Perkins Engine Identification Guide

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Perkins Engine Identification Guide

In many cases it is necessary to identify the Perkins Engine Number in order to ascertain the correct engine
kit for an application. All Perkins Engines should contain one of the two following formats for engine
numbering (dependent on the year of manufacture):

Pre 1978 Engine Numbers:

This system, which consists of a maximum of 13 digits, was used from 1966 to 1978. Another numbering
method was used prior to 1966, which utilized a digit number with no reference to engine series.

Current (post 1978) Engine Numbers:

Where to find your Engine Number

Engine Family / Type Code

AA 1004.40 CN T3.152.4 HR 404C-22T PK 1106C-E66TA XK 1103D-33

AB 1004.40T DC 1103C-33 JD 4.203 RE 1104C-44 XL 1103D-33T
AC 1004.40T DD 1103C-33T JE D4.203 RF 1104C-E44 XM 1103D-33TA
AD 1004.40TW DE 1103C-33TA JF G4.203 RG 1104C-44T YA 1006.60
AE 1004.40 DF 1103B-33 JG 4.203.2 RH 1104C-E44T YB 1006.60T
AG 1004.40 DG 1103B-33T KR 104.22 RJ 1104C-44TA YC 1006.60T
AH 1004.40T DJ 1103A-33 LA 4.212 RK 1104C-E44TA YD 1006.60E-6TW
AJ 1004.40 DK 1103A-33T LD 4.236 RR 1104A-44 YE 1006.60
AK 1004.40T ED 4.108 LE G4.236 RS 1104A-44T YF 1006.60S
AL 1004.40TA GK 403D-15 LF 4.248 RT 1104A-44TA YG 1006.60
AM 1004.40T GL 403D-15T LG 4.248.2 TC 6.354 YH 1006.60T
AP 1004.40 GN 404D-22 LH C4.236 TE T6.354 YJ 1006.60TA
AQ 1004.40T GP 404D-22T LJ T4.236 TG 6.354.1 YK 1006.60TW
AR 1004.42 GR 404D-22TA NC 4.318 TH T6.354.1
AS 1004.42 GS 403D-17 NH 1104D-E44T TJ 6.354.2
AT 1004.40TA GU 403A-15 NJ 1104D-E44TA TK C6.354.2
CD 3.152 GV 404A-22 NK 1104D-44 TT TC6.354.1
CE D3.152 HL 403C-15 NL 1104D-44T TU T6.354.4
CF G3.152 HM 403C-17 NM 1104D-44TA TW 6.354.4
CM 3.152.4 HP 404C-22 PJ 1106D-E66TA VK 1106C-E60TA
A Air Cooled D Direct Injection G Gasoline W Water Cooled
C Compensated E Electric T Turbo

Year of Manufacture Code

A 1974 G 1980 N 1986 W 1992 D 1998 K 2003 T 2009

B 1975 H 1981 P 1987 X 1993 E 1/1/99-3/31/99 L 2004 U 2010
C 1976 J 1982 S 1988 Y 1994 F 4/1/99-12/31/99 M 2005 V 2011
D 1977 K 1983 T 1989 A 1995 G 2000 N 2006 W 2012
E 1978 L 1984 U 1990 B 1996 H 2001 P 2007 X 2013
F 1979 M 1985 V 1991 C 1997 J 2002 R/S 2008 Y 2014

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