EMILY PARKER is a Future Tense Fellow at primarily a victim of cyber-intrusions.
New America and the author of Now I Know
Who My Comrades Are: Voices From the Internet Its not. In Dark Territory, Kaplan details
Underground. the United States long history of
aggression in cyberspace. Its not easy American officials also enlisted the
to write an engaging book on cyberwar, help of Hollywood producers, persuading
and Kaplan, a national security colum- them to supply programming to a U.S.-
nist at Slate, has done an admirable job. aligned Serbian station. During major
He presents a clear account of the anti-nato protests, Serbians would turn
United States evolution into a formi on the television to find the channel
dable cyberpower, guiding the reader playing episodes of Baywatch. Kaplan
through a thicket of technical details asserts, Many Serbs, who might other
and government acronyms. wise have hit the streets to make trouble,
It turns out that the U.S. govern stayed in to watch young women cavorting
ment has been an aggressor for over a in bikinis.
quarter century. Kaplan describes Around a decade later, the United
counter command-control warfare States set up what Kaplan calls a mini-
attempts to disrupt an enemys ability nsa in Iraq. Kaplan describes how nsa
to control its forcesthat goes back teams in the Middle East intercepted
to the Gulf War in 199091. At a time insurgents e-mails and shut down many
when U.S. President George H. W. of their servers with malware. In other
Bush had never used a computer, the cases, they sent insurgents deceptive
National Security Agency (nsa) was e-mails directing them to places where
employing a secret satellite to monitor U.S. Special Forces would be waiting to
the conversations of Iraqi President kill them. In 2007 alone, these sorts of
Saddam Hussein and his generals, operations . . . killed nearly four thousand
which sometimes revealed the positions Iraqi insurgents, Kaplan writes.
of Iraqi soldiers. The United States most ambitious
The United States flexed its digital cyberattack began in 2006, when it
muscles again in the late 1990s, when teamed up with Israel to sabotage the
Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina were Iranian nuclear program. The collab
protesting the presence of nato soldiers oration, dubbed Operation Olympic
enforcing the 1995 Dayton peace agree Games, targeted Irans Natanz reactor,
ment, which had ended the Bosnian war. which relied on remote computer controls.
U.S. officials learned that local news Malware designed by American pro
casters were telling protesters when and grammers took over the reactors valve
where to gather and even instructing pumps, allowing nsa operatives to
them to throw rocks at nato soldiers. remotely increase the flow of uranium
It turned out that 85 percent of Serbs gas into the centrifuges, which even
got their television broadcasts from just tually burst. By early 2010, the operation
five transmission towers. U.S. officials, had destroyed almost a quarter of Irans
working with the nato-led stabilization 8,700 centrifuges.
force, or sfor, installed devices on those For years, the Iranians failed to detect
five transmitters that allowed sfor the intrusion and must have wondered
engineers to turn them on and off if the malfunctions were their own fault.
remotely. Whenever a newscaster In that sense, Kaplan writes, Operation
began urging people to protest, the Olympic Games was a classic campaign
engineers shut off the transmitters. of information warfare: the target wasnt
134 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Hack Job
We can hear you now: a former NSA monitoring base in Bad Aibling, Germany, July 2013
just the Iranians nuclear program but cyber attack on another nations critical
also the Iranians confidencein their infrastructure.
sensors, their equipment, and them Of course, cyberattackers have often
selves. The Iranians and the wider targeted the United States. In 2014 alone,
public might never have learned about Kaplan reports, the country suffered more
the virus, now widely known as Stuxnet, than 80,000 cybersecurity breaches, more
if it had not accidentally spread from than 2,000 of which led to data losses.
the computers in Natanz to machines He also points out that until recently,
in other parts of the world, where U.S. policymakers worried less about
private-sector security researchers Russia than China, which was engaging
ultimately discovered it. not just in espionage and battlefield
With Olympic Games, the United preparation, but also in the theft of trade
States crossed the Rubicon, in the secrets, intellectual property, and cash.
words of the former cia director Michael China and Russia are not the only
Hayden. Stuxnet was the first major piece players. Iran and North Korea have also
of malware to do more than harm other attacked the United States. In 2014, the
136 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Hack Job
Segal is at his best in his discussion of hacking are acceptable and what
of Chinas cyberstrategy, on which he behavior crosses the line even harder.
has considerable expertise. Americans The Snowden revelations may have
tend to see themselves as a target of alerted Americans to the extent of U.S.
Chinese hackersand indeed they are. government surveillance, but the public
The problem is that China also sees itself still remains largely in the dark about
as a victim and the United States as digital conflict. Yet Americans have a
hypocritical. In June 2013, U.S. President lot at stake. The United States may be
Barack Obama warned Chinese President the worlds strongest cyberpower, but it
Xi Jinping that Chinese hacking could is also the most vulnerable. Segal writes:
damage the U.S.-Chinese relationship.
The United States is . . . more
Later that month, journalists published
exposed than any other country.
documents provided by Edward Snowden, Smart cities, the Internet of Things,
an nsa contractor, showing that the and self-driving cars may open up
nsa had hacked Chinese universities vast new economic opportunities as
and telecommunications companies. well as new targets for destructive
It didnt take long for Chinese state attacks. Cyberattacks could disrupt
media to brand the United States as and degrade the American way of
the real hacking empire. war, heavily dependent as it is on
The U.S.-Chinese relationship also sensors, computers, command and
suffers from a more fundamental dis control, and information dominance.
agreement. U.S. policymakers seem to
believe that its acceptable to spy for FOREWARNED IS FOREARMED
political and military purposes but that Neither Kaplan nor Segal offers easy
Chinas theft of intellectual property solutions to these challenges. Kaplan
crosses a line. The United States might argues that the cyber-era is much
spy on companies and trade nego murkier than the era of the Cold War.
tiators all over the world, but it does Officials find it difficult to trace attack
so to protect its national interests, not ers quickly and reliably, increasing the
to benefit specific U.S. companies. The chances that the targeted country will
Chinese dont see this distinction. As make an error. The U.S. government
Segal explains: and U.S. firms face cyberattacks every
Many states, especially those like day, and there is no clear line between
China that have developed a form of those that are merely a nuisance and
state capitalism at home, do not see a those that pose a serious threat. The
difference between public and private public also understands cyberthreats
actors. Chinese firms are part of an far less well than it does the threat of
effort to modernize the country and nuclear weapons. Much of the informa
build comprehensive power, no matter tion is classified, inhibiting public discus
whether they are private or state sion, Kaplan notes. He concludes that
owned. Stealing for their benefit is we are all wandering in dark territory.
for the benefit of the nation. Segals conclusions are somewhat
The intense secrecy surrounding more prescriptive. The United States
cyberwarfare makes deciding what kinds must support research and technological
innovation, for example, and not just by Those risks now seem greater than
providing more federal funding. Segal ever. Some experts have argued that
recommends that the United States Obamas response to the Russian cyber
replace its federal research plan with a attacks in 2016 did not do enough to
public-private partnership to bring in deter future attackers. But if Obama
academic and commercial expertise. underreacted, the United States may
Government and private companies now face the opposite problem. Trump
need to share more information, and has proved willing to make bold, some
companies need to talk more openly times unsubstantiated accusations. This
with one another about digital threats. behavior is dangerous in any conflict,
The United States should also develop but in the fog of cyberwar, it could
a code of conduct that draws a clear spell catastrophe.
line between its friends and allies and Is there anything the American
its potential adversaries. This would public can do to prevent this? All over
include limiting cyberattacks to military the country, people have been trying
actions and narrowly targeted covert to check Trumps worst impulses by
operations, following international law, protesting, appealing to members of
rarely spying on friends, and working to Congress, or simply demanding more
strengthen international norms against information. Policy about cyberspace
economic espionage. If the United States generally doesnt draw the same level
is attacked, it should not necessarily of public engagement, in part due to a
launch a counterattack, Segal argues; lack of knowledge. Cyberbattles can
rather, it should explore using sanctions seem confusing, technical, and shrouded
or other tools. This was apparently the in secrecy, perhaps better left to the
path that Obama took after the attack experts. But cybersecurity is everyones
on the dnc, when the United States problem now. The American public should
punished Moscow by imposing fresh inform itself, and these two books are
sanctions and expelling 35 suspected a good place to start. If Washington
Russian spies. inadvertently led the United States into
Its likely only a matter of time a major cyberwar, Americans would
before the Trump administration have the most to lose.
faces a major cyberattack. When that
happens, the government will need
to react calmly, without jumping to
conclusions. Failure to do so could
have dire consequences. The United
States, Russia, and China are unlikely
to launch destructive attacks against
each other unless they are already
engaged in military conflict or perceive
core interests as being threatened,
Segal writes. The greatest risks
are misperception, miscalculation,
and escalation.
138 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Return to Table of Contents
e study natural stupidity told the story of how Billy Beane, the
instead of artificial intel general manager of the Oakland As, built
ligence. That was how Amos a winning team by doing away with
Tversky described his collaboration with intuition in favor of cold, hard statistics.
Daniel Kahneman, a partnership between Lewis devotes a healthy chunk of
two Israeli psychologists that produced The Undoing Project to detailing Kahneman
some of the twentieth centurys most and Tverskys experiments and explaining
important findings about how the mind their significance in an accessible way.
works. Through a series of ingenious His summaries of their key papers are
experiments, Kahneman and Tversky competent, although he shies away from
discovered systematic biases in the way raising critical questions about their work,
humans estimate probabilities and, in perhaps feeling that it is not his place
so doing, revolutionized the study and to do so. His discussion of some of their
practice of economics, medicine, law, and theories can also come across as truncated.
public policy. If Tversky had not died in Fortunately for readers, however, it is
1996, at the age of 59, he would most likely now possible to learn about these exper
have shared the Nobel Prize in Economics iments and the thinking behind them
awarded to Kahneman in 2002. directly from the source: from Kahnemans
Michael Lewis has written an original own bestseller, Thinking, Fast and Slow,
and absorbing account of the 20-year published in 2011.
partnership and the ideas it generated. The truly novel aspect of Lewis book
The author of such bestsellers as Liars is the light it sheds on the circumstances
Poker and Moneyball, Lewis discovered of the Kahneman-Tversky partnership.
A big part of the story concerns the role
YUEN FOONG KHONG is Li Ka Shing Profes- of praxisreal-world experiencein
sor of Political Science at the Lee Kuan Yew germinating great ideas. Kahneman and
School of Public Policy and the author of
Analogies at War: Korea, Munich, Dien Bien Phu, Tversky were deeply influenced by their
and the Vietnam Decisions of 1965. experiences as Israelis; indeed, at times
his account reads like a narrative of their recruitsjust as Beane would do years
ideas told through war, beginning with later with baseball.
their childhoods in World War II and Similarly, Tverskys interest in how
stretching through their involvement in people assess probabilities was informed
four Arab-Israeli wars. But Lewis also by his concerns about the Israeli govern
delves into the fascinating psychological ments estimates of the probability of
dynamics that made their partnership war in the run-ups to the 1956 Sinai
work. Drawing on extensive interviews campaign, the 1967 Six-Day War, and
with Kahneman himself and excellent the 1973 Yom Kippur War, all of which
access to Tverskys papers and his wife, took the Israelis by some degree of
Barbara, Lewis was able to construct surprise. While on reserve duty in the
an account of the friendship that lays Golan Heights after the 1967 war, Lewis
bare, warts and all, the emotions, intel writes, Tversky would gaze down upon
lectual intensity, and tensions behind Syrian soldiers, and judge from their
their creativity. movements if they were planning to
attack. After the Yom Kippur War,
LOVE AND LOSS Kahneman and Tversky wondered
A recurrent theme of The Undoing why it had been so difficult for their
Project concerns how Kahnemans and government to return the Sinai, which
Tverskys lives as Israelis shaped the Israel had seized in 1967, to Egypta
questions they asked, many of which gesture that might have removed Egypts
had real security implications. Israel motivation to launch the surprise attack
took its professors more seriously than that began the war. Their answer was
America did, Lewis writes. Israeli that the psychological pain of losing
intellectuals were presumed to have something one had acquired exceeded
some possible relevance to the survival the pain of not having it in the first
of the Jewish state, and the intellectuals place. That thesis would become a major
responded by at least pretending to be component of their seminal paper on
relevant. Kahneman and Tversky didnt what they called prospect theory.
need to pretend, and their curiosity A second theme of Lewis involves
about how the mind works was directly the intellectual and emotional intensity
relevant to important questions facing of the Kahneman-Tversky partnership.
Israeli society. Their interest in the way They completed each others sentences,
people assess probabilities and their told each others jokes, and critiqued
skepticism about human intuition, for each others ideas. What they were
instance, stemmed from their time in like, in every way but sexually, was lovers,
the Israeli military. Assigned to the Lewis writes. Tverskys wife agreed:
armys psychology unit fresh out of Their relationship was more intense
Hebrew University, Kahneman invented than in a marriage. Their brilliance,
a personality test, still in use today, that combined with their stupendous work
successfully predicted who would make ethic, made them academic superstars
good officers. The key was to ignore the in both Israel and the United States.
interviewers intuition and focus on the But the two were accorded uneven
actual past behavior of the young recognition. Tversky was the initial
140 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Mind Games
Think again: Johnson and advisers discussing the situation in Vietnam, October 1968
recipient of the academic accolades, a findings, including myself, this is a
snub that hurt Kahneman, who felt, startling revelation. Outsiders have
correctly, that they were equal partners always assumed that the two were equal
in generating their ideas. partners, but what really mattered, Lewis
Ultimately, like many of the most is saying, were the subjective perceptions
creative partnershipsJohn Lennon of the collaborators themselves, especially
and Paul McCartney, Steve Jobs and that of Kahneman. Kahneman comes
Steve Wozniaktheir collaboration could across as incredibly human, open, and
not survive the envy and rivalry, and it vulnerable. One cannot help but root
ended in the late 1980s. Although they for him when the ultimate recognition
remained friends right to the end of came in the form of a Nobel Prize.
Tverskys days, Lewis reveals that as Before it collapsed, this fruitful
their collaboration neared its conclusion, relationship managed to overturn many
Tversky never afforded Kahneman the existing assumptions about how the
respect Kahneman thought he was owed. mind works. The article they published
Danny needed something from Amos, on prospect theory in Econometrica in
Lewis writes in one touching passage. 1979the most cited in the journals
He needed him to correct the perception historylaunched a frontal assault on
that they were not equal partners. And assumptions that had, until then, informed
he needed it because he suspected Amos all economic analysis and much of political
shared that perception. science. Kahneman and Tverskys experi
For those of us who have consumed ments showed that contrary to the think
or applied Kahneman and Tverskys ing at the time, decisions made in the
face of uncertainty are based less on These examples also show that
calculations of the net expected value applying prospect theory to foreign
of an outcome and more on perceptions policy is not straightforward. For each
of gains and losses relative to a reference decision, one can make the argument
point. Furthermore, and again contra that the decision-maker acted ration
dicting the prevailing theories, they ally: Mao correctly judged that he
proved that losses matter more than could beat back the U.S.-un attack
gains. If people perceive themselves to on North Korea, Carter had reason to
be in the domain of gains, they tend believe that the rescue operation might
to avoid taking risks, fearing that they work, and Bush had received intelli-
will start losing. But when they find gence that made an invasion of Iraq
themselves in the domain of losses, look less risky than tolerating the
they become more willing to take slightest chance of an Iraq armed with
them, desperate to somehow reverse weapons of mass destruction. Scholars
their fortunes. must therefore take care to properly
The practical implication of this specify the reference points that decision-
finding is that when trying to under makers are working from, the value
stand a given choice, one cannot focus they place on the alternative options,
exclusively on the decision-makers and their estimates of the probability
calculations of which alternative would of various outcomes.
maximize utility; its also crucial to figure
out his point of reference, in order to THE PERILS OF SHORTCUTS
determine whether he sees himself as Although prospect theory is widely
operating in the domain of gains or the seen as Kahneman and Tverskys most
domain of losses. International relations original contribution to social science,
scholars have applied prospect theory to their earlier work on heuristics is just
explain Mao Zedongs decision to bring a as noteworthy. Beginning with the
militarily weaker China into the Korean assumption that cognitive processing
War in 1950, U.S. President Jimmy powers are limited, Kahneman and
Carters approval of the risky operation Tversky contrived experiments showing
to rescue American hostages from Iran that people resort to shortcuts to help
in 1980, and U.S. President George W. estimate probabilities and make sense
Bushs ill-fated invasion of Iraq in 2003. of the world. And these shortcuts, they
In all these cases, the argument goes, found, tend to lead one astray.
the leaders saw themselves as facing loss: Consider one classic experiment
Mao feared that a Western victory in on the representativeness heuristic, in
North Korea would damage Chinas which Kahneman and Tversky provided
national security, Carter was desperate subjects with a description of a person
to end the hostage crisis, and Bush felt named Linda:
especially vulnerable in the wake of the Linda is 31 years old, single, outspoken,
9/11 attacks. Each leader was thus more and very bright. She majored in
willing to take the risk of using military philosophy. As a student, she was
force, even though the probability of deeply concerned with issues of
success was far from clear. discrimination and social justice,
142 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
and also participated in antinuclear
Then they asked their subjects to rank
the probability that various statements
about Linda were true. What is more
likely, they asked: that Linda is a bank
teller or that Linda is a bank teller
and is active in the feminist movement?
If you answered the latter, you made The Internship
the same mistake that 85 percent of Program
Kahneman and Tverskys respondents did.
The Council on Foreign Relations is seek-
Simple statistics tells us that the number ing talented individuals who are consider-
of female bank tellers who happen to be ing a career in international relations.
feminists cannot be bigger than the Interns are recruited year-round on a semester
number of female bank tellers of all basis to work in both the New York City and
ideological persuasions. Yet because the Washington, D.C., offices. An interns duties
description of Linda seems representative generally consist of administrative work,
editing and writing, and event coordination.
of an activist feminist, that assessment of
The Council considers both undergraduate
fit overrides a basic mathematical fact.
and graduate students with majors in Interna-
This insight is also relevant to foreign tional Relations, Political Science, Economics,
policy. During the Vietnam War, for or a related field for its internship program.
example, U.S. officials regularly resorted A regional specialization and language skills
to historical analogies to make sense of may also be required for some positions. In
the challenges they were facing. President addition to meeting the intellectual require-
ments, applicants should have excellent
John F. Kennedy was especially taken by skills in administration, writing, and re-
an analogy to the 194860 communist search, and a command of word processing,
insurgency against the British in Malaya, spreadsheet applications, and the Internet.
and he pestered his generals to study To apply for an internship, please send a
the episode. President Lyndon Johnson rsum and cover letter including the se-
and his secretary of state, Dean Rusk, mester, days, and times available to work
to the Internship Coordinator in the Hu-
preferred analogies to the Munich Agree man Resources Office at the address listed
ment (where appeasement abetted below. Please refer to the Councils Web
aggression) and the Korean War (where site for specific opportunities. The Coun-
initial U.S. setbacks were followed by cil is an equal opportunity employer.
victory). Rusks deputy, George Ball,
wrote long memos contesting the relevance
of the Korean analogy and proposing
his own comparison to Frances 1954
defeat in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu.
Council on Foreign Relations
In Balls view, the United States would Human Resources Office
lose the war and be kicked out of 58 East 68th Street, New York, NY 10065
Vietnam, just as France was. tel: 212.434 . 9400 fax: 212.434 . 9893
[email protected]
My own analysis of the Johnson
administrations decision-making suggests
Yuen Foong Khong
that the Korean analogy trumped all others and found them wanting. The value of
because it was deemed most representative this contribution can hardly be overstated;
of the challenge in Vietnam. There, as their studies are worthy of the Nobel
in Korea, the United States found itself Prize because they challenged a funda
fighting in an Asian conflict against a mental tenet of economicsthe notion
communist north that, aided by China of the rational actorand replaced it
and Russia, was bent on taking over the with a more realistic description of
South. Once chosen, this analogy shaped how humans actually think.
U.S. decision-making: it predisposed Kahenman and Tverskys work was
policymakers toward military intervention instrumental in launching the field of
on the theory that it would save the South behavioral economics and has seen wide
(just as it had in Korea), but with the applications in business, especially in
caveat that the United States must not finance and insurance. In public policy,
apply excessive force against the North it enabled Cass Sunstein, who served
(since it was U.S. forces crossing the as chief of the Office of Information
38th parallel in Korea that precipitated and Regulatory Affairs in the Obama
Chinese military intervention). administration, to increase the number
In hindsight, its clear that U.S. of poor children taking advantage of
policymakers chose the wrong historical public schools free-lunch programs. He
lens; had they studied the situation more did so by reframing the choice archi
carefully, and with less hubris, they mighttecture their parents faced. Instead of
have gone with Balls Dien Bien Phu requiring parents to submit paperwork
analogy. That would have helped them to enroll their children in their schools
realize that defeat was almost inevitable: program, Sunstein automatically enrolled
because the Vietnamese were fighting them. That simple changebased on
to rid themselves of foreign domination, the underlying idea that people usually
they had far more willpower than foreign find it easier to go along with whatever
ers facing domestic and international is presented as the default option
opposition. France, however, hardly increased the number of poor children
seemed representative of the United receiving free lunches by some 40 percent.
States. As one U.S. four-star general For all of Kahneman and Tverskys
put it, The French havent won a war achievements, however, their ideas raise
since Napoleon. What can we learn a couple of follow-up questions. One is
from them? how transferable the findings of experi
ments performed on bright undergradu
CORRECTING THE UNCONSCIOUS ates are to the real world, where the
There is no doubt that Kahneman and stakes are higher and where decision-
Tverskys work, as Lewis subtitle puts makers are more experienced. Kahneman
it, changed our minds: it has forced us and Tversky dealt with this objection
to toss out the flattering portrait of our directly: they subjected statisticians,
cognitive abilities once popular among doctors, and other professionals to their
economists and political scientists. experiments and found that they
Kahneman and Tversky performed a succumbed to the same cognitive foibles
reality check on human thought processes the undergraduates had.
144 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Mind Games
The second issue is more daunting: challenge, the two professors warned
Are the heuristics that people routinely against latching on to the first his
resort to really all that harmful? Or, as torical analogy that comes to mind (a
the psychologists Richard Nisbett and System 1 attribute) and instead urged
Lee Ross once put it, quoting a colleague, students to switch mental gears (to
If were so dumb, how come we made System 2s territory) by expanding their
it to the moon? Given the many errors repertoire of historical parallels and
of human thinking that Kahneman and assessing the degree of fit of each in a
Tversky cataloged, one might think systematic manner.
that shortcuts tend to hurt more than This picture of decision-making is
they help. more nuanced than Tverskys quip
Not so. In his latest work, Kahneman about natural stupidity. Recognizing
puts these heuristics in perspective, slotting their shortcomings, humans are capable
human thinking into two different cate of self-correction. Perhaps that is why,
gories: what he and other psychologists for all our cognitive limitations, we
call System 1 and System 2. The heuristics still made it to the moon.
that he and Tversky identified are mani
festations of System 1, fast thinking
intuitive, largely unconscious, and error-
prone. System 2, or slow thinking, by
contrast, is more deliberate and conscious.
As Kahneman writes, System 1 is indeed
the origin of much that we do wrong,
but it is also the origin of most of what
we do rightwhich is most of what we
do. Our thoughts and actions are routinely
guided by System 1 and generally are on
the mark. System 1 serves people well
because they learn from their mistakes
and develop skills that are inscribed in
their memory and automatically produce
adequate solutions to challenges as
they arise. Moreover, people often call
on System 2 to correct the excesses of
System 1.
Thats what the historians Ernest
May and Richard Neustadt taught
generations of students at Harvards
Kennedy School of Government to
do, before the System 1 and System 2
terminology had been invented.
Conscious of how decision-makers
routinely picked the wrong historical
precedent when facing an unfamiliar
onald Trump ran for office what the Trump administrations overall
promising to overturn U.S. strategy toward Asia will be. Although
policy toward Asia. He threat written before the presidential election,
ened to launch a trade war against China, two new books offer some sound advice.
calling for a 45 percent tariff on Chinese The Pivot, by Kurt Campbell, who served
imports to the United States and promising in Barack Obamas administration, and By
to label Beijing a currency manipulator. More Than Providence, by Michael Green,
After his election as U.S. president, he who worked for President George W.
broke with four decades of precedent Bush, are essential guides to under
when he spoke to Taiwans leader on the standing U.S. policy in Asia. They
phone and declared that the United States reflect a bipartisan consensus among
might not uphold the one China policy American scholar-practitioners that
the foundation of U.S.-Chinese ties U.S. leadership remains irreplaceable
for ensuring the regions future peace
BILAHARI KAUSIKAN is Ambassador-at-
Large at Singapores Ministry of Foreign Affairs. and prosperitya consensus that the
The views expressed here are his own. Trump administration would do well
146 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Asia in the Trump Era
to heed. A third new book, meanwhile, finally elevate Asia to a new prominence
The End of the Asian Century, by Michael in the councils of American policymaking.
Auslin, charts some of the dangers that Most countries in the region welcomed
lie ahead if the region fails to manage more U.S. attention to Asia by the Obama
its many risks. administration after Bushs Middle Eastern
entanglements. But the policy was poorly
THE INDISPENSABLE NATION named. A pivot connotes inconsistency:
In January, in front of a packed audience what pivots one way can easily swing
at the World Economic Forum, in Davos, another. As Campbell himself notes,
Xi delivered a strong defense of global words . . . create perceptions, and
ization. He signaled that China was incorrect perceptions can obscure the
prepared to lead the liberal international truth. The label reinforced a talking point
order if the United States was not. But that Beijing never tires of repeating: that
Xis speech was as much a tacit admission the United States is an unreliable partner.
of nervousness about the erosion of that Every new administration feels
order as it was a declaration of confidence compelled to emphasize how its policies
in Chinas power: Xi offered no real differ from those of its predecessor,
alternative to the international system and the Obama administration was no
that the United States has built over exception. But it would have been better
the past seven decades. to have stressed the consistency of U.S.
In reality, China cannot lead the policy toward the Asia-Pacific. To Green,
current global order. The leader of an who served as senior director for Asia
open system must itself be open, and on George W. Bushs National Security
the Chinese Communist Party is con Council, U.S. policy in the region has
cerned that further liberalization may had a central unifying theme since 1783:
jeopardize its rule. Growth in China The United States will not tolerate
has slowed, labor and social unrest are any other power establishing exclusive
widespread, and Xis anticorruption hegemonic control over Asia or the
campaign has unsettled party cadres. Pacific. Greens book is diplomatic
External confidence masks internal history at its best. Drawing on archival
insecurity. U.S. leadership in Asia work, interviews, and his own experience
remains indispensable. as a policymaker, Green carefully traces
No one is more aware of this reality how American strategists have thought
than Campbell, one of the United States about East Asia from the eighteenth
most distinguished diplomats, who served century to the present day.
as assistant secretary of state for East He argues that five tensions, which
Asian and Pacific affairs from 2009 to reappear with striking predictability,
2013 and was one of the chief architects have defined U.S. policy in the Asia-
of the Obama administrations pivot Pacific over the past two centuries: the
to Asia, the policy for which his book is tension between prioritizing Europe
named. Campbells central argument is and prioritizing Asia (he argues that
a sophisticated defense of that policy, when the United States Asia strategy
and he makes a powerful case for its has been an afterthought to its policy in
continuation: It is time, he writes, to Europe or the Middle East, American
policy in the region has proven deeply Part of Asias problem, Auslin argues,
flawed); between emphasizing relations is that more than any other region except
with continental powers and empha perhaps the Middle East, the Asia-
sizing those with maritime powers (or Pacific remains fettered by centuries of
between relations with China and relations history. Asia, he concludes, has never
with Japan); between promoting self- recovered from the fall of the last stable
determination and promoting universal political order in Asia, the Qing Empire,
values; between protectionism and free in 1911. This is a serious misreading of
trade; and between forward defense and history that distorts Asias contemporary
Pacific depth. The Pacific Ocean does security challenges.
not provide sanctuary against threats Auslin fails to recognize that even
emanating from the Eurasian heartland, at its height in the fourteenth century,
he writes, if the United States itself is not during the Ming dynasty, the traditional
holding the line at the Western Pacific. Chinese order was as much a set of
rituals as it was a real political system
THE GREAT REJUVENATION enforced by Chinese power. By 1911,
Auslin, a scholar at the American that order existed only in the minds of
Enterprise Institute, also recognizes Qing mandarins who had retained their
the centrality of the U.S. role. He has sense of Chinas innate superiority even
created what he calls a risk map of though China had become powerless to
Asia: a users guide to the dangers stop the encroachments of Japan and
growing in the worlds most dynamic the Western powers. Since the end of
region. Asia, according to Auslin, is World War II, the stability and prosperity
riddled with unseen threats: economic of Asia have rested on the U.S.-led order.
stagnation, demographic pressures, Today, some echoes of the traditional
unfinished political revolutions, the lack Chinese order can be heard in Beijings
of regional unity, and, most dangerous desire to re-create a regional hierarchy
of all, the risk of war. with China at the top. The narrative
These warnings serve as a useful that China is undergoing a great
reminder. But the risks he identifies are rejuvenationa phrase that Xi has
not as unseen as he claims. As far back used more insistently than any of his
as 1988, when the idea that the twenty- predecessorslegitimizes the partys right
first century might prove to be the Asian to rule, but it is, at its core, revanchist.
century first began to gain currency, Auslins apparent nostalgia for the tra
the Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping ditional Chinese order blinds him to
warned Indian Prime Minister Rajiv the fact that Chinas ambition underlies
Gandhi, If both China and India do many of the regions tensions and
not prosper, it will not be an Asian explains why Chinese leadership will
century. Most Asian leaders have always prove controversial in East
recognized that unless they tread care Asia. The key contemporary strategic
fully, the continent will not succeed. challenge in the Asia-Pacific is the search
Managing the risks Auslin describes for a stable accommodation between
consumes much of the day-to-day the ambitions of a rising China and
politics and diplomacy of the region. the current U.S.-led order.
148 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Asia in the Trump Era
Lets stay together: Mattis and Japanese Defense Minister Tomomi Inada in Tokyo, February 2017
Auslin laments that no effective eas was meant only to supplement,
regional political community, such as not supplant, the U.S.-led order.
nato or the eu, has emerged to replicate To secure peace in the region more
the stability that the Qing dynasty once effectively, Auslin proposes a U.S.-led
provided. Asias political diversity, he regional security architecture that would
writes, has so far prevented the region begin by sorting U.S. partners into two
from uniting the way Europe has. He geographically determined concentric
dismisses the Association of Southeast triangles. The outer triangle would consist
Asian Nations (asean)and its latest of Australia, India, Japan, and South
initiative, the East Asia Summit (eas), Korea. The inner triangle would connect
which brings together most of the coun Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and
tries in the region, plus Russia and the Singapore. In such a system, Auslin argues,
United States, in an annual gathering Washington should focus on promoting
as insufficiently ambitious and unable to a common set of rules, norms, behaviors,
replace the order of the Qing dynasty. and coordination among the regions
But the policymakers who devised asean leading nations.
original, since its membership and goals throughout the region, especially in
are essentially the same as those of the China. The goal is not to change the
eas. Auslins recommendation that Chinese government, he insists, but to
Washington encourage larger nations make available liberal ideas and view
to play a more significant role in helping points that ordinary Chinese normally do
protect the rules-based order is precisely not experience and to encourage those
what the Obama administration tried voices in China struggling for civil society,
to do by supporting the eas. and to let them know they are not alone.
The eas is modest in its ambitions It is delusional to think that the
because it confronts a paradox: it works Chinese Communist Party would
best when it does not work too well. regard such an approach as anything but
As a result, the major powers find it a blatant attempt to undermine its rule.
occasionally useful, while remaining If Washington prioritizes the spread of
confident that it will not threaten their liberal ideas, it will damage U.S.-Chinese
vital interests. Would either the United relations and magnify, not reduce, the
States or China have supported the eas risks of instability in Asia. Too often in
if it thought the eas would constrain its the past, the United States has behaved
freedom of action? Would the region as if it enjoys a monopoly on legitimate
be better off if both or either of these values. This attitude has complicated its
powers shunned the eas? If the eas relationships and discomforted coun
has failed to persuade Beijing to abide tries that might otherwise be inclined
by a rules-based order and abandon its to be friendly.
preference for a hierarchical East Asian Last December, for example, Philip-
system based on the presumption of pine President Rodrigo Duterte said
Chinese superiority, there is little reason that Trump had endorsed his violent
to think that drawing new shapes on a antidrug campaign, which has left more
map will make much of a difference. than 6,000 people dead, and invited
him to the White House. Human rights
PIVOT 2.0 activists and many in the foreign policy
All three of these books were written establishment were quick to criticize
before the U.S. election, and the countrys Trump for what they regarded as his
foreign policy may now change dramat less-than-steadfast adherence to the
ically. Trumps overall strategy remains promotion of human rights. But engag
undefined, but some elements of the new ing with Duterte will not render U.S.
administrations approach have already diplomacy less effective in curbing
become clear. Trump will probably be extrajudicial killings. Under Obama,
less interested than most of his predeces moralistic pressures only hardened
sors were in promoting democracy abroad. Dutertes position and damaged ties
Many members of the U.S. foreign between the two countries. In Septem
policy establishment have expressed ber, for example, Duterte responded to
dismay at this break from American Obamas criticism by calling him a son
diplomatic tradition. Auslin, for his of a whore. Duterte is the current chair
part, argues that the best way to reduce of asean, reason enough to invite him to
risk is to encourage wider liberalization the White House. Trumps overtures may
150 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
have already helped mend the relation
ship: Duterte has recently downplayed
his earlier calls for separation from
the United States and said that he
will honor U.S.-Philippine defense
agreements. directory
Self-righteous posturing may feel
good, but actually doing good requires Subscriber Services
pragmatism. Critics of the Trump
administration should take note of the tel: 800.829.5539
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Obama administrations opening to
Myanmar (also called Burma), one of Academic Resources
its major achievements, and one in
which Campbell played an important e-mail: [email protected]
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administrations of both parties had Submit an Article
failed to promote political reform,
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engaging with Myanmar, the Obama
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that Myanmars ultimate political
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he is correct to conclude that the shift e-mail: [email protected]
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striking and heartening. Trump should Rossia v Globalnoi Politike
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If the Trump administrations lack of Foreign Affairs Report (Japanese)
enthusiasm for promoting democratic
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policy in the Asia-Pacific, some of its
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Pulling out of the tpp, for example,
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Bilahari Kausikan
152 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Asia in the Trump Era
The Chessboard and the Web: Strategies of What explains todays global disorder,
Connection in a Networked World when liberalism is under assault by
BY ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER. Yale violent extremism, populist nation
University Press, 2017, 304 pp. alism, xenophobia, religious tribalism,
and antiglobalization? In this ambitious
raditionally, global politics has portrait of the current moment, Mishra
been understood as a grand sees all these problems as rooted in
competition among statesa liberalism itself. Beginning in the
chessboard on which statesmen play 1990s, a liberal democratic revolution
games of power politics and grand enveloped the world, spreading an
strategy. In this brilliant, imaginative ideology of free markets, individualism,
book, Slaughter upends this concep secularism, and consumerism. Paradox
tion and offers a different image: a ically, Mishra argues, that revolution
global web of networks where games both succeeded and failed: it overturned
are played not through bargaining but old social hierarchies and cultures of
by building connections and relation solidarity but left moral and spiritual
ships. The book dives deeply into vacuums in its wake. Liberal modernity
network science and the dynamics of has stripped people all over the world
nonhierarchical systems. Energy, trade, of their sense of community, identity,
disease, crime, terrorism, human rights: and meaning. Mishra also usefully
in Slaughters view, these are all areas reminds readers that Western narratives
of threat and opportunity that are now of modernity tend to minimize the
driven more by networks than by tradi resentment, rage, and mass violence
tional interstate relations. Slaughter that accompanied the spread of democ
calls on policymakers to develop a racy and capitalism. Still, modern
network mindset that replaces the Western societies are hardly the only
chessboards emphasis on states, sov historical sources of alienation, despair,
ereignty, coercion, and self-interest war, and genocide, and such horrors
with the webs orientation toward long predate the rise of liberalism. In
connections, relationships, sharing, the end, Mishra is better at capturing
and engagement. She argues not that todays Zeitgeist than at pinning down the
power politics is disappearing but that precise relationship between any earlier
it increasingly coexists with a more age of anger and the current one.
decentralized and shifting system of
networks. This book represents an
154 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Recent Books
very four years, the U.S. gov BY KENNETH S. ROGOF F. Princeton
ernments National Intelligence University Press, 2016, 296 pp.
Council (nic) addresses in a
report the important global economic, This persuasive book makes the novel
political, and societal developments it argument that highly developed coun
believes are likely to occur in the near tries should eventually eliminate paper
term (the next five years) and the longer money altogether, at least for large
term (the next two decades). This years transactions, and that they should
edition makes for a sobering read. It eliminate high-denomination notes
foresees slower global economic growth for example, the $100 bill and the 500
and increasing public disappointment euro billas soon as practically possible.
with the ability of governments to ensure Such notes are rarely used in ordinary
prosperity or even provide basic public transactions and often support criminal
goods such as education, health care, activities and tax evasion. The book
and security. The threat from terrorist also addresses some of the cash-related
organizations will increase, further under problems that todays low-interest
mining public confidence. Over the environment poses to monetary policy.
longer period, outcomes will depend to Paper currencywhich, in effect, is the
a high degree on demographic changes, equivalent of interest-free government
the effects of which the report declines debtlimits the extent to which interest
to specifically forecast, offering instead rates can become negative, which might
a number of imaginative potential be desirable under some conditions,
scenariossome negative, some positive. including those that have prevailed in
In their book, Hellebrandt and Mauro recent years. Although phasing out
also make projections about the next paper currency would introduce some
156 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Recent Books
inconveniences, Rogoff argues that are mainly enforced at the state level,
the benefits would far outweigh the and a number of states use relatively
costs. Its an important and thought- lax rules to attract firms and capital. If
provoking proposal. secrecy jurisdictions were curtailed, the
world would be a much better place,
Murphy contends: democracies would
Dirty Secrets: How Tax Havens Destroy be stronger, and markets more efficient.
the Economy Reid makes the case for a complete
BY RICHARD MURPHY. Verso, 2017, overall of the U.S. income tax system akin
224 pp. to the ones that Washington carried out in
1922, 1954, and 1986. He favors lower but
A Fine Mess: A Global Quest for a Simpler, more progressive rates and the elimination
Fairer, and More Efficient Tax System of all deductions and exemptions. The
BY T. R. REID. Penguin Press, 2017, book makes a great contribution to this
288 pp. subject with useful and informative
comparisons of tax systems in the United
Murphys book aggressively attacks the States with the usually better ones found
worlds tax havensor secrecy juris in other rich countries. As Reid writes,
dictions, as he calls them. Their most the American systems are archaic, too
corrosive effect, in his judgment, is not complex, and too difficult to comply with,
to allow individuals (including criminals) and they invite convoluted and pernicious
and corporations to avoid or evade taxes, strategies for avoiding payment.
although that is important. Rather, the
worst thing about tax havens is the way
in which they prevent the kind of trans A Little History of Economics
parency in transactions that any well- BY NIALL KISHTAINY. Yale
functioning market requires. Tax havens University Press, 2017, 256 pp.
also erode trust in democratic govern
ments, which have proved unable or This engaging book provides a nontech
unwilling to enforce their own laws and nical introduction to economic concepts
regulations. Murphy and his colleagues by highlighting the innovations of leading
at the nonprofit Tax Justice Network thinkers from ancient Greece to modern
have helpfully ranked 92 jurisdictions timesfrom Plato and Aristotle to Tony
according to what each one provides Atkinson and Thomas Piketty. It ingen
in terms of financial secrecywhich iously links key concepts from economics
should not be confused with legally not just to government policies and the
protected financial privacy, which does workings of big corporations but also
not harm other members of society. to everyday family life and the day-to-
Vanuatu and Samoa are the most secre day functioning of small companies.
tive places, but the most important tax Reading this book is a pleasurable and
havens are Switzerland and Hong easy way to become familiar with impor
Kong. The United States does not fare tant economic ideas such as comparative
particularly well in this ranking; laws advantage, unemployment, aggregate
pertaining to corporations and trusts demand, inflation, and income inequality.
ould the reporters who covered newspaper chain, who was ultimately
World War II have been truly killed by a Japanese machine gunner.
independent even though they Arriving late to the Allied landing in
shared the dangers and discomforts Normandy in 1944, he described the scene
experienced by combatants and even on the beach: Men were sleeping on the
though their lives depended on opera sand, some of them sleeping forever.
tional secrecy? Moseley, himself a former Balls book on the Second Battle of
war correspondent, tackles that question El Alamein, which took place in Egypt
in a largely descriptive survey, reliant in 1942, adds a further layer of complex-
on memoirs, that still manages to cover ity to the question of how the war was
all of the wars theaters and relate the presented. In this entry into Oxford
experiences of reporters from all the University Press Great Battles series,
Allied countries. The book is full of Ball looks at how a range of sources,
striking vignettes: a reporter yelling including media reports but also the
Traitors! at his carrier pigeons as the testimony of German prisoners of war,
birds fly toward German lines in France have shaped understandings of this
rather than back to London, as they were battle. To add luster to a victory for the
supposed to; the American journalist forces of the British Empire that owed
Martha Gellhorn observing that many in large part to a German fuel shortage
of the people she had met in Germany and to the United Kingdoms superior
denied being Nazis and claimed to have airpower, it suited British officers and
158 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Recent Books
journalists to exaggerate the prowess of that rape helps forge group cohesion by
the German commander, Erwin Rommel, breaking social taboos, communicating
thereby positioning his British counter norms of virility and masculinity, and
part, Bernard Montgomery, as his equal increasing mutual esteem among fighters.
in generalship. This was too much for In that sense, rape in wartime is as likely
supporters of the man Montgomery had to result from weak discipline as from
replaced, Claude Auchinleck, who felt political direction.
that he had been given insufficient credit
for his efforts during an earlier, more
defensive battle at El Alamein. Rommel, Religion on the Battlefield
for his part, was happy to stress his BY RON E. HASSNER. Cornell
material disadvantages. Meanwhile, the University Press, 2016, 232 pp.
Royal Air Force wished it to be known
that airpower had played a decisive role. This short but thoughtful book invites
And everyone, it seems, preferred to readers to reconsider their ideas about
minimize the contribution made by the role of religion in war. Ever since the
Germanys Italian allies. 9/11 attacks, the intersection of religion
and organized violence has been under
stood in ideological terms, with a focus
Rape During Civil War on extremism; unsurprisingly, Islam has
BY DARA KAY COHEN. Cornell attracted most attention of this kind.
University Press, 2016, 288 pp. Hassner wants readers to instead think
of religion as a set of practices that appear
This must have been a harrowing book in a variety of forms but have some
to research, for Cohen interviewed thing to do with the sacredand serve
not only victims of wartime rape but as sources of motivation and inhibition
perpetrators as well. Her case studies and also exploitation and provocation.
come from East Timor, El Salvador, He concentrates on major wars with a
and Sierra Leone and are backed up by particular, but not exclusive, emphasis
an analysis of data from many other on Christianity and Western attitudes.
civil wars. Her achievement is to shift He divides the discussion into four areas
the debate away from the question of where the practice of religion interacts
whether rape most often occurs as a with the practice of war: sacred time
result of a deliberate military strategy, (respect for the Sabbath during the
ethnic hatred, or simple opportunism American Civil War, Egypt and Syria
and to instead focus on what she calls choosing the holy day of Yom Kippur
combatant socialization. She notes to attack Israel in 1973); sacred places
that the prevalence of mass rape in civil (the special meaning of Jerusalem as a
wars varies (although it occurs in at prize to capture, efforts to attack Rome
least 75 percent of cases) and that many in 1944 without hitting the Vatican);
rapes are committed by gangs made up sacred leaders (the role of chaplains);
of members of militias who have often and sacred rituals (prayer before battle).
been forced into joining the fighting. He notes that in any conflict, religious
These observations lead her to argue practices can act as force multipliers.
ith Andrew Jacksons portrait grim oneson what human societies
now gazing down balefully can accomplish. The United States is a
at President Donald Trump great power, he argues in this short but
in the Oval Office, Opals analysis of ambitious book, not just because Ameri-
Jacksons career has more than antiquar cans have a successful constitution but
ian interest. Opal takes a bleak view of also because the United States occupies
Jackson and of the populism that pro some of the richest temperate land in
pelled him to the presidency. In Opals the world. The country comprises an
view, on economic matters, Jackson was immense mass of fertile land watered
anything but a populist: in fact, he was by the greatest network of navigable
a consistent opponent of the relief bills rivers in the worldrivers whose flows
that desperate debtors on the western unite the vast expanse between the
frontier introduced in state legislatures Rockies and the Appalachians into an
to protect their assets during the frequent economic (and therefore political) unit.
financial panics that marked the early But the size and variety of the country
decades of the nineteenth century. To have often made it difficult for Ameri-
Opal, what qualifies Jackson as a populist cans to unify around communal visions
was the ferocity with which he pursued of national identity and the proper U.S.
the destruction and dispossession of the role in the world. Kaplan notes that the
remaining Native American nations. The taming and development of the arid
greed of speculators, the land hunger of American West required new forms of
poor farmers, and the legacy of hatred political organization and a more pow
that generations of bitter fighting had erful role for government. That exper
created among white settlers were the ience, he suggests, might provide the
forces that propelled Jackson to the inspiration for innovative social policies
White House. Many readers will see that could promote social cohesion in
Trumps revival of a Jacksonian spirit the years to come.
as embodying and encouraging similar
forces. The question, both in Jacksons
time and today, is whether populism
can also offer something better.
160 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Recent Books
Washingtons Farewell: The Founding The Wars of the Roosevelts: The Ruthless
Fathers Warning to Future Generations Rise of Americas Greatest Political Family
BY JOHN AVLON. Simon & Schuster, BY WILLIAM J. MANN. Harper, 2016,
2017, 368 pp. 624 pp.
For almost 150 years, the address that Not since the Adamses in the early years
George Washington delivered to announce of the republic did a family dominate U.S.
that he would step down after two terms politics the way the Roosevelts did in
as president served as a pillar of American the first half of the twentieth century.
politics and civic identity. Schoolchildren Mann has written an uneven but ulti-
were given prizes for memorizing and mately rewarding account of the rise of
reciting it, celebrations of Washingtons the rival Roosevelt clans of New York.
birthday featured public readings of it, The Republican Roosevelts of Oyster
and patriotic orators referred to it end Bay and the Democratic Roosevelts of
lessly. All of that is lost today. Avlons Hyde Park were not closely related by
timely book makes a strong case for blood: Franklin Roosevelt and Theodore
bringing Washingtons final public message Roosevelt were fifth cousins. Eleanor
back into the national consciousness as a Roosevelt was, in Manns telling, the
way of strengthening the frayed political central figure of the family drama. She
fabric of the aging republic. With input was Franklins wife and Theodores
from both James Madison and Alexander niece; her relationships with both men
Hamilton, Washingtons Farewell Address were difficult, and bad feeling between
called for amity between native-born and her and Theodores children turned the
immigrant citizens, counseled constant Roosevelt wars into a gripping national
vigilance against the dangers of foreign saga. When Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.,
meddling in the U.S. political process, tried to follow in his fathers footsteps by
and warned against the corrosive effects running for governor of New York in
of habitual partisan rancor on the insti 1924, Eleanor organized and funded a
tutions that make democracy work. Avlon group to drive around the state in a car
hopes that a rediscovery of such wisdom made to resemble a teapot in an attempt
might strengthen the union to which (which she later admitted was unjust) to
Washington dedicated his life; many link him to the Teapot Dome scandal.
readers of this powerful and well-argued Mann is better at chronicling the
book will hope the author is right. Roosevelts love lives and sibling rivalries
than at placing this remarkable family in
the context of U.S. history, and although
Manns portrait of Theodore contains
recognizable elements, the authors visceral
dislike of the man renders him a one-
dimensional villain. Even so, The Wars of
the Roosevelts is what Theodore might
have called a ripping read and deserves
a wide audience.
Hannigans latest book builds on his A History of the Iraq Crisis: France, the
previous one, The New World Power: United States, and Iraq, 19912003
American Foreign Policy, 18981917. Like BY F RDRIC BOZO. TRANSLATED
the earlier work, the new one is an BY SUSAN EMANUEL. Woodrow
essential read for anyone who seeks to Wilson Center Press and Columbia
understand the development of U.S. University Press, 2016, 408 pp.
national strategy. After the Napoleonic
Wars, the United Kingdom relied on its ommentators still do not agree
sea power, its manufacturing strength, on what exactly motivated the
and the gold standard to build a world U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.
system that, by 1900, had become In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, senior
extremely comfortable for the United members of the George W. Bush admin
States. Hannigan argues that President istration sold the war as vital to counter
Woodrow Wilsons policymaking was terrorism, counterproliferation, democracy
more conservative than is widely believed promotion, and Middle East peace. It
and that both Wilson and his successors is unclear whether they believed any of
sought to preserve and develop the existing that. French President Jacques Chirac,
world order rather than build a new one. along with some other European leaders,
Looking at Wilsons policies in Asia, strongly opposed the war. In this book,
Europe, and Latin America, Hannigan Bozo relies on official documents and
contends that a quest for stability rather interviews with insiders to reconstruct
than a drive for revolutionary change how Paris viewed these developments.
lay at the heart of Wilsons agenda and At the time, pundits on both sides of the
that this approach continued to shape Atlantic spilled much ink on Frances
U.S. strategy under the Harding and purported anti-Americanism and prin
Coolidge administrations that followed. cipled stance against U.S. hyperpower.
Readers will come away from this thought Yet behind the scenes, Chiracs opposition
ful book with a richer understanding of was almost entirely pragmatic. He tried
problems that continue to challenge the hard to avoid a direct confrontation with
United States today. Washington and warned Bush that war
will have catastrophic consequences,
including on terrorism throughout the
entire world. Bush rejected his advice
with disdain. Yet ironically, the invasion
eventually brought the Americans and
the French closerif only to cope with
its disastrous consequences. Today, Paris
may be Washingtons most constant ally
162 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Recent Books
in the fight against terrorism, spear Four Princes: Henry VIII, Francis I,
heading pressure for decisive military Charles V, Suleiman the Magnificent, and
action in Libya, Mali, and elsewhere. the Obsessions That Forged Modern Europe
Monthly Press, 2017, 304 pp.
The Novel of the Century: The
Extraordinary Adventure of Les Misrables There must always be an England, if for
BY DAVID BELLOS. Farrar, Straus and no other reason than to produce charac
Giroux, 2017, 336 pp. ters such as Norwich. Descended from
King William IV and one of his mis
Although ostensibly a work of historical tresses, Dorothea Jordan, Norwich has
fiction, Victor Hugos Les Misrables served as a successful diplomat, appeared
is in fact a panoramic expos of mid- as a popular radio show host, helped
nineteenth-century Francea society lead the World Monuments Fund and
defined by its contradictions. The splen many other charitable causes, and au
did memory of Napoleon Bonaparte thored more than 20 books. The most
remained omnipresent, yet his mediocre recent of these is a popular history of
nephew Napoleon III headed the state. four great kings born between 1491 and
Extraordinary new wealth was every 1500. The Spanish Habsburg Charles V
where, yet so, too, was abject poverty. was named Holy Roman emperor before
Rich men profited handsomely by crim coming closer than any pre-Napoleonic
inal and immoral means, including the leader to conquering all of Europe. He
promotion of dangerous industrial labor, tangled with Francis I of France, a true
corruption, prostitution, imperialism, Renaissance prince who patronized the
and even slavery. As Bellos shows, such arts and launched an overseas empire.
contradictions found expression in In an unprecedented act for a Christian
Hugos own life and career. Although king, Francis sided with Suleiman the
the novels hero, Jean Valjean, rails against Magnificent, who ruled over the Ottoman
injustice from atop Parisian barricades, Empire at its political and cultural height
Hugo himself led a company of soldiers and fought his way to Hungary before
against the revolutionaries of his own dying at the gates of Szeged. As the
time. Similarly, having written nearly English are wont to do, King Henry VIII
2,000 pages that movingly described the stood apart from European squabbles.
plight of the poor, Hugo sold temporary In order to resolve marital disputes, he
publication rights to Les Misrables for an famously renounced Catholicism and
advance of $5 million in current dollars founded the Church of England. The
arguably the highest amount ever paid fates of these four intertwined as they
for a work of fiction. This unique and befriended and opposed one another in
readable book conveys the chaotic efforts to dominate Europe. In the end,
fabric of French life two centuries ago however, none succeeded in imposing
more powerfully than most conven dynastic control and religious conformity,
tional histories. and ever since, European states have
been united only in their diversity.
Why the UK Voted for Brexit: David The Pursuit of Power: Europe 18151914
Camerons Great Miscalculation BY RICHARD J. EVANS. Viking, 2016,
BY ANDREW GLENCROSS. Palgrave 848 pp.
Macmillan, 2016, 82 pp.
Everything about The Pursuit of Power
Glencross has been a prolific commen- affirms a traditional approach to history.
tator on the Brexit issue, and this slim Written by one of the most eminent
volume compiles some of his best writing. historians of Germany, it imposes a
Although it might have benefited from coherent schema on the story of Europe
more quantitative analysis, this is an during a period of 100 years bookended
insightful account of the referendum by two massive wars. In this period,
and its paradoxical consequences. A Evans argues, every country encoun
British government committed to leaving tered similar political, economic, social,
the eu is now trying to preserve almost and cultural challenges, even if the timing
all the policies the United Kingdom and details of their specific responses
enjoys under the union, except in a varied. In his lively, fact-laden, and
somewhat less advantageous form. A nuanced prose, Evans focuses on the
vote largely against globalization has relentless quest for power by nations,
empowered the government to propose classes, political leaders, scientists,
extreme deregulation and trade liber economic actors, artists, and everyday
alization. Labour voters have helped individuals. The search for power trans
ensure a seemingly permanent Conser formed everything, from the most
vative majority. Even deeper contra intimate acts in the bedroom to the
dictions result from a new style of creation of empires.
politics characterized by disillusion
with established parties and the naive
popular belief that referendums are the The End of Europe: Dictators,
most directly democratic of political Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age
institutions. In fact, direct voting pro BY JAMES KIRCHICK. Yale University
motes British nationalism in a way Press, 2017, 288 pp.
entirely at odds with the United Kingdoms
distinctive tradition of parliamentary Through engaging anecdotes, Kirchick
representative democracy. Government paints a dark picture of contemporary
by referendum undermines genuine Europe: rising anti-Semitism and Islamic
popular control wherever the public radicalization, a looming Russian threat,
proves itself both ignorant and manip the spread of Brexit-like referendums,
ulable. And now, politicians will be able the coming dominance of the far right,
to duck responsibility for the negative rampant nationalism, economic dysfunc
effects of the choice to leave the eu and tion, and the danger posed by hoards of
blame the public instead. immigrantsall of which, he warns,
could trigger the dissolution of the eu,
the collapse of democratic government,
and the outbreak of a war on the
164 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Recent Books
continent. Similar forecasts have been offers some reassurance. China faces a
issued like clockwork almost since the long road ahead as it searches for ways
birth of the eu. Yet over the decades, to forge mutually advantageous strate-
European democracy has not collapsed, gic partnerships with the major Latin
war has not broken out, the frequency of American countries. Chinas status as a
terrorist acts has declined, and Europeans relative newcomer to the region makes
have increasingly come to see Christianity its commercial relationships with the
as no longer essential to their national four countries studied here very much
identities. Even the great wave of refugees a work in progress. Chinese business
that swept into Europe in 2015 has already executives and diplomats are struggling
crested, with the number plummeting to adjust to fast-paced local political
over the past year and a half, in large currents, and they have already been
part due to eu policies. With the excep forced to learn from painful mistakes.
tion of the United Kingdom, no member Xu cogently argues that to up its game,
state has really contemplated exiting China will have to devise more sophis
the eu, and even the British are now ticated political risk assessments. Some
negotiating to retain as many eu policies times, callous Chinese state-owned
as possible. So perhaps readers should enterprises must figure out how to
not be surprised that, in his brief con honor local codes of social responsibility
clusion, Kirchick reverses course, tells if they want to maintain their access to
some optimistic stories, and suggests lucrative business opportunities. If China
that perhaps the end is not quite here is to forge genuine strategic partnerships,
yet. Europe, it seems, might still be saved. it will have to match its hunger for the
regions natural resources with a greater
willingness to import value-added
Western Hemisphere products and invest in infrastructure
and industry in the region.
Richard Feinberg
Rebel Mother: My Childhood Chasing the
Chinas Strategic Partnerships in Latin BY PETER ANDREAS. Simon &
America: Case Studies of Chinas Oil Schuster, 2017, 336 pp.
Diplomacy in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico,
and Venezuela, 19912015 Now a professor of international relations
BY YANRAN XU. Lexington Books, at Brown University, Andreas recalls his
2016, 168 pp. extraordinary childhood travels in Chile
and Peru with his mother, Carol, a
or those in Washington who radical activist. In the early 1970s, Carol
worry that an aggressive China abandoned a comfortable suburban life
will exploit any missteps the and migrated with young Peter to a com
Trump administration might make in munal cooperative in Berkeley, California
Latin America, Xus deep dive into (where her path briefly crossed my own).
Beijings oil diplomacy in the region Later, she brought Peter along as she
166 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Recent Books
this scourge, although progress remains harap and Colton see the
very uneven across and within coun- Ukrainian crisis as part of a
tries. Some of their recommendations broader and more basic contest
echo the conventional wisdom that over Russias and the Wests roles in what
guides U.S. antipoverty programs: for was once the Soviet Unions extended
example, that well-informed social empire. The two sides and the hapless
workers can play a vital role in encour states caught in between have treated
aging the poor to access public assistance, this conflict as a zero-sum game; the
and that policymakers must recognize result has been a negative-sum game,
the importance of helping poor people with all parties suffering net losses. The
168 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Recent Books
several bloody weeks, roughly 2,000 men, region, Cooley and Heathershaw detail
women, and children were slaughtered the looting of state coffers, bribery on
in barbaric fashion. The year was 1941 a massive scale, a labyrinth of opaque
although readers might have assumed a means for hiding assets abroad, and the
date five decades later. Bergholz, a ways in which corrupt elites use their
historian, stumbled across a blue folder wealth not only for personal excess but
in a Sarajevo archive containing some also to amass ever more political power.
startling details about the episode and Such revelations, however, are not the
set out on a long quest to piece the whole authors primary purpose. Instead, they
story together. Croatian militias began are intent on highlighting the extent to
the violence; Serbian and Muslim insur which the corruption of authoritarian
gents responded. But the bloodletting rulers in these countries relies on the
was not simply an explosion of long- complicity of outside abettors, including
simmering ethnic hostilities; neither Western lawyers, banks, and even courts,
was the violence ginned up by scheming and how such collusion erodes the power
politicians. Putting this beastly case of international norms and institutions.
under the microscope, Bergholz probes That pernicious impact on global gov
the role that ethnic identity played. He ernance makes this subject salient and
discovers that strong ethnic identifi this book important.
cation was often a product of violence
rather than a source; that ethnic identities
were shifting before, during, and long Milosz: A Biography
after the nightmare; and that the rigid BY ANDRZEJ F RANASZEK.
ways in which people tend to think about EDITED AND TRANSLATED BY
ethnicity in cases like this misleads more ALEKSANDRA PARKER AND
than illuminates. MICHAEL PARKER. Harvard
University Press, 2017, 544 pp.
as a lawyer, and became a serious poet and chronicler of the Islamic State (or
in his 20s. He lived a peripatetic life, isis). He presents the players and the
displaced at first by war, later by profes- events in impressive detail, without always
sional ambition, then briefly by service offering quite enough guidance on what
as a diplomat representing communist to think about them. Both authors have
Poland, and then by flight to the West much to teach readers. They agree that
only to return to Poland for the last ten isis and its sympathizers are not heretical
years of his life, which ended in 2004. He zealots; their devotion is not a form of
was not only, as Joseph Brodsky said, one false consciousness. Their practice and
of the greatest poets of our time, perhaps understanding of Islam, although extreme
the greatest, but an intermediary whose and rejected by the vast majority of
translations brought the twentieth-century Muslims, nonetheless qualify as a form of
masters of Polish poetry to international Islamic orthodoxy. Both writers identify
acclaim. In Miloszs life, so well illustrated
the practice of takfirthe act of declaring
by Franaszek, poetrys confrontation whole swaths of Muslims (frequently
with history converged with the poets Shiites) to be apostatesas perhaps the
engagement, sometimes mystical, with most important feature of isis brutal
humankinds most basic values. version of jihad.
Wood plunges into the thickets of
extremist theology, giving it voice through
Middle East an eclectic sampling of its most committed
practitioners. They expound on the
John Waterbury caliphate, slavery, corporal punishment,
the end of days, and the coming of the
Messiah. Woods account is unrivaled in
the breadth and depth of its exposition.
The Way of the Strangers: Encounters With Fishman usefully stresses the seminal
the Islamic State role played by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi,
BY GRAEME WOOD. Random House, the jihadist who laid the foundation for
2016, 352 pp. isis in the wake of the American-led
invasion of Iraq, before he was snuffed
The Master Plan: ISIS, al-Qaeda, and the out by a U.S. air strike in 2006. He is
Jihadi Strategy for Final Victory often portrayed as a coarse thug, but
BY BRIAN FISHMAN. Yale University Fishman reveals him to be much more
Press, 2016, 376 pp. than that. According to Fishman, Zarqawi
served as the inspiration for the influential
hese two books afford readers Egyptian jihadist strategist Saif al-
a look into the soul of violent Adels seven-stage master plan for the
jihadism. Wood, a national triumph of Islam. However, as Fish-
correspondent for The Atlantic, is a gifted man points out, the master plan antici-
storyteller who tracks down jihadist pates the unification of all Muslims, and
interlocutors around the world. Fishman, yet the practice of takfir assumes that
a fellow at West Points Combating most Muslims are beyond salvation.
Terrorism Center, is a diligent analyst
170 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Recent Books
A People Without a State: The Kurds From seemingly left everyone worse off. In
the Rise of Islam to the Dawn of Nationalism more recent times, the oppressors have
BY MICHAEL EPPEL . University of been different but the experience similar,
Texas Press, 2016, 188 pp. as the fiercely nationalist Republic of
Turkey, Islamic Republic of Iran, and
The Kurds: A Modern History Baathist Iraq and Syria became the main
BY MICHAEL GUNTER. Markus obstacles to Kurdish self-rule. More distant
Wiener, 2015, 256 pp. powersthe Americans, the British, and
the Frenchhave often joined in proxy
The Kurds enjoy a romantic reputation wars that have engulfed the Kurds, who
as doughty mountain fighters who have have seldom obtained a good deal. Kurdish
been denied their freedom and indepen fortunes seemed poised to improve with
dence by the Arabs, Persians, and the emergence of the highly autonomous
Turks who dwell in the cities and plains Kurdistan Regional Government in north
below. They number somewhere around ern Iraq in the wake of the Gulf War of
40 million, with the biggest populations 199091as close to a state as the Kurds
in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Signifi have ever come.
cantly, much of the territory where large The story of Iraqs Kurds is relatively
concentrations of Kurds reside is rich in well known; Gunters book sheds light
oil and gas reserves. on the less familiar Syrian Kurds, who
Eppel and Gunter, both academics, number around 2.2 million and occupy
demonstrate clear but guarded sympathy three enclaves along the Turkish border.
for the Kurds and their national aspir Syrian Kurdish militias have proved to
ations. Neither sees Kurdish nationhood be the most effective of Washingtons
as immanent, and both view Kurdish partners in the fight against the Islamic
national identity as a fairly recent notion State (or isis) in Syria. But they are
developed by the Kurdish intelligentsia, also closely aligned with the Kurdistan
rather than as a manifestation of a deep Workers Party, or pkk, a group that the
historical truth. Eppel notes that the United States has designated as a terrorist
Kurds lack an urban bourgeoisie of the organization and that is anathema to
kind that has historically played a critical Turkey, a member of nato and a close
role in successful ethnonationalist U.S. ally.
Eppels account mostly covers the
Ottoman era. Gunters focuses on recent Debriefing the President: The Interrogation
decades, paying close attention to the of Saddam Hussein
period since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion BY JOHN NIXON. Blue Rider Press,
of Iraq and especially the Syrian civil 2016, 256 pp.
war that began in 2011. Both authors
depict the Kurds as living in a meat Nixon spent 13 years as an Iraq analyst
grinder. In centuries past, the Kurds for the cia. When U.S. forces captured
suffered under the Persian, Russian, and Saddam Hussein a few months after the
Ottoman empires, engaging in a series 2003 invasion of Iraq, Nixon and a
of shifting alliances and betrayals that colleague were tasked with debriefing
the dictatorin other words, question historical process that will not be derailed
ing him in order to gain intelligence. even if China suffers a temporary eco
Nixons book is informed by those nomic or political setback. This has led
conversations and examines Saddams many analysts to argue that the United
life and reign, U.S. policy in Iraq, and States must either yield primacy to China
the role of the firebrand Shiite cleric or fight a war that at most could delay
Muqtada al-Sadr in post-Saddam Iraq. the shift but not reverse it. Rachmans
Nixon believes that the invasion was a view is more nuanced. Unlike the Western
mistake, but that view appears to have powers, which are united by common
little to do with his interrogations of values, he argues, the Eastern ones are
Saddam. Nixon acknowledges Saddams culturally fractured and rife with strategic
misdeeds but also puzzlingly asserts mistrust, especially of China. Moreover,
that no one knew better the dreams financial systems and other features of
and desires of Iraqis. He sees Sadr as the international order will remain wired
a lasting force in Iraqi politics but does through the West so long as rising Asian
not spend much time explaining why. powers fail to provide reliable rule of
Nixon also complains of an era of law. If Washington can skillfully manage
analytic mediocrity at the cia, which its relations with Chinaby no means a
he associates with the tenure of Direc- sure thingthe United States will not
tor George Tenet. During that period, have to match Chinas gdp or fleet size
Nixon argues, the agency allowed itself to maintain a strong position in Asia.
to become a tool of presidential agendas. Informed on history and up to date, the
book is a sprightly, pointed primer on
world affairs.
Asia and Pacific
Andrew J. Nathan The Souls of China: The Return of Religion
After Mao
BY IAN JOHNSON. Pantheon, 2017,
480 pp.
Easternization: Asias Rise and Americas
Decline, From Obama to Trump and Beyond Johnson practices what might be called
BY GIDEON RACHMAN. Other Press, slow reporting: a form of patient
2017, 320 pp. watching, listening, and asking that
produces deep insight into Chinas
s the Financial Times chief multifaceted religious revival. He sits
foreign affairs commentator, with a Christian prayer group, practices
Rachman has frequent access Taoist meditation, participates in a
to global elites. Drawing on numerous raucous yet spiritual mountain pil
interviews and reporting trips, he has grimage, and attends burial rites. As a
put together a striking portrait of a curious foreigner, he is welcomed by
weakening and confused West and a Chinese hosts who graciously instruct
rising but troubled Asia. The power him on their idiosyncratic beliefs. His
shift is the culmination of a long deft descriptions of these encounters
172 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Recent Books
as a conceptual tool for analyzing issues, have taken up smuggling and human
as a weapon in policy debates, and as a trafficking across the Chinese border, a
language for justifying decisions. The process that contributes to a rising tide
collapse of the Soviet Union and tensions of petty corruption. The Stalinist state
with China have demolished the inter is rotting from within, but its economy
nationalist component of Vietnamese is doing fairly well.
ideology, leaving Vietnam free to define
socialism in whatever way suits its
national interest. Ascending India and Its State Capacity:
Extraction, Violence, and Legitimacy
A Most Enterprising Country: North Korea THOMPSON. Yale University Press,
in the Global Economy 2017, 352 pp.
University Press, 2016, 240 pp. Political scientists are increasingly
returning to the disciplines original
Hastings details the ingenious ways in fascination with the state as an institu
which North Korea has conducted foreign tion, but today they use more sophisti
trade despite its political isolation. In cated empirical tools than the disciplines
the 1970s, the countrys diplomatic founders did. Ganguly and Thompson
missions used smuggling, counterfeiting, searched far and wide for the best mea
and weapons trafficking to cover their sures of the three key components of
expenses and send money home to state capacity that they list in their sub
support the ruling Kim familys lifestyle. title. When the measures are applied to
In the 1990s, after assistance from the India, the findings are informative but
Soviet Union dried up, Pyongyangs not surprising: India is an in-between
overseas missions and trading companies power, with high regime legitimacy,
sold heroin, methamphetamines, and low extractive capacity, and weak control
counterfeit cigarettes. In addition, over violence. They assess the states
North Korea supplied missile technology ability to overcome its deficiencies by
to Pakistan in exchange for nuclear comparing Indias economic, social, and
weapons technology, and Pyongyangs political circumstances with those of
diplomats in Europe acquired equipment previous rising powers and contemporary
for the countrys nuclear program from competitors. The sobering conclusion
companies in Austria and Germany. they reach is that for India to achieve
Even after the un levied sanctions its potential, a great deal would have to
against North Korea in 2006, state change in the countrys inefficient bureauc
companies disguised as private firms racy, corrupt and reform-resistant
found ways to access weapons technology politics, deficit-ridden budgeting process,
and equipment from suppliers all over fragile infrastructure, and weak educa-
the world; Chinese and Taiwanese brokers tional and health-care systems.
were especially helpful. Meanwhile,
Pyongyang lost control over ordinary
citizens economic lives, so they, too,
174 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Recent Books
number of his friends have published his enjoyable and highly readable
this accomplished, engaging translation biography of Ellen Johnson
of his writing. The book provides Sirleaf, the president of Liberia
fascinating details about Xus life, his and one of the three winners of the 2011
ideas, and his civic campaigns and sheds Nobel Peace Prize, is at its best when it
light on the experience of the disadvan- gives voice to Sirleafs fellow Liberians.
taged and exploited in China. Xus most Cooper, a Pulitzer Prizewinning jour
recent and boldest initiative invited nalist for The New York Times, captures
people to envision themselves as free the local patois exceptionally well, with
citizens in a legal system that uses rights its odd syntax and curious expressions
talk but often treats them as subjects, (to know book is to be an educated
denying them the protection of the law. person). The book doubles as a fasci
Using social media and techniques nating account of the two murderous
inspired by movements such as Occupy civil wars that racked Liberia between
Wall Street, Xus New Citizens Move- 1989 and 2003. Cooper argues that
ment called out the Chinese Communist Sirleaf owes her electoral victories in
Party for corruption that enriches elites 2005 and 2011 to the women of Liberia,
and for denying equal access to educa- among whom she enjoys enormous
tion for rural and migrant children. popularity. Her success in office has
Revolution, Xu predicted in 2013, will rested on an unusual combination of a
break out in the blink of an eye. But good local reputation and excellent
when he is released, he will find China contacts in the West, many of which
an even more repressive country and the she acquired during a career spent in
world a darker, more uncertain place. international banking prior to her entry
eva pils into politicsa background that came
in handy when renegotiating Liberias
crushing debts after the civil wars. Still,
Cooper makes clear that no amount of
goodwill or connections can overcome
all the challenges of running a dirt-poor,
postconflict country with a long history
of poor governance.
A Fraught Embrace: The Romance and Living by the Gun in Chad: Combatants,
Reality of AIDS Altruism in Africa Impunity, and State Formation
COT TS WATKINS . Princeton 2016, 256 pp.
University Press, 2017, 304 pp.
Chads history is littered with violence,
Swidler and Watkins spent the better from the wars fought among its pre
part of two decades studying foreign colonial kingdoms in the eighteenth and
aid programs in Malawi, especially nineteenth centuries; to Frances pacifi
those addressing the countrys hiv/aids cation campaigns, which ran from the
crisis. They have produced a savvy and 1890s until the 1920s; to the countrys
insightful book that focuses on the actors postcolonial history of rebellions at
involved and the culture in which they home and participation in regional
operate and, refreshingly, pays remark conflicts. In her insightful book, Debos
ably little attention to policies and argues that pervasive violence has fos
organizational charts, which are the tered a soldiering culture that now
usual focus of such studies. Through permeates the country and that has
detailed ethnographic observation of normalized armed violence, even in
the workshops, training sessions, and times of peace. For Chadian boys with
monitoring and evaluation exercises few viable employment prospects, learn
in which foreign aid personnel interact ing to use a gun counts as job training.
with aid recipients, the authors reveal Debos provides powerful evidence that
how miscommunication bedevils people ideological commitments and ethnic
who make good-faith efforts to work grievances motivate Chads fighters less
together but who have different interests than their simple need to make a living.
and values and face many constraints. In periods of relative peace, when their
Swidler and Watkins zero in on the skills are less in demand, these hired
importance of the local brokers who guns readily turn to banditry. Sitting
inevitably emerge as intermediaries atop this mess is Chadian President
between donor officials and recipient Idriss Dby, whom Debos portrays as
communities. The brokers effectiveness an amoral kingpin who has nevertheless
and commitment help determine the managed to curry favor with the West
success of aid projects, but donors too in recent years by offering support for
often misunderstand, neglect, or antag French and U.S. military actions in
onize them. This is a deeply empathetic the region.
book that explains the failures of foreign
aid even as it celebrates the idealism,
generosity, and courage of those who Understanding Zimbabwe: From
deliver it. Liberation to Authoritarianism
University Press, 2016, 256 pp.
176 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Recent Books
which converted Rhodesia (in which the lions. Much effort has gone into explain
white minority ruled through repression) ing the wars causes. Area experts have
into Zimbabwe (in which the black major tended to focus on complex local dynamics
ity gained power through elections), the that resist theorizing. Political scientists
country was widely considered a success and economists, meanwhile, have empha
story: it was even referred to as the sized more generic problems, such as
breadbasket of Africa. But in the 1990s, the looting of the failing states natural
the country descended into a prolonged resources and the grievances caused by
economic and political crisis that continues the exclusion of ethnic groups from
to this day, with the dictatorial regime of power and prosperity. Roessler and
Robert Mugabe barely clinging to power. Verhoeven avoid the either-or trap. In
Dormans excellent history of the post their telling, the First Congo War saw
independence era explains this reversal the replacement of the neocolonialist
of fortune by focusing on the increasingly Mobutu regime with a neoliberation
contentious relations between the regime state inspired by socialist, pan-African
and organized factions within society. ideals. The second war broke out when
Rather than view the Mugabe regime as former alliesthe comrades of their
merely personalistic, Dorman argues that books titleturned against one another
the state progressively ratcheted up its in a fight to secure the spoils of victory.
repression as economic failures began to This fascinating book is both analytically
undermine its traditional (and ongoing) sharp and empirically rich, drawing on
strategies of buying off key segments of a vast amount of primary-source research,
the population and pacifying others including scores of interviews with
with patriotic appeals that glorified the various high-level protagonists.
regimes anticolonial origins. stathis kalyvas
Foreign Affairs (ISSN 00157120), May/June 2017, Volume 96, Number 3. Published six times annually (January, March, May, July,
September, November) at 58 East 68th Street, New York, NY 10065. Print subscriptions: U.S., $54.95; Canada, $66.95; other
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