Worlds in Peril - Moves
Worlds in Peril - Moves
Worlds in Peril - Moves
These are the moves that any player will trigger the most. They are
the situations that characters will find themselves in the most often
and represent the kinds of things characters will be doing in the game.
Take away an Advantage (choose twice) Reduce the effectiveness of an attack or You make an untenable position or course
Force a change of location (choose once Condition (Reduce the level of severity for secure
and the EIC picks where they go, choose every Hold spent) You avoid taking harm in the doing
twice and you do) Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that They take a +1 or 2 forward, your choice
Reduce the size of a mob by 1 ally a bonus to take forward against the
Take no harm in the doing attacker (+1 for every Hold spent) When you closely study a situation or person,
Create or advance a Bond with the person roll+Investigate. On a 10+, ask the EIC three
SEIZE CONTROL you are protecting by one questions from the list below. On a 7-9, ask
Whenever you and another character struggle
one. Either way, take +1 forward when acting
over a contested goal or objective, say how USE ENVIRONMENT on the answers.
you outsmart, overpower, outmaneuver, or When you use something from the
What happened here recently?
otherwise try to overcome them. The EIC will environment to suit your purposes, the EIC
tell you which stat to add to your roll. On a What is about to happen?
will tell you one or more:
10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one: What danger should I be on the lookout for?
Itll break quickly; use it while you can
You seize control over what was contested What here is useful or important?
Its dangerous; the EIC will say how
You prevent yourself from ending up at a Whos really in control here?
Its particularly effective; the EIC will say how
disadvantage or in harms way What here is not what it appears to be?
You can use it, but there will be a side effect;
You put your opponent at a disadvantage the EIC will tell you what it is.
CONDITION THRESHOLD (or Size Rating if mob)