Usmle Step 1 Review: Recommended Course Order

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2013 edition

Course Viewing Options

Part 2 consists of 205 videos. Examples of 12, 15, 19, 21, and 25 day plans are
provided below for maximum flexibility to meet your personal study needs.

No. of Videos/Day Video Runtime/Day*

12-day plan 17 Approx. 6.5 hrs

15-day plan 14 Approx. 5.5 hrs

19-day plan 11 Approx. 4.5 hrs

21-day plan 10 Approx. 4 hrs

25-day plan 8 Approx. 3 hrs

*Does not include study breaks or time spent annotating and answering questions.
Copyright 2013 Doctors In, LLC

Doctors In, LLC

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Fort Worth, TX 76107
All Rights Reserved. This text is protected by copyright. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including photocopying, or
utilized by any storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner.

For problems, questions, or concerns, you may contact the author at [email protected] .
Recommended Course Order

A lthough you have the flexibility to view the videos in any order , we strongly recommend
that you watch the videos in the order in which your personalized dashboard presents them
regardless of how many videos you view in a day.

1. Foundations 1 - Embryology part 1 36. I mmunology 6 - I mmunization and Autoantibodies

2. Foundations 2 - Embryology part 2 37. I mmunology 7 - G ranulocytes , Cytokines , and
3. Foundations 3 - Cellular O rder I mmunosuppressants
4. Foundations 4 - Cytoskeleton and O ther 38. I mmunology 8 - Complement and Hypersensitivity
Cellular Components 39. I mmunology 9 - I mmunodeficiencies
5. Foundations 5 - Plasma M embrane 40. M icro 1 - HIV
6. Foundations 6 - Cellular S uffering and D eath 41. M icro 2 - HIV D rugs
7. Foundations 7 - I nflammation 42. GI 2- E sophagus
8. Foundations 8 - Control of the E xtracellular 43. GI 3 - Stomach
Environment 44. Pharm Basics 6 - Pharmacokinetics
9. Foundations 9 - Cellular A daptations 45. GI 4 - U pper GI path
10. N euro 1 - B rain Embryology 46. GI 5 - D uodenum
11. N euro 2 - O rganization of the B rain 47. GI 6 - Pancreas
12. N euro 3 - Hypothalamus 48. Endocrine 8 - D iabetes
13. N euro 4 - S leep 49. Endocrine 9 - DKA and D iabetes Treatment
14. N euro 5 - Cranial N erves 50. GI 7 - Enterocytes and A bsorption
15. N euro 6 - B rainstem and B ranchial A pparatus 51. GI 8 - D iseases of S mall I ntestine
16. Pharm Basics 1 - Parasympathetic Activation 52. B iochem 3 - G lucose
17. Pharm Basics 2 - Parasympathetic I nhibition 53. B iochem 4 - G lycogen
18. Pharm Basics 3 - Cellular Communication 54. B iochem 5 - Energy
19. Endocrine 1 - Endocrine Overview 55. B iochem 6 - HMP S hunt and O ther S ugars
20. Endocrine 2 - Pituitary 56. B iochem 7 - Fuel Use
21. Endocrine 3 - A drenal Steroid Synthesis 57. Endocrine 10 - O besity
22. Endocrine 4 - G lucocorticoids and Cushing 58. GI 9 - H epatocytes and Cirrhosis
59. GI 10 - L iver Pathology
23. Endocrine 5 - O ther A drenal Pathology
60. GI 11 - H epatitis
24. Pharm Basics 4 - Sympathetic Activation
61. GI 12 - B iliary Tract
25. Pharm Basics 5 - Sympathetic I nhibition
62. B iochem 8 - L ipids
26. GI 1 - O ropharynx
63. B iochem 9 - A mino Acids and N itrogen
27. Endocrine 6 - Thyroid Basics and
Hyperthyroidism 64. B iochem 10 - A mino Acid D isorders
28. Endocrine 7 - Hypothyroidism and Thyroid 65. Pharm Basics 7 - D rug M etabolism
C ancer 66. H eme 1 - Clotting Factors
29. I mmunology 1 - I mmunology Basics 67. H eme 2 - RBC s
30. I mmunology 2 - A ntigen Presentation 68. B iochem 11 - DNA Basics
31. I mmunology 3 - T Cells 69. B iochem 12 - DNA R eplication , M utation , and
32. I mmunology 4 - M onocytes and Macrophages R epair
33. B iochem 1 - RNA 70. B iochem 13 - M inerals
34. B iochem 2 - Protein 71. H eme 3 - N onhemolytic A nemias
35. I mmunology 5 - B Cells and A ntibodies 72. H eme 4 - H emolytic A nemias

Recommended Course Order

73. H eme 5 - Platelets 112. M icro 14 - TB and TB drugs

74. H eme 6 - C ancers of B lood 113. M icro 15 - S pirochetes and w
75. B iochem 14 - Fat-Soluble Vitamins and 114. M icro 16 - N onstaining Bacteria
A ntioxidants 115. C ardiovascular 1 - Embryology
76. B iochem 15 - Water-Soluble Vitamins 116. C ardiovascular 2 - D evelopmental Pathology
77. GI 13 - L arge I ntestine 1 117. C ardiovascular 3 - C ardiac O utput
78. GI 14 - L arge I ntestine 2 118. C ardiovascular 4 - H eart Failure
79. M icro 3 - Enterobacteriaceae , D iarrhea , and 119. C ardiovascular 5 - Edema
Food Poisoning
120. C ardiovascular 6 - C ardiac Cycle
80. M icro 4 - Protozoa
121. C ardiovascular 7 - H eart M urmurs
81. M icro 5 - H elminths and Ectoparasites
122. C ardiovascular 8 - Electrophysiology
82. O ncology 1 - G enetics of C ancer
123. C ardiovascular 9 - A ntiarrhythmics
83. O ncology 2 - C ancer R isk Factors
124. C ardiovascular 10 - Electrocardiography
84. O ncology 3 - N eoplastic Progression
125. C ardiovascular 11 - A rrhythmias
85. O ncology 4 - C ancer Prevention and Host
D efense 126. C ardiovascular 12 - R egulation of BP
86. O ncology 5 - C ancer D rugs 127. C ardiovascular 13 - Hypertension
87. M edicine in Society 1 - Studies and D iagnostic 128. C ardiovascular 14 - A ntihypertensives
Tests 129. C ardiovascular 15 - Atherosclerosis
88. M edicine in Society 2 - A pplication of Test Data 130. C ardiovascular 16 - A ntianginal Therapy and
89. M edicine in Society 3 - B ias and Error L ipid -Lowering Agents
90. M edicine in Society 4 - Confidence I nterval 131. C ardiovascular 17 - Myocardial I nfarction
91. M edicine in Society 5 - P ublic H ealth 132. C ardiovascular 18 - C ardiomyopathies and
92. M edicine in Society 6 - G eriatrics
133. C ardiovascular 19 - O ther C ardiac Pathology
93. M edicine in Society 7 - H ealth C are System
134. C ardiovascular 20 - Vascular D iseases
94. M edicine in Society 8 - Ethics
135. N euro 7 - R egions of the B rain
95. P ulmonary 1 - A natomy and Physiology
136. N euro 8 - B rainstem in Cross S ection
96. P ulmonary 2 - Lung Volumes and P ulmonary
Circulation 137. N euro 9 - Occlusion syndromes
97. P ulmonary 3 - Oxygen and H emoglobin 138. N euro 10 - Vascular Events
98. P ulmonary 4 - Oxygenation and Ventilation 139. N euro 11 - M ovement
99. P ulmonary 5 - E xtreme Environments 140. N euro 12 - Basal Ganglia
100. P ulmonary 6 - PE and DVT 141. N euro 13 - S pinal Cord and L esions
101. P ulmonary 7 - COPD and A sthma 142. N euro 14 - B rachial Plexus and U pper E xtremity
N erves
102. P ulmonary 8 - R estrictive Lung D isease
143. N euro 15 - Lower E xtremity & S keletal M uscle
103. P ulmonary 9 - Lung C ancer and I nfections
144. R heum & D erm 1 - B one and B one D isorders
104. M icro 6 - Bacterial Basics
145. Endocrine 11 - C alcium M etabolism
105. M icro 7 - Bacterial Toxins
146. R heum & D erm 2 - J oint Basics
106. M icro 8 - Staphylococcus
147. R heum & D erm 3 - J oint D iseases
107. M icro 9 - Streptococcus
148. R heum & D erm 4 - Systemic D isorders
108. M icro 10 - O ther G ram Positives
149. N euro 16 - S ensation
109. M icro 11 - Penicillins
150. R heum & D erm 5 - D ermatology
110. M icro 12 - Cephalosporins
151. M icro 17 - Mycology
111. M icro 13 - O ther Cell Wall I nhibitors
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Recommended Course Order

152. M icro 18 - A ntifungals 194. R eproduction 7 - Vaginal and Cervical

153. N euro 17 - Eye Pathology
154. N euro 18 - E ar 195. R eproduction 8 - U terine Pathology
155. Psych 1 - Psychology 196. R eproduction 9 - O varian Pathology
156. Psych 2 - Child Psych 197. R eproduction 10 - Pregnancy part 1
157. Psych 3 - A lcohol A buse 198. R eproduction 11 - Pregnancy part 2
158. Psych 4 - S ubstance A buse 199. R eproduction 12 - Chromosomal D isorders
159. N euro 19 - D elirium and D ementia 200. R eproduction 13 - G enetic D isorders: AD and
Trinucleotide R epeats
160. N euro 20 - H eadache
201. R eproduction 14 - G enetic D isorders: AR and
161. N euro 21 - B rain Tumors X-L inked
162. N euro 22 - A nesthetics 202. B iochem 16 - G enetic L aboratory Techniques
163. N euro 23 - S eizures 203. B iochem 17 - I nheritance
164. Psych 5 - Psychosis 204. R eproduction 15 - B reast
165. Psych 6 - B ipolar D isorder 205. Pediatrics - Pediatric R eview
166. Psych 7 - D epression
167. Psych 8 - A ntidepressants
168. Psych 9 - A nxiety and Somatoform D isorders
169. Psych 10 - Ego D efense M echanisms and
Personality D isorders
170. R enal 1 - Basics
171. R enal 2 - N ephron Physiology
172. R enal 3 - D iuretics
173. R enal 4 - M etabolic D isorders
174. R enal 5 - G lomerular Pathology
175. R enal 6 - O ther R enal Pathology
176. M icro 19 - UTI
177. M icro 20 - O ther G ram N egative Bacteria
178. M icro 21 - Protein Synthesis I nhibitors
179. M icro 22 - Viral Basics
180. M icro 23 - H erpes Viruses
181. M icro 24 - O ther DNA Viruses
182. M icro 25 - RNA Viruses part 1
183. M icro 26 - RNA Viruses part 2
184. M icro 27 - M icro by Systems part 1
185. M icro 28 - M icro by Systems part 2
186. Pharm Basics 8 - D rug S ide Effects
187. Pharm Basics 9 - A ntidotes
188. R eproduction 1 - A natomy & Embryology
189. R eproduction 2 - A ndrogens
190. R eproduction 3 - Testicular Pathology
191. R eproduction 4 - Penis and Prostate Pathology
192. R eproduction 5 - Female R eproductive Cycle
193. R eproduction 6 - B irth Control and M enopause
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