09 Dieux Olympe PDF
09 Dieux Olympe PDF
09 Dieux Olympe PDF
and their
an introduction to Greek
Mythology for kids!
To specify, Greek mythology is the body of myths and teachings that belong to
the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, and the nature and origin of the
world. When we say ancient Greece, we mean ancient! This period lasted from around
800 BCE until about 600 AD. Their mythology was a part of the religion in ancient
Greece. Modern scholars refer to and study the myths in an attempt to understand the
religious and political elements of Ancient Greece and its civilization. Greek mythology
is told through a large collection of written texts, and in Greek representational arts,
such as vase-paintings and sculpture. Greek myth attempts to explain the origins of
the world, and details the lives and adventures of a wide variety of gods, goddesses,
heroes, heroines, and mythological creatures. These accounts initially were spread in an
oral-poetic tradition (passed on from generation to generation by parents telling their
children these stories and poems); but today the Greek myths are known primarily
from Greek literature.
The amount of myths and stories that the Greeks created is incredibly large. Each
god has stories that not only relate to other gods, but to mortals (or regular humans
like you and me) as well. The Greeks were very creative in the way that they chose to
explain the world around them. Imagine not knowing why the seasons changed or why
there were stars in the sky! The Greeks had to think up sometimes fantastical ideas in
order to understand the world and its happenings.
The twelve gods and goddesses we will discuss here are called the Twelve
Olympians. They are called Twelve Olympians because, you guessed it, there were
twelve of them, and they all lived in the sky on top of a huge mountain called Mount
Olympus. The Greeks believed that this mountain was so tall that it touched the sky.
These twelve gods were the principal characters in many of the Greek myths and they
all played important roles in everyday classical Greek life.
In this book, youll meet all the major gods in Greek mythology and youll even
see how these stories affect us today!
The Twelve
King of Gods
Zeus is the Father of the job of distracting Hera
Gods and men who rules from his affairs by talking
the Olympians of Mount incessantly, and when Hera
Olympus as a father rules discovered the deception,
a family according to she cursed Echo to repeat
ancient Greek religion. the words of others.
Queen of gods
Goddess of marriage
and family
Hera is the wife of Zeus. by making her a magical
Her chief function is as throne which, when she
the goddess of women sat on, did not allow her to
and marriage. leave. The other gods begged
Hephaestus to return to
She presides over the Mount Olympus to let
right arrangements of her go, but he repeatedly
the marriage and is the refused. The god of wine,
archetype of the union Dionysus persuaded him
in the marriage bed, but and took him back to Mount
she is not notable as a Olympus. Hephaestus then
mother. finally released Hera after
The only child that she being given Aphrodite as his
had with Zeus was Ares. wife. Hera was most known
Hera was jealous of Zeus as the matron goddess, Hera
giving birth to Athena, so, Teleia; but she presided over
according to the myth, she weddings as well.
gave birth to Hephaestus
without him. Hera was
then disgusted with
Hephaestus ugliness and
threw him from Mount
Olympus to the earth
However, Hephaestus
gained revenge against
Hera for rejecting him
God of the Sea
Poseidon was seen as the trident and a spring sprang
creator of new islands and up; the water was salty and
calm seas. When offended not very useful, whereas
or ignored, he supposedly Athena offered them an
struck the ground olive tree. The Athenians
with his trident and accepted the olive tree and
caused chaotic springs, along with it Athena as their
earthquakes, drownings patron, for the olive tree
and shipwrecks. Sailors brought wood, oil and food.
often prayed to Poseidon After the fight, infuriated
for a safe voyage. at his loss, Poseidon sent a
The City of Athens monstrous flood, to punish
the Athenians for not
Athena (see page 22) choosing him. The contest
became the patron of Athena and Poseidon
goddess of the city of was is now drawn above the
Athens after a competition entrance to the Parthenon,
with Poseidon. At a festival the first sight that all visitors
at the end of the year in see when they visit
the Athenian calendar, the the Parthenon.
priests of Athena and the
priest of Poseidon agreed
that each would give the
Athenians one gift and
the Athenians would
choose whichever gift
they preferred. Poseidon
struck the ground with his
Goddess of the
God of war
The Greeks were ambivalent clever device. In the tale, the
toward Ares: although he Sun-god Helios once spied Ares
embodied the physical valor and Aphrodite kissing each
necessary for success in war, other secretly. He reported
he was a dangerous force, the incident to Hephaestus.
overwhelming, insatiable in Contriving to catch them,
battle, destructive, and man- Hephaestus fashioned a finely-
slaughtering. Fear (Phobos) knitted and nearly invisible
and Terror (Deimos) were net with which to snare them.
the horses that pulled his At the appropriate time, this
battle chariot. net was sprung, and trapped
Ares is the son of Zeus Ares and Aphrodite locked in
and Hera, but he plays a very private embrace.
relatively limited role in But Hephaestus was not
Greek mythology, though satisfied with his revenge,
his numerous love affairs so he invited the Olympian
and abundant offspring are gods and goddesses to
often alluded to. When Ares view the unfortunate pair
does appear in myths, he in their shame. Once the
typically faces humiliation. couple were loosed,
He is well known as the lover Ares, embarrassed,
of Aphrodite, the goddess returned to his
of love (see page 26), who homeland, Thrace, and
was married to Hephaestus, Aphrodite went to Paphos
god of craftsmanship (see where she was born.
page 14). The most famous
story related to Ares and
Aphrodite shows them
exposed to ridicule through
the wronged husbands
God of blacksmiths,
craftsmen, artisans,
sculptors, metals, fire
and volcanoes
As a smithing god, by herself. In both myths,
Hephaestus made all the Hera was then disgusted
weapons of the gods in with Hephaestus ugliness
Olympus. He served as and threw him from Mount
the blacksmith of the Olympus to the earth below.
gods, and was worshipped However, Hephaestus gained
in the manufacturing revenge against Hera for
and industrial centres of rejecting him by making her
Greece, particularly Athens. a magical throne which, when
He designed Hermes (see she sat on, did not allow her to
page 24) winged helmet leave. The other gods begged
and sandals, Aphrodites Hephaestus to return to Mount
famed girdle, Achilles Olympus to let her go, but he
armor, Helios chariot, repeatedly refused. The god
and Eros bow and arrows. of wine, Dionysus persuaded
Prometheus stole the him and took him back to
fire that he gave to man Mount Olympus. Hephaestus
from Hephaestus forge. then finally released Hera
Hephaestus also created the after being given Aphrodite as
gift that the gods gave to his wife.
man, the woman Pandora
H e p h a e s t u s
and her famous box.
is reported in
Being a skilled blacksmith,
mythological source as
Hephaestus created all the
lame. He was depicted
thrones in the Palace of
with crippled feet and as
misshapen, as a result
According to different of his fall from
sources, he is either the son Olympus.
of Zeus and Hera together,
or Hera gave birth to him
God of light and
the sun
As the patron of Delphi, Apollo was the birth of Apollo.
an oracular god - the prophetic deity
Four days after his birth, Apollo killed
of the Delphic Oracle. Medicine and
the dragon Python, which lived in
healing are associated with Apollo,
Delphi. Hera sent the serpent to hunt
yet Apollo was also seen as a god
Leto to her death across the world.
who could bring ill-health and deadly
To protect his mother, Apollo begged
plague. Amongst the gods custodial
Hephaestus for a bow and arrows. After
charges, Apollo became associated
receiving them, Apollo cornered Python
with dominion over colonists, and
in the sacred cave at Delphi.
as the patron defender of herds and
flocks. As the leader of the Muses Apollos Lyre
and director of their choir, Apollo
functioned as the patron god of One night while Hermes was still a
music and poetry. Hermes created baby, his mother, Maia, had wrapped
the lyre for him, and the instrument him in blankets but Hermes escaped
became a common attribute of while she was asleep. Hermes ran away,
Apollo. Hymns sung to Apollo were and stumbled upon where Apollo was
called paeans. grazing his cattle. The baby Hermes stole
When Zeus wife Hera discovered a number of his cows and took them to
that Leto was pregnant, she banned a cave. In the cave, he found a tortoise
Leto from giving birth on land. Leto and killed it. He used one of the cows
found the newly created floating insides and the tortoise shell and made
island of Delos, which was neither the first lyre.
mainland nor a real island. She Apollo complained to Maia that her son
gave birth there and was accepted had stolen his cattle, but Hermes had
by the people, offering them her already replaced himself in the blankets
promise that her son would be she had wrapped him in,
always favourable toward the city. so Maia refused to believe
Afterwards, Zeus secured Delos to Apollos claim. Zeus intervened
the bottom of the ocean. This island and, claiming to have seen the
later became sacred to Apollo. It events, sided with Apollo. Hermes
is also stated that Hera kidnapped then began to play music on the lyre
Eileithyia, the goddess of childbirth, he had invented. Apollo, a god
to prevent Leto from going into of music, fell in love with the
labor. The other gods tricked Hera instrument and offered
into letting her go by offering her a to allow exchange
necklace, nine yards (8 m) long, of of the cattle for
amber. Most believed that Artemis the lyre.
was born first and then assisted with
Goddess of the hunt, wild
animals, wilderness, childbirth,
Artemis is the daughter of Zeus The Aloadae: These twin sons, Otos
and Leto, and has a twin brother, and Ephialtes, grew enormously at
Apollo. When Zeus wife Hera a young age. They were aggressive,
discovered that Leto was pregnant great hunters, and could not be killed
and that Zeus was the father, she unless they killed each other. The
banned Leto from giving birth growth of the twins never stopped,
on land. In her wanderings, Leto and they boasted that as soon as
found the newly created floating they could reach heaven, they would
island of Delos, which was neither kidnap Artemis and Hera and take
mainland nor a real island. She them as wives. The gods were afraid
gave birth there and was accepted of them, except for Artemis who
by the people, offering them her changed herself into a doe and jumped
promise that her son would be out between them. The twins both
always favourable toward the city. threw their spears at the doe and so
Afterwards, Zeus secured Delos mistakenly killed each other.
to the bottom of the ocean.It is Callisto
also stated that Hera kidnapped
Callisto was a princess and also was
Eileithyia, the goddess of
one of Artemiss hunting attendants.
childbirth, to prevent Leto from
As a companion of Artemis, she took
going into labor. The other gods
a vow of chastity. Zeus appeared to
tricked Hera into letting her go
her disguised as Artemis, gained her
by offering her a necklace, nine
confidence, then took advantage
yards (8 m) long, of amber. Most
of her. As a result of this encounter
believed that Artemis was born
she conceived a son, Arcas. Enraged,
first and then assisted with the
Artemis and Hera changed
birth of Apollo.
her into a bear. Her son
Actaeon almost killed the bear, but
Zeus stopped him just in
Actaeon was a hunting companion
time. Out of pity, Zeus placed
of the goddess. One day, he tried
both Arcas and Callisto into the
to spy on her bathing naked in
heavens as bears, forming the
her sacred spring. Upon seeing
Little Dipper (Ursa Minor)
her natural beauty, he attempts
and the Big Dipper
to force himself on her. For this,
(Ursa Major)
Athena in her rage turns him into
a stag and he is devoured by his
own hunting dogs who no longer
recognize their master.
God of the grape harvest,
winemaking and wine, of
ritual and ecstasy
Semele was a priestess of Zeus, and he decided to teach all that he had learned
once watched her slaughter a bull at his to the Greeks, but was opposed by some
altar and afterwards swam in a river to who dreaded its introduction on account
cleanse herself of the blood. Zeus fell in of the disorders and madness that alcohol
love with Semele and repeatedly visited lead to.
her secretly.
King Midas:
Zeus wife, Hera, discovered his affair
when Semele later became pregnant. Once, Dionysus old school master and
Appearing as an old, ugly woman, foster father went missing and was found
Hera befriended Semele, who told her by some peasants who carried him to
that her lover was actually Zeus. Hera their king. King Midas recognized him,
planted seeds of doubt in Semeles and treated him hospitably, hosting him
mind. Curious, Semele asked Zeus to for ten days and nights. On the eleventh
grant her a favor. Zeus promised on day, he brought Silenus back to Dionysus.
the River Styx to grant her anything Dionysus offered Midas whatever reward
she wanted. She demanded that Zeus he wanted.
reveal himself in all his glory as proof Midas asked that whatever he might touch
of his godhood. Though Zeus begged should be changed into gold. Dionysus
her not to, she persisted and he was consented, though was sorry that he had
forced by his oath to comply. Mortals, not made a better choice. Midas excitedly
however, cannot look upon Zeus in his touched and turned to gold an oak twig
true God form, and she perished upon and a stone. As soon as he got home,
seeing him. Zeus rescued Dionysus, though, he found that his bread, meat,
and gave the infant to Hermes. and wine all turned to gold as soon as he
One version of the story is that Hermes touched it. Worst of all, when he brushed
took the boy to King Athamas and his his daughters hand with his own, she was
wife Ino, Dionysus aunt. Hermes bade turned to gold as well. Upset, Midas strove
the couple raise the boy as a girl, to hide to rid himself of his power (the
him from Heras wrath. Midas Touch); he hated the
His festivals were the driving force gift he had coveted. He prayed
behind the development of Greek to Dionysus who heard and
theatre. When Dionysus grew up, he consented; he told Midas to wash
discovered the culture of the vine and in the river Pactolus. He did so, and
the mode of extracting its precious juice; when he touched the waters the power
but Hera struck him with madness, and passed into them, and the river
drove him to wander through various sands changed into gold. This
parts of the earth. Rhea was able to myth explained why the sands
cure him and he set out on a journey of the Pactolus were
through Asia teaching the people the rich in gold.
cultivation of the vine. The most famous
part of his wanderings is his expedition
to India. Returning in triumph he
Goddess of wisdom,
courage, civilization,
law and justice,
strategy and the arts
Athena was the favorite daughter tree brought wood, oil and food. After the
of Zeus, born fully armed from his fight, infuriated at his loss, Poseidon sent a
forehead. Zeus lay with Metis, the monstrous flood, to punish the Athenians
goddess of crafty thought and wisdom, for not choosing him. The contest of
but he feared the consequences. It Athena and Poseidon was drawn above the
was prophesied that Metis would bear entrance to the Parthenon, the first sight
children more powerful than the father, that all visitors see when they visit.
even Zeus. In order to stop these dire
The fable of Arachne / the Origin of
consequences, after lying with Metis,
Zeus put her away inside his own
belly. However, he was too late: Metis Arachne was the daughter of a famous
had already conceived. Eventually Zeus dyer and a weaving student of Athena.
experienced an enormous headache, She became so conceited of her skill as a
seeking Hephaestus for help. He struck weaver that she began claiming that hers
Zeuss head with a double-headed axe. was greater than that of Athena herself.
Athena then leaped from Zeuss head, Athena gave Arachne a chance to redeem
fully grown, armed and armoured with herself by assuming the form of an old
a shout. woman and warning Arachne not to offend
Athena never had a consort or lover and the deities. Arachne scoffed and wished
is thus known as Athena Parthenos, for a weaving contest, so she could prove
Virgin Athena. It is not merely an her skill.
observation of her chastity, but a Athena wove the scene of her victory over
recognition of her role as enforcer of Poseidon that had inspired her patronage
rules of sexual modesty. The Athenians of Athens. Arachnes tapestry featured
highly valued the goddess based on twenty-one episodes of the infidelity of the
this pureness of virginity as it upheld deities, including Zeus being unfaithful
the morals of female behavior in the with several women. Athena admitted that
patriarchal Greek society. Arachnes work was flawless,
Athena became the patron goddess of but was outraged at Arachnes
the city of Athens after a competition offensive choice of subject.
with Poseidon. At a festival at the end Finally, losing her temper, Athena
of the year, the priests of Athena and destroyed Arachnes tapestry and
the priest of Poseidon agreed that each loom, striking it with her shuttle.
would give the Athenians one gift and Athena then struck Arachne with her
the Athenians would choose whichever staff, which changed her into a
gift they preferred. Poseidon struck the spider. The fable suggests that
ground with his trident and a spring the origin of weaving
sprang up; the water was salty and not lay in imitation of
very useful, whereas Athena offered spiders.
them an olive tree. The Athenians
accepted the olive tree and along with
it Athena as their patron, for the olive
God of
transitions and
He was quick and cunning, of his cows and took them to
and moved freely between a cave. In the cave, he found a
the worlds of the mortal tortoise and killed it. He used
and divine, as emissary one of the cows insides and
and messenger of the gods, the tortoise shell and made the
intercessor between mortals first lyre. Apollo complained to
and the divine, and conductor Maia that her son had stolen his
of souls into the afterlife. He cattle, but Hermes had already
was protector and patron of replaced himself in the blankets
travelers, herdsmen, thieves, she had wrapped him in, so Maia
orators and wit, literature and refused to believe Apollos claim.
poets, athletics and sports, Zeus intervened and, claiming
invention and trade. In some to have seen the events, sided
myths he is a trickster, and with Apollo. Hermes then began
outwits other gods for his to play music on the lyre he had
own satisfaction or the sake invented. Apollo, a god of music,
of humankind. fell in love with the instrument
According to legend, Hermes and offered to allow exchange
was born in a cave on Mount of the cattle for the lyre. Hence,
Cyllene in Arcadia. Zeus Apollo then became a master of
had impregnated Maia, a the lyre.
mountain nymph, at the His name coming
dead of night while all other from herma, a square
gods slept. When dawn or rectangular pillar in
broke, amazingly, Hermes either stone or bronze,
was born. Maia wrapped with the head of Hermes,
him in swaddling bands, which adorned the
then resting herself, fell fast top of the pillar.
asleep. Hermes ran away, and
stumbled upon where Apollo
was grazing his cattle. The
baby Hermes stole a number
Goddess of love,
beauty, pleasure,
and procreation
Aphrodite is usually Aphrodite is consistently
said to have been born portrayed, in every image
near her chief center of and story, as having had
worship, Paphos, on the no childhood, and instead
island of Cyprus. She was being born as a nubile,
born out of sea foam as it infinitely desirable adult.
washed upon the shore. In many of the later myths,
Because of her beauty, she is portrayed as vain,
other gods feared that ill-tempered and easily
their rivalry over her offended. Although she
would interrupt the peace is married - she is one of
among them and lead the few gods in the Greek
to war, so Zeus married Pantheon who is - she is
her to Hephaestus, who, frequently unfaithful to her
because of his ugliness and husband.
deformity, was not seen Aphrodites husband is
as a threat. Hephaestus is one of the most even-
overjoyed to be married tempered of the Gods, but
to the goddess of beauty, in the Odyssey she
and forges her beautiful is she is portrayed
jewelry, including the as preferring Ares,
cestus, a girdle that makes the volatile god of
her even more irresistible war because she is
to men. But Aphrodite attracted to his
did not love Hephaestus violent
and had many lovers - nature.
both gods, such as Ares,
and men.
This is a map of Greece.
Various temples to certains
gods and goddesses are
shown with the cities where
they were located. As you
can see, most of the ancient
Greeks lived in the south,
near the water because their
civilization was based on
trade and the quickest way to
get around back then was by
a boat powered by hundreds
of oarsmen. As you can see,
Zeus had the most temples,
as he was the most important
figure in Greek mythology. He
is followed by by Apollo, and
notice how all of Poseidons
temples are located right
next to the sea.
Family Tree
Here is a picture of the family tree of the Twelve Olympians. As you can see, there are some
other gods and goddesses who are related to the Twelve Olympians who arent included in the
twelve we listed. This is because these gods and goddesses are less important and were less
worshipped than Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, Hephaestus,
Hera, Hermes, Poseidon, and Zeus. Hestia is the goddess of the home and architecture. Zeus
and Heras other children were Eileithyia (the goddess of childbirth), Enyo (the goddess of
war), Eris (the goddess of chaos), and Hebe (the goddess of youth).
A Greek hero of the Trojan War and the central character and greatest warrior of
Homers Iliad. Achilles was said to be a demigod; his mother was a nymph, and his
father was a king.
A settlement, especially a citadel, built upon an area of elevated groundfrequently
a hill with precipitous sides, chosen for purposes of defense.
The food and drink of the Greek gods, often depicted as conferring ageless immortality
(see immortal in Glossary) upon whomever consumed it.
A staff carried by Hermes. It is a short staff entwined by two serpents, sometimes
surmounted by wings. The caduceus is often mistakenly used as a symbol of medicine
and medical practice (especially in North America), due to historical confusion with
the traditional medical symbol, the rod of Asclepius. The Rod of Asclepius has only
a single snake and no wings, so it is similar in form to the caduceus. The Rod of
Asclepius is wielded by the Greek god Asclepius, the god of healing and medicine.
A primordial race of giants, each with a single eye in the middle of his forehead.
Delphi is both an archaeological site and a modern town in Greece. Delphi was the
site of the Delphic oracle, the most important oracle in the classical Greek world, and
became a major site for the worship of the god Apollo.
The god of love.
The ancient Greek god of the underworld. Brother of Zeus and Poseidon.
The personification of the sun.
someone who can live forever (opposite of mortal, or someone who is liable or subject
to death)
1. Unable to walk properly because of a problem with ones feet or legs.
2. Moving with pain or difficulty on account of injury, defect or temporary obstruction
of a function: a lame leg, arm or muscle.
The mother of Apollo and Artemis, which Leto conceived after her hidden beauty
accidentally caught the eyes of Zeus.
The goddesses of the inspiration of science and the arts, especially literature, dance,
and music. They were considered the source of the knowledge, and are the nine
daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne (the personification of memory).
A mountain nymph and mother of Hermes with Zeus.
The Odyssey:
The Odyssey is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems written by Homer. It is,
in part, a sequel to the first major ancient Greek epic poem The Iliad, the other work
by Homer. The poem is fundamental to the modern Western literature, and is the
second oldest example of Western literature, the Iliad being the oldest. It is believed
to have been composed near the end of the 8th century BC, somewhere in Ionia, the
Greek coastal region of Anatolia.
A coastal city in the southwest of Cyprus and the capital of Paphos District.
A temple on the Athenian Acropolis, dedicated to the maiden goddess Athena, whom
the people of Athens considered their patron deity. Its construction began in 447
BCE when the Athenian Empire was at the height of its power. It was completed in
438 BCE, although decoration of the building continued until 432 BCE. It is the most
important surviving building of Classical Greece.
A hero and a trickster figure who is credited with the creation of man from clay. He
is most well-known for stealing the gift fire from the gods (namely Hephaestus) and
giving to mankind, an act that enabled progress and civilization. He is known for his
intelligence, and as a champion of humanity.
The mother of the Olympian gods and goddesses, but not as an Olympian goddess in
her own right. Married to Cronus.
A mortal priestess of Zeus and the mother of Dionysus with Zeus.
courage 24
craftsmen 16
Achilles 17
Cronus 7 34,
, ,
Acropolis 24 32 34
crown 8
Aloadae 21
cuckoo 8
anvil 16
cypress tree 20
, , , , , , , ,
Aphrodite 3 5 9 15 17 28 29 31 33
Cyprus 29 34 ,
Apollo 3, 5, 7, 18, 19, 21, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33
Arachne 25
Arcadia 27 ,
Delos 19 21
, , , , , , ,
Ares 3 5 7 9 14 15 29 31 Demeter 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 31
Artemis 3, 7, 18, 19, 20, 21, 31, 33 Dionysus 3, 5, 7, 9, 17, 22, 23, 31, 34
artisans 16 dog 14
, , , , , , , , , , ,
Athena 3 5 7 9 11 14 21 24 25 31 33 34 dolphins 10
, ,
bear 14 21 25 Echo 7
blacksmiths 16 ecstasy 22
boundaries 26 , ,
Eileithyia 19 21 31
, ,
bull 6 22 23 Ephialtes 21
Eris 31
Eros 17
caduceus 26 32,
Callisto 21
, , , ,
chariot 10 12 14 15 17 , ,
family 7 8 31
G law 24
, ,
girdle 17 28 29
, , ,
Leto 18 19 21 33
light 18
grape harvest 22
lion 8
, , , , , , , , , , , ,
Greek 1 4 6 7 14 15 22 23 25 29 30 32
Lyre 19
33, 34
Hades 13 32
, ,
Maia 19 27 33
marriage 8, 9, 12
harvest 12, 13, 22
metals 16
Hebe 31
Metis 25
Helios 17
moon 20
, ,
helmet 14 17 24
Mount Cyllene 27
Hephaestus 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 16, 17, 19, 25, 29, 31,
33, 34
, , ,
Mount Olympus 4 7 9 17
Mt. Olympus 22
Hera 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 31
Heracles 7
Muses 19 33 ,
myrtle tree 28
, , , , , , , , , , ,
Hermes 3 5 7 13 17 19 23 26 27 31 32 33
Hestia 31 O
hunt 19 20
oak 6
I ,
Odyssey 29 33
King Athamas 23 ,
Pandora 17 33
, ,
Persephone 7 12 13 ,
the arts 24 33
pomegranate 8, 13 The Cyclopes 7
poppy 12 Thrace 15
, , , , , , ,
Poseidon 3 5 10 11 25 30 31 32 three-pronged fish spears (tridents) 10
pouch 26 thunderbolt 6
Prometheus 17 34 , torch 12
purse 26 , ,
tortoise 19 26 27
Python 19 transitions 26
raven 18 ,
virginity 20 25
, ,
Rhea 7 23 34 volcanoes 16
ritual 22
River Styx 23 34 ,
rooster 26 , , ,
war 14 15 29 31
rose 28 Weaving 25
wheat 12
wild animals 20
scallop shell 28 wilderness 20
sculptors 16 , , ,
wine 9 17 22 23
Sea 10 winemaking 22
, ,
Semele 22 23 34 winged cap 26
serpent 19, 22 winged sandals 26
smiths hammer 16 wisdom 24 25,
snake 24 32 ,
sparrow 28
spear 14 24 , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Zeus 3 5 6 7 8 9 13 15 17 18 19 21
stag 20, 21 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
strategy 14, 24
sun 18, 32
swan 28
Terror (Deimos) 15