CS-STEM Student and Parent Registration 1.0 Requirements Specification

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Application Requirements Specification

CS-STEM Student and Parent Registration 1.0

Requirements Specification

This document outlines the Application Scope and Requirements for

CS-STEM Student and Parent Registration 1.0.

<Client Names>

<TopCoder Names>

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Application Requirements Specification

Revision History
Author Revision Number Date
<handle goes here after final fix> 1.0 01/13/2011

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Application Requirements Specification

Application Requirements Specification

1. Scope
1.1 Overview
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Limitations & Assumptions

2. Logic Requirements
2.1 Register to Application
2.2 Unregister from Application
2.3 Process Parent Approvals for Child Students
2.4 File Parent Approval Documents
2.5 Get Restricted to Activities Participation
2.6 Request Parent Authorization
2.7 Get Approved by Parent
2.8 Get Authorization Request from Child Student
2.9 Get Approved as Parent
2.10 Perform Parental Control for Child Student
2.11 Share Child Student Activities
2.12 Perform Auditing
2.13 Perform Logging
2.14 Send E-mail Notifications

3. General Requirements
3.1 Graphical User Interface Requirements
3.2 Performance Constraints
3.3 Security

4. Required Documentation
4.1 Specification Documentation

5. Help / User Documentation

6. Notes

7. Future Enhancements

8. Glossary
8.1 Definitions
8.2 Acronyms

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Application Requirements Specification

1. Application Requirements Specification

2. Scope
2.1 Overview
The client of this application is DARPA. They asked TopCoder to make a modern web-portal for
education in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) and especially focused on
Computer Science (CS) education. That CS-STEM web-site will be dedicated to middle and high
school students in USA and allow them to learn a lot of interesting topics in a user-friendly
environment, which at the same time is productive and professional.

CS-STEM portal will be like a new entire TC website, but specially dedicated to the education of
middle- high students (ages of 13...18).

This specification will cover the student and parent registration-related portions of the web-site.
The detailed information about how students/parents will register to the application and various
approvals will be provided. The specification describes students' restrictions to participation in
activities, how the Student requests for parent authorization and how the Student get approved by
the parent. There will be details about how users can get approved as Parents, how parents
receive and process authorization requests from their children, how parents perform parental
control and share activities with their children on the application. It will be also described how the
System Admin will process student approvals from their parents as well.

The following use cases of the CS-STEM Education Project Hosting Platform conceptualization
are in scope. Please note, they will be slightly renamed and extended in the specification
document, but references to those original use cases are also provided.
4.4.12 - Register to Application (with specifics and focus on Students and Parents),
4.4.26 - Unregister from Application (with specifics and focus on Students and Parents),
4.4.39 - Process Student Approvals from Parents,
4.4.56 - Get Restricted to Activities Participations,
4.4.57 - Request Parent Authorization,
4.4.58 - Get Approved by Parent,
4.4.60 - Get Authorization Request from Child Student,
4.4.62 - Get Approved as Parent,
4.4.63 - Perform Parental Control for Child Student,
4.4.64 - Share Child Student Activities,
4.4.32 - Perform Auditing (only as it applies to student and parent registration-related
4.4.33 - Perform Logging (only as it applies to student and parent registration-related
4.4.35 - Send E-mail Notifications (only as it applies to student and parent registration-
related functionality).

2.2 Objectives
The objectives of the entire CS-STEM education hosting platform application are as following
(this specification covers just a small part (student and parent registration-related) of that main
To implement a web-based education portal to efficiently teach students of 1318 ages
for CS, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. The emphasis will be on CS.

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Application Requirements Specification

To leverage existing TC assets (like Arena, Marathon Matches, TC High School) for
performing middle and high students education through competitions.
To share users data on the social network and deliver common widely used social
networking features (like forums, blogs, friends, etc.) to the education web-portal.
To motivate students for learning education materials, participating in competitions and
for getting interested in new areas they never possible recognized earlier.
To support powerful user management (including identity verification) and a large set of
user roles assigned to trusted users. That management has to be as simple as it possible
for end users.
To deliver full content management for education and competition data.
To provide engaging, interesting, attractive, and easy to understand education content for
CS, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math subjects.
To reduce possibility of cyberbullying in the application to as low as it possible.
To design a base platform for CS-STEM application, suiting such education tasks.
To send helpful e-mail notifications to users in most important events during the
application workflow.
To support logging of errors/warnings/exceptions and audit all the user actions during the
application execution.
To achieve high performance of the application and scalability.

Project Return on Investment (ROI Metrics) of the entire CS-STEM education hosting platform
application are as following:
o To attract students from at least 15 different US states to the CS-STEM education
o To achieve at least 80% of users completed registration on CS-STEM to
participate in one or more activities on CS-STEM education portal. We define
"retained users" as registered users, who have visited CS-STEM portal at least 2
more times after registration AND have been involved in activities on CS-STEM
portal during 3 months after their initial activity.
For future:
o To involve thousands of users to CS-STEM portal.
o To make a positive buzz through community about new education portal.
o To have long-term corporate sponsorship of content, awards, prizes, scholarships
and SRM style sponsorship.
o To achieve and confirm an ability for making more communities by TC community
(CxC, Community by Community) in the future. Most of base platform features,
defined in this conceptualization, could be efficiently re-used in the future for
building new communities if this application succeeds.

General Capacity Metrics:

The maximum expected count of users will be several thousands until the end of first
year. The system must be scalable.
The maximum expected count of concurrent users for the application is 500.

General Usability Metrics:

The new application will be specially designed for students of 1318 years old. GUI,
problems, education content, communication will be adopted for the middle-high school
GUI has to be attractive, user friendly and fun. It will contain more graphics than previous
TC web-site.

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Application Requirements Specification

2.3 Limitations & Assumptions

The limitations of the entire CS-STEM education hosting platform application are listed below:
There is no support of the reporting portal it is for the future contests.
The application is in English only. The application is for USA users by default.
This is a first conceptualization for CS-STEM and, therefore, not all details are covered
now future contests will explain them.
There can be restrictions to collect some sort of personal data for Students and that can
limit application functionality.
No pre-approval of blog/forum posts by System Admin will be supported in the first
version of the application.

Assumptions critical to the success of the entire CS-STEM education hosting platform application
are listed below:
The application will be web-based and integrated with several existing TC assets (like
Arena, Marathon Matches, TC High School, etc.).
Any user will access the application through a web-browser.
Users can be from different time zones.
International symbols have to be properly displayed in the application.
System Admins will be able to manage all the users and manage/moderate all the
content in the application.
Parents will fully control and approve activities of their students in the application.
School codes and Teacher codes will be used only for association purpose for now to
associate users with the related School and Teacher. They do not (at this time) suppose
any additional privileges for now.
All the content and activities will be appropriate for ages of 1318.
At least one System Admin has to present in the system. The last System Admin can not
be removed.
The application is free for all users.

Environment and technology requirements:

Cloud hosting space (Amazon EC2) will be used to entirely host the application.
The application will be fully workable on PC, Mac and Linux machines. The minimal
required hardware resources can be assumed as the same as for using current TC web-
site and Arena. More details are up-to the System Architect he/she has to consider to
require as minimal from the user computers hardware as possible, but at the same time
achieve full functionality and the defined performance.
Web-pages (except Arena) are required to properly fit on mobile devices, working on iOS
and Android platforms.
Application has to be implemented in J2EE technologies.
MySQL 5.1 will be used as a database. Arena persistence layer will be ported to MySQL.
The design has to be simple and avoid abstraction or persistence frameworks (like
Hibernate, Spring) an explicit approval on the forum is required for any proposed usage
of frameworks (through, Struts can be used up-to the System Architect).
The application is expected to be based on the Liferay products (Liferay Portal and
Liferay Social Office) www.liferay.com
JBoss 5.1 will be used as a web-server.
Java 1.5 will be used as a programming language.
Liferay 6.0.5 will be used as a base framework.

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Application Requirements Specification

3. Logic Requirements
Use case diagram is shown below:

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Application Requirements Specification

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Application Requirements Specification

3.1 Register to Application

The application will allow non-registered users to register to it as a Student, or as a Parent (etc.).
This use case is specially focused on Student and Parent registration. The user will choose
his/her role in the application, provide credentials and (optionally) more contacts/personal
information. Registration will require properly entered CAPTCHA code and e-mail activation. The
notification e-mail is also sent to the newly registered Student (or Parent, etc.) user on the
successful activation. If the Student registered to the application, then his/her account will be
created as non-authorized yet by his/her parent. If the Parent registered to the application, then
his/her account will be created as non-approved yet by the System Admin. This use case includes
Send E-mail Notifications use case 3.14. Please note, Liferay Portal doesnt have a registration
page, so that registration page needs to be added as a portlet.
Reference to initial use case in conceptualization: 4.4.12.
Pre-conditions: the non-registered user asked the application to register to it - like as a
Student, or as a Parent, etc.
Post-conditions: the user successfully registered to the application (like as a Student, or
as a Parent, etc.) and can access its functionality.

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Application Requirements Specification

3.1.1 Register to Application Activity

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Application Requirements Specification Enter Account Information

The user will start registration of the new account by pressing the Register hyperlink on
the homepage (please refer 1-Homepage.png file in storyboards):

The application will display the registration page with empty fields for the account and
user profile. There is no such "registration" page in the Liferay and, therefore, it has to be
created as a custom portlet.
The user can enter the brief information on the new account according to the following
Data Element Description Format R?
Handle The unique username (handle) The handle is in two parts: Y
for the account on the application (1) a minimum 4 maximum 8
character handle (no
(2) a last name selected
from a drop-down of
The two part name is merged as
a single handle in the database.
A space separates the two
Password The password of the user String, min 6 chars, max 10 Y
chars, case sensitive, any
combination of ASCII characters.
Displayed with * chars when
E-mail The e-mail address of the user. String, max 100 chars, must be a N
This is optional. valid e-mail, non empty
CAPTCHA code The picture with CAPTCHA code A picture (dimensions are up-to Y
to be entered by the user for the Studio designer) having a
validation that he/she is a human String, 6 chars, non empty.
The user has to choose one of the following user roles for his/her account:
o Student (default),
o Parent,
o etc. - like School Admin, Teacher, Reporter (please note, the System Admin can
not register him/herself just an existing System Admin can create more System
Admin accounts).
There will be some optional fields, which can be also added by the user to his/her profile,
listed below.
Some elements are required after students and parents complete their authorization
forms. These elements are marked with an asterisk (*) in the R? column in the table

Data Element Description Format R?

First Name The first name of the user String, max 50 chars, can be N
empty *
Last Name The last name of the user String, max 50 chars, can be N
empty *
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Data Element Description Format R?

City The city of the user String, max 100 chars, can be N
empty. It will be an auto-complete *
field to user input with a possible
selection from the existing data in
the auto-complete list or by
entering a new data by the user
State The US state of the user String, max 2 chars, can be N
empty. *
One of the USA state or DC. It will
be an auto-complete field to user
input with a possible selection
from the existing data in the auto-
complete list.
ZIP A ZIP code of the user String, max 5 chars, each char is N
a digit from [0-9], can be empty. It *
will be an auto-complete field to
user input with a possible
selection from the existing data in
the auto-complete list or by
entering a new data by the user
Country Name of the users country. Autocomplete. If US is selected,
the address fields with asterisks
above are required. If non-US,
they are not.
School Name The name of the school for the String, max 100 chars, can be N
user (for all user roles, except empty. It will be an auto-complete *
Parent) field to user input with a possible
selection from the existing data in
the auto-complete list or by
entering a new data by the user
Grade The grade of the Student Positive integer from 6 to 12. Can N
be absent (if the user is not a *
Student). It will be an auto-
complete field to user input with a
possible selection from the
existing data in the auto-complete
list or by entering a new data by
the user.
Gender The sex of the user String, one of the following N
values: *
I decline to respond to this

Can be empty.
Date of Birth The date of birth of the user String, Date format like YYYY- N
MM-DD, can be empty. *
Please note, the decision on whether those optional attributes will be included in the
application or not will be left till later.
o The developer can add these to the application at a later date (user interface and
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Application Requirements Specification

toggling validation to on).

o The database needs to always has these attributes
Just one registration account will be possible to each person. The application will not
allow creating multiple accounts for a single e-mail address or a handle.
The person have to be of 1318 years old and NOT in college/university to register as a
Student. Some sort of the message is needed on the registration page:
Please note, you have to be from 13 to 18 years old to register as a Student to CS-
STEM application.

The non-college requirement has been deprecated. AL 1/31/11 Display Terms & Conditions
There will be Terms & Conditions hyperlink on the registration page.
The user can press that hyperlink to view the information on the application usage Terms
and conditions.
That information can be displayed on the popup window or on another page of the web-
site (up-to the Studio designer). Some sort of a custom portlet web-page can be created
in Liferay for that.
The Terms & Conditions information will be a rich formatted text (String, max 100 KB, non
empty) and it will clearly describe terms and conditions of the application usage for
Students, Parents and other user roles.
Please note, there will be also Terms and Conditions hyperlink in the homepage footer.
The user can any time press that hyperlink to view Terms & Conditions on the application
usage like described above. Agree with Terms & Conditions

The user has to accept term and conditions to register to the application.
It can be like a check box.
The user have to explicitly mark that he/she is agreed to Terms & Conditions by turning
On the check box otherwise he/she can not register.
It is especially important for Students and Parents to carefully read terms & conditions
and agree with them before registering their accounts on the application. Validate User Input

The application will automatically validate all the user input for all the required fields
according to tables and rules from chapter
The user can not proceed until providing the correct data. Display Validation Error

If the validation failed, then the validation icon (or just * character) will be displayed
nearby the wrong field and there will be validation message like this (concrete validation
error relates to the failed field):
Field <FieldName> is required. Create Account

The user can press Submit button and the new account data will be persisted to the
All the information, entered by the user for the account and profile, will be persisted.

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The new account will be created with a status to indicate the email address has not been
The account is otherwise active in all regards Send Account Verification E-mail

The application will send the account verification e-mail to the user please refer chapter
3.14 for more details. User Opens Verification E-mail

The user will open an account verification e-mail message, delivered to his/her e-mail
The user will perform that action externally through his/her e-mail reader. User Verifies Account

The user will press the hyperlink in the verification e-mail and get redirected to this
The application will display a web page to indicate to the user that his or her email has
been verified:

Your email address has been successfully verified in our system. Thank you for taking the time to do
that! Parent Account is Non-Approved

If the new Parent has registered to the application, then his/her account becomes non-
approved by the System Admin.
The Parent can get his/her account approved - please refer chapter 3.9 for more
information. Account is Non-Authorized

If the new Student has registered to the application, then his/her account becomes non-
authorized by his/her Parent and the Student will get just a restricted (read-only and
practice only) access to CS-STEM application activities.
The Student can request to authorize his/her account - please refer chapter 3.6 for
details. Automatically Login User

The application will automatically recognize the user as logged in according to his/her
user role. Display Welcome Message

The application will display the welcome message and a brief data from the user profile
on the header it is out of scope and was already covered by Login use case in other
specification (CS-STEM Hosting Platform User specification).

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Application Requirements Specification Send Account Creation Success E-mail

The application will send the notification e-mail about successful activation of the account
to the user please refer chapter 3.14 for more details.
If the user registered without an email address, no email will be sent. Moderate Profile

User profile data can be moderated by System Admins, and Student's profile data can be
moderated by System Admins and Parents of that Student in case of checking whether
all the text and other information are not insulting other kids.
This feature is not in scope for this specification and was already covered by CS-STEM
Hosting Platform General Community specification..

3.2 Unregister from Application

The application will allow the Student and Parent to unregister from it. This use case is specially
focused on Student and Parent un-registration. The user will confirm his/her decision and the
application will remove the user account, profile, and the related data. The user cannot re-register
once more without an approval from the System Admin. This use case includes Send E-mail
Notifications use case 3.14. Please note, Liferay Portal doesnt have a un-registration page, so
that un-registration page needs to be added as a portlet. The Liferay User Profile can be re-used
and customized to properly show user un-registration status on profiles of other related users.
The Liferay Permissions Model can be re-used and customized to properly change the Student's
permissions to not authorized after his/her Parent has unregistered. The Liferay Survey portlet
plugins/-/software_catalog/products/6943201) can be re-used for submitting surveys by the user.
Reference to initial use case in conceptualization: 4.4.26.
Pre-conditions: the user pressed Unregister Profile button on the user profile
customization page. The user has to be logged in to perform this action.
Post-conditions: the user was unregistered from the application and can only get a read-
only access to it.

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3.2.1 Unregister from Application Activity

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Application Requirements Specification Ask Application to Unregister

The user can ask the application to unregister his/her account by pressing Unregister
Profile button on the user profile customization page.
There is no un-registration page in the Liferay portal and, therefore, the custom portal
web-page has to be created for user's un-registration. Request Confirmation

The application will display the confirmation popup window with the message like
Are you sure to unregister from CS-STEM application?
Please note, you will not be able to re-register through the website with your same
handle and password later. If you wish rejoin us and retain your username, just send us
an email and well help you out!

If you are trying to change your handle, but do not wish to otherwise resign from the
site, please click No below, and email the system administrator.

<YES>, <NO>
If role of the user trying to unregister is a Student, then the confirmation message will be
like following:
Are you sure to unregister from CS-STEM application?
Please note, you will not be able to re-register through the website with your same
handle and password later. If you wish rejoin us and retain your username, just send us
an email and well help you out!

If you are trying to change your handle, but do not wish to otherwise resign from the
site, please click No below, and email the system administrator.

Please note that any parental accounts associated with your account will be notified of
your registration.

<YES>, <NO> Cancel Un-registration Procedure

The user can press No button and break account un-registration process.
The confirmation popup window will be closed.
Nothing is changed with the user account in this case. Fill Un-registration Survey

The user will be asked to fill an un-registration survey.
If the users account was not a fully authorized account, do not display the survey
The following data will be present on the un-registration survey:
Data Element Description Format R?
Title The name of the survey String, max 50 chars, non empty Y
Description The description of the survey String, max 200 chars, non empty Y
<set of Please refer below for the possible data for each question in the list on the
questions> survey

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Application Requirements Specification

The needed data per each question in the survey is as following:

Data Element Description Format R?
Question Text of the survey question String, max 50 chars, non empty Y
Answer 1 Text of the 1 answer choice for String, max 100 chars, non empty Y
the question
Answer 2 Same for 2nd answer choice for String, max 100 chars, can be N
the survey question empty if the question is absent
Answer 3 Same for 3rd answer choice for String, max 100 chars, can be N
the survey question empty if the question is absent
etc. answers
Each question can have a multiple choice of predefined answers.
o It will be possible that just one answer is possible by the user or multiple answers
The answers will be mostly selections. But there can be also a free form text (like String,
max 100 chars, non empty) as one choice option for the answer.
The entire answer to some survey question can be configured to be a free form text field
(like String, max 100 chars, non empty).
The Liferay Survey portlet (http://www.liferay.com/downloads/liferay-portal/community-
plugins/-/software_catalog/products/6943201) can be re-used for filling surveys by the
The survey creation and management is out of scope for this specification. Validate User Input

The application will automatically validate all the user input for all the required fields
according to rules from chapter
The user can not proceed until providing the correct data. Display Validation Error

If the validation failed, then the validation icon (or just * character) will be displayed
nearby the wrong field and there will be validation message like this (concrete validation
error relates to the failed field):
Field <FieldName> is required. Submit Un-registration Survey

The user will submit the filled and validated un-registration survey to the application.
The Liferay Survey portlet (http://www.liferay.com/downloads/liferay-portal/community-
plugins/-/software_catalog/products/6943201) can be re-used for submitting surveys by
the user.
All the user answers in the survey will be recorded and can be re-used later in CS-STEM
application like in the Reporting Portal (it is out of scope for this specification). Automatically Logout User

The confirmation popup window will be closed.
The application logs out the user from the system it is out of scope for this specification
was covered by "Logout" use case of "CS-STEM Hosting Platform User" specification.

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Application Requirements Specification Unregister User Account

The application will set a logical delete to indicate the user account, profile, and the
related data can no longer be considered in data collection.
This setting will prevent the user from logging in again.
The users handle can no longer be registered or re-used.
A new account for the same email address cannot be registered without system admin
The user can not re-register more to the application until a special approval from System
Other users of CS-STEM application will not be able to view removed account/profile.
All the web-pages of CS-STEM application where the user handle of the removed
account was used will need to ignore data for that handle, as determined by testing for
the logical delete.
It is suggested (up-to the Architect though) to not actually remove the user account/profile
data from the database, but specially mark them as deleted it is needed to data audit
and can help manually restoring user accounts in the future (if the user asked the System
Admin about that).
The unregistered Student will not access Student-related activities, but can only get read-
only access to the application.
The unregistered Parent will not access Parent-related activities, but can only get read-
only access to the application. Inform Parent on Profile about Child Student Un-registration

The following data about unregistered child student will be shown on his/her Parents
Data Element Description Format R?
Student's handle The unique username (handle) of String, max 50 chars, non empty Y
the child Student in the CS-STEM
Student's e-mail The e-mail address for the child String, max 100 chars, must be a Y
Student valid e-mail, non empty
Unregistered On The date when the child Student String, short date format like Y
was unregistered from CS-STEM MM/DD/YYYY, non empty
The Liferay User Profile can be re-used and customized to properly show child Students
un-registration status on the profiles of the Parent. Success E-mail on Child Student Un-registration to Parent

The application will send the notification e-mail about successful un-registration of the
Students account to his/her Parent(s) please refer chapter 3.14 for more details. Revert Child Student Permissions to Non-Authorized

If a parent unregisters, and there is no other authorized parental account associated with
the childs account, then the child students accounts need to revert to an un-authorized
The Students account becomes non-authorized by his/her Parent and the Student will get
just a restricted (read-only and practice only) access to CS-STEM application activities.
The Student can request to authorize his/her account - please refer chapter 3.6 for

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The date of the Parent un-registration will be recorded.
The student's information cannot be used in reporting from that point forward, but data
from the student's authorized period can be used.
The following data will be shown on the child students profile:
Data Element Description Format R?
Parent's handle The unique username (handle) of String, max 50 chars, non empty Y
the Parent in the CS-STEM
Parent's e-mail The e-mail address for the Parent String, max 100 chars, must be a Y
valid e-mail, non empty
Unregistered On The date when the Parent was String, short date format like Y
unregistered from CS-STEM MM/DD/YYYY, non empty
Students The authorization approval status Empty String value it means the Y
Approval Status of the child Student child Student is not authorized yet
and can get just the read-only
and practice-only access to CS-
STEM activities
The Liferay User Profile can be re-used and customized to properly show Parent un-
registration status on profiles of the child Students.
The Liferay Permissions Model can be re-used and customized to properly change the
Student's permissions to not authorized after his/her Parent has unregistered. Send Success E-mail on Parent Un-registration to Child Student

The application will send the notification e-mail about successful un-registration of the
parent account to his/her child student(s) please refer chapter 3.14 for more details. Display Un-registration Success Message

The application will display the popup or inline message (up-to the Studio designer) with
the information about successful un-registration:
You have successfully resigned from CS-STEM application.
In case of popup message, that message can be closed as usually. Send Account Un-registration Success E-mail

The application will send the notification e-mail about successful un-registration of the
account to the user please refer chapter 3.14 for more details.

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3.2.2 Re-register User Account Activity Ask Application to Re-register User Account

Basic functionality: returning users who have deregistered earlier accounts can send an
email to system administrators requesting re-registration.
Enhanced feature: There will be a special button on the user's unregistered profile to ask
the application for account re-registration approval (like "Request an Approval to Re-
register unregistered account).
Enhanced feature: There can be also a hyperlink to request an approval to re-register
unregistered account in the "Un-registration success e-mail", sent to the user of the un-
registered account. The user can press that hyperlink to ask the application for account
re-registration approval. Send Account Re-registration Request to System Admin

The application will send the notification e-mail with an account re-registration request to
the System Admin please refer chapter 3.14 for more details.
The System Admin will evaluate that message and the related unregistered user's
account to decide whether to approve that user's account re-registration or reject it.
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Application Requirements Specification Reject User Account Re-registration

The System Admin can decide to reject the user's account re-registration and do not
allow the user to re-register his/her previously unregistered account.
System Admin will simply email the application with findings.
Enhanced feature: It can be performed like through "Reject Account Re-registration
Request" button pressed by the System Admin on the user's unregistered profile.
Enhanced feature: Or it can be a "Reject" hyperlink in the "Account Re-registration
Request" e-mail, sent to the System Admin by the user, requesting to re-register his/her
unregistered account. The System Admin can press that hyperlink and reject user's
account re-registration request.
Enhanced feature: The System Admin can enter the reason (String, max 200 chars, can
be empty) of rejecting the users account re-registration. Send Account Re-registration Rejection E-mail

The application (or admin) will send the notification e-mail about rejection of the account
re-registration to the user of that account please refer chapter 3.14 for more details. Approve User Account Re-registration

The System Admin can decide to approve the user's account re-registration and do allow
the user to re-register his/her previously unregistered account.
It can be performed like through "Approve Account Re-registration Request" button
pressed by the System Admin on the user's unregistered profile.
Enhanced feature: Or it can be an "Approve" hyperlink in the "Account Re-registration
Request" e-mail, sent to the System Admin by the user, requesting to re-register his/her
unregistered account. The System Admin can press that hyperlink and approve user's
account re-registration request. Send Account Re-registration Approval E-mail

The application will send the notification e-mail about successful approval of the account
re-registration to the user of that account please refer chapter 3.14 for more details. Re-register user Account to Application

The users account will be re-activated into the un-authorized state. New parental
permission will need to be sought and approved.

3.3 Process Parent Approvals for Child Students

The application will allow System Admins to apply results from mailed parent approvals to the
profiles of the related child students in the system. There will be a special web-page where the
System Admin can mark students' accounts as approved or denied to access CS-STEM
application activities according to decision of their parents (please note, the approval form will
have just one permission value per student - a boolean like Permitted or Restricted). The
System Admin can also place some own remarks (like comments) to the student approval or
rejection data and notify student and his/her parent about approval results. This use case
includes use case 3.7 "Get Approved by Parent". This use case also includes Send E-mail
Notifications use case 3.14. Please note, we can re-use Liferay User Profile It provides the
profile functionality. It needs to be customized to support the approval/rejection status fields in our
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Reference to initial use case in conceptualization: 4.4.39.
Pre-conditions: the System Admin received a mail with parent approval for some student.
The user has to be logged in to perform this action.
Post-conditions: the parent approval was processed by the System Admin for some
student and applied to the system for the related Student (either approved access or
access denied for the Student).

3.3.1 Process Parent Approvals for Child Students Activity View Student Profile

The System Admin will open the Student's profile to start managing the parent's approval
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for that Student - a web-page is needed for that.

The Liferay User Profile can be re-used with some customization. Viewing of the user's
profile is out of scope for this specification and was already covered by "View Public
Users Profile" use case in "CS-STEM Hosting Platform User" specification. Re-send Authorization Request to Parent

If the Student requested the Parent approval, but 48 hours elapse with no consent
response received from the parent, then the system will automatically notify student and
his/her parents about that.
It will be implemented like re-sending an authorization request e-mail to the Parent of the
related Student and sending a copy of that e-mail to the related Student - please refer
chapter 3.6 for more details. Receive Parent Approval Form for the Student

The System Admin will check the approval form, mailed to him/her from the Parent.
The form will have just one permission value for the student. And that value is boolean
like Permitted or Restricted.
The System Admin will manually receive the Parent approval form for the Student (like a
paper document) and review it out of this application. Set Parent Approval Data to the Student

System Admins will apply approvals on CS-STEM application usage, given by parents to
their students. It is needed to allow parents fully control their child students access to
CS-STEM application activities.
If the Parent denied access of his/her child Student to CS-STEM application in the mailed
application form (i.e. set the approval status to Restricted), then the System Admin will
follow that and will NOT allow that student to participate in application activities.
o The Student will be explicitly marked as denied access on his/her profile.
o The Student will NOT be able to access the most of CS-STEM application
activities in this case (except the read-only access and practicing activities).
Else (if the Parent allowed access of his/her child Student to CS-STEM application in the
mailed application form i.e. set the approval status to Permitted) then the System
Admin will allow that for the student to participate in the application activities.
o The Student will be explicitly marked as approved.
o The Student will be able to access more of CS-STEM application activities (in
addition to read-only access and just practicing).
o Please note, permissions for those "more" CS-STEM activities can be
additionally controlled through parental control (please refer chapter 3.10 for
more details).
The System Admin will select the date of the approval form signing and select the parent
Data Element Description Format R?
Signed On The date when the approval form String, short date format like Y
was signed by the parent MM/DD/YYYY, non empty. It will
be chosen from the date picker
control and, therefore, no
validation is needed.
Parent Handle The unique username (handle) of Single item selection list with N
the Parent, filled the approval auto-complete feature. Each item

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Data Element Description Format R?

form in the list is String, max 50 chars,
can be empty if the Parent is not
registered to CS-STEM
Parent E-mail The e-mail address of the Parent, Single item selection list of the Y
filled the approval form Parent e-mail addresses, entered
by the child Student when
requesting the parent
authorization or retrieved by
Parent handle lookup. Each item
is String, max 100 chars, non
empty, must be a valid e-mail
The application will persist the entered approval or rejection status of the Student, date
when the approval form was signed by the Parent, the handle and/or e-mail address of
the Parent approved/rejected the Student. Those data will be applied for the related
Student's profile and the Student access rights will be applied accordingly. Enter System Admin Remarks for Parent Approval Status

The System Admin needs a page to mark the Students account as permitted or
restricted. It can be performed on the Student's account page and Liferay User Profile
can be re-used with some customization for that.
The System Admin will have an area to enter remarks for that student on the related
approval status. The are will be like following:
Data Element Description Format R?
<Remarks> The remarks text data for the String, max 200 chars, can be N
parent approval status empty. No validation is needed -
just the limited maximum possible
count of characters will be
automatically supported by the
Remarks field on the web-page.
The application will persist the entered remarks from the System Admin and they will be
applied for the related Student's profile. Send Parent Approval Status Notification E-mail

The application will notify the Student about his/her Parent approval results and remarks
from System Admin.
Please, refer chapter 3.14 for more detailed information about the notification e-mail. Student Get Approved by Parent

The student becomes verified and approved (or rejected) by his/her Parent - please refer
chapter 3.7 for more details.

3.4 File Parent Approval Documents

There will be an ability for System Admin to file parent approval documents to the system.
Regularly, the parent will mail the signed approval form for his/her student to the System Admin
by mail. The System Admin can scan that document (manually, not in this application) and attach
scanned document to the application. That document will be accessible for the System Admin
later and can be found by the System Admin through the Student's or Parent's account. Please
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note, we can re-use Liferay User Profile It provides the profile functionality. It needs to be
customized to support attaching of parent approval forms in our application.
Reference to initial use case in conceptualization: 4.4.39.
Pre-conditions: the System Admin received a mail with parent approval for some student,
scanned it and is going to attach it to the system. The user has to be logged in to perform
this action.
Post-conditions: the scanned parent approval document was filed (attached) to the
system for the related student.

3.4.1 File Parent Approval Documents Activity

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Application Requirements Specification Receive Parent Approval Form for the Student

The System Admin will check the approval form, mailed to him/her from the Parent.
The form will have just one permission value for the student. And that value is boolean
like Permitted or Restricted.
The System Admin will manually receive the Parent approval form for the Student (like a
paper document) and review it out of this application. Scan Parent Approval Form

The System Admin can scan the paper document with the Parent approval form to get
the electronic document of that form.
Scanning will be performed externally to this application. Submit Parent Approval Form

The System Admin can submit the scanned Parent approval form to the related Student's
or Parent's profile. Some web-page is needed for submitting a parent approval form.
The Liferay User Profile can be re-used with some customization. Viewing of the user's
profile is out of scope for this specification and was already covered by "View Public
Users Profile" use case in "CS-STEM Hosting Platform User" specification.
The application will allow submitting of parent approval forms with the following
o All documents must be uploaded in PDF format.
o Maximum document size is 5 MBytes (configurable).
o Document size must not be 0 bytes.
The user will select the file name and path (like max 1024 chars, non empty from his/her
local file system. Validate Submitted Parent Approval Form

The application will automatically validate the submitted parent approval form according
to rules from
The user can not proceed until providing the correct submission file. Display Validation Error

If the validation failed, then the validation icon (or just * character) will be displayed
nearby the name of wrong file and there will be validation message like this (concrete
validation error relates to the failed situation):
Submitted file is in the unsupported format.


The submitted file is too large.

Etc. Attach Form to Student's and Parent's Profile

The application will attach the submitted and validated parent approval form to the related
Student's profile.
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The application will attach the submitted and validated parent approval form to the related
Parent's profile.
The Liferay User Profile can be customized to allow attachments of files to the profile.
Just one approval form can be attached for the student, but parent can have multiple
attached approval forms, because he/she can have several children Students. View Attached Parent Approval Form on Users' Profiles

The application will allow the System Admin to view the attached Parent Approval form
either through the Student's profile or from the related Parent's profile.
The Student can also view the attached Parent Approval form on his/her profile.
The Parent can also view the attached Parent Approval form on his/her profile.
The user can download the attached form from the profile and view it by the related
program on the user's computer.
The possible format and limitations of the Parent Approval form are listed in chapter
The following data will be shown for the parent approval form:
Data Element Description Format R?
Student's handle The unique username (handle) String, max 50 chars, non Y
of the Student in the CS-STEM empty
Student's e-mail The e-mail address for the String, max 100 chars, must be Y
Student a valid e-mail, non empty
Parent handle The unique username (handle) String, max 50 chars, can be N, but
for the parent of the Student in empty at least
the CS-STEM application one
Parent e-mail The e-mail address for the String, max 100 chars, must be entry is
parent of the Student a valid e-mail if non empty, can required
be empty
Approval Status The approval status, assigned String, max 10 chars, non Y
to the approval form by the empty, the following values are
Parent for his/her child Student possible:
Signed On The date when the approval String, short date format like Y
form was signed by the parent MM/DD/YYYY, non empty
Sign The sign of the Parent Handwriting of the parent sign, Y
non empty
There will be list of CS-STEM activities, which are either allowed by default for the
Student (if the Approval Status was set to "Approval"), or restricted by default for the
Student (if the Approval Status was set to "Rejected"). The following data will be
displayed for each entry of the list):
Data Element Description Format R?
Activity Name The name of CS-STEM String, max 50 chars, non empty Y
application activity
Activity Status It will be "Allowed" for all rows on String, max 10 chars, non empty, Y
this list if the "Approved" value the following values are possible:
was set for the parent approval Allowed,
form. Or it will be "Restricted" for Restricted.
all rows on this list if the
"Rejected" value was set for the

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Data Element Description Format R?

parent approval form
It will be possible to perform controlling of students permissions individually per each CS-
STEM activity through the Parental Control - please refer chapter 3.10 for details.
The Liferay User Profile can be re-used and customized to show the attachments on the
user profiles. Print Attached Parent Approval Form

The application will allow the user to print attached Parent approval form.
Printing will be performed externally - like by downloading the form, viewing it by the
related program on the user's computer and then printing displayed form by the related
program on the user's computer.

3.5 Restrict or Approve Activity Participation

The Student will be initially restricted to perform activities on CS-STEM application until getting an
approval from his/her parents. The Student's permissions can be also managed later by his/her
Parent - like through parental control (please refer chapter 3.10 "Perform Parental Control for
Child Student"). Just a few activities (like practicing in TC Arena) will be allowed without the
Parent allowance. The application will provide the list of allowed and restricted activities on the
Student's profile. Please note, the Permission Model from Liferay portal can be re-used to support
user's restrictions. The students activities will also be restricted in various portlets. The Liferay
User Profile can be re-used and customized to view the Student's permissions on his/her profile.
This use case is included by the use case 3.7 "Get Approved by Parent".
Reference to initial use case in conceptualization: 4.4.56.
Pre-conditions: the Student just registered to the application or his/her permissions were
changed through parental control by his/her parent. The user has to be logged in to
perform this action.
Post-conditions: the Student was restricted to access CS-STEM application activities,
which were not allowed by his/her parent.

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3.5.1 Get Restricted to Activities Participation Activity Student Gets Restricted to Most Activities

The Student will be greatly restricted to perform activities on CS-STEM application before
receiving mailed or electronic consent from his/her parents.
If the Student tries the restricted activity, then it will simply not work for him/her. The
students actions with respect to that activity will not be reportable.
Else, (if the Student tries the allowed activity), then it will properly work for him/her.
The Student can get read-only access to the application and the Student will be able to
access practice features, stages and levels even if his/her account is not approved by the
The Permission Model from Liferay portal can be re-used to support user's restrictions.
The students activities will also be restricted in various portlets. Student Gets Access to More Activities

After the Student was approved by his/her Parent, then the Student will get access to
more CS-STEM activities.
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The approval form will have just one boolean approval value, so the Student will get
access to most of CS-STEM activities after getting an approval from his/her Parent (the
list of allowed activities after getting approved by the Parent will be configurable).
If the Student tries the restricted activity, then it will simply not work for him/her.
Else, (if the Student tries the allowed activity), then it will properly work for him/her.
The Permission Model from Liferay portal can be re-used to support user's restrictions.
The students activities will also be restricted in various portlets. Student Access to Activities was Controlled

If the Parent performed parental control on his/her child Student's permissions, then that
Student's access to CS-STEM activities will be fully controlled by the Parent.
Please refer chapter 3.10 for more information on the parental control.
If the Student tries the restricted activity, then it will simply not work for him/her.
Else, (if the Student tries the allowed activity), then it will properly work for him/her.
The Permission Model from Liferay portal can be re-used to support user's restrictions.
The students activities will also be restricted in various portlets. View Student's Permissions on the Profile

The student will have a list of allowed and restricted activities on his/her profile.
This list is visible to the student, associated parents, and to the system admin. It is not
visible to other users.
The Liferay User Profile can be re-used and customized for viewing student's
permissions on his/her profile.

3.6 Request Parent Authorization

The application will allow the Student to perform an authorization request to his/her parents. The
Student will ask his/her parents to approve his/her access to the CS-STEM application activities.
That request will be performed through this application. The application will send the notification
e-mail to the parent with his/her student request. The parent will be asked to authorize his/her
child student on the application. This use case includes use case 3.8 "Get Authorization Request
from Child Student". The Liferay User Profile can be re-used and customized to allow students to
enter their parent contacts data and ask the application to send parent authorization request.
This use case also includes Send E-mail Notifications use case 3.14.
Reference to initial use case in conceptualization: 4.4.57.
Pre-conditions: the Student asked the application to send a request for parent
authorization on that Student's access to CS-STEM application activities. The user has to
be logged in to perform this action.
Post-conditions: the parent authorization request was sent by the application to the
parent of the related student.

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3.6.1 Request Parent Authorization Activity Enter Parent Contacts Data

The application will allow the Student to enter his/her parent contacts data on the
Student's private profile.
The Liferay User Profile can be re-used and customized for displaying and entering the
parent contacts data.
The user can enter the following fields:
Data Element Description Format R?
1st Parent The unique username (handle) String, max 50 chars, can be N, but
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Data Element Description Format R?

Username for the first parent (i.e. Dad) of empty at least
the Student in the CS-STEM one
application entry is
1st Parent E- The e-mail address for the first String, max 100 chars, must be required
mail address parent (i.e. Dad) of the Student a valid e-mail if non empty, can
be empty
2nd Parent The unique username (handle) String, max 50 chars, can be
Username for the second parent (i.e. empty
Mom) of the Student in the CS-
STEM application
2nd Parent E- The e-mail address for the String, max 100 chars, must be
mail address second parent (i.e. Mom) of the a valid e-mail if non empty, can
Student be empty
Please note, if the parent contacts data is already present (like because the parent
authorization request was previously sent by the Student), then the previous data will be
displayed and the Student can edit them and send a new authorization request (like in
case when the parent contacts were previously entered with an error). Validate User Input

The application will automatically validate all the user input for all the required fields
according to the table, mentioned in chapter
The user can not proceed until providing the correct data. Display Validation Error

If the validation failed, then the validation icon (or just * character) will be displayed
nearby the wrong field and there will be validation message like this (concrete validation
error relates to the failed field):
Field <FieldName> is required.

etc. Cancel Parent Authorization Request

The Student can cancel newly entered/modified contacts data for his/her parent by
pressing "Cancel" button.
The parent contacts data will be reverted to last saved state.
The parent contacts fields of the Student private profile will be updated accordingly.
Nothing is saved to the database in this case. Ask Application for Parent Authorization

The Student will perform an authorization request to his/her parent from the CS-STEM
application like by pressing "Request Parent Authorization" button on the Student's
private profile.
The application will persist the last entered data of the parent contacts to the Student
private profile and use that data to sent notification e-mail to the Student's parent - please
refer chapter for more details.
The Student can send parent authorization request several times (like by changing the e-
mail or handle of his/her Parent, if it was previously entered incorrectly).

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The Student can also repeatedly request parent authorization if it was delayed (like by 48
hours, configured). The system will automatically re-send delayed request, but the
Student can also do that manually in the application. Display Request Success Message

The application will display the inline message like following:
You have successfully requested parent authorization. An e-mail message with
authorization request was sent to your parent. Send Notification E-mail with Parent Authorization Request

The application will send a notification e-mail to the related parent with request to
authorize his/her child student on the application. One more notification e-mail will be
also sent to the related child Student. The e-mail will be sent to the entered contacts data
of the parent (either directly to entered parent's e-mail address, or to e-mail address
lookup for the entered parent's handle in CS-STEM application).
Please refer chapter 3.14 for more details. Parent Gets Authorization Request from Child Student

The Parent will receive the authorization request from his/her child Student. Please refer
chapter 3.8 for more details.

3.7 Get Approved by Parent

There will be a possibility for the Student to get approved by his/her Parent to get access to CS-
STEM application activities. The Student will get the notification e-mail from the application when
get approved (or denied) by his/her Parent. After approval the Student will get CONTROLLED
access to the application (please refer chapter 3.10 "Perform Parental Control for Child Student").
This use case is included by use case 3.3 "Process Parent Approvals for Child Students". This
use case includes Send E-mail Notifications use case 3.14. Please note, this use case includes
the use case 3.5 "Get Restricted to Activities Participation". The Permission Model from Liferay
portal can be re-used to support user's restrictions. The students activities will also be restricted
in various portlets. The Liferay User Profile can be re-used and customized to view the Student's
permissions on his/her profile.
Reference to initial use case in conceptualization: 4.4.58.
Pre-conditions: the Parent has approved the Student to access CS-STEM application
activities and that approval was processed by the System Admin.
Post-conditions: the Student was approved (or denied) to access CS-STEM application

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3.7.1 Get Approved by Parent Activity View Student Profile

The System Admin will open the Student's profile to view the parent's approval status for
that Student - some web-page is needed for that.
If the Student is not approved/rejected by his/her Parent yet, then that Student can only
get read-only access to CS-STEM activities and can participate just in practicing.
The Liferay User Profile can be re-used with some customization. Viewing of the user's
profile is out of scope for this specification and was already covered by "View Public
Users Profile" use case in "CS-STEM Hosting Platform User" specification. Resend Authorization Request to Parent

If the Student requested the Parent approval, but it is delayed (like by 48 hours
concrete digits are up-to the Architect), then the system will automatically notify student
and his/her parents about that.
It will be implemented like re-sending an authorization request e-mail to the Parent of the
related Student and sending a copy of that e-mail to the related Student - please refer
chapter 3.6 for more details. Receive Parent Approval/Rejection Notification E-mail

The Student will get the notification e-mail when get approved (or not approved) by

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his/her Parent.
Please refer chapter 3.14 for more details on Parent Approval Status Notification E-mail. View Student's Approval/Rejection Status on the Profile

The Student can view either "approved" or "rejected" status (it can be a String item with
the following items: Approved, Rejected, or empty String if the Parent did not process
approval for his/her child student yet) of the Parent's approval on that Student's profile.
Please note, there will be NO special status for the student with no response from his/her
parent. The Student will have reduced set of functionality until getting an approval from
the Parent.
There will be list of CS-STEM activities, which are either allowed by default for the
Student (if the Approval Status was set to "Approval"), or restricted by default for the
Student (if the Approval Status was set to "Rejected"). The following data will be
displayed for each entry of the list):
Data Element Description Format R?
Activity Name The name of CS-STEM String, max 50 chars, non empty Y
application activity
Activity Status It will be "Allowed" for all rows on String, max 10 chars, non empty, Y
this list if the "Approved" value the following values are possible:
was set for the parent approval Allowed,
form. Or it will be "Restricted" for Restricted.
all rows on this list if the
"Rejected" value was set for the
parent approval form
The Liferay User Profile can be re-used with some customization. Viewing of the user's
profile is out of scope for this specification and was already covered by "View Public
Users Profile" use case in "CS-STEM Hosting Platform User" specification. Student Gets Restricted to Activities Participation

The Student will be automatically restricted according to his/her permissions, controlled
by the Parent after the approval - please refer the chapter 3.5 for details.
It means that some times all activities can be enabled by the Parent, some times some
activities can be restricted by the Parent, or even most (if not all) of activities for the
Student could be also restricted by the Parent through a special parental control page -
please refer the chapter 3.10 for details.

3.8 Get Authorization Request from Child Student

The application will deliver the authorization request to the Parent from his/her child students. The
Parent will be informed that their children are going to participate in CS-STEM application
activities. The authorization request will be sent to the Parent by e-mail from the CS-STEM
application and the Parent can follow the hyperlink in that e-mail to download the approval form
for further manual filling and signing. This use case is included by use case 3.6 "Request Parent
Authorization". This use case includes Send E-mail Notifications use case 3.14.
Reference to initial use case in conceptualization: 4.4.60.
Pre-conditions: the Student performed request for parent authorization in the application.
Post-conditions: the parent received an authorization request for his/her child student and
downloaded the approval form.

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3.8.1 Get Authorization Request from Child Student Activity Receive Notification E-mail with Parent Authorization Request

The authorization request will be sent to the Parent by e-mail from the CS-STEM
application. Please refer chapter 3.14 for more information on the Notification E-mail with
Parent Authorization Request.
The Parent will receive the notification e-mail with parent authorization request like
described in chapter . Cancel Parent Authorization Request from Unknown Student

The Parent can press "Cancel Request" hyperlink in the notification e-mail with parent
authorization request if he/she is not actually a parent of that requesting Student. It can
occur if the Student entered incorrect contacts data for his/her Parent.
The application will remove that request and the Parent cannot download an approval
form for that wrong Student.
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Application Requirements Specification Download Parent Approval Form for the Parent's Child Student
The Parent can download approval form for his/her child by pressing some hyperlink (like
"Download Parent Approval Form") in the received notification e-mail with Parent
Authorization Request.
The approval form will be downloaded as a PDF file, which will be professionally
formatted and have full information about the CS-STEM features, allowable content and
The Parent can view the downloaded PDF file with the parent approval form by using
some PDF-reading application on his/her computer.
The following data will be shown for the parent approval form:
Data Element Description Format R?
Student's handle The unique username (handle) String, max 50 chars, non Y
of the Student in the CS-STEM empty
Student's e-mail The e-mail address for the String, max 100 chars, must be Y
Student a valid e-mail, non empty
Parent handle The unique username (handle) String, max 50 chars, can be N, but
for the parent of the Student in empty at least
the CS-STEM application one
Parent e-mail The e-mail address for the String, max 100 chars, must be entry is
parent of the Student a valid e-mail if non empty, can required
be empty
Approval Status The approval status, to be Empty string, the Parent has to Y
assigned to the approval form manually write the following
by the Parent for his/her child data to that field:
Student String, max 10 chars, non
empty, the following values are
Signed On The date when the approval Empty string, the Parent has to Y
form was signed by the Parent manually write the following
data to that field:
String, short date format like
MM/DD/YYYY, non empty
Sign The sign of the Parent Empty field, the Parent has to Y
manually write the following
data to that field:
Handwriting of the parent sign,
non empty
There will be list of CS-STEM activities, which will be either allowed by default for the
Student (if the Approval Status was set to "Approval"), or restricted by default for the
Student (if the Approval Status was set to "Rejected"). The following data will be
displayed for each entry of the list):
Data Element Description Format R?
Activity Name The name of CS-STEM String, max 50 chars, non empty Y
application activity

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Application Requirements Specification Print Parent Approval Form

The application will allow the Parent to print downloaded Parent approval form.
Printing will be performed externally - like by downloading the form, viewing it by the
related program on the user's computer and then printing displayed form by the related
program on the user's computer. Sign Parent Approval Form

The Parent can choose and write the approval status for his/her child Student (like
"Approved" or "Rejected". That status will apply to most CS-STEM activities by default,
but can be changed by the Parent later - through parental control: please refer chapter
3.10 "Perform Parental Control for Child Student").
The Parent has also to manually write the following data to the Parent Approval form:
Data Element Description Format R?
Signed On The date when the approval form String, short date format like Y
was signed by the parent MM/DD/YYYY, non empty
Sign The sign of the Parent Handwriting of the parent sign, Y
non empty Mail Signed Parent Approval Form to System Admin

The Parent has to submit a printed and signed special approval form to System Admin
(like by mail) after getting an authorization request.
This feature is performed externally to this application and is out of scope for this

3.9 Get Approved as Parent

It will be possible that the Parent can be SOMETIMES verified by the System Admin. It is needed
to be fully sure that the approval form was actually sent by the Parent of the related Student.
Verification will be manual and outside the application, but the verification results will be available
in the application on the verified parent's profile. It will be like "approved" or "rejected" mark. If the
parent was rejected (i.e. some cheating was found), then his/her profile will be disabled together
with his/her child students. They can not access CS-STEM application anymore. This use case
includes Send E-mail Notifications use case 3.14. Please note, the Liferay User Profile can be
re-used and customized to set approved/rejected statuses to the Parent profiles and to disable
profiles of cheating parents and/or students).
Reference to initial use case in conceptualization: 4.4.62.
Pre-conditions: the System Admin decided to verify identity of the parent. The user has to
be logged in to perform this action.
Post-conditions: the approval (or rejected) verification status was displayed on the
verified Parent's profile. The cheating Parent's (and all his/her children students') profiles
were disabled - in case if the "rejected" verification status was applied for the verified

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3.9.1 Get Approved as Parent Activity Manually Verify the Parent

The Parent can be SOMETIMES verified by the System Admin. It is needed to be fully
sure that the approval form was actually sent by the Parent of the related Student.
The System Admin can contact parent by phone to be sure he/she is really a parent of
the related student.
Please note, this action will be performed externally and is out of scope for this
specification. Change the Status of the Parent to "Approved"

There is a need of web-page where the System Admin can set the parent approval
status. Liferay User Profile can be re-used and customized to perform this action.
We assume the approval/rejection of the parent by System Admin can be performed on
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that Parent's profile.

The System Admin can set the following data to the Parent's profile if he/she was
successfully approved:
Data Element Description Format R?
Approval Status The approval status, assigned String, max 8 chars, non empty, Y
to the Parent by the System it will have the following value
Admin for the approved Parent:
Approved. It will be set through
single item selection list and,
therefore, no validation is
Approved On The date when the Parent String, short date format like Y
approval was performed by the MM/DD/YYYY, non empty. It will
System Admin be set through the date picker
control and, therefore, no
validation is needed.
The System Admin will select the approval status, the date when approved on and press
"Apply" button to submit changes of the Parent's approval status in the application.
The approved parent can perform further actions of his/her user role, and the approval
form for his/her Student will be processed by the System Admin. Change the Status of the Parent to "Rejected"

There is a need of web-page where the System Admin can set the parent approval
status. Liferay User Profile can be re-used and customized to perform this action.
We assume the approval/rejection of the parent by System Admin can be performed on
that Parent's profile.
The System Admin can set the following data to the Parent's profile if he/she was rejected
(like as a cheating Parent):
Data Element Description Format R?
Approval Status The approval status, assigned String, max 8 chars, non empty, Y
to the Parent by the System it will have the following value
Admin for the rejected Parent:
Rejected. It will be set through
single item selection list and,
therefore, no validation is
Reason The reason why the Parent was String, max 200 chars, can be N
rejected empty
Rejected On The date when the Parent String, short date format like Y
approval actions were MM/DD/YYYY, non empty. It will
performed by the System be set through the date picker
Admin control and, therefore, no
validation is needed.
The System Admin will select the approval status, the date when rejected on and press
"Apply" button to submit changes of the Parent's approval status in the application. That
data will be stored to the parent profile.
The rejected parent cannot perform further actions of his/her user role. Disable Profile of Cheating Parent

If the Parent was recognized as cheated, then the System Admin will request the
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application to disable the profile of that Parent.

That Parent cannot access the CS-STEM application activities anymore.
The Liferay Permission Model can be re-used and customized to properly disable the
account of the cheated parent. Disable Profiles of Cheating Child Students for the Cheating Parent
If the Parent was recognized as cheated, then the System Admin will request the
application to disable the profiles of all the child Students of that Parent.
Those Students (also recognized as cheated) cannot access the CS-STEM application
activities anymore.
The Liferay Permission Model can be re-used and customized to properly disable the
account of the cheated students. Display Success Message on Parent Approval Status Change

The application will display the inline message like following:
You have successfully changed the approval status for the chosen parent. An e-mail
message with an approval status results was sent to the chosen parent. Send Notification E-mail on Parent Approval Results

The Parent will be notified by e-mail in both cases (approved, rejected) about approval
If he/she was recognized as cheated, then his/her disabled child students will be also
notified by the e-mail.
Please refer chapter 3.14 for more details on the parent approval results notification e-

3.10 Perform Parental Control for Child Student

The application will allow Parents to perform parental control of his/her child students activity on
the CS-STEM application. There will be a web-page with the list of all the possible features of the
CS-STEM application and the Parent can mark any of them as approved or denied for his/her
child Student. The Parent can apply changes to the application and the child Student permissions
will be accordingly turned on or off, and the changes to the student's permissions become
effective within CS-STEM application. The Liferay User Profile can be re-used and customized for
proper managing of the child student's permissions on the profile of that Student. The Liferay
Permissions Model can be re-used and customized to properly support various permissions for
the students. This use case includes Send E-mail Notifications use case 3.14.
Reference to initial use case in conceptualization: 4.4.63.
Pre-conditions: the Parent opened a special web-page (like "Parental Control" on his/her
profile) in the application. The user has to be logged in to perform this action.
Post-conditions: the child student's permissions were controlled by his/her parent.

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3.10.1 Perform Parental Control for Child Student Activity View List of Student's Permissions on his/her Profile

There is a need of the web-page for the Student to view and manage the list of his/her
CS-STEM activities permissions by that Student's Parent.
It is suggested to place that data on the child Student profile.
The Liferay User Profile can be re-used and customized to show the list of activities
permissions on the Student's profile. Viewing of the user's profile is out of scope for this
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specification and was already covered by "View Public Users Profile" use case in "CS-
STEM Hosting Platform User" specification.
The following data will be show for each item of the list:
Data Element Description Format R?
Activity Name The name of CS-STEM String, max 50 chars, non empty Y
application activity
Activity Status The status of the activity String, max 10 chars, non empty, Y
permission (i.e. allowed or the following values are possible:
restricted) Allowed,
Activity Type The type of each individual String, max 50 chars, non empty Y
Content Track The track of the each individual String, max 50 chars, non empty Y
activity (like Robotics, Health,
Ecology, Economics, etc.)
Grade/curriculum The grade or the curriculum for Positive integer from 6 to 12, non Y
type the activity empty.
Messaging by The type of the messaging for the Boolean values: Facebook Y
type Student yes/no, Twitter yes/no, private
contact yes/no, etc
<Flexible Data> This feature needs to be flexible Flexible String value, like max 50 N
and pluggable (i.e. if new features chars, can be empty
are added to CS-STEM
application, then an ability to
permit/deny them have to arrive
on the Parental Control web-page Filter Student's Permissions

The Parent can filter the activities by following filters:
o Activity type (not each individual activity)
o Content track (e.g. Robotics, Health, Ecology, Economics, etc)
o Grade/curriculum type
o Messaging by type (facebook yes/no, twitter yes/no, private contact yes/no, etc),
o Etc. this feature needs to be flexible and pluggable (i.e. if new features are
added to CS-STEM application, then an ability to permit/deny them have to arrive
on the Parental Control web-page).
The application will display CS-STEM activities just related to the chosen filter or several
filters. Send Notification E-mail on New Activity to Parents

If a new feature (related to Student activities) is added to CS-STEM application, then the
Parent will be specially notified on that (like by e-mail). Please refer chapter 3.14 for more
details on the notification e-mail.
The Parent will be asked to whether allow, or restrict that feature for his/her child student.
That question will be present in the notification e-mail and the Parent can freely change
permissions for that new activity like described in the chapter Mark Activities as Allowed/Restricted for the Student

The Parent can set Allowed or Restricted status for any CS-STEM activity on his/her child

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Student's profile. That status will be single item selection list, each value is String, max 10
chars, non empty, can have values of "Allowed" or "Restricted".
The Parent will choose the needed CS-STEM activity entry in the list and choose the
needed permission.
The permissions can be set individually per each CS-STEM activity. Cancel Permissions Changes

The user can press Cancel button and break performed changes of the Student
The application will revert CS-STEM activities permissions to the previous values (from
the last save).
No change of the CS-STEM activities permissions will be saved in this case. Save Permissions Changes for the Student

The Parent can press Save button to apply changed CS-STEM activities permissions
for his/her child student.
The application will save the new values of the changed activities permissions and apply
it to the related child Student.
The child Student will be able to access allowed/restricted CS-STEM activities according
to his/her Parent choice.
The Liferay Permission Model can be re-used can customized to support various
Student's permissions for CS-STEM activities. Display Success Message

The application will display the inline message like following:
You have successfully changed the CS-STEM activities permissions for your child


You have cancelled changes of CS-STEM activities permissions for your child Student. Moderate Forums

The Parent can freely moderate forum postings of his/her child Students.
This feature is out of scope for this specification, because it was already described in use
case "Manage Forums" and use case "Manage Content of Child Students" of the "CS-
STEM Hosting Platform General Community" specification. Moderate Blogs

The Parent can freely moderate blog postings of his/her child Students.
This feature is out of scope for this specification, because it was already described in use
case "Manage Blogs" and use case "Manage Content of Child Students" of the "CS-
STEM Hosting Platform General Community" specification. Moderate Private Messages

The Parent can freely moderate private message of his/her child Students.
This feature is out of scope for this specification, because it was already described in use
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case "Manage Social Networking" and use case "Manage Content of Child Students" of
the "CS-STEM Hosting Platform General Community" specification.

3.11 Share Child Student Activities

The Parent will be possible to share all the activities with his/her child Student within CS-STEM
application. The Parent can get access to all places, where his/her child Student can go in CS-
STEM application and view is happening there. The Parent can mark some content on CS-STEM
application to be recommended for his/her child student (like displayed on that student's profile).
The achievements of students will be e-mail to their parents by the application. This use case
includes Send E-mail Notifications use case 3.14. Please note, the Liferay Permissions Model
can be re-used and customized to properly allow the Parent and his/her child Students to get
access to the same activities. The Liferay User Profile can be re-used and customized to show
Parent's recommendations and comments on the child Student's profile.
Reference to initial use case in conceptualization: 4.4.64.
Pre-conditions: the Parent tried to access CS-STEM application activities together with
his/her child Student or the Parent need to mark some content in the application as
recommended for his/her child student. The user has to be logged in to perform this
Post-conditions: the application allowed the Parent access to his/her child student
activities. The parent recommendations on the chosen content were displayed on the
child student's profile.

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3.11.1 Share Child Student Activities Activity Great Results Notification E-mail to the Student's Parent

The Parent will be automatically notified (like by e-mail) when his/her child Student
achieves great results (like awards), or finished some track in the CS-STEM application.
Please refer chapter 3.14 on more information on the notification e-mails. Get Access to Child Student's Activities

The Parent will share all the allowed activities on CS-STEM application with his/her child
students. It is needed to allow Parent to help, control and enjoy his/her child Student
competitions. The child Student can access any activity on CS-STEM, then the Parent
can also do that.
The Parent can get read-only access to all places, where his/her child Student can go in
CS-STEM application and view what is happening there.
The Parent can get write access to most activities, allowed for his/her child Student.
Generally, create/edit/write access will be allowed for the all activities of his/her child
Student except an ability for Parent to participate in actual competitions instead of their
child Student.
Liferay Permissions Model can be re-used and customized to properly support sharing of
activities by child Student and his/her Parent.
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Application Requirements Specification Content to Child Student

The Parent can specially mark some education content items, competitions, forum
threads, videos, blog articles (etc.) as recommended for his/her child.
Hyperlinks to those marked data (even with comments from the Parents) will be
automatically displayed on the related Students profile.
Each hyperlink will have the following fields:
Data Element Description Format R?
<Username> The unique username (handle) String, max 50 chars, non Y
of the Parent, recommended empty.
that content
<Date/TimePosting> The date/time stamp when the String, full Date/Time format Y
recommendation was posted by like "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss
the Parent AM/PM"; non empty.
<Hyperlink> The hyperlink to the String, max 1024 chars, non Y
recommended content empty, must be a valid URL.
<Name> The name of the recommended String, max 100 chars, non
content empty.
The Student can press any of the recommended hyperlink and get redirected to the web-
page of the recommended content item.
The Liferay User Profile can be re-used and customized to support showing of the
recommended content on the Student's profile. Content for Child Student

The Parent can freely comment any content for his/her child Student.
The comment will be just like (a String, max 200 chars, can be empty - no validation is
needed, just the input text box has to limit count of characters in the comment).
The comment will be attached to the related Student's profile or to the related content and
displayed there.
Commenting feature is not in scope for this specification - please refer use case "View
Public User Profiles" in the "CS-STEM Hosting Platform User" specification.

3.12 Perform Auditing

The application will audit all create/edit and removal actions from the users. The audit data will be
persisted and can be used for the further maintenance of the application. There is Audit Service in
the Liferay portlet. It will be used for performing actual auditing. This use case is included by most
of other use cases.
Reference to initial use case in conceptualization: 4.4.32.
Pre-conditions: the application has started and constantly performs auditing of the
create/edit/delete actions from the users.
Post-conditions: the audit data of the create/edit/delete actions from the users was saved.

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3.12.1 Perform Auditing Activity Perform Auditing

The application will persist all the user activities.
The application will audit the name of the user action (String, max 50 chars, non empty),
o Register to the application,
o Automatic login of registered user,
o Unregister from the application,
o Submitting an un-registration survey,
o Automatic logout of the unregistered user,
o Reverting child student to non-authorized state after his/her Parent was
o Re-registration request,
o Re-registration request approval results,
o Process parent approval form,
o Entering System Admin remarks for parent approval status,
o File parent approval form,
o Request parent authorization,
o Resending of the parent authorization request,
o Get approved as parent,
o Perform parental control for child students,
o Parent performs writing of data in shared activities with his/her child,
o Recommend content for child students,
o Perform commenting for child students,
o Etc. all the user activities, which create/modify/remove any data must be
The following data will be stored together with the action name:
o Date/time stamp (String, date/time format with year/month/day and
hour/minute/seconds/milliseconds, non empty),
o User handle (String, max 50 chars, non empty),
o IP address of the user (if it is possible and is not restricted for some groups of
users; String, max 25 chars, non empty),
o Previous data value (if any),
o New data value (if any).
Data will be audited to the database more details are up-to the Architect.

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No user credentials can be audited.

The application will use Audit Service from Liferay portal for auditing purpose.

3.13 Perform Logging

The system will automatically log all the errors, exceptions, warnings and debug information
during the application execution. There is a logging utility in the Liferay portal, so it will be re-used
for this use case. This use case is included by most of other use cases.
Reference to initial use case in conceptualization: 4.4.33.
Pre-conditions: the application has started and constantly performs logging of errors,
exceptions, warnings and debug information.
Post-conditions: the logging data on errors, exceptions, warnings and debug information
was logged through the logging utility.

3.13.1 Perform Logging Activity Perform Logging

The system will log all the errors, exceptions, warning and debug information during the
application execution.
The logged information must not contain user credentials.
Application Logs (Debug, Info, Error and FATAL) need to be configurable by developer to
turn to the level needed.
Debug should provide enough information to track the sequence of flow and Info should
provide necessary information like stats etc Error & Fatal should provide the stack trace
of the error and a meaningful message.
The next information need to be logged:
o Username (String, max 50 chars, can be empty if some system method is being
o Method name (String max 50 chars, non-empty),
o Date and timestamp (String, date/time format with year/month/day and
o Method entry/exit (on the DEBUG level),
o Parameters of the methods and return values (on the DEBUG level),
o Stack trace for the exception,
o Exception name (if an exception occurred).
The Liferay portal already provides a logging utility, and it will be used in this application.
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3.14 Send E-mail Notifications

The system will automatically send various e-mail notifications to various users in several events
during the application execution. This specification covers all the notifications on student and
parent registration-related functionality. The user can turn on/off receiving notification e-mails and
the System Admin can configure format of notification e-mails, but it is out of scope for this
specification. This use case is included by most of other use cases.
Reference to initial use case in conceptualization: 4.4.35.
Pre-conditions: something new action has occurred in the application (like user
registration, parent approval processed, request for parent authorization performed,
student was approved by parent, etc.).
Post-conditions: the notification e-mail with information on newly occurred action in the
application (like user registration, parent approval processed, request for parent
authorization performed, student was approved by parent, etc.) was sent to the related

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3.14.1 Send E-mail Notifications Activity

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Application Requirements Specification Send Account Activation E-mail

The system will automatically send an account activation e-mail to the user after he/she
just has created a new account, if an email is provided.
The e-mail subject will have the following data:
Activation e-mail for new account on CS-STEM application
The e-mail body will contain the following message:
You have almost created a new account on CS-STEM application. Please activate your
account by pressing the hyperlink below.
The e-mail body will also have a hyperlink (String, max 1024 chars, non empty, must be a
valid URL) to easily access the related part of the application, so the user can easily
redirect to the web-site and automatically activate the new account.
The system will send the notification e-mail to the e-mail address of the related user
through some E-mail server.
E-mail recipient user can open and view the received e-mail by his/her own e-mail
reading software. Send Account Creation Success E-mail

The system will automatically send a notification e-mail on the successful activation and
registration of the new account to the user after he/she just has activated a new account.
The e-mail subject will have the following data:
New account registered on CS-STEM application
The e-mail body will contain the following message:
Congratulations! You have successfully activated and created your account on CS-
STEM application. Your user handle is: <UserHandle>

You can access the application on the following web-site: <ApplicationHyperlink>

Where <UserHandle> is the username for the account (String, max 50 chars, non empty),
and <ApplicationHyperlink> is a hyperlink to CS-STEM application web-site (String, max
1024 chars, non empty, has to be a valid URL).
The system will send the notification e-mail to the e-mail address of the related user
through some E-mail server.
E-mail recipient user can open and view the received e-mail by his/her own e-mail
reading software. Send Success E-mail on Child Student Un-registration to Parent

The system will automatically send the notification e-mail about successful un-registration
of the Students account to his/her Parent(s) when their child Student unregistered from
the application.
The e-mail subject will have the following data:
Your child Student unregistered from CS-STEM application
The e-mail body will contain the following message:
The student <UserHandle> has successfully unregistered from CS-STEM application
Where <UserHandle> is the username/handle (String, max 50 chars, non empty) of the
child Student.
The system will send the notification e-mail to the e-mail addresses of the related
Parent(s) through some E-mail server.
E-mail recipient user can open and view the received e-mail by his/her own e-mail
reading software.

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Application Requirements Specification Send Success E-mail on Parent Un-registration to Child Student

The system will automatically send the notification e-mail about successful un-registration
of the parent account to his/her child student(s) when their Parent unregistered from the
The e-mail subject will have the following data:
Your Parent unregistered from CS-STEM application
The e-mail body will contain the following message:
The parent <UserHandle> has successfully unregistered from CS-STEM application.
Your account becomes Non-authorized now.
Where <UserHandle> is the username/handle (String, max 50 chars, non empty) of the
The system will send the notification e-mail to the e-mail addresses of the related child
Student(s) through some E-mail server.
E-mail recipient user can open and view the received e-mail by his/her own e-mail
reading software. Send Account Un-registration Success E-mail

The system will automatically send the notification e-mail about successful un-registration
of the account to the user when he/she unregistered from the application.
The e-mail subject will have the following data:
You unregistered from CS-STEM application
The e-mail body will contain the following message:
The user <UserHandle> has successfully unregistered from CS-STEM application. You
can try to request an approval for re-registration of your account by the following
hyperlink <AccountRe-registrationRequestHyperlink>
Where <UserHandle> is the username/handle (String, max 50 chars, non empty) of the
user unregistered from the application; <AccountRe-registrationHyperlink> is a hyperlink
(String, max 1024 chars, non empty, must be a valid URL) to request re-registration
approval of the unregistered account on CS-STEM application.
The system will send the notification e-mail to the e-mail address of the related user
through some E-mail server.
E-mail recipient user can open and view the received e-mail by his/her own e-mail
reading software. Enhanced feature: Send Account Re-registration Request to System Admin

The system will automatically send the notification e-mail with an account re-registration
request to the System Admin when an unregistered user asks the application to re-
The e-mail subject will have the following data:
Account re-registration request from unregistered user of CS-STEM application
The e-mail body will contain the following message:
The unregistered user <UserHandle> requests to re-register his/her account for CS-
STEM application
Where <UserHandle> is the username/handle (String, max 50 chars, non empty) of the
unregistered user, requesting his/her account re-registration.
The system will send the notification e-mail to the e-mail addresses of all the System
Admins through some E-mail server.
E-mail recipient user can open and view the received e-mail by his/her own e-mail
reading software.
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Application Requirements Specification Enhanced feature: Send Account Re-registration Rejection E-mail

The system will automatically send the notification e-mail about rejection of the account
re-registration to the user of that account when the System Admin rejected account re-
The e-mail subject will have the following data:
Your account re-registration on CS-STEM application was rejected
The e-mail body will contain the following message:
Hello user <UserHandle>. Unfortunately, your account re-registration was rejected.
Where <UserHandle> is the username/handle (String, max 50 chars, non empty) of the
unregistered user, requesting his/her account re-registration.
If the System Admin provided a reason of rejection, then it will be also shown on the e-
mail body like this:
Rejection reason <Reason>
Where reason (String, max 200 chars, can be empty) is the explanation from the System
Admin why he/she rejected account re-registration.
The system will send the notification e-mail to the e-mail address of the related user
through some E-mail server.
E-mail recipient user can open and view the received e-mail by his/her own e-mail
reading software. Enhanced feature: Send Account Re-registration Approval E-mail

The system will automatically send the notification e-mail about successful approval of
the account re-registration to the user of that account when the System Admin approved
account re-registration.
The e-mail subject will have the following data:
Your account re-registration on CS-STEM application was approved
The e-mail body will contain the following message:
Hello user <UserHandle>. Your account re-registration was approved.
Where <UserHandle> is the username/handle (String, max 50 chars, non empty) of the
unregistered user, requesting his/her account re-registration.
The system will send the notification e-mail to the e-mail address of the related user
through some E-mail server.
E-mail recipient user can open and view the received e-mail by his/her own e-mail
reading software. Send Parent Approval Status Notification E-mail

The system will automatically send the notification e-mail about parent approval status
and remarks from System Admin to the related Student after the System Admin
processed parent approval form.
The e-mail subject will have the following data:
Your Parent approval result on access CS-STEM application activities
The e-mail body will contain the following message:
Hello Student <UserHandle>. Your parent approval result on access to CS-STEM
activities is <ParentApprovalStatus>
Where <UserHandle> is the username/handle (String, max 50 chars, non empty) of the
Student; and <ParentApprovalStatus> is either Permitted or Restricted (String, max 10
chars, non empty).
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The following data will be also placed to the e-mail body:

Parent approval form was signed on: <Signed On>
Your Parent handle: <ParentHandle>
Your Parent e-mail: <Parent E-mail>
System Admin remarks: <Remarks>
Where <Signed On>, <Parent Handle>, <Parent E-mail>, and <Remarks> are as

Data Element Description Format R?

<Signed On> The date when the approval form String, short date format like Y
was signed by the parent MM/DD/YYYY, non empty.
<Parent Handle> The unique username (handle) of String, max 50 chars, non empty. N
the Parent, filled the approval
<Parent E-mail> The e-mail address of the Parent, String, max 100 chars, non Y
filled the approval form empty, must be a valid e-mail
<Remarks> The remarks text data for the String, max 200 chars, can be N
parent approval status empty.
The system will send the notification e-mail to the e-mail address of the related Student
through some E-mail server.
E-mail recipient user can open and view the received e-mail by his/her own e-mail
reading software. Send Notification E-mail with Parent Authorization Request

The system will automatically send a notification e-mail to the related parent with request
to authorize his/her child student on the application when the related Student asked the
application for parent authorization.
The e-mail subject will have the following data:
Parent authorization request for child Student on access to CS-STEM application
The e-mail body for the message to be sent to the Parent will contain the following
Hello, your child Student <UserHandle> requested parent authorization to access CS-
STEM application activities. Please download the parent approval form
<ParentApprovalForm>, print, set either Permitted or Restricted approval results, sign it
and mail CS-STEM application owners. You can find the mailing address on the
<Contacts> web-page of CS-STEM application.
Where <UserHandle> is username/handle (String, max 50 chars, non empty) of the child
student requesting for parent authorization; <ParentApprovalForm> is a hyperlink (String,
max 1024 chars, non empty, must be a valid URL) to download the parent approval form;
<Contacts> is a hyperlink (String, max 1024 chars, non empty, must be a valid URL) to
view the mailing address where to send the parent approval form.
The e-mail body for the message to be sent to the Student will contain the following
Hello, your parent authorization request was successfully sent to:
<1st Parent E-mail address>
<2nd Parent E-mail address>
Where <1st Parent E-mail address> and <2nd Parent E-mail address> are as following:
Data Element Description Format R?
1st Parent E- The e-mail address for the first String, max 100 chars, must be N, but

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Application Requirements Specification

Data Element Description Format R?

mail address parent (i.e. Dad) of the Student a valid e-mail if non empty, can at least
be empty one
2nd Parent E- The e-mail address for the String, max 100 chars, must be entry is
mail address second parent (i.e. Mom) of the a valid e-mail if non empty, can required
Student be empty
The system will send the notification e-mail to the e-mail addresses of the related child
Student and his/her Parent(s) through some E-mail server.
E-mail recipient user can open and view the received e-mail by his/her own e-mail
reading software. Send Notification E-mail on Parent Approval Results

The system will automatically send notification e-mail on parent approval results to the
Parent (and to his/her child Students if that Parent was rejected) when System Admin
verified that Parent.
The e-mail subject will have the following data:
Parent approval results from CS-STEM application
The e-mail body for the message to be sent to the Parent will contain the following
Hello, your approval status set by the System Admin is as following: <ApprovalStatus>
Verified on: <Date>
Where the <ApprovalStatus> is the approval result (String, max 8 chars, non empty. It will
be either Approved or Rejected), set by the System Admin; <Date> is the date (String,
short date format like MM/DD/YYYY, non empty) of the Parent verification by the System
If the Parent was rejected, then the following message will be added to the e-mail body of
the message to be sent to that Parent:
Your account <ParentHandle> and accounts of your child Students <StudentHandle1>,
<StudentHandle2>, etc. are disabled now.
Reason of rejection: <Reason>
Where <ParentHandle> is the username/handle (String, max 50 chars, non empty) of the
rejected Parent; <StudentHandle1>, <StudentHandle2>, etc. is the username/handle
(String, max 50 chars, non empty) of the child student for the rejected Parent; <Reason>
is the reason (String, max 200 chars, can be empty) why the Parent was rejected by
System Admin.
The e-mail body for the message to be sent to the child Student(s) of the rejected Parent
will be as following:
Hello, your Parent <ParentHandle> was rejected by the System Admin.
Verified on: <Date>
Your account <StudentHandle> and your parent account <ParentHandle> are disabled
Reason of rejection: <Reason>
Where <ParentHandle> is the username/handle (String, max 50 chars, non empty) of the
rejected Parent; <Date> is the date (String, short date format like MM/DD/YYYY, non
empty) of the Parent verification by the System Admin; <StudentHandle> is the
username/handle (String, max 50 chars, non empty) of the child student for the rejected
Parent; <Reason> is the reason (String, max 200 chars, can be empty) why the Parent
was rejected by System Admin
The system will send the notification e-mail to the e-mail addresses of the related Parent
through some E-mail server.

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Application Requirements Specification

If the Parent was rejected, then the system will send the notification e-mail to the e-mail
addresses of the related child Student(s) of that Parent through some E-mail server.
E-mail recipient user can open and view the received e-mail by his/her own e-mail
reading software. Send Notification E-mail on New Activity to Parents

The system will automatically send the notification e-mail on new activity to all the
parents when a new activity (related to students) was arrived on CS-STEM application.
The e-mail subject will have the following data:
New Activity arrived on CS-STEM application
The e-mail body will contain the following message:
Hello, a new Activity is present now on CS-STEM application.
Activity name: <ActivityName>
Activity Type: <ActivityType>
Content Track: <ContentTrack>

Please allow or restrict that activity for your child Students through Parental Control:
Where <ActivityName>, <ActivityType>, <ContentTrack>, and
<ParentalControlHyperlink> are as following:
Data Element Description Format R?
<ActivityName> The name of CS-STEM String, max 50 chars, non Y
application activity empty
<ActivityType> The type of each individual String, max 50 chars, non Y
activity empty
<ContentTrack> The track of the each String, max 50 chars, non Y
individual activity (like empty
Robotics, Health, Ecology,
Economics, etc.)
<ParentalControlHyperlink> The hyperlink to parental String, max 1024 chars, non Y
control web-page in the CS- empty, must be a valid URL
STEM application (please
refer chapter 3.10)
The system will send the notification e-mail to the e-mail addresses of all the Parents
through some E-mail server.
E-mail recipient user can open and view the received e-mail by his/her own e-mail
reading software. Send Great Results Notification E-mail to the Student's Parent

The system will automatically send the notification e-mail on great results of the child
Student to his/her Parent(s) when that Student achieved some great results on CS-STEM
The e-mail subject will have the following data:
Your child Student performed great on CS-STEM application
The e-mail body will contain the following message:
Hello, your child Student <StudentHandle> achieved great results on CS-STEM:
Award title: <Title>
Award description: <Description>
Achieved on: <Date>

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Application Requirements Specification

You can find those results on your child Students profile: <ProfileHyperlink>
Where <StudentHandle>, <Title>, <Description>, <Date> and <ProfileHyperlink> are as
Data Element Description Format R?
<StudentHandle> is the username/handle of the String, max 50 chars, non empty Y
child student
<Title> The title of the String, max 50 chars, non empty. Y
<Description> The description of the String, max 200 chars, non Y
achievement/award empty.
<Date> The date when the child student String, short date format like Y
got the achievement/award MM/DD/YYYY, non empty
<ProfileHyperlink> The hyperlink to child Students String, max 1024 chars, non Y
profile web-page on the CS- empty, must be a valid URL
STEM application
The system will send the notification e-mail to the e-mail addresses of the related Parents
through some E-mail server.
E-mail recipient user can open and view the received e-mail by his/her own e-mail
reading software.

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Application Requirements Specification

4. General Requirements
4.1 Graphical User Interface Requirements
4.1.1 Main GUI Goal
The new application will be specially designed for students of 1318 years old. GUI, problems,
education content, communication will be adopted for the middle-high school students. GUI has to
be attractive, user friendly and fun. It will contain more graphics than previous TC web-site. In
Liferay Portal (re-used by this application), the user interface is built with JSP pages.

There are no storyboards/wireframes specially designed for this specification (i.e. for teacher and
student-related functionality), but the following old storyboards can be re-used as an example of
the navigation and menus on the web-site: http://www.topcoder.com/wiki/display/docs/CS-

The wireframes will be built after this specification contest will be done. Those wireframes will be
based on the specification details. And it will be iterative approach - once the wireframes are
completed, they will be presented to potential users and other stakeholders and determine what
screens, features, controls, permissions (etc.) need to be modified, added, or deleted.

4.1.2 Resolution
The application has to support 1024x768 minimal resolution.

4.1.3 Supported Browsers

MS Internet Explorer 7+,
Mozilla Firefox 2+,
Google Chrome 4+,
Safari 2+.

4.1.4 Adobe Flash is Forbidden

Because the application will in the future support iOS, it must avoid Flash technology.

4.2 Performance Constraints

User Metrics Requirements:
The maximum expected count of users will be several thousands until the end of first
year. The system must be scalable.
The maximum expected count of concurrent users for the application is 500.

Performance Requirements:
The system will be available 24x7 and it will achieve 99.9% uptime.
Content only web-pages have to be processed and rendered in lesser than 1 second (not
considering the speed of data response transfer).
Data driven web-pages have to be processed and rendered in lesser than 2 seconds.

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Application Requirements Specification

4.3 Security
4.3.1 Security Roles Permissions
All security checks will occur against permissions. Each function in the system will validate a
users permission against the required permission for the task. Non-registered users will have
read-only access to the application (like viewing forums and public blogs). The permission model
from Liferay Portal will be reused in our application. The account model from Liferay portal will be
reused in our application (not in scope for this specification). The blog/wiki/forum models from the
corresponding portlets in Liferay Portal will be reused to address the requirements from our

The authentication and authorization is already implemented in the Liferay portal through the
JAAS (refer to the installation guide here). The authorization details are defined in the permission
model. Roles
One or more permissions will be assigned to roles. A user may have more than one role. Below is
a list of roles and permissions. System user role was added just for clarity.

registered System
User Admin Student Parent System
Register to Application X
Unregister from Application X X X
Process Parent Approvals for Child Students X
File Parent Approval Documents X
Get Restricted to Activities Participation X
Request Parent Authorization X
Get Approved by Parent X
Get Authorization Request from Child Student X
Get Approved as Parent X
Perform Parental Control for Child Student X
Share Child Student Activities X
Perform Auditing X
Perform Logging X
Send E-mail Notifications X Administrators
Users with the System Admin role can process student approvals from their parents.

4.3.2 Password Logic Password Rules

For security reasons passwords must meet a minimum criteria. To be consistent with standards
the following rules for passwords have been defined.
Password may consist of any combination of ASCII characters.
Passwords must be a minimum of six characters and maximum of 10 characters.
Password matching will be case sensitive.
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Application Requirements Specification Password Expiration Rules

No password expiration is required. Password Storage

Passwords stored in the data store must be encrypted (like stored as hashed in the database).
This will prevent unauthorized users from viewing the passwords. Forget Password [out of scope for this specification]

Users frequently forget their passwords. A user can enter their username and have password
resetting e-mail sent to them.
Given a username, send an e-mail containing the hyperlink to reset users password in
the application.

5. Required Documentation
5.1 Specification Documentation
Requirements Specification (this document)
High Level Use Case Diagrams
Activity Diagrams
Logical data model (as needed)
Quality Assurance Plan (out of scope for this competition)

6. Help / User Documentation

None at this time.
7. Notes
None at this time.
8. Future Enhancements
To support mobile devices on iOS and Android platforms to properly display application web-
To support more types of the content for students on the web-site.
To support multiple languages (like Spanish).

9. Glossary
9.1 Definitions
Definition Description
Non-registered This is a user, which did not register to the application.
User He/she will have an ability to register to the application (like
to register as a Student, or as a Parent)
Registered User This is an abstract user role, which described additional
allowed features for the users after they register to the
application - like an ability to unregister from the application
Student A student participating in CS-STEM activities. He/she will
register to the application, request approval from his/her

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Application Requirements Specification

parent and get approved (or denied) by his/her parent for

participation in CS-STEM application activities.
Parent The parent of the Student. He/she will register to the
application and approve/deny his/her students to
participate in CS-STEM application activities, perform
parental control and share activities with his/her children
System Admin The manager in the CS-STEM application. He/she will
process student approvals from their parents

9.2 Acronyms
Definition Description
Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers
and Humans Apart
CMS Content Management System
CS Computer Science
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DOC MS Word Document format
GIF Graphics Interchange Format, a format of graphic files
GUI Graphical User Interface
HTML HyperText Markup Language
JAAS Java Authentication and Authorization Service
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group, a format of graphic files
NSA National Security Agency
PDF Adobe Portable Document Format
PNG Portable network graphics, a format of graphic files
RSS Really Simple Syndication
SSO Single Sign-On
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
TC TopCoder
URL Uniform Resource Locator
XLS MS Excel Document format
ZIP Postal code

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