UP Authority To Fill Guidelines
UP Authority To Fill Guidelines
UP Authority To Fill Guidelines
Quezon City
TO Vice Presidents
Acting Chancellor, UP Cebu
Director, PGH
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Secretary of the University
President ~~~
1. Justification: including faculty, staff, & student ratios for academic units
2. Statement on the mission and goals of the unit over the next five (5) years
3. List of specific duties and responsibilities with corresponding weights
4. Contribution of the new employee to the mission and goals of UP, through
the unit I office
5. Organizational chart
6. Functional chart
7. Current staff chart
8. Signs and degree of backlog in performance targets & accomplishments
9. Coping mechanisms
Concerned officials involved in the process shall ensure strict due diligence in
reviewing and recommending approval through the eUP HRIS. Please note that
eUP HRIS generated documents do not require a signature, and are
considered official. For guidance & compliance.
Administrative Order No.4, issued on 13 Feb. 1989, Section 5 on "Filling up of vacant items
Republic Act No. 7430, "An Act Providing for Optimum Utilization of Pefsonnel in
Government Service Through a System of Attrition", enacted on 07 February 1992
Administrative Order No. 103, "Directing the Continued Adoption of Austerity Measures in the
Government", issued on 31 Aug. 2004 by Pres. G. M. Arroyo Section 2 continues to
implement the "Attrition Policy".
PAEP Memorandum No 11-05 "University Policies for Authority to Fill Plantilla Items", issued
on 11 April 2011.
For queries on system usage, please contact the eUP He/pdesk or email: [email protected]
For other questions, please contact your respective HRDOs.
Diliman, Quezon City
<Chancellor/UPC Dean>
This is to inform you of the approval of the request to fill the vacant position, <position>,
position of <CU/UPC College Organization> on <date of approval>.
Please coordinate with the HRDO for the publication, posting, and other procedures and
guidelines relative to the filling of the said position.
Thank you.
Administrative Order No. 4, issued on 13 Feb. 1989, Section 5 on Filling up of vacant items
AO103 s.2004 Attrition Policy; CSC-DBM Joint Circular No. 3, s. 2004
Memorandum No. MVG 06-50 dated 05 June 2006 Requests for Authority to Fill Vacant / Vacated Items
Memorandum No. PAEP 11-05 dated 11 April 2011 University Policies for Authority to Fill Plantilla Items
SG <Salary Grade-Step>
cc: HRDO
Approved by:
This is to inform you of the approval of the request to fill the vacant position, University
Researcher Position I, of Faculty of Management and Development Studies on 24 February 2016.
Please coordinate with the HRDO for the publication, posting, and other procedures and
guidelines relative to the filling of the said position.
Thank you.
Administrative Order No. 4, issued on 13 Feb. 1989, Section 5 on Filling up of vacant items
AO103 s.2004 Attrition Policy; CSC-DBM Joint Circular No. 3, s. 2004
Memorandum No. MVG 06-50 dated 05 June 2006 Requests for Authority to Fill Vacant / Vacated Items
Memorandum No. PAEP 11-05 dated 11 April 2016 University Policies for Authority to Fill Plantilla Items
SG 16-1
cc: HRDO
Approved by: