Part 4
Part 4
Part 4
5 Points
4-2 Product, Containers & Pallets
Bulk storage facilities (NOT totes, bins or cartons) are inspected for foreign
material prior to use and cleaning records are maintained.
10 Points
4-4 Product, Containers & Pallets
Storage areas are reasonably free of litter and debris.
5 Points
4-5 Product, Containers & Pallets
Floors in storage areas are reasonably free of standing water.
5 Points
4-6 Product, Containers & Pallets
Possible wastewater spillage is prevented from contaminating any food handling
area by barriers, drains, or a sufficient distance.
10 Points
4-7 Product, Containers & Pallets
There is a policy describing procedures which specify handling/disposition of
finished product which is opened, spilled, or comes in contact with the floor.
15 Points
4-8 Storage and Transportation
10 Points
4-9 Storage and Transportation
Broken Runners
5 Points
4-10 Storage and Transportation
Product stored outside in totes, trucks, bins,
other containers or on the ground in bulk is
covered and protected from contamination.
10 Points
4-11 Product, Containers & Pallets
Non-food grade
substances such as paints,
lubricants, pesticides, etc.,
are not stored in close
proximity to the product.
10 Points
4-12 Product, Containers & Pallets
Mechanical equipment used during the storage process is clean and
maintained to prevent contamination of the product.
5 Points
4-17 Ice and Refrigeration
The water used for cooling/ice is potable.
10 Points
4-22 Ice and Refrigeration
A product that is iced must be stored in such a way that it does not drip on
pallets of produce stored below.
10 Points
4-24 Transportation
Trucks are inspected to ensure cleanliness and proper refrigeration. Document
all truck inspections.
5 Points
4-29 Worker Health and Personal Hygiene
There should be a written policy (SOP) that refers to wearing of hair and/or
beard nets in the storage and transportation areas. This SOP or policy must be
followed by everyone.
10 Points