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Calculating likelihood ratios for

forensic speaker comparisons using

phonetic and linguistic parameters

Erica Ashley Gold

Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy

The University of York

Department of Language and Linguistic Science
Submitted January 2014
The research presented in this thesis examines the calculation of numerical

likelihood ratios using phonetic and linguistic parameters derived from a

corpus of recordings of speakers of Southern Standard British English. The

research serves as an investigation into the development of the numerical

likelihood ratio as a medium for framing forensic speaker comparison

conclusions. The thesis begins by investigating which parameters are claimed to

be the most useful speaker discriminants according to expert opinion, and in

turn examines four of these selected/valued parameters individually in

relation to intra- and inter-speaker variation, their capacities as speaker

discriminants, and the potential strength of evidence they yield. The four

parameters analyzed are articulation rate, fundamental frequency, long-term

formant distributions, and the incidence of clicks (velaric ingressive plosives).

The final portion of the thesis considers the combination of the four parameters

under a numerical likelihood ratio framework in order to provide an overall

likelihood ratio.

The contributions of this research are threefold. Firstly, the thesis

presents for the first time a comprehensive survey of current forensic speaker

comparison practices around the world. Secondly, it expands the phonetic

literature by providing acoustic and auditory analysis, as well as population

statistics, for four phonetic and linguistic parameters that survey participants

have identified as effective speaker discriminants. And thirdly, it contributes to

the forensic speech science and likelihood ratios for forensics literature by

considering what steps can be taken to conceptually align the area of forensic

speaker comparison with more developed areas of forensic science (e.g. DNA)

by creating a human-based (auditory and acoustic-phonetic) forensic speaker

comparison system.

Table of Contents

Title Page............................................................................................................................................................i

Abstract ............................................................................................................................................................iii

Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................... 1

List of Tables and Figures .................................................................................................................... 10

List of Appendices .................................................................................................................................... 15

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................. 16

Declaration ................................................................................................................................................... 19

Quote Page .................................................................................................................................................... 21

Chapter 1: Introduction......................................................................................................................... 23

1.1 Forensic Speaker Comparison .................................................................................................... 23

1.1.1 Expression of Conclusions ................................................................................................... 25

1.2 Research Aims ................................................................................................................................... 27

1.3 Thesis Outline .................................................................................................................................... 28

Chapter 2: Literature Review ............................................................................................................. 32

2.1 Paradigm Shift ................................................................................................................................... 32

2.2 Changes in the Law .......................................................................................................................... 35

2.3 Bayes Theorem................................................................................................................................. 38

2.3.1 Likelihood Ratio ....................................................................................................................... 40

2.3.2 Prior Odds................................................................................................................................... 43

2.3.3 Posterior Odds .......................................................................................................................... 44

2.3.4 Logical Fallacies ....................................................................................................................... 45

2.4 Forensic Speaker Comparison .................................................................................................... 47

2.4.1 Complexity of Speech Data .................................................................................................. 48

2.4.2 The Phonetic Shibboleth....................................................................................................... 51 Research Question 1 ..................................................................................................... 53

2.4.3 Current Conclusion Framework in the UK .................................................................... 53

2.5 Likelihood Ratios in Forensic Speech Science ...................................................................... 59

2.5.1 Likelihood Ratios in the Literature .................................................................................. 60 Likelihood Ratios for Speaker Discrimination ................................................... 60 Research Question 2.................................................................................. 61 Improving Likelihood Ratio Methodologies ....................................................... 62 Research Question 3 .................................................................................. 63

2.5.2 Likelihood Ratios in Practice .............................................................................................. 64 Research Question 4 ..................................................................................................... 68

2.6 Summary of Research Questions ............................................................................................... 69

Chapter 3: International Survey of Forensic Speaker Comparison Practices ......... 71

3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 71

3.1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................ 72

3.2 The Survey .......................................................................................................................................... 74

3.2.1 SurveyGizmo.............................................................................................................................. 74

3.2.2 Methodology: Data Compilation ........................................................................................ 74

3.3 Participants ......................................................................................................................................... 75

3.3.1 Countries ..................................................................................................................................... 75

3.3.2 Place of Work ............................................................................................................................ 76

3.3.3 Experience .................................................................................................................................. 76

3.4 Methods of Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 76

3.5 Conclusion Frameworks ................................................................................................................ 78

3.5.1 Population Statistics ............................................................................................................... 83

3.6 Guidelines ............................................................................................................................................ 83

3.7 Casework Analysis: Alone or in Conjunction with Others............................................... 84

3.8 Casework in Foreign Languages ................................................................................................ 84

3.9 Features Examined in Detail ........................................................................................................ 84

3.9.1 Phonetic Features .................................................................................................................... 84 Segmental Features ....................................................................................................... 85 Suprasegmental Features ........................................................................................... 86

3.9.2 Non-Phonetic Features.......................................................................................................... 88 Higher-Order Linguistic Features ........................................................................... 88 Non-Linguistic Features .............................................................................................. 89

3.10 What is Considered Discriminant ........................................................................................... 89

3.11 Discussion ......................................................................................................................................... 90

3.12 Limitations ....................................................................................................................................... 94

3.13 Parameters Chosen for Further Analysis............................................................................. 95

Chapter 4: Articulation Rate ............................................................................................................... 96

4.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 96

4.2 Literature Review ............................................................................................................................ 97

4.3 Population Statistics for Articulation Rate ......................................................................... 102

4.3.1 Data ............................................................................................................................................ 103

4.3.2 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 105

4.3.3 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 109

4.3.4 Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 114

4.3.5 Limitations .............................................................................................................................. 115

4.4 Redefining the Speech Interval................................................................................................ 115

4.4.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 116

4.4.2 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 116

4.4.3 Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 118

4.5 Manipulating the Syllable Requirements ............................................................................ 119

4.5.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 120

4.5.2 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 120

4.5.3 Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 123

4.6 Likelihood Ratios ........................................................................................................................... 123

4.6.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 123

4.6.2 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 127 LRs for ARs in 100 SSBE Male Speakers ............................................................ 128 LRs for ARs of 25 Speakers with Variation in the Minimum Number of

Syllables in a Speech Interval ............................................................................................... 131

4.6.3 Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 132

4.7 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 133

Chapter 5: Long-Term Formant Distributions ...................................................................... 136

5.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 136

5.2 Literature Review ......................................................................................................................... 137

5.3 Population Statistics for LTFD1-4 .......................................................................................... 146

5.3.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 146

5.3.2 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 147

5.3.3 LTFD1-4 Results Compiled ............................................................................................... 162

5.4 Likelihood Ratios for LTFD ....................................................................................................... 163

5.4.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 163

5.4.2 Results for LTFD1-4: Individually and in Combination ........................................ 165

5.4.3 Results of Package Length ................................................................................................ 171

5.5 Discussion......................................................................................................................................... 172

5.5.1 Discriminant Value of Higher Formants ..................................................................... 172

5.5.2 Comparison of LTFD, MFCC, MVKD, and GMM-UBM Results ............................. 174

5.6 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 176

Chapter 6: Long-Term Fundamental Frequency .................................................................. 178

6.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 178

6.2 Literature Review ......................................................................................................................... 179

6.2.1 F0 as a Speaker Discriminant in Forensic Phonetics ............................................. 180

6.2.2 Effects of Exogenous Factors on F0 .............................................................................. 183

6.3 Population Statistics for Fundamental Frequency .......................................................... 186

6.3.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 186

6.3.2 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 189

6.3.3 Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 193

6.4 Likelihood Ratios ........................................................................................................................... 195

6.4.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 195

6.4.2 Results for F0 ......................................................................................................................... 195

6.4.3 Results of Package Length ................................................................................................ 197

6.5 Discussion......................................................................................................................................... 199

6.6 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 200

Chapter 7: Click Rate ............................................................................................................................ 202

7.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 202

7.2 Literature Review ......................................................................................................................... 203

7.3 Data ..................................................................................................................................................... 208

7.4 Methodology.................................................................................................................................... 208

7.5 Results................................................................................................................................................ 210

7.5.1 Phonetic Properties of the Clicks ................................................................................... 211

7.5.2 Functional Aspects of the Clicks ..................................................................................... 211

7.5.3 Results: Inter-Speaker Variation .................................................................................... 212 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 216

7.5.4 Results: Intra-Speaker Variation within an Interaction ....................................... 217 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 221

7.5.5 Results: Intra-Speaker Variation across Different Interactions ........................ 221

7.6 Likelihood Ratios ........................................................................................................................... 225

7.7 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 228

Chapter 8: Overall Likelihood Ratios.......................................................................................... 230

8.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 230

8.2 Literature Review ......................................................................................................................... 232

8.3 Data ..................................................................................................................................................... 235

8.4 Correlations ..................................................................................................................................... 235

8.4.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 235

8.4.2 Within-Parameter Correlation Results ........................................................................ 238

8.4.3 Between-Parameter Correlation Results .................................................................... 242 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 248

8.5 Overall Likelihood Ratios ........................................................................................................... 248

8.5.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 249

8.5.2 Overall Likelihood Ratio Results: Uncalibrated ....................................................... 250

8.5.3 Overall Likelihood Ratio Results: Calibrated ............................................................ 254

8.6 Discussion......................................................................................................................................... 258

8.6.1 Do Clicks Improve the Complete System? .................................................................. 258

8.6.2 Comparing Individual Parameters to the Systems ................................................. 260

8.6.3 Limitations .............................................................................................................................. 263

8.7 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 265

Chapter 9: Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 267

9.1 Summary of the Forensic Speaker Comparison Practices Survey ............................ 267

9.2 Summary of Phonetic/Linguistic and Forensic Findings for Individual Parameters

...................................................................................................................................................................... 268

9.2.1 Articulation Rate ................................................................................................................... 268

9.2.2 Long-Term Formant Distributions ................................................................................ 269

9.2.3 Long-Term Fundamental Frequency............................................................................ 271

9.2.4 Click Rate.................................................................................................................................. 272

9.3 Summary of Discrimination Performance by the Overall System ............................ 274

9.4 Overall Findings ............................................................................................................................. 276

9.4.1 Human-Based System versus ASR ................................................................................. 276 A Fair Comparison? .................................................................................................... 277 Scope for Improvements in the Human-Based System ............................... 279 The Trade-Off ............................................................................................................... 280

9.4.2 Obstacles Facing the Implementation of an LR Framework ............................... 281

9.5 Methodological Limitations ...................................................................................................... 283

9.6 Implications for Forensic Speaker Comparisons ............................................................. 285

Chapter 10: Summary & Conclusion............................................................................................ 287

10.1 Research Questions Revisited ............................................................................................... 287

10.2 Opportunities for Future Research ..................................................................................... 291

10.3 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 292

Appendices ................................................................................................................................................ 293

List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................ 297

References ................................................................................................................................................. 299

List of Tables and Figures
List of Tables

Table 3.1: Methods of analysis employed by country 78

Table 3.2: Places of work against method of analysis employed 78
Table 3.3: Methods used for analysis in forensic speaker comparisons 81
against conclusion frameworks
Table 3.4: Conclusion frameworks used by country 82
Table 3.5: Satisfaction with conclusion framework 82
Table 3.6: Creation of guidelines/protocols 83
Table 3.7: Workers involved in a single case 84
Table 3.8: Frequency of consonant analysis in English 86
Table 4.1: Overview of articulation rate studies 101
Table 4.2: Examples of memory stretches for Speaker 036 108
Table 4.3: Summary of articulation rate statistics when varying the 120
minimum syllables in the speech interval
Table 4.4: Within-speaker differences for articulation rate 121
Table 4.5: Between-speaker differences for articulation rate 122
Table 4.6: Expressions for strength of evidence in terms of Log10 LR and 126
corresponding verbal expression following Champod and
Evetts (2000) verbal scale
Table 4.7: Summary of LR-based discrimination for articulation rate 128
(100 speakers)
Table 4.8: Summary of LR-based discrimination for mean articulation 131
rate when varying the minimum number of syllables in a
speech interval (25 speakers)
Table 5.1: Overall between-speaker results for LTFD1-4 162
Table 5.2: Overall within-speaker results for LTFD1-4 162
Table 5.3: Summary of LR-based discrimination for LTFD1-4 (100 165
Table 5.4: Summary of LR-based discrimination for different LTFD1-4 167

combinations (100 speakers)
Table 5.5: Package length variability 171
Table 5.6: Overview of discriminant formant studies where F3 performs 173
Table 5.7: Summary of LR-based discrimination for LTFD and MFCC in 175
competing studies
Table 6.1: Tailored Frequency Ranges for Selected Speakers 189
Table 6.2: Summary of LR-based discrimination for F0 (100 speakers) 196
Table 6.3: F0 package length variability for LR results 198
Table 6.4: Fundamental frequency across different package lengths 198
Table 7.1: Number of clickers versus number of non-clickers over 213
varying speech sample lengths
Table 7.2: Summary of Speakers Mean and Median Click Rates - Int1 223
versus Int2 and Int3
Table 7.3: Changes in click rate across speaker - Int1 versus Int2 224
Table 7.4: Changes in click rate across speaker - Int1 versus Int3 224
Table 7.5: Mean click rates of the three interlocutors 224
Table 8.1: Formant pairing within LTFD 237
Table 8.2: Between-parameter pairings 237
Table 8.3: Correlation coefficients within LTFD 242
Table 8.4: Correlation coefficients within- and between-parameters 247
Table 8.5: Summary of LR-based discrimination for the complete system 250,
(100 speakers) 288
Table 8.6: Summary of LR-based discrimination for alternative systems 253
(100 speakers)
Table 8.7: Summary of LR-based discrimination for individual 260
parameters (100 speakers)
Table 8.8: Performance comparison between individual parameters and 261
the complete system
Table 8.9: Best-performing system or individual parameter in relation to 262
LR statistics
Table 9.1: Human-based results against ASR (Batvox) results from 275
French et al. (2012) on studio quality data

List of Figures

Figure 2.1: Illustration of the UK Position Statement (Rose and Morrison, 55

2009, p. 141)
Figure 4.1: Distribution of mean articulation rates 110
Figure 4.2: Distribution of standard deviations in articulation rate 111
Figure 4.3: Cumulative percentages for mean articulation rate 112
Figure 4.4: Cumulative percentages for standard deviation in articulation 113
Figure 4.5: Comparison of mean articulation rate for memory stretches 117
versus inter-pause stretches
Figure 4.6: Tippett plot of articulation rate 130
Figure 5.1: Distribution of mean LTFD1 147
Figure 5.2: Distribution of standard deviation in LTFD1 148
Figure 5.3: Cumulative percentages for mean LTFD1 149
Figure 5.4: Cumulative percentages for standard deviation of LTFD1 150
Figure 5.5: Distribution of mean LTFD2 151
Figure 5.6: Distribution of standard deviation in LTFD2 151
Figure 5.7: Cumulative percentages for mean LTFD2 152
Figure 5.8: Cumulative percentages for standard deviation in LTFD2 153
Figure 5.9: Distribution of mean LTFD3 154
Figure 5.10: Distribution of standard deviation distribution in LTFD3 155
Figure 5.11: Cumulative percentages for mean LTFD3 156
Figure 5.12: Cumulative percentages for standard deviation in LTFD3 157
Figure 5.13: Distribution of mean LTFD4 158
Figure 5.14: Distribution of standard deviation in LTFD4 159
Figure 5.15: Cumulative percentages for mean LTFD4 160
Figure 5.16: Cumulative percentages for standard deviation in LTFD4 161
Figure 5.17: Tippett plot of LTFD1+2 168
Figure 5.18: Tippett plot of LTFD2+3 169
Figure 5.19: Tippett plot of LTFD1+2+3 169
Figure 5.20: Tippett plot of LTFD1+2+3+4 170
Figure 6.1: Example of a text grid annotation 188

Figure 6.2: Distribution of mean fundamental frequency 190
Figure 6.3: Distribution of standard deviation in fundamental frequency 191
Figure 6.4: Cumulative percentages for mean fundamental frequency 192
Figure 6.5: Cumulative percentages for standard deviation in 193
fundamental frequency
Figure 6.6: Tippett plot of fundamental frequency 197
Figure 7.1: The action of the vocal organs in producing a velaric 204
ingressive voiceless dental click k (a) first stage velic and
anterior closure; (b) second stage, expansion of the enclosed
oral space; (c) third stage, release of the anterior closure.
(Laver, 1994, p. 176)
Figure 7.2: IPA Chart - Clicks Excerpt 204
Figure 7.3: Distribution of click occurrences by functional category 212
Figure 7.4: Distribution of click totals over five minutes of speech 214
Figure 7.5: Distribution of click rate (clicks/minute) in DyViS population 215
Figure 7.6: Cumulative percentages for click rate 216
Figure 7.7: Mean and range of click rates across all speakers 218
Figure 7.8: Distribution of standard deviation in click rate 219
Figure 7.9: Cumulative percentages for standard deviation in click rate 220
Figure 8.1: LTFD1 versus LTFD2 238
Figure 8.2: LTFD1 versus LTFD3 239
Figure 8.3: LTFD1 versus LTFD4 239
Figure 8.4: LTFD2 versus LTFD3 240
Figure 8.5: LTFD2 versus LTFD4 240
Figure 8.6: LTFD3 versus LTFD4 241
Figure 8.7: Mean AR versus LTFD1-4 243
Figure 8.8: Click rate versus mean AR 244
Figure 8.9: Click rate versus mean F0 244
Figure 8.10: Click rate versus LTFD1-4 245
Figure 8.11: Mean F0 versus LTFD1-4 246
Figure 8.12: Mean F0 versus mean AR 247
Figure 8.13: Tippett plot of the complete system 251
Figure 8.14: Zoomed-in Tippett plot of the complete system 252

Figure 8.15: Tippett plot of the complete system - parameters calibrated 255
individually and then combined
Figure 8.16: Zoomed-in Tippett plot of the complete system - parameters 256
calibrated individually and then combined (-6 to 6 LLR)
Figure 8.17: Zoomed-in Tippett plot of the complete system - system 257
calibration after combination of parameters (-10 to 10 LLR)

List of Appendices
Appendix A: Survey Instructions

Appendix B: Example of a Bayesian Network for Speech Evidence

There is an ancient African proverb that says it takes a village to raise a child.
A portion of that proverb it takes a village- is now colloquially used to
acknowledge the influence a group of people can have when contributing to
something bigger than themselves.

Despite appearing as the single author of this piece of work, I believe that it
takes not just a single individual but a village to bring a PhD to fruition. To
that extent, I would like to take the opportunity to thank my village.

The first thank you goes to my supervisor, Professor Peter French, whose
support, guidance, and encouragement has helped shape every bit of this
research. Thank you for every discussion (of which there are far too many to
even count), the time you have spent editing drafts/abstracts/papers, and all
the opportunities you have graciously allowed me.

Thank you is also extended to Professor Paul Foulkes and Dr. Dominic Watt for
their advice and suggestions on this thesis. A general thank is also due to the
York team for helping to secure the Universitys position in the BBfor2 project.

I must thank BBfor2 for being a wonderful learning environment over the past
years. An important thank you goes to Dr. David van Leeuwen and Dr. Henk van
den Heuvel for their leadership and organization of the project. A thank you is
also extended to my supervisor in the BBfor2 network, Dr. Didier Meuwly, for
providing valuable insight into the application of Bayes Theorem in forensics.

During my PhD I was fortunate enough to go on two placements, from which I

learned so much. Thanks go to those who helped me at the Netherlands
Forensic Institute, especially Dr. Marjan Sjerps, Jacob de Zoete, and Vikram
Doshi with all things Bayesian.

I would also like to thank those at the University of Canterbury in the New
Zealand Institute for Language, Brain and Behaviour, especially Professor Jen
Hay for allowing me to be a part of such an amazing linguistic environment.
Thank you to Dr. Kevin Watson and Dr. Lynn Clark for giving me the
opportunity to work alongside you both.

A special thank you goes to Professor Colin Aitken, to whom I sent an email
containing a complicated statistics question in early 2012. If I could have
anticipated what was to follow, then I probably would have emailed sooner.
That email began what was to become an extremely rewarding exchange of
ideas at the interface of phonetics and statistics. Thank you for taking the time
to reply.

A thank you is also extended to those who have helped me along the way
through discussions, insight, and simply encouragement. Thank you to
Professor Anders Eriksson, Phil Harrison, Dr. Michael Jessen, Dr. Christin
Kirchhbel, Dr. Carmen Llamas, Professor Francis Nolan, Dr. Richard Ogden (for
all things non-pulmonic), and Lisa Roberts.

I must also express my gratitude to all 36 anonymous forensic experts who

participated in my survey for this PhD research. Without them my PhD would
lack a solid basis.

To all my office buddies over the years, I thank you for putting up with my
annoying finger tapping (as I counted syllables for AR) and the clicking sounds I
made (trying to determine place of articulation), the discussions we have had,
and simply from keeping me from talking to myself: Natalie Fecher, Jessica
Wormald, Becky Taylor, and Rana Alhussein Almbark.

A thank you must also go to Vincent Hughes for all our LR discussions. Without
a fellow LR-researcher this thesis just would not be the same. A thank you also
goes to the Forensic Research Group in the Language and Linguistic Science
Department at the University of York for providing a safe and nurturing
environment in which to exchange ideas.

Now to those behind the scenes. I must thank my family - Mom, Dad, and Lauren
for your unequivocal love and support. You have always encouraged me to
follow my interests, so much so that your encouragement has never faltered
even with me being 6,000 miles away from home. And sorry for all those middle
of the night phone calls when I miscalculated the time difference.

To Tom, my best friend and biggest supporter, you know the details of this PhD
almost as well as I do. Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on when things
got stressful, lending your ear as I discussed a long days worth of work,
providing unyielding patience, and your continued support and unconditional

Finally, despite my love for phonetics and linguistics, the work reported in this
thesis would not have been possible without the financial support of the
Bayesian Biometrics for Forensics (BBfor2) Network, funded by Marie Curie
Actions (EC Grant Agreement No. PITN-GA-2009-238803). Without the
generous support of this funding body, this thesis would not be possible.

To my village I thank you.

This is to certify that this thesis comprises original work and that all
contributions from external sources are acknowledged by explicit references.

I also declare that aspects of the research have been previously published or
submitted to journals and conference proceedings. These publications are as

o Gold, E. and Hughes, V. (2014). Issues and opportunities for the

application of the numerical likelihood ratio framework to forensic
speaker comparison. Science and Justice. <http://www.sciencedirect.
o Hughes, V., Brereton, A., and Gold, E. (2013). Sample size and the
computation of numerical likelihood ratios using articulation rate. York
Papers in Linguistics, 13, pp. 22-46.
o Gold, E., French, P., and Harrison, P. (2013). Clicking behavior as a
speaker discriminant in English. Journal of the International Phonetic
Association, 43(3), pp. 339-349.
o Aitken, C.G.G. and Gold, E. (2013). Evidence evaluation for discrete
data. Forensic Science International, 230(1-3), pp. 147-155.
o Aitken, C.G.G. and Gold, E. (2013). Evidence evaluation for multivariate
discrete data. In Proceedings of the 59th ISI World Statistics Congress,
Hong Kong. <>
o Gold, E., French, P., and Harrison, P. (2013). Examining long-term
formant distributions as a discriminant in forensic speaker comparisons
under a likelihood ratio framework. In Proceedings of Meetings on
Acoustics, (POMA - ICA 2013, Montreal) 19. [DOI: 10.1121/1.4800285]
o Gold, E. & French, P. (2011). International practices in forensic speaker
comparison. International Journal of Speech, Language and the
Law, 18(2), pp. 293-307.
o Gold, E. & French, P. (2011). An international investigation of forensic
speaker comparison practices. In Proceedings of the 17th International
Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong, pp. 751-754.


Erica Gold

Date: January 13, 2014

Not everything that can be counted counts

and not everything that counts can be counted.

-William Bruce Cameron

Chapter 1 Introduction
The research presented in this thesis explores the calculation of numerical

likelihood ratios using both phonetic and linguistic features. Articulation rate,

fundamental frequency, long-term formant distributions, and clicks (velaric

ingressive plosive sounds) are analyzed with the purpose of considering intra-

and inter-speaker variation, levels of speaker discrimination, the strength of

evidence, and the viability of presenting forensic speaker comparison

conclusions as numerical likelihood ratios. This chapter outlines the

contribution of the thesis in the field of forensic speech science, and provides a

short summary of forensic speaker comparison and conclusion frameworks

used in forensic speaker comparison cases. The research aims are then

described, and overviews of each chapter are provided.

1.1 Forensic Speaker Comparison

Forensic speaker comparison (FSC) is noted as being the most common

task carried out by forensic phoneticians (Foulkes and French, 2012, p. 558),

and the majority of research in the field of forensic speech science (hereafter

FSS) is oriented towards this task. FSC is also referred to by other terms such as

(forensic) speaker identification, (forensic) speaker recognition, and (forensic)

voice comparison (Rose, 2002; Rose and Morrison, 2009). However, the term

comparison is preferred in this thesis for two reasons. Firstly, it is not possible

to achieve an identification with 100% certainty under a frequentist 1

1The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines frequentist as [defining] the probability of an event

(as heads in flipping a coin) as the limiting value of its frequency in a large number of trials
< [Accessed 10 January 2014].

conclusion framework, given that there is always, to some extent, within-

speaker variability. Secondly, under a Bayesian framework the expert should

not take on the role of trier of fact by providing an identification. Rather,

his/her responsibility is to express the probability of obtaining the evidence

under the hypothesis that the samples came from the same person, versus the

probability of obtaining the evidence under the hypothesis that two different

speakers produced the criminal and suspect samples. The term speaker is

preferred over voice in this thesis as not all parameters examined in FSC work

are products of just the voice per se. The manifestation of speech parameters

can also be a reflection of the social and psychological mind-set of the individual

(e.g. French et al., 2010). Therefore, forensic speaker comparison is the term

preferred over other possible naming conventions.

The analysis in an FSC typically involves the comparison of two (or

more) recordings: a criminal sample (also referred to as an unknown,

disputed, trace, or questioned sample) and a suspect sample (also referred to

as a known or reference sample). The criminal sample is a recording adduced

as evidence that contains the speech of an unknown individual. It is possible for

the criminal recording to also contain other sounds associated with the crime

taking place. In the UK, the suspect sample is usually a recording of a police

interview (Nolan, 1983; Rose, 2002) with the suspect. The objective of the

expert forensic phonetician is to provide the trier(s) of fact with an informed

opinion regarding the probability of obtaining the evidence (the

similarities/differences between the criminal and suspect samples) under the

hypothesis that the samples came from the same person, versus the probability

of obtaining the evidence (the typicality of the analyzed speech parameters)

under the hypothesis that two different speakers produced the criminal and

suspect samples. This objective can be reached by experts using a variety of

methods (e.g. acoustic analysis, auditory analysis, acoustic and auditory

analysis, fully automatic speaker recognition2 (ASRs), or human-assisted ASR);

however, the most common method employed by experts is the combination of

auditory phonetic and auditory acoustic analysis of phonetic, linguistic, and

non-linguistic speech parameters (e.g. laughter, coughs; French et al., 2010).

1.1.1 Expression of Conclusions

Just as there is variability in the methodologies preferred for the

comparison of speakers, variability also exists across analyses with regard to

the expression of a conclusion at the end of a FSC. Conclusion frameworks can

include binary decisions (either the two speakers are the same person or they

are different speakers), classical probability scales (probability of identity

between the criminal and suspect; Broeders, 1999), the UK Position Statement

(a potentially two-part decision based on assessing consistency and

distinctiveness of the samples; French and Harrison, 2007), and likelihood

ratios (LR, either verbal or numerical, expressing the likelihood of finding the

evidence given a same-speaker versus different-speaker hypothesis; Morrison,

2009b; 2009c). There has recently, however, been a strong promotion of the

use of the LR framework, as it is advanced as being the only logically and

legally correct framework (Rose and Morrison, 2009, p. 143).

2Other researchers have use ASR to mean automatic speech recognition (e.g. Goel, 2000).
However, ASR is used in this thesis to mean automatic speaker recognition.

The use of the numerical LR in research literature has been given

increasing attention, starting with Rose (1999). However, the use of the

numerical LR in courts in cases involving FSCs is rare (see Rose, 2012; 2013).

Many reasons exist for the limited representation of the numerical LR in court, a

number of which are addressed in French et al. (2010). However, the key

practical limitation cited by French et al. (2010) preventing the implementation

of numerical LR conclusions lies in the limited availability of population

statistics and the difficulty of collecting them. If numerical LRs were to be

calculated with regard to the (very) few parameters for which there are

available population statistics, French et al. (2010, p. 149) argue that one runs

the risk of producing an opinion that could lead to a miscarriage of justice. This

is due to the fact that the analysis would fail to consider a large number of other

available parameters for which there are no population statistics. In turn, this

could impact the conclusion the expert would arrive at in a FSC case.

The motivation for this thesis stems directly from the difficulties and

limitations associated with calculating a numerical LR and the increased desire

for the field of forensic speech science to align itself with other more developed

disciplines of forensic science (e.g. DNA). Previous discussions have tended to

focus simply upon the reasons for or against the implementation of a numerical

LR. However, far less empirical work has been carried out to examine the

practicalities associated with the calculation of numerical LRs. The present

study serves as an exercise in calculating numerical LRs for speech data. The

data are derived from the speech of a homogeneous group of speakers, while

assessing the discriminant ability of these parameters in combination. This

exercise is intended to parallel the methodologies and procedures that would

be implemented in a real FSC case, should the analyst choose to utilize a

numerical LR framework.

1.2 Research Aims

The primary aims of this thesis are threefold. The first aim is to provide

the field of FSS with a comprehensive summary of current FSC practices used

around the world, which has never been previously available. The survey will

provide details regarding the types of analysis that are used and their

frequency, information on the speech parameters employed, experts opinions

of the discriminant value of those parameters, and the conclusion frameworks

they adopt. The survey will also serve as the primary motivation for the

selection of the four phonetic and linguistic parameters examined in this thesis.

The second aim is to expand the breadth of FSS literature by examining

the actual discriminant value of parameters (individually and in combination)

identified by expert forensic phoneticians as being good speaker discriminants.

Irrespective of the expectations and actual level of discrimination potential

carried by these given parameters, their distributions within the analyzed

population will nonetheless provide the field of forensic phonetics with useful

information that can further inform FSC casework. The analysis focuses on

three intrinsically quantitative phonetic parameters and one ostensibly

qualitative linguistic parameter, while aiming to increase the number of speech

parameters that can be considered under a numerical LR. Through this analysis,

the thesis simultaneously aims to contribute detailed population statistics for

four phonetic and linguistic parameters in a large, homogeneous group of

speakers. As such, this research will address the arguments set forth in French

et al. (2010) about the limited availability of population statistics.

The third, and final, aim of the present body of work is to take the

necessary steps to assess the practical limitations and opportunities associated

with the implementation of a numerical LR framework in FSCs. This begins by

examining potential correlations that exist between and within parameters, and

is then followed by appropriately combining the individual pieces of speech

evidence. Numerical LRs are then calculated, and strength of evidence and the

performance of the combined system are considered. Potential pitfalls and

successes are then acknowledged, as doing so is necessary in contributing to the

on-going discussion of whether it is practical to adopt a numerical LR

framework (in part or full) for FSCs. Most importantly, this work aims to

provide a transparent and objective assessment of the viability of implementing

a numerical LR framework for FSCs. This assessment will be approached from a

structured learning (data-driven) perspective, rather than through giving

subjective theoretical opinions regarding the use of numerical LRs in FSC


1.3 Thesis Outline

In Chapter 2, an overview is provided of relevant literature relating to the so-

called paradigm shift in forensic science, changes in the law Bayes Theorem

FSCs, the use of likelihood ratios (LRs) in FSCs, and a discussion of the

limitations relating to these topics. The research questions for this thesis that

have arisen from previous research reviewed in this chapter are also presented.

Chapter 3 reports on the construction, contents, and results of the first

comprehensive international survey of forensic speaker comparison practices.

It provides a summary of current practices around the world, commonly-used

phonetic, linguistic, and non-linguistic parameters in casework, conclusion

frameworks, and expert opinion about which parameters are believed to be

highly discriminant. A selection of those parameters found or claimed to be

useful speaker discriminants by survey participants is chosen for further

examination in subsequent chapters. They include: articulation rate, long-term

formant distributions, fundamental frequency, and clicks (velaric ingressive


The investigation of articulation rate (AR) as a speaker discriminant is

presented in Chapter 4. A summary of the AR literature is provided, followed by

an analysis of the distribution of AR in the test population. This chapter

explores the methodologies used for calculating AR by manipulating the

minimum syllable length requirement in a speech interval and comparing inter-

pause stretches with memory stretch intervals. The chapter concludes by

calculating LRs for AR and determining the levels of discrimination, strength of

evidence, and validity of the system.

Chapter 5 analyzes long-term formant distributions (LTFD) as a speaker

discriminant. A summary is provided of research that explores LTFD as a

parameter for FSC. LTFDs are analyzed individually as well as in combinations

relevant to forensic casework, while also providing population statistics. The

chapter investigates the effects that the package length (time intervals) of

tokens may have on results. Finally, LRs are calculated for individual formants

as well as in combination. The levels of discrimination are presented, along with

strength of evidence and validity of the system.

Long-term fundamental frequency (F0) as a speaker discriminant is

explored in Chapter 6. The chapter offers a summary of the relevant literature

on F0 as well as the external factors known to affect F0. Population statistics are

offered for F0, and the effects of the package length of tokens are investigated

for potential differences in the discriminant results for F0. The chapter

concludes with the calculation of LRs, and examines the levels of discrimination,

strength of evidence, and validity of F0 as a system.

Chapter 7 analyzes clicks3 (the final parameter in the thesis) as a speaker

discriminant. A summary of the literature on clicks in general is provided at the

beginning of the chapter, as well as clicks in conversation analysis. This chapter

considers click rate (frequency of velaric ingressive plosives) as a discriminant

parameter, and provides population statistics for within- and between-speaker

variability. The effects of accommodation are explored in relation to increases

in within speaker variation. The chapter concludes by discussing the impeding

limitation of not being able to calculate LRs for click rate, due to the lack of

appropriate modeling techniques for the data distribution presented by click


The correlations and combinations of those parameters presented in

Chapters 4-7 are explored in Chapter 8. The chapter provides a summary of the

literature on correlations and combinations of parameters in FSC. Correlations

are calculated between all parameters as well as within parameters. These data

are used to inform the appropriate methods for the combination of parameters

3 Used as discourse markers in conversation.

in order to create a complete system (consisting of the four parameters

explored in this thesis). Overall likelihood ratios (OLRs) are calculated for the

complete system as well as ten alternative systems that consist of different

combinations of LTFD, F0, and AR. The performance of the complete system (in

terms of strength of evidence and validity) is discussed in comparison to the

performance of the alternative systems.

The results presented in Chapters 3-8 are considered collectively and

discussed in Chapter 9. A comparative analysis of individual parameters is

offered alongside the combination of parameters as a system, examining levels

of discrimination between speakers, strength of evidence, and validity. The

phonetic-linguistic (human-based) system consisting of AR, LTFD, F0, and clicks

is then compared to the performance of ASRs. To conclude, limitations

associated with the calculation of numerical LRs are discussed, as well as the

implications for using a numerical LR framework in casework.

Finally, Chapter 10 provides a summary of the overall findings of the

thesis, revisits the thesis aims and identifies opportunities and challenges that

face the implementation of a numerical LR should practitioners choose to adopt

such a FSC conclusion framework.

Chapter 2 Literature Review
In this chapter, an overview is presented of the literature surrounding the so-

called paradigm shift in forensics changes in the law Bayes Theorem forensic

speaker comparisons (FSCs), the use of likelihood ratios (LRs) in FSCs, and the

limitations and shortcomings surrounding these topics that have led to the

research questions of this thesis. All subsequent chapters contain a literature

review concerning the issue or parameter under focus.

2.1 The Paradigm Shift

The term paradigm shift was first introduced by Kuhn in 1962. A paradigm in

the sciences is defined by Kuhn as a conceptual framework that only members

of a particular scientific community share. He goes on to describe a paradigm

shift as a change in these basic assumptions within the ruling theory of science.

An example of one of the most famous paradigm shifts in science is the

transition from a Ptolemaic cosmology to a Copernican one, in which the sun is

the center of the universe rather than the Earth (Kuhn, 1962). Kuhn (1962)

argues that once a paradigm shift is complete, a scientist is unable to reject the

new paradigm in favor of the old one. As asserted by Kuhn (1962), paradigms

exist in all (sub)domains of science, and forensic science is no exception.

In 2005, Saks and Koehler wrote a review entitled The Coming Paradigm

Shift in Forensic Identification Science in which they argued that traditional

forensic sciences should replace antiquated assumptions of uniqueness and

perfection with a more defensible empirical and probabilistic foundation (Saks

and Koehler, 2005, p. 895). They begin their review by describing the state of

traditional forensic science that follows a frequentist view of evaluation,

whereby a decision is made on the probability of a single hypothesis (and

without considering prior probabilities). Typically that hypothesis would be

that two evidentially-relevant traces, e.g. recorded speech samples, were made

by a single object/person (Osterburg, 1969; Stoney, 1991). This form of a

hypothesis links evidence to a single object or person to the exclusion of all

others in the world (Saks and Koehler, 2005, p. 892) Linking evidence to a

single object or person is done based on the assumption of uniqueness, whereby

the idea is that two evidentially-relevant traces produced by different people or

objects will always be different. Therefore when two pieces of evidence are

being compared that are not observably different, an expert will conclude that

they were made by the same object or person (Saks and Koehler, 2005). The

authors are implicitly drawing attention to the single-hypothesis, frequentist-

paradigm in which the typicality of a piece of evidences characteristics (in a

given population) has failed to be taken into account (i.e. they reject the

uniqueness assumption).

Saks and Koehler (2005) reveal that in the decade leading up to their

review, many people had been falsely convicted of serious crimes, only to be

later exonerated by DNA evidence that had not been previously tested at the

time of the trial. The authors state that erroneous convictions sometimes occur,

and surprisingly in an analysis of 86 cases (ones which resulted in false

convictions), it was found that 63% were due in some part to erroneous forensic

science expert testimony (Saks and Koehler, 2005, p. 892). This was the second

biggest contributing factor to false convictions, after misleading eyewitness

identifications4. The authors explicitly state that the criticism does not apply to

DNA evaluation as it is currently practiced; rather, DNA should serve as a model

for other forensic science disciplines. The reasoning behind the statement is

that DNA typing follows three main principles, (1) the technology [is] an

application of knowledge derived from core scientific principles (2) the courts

and scientists [can] scrutinize applications of the technology and (3) it offers

data-based probabilistic assessments of the meaning of evidentiary matches

(Saks and Koehler, 2005, p. 893).

The authors strongly advise practitioners of other forensic disciplines to

emulate the approach taken by DNA typing, whereby the courts are provided

with quantifiable evidence, error rates of the technology, and match

probabilities being calculated from two competing hypotheses. Without

explicitly stating it, Saks and Koehler are essentially arguing for the adoption of

the likelihood ratio (LR; 1.1.1) as the medium for presenting conclusions to

the trier(s) of fact (e.g. judge, jury). They are arguing for forensic science to

move from a pre-science to an empirically grounded one that will be

transparent and properly scientific. In order for other forensic disciplines to

take on such an approach, Saks and Koehler (2005, p. 892) recommend that

forensic scientists will need to work closely with experts in other fields to

develop efficient methods.

In recent years, following the paper by Saks and Koehler (2005), there

have also been calls for improvements in the quality of forensic evidence by a

number of legal and government bodies. It has been argued that all areas of

4Multiple factors were considered in each false conviction. Therefore, while erroneous forensic
evidence was a contributing factor in 63% of the false convictions, erroneous eyewitness
testimony was the only other factor contributing to more false convictions (71%; Saks and
Kohler, 2005, p. 892).

forensic science need to be more transparent, that forensic examinations should

be based on validated methodologies, and that the results should be replicable

and expressed in quantitative terms (U.S. National Research Council, 2009;

House of Commons Northern Ireland Affairs Committee 2009; Law

Commission of England & Wales, 2011). These calls for changes to forensic

evaluation were made for the same reasons that Saks and Koehler (2005)

alluded to with respect to false convictions being made from poorly presented

forensic evidence as well as the changes that have occurred in the law.

2.2 Changes in the Law

A number of rulings made in the last century have significantly changed the face

of expert evidence evaluation and testimony in various countries, especially the

United States. Starting in 1923, with the ruling of Frye v. United States, courts

moved away from accepting testimony from expert witnesses on the basis of the

experts academic pedigree. Rather, a change was made by a federal appellate

court, which rendered expert evidence inadmissible when it was based on

methods not used by others in the same forensic discipline. The Frye ruling

(Frye v United States (293 F. 1013 D.C. Cir. [1923])) determined that expert

testimony was only admissible if the method of analysis used gained general

acceptance in the particular field in which it belongs. (Frye v United States,

paragraph 5).

In 1993, the law changed once again as scientific methods continued to

improve. In Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals (509 US 579 [1993]), the

United States Supreme Court implemented a new ruling with regard to the

admissibility of forensic evidence, whereby the forensic science in question

must demonstrate that it can stand on a dependable (i.e. tested) foundation. The

ruling challenged those in the field of forensics to show that the forensic

method in question had been tested, that its error rate has been established,

and this error rate was acceptably low. The Daubert ruling has since been

interpreted to mean that forensic sciences should be quantifiable, validated, and

reliable. The ruling by the United States Supreme Court was intended to lower

the threshold of admissibility for new and cutting-edge methodologies, which

would have previously been considered inadmissible under the Frye ruling. At

the same time, Daubert was meant to raise the threshold for long-established

methods lacking a proper scientific foundation. Daubert subjected forensic

sciences to serious methodological scrutiny for the first time.

By 1995, in the case of the United States v. Starzecpyzel, a loophole in the

Daubert ruling was brought to light. The case in question included handwriting

identification expertise, where a federal district court concluded that

handwriting identification had no scientific basis, following the Daubert ruling.

This decision was made even though the field of handwriting analysis had

dedicated certification programs and professional journals. However, due to the

loophole in Daubert the handwriting evidence was not excluded. The reason

given was that since the methods used to collect evidence were found to have no

scientific basis, Daubert did not apply to handwriting identification as it was not

viewed as scientific evidence. The case of Starzecpyzel gave precedent for

providers of other forensic testimony to find a way around Daubert by lowering

the threshold for admissibility and declaring weakly-founded forensic

testimony as non-scientific, thus bypassing the Daubert ruling altogether.

It was not until 1999, in the case of Kumho Tire v. Carmichael, that the

United States Supreme Court directly addressed whether or not Daubert applied

to non-sciences. A brief was put together by a number of law enforcement

organizations in which they argued that the majority of the expert testimony

that they offered did not include scientific theories, methodologies, techniques,

or data (Brief Amicus Curiae of Americans for Effective Law Enforcement,

1997). This was stated in relation to the testimony of specific fields of

investigation, such as: accident reconstruction, fingerprint, footprint and

handprint [identification], handwriting analysis, firearms markings and

toolmarks, bullets, and shell casings, and bloodstain pattern identification (Brief

Amicus Curiae of Americans for Effective Law Enforcement et al., 1997).

Ironically, the practitioners that were initially lobbying for their expertise to be

admissible on scientific grounds were now denying that they were a science.

Despite efforts to maintain the non-science loophole of Daubert the United

States Supreme Court ruled in Kumho Tire that all expert testimony would be

required to pass appropriate tests of validity (set forth by Daubert) in order to

be admissible in court.

Although the rulings described in this section pertain to law in the United

States, these rulings have had a large impact on the legislation in other

countries. In the United Kingdom, expert testimony is typically admissible on

the basis of the qualifications of the expert testifying rather than the methods

employed by that expert. This principle was influenced by the case of R v.

Bonython in Australia where the Supreme Court ruled on the admissibility of

handwriting evidence. They concluded that forensic evidence testimony is

admissible when (i) a layperson is unable to form a sound judgment on the

matter without the assistance of the witness possessing special knowledge or

experience in the area and when (ii) the subject matter of the opinion forms

part of a body of knowledge or experience which is sufficiently organised or

recognised to be accepted as a reliable body of knowledge or experience (R v.

Bonython, 1984, paragraph 5). This ruling can be interpreted as being

intermediate between the Frye and Daubert rulings, where the Bonython ruling

encompasses the Frye ruling and includes the expectation that the testimony is

reliable (again, this is usually satisfied with reference to the experts academic

pedigree and the lack of previous miscarriages of justice in relation to the given

expert testimony).

In recent years the House of Commons Northern Ireland Affairs

Committee (2009) and the Law Commission of England & Wales (2011) have

also been influenced by such U.S. rulings, and have urged forensic sciences to

make changes to their current practices that would align them more closely

with measures set out in Daubert. With respect to the changes in legislature, the

developments in presenting DNA typing, the paradigm shift, and the calls made

by legal and government bodies, all of these factors (explicitly or inexplicitly)

are convergent in their desire for forensic disciplines to adopt a Bayesian

framework and to implement likelihood ratios.

2.3 Bayes Theorem

Bayes Theorem was first proposed by Sir Thomas Bayes in the 1740s, then

updated and published by Richard Price (Bayes and Price, 1763), and later the

same principles were rediscovered and updated further by Pierre Simon

Laplace5 (Laplace, 1781). Laplace is in reality the man who turned Bayes

Theorem into the modern-day scientific application that is currently used

around the world (Bertsch McGrayne 2012). Bayes Theorem was created as a

way in which to update ones beliefs. The theorem has three central

components: the posterior odds, the prior odds, and the likelihood ratio (LR), as

illustrated in Equation 1. The components of Equation 1 are explained in detail

in the subsequent sections with respect to forensic science.


( | )

Posterior Odds Prior Odds Likelihood


Adapted from: Aitken and Taroni (2004, p. 95)

In Equation (1), p represents the probability, where Hp is the prosecution

hypothesis (e.g. the criminal and suspect are the same person) and Hd is the

defense hypothesis (e.g. the criminal and suspect are different people). The E in

Equation (1) is representative of the evidence in question. Bayes Theorem

proposes that the posterior odds (the probability of the prosecution hypothesis

5The term updated is used here to mean that a prior probability can be adjusted/modified by
taking into account any new evidence or observation (e.g. likelihood ratio(s) in forensics) to
arrive at a posterior probability (see Equation 1).

being correct given the evidence divided by the probability of the defense

hypothesis being correct, given the evidence) is equal to the prior odds (the

probability of the prosecution hypothesis being correct divided by the

probability of the defense hypothesis being correct; see 2.3.2 for an example)

multiplied by the likelihood ratio (the probability of obtaining the evidence

given the prosecution hypothesis divided by the probability of obtaining the

evidence given the defense hypothesis; see 2.3.1 for an example).

2.3.1 Likelihood Ratio

The likelihood ratio (LR) is a gradient measure of the value of evidence

(Aitken and Taroni, 2004) or what is also referred to as the strength of evidence

(Rose, 2002) under a Bayesian framework. An LR is the calculation of the

probability of obtaining the results of a given forensic examination on the basis

of the prosecution hypothesis divided by the probability of obtaining those

same results on the basis of the defense hypothesis. The LR is the only portion

of the Bayesian framework in which a forensic expert should provide an

opinion. The opinion that the expert provides on the strength of evidence is

calculated from two competing probabilities. It should be noted that calculating

an LR does not constitute a Bayesian exercise in and of itself (i.e. it only

constitutes one part of the Bayesian framework), as that would imply the

additional consideration of prior odds (Champod and Meuwly, 2000).

The numerator of the LR is the probability of the prosecutors

hypothesis (the evidence being from the same person/object), while the

denominator is typically the probability of the defense hypothesis (the evidence

has come from a different person/object). Ideally, the defense hypothesis would

be set by the defense (Champod and Meuwly, 2000); however, this is rarely

done and the responsibility usually falls to the expert, who typically renders the

hypothesis as the evidence came from someone/something else in the world.

The defense hypothesis has also been referred to as a random match

probability (Champod and Meuwly 2000, p. 195). In the LR equation, when the

numerator presents a greater value than the denominator, there is support for

the prosecution hypothesis, and when the denominator is greater than the

numerator, there is support for the defense hypothesis.

The strength or value of evidence in a case is dictated by the magnitude

of the resulting LR, or rather the distance of the resulting LR from 1. Therefore,

an LR of 100 means that the probability of the evidence (given the competing

prosecution and defense hypotheses) is 100 times more likely to have been

obtained/to have come from the suspect than someone else in the population. If

in the same case the LR was 1/100, then the evidence is 100 times more likely

to have been obtained/come from someone in the population other than the

suspect (Robertson and Vignaux, 1995). The probabilities of the prosecution or

defense hypothesis can take a value between 0 and 1 (inclusive), while the LR

can take a value between 0 and (Aitken and Taroni, 2004). Due to the fact that

LRs can be extremely small (approaching 0) or extremely large (tending

towards ) the LR is often converted into a logarithmic scale with a verbal

translation, which makes it easier for the trier(s) of fact (e.g. judge, jury) to

interpret (Evett, 1995). If an LR is converted using Log10, a positive value then

indicates support for the prosecution hypothesis, while a negative value

indicates support for the defense hypothesis.

The combined LRs from multiple pieces of evidence have been referred

to as an overall LR (OLR; Alderman, 2004). If multiple pieces of evidence are

evaluated in a case, individual LRs can be multiplied together (or added

together in the case of Log10 LRs) in order to continue updating an existing

probability following Nave Bayes (Kononenko, 1990; Hand and Yu, 2001).

Nave Bayes refers to when there is an assumption of mutual independence

between the pieces of evidence being combined. When cases of correlated

evidence (predicted through theory or shown through empirical research) are

present, the strength of evidence (resulting LRs) cannot be combined through

simple multiplication, and other methods need to be employed. There are at

present three general remedies for the problem of combining correlated

evidence, (1) the use of an LR algorithm that can handle correlation through

statistical weightings (e.g. the Multivariate Kernel Density LR algorithm; Aitken

and Taroni, 2004), (2) Bayesian networking that will account for correlations by

considering feature distributions and variances and perform statistical

weightings (Aitken and Taroni, 2004), or (3) a solution proposed in the field of

automatic speaker recognition referred to as logistic-regression fusion, which

accounts for correlations in resulting LRs and then applies statistical weightings

(Brmmer et al., 2007; Gonzalez-Rodriguez et al., 2007; Ramos Castro, 2007).

In forensics, an LR can be presented either numerically or verbally. An

example of a numerical LR statement is it is 100 times more probable to obtain

the evidence given the prosecution hypothesis than it is to obtain the evidence

given the defense hypothesis. A verbal LR will not include any numbers in its

statement; instead, different phrases are used to express the strength of

evidence. For example it is more probable to that one would obtain the

evidence given the prosecution hypothesis than it would be to obtain the

evidence given the defense hypothesis.

2.3.2 Prior Odds

In Equation 1, the prior odds represent any existing probability of the

hypothesis being true prior to the consideration of new evidence being

introduced; they are then updated by the new information, which results in a

posterior probability (Aitken and Taroni, 2004). For example, suppose a crime

takes place on an island that is inhabited by 101 people. If the perpetrator is

known to be one of the 101 inhabiting the island, then the prior odds of the

suspect being the criminal is 1/100. 6 These prior odds will then be updated by

the trier(s) of fact as new evidence is presented throughout the case. The prior

odds are a key factor in the separation between a frequentist way (see 1.1) of

approaching a problem and a Bayesian way of approaching a problem. A

Bayesian approach allows the probability of a hypothesis to be updated by any

prior probabilities which might affect the posterior probability.

When the prior odds are used in research a numerical value is typically

given, and to incorporate those odds into a Bayesian framework it only requires

simple multiplication with the likelihood ratio. In practice, the prior odds can be

problematic. Robertson and Vignaux (1995, p. 19) state that this is especially

true since very large or very small prior odds can give some very startling

effects. For example, if there were prior odds in a case of , multiplied by an LR

of 4, the posterior odds would be 2 (i.e. in favor of the prosecution hypothesis).

If that same case had prior odds of 1/1000, multiplied by the same LR of 4 (e.g. a

6 Prior odds = p(Hp)/p(Hd), which in this case is p(1/101)/p(100/101) = 1/100

Hp of 8 divided by a Hd of 2 is equal to 4), the posterior odds would then be

0.004 (i.e. in favor of the defense hypothesis). Significant (or even small)

changes of the prior odds can dramatically change the posterior odds. This is

demonstrated in the case above, where large prior odds cause the posterior

odds to be in favor of the prosecution hypothesis, and much smaller prior odds

yield posterior odds in favor of the defense hypothesis (despite the LR

remaining constant). Prior odds can also be problematic in practice, given that

Bayes Theorem assigns the responsibility of establishing the prior odds to the

trier(s) of fact. This means that typically the jurors are held to be responsible for

assigning and understanding priors (Robertson and Vignaux, 1995), a task

which is in no way simple.

2.3.3 Posterior Odds

In Equation 1, the posterior odds are the results of the prior odds after

being updated by the LR. Numerically, the posterior odds are the multiplication

of the prior odds by the LR (Aitken and Taroni, 2004). Deriving the posterior

odds, as with the prior odds, is the responsibility of the trier(s) of fact

(Robertson and Vignaux, 1995), and it is up to the trier(s) of fact to determine

the posterior odds by considering the prior odds they had initially established,

in combination with the evidence provided by expert testimony (the LR(s)).

Neither the likelihood ratio nor the prior odds on their own constitute a

Bayesian probability; rather, it is the value of the posterior odds that equates to

a Bayesian belief of probability.

2.3.4 Logical Fallacies

There are three main fallacies that can be committed in the

implementation of the Bayesian framework. The first is for the forensic expert

to report posterior odds, since the expert does not typically have access to the

prior odds, as they are generally set by the trier(s) of fact and not an expert

(Rose and Morrison, 2009). Even if the expert were to have access to them, the

prior odds will vary in accordance with individuals personal beliefs about the

cases, and the beliefs are subject to natural bias. This fallacy of presenting

posterior odds, as committed by a forensic expert, also means that the expert is

taking on the role of trier of fact (Robertson and Vignaux, 1995), which in fact

infringes on what has been called the ultimate issue. The ultimate issue in law

is the decision about the guilt or innocence of a suspect by the trier(s) of fact. If

an expert is to present posterior odds, such as an incriminating statement like

the suspect made the shoe mark, the expert then places himself/herself in the

role of decision maker, rather than an objective party presenting facts relating

to the case (see Joseph Crosfield & Sons v. Techno-Chemical Laboratories Ltd.).

The second fallacy is known as the prosecutors fallacy (Thompson and

Schumann, 1987), also referred to as transposing the conditional (Evett, 1995;

Lucy 2005) or the inversion fallacy (Kaye 1993). The prosecutors fallacy

occurs when the probability of the evidence given the hypothesis is

interchanged with the probability of the hypothesis given the evidence (Lucy,

2005). The inversion of the probabilities gives undue weight to the prosecution

hypothesis by assuming that the prior odds of a random match (or two pieces of

evidence found to be similar) are equal to the probability of the defense

hypothesis. For example, an expert states that there is a 10% chance the suspect

would have the crime blood type if he were innocent. Thus there is a 90%

chance that he is guilty (Aitken and Taroni 2004, p. 37).

The third fallacy is known as the defenders fallacy (Thompson &

Schumann, 1987), which occurs when minimal weight is attributed to the

evidence. This is done by considering the background population statistics for a

piece of evidence without attention to any associated value (e.g. prior odds). For

example, a DNA profile has a probability of 1% in a total population of 10,000,

which the suspect comes from. The defense argues that the DNA profile would

occur in 100 of these individuals in the population of 10,000, and is therefore of

very little value. On the contrary, cutting the total population from 1 in 10,000

to 1 in 100 means that 9,900 people are being excluded, and also it is highly

unlikely that all of the 100 individuals are equally likely to be the criminal (Evett

and Weir, 1998, p. 32; Lucy, 2005, p. 157).

The three fallacies presented in this section are all flawed in a logical

sense as the expert takes on responsibility that is not his/hers (e.g. presenting

posterior odds), or the prosecutor/defender only considers a portion of Bayes

Theorem in order to arrive at posterior odds on behalf of the trier(s) of fact.

Despite these fallacies having a detrimental effect on the trier(s) of facts

comprehension of the evidence/case with which they have been presented,

these fallacies nevertheless need to be monitored in case miscarriages of justice

occur. For other errors in the interpretation of Bayes Theorem, see Aitken and

Taroni (2004, pp. 78-95).

2.4 Forensic Speaker Comparison

Given the current paradigm shift and the logically and legally correct framework

that Bayes Theorem offers, practitioners in the field of FSC are making the

effort to align themselves with other more conceptually advanced areas of

forensics (i.e. those using a Bayesian framework, for example, DNA). Acceptance

of the forensic paradigm shift in FSC has already been acknowledged and

embraced (French et al., 2010). However, the ease with which an LR approach

can be adopted is an issue in itself. This is largely due to the challenges that

speech data in the forensic context present. This section builds upon the

forensic speaker comparison (FSC) introduction in 1.1. It provides further

background information on the complexity of speech data used in FSCs, speech

parameters that are commonly analyzed in FSCs, and the way in which FSC

conclusions are currently framed in the UK. This section will situate the

challenges facing FSC in comparison to other forensic disciplines, while

demonstrating the current state of the field as it attempts to align itself with

those more advanced (i.e. those using a Bayesian conclusion framework)

forensic disciplines.

FSCs are the most commonly performed task by forensic speech

scientists (Foulkes and French, 2012). The task of the expert is to provide expert

opinion on the speech evidence to the trier(s) of fact. The expert opinion in a

FSC is ideally presented in terms of the likelihood of obtaining the evidence

(corresponding to the similarities/differences between the criminal and suspect

samples) under the hypothesis that the samples came from the same person,

versus the probability of obtaining the evidence (the typicality of the analyzed

speech parameters) under the hypothesis that two different speakers produced

the criminal and suspect samples. The methodologies undertaken by an expert

in a FSC are varied, unlike DNA where the same techniques are routinely

applied across cases. That is to say that the methodologies involved in FSCs

need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis to varying extents. The reasons for

this are twofold: (1) speech data is complex in nature (confounding factors are

often present), and (2) there is no single speech parameter that is omnipresent

and can discriminate all speakers.

2.4.1 Complexity of Speech Data

Speech is inherently variable, so much so that phoneticians often make

reference to the simple fact that no two speech utterances produced even by the

same speaker are ever identical. It is this intra-speaker variation that sets

forensic speech science apart from some other forensic disciplines. DNA is an

example of forensic evidence where the criminal and suspect samples can be

identical. For speech, unlike DNA, it will never be the case that the probability of

obtaining the evidence given the prosecution hypothesis is ever equal to 1.

Variability within the speech of an individual can be caused by numerous

factors (e.g. the interlocutor, illness, speaking style, intoxication); however, the

maximum extent of variation that can be observed within a speaker is not

completely understood through currently available models in linguistics,

sociolinguistics, phonetics, or phonology.

The variation that is observed between speakers, or inter-speaker

variation, is also highly conditioned by both biological and anatomical factors

(e.g. vocal tract length, the rate at which vocal cords vibrate), as well as

phonological and social factors (e.g. age, sex, class; Chambers, 2005; Eckert,

2000; Wardhaugh, 2006). It is also possible for these variables to interact with

one another, whereby their effects are manifested in the speech of individuals


The levels of intra-speaker variation observed in speech recordings are

typically high; therefore, it is not surprising that many individual linguistic-

phonetic parameters analyzed in FSCs offer only small contributions to

advancing the task of speaker discrimination. For this reason, a forensic

phonetician will traditionally consider multiple phonetic-linguistic parameters

under a combined auditory and acoustic phonetic analysis (French and Stevens,

2013). As a result, the different phonetic-linguistic parameters in a FSC form

highly correlated systems and sub-systems owing to the relevant anatomical,

phonological, and social factors. The relationships that exist in the data when

multiple parameters are under consideration must be appropriately taken into

account in the evidence (as is also the case for other forensic sciences). This is

so that the conclusion presented in a FSC case is representative of the evidence,

and does not over- or under-estimate its strength.

Speech data present a number of challenges to phoneticians looking to

analyze phonetic-linguistic parameters in FSCs. This is because the probability

distributions associated with phonetic-linguistic parameters are variable. The

parameters can be discrete (categorical or qualitative, e.g. impressionistic

analysis of voice quality), continuous (e.g. formant frequencies), or a

combination of both (e.g. discrete at one level and continuous at another for the

same parameter). The continuous parameters are (as a convenient

simplification) traditionally assumed to be normally distributed. However, an

assumption of normality is not always advised as it can lead to miscarriages of

justice (e.g. believing a speaker to be an outlier when he/she is actually very

similar to the rest of the population). Algorithms used for calculating LRs (those

which assume normality in the data distributions) evaluate similarity and

typicality on the basis of data existing at all areas under the normal distribution

curve. If a normal distribution curve does not accurately describe the data, the

LR algorithms will compute similarity and typicality evaluations from

inaccurate descriptions of the data distributions. Additionally, it is possible that

the distribution of values of a parameter for an individual speaker is different

from the distribution of values of that parameter for a group of speakers.

Finally, in addition to the innate factors that make speech generally

complex is the inevitable reality that speech recordings made under forensic

conditions are often compromised in terms of quality. Criminal recordings are

increasingly recorded via cellular phones, and the recording/transmission

technologies involved may affect the quality of the recording. Telephone

bandwidth restrictions (Byrne and Foulkes, 2004; Enzinger, 2010b; Knzel,

2001), the distance (of the speaker) from the microphone (Vermeulen, 2009),

and cellular phone audio recording codecs (Gold, 2009) have been shown to

artificially attenuate portions of the speech signal, which in turn causes

unwanted changes to formant frequencies and the fundamental frequency.

Furthermore, criminal recordings are also susceptible to low signal-to-noise

ratios and high levels of background noise and/or overlapping speech. For this

reason, the task of extraction of the necessary parameters is made more difficult

in FSC analysis. Despite these problems being prevalent in criminal recordings,

they are typically not as severe (or not present at all) in direct and high-quality

recordings made in a police interviews (e.g. a recording of a suspect) or other

comparable situations.

Given that the suspect recording in a FSC case typically comes from a

police interview, there is often a mismatch in the conditions under which the

criminal and suspect samples are elicited. The criminal recording is frequently

made in situations that involve high emotional states, physical activity, or the

influence of drugs or alcohol. They also tend to be short in duration and limited

in content. This presents the forensic phonetician with additional complications.

2.4.2 The Phonetic Shibboleth

The search for the linguistic or phonetic shibboleth7 for discriminating

speakers has proved fruitless since research began in the field of FSS. This

should not come as a surprise, given the inherent complexity of speech data, as

outlined in 2.4.1. Research has shown that the vocal tract is highly plastic,

that no phonetic/linguistic parameter is omnipresent, that a phonetic/linguistic

parameter that makes one speaker different does not necessarily make another

speaker different, and that parameters that make a speaker differ can vary over

time. It is likely, furthermore, that it is the combination of parameters that

makes a speaker unique (Nolan, 1983; Rhodes, 2013; Rose, 2013a).

There is a large and growing body of literature devoted to identifying

phonetic and linguistic parameters that have ideal characteristics for FSC. These

criteria have been outlined by Nolan (1983, p. 11):

7Shibboleth is used here to refer to a single identifiable parameter that can discriminate
between all speakers.

1. High between-speaker variability: The parameter should show a high

degree of variation between speakers. If a single parameter cannot

show this then a set of parameters can be sought

2. Low within-speaker variability: The parameter should show

consistency throughout the speech of an individual, and be insensitive

to external factors (e.g. health, emotion, or interlocutor)

3. Resistance to attempted disguise or mimicry: The parameter must

withstand attempts on the part of the speaker to disguise his voice

4. Availability: Any parameter should provide an ample amount of data

in both the criminal and suspect samples

5. Robustness in transmission: The usefulness of a parameter will be

limited if its information is lost or reduced due to recording or

transmission technologies

6. Measurability: The extraction of the parameter must not be

prohibitively difficult

Criteria 3-6 are specifically concerned with practical issues that arise in

casework. Criterion 4 relates to the often limited amount of material an expert is

given to work with, while criteria 5 and 6 are associated with the recording and

transmission technologies typically used in forensic recordings. The first two

criteria suggested by Nolan (1983) identify the true difficulty of the FSC task.

That is, the expert has to identify and examine phonetic and linguistic

parameters that have high inter-speaker variation, but also low intra-speaker

variation. It is often the case that a phonetic or linguistic parameter meets a

single criterion, but a phonetic/linguistic shibboleth is yet to be found that

meets both criteria without exception. Research Question 1

Given the difficulties and limitations in selecting highly discriminant

phonetic and linguistic parameters for analysis in FSCs, the most obvious

question is:

(1) What phonetic and linguistic parameters do practicing forensic

phoneticians (around the world) typically analyze in a FSC case and

which parameters do they view as being highly discriminant?

Before questioning the proper (or logically and legally correct) framework in

which to make conclusions about FSC evidence, it is important to consider the

methodologies, practices, and parameter selection that is involved in the actual

FSC analysis itself. Only after establishing the general expectations of the FSS

community should one begin to broach the problem of FSC conclusion

frameworks. For without any analyzed forensic speech evidence, there can be

no valid conclusion.

2.4.3 Current Conclusion Framework in the UK

The current practice for presenting FSC conclusions in a UK court is not

in the form of an LR as described in 2.2, but rather is that described in the UK

Position Statement that was introduced in 2007. The UK Position Statement was

motivated by concerns about the framework in which conclusions are typically

expressed in forensic speaker comparison cases (French and Harrison 2007 p.

137). The UK Position Statement stemmed from ruling of the Appeal Court of

England and Wales in R v. Doheny and Adams (1996), which showed that the

interpretation of the DNA evidence at the initial trial had been flawed by the

prosecutors fallacy (French and Harrison 2007). The introduction of the UK

Position Statement signified a shift in the role of the forensic phonetician when

presenting speech evidence. The foreword to the UK Position Statement

suggests that experts in the past were often trying to identify speakers (French

and Harrison, 2007, p. 138). However, under their new approach an expert

would not be making identifications per se. Instead, the expert will take on a

different role (not one of speaker identification), to provide an assessment of

whether the voice in the questioned recordings fits the description of the

suspect (French and Harrison 2007 p. 138). The UK Position Statement was

also proposed with the intention of aligning the field of FSC with more modern

thinking forensic sciences (French and Harrison 2007 p. 137).

The framework laid out in the UK Position Statement diverges from

previous FSC conclusions by offering a framework which involves a bipartite

assessment. The conclusion framework set out in French and Harrison (2007)

potentially involves a two-part decision. The first part concerns the assessment

of whether the samples are consistent with having been spoken by the same

person. The second part, which only comes into play if there is a positive

decision concerning consistency, involves an evaluation of how unusual or

distinctive the combination of features that are common to the samples may be.

An illustrated version of the UK Position Statement is provided in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Illustration of the UK Position Statement (Rose and Morrison, 2009, p.141)

The UK Position Statement is illustrated in Figure 2.1, where the decisions of

consistency and distinctiveness are serially ordered. A consistency decision has

three possible options: consistent, not-consistent, and no-decision. If a

conclusion about consistency cannot be made, then the expert concludes with a

single evaluation (i.e. not consistent, or no decision). In the event that the expert

finds the two speech samples to be consistent, s/he will then assess the

distinctiveness. The degree of distinctiveness is made on a five-point

impressionistic scale, ranging from not distinctive to exceptionally

distinctive. The assessment of distinctiveness in many cases must draw upon

the experience of the expert so that he/she can provide a statement of the

typicality of the criminal speech sample.

The UK Position Statement framework can be seen as a transitional

point, or a stepping stone, between a frequentist probability and an LR, where it

is not providing a single probability of the hypothesis (e.g. the speaker in the

criminal sample is likely to be person X), but not quite meeting the logical

framework of the LR. At first glance the judgments of consistency and

distinctiveness appear to mirror the numerator and denominator of an LR, as

the consistency and distinctiveness account for both the similarity and the

typicality of the speech recordings. However, the inner workings of the Position

Statement do not hold true to the logical framework of an LR. There are two

main reasons for this mismatch: (1) assessments are made on different scales,

and (2) there is no logical procedure for combining (and weighing) constituent

speech parameter evidence from a single case.

Rose and Morrison describe the assessment of consistency in the UK

Position Statement as being on a three-point scale (Rose and Morrison, 2009, p.

142). Although Rose and Morrison acknowledge that the decision about

consistency is categorical, one could argue that the assessment of consistency is

more accurately described as simply a ternary decision (rather than on a three-

point scale). This is due to the fact that the judgment is wholly categorical, and

the ternary decision cannot be intuitively placed on a scale. A scale would imply

some degree of hierarchy, and it is difficult to argue that, for example, no-

decision should be ranked before inconsistent (or vice versa). Therefore, the

assessment of consistency is discrete in nature and does not offer a gradient

assessment of the similarity (through quantification of the speech evidence), as

the numerical LR would ultimately provide. The assessment of distinctiveness is

on a scale of one to five; however, this does not follow the same logic as the

assessments of consistency. Thus, it is difficult to establish a working

relationship between the two assessments; instead they exist more as two

separate entities, where practitioners are trying to make a judgment on the

same piece of evidence.

The use of a five-point scale in the UK Position Statement makes the

framework prone to a cliff-edge effect (Aitken and Taroni, 2004). By imposing

defined boundaries an expert is faced with a hard decision. So, for example, if a

criminal sample has an F0 mean of 115 Hz, while the population mean is 90 Hz,

should the analysis of a speech sample lend itself to a distinctiveness

assessment of 3 (distinctive) or 4 (highly distinctive)? Should the boundary

between distinctive and highly distinctive be two standard deviations, or

perhaps three? Forcibly imposing categorical boundaries could potentially over-

or under-estimate the strength of evidence. Although the UK Position Statement

is susceptible to the cliff-edge effect, the same can actually be said for the verbal

LR scale provided by Evett (1998). Although the verbal scale suggested by Evett

(1998) is associated with Log10 LRs, the cliff-edge effect can still occur for those

Log10 LRs that lie close to the categorical boundaries.

The second inconsistency between the UK Position Statement and the LR

is the lack of a protocol for combining the strength of evidence of individual

phonetic-linguistic parameters. Under a Bayesian framework an expert is

expected to combine individual LRs for parameters that are mutually

independent (Kononenko, 1990) by multiplying their LRs. If an expert is to

navely combine correlated parameters without using appropriate statistical

weightings, s/he then runs the risk of over-or under-estimating the strength of

evidence (as s/he are essentially considering the same evidence multiple times).

Under the UK Position Statement, experts make assessments of consistency and

distinctiveness by informally considering all of the constituent pieces of analysis

together. As such, they are unlikely to adequately (or transparently) consider

the degree of correlation between the evidence. Therefore, conclusions made

under the UK Position Statement framework could over- or under-estimate the

strength of evidence.

Despite the disparity between the UK Position Statement and the LR, the

UK Position Statement possesses two highly attractive attributes. Firstly, it

allows the expert to avoid the undesirable and lengthy task of collecting

(quantitative, data-based) population statistics for all possible relevant

populations that could ever be required for a FSC case. Secondly, the framework

allows the expert to avoid the difficulty of calculating numerical LRs for all

phonetic-linguistic parameter distributions that do not fit into already existing

LR algorithms. These two attributes are technically part and parcel of the same

thing, as they together evaluate the denominator of the LR; however, the

modeling of phonetic-linguistic parameters is also pertinent to the numerator. It

is safe to argue that no LR algorithm could ever account for or encompass the

full complexity of speech data; therefore, perhaps the UK Position Statement is

right to circumvent fully quantitative population statistics and complicated

models for calculating LRs for all speech parameters. Through experience and

education, an expert is able to account for instances of accommodation, channel

mismatch, intoxication, emotional effects, and social factors. These factors tend

to manifest themselves differently in the speech of each individual speaker and

at different times. To create an algorithm that accounts for every individual, in

every instance, would be near impossible.

2.5 Likelihood Ratios in Forensic Speech Science

It is now generally accepted in forensics that the logically and legally correct

framework for expressing the results of forensic examinations is one in which

the output is a likelihood ratio (Saks & Koehler, 2005). The domain of forensic

speech science is no exception to this, and efforts have been made in the last

decade and a half (starting with Rose, 1999) to incorporate into the LR into

forensic phonetic- (and linguistic)-based research and casework. In forensic

phonetics, the LR essentially becomes a test of the similarity and typicality of

phonetic-linguistic parameters that are extracted from recordings. The

numerator of the LR contains the probability of obtaining the evidence given the

hypothesis that the speech came from the same speaker, while the denominator

is the probability of obtaining the evidence given the hypothesis that the speech

came from a different speaker (Rose, 2002). The same-speaker hypothesis is

determined by comparing speech parameters from the criminal and suspect

samples to establish the degree of similarity. The different speaker hypothesis is

determined by comparing speech parameters from the criminal speech sample

to those drawn from a relevant background population so as to establish the

degree of typicality. The probability obtained from the numerator is then

divided by the probability obtained from the denominator, and the result is the

LR for the given speech evidence.

The presence of LRs in FSC is largely confined to the research literature

with only a single case example of the LR being used in FSC casework to date

(Rose, 2012; 2013). The research carried out has predominantly had two main

foci: (1) assessing speaker discrimination using a numerical LR and (2) overall

improvements in LR methodologies. The next two sections ( 2.5.1 and 2.5.2)

provide an overview of methodological research that has been carried out, as

well as a review of the application of LRs in practice.

2.5.1 Likelihood Ratios in the Literature

This section focuses on the LR literature that investigates the use of

numerical LRs as a framework for carrying out the assessments of speaker

discrimination ability using phonetic and linguistic parameters, and the LR

literature that seeks to improve current methodologies. Likelihood Ratios for Speaker Discrimination

The application of the LR framework to FSCs has focused almost

exclusively on vowels. Vowels can be easy to extract quantitative measurements

from, and so readily lend themselves to the calculation of numerical LRs. In

order to improve discrimination rates between speakers, researchers have

measured vowels with multiple methodologies: using mid-point formant values

(Alderman, 2004; Rose, 2007a; Rose, 2010a; Rose and Winter, 2010; Zhang et

al., 2008), formant trajectories of monophthongs and diphthongs (Atkinson,

2009; Enzinger, 2010a; Kinoshita and Osanai, 2006; Morrison, 2009a; Rose et

al., 2006), and long-term formant distributions over vowel mixtures (Becker et

al., 2008; French et al., 2012; Moos, 2010).

Comparatively speaking, non-vowel research for speaker discrimination

purposes has not been given the same amount of attention as vowel-based LR

research. Those studies that have been carried out on features other than

vowels have all focused on quantitative, multivariate data that is typically

normally distributed. The non-vowel parameters that have been investigated

include fundamental frequency (F0), voice onset time (VOT), nasals, laterals,

and fricatives (Kavanagh, 2010; 2011; 2013; Kinoshita, 2002; 2005; Kinoshita et

al., 2009, Coe, 2012). Traditional FSC does not just involve the analysis of vowels

and the non-vocalic features listed above. For this reason, further empirical

work is required to evaluate the discriminatory value of additional speech

parameters using a numerical LR. Research Question 2

The current body of literature evaluating the discriminant ability of

speech parameters is plentiful. However, there are a number of speech

parameters that have not had their discriminant ability tested. To date,

parameters have been selected for analysis based principally on their ease of

measurement. Instead, it is proposed here that parameters should be selected

on the basis of their discriminatory merit as proposed on the basis of the

experience of forensic phoneticians. These considerations lead us to ask our

second research question:

(2) If experts are to provide their opinions on the most helpful speaker

discriminants are these selected parameters going to be good

speaker discriminants?

a. Furthermore, do experts expectations surrounding the

discriminant value of certain speech parameters match the

results of these parameters empirically-tested performance?

A simple hypothesis to test when empirically evaluating parameters that are

identified as being commonly used in FSCs and which experts propose to be

useful discriminants is that such parameters will perform better than speech

parameters selected for analysis arbitrarily (simply because they are easily

measurable and plentiful). Improving Likelihood Ratio Methodologies

In addition to the LR literature that has assessed the discriminant ability

of phonetic parameters, there is a dedicated body of literature on

methodological advances in the calculation of LRs in other domains. In

particular, there have been methodological advances across a range of areas,

including the development of modeling techniques of data for calculating LRs

(Kinoshita, 2001; Morrison, 2011; Zhang et al., 2008), exploring the issues

surrounding correlated parameters (Gold and Hughes, 2012; Morrison et al.,

2010; Rose, 2006c; 2010b; Rose et al., 2004), identifying the relevant population

for the LR (Hughes, in progress; Hughes and Foulkes, 2012; Morrison et al.,

2012a; 2012b), exploring the amount of data that is preferred for the reference

population (Hughes, in progress; Hughes and Foulkes, 2012; Ishihara and

Kinoshita, 2008; Kinoshita and Ishihara, 2012), combining parameters

(Morrison et al., 2010; Morrison, 2013; Rose 2010a; 2010b, 2013a; Rose et al.,

2004; Zhang et al., 2008), system calibration (Morrison, 2012; Morrison et al.,

2010; Morrison and Kinoshita, 2008), and measures of system validity and

reliability (Morrison et al., 2010; Morrison and Kinoshita, 2008).

Despite these methodological developments, there are numerous

research questions relating to the calculation of LRs in FSCs that would greatly

benefit from further empirical study and assistance from forensic statisticians.

The majority of the previous research has perhaps neglected to acknowledge

the complexity of speech data and has opted for often convenient but erroneous

simplifications of basic linguistic principles in order to calculate LRs. Research Question 3

As previously outlined in 2.4.2, Nolan (1983) recommended that a set

of parameters should be sought to show high between-speaker variability where

a single parameter alone is not sufficient. Given the large body of literature on

single speech parameters as discriminants and their limited discriminant

power, it is suggested that further work needs to heed Nolans suggestion.

(3) How well do speech parameters work in combination to discriminate

between speakers?

a. What steps need to be taken in order to appropriately

combine speech parameters?

b. Is the combination of multiple speech parameters always

better than individual parameters at discriminating between


One would hypothesize that adding ever more parameters would further

advance the task of FSC, since theory and research tells us that speakers are

different from one another in a variety of ways. By combining multiple speech

parameters, it is proposed that a combined system will achieve better

discrimination performance than those achieved by single parameters.

2.5.2 Likelihood Ratios in Practice

The only publications that report the use of LRs for multiple speech

parameters in FSC casework are those of Rose (2012; 2013b) in connection with

a fraud case in Australia. The case of R v. Hufnagl (2008) revolved around a

large-scale telephone fraud of AUS$150 million, where a criminal sent a fax to JP

Morgan Chase bank, asking to transfer $150 million from the Australian

Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme to accounts in Switzerland, Greece, and

Hong Kong. Before the close of business, the criminal called the bank asking for

confirmation of the details in the fax he had sent. When the Australian

Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme realized their account was short by

$150 million, an investigation followed. A suspect was identified, and Rose was

asked to compare the recording of the fraudulent telephone call with recorded

telephone calls known to have been made by the suspect. The analysis and

report were produced five years prior to Roses publications about it (2012;

2013b), so he presents the original analysis that was carried out as well as a

retrospective critique of his analysis.

In the original analysis, he identified many tokens of the word yes in both

the criminal and suspect recordings, as well as the utterance not too bad in the

criminal recording and multiple occurrences of the same phrase in the suspect

recordings. Therefore, the majority of the analysis and the resulting LR were

based on phonetic/linguistic parameters measured from these words. In order

to establish the typicality of the criminals speech Rose defined the relevant

population to be adult male speaker[s] of General Australian English (Rose

2013b, p. 284). He then collected relevant speech samples from 35 adult males,

who served as the background population. The analysis of similarity was

comprised of formant measurements from /je/ in the word yes at three

designated time-points, the fundamental frequency (F0) in not too bad taken

from four designated time-points, categorical classification of high and low

tones in not too bad, formant measurements of the vowels in not too bad, and

the frequency cut-off in /s/ from the word yes (Rose, 2013b). After

(intentionally) navely combining the individual LRs from the parameters, an

overall LR (OLR) of around 11 million was calculated. Rose (2013b) explicitly

states that 11 million was an over-estimation of the strength of evidence, since

some degree of correlation had to exist between the parameters. For this

reason, parameters that were assumed to have some degree of correlation with

one another (e.g. formant measurements for certain vowels) were thrown out,

and a more conservative LR of 300,000 was reached.

Five years after the conclusion of the case, Rose provided a critique of the

analysis and presentation of the evidence under an LR framework. He notes a

number of developments made in the field since the R-v-Hufnagl case that could

have made a significant difference in his analysis. These include vowel (and

consonant) parameterization (e.g. formant dynamics; McDougall, 2004),

quantification of accuracy and precision (validity and reliability; e.g. Cllr and

EER for validity measures), and - most importantly - techniques to handle

between-parameter correlations for calculating OLRs (e.g. fusion). If any of

these developments were to have been implemented in R v. Hufnagl (2008), it

can confidently be said that the strength of the numerical LR would not be

identical to that presented in Rose (2013b; also shown through his reanalysis of

the case material); most likely, the strength of the LR would weaken as

correlated parameters were accounted for during the combination of speech

evidence (acknowledged in Rose, 2013b).

The final portion of Rose (2013b) commented upon the courts reaction

to the presentation of evidence in the form of a numerical LR, which is

something rarely discussed in forensic phonetics. The expert testimony did not

include a complete tutorial on the LR approach; rather, it offered a more

abstract presentation of the strength of evidence (the LR). Rose (2013b)

condensed his analysis into two main points for the jury, which he emphasized

on multiple occasions: (1) the LR is for estimating the strength of the evidence

and not the probability that the suspect is the criminal, and (2) the jury should

not give much weight to the specific value allocated to the LR, just that it was

very big. Whether Roses testimony made an impression on the triers of fact in

R-v-Hufnagl is unknown. However, the jury did return a guilty verdict (Rose,

2013b). Rose also notes that it was perhaps vital to his testimony that the judge

was encouraging towards his approach and that this helped him (Rose) to

articulate to the court the strength of the speech evidence. It can be assumed

that not all judges would act in the same manner, and presenting the same

testimony in front of a different judge might have been more challenging

without such support.

Overall, it is encouraging to see an example of a real case in which a

numerical LR framework was used. The introduction of Roses paper provides a

nice backdrop to the case and the type of speech material Rose chose to analyze.

The critique at the end of the paper is a positive contribution, as it shows how

the field has evolved in the past five years since the case analysis was

completed. The paper also shines light on the reception of the LR in a court,

which again often goes without attention in the literature. However, the paper

perhaps brings up more questions (both theoretical and practical) about the

implementation of the LR framework (as used by Rose) than it answers. For

instance, how does an expert begin to select parameters for analysis under an

LR framework? How can an expert argue why s/he has selected certain

parameters for analysis over other parameters? How is an expert to incorporate

qualitative/categorical parameters? And how many parameters need to be

analyzed to consider the evaluation to be complete?

Despite raising a new set of questions, Rose (2013b) makes three

pertinent statements with respect to LRs. These statements are particularly

relevant to the remainder of this thesis. The first is that real-world cases are

never the same and there is no one-size-fits-all with regards to methodology

(Rose, 2013b, p. 318). This means that the LR calculation is not the same in

every FSC case, or for every phonetic/linguistic parameter selected for analysis.

Therefore, the analysis that leads to an LR will always have to be adapted on a

case-to-case basis. The second statement asserted by Rose is that FSC might

lend itself more readily to a verbal LR over a numerical LR8. The reason for this

8A verbal LR is simply a verbal, rather than numerical, statement of the probability of obtaining
the evidence given the prosecution hypothesis over the probability of obtaining the evidence

is that precise figures may be misleading in that numerical LRs may be difficult

for the trier(s) of fact to interpret9 (Rose, 2013b, p. 305). The final statement

comes from Judge Hodgson (2002) but is reiterated by Rose (2013b): since not

all types of evidence in a trial can be sensibly assigned a LR there is no way of

mathematically combining la Bayes the LR-based evidence with the non-

numerically based evidence (Rose 2013b p. 316-317). This leaves one to

ponder whether there is really an explicit need for speech evidence to be

represented in numerical LR form. For example, would a phonetician ever be

able to quantify the exact tongue shape of a speakers //? In this instance, a

qualitative description of // will typically be more useful than a quantitative

one that is not completely transparent in its description. Should these types of

evidence always be unsuitable for expression in a numerical LR, will it be the

case that other phonetic-linguistic parameters can be made to fit the mold in the

form of LR algorithms that dictate specific quantitative forms? It is also

important to consider that if a numerical LR is used, only a partial assessment of

the speech evidence is feasible, given that numerical LRs cannot currently be

calculated for all speech parameters (because of the lack of appropriate

algorithms and/or the qualitative nature of certain parameters), and the lack of

population statistics in general. Research Question 4

The literature review provided in the previous sections revealed a

number of limitations and difficulties that can occur when applying the

given the defense hypothesis. For example the verbal statement could be presented as it is
extremely more probable to obtain the given evidence under hypothesis x than y.
9 For example, is there really much of a difference between an LR of 1.1 x 10 14 and an LR of 1.11

x 1014?

numerical LR framework to FSCs, which are largely due to the complexity of

speech data. If the field is to continue in its efforts to align itself with more

advanced forensic disciplines (in terms of conclusion frameworks) that have

already adopted the LR framework (e.g. DNA), various aspects of the actual

calculation of an LR in a FSC should be reviewed and improved (e.g. modeling

techniques, population statistics, combining parameters for OLRs).

(4) For this reason, it is essential to ask: What are the practical

limitations/implications that need to be considered when using the

numerical LR framework in FSCs?

a. What recommendations, if any, can be provided following

attempts to implement the numerical LR framework?

b. What can a human-based (acoustic-phonetic) system tell the

field in respect of the ease with which a numerical LR can be

computed for FSCs?

The practical limitations and implications associated with the implementation

of a numerical LR will be discussed throughout this thesis. It is only through

empirical testing that these questions can be addressed.

2.6 Summary of Research Questions

This chapter has presented a series of research questions that have been

motivated by the prior literature and existing legal rulings with regard to

forensic evidence, while further developing the research aims of the thesis. This

section reiterates the research questions identified in this chapter, which will be

explored in the remainder of the thesis.

(1) What phonetic and linguistic parameters do practicing forensic

phoneticians (around the world) typically analyze in a FSC case

and which parameters do they recommend as being highly


(2) If experts are to provide their opinions on the most helpful

speaker discriminants will these selected parameters be good

speaker discriminants?

a. Furthermore, do experts expectations surrounding the

discriminant value of certain speech parameters match
these parameters empirically-tested performance?

(3) How well do speech parameters work in combination to

discriminate between speakers?

a. What steps need to be taken in order to appropriately

combine speech parameters?

b. Is the combination of multiple speech parameters always

better at discriminating between speakers? Are more
parameters better?

(4) What are the practical limitations/implications for using the

numerical LR framework in FSCs?

a. What recommendations, if any, can be provided following

attempts to implement a numerical LR framework?

b. What can a human-based (acoustic-phonetic) system tell

the field in regards of the ease with which a numerical LR
can be computed for FSCs?

Chapter 3 International Survey of
Forensic Speaker Comparison
3.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the results of the first comprehensive international

survey on forensic speaker comparison (FSC) practices.

The motivations for the survey were twofold:

(i) For the first time, to make available to the wider forensic, legal, and

speech science communities basic information concerning the working

practices of FSC experts around the world.

(ii) To draw upon the very considerable collective experience of FSC experts

worldwide in order to identify current working methods and features of speech

that are considered to have the greatest potential for discriminating between


It will become apparent from the results presented below that there is a great

deal of variation in the methods of analysis, features selected for examination,

weighting attached to certain features relative to others, and frameworks used

for expressing the conclusions that arise from the comparisons. Some of the

differences found are, undoubtedly, a function of the rules, regulations and laws

of the institutions and jurisdictions in which the survey participants are

working. Others, however, would appear to be simply a matter of local tradition

or individual intellectual preference. The results are therefore discussed in the

context of the constraints on the admissibility of expert evidence in different

countries and are related to contemporary debates within forensic speech


3.1.1 Background

While research has been carried out on many facets of FSS and FSCs,

there has not been any research that has comprehensively surveyed the FSC

practices employed by experts around the world. The extent to which the FSS

community had been aware of commonly used FSC practices has been limited to

the results of an exercise Cambier-Langeveld (2007) conducted using a fictional

FSC case. The objective of the exercise was not to survey practitioners, but

rather to observe and assess basic methods that participants chose to employ in

conducting the fictional FSC case. Cambier-Langevelds paper considers reports

from 10 of 12 participants based in 10 different countries. Her article reports on

some of the basic methods involved in a FSC case, which were confined to: the

length of recordings needed for speech samples, formant measurements,

fundamental frequency, and the formulations of conclusions. The results of the

exercise revealed inconsistencies in methods amongst the 10 participants.

However, it usefully relayed fundamental methodological information with

regard to FSCs that was previously unavailable.

The exercise conducted by Cambier-Langeveld (2007) was an attempt to

provide the field of FSS with a body of information relating to FSC methods, but

not to provide a wide-ranging picture of current practices. However, the study

did create interest and a platform on which to conduct further research into the

methodologies employed by the field for FSCs worldwide.

Hollien and Majewski (2009) discuss the prevalence of inconsistencies in

FSS practices with particular attention to FSCs, like those reported by Cambier-

Langeveld (2007). The authors suggest that the field of FSS lacks any real

consensus in terms of procedures and methods for FSC cases. They argue that it

is difficult to consider what level of scientific probability is robust enough to

determine the identity of a speaker, and that without any standards or common

practices it is difficult to make comparisons across different approaches. They

offer a protocol for a frequentist conclusion framework that they implement

(and that other experts could adopt should they wish to), which includes

confidence levels of their judgments. Despite their efforts to offer their own

standard and protocol for FSCs, the authors fail to acknowledge alternative

methodologies that are currently being implemented by experts in FSC cases

across the globe. I would argue that an understanding of the current state of the

field is a prerequisite for establishing any form of standards or protocols.

For a field that came to fruition in the late 1980s/ early 1990s (the time

at which acoustic and auditory phonetic analysis began regularly being used in

the UK courts at least, (French, p.c.)) little has been done to unify and

standardize the field over this time. While Cambier-Langeveld (2007) and

Hollien and Majewski (2009) argue that there is a lack of consensus in the field

of FSC and that standards are almost non-existent, I would suggest that the only

way to remedy such a fault is first to assess the current methodologies and

practices being used in FSCs by surveying expert forensic phoneticians around

the world.

3.2 The Survey

The survey was administered online using SurveyGizmo 3.0. It consisted of 78

questions related to all aspects of forensic speaker comparison casework. All

participants were kept anonymous and also given the option of answering some

or all questions. Although every question was answered by at least 30

participants, the variability in respondent numbers nevertheless dictates that

the majority of the results must be presented as percentages.

3.2.1 SurveyGizmo

SurveyGizmo is an online survey software tool for designing online

surveys, collecting data and performing analysis. [The] tool supports a variety

of online data collection methods including online surveys, online quizzes,

questionnaires, web forms, and landing pages (SurveyGizmo 2010). It was

selected as the medium for the survey over other similar websites for a number

of reasons: the server is secure, the package offers the ability to save and

continue (when taking the survey), an inexpensive Student Account with

enhanced privileges, and an excellent user interface for creating the survey. All

responses collected from the survey are saved on the SurveyGizmo server, and

answers can only be accessed by a username and password.

3.2.2 Methodology: Data Compilation

To complete the survey, participants were provided with a survey link in

an email invitation. They were then redirected to the SurveyGizmo website

where they gave their consent to participate in the survey and agreed to their

data being used in future research. After giving consent, participants were

provided with instructions (see Appendix A) as well as an outline of the survey

structure. They were allowed to stop the survey at any time and save it, so that

it could be completed at a later time. Many of the respondents took advantage of

this feature as the total time (including interruptions) it took most participants

to complete the survey ranged from 26 minutes to 64 hours.

Once all participants had submitted their answers to the survey

questions, the results were tabulated using Microsoft Excel.

3.3 Participants

Potential participants were contacted through their professional and research

organizations. Emails were sent to the European Network of Forensic Science

Institutes, the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) for those

who participate in the NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluations, and the

International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics. Some

individuals working at government laboratories/agencies were contacted

through their employers. In total, 36 practicing forensic speech scientists

agreed to participate, and data were collected from July 2010 through March


3.3.1 Countries

Respondents (23 male; 13 female) were from the following 13 countries:

Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, South Korea,

Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK, and USA. Although the majority of the participants

were from Europe, a total of five continents were represented in the results.

3.3.2 Place of Work

Respondents identified their place of work 10 or affiliation. 18

participants represented universities or research institutes, followed by 13 who

were employed in government laboratories/agencies. 9 of the experts are

affiliated with private laboratories, and 7 work as individuals.

3.3.3 Experience

The total number of cases from respondents collective estimates was

18,221, ranging from 4 to 6,000, with a mean of 506. The respondents had a

range of 2 to 50 years of experience in FSC analysis, with a mean of 15.

3.4 Methods of Analysis

Participants responses showed that there is at present no consensus of opinion

in the scientific community as to how FSC analysis should be carried out.

Rather, a wide range of methods is employed. Methods may be grouped under

the following headings:

Auditory Phonetic Analysis Only (AuPA):

The expert listens analytically to the speech samples and attends to

aspects of speech at the segmental and suprasegmental levels.

Acoustic Phonetic Analysis Only (AcPA):

The expert analyses and quantifies physical parameters of the speech

signal using computer software. As with AuPA, this is labor-intensive,

involving a high degree of human input and judgment.

10 Some respondents are associated with multiple places of work.

Auditory Phonetic-cum-Acoustic Phonetic Analysis (AuPA+AcPA):

This combines the preceding two methods.

Analysis by Automatic Speaker Recognition System (ASR):

This requires the use of specialist software designed to estimate the

degree of similarity between speech samples based on statistical

models of features extracted automatically from the acoustic signal.

Such systems typically require minimal input from the analyst.

Analysis by Automatic Speaker Recognition System with Human

Analysis (HASR):

This involves the use of an automatic system in conjunction with

analysis of the auditory and/or acoustic phonetic kind. The survey

did not investigate the precise nature or extent of the auditory or

acoustic examinations experts used to supplement the ASR

component. The human-based supplementary analysis may range

from cursory holistic listening to detailed auditory and/or acoustic


More detailed descriptions of these methods, either individually or relative to

one another, may be found, inter alia, in Baldwin and French (1990), Drygajlo

(2007), French (1994), French and Stevens (2013), Greenberg et al. (2010),

Jessen (2007a; 2008), and Knzel (1987).

The distribution of these methods across the 13 countries is provided in

Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Methods of analysis employed by country

Method Countries

AuPA Netherlands, USA

AcPA Italy
Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, Germany,
Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, UK, USA
HASR Spain, Germany, South Korea, Sweden, USA

The distribution of the methods of analysis relative to type of workplace is

shown below in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2: Places of work against method of analysis employed


university or research institute 2 1 13 3
government laboratory/agency 8 4
private laboratory 1 7 1
as an individual 7

As is evident in Table 3.2, the HASR method is used most frequently by

government laboratories/agencies (33% use it), as opposed to only 16% using

HASR in universities or research institutes. AuPA + AcPA is well distributed

across all places of work.

The specific features of speech that are analyzed and considered

important vary from analyst to analyst within each of the method categories.

The data relating to this variation are presented in 3.9.

3.5 Conclusion Frameworks

As with method of analysis, there is no consensus within the forensic speech

science community as to how conclusions are and should be expressed.

Currently, there is much debate in the field about the logical and legally

correct frameworks (French and Harrison, 2007; Rose and Morrison, 2009;

French et al., 2010).

A variety of frameworks for expressing conclusions is currently utilized

across the world. The conclusion frameworks may be grouped under the

following headings:

Binary Decision:

A two-way choice that either the criminal and suspect are the same

person or different people.

Classical Probability Scale (CPS):

The probability or likelihood of identity between the criminal and

suspect is stated. Typically, the assessment is a verbal rather than a

numerical one and it may use such terms as likely/ very likely to be

the same (or different) speakers. These types of judgments are often

labelled as frequentist.

Different probability scales are used by different experts,

causing concern amongst practitioners over the lack of clarity caused

by these different scales used for making conclusions (Broeders,

1999, p. 229). DNA evidence conclusions (presented using Likelihood

Ratios) in combination with the scientific status of forensic

evidence in the USA have had a large impact on all fields of forensics

in gradually undermining the traditional use of probability scales

(Broeders, 1999, p. 231). Conclusions made using CPSs do not

(intentionally or otherwise) incorporate any estimate of typicality,

and generally fail to acknowledge the defense hypothesis (e.g. the

evidence came from/was produced by someone other than the


Likelihood Ratio (LR):

This expresses the results as the likelihood of finding the degree of

correspondence or non-correspondence between the samples on the

basis of the prosecution hypothesis (that they come from the same

speaker), against the defense hypothesis (that they come from

different speakers). Some analysts express the likelihood ratio as a

number; others do so verbally. Both verbal and numerical LRs

provide a strength of evidence statement (see 2.3.1 for more

information) in the form of a verbal or numerical conclusion,

respectively (Morrison, 2009).

Using LRs, unlike CPSs, allows for typicality assessments to

be made. This requires population statistics or a knowledge of the

population in question for a given piece of evidence. In light of the

paradigm shift (Morrison 2009) LRs are thought to be the most

logical way in which to express conclusions. Furthermore, the

National Research Council (NRC) report to Congress on

Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States recommends

Aitken and Taroni (2004), Evett (1990), and Evett et al. (2000), as

they provide the essential building blocks for the proper assessment

and communication of forensic findings (2009, p. 186). All three are

proponents of the likelihood ratio framework.

UK Position Statement:

This conclusion framework potentially involves a two-part decision.

The first part concerns the assessment of whether the samples are

compatible, or consistent, with having come from the same person.

The second part, which only comes into play if there is a positive

decision concerning consistency, involves an evaluation of how

unusual or distinctive the features common to the samples may be

(French and Harrison, 2007).

Expanded explanations of these various frameworks are to be found in,

inter alia, Broeders (2001), Champod and Evett (2000), French and Harrison

(2007), French et al. (2010), Jessen (2008), Morrison (2009c), and Rose and

Morrison (2009).

Some methods of analysis lend themselves more readily than others to

the adoption of certain conclusion frameworks. For example, some automatic

systems express the results of the comparison as a numerical LR as one of their

options. A breakdown of methods against conclusion frameworks appears in

Table 3.3.

Table 3.3: Methods used for analysis in forensic speaker comparisons against conclusion

Binary Numerical Verbal UK Position

CPS Other
Decision LR LR Statement
AuPA 1 1
AcPA 1
AuPA + AcPA 2 10 1 2 10
HASR 3 2 1 1

As seen in Table 3.3, there is a tendency for participants using AuPA + AcPA to

adopt the classical probability scale and UK Position Statement conclusion


Table 3.4 breaks down conclusion frameworks by country. Some

countries appear more than once, as there were multiple respondents from the

same country, with individual experts implementing different conclusion


Table 3.4: Conclusion frameworks used by country

Conclusion Framework Countries

Binary Decision Brazil, China
Australia, Austria, Brazil, Germany,
Classical Probability Scale Netherlands, South Korea, Sweden,
Numerical LR Australia, Germany, Italy, Spain
Verbal LR Netherlands, USA
UK Position Statement Germany, Spain, Turkey, UK, USA

A Likert Scale was used to measure the respondents level of satisfaction with

the conclusion method s/he used. Likert ratings were averaged across

respondents. The scale ranged from 1 (extremely dissatisfied) to 6 (extremely

satisfied). Table 3.5 reports the number of experts responding, mean scores,

and standard deviations for satisfaction levels by conclusion frameworks.

Table 3.5: Satisfaction with conclusion framework

Mean Likert Standard Number of

Conclusion Framework
Rating Deviation Experts
Numerical LR 5.00 0.00 4
UK Position Statement 4.27 0.65 11
Verbal LR 4.00 0.00 3
Classical Probability Scale 3.69 0.95 13
Binary Decision 3.50 2.12 2

3.5.1 Population Statistics

Out of all respondents, 70% reported that they use some form of

population statistics in arriving at their conclusions. 58% stated that they had

personally collected population statistics for the incidence of occurrence of one

or more phonetic or acoustic features.

The features to which the statistics relate include fundamental frequency

(used by almost all of the 70%), articulation rate, voice onset time, long term

formant frequencies, and, where applicable, stammer/stutter. A number of the

respondents commented that if more population statistics were available they

would use them.

3.6 Guidelines

Respondents were asked whether they followed a protocol/set of guidelines in

each forensic speaker comparison case and if so whether they had been

involved in its design. 85% of respondents used some form of a protocol or set

of guidelines. For those following a protocol or guidelines in casework,

respondents were asked how their protocol/guidelines came into existence.

The responses are distributed in Table 3.6.

Table 3.6: Creation of guidelines/protocols

Origin Number
Developed personally 6
Developed in conjunction with colleagues 17
Given it by place of work 3

3.7 Casework Analysis: Alone or in Conjunction with Others

When asked whether they worked individually or in conjunction with

colleagues in carrying out speaker comparisons, participants provided the

information set out in Table 3.7.

Table 3.7: Workers involved in a single case

How Work is Carried Out Number

All work done individually 13
Work done with the help of an assistant 4
Work done in conjunction with other members of a group/team 10
Work is done individually and checked by someone else 7

3.8 Casework in Foreign Languages

Besides carrying out casework in their native language, 56% of experts stated

that they also conduct casework in other languages. Collectively, these experts

have worked on cases in over 40 different languages other than their own.

Of those who work with other languages, 94% require the assistance of a

native speaker of the language in question, and, of those requiring such

assistance, 56% deem it necessary for the assistant to have a qualification in

linguistics and/or phonetics.

3.9 Features Examined in Detail

This section reports on the aspects of recorded speech that respondents take

into account or consider important in FSC cases.

3.9.1 Phonetic Features

Respondents were asked whether and with what frequency they

examined the following features.

84 Segmental Features

All respondents analyze vowel and consonant sounds in the course of

their examinations. With regard to vowels, 81% invariably carried out some

form of analysis and 13% routinely did so. 94% of all experts evaluated the

auditory quality of vowels, 97% carried out some form of formant examinations

and 58% measured vowel durations.

Of those undertaking formant examinations, all measure the second

resonance (F2). 87% of respondents reported measuring F1 and an equal

percentage reported measuring F3. 17% of respondents stated that they

measure F4. Only 10% of respondents measuring formants measured F1-F4,

63% measured F1-F3, and 10% measured either F1 and F2 or F2 and F3. In

respect of which aspects of formants are examined, 94% reported measuring

center (i.e. temporal midpoint) frequencies of formants of monophthongs, 71%

reported measuring formant trajectories of diphthongs and 45% examined

vowel-consonant or consonant-vowel formant transitions. 35% stated that they

examine formant bandwidth and 13% reported examining formant densities.

In relation to consonants, all respondents reported subjecting them to

some form of examination; 52% invariably did so. For all experts, 88% of

respondents reported evaluating auditory quality. 82% stated that they

examined aspects of timing and 48% reported measuring the frequencies of

energy loci.

Table 6 reports the frequency with which consonants, broken down by

manner of articulation, are analyzed in FSC cases. Respondents gave their

answers using a 6-point Likert Scale ranging from 1 (never) to 6 (always). The

number of experts responding, mean Likert ratings, and standard deviations are

represented in Table 3.8 for those respondents who are native English speakers

(and working on English cases only).

Table 3.8: Frequency of consonant analysis in English

Manner of Mean Likert Standard Number of

Articulation Rating Deviation Experts
Fricatives 4.85 1.21 13
Plosives 4.73 1.49 11
Approximants 4.50 1.27 10
Laterals 4.46 1.13 13
Nasals 4.08 1.24 12
Affricates 3.82 1.47 11
Taps/Flaps 3.70 1.77 10
Trills 3.18 2.04 11 Suprasegmental Features

All respondents (excluding those using AuPA only) routinely measure

fundamental frequency in their comparisons. With respect to what they

measure, for those conducting some form of AcPA, 94% reported measuring the

mean, 41% the median, 34% the mode, 72% standard deviation, 25% the

alternative baseline (the value (in Hz) that falls 7.64% below the F0; Lindh,

2007), and 6% measure the range. Considering all aspects of fundamental

frequency listed above, the most common combination for analysis was the

mean plus the standard deviation (22% of participants), followed by 19%

examining mean, median, mode and standard deviation together. Only 9%

measure the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and alternative baseline.

Single respondents also reported measuring the coefficient of variation, also

known as the varco (the standard deviation divided by the mean (Jessen et al.,

2005)), the first and third quartiles, and kurtosis/skew. It is important to note

that although many respondents reported analyzing the fundamental

frequency, a large proportion point out that it is usually of little help. One

respondent stated that fundamental frequency is] usually used as an

elimination tool rather than an identification tool.

94% of the respondents who include an AuPA stated that they examine

voice quality as part of their overall procedure, although only 77% of these

invariably or routinely examine it. Further to this, 61% of those who examine

voice quality do so using a recognized scheme (e.g. Laver, 1980) or modified

version of such a scheme, for its description. Of those experts examining voice

quality the large majority (63%) reported using the Laver Voice Profile Analysis

Scheme (VPAS) or a modified version of it. 21% of experts perform an auditory

analysis of voice quality and provide some form of a verbal description. The

remaining experts use the GRBAS scheme (Grade, Roughness, Breathiness,

Asthenia, Strain; see Bhuta et al. 2004 for more information) or a modified

version of it (13%), and a single expert (3%) reported using LTS spectra (long-

term spectra) for examining voice quality. Furthermore, three experts provided

insightful commentary regarding the discriminant power of voice quality,

voice quality can often be central to the analysis and is best analyzed

systematically using a detailed scheme such as the Edinburgh VPA. Another

respondent states that voice quality is frequently strongly discriminating in

forensic speaker comparisons and the third expert comments that they are

increasingly of the view that voice quality is one of the most valuable but least

well understood parameters.

85% of all respondents stated that they examine intonation with one or

another level of frequency. However, of these only 25% look at intonation

invariably. The specific aspects of intonation vary, with tonality 11 being

reported more than tonicity12, 67% vs. 38% of respondents (Ladd, 1996, p. 10).

Tails of tone units were examined by 46% and heads by 29%.

93% of respondents stated that they analyze tempo with varying

degrees of frequency. Of those analyzing tempo, 81% apply a formal measure

(e.g. speaking rate (SR) or articulation rate; Knzel, 1997). For formal measures,

articulation rate (AR) was reported most frequently by 47% of respondents

compared to only 19% that use speaking rate and 16% that use both

articulation rate and speaking rate. Those using AR were asked how they

defined a syllable, and 93% of the respondents reported using phonetic

syllables for AR rather than linguistic ones. 73% stated that they examine

speech rhythm with varying regularity.

3.9.2 Non-Phonetic Features Higher-Order Linguistic Features

In addition to examining phonetic features, 76% of all respondents

reported examining discourse features and/or conversational behaviors

(discourse markers, aspects of turn-taking, telephone opening and closing

behaviors, patterns of code switching). 88% of all experts stated that they

examine lexico-grammatical usage. Lexical features were examined most

frequently, followed by syntax and morphology.

11 Tonality marks one kind of unit of language activity and roughly where each such unit
begins and ends one tone group is as it were one move in a speech act (Halliday 1967 p. 30).
12 Tonicity marks the focal point of each such unit of activity: every move has one (major), or

one major and one minor, concentration point, shown by the location of the tonic syllable, the
start of the tonic (Halliday 1967 p. 30).

88 Non-Linguistic Features

94% of the respondents who answered this question reported examining

non-linguistic features at least some of the time. In descending frequency order,

specific features were as follows: filled pauses, tongue clicking13, audible

breathing, throat clearing, and laughter.

3.10 What is Considered Discriminant

In addition to being asked about features within the linguistic, phonetic and

acoustic domains, respectively, participants were given the opportunity to

identify which feature from any domain they found most useful for

discriminating speakers. For all respondents together, voice quality was

reported most often (32%), followed by dialect/accent variants and vowel

formants (both 28%). 20% reported speaking tempo and fundamental

frequency as useful parameters. This was followed by rhythm (16%). Lexical

and grammatical choices, vowel and consonant realizations, phonological

processes (e.g. connected speech processes) and fluency were all reported by

13% of the respondents. One respondent went as far as stating that vowel

formant analysis is rarely insightful.

Interestingly, though perhaps not surprisingly, the vast majority of

participants alluded to the fact that despite some individual parameters having

significant weight, it is the overall combination of features that they consider

crucial in discriminating between speakers. In Aristotelian terms, The whole is

greater than the sum of the parts (Aristotle, Metaphysica 10f-1045a).

13It is perhaps better to classify tongue clicking as a linguistic feature when it is used in a
inherently functional way, such as that described in Chapter 7. However, at the time of the
survey, clicks were classified as non-linguistic.

3.11 Discussion

The purpose of this chapter has not been to advance any argument or to

develop theoretical propositions. Rather, its objective has been the much more

mundane one answering to the motivations set out in 3.1: laying out basic

factual information concerning the practice of FSC internationally in the present

day and drawing upon the collective expertise of FSC experts worldwide so as

to identify current working methods and features of speech that are considered

to have the greatest potential for discriminating between individuals.

Those not directly involved in this specialist field but working, for

example, in other aspects of phonetics or linguistics, may well be surprised at

the lack of consensus over such fundamental matters as how speech samples

are to be analyzed and compared, which aspects of the samples are to be

assigned greatest importance during the analytic process, and how conclusions

are to be expressed at the end of it. However, we are assured by those working

in various other fields of forensic science that the level of dissensus uncovered

by the present survey is by no means unique to forensic speaker comparison.

Indeed, some of the practices and preferences found here are undoubtedly

dictated or constrained by the rules of the institutions and firms in which the

participants work. Where those organizations include other forensic science

disciplines, the options, particularly for the framing of conclusions, may be laid

down unilaterally for all types of casework investigation undertaken under

their auspices. For instance, the Dutch government forensic science facility, the

Netherlands Forensic Institute, requires that the outcomes of every

investigation undertaken by its employees, irrespective of the forensic

discipline, be expressed within a Bayesian likelihood ratio framework (Meuwly,

p. c.). Likewise, one of the participants in the present study who used a binary

decision format when expressing conclusions stated that to do so was a

requirement of his/her employer.

Over and above the rules laid down by public and private sector

laboratories, nations may also set down requirements, either by statute or via

case law. Some jurisdictions, notably the England and Wales division of the UK,

have been extremely non-prescriptive in this respect, according the expert a

very high degree of autonomy and discretion over the methods of analysis

he/she adopts and the way the outcomes are formulated. In respect of forensic

speaker comparison evidence, the England and Wales position was affirmed in

the Appeal Court ruling R -v- Robb (1991), in which the court ruled that

whether or not an expert used any acoustic testing was entirely his/her own

decision, and re-iterated in relation to the same issue in the more recent appeal

R -v- Flynn and St John (2008). Indeed, the main analytic issues over which the

higher courts have seen fit to pass down general prohibitions to forensic

experts concern the use of statistics in representing the strength of evidence (cf.

R -v- Doheny and Adams (1996); R -v- T (2011)). Where experts enjoy freedom

of choice, one might expect their preferences to be influenced by individual

intellectual commitments. However, in spite of the latitude allowed by the UK

legal system, it is of note that all nine UK experts taking part in the study use the

combined AuPA + AcPA method. Indeed, this method is the predominant one

across all countries represented in the survey (25 = AuPA + AcPA; 10 = other

see Table 3.3). Thus, although the results show a wide range of variation in

methods, there is nevertheless a very large degree of convergence.

As for the future, certain trends can be predicted. One is that as time

goes on and further improvements are made to the error rates of

(semi)automatic systems and to their capabilities for handling real case (i.e.,

non-studio) recordings, one would expect to find such systems increasingly

being incorporated into casework alongside the AuPA + AcPA approach. This

development would be particularly apposite in the USA, where the appeal court

ruling Daubert -v- Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc. (1993) is taken by many

lower courts as the benchmark for admissibility of expert evidence, and within

that ruling is the statement that the court ordinarily should consider the known

or potential error rate of the method. ASRs readily lend themselves to meeting

this criterion, and, indeed, many systems are subject to such testing as part of

the annual NIST evaluations (Greenberg et al., 2010). Further, a number of

ASRs have an LR as one of their easily selectable options for representing the

results of speaker comparisons. As seen in Table 3.3, most experts currently

express their conclusions in terms of a classical probability scale (14), whilst

only half as many (7) use some form of LR (3 = verbal LR; 4 = numerical LR).

The increasing use of ASR software, together with the current paradigm shift

in forensic science towards Bayesian reasoning, and the use of LRs for

presenting results, would lead one to expect an increase in the number of

experts using LRs and a corresponding decrease in the use of other conclusion


Morrison (2009c, p. 298) suggests that today we are in the midst of

what Saks and Koehler (2005) have called a paradigm shift in the evaluation

and presentation of evidence in the forensic sciences which deal with the

comparison of the quantifiable properties of objects of known and questioned

origin, e.g., DNA profiles, finger marks, hairs, fibres, glass fragments, tool marks,

handwriting and voice recordings. However he fails to acknowledge the fact

that not all speech evidence is of the quantifiable type, as demonstrated in the

survey results from the present study. The Bayesian framework of likelihood

ratios has been adopted by many fields in the forensic disciplines where

quantifiable evidence is of the norm and qualitative evidence is something that

does not necessarily come into question (e.g. DNA or fingerprints). It is

important to recognize that speech does not consist entirely of measurements.

There are elements of speech that are best described/analyzed qualitatively (i.e.

certain aspects of voice quality (e.g. lingual body orientation), lexical, syntactic,

or morphological choices, audible breathing, laughter). If such features can be

quantified in some form, then it is plausible that we will one day see an entire

forensic speaker comparison case completed in a Bayesian framework, but until

then there will still be experts who will continue to present such features in a

qualitative form, whether that is alongside a LR conclusion or another form of

conclusion (e.g. CPS or UK Position Statement).

Additionally, in light of the popularity of the Bayesian framework, it can

be predicted that more research on LRs will be carried out. This can be seen as a

positive trend, as parameters that experts found to be discriminant in their

experience (as reported in this survey), may now be tested empirically, and

general strength of evidence statements can potentially be attributed to certain

features. Given this, experts and researchers in the field of forensic speech

science can give appropriate weight in forensic casework to those features

found to be most discriminant through intrinsic14 and extrinsic15 likelihood

ratio testing.

Finally, those differences that currently exist across practitioners may be

reduced through blueprints16 and drives for international co-operation and

cross-border transferability of forensic science evidence (e.g. House of

Commons Northern Ireland Affairs Committee, 2009). And, of course, the

prerequisite for resolution of differences is knowledge of their existence.

Insofar as the present study lays bare that information, it may be considered to

be making a modest first step towards international unity.

3.12 Limitations

The International Survey on Forensic Speaker Comparison Practices has three

limitations. The first is the limited number of experts who took part in the

survey. Ideally, one would like to work with a larger sample size in order to

represent the total population of forensic speech scientists as accurately as

possible. Thirty-six is a large proportion of practicing forensic phoneticians.

However, it would have been preferable to include even more forensic

phoneticians and to have been able to represent a greater number of countries,

languages, and methods in order to achieve the most accurate representation of

current practices in forensic speaker comparison.

The second limitation is the lack of representation from those experts

using ASR alone. As is evident in the NIST speaker recognition evaluations

14 Intrinsic likelihood ratio testing uses the same set of speakers (e.g. from the same speech
corpus) for both the test and reference samples.
15 Extrinsic likelihood ratio testing uses different sets of speakers (e.g. from different speech

corpora) for the test and reference samples.

16 Blueprint is used here to refer to some form of standards documents.

(Campbell et al., 2009), there are a number of experts around the world who

use ASR alone, and the survey results presented in this chapter fail to represent

this fact. Despite efforts to recruit participants that utilize ASR alone, no such

experts responded to the survey.

The final limitation is the simple fact that these results have a limited

shelf life meaning that the field is always changing and forever evolving, and

these results are only a snapshot of the field as it stood in 2010-2011. The

trends seen in the survey will certainly vary in the future as more research is

carried out and new methodologies are put into practice.

3.13 Parameters Chosen for Further Analysis

As stated in 1.3, this survey served in part as a hunting ground for identifying

the speech parameters believed by experts to hold the greatest discriminant

potential. Based on responses from the practitioners, I now identify four

parameters from the survey that experts found to be highly discriminant and/or

analyzed relatively often in casework: articulation rate, long-term formant

distributions, long-term fundamental frequency, and clicks (velaric ingressive

stops). The subsequent chapters analyze each of the four parameters in turn,

while referring to the discriminant expectations of a given parameter.

Chapter 4 Articulation Rate
4.1 Introduction

Forensic phoneticians have suggested that speech tempo is an important

parameter for forensic speaker comparisons, with 93% of experts analyzing

speech tempo and 73% of those doing so with varying regularity (Chapter 3). It

is also reported that when asked which parameters they found highly

discriminant in forensic speaker comparisons, 20% of all experts reported that

they found speech tempo to be the most useful parameter for discriminating

speakers. Overall, speech tempo was ranked as the third most helpful

parameter (alongside F0) of all possible parameters used in a forensic speaker

comparison. Analyzing speech tempo in detail for a large, homogeneous group

of individuals provides insight into the distribution of and variation within the

parameter and thereby its ability to discriminate between speakers.

In forensic phonetics, speech tempo is typically quantified as either

speaking rate (SR) or articulation rate (AR; Knzel, 1997). Both speaking and

articulation rate measure the speech tempo of an individual, but the two

measures capture slightly different aspects of tempo. Speaking rate (SR) can be

defined as the rate of speech of the whole speaking-turn. It therefore includes

all speech material (linguistic or non-linguistic), together with any silent

pauses, that are contained within the overall speaking-turn (Laver 1994 p.

158). Articulation rate (AR) is defined as the rate at which a given utterance is

produced. The speech material measured by articulation rate therefore

excludes silent pauses by virtue of the definition of an utterance, which begins

and ends with silence (Laver 1994 p. 158). The difference between speaking

rate and articulation rate is that the former includes disfluencies and

filled/unfilled pauses in the calculation, whereas the latter excludes disfluencies

and unfilled pauses. Within the field of forensic speech science the majority of

experts report a preference for measuring articulation rate rather than

speaking rate in forensic speaker comparison casework (Chapter 3).

Population statistics for articulation rate on a large, homogeneous scale

(100+ speakers) exist for German and Chinese, but as yet, there has not been a

similar study carried out on English. This study presents the analysis for the

ARs and standard deviations (SD) of 100 Southern Standard British English

(SSBE) male speakers. The results concern both the inter-speaker and intra-

speaker variation of AR, as well as assessing the evidential value of AR as a

parameter in forensic speaker comparisons.

4.2 Literature Review

Articulation rate has been investigated in British English in small-scale studies.

Goldman-Eisler (1956) was one of the first to analyze and calculate articulation

rate in a population. In her study, she examined the spontaneous speech of eight

British adults in 30- to 60-minute interview-type recordings. AR was calculated

by counting the number of syllables (the definition of the syllable and interval

type were undefined in the study) in an utterance, with an utterance defined as

periods of speech lasting from a preceding question or utterance of an

interviewer to the next, which is usually occasioned by the subject having come

to a natural stop or pause (Goldman-Eisler, 1956, p. 137). It was found that the

mean AR across speakers was 4.95 syllables per second, ranging from 4.4 for

the slowest to 5.9 for the fastest speakers. The mean standard deviation across

speakers was 0.91 syllables per second (syll/sec), ranging from 0.54 to 1.48.

Kirchhbel and Howard (2011) also collected articulation rate figures

for British English, while investigating properties of speech that could

potentially be correlated with emotional/psychological stress. The study

examines the spontaneous speech of a loosely homogeneous group of 10 young

Southern British males in mock police interviews. Along with the AR and SR

results for the psychologically-stressed speech of the subjects, Kirchhbel and

Howard (2011) also provided baseline results for the speakers using interpause

stretches to obtain AR measurements. The mean AR for speakers was 5.81

syll/sec with a range of 5.14 to 7.00 and a standard deviation of 0.89 syll/sec

(range 0.79 to 1.01).

In a later study, Goldman-Eisler (1968) further examined AR as well as

SR. However, this study focused on intra-speaker variation. It was observed that

AR exhibits fairly little intra-speaker variation, whereas there is much more

variability present in SR. Henze (1953) conducted a similar investigation in

German using spontaneous speech in the form of story-telling elicited by a film,

and the same observations were made. It is noted that different speech tasks,

for example read versus spontaneous speech produced in different emotional

states, can cause differences in the pauses that speakers use (e.g. number, kind,

duration), in turn causing variations in speech rate across different speaking

tasks. Articulation rate differed slightly across the different tasks, but it was

found to be relatively stable across tasks in these two studies.

With respect to the implications for forensic speaker comparison, Knzel

(1997) examined AR, SR, and various pausing parameters in German. He

retested claims that intra-speaker variation was lower in AR than SR. He

confirmed prior results showing that intra-speaker variation is much smaller.

For the experiment, the read and spontaneous speech of five males and five

females was analyzed, and SR was found to be higher in read speech than in

spontaneous speech. This is largely due to the fact that speakers use far fewer

hesitation pauses (i.e. filled and unfilled) in read speech than in spontaneous.

AR, on the other hand, was not significantly different between read and

spontaneous speech, and AR for individual speakers had coefficients of variance

that were smaller than they were with SR. To further evaluate the possible

discriminating power of SR and AR, Knzel looked at cumulative distributions

of both intra- and inter-speaker differences. According to the equal error rates

(see 4.6.1) calculated, AR was found to have more speaker-discriminating

power than SR.

Following Knzels (1997) conclusion that AR is a better discriminator

than SR, investigators have begun to examine AR in more detail. In keeping with

Knzels conclusion that AR will have to be interpreted with caution when used

in forensic speaker recognition until its possibilities and limitations have been

assessed on the basis of genuine case material and large numbers of speakers

(1997, p. 79), additional studies have been conducted in both German and

Chinese. Jessen (2007b) analyzed the AR of 100 male speakers of German. AR

was measured for both spontaneous and read speech. It was found that, contra

Knzel (1997), the mean AR was significantly higher in read speech. Overall,

Jessen found the mean AR for the 100 speakers was 5.21 syll/sec. In order to

calculate ARs, he was the first to implement a new methodology in which

memory stretches (Jessen, 2007b, p. 53) were utilized rather than interpause

stretches and intonation phrases (Trouvain 2004, p. 50), which had been

commonly used in previous studies. Jessen describes the methodology behind

memory stretches as the phonetic expert going through the speech signal

and [selecting] portions of fluent speech containing a number of syllables that

can easily be retained in short-term memory. After listening several times the

expert then counts the number of syllables that he/she is able to recall from

memory to be included in this portion of speech (Jessen, 2007b, pp. 54-55).

Cao and Wang (2011) followed the methodology of Jessen (2007b) and

examined the ARs for 101 male Mandarin Chinese speakers in spontaneous

telephone speech. They investigated inter-speaker and intra-speaker variation

in AR, and found both the global ARs (GAR) and means of local ARs (LARmean)

to be fairly normally distributed (GAR and LAR mean are explained further in

4.3.2). The mean global articulation rate (GAR) was 6.58 syll/sec and the mean

of the local articulation rates (LARmean) was 6.66 syll/sec. They also report

that the range of AR for a given speaker is relatively small and stable. However,

ARs in Mandarin Chinese appeared to be higher than English and German

studies. The authors attribute the difference to the simpler syllable structure

found in Chinese. Chinese syllables are largely /CV/ in shape; therefore more

syllables per second can be produced than is possible with the inherently longer

syllables in German and English (Cao and Wang, 2011, p. 398).

Although AR has been examined in large-scale studies of both German

and Chinese, the greatest number of subjects examined in a previous study of

English speakers is 50, and many studies examined are based on considerably

fewer. Table 4.1 provides an overview of AR studies conducted on English.

Table 4.1: Overview of articulation rate studies

Study Subjects Task AR mean avg. AR range SD mean avg. SD range

Goldman-Eisler (1956) British: 8 subjects Interviews: Spontaneous 4.95 4.4-5.9 0.91 0.54-1.48

American: 20 male and 20

Robb et al. (2004) Rainbow Passage: Read 5.27 0.40
female adults
New Zealand: 20 male and 20
Rainbow Passage: Read 5.70 0.47
female adults
Doherty & Lee (2009) Read (1st time through
Irish: 22 males 5.68
Rainbow Passage)
Read (2nd time through
Irish: 22 males 6.05
Rainbow Passage)
Irish: 22 males Conversation: Spontaneous 5.88
Read (1st time through
Irish: 22 females 5.38
Rainbow Passage)
Read (2nd time through
Irish: 22 females 5.67
Rainbow Passage)
Irish: 22 females Conversation: Spontaneous 5.58
Jacewicz et al. (2009) North Carolina: 50 adults Conversation: Spontaneous 5.41 0.48
North Carolina: 50 adults Sentences: Read 3.27 0.44
Wisconsin: 44 adults Conversation: Spontaneous 4.81 0.54
Wisconsin: 44 adults Sentences: Read 3.54 0.34
Kirchhbel & Howard (2011) SSBE: 10 males Interviews: Spontaneous 5.81 5.14-7.00 0.89 0.79-1.01

As can be seen in Table 4.1, a number of studies have examined AR for both

read and spontaneous speech, but to date only two small-scale studies on

British English have been carried out (Goldman-Eisler, 1956; Kirchhbel and

Howard, 2011). Combined, the results for ARs from these in respect of

spontaneous speech have a mean rate of 5.29 syllables per second, with the

slowest mean at 4.81 syll/sec and the fastest at 5.88 syll/sec. It is important to

note that these figures are the result of studies of only a few varieties of English,

and how other varieties and dialects may pattern is unknown. The most recent

AR study on British English (Kirchhbel and Howard, 2011) has a difference of

more than 1.00 syll/sec relative to Goldman-Eislers (1956) study carried out

about 55 years earlier. It is hypothesized that the results of the present study

will pattern more closely with those of Kirchhbel and Howard (2011) than

those of Goldman-Eisler (1956), as the former is based on a more

demographically and linguistically homogeneous group of speakers and uses a

similar methodology to the present study (the methodology in Goldman-Eisler

(1956) is not transparent and is therefore difficult to compare).

4.3 Population Statistics for Articulation Rate

The following section presents the collection of population statistics for

articulation rate in a large, homogeneous group of 100 male speakers. This data

serves as the first of its kind in providing detailed information on the

distribution of and variation in articulation rate for a large group of individuals

who speak SSBE.

4.3.1 Data
The data for the current chapter as well as subsequent chapters come

from the Dynamic Variability in Speech database (DyViS) recorded at the

University of Cambridge (Nolan et al., 2009). The DyViS database is a large

speech corpus collected under simulated forensic conditions (de Jong et al.

2007). It is comprised of recordings of 100 male speakers of Southern Standard

British English (hereafter referred to as SSBE) aged 18-25. This group of

speakers is meant to represent a homogeneous population in respect of sex, age,

and accent group. All speakers were recorded under both studio and telephone

recording conditions for Task 2 (see below), and under studio recording

conditions for a number of different speaking styles (i.e. Task 1, Task 3, and

Task 4). The DyViS recordings include four tasks identified below (adapted

from de Jong et al., 2007):

Task 1: simulated police interview (studio quality)

Task 2 telephone conversation with accomplice (studio and telephone quality)
Task 3: reading passage (studio quality)
Task 4: reading sentences (studio quality)

The first task in DyViS is a simulated police interview, whereby the

speaker is interrogated in a mock police investigation in relation to a (fictional)

drug trafficking crime. The speech is spontaneous insofar as speakers were

given visual stimuli (e.g. pictures of people and places) to prompt the

construction of their responses to the investigator (interlocutor). There were a

number of target words from the visual stimuli that were elicited by the

interlocutor (i.e. the interlocutor asked the speaker specific questions in order

to elicit the target words). The second task in DyViS is a telephone conversation

between the speaker and his accomplice Robert Freeman (the interlocutor is

the same person for all 100 speakers). Task 2 is recorded from the studio end of

the telephone call as well as via an intercepted external BT landline. The second

task, like Task 1, is spontaneous speech, whereby the interlocutor questions the

speaker in a mock police interview. The interlocutor for Task 2 elicits from the

speaker the same target words as those used in the police interview, which

inevitably leads the discussion in Task 1 and Task 2 to be very similar.

Tasks 3 and 4 of DyViS are both forms of read speech. Task 3 consists of

a read news report pertaining to the alleged drug trafficking crime. The same

target words are included in the read report. Task 4 is read speech from

controlled sentences that have a large number of SSBE vowels in nuclear non-

final position (i.e. in closed syllables), with six repetitions each.

The studies carried out in the remainder of this thesis will include only

data from either Task 1 or Task 2 (studio quality, spontaneous speech) of the

DyViS database. The current chapter uses Task 2 for calculating articulation


The DyViS studio recordings were all made using a Marantz PMD670

portable solid state recorder at a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz and 16 bit depth (de

Jong et al., 2007). All speakers were recorded via a Sennheiser ME64-K6

cardioid condenser microphone positioned approximately 20 cm from the

speakers mouth. The recordings were made in a sound-treated room in the

Phonetics Laboratory at the University of Cambridge (Nolan et al. 2009:40).

4.3.2 Methodology
The Task 2 recordings used for the current study were 15 to 25 minutes

in duration. However, only the relevant amount of material was analyzed in

order to extract between 26 and 32 memory stretches. 26 was chosen as the

lower boundary for memory stretches because it was the maximum number

of tokens that could be extracted from the shortest of the 100 recordings. The

upper boundary of 32 was chosen semi-arbitrarily (only to have a large number

of tokens for calculating likelihood ratios).

The general methodology employed in this study follows very closely

that of Jessen (2007b). In measuring AR a number of decisions have to be made

(Knzel, 1997; Trouvain, 2004). As Jessen (2007b, p. 53) explains, the first

concern is the kind of linguistic unit on the basis of which AR is counted. As

noted in Chapter 3, the majority of forensic phoneticians use the syllable as a

unit of measurement, rather than sound segments or words, in turn producing

AR rates in syll/sec as opposed to words per second (or minute). As a native

speaker of a language, one has a fairly reliable intuitive ability to count the

number of syllables in a specific stretch of speech. In terms of analysis, this

avoids the need to become involved in examining intensity peaks in the acoustic

signal on a syllable-by-syllable basis. Jessen also mentions that the syllable is

probably more a cognitive/linguistic unit grounded in the physics of speech

production (Keating 1988, cited in Jessen, 2007b, p. 53). For these reasons,

syllables in this study were determined auditorily through careful listening.

The second important decision for the measurement of AR relates to

whether one should define syllables phonologically or phonetically. A

phonological syllable is defined in terms of the lexicon and grammatical rules

of the language whereas a phonetic syllable is one that is manifested in

phonetic reality (Jessen 2007b p. 53). Jessen gives an example using the

phrase did you eat yet? Phonologically we would count this as having four

syllables; however, in reality the number of syllables may be reduced or in some

rare cases even increased. If the phrase were to be reduced it might be realized

as perhaps two syllables as in jeet yet (Jessen 2007b). For this reason the use

of phonetic versus phonological syllables makes a difference in terms of AR

counts. In a case where a phrase is phonetically only two syllables, AR will

obviously be lower than if the same phrase was counted as four phonological

syllables (see Jessen, 2007b, pp. 53-54 for further discussion). Jessen (2007b)

suggests that syllables are best defined phonetically, rather than phonologically.

This is because often in casework, speaker comparisons include speech from

different dialects or foreign accents, and in certain cases it might be difficult to

determine what the phonological form should be (Jessen, 2007b). However,

Jessen (2007b) also notes that:

[C]ounting actual syllables can lead to curious artefacts when a

speaker in speaking rapidly deletes [phonetic] syllables, whereas

another speaker might reduce or delete perhaps the same number

of [phonetic] sounds but still preserves the number of underlying

syllables. In such a case the former speaker ends up with lower AR

than the latter although both would be about equally fast if AR

were based on canonical rather than actual syllables.

Given that the present study is based on recordings of a linguistically

homogeneous population with the same accent and that counting syllables

phonetically has been shown to cause curious artefacts17 (Jessen, 2007b, p.

54; Koreman, 2006), the current study is based on phonological syllables rather

than phonetic syllables.

The third methodological decision, and the one which is perhaps the

most influential on the results, involves the kind of speech interval that is

selected for determining AR. The AR can be calculated for the entire duration of

fluent portions in a recording. This number is known as global AR.

Alternatively, by taking multiple fluent speech stretches within a recording,

local ARs can be calculated (Jessen, 2007b, p. 54). Miller et al. (1984) showed

that speakers often change their speech tempo over the course of longer

utterances. Therefore, in order to capture such changes in tempo that may

occur within a single recording, it is more useful to obtain local ARs. Previously,

researchers have commonly used interpause stretches and intonation phrases

to identify speech intervals over which to calculate local ARs (Trouvain, 2004).

Following Jessen (2007b), in order to avoid possible empirical or

methodological problems associated with the two aforementioned methods of

selecting speech intervals, a much simpler and more pragmatic approach was

chosen for this study. Interpause stretches tend to result in intervals that are

extremely variable in length due to pausing behaviors (which might reintroduce

the influence of pausing which AR tries to eliminate; Jessen, 2007b). Intonation

pauses are reliant on phonetic and linguistic judgments made by the analyst,

which result in variation of the interval lengths depending on the experts

interpretation (Jessen, 2007b). Therefore, the speech interval used in the

17These artefacts occur when one speaker may be speaking quickly and as a consequence
deletes phonetic syllables, whereas another speaker is typically inclined to reduce or
completely delete the same number of phonetic sounds. However, this speaker is able to
preserve the number of underlying phonological syllables.

current study for computing local ARs is referred to as a memory stretch

(Jessen, 2007b, p. 54). After listening several times to that interval of speech,

the expert then counts the number of syllables that he/she is able to recall from

memory being included in this portion of speech. Three examples of memory

stretches from Speaker 036 are presented in the Table 4.2.

Table 4.2: Examples of memory stretches for Speaker 036

Number of Time (in

Memory Stretch
Syllables seconds)
(a) I defended you gallantly 8 0.984
(b) They wanted to know about a car park 10 1.367
(c) They didnt elaborate or anything 11 1.161

Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio 10.0 was used for analysis. Speech intervals

were only selected at least two minutes into the recording, to allow the speaker

to become comfortable speaking to his accomplice in the presence of the

recording equipment. Like Jessen, speech intervals containing fluent speech

were chosen, and the region marked out. After listening several times, I would

type out the speech phrase on the region marker tag. Following this, I would

count the number of syllables included in that interval. After collecting enough

memory stretches, it was possible to view all recorded regions that listed the

number of syllables and included the length of the speech segment. Those

figures were entered into Microsoft Excel and local and global ARs as well as

standard deviations were computed for all speakers.

The procedure described above was applied to all 100 recordings

analyzed in this study. The mean and standard deviation of AR for each speaker

are used for analysis and are reported in 4.3.2 below. The maximum number

of syllables in a memory stretch was 26, but most stretches contained between

7 and 11 syllables (in order not to push the limits18 (Jessen, 2007b, p. 55), and

avoid mistakes following Jessen (2007b)). In line with the methodology

implemented by Jessen, four syllables or more per stretch were used. The

threshold is in place in order to avoid the inclusion of very short interpause

stretches that could unduly increase the effect of phrase-final lengthening on

the calculated articulation rate (Jessen 2007b, p. 55). It is important to note

that each memory stretch consisted of only fluent speech (for speech intervals).

Fluent speech was defined as speech that did not include the following: any kind

of pauses, either filled or unfilled, repeated syllables, unintelligible speech, and

any syllable lengthening (judged subjectively) that went beyond canonical non-

hesitation durations in English. The mean number of memory stretches

measured per speaker was approximately 30, with a standard deviation of 2.1, a

range of 26-32, and 2,993 total ARs calculated for the 100 speakers.

4.3.3 Results
The distributions of the local AR means and the standard deviations for

individuals are presented in Figures 4.1 and 4.2. The y-axis represents the

number of speakers that fall within a given range and the x-axis depicts

articulation rate presented as syllables per second.

That is in order to avoid trying to remember such an extensive interval of speech that

mistakes are made when trying to recall it, as this could potentially affect the resulting ARs.

Mean Articulation Rates
Number of Speakers 16

Articulation Rates (syllables/second)

Figure 4.1: Distribution of mean articulation rates

There is a roughly normal distribution19 for the mean ARs, as illustrated in

Figure 4.1. The mean AR for the population is 6.02 syll/sec, with an overall

range of mean AR from 4.57 to 7.79 syll/sec. The standard deviation of the

mean is 0.64 syll/sec. The 100 speakers have mean ARs within a 3.22 syll/sec


The data were checked for two levels of outliers. This thesis defines

suspected outliers as falling between 1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR)

and 3 times the IQR, plus or minus the first or third quartiles. Any outliers that

fall outside the upper bounds of 3 times the IQR are confirmed as definite or

extreme outliers in this thesis. The mean AR has six suspected outliers at 7.23

19 Normality was judged visually, and not through statistical testing.

syll/sec, 7.24 syll/sec, 7.47 syll/sec (x2), 7.53 syll/sec, and 7.79 syll/sec.

However, there were no extreme outliers for mean AR.

Standard Deviation for Articulation Rates

Number of Speakers




Standard Deviation (syllables/second)

Figure 4.2: Distribution of standard deviations in articulation rate

The standard deviations for AR within speakers appear normally

distributed. The mean SD is 1.20 syll/sec, with a range of 0.72 and 3.95 syll/sec.

Those speakers who lie towards the left end of the x-axis are considered

relatively more consistent in their AR than those speakers who fall towards the

right end, who are characterized as having a more variable AR. The SDs of the

100 speakers lie within a range of 3.23 syll/sec, which is a larger range (by 0.01

syll/sec) than the range of means found for AR (see Figure 4.1). AR has three

suspected outliers at 1.72 syll/sec, 1.77 syll/sec, and 1.87 syll/sec. There are

also two extreme outliers at 2.36 syll/sec and 3.95 syll/sec.

The cumulative distribution graph of means in Figure 4.3 below shows

the percentile within which a given AR falls. The y-axis is the cumulative

percent of the population, and the x-axis represents AR.

Mean Articulation Rates


Cumulative Proportion (%)









4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8
Articulation Rate (syllables/second)
Figure 4.3: Cumulative percentages for mean articulation rate

The curve in Figure 4.3 is characterized by a steep central portion, but rather

gentle gradients at both ends. 1 SD from the mean gives a range of

approximately 5.3 and 6.6 syll/sec, into which roughly 73% of the population

falls. The cumulative distribution of individuals SDs is illustrated in Figure 4.4,

which follows the same template as that of Figure 4.3.

Standard Deviations for Articulation Rate

Cumulative Proportion (%) 90

0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.4 4.0
Standard Deviation (syllables/second)
Figure 4.4: Cumulative percentages for standard deviation in articulation rate

The curve in Figure 4.4 is similar to the curve seen in Figure 4.3, as it is

characterized by a steep central portion and gentle gradients at both ends.

However, the slopes at the ends are not as gradual as the curve of the mean

distributions (Figure 4.3). 1 SD from the mean SD gives a range from

approximately 0.82 to 1.58 syll/sec, a band in which roughly 84% of individuals

SDs fall.

Comparing the intra-speaker variation to the inter-speaker variation, it

is important to note that the mean SD (1.2 syll/sec) for a speaker is about twice

the SD (0.64 syll/sec) for between-speaker variation. One would be more likely

to find higher levels of variation within any given speaker of SSBE than between

that speaker and others. This variability is also shown in the variance ratio,

which is a calculated by dividing the squared between-speaker SD by the mean

squared within-speaker SD (Rose et al., 2006). A value of less than one indicates

that there is more variation within speakers than between them. A value

greater than one indicates that there is more variation between speakers than

within speakers. The variance ratio for AR is 0.2844, which confirms that there

is more variation within individuals than there is between them.

4.3.4 Discussion
In addition to providing population statistics, there are three main points

to be drawn from the results reported in 4.4.0. The first is that the ARs found

in the current study are very different from those found by older AR studies,

namely Goldman-Eisler (1956), Robb et al. (2004), and Jacewicz et al. (2009).

Goldman-Eisler (1956) reported a mean of 4.95 syllables per second, a mean

range of 4.40 to 5.90, and a standard deviation of 0.91 syllables per second

(range = 0.54 to 1.48). Her research was based on the spontaneous speech of

eight British adults recorded in 30- to 60-minute interviews. Her method of

calculating AR permitted certain disfluencies to be included in the material (e.g.

unnatural sound prolongations), and this perhaps in part accounts for her lower

mean AR than that found in the present study. Another reason for higher AR

results in the present study could also be due to the use of phonological

syllables rather than phonetic syllables. The use of phonetic syllables could

potentially lead to lower ARs, as it counts only those syllables which are actually

articulated by the speaker (see 4.3.2 for the example of did you eat yet (4

syllables) versus jeet yet (2 syllables)).

The second point is that claims that forensic practitioners who took part

in the survey reported in Chapter 3 made about AR being a useful speaker

discriminant appear to be misguided, as AR is a weak discriminator, because

there is more variation occurring within speakers than between them. For this

reason, discriminating between individuals is difficult when a person has a

typical mean AR. However, this is not to say that the parameter is not helpful

when discriminating between speakers with lower or higher mean ARs.

The final point is that forensic phoneticians need to take care when using

AR or SR in forensic speaker comparison analysis, since SR is even more

variable within a speaker than between speakers (Knzel, 2007). This

parameter is best used in combination with other parameters for discriminating

between speakers, but may carry more weight when AR is used to discriminate

individuals who fall near the outer boundaries of the distribution.

4.3.5 Limitations
A possible limitation of the present study is the selection of memory

stretches as the speech intervals over which syllables are to be counted.

Choosing a speech interval is dependent on the short-term memory of the

analyst calculating the AR. This can potentially lead to high levels of variation in

AR when measured by different analysts. Ideally, forensic methodologies should

be robust and easily replicable across many analysts in order to achieve

comparable results. For this reason it is important to verify the AR results

calculated from memory stretches by comparing memory stretch interval

results to those obtained from more commonly defined and objective interval

(i.e. inter-pause stretches).

4.4 Redefining the Speech Interval

The following section compares the results found for memory stretches in 4.3

to those found for inter-pause stretches.

4.4.1 Methodology
Twenty-five of the same speakers as those reported on above were

randomly selected from Task 2 of DyViS, and five minutes of speech from each

individual was analyzed starting at a point two minutes into each speech

sample. It is important to note that for comparison purposes, the mean AR for

an individual using memory stretches was only calculated using intervals from

the same five-minute speech sample as was used when calculating AR using

inter-pause stretches. The remaining aspects of the methodology were also kept

consistent, and syllables were defined phonologically.

Inter-pause stretches are defined here as both filled and unfilled pauses

that lasted 130ms or longer (Dankoviov 1997) but were not stop closures.

The interval also had to include at least five syllables. The criteria for items that

were excluded from analysis in an interval were identical to those set by the

exclusion rules in 4.3.1. This meant that intervals excluded any kind of pauses,

either filled or unfilled, repeated syllables, unintelligible speech, and any

syllable lengthening that went beyond the phonological requirements of

English. A mean of 40 intervals was measured per speaker, with a range of 26-

58, and amounting to 1,011 ARs in total. The mean number of syllables per

interval was 9.97, with a range of 5 to 37 syllables across all speakers.

4.4.2 Results
The mean ARs for both memory stretches and inter-pause stretches are

presented below in Figure 4.5. The y-axis represents the AR in syll/sec and the

x-axis shows the 25 randomly selected speakers from the 100 speakers in the

DyViS Database.

Mean ARs for 25 Speakers: Memory Stretches vs. Inter-pause
Memory Stretches
Articulation Rate (syllables/second)
6.6 Inter-pause Stretches








16 19 24 25 30 31 35 39 50 55 56 57 60 62 63 66 67 68 71 75 76 78 85 87 91

Figure 4.5: Comparison of mean articulation rate for memory stretches versus inter-pause

Figure 4.5 provides mean ARs generated using both methodologies. The means

for each speaker are displayed above one another to allow for a visual

comparison of the differences found between them. The two AR methodologies

prove unpredictable in terms of indicating a trend for whether one

methodology produces consistently higher or lower ARs than its counterpart, as

evident in the crossing lines in Figure 4.5. All speakers show relatively small

differences (especially speakers 031, 050, 056, 063, 075, 078, and 085) in their

mean ARs. However, some speakers have larger differences (e.g. speakers 016,

035, 068, 071, 076, and 091) than others. Using the absolute values of the

differences, the average (mean) AR difference across the 25 speakers is 0.286

syll/sec, with a range of 0.001 to 0.75 syll/sec.

The mean AR for the 25 speakers using inter-pause stretches was 5.98

syll/sec, compared to the mean AR of the same speakers calculated with

memory stretches, which was 5.96 syll/sec. The mean AR calculated by the two

different methodologies differs by two-hundredths of a second. This is a minute

amount, given that the mean ARs of the speakers are between 5.00 and 7.00

syll/sec and the mean SD for the 25 speakers (using memory stretches) was

0.64 (syll/sec). Using a Wilcoxon signed rank test for the two sets of data, the

null hypothesis is retained (there is no significant difference between the two

methods), as the p-value is 0.74. This provides a validation of the memory

stretch method for the calculation of ARs.

4.4.3 Discussion
The present study gives rise to two important conclusions. The first is

that AR results appear to be unaffected by the definition of the speech interval

as long as the following are kept consistent: the basic unit of speech defined

here as the phonological syllable, and the exclusion rules. Based on the findings

in 4.4.2 and the experience gained from calculating 125 mean ARs, I am now

of the opinion that mean AR measurements are affected more by the exclusion

rules than they are by the actual definition of the speech interval (memory

stretch vs. inter-pause unit). The exclusion rules were described in 4.3.2 and

concern what speech can be excluded from analysis, e.g. whether false starts,

unnatural prolongation, and unintelligible speech are to be included or

excluded. These exclusion rules can vary from analyst to analyst, as one might

find a repetition such as I-I-I-I am going to the store should be excluded, but

something such as I am I am going to the store should be included. The

judgments made with respect to exclusion in an analysis may be exercised by

the analyst at a level below his/her conscious awareness. However, speaking

from experience, an analyst remains relatively consistent working within the

constraints of the rules. Therefore, the differences that were found among the

mean ARs for the 25 speakers could more likely be attributed to variability that

naturally occurs when taking AR measurements (eg. the precise start/stop

times of intervals), and acoustic measurements in general (Harrison, 2004),

rather than to a difference caused by the definition of a speech interval (i.e.

memory stretches vs. inter-pause stretches).

The final conclusion to be drawn here is that reaffirmation that the

results found in 4.3 using memory stretches are valid and reliable

measurements, since there was no significant difference found between the

results arrived at using methodologies that incorporate memory stretches

versus inter-pause stretches. Furthermore, the amount of time it takes to

calculate ARs using inter-pause stretches is far greater than the time it takes to

calculate ARs using memory stretches. Therefore, analysts might be advised to

use memory stretches rather than inter-pause stretches in order to use time

more efficiently but still calculate reliable results.

4.5 Manipulating the Syllable Requirements

Given that the methodology for selecting speech intervals does not appear to

affect AR figures significantly, it is helpful to consider the effects that the

syllable requirements of a speech interval have on AR figures. This section

reports on the manipulation of the number of syllables used in a speech

interval. AR was recalculated for 25 speakers using different syllable lengths for

speech intervals.

4.5.1 Methodology
The data for the first 25 speakers of the study that were presented in

4.3 were used to recalculate mean ARs using different minimum syllable

requirements for speech intervals. There were seven possible minimum syllable

requirements for the speech interval, ranging from four to ten20. Microsoft Excel

was used to remove tokens from the speakers data for each given requirement

and mean ARs and SDs for all individuals were recalculated once tokens had

been removed from each minimum syllable level.

4.5.2 Results
The mean AR and SD results across all speakers for different minimum

syllable requirements in a speech interval are provided in Table 4.3. The table

details for each minimum syllable level the mean number of tokens included for

calculating speakers overall AR as well as the groups mean AR, and the groups

mean SD.

Table 4.3: Summary of articulation rate statistics when varying the minimum number of
syllables in the speech interval

Mean Number of Mean AR Mean SD of

Tokens (syll/sec) Speakers
4< 29.96 5.738 1.134
5< 29.04 5.762 1.120
6< 26.96 5.844 1.105
7< 24.40 5.929 1.089
8< 20.92 6.024 1.072
9< 17.12 6.096 1.072
10 < 13.32 6.129 0.973

20This range was chosen based on the number of tokens available for the different syllable

There is a prominent trend present in Table 4.3: as the minimum number of

syllables required for a speech interval increases, the mean AR for speakers also

increases while the mean SD decreases. This shows that perhaps AR becomes

slightly more stable within individuals as the minimum syllable count per

speech interval is increased. However, it is necessary to examine the results for

changes in within-speaker variation as well as changes in between-speaker

variation. Table 4.4 shows the mean differences in mean, SD, and the difference

() for speakers at different minimum syllable requirement levels. The first

column indicates the minimum number of syllables required for a speech

interval and the second and third columns display the mean for mean AR and

SD. The s in columns two and three are calculated by taking the average value

(mean AR or SD) at a given syllable level and subtracting the baseline means

(those values calculated for 4< syllables). Positive values represent an increase,

while a negative value would indicate a decrease in AR.

Table 4.4: Within-speaker differences for articulation rate

Mean for Mean Mean for SD
AR (syll/sec) (syll/sec)
5< 0.024 -0.013
6< 0.106 -0.029
7< 0.192 -0.045
8< 0.286 -0.062
9< 0.359 -0.062
10 < 0.392 -0.160

Table 4.4 shows that individuals are patterning similarly to the group as a

whole in that mean AR increases and SD decreases as the minimum number of

syllables in a speech interval is increased. It appears that the higher the

minimum number of syllables in a speech interval the more stable a speakers

AR becomes. This could also be due in part to the decreasing number of tokens

involved in the calculation at the 10< syllable level. However, the number of

tokens is still rather robust for syllables at the nine or more level and below,

across which there is still a demonstrable decrease in within-speaker variation.

Table 4.5 examines between-speaker differences found for different minimum

syllable requirements. The first column indicates the minimum number of

syllables required for a speech interval and the second presents the mean for

the SD of the mean ARs. As in Table 4.4, a positive value shows an increase,

while a negative value shows a decrease in AR.

Table 4.5: Between-speaker differences for articulation rate

Mean for SD of AR Means
5< -0.022
6< -0.004
7< -0.002
8< 0.014
9< -0.006
10 < 0.028

The overall trend displayed in Figure 4.8 is inconsistent, in that as the minimum

syllable requirement is increased the SD of the AR means fluctuates (both

increases and decreases to different degrees). Across all minimum syllable

requirement levels the mean is 0.001 syll/sec. This means that the variation

between speakers mean ARs remains relatively stable despite the changes

made to the minimum number of syllables required in a speech interval.

4.5.3 Discussion
The conclusion to be drawn from the results obtained by increasing the

minimum number of syllables required in a speech interval is that within-

speaker variation will decrease while the between-speaker variation remains

rather unchanged. This is important for the use of AR in an approach utilizing

likelihood ratios and could potentially lead to stronger evidential values for AR

as a discriminant. In the next section, LRs are calculated for AR, as well as to

ascertain whether increasing the minimum number of syllables in a speech

interval improves the strength of evidence for AR.

4.6 Likelihood Ratios

LRs provide a framework for the estimation of the strength of evidence under

competing defense and prosecution hypotheses (see Chapter 2). In order to

assess the discriminatory power of AR numerically, same speaker (SS) and

different (DS) LRs are calculated and plotted.

4.6.1 Methodology
The LR calculations for AR were performed using a MatLab

implementation of Aitken and Lucys (2004) Multivariate Kernel-Density

(MVKD) formula (Morrison 2007). MVKD was chosen over Lindleys (1977)

univariate LR, because it can account for inter- and intra-speaker variation (i.e.

using kernel-densities) whereas Lindleys (1977) formula makes LR

calculations based on normally-distributed data (i.e. a single distribution curve)

for both the LR numerator and denominator. Morrison also suggests that

because Lindleys LR formula cannot account for occasion-dependent within-

speaker variation (Morrison 2008 p. 97) the MVKD approach is more suitable

for analyzing speech evidence, although it is not ideal.

The MVKD formula provided by Aitken and Lucy (2004) assumes that

within-speaker variability is normally distributed (numerator). The between-

speaker variation, however, is not assumed to be distributed normally and is

estimated using kernel-density, a measure which accounts for skewed

distributions. The Gaussian mixture model - universal background model

(GMM-UBM21; Reynolds et al., 2000) has also been proposed for calculating LRs

in ASR, and has been used to calculate LRs in phonetic/linguistic-based FSCs

(Becker et al., 2008; French et al., 2012; Rose and Winter, 2010). GMM-UBM,

like MVKD, can accommodate multivariate data; however, GMM-UBM models

the data differently from MVKD. GMM-UBM utilizes GMMs to characterize

distributions instead of kernel densities (as per MVKD). The most significant

difference between GMM-UBM and MVKD is that the MAP (maximum a

posteriori; Reynolds et al., 2000) background model for GMM-UBM is person-

independent and is compared against a model of person-specific parameter

characteristics when comparing same (SS) and different (DS) speaker pairs

(Reynolds et al., 2000). Morrison has found that a GMM-UBM, which does not

assume normal distribution for within- or between-speaker values, performed

both better and worse than MVKD on different occasions (Lindh and Morrison,

2011; Morrison, 2011). However, the application of the GMM-UBM has

predominantly been tested using automatic systems. Despite these findings,

21GMM refers to the way in which the data are modeled. GMM is a parametric density function
that is comprised of a number of component functions (Gaussian; Reynolds et al., 2000). UBM
refers to the way in which the background population in modeled. A UBM is used to represent
general, person-independent parameters to be compared against a model of person-specific
parameters (Reynolds et al., 2000).

MVKD has been shown to provide reliable and important strength-of-evidence

results across many studies using more traditional acoustic-phonetic features

(Hughes, 2011; Morrison, 2008; 2009a; Rose, 2006a; 2007a, 2007b), and will

therefore be applied here to AR.

A MatLab script (ss_ds_lrs.m)22 was used to run multiple same-speaker

(SS) and different-speaker (DS) LR calculations for AR. The script calls for the

100 speakers samples to be split in half (i.e. 50/50), such that SS comparisons

may be performed (50 SS comparisons), which in turn results in 2,450 DS

comparisons (50*49). Speakers 001-050 act as the speaker comparisons, while

speakers 051-100 act as the background population. The calculated raw LRs

were transformed using natural and base10 logarithms. The transformation,

allows zero, rather than one, to act as the center point between the support for

Hp and Hd. The log transforms are also beneficial in normalizing distributions

which may be skewed by large and infrequent values.

The magnitudes of LRs are discussed and assessed with reference to

Table 4.6. The verbal scale, adapted from Champod and Evett (2000), is based

on identifying a Log10 LR that corresponds to a verbal expression representing

the strength of evidence in favor of the prosecution hypothesis (Hp: same

speaker) or the defense hypothesis (Hd: different speakers).

22 The script was developed by Phil Harrison from J P French Associates.

Table 4.6: Expressions for strength of evidence in terms of Log10 LR and the corresponding
verbal expression following Champod and Evetts (2000) verbal scale

Log10 LR Verbal expression

<-4 Very strong evidence to support Hd
-4 to -3 Strong evidence to support Hd
-3 to -2 Moderately strong evidence to support Hd
-2 to -1 Moderate evidence to support Hd
-1 to 0 Limited evidence to support Hd
0 to 1 Limited evidence to support Hp
1 to 2 Moderate evidence to support Hp
2 to 3 Moderately strong evidence to support Hp
3 to 4 Strong evidence to support Hp
>4 Very strong evidence to support Hp

This scale was previously used by the UK Forensic Science Service (Champod

and Evett, 2000), and will serve as a means of strength-of-evidence evaluation

for the remainder of the thesis.

Performance of the system is discussed in respect of log-LR cost (Cllr)

and equal error rate (EER), which are both metrics of system validity. The term

validity refers to how well a system (in this thesis a system can be an

individual parameter or multiple parameters combined) can distinguish

between same-speaker (SS) and different-speaker (DS) pairs. Severity of

performance error was assessed using Cllr, which is a common assessment used

in automatic speaker recognition/comparison (Ramos Castro, 2007). The Cllr is

a Bayesian error metric that quantifies the ability of the system to output LRs

that align correctly with the prior knowledge of whether speech samples were

produced by the same or different speakers. The Cllr acts as an error measure

that captures the gradient goodness of a set of likelihood ratios derived from

test data (Morrison 2009b p. 6). Previous studies of LRs for forensic speaker

comparisons have shown that Cllr proves appropriate for measuring errors

(Morrison and Kinoshita, 2008; Morrison, 2011). The equation commonly used

for calculating Cllr is provided in Equation (1).


from Morrison (2009, p. 2391)

Nss = Number of same speaker pairs
Nds = Number of different speaker pairs
LRss = LR from same speaker pairs
LRds = LR from different speaker pairs

Cllr was calculated using Brmmers FOCAL toolkit23 function cllr.m with the

log-LRs as input. Values of Cllr that are closer to zero indicate that error is low.

For values approaching one the error is considered to indicate poor

performance, while values above one indicate very poor performance (van

Leeuwen and Brmmer, 2007, pp. 343-344).

EER unlike Cllr provides a hard (i.e. binary) accept-reject measure of

validity. This is based on the point at which the percentage of false hits (DS

pairs that ostensibly offer support for the Hp) and the percentage of misses (SS

pairs that appear to offer support for the Hd) are equal (Brmmer and du Preez,

2006, p. 230).

4.6.2 Results
The following sections detail the results of two sets of calculations of the

discriminant potential of AR. The first investigates the capacity of AR to

discriminate within a large homogeneous group of 100 males. The second

23 (Downloaded: 13 August 2012)

considers how the minimum number of syllables in a speech interval may affect

the strength-of-evidence for AR. LRs for ARs in 100 SSBE Male Speakers

The results for the calculation of LRs on ARs are summarized in Table

4.7. The second row contains the results from SS comparisons and the third row

contains DS comparison results. The total percent of correct SS and DS

comparisons is shown in the second column. Correct LRs are determined by

whether or not an LLR for SS comparisons is a positive value (providing support

for the prosecution hypothesis) and whether an LLR for DS comparisons is a

negative value (providing support for the defense hypothesis). The third

through fifth columns report on the strength-of-evidence, whereby the third

column presents the mean LLR for all comparisons (either SS or DS). The

smallest calculated LLR is in the fourth column, followed by the largest

calculated LLR. The final two columns provide the EER and Cllr values for the

entire system.

Table 4.7: Summary of LR-based discrimination for articulation rate (100 speakers)

Comparisons % Correct Mean LLR Min LLR Max LLR EER Cllr
AR SS 90.0 0.18 -1.48 2.06
.3340 .8981
AR DS 46.2 -2.94 -8.76 0.82

Table 4.7 shows that AR performs much better with SS comparisons than DS

comparisons. The results may seem counterintuitive, since there is higher

within-speaker variability than between-speaker variability for AR, and it might

be assumed that the high within-speaker variation would cause DS pairs to

perform better than SS pairs. However, it appears that, because the degree of
variation in AR is so high within speakers overall, the system tends to allocate

higher degrees of similarity if two speakers have similar degrees of (high)

within-speaker variation. This is evident in the fact that for DS comparisons, the

system performs slightly worse than chance (which is 50%, since an LLR

correct/incorrect response is categorized as supporting the Hp or the Hd,

respectively) as the AR system tends to over-predict pairs being from the same

speaker rather than different speakers (note the high error rate in correct DS

judgments) 24. Table 4.7 shows that Cllr is approaching one, but is still under it.

Following van Leeuwen and Brmmer (2007) this would be classified as a

poor performance. The EER is high at 33.4% for AR as a system and the mean

SS LR offers only limited evidence to support the prosecution hypothesis (Hp).

The mean DS LR is slightly stronger, and offers moderate evidence to support

the defense hypothesis (Hd).

The Tippett plot in Figure 4.6 provides a visual measure of the

performance of AR as a discriminant feature. The x-axis displays log10 LRs

where zero is the division between support for Hp (>0) and support for Hd (<0).

The y-axis displays cumulative proportion. Flatter contours indicate a higher

proportion of pairs that achieve a stronger strength-of-evidence, and contours

that are steeper indicate a weaker strength-of-evidence. The results for SS and

DS comparisons are assessed together.

24 An additional explanation for the poor performance of DS comparisons could be that the
system is not optimally calibrated (see 8.5.3). This is evident in the intersection between the
SS and the DS distributions in Figure 4.6, as the intersection is not at LLR = 0, but further to the
right into the higher scores. Therefore, many DS comparisons obtain an LLR larger than zero.
This miscalibration is also potentially the reason for the poor Cllr values.

Same speaker comparisons
Different speaker comparisons

Figure 4.6: Tippett plot of articulation rate

Figure 4.6 shows that error rates are higher for DS comparisons than they are

for SS comparisons. The SS line is steeper than that of the DS line and provides a

relatively low strength of evidence. DS, on the other hand, can attain higher

strength of evidence (a Log10 LR of -5 or even lower), although these values are

reserved for a very small percentage of DS comparisons. It is important to

remember when analyzing SS and DS LR results that two samples cannot get

more similar for a feature than identical (Rose et al., 2006, p. 334), and

therefore DS comparisons will always carry the potential for achieving a higher

strength of evidence than SS comparisons. The Tippett plot paints an overall

picture that AR as an individual parameter is relatively weak at discriminating

between individuals, and only produces higher strength of evidence for a very

small proportion of DS comparisons.

130 LRs for ARs of 25 Speakers with Variation in the Minimum Number
of Syllables in a Speech Interval

The following section reports on the LRs calculated for the ARs of 25

speakers while varying the minimum number of syllables required in a speech

interval. Table 4.8, which has a similar structure to that in Table 4.7, provides

the results of the different systems. The first column includes a value next to the

SS or DS lines to indicate the minimum number of syllables required for given

speech intervals in that system.

Table 4.8: Summary of LR-based discrimination for mean articulation rate when varying the
minimum number of syllables in a speech interval (25 speakers)

Comparisons % Correct Mean LLR Min LLR Max LLR EER Cllr
4 < Same Speaker 84.6 0.005 -1.800 0.369
0.2500 1.0260
4 < Different Speaker 52.6 -0.252 -3.153 0.771
5 < Same Speaker 76.9 -0.014 -1.703 0.340
0.3109 1.0326
5 < Different Speaker 53.2 -0.260 -2.676 0.665
6 < Same Speaker 69.2 -0.068 -1.73 0.412
0.3846 1.0976
6 < Different Speaker 54.5 -0.316 -2.718 0.608
7 < Same Speaker 53.8 -0.152 -1.908 0.435
0.4615 1.1780
7 < Different Speaker 55.1 -0.345 -2.751 0.585
8 < Same Speaker 69.2 -0.103 -2.731 0.662
0.3782 1.1104
8 < Different Speaker 53.8 -0.280 -1.839 0.409
9 < Same Speaker 61.5 -0.135 -1.243 0.414
0.4615 0.9958
9 < Different Speaker 52.6 -0.025 -0.595 0.317
10 < Same Speaker 53.8 0.024 -1.175 0.322
0.5385 0.9848
10 < Different Speaker 39.7 -0.033 -0.234 0.218

Increasing the minimum number of syllables for a speech interval in the

different systems did not improve the percentage of correct SS or DS

comparisons; however, it does improve the Cllrs, as seen in the rightmost

column in Table 4.8. By increasing the minimum number of syllables required

for a speech interval, the percentage of correct SS comparisons drops by 30.8%.

For DS comparisons that number drops by 15.4%, with Cllr improving by .0412.

EER is more erratic, showing both increases and decreases in its performance

as the minimum syllable number in an interval is increased (although it is

mainly an upward trend).

In comparison to the system discussed in for 100 speakers, the

percentage of correct SS comparisons and the Cllr value are worse, while the

percentage of correct DS comparisons is slightly improved. Overall, EERs for

minimum syllable lengths above five perform worse than the AR system in Caution should be exercised when interpreting these results, however,

as there were only 13 test speakers and 12 reference speakers, whereas the

tests described in included 50 speakers in both test and reference sets.

4.6.3 Discussion
Although within-speaker variation can be decreased by increasing the

minimum number of syllables in a speech sample, it appears that the system

performs worse overall in terms of the percentage of speaker comparisons

judged correctly, in spite of the Cllr improving slightly. However, no system

produced a Cllr better than that seen in 4.6.2 with all 100 speakers and a

minimum of four syllables per speech interval. It is important to note that, by

increasing the minimum number of syllables required in a speech interval for

the 25 speakers, the number of useable speech intervals available for each

individual is decreased, potentially affecting the results. This means that

systems were potentially performing worse due to a decrease in the number of

speech intervals available; or rather, the change is the result of a combination of

this along with the increase in the minimum syllables required for a speech


Most importantly, by re-redefining the minimum syllable count

requirement for a speech interval the overall performance of a system is

susceptible to changes in data collection and methodologies for AR. The need

for consistency in analysis techniques for all forensic domains, including AR in

forensic speech science, may be best achieved through prescribed methods

(based on rigorous empirical testing) for calculation.

4.7 Conclusion

Overall, it appears that AR can be classified as a speech parameter that carries

higher intra-speaker variation than it does inter-speaker variation. In respect of

the large number of available methodologies for the calculation of AR, it appears

that the defining of a speech interval (memory stretch vs. inter-pause unit) does

not have a significant effect on the results. However, in the context of real

forensic casework if methodologies and analysts are to be kept consistent for

the analysis of suspect and criminal samples then problems relating to AR

calculation methods will be minimized.

AR as a discriminant parameter has proved to be a very poor one25, and

it is not anywhere close to being as good at discriminating between individuals

as experts have claimed it to be (Chapter 3). This raises the question as to why

some analysts are using it at all in casework except for instances of very high or

low AR. However, exceptions exist for those speakers that are classified as

outliers. It has been shown that AR offers a very weak strength of evidence for

SS comparisons, while DS comparisons can potentially offer a higher level of

strength of evidence. However, this must be traded off against the fact that they

25 At least as these results suggest.

produce a very high rate of incorrect DS judgments. Despite all efforts to

decrease within-speaker variation by increasing the minimum number of

syllables in a speech interval, the overall system is not improved from the

original system results shown in 4.6.2. The Cllr in the best-performing system

is .8981, which classifies it as performing poorly since the score is close to 1,

following Brmmer and du Preez (2006).

The analysis of AR as a parameter under an LR framework in forensic

speech science urges caution for casework, in that parameters previously

thought to be good speaker discriminants might transpire to carry higher intra-

speaker variation than inter-speaker variation, which will generally result in a

lower strength of evidence for a given parameter. More research on speaker

discriminants for other commonly-used parameters in forensic casework is

clearly needed, because there is a risk that some experts in the field are

analyzing certain features rather blindly. That is to say, they are giving weight

to features which actually provide little in terms of discrimination power. This

is shown by the fact that 93% of experts surveyed analyze speech tempo, and

73% of those do with varying regularity; furthermore, 20% of experts reported

speech tempo to be the single most useful discriminant. The analysis carried out

in this chapter provides evidence that AR may be a far from useful discriminator

in many cases.

Although AR may not be the discriminant shibboleth all experts hope for,

it is important that AR is still considered in forensic speaker comparisons in

conjunction with other speech parameters. There are instances in which

speakers may have a very low or high AR, and in which the parameter can be

considered useful (either as evidence for or against speaker identity). As Rose

(2007a, p. 1820) points out not all speakers differ from each other in the same

way. Therefore there will be a few individuals for whom AR is potentially a

good discriminant parameter, as was evident in the small number of high LRs

for DS comparisons in 4.6.

Chapter 5 Long-Term Formant
5.1 Introduction

Forensic speech science literature is largely characterized by research

investigating the discriminant power of vowels. In Chapter 3, it was reported

that 28% of forensic phoneticians found vowels to be the most useful feature in

discriminating between speakers; overall, this places vowels as the second

highest-ranked discriminant parameter (along with accent/dialect variants)

among all possible parameters analyzed for FSCs. Long-term formant

(frequency) distribution (LTFD) work to date constitutes only a small portion of

the research carried out. LTFD is the method used to calculate the average

values for each formant of a speaker over a given speech recording. For a given

formant (i.e. F1-F4), measurements for all vowels produced by a single speaker

are averaged across the entire recording or relevant portions of the recording.

This means that for each formant (F1-F4) of a speaker there is an LTFD value

and a standard deviation (SD), which will be referred to as LTFD1, LTFD2,

LTFD3, and LTFD4. LTFDs are frame-by-frame measurements (5 msecs in

length for the current study); therefore, long vowels carry more weight than

short vowels in that they yield a greater number of measurements per vowel. A

positive attribute of LTFDs is that they do not require the categorization of

individual vowels into phoneme classes, as all vowels are considered in an

analysis. This results in greater time savings. LTFD also avoids the potential

correlations between vowel phonemes which would not allow those correlated

phonemes to be combined, since combinations of parameters under Bayes

theorem are only allowed if events can be shown to be mutually exclusive.

This chapter provides population statistics for LTFD while also

investigating the discriminant power of LTFD under a likelihood ratio

framework. Population statistics which consist of LTFD means and SDs are

reported for F1-F4, in order to give indications of between- and within-speaker

variation. LRs are calculated for LTFD1-4 individually as well as in different

combinations relevant for casework. The results of the LRs are presented and

considered in terms of strength of evidence, Cllr, EER, and proportion of SS and

DS comparisons that were correctly identified.

5.2 Literature Review

The results of vowel research in forensic phonetics are well documented

in the literature as a way in which to characterize the speech of an individual.

Many different methods have been offered for acoustic analysis, the most

common being temporal mid-point center-frequency measurements of

formants for different vowels (Jessen, 2008; Rose, 2002; 2006a, b, c; Rose et al.,

2003). Investigations have also been carried out using formant dynamics in

order to capture the trajectories of specific vowels (McDougall, 2004;

McDougall and Nolan, 2007; Hughes, 2011; Hughes et al., 2009). Formant

dynamic research revealed that formants appear to be consistent within

speakers and that there is variation with respect to formants between speakers.

This research led to the argument that the development of techniques for

measuring dynamic features should be given more attention (McDougall, 2006).

Long-term spectra (LTS) were developed with this in mind, as a means of

capturing the average of all spectral slices in a recording. However, LTS

considers voiced speech as well as voiceless portions which could potentially

include background noise (Nolan and Grigoras, 2005). LTFD, like LTS, was also

developed to identify the dynamism of formants, but it is only concerned with

the vowels and certain voiced portions in a recording (Nolan and Grigoras,

2005). There have also been a number of analyses concerned with vowels

under a LR framework (e.g. Alderman, 2004; Kinoshita and Osanai, 2006; Rose,

2007a; Morrison, 2009). However, only three have considered LTFD (Becker et

al., 2008; French et al., 2012; Jessen et al., 2013).

Nolan and Grigoras (2005) were the first to report the use of LTFD for

forensic speaker comparisons. In their study, the authors consider analysis of

LTFD1 and LTFD2 in order to eliminate a suspect who is thought to have made

some obscene phone calls. The first author carried out an auditory analysis of

vowels and took mid-point center-frequency measurements of monophthongs.

Diphthongs were also included in the analysis and the beginning and end points

of the vowels were measured. In general, the vowel analysis by the first author

suggested that the speech in the criminal samples and the speech in the suspect

sample were poorly matched. Each vowel in the suspect samples exhibited

systematic differences from those found in the criminal samples, thereby

rendering the criminal and suspect samples incompatible. Given that there were

other equally valid methods to arrive at acoustic characterization of speakers,

the second author carried out a re-analysis using alternative approaches.

The second author had previously developed new techniques for

speaker comparison (Grigoras, 2001; 2003) that included speaking

fundamental frequency (SFF), LTS, and LTFD. All three approaches were carried

out using Catalina Toolbox26. LTFD was used in the re-analysis of the data in the

obscene phone call case. This approach considers the long-term disposition of

formants (Nolan and Grigoras, 2005, p. 162), an aspect which LTS fails to

grasp. Only the voiced frames in the recordings were used for analysis and

linear prediction was used to estimate LTFD1-4. The results from LTFD1-4 give

an overall indication of each formant distribution, from which it is clear that

LTFD2 and LTFD3 in the criminal recordings are considerably lower than in the

suspect recording. LTFD4 is also shown to be relatively higher in the criminal

samples than the suspect sample. Given the distribution of LTFD, this analysis

gave further substance to the argument that there were two different speakers

involved and that the suspect and criminal were not one and the same person.

With respect to the approaches employed in the re-analysis, LTFD provided a

very clear picture of the average behaviour of each formant (Nolan and

Grigoras, 2005, p. 169). It also provides strong insights into the dimensions of a

speakers vocal tract where these are reflected in the maximum LTFD27. The

formant frequency values for LTFD are inversely related to the speakers vocal

tract size, whereby a longer vocal tract will result in lower formant values

(Nolan and Grigoras, 2005; French et al., 2012). LTFD also has the capacity to

indicate certain habits speakers use, such as palatalization, which are indicated

by a raised LTFD2 (Nolan and Grigoras, 2005). French et al. (2012) also show

that voice qualities related to tongue body position are correlated with LTFD.

Additionally, the shape of the distributions for the estimates of each formant is

useful in identifying speakers who have either more or less variable formants.

26Available at
27The maximum LTFD (for LTFD1 and LTFD2) is reflected in the overall area of a speakers
vowel space.

This is classified by distributions which are leptokurtic (narrow-peaked) or

platykurtic (broad-peaked). Although LTFD provides promising

characterizations of individuals speech it fails to reveal the variation that exists

in specific vowel segments.

Moos (2010) utilized the LTFD method detailed in Nolan and Grigoras

(2005) and analyzed LTFD2 and LTFD3 values of mobile phone speech in both

read and spontaneous speech of 71 male German speakers from the Pool 2010

corpus (Jessen et al., 2005). The spontaneous speech was elicited from speakers

while having them describe objects to another person (their compatriot)

without using certain proscribed words, similar to the strategies in the board

game Taboo. The person who was matched with the speaker feigned

ignorance in the exchange in order to encourage more thorough descriptions

and longer stretches of speech. The read speech was produced by speakers

reading a German version of The North Wind and the Sun (Moos 2010).

Recordings were edited to include only the vocalic portions, where laterals,

approximants, vocalic hesitations, and creaky voice were part of that stream.

Nasals, areas of strong nasality, and vowels spoken on a high pitch (where

individual harmonics were visible in the spectrogram rather than formants)

were not included. After cutting down the recordings in Wavesurfer, the length

of the spontaneous speech was between 12 and 83 seconds (mean = 40 sec) and

the length of the read speech was between 8 and 16 seconds (mean = 12 sec).

Moos (2010) found LTFD3 values to be slightly more helpful28 than

LTFD2 in terms of speaker characterization because, overall, the former had

28This is also seen in Simpson (2008) and Clermont et al. (2008) with regard to F3 values for a
number of phonemes that were measured using mid-point center frequencies.

smaller intra-speaker variation. The LTFD values from read speech were

reported as being higher than those in spontaneous speech. However, this could

be due in part to the fact that the The North Wind and the Sun is a tool used in

phonetic experiments to get an array of phonemes and tokens. For this reason,

the vowel spaces of speakers could be artificially enlarged, returning a greater

spread of LTFD values per speaker. It is important to note that details of the

spontaneous speech that was elicited were not provided, and could have in

theory given a similar distribution of phonemes and tokens. However, that is

unlikely, as spontaneous speech tends not to provide as wide of an array of

phonemes as is usually the case with read speech (of course this is dependent

on the chosen text). It was also noted by Moos (2010) that it is vital to know

whether there is a sufficient amount of data in order to analyze LTFD; 6 seconds

of pure vocalic stream were suggested as a minimum. Overall, Moos (2010)

classifies LTFD as a valuable measure to include in forensic speaker

comparisons and identifications. LTFD was also found to be independent of (i.e.

not correlated to) F0, dialect, and speech rate, making LTFD viable for

combination with these parameters under an LR conclusion framework.

Becker et al. (2008) investigated the use of Gaussian Mixture Models for

LTFD1-3 under an LR framework (see Jessen et al., 2013 for a similar LTFD

study but using the software Vocalise29). Spontaneous speech was used from 68

male German speakers from the Pool 2010 corpus recorded in a laboratory

setting. The speech had been elicited as described above in Moos (2010), and as

in Moos (2010), the data used in Becker et al. (2008) were transmitted through

mobile phone connections in order to simulate forensically-relevant recordings.

29 http://www.oxfordwave [ Accessed: 8 August 2013]

These recordings were then edited to remove consonantal information as well

as portions of speech where formant structures were not clearly visible.

Formant tracking was then used to identify peaks and LTFD measurements

were extracted in Wavesurfer. The formant measurements for the first half of

each recording were used as a training set, and the test set consisted of the

second half of the formant measurements. Those formant measurements in the

test set were halved again in order to increase the possible number of

comparisons. This resulted in recordings from the training set being around 22

seconds in length, while those in the test set were around 11 seconds long.

LTFD1-3 as well as their corresponding bandwidths were considered in the

analysis. 18 speakers measurements were used to create the Universal

Background Model (UBM), and one Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) was

estimated for the reference population, using 8 mixtures. The remaining 50

speakers were used in the test and a total of 100 same-speaker comparisons

and 4,900 different speaker comparisons were carried out.

The lowest (i.e. the best performing) EERs were found for combinations

that included bandwidths (BW), these being


which achieved EERs of 0.030 and 0.042, respectively. The lowest EER in which

BW was not included was the combination of LTFD1+LTFD2+LTFD3, which had

an EER of 0.053. Overall, discrimination levels were high, and Becker et al.

(2008) note that the speaker models created using LTFD can relate directly to

the configuration of the vocal tract, in turn perhaps revealing speaker-specific

variations in the distributions.

Jessen and Becker (2010) build on Becker et al. (2008) and investigate

LTFD as a speaker discriminant further. They first consider the relationship

between LTFD2-3 and body height for 81 male speakers from the Pool 2010

corpus of telephone transmitted speech. Both LTFD2 and LTFD3 were found to

have significant negative correlations with stature, where taller individuals

were associated with lower LTFD2 and LTFD3. The Pearson correlation

coefficients were both just over 30% (r = -0.316 and -0.339 respectively), but

were nonetheless significant at the 1% level. Jessen and Becker (2010) then

examined the consistency with which analysts measure LTFD. Five phoneticians

measured LTFD2 and LTFD3 for 20 speakers from the Digs dialect corpus

(Jessen and Becker, 2010). LTFD means were compared across analysts and it

was found that LTFD2 had Pearson correlations between 0.84 and 0.95, while

for LTFD3 these figures were between 0.98 and 0.9930. Consistency across

analysts was higher for LTFD3 than for LTFD2, but both formants achieved

highly consistent results overall, showing that the methodology for LTFD

analysis is easily replicable. It has been posited that LTFD is potentially

language-independent, as all vowel phonemes are averaged (Nolan and

Grigoras, 2005). Jessen and Becker (2010) tested this hypothesis using three

speakers of different German dialects in the Digs dialect corpus, as well as

Russian and Albanian speakers under analogous recording conditions. They

found that the different languages did not appear to differ in terms of the LTFD-

space that they occupy (one-way ANOVA [F(4,55) = 0.44; p = 0.77]).

30 It is unclear if these figures refer to r or r2 values.

The authors then investigated the effects of Lombard speech31 on LTFD.

Mean LTFDs from 31 speakers in the Pool 2010 corpus (telephone-transmitted

speech) were used to analyze possible Lombard effects on LTFD1-3. LTFD1 was

found to be consistently higher in the Lombard condition than in the modal

condition, with high levels of intra-speaker variation present. LTFD2 and LTFD3

were inconsistent in their effects across speakers, and both yielded non-

significant differences. Although LTFD1 was shown to be affected by Lombard

speech, it is often of limited use in forensic casework, due to the effect of

telephone transmission on F1 (Byrne and Foulkes, 2004; Jessen and Becker,

2010; Knzel, 2001). Finally, the authors tested the performance of LTFD

analysis modeled using GMMs against ASR. They found ASR to outperform LTFD

analysis, with an EER of 0.107 for ASR as compared to an EER of 0.243 for LTFD.

Logistic-regression fusion (which accounts for correlations between resulting

LRs and then applies statistical weightings) was also used to try to improve

results (EER= 0.108). However, it still performed worse than ASR on its own.

The results found by Jessen and Becker (2010) were promising for LTFD use in

forensic casework. LTFD revealed a negative correlation of individual formants

with body height, a high consistency in measurements across different

phoneticians, the potential to use LTFD statistics from one language across

many languages, and the limited effect of Lombard speech on LTFD2 and


Most recently, French et al. (2012) examined LTFD in conjunction with

Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs; abstract properties of the acoustic

31Lombard speech is the tendency of speakers to increase their vocal effort when speaking
(typically due to loud noise; Lombard (1911)).

signal, which are reflections of the dimensions of the vocal tract) and voice

quality (VQ). They considered the efficacy and limitations of the three

parameters, and correlations among the parameters. The study used the

recordings from Task 2 of the DyViS database (Nolan et al., 2009). All original

recordings were 15 to 25 minutes in duration. The recordings were edited to a

minimum of 50 seconds of vowels per speaker32. The iCAbS (iterative cepstral

analysis by synthesis) formant tracker (Clermont et al., 2007) was used to

automatically extract and measure F1-F4 every 5 msec. This yielded between

10,000 and 30,000 F1-F4 measurements per speaker. LRs for LTFD1-4 were

calculated using UBM-GMM in the same way as that detailed in Becker et al.

(2008). In total there were 200 same speaker (SS) comparisons and 9800

different-speaker (DS) comparisons, as each recording for a speaker was

divided in half. French et al. (2012) found LTFD1-4 to perform very well, with

97.4% of DS comparisons and 94% of SS comparisons identified correctly. In

comparison with the discrimination levels of the MFCCs and VQ on the same

data set, LTFD achieved similar error rates to the other methods; one method

did not significantly outperform another. In terms of correlations between

LTFD, MFCCs, and VQ, there were correlations found between the LRs produced

from MFCCs and LRs calculated from the UBM-GMM analysis of LTFDs (r =

0.39). There was a weak correlation identified between VQ and LTFD globally (r

= 0.12). However, there were some specific aspects of VQ that were more

closely correlated with single LTFD measurements (e.g. raised larynx and

LTFD1, r = 0.40). In conclusion, French et al. (2012) suggest the use of a vocal

32This was done using Synthesis Toolkit CV software that was adapted by Philip Harrison from J
P French Associates.

tract output measurement (e.g. MFCC, VQ, LTFD) to be used as one of many

tools in forensic speaker comparisons in order to examine speech as varying

human behavior.

The research in the studies presented above was carried out using a

traditional (acoustic) phonetic approach, or an MFCC-based one. The

discriminant performance of LTFD was tested in previous studies only using the

GMM-UBM LR framework. At present, no previous studies have provided

population statistics for LTFD in English or considered LTFD under an MVKD LR

framework. This chapter will address both gaps.

5.3 Population Statistics for LTFD1-4

The following section discusses the collection of population statistics for LTFD

in a large, linguistically-homogeneous group of 100 male speakers. These data

serve as the first of their kind in providing detailed information on the

distribution and variation that occurs in LTFD for a large group of individuals

who speak Southern Standard British English (SSBE).

5.3.1 Methodology

Spontaneous speech recordings of 100 male speakers of SSBE, aged 18-

25, were analyzed. The recordings were from Task 2 (a conversation between

the speaker and his accomplice) of the DyViS database (Nolan et al., 2009). The

recordings were automatically segmented to obtain a minimum of 50 seconds of

concatenated vowels per speaker, and the iCAbS formant tracker (Clermont et

al., 2007) was used to automatically extract and measure F1-F4 every 5 msec.

Population statistics were calculated by averaging all measurements for each

formant for a single speaker and also taking the SD for each of those formants.

5.3.2 Results

The following section analyzes LTFD1-4 individually. The distributions

for LTFD1 means and SDs are provided in Figures 5.1 and 5.2. The y-axis

represents the number of speakers with mean LTFD formant frequencies that

fall within a given range and the x-axis represents 10Hz-wide formant

frequency bins, presented in Hertz (Hz).

Mean LTFD1
Number of Speakers


Formant Frequencies (Hz)

Figure 5.1: Distribution of mean LTFD1

Figure 5.1 shows a normal distribution with a slight negative skew due to

suspected outliers ( 1.5 times the interquartile range) at 364.7Hz, 367.1Hz,

375.6Hz, 386.7Hz and one suspected outlier at 515.6Hz. The overall mean for

the group LTFD1 is 451Hz, with a range of 364.7Hz to 515.6Hz. The SD of the

means is 29.9Hz, and all 100 speakers SDs fall within a 150.9Hz range.

Standard Deviations for LTFD1

Number of Speakers

Standard Deviation (Hz)

Figure 5.2: Distribution of standard deviation in LTFD1

The standard deviation values for LTFD1 within speakers follows a roughly

normal distribution. There are three suspected outliers at 201.6Hz, 203.6Hz,

and 209.8Hz. The mean SD is 131.4Hz, with a range of 64.8Hz to 209.8Hz. The

SD of the mean SDs is 26.8Hz. All 100 speakers have SDs within 145Hz, which is

a larger range (by 58.7Hz) than the range of means found in Figure 5.1.

The cumulative distribution graphs of LTFD1 means and SDs in Figure

5.3 and Figure 5.4, respectively, show the percentile within which a given

LTFD1 mean or SD falls within the population. The y-axis is the cumulative

proportion, and the x-axis represents formant frequencies in Hz.

Mean LTFD1

Cumulative Proportion (%)

355 365 375 385 395 405 415 425 435 445 455 465 475 485 495 505 515 525
Formant Frequencies (Hz)

Figure 5.3: Cumulative percentages for mean LTFD1

The curve in Figure 5.3 is characterized by steepness in the central portion and

gentle gradients in the first and third portions. Despite the steepness of the

central section, the curve is overall a lot more gradient than was seen for AR in

Chapter 4. 1 SD from the mean gives a range between 421.1Hz and 480.9Hz,

into which roughly 83% of the population tested here falls. The cumulative

distribution of individual SDs is illustrated in Figure 5.4.

Standard Deviations for LTFD1

Cumulative Proportion (%)

55 70 85 100 115 130 145 160 175 190 205
Standard Deviation (Hz)

Figure 5.4: Cumulative percentages for standard deviation of LTFD1

The curve in Figure 5.4 is slightly steeper than that seen in Figure 5.3, and the

beginning and end portions are less gradient. 1 SD from the mean SD gives a

53.6Hz range between 104.6Hz and 158.2Hz, into which roughly 77% of the

population falls. Given that the mean LTFD values are representative of the

variation that occurs between speakers, and the SD values represent within-

speaker variation, a variance ratio (Rose et al. 2006) can be calculated to

ascertain which variation is higher. The LTFD1 variance ratio is 0.05, which is

indicative of higher inter-speaker variation than intra-speaker variation.

The results for LTFD2 are presented in Figures 5.5 and 5.6. The graphs

illustrate the population distributions for LTFD2 mean and SD.

Mean LTFD2

Number of Speakers

Formant Frequencies (Hz)

Figure 5.5: Distribution of mean LTFD2

Figure 5.5 has as a normal distribution with a slight positive skew due in part to

a suspected outlier at 1633Hz. The overall mean LTFD2 for the group is

1476.7Hz, with a range of 1363.9Hz to 1633Hz. The SD of the LTFD2 means is

55.9Hz, and all 100 speakers fall within a 269.1Hz window.

Standard Deviations for LTFD2

Number of Speakers


Standard Deviation (Hz)

Figure 5.6: Distribution of standard deviation in LTFD2

The standard deviation for LTFD2 within speakers is again roughly normally

distributed. There are two suspected outliers at 425.4Hz and 437.7Hz. The

LTFD2 mean SD is 322.7Hz, with a range of 249.3Hz to 437.7Hz. The SD of the

mean SDs is 37.7Hz. All 100 speakers have SDs within 188.4Hz.

The cumulative distribution graphs of means and SDs in Figure 5.7 and

Figure 5.8, respectively, show the percentiles at which a given LTFD2 mean or

SD falls within the population.

Mean LTFD2
Cumulative Proportion (%)

1350 1380 1410 1440 1470 1500 1530 1560 1590 1620 1650
Formant Frequencies (Hz)

Figure 5.7: Cumulative percentages for mean LTFD2

The curve in Figure 5.7 is rather gradual compared to those in Figures 5.3 and

5.4, which is indicative of the relatively platykurtic distribution seen in Figure

5.5. 1 SD from the mean gives a range between 1420.8Hz and 1532.6Hz, into

which roughly 72% of the sample population falls. The cumulative distribution

of individual LTFD2 SDs is illustrated in Figure 5.8.

Standard Deviations for LTFD2

Cumulative Proportion (%)

240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 375 390 405 420 435
Standard Deviation (Hz)

Figure 5.8: Cumulative percentages for standard deviation in LTFD2

The curve in Figure 5.8 is similar to that in Figure 5.7; however, the rate of

increase of the middle portion in Figure 5.8 is much more variable. 1 SD from

the mean SD gives a range between 285Hz and 360.4Hz, into which roughly

71% of the sample population falls. Comparing the intra-speaker variation to

the inter-speaker variation for LTFD2, there is a variance ratio 0.03. This

indicates higher levels of variation within speakers than between them.

The results for LTFD3 are presented in Figures 5.9 and 5.10 below. The

graphs represent the population distributions for LTFD3 mean and SD,


Mean LTFD3

Number of Speakers



Formant Frequencies (Hz)

Figure 5.9: Distribution of mean LTFD3

Figure 5.9 has as a normal distribution with a slight negative skew. This is

potentially due in part to a suspected outlier at 2824.4Hz. The overall mean

LTFD3 for the group is 2478.5Hz, with a range of 2212.6Hz to 2824.4Hz. The SD

of the LTFD3 means is 106.5Hz, and all 100 speakers fall within a 611.8Hz


Standard Deviations for LTFD3

Number of Speakers

Standard Deviation (Hz)

Figure 5.10: Distribution of standard deviation distribution in LTFD3

The standard deviation for LTFD3 within speakers is roughly normally

distributed with a slight negative skew. It can be expected that the skew is due

to the extreme outlier at 516Hz and three suspected outliers at 416.3Hz,

422.1Hz, and 491.9Hz. The mean SD is 277.9Hz, with a range of 168.2Hz to

516Hz. The SD of the LTFD3 SDs is 62.8Hz. All 100 speakers have SDs within

188.4Hz of each other.

The cumulative distribution graphs of LTFD3 means and SDs in Figure

5.11 and Figure 5.12, respectively, illustrate the percentile at which a given

LTFD3 mean or SD falls within the population.

Mean LTFD3

Cumulative Proportion (%)

2175 2250 2325 2400 2475 2550 2625 2700 2775 2850
Formant Frequencies (Hz)

Figure 5.11: Cumulative percentages for mean LTFD3

The curve in Figure 5.11 is rather steep in the middle portion, with the

beginning and end portions of the slope being more gradient. 1 SD from the

mean gives a range between 2372Hz and 2585Hz, into which roughly 70% of

the population falls. The cumulative distribution of individual speakers SDs for

LTFD3 is presented in Figure 5.12.

Standard Deviations for LTFD3

Cumulative Proportion (%)

150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525
Standard Deviation (Hz)

Figure 5.12: Cumulative percentages for standard deviation in LTFD3

The curve in Figure 5.11 is rather steep, with the end portion of the slope, which

starts around 375Hz, being more gradient than the beginning. 1 SD from the

mean gives a range between 215.1Hz and 340.7Hz, into which roughly 68% of

the sample population falls. The calculated variance ratio for LTFD3 is 0.15. This

suggests it is more likely that one will find higher levels of variation within a

speaker than between that speaker and the rest of the population, which was

also the case for LTFD1 and LTFD2.

The results for LTFD4 are presented in Figures 5.13 and 5.14 below. The

graphs display the population distributions for LTFD4 mean and SD,


Mean LTFD4

Number of Speakers

Formant Frequencies (Hz)

Figure 5.13: Distribution of mean LTFD4

Figure 5.13 shows that mean LTFD4 has as a fairly normal distribution, though

with a slight negative skew. However, there are no suspected (1.5 x the

interquartile range) or definite (3 x the interquartile range) outliers in the data.

This could simply be the natural distribution of the data or perhaps it is

revealing measurement errors that occurred for those individuals that appear

to have lower LTFD4 means. The overall mean LTFD4 for the group is

3660.9Hz, with a range of 3249.9Hz to 4019.5Hz. The SD of the LTFD4 means is

170.9Hz, and all 100 speakers fall within a 769.6Hz window.

Standard Deviations for LTFD4

Number of Speakers

Standard Deviation (Hz)

Figure 5.14: Distribution of standard deviation in LTFD4

The standard deviation for LTFD4 within speakers is roughly normally

distributed. There are three suspected outliers at 633.3Hz, 640.5Hz, and

649.5Hz. The mean SD is 482.2Hz, with a range of 356.8Hz to 649.5Hz. The SD

of the LTFD4 SDs is 67.2Hz. All 100 SSBE speakers have SDs within 292.7Hz of

each other.

The cumulative distribution graphs of LTFD4 means and SDs in Figure

5.15 and Figure 5.16, respectively, show the percentile at which a given LTFD4

mean or SD falls within the population.

Mean LTFD4

Cumulative Proportion (%)

3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100
Formant Frequencies (Hz)

Figure 5.15: Cumulative percentages for mean LTFD4

The curve in Figure 5.15 is characterized by a rather gradual increase, which is

more similar to the curve in Figure 5.7 than it is to the curves illustrated in

Figures 5.3 and 5.11. 1 SD from the mean gives a range between 3490Hz and

3831.8Hz, in which roughly 63% of the sample population falls. The cumulative

distribution of individual SDs for LTFD4 is illustrated in Figure 5.16.

Standard Deviations for LTFD4

Cumulative Proportion (%)

340 370 400 430 460 490 520 550 580 610 640
Standard Deviation (Hz)

Figure 5.16: Cumulative percentages for standard deviation in LTFD4

The curve in Figure 5.16 has a rather gradual, almost linear slope. The graph

has a similar shape to the curve shown in Figure 5.15. 1 SD from the mean SD

gives a range between 415Hz and 549.4Hz, into which roughly 65% of the

population falls. The variance ratio for LTFD4 is 0.13, which again indicates that

one will be more likely to find higher levels of variation within a speaker than

between that speaker and the rest of the population, which we also saw in the

case of LTFD1-3. Given that variance ratios greater than one indicate that more

variation occurs within individuals than between them, the LTFDs with higher

variance ratios discriminate better between individuals than do those with

lower variance ratios. LTFD3 had the highest ratio at 0.15, followed by LTFD4 at

0.13, LTFD1 at 0.05, and finally LTFD2 at 0.03. The LR results in the next section

( 5.4) are hypothesized to follow these predictions.

5.3.3 LTFD1-4 Results Compiled

For simplification purposes the overall LTFD population results are

displayed in Table 5.1 and 5.2. Table 5.1 compiles LTFD1-4 results for between-

speaker variation, while Table 5.2 presents the compilation of LTFD1-4 results

for within-speaker variation. The first columns identify the formant, and the

second through fourth columns contain mean SD, range (of SD), and SD (of SD).

Table 5.1: Overall between-speaker results for LTFD1-4

LTFD Mean (Hz) Range (Hz) SD (Hz)

1 451.0 364.7-515.6 29.9
2 1476.7 1369.9-1633.0 55.9
3 2478.5 2212.6-2824.4 106.5
4 3660.9 3249.9-4019.5 170.9

Table 5.2: Overall within-speaker results for LTFD1-4

LTFD Mean SD (Hz) Range of SD (Hz) SD of SD(Hz)

1 131.4 64.8-209.8 26.8
2 322.7 249.3-437.7 37.7
3 277.9 168.2-516.0 62.8
4 482.2 356.8-649.5 67.2

The mean formant measurements for LTFD1-4 in Table 5.1 are very similar to

those of , where F1 is about 500 Hz, F2 is 1500 Hz, F3 is 2500 Hz, and F4 is

3500 Hz (Johnson, 2003). Given that LTFD is an average across all vowel

phonemes, some type of central (with respect to the vowel space) vowel would

be expected. The results in Table 5.1 and 5.2 also show that LTFD3 and LTFD4

have the smallest ratios of mean SD to mean formant value (277.9: 2478.5 and

482.2: 3660.9). This is indicative of the two higher formants being more stable

within speakers, suggesting that they will be better speaker discriminants than

the lower formants (this also coincides with the variance ratios from 5.3.2


5.4 Likelihood Ratios for LTFD

The discriminant results of LTFD are presented in the following section. In the

first part, LR results are provided for individual formants as well as in

combination with other formants. The second part considers the effects that

package length (Moos, 2010) has on LR results for LTFD.

5.4.1 Methodology

Likelihood ratios (LRs) were computed using a MatLab implementation

of Aitken and Lucys (2004) Multivariate Kernel-Density formula (Morrison,

2007) for the 100 male speakers in DyViS Task 2. The MVKD formula was

originally developed for use with evidence that included repeated measures of a

given parameter (Aitken and Lucy, 2004). However, LTFD considers evidence

from all possible vowel categories, resulting in raw data that can be extremely

varied. For this reason, the raw formant data were averaged over 0.5 sec

windows (a total of 100 raw data measurements per formant constituted a

single token) for F1-F4 in order to obtain what Moos refers to as packages

(Moos, 2010). There were 100 to 284 (LTFD1-4) measurements per speaker,

with a mode of 100 tokens. An intrinsic discrimination method was used to

calculate LRs, whereby speakers 1-50 acted as the test set and speakers 51-100

acted as the reference set. LRs are calculated for LTFD1-4 individually as well as

in combinations relevant to forensic casework.

These combinations were chosen with respect to common practices in

the field ( Traditionally, the two formants most commonly used in

casework and sociolinguistic studies are F1 and F2, which are measured in

order to reveal aspects of an individuals vowel space (Ash 1988; Milroy and

Gordon, 2003). Some FSS experts still analyze only these two formants (, and therefore LTFD1 and LTFD2 are considered in combination.

LTFD research has reported that formants are often prone to variation. It

is common for a case to involve the comparison of material from a telephone

recording (cellular phone or landline) against a directly-recorded sample (often

a police interview). Due to the limited bandwidth of transmission over the

telephone (the 340-3700Hz band) there are many acoustic properties of the

signal that are often affected (Foulkes and French, 2012). The most notable are

an artificial increase in F1 values and formants close to 3700Hz disappearing.

Often F4 is missing from the signal altogether (Knzel, 2001; Byrne and

Foulkes, 2004). A similar effect has also been reported for recordings made

using the video and voice recorders in cellular phones (Gold, 2009). For this

reason, some experts avoid F1 and F4 altogether, meaning that only LTFD2 and

LTFD3 are analyzed. In addition, it is important to note that analysts must be

aware that the distance between the microphone (of the recording device) and

the talker (in conjunction with the room acoustics) can also have effects on

formant measurements (Vermeulen, 2009).

A majority of experts (63%) reported measuring F1-F3 in casework (, and therefore LTFD1-LTFD3 are considered, as they are the most

commonly-analyzed combination of formants. Finally, LTFD1-4 are considered

in combination to represent the ideal case where F1-F4 are all measureable.

This also provides the upper boundary in terms of the maximum number of

features within a parameter that can be used (for the given data) to achieve the

best possible performance. All LR results are considered in terms of system

performance (EER and Cllr) and the magnitude of strength of evidence

(Champod and Evett, 2000).

5.4.2 Results for LTFD1-4: Individually and in Combination

The results for the calculation of LRs on LTFD1-4 individually are

summarized in Table 5.3. The leftmost column represents the LTFD that was

analyzed and whether it relates to same-speaker (SS) or different-speaker (DS)

comparisons. The second column indicates the percentage of SS or DS

comparisons that were correctly classified. Correct SS comparisons have a log

likelihood ratio (LLR) above zero, and correct DS comparisons have an LLR of

less than zero. The mean LLR is in the third column, followed by the minimum

and maximum LLR in the next two columns. The final two columns present the

EER and Cllr values.

Table 5.3: Summary of LR-based discrimination for LTFD1-4 (100 speakers)

Comparisons % Correct Mean LLR Min LLR Max LLR EER Cllr
LTFD1 SS 72.0 0.224 -2.158 1.902
.2806 .8840
LTFD1 DS 71.7 -4.858 -68.768 1.993
LTFD2 SS 70.0 0.162 -1.077 1.259
.3165 .8119
LTFD2 DS 67.5 -1.939 -27.814 1.602
LTFD3 SS 88.0 0.288 -8.373 3.743
.1700 1.0731
LTFD3 DS 80.6 -11.857 -139.273 1.734
LTFD4 SS 68.0 0.238 -2.258 1.378
.2214 .8085
LTFD4 DS 80.2 -11.574 -124.808 1.301

Table 5.3 shows that, overall, LTFD3 has the lowest EER (.1700) but the highest

Cllr (1.0731). LTFD4 performed second-best in terms of EER (.2214) and best

for Cllr (.8085). The highest EER was for LTFD2 at .3165, but it had the second-

lowest Cllr (.8119). Overall, SS comparisons achieved a higher proportion of

correct results than did DS comparisons, with the exception of LTFD4, where DS

comparisons performed 12.2% better. The strength of evidence (i.e. mean LLR)

is stronger for DS comparisons than SS comparisons; mean LLRs are between

-11.857 and -1.939. For SS comparisons, the magnitude of the strength of

evidence is lower, ranging from 0.162 to 0.288. With respect to Champod and

Evetts verbal scale (2000 p. 240) the LLR scores for SS would not even

constitute limited evidence in support of the prosecution hypothesis. However,

there are some cases where a formant individually achieves a stronger strength

of evidence, as per LTFD3 with its maximum LLR of 3.743 (moderately strong


Examining LTFD1-4 individually, the results in Table 5.3 suggest that

LTFD3 performs the best overall, followed by LTFD4, LTFD1, and finally LTFD2.

Despite returning the highest Cllr, LTFD3 has the highest percentage of correct

SS and DS comparisons. It also offers the lowest EER, while providing the

strongest strength of evidence for SS and DS. The suspected reason for Cllr

being at its highest for LTFD3 is that Cllr appears to be greatly affected by

parameters (e.g. vowels) that produce wider ranges and higher magnitudes of

LLR. While producing these correct SS and DS comparisons with significant

strengths of evidence, it also tends to cause comparisons to yield incorrect SS

and DS comparisons with high strengths of evidence. For this reason, high Cllrs

appear to be being calculated for parameters that have the potential to offer

more in terms of correctness and the magnitude of the strength of evidence.

This was seen in Chapter 4, where although AR performed very poorly as a

discriminant, it achieved a lower Cllr than LTFD3, because the magnitude of the

AR LLRs overall were smaller. The same is true of LTFD2, which has the lowest

Cllr and also the smallest magnitude LLRs33.

Individually, LTFD1-4 performed relatively well, but the combination of

the formants can potentially yield even better performances. Table 5.4 below

follows the same structure as Table 5.3.

Table 5.4: Summary of LR-based discrimination for different LTFD1-4 combinations (100

Comparisons % Correct Mean LLR Min LLR Max LLR EER Cllr
LTFD1+2 SS 70.0 0.417 -2.472 2.761
.2041 .7648
LTFD1+2 DS 85.0 -7.477 -76.391 1.996
LTFD2+3 SS 76.0 0.334 -7.828 3.768
.1392 .9630
LTFD2+3 DS 89.9 -14.173 -156.130 1.956
LTFD1+2+3 SS 74.0 0.625 -7.632 3.676
.1147 1.0161
LTFD1+2+3 DS 94.3 -19.307 -155.807 3.007
LTFD1+2+3+4 SS 84.0 1.160 -5.292 5.466
.0414 .5411
LTFD1+2+3+4 DS 97.4 -29.228 -162.931 2.854

Four different LTFD combination scenarios are presented in Table 5.4. LTFD1+2

performed the worst with respect to EER (.2041), but was the best in terms of

Cllr (.7648). LTFD1+2+3+4 performed the best with respect to EER, which was

.0414, and had the lowest Cllr (.5411). The highest proportion of correct SS and

DS comparisons was also returned by LTFD1+2+3+4, with 84% and 97.4%,

respectively. LTFD1+2 had the lowest proportion of correct SS and DS

comparisons with 70% and 85%, respectively. LTFD1+2+3 performed better

than LTFD2+3 with higher proportions of correct DS comparisons, mean LLR,

and EER. Overall, the combination of LTFD1+2+3+4 outperformed the other

three combinations as defined by EER and the proportions of correct SS and DS


33An additional explanation for the poor Cllr values could be that the system is not optimally
calibrated (see 8.5.3) as was also seen in

The Tippett plots for the four LTFD1-4 combinations are presented in

Figures 5.17-5.20 below.



Cumulative Proportion





Same speaker comparisons
0.1 Different speaker comparisons

-80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10
Log10 Likelihood Ratio

Figure 5.17: Tippett plot of LTFD1+2




Cumulative Proportion





0.2 Same speaker comparisons

Different speaker comparisons

-160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20
Log10 Likelihood Ratio

Figure 5.18: Tippett plot of LTFD2+3



Cumulative Proportion





0.2 Same speaker comparisons

0.1 Different speaker comparisons

-160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20
Log10 Likelihood Ratio

Figure 5.19: Tippett plot of LTFD1+2+3



Cumulative Proportion




Same speaker comparisons

Different speaker comparisons
-180 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20
Log10 Likelihood Ratio

Figure 5.20: Tippett plot of LTFD1+2+3+4

Figures 5.17-5.20 illustrate the range of LLR values calculated for the four

LTFD1-4 scenarios. LTFD1+2+3+4 had the largest positive values for SS LLR

and the largest negative values for DS LLR (i.e. best strengths of evidence in

both cases), and the best overall mean LLRs (SS = 1.16, DS = -29.228). LTFD1+2

had the smallest LLR ranges for both SS and DS, and the weakest mean DS LLR.

LTFD2+3 yielded the weakest mean SS LLR, and the second-weakest mean DS

LLR. LTFD1+2+3+4 offered the strongest LLR for same-speaker pairs at 5.466

(very strong evidence), and the strongest minimum LLR for DS at -162.931.

Overall, LTFD1+2+3+4 was the best combination of formants, followed by

LTFD1+2+3, LTFD2+3, and finally LTFD1+2. In comparison to the figures for

LTFDs for individual formants, the four combination scenarios were able to

significantly lower EER and improve the proportion of correct SS and DS


5.4.3 Results of Package Length

LTFDs were measured every 5msec in the current study; however, to

test the discriminant power of LTFD using MVKD34, multiples of 5msec

packages35 were created from multiple LTFD measurements to create localized

LTFD tokens (which are equivalent to short-duration portions of the recording).

The length of the package over which a distribution is calculated can vary. A

package length of 0.5 seconds was chosen for the study, as it was found to yield

the lowest EERs. The effects of package length variation can be seen in Table 5.5

for the LTFD combination of LTFD1+2+3+4. The size of the package length is

provided in the first column, followed by the percentage of SS and DS

comparisons that were correct. The mean, minimum, and maximum LLRs for SS

and DS comparisons are found in columns four through nine, while EER and Cllr

are provided in the last two columns.

Table 5.5: Package length variability

Mean Mean Min Max Max

Package SS % DS % Min DS
Length Correct Correct LLR
.25 sec 76 97.96 0.90 -35.58 -6.51 -199.61 5.64 2.93 0.043 0.775
.5 sec 84 97.43 1.16 -29.23 -5.29 -162.93 5.47 2.85 0.041 0.541
1 sec 88 96.73 1.34 -24.17 -4.18 -134.33 5.29 2.79 0.042 0.400
2.5 sec 94 95.76 1.52 -17.67 -3.17 -98.41 4.99 2.88 0.043 0.281
5 sec 96 94.82 1.60 -13.85 -2.45 -84.60 4.77 2.90 0.042 0.239
10 sec 98 92.78 1.55 -9.27 -2.59 -62.94 4.41 2.68 0.056 0.257

The results in Table 5.5 suggest that package length affects the discriminant

performance of LTFD. An increase in package length corresponds to an

improvement in correct SS comparisons and Cllr, while there is a decrease in

34 LTFDs in their raw form readily lend themselves to a UBM-GMM algorithm for calculating
LRs. However, in order to test the MVKD formula, LTFDs were put into packages, as the MVKD
formula is not equipped to handle streams of data.
35 Package length was also used by Moos (2010) to determine stability within LTFD over

varying quantities of data. The packages are used in a similar way here, but are evaluated in
terms of their validity.

correct DS comparisons. In general, EER improves with the decrease in package

length; however, EER appears to have a threshold around 0.5 seconds, above

which it no longer improves.

It is important to note that these results apply only to the given study,

where the total duration of material per speaker was around 50 seconds. It

could be the case that package length has different effects on speech samples

longer or shorter than the 50 seconds used in the current study. However, this

analysis serves as a starting point for further investigation into the effects of

variability of package length and the overall length of speech samples on LTFD


5.5 Discussion

The following section considers the discriminant value of higher formants and

lower formants, and also compares the results from the present study with

those from previous studies that used GMM-UBM-based LR calculations (Becker

et al., 2008; French et al. 2012).

5.5.1 Discriminant Value of Higher Formants

The results from individual LTFD LRs revealed that LTFD3 and LTFD4

performed better than the lower formants, LTFD1 and LTFD2, in discriminating

between speakers. These results suggest that the higher formants carry more

speaker-discriminatory information than the lower formants (also seen in

Jessen, 1997; McDougall, 2004; Moos, 2010; Simpson, 2008; Clermont et al.,

2008; Hughes, 2013). Table 5.6 provides an overview of previous studies

investigating the discriminant ability of formants where F3 (a higher formant)

was also found to outperform lower formants (F1 and F2).

Table 5.6: Overview of discriminant formant studies where F3 performs best

Formants Most
Study Data Measurements
Considered Discriminant
Jessen (1997) German; 20 speakers F1-3 Peaks in spectra F3
Australian English; 5
McDougall (2004) F1-3 Dynamic F3
Moos (2010) German; 71 speakers F1-3 LTFD F3
Simpson (2008) temporal
British English; 25
and Clermont et F1-3 midpoint of F3
al. (2008) formant
British English; 97
Hughes (2013) F1-3 Dynamic F3

The explanation for the better performance of higher formants than

lower formants (as seen in this study, and those listed in Table 5.6) can be

obtained by recourse to phonetic theory. The first and second formants are

responsible for encoding phonetic content (Ladefoged, 2006), where (lower)

frequencies are related in large part to tongue position: the first formant

correlates inversely with tongue height and the second formant is associated

with tongue frontness/backness (Clark and Yallop, 1990, p. 268). The range of

F1 and F2 values a speaker produces will be relatively constrained by the size

and shape of his/her vocal tract, while the given configuration of a speakers

vocal tract will determine its F1 and F2 values. In general, the lower formants

(i.e. F1 and F2) do not encode speaker-specific information; rather, they are

responsible for conveying phonetic content.

Contrastively, higher formants (specifically F3 and F4) have been

identified as encoding speaker-specific information, which makes sense given

that they are less affected by behavioral and physiological variation than are

lower formants (McDougall, 2004). This is because F3 and F4 are associated

with the resonances in the smaller cavities of the vocal tract, which allow for

less intra-speaker variation (i.e. smaller cavities offer a smaller space in which

resonances are produced; Peterson, 1959). However, the inter-speaker

variation of F3 and F4 is limited with respect to variation in the size of the vocal

tract (which does not show a wide range of variation; Xue and Hao, 2006). It is

important to note that Stevens and French (2012) have shown F3 to be

correlated in part to voice qualities that involve the backing of the tongue body,

an articulatory setting which was adopted by the majority of speakers in the

accent group they studied (SSBE speakers). The same was also found for

speakers of American English, where post-vocalic rhoticity results in the

lowering of F3 (Alwan et al., 1997). This means that although F3 is in part

responsible for differences in voice quality, which is to a large extent speaker-

specific, to some degree F3 can also encode accent information, specifically that

associated with tongue-body orientation (e.g. retracted tongue-body and a

pharyngealized voice quality; Laver, 1994).

To this extent, the suggestion that higher formants carry more speaker-

discriminant information than lower ones is borne out in the current research,

and provides an argument in support of the good performance of LTFD3 and

LTFD4 in the present study.

5.5.2 Comparison of LTFD, MFCC, MVKD, and GMM-UBM Results

The results presented in the current study were calculated using the MVKD

formula. However, GMM-UBM has also been used on the same data (French et

al. 2012), and LTFD on German data (Becker et al., 2008). The MFCC results

(French et al., 2012) and the LR results from French et al. (2012) and Becker et

al. (2008) for LTFD are compared (Table 5.7) to the results found in the present


Table 5.7: Summary of LR-based discrimination for LTFD and MFCC in the current study and
competing studies


Current 74% 94.3% .1147 84% 97.4% .0414 - - -
French et - - - 94% 97.4% - 100% 95% -
al. (2012)
Becker et - - .053 - - - - - -
al. (2008)

The LTFD results from all three studies are generally similar36 regardless of

whether GMM-UBM or MVKD was used. However, given that French et al.

(2012) and the current study are based on the same recordings, it would be

expected that SS comparison results were more similar than they are (94% to

84%, respectively). This could suggest that for LTFD it is preferable to use

GMM-UBM over MVKD. However, it is important to note that 100 SS

comparisons were made by French et al. (2012), whereas the current study only

conducted 50 SS comparisons. Therefore, it is plausible that this 10% difference

could be due in part to the disparity in sample size (10% is equivalent to five SS


The tendency (albeit a small one) is for LTFD to miss SS pairs, and for

MFCC to mistake DS pairs for SS pairs. In view of this, it could be argued that in

the context of security, where investigators are working to put together a list of

potential suspects, MFCCs would be the preferred analysis. This is because

MFCCs are more likely to include additional suspects (despite their innocence)

rather than miss them entirely. Additionally, MFCCs tend to over-estimate

36Becker et al. (2008) also included results using bandwidths. However, those results are not
presented here.

similarity when comparing non-similar speaker pairings. In a judicial context,

the opposite could be argued: LTFD analysis should be preferred, insofar as it is

less likely to result in innocent suspects being misidentified as criminals. This is

because LTFD has the tendency to be under-sensitive when it comes to

identifying a guilty suspect as the criminal (by making judgments of non-

similarity when the samples are in fact similar by virtue of having been spoken

by the same talker).

5.6 Conclusion

Overall, the results presented in this chapter suggest that LTFD is a good

speaker discriminant, despite all LTFDs having variance ratios that imply intra-

speaker variation that is higher than inter-speaker variation. The combinations

of LTFD1-4 in 5.4.2 achieved higher levels of discrimination than single

LTFDs. The best combination, LTFD1+2+3+4, had an EER of only 0.0414, which

is extremely low compared to those found for AR in Chapter 4. Following the

results of the survey reported in Chapter 3, it appears that experts were correct

in identifying formants (in one form or another; e.g. LTFD, or for individual

phonemes) as one of the most useful speaker discriminants.

A known limitation of LTFD results from the study by Moos (2010),

where the values of LTFD means were higher in read speech than spontaneous

speech. It appears that speaking style can have a large impact on LTFD results.

It is important to consider in casework whether there is enough material

available to work with, and whether the material in the suspect and criminal

recordings is comparable, before carrying out an LTFD analysis.

The most attractive aspect of LTFD may not be in its successful results,

but in the fact that LTFD is not correlated with a number of other parameters

(Moos 2010). Correlation is often a challenge when vowels are analyzed

individually and later there is a desire to combine results from those multiple

vowels. This often results in a scenario where certain vowels are inevitably

correlated, and following nave Bayes (the combination of evidence through

the multiplication of individual LRs only when pieces of evidence are mutually

exclusive; Kononenko, 1990) they cannot be considered together as evidence. A

simple solution to this problem is to average across all vowel phonemes to

produce a LTFD. The only drawback to this lies in the high level of

generalization that is entailed when all vowels are averaged, meaning that

idiosyncrasies in individual phonemes may be overlooked. It appears that both

LTFD and MFCC analysis can provide insights into the vocal tract; however,

under an LR framework only one of these vocal tract parameters (LTFD or

MFCC) would be combined with other pieces of speech evidence into an overall

LR (owing to the strong correlations between LTFD and MFCC; French et al.,

2012). For this reason, unless a single phoneme can yield more promising LR

results for different populations, these results suggest that LTFD should be

considered over individual vowel analysis under the LR framework.

Chapter 6 Long-Term Fundamental
6.1 Introduction

Long-term fundamental frequency (F0) is a commonly-used feature in forensic

speaker comparisons. Clark and Yallop (2001, p. 332) define fundamental

frequency as the number of times per second that the vocal folds complete a

cycle of vibration. Long-term fundamental frequency is the measure of

fundamental frequency over longer segments of speech, instead of smaller

intervals (e.g. a phoneme, a word). Clark and Yallop further explain that F0 is

controlled by the muscular forces determining vocal fold settings and tensions

in the larynx, and by the aerodynamic forces of the respiratory system which

drive the larynx and provide the source of energy for phonation itself (Clark

and Yallop, 2001, p. 333). Speakers are known to differ from one another in the

distribution of spectral energy (of F0) within their speech, due largely to

anatomical reasons and the way in which individuals manage their

phonatory/vocal tract settings (Clark and Yallop, 2001). For this reason, F0 is

commonly analyzed in forensic speaker comparisons, with the aim of

identifying those speaker-specific differences found in vocal fold vibrations and

phonatory and other vocal settings. The survey completed by expert forensic

phoneticians discussed in Chapter 3 reports that all experts considered F0 in

casework. Alongside voice quality, F0 was also claimed to be the most useful

speaker discriminant by experts. The most commonly-measured aspects of F0

were mean and standard deviation (

Despite the popularity of F0, the parameter is not immune to exogenous

factors such as emotion, disguise, alcohol, drugs, telephone transmission, and

recording codecs (Braun, 1995; Gold, 2009; Knzel, 2001; Papp, 2008). It is

already highly variable within speakers and the presence of these factors makes

it even more so. Regardless of this, however, the experts expectations remain

that it is useful in discriminating between speakers. An example of F0 playing a

key role in a forensic case is outlined in Nolan (1983, p. 124). The expectation

of F0 being a good speaker discriminant may stem from the view that it is to

some extent anatomically determined (Hudson et al. 2007 p. 1809). On a

positive note, F0 has been shown to be rather robust to background noise and is

not greatly affected by telephone transmission (Braun, 1995).

In order to evaluate experts expectations regarding the discriminant

power of F0 (expressed in terms of mean and standard deviation), empirical

testing is required on large homogeneous groups of speakers. There have been

a number of studies examining F0 in English (Hudson et al., 2007; Graddol,

1986; Loakes, 2006). However, only Hudson et al. (2007) provides statistics for

a group of English speakers. There is also only one study on English that reports

on within-speaker variability. However, this is for a set of only eight speakers of

Australian English (Loakes, 2006). For this reason, the current chapter

examines inter- and intra-speaker variation in F0, and considers the

discriminant potential of F0.

6.2 Literature Review

Fundamental frequency has previously received a large amount of attention in

forensic phonetic research. Kinoshita et al. (2009, p. 92) suggest that the

popularity of F0 stems from promising results in early speaker recognition

research (such as the work by Atal (1972)), as well as F0 fitting three of

Nolans standards for good forensic speaker comparison features its

robustness, measurability, and availability (Nolan, 1983). This section brings

together relevant F0 literature, and divides it into two parts. The first part

considers F0 in general as a population statistic and a speaker discriminant in

forensic phonetics, and the second examines exogenous factors that can affect

F0 and its measurement.

6.2.1 F0 as a Speaker Discriminant in Forensic Phonetics

Research on long-term F0 has resulted in a number of published statistics that

are often cited as reference data, especially in relation to forensic speaker

comparison casework and research. Fundamental frequency statistics for male

and female speakers in both read and spontaneous speech, and across multiple

languages, are provided in Traunmller and Eriksson (1995). Many new studies

have been conducted since Traunmller and Eriksson (1995). The majority of

those that have had forensic motivations have specifically analyzed F0 in

spontaneous speech, and among larger and/or more homogeneous groups of


Rose (2003) reports long-term F0 measurements for non-

contemporaneous read speech (recordings separated by approximately one

year), produced by six male speakers of Australian English. The six speakers

had a mean F0 in the first recording of 113.6Hz (range: 101.9-124.8Hz) and a

mean standard deviation of 21.7Hz (range: 15.24-30.5Hz). The second

recording had a mean F0 of 114.5 Hz (range: 101.4-127.6Hz) and a mean

standard deviation of 17.4Hz (range: 14.3-19.2Hz). Loakes (2006) also presents

F0 values for male speakers of Australian English. Measurements of F0 were

taken at the midpoints of vowels in eight-minute recordings. The eight speakers

had a mean F0 of 105.2Hz, a median F0 of 103.1Hz, a mode F0 of 107Hz, and a

mean standard deviation of 16.4Hz. The F0 values for spontaneous speech in

Loakes (2006) were lower than those reported by Rose (2003). However, read

speech tends to elicit higher F0 values than spontaneous speech (Loakes, 2006).

Lindh (2006) reports long-term F0 values for 109 young male Swedish

speakers taken from short samples of spontaneous speech. The male speakers,

aged 20-30, had a mean F0 of 120.8Hz, a median F0 of 115.8Hz, and an average

alternative baseline F0 of 86.3Hz. The alternative baseline is the value (in Hz)

that falls 7.64% below the mean F0 (approximately 1.43 standard deviations;

see Lindh (2006) for more on alternative baseline). These F0 values are higher

than those found for Australian English. Rose (2002) suggests that F0 values

may be language-specific. The findings presented by Lindh (2006) also indicate

that collecting F0 statistics is necessary for different languages and perhaps

even different dialects/accents in order to understand the significance of

specific F0 measurements in forensic casework.

The study most relevant to the research reported in the current chapter

is that by Hudson et al. (2007), which investigates long-term F0 in the speech of

100 male speakers of British English drawn from the DyViS database. The

authors use Task 1 of DyViS, where individuals are taking part in a simulated

police interview. Three to five minutes of spontaneous speech per speaker were

analyzed after all background noises were removed. A Praat script was used to

extract mean, median, and mode F0 for each speaker. The aim of the research

was to gain an understanding of the distribution of F0 in a large homogeneous

group of English speakers primarily for forensic casework. Hudson et al. (2007)

report a group mean F0, median F0, and mode F0 of 102.2, 106, and 105 Hz

respectively. The study provides the population results in a format that is useful

for interpreting data with respect to between-speaker variation. However, it

does not offer any analysis of within-speaker variation. Under a numerical LR

framework it is necessary to provide an analysis of intra-speaker variation in

addition to the more commonly-studied inter-speaker variation. As such,

Hudson et al. (2007) cannot attach a numerical value to the level of

discrimination that can be achieved using only F0 as a discriminant.

The studies detailed above have reported average F0 values for groups

of speakers, while ignoring individual speaker variation (aside from Loakes,

2006 and Rose, 2003, but at a very limited level). Kinoshita (2005) was the first

to investigate intra- and inter-speaker variation in F0 in conjunction with the

discriminant power of F0 on a large scale. Kinoshita provides long-term F0

statistics derived from non-contemporaneous samples of spontaneous speech

for 90 male speakers of Japanese, reporting a mean F0 of 135.7Hz and a

standard deviation of 26.4Hz. Likelihood ratios were calculated using Lindleys

(1977) formula and synthetic (i.e. invented) criminal and suspect F0s (both

mean and SD) were created. The 90 male speakers acted as the reference

population. The results presented had a small range of LR estimates, and were

rather close to unity (i.e. not supporting a preference for one hypothesis or the

other). Kinoshita (2005) therefore suggested that long-term F0 is not a very

strong speaker discriminant and that it contributes very low strength of


6.2.2 Effects of Exogenous Factors on F0

Intra-speaker variation is caused by numerous factors, such as

intoxication, emotion, vocal effort, disguise, and recording/transmission

technology, to varying extents (Braun, 1995; Gold, 2009; Junqua, 1996; Knzel,

2001; Linard and Di Benedetto, 1999; Papp, 2009; Zetterholm, 2006). F0 has

been shown not to be as robust as previously believed, and it is sometimes the

case in forensic cases that F0 measurements are not robust to the effects of

these exogenous factors (Peter French, p.c.).

Braun (1995) draws attention to a number of factors known to affect F0

and which may have some relevance to forensic situations. An exhaustive list of

known effects on F0 is presented with relation to technical, physiological, and

psychological factors. She gives, as examples of technical factors, tape speed,

electronic voice changers/disguise (Hollien and Michel, 1968; Knzel, 1987),

and sample size (French, 1990; Horii, 1975; Mead, 1974; Steffan-Battog et al.,

1970). Physiological factors affecting F0 include speaker race (Hudson and

Hollbrook, 1981), age, a history of smoking (Braun, 1994; Gilbert and Weismer,

1974; Murphy and Doyle, 1987; Sorensen and Horii, 1982), alcohol

consumption (Klingholz et, al. 1988; Knzel et al., 1992; Pisoni and Martin,

1989; Sobell et al., 1982), testosterone drugs and anabolic steroids (Bauer,

1963; Berendes, 1962; Damast, 1964; 1967), removal of cysts/nodules/polyps

(Bouchayer and Cornut, 1992), surgical stripping of the vocal folds after

edema/tonsillectomy/thyroidectomy (Ardnt, 1963; Fritzell et al., 1982;

Keilmann and Hlse, 1992), shortening of vocal folds (Oats and Dacakis, 1983),

and lingual block (e.g. use of anesthesia; Hardcastle, 1975). Finally, Braun

(1995) identifies a number of psychological factors known to affect F0, which

are emotions (sorrow, anger, fear; Williams and Stevens, 1972), stress (Hecker

et al., 1968, Scherer, 1977), vocal fatigue (Novak et al., 1991), depression

(Darby and Hollien, 1977; Hollien 1980; Scherer et al., 1976), schizophrenia

(Hollien, 1980; Saxman and Burk, 1968), time of day (Garrett and Healey,

1987), and background noise level (Dieroff and Siegert, 1966; Lombard, 1911;

Schultz-Coulon, 1975; Schultz-Coulon and Fues, 1976). These extensive lists

detailed by Braun (1995) pose problems that FSC experts are confronted with

when analyzing F0. Many other studies have been carried out since Braun

(1995) to examine the effects of external factors on F0. Those studies that are

most relevant to casework are detailed below.

Linard and Di Benedetto (1999) examined the effects of vocal effort on

F0. They looked at 12 French vowels spoken in isolation by ten speakers (five

males and five females). Vowels were repeated multiple times to an

experimenter who stood at varying distances in the room from the speaker

(close, normal, and far). The distance at which the experimenter stood relative

to the speaker was intended to induce change in the vocal effort that the

speaker assumed would be required for the experimenter to hear the speaker

clearly. Linard and Di Benedetto (1999) found F0 to increase by around 5Hz.

Voice disguise is another common cause of variation in F0. Knzel

(2000) reports that nearly 25% of cases in Germany involve voice disguise, and

he specifically investigated the effect of such disguise on F0. He analyzed read

speech from 100 speakers (50 males and 50 females) where they were asked to

adopt different voice disguises (high, low, and denasalized). Knzel showed that

speakers were effectively and consistently able to disguise their voices using F0

modulation, some to extreme levels. Most importantly, he notes that individuals

were observed applying different phonatory strategies, which caused difficulty

in associating the change in F0 with a particular change the speaker has made in

his/her phonatory setting. Zetterholm (2006) has also examined disguise and

imitation of voices in relation to changes in F0 using the speech of a single

individual (a professional impersonator), impersonating 12 different popular

Swedish TV personalities. She found that the impersonator was able to vary his

modal F0 voice from its normal average of 118Hz, to anywhere between 97Hz

and 225Hz.

The effects of recording and transmission technology on speech has

received more attention of late, perhaps due in part to the advent of new and

emerging technologies. This opens new avenues for potential technical effects

on F0 and on speech in general. Gold (2009) considers one such area, by

investigating the effects of video and voice recorders in cellular phones. Three

different cellular phones were used in the experiment. All phones encoded the

speech signal using an AMR or mpeg4 codec for voice and video recorders

respectively. A change in the speakers F0 was found to result in differences of

between one and five percent in mean F0, and the SD of F0 changing from 9 to

63.6% for a single cellular phone. Overall, voice recorders (AMR codec) were

found to make bigger changes in F0 than video recorders did. It has previously

been shown that the GSM AMR codec (a speech-encoding codec similar to the

AMR) has the tendency to change voiced frames into unvoiced frames, and vice

versa, which in turn affects F0 measurements (Guillemin and Watson, 2008, p.

216). This could be the case for the AMR codec found in cellular phones, and any

recording devices in general that incorporate a similar-functioning codec to the


Variation in F0 can be caused by numerous exogenous factors, many of

which (those relevant to casework, at any rate) have been detailed above. The

variability of F0 due to external factors introduces many difficulties when

comparing recordings that have been affected by different combinations of

exogenous factors. For this reason it is important to consider the effects of

within- and between-speaker variation when investigating the discriminant

potential of F0.

6.3 Population Statistics for Fundamental Frequency

The following section presents population statistics for F0 in a large,

linguistically homogeneous group of 100 male speakers. These data serve as the

first of their kind in providing detailed information on intra-speaker variation

in F0 among individuals who speak Southern Standard British English (SSBE).

Additionally, population data are provided for between-speaker variability in

F0, where in the discussion it will be made apparent that the variability is

similar to that found in Hudson et al. (2007).

6.3.1 Methodology

The current study uses the recordings from Task 2 of the DyViS

database. Each recording for all 100 speakers was used in its entirety. However,

after the editing of the files, the recordings were between 2:25 minutes and

11:17 minutes in length, with an average of 6:21 minutes per file. Using Praat

(version 5.1.35), multiple passes were made through the recordings to ensure

that there was only speech remaining. The first phase consisted of the removal

of all the portions where the interlocutor was speaking, and any silent pauses

with the talkers speech. The second phase removed all intrusive noises in the

recordings, including background noises, laughter, coughs, and sneezes. A final

listening phase was used to ensure that everything but the speech of the

speaker had been properly removed from the recordings. This final phase saw

only minor edits that typically amounted to the removal of less than one second

of net speech per speaker.

As the calculation of LRs requires multiple tokens per speaker, it was

necessary for all recordings to be divided into segments in order to establish

within-speaker variability. The amount of net speech necessary for a given F0

token has not been previously tested. For this study I chose to segment the

speech into 10-second intervals (see 6.4.3 for effects of package length). Each

file was then annotated using a Praat text grid. The tier represented the package

length (in seconds) according to which the speech signal was subsequently

segmented. Starting from the beginning of each recording, intervals were

marked out in the text grids until the end of each recording. If the final segment

did not meet the interval length requirement, it was not included in analysis.

Figure 6.1 depicts an example of the text grid annotations used for all


Figure 6.1: Example of a text grid annotation

A Praat script (pitch_mean_results.txt; created by Henning Reetz, 2009) was

used to extract mean F0 and standard deviation values for each interval. The

Praat script was set to a frequency range of 50 300 Hz (following Hudson et al.

2007). After reviewing the F0 Praat picture distributions (for octave jumps and

unwanted pitch artefacts), 64 speakers were found to have reliable F0. The

remaining 36 speakers F0 values contained obvious errors (e.g. octave jumps)

and were therefore re-run using tailored ranges. The tailored ranges were

chosen through trial and error, where the range with the least amount of errors

was chosen as the best possible frequency range. These are detailed in Table


Table 6.1: Tailored Frequency Ranges for Selected Speakers

Frequency Range (Hz) Speaker

50-150 024, 026, 050, 062
50-160 074, 081, 099
50-200 052, 056
55-160 007, 009, 025, 029, 036, 040, 073, 096
55-200 045, 049, 055, 065, 075, 078, 082
75-200 003, 015, 021, 035, 041, 058, 059, 066, 083, 092
75-160 006, 014

After the Praat script was re-run using tailored frequency ranges for these

speakers, all F0 means and standard deviations were imported into Microsoft

Excel for further analysis. There were a total of 7,447 intervals for all 100

speakers. On average each speaker had 74 intervals.

6.3.2 Results

The distributions of F0 mean and standard deviation for individuals are

presented in Figures 6.2 and 6.3. The y-axis represents the number of speakers

that fall within a given range and the x-axis depicts F0 in Hertz (Hz).

Mean Fundamental Frequency

Number of Speakers 16

Fundamental Frequency (Hz)

Figure 6.2: Distribution of mean fundamental frequency

There is a normal distribution in the DyViS corpus for mean F037, as illustrated

in Figure 6.2. The mean F0 for the population is 103.6Hz, with an overall mean

F0 range of 79.9Hz-136Hz. The standard deviation of the means is 12.77Hz.

There are no suspected outliers (as defined in Chapter 4) in the mean F0 data.

Technically, this is the mean of the means of the means (i.e. the mean across speakers of the

means across tokens of each speaker of the means of all the raw F0 values of each token).

Mean Standard Deviation for
Fundamental Frequency

Number of Speakers




6-8 10-12 14-16 18-20 22-24 26-28 36-38
Fundamental Frequency (Hz)

Figure 6.3: Distribution of standard deviation in fundamental frequency

There is a roughly normal distribution for the SDs of F038 in Figure 6.3, with a

slight positive skewing due to a number of outliers. There are seven suspected

higher outliers (22.62Hz (for two speakers), 23.25Hz, 23.29Hz, 24.82Hz,

25.59Hz, and 27.62Hz) and one extreme outlier at 37.32Hz. Including the

outliers, the mean SD for the population is 15.1Hz, with a range of 7.4Hz-

37.3Hz. If those outliers are removed, the distribution becomes more normal

and the mean SD is then 14.17Hz.

The cumulative distribution graphs of mean F0s and F0 SDs in Figures

6.4 and 6.5 (respectively) show the percentiles at which a given F0 mean or SD

falls in relation to the population. The y-axis represents the cumulative

38Technically, this is the mean SD of the mean SD (i.e. the mean SD across speakers of the SDs
across tokens of each speaker of the means of all the F0 raw values of each token).

proportion of the population, and the x-axis presents fundamental frequency


Mean Fundamental Frequency


Cumulative Proportion (%)









75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 6.4: Cumulative percentages for mean fundamental frequency

The curve in Figure 6.4 is characterized by a steep central section but has gentle

gradients at both ends. The data show that the lowest 20% of the speakers have

a mean F0 below 93Hz, while the highest 20% have an F0 above 115Hz. This

leaves only a narrow band of 22Hz in which the remaining 60% of speakers are

found. This is indicated by the steepest portion of the trajectory.

Mean Standard Deviations for
Fundamental Frequency
Cumulative Proportion (%)
7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39
Standard Deviation (Hz)

Figure 6.5: Cumulative percentages for standard deviation in fundamental frequency

The first half of the curve in Figure 6.5 is characterized by a steep trajectory,

while the second half has a fairly long gradient trajectory at the upper end. The

lengthy gradient to the end of the trajectory is due to the suspected outliers and

extreme outliers confirmed above in the current section. Observing the spread

of the SDs, the lowest 20% of speakers have F0 SDs below 12Hz, and the highest

20% have F0 SDs above 17.5Hz. This leaves a remarkably narrow band of 5.5Hz

in which the majority of speakers fall (60%). Overall, the F0 data have a

variance ratio of 0.7152, which indicates that there is more variation occurring

within speakers than between them.

6.3.3 Discussion

The results for the present study are very similar to those reported by

Hudson et al. (2007), which used Task 1 of DyViS. The difference in the two

group means is only 2.4Hz. Results from the present study are also similar to

those presented in Loakes (2006), who gave a mean F0 of 105.2Hz for the

spontaneous speech of Australian English-speaking males. For non-English

languages the results presented in 6.3 are somewhat dissimilar in that both

Swedish (Lindh, 2006) and German (Knzel, 1989) report higher mean F0s at

115.8Hz and 120.8Hz, respectively.

The lower mean F0 values found for SSBE compared to those found for

other languages could in fact be a result of F0 being language-specific, as

suggested by Rose (2002). However, it could potentially be caused by the fact

that numerous speakers in the DyViS database have creaky voice qualities

(Hudson et al., 2007), and the creaky voice qualities of speakers were included

in the current study. This is because the F0 of speakers who use creaky

phonations a lot tend to result in bimodal distributions, with the first peak

representing the creaky voice quality and the second peak representing modal

phonation. In order to calculate a mean F0 for a speaker the two phonation

types are averaged, which thus results in a lower mean F0 (Hudson et al., 2007).

As such, it is most likely the case that, as pointed out in Hudson et al. (2007),

speakers modes did not correspond to their means. For this reason it would be

ideal to find a more accurate way of representing the mean F0 of creaky-voiced

individuals. Overall, the results also suggest that mean F0 and SD are perhaps

not the best measures for those speakers with intermittently-present creaky


6.4 Likelihood Ratios

The discriminant results for F0 are presented in the following section. The first

part provides LR results for F0, and the second part considers the effects of

package length on LR results for F0.

6.4.1 Methodology

As seen in 4.6.1, likelihood ratios were calculated using a MatLab

implementation of Aitken and Lucys (2004) Multivariate Kernel-Density

(MVKD) formula (Morrison, 2007). An intrinsic methodology was used,

whereby the test and the reference speakers came from the same population of

100 speakers. Speakers 1-50 were used as the test speakers, while speakers 51-

100 served as the reference speakers. Mean F0 and SD parameters were both

used for each token spoken by a given individual in the calculation of the LRs.

Performance of the system was assessed in terms of both the magnitude of LRs

(Champod and Evett, 2000) and system validity (Cllr and EER).

6.4.2 Results for F0

The results for the calculation of LRs for F0 are summarized in Table 6.2.

The second row contains the results from same-speaker (SS) comparisons and

the third row contains the different-speaker (DS) comparison results. The

second column indicates the percentage of comparisons in which speakers were

correctly identified, whereby a log likelihood ratio (LLR) above zero was correct

for a SS comparison and an LLR of less than zero was a correct judgment for DS

comparisons. The mean LLR is found in the third column, followed by the

minimum and maximum LLRs. The final two columns present the performance

of the system in terms of EER and Cllr, respectively.

Table 6.2: Summary of LR-based discrimination for F0 (100 speakers)

Comparison % Correct Mean LLR Min LLR Max LLR EER Cllr
10 sec SS 92.0 0.958 -3.404 1.936
0.0849 0.4547
10 sec DS 89.9 -24.204 -269.159 1.906

Table 6.2 shows that SS comparisons slightly outperform DS comparisons in the

percentage of correct judgments. The mean LLR for DS offers very strong

evidence to support the defense hypothesis (Hd; Champod and Evett, 2000),

while the mean LLR for SS only offers limited evidence to support the

prosecution hypothesis (Hp). Even the Max LLR for SS does not reach a strength

of evidence of 2 (instead, only moderate evidence to support Hp is indicated by

the value of 1.936). The EER for the system is higher than that found for a

combined LTFD system in Chapter 5 (0.0414; see Table 5.4), but is significantly

better than that found for AR in Chapter 4 (0.334; see Table 4.7). The Cllr for F0

as a system is generally better than the Cllrs achieved in Chapters 4 and 5 for

AR and LTFD. A Cllr closer to zero would nonetheless be desirable.

The Tippett plot in Figure 6.6 offers a visual measure of the performance

of F0 as a discriminant feature.




Cumulative Proportion





Same speaker comparisons
Different speaker comparisons

-180 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 10

Log10 Likelihood Ratio

Figure 6.6: Tippett plot of fundamental frequency

Figure 6.6 shows that there is a narrow range in LLR for SS and that most LLRs

for SS are relatively similar. The DS comparisons have a wider spread of LLRs. It

is also clear that DS comparisons can achieve very large LLRs, which offers a

high strength of evidence.

6.4.3 Results of Package Length

In order to establish variability within a speaker under an LR

framework, multiple tokens of a speech parameter of an individual are needed

for analysis. This involves dividing the recording into multiple sections (or

tokens). The most efficacious token length (or referred to here as package

length) has not been previously established. Therefore, a package length of 10

seconds was chosen for the study as it was found to yield the lowest EER.

However, it is possible to vary the size of the package length (similar to that

seen in Chapter 5). The effects of package length variation can be seen in Table

6.3 for F0. The table has the same formatting as that of Table 6.2, although Table

6.3 is expanded to include additional rows containing the various package

lengths (5, 10, 15, and 20 seconds).

Table 6.3: F0 package length variability for LR results

Comparison % Correct Mean LLR Min LLR Max LLR EER Cllr
5 sec SS 88.0 0.868 -5.176 2.030
0.1010 0.5634
5 sec DS 91.1 -29.879 -308.588 2.031
10 sec SS 92.0 0.958 -3.404 1.936
0.0849 0.4547
10 sec DS 89.9 -24.204 -269.159 1.906
15 sec SS 92.0 0.970 -2.526 1.999
0.1016 0.4407
15 sec DS 89.0 -20.964 -233.785 1.809
20 sec SS 92.0 0.960 -2.536 1.880
0.0967 0.4383
20 sec DS 88.7 -18.620 -206.961 1.717

The results in Table 6.3 suggest that package length affects the discriminant

performance of F0. However, the increase of package length does not appear to

be linearly correlated with the overall system performance in terms of EER. For

Cllr, there does appear to be a direct relationship between the increase in

package length and the improvement in Cllr.

Effects of package length can also be considered from inspection of the

values shown in Table 6.4, which displays the results for mean F0s, F0 range,

standard deviations (SD), and range of SDs across the four different package


Table 6.4: Fundamental frequency across different package lengths

Package Mean of Means Range of Means Mean of SDs Range of SDs

Length (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz)
5 sec 103.2 79.7-136.1 14.3 6.9-36.2
10 sec 103.6 79.9-136.0 15.1 7.4-37.3
15 sec 103.3 79.8-136.2 15.4 7.6-37.6
20 sec 103.2 79.9-136.1 15.5 7.8-37.9

Table 6.4 shows that there is relatively little difference between F0 results as a

function of the different package lengths. The biggest difference found in the

results is in the mean of SDs for 5 seconds (14.3Hz), compared to the mean of

SDs for the larger package lengths (15.1-15.5Hz). The 5-second package length

was also found to have the biggest difference in Cllr (Table 6.3) with the longer

package lengths. On the basis of these results, it could be argued that choosing a

package length of 10 seconds or above will give an accurate representation of

the data.

It is important to note that like the package length results found for

LTFD in Chapter 5, the results presented in this section relate specifically to the

present recordings, in which the total length of material per speaker was

around six minutes. It could again be the case that package length affects longer

or shorter speech samples differently. However, this analysis serves as a

starting point for further investigation into this issue.

6.5 Discussion

The results presented in the present study provide a starting point for further

investigation into the discriminant value of F0. However, the study was limited

by the highly controlled nature of the recordings, which were relatively free

from the influences of the exogenous factors that are known to affect F0 values,

as detailed in 6.2.2. More studies which incorporate those factors are needed.

The results of the present study were produced using only mean and

standard deviation as discriminant parameters of F0. This choice was dictated

by opinion given in the survey completed by expert forensic phoneticians. The

survey also reported that it is not uncommon for experts to use other measures

of F0 in their casework. Kinoshita et al. (2009) showed promising results when

using parameters that described the distribution of F0 more precisely (skew,

kurtosis, modal F0, and modal density). This points to a need to reassess the

measures commonly used in relation to F0. Different measures of F0 could lead

to more detailed descriptions of F0 distributions that also achieve a higher

strength of evidence.

6.6 Conclusion

The results presented in this chapter suggest that F0 is a moderately good

speaker discriminant overall, and has promise for demonstrating that two

voices have come from the same speaker (rather than different speakers) in the

same recording (achieving an EER of 0.0849). However, it is not known how

well F0 can discriminate between individuals when same-speaker evidence

comes from different recordings. Previous literature would suggest that its

discriminant potential will decrease when same-speaker evidence from

different recordings is introduced (see 6.2.2). F0 as a speaker discriminant

showed more variation occurring within speakers than between speakers.

However, F0 does show there to be more variation present between speakers

than do AR (Chapter 4) and individual LTFDs (Chapter 5).

It is difficult to ascertain whether experts responding to the survey were

correct in identifying F0 as a good speaker discriminant. Results suggest that

they are correct in that F0 does well discriminating same speakers that come

from the same recording, but it is uncertain whether that result will hold true

when same-speaker comparisons involve different recording sessions or

introduce degrading factors (e.g. disguise, intoxication, background noise). The

good recording conditions and high audio quality used for the current study are

not reflective of those found in real casework.

Owing to the many exogenous factors detailed in 6.2.2, the mere

comparison of mean F0s and SDs is unlikely to advance the methods used for

the speaker comparison task dramatically on its own. However, as always,

exceptions are to be made for those individuals who lie towards the margins of

the distribution curve or who can be classed as outliers, and the case remains

for using F0 in conjunction with other speech parameters.

Chapter 7 Click Rate
7.1 Introduction

The survey results presented in Chapter 3 indicated that experts examine many

non-linguistic features as part of their analysis in FSCs. Those non-linguistic

features can include patterns of audible breathing, laughter, throat-clearing,

tongue clicking, and both filled and silent hesitation phenomena. In respect of

tongue clicking, Chapter 3 shows that 57% of the practitioners questioned

examined recordings for the presence of velaric ingressive stops (i.e. clicks),

and 18% considered them to be a highly discriminant feature.

Research into the discriminant ability of parameters in forensic speech

science has focused primarily on vowels, and to some extent consonants and

fundamental frequency (Gold and Hughes, 2013). However, there remains a gap

in the literature pertaining to the discriminant ability of non-linguistic

parameters (e.g. clicks).

This chapter investigates the speaker discriminant power of clicks,

which are defined here as a linguistic parameter rather than a non-linguistic

parameter (reported in Chapter 3 as non-linguistic). This is because the clicks

analyzed in this chapter are used by speakers in a discursive manner that can be

classified as conveying linguistic meaning (i.e. they are used here as a discourse

marker in conversation). The first part of this chapter investigates the

discriminant power of clicks by analyzing population statistics for click rate,

and the second portion analyzes the robustness of clicks in relation to

accommodation effects. The final limitation section in this chapter is devoted

entirely to discussion of calculating likelihood ratios for clicks, and the

difficulties in attributing a numerical strength of evidence to measure discrete


7.2 Literature Review

Ladefoged (2006, p. 292) defines a click as a stop made with an ingressive

velaric airstream, such as Zulu [ . Laver (1994, p. 174) explains further that a

major ingredient in the production of the airstream [for clicks] is a complete

closure made by the back of the tongue against the velum. A second closure is

also made, further forward in the mouth, either by the tip, blade or front of the

tongue or by the lips. For a lingual click, there is a closure made by the back of

the tongue coming into contact with the soft palate, and the front portion of the

tongue is then drawn downwards. This process increases the volume of the

space occupied by the air trapped in between the two closures rarefying the

intra-oral air-pressure. When the more forward of the two closures is released,

the outside air at atmospheric pressure flows in to fill the partial vacuum

(Laver 1994, p. 174). It is at this point that a click is realized. Figure 7.1 below

illustrates the actions of the vocal organs involved in the production of a click


Figure 7.1:) The action of the vocal organs in producing a velaric ingressive voiceless dental
click k (a) first stage velic and anterior closure; (b) second stage expansion of the enclosed
oral space; (c) third stage release of the anterior closure. (Laver, 1994, p. 176)

Figure 7.1 provides an illustration of the process involved for the vocal organs

in the production of a dental click. This is just one of six possible places of

articulation for clicks as recognized by the International Phonetic Association

(IPA). The five different click types are provided in the figure below, which is an

extract from the IPA chart.

Figure 7.2: IPA Chart - Clicks Excerpt

The six different clicks presented in Figure 7.2 above are most commonly

recognized for their existence in a number of African languages (Ladefoged

2006, p. 139) and extensive research has been carried out to document clicks in

those languages (e.g. Greenberg, 1950; Herbert, 1990; Jessen and Roux, 2002).

In African click languages, such as in Xhosa, Zulu, Sandawe, Hadzapi, Bushman,

Nama, !X, and !X clicks are used phonemically (Laver, 1994, p. 174). Clicks

are also found in English, but unlike those in African languages they are not

used phonemically. According to literature on clicks found in English, they have

typically been described as functioning on only a paralinguistic level to denote

the attitudes, intentions (e.g. encouraging a horse to move), and emotional

states of a speaker. Previous research suggests that certain clicks are used to

convey such things as annoyance (Abercrombie, 1967, p. 31; Ball, 1989, p. 10),

sympathy (Gimson, 1970, p. 34), and disapproval (Crystal, 1987, p. 126). There

is also evidence to suggest that the phonetic properties of clicks can vary

depending on their functions in English (Gimson, 1970, p. 34).

Wright (2005; 2007; 2011a; 2011b) presents an extensive amount of

research focused on clicks from a non-paralinguistic point of view, specifically

from a conversation analysts view. Wright proposes three different

classifications of click used in English conversation to index different meanings.

The first type are clicks that occur in the onset of a new sequence, the second

are clicks used in the onset of a new and disjunctive sequence, and the third

type are clicks produced in the middle of a sequence of talk when the speaker

is engaged in the activity of searching for a word (2005 p. 176). The following

are three examples from Wright (2005) of click types:

Fragment 1: Holt.SO.88.1.2/bath/

01: Bil: Hello:

02: Gor: Hi Bill

03: Bil: Hi Gordy

04: Gor: [] uh:m (0.4) are you going tonight

05: (.)

06: Bil: mm

07: Gor: .hhh (0.2) would you mind giving me a lif[t

08: no thats alright

Fragment 2: Holt.1.8/Saturday/

01: Les: so he had a good inni:ngs did[n't he

02: Mum: [I should say so: yes

03: (0.2)

04: Mum: marvellous

05: Les: [!]. .hhh anyway we had a very good evening o:n saturday

06: (0.2)

07: Mum: Ye:s

Fragment 3: Holt.U.88.2.2/natter/

01 Les .hhhh and theres the- the natte- uhm (0.2) (0.3) !

02: oh what's it called the natterjack's not so good now

Fragment 1 is an example of a click being used to start a new sequence, as noted

by the bilabial click in line 4. A second type of click is used for the onset of a

new disjunctive sequence in Fragment 2, which is illustrated by the alveolar

click on line 5. And the final click type is found in Fragment 3, where both

bilabial and alveolar clicks are being used to signify the search for a word by the

speaker in line 1. The three click types above, in combination with clicks being

used paralinguistically (i.e. to show emotion or affect), are used in the analysis

of click productions for this chapter.

In investigating clicks in respect of their speaker-discriminating

potential one can begin with the assumption that for any aspect of affect or

interaction management there is no homological function-form relationship.

For example, while one can signal annoyance, disapproval or sympathy by use

of clicks, there are many other ways of signaling these states to interlocutors.

Similarly, although clicks may be used to signal disjunction of conversational

topic or the fact that one is having difficulty finding a word, other forms

semantically empty sounds or lexical expressions can also fulfil these

functions. In other words, there is an element of speaker choice in the selection

of clicks over other possibilities in conveying emotive and attitudinal meaning

as well as in respect of topic organization and conversational turn management.

Given that this is so, one might reasonably expect there to be variability across

speakers in terms of whether clicks or other forms are their preferred option.

The possibility of such individual preferences provides a plausible theoretical

motivation for the observation made by the forensic practitioners surveyed in

Chapter 3 to the effect that clicks have high value as speaker discriminants.

However, while the proposition is credible and is no doubt based on

practitioners casework experience, it has not to date been subjected to formal,

empirical testing. The present chapter is an attempt to establish the speaker

discriminant value of one aspect of clicking behavior, namely frequency of

clicking, by such testing.

7.3 Data

The recordings analyzed were of 100 male speakers of SSBE aged 18-25 years

from the Dynamic Variability in Speech (DyViS) corpus (Nolan et al., 2009). Two

data sets were used, each of unscripted speech from a simulation of a

forensically-relevant situation. One (Task 1) was a mock police interview. Each

of the 100 speakers played the role of a criminal suspect and was interrogated

by one of two project interviewers (Int2 and Int3) who played the role of a

police officer investigating the interviewees supposed involvement in a crime.

The second set of recordings (Task 2) was of the subjects telephoning an

accomplice and explaining what had occurred in the police interview. The role

of the accomplice in this data set was played by the same project interviewer

(Int1) throughout. Although these were telephone conversations, the

recordings used for analysis were made at the subjects end of the line i.e. they

were of studio rather than telephone quality.

7.4 Methodology

For a feature to function as a good speaker discriminant, it must meet two

criteria: (a) it must vary (ideally quite widely) across speakers; (b) it must be

relatively stable within the speech production practices of individual talkers. In

this section, the methods employed to test the intra- and inter-speaker variation

of click rates are outlined. Task 2 recordings are used for the first portion of the

click analysis of the current study. As mentioned above, each speaker conversed

with a single interlocutor, Int1.

The first two minutes of each recording were ignored so as to allow for

speakers to settle into the interaction. All subsequent speech from each subject,

up to a maximum of five minutes net i.e. after excluding long pauses and the

speech of the interlocutor was then extracted and divided into one-minute

intervals (giving a combined total of 499 minutes of net speech). 99 of the 100

speakers produced enough speech to meet the five-minute target. One speaker

(speaker 012) fell just short of this, and the analysis was therefore based on

analysis of just four minutes of his speech. The extracted speech was examined

auditorily during two listening sessions in Sony Sound Forge (version 10.0;

analysis done auditorily) and Praat (version 5.1.35; auditory and acoustic

analysis done simultaneously) for instances of clicks. Any sounds that auditorily

and visually resembled clicks but were not apparently produced on a velaric

ingressive airstream were excluded from the analysis. This resulted in the

exclusion of 293 candidate sounds that were judged to be purely percussive39.

At the end of this process there were a total of 454 clicks left. Each click was

assigned to a functional category: either it functioned to convey affective

meaning, or fulfilled one of the interactional functions identified by Wright

(2007; 2011a; 2011b), i.e. initiating a new speaking turn, indicating topical

disjunction, or signaling that the speaker was searching for a word.

Illustrations of these interactional functions are provided in the following

transcribed excerpts from the recordings (clicks are indicated by the symbol !,

regardless of actual place of articulation):

39 Pike (1943 p. 103) says percussors differ from initiators in several ways in opening and
closing they move perpendicularly to the entrance of the air chamber . . . ; they produce no
directional air current but merely a disturbance that starts sound waves which are modied by
certain cavity resonators; they manifest their releasing or approaching percussive timbre only
at the moments of the opening and closing of some passage . . . Typical percussives are made by
the opening and closing of the lips, the tongue making closure at the alveolar ridge, the velum
closing, the vocal folds making a glottal closure, and the sublaminal percussive of the cluck
click (Ogden 2013 p. 302). The most common percussives found in the current data set were
related to the opening and closing of the lips.

Initiating new speaking turn

Int1: Hes a tour guide now you see

S007: ! Yeah yeah thats right and

Int1: Bear Pub

S011: Mhm

Int1: Do I know it

S011: ! Um it- near Harper Passage

Indicating topical disjunction

Int1: Um wha- did they trace that phone call when you were in the uh

grotty booth

S033: They asked me about it so I guess they probably have ! um but um

as I wasnt as I was telling them I didnt go through Parkville

Signaling word search

Int1: And um did you give her address

S086: Uh yeah I did

Int1: Just, you know, just refresh my memory

S086: Yeah, sorry on Dexter Road ! um in Dixon

Int1: Dixon this little village of Dixon

7.5 Results

Before addressing the central questions of inter- and intra-speaker variation,

some general findings on phonetic and functional aspects of the clicks are


7.5.1 Phonetic Properties of the Clicks

The scope of the present study did not extend to a detailed analysis of

the phonetic and acoustic properties of the clicks. However, in terms of their

place of articulation, approximately 95% were judged to be apical. With regard

to the passive articulator, they ranged from dental through alveolar to post-

alveolar. Through my own observation, dental clicks are characterized by a

longer and less well-defined release phase and by a higher-frequency center of

gravity and lower level of intensity than the other variants. At the other

extreme, post-alveolar clicks are the highest in intensity, have a relatively short

release and a greater concentration of energy at the lower frequencies. Without

wishing to prejudge the outcome of further work being undertaken on these

data, it appears that, at this stage at least, place of articulation proved very

difficult to classify more finely, and that no individual speaker clearly stood out

from the others in respect of this dimension. It is supposed that because clicks

are not used phonemically by SSBE speakers, the precise place of articulation

for clicks does not matter to a speaker or listener when used in sequence

management. It is rather that the presence of any form of apical click can signify

sequence management in conversation. Place of articulation, however, does

play an important role for those clicks used as affective markers, since place of

articulation for clicks has been shown to signify different emotions (Ball, 1989;

Crystal, 1987; Gimson, 1970).

7.5.2 Functional Aspects of the Clicks

The distributions of clicks against affective function and the three

interactional functions are represented in Figure 7.3.

Distribution of Click Types

Number of Total Clicks




word search turn initiation signaling topic affective

Category of Click
Figure 7.3: Distribution of click occurrences by functional category

Of the 454 clicks that occur in the combined 499 minutes of speech examined,

word search accounts for just over half of all clicks (51.32%). Taken together,

turn initiation and disjunction signaling clicks represent a similar proportion

(48.24%) to those used to indicate word search. Affective use represents the

smallest category, with only two examples (0.44%). Whilst the latter may to

some extent be accounted for by the fact that the attitudinal stances that clicks

are used to convey (pity, disapproval) seldom arise in the type of conversation

represented in the DyViS recordings, it is nevertheless of interest that the least

frequently-occurring function of clicks in these data is the one that is most

frequently mentioned in the phonetic literature.

7.5.3 Results: Inter-Speaker Variation

The results of inter-speaker variation in click production are presented

in Table 7.1, looking first at clickers versus non-clickers. The leftmost column in

Table 7.1 presents the length of time over which clicks were analyzed, while the

second and third columns represent the numbers of speakers who were found

to be either clickers or non-clickers. A clicker is defined as a speaker who has

been found to click at least once in the given speech sample, and a non-clicker is

defined as a speaker who does not click at all in the given speech sample.

Table 7.1: Number of clickers versus number of non-clickers over varying speech sample

length clicker non-clicker

1 minutes 39 61
2 minutes 56 44
3 minutes 67 33
4 minutes 72 28
5 minutes 75 25

As seen in Table 7.1, if one considers each sample in its entirety, the proportion

of clickers to non-clickers is around 3:1 (75:25). However, this proportion

could not be arrived at by examining a shorter sample, as the number of non-

clickers decreases as sample length increases, owing to the fact that so many of

the speakers click very infrequently. This can be seen in Figure 7.4, in which it

is apparent that 74% of the DyViS population clicks five times or fewer over the

five-minute period, i.e. they have a click rate of one click per minute or less.

Figure 7.4 displays the number of speakers on the y-axis and number of total

clicks on the x-axis.

Distribution of the Total Number of Clicks

Number of Speakers 25




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 53 54

Number of Clicks

Figure 7.4: Distribution of click totals over five minutes of speech

Approximately 50% of speakers click only once, twice or not at all. And while

the mean number of clicks for the group as a whole is 4.26 clicks over five

minutes of net speech, this is highly skewed by three speakers who produce a

very high number of clicks (24, 28, and 54). The mean number of clicks per

speaker drops to 3.4 clicks when the three most extreme clickers are removed.

Figure 7.5 presents the mean click rates in clicks per minute (clicks/min.),

rather than as a cumulative number of clicks, as seen in Figure 7.4. The y-axis

presents the number of speakers that fall within a given range and the x-axis

depicts click rate in clicks per minute.

Mean Click Rate

Number of Speakers 25








Click Rate (clicks/minute)

Figure 7.5: Distribution of click rate (clicks/minute) in DyViS population

There is an inevitable positive skew to the distribution of mean click rate in

Figure 7.5. The mean click rate for the population is 0.88 clicks/min, with a

range of 0.00 clicks/min to 10.8 clicks/min. The standard deviation of the

means is 1.41 clicks/min. There are two suspected outliers at 3.00 clicks/min

and 3.50 clicks/min. There are also three extreme outliers at 4.80 clicks/min,

5.60 clicks/min, and 10.80 clicks/min.

The cumulative distribution graph of mean click rates in Figure 7.6

shows the percentile at which a given click rate falls in relation to the

population. The y-axis represents the cumulative proportion of the population,

and the x-axis presents click rates in clicks per minute.

Mean Click Rate

Cumulative Proportion (%)




Click Rate (clicks/minute)

Figure 7.6: Cumulative percentages for click rate

The curve in Figure 7.6 starts at 25% for those with a click rate of 0, meaning

that 25% of the DyViS population have no clicks present in their speech. From

the first point at 25%, the curve is characterized as having an approximately

logarithmic growth. Figure 7.6 shows that roughly 70% of the population have

click rates at or below 0.8 clicks/min, and only 30% have larger click rates. Discussion

Clicking, as a measure, has been shown to be highly sensitive to sample

length (see Table 7.1), and it is not possible to specify a threshold sample

duration for determining click rate, as the sample duration is dependent upon

frequency of clicking. For example, to determine that someone has a click rate

of, say, 0.2 clicks per minute, it would be necessary to have a sample five

minutes in length, during which time the speaker clicks only once. However, to

establish that someone had a click rate of, say 10 per minute, all one would need

is one minute of speech or indeed less. This assumes, of course, that the

clicks would be evenly distributed across time. And, as will be seen in the

section below, such an assumption of intra-speaker stability is not supported by

the data. For the present, however, it is noted that the low number of click

totals for the majority of speakers makes the discrimination capacity of clicks

difficult to establish. Nevertheless, there is potential for clicks to be a good

discriminant for the handful of speakers who produce high click totals, if these

speakers are relatively stable and consistent in their clicking behavior.

7.5.4 Results: Intra-Speaker Variation within an Interaction

The results for intra-speaker variation are presented in Figure 7.7.

Speakers are represented on the x-axis and the click rates (clicks per minute) on

the y-axis. A speakers mean click rate is represented by a black dot and the

vertical bars indicate the range between the minimum and maximum click rate

they attained in any individual minute of speech.

Click Rate Ranges by Speaker
Click Rate (clicks/minute)



0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 7.7: Mean and range of click rates across all speakers

It is clear from Figure 7.7 that intra-speaker stability generally increases as

mean click rate increases, such that the higher-rate clickers have a greater

range of variability across the individual minute blocks. Thus, even for those

speakers for whom clicks might serve as a potentially discriminant feature, the

clicks tend to occur in localized clusters rather than being evenly spread

throughout the sample. This effectively means that in order to establish that

someone has a high click rate, the analyst would need a relatively large amount

of speech from him/her. In the forensic context, questioned recordings

containing around one minute of net speech from the target speaker are not

unusual. Obtaining five minutes of net speech is much less common. Thus, the

possibility of using clicks as a discriminant feature in forensic casework, even

for high-rate clickers, is quite limited.

There is a limited amount of data with which we can calculate variability.

Nevertheless, inter-speaker variation is presented for the DyViS population.

Caution must be exercised when interpreting the SD data. Figure 7.8 presents

the distributions of standard deviations for the population.

Standard Deviation
Number of Speakers





Standard Deviation (clicks/minute)

Figure 7.8: Distribution of standard deviation in click rate

Figure 7.8 has a positively skewed distribution, like that seen for mean click

rate in Figure 7.5. There are two suspected outliers in the population (at 1.95

clicks/min and 2.07 clicks/min), and one extreme outlier at 5.40 clicks/min.

The mean SD for click rate in the population is 0.69 clicks/min, with a range of 0

clicks/min to 5.40 clicks/min. The SD of the SDs for click rate is 0.70, which is

actually higher than the mean, indicating a large spread in click rate values.

The cumulative distribution graph of SD for click rate is presented in

Figure 7.9. The y-axis shows the cumulative proportion of the population with a

SD at a given point, and the x-axis presents click rate in clicks per minute.

Standard Deviations for Click Rate

Cumulative Proportion (%) 90

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 5.50
Click rate (clicks/minute)

Figure 7.9: Cumulative percentages for standard deviation in click rate

The curve in Figure 7.9 is similar to the curve seen in Figure 7.6, but is slightly

more gradient than logarithmic in its growth. The data in Figure 7.9 show that

25% of the speakers have SDs under 0.25 clicks/min., due to the 25% of

speakers who do not click at all in their five minutes of net speech. The variance

ratio for click rate is 4.06, which signifies that there is more variation between

speakers than within speakers for click rate. A variance ratio of 4.06 is the

highest that has been achieved for any parameter in the current thesis

(articulation rate, long-term fundamental frequency, and long-term formant

distributions). Despite a good variance ratio, caution has to be exercised, as it

must be remembered that there were on average only five click tokens per


220 Discussion

The sporadic distribution of clicks might be accounted for by the

clustering of click opportunities (i.e. places where clicks can be used as

discourse markers). There is no reason to assume that the need to express the

affective meanings and perform the interaction management functions that

clicks can fulfill should be evenly spread across time. A more detailed analysis

might therefore address the question of the occurrence of clicks as a proportion

of click opportunities. Clustering of click opportunities can, of course, occur

across interactions as well as within them, i.e. some types of conversation may

well present more opportunities than others. For the present, however, another

aspect of intra-speaker variation in clicking is examined, namely possible

accommodation effects.

7.5.5 Results: Intra-Speaker Variation across Different Interactions

Accommodation, the tendency for speakers to adjust their speech

towards that of their interlocutor, has been well documented in respect of a

range of linguistic features (c.f. Giles, 1973; Giles and Ogay, 2007; Shepard, Giles

and LePoire, 2001; Trudgill, 1981).

The click data considered so far were all drawn from the Task 2

recordings of the DyViS database, where each of the 100 subjects conversed

with the same interlocutor, Int1. The recorded interviews that make up the

Task 1 recordings involved two different interlocutors, Int2 and Int3,

conversing with the 100 subjects. The further work reported in this section was

triggered by the informal observation that the subjects appeared to be clicking

more frequently in the Task 1 recordings when speaking with Int2 and Int3

than in the Task 2 recordings when speaking with Int1. This observation

provided the motivation to undertake two further analyses: (a) establishing

subjects actual click rates in the Task 1 recordings relative to the Task 2

recordings, and (b) examining the click rates of Int2 and Int3 relative to Int1.

The latter was undertaken with a view to determining whether any increase in

subjects clicking behavior might be accounted for by an interlocutor

accommodation effect.

Fifty subjects were selected at random from the Task 1 recordings, 25

speaking with Int2 and 25 speaking with Int3. As with the Task 2 sampling

procedure, the first two minutes of the conversations were excluded from the

analysis to allow for settling-in time. Three minutes of net speech were

extracted for each subject for comparison with an equivalent three-minute

sample from the Task 2 recordings. Click rates were then compared across the

two tasks. The comparisons showed that, although there was no statistically

significant difference between the numbers of clickers versus non-clickers

(using a chi-squared test, where p = .7401 (Int1 to Int2) and p = .0880 (Int1 to

Int3)), clickers did show a marked increase in click rate when speaking to Int2

and Int3 over when speaking to Int1. The results are summarized in Table 7.2.

The first column identifies the interlocutor, and the second and third columns

present the mean and median click rates, respectively, for the given


Table 7.2: Summary of Speakers Mean and Median Click Rates - Int1 versus Int2 and Int3

interlocutor mean median

Int1 0.72 0.67
Int2 1.60 1.33

Int1 1.53 0.33

Int3 2.16 0.67

Int1* 1.00 0.33

Int3* 1.75 0.67
*denotes rates with outlier excluded

The increase across Int1 to Int2 is significant at the 1% level (using a Wilcoxon

signed rank test, p = .0034 and n = 25). That between Int1 to Int3 falls just short

of significance at this level (1%), but achieves it if one speaker whose high click

rate (speaker 07s click rate is 14.33 clicks/min for Task 1 and 12 clicks/min for

Task 2) is excluded as an outlier (Wilcoxon signed rank test, p = .0076 and n =


The actual changes mean, minimum and maximum - for speakers are

represented in Tables 7.3 and 7.4 (Int1 versus Int2 and Int1 versus Int3). The

first column identifies the direction of change in click rate. The second column

in Table 7.3 and 7.4 identifies the number of speakers with a given change in

click rate, and columns three through five present the mean, minimum, and

maximum changes in click rate for the group of speakers.

Table 7.3: Changes in click rate across speaker - Int1 versus Int2

Number of
(Int2-Int1) Mean Minimum Maximum
Increase 15 1.601 0.003 3.003
Same 4
Decrease 6 -0.334 -0.003 -0.670

Table 7.4: Changes in click rate across speaker - Int1 versus Int3

Number of
(Int3-Int1) Mean Minimum Maximum
Increase 17 1.264 -2.333 4.333
Same 0
Decrease 5 3.444 -0.003 -0.333

In attempting to account for the increases in click rates when subjects spoke to

Int2 and Int3, click rates for Int2 and Int3 were calculated from three randomly-

selected Task 1 recordings. The sampling procedure entailed extracting three

minutes of net speech after the settling-in period, thus providing a total net

sample of nine minutes for each interlocutor. For Int1 an equivalent portion of

post-settling-in speech was extracted from the Task 2 recordings with the same

three subjects selected for Int2 and Int3, thereby providing a total net sample of

18 minutes. The mean click rates for the three interlocutors are set out in Table

7.5. The first column identifies the interlocutor and the second column presents

the mean click rate for the given interlocutor.

Table 7.5: Mean click rates of the three interlocutors

interlocutor mean click rate (clicks/minute)

Int1 1.44
Int2 3.67
Int3 4.56

Given the click rates established for subjects from the Task 2 recordings, Int1

might be seen as a relatively average clicker. Int2 and Int3, however, would be

considered relatively high-rate clickers. In view of this, a plausible explanation

for the increased click rates of the subjects when conversing with Int2 and Int3

would be that they are accommodating their clicking behavior towards that of

their interlocutors. It is, of course, entirely possible that the accommodation

effect is bilateral and that interviewers also adjust their click rates towards

those of the subjects. The data to test this view are not available within the

present study, however. Nor is it possible to assess whether interviewer gender

is a factor40; it may or may not be significant that Int1 is a young male, while

Int2 and Int3 are young women. An alternative, or indeed additional,

explanation of the differences might be that the Task 1 interactions offer more

clicking opportunities, these being mock police interviews in which the subjects

are asked questions that might well have them searching for words in

answering. However, this would not account for the relatively high click rates of

Int2 and Int3, and although there are currently no formal findings to present on

this, the clear impression is that there are no obvious differences amongst click


7.6 Likelihood Ratios

The overriding limitation when analyzing the discriminatory power of

clicks is the unfeasibility to calculate a numerical LR and evaluate the strength

of evidence. The absence of an LR calculation for clicks is due entirely to the fact

that a model does not currently exist with which it might be calculated.

40 Accent may also be a factor, since only one of the interlocutors was also an SSBE speaker.

However, there are a number of mathematical procedures that can be used to

arrive at a numerical LR. In forensics the different procedures are selected in

relation to the characteristics of the data distributions. Aitken and Taroni

(2004 p. 37) state that for any particular type of evidence the distribution of

the characteristic [parameter] is important. This is so that it may be possible to

determine the rarity or otherwise of any particular observation. Therefore it is

important to use the model that best fits the distribution of data in order to

represent the strength of evidence as accurately as possible.

Clicks are a particularly complicated form of speech evidence to work

with when used to calculate numerical LRs, as they are discrete in nature. Aside

from DNA profiling (which works with discrete data), there is a lack of methods

when data are discrete rather than continuous. In forensic speech science, there

has not been any LR research that has carried out a comprehensive analysis of

discrete data. LR research in FSS has previously focused on continuous data

(Gold and Hughes, 2013), for which it is possible to assume normality. Once an

assumption of normality is made theory then allows for multivariate

continuous data to be modeled using the means and covariances only (Aitken

and Gold, 2013, p. 148). However, for discrete data a description of the

distribution as normal is not possible.

In this particular case, where there is a desire to calculate LRs for

clicking rate in speakers, there are two main issues to consider when seeking

how to model the data appropriately. The first is the possibility for each

discrete data entry (e.g. the 5-minute recording) to have multiple levels of

response (e.g. a click count for each minute in the recording). For example, in

the present data, multiple levels of response are represented by the multiple

click counts over a given amount of time. More specifically, Speaker A may have

5 minutes of net speech, where each minute of net speech yields an individual

count (e.g. 0,0,1,2,0). The second issue is the correlation that exists between

counts. Given that 25% of the population was found not to click at all over 5

minutes of net speech, it is apparent that correlations exist between counts, and

these must be accounted for in a model.

The work in Aitken and Gold (2013) explores the issues and limitations

involved in calculating LRs for discrete data. A Poisson distribution and

bivariate Bernoulli model are proposed for evaluating clicks and any other

discrete data that act in a similar way to clicks. The models proposed in Aitken

and Gold are basic models; however they illustrate issues that need to be

considered in the analysis of discrete data and provide a foundation on which

other models may be built (Aitken and Gold 2013 p. 154). Likelihood ratios

are provided in Aitken and Gold (2013, p. 153). However, they are based on a

limited data set whereby and (set distributions of the population) were not

based on structural learning41 but intuitive guesses about the population

distribution. The LR results for clicks were between 0.30 and 3.35 (i.e. giving

very limited evidence for support) which are small but intuitively sensible

(Aitken and Gold, 2013, p. 154). More practical work is needed to further

develop the models. However, it is hoped that further testing will also produce

smaller LRs. Intuitively, this would align with there being a finite number of

possible clicks produced over the course of a minute, high intra-speaker

variation, and low inter-speaker variation.

41Structural learning makes decisions based on the data at hand, and uses those data to inform
a given model/algorithm/framework (Porwal et al., 2013)

Given the limited strength of evidence reported for clicks in Aitken and

Gold (2013), the lack of models for calculating click-rate LRs may not be all that

devastating. This is due to the general lack of capacity of click rate to

discriminate between speakers of English. As always, exceptions are to be

made, however, for those individuals who lie towards the margins of the

distribution curve and who can be classified as outliers with respect to click


7.7 Conclusion

While it would be dangerous to generalize beyond the variety of English

analyzed in this study, the view of those forensic practitioners surveyed in

Chapter 3 who considered tongue clicking to be a highly discriminant feature of

speaker behavior is largely unsupported by the present data for young male

speakers of SSBE. Firstly, there is insufficient variation across the majority of

speakers analyzed for the variable to provide a reliable index of speaker

individuality. Secondly, even for the high-rate clickers who stand apart from

the majority, there is within-conversation instability to the extent that one

would need speech samples of a length seldom encountered in questioned

forensic recordings in order to reliably establish an overall click rate. Thirdly,

intra-speaker variation also occurs across interactions, apparently as a result of

accommodation towards the clicking behavior of interlocutors. This suggests

that rate of clicking rather than being solely a property of an individuals

speech production practices, might usefully be viewed as resulting from an

interaction between speaker and interlocutor. The question remains, then, of

whether it is worth considering clicking at all when conducting speaker

comparison casework. In spite of these findings, it is suggested that, in certain

cases, it may well be. Studies such as those of Wright (2007; 2011a; 2011b) and

Ogden (2013) on the interactional functions of clicks, as well as the general

observations of phoneticians on the functions of clicks in conveying attitudinal

and affective meanings, provide normative data and descriptions. For this

reason, these studies allow forensic practitioners to assess the speech samples

they examine for the occurrence of non-normative, i.e. idiosyncratic, usage.

Such occurrences may be of assistance in the comparison task, and in this

respect forensic phoneticians are indebted to their non-forensic counterparts

for providing valuable resources. This is, in fact, just a further instance of a

more general indebtedness of the forensic speech community to work in

mainstream academic research in linguistics and phonetics. As noted in French

and Stevens (2013), sociophoneticians and dialectologists have provided

normative descriptions of language varieties that serve as backcloths for the

evaluation of findings in speaker comparison cases.

Unless it were to transpire that patterns of clicking behavior are

different for other varieties of English or (for example) differ in accordance with

speaker age or gender - and nothing has been found in the sociolinguistic

literature on English to support that view - the mere comparison of click rates

across samples is in the overwhelming majority of cases unlikely to advance the

speaker comparison task, for the reasons outlined above.

Chapter 8 Overall Likelihood Ratios
8.1 Introduction

The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. - Aristotle

The survey of FSC practices (Chapter 3) revealed that for the vast

majority of expert forensic phoneticians, it is the overall combination of

parameters that they consider crucial in discriminating between speakers

(despite some parameters having greater weight than others). For this reason,

the current chapter addresses the issue of combining parameters for speaker

discrimination through empirical testing.

The combination of phonetic, linguistic, and non-linguistic parameters in

an FSC has traditionally been carried out by experts through implicit mental

calculations. That is to say, an expert creates a mental representation of the

properties of an individuals speech and makes a judgment about the likelihood

that the speakers in the suspect and criminal samples are the same person

(based on the combined weight of the evidence). The process by which an

expert mentally combines parameters to arrive at a conclusion is not

transparent. As such, it has been argued that different experts will weigh certain

parameters more highly than others, based purely on personal opinions (Rose

and Morrison, 2009). For this reason, the traditional method of parameter

combination in FSCs is highly subjective and is difficult to replicate.

Bayes theorem on the other hand offers a more explicit and transparent

alternative for the combination of parameters. A simple combination procedure,

known as nave Bayes (Kononenko 1990) involves multiplying the individual

LRs (or equivalently, the addition of individual LLRs) assuming that there is

mutual independence between parameters (i.e. the parameters are not

correlated). The combination of correlated parameters is a problem for the LR

framework, because unless parameters are mutually independent there is a risk

of over-estimating the strength of evidence by considering the same parameter

more than once. Alternative methods such as logistic-regression fusion, MVKD,

and Bayesian Networks have been put forward to circumvent the problem

whilst maintaining a Bayesian approach (Aitken and Lucy, 2004; Brmmer et

al., 2007; Gonzalez-Rodriguez et al., 2007; Morrison et al., 2010). However,

given the lack of appropriate testing, it is unclear whether logistic-regression

fusion or MVKD adequately take account of correlations in the data.

The aim of the present chapter is to amalgamate the individual speech

parameters from Chapters 4-7 into a complete system42, whereby discriminant

power, strength of evidence, and validity can be tested for all analyzed speech

parameters in combination. Previous research has developed methods to

facilitate the combination of individual speech parameters into some form of a

combined system. However, the blend of approaches taken in this chapter has

never been used before. The chapter begins by exploring the existing

relationships between LTFD, AR, F0, and click rate to check for potential

correlations. The correlation coefficients are then used to inform appropriate

combination methods given the (in)dependencies that exist amongst the given

42 A system is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary (

definition/english/system) as a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an
interconnecting network; a complex whole. The term system is often used in the ASR
literature to refer to a complex whole that is well-suited to providing a response to two
competing hypotheses being tested (the evidence given the prosecutors hypothesis divided by
the evidence given the defenses hypothesis). The term system is extended in this thesis to both
individual speech parameters and speech parameters in combination that can also provide the
basis for an evaluation of the two competing hypotheses.

parameters. After the combination of individual parameters into a complete

working system, the discriminant ability, strength of evidence, and validity are

tested for the combined parameters. The integration of methodological

approaches employed in this chapter is a first for calculating overall likelihood

ratios (OLRs). This approach is intended to demonstrate how an analyst would

go about using these methods in order to avoid an over- or under-estimation of

the strength of evidence for calculating OLRs for the data under scrutiny.

8.2 Literature Review

The combination of forensic speech evidence under a numerical LR framework

has received a reasonable amount of attention in the literature (Alderman,

2004; Kinoshita, 2002; Rose et al., 2003; Rose et al., 2004; Rose and Winter,

2010). The main focus of this earlier research is the issue of combining

parameters that are potentially correlated. Early studies evaluating traditional

linguistic phonetic parameters often recognized this problem but did nothing to

try to ameliorate it. For example, Kinoshita (2002) used nave Bayes to combine

LRs based on the best-performing set of formant predictors from /m/, //, and a

set of short vowels into a single expression of posterior probability. Similarly,

Alderman (2004) generated an OLR from different vowel formant predictors

using nave Bayes in order to compare the speaker-discriminatory performance

of different combinations of parameters (and individual features of


Rose et al. (2003) displayed a more overt awareness of the issues

surrounding correlation within and between parameters. In their study, they

compared the discriminatory performance of formants using segmental cepstra

from /: / in Japanese. Linear regression was applied to the parameters to

assess the degree of correlation only within individual parameters (i.e. the

formants). The individual LRs were combined into an OLR using an assumption

of independence, although between-parameter correlation was never explicitly

tested because it was assumed that given the very different phonetic nature of

the three segments used, there was unlikely to be much correlation between all

but their highest formants (Rose et al. 2003 p. 195). Rose et al. (2003) make a

good attempt at accounting for within-parameter correlation, but fail to go one

step further to test the between-parameter correlations. Phonetic theory would

predict that the parameters are not correlated. However, without further

testing, correlations may go unexposed (and unrealized). Rose et al. (2003) also

note that linguistic theory leads them to believe that the higher formants may

be correlated, yet nothing is done to account for it. Therefore, it is probable that

the results produced for the study were over- or under-estimations of the

strength of evidence.

The development of LR modeling techniques has brought with it the

capability of dealing more appropriately with the complexities of correlation.

Aitken and Lucys (2004) MVKD formula treats the set of data from which LRs

are computed as multivariate data, and as such is able to account for within-

segment correlation. Rose et al. (2004) investigated the comparative

performance of the multivariate LR approach and the nave Bayes assumption

of independence. The nave Bayes approach was shown to overestimate the

strength of SS and DS LRs compared with the more conservative MVKD model.

The proportion of errors was also better when independence was assumed,

which led Rose et al. (2004) to conclude that the correct formula is still not

exploiting all the discriminability in the speech data and (as such) the Idiots

approach nave Bayes is still preferable (Rose et al. 2004 p. 496). However

the study fails to discuss the fact that nave Bayes produces misrepresentative

estimates of the strength of evidence when parameters are correlated, which

could lead to a miscarriage of justice in a real case.

Another recently-adopted technique to account for potential correlation

between phonetic-linguistic parameters in LR-based FSC is the logistic

regression fusion approach. Fusion is a form of back-end processing (Rose

and Winter, 2010, p. 42) which attaches weights to parameters based on

correlations between LRs from individual parameters. This contrasts with

front-end processing which considers correlations in the raw data. Fusion

was developed within the field of ASR (Brmmer et al., 2007; Gonzalez-

Rodriguez et al., 2007; Ramos Castro, 2007) and has since been applied in a

number of studies using traditional phonetic parameters (Morrison, 2009;

Morrison et al., 2010; Rose, 2010b; Rose, 2011) leading Rose and Winter (2010,

p. 42) to claim that fusion is one of the main advances to have emerged from

automatic methods.

Fusion is currently the only alternative to a nave Bayes approach for LR-

based forensic phonetic analysis. However, there are a number of potential

problems with fusion. Firstly, back-end processing, as the name suggests, deals

with correlations after the generation of numerical LRs has been performed.

Therefore, as suggested by Rose, it is possible that two segments which

are not correlated by virtue of their internal structure and which therefore

should be naively combined nevertheless have LRs which do correlate (Rose

2010, p. 32). Equally, the reverse is possible, whereby correlated parameters

generate non-correlated LRs. More broadly, there is also an issue of efficiency.

Since fusion is implemented after the generation of LRs, the original analysis

may unnecessarily include a number of highly-correlated parameters, which

when combined provide a limited strength of evidence.

8.3 Data

The present study does not introduce any new data, as it works with the data

presented in Chapters 4-7. The parameters under consideration are mean long-

term formant frequency distributions (for F1-4), mean articulation rate, long-

term mean fundamental frequency, and click rate.

8.4 Correlations

This section considers potential correlations that exist within and between

parameters. Correlations are calculated for the speakers as a group, as opposed

to individual speakers. Therefore, it could be the case that the correlations

found for the group of 100 speakers do not exhibit the same patterns as those

calculated for an individual speaker.

8.4.1 Methodology

Correlations were calculated to identify potential relationships or

mutual independencies within and between parameters. Two groups of

correlations were calculated for the data: those within LTFD (i.e. LTFD1, LTFD2,

LTFD3, LTFD4) and those between parameters (LTFD1-4, AR, F0, click rate).

The formants within LTFD are treated as individual parameters for correlation

testing, given that phonetic theory has established that individual formant

measurements represent different physiological aspects of a vowel (e.g.

frontness/backness of the tongue, height of the tongue, voice quality;

Ladefoged, 2006; Laver, 1994). Correlation coefficients were calculated for

individual LTFD comparisons by selecting two LTFD measurements at a given

data point, resulting in hundreds of data points per formant comparison.

Calculating correlation coefficients between parameters required a single data

point per person so a mean value was calculated for each speakers LTFD1-4,

AR, and F0 (i.e. three separate means). The data for click rate already existed as

a single data point for each speaker, so no additional mean calculations were


All correlations in this section were calculated using Spearmans rank

correlation coefficient. This method was preferred over Pearson correlation

coefficients, as the latter assesses how well the relationship between two

variables can be described using a monotonic function. The Pearson correlation

coefficient is calculated on the assumption that the relationship between two

variables is linear. Because the pair-wise relationships between variables under

consideration are not known (nor can they be assumed to be linear), the

Spearmans rank correlation coefficient was the logical choice.

MatLab (version R2012a) was used to create scatterplots and to

calculate the correlation coefficients for all pairs of parameters. Table 8.1

presents all six possible pairing combinations for the LTFD parameter, and

Table 8.2 presents all 15 possible pairing combinations between parameters.

Table 8.1: Formant pairings within LTFD

Parameter 1 Parameter 2
Long-term Formant Distributions

Table 8.2: Between-parameter pairings

Parameter 1 Parameter 2
LTFD1 Mean F0
LTFD1 Click Rate
LTFD2 Mean F0
LTFD2 Click Rate
LTFD3 Mean F0

LTFD3 Click Rate
LTFD4 Mean F0

LTFD4 Click Rate

Mean F0 AR
Mean F0 Click Rate
AR Click Rate

Tables 8.1 and 8.2 are complete lists of all 21 parameter pairings. The first and

second columns simply identify the parameters that are being compared against

each other.

The point at which two parameters can be deemed to be correlated is a

matter of subjective judgment, in that there is no specific correlation coefficient

that explicitly signifies dependence between two parameters. The decision of

independence is made by the expert, which in turn can result in different

opinions regarding the threshold at which correlations are implied (ultimately,

this can cause variation in the LR results). For the purpose of this study,

correlations were considered through structural learning (see 7.6), which is

informed by the data rather than theoretical considerations. Final correlation

judgments were made by me after examining scatterplots in conjunction with

correlation coefficients for each pair-wise comparison. My judgments relating to

correlations were also confirmed by a forensic statistician (Marjan Sjerps, p.c.).

8.4.2 Within-Parameter Correlation Results

The scatterplots for all pair-wise comparisons within LTFD are

presented in Figures 8.1 - 8.6. The y-axis presents one LTFD parameter, while

the x-axis represents another.

r = -0.16

LTFD1 (Hz)

Figure 8.1: LTFD1 versus LTFD2

r = 0.05

LTFD1 (Hz)

Figure 8.2: LTFD1 versus LTFD3


r = -0.03

Figure x:

LTFD1 (Hz)

Figure 8.3: LTFD1 versus LTFD4

r = 0.43

LTFD2 (Hz)

Figure 8.4: LTFD2 versus LTFD3

r = 0.20

LTFD2 (Hz)

Figure 8.5: LTFD2 versus LTFD4

r = 0.41

LTFD3 (Hz)

Figure 8.6: LTFD3 versus LTFD4

The scatterplots in Figures 8.1 - 8.3 do not exhibit any strong relationships

between the variables, and graphically suggest that there are no correlations.

Figures 8.4 and 8.6 are characterized as having moderate positive correlations,

while Figure 8.5 has a slightly weaker positive correlation. The correlation

present in Figure 8.5 (LTFD2 vs. LTFD4) is most likely representative of indirect

correlation, given that LTFD2 correlates with LTFD 3, and LTFD3 correlates

with LTFD4.

The correlation coefficients for within-LTFD comparisons are presented

in Table 8.3. The intersection of a column and row indicates a given comparison,

and the value within the box is Spearmans rank correlation coefficient (r). A

value closer to 1 or -1 suggests that two parameters are correlated, while a

value close to 0 suggests the two parameters are not correlated.

Table 8.3: Correlation coefficients within LTFD


LTFD1 1.00 -0.16 0.05 -0.03
LTFD2 1.00 0.43 0.20
LTFD3 1.00 0.41
LTFD4 1.00

Based on the results seen in Figure 8.1 - 8.6 and Table 8.3, an informed

judgment can be made with regard to which parameters appear to be correlated

within LTFD1-4. The results suggest that LTFD2 is correlated with LTFD3,

LTFD3 is correlated with LTFD4, and LTFD2 is indirectly correlated with LTFD4

(they have a transitive relationship by way of LTFD3; this also referred to as a

partial correlation). LTFD1 and LTFD2 have a correlation coefficient of -0.16.

However, this correlation was not deemed to be significant (r is less than 0.25;

confirmation also given by Marjan Sjerps, p.c.). Therefore, LTFD1 is reasoned to

be independent from LTFD2-4.

8.4.3 Between-Parameter Correlation Results

The scatterplots for all pair-wise comparisons between parameters are

presented in Figures 8.7 - 8.12. The y-axis represents the first parameter, and

the x-axis represents the second parameter.

r = -0.13

r = 0.15

Mean LTFD1 Mean LTFD2

r = -0.14 r = -0.12

Mean LTFD3 Mean LTFD4

Figure 8.7: Mean AR versus LTFD1-4

r = -0.04

AR (syllables/second)

Figure 8.8: Click rate versus mean AR

r = -0.03


F0 (Hz)

Figure 8.9: Click rate versus mean F0

r = 0.10 r = -0.22

Mean LTFD1 Mean LTFD2

r = -0.13 r = -0.20

Mean LTFD3 Mean LTFD4

Figure 8.10: Click rate versus LTFD1-4

r = 0.08

r = 0.19

Mean LTFD1 Mean LTFD2

r = -0.06

r = -0.07

Mean LTFD3 Mean LTFD4

Figure 8.11: Mean F0 versus LTFD1-4

r = -0.06

AR (syllables/second)

Figure 8.12: Mean F0 versus mean AR

The scatterplots in Figures 8.7 - 8.12 do not exhibit any signs of strong (or even

moderate) correlations between any of the parameter pairings. Because the

scatterplots have a limited number of data points (only 100 in this case)

compared with the number of data points for Figures 8.1 - 8.6, the calculation of

correlation coefficients is necessary (as was also seen in Table 8.3) to quantify

the levels of correlation between parameters.

The results of the correlation coefficients are presented in Table 8.4.

Table 8.4: Correlation coefficients within- and between-parameters


LTFD1 1.00 -0.16 0.05 -0.03 0.15 0.08 0.10
LTFD2 1.00 0.43 0.20 -0.13 0.19 -0.22
LTFD3 1.00 0.41 -0.14 -0.06 -0.13
LTFD4 1.00 -0.12 -0.07 -0.20
AR 1.00 -0.06 -0.04
F0 1.00 -0.03
Click Rate 1.00

In terms of between-parameter correlations, Table 8.4 does not present any

new strong correlations (those within LTFD have already been discussed in

8.4.2). The strongest relationships found between parameters are those for

LTFD2 vs. click rate (-0.22), LTFD4 vs. click rate (-0.20), and LTFD2 vs. mean F0

(0.19). Linguistics literature and phonetic theory do not give any reason to lead

one to believe that these parameters should be related to one another43.

Therefore, the very weak correlations seen in Table 8.4 have most likely

happened by chance. Correlation does not imply causality, and these three cases

appear to be good examples of this. Discussion

Based on the results seen in Figures 8.7-8.12 and Table 8.4, an informed

judgment can be made with respect to the parameter correlations for the data

set. The results suggest that there is no parameter correlation between LTFD,

mean AR, mean F0, and click rate (confirmation given by Marjan Sjerps, p.c.). As

such, these parameters are deemed to be mutually independent from one

another for this particular data set.

8.5 Overall Likelihood Ratios

Based on the interdependencies and conditional dependencies found in 8.4,

OLRs can be calculated for the system. A model does not currently exist with

43 However, it is possible that F0 and F2 could be related. High F2 values are associated with
tongue fronting, and as the tongue body fronts, it pulls on the hyoid bone, from which the larynx
is suspended. Laryngeal tension of this sort would promote higher F0, because of tension on the
vocal folds. Therefore, it is possible that one might anticipate a correlation between high F2
values and high F0 values.

which calculate numerical LRs for click rate, and therefore the OLRs calculated

in this section exclude this parameter from analysis.

8.5.1 Methodology

The OLRs presented in this section were calculated in multiple stages.

Individual LRs were calculated for LTFD1, AR, and F0 using a MatLab

implementation of Aitken and Lucys (2004) MVKD formula (Morrison 2007),

and a separate LR was calculated for LTFD2-4 together using the same MVKD

formula. This was done in order for the algorithm to take into account the

correlations that exist between these three parameters (LTFD2-4). An intrinsic

methodology, whereby the test and the reference speakers came from the same

population of 100 speakers, was used for all LR calculations. Speakers 1-50

were used as the test speakers, while speakers 51-100 served as the reference


The results from the individual LRs and the LR from LTFD2-4 were then

multiplied together following Nave Bayes (given that 8.4 demonstrated that

AR, F0, LTFD1, and LTFD2-4 were independent of one another) to form a

complete system. Additional variations of the system were also computed in the

same manner as for the complete system, whereby the LR for LTFD2-4 is always

calculated together (in the MVKD formula) and multiplied by the other

individual LRs in different combinations. A MatLab script44 was then used to

calculate basic statistics, EER, and Cllr for the OLR system and variations on this


44 This script was developed by Phil Harrison of J P French Associates.

Logistic-regression calibration was also applied to the complete system

in two different orders using a MatLab script45. Logistic-regression calibration

(see 8.5.3 for further discussion) was applied in the first instance to individual

parameters before combination, and applied in the second instance to the

complete system after the parameters had been combined in order to compare

the effectiveness of the calibration (in terms of EER and Cllr).

8.5.2 Overall Likelihood Ratio Results: Uncalibrated

The results of the OLR for the complete system are provided in Table 8.5.

The complete system is composed of LTFD1, LTFD2-4, F0 (mean and standard

deviation), and AR (mean). The first column in Table 8.5 presents the

comparison type (SS or DS pairs), followed by the percentage of correct pairs,

mean LLR, minimum LLR, and max LLR. The final two columns report on the

complete systems validity where the sixth column provides the EER and the

final column presents Cllr.

Table 8.5: Summary of LR-based discrimination for the complete system (100 speakers)

Comparison % Correct Mean LLR Min LLR Max LLR EER Cllr
Complete System SS 92.00 5.673 -3.082 7.316
.0607 .3793
Complete System DS 93.27 1.560 -infinity 3.963

Table 8.5 shows that the combination of all parameters into the complete

system provides an EER of 0.0607, and a Cllr of 0.3793. It appears that the

complete system is good at identifying SS pairs, and slightly better at identifying

DS pairs. The strength of evidence that the system offers is considerably

stronger than that seen in the tests reported in Chapters 4-6. Figure 8.13

45This script was created by Niko Brmmer, modified by Geoffrey Morrison, and edited by
Vincent Hughes.

presents the Tippett plot of the complete system, and Figure 8.14 is a zoomed-in

version of Figure 8.13.

Same speaker comparisons

Different speaker comparisons

Figure 8.13: Tippett plot of the complete system

Same speaker comparisons
Different speaker comparisons

Figure 8.14: Zoomed-in Tippett plot of the complete system

Figures 8.13 and 8.14 illustrate the distribution of SS and DS pairs. The strength

of evidence of the DS pairs is higher than the strength of evidence offered by the

SS pairs. Following Champod and Evett (2000), the system has the potential to

offer strength of evidence (either for the prosecution or defense hypotheses)

that is considered very strong support. Figure 8.14 shows that the crossover

between the curves representing the comparison of SS and DS pairs is very

close to the zero threshold, but not on it, and it is possible that calibration of the

system might improve its validity (see 8.5.3 for analysis).

Although the complete system in Table 8.5 includes all available

parameters it is necessary to consider the possible performance of other

combined systems should they outperform the complete system. Table 8.6

provides ten alternative systems to the complete system from Table 8.5. The

organization of Table 8.6 follows that of Table 8.5.

Table 8.6: Summary of LR-based discrimination for alternative systems (100 speakers)

Comparison % Correct Mean LLR Min LLR Max LLR EER Cllr
LTFD1+LTFD2-4+F0 SS 92.00 5.691 -3.517 7.348
.0631 .4322
LTFD1+LTFD2-4+F0 DS 92.82 1.528 -infinity 4.151
LTFD1+LTFD2-4+AR SS 98.00 3.811 -1.423 5.380
.1310 .6101
LTFD1+LTFD2-4+AR DS 73.06 1.311 -infinity 4.082
LTFD1+LTFD2-4 SS 94.00 3.807 -1.618 5.426
.1361 .6348
LTFD1+LTFD2-4 DS 71.43 1.387 -infinity 4.508
LTFD1+F0+AR SS 86.00 2.432 -3.900 3.594
.0709 .4780
LTFD1+F0+AR DS 95.43 0.134 -infinity 2.373
LTFD1+F0 SS 82.00 2.150 -4.335 3.353
.0771 .5266
LTFD1+F0 DS 94.41 0.096 -infinity 2.306
LTFD1+AR SS 76.00 1.046 -1.967 2.143
.2284 .7873
LTFD1+AR DS 77.14 0.083 -infinity 2.101
LTFD2-4+F0+AR SS 96.00 5.220 -2.149 6.887
.0647 .4160
LTFD2-4+F0+AR DS 89.22 1.469 -infinity 3.848
LTFD2-4+F0 SS 96.00 5.249 -2.585 6.933
.0707 .4742
LTFD2-4+F0 DS 88.20 1.465 -infinity 3.817
LTFD2-4+AR SS 100.00 3.319 0.457 4.951
.0929 .8413
LTFD2-4+AR DS 60.20 0.789 -infinity 3.213
F0+AR SS 88.00 1.625 -2.959 2.457
.0855 .4197
F0+AR DS 91.47 0.048 -268.938 2.143

None of the alternative systems in Table 8.6 outperforms the complete system

in terms of validity. The next best performing system in terms of EER (after the

complete system) is that of LTFD1+LTFD2-4+F0 with an EER of 0.0631 and Cllr

of 0.4322. This second-best system is identical to the complete system minus

the inclusion of AR, which suggests that the inclusion of more parameters

improves the systems validity.

8.5.3 Overall Likelihood Ratio Results: Calibrated

Calibration is a procedure for improving a systems precision whereby a

well-calibrated system is considered to be more reliable (DeGroot and Fienberg,

1983). Calibration was first utilized by weather forecasters (DeGroot and

Fienberg, 1983), but has since made its way into automatic speaker comparison

(Ramos-Castro et al., 2006), and phonetic/linguistic-based FSCs (Morrison,

2012). Ramos-Castro et al. (2006, p. 6) have shown the importance of the

calibration of LR values computed by an automatic system, arguing that highly

discriminant likelihood ratios might achieve a high performance in terms of

probability of error of the posterior probabilities. However, a high calibration

loss46 in the computed LR values may lead to arbitrarily high errors. For this

reason, logistic-regression calibration (using a cross-validation method) has

been applied here to the complete system in two different orders to compare

calibrated results. Figures 8.15 and 8.16 illustrate the first method, in which

parameters were calibrated individually and then combined. Figure 8.17

illustrates the results of the second method, where individual parameters were

combined and the complete system was then calibrated.

46 Quantified according to the degree to which LR values incorrectly support a hypothesis.

Same speaker comparisons
Different speaker comparisons

Figure 8.15: Tippett plot of the complete system - parameters calibrated individually and then

Same speaker comparisons
Different speaker comparisons

Figure 8.16: Zoomed-in Tippett plot of the complete system - parameters calibrated
individually and then combined (-6 to 6 LLR)

Same speaker comparisons
Different speaker comparisons

Figure 8.17: Zoomed-in Tippett plot of the complete system- system calibration after
combination of parameters (-10 to 10 LLR)

The calibration of individual parameters before combination (see Figures 8.15

and 8.16) resulted in an EER of .0554 and a Cllr of .2831. There was an

improvement in both the EER and Cllr from the uncalibrated system of .0053

and .0962, respectively. The calibration of the complete system after the

combination of parameters in Figure 8.17 resulted in an increase (i.e. a higher

value) of EER of .0011, and an improvement (i.e. a lower value) of Cllr of .1408.

Results show that for the complete system, calibration before combination

provides the best EER, while calibration after combination provides the best

Cllr. The differences between the two methods are minimal. However, one

improves the gradient result for incorrect/correct judgments (Cllr) while the

other improves the hard detection error rate (EER). In forensic speaker

comparison, a protocol for the order in which the application of calibration

should take place has not been previously discussed. Therefore, more research

is needed on the effects of the order of operations in which calibration is

applied. It is also entirely possible that calibration could be applied twice, once

before combination and once after. However, that was not tested here.

8.6 Discussion

This section focuses on three key discussion points: whether clicks can help

improve the performance of the complete system, the comparison of results

from all systems combinde to the results found for the individual parameters,

and potential limitations of a combined system.

8.6.1 Do Clicks Improve the Complete System?

The uncalibrated complete system achieved an EER of .0607, while

correctly identifying 92% of SS pairs and 93.27% DS pairs. The complete

system, however, did not include click rate as one of the combined parameters,

as click rate did not lend itself to the calculation of numerical likelihood ratios.

The system should now consider whether click rate has the potential to help in

discriminating between the SS and DS pairs that were judged incorrectly.

A total of 165 DS pairs (out of a possible 2450 DS pairs) were judged

incorrectly by the complete system. Four SS pairs were judged incorrectly.

When those 169 incorrectly-judged pairs are extracted, it is possible to identify

those pairs that include any of the speakers that had extreme outlying click

rates (see 7.5.3). The three extreme outliers in terms of click rate (speakers

007, 024, and 033) form one half of the pairings in 20 DS pairs. If those extreme

click rates were considered within the complete system, one could propose that

those 20 DS pairs would then be judged correctly. This would then increase the

percentage of correct DS pairs to 94.08% (an additional increase of 0.81%). The

extreme click rate outliers are not a part of any of the incorrectly-judged SS

pairs, so click rate will not help further the comparison in these pairings.

The small increase in correctly-identified DS pairs would be unlikely to

improve the EER or Cllr dramatically. However, it is possible that it would

improve the system performance to some degree. Although click rate could be

used to help discriminate those SS and DS pairs that were incorrectly identified,

there is the potential for click rate to also decrease the system performance. If

click rate were to make the correctly-identified SS pairs significantly more

dissimilar and the correctly-identified DS pairs significantly more similar, the

performance of the complete system would be decreased further. However, it is

important to note that this discussion of system performance (where click rate

is included) remains hypothetical without including all of the click rate data. As

we saw in Chapter 7, click rate appears to be highly variable within and

between speakers, which in turn characterizes click rate as an unstable

parameter (to a higher extent than AR, even). The inclusion of this unstable

parameter could cause more variation in OLRs, which could in turn weaken the

system. It is also important to consider that Aitken and Gold (2013) showed

that the LRs produced for click rate were associated with relatively weak

strength of evidence. Therefore, perhaps the inclusion of click rate in all 2500 SS

and DS comparisons may not contribute significantly to the OLRs, leaving the

performance of the complete system relatively unchanged.

8.6.2 Comparing Individual Parameters to the Systems

The uncalibrated complete system in 8.6.2 performed relatively well in

respect of the systems validity with a number of the alternative systems

performances following closely behind. The extent of their achievements is best

shown in juxtaposition with the performance of the individual parameters prior

to their being placed into a combined system. Table 8.7 contains all the

individual parameters performances. The organization of Table 8.7 is identical

to that of Table 8.5 and 8.6.

Table 8.7: Summary of LR-based discrimination for individual parameters (100 speakers)

Comparison % Correct Mean LLR Min LLR Max LLR EER Cllr
LTFD1 SS 72.00 0.224 -2.158 1.902
.2806 .8840
LTFD1 DS 71.70 -4.858 -68.768 1.993
LTFD234 SS 74.00 0.649 -8.461 4.996
.0798 .9023
LTFD234 DS 95.31 -25.812 -166.915 3.046
F0 SS 92.00 0.958 -3.404 1.936
.0849 .4547
F0 DS 89.90 -24.204 -269.159 1.906
AR SS 90.00 0.180 -1.480 2.060
.3340 .8981
AR DS 46.20 -2.940 -8.760 0.820

Table 8.7 shows that LTFD234 has the lowest EER at .0798, followed by F0 at

.0849. LTFD1 and AR both have EERs around .30. The best-performing

individual parameter in terms of Cllr is F0 at .4547, with the remaining three

parameters close to .90. The results for the individual parameters would

suggest that a system including LTFD234 and F0 will have the best opportunity

of performing well in terms of system validity. It also appears that a system that

includes AR will benefit from SS comparisons, but will potentially be weakened

by its DS comparisons.

Table 8.8 provides a summary of the improvements and deteriorations

in the complete system performance compared to the best-performing

individual parameter for a given LR statistic. The first column identifies the LR

statistic, and the second column indicates whether or not the complete system

improved, deteriorated, or stayed the same in comparison to the best-

performing individual parameter (i.e. LTFD1-4, AR, or F0). The final column

indicates the degree of the change identified in the second column.

Table 8.8: Performance comparison between individual parameters and the complete system

Results Change Degree of Change

EER Improve .0191
Cllr Improve .0754
SS % Correct Same 0.00
DS % Correct Deteriorate 2.04%
SS Mean LLR Improve 4.715
DS Mean LLR Deteriorate 27.380
SS Min LLR Deteriorate 1.602
DS Min LLR Improve Infinity
SS Max LLR Improve 2.32
DS Max LLR Deteriorate 3.143

Table 8.8 shows that the complete system outperformed any individual

parameter in terms of EER, Cllr, SS Mean LLR, DS Min LLR, and SS Max LLR

(highlighted in light blue). The complete system deteriorated in performance

with respect to DS % Correct, DS Mean LLR, SS Min LLR, and DS Max LLR

(highlighted in dark blue). There was no change observed between the

complete system and best-performing individual parameter in the performance

of SS % Correct (highlighted in mid-blue). Overall, Table 8.8 shows that the

complete system has (most importantly) the best system validity as well as the

most improvement in terms of strength of evidence for SS. The strength of

evidence for a single parameters tends to be very limited for SS (see Table 8.7),

despite the DS strength of evidence being relatively strong. Therefore an

improvement in strength of evidence for SS comparisons is highly desired.

The same LR statistics presented in Table 8.8 are also considered with

respect to the best overall performing system or individual parameter in Table

8.9. Table 8.9 presents the LR statistic in the first column and identifies which

system or individual parameter performed the best in that respect.

Table 8.9: Best-performing system or individual parameter in relation to LR statistics

Results Best System/Individual Parameter

EER Complete System
Cllr Complete System
SS % Correct LTFD234+AR System
DS % Correct LTFD1+F0+AR System
SS Mean LTFD1+LTFD234+F0 System
DS Mean LTFD234
SS Min LTFD234+AR System
DS Min Complete System
SS Max LTFD1+LTFD234+F0 System

Table 8.9 identifies whether the complete system (light blue), an alternative

system (mid-blue), or an individual parameter (dark blue) performed best for

the given LR statistic. The complete system remains the best in terms of system

validity (which is the most important of the statistics). The alternative systems

achieve the best performance for five of the LR statistics, while individual

parameters are the best performing for two of the LR statistics. The results in

Table 8.9 confirm the opinions set out by experts in 3.10 that the inclusion of

more parameters results in better overall speaker discrimination (i.e. EER).

However, the level at which more is better is not all-encompassing with

respect to all the LR statistics. It is the case that there are smaller systems and

two individual parameters that outperform the complete system in some

respects. Therefore, the general opinion of experts - that more parameters are

better for discriminating between speakers - needs to be redefined insofar as it

does not appear to be the case that the more parameters that are used for

speaker discrimination, the better the system validity.

8.6.3 Limitations

Despite the relatively good performance of the complete system in terms

of validity it still has four important limitations to consider. The first limitation

is that the complete system is not outperforming alternative systems and

individual parameters in relation to all of the LR statistics. As discussed in

8.7.2, the inclusion of more parameters does not necessarily correspond to

better performance in all respects. Results suggest that the addition of the

right parameters could increase performance but the addition of poorly-

performing individual parameters may not improve the overall system. This

poses a dilemma regarding which parameters to include in the FSC analysis.

Should the expert only select the best-performing parameters, in terms of EER,

or should he/she try to include all parameters that characterize an individuals

speech? Additionally, the expert must recognize that with the addition of

parameters comes the (potential) additional uncertainty introduced in the

system. This issue also needs to be addressed in respect of some type of

confidence interval, and it may be the case that the confidence intervals

measure of credibility will be what sets the complete system apart from an

alternative system or individual parameter.

The second limitation to the complete system lies in the steps taken

before the combination of parameters, in which dependencies are tested

between and within parameters. In general, pairs of parameters that had

correlation coefficients of less than 0.25 were considered to be independent of

one another. It is possible that the complete system is limited in respect of the

combination of parameters that exhibit some small levels of correlation that go

unaccounted for. An example is the nave LR calculation approach taken in

Chapter 5 for LTFD1-4. MVKD was used to calculate LRs for LTFD1-4. However,

the current chapter found LTFD1 to be independent of LTFD234. This would

dictate treating LTFD1 separately from LTFD234 (as was seen in 8.6.2), and

the LRs from the two sets to be multiplied following nave Bayes. The EER for

the MVKD combination was 0.0414, while the current chapter reports an EER

for LTFD1+LTFD234 of 0.1361. The two methods for combining LTFD1-4 lead

to a dramatic difference in EER. It appears that perhaps not taking small

correlations into account when working with the given data has caused EER to


The third limitation is the application of calibration. There is no set

protocol for when calibration is to be applied. In 8.6.3 it was demonstrated

that different results can be achieved when the individual parameters are

calibrated separately and then combined (yielding an EER of 0.0618), compared

to the combination of parameters followed by the application of calibration

(giving an EER of 0.0554). One could plausibly consider the calibration of

parameters separately before combination, and the calibration of the system in

a second phase after the combination of parameters has been carried out. More

research is needed in order to make an educated decision on the order in which

combination and calibration are performed.

The final limitation is very basic, but it is perhaps the most important. It

concerns the threshold at which two parameters are deemed to be dependent

on one another. A threshold of 0.25 was selected, but this was somewhat

arbitrary. A better understanding is needed through a combination of empirical

testing and theory to allow for more reliable decisions to be made on the

(in)dependence of parameters. To some extent this is being explored in the

International Association of Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics-funded grant

entitled Identifying correlations between speech parameters for forensic

speaker comparisons (Gold and Hughes, 2013). However, further research is

still needed on the relationships between speech parameters in other accents

and languages.

8.7 Conclusion

The results of this study have shown that the combination of parameters into a

complete system improves system performance in terms of validity (EER and

Cllr). It is not necessarily the case that more parameters will improve all aspects

of the system, but where it matters most - in terms of validity - the addition of

more parameters prevails. The combination of the parameters central to this

thesis (AR, LTFD, F0, and to some extent clicks) raises the question of what will

happen when other parameters are added to the system. Following expert

opinion in this respect (see Chapter 3), one would expect validity to further

improve. However, it could be the case that there will be a threshold at which

the addition of parameters can no longer improve validity. It is also possible

that the addition of unstable (highly variable) parameters will make the

performance of the system deteriorate. Extrapolating from the current results it

is expected that the strength of evidence for SS pairs will only increase as

parameters are added, while the strength of evidence will remain similar for DS

pairs (as it is already very strong).

It is difficult to predict the performance of a system that includes

additional parameters that may exhibit different variation characteristics from

the current parameters. It is also difficult to extrapolate the performance of the

system while considering parameters (here, click rate) which cannot be

incorporated into a numerical LR. For this reason, the current complete system

can only serve as a building block contributing towards a larger system that will

incorporate a much wider range of linguistic and phonetic parameters, and

which will possibly improve the discrimination level of speakers in FSCs.

Chapter 9 Discussion
In this chapter, the results from the previous six chapters (3-8) are summarized

and discussed. The results of the first international survey of FSC practices are

evaluated with respect to four of the valued phonetic and linguistic parameters

selected by expert forensic phoneticians. The four parameters are then

considered individually with regards to their speaker discriminant ability,

strength of evidence, and validity. Finally, the combination of the four

parameters into a human-based speaker comparison system is discussed and

compared with those used in ASR analysis.

9.1 Summary of the Forensic Speaker Comparison Practices

The results of the first international survey of forensic speaker comparison

practices showed a fundamental lack of consensus on the methods employed in

FSCs. Although the finding might come as a surprise to phoneticians and

linguists working outside FSS, the degree of variation in methods will not be

surprising to those working in various other fields of forensic science (see the

journals Science and Justice or Forensic Science International for a plethora of

articles debating forensic methodologies). Most importantly, the survey gave an

insight into which parameters experts identified as being the most helpful

speaker discriminant parameters above all others. The following are the top five

ranked parameters (in order):

1. Voice quality
2. Dialect/ accent variants and vowel formants
3. Speaking tempo and fundamental frequency

4. Rhythm
5. Lexical/grammatical choices, vowel and consonant realizations,
phonological processes, and fluency

The majority of experts indicated that despite some individual

parameters being good speaker discriminants, it is the combination of

parameters that hold the most discriminant power in FSCs. The discriminant

potential of speech parameters in combination rather than on their own is not

often addressed in the research literature.

9.2 Summary of Phonetic/Linguistic and Forensic Findings for

Individual Parameters
Four parameters identified by survey participants as having a high discriminant

value were investigated, namely articulation rate (AR), long-term formant

frequencies (LTFD), fundamental frequency (F0), and clicks. This involved

assessments of the individual parameters as speaker discriminants (percentage

of correctly-classified SS and DS pairs, strength of evidence, and validity), how

well expert expectations of the parameters matched the results, and whether

the results were similar to those reported in previous studies.

9.2.1 Articulation Rate

Speaking tempo, and particularly AR, was identified by 20% of experts in

Chapter 3 as one of the most helpful speaker discriminants (ranked 3rd in 9.1).

The high expectations surrounding the discriminant capacity of AR motivated

empirical testing. Three key observations can be made in relation to the

influence methodology has on the calculation of AR: (1) the definition of the

speech interval does not significantly affect results, (2) varying the minimum

number of syllables in a speech interval does not make AR significantly more

stable, and (3) testing suggests that the exclusion of speech segments, and

perhaps the definition of the syllable (i.e. phonetic versus phonological) may

have more effect on ARs than other factors.

The findings tell a different story from that predicted by expert opinion,

suggesting that there are misconceptions about the discriminant capacity of AR.

Under an LR framework, SS pairs were correctly identified 90% of the time,

while DS pairs were correctly identified at a rate less than chance (46.2%).

Articulation rate contributed weak strength of evidence for SS pairs, and only

moderate strength of evidence for DS pairs. AR had an EER of 0.3340 (the

highest EER of the three parameters tested under the LR framework, i.e. AR,

LTFD, and F0) and a Cllr of 0.8981. AR as an individual speaker discriminant

was found to be rather weak. A simple impressionistic determination of

speaking tempo, rather than a tedious and potentially unnecessary quantitative

analysis of AR, may be sufficient in most forensic cases. Despite apparent

misconceptions about the discriminant power of AR, it should nevertheless

remain a tool in a forensic phoneticians toolbox as there will always be the

possibility of outlying speakers for which AR may be extremely valuable.

9.2.2 Long-Term Formant Distributions

Vowel formants, including long-term formant distributions (LTFD), were

identified by 28% of experts (Chapter 3) as being among the most useful

speaker discriminants (ranked 2nd in 9.1). This provided the motivation for

further discriminant testing. The results from the analysis of LTFD provide both

phonetically- and forensically-relevant results. In terms of the phonetic findings,

there are two pertinent observations in relation to methodology and speaker

specificity: (1) small changes in the package length for LTFD have only a small

effect on results, and (2) higher formants (LTFD3 and LTFD4) are suggested to

carry a greater amount of speaker-specific information than lower ones.

The forensic findings confirm experts expectations regarding the

discriminant potential of vowel formants. Under an LR framework, the

combination of LTFD1-4 correctly identified SS pairs 84% of the time, while DS

pairs were correctly identified 97.4% of the time. As a system, LTFD1-4 had an

EER of 0.0414 (the lowest EER of the three parameters tested under the LR

framework: AR, LTFD, and F0) and a Cllr of 0.5411. Despite the promising

findings of LTFD1-4 as a combined system, 8.4.2 unexpectedly revealed that

LTFD1 was statistically independent of LTFD2-4, and should technically be

treated separately (as an independent parameter). If LTFD1 is treated

separately, the combined LTFD2-4 system still achieves a low EER of .0798 and

a Cllr of 0.9023, where SS pairs and DS pairs are correctly identified 74% and

95.3% of the time, respectively. These findings, in combination with previous

findings from Becker at al. (2008), Moos (2010), French et al. (2012), and Jessen

et al. (2013), suggest that LTFDs perform very similarly to MFCCs under

comparable data conditions, and, as an individual speaker discriminant, LTFD is

rather strong. The only potential limitation of LTFD is that it averages across all

vowels, which in turn eliminates idiosyncrasies and habituations of certain

vowels that relate accent information. Unless a single vowel phoneme can yield

more promising results, the evidence suggests that LTFD should be considered

over individual vowel analysis under the LR framework47.

Including both could be seen as doubling evidence, insofar as LTFD measurements encompass the

multiple formant measurements made for individual vowel phonemes.

9.2.3 Long-Term Fundamental Frequency

Fundamental frequency (F0) was identified by 20% of experts (Chapter

3) as being one of the most helpful speaker discriminants (ranked 3rd in 9.1).

This motivated empirical testing of the parameter. The results from the analysis

of F0 provide both phonetically- and forensically-relevant results. In terms of

the phonetic findings, there are two main observations. Firstly, small changes to

the package length of F0 only have a small effect on the results (as we saw with

LTFD). Secondly, it was reported in 8.4.3 that, unexpectedly, F0 did not

correlate with LTFD1-4. Given previous research (Narang et al., 2012; Syrdal

and Steele, 1985) it might have been expected that F0 and LTFD1 would be

correlated, especially since using Lombard speech it has been shown that F1

increases as F0 increases (Kirchhbel, 2010). The independence of F0 and

LTFD1 was also reported by Moos (2010), and may be an indication that F0 and

F1 correlations can only be found when vowels are analyzed individually as

phonemes (Narang et al., 2012; Syrdal and Steele, 1985). However, once F0 is

compared to an LTFD that relationship is lost, perhaps because (i) F0 and F1 are

not correlated for all phonemes (and an averaging of phonemes eliminates any

strong correlation present in the data), or more likely (ii) there is non-vowel

information included in the acoustic signal which suppresses any correlation

that might be present.

The forensic findings confirm experts general expectations regarding the

discriminant power of F0. Under an LR framework, F0 correctly identified SS

pairs 92% of the time, and DS pairs 89.9% of the time. F0 contributed a rather

weak strength of evidence for SS pairs, while DS pairs had a much stronger

strength of evidence. As a system, F0 had an EER of 0.0849 (the second highest

of the three parameters tested under the LR framework: AR, LTFD, and F0) and

a Cllr of 0.4547. Given the findings and the plethora of previous LR research on

F0, it is suggested that F0 as an individual speaker discriminant is rather strong

within a contemporaneous recording. However, it is not entirely clear how well

F0 can discriminate between individuals when same-speaker evidence comes

from non-contemporaneous recordings. Previous literature would suggest that

F0s discriminant power will decrease when same-speaker evidence from

different recordings is introduced in addition to any deletrious (external)

factors (e.g. disguise, recording transmission, vocal effort; see 2.2 for more

factors). The study by Boss (1996) gave an example of F0 mismatch in a real

forensic case. The difference between the F0 in the criminal and suspect

recording was 88Hz, due in large part to situational differences in the

recordings (the suspect sounded more nervous in the criminal recording than

the suspect recording (Boss, 1996, p. 156)). Unless it were to transpire that F0 is

robust to many of the factors detailed in 2.2, the mere comparison of mean F0s

and SDs is on its own unlikely to advance the speaker comparison task

dramatically. However, as always exceptions are to be made for those

individuals who can be classed as outliers, and using F0 in conjunction with

other speech parameters for FSCs is suggested.

9.2.4 Click Rate

Non-linguistic parameters (which include clicks) were identified by 18%

of experts (Chapter 3) as being amongst the most useful speaker discriminants.

Again, this motivated empirical testing. The results from the analysis of click

frequency provide both phonetically- and forensically-relevant results. In terms

of the phonetic findings, there are two pertinent observations: (1) discourse

analysis classifications can lend themselves to the quantification and

categorization of speech parameters (Wright, 2005), and (2) accommodation

effects are present in clicks, in that the rate of clicking, rather than being solely a

property of an individuals speech production practices might arise from an

interaction between speaker and interlocutor.

The forensic findings suggest that there are misconceptions surrounding

the discriminant capacity of clicks. While it would be dangerous to generalize

beyond the variety of English analyzed in this thesis, the view of those forensic

practitioners surveyed in Chapter 3 who considered tongue clicking to be a

highly discriminant feature of speaker behavior is largely unsupported by the

present data for young male speakers of SSBE. Click data is positively skewed

and discrete, and there is currently no method available for deriving an LR from

them (although see Aitken and Gold (2013) for current developments in

proposed algorithms for calculating the LRs of clicks). For this reason, the

discriminant capacity can only be assessed qualitatively and with reference to

the population statistics. Further, there is insufficient variation across the

majority of speakers analyzed for the variable to provide a reliable index of

speaker individuality. Additionally, even for the high-rate clickers who stand

apart from the majority, there is within-conversation instability to the extent

that one would need speech samples of a length seldom encountered in criminal

forensic recordings in order to reliably establish an overall click rate. Given the

high degree of intra-speaker variation and restricted inter-speaker variation,

clicking frequency is a rather weak parameter. Unless it were to transpire that

patterns of clicking behavior are different for other varieties of English or differ

in accordance with speaker age or gender - and nothing has been found in the

sociolinguistic literature on English to support that view - the mere comparison

of click rates across samples is, in the overwhelming majority of cases, unlikely

to advance the speaker comparison task. However, as with AR, it is advised that

clicks remain a tool in an experts toolbox for those speakers identified as


9.3 Summary of Discrimination Performance by the Overall

This section has outlined the main forensic findings for articulation rate (AR),

long term formant frequencies (LTFD), fundamental frequency (F0), and clicks

as a combined, overall system. The forensic findings are assessed with respect

to the overall systems success at discriminating between speakers (percentage

of SS and DS pairs correct, strength of evidence, and validity), how well expert

expectations of the parameters corresponded with the results, and if the results

are similar to those found in previous studies.

A large majority of the experts discussed in Chapter 3 indicated that it is

the combination of speech parameters that makes for better performance at

speaker discrimination than individual parameters. Therefore, the combination

of the parameters in this thesis was motivated by expert opinion and the lack of

human-based systems that test speaker discrimination of parameters in

combination. Under an LR framework, the complete system (LTFD1, LTFD2-4,

AR, F0) correctly identified SS pairs 92% of the time, and DS pairs 93.3% of the

time. The combined system contributed very good strength of evidence for SS

pairs, and even stronger strength of evidence for DS pairs. Overall, the combined

system had an EER of 0.0607 and a Cllr of 0.3793. After the complete system

was calibrated, the EER and Cllr decreased to 0.0554 and 0.2831, respectively.

The combination of parameters into a complete system therefore improves

system performance (in comparison to individual parameters) in terms of

validity (EER and Cllr). It is not necessarily the case that the inclusion of more

parameters (e.g. SS % correct, DS % correct, mean SS LLR) improves all aspects

of the system, but where it matters most (validity) the addition of parameters

does result in an improvement. The results of the complete system are almost as

good as those from ASRs under similar conditions (French et al., 2012). Table

9.1 compares the results of the research presented in this thesis against those

from the ASR in French et al. (2012).

Table 9.1: Human-based results against ASR (Batvox) results from French et al. (2012) on
studio quality data

Same Speaker Different Speaker

Current study 92% 94.1%

French et al. (2012) 100% 95%

The percentages presented in Table 9.1 indicate the proportion of SS and DS

comparisons judged correctly where studio-quality recordings were used. Given

that the system developed in this thesis only incorporates three parameters

under an LR framework, the incorporation of more speech parameters might

improve system performance further.

Out of all the views advanced by experts that were reported in Chapter 3,

perhaps the most valuable and the most accurate is that the combination of

parameters results in the best speaker discrimination performances. The

current system serves as a starting point from which to expand. Additional

research needs to be carried out on the discriminant power of parameters in


9.4 Overall Findings

There are two principal findings that emerge from the present research: (1) the

performance of the human-based system created in this thesis is comparable to

ASR performances on the same studio-quality recordings, and (2) the FSS

community is faced with many obstacles if they wish to continue to align

themselves with other, more developed, forensic sciences by implementing an

LR framework for FSCs.

9.4.1 Human-Based System versus ASR

The research conducted for this thesis was not intended to provide a

comparison of the efficacy of human-based systems and their ASR counterparts.

Nevertheless, through the development of this human-based system over the

course of the current research project, the methodologies employed have made

quantitative comparisons between the human-based system and ASRs possible.

ASRs used for FSCs are typically known for demonstrating their validity through

error rates, and the testing of these ASRs is easily replicable. ASR error rates are

typically presented in terms of the frequencies of false negatives and false

positives. A false negative is the classification of a target trial as a non-target

trial, and a false positive is a non-target trial classified as a target trial (van

Leeuwen and Brmmer, 2007). The human-based methodology (using phonetic

and linguistic parameters) for FSCs has become known for not providing error

rates and for a lack of replicability. However, it is shown that by adopting a

numerical LR framework, a human-based system can also provide validated

results, while fostering tests that are easily replicable.

The performance of the human-based system, consisting of LTFD, AR, F0,

and click rate, is comparable to that of an ASR tested on the same type of data

(high-quality studio recordings). The human-based system created for this

thesis reported false positive errors (different-speaker comparisons = LR > 1) of

5.9%48 and false negative errors (same-speaker comparisons = LR < 1) of

8.0%49. An ASR system tested on the same data (French and Harrison, 2010)

reported false positive errors of 4.5%, and achieved zero false negatives.

It is important to note here that the performance of a human-based

system is dependent upon the expertise of the analyst. It is likely that some

degree of cross-analyst variation would be observed. For the present human-

based system, LTFD and F0 would be least susceptible to inter-analyst variation

given that the methodology for extracting data is relatively automatic50. AR and

click rate calculations are more dependent on the analyst. For example, when

calculating AR the analyst must decide which speech to include in an interval

and what to ignore, and for clicks the analyst must decide whether s/he is

hearing a click rather than a percussive. For this reason, caution should be

exercised so as not to overestimate the replicability of results. A Fair Comparison?

The comparison of the human-based system and an ASR investigated by

French et al. (2012) showed that the ASR only minimally outperformed the

48 This includes click rate.

49 This does not include click rate.
50 See Jessen and Becker, 2010 (discussed in 5.2) and Konrat and Jessen, 2013 for variation in

LTFD and F0 results when measured by multiple analysts.

human-based system on studio-quality data. However, such a comparison puts

the human-based system at a considerable disadvantage. ASRs have consistently

been shown to perform well under high-quality data conditions (Campbell,

1997; French and Harrison, 2010; Reynolds, 2002; Reynolds et al., 2000). The

ASR, however, is susceptible to degradation in system performance as the data

quality gets worse. French and Harrison (2010) tested an ASR on real case data

where the outcomes of the cases were known to the authors (i.e. guilty/not

guilty verdicts). For the 767 comparisons undertaken, the ASR achieved an EER

of 24.2%. When the ASR was tested on the cases in which the system judged the

technical quality of the data to be adequate, it accepted 171 of the 767

comparisons and produced an EER of 5.4%. When the ASR was further tested on

recordings that the system judged to be only marginally adequate, an EER of

15.1% was returned for the 369 comparisons. The results indicate a steep fall in

performance for the ASR when processing less than ideal quality recordings.

A human-based system may be able to offer a better performance than

ASRs when testing lower-quality recordings. For example, the 767 real forensic

comparisons used for testing with an ASR by French and Harrison, 2010 had

previously been analyzed by the authors using a phonetically- and linguistically-

based methodology. None of those 767 comparisons resulted in a known

miscarriage of justice, and for all comparisons their conclusions were in

agreement with those made by the trier of fact.

In real forensic cases where recordings are of poor quality or short

duration, in conclusion, a human analyst may be better equipped to extract data

and make conclusions than an ASR.

278 Scope for Improvements in the Human-Based System

The human-based system created for this thesis was limited to four

parameters owing to the inherent time restrictions of the research. Given the

analysis presented in 8.6 and 8.7, it is reasonable to assume that the addition

of good speaker discriminants would increase the validity of the system. With

enough additional parameters it is possible that the human-based system could

eventually outperform an ASR on high-quality studio data. The addition of

parameters should not be done ad hoc, but should involve phonetically- and

linguistically-informed choices. This would involve: (i) selecting parameters

that are good speaker discriminants (e.g. voice quality, VOT, or those

parameters reported by experts in 3.9 or 3.10,), and (ii) not selecting

parameters that are significantly correlated with others (but if they are,

weighting the correlations appropriately).

Additionally, it is appropriate to consider the integration of this human-

based system with ASRs. This could potentially be similar to the Vocalise 51

software package created by Oxford Wave Research Ltd (Vocalise, 2013) that

measures MFCCs in addition to traditional phonetic parameters (e.g. F0 and

LTFD; see 10.2 for further discussion of Vocalise). Given the good performance

of the ASR on the data tested, and the good performance achieved by the

human-based system, a combination of the two could result in an even better

overall performance. If integration was to be done it would probably be best to

choose between the inclusion of MFCCs or LTFDs, as they effectively analyze the

same aspects of a speaker (i.e. vocal tract resonances). LTFD analysis provides

the analyst with an indication of the speakers habitual use of the vowel space,

51 http://www.oxfordwave [Accessed 8 August 2013]

which is strongly correlated with the dimensions of the vocal tract (Moos, 2010;

French et al., 2012). MFCC analysis reports on approximately the same aspect,

as MFCCs are essentially abstract representations of the dimensions of the vocal

tract. For this reason, LTFDs and MFCCs are highly correlated (French et al.,

2012) and the inclusion of both parameters would result in the doubling of

evidence, which in turn could lead to a miscarriage of justice. Therefore, given

that MFCCs (marginally) outperform LTFDs (as shown in 5.2), it is suggested

that MFCCs should be selected over LTFDs. An integrated system could then

consist of ASR analysis, F0, AR, and click rate, which again is entirely possible if

ASR (MFCC) data are found to be independent of the other parameters included

in the integrated system. Without testing this integrated system it is difficult to

say with certainty that discriminant performance would improve. However,

with the exchange of LTFD for MFCC that is likely to be so. The Trade-Off

When comparing the performance of the human-based system with

ASRs, it is important to consider a trade-off that occurs when human

intervention is involved. The human intervention is the analysis and

examination undertaken by an analyst for a given comparison (e.g. through

sound file editing, time taken for an analysis). Irrespective of methodology

(human or ASR) the level of human intervention typically needs to be

increased52 as the quality of the recordings (or duration) being compared

decreases. In turn, the level of human intervention utilized in a FSC creates a

52In ASR analysis more time would be required of the analyst for the editing of recordings
(cleaning them up, for example, with a bandpass filter), and for human-based analysis more
time would be required for the analysts to extract measurements and additional data from the
poor quality recordings.

trade-off with the variation that may be present in the FSC results. The more

human intervention required, the more cross-analyst variability may be present

in results. For example, if an FSC comparison was vital to a criminal case, rather

than having an ASR completely reject a case that was of poor recording quality

(or offer a conclusion with a very high EER associated with it), a human-based

analysis could be attempted in an effort to extract any relevant conclusion.

9.4.2 Obstacles Facing the Implementation of an LR Framework

The exercise of creating a human-based system for this thesis has

revealed a number of difficulties that surround the LR framework and its

application to FSCs. Those shortcomings are as follows:

1. Subjective elements of the methodological process

2. Delimiting the relevant population
3. Availability of population statistics
4. Lack of models available to calculate LRs
5. Appropriate combination of parameters

The LR framework is intended to create a separation between an experts bias

and the facts of the evidence; however, within FSCs the application of the LR

framework still has elements of subjectivity. It is possible to alter methodologies

(e.g. package lengths of LTFD or F0, as seen in 5-6) in order to achieve a more

desirable strength of evidence. For this reason, it is argued that the LR

framework is not completely objective. However, the levels of subjectivity are

far less under an LR framework than with other frequentist frameworks.

The present study did not address the debate surrounding the

delimitation of the relevant population, as intrinsic LRs were carried out on the

known optimal population (i.e. the test and reference sets of speakers came

from the same linguistically homogeneous corpus). However, the delimitation of

the relevant population will remain a difficulty facing FSCs, as was also argued

in French et al. (2010). For this reason, a mutually agreed protocol or

methodology would need to be proposed in order for the continuing debate to

subside. See Hughes (in progress) for further information and discussion on the

issue of the relevant population.

The lack of population statistics, as previously mentioned by French and

Harrison (2007) and French et al. (2010), is a very real problem for the

implementation of a numerical LR. The time, effort, and resources needed to

collect a sufficient quantity of population statistics are almost limitless. As a

testament to this, for the present study it took nearly three years to collect

population statistics for just four parameters for 100 speakers in a single and

very specific population (and, moreover, these data were extracted from a

previously-collected database). All things being equal, following a conservative

number of possible parameters to analyze in a FSC of around 60 (just for

example), the collection of sufficient population statistics for a delimited

population would take approximately 45 years53 to complete by a single

person. At that point, given the occurrence of sound change, it would be time to

scrap the collected population statistics and start again. Such a feat hardly

seems practical. Therefore, in order to continue the development of the LR

framework for FSCs, alternatives need to be put in place.

The lack of appropriate models is currently one of the biggest challenges

faced by the FSS community, because as it stands only certain parameters can

be included in a numerical LR framework. A FSC does not simply consist of a few

vowel formant measurements, and phoneticians would argue that it takes a

53 45 years = 60 parameters at 4 parameters collected every 3 years

number of parameters beside vowels to play a role in characterizing an

individuals speech. For this reason, more linguistically-motivated models are

required to enable the incorporation of previously unrepresented

phonetic/linguistic parameters in an LR framework (see Aitken and Gold, 2013

for the proposal of a new, linguistically-motivated model).

Finally, further research should focus on the identification and testing of

appropriate methods for combining speech evidence. There are currently

multiple options for this, but little testing has been done to compare such

methods. It is also the case that only three of these methods (i.e. fusion, MVKD,

GMM, and nave Bayes) are ever really implemented in FSC. If the numerical LR

framework is to become the way of the future, then research should consider

the use of Bayesian Networks for combining speech evidence; these have

already been successfully implemented in more developed forensic disciplines

(e.g. DNA; Evett et al., 2002).

9.5 Methodological Limitations

As with most empirical research, methodological shortcomings are often

inevitable, and the research presented in this thesis is no exception. This section

outlines and discusses three general methodological limitations: (1) the absence

of non-contemporaneous data, (2) the use of intrinsic LR testing, and (3) using

only speakers 1-50 for all the same-speaker comparisons when calculating LRs.

The recordings used in the present study were all obtained from single

recording sessions, as there were no non-contemporaneous data available for

any of the 100 speakers. Non-contemporaneous speech samples have been a

frequent topic of discussion in previous research, with an increasing number of

studies citing the importance of incorporating recordings that are made several

days, weeks, months, or even years apart (see Enzinger and Morrison, 2012;

Loakes, 2006; Morrison et al., 2012b; Nolan et al., 2009; Rhodes, 2013).

However, I would argue that there are a number of other external factors that

have more of an impact on results than the separation of recordings by a mere

few days (such as the effects of accommodation reported in 7.5.5). In any case,

the results presented here, despite the fact that they are based on the use of

contemporaneous recordings, nevertheless provide a general baseline in

relation to the discriminant abilities and practicalities of a human-based system.

The second methodological shortcoming is the absence of extrinsic

criminal samples on which to test the human-based system. The LRs calculated

in the present study were based on the DyViS data set of recordings of 100

speakers, whereby the first 50 speakers always acted as the test samples and

the second set of 50 speakers always acted as the reference samples. This means

that the 100 speakers were in some way a part of either the test or reference

sample, and that tests were not conducted using outside data sets. As a result,

the testing is susceptible to over- or under-estimation of the strength of

evidence as proposed in Rose et al. (2006c, p. 329). However, if an additional

relevant database existed, extrinsic testing would be possible, as the population

statistics for DyViS are now available.

The final limitation is the way the data (i.e. speakers) were divided for

calculating LRs. It is probable that assigning different speakers to act as either

the suspect/criminal or background population would cause variation in the

resulting LRs. For empirical testing purposes, the calculation of intrinsic LRs

typically requires a set of speakers to act as both the criminal and the suspect,

while an additional set of speakers must act as the reference population. The

number of speakers chosen to act as the criminal/suspect or the reference

population can vary and is entirely at the analysts discretion. For convenience

this thesis divided the data set evenly. As such, the calculation of LRs produced

50 SS comparisons and 2450 DS comparisons. However, it is entirely feasible for

the speakers to have been divided in a number of alternative ways, which might

have produced different outcomes.

9.6 Implications for Forensic Speaker Comparisons

For forensic phoneticians, the population statistics presented in Chapters 4-7

may serve as a helpful tool for casework. It is also suggested that all forensic

phoneticians should consider the inclusion of LTFDs in their analysis. The

relative ease of extracting LTFDs from speech recordings means that this

parameter could be easily utilized and potentially offers a large contribution to


As things currently stand, not all speech parameters can be incorporated

into a numerical LR. Therefore, the use of a complete 54 numerical LR is

impossible. For this reason, experts are faced with a number of decisions,

should they choose to continue to develop methodologies in an effort to align

with other forensic disciplines. Judge Hodgson from Australia argues that not all

types of evidence can be sensibly assigned an LR, and that therefore there is no

way of mathematically combining all evidence under a Bayesian framework

(Hodgson, 2002). Should the field of FSS agree on this statement, it is worth

considering whether all speech evidence can be sensibly assigned a numerical

54 By complete it is meant that all possible analyzable speech parameters are included.

LR. If all speech evidence can be forced into a numerical LR model then an

experts job is done. However, this does not seem a plausible possibility, given

the complexity of speech evidence. For this reason, it is my view that experts are

left with three options for the future: they must take the first two if they wish to

align with other forensic disciplines, and the third, a default option, if they are

content with the status quo:

1. Adopt a verbal form of the likelihood ratio framework

2. Present evidence in the form of numerical LRs (for those parameters
that readily lend themselves to such a framework) and present the
remaining speech parameters using a different conclusion
3. Continue presenting evidence as they do currently.

Although practitioners of forensic phonetics have accepted that the LR is the

logically and legally correct framework within which to present evidence, the

practicalities of the framework will inevitably contribute to the direction taken

by the majority of experts in the future. A large role in the adoption of an LR

framework will also be played by regulations under the country of practice and

simply practicality issues. All countries and institutions are constrained by the

laws, rules, and regulations in which they work. In 3.11, an expert from China

reported that s/he was required to use a binary conclusion framework by

his/her government employer. If forensic phoneticians have the luxury of being

able to choose their conclusion framework, their decision will come down to a

practicality factor. Given the results of this thesis, I believe that the implications

for the field of FSCs are such that a complete numerical LR is unrealistic, and

that alternatives should be explored (such as 1 and 2 presented above).

Chapter 10 Summary & Conclusion
The following chapter reviews the empirical results and discussion detailed in

Chapters 3-9 by relating them back to the four research questions introduced in

Chapter 2. The chapter concludes with suggestions for future work that would

expand upon the research aims of this thesis.

10.1 Research Questions Revisited

(1) What phonetic and linguistic parameters do practicing forensic

phoneticians (around the world) typically analyze in a FSC case and which
parameters do they recommend as being highly discriminant?

Chapter 3 provided insight into parameters commonly used in FSCs. Those

reported parameters were as follows: vowels (formants), consonants (timing

aspects, frequencies of energy loci, auditory quality), F0 (mean, median, mode,

SD, range, alternative baseline), voice quality, intonation, speech tempo (AR and

SR), rhythm, linguistic features (aspects of turn-taking, patterns of code

switching, discourse markers (including clicks), telephone opening and closing

behaviors, lexico-grammatical usage), and non-linguistic features (filled pauses,

audible breathing, laughter, throat clearing).

Out of all the possible parameters analyzed in FSCs, the experts top

ranked parameters (the first three) in terms of the expected discriminant ability

were: (1) voice quality, (2) dialect/accent variants and vowel formants, and (3)

speaking tempo and F0. Three of these parameters (LTFD, AR, F0) and clicks

were chosen for analysis in subsequent chapters.

(2) If experts are to provide their opinion on the most helpful speaker
discriminants, will these selected parameters be good speaker

Chapters 4-7 presented the results of the discriminant ability of AR, LTFD, F0,

and clicks. LTFD and F0 showed promising results, with EERs of less than .1. AR

and clicks were not as good at discriminating between speakers. AR had an EER

of .33, and although LRs were not calculated for clicks, the results suggested that

click frequency was a very unstable parameter and unlikely to be a useful

discriminant for the majority of speakers.

a. Do experts expectations surrounding the discriminant value of

certain speech parameters match the parameters empirically tested

The results presented in Chapters 4-7, in combination with the results from the

survey in Chapter 3, suggest that disparities exist between expert opinions and

empirical findings with regard to AR and clicks. However, expert expectations

appear to be accurate for LTFD and, to a lesser extent, F0.

(3) How well do speech parameters work in combination to discriminate

between speakers?

Table 8.5: Summary of LR-based discrimination for the complete system (100 speakers)

Comparison % Correct Mean LLR Min LLR Max LLR EER Cllr
Complete System SS 92.00 5.673 -3.082 7.316
.0607 .3793
Complete System DS 93.27 1.560 -infinity 3.963

Table 8.5 (from Chapter 8) presents a summary of the uncalibrated LR results

for LTFD, F0, and AR in combination. The system combining these three

parameters produces a lower EER and Cllr than any individual parameter. The

results supported the view expressed by survey participants, i.e. that the

combination of parameters is more successful in discriminating between

speakers than any of the parameters individually.

a. What steps need to be taken in order to appropriately combine

speech parameters?

The proper combination of speech evidence will vary depending on the given

data set. However, for all cases, correlations should be tested in order to

establish whether there are dependent relationships amongst speech

parameters in order to avoid miscarriages of justice (through the doubling of

evidence). For the given data set, dependent relationships were identified

amongst LTFD2-4, and MVKD was used to account for the existing correlations

(by applying statistical weightings). The remaining parameters were found to be

mutually exclusive and the speech evidence was therefore combined using

Nave Bayes.

b. Are multiple speech parameters in combination always better than

individual parameters at discriminating between speakers? Are more
parameters better?

Chapter 8 revealed that for the given data set, the addition of more parameters

improved system validity. However, this did not improve all of the LR statistics

(e.g. exceptions included SS and DS percent correct, SS and DS Mean LLR, and SS

and DS Max LLR).

(4) What are the practical limitations/implications of using the numerical

LR framework in FSCs?

Chapter 9 discussed the limitations and implications of using a numerical LR

framework that arose during the development of the system created for this

thesis. Those limitations include, but are not confined to: subjective elements of

the methodological process, difficulties in delimiting the relevant population,

the limited availability of population statistics, the lack of models to calculate

LRs for complex speech data distributions, and the range of methods used to

combine speech evidence.

a. What recommendations, if any, can be provided by attempting to

implement a numerical LR framework?

Chapter 9 concluded that two fundamental factors the amount of time needed

to collect enough data to create a human-based system consisting of just four

parameters, and the inherent complexity of speech evidence - inhibit the

implementation of a numerical LR framework. Although it has been done, it is

difficult to implement a completely numerical LR framework if one is to do it

properly/responsibly. Chapter 9 therefore recommended that practitioners

wishing to use a Bayesian framework should consider adopting a verbal LR

framework or a combination of a verbal and numerical LR framework, instead

of a purely numerical one.

b. What can a human-based (acoustic-phonetic) system tell the field

regarding the ease with which a numerical LR can be computed for FSCs?

The algorithms with which a human-based system can calculate a numerical LR

are the same as those used by an ASR. However, the time needed to collect and

analyze the data for the actual LR calculation is much more intensive for a

human-based system. Time constraints aside, Chapter 9 suggested that the

human-based system was capable of producing results comparable to those of

ASRs. It also proposed that with real forensic material (e.g. degraded or shorter

criminal recordings), the human-based system could potentially outperform an


10.2 Opportunities for Future Research

Successful application of the numerical LR framework will require a large

amount of additional research if the presentation of FSC conclusions in such a

framework is to become an everyday reality. The work presented in this thesis

would benefit from future investigations in two prominent areas of research:

(1) the integration of ASRs and phonetic-linguistic parameters, and (2) research

into more transparent and successful ways for combining correlated speech

evidence (e.g. fusion).

As discussed in, there is potential for improvements in speaker

discrimination through the integration of ASR techniques and phonetic-

linguistic parameters. Future research in this area may benefit from the

availability of systems such as Vocalise (Vocalise, 2013) which allows for

(semi-)automatic analysis and comparison of samples using LTFDs as well as


The second challenge how to combine correlated speech parameters in

a transparent and appropriate manner could be explored through the use of

Bayesian Networks. Other, more developed, forensic disciplines (e.g. DNA

analysis) rely on Bayesian Networks (Aitken and Taroni, 2004) as an explicit

and logical method for combining evidence (see Evett et al., 2002). In forensics,

the use of Bayesian Networks for the derivation of FSC LRs enables any

correlations that exist between (or within) parameters to be weighted

appropriately. A Bayesian Network therefore avoids over- or under-estimation

of the evidence, by accounting for the correlations through a front-end

processing technique. An example of a Bayesian Network (using the

parameters analyzed in this thesis) is provided in Appendix B.

10.3 Conclusion

This thesis set out to explore viability of aligning the field of FSC with other,

more developed, forensic sciences that are currently implementing a numerical

LR framework. The research has highlighted a number of difficulties that face

the FSS community if experts are to continue in their efforts to align themselves

with advanced forensic disciplines. At the present time, the application of a

completely numerical LR framework is fundamentally impractical, insofar as

the numerical LR is unable to incorporate all pieces of speech evidence that

count (those which are discrete rather than continuous, and which cannot be

adequately quantified). In the process of addressing the main aims of this thesis,

additional findings were presented, including: the survey of FSC practices, the

discriminant capacity of individual parameters (AR, LTFD, F0, clicks) and those

parameters in combination. It is hoped that the findings of the thesis will

encourage discussion leading towards the solution of problems involved in

adopting a numerical LR framework for FSCs. It is also hoped that this research

will prompt forensic phoneticians to consider implementing a verbal LR

framework (or a combination of verbal and numerical LRs) in order to mitigate

the practical limitations associated with completely numerical LRs.

Appendix A
Survey Instructions:

Each participant was emailed a unique, secured web-link that directed them to

the survey. The survey had general instructions on the first page, which read:

Please keep in mind that there are no right or wrong answers. This survey is

meant to serve as a tool to gain insight into the general practices in forensic

speaker comparisons around the world as well as finding out which features

forensic phoneticians identify as useful speaker discriminants.

All answers will be kept anonymous and names of participants will never be

revealed, so please answer honestly.

Before each of the 9 sections of the survey there were additional instructions to

remind the participants to generalize to the best of their ability across all cases

they had worked on rather than always responding that the given feature was

case-dependent. The instructions for the 9 sections read as below, with X

representing the number of questions in the section of questions that the

instructions preceded, as detailed in the survey content section of this thesis:

The following section consists of X questions. Please answer the following

questions with regards to all speaker comparison cases you have worked on. I

understand that many features and analyses are case dependent, so please do

your best to make generalizations where applicable.

There were some participants who gave the predicted it depends on the case

answer for questions, but for the most part the majority did an excellent job at

generalizing across cases.

Appendix B
Example of a Bayesian Network for Speech Evidence:

Bayesian Networks have never been used in FSS before, yet they offer a

method for combining evidence that is both transparent and readily accepted

by other forensic communities (Evett et al., 2002). For this reason, further

research exploring the development of Bayesian Networks for FSC casework

would be worthwhile. A hypothetical example (using the parameters analyzed

in this thesis) is provided below as an illustrative example of a Bayesian

Network using speech evidence, where H represents the hypothesis.

Figure 11.1: Hypothetical Bayesian Network of speech parameters

LTFD1 Click Rate F0


Bayesian Networks, such as the figure above, can be used to calculate Overall

LRs (OLRs) provided that probability densities and variances exist for each

parameter. If a case does not account for evidence from a certain parameter in

the figure above, it is possible to simply leave that node out and the remaining

portions of the Network will still be functional for calculating OLRs.

List of Abbreviations

change or difference

AR articulation rate

ASR automatic speaker recognition system

AcPA acoustic phonetic analysis

AuPA auditory phonetic analysis

AuPA + AcPA auditory phonetic-cum-acoustic phonetic analysis

Cllr cost log likelihood ratio

CPS classical probability scale

DS different speaker

DyViS Dynamic Variability in Speech

EER equal error rate

F0 fundamental frequency

FSC forensic speaker comparison

FSS forensic speech science

GMM-UBM Gaussian mixture model universal background model

HASR human-assisted automatic speaker recognition

IQR interquartile range

LTFD long-term formant distributions

LTFD1-4 long-term formant distributions one through four

LR likelihood ratio

LLR log10 likelihood ratio

LTS long-term spectrum

MFCC Mel-frequency cepstral coefficient

OLR Overall likelihood ratio

SD standard deviation

SS same speaker

SSBE Southern Standard British English

VOT voice onset time

VQ voice quality

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