Crisan Zbuchea Moraru 2014 Big Data
Crisan Zbuchea Moraru 2014 Big Data
Crisan Zbuchea Moraru 2014 Big Data
Camelia CRIAN1,
Alexandra ZBUCHEA2
Steliana MORARU3
Abstract. Big Data is a phenomenon that has been made possible by the IT and the
social media revolutions - where content is created or generated by users and their
interaction, at the same time with the exponential increase of the data storage capacity,
according to the Moores law. It has been a long-time dream of social scientists to
investigate an issue of importance for large groups of people where n - the number of the
investigated subjects - is not determined by some statistical complex formula, but rather
by mentioning n=all. This would allow for better results, with wider applicability in
the attempts to understand the society, its trends, ideas and how they propagate, as well
as the capacity of taking more efficient decisions that concern purchase, education,
health and politics. But what are the costs? Our paper aims at looking at means and
ways through which Big Data is being generated, to provide examples of Big Data
ownership and consequences derived from this, and to illustrate the use of Big Data for
improving the life of the societys members. We define the Big Data, how it is generated,
processed and the degrees of responsibility in maneuvering such precious resource. At
the same time, our focus is on the backside of accumulating large amounts of personal
information. We evaluate how and if major companies are handling Big Data properly
- from disclosing information about gathering such data, processing it and using it to
their own profit, with the informed consent of the subjects. In our research we discuss
potential implications from the perspective of redefining what personal and private still
means when individual data becomes a commodity.
Big Data is everywhere. Big Data is upon us. We live in the age of big
data. The era of Big Data has begun (Boyd & Crawford, 2014; Tene &
Polonetsky, 2013). Or should we say: Welcome to Big Data. Welcome to
the end of computing as we have known it for 70 years (Needham, 2013).
All the above points of view are conveying one thing - we are witnessing a
revolution in the way information is being gathered, stored and processed.
From each Internet login, from each app usage, from each shopping item
bought online, from the sensors of our engines millions and millions of
pieces of information are being generated every minute. Such data does
not only need huge capacity to be stored, but what researchers have
recently found is that processing it, brings about patterns and correlations
that are affecting large amounts of people or can increase the innovation
potential of companies. For instance, in 2009 Google was able to track
the expansion of pig flu epidemic by following searches for flu related
topics. It did this two weeks before the US Center for Disease Control
(Loukides, 2011). In another example, a computer scientist, Oren Etzioni,
aggregating open data offered by airline companies, has set up a web search
engine allowing future passengers to buy plane tickets at the best timing,
for the best price (Mayer-Schonberger & Cukier, 2013). Even if it is about
big or small results, big data analyses have allowed people make better,
more informed decisions and as a result, their lives changed for better.
Boyd and Crawford (2014, p. 663) define Big Data as: a cultural,
technological and scholarly phenomenon that rests on the interplay of:
technology, analysis and mythology. In their view Big Data rests on
computer power, its analysis determine patterns which generate knowledge
and insights that one could not have foreseen previously with an aura of
truth, objectivity and accuracy. Sangameswar (2013) defines more clearly
the type of information that are part of Big Data: traditional enterprise data
(customer information, web store transactions, etc.), machine generated
and sensor data, weblogs, equipment logs and social data, including
customer feedback streams, micro-blogging. McAffee and Brynjolfsson
(2012, p. 63) say that Big Data has three types of characteristics: volume
(which has been detailed above), variety (messages, updates, and images
posted to social networks; readings from sensors; GPS signals from
cell phones, etc.) and velocity (information is generated in real-time or
nearly real-time which allows a company to be much more faster than its
Davenport and Patil (2012) claim that a new job - data scientist - is the
sexiest job of the 21st century. They start their argument from presenting
the case of a PhD graduate from Stanford which brought LinkedIn to the
success it is today, just because his data analysis showed that people could
832 Strategica 2014
The detractors of Big Data conquers all position express, in our view,
3 main areas of concern: quality of data analysis, compensation for
personal data usage, protection of privacy and intimacy. Big Data does
not necessary mean better data or scientifically sound data, which could
lead to scientifically sound research and thus quality of knowledge (Boyd
& Crawford, 2014). Companies storing peoples data should made
them aware that such data may be used for economic purposes and, as a
result, pay them in return for using their data (Buck, Horbel, Kessler &
Germelmann, 2014). To the same extent, people should be made aware or
educated to become more careful that the free usage of some apps in return
to their personal data needed to install them may be a bad bargain for
them. In terms of privacy and intimacy, we will refer to this by large in the
next chapter, however, it is worth mentioning here that realizing at some
point that your personal data is available to potentially anyone paying a
good price to sell you something, or that a Big Brother can follow your
every move tend to cast a shadow of fear and adversity towards companies
for which we, sometimes non intentionally, allow access to our private
online life.
Camelia CRIAN, Alexandra ZBUCHEA,
Steliana MORARU
The backside of Big Data from the individual and society perspective
- breaching the right to intimacy
As mentioned above, the benefits of using Big Data are largely recognized,
both at society level / macro-level policies (Bollier, 2010; Chen, Chiang
& Storey, 2012; Gehrke, 2012; Lohr, 2012; Whitepaper, 2012), as well
as at business-level strategies (Bollier, 2010; Lohr, 2012; McAffee &
Brynjolfsson, 2012; Russom, 2011). Using Big Data has also downsides.
For instance, it could be deceptive and could lead to false findings, either
deliberately or unconsciously (Lohr, 2012; Yetiskin, 2014). Interpretation
of Big Data is sensitive in several ways to biases (Bollier, 2010). In this
context not just honesty in dealing with and analyzing Big Data is
important, but also qualified work force is necessary. There is an increased
demand for specialized analysts (Lohr, 2012; McAffee & Brynjolfsson,
2012), as well as for a new managerial approach (McAffee & Brynjolfsson,
2012; Yetiskin, 2014).
In business context, one of the most debated Big Data related issues is
the privacy of consumers. Laurila et al. (2012) consider that protecting
privacy of individuals behind the data is obviously the key reason for access
and usage limitations of Big Data. Respecting the right to privacy of the
consumers and stakeholders is not just a matter of ethics but also a matter
of good business. Companies have to consider not just the legislation, but
also the requirements of the wider public to benefit of privacy and respect
in their relationships with businesses in order to be trusted and preferred
to their competition.
Agreeing that the main three characteristics of big data are volume, velocity
and diversity (McAfee & Brynjolfsson, 2012; Whitepaper, 2012; Russom,
2011), we would like to add to these, a relevant forth one: personal
character. Big Data is intimately related with individuals, comprising in
many instances sensitive personal and financial information. Therefore,
privacy issues are extremely important to consider when acquiring, storing,
processing, analyzing and using Big Data. This is proved by the interest of
governments to regulate this field, as well as numerous public scandals and
consumer taking of stand in this respect.
834 Strategica 2014
Special privacy issues could emerge also when using Big Data for the
benefit of larger communities. Many discussions are related, for instance,
with the use of Big Data in health care in the US (Bollier, 2010; Groves et
al., 2013). Privacy is a key-factor in the process of sharing vital data, as well
Camelia CRIAN, Alexandra ZBUCHEA,
Steliana MORARU
The first sensitive issue is to decide what information to collect. It is not just
a matter of management of having significant information, but also of
ethics of justifying the storage of that specific information. An additional
ethical and legal aspect is to obtain the approval of each individual to store,
manipulate and use that information. In many cases the information is not
used only by the organization that obtained it, but also by its associates.
The transmission of data to third-bodies is also highly sensitive (Asay,
2013). Not just consumers do not have control over this information, but
companies themselves loose the control.
One of the privacy breaches is the identity theft. It can occur in many forms,
as it widely means the unauthorized use of information (MacDermott &
Smith, 2013). 10% of the US online consumers were victim of an identity
theft (MacDermott & Smith, 2013). Some artists and hacktivists draw
the attention on the perils associated with Big Data wrongful handling,
in order to make people aware of the sensitivity of the information they
share online (Yetiskin, 2014) and how social reality can be manipulated. A
severe privacy issue is the phishing phenomenon, since it involves in many
cases disclosure and subsequent use of financial information.
836 Strategica 2014
Even if privacy seems to be a hot topic in the context of Big Data and
the Internet / mobile environment, the tendency overall, both considering
businesses and governments is the growing control of consumers, as well
as of citizens (Yetiskin, 2014). Organizations and individuals are caught
between ethics and business/politics. Some delicate situations may arise.
Sometimes companies take the ethical stand, but for whose benefit? For
instance, Facebook protected its users from intrusion and loss of privacy
against their employers, but, in fact, the company protected itself from
future damage and lack of trust (MacDemott, 2013).
4. A cookie, also known as an HTTP cookie, web cookie, or browser cookie, is a small
piece of data sent from a website and stored in a users web browser while the user is
browsing that website. Every time the user loads the website, the browser sends the
cookie back to the server to notify the website of the users previous activity. Cookies were
designed to be a reliable mechanism for websites to remember statefull information (such
as items in a shopping cart) or to record the users browsing activity (including clicking
particular buttons, logging in, or recording which pages were visited by the user as far
back as months or years ago).
Camelia CRIAN, Alexandra ZBUCHEA,
Steliana MORARU
No more than 15 years ago (Google was created just the year before, and
Facebook or Twitter did not exist yet), Scott McNealy, at that time CEO of
Sun Microsystem5, put it very briefly - consumer privacy issues are a red
herring and you have zero privacy anyway in a meeting with journalists.
His statement raised many problems and was followed by numerous
critical points of view. For the purpose of our article, we quote Stephen
Manes, editor at PC World (an??). He affirmed, he (McNealy) is right
on the facts, wrong on the attitude. Its undeniable that the existence of
enormous data-bases on everything from our medical histories to whether
we like beef jerky may make our lives an open book, thanks to the ability of
computers to manipulate that information in every conceivable way. But I
suspect even McNealy might have problems with somebody publishing his
familys medical records on the Web, announcing his whereabouts to the
5. Sun Microsystems, Inc. was a company that sold computers, computer components,
computer software, and information technology services and that created the Java
programming language and the Network File System.In 2010was acquired by Oracle.
838 Strategica 2014
14 years later, in 2013, the world encountered a new face of the problem,
as Edward Snowden6 leaked the information regarding National Security
Agencys (NSA)7 program called PRISM8. This brought a new perspective
regarding the value of privacy and confidentiality and many citizens
become more aware of the possible implications data-mining could have.
Nine in ten (88%) US consumers are at least a little concerned about the
privacy of their personal data, new figures show (GfK, 2014).
Regardless though, for every action taken in order to protect the users
privacy, there is a counterpart that reminds them about the facilities they
may gain from offering personal information. The online industry, and not
only, has made a purpose from gathering as much as possible data, in order
to offer a personalized experience to each consumer. From advertisers, to
governments and nongovernmental organizations, each of them looks for
opportunities to have access to users data, in order to mine it and to be
able to perform their activities even better.
9. PageFair is a free service that allows websites owners to measure how many of their
visitors block ads, and attempt to recover the lost revenue. For the mentioned report, they
have been collecting anonymous data on adblocking behavior from their clients in 2012.
840 Strategica 2014
Research methodology
We propose in this paper an exploratory research in order to map the
relation between the consumer and selected companies in what concerns
the use of their data and the terms and conditions they agree upon when
they start using their services and products. Our aim is to compare the
type of information requested by two international companies and
two Romanian companies from their users through the Terms and
Conditions - contractual relations. Our methodological approach
consisted in analyzing the online documents publicly posted on each
companys website and conducting content analyses of the terms and
conditions specified. The analysis unit has been the theme and the text
we have studied are the provisions from Terms and Conditions. The main
themes we have identified are: what data is being asked from users, how
the data is created and used, and if the data can be used by third parties. All
these themes have been split in sub-categories, for a more detailed analysis.
As a result, the coding process for the analyzed text has been the following:
The criteria for selecting the four companies were their impact upon
consumers in terms of daily use and the potential of generating data (over
1 million users, highly rate of daily content creation and sharing, number
of monthly visits) and their turnover (over 500,000 Euro). Besides that,
we took into consideration their location, including two Romanian-based
842 Strategica 2014
companies. These companies are Google Inc., Facebook Inc., which are
American based companies, and Dante International (owner of,
and Orange, which are Romanian based companies.
Founded in 1998, Google Inc. has set itself the mission to organize the
worlds information and to make it universally accessible and useful.
According to the companys financial reports, Google Inc. turnover
in 2013 was USD 57.86 billion, the highest since the company was
established, and currently, they process over 40,000 search queries every
second on average, meaning more than 3.5 billion searches per day and
1.2 trillion searches per data, year worldwide. Taking into consideration
the information offered by in4mation insights10, a company specialized
among other in Big Data, Google processes more than petabytes11 a day. As
Kulathuramaiyer and Balke (2006) stated, in the light of constant growth,
Google is not really a competitor anymore, but already the environment.
10. in4mation insights, located in Needham, MA, was founded in 2006 by Mark Garratt
and Steve Cohen. Their vision is to evolve the field of analytics and marketing research
beyond the standard methods by providing the marketplace with highly innovative
solutions and predictive tools.
11. A petabyte is 1,048,576 gigabytes
12. According to Facebook, active user is defined as an user who has logged into
Facebook at least once in the previous 30 days.
Camelia CRIAN, Alexandra ZBUCHEA,
Steliana MORARU
Fully securing our online data is no longer possible, and our online activities
are subject to monetization, development and research. Consumers deserve
to benefit from high standards of commitment from the companies
they trust their information with. This means that both companies, and
customers should act in a more responsible way confronted with personal
and sensitive information. In the users case, many of them tend to be
unaware of the potential dangers of over-sharing information on different
online environments and the ways other persons, not companies, might
take advantage of that specific information. The best example in this case
Camelia CRIAN, Alexandra ZBUCHEA,
Steliana MORARU
Besides this, for the persons who read these documents, the language
and the particularities of certain terms (e.g. data storage and legislation)
might not be easy to understand. This leads us to the responsibility of
the company. Under the faade of tailored services, we could see that
the companies practices go further. They can track many of our online
activities, be it on their website or on others. Everything is measured and
analyzed, making possible for third parties to benefit or could lead to a
discriminatory profiling based on age, race, ethnicity etc.
In essence, our paper raises a few interesting issues to explore further:
personal information and online actions are becoming commodities.
At the same time, trade and revenues are generated by the primary and
secondary processing of personal data. The actions of the companies are in
a grey area, due to the fact that the information requested by Terms and
Conditions is voluntary provided.
To put everything in balance is easy, but finding the right way to focus on
the responsible way of collecting more data, because this is what future
reveals to us, is a real challenge. The debate goes now to the ethical sphere,
where the battle between acceptable and not acceptable, and the context
and the purpose will play a bigger role in defining the ethical framework,
more than legislation.
13. Two situations are popular among the examples given to sustain these affirmations.
In 2004, PC Pitstop, a company active in the technology field, put a clause in its end-
user license agreement, offering $1,000 to the first person who emailed the company at
a certain address. Only after five months and 3,000 sales, someone wrote the company
asking for the sum of money. Another recent example, from 2010, refers to Gamestation,
a computer game retail, which wanted to play a joke for April fools day, mentioned in
their Terms and conditions that the users would sell them their souls. They added the
immortal soul clause to the contract signed before making any online purchase, stating
that customers grant the company the right to claim their soul. In that day, 7500 online
agreements were signed.
846 Strategica 2014
What we see from our research is a need to invest more in the digital
education of the consumer, to help him / her better understand his/her
choices, the possible consequences of his/her online activities and the
impact these could have upon shaping the legislation.
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Camelia CRIAN, Alexandra ZBUCHEA,
Steliana MORARU