Simile and Metaphor Lesson Plan

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The lesson plan focuses on teaching students about similes and metaphors through identifying them in song lyrics.

The lesson plan teaches 5th grade students about similes and metaphors.

The lesson plan focuses on teaching students about similes and metaphors.


Name: Sarah Winikoff Grade: 5th Grade

Lesson #1 Gardner: Bloom:

____ Visual ____ Knowledge
____ Kinesthetic _X_ Comprehension
_X_ Verbal ____ Application
____ Logical _X__ Analysis
____ Rhythmic ____ Synthesis
_X__ Interpersonal ____ Evaluation
____ Intrapersonal
____ Naturalist

Strategy: Direct Instruction, whole group and partners

Subject Area: ELA- Figurative Language (Metaphors and Similes)

Teacher Performance Expectation Addressed:

TPE 1A: Teaching English-Language Arts in a Multiple Subject Assignment
TPE 2: Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction
TPE 5: Student Engagement
TPE 6B: Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Grades K-3
TPE 9: Instructional Planning
TPE 10: Instructional Time
TPE 11: Social Environment

Common Core Standards: CCSS.ELA.L.5.5a. Demonstrate understanding of figurative

language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
a. Interpret figurative language, including similes and metaphors, in context.
CCSS.ELA.SL.5.1c. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacherled) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others
ideas and expressing their own clearly
b. Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the
discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others.
CCSS.ELA.RL.5.4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including figurative language such as metaphors and similes.

Objective: Students will be able to identify metaphor and similes in song lyrics and be able to
explain what they mean.

Personnel: Master Teacher and Student Teacher

Instructional Materials: (Technology):

Document camera
1 green colored pencil for every student to represent similes
1 blue colored pencil for every student to represent metaphors
1 copy of the Ill Make a Man Out Of you Worksheet per student
1 copy of the Youre a Mean One Mr. Grinch Worksheet
Simile and metaphor poster and examples
Computer and internet

Lesson Length: 1 hour


The teacher will need to prepare the videos that will be watched during the lesson

Prior to this lesson, students will already be familiar with what metaphors and similes are,
therefore they will just need a light review at the beginning of the lesson.

The teacher will prepare simile and metaphor examples used for reviewing at the beginning of
the lesson:
1. The teachers directions were as clear as a bell. Simile
2. The classroom was a zoo. - Metaphor

White Board Review:

1. Our waitress was as nutty as a fruitcake. - Simile
2. Their ideas are difficult to swallow. - Metaphor
3. The childs tears were cold raindrops from a tiny cloud. -Metaphor
4. My thoughts fluttered from subject to subject like a butterfly visiting
flowers in a field. - Simile

The teacher should have prepared a color coded master copy of both the songs and identified
which parts are similes and metaphors.

Simile: A comparison of two things that may or may not be alike using the words like or as.
Metaphor: A comparison of two unlike things without using like or as.
Figurative Language: Language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different
from its literal interpretation.

The teacher will have a prepared version of the Simile and Metaphor Worksheet

Anticipatory Set:
1. Introduce the term figurative language
2. Over the next few days you will be learning different types of figurative language.
Today we will be refreshing your memories on what the difference between a simile and
metaphor is and identifying them in the context of a song. To start off todays lesson we
will watch this video, While you
are watching I want you to watch and listen to how the video explains the differences
between similes and metaphors and be ready to explain those differences to me after the

1. Pass out Ill Make a Man Out of You Worksheet
2. Review the definitions of a simile and metaphor and have students copy down the
definitions at the top of their worksheet
3. Put examples of similes and metaphors on the board using the document camera
4. Ask students to identify whether the phrase is a simile or metaphor
5. Using their white boards have students write whether it is a simile or metaphor and have
them hold up their white boards so the teacher can check for understanding
6. Call on one student to have them explain why they chose the answer they did and what
the simile or metaphor means
7. Ask students to take out one green colored pencil and one blue colored pencil
8. On the directions of the worksheet have them underline the part of the directions that
states Underline metaphors in blue in their blue colored pencil and the part that says
similes in green in green.
9. The green colored pencil will be used to identify similes and the blue colored pencil will
be used to identify metaphors.
10. To start off the activity tell students that they will be identifying similes and metaphors
within the context of a song
11. Explain to students the general meaning of the song, Ill Make a Man Out of You, by
Donny Osmond.
12. Have students listen the part of the song that you will be working with, using this video, start at about 0:40 and end at about
13. Together with the students look at the lyrics, the teacher should model how to identify a
simile and a metaphor and how to properly underline each.
14. Model with the students how to analyze the meaning of the similes and metaphors and
have students write the simile or metaphor and its meaning on the backside of the, Ill
Make a Man Out Of You, worksheet.
15. Call on students to identify more similes and metaphors throughout the song (identify 2
more of each) explain to students that there are more throughout the song and if they
finish the next activity early they can go back and find more
16. Pass out the, Youre a mean one, Mr. Grinch worksheet
17. Explain to students the general meaning of the song, Youre a Mean One Mr. Grinch,
by Thurl Ravenscroft.
18. Have students listen to the part of the song they will be working with using this link,
19. After listening to the song, tell students they will complete this worksheet with their table
20. Students will be asked to identify and explain the meaning of the similes and metaphors
they identify within the context of the song.
21. While students are working the teacher will walk around the classroom and answer any
questions that arise and help any students who are struggling.
22. After 15-20 minutes refocus the students for a whole class discussion, ask students to
share out the similes and metaphors they found and explain what the actual meaning is.
23. Students will turn in this worksheet so the teacher can check for understanding

1. The teacher will model how to identify a simile and metaphor in a song and how to color
code each one properly.

Guided Practice:
1. Together with the teacher, students will find similes and metaphors and color code them
properly and explain their meanings.

Independent Practice:
1. Students will be given Youre A Mean One Mr. Grinch and they will identify similes
and metaphors within the song

1. Ask student to share the similes and metaphors they identified and their meanings.
2. Review with students the difference between a simile and a metaphor
3. Today you got to identify similes and metaphors in the context of two songs. Over the
next few days we will be learning different types of figurative language.

Differentiated Learning Activities

1. GATE students will be asked to look back at the book we are reading in class, In The
Year of The Boar and Jackie Robinson, and find similes and metaphors present in the

Learning Difficulties or disabilities:

1. Students with learning difficulties or disabilities will be provided with a supplementary
worksheet that will only ask them to find similes or metaphors

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