Clinical Review: Update On Hemodynamic Monitoring - A Consensus of 16
Clinical Review: Update On Hemodynamic Monitoring - A Consensus of 16
Clinical Review: Update On Hemodynamic Monitoring - A Consensus of 16
Arterial-pressure PiCCO, LiDCO, Vigileo, Decreased accuracy, need for optimal arterial pressure tracing
waveform-derived MostCare
Bioimpedance Lifegard, TEBCO, Hotman, Less reliable in critically ill patients, not applicable in cardiothoracic surgery
BioZ, and so on
in any detail, not to provide readers with a shopping list, over the previous 10 minutes. The averaged values have
nor to identify one system that would be suitable in all the advantage of eliminating variability in the presence of
patients; rather, we will briey review the advantages and arrhythmias, but the disadvantage of not being real-time
limitations of each system, and propose ten key principles values, thus limiting the usefulness of this approach for
to guide choice of monitoring system(s) in todays acutely assessing rapid hemodynamic changes in unstable
ill patients. patients.
The PAC has a key advantage over many other systems
Available systems for monitoring cardiac output in that it provides simultaneous measurements of other
Examples of the main systems that are available for hemodynamic parameters in addition to cardiac output,
estimating cardiac output are listed in Table 1. including pulmonary artery pressures, right-sided and
left-sided lling pressures, and SvO2.
Thermodilution (pulmonary artery catheter)
The intermittent thermodilution technique, in which Transpulmonary or ultrasound indicator dilution
boluses of ice-cold uid are injected into the right atrium The PiCCO (Pulsion Medical Systems, Munich, Germany),
via a PAC and the change in temperature detected in the LiDCO (LiDCO Ltd, London, UK), VolumeView
blood of the pulmonary artery used to calculate cardiac (Edwards Life Sciences), and COstatus (Transonic Systems
output, is still widely considered as the standard method Inc., Ithaca, NY, USA) systems allow cardiac output to be
of reference. Adaptation of the PAC to incorporate a investigated less invasively, using a central venous (to
thermal lament (Vigilance, Edwards Life Sciences, allow calibration) and an arterial catheter, rather than
Irvine, CA, USA) or thermal coil (OptiQ, ICU Medical, needing to introduce a catheter into the pulmonary
San Clemente, CA, USA) that warms blood in the artery. The PiCCO and recently launched VolumeView
superior vena cava and measures changes in blood systems require a femoral artery catheter. These devices
temperature at the PAC tip using a thermistor, provides a use the same basic principles of dilution to estimate the
continuous measure of the trend in cardiac output, with cardiac output as with PAC thermodilution. PiCCO and
the displayed values representing an average of the values VolumeView use injections of ice cold intravenous uid
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Simplied transesophageal Doppler techniques can be monitoring device must be suciently accurate to be able
convenient as the probe is smaller than for standard to inuence therapeutic decision making; the data
esophageal echocardiography techniques. Simplied trans- obtained from the monitoring system must be relevant to
thoracic Doppler systems allow estimation of aortic blood the patient being monitored; and changes in management
ow and may be even less invasive; however, although these made as a result of the data obtained need to be able to
techniques can be simple to perform in healthy volun- improve outcomes. If the data are interpreted or applied
teers, access to good images may be more dicult in incorrectly, or the therapies themselves are ineective or
critically ill patients. Moreover, there is a fairly prolonged harmful, the resultant change in management will not
learning curve for correct use of this system [9]. These improve patient status and may be deleterious.
methods need further validation in critically ill patients. If these three conditions are not met, monitoring is
unlikely to be associated with improved outcomes, and
CO2 rebreathing this may account for the lack of evidence of improved
CO2 rebreathing systems, based on the Fick principle, use outcomes in acutely ill patients with use of any
a CO2 sensor, a disposable airow sensor and a disposable monitoring device, not only the PAC [12].
rebreathing loop. CO2 production is calculated from
minute ventilation and its CO2 content, and the arterial Principle 2: monitoring requirements may vary over time
CO2 content is estimated from end-tidal CO2. Partial re- and can depend on local equipment availability and
breathing reduces CO2 elimination and increases the training
end-tidal CO2. By combining measurements taken during The optimal monitoring system will depend on the
and without rebreathing, venous CO2 content can be individual patient, the problem already present or
eliminated from the Fick equation. However, intra- potentially arising for which the monitoring is required,
pulmonary shunting of blood and rapid hemodynamic and the devices and expertise available at the institution
changes aect the accuracy of the measurement, so that in question.
this technique is not considered to be reliable in acutely For initial evaluation of the critically ill patient, an
ill patients. invasive approach is still often needed, which includes
insertion of an arterial catheter and a central venous
Bioimpedance and bioreactance catheter; this is because of the need for secure
Bioimpedance is based on the fact that the conductivity intravenous and arterial access in such patients and the
of a high-frequency, low-magnitude alternating current presumed increased accuracy of measurements based on
passed across the thorax changes as blood ow varies direct pressure monitoring. The data provided can
with each cardiac cycle. These changes can be measured already guide initial treatment. Analysis of the arterial
using electrodes placed on a patients chest and used to pressure trace can identify uid responsiveness in
generate a waveform from which cardiac output can be mechanically ventilated patients, although there are some
calculated. Bioreactance has developed out of bio- limitations to this technique, including adaptation to the
impedance and measures changes in the frequency of the respirator (often with high doses of sedative agents and
electrical currents traversing the chest, rather than even paralysis), need for absence of arrhythmias, and use
changes in impedance, potentially making it less sensitive of relatively large tidal volumes. Response to passive leg
to noise. These techniques are non-invasive and can be raising can be used if beat-by-beat measurements of
applied quickly. They have been used for physiological stroke volume are monitored. Once stabilized, less
studies in healthy individuals and may be useful in invasive monitoring techniques should be employed.
perioperative applications [10], but are less reliable in Importantly, monitoring systems are not necessarily
critically ill patients [11]. Electrical interference may also mutually exclusive and can sometimes be used to
occur in the ICU environment. complement each other. For example, echocardiography
can provide additional information in the early assess-
Key principles of hemodynamic monitoring ment of critically ill patients (Figure 1).
Having briey discussed some of the advantages and There is still a place for the PAC (Swan-Ganz), which
limitations of the available systems, we now consider has the advantage of allowing measurement of cardiac
some key principles than can help when considering lling pressures and pulmonary artery pressures, cardiac
which hemodynamic monitoring system to use. output and SvO2 (and now also extravascular lung water).
However, although in the past a PAC was inserted early
Principle 1: no hemodynamic monitoring technique can in all critically ill patients, today its insertion is no longer
improve outcome by itself necessary during initial resuscitation, but should rather
Hemodynamic monitoring can only improve outcomes if be reserved for complex cases, for example, patients with
three conditions are met: the data obtained from the right ventricular dysfunction, dicult assessment of
Vincent et al. Critical Care 2011, 15:229 Page 5 of 8
arterial catheter End-diastolic
central venous catheter volumes
Heart rate
Fluid responsiveness ?
(low CVP ?) (OPS, NIRS, ) Urine output
Mental status
PgCO2 Cutaneousperfusion
present absent
Sublingual capnometry
echocardiography CO2 gap SvO2
hypovolemialikely smallchambers tamponade Figure 2. Factors influencing the interpretation of cardiac output
large ventricles RV dilation (CO). EKG, electrocardiogram; NIRS, near-infrared spectral imaging;
poor contractile state (obstructive) OPS, orthogonal polarization spectral imaging; PAOP, pulmonary
fluidchallenge valvulopathy artery occlusion pressure; PAP, pulmonary artery pressure; PgCO2,
gastric intramucosal carbon dioxide partial pressure; RAP, right atrial
Figure 1. Diagnostic algorithm based on use of pressure; SvO2, mixed venous oxygen saturation.
echocardiography. CVP, central venous pressure; RV, right
Table 2. The key properties of an ideal hemodynamic choose devices that have a maximum of these attributes,
monitoring system bearing in mind that there is no one size ts all type of
Provides measurement of relevant variables system and one should, therefore, select the system most
Provides accurate and reproducible measurements appropriate for each patient and, perhaps even more
importantly, for each type of problem. It is important to
Provides interpretable data
be familiar with the technology being used, proting
Is easy to use
from its advantages but recognizing its limitations. Most
Is readily available systems now oer (almost) continuous measurements,
Is operator-independent with the possible exception of echocardiography tech-
Has a rapid response-time niques because it is dicult to leave the probe in place
Causes no harm for prolonged periods. Hemodynamic monitoring can be
particularly helpful in the early stages of resuscitation,
Is cost-effective
but is less useful when organ failure is established. Most
Should provide information that is able to guide therapy
importantly, one must never forget that it is not the
monitoring itself that can improve outcomes but the
cardiac output provided with the Vigilance system. changes in therapy guided by the data obtained.
Systems that are not continuous (for example, echo-
cardiography) or that require calibration (for example, Abbreviations
CVP, central venous pressure; DO2, oxygen delivery; PAC, pulmonary artery
transpulmonary indicator dilution) may not provide the
catheter; ScvO2, central venous oxygen saturation; SvO2, mixed venous oxygen
real-time data needed for optimal acute management of saturation; VO2, oxygen consumption.
unstable critically ill patients, whereas systems that
provide continuous non-calibrated cardiac output measure- Competing interests
J-LV has received grants from Edwards Lifesciences and Pulsion Medical
ments suer from reduced accuracy. Systems. AR has received lecture fees from LiDCO and advisory board fees
from Cheetah and Edwards. AP is a member of the medical advisory board
Principle 10: non-invasiveness is not the only issue of Pulsion Medical Systems and consultant to BMEYE. GSM is a member of
the medical advisory board of Pulsion Medical Systems. GDR has no conflicts
Non-invasiveness is not the only goal. Although it is related to this manuscript. BV is an advisor to, and has received lecture fees
always preferable to be less invasive, being non-invasive from, Edwards. MRP is a paid advisor to LiDCO Ltd, Edwards LifeSciences
is not always possible and may even be counter eective. Inc., and Applied Physiology; he has stock options with LiDCO and Cheetah
Medical and has received honoraria from Cheetah Medical. CKH has received
For example, continuous monitoring of arterial pressure lecture fees and research grants from Pulsion Medical Systems and Edwards
is more invasive than intermittent monitoring but is Lifesciences. J-LT is a member of the medical advisory board of Pulsion
helpful in hypotensive (or severe hypertensive) states. Medical Systems. W-PdeB has received research grants from Transonic Systems
Inc. and Pulsion Medical Systems. SS has received research grants from Vygon
Likewise, a central venous catheter can be helpful to and Vythec. AV-B has received research grants from General Electric and
monitor the CVP and the ScvO2 (and also facilitates the Maquet. DDeB has received grants and material for studies from Edwards
rapid administration of uids). Whenever possible, we Lifesciences, Pulsion Medical Systems, LiDCO and Vytech and honoraria for
lectures from Edwards Lifesciences and Pulsion Medical Systems. KRW has no
should of course try to be as non-invasive as possible, but conflicts related to this manuscript. MM is a member of the medical advisory
arterial pressure monitoring and CVP monitoring are board of Pulsion Medical Systems. MS is on the Advisory Board for Deltex
still invasive. Echocardiography must be promoted more Medical and Covidien; Deltex Medical provide unrestricted research grants.
for its ability to oer a direct evaluation of cardiac Author details
function than for its non-invasiveness. Even though it is 1
Department of Intensive Care, Erasme Hospital, Universit Libre de
the most invasive method, the PAC is still of value in very Bruxelles, 808 route de Lennik, 1070-Brussels, Belgium. 2Department of
Intensive Care Medicine, St Georges Healthcare NHS Trust, Blackshaw Road,
sick patients with complex problems, for example, London, SW170QT, UK. 3Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care,
respiratory failure with shock and oliguria. At the other Sheba Medical Center, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 52621 Israel. 4Division of
extreme, completely non-invasive bioimpedance has a Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care, Emory University School of Medicine,
Grady Memorial Hospital, 615 Michael Street, Suite 205, Atlanta, GA 30322,
place in healthy individuals, but little place in critically ill USA. 5Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, University
patients. Other monitoring systems are of use in patients Hospital, Medical School, University of Udine, P.le S. Maria della Misericordia,
with conditions somewhere between these two extremes. 1533100 Udine, Italy. 6Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
Medicine, Ple dAnesthesie Reanimation, Hpital Claude Huriez, rue Michel
The optimal device depends on the type of patient, the Polonoski, CHU Univ Nord de France, 59000 Lille, France. 7Department
question being asked, and the condition being managed of Critical Care Medicine, 606 Scaife Hall, 3550 Terrace Street, Pittsburgh,
or anticipated. PA15261, USA. 8Institute of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine,
Triemli City Hospital Zurich, Birmensdorferstr. 497, 8063 Zurich, Switzerland.
Service de ranimation mdicale, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Bictre,
Conclusion Assistance Publique-Hpitaux de Paris, EA 4046, Universit Paris Sud, 78
The ideal hemodynamic monitoring system should rue du Gnral Leclerc, 94 270 Le Kremlin-Bictre, France. 10Department of
Neonatology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical center, PO Box 9101,
comprise all the key factors listed in Table 2; however, 6500 Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 11Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive
such a system does not currently exist so we must try and Care, University of Siena, Viale Bracci, 1, 53100 Siena, Italy. 12Ranimation
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Cite this article as: Vincent JL, et al.: Clinical review: Update on
oesophageal Doppler monitor for fluid replacement in major abdominal
hemodynamic monitoring- a consensus of 16. Critical Care 2011, 15:229.
surgery. Anaesthesia 2008, 63:44-51.