p3 of 25 Affidavit Attestation
p3 of 25 Affidavit Attestation
p3 of 25 Affidavit Attestation
In behalf of
(Name of Firm)
I further certify that the business name and/or SEC registration of this firm is valid and existing.
I certify furthermore that the SSS, Pag-IBIG, and PhilHealth contributions were remitted in favor of the
employees of this firm.
1. All documents submitted in support to this application are subject to verification before PCAB
2. Any discovered misrepresentation of information and/or manifestations of fraud on the
application documents submitted by my firm applicant or its Authorized
Representative/Agent/Liaison Officer shall be subjected to investigation which may result to the
disapproval of my application, denial/suspension/revocation of license and blacklisting of my firm
and myself as its Authorized Managing Officer; and
Until December 31, 20 ____
Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of 20 __.