NOW COME THE PETITIONERS, through their counsel, and unto this Honorable
Court, most respectfully allege the following, to wit:
1. That the petitioners are both of legal age and married to each other. Dale Eugene
Stallman is an American Citizen while Marie Gantalao Stallman is a Filipino Citizen.
They are both residents of 409 A. Saad Drive, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental;
2. That they desire to adopt the minors, Rolin Escomo Gantalao, female, 12 years of age,
Filipino and residing at ______________________ and Stefien Gie De Asis Gantalao,
female, _____ years of age, Filipino and residing at ___________________
Republic of the Philippines)
Province of Negros Oriental)S.S.
City of Dumaguete)
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We, Romeo S. Gantalao and Sonia E. Gantalao, both Filipinos, of legal age, married
and presently residing at Jimalalud, Negros Oriental, Philippines, having been duly sworn in
accordance with law, hereby depose and state:
1. That we are the legitimate parents of Rolin Escomo Gantalao who was born on April
25, 2005 in Jimalalud, Negros Oriental, Philippines.
3. That we are unable to support said child and that believing that it would be for her own
interest and benefit, we, hereby signify our written intent, freely and voluntarily to have
our daughter Rolin Escomo Gantalao be adopted.
4. That we also signify our written consent, freely, willingly and voluntarily to have our
daughter Rolin Escomo Gantalao be legally adopted by the spouses Dale Eugene
Stallman and Marie Gantalao Stallman of Dumaguete City, Philippines in accordance
with law.
5. That we are ready and willing, freely and voluntarily to abdicate our parental authority
over said child in favor of the spouses Dale Eugene Stallman and Marie Gantalao
Stallman, who are ____and _____years of age, respectively, and who are both possessed
of the necessary civil and legal rights as well as the financial capacity to raise, rear and
support said child, after the adoption proceeding had been instituted and an order of
adoption be issued.
6. That we execute this affidavit to declare our intention and consent to the adoption of our
daughter Rolin Escomo Gantalao as well as to the truth of the foregoing facts.
We, Tito Regie Escomo Gantalao and Jelly Namata De Asis, both Filipinos, of legal
age, married and presently residing at Jimalalud, Negros Oriental, Philippines, having been duly
sworn in accordance with law, hereby depose and state:
7. That we are the legitimate parents of Stefien Gie De Asis Gantalao who was born on
August 27, 2014 in Jimalalud, Negros Oriental, Philippines.
9. That we are unable to support said child and that believing that it would be for her own
interest and benefit, we, hereby signify our written intent, freely and voluntarily to have
our daughter Stefien Gie De Asis Gantalao be adopted.
10. That we also signify our written consent, freely, willingly and voluntarily to have our
daughter Stefien Gie De Asis Gantalao be legally adopted by the spouses Dale Eugene
Stallman and Marie Gantalao Stallman of Dumaguete City, Philippines in accordance
with law.
11. That we are ready and willing, freely and voluntarily to abdicate our parental authority
over said child in favor of the spouses Dale Eugene Stallman and Marie Gantalao
Stallman, who are ____and _____years of age, respectively, and who are both possessed
of the necessary civil and legal rights as well as the financial capacity to raise, rear and
support said child, after the adoption proceeding had been instituted and an order of
adoption be issued.
12. That we execute this affidavit to declare our intention and consent to the adoption of our
daughter Stefien Gie De Asis Gantalao as well as to the truth of the foregoing facts.