APHE Summer Fellowship 2017

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Andhra Pradesh Higher Education

Summer Fellowship 2017


The Government of Andhra Pradesh has embarked on the Sunrise Andhra Pradesh
Vision 2029 to make Andhra Pradesh the top state in India in terms of per capita
income by 2029. Towards this end, the Government has identified higher education
as a major growth engine. The Government aims to transform Andhra Pradesh into
a global knowledge and education hub by (i) strengthening existing state
universities, (ii) establishing new premier national universities and (iii) inviting top
national private universities to establish their campuses in the state.

In view of the above, the Government has taken up various initiatives in the fields
of faculty development, R&D and innovation, employability and entrepreneurship,
e-learning, smart campuses, international rankings, CSR funding for higher
education etc. to strengthen existing state universities.
In a short span of two years, the Government has successfully coordinated the
establishment of 17 premier national universities in the state such as IIT-Tirupati,
IIM-Visakhapatnam, IISER-Tirupati, AIIMS etc.
The Government has also enacted the Andhra Pradesh Private Universities
(Establishment and Regulation) Act 2016, hailed as one of the most progressive
Private Universities Acts in the country. Within one year, the Government has
approved nine proposals to establish private universities in the state leading to
investments worth Rs 15,000 Crores and a student strength of more than 1,50,000
over the next 10 years.

To provide impetus to these initiatives, the Department of Higher Education has

been engaging various young professionals and consultants. The Department
conducted the highly successful Andhra Pradesh Higher Education Summer
Fellowship last year that attracted 18 young fellows from premier national and
international institutions such as Columbia University, INSEAD, University of
Michigan, HEC Paris, Sciences Po, National University of Singapore, IIT-Bombay,
ISB, BITS-Pilani etc.

The Department is now inviting applications to the 2017 Andhra Pradesh Higher
Education Summer Fellowship. The Fellowship provides the opportunity to shape
the trajectory of a newly-formed state, and to work with similar-minded public
policy and development professionals. The Department may consider outstanding
performers for longer-term engagements with the Government of Andhra Pradesh
or its associated institutions.

Additional Links:
1) http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/andhra-pradesh/summer-fellows-
2) http://www.thehindu.com/education/A-shot-at-student-
3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHxUk56x__0
2.1. Improving Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2 fellows)
Evolve a strategy to improve the start-up ecosystem at state universities
Work on the proposed AP Innovation and Mentorship Board to assist budding
entrepreneurs seek mentorship from seasoned entrepreneurs
Identify promising start-ups in state universities and reach out to incubators
and venture capitalists to help these startups get funding/mentorship

2.2. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Funding (2 fellows)

Strengthen the CSR Desks at the Higher Education Department and state
universities to attract CSR funding towards higher education projects
Develop university-specific projects related to infrastructure upgradation,
capacity building of faculty/administrators and other fields as highlighted by
corporates after due consultations
Identify suitable corporate partners and pitch Government/university projects
for CSR funding

2.3. International Collaborations (2 fellows)

Consolidate existing/establish new partnerships with top foreign universities
in areas such as student and faculty exchange, twinning programmes,
collaborative research etc.
Develop and implement marketing and outreach strategies for state
universities to improve their international visibility

2.4. Career development and placements (2 fellows)

Formulate partnerships with corporates to improve student placements and
internships at state universities
Streamline the placements and internship processes at state universities by
encouraging the use of latest ERP software/online portals
Develop a strategy and database for alumni outreach to provide better
networking opportunities for students

2.5. E-learning/MOOCs (2 fellows)

Study existing models of e-learning and facilitate their implementation in
select state universities
Conduct state-wide workshops and trainings for university staff and
administrators on various forms of technology-enabled teaching

2.6. Vocationalization and Skills Development (1 fellow)

Identify and establish partnerships with government, non-government and
private organizations for vocational skills development in the State
Develop a strategy for vocational skills training for youth in the State under
the Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyaan (RUSA)

2.7. Digital Documentation of Higher Education Institutions (1 fellow)

Streamline the process of geotagging in universities and colleges to gain real
time data on the state of assets and infrastructure, and attendance records of
student and faculty
Utilize the data thus obtained for effective monitoring of higher education
institutions in the State

2.8. Research Projects (6 fellows 2 per topic)

Topic 1: Conduct a field study to identify challenges faced by researchers at
state universities such as lack of funding, lack of access to e-libraries,
administrative bottlenecks, etc.
Topic 2: Conduct a study to identify best practices for equity in Higher
Education, and develop a plan to promote better equity in Higher Education
Institutions in Andhra Pradesh under the Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha
Abhiyaan (RUSA)
Topic 3: Conduct a field study on inclusionary/exclusionary practices in
universities and colleges such as differently abled friendly infrastructure,
student counselling units, faculty sensitization programmes, etc.
Use quantitative/qualitative tools to analyze these challenges and present
feasible solutions

Week 1: Orientation Week
Week 2-5: Project and field work
Week 6: Mid-term review and feedback
Week 7-9: Project and field work
Week 10: Final Presentation and Report Submission

4.1. All university/college students (regardless of course/year of study) and working
professionals under the age of 35 are eligible to apply
4.2. Students should ideally be enrolled in premier national and international
institutions with outstanding academic merit
4.3. Students who are graduating and are looking for employment are also
encouraged to apply
4.4. Working professionals under the age of 35 from premier national and
international institutions who wish to take a sabbatical from their current
employment need to get an in-principle approval and a formal letter from their
employer before commencing the fellowship
4.5. Candidates should exude passion and flair for public policy, especially in the
field of higher education
4.6. Candidates should show an ability to be proactive and work in unstructured
4.7. Only Indian passport/PIO (Person of Indian Origin)/OCI (Overseas Citizen of
India) cardholders will be considered for the fellowship
4.8. The Fellowship will be based out of Vijayawada, with substantial travel to state

5.1. Application begins: 20th March 2017
5.2. Deadline for receipt of application: 31st March 2017 (2359 hrs IST)
5.3. Interviews for shortlisted candidates: On a rolling basis
5.4. Announcement of selected candidates: 7th April 2017
5.5. Confirmation from candidates: 10th April 2017
5.6. Fellowship begins: 15th May 2017

6.1. Please submit the application to [email protected] in one
consolidated PDF file named LastName_FirstName.pdf containing the following:
Page 1: Scanned copy of the Student/Employee ID Card (1 Page)
Page 2-3: Resume (Maximum 2 Pages)
Page 4-5: Choice of Project (Maximum 2 pages)
From the given list of projects, candidates should indicate their top two preferences,
and state reasons for the first preference. The reasons should draw on the candidates
educational and professional experience.
Further, the candidates need to indicate how they would approach their most
preferred project so as to ensure the best possible outcome.
Page 6-7: Essay
What according to you are the most pressing challenges in the Higher Education
Sector in India today? If you had Rs. 10 Crores and a period of one year to tackle
the most pressing challenge, what would you do?

7.1. Applicants will be shortlisted based on the merit of their application and fit for
the preferred project
7.2. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for a short telephonic/video based
7.3. The interview slots will be scheduled in consultation with the shortlisted
7.4. The final list of selected candidates along with a short wait list will be drawn
based on written applications and interviews
7.5. The Higher Education Department reserves the right to not fill one or more of
the above fellowship positions if it does not find suitable candidates during the
selection process
7.6. The Higher Education Department reserves the right to call for additional
documentation like Graduation Certificates, Transcripts etc. as deemed necessary
before confirming the offer of fellowship

8.1. Each fellow will be paid a total honorarium of Rs. 70,000 for performance rated
Satisfactory, Rs. 85,000 for performance rated Good and Rs. 1,00,000 for
performance rated Outstanding for the entire fellowship period, as determined by
the process formulated for the performance appraisal.
8.2. If the performance is rated Unsatisfactory, the Higher Education Department
reserves the right to pay an amount deemed suitable on a case-by-case basis.

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