Universiti Sains Malaysia School of Chemical Engineering: Pre-Lab Test
Universiti Sains Malaysia School of Chemical Engineering: Pre-Lab Test
Universiti Sains Malaysia School of Chemical Engineering: Pre-Lab Test
NPSH can be defined as the combination of atmospheric pressure and static suction head
that will causes the liquid to flow through the suction piping and finally enter the impeller.
There are two kind of NPSH it is net positive suction head available (NPSHA) and net
positive suction head required (NPSHR).
NPSHA is the difference between the pressure at the suction of the pump and the
saturation pressure for the liquid being pump. NPSHR is the minimum net positive suction
head necessary to avoid cavitations.
For the pump to perform properly the NPSHA must be greater than the NPSHR. To get the
value of the NPSHA it must be calculated by using this formula:
The most influences on centrifugal-pump efficiency are specific speed, pump size, net
positive suction head available (NPSHA) and required (NPSHR), viscosity of the fluids being
pumped, temperature, specific gravity, and pump type.
The NPSH influence the efficiency of the pump because the high flow and head pump will
have an optimum generally attainable efficiency. The efficiency of pumps with low head
and low flow is low, while the efficiency of pumps with high flow and high head is high.
2. What are the important factors which control the selection of the pump?
Firstly, we need to consider the types of fluid that flow in the pump. The properties of
fluids being pumped can significantly affect the choice of pump. For example if the fluids
that being pumped have acidity and alkalinity or chemical composition that we need to
take serious. Sometimes corrosive and acidic fluids can degrade the pumps thus it is
important to consider when selecting pump materials.
Secondly, the capacity design of pump is need to be considered. Thus we know the
limitation of fluids capacity that the pump can be handle.
'Slip' in the gear pump is leakage or flow back of the fluid from the high pressure
discharge side of the pump back to the lower pressure suction side of the pump. The
slip in the gear pump is the phenomenon that causes the reduction in flow rate and the
pump efficiency itself. As we know, the gear pump design itself has the specific sealing areas
thats allow a small amount of slip occur. Slip can occured when the decreasing of fluids
vicosity and sometimes slip depends on the magnitude of the differential pressure at the
discharge and suction pressures. As we know when the flow rate become slower thats mean
the volumetric efficiency is reduced.
Destruction of impeller
Having the pump at too high of a distance above the fluid source
5. The power P required in an ideal centrifugal pump is a function of the liquid density ,
the impeller diameter D and the rotational speed N of the impeller as
P=C 1 N 3 D5
Q - Flow rate
N - Rotational speed
D - Impeller diameter
H - Total head
g - gravitational acceleration
K - Constant
Where according to the equation, Q and H increases when value of N and D increase.
6. Under what conditions gear pumps are preferred over centrifugal pumps?
Gear pump is a kind of rotary pump or reciprocating pump. Gear pumps are often used as
metering pumps because usage of it for measuring is of very simple procedure and gives
extremely accurate solution. Gear pump has ability to transfer difficult liquids, such as those
that containing solids or highly viscous fluids unlike centrifugal pump.
Besides, gear pump is preferred instead of centrifugal pump when discharge at high
pressure is involved.
7. How do the capacity, head developed, and efficiency vary with the speed of the
impeller in the centrifugal pump?
Equation of capacity:
Q1 N 1
Q2 N 2
Q = Capacity
N = Speed of impeller (rpm)
From the equation, the capacity(Q) increase when the speed of the impeller(N)
H = Head increase
N = Speed of impeller (rpm)
From the equation, the head developed(H) increase when the speed of
impeller(N) increase.
v =( V QN ) 100
Q = Capacity
V D =volumetric displacement
N = Speed of impeller (rpm)
From the equation, the efficiency( v decrease when the speed of
impeller(N) increase.
3. http://www.pumpfundamentals.com/yahoo/affinity_laws.pdf
5. http://empoweringpumps.com/differences-centrifugal-pumps-vs-