A Review On Natural Fibre Polymer Composites

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International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882

Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2017

A Review on Natural Fibre Polymer Composites

A.R.M.Nazim*, M.N.M. Ansari**
*(Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering,
Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia,
Email: [email protected])
** (Center for Advance Materials, College of Engineering,
Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
Email: [email protected])

ABSTRACT In automotive the composite material is initially used by

Natural fibre are readily available in abundant within our racing car to reduce its weight. As cost and technology
surrounding. It is cheap, easy to harvest and advance, it is getting cheaper to apply composite
environmental friendly. With environmental issue technology and now days we can see various composite
arising from problem of disposing synthetics fibre, parts being used to gain weight saving. Car bonnet,
natural fibre are starting taking its place in composite spoiler are some of the examples of parts made of
product development. Unlike its synthetic rival, natural composite. For marine, a traditional vessel made of
fibre are potentially biodegradable and poses less threat wood are now replaced by fibreglass boat. It offer a
to the environment. Natural fibre may be a good much lighter parts and cheaper to when compare to
substitution to synthetic fibre should the proper wood or metallic structures [2].
treatment and manufacturing method applied. This
review aim to provide overview of natural fibre In sports application, example of composite material can
composites, its characteristic, why natural fibre be found in golfing as well as badminton. Golf clubs are
composite are used in order to improve material using carbon fibre material to reduce weight and also
properties to blend with matrix, their mechanical increase strength. Badminton racket frame are now made
properties and applications. Particular attention being of composite to gain weight advantage as well as other
made on kenaf due to its abundance availability and mechanical properties such as strength and flexibility.
making it a good fibre source in Malaysia. Kenaf is also
having similar properties of jute and carry many Previously synthetics fibre such as carbon fibre and glass
possibilities to be utilized commercially provided its fibre are used for the composite making. Glass fibre for
weakness is addressed properly. example offers a lightweight material substitution for
automotive parts. This enables a more efficient vehicle
Keywords Natural Fibre Polymer Composites (NFPC), with less emission due to lightweight characteristic of
Kenaf fibre, Tensile properties, Compression properties. vehicle using carbon or glass fibre [3]. However a new
issue arises, with regard to disposal of non biodegrable
I. INTRODUCTION composites. These composite does not decay naturally
and poses harm to the environment. It is reported that
A composite material is a material made of two or more some non biodegradeable materials may take up to few
material which aims to obtain properties advantage of hundred years to decay. Even worst, some materials like
each material involved. Composite materials consist of glass and polystyrene might never biodegrade.
matrix and fibre which contribute to the physical
properties of the composite. They did not undergo Accumulation of the materials over years have started
chemical reaction, making it possible to separate the another pollution issue. Trash of non-biodegradable
fibres and matrix physically. Composite are normally materials are flooding seas, harming sea creatures. It was
used to increase material strength, getting a lighter reported creature like turtle are death due to suffocating
component, corrosion resistivity, and cost advantage (as with polystyrene. On land, these material pollute land,
cheaper material substitution)[1]. started to clogged drain, as well as create air pollution
when burned in the air.
Evidence of composite popularity can be seen by
increasing application in the automotive, aerospace, Due to these issues, natural fibre composite are gaining
marine as well as sporting goods [1]. popularity in the recent years. They are biodegradable
which means environmentally friendly and easy to

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2017

source. They are also relatively cheaper when compare

to the non-natural composite material cost. For example
hemp is naturally available and does not need to undergo
any complicated process before can be used as
component in composite [2].

There are however limitation for application of natural

fibre composite. For example, incompatibility with
matrix, risk of degradation due to moisture absorption
properties of natural fibre, physical properties of the
fibre itself which prevent good bonding with matrix [4].

There have been a case where natural fibre found to be

incompatible with matrix, due to less bonding between
two, composite degradation due to natural fibre
absorbing water than it should do as well as
inconsistency of the fibre geometry that make it difficult
to produce a uniform composite quality.

In order to overcome these limitation, there have been

many studies to improve the quality of natural fibre
composite. For example Changlei Xia [5] do perform a
preparation of the natural fibre material through Calcium
carbonate inorganic nanoparticle to improve mechanical
properties as well as water resistance of kenaf
fibre/polyester composite. The nano particle improve
tensile strength of kenaf/polymer composite about 20%
when compared with kenaf/polymer composite without Figure 1: Natural Fibre classification [6]
nano particle impregnation.

The aim of this paper is to review about composite Zoi N. Terzopoulou in his study did mentioned about
material development using natural fibre as well as few classification of natural fiber consist but not limited
improvement done so far to achieve a better natural fibre to bast, leaf , fruit, and grass, straw and wood pulp[2].
composite properties.
Natural fiber obtained from plant contain mainly
cellulose and its structural vary for each plant. The
II. NATURAL FIBRE different structural explain why they have different size
and diameter. Due to this physical trait, the tensile
Natural fibre are fibre that is derived from natural strength and elongation of the each plants or part used
resources. We can classify natural fibre into three will vary when subjected to the same force. It was found
categories; consist of plant, animal or mineral fibre. [6]. that a different natural fiber when applied to same matrix
The literature study however will focused on natural will produced different composite characteristic such as
fiber from plant. According to A.K. Bledzki [1], stem, strength, rigidity, flexibility and impact resistivity.
bark, seed and leafs are among plant parts that can be
utilized as natural fiber material. They are naturally Different fiber are also having different chemical
available at our surrounding making it an abundance composition. This composition may affect their
source as well as cost economic as it is readily available. characteristic beside physical properties described in
Table 1 below.

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2017

TABLE 1: Chemical composition percentage of common Kenaf fibers are considered as long fibers. It is derived
natural fiber [7] from outer fibrous bark of the bast. Due to its long fiber,
it have potential to be used in various polymer
Name of Cellu Hemi- Lignin Waxes
Fiber lose cellulos (wt%) (wt%) composite product. Many studies have been conducted
(wt%) e (wt%) for kenaf composites in order to improve the features of
Bagasse 55.2 16.8 25.3 - the polymers. Kenaf, having a similar mechanical
Bamboo 26-43 30 21-31 -
Flax 71 18.6- 2.2 1.5 properties of existing materials which make it as
20.6 potential substitution materials for composite
Kenaf 72 20.3 9 - applications [8].
Jute 61-71 14-20 12-13 0.5
Hemp 68 15 10 0.8
Ramie 68.6-76.2 13-16 0.6-0.7 0.3 III. POLYMER COMPOSITES
Abaca 56-63 20-25 7-9 3
Sisal 65 12 9.9 2
Coir 32-43 0.15- 40-45
Polymer matrix
Oil palm 65 - 29 - Polymer is an element form by chain of molecules side
Pineapple 81 - 12.7 -
Curaua 73.6 9.9 7.5 -
by side. This is achieved by polymerization process
Wheat 38-45 15-31 12-20 - where it produces a long chain due to this bonding
straw structure. Beside length of the chain molecular,
Rice husk 35-45 19-25 20 - distribution of mass will contribute to the structural of
Rice straw 41-57 33 8-19 8-38
the polymer. Since they are made of monomer they shall
Kenaf Fiber pose chemical characteristic of its parent monomer.
Polymer can be made of 1 or more type of monomer,
Kenaf is natural fiber derived from bast of plant. The which result a more complex structure. This is normally
kenaf plant or Hibiscus Cannabinus is a plant originated done in order to gain chemical advantage of both
from Africa and believed to be in existence for more materials
than 4000 years. Beside supplying fiber for fiber glass
substitution kenaf plant also being used in mattress and Umar Nirmal [9], describe polymer types into three
furniture production. categories, namely thermoplastic, thermosetting and
In Malaysia, Kenaf is consider as industrial crop. It is
being planted commercially due to its suitability with Thermosetting polymer obtained when the heat is
Malaysian climate. Kenaf will require only four month applied to the monomer and form a polymer. The
to achieve its maturity for harvesting, making it fast process is irreversible. Thermosetting polymer are found
returning investment. to be stronger when compared to thermoplastic and
potentially to be used in higher service temperature.
Thermoplastic polymer have tendency to melt at higher
temperature and become hardened when cooled. This
allow thermoplastic polymer to be reshaped when
subject to heat. Thermoplastic properties are changeable
by altering form and length of the individual chain of
monomer it is made of. Polypropylene, polyvinyl
chloride and polyethylene are example of thermoplastic
polymer material [10].

Elastomer polymers are form through cross linked

reaction between monomer. The structural of monomer
in the elastomeric are not in regular arrangement. They
may be stretched to greater extend, which portray elastic
properties and hence the name given, elastomer. Rubber
is a good example of elastomeric polymer.

Figure 2: Kenaf Trees being planted in Malaysian Soil. Polymer exist naturally and can also can be made
available thru synthesis. Example of natural polymers

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2017

are wool, protein, DNA, and silk. For synthetic polymer, Natural Fiber Polymer Composite (NFPC)
rubber produced as a result of vulcanization is a good Natural fiber composite is composite material consisting
example how this material can be man produced. of polymer matrix and one or more natural substance as
a fiber. Natural fiber composite are produced by mixing
According to Sarah [11] polymer are available in various heated polymer resin with one or more natural fiber. The
form such as packing materials, toys, clothing, shampoo mixing solution must be allowed to cool over some
as well as automobile application. Polymer have period of time where it will solidify and hold the natural
advantages such as light, lower production cost, long fibre at its place. NFPCs are gaining popularity due to
lasting and easy to be formed into shape. However lower production cost, easy to shape and reshape. Shape
polymer also has disadvantages. They tend to be of NFPC may be easily amended by reheating the
flammable when subject to heat. composite, re-melting the polymer above its activation
temperature. Since composite material did not react
Polymer Composite chemically, the characteristic of the polymer matrix
remain and theoretically may be reshape on unlimited
Polymer composite is the composite material with basis without any degradation.
polymer material as the matrix. The function of the
matrix is to hold the fiber together and also to provide IV. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES
supplementary advantage to the fiber. For example some
fiber are very good at tension but failed under The characteristics of the composite are mainly
compression. Hence matrix help to hold them together determine by two factors namely fibre and matrix. The
and also provide compression resistance resulting a stronger the fibre the stronger the composite potentially
better overall composite properties. Apart of that matrix be. Matrix help bond fibre together as well as
help protect fiber reinforced composite against supplementing fibre weaknesses. A good bonding
environment (humidity), mechanical damage due to between matrix to fibre will help to transfer load among
friction as well as transferring load to the next fibers fibres effectively [14]. Beside matrix helps to protect
[12]. Presently, there are two type of matrix that is fibre itself from mechanical damage, humidity that
commonly used in preparation of natural fiber potentially damage the natural fibre. It can be concluded
composite, thermoplastic polymer and thermoset a composite made of natural fibre exhibit better
polymer such as epoxy. mechanical properties when compare to pure matrix
itself [14]. Beside interrelation between fibre and matrix,
Polymer composite are alternative to epoxy composite fibre properties such as length, volume fraction, aspect
and have some advantage as well as advantages when ratio and orientation does also affect mechanical
compare to epoxy composite. Table 2 below summarize characteristic and becoming interesting topic of study
some comparison between polymer and epoxy [15].
composite based on the same fiber used. The different in
characteristic is purely due to matrix (polymer/epoxy) Natural Fibre with common polymer matrix are explored
properties that contribute to the different of composite for their compatibility. Hence, the dissimilarity will be
characteristic. Obviously there are a lot of polymer purely contributed by the fibre used in the composite
weakness that may be studied in future. itself. One of the factor that distinguish each natural
fibre composite is the mechanical properties of the
TABLE 2: Comparison of composites based on polymer natural fibre itself, which vary due to chemical
matrix [8],[13]
composition, orientation of fibrils and also percentage of
Criteria Thermoplastic Thermoset
composite composite cellulose in each fibre. These factor does effect fibre
Production cost Cheaper Expensive strength individually. Bledzki [1] in his study concluded
Rate of production Shorter period Longer period different alignment of cellulose microfbrills and also
(shorter curing (longer curing different fibre bundle orientation does explained why
time) time)
they have different mechanical properties.
Strength Lower Higher
Matrix-fiber bonding Lower Higher
strength Compressive Properties
Water resistivity Lower Higher Compressive properties of Natural Fibre Composite
Tensile strength Lower Higher varied for different fibre used. A.W. Van Vuure[16]
Stiffness Lower Higher performed compressive test for three natural fibre
Shrink volume Higher Volume
composite (flax, bamboo and coir) according to ASTM

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2017

3039. Based on test sample of 230 x 12.7 x 2mm3 and facts indicate a variable factor of improvement that can
test span of 150mm, it was found that compressive be studied in the future.
properties of the three fibre tested to be between 60 to
80% of tensile properties. It was also concluded
performance of natural fibre composite are less than
glass fibre when subject to compression.

Allan C. Manalo [17] performed compression test on

polyester bamboo composite and plot stress strain curves
produced from the testing. He observed a linear elastic
characteristic for the composite and demonstrates non
liner when subject to higher compression. Allan [17]
also observed reduction of composite strength when
tested at elevated temperature 1200C. The finding are in
line with Sigley et al [18] observation on resin
characteristic, ductile when subject to compression. Figure 3: Tensile strength and elongation at break for
different extruder screw speed [21].
A study [19] provided suggestion of relationship
between compression properties of composite and V. APPLICATIONS OF NFPC
interfacial adhesion between fibre and matrix. It was
suggested interfacial adhesion play a major role in Polymer composite are used in (but not limited) various
determining compression properties, and may be a good industry such as construction, automotives, machineries,
subject for improvement. aerospace and military. In construction, evidence of
application can be found by construction materials such
Tensile Properties as Fibre Reinforced Plastic Gratings, composite decking
and lately cement-polymer composite are being
Tensile properties are one of the main indications to introduced to overcome weakness of traditional cement
gauge material strength. It is obtained by applying a load used. Polymer cement are found to be able to withstand
over the samples and measure the force required to deterioration as a result of water absorption. In
achieve before the material failed (break). The test shall automotives, NFP Care potentially to be used as material
be conducted with dedicated testing machine in order to for car bumper, as a materials for bicycle frame, fishing
obtain an accurate data. Other parameter may be also boats. The aim of polymer composite application in this
monitored during the experiment such as material industry is driven by weight saving. Evidence of
elongation prior to break. There is an international application of composite in the airplane can be seen by
standard being practiced to performed tensile test. composite materials in the centre wing boxs primary
ASTM D638 provide guideline for testing the tensile structure, wing ribs, and rear fuselage section. The
strength and also method to calculate their mechanical development of natural fibre composite, addressing it
properties resulting from the test. Specimens for ASTM weakness has open its potential to application that has
D638 are dumbbell-shaped with either a 25 mm or 50 never been imagine before. Low maintenance cost, high
mm gauge length; a 50 mm gauge length is stress to weight ratio, easy installation are among factor
recommended. it is being considered as replacement to conventional
material such as metal, aluminum and FRP.
Feldmann [20] in his experimental has observed increase
of tensile properties for polyamide with 20% and 30% VI. CONCLUSION
cellulose fibre compared to a pure polyamide. This
provide evidence role of fibre in strengthened composite This paper reviews about natural fibre, its application
material compare to strength of pure resin alone. Method and composite materials. Current problem of non-natural
of manufacturing also affects tensile strength of materials used in composite materials are referred to,
composite material. including issue of disposing these materials as they no
longer required. The non-biodegradable item do not
Zhen-Xiu Zhang [21] in his experimental work have degrade and stay on earth. It became worst in time as
discover different tensile values of composite materials people find it getting difficult to handle them as well as
when subject to different extruder screw speed. These issue with wildlife life being threatened due to these

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2017

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