How Social Media Is A Toxic Mirror: QSW: Quotes, Summary, Wonderings

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QSW: Quotes, Summary, Wonderings

Stage 1 : Empathize

This form will help you shape your thoughts and research as you dig
into your chosen topic. Remember that this is more than simple
research! You are working towards gaining empathy, so select sources
that help you truly understand your topic on a deeper level.

For EACH SOURCE complete the following: First, list the article title
and copy/paste the link to the article. Then, copy/paste at least 3-5
powerful or informative quotes (depending on article length) that help
guide your understanding of your topic. Next, summarize the article
you just read in YOUR OWN WORDS (about 1-2 paragraphs depending on
article length). Finally, write down a wondering. A wondering is
something this article made you more curious about, a hole or a gap
that hasnt been answered, or a question that you have after reading
the article that will help guide you moving forward with your

Article Title: How Social Media Is a Toxic Mirror


Quotes: Socialmediahasalsobecomeatoxicmirror.
**(3-5 Depending on Earlierthisyear,psychologistsfoundrobustcross-cultural
article length)**

Summary: Teens and young adults are affected not only by the
**(1-2 paragraphs beauty standards set on social media sites, but by
depending on article
length)** the culture of the sites. How men and women both
have sought to seek validation through these sites
likes and comments. The article talked about how some
people are addicted to social medias because of the
validation they receive from it.

Wondering: How many women are affected by this? Men? Is there

any way we can prevent this or lessen what is
happening here?
**Copy/Paste a new table for EACH SOURCE**

Article Title: Why women's empowerment is essential for sustainable



Quotes: Gender bias is still deeply embedded in cultures, economies,

**(3-5 Depending on political and social institutions around the world. Women and
article length)**
girls face unacceptable levels of discrimination and abuse,
which is not only wrong, but also prevents them from playing
a full part in society and decision-making.
Women are more vulnerable to environmental degradation
and climate change but also have different perspectives,
concerns and ideas for change. Until these are taken on
board, with women empowered to play a full part in
decision-making at all levels, environmental sustainability will
remain a distant goal.
Yet women's empowerment must not mean simply adding to
their burdens of responsibilities or building expectations of
women as 'sustainability saviours....the disproportionate
responsibility that women bear for carrying out unpaid work is
an important constraint on their capacity to realise their
rights... Both women and men need time to care for their
families and communities, and time free from such care."
Integrating women's empowerment into sustainable
development, and it reaches deeper down to the underlying
causes of both issues: in most societies and economies,
women's unpaid work and nature's services are not accounted
for and therefore not valued properly in our economic,
political or social systems.

Summary: In this article, she talks about why women are important to our
**(1-2 paragraphs society. She mentions how it's not just the right thing to do (treat
depending on article women like men/equality), but because by doing this, interventions
can be improved and women can help develop transformative

Wondering: what would it be like if it was the other way around

with equality; women were more in control and men
were the ones who were going through this this

Article Title:
Objectification Of Women


Quotes: Theyareusuallymodels:young,VERYPRETTYwomenofa
**(3-5 Depending on physicaltypechosentoappealtomaleeyes.
article length)**

Summary: Thisarticletalksabouthowwomenarejudgedandarebeing
**(1-2 paragraphs objectifiedallthetimeandtheeffectsonittowardsoursociety
depending on article

Wondering: Would men feel the same if they were treated like
women are everyday?

Gender roles within the media

Article Title:
Contingencies of Self-Worth and
Social-Networking-Site Behavior


Quotes: Over half of all Internet-using teens are

**(3-5 Depending on content creators who create Web sites or
article length)**
blogs, share original media like photos and
videos, or remix content into new creations
Photoshop promotes skepticism about the
truthfulness of images. Counts and Fellheimer6
suggest that photo sharing serves to enhance
the social presence of individuals to their
close friends and family, and helps establish a
common social milieu among groups
They suggested that posting photos can
contribute to relationship maintenance and may
also promote reciprocal behavior.
Rather than simply being the target of
mediated messages, they can see themselves as
protagonists of mediated narratives who
actively integrate themselves into a complex
media ecosystem

Summary: This article talks about peoples (typically young adults)

**(1-2 paragraphs relationship with social medias and self worth. It said that
depending on article young people tended to already seek this out in other things
such as sorority or fraternity houses before social media was
around. People act very specifically on social media, creating
an identity for themselves.
Abstract: Social-networking sites like Facebook enable people
to share a range of personal information with expansive groups
of friends. With the growing popularity of media sharing
online, many questions remain regarding antecedent conditions
for this behavior. Contingencies of self-worth afford a more
nuanced approach to variable traits that affect self-esteem, and
may help explain online behavior. A total of 311 participants
completed an online survey measuring such contingencies and
typical behaviors on Facebook. First, exploratory factor
analyses revealed an underlying structure to the seven
dimensions of self-worth. Public-based contingencies explained
online photo sharing (b 0.158, p < 0.01), while private-based
contingencies demonstrated a negative relationship with time
online (b 0.186, p < 0.001). Finally, the appearance
contingency for self-worth had the strongest relationship with
the intensity of online photo sharing (b 0.242), although no
relationship was evident for time spent managing profiles.

Wondering: I wonder if this varies from site to site.

Article Title: 4 Ways Men Are Taught to Objectify Women From Birth


Quotes: While it doesnt excuse my behavior, I was taught at a very early age to
**(3-5 Depending on
article length)**
view women as prizes to win. The belief that women are trophies still
permeates through our culture, whether its in the media, education, or
simple everyday conversation.

were taught that an entire gender exists purely to satisfy others needs,
it dehumanizes millions of people, and its very difficult to have
empathy for someone that you dont view as a real person.

Girls who asked boys to other dances or any other dates were
viewed as aggressive and/or desperate, so they were largely silenced
from voicing their wants and needs. I believe that this mentality carries
into adulthood.

Summary: This article is written from a transgender female which makes it

**(1-2 paragraphs
depending on article
interesting because she talks about how she was taught to view women
length)** growing up as a male. She says that he was taught to see women as
prizes, that they only serve the purpose of satisfying mens needs. A lot
of men dont see women as people who have goals and want to achieve
more than having lot of babies.

Gender roles! Girls cant ask guys out or else they look desperate! This
starts from a young age then it translates to adulthood. Men are supposed
to be leaders. Women are supposed to be dependant on men. Stereotypes
have caused this cycle of viewing women to repeat generation after

Wondering: Why? Why do women have to be soft spoken and shy. Why is it that
when a woman goes after what she wants she comes off as bossy or

Additional Research:
- Objectification of women: Media & the psychological impact of the
gender roles

- & Perhaps then the role .. of

- Impact of Social Media look into the behavioral patterns and


Article Title:
How using social media affects


**(3-5 Depending on
article length)**

**(1-2 paragraphs
depending on article


Article Title: Social media and young people's mental health


Quotes: So are you being adversely affected by social media? Here are some signs
**(3-5 Depending on to look out for:
article length)**

Low self-esteem.
Feeling low when you see other people's images and lifestyle.
Envy of others people lives - wishing your life was like someone
Finding social media as your first and only choice of activity done
for enjoyment.
Not having as many face to face conversations with your relatives
and friends and feeling disconnected.
Being unable to do anything without feeling you need to share it

**(1-2 paragraphs
depending on article


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