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Worlds in Peril - Moves

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These are the moves that any player will trigger the most. They are
the situations that characters will find themselves in the most often
and represent the kinds of things characters will be doing in the game.


Whenever you attempt to subdue an When you stand in defense of someone or When you help or hinder someone you have a
immediate threat, say how you do it and roll. something when an imminent threat or Bond with, roll+Bond. On a 10+, choose two.
The EIC will tell you which stat to add to the danger befalls them, roll+Protect. On a 10+, On a 7-9, choose one, but theres an obstacle
roll. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 2: Hold 3. On a 7-9, Hold 1. As long as you to overcome first. You also expose yourself to
Impose a Condition (choose once for Minor, continue to defend, spend Hold to ... danger, retribution, or the EIC will offer you
twice for Moderate, three times for Critical) Redirect an attack to yourself an ugly choice. Choose one:

Take away an Advantage (choose twice) Reduce the effectiveness of an attack or You make an untenable position or course

Force a change of location (choose once Condition (Reduce the level of severity for secure

and the EIC picks where they go, choose every Hold spent) You avoid taking harm in the doing
twice and you do) Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that They take a +1 or 2 forward, your choice
Reduce the size of a mob by 1 ally a bonus to take forward against the
Take no harm in the doing attacker (+1 for every Hold spent) When you closely study a situation or person,
Create or advance a Bond with the person roll+Investigate. On a 10+, ask the EIC three
SEIZE CONTROL you are protecting by one questions from the list below. On a 7-9, ask
Whenever you and another character struggle
one. Either way, take +1 forward when acting
over a contested goal or objective, say how USE ENVIRONMENT on the answers.
you outsmart, overpower, outmaneuver, or When you use something from the
What happened here recently?
otherwise try to overcome them. The EIC will environment to suit your purposes, the EIC
tell you which stat to add to your roll. On a What is about to happen?
will tell you one or more:
10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one: What danger should I be on the lookout for?
Itll break quickly; use it while you can
You seize control over what was contested What here is useful or important?
Its dangerous; the EIC will say how
You prevent yourself from ending up at a Whos really in control here?
Its particularly effective; the EIC will say how
disadvantage or in harms way What here is not what it appears to be?
You can use it, but there will be a side effect;
You put your opponent at a disadvantage the EIC will tell you what it is.


When you push your powers and concentrate When you act despite an imminent threat or
to do something that is not on your Powers dig in to endure a danger that has befallen you,
Profile sheet, first determine if the power falls say how you deal with it and roll. The EIC
under Simple, Difficult or Borderline, then will tell you which stat to add to the roll. On
roll. On a 10+, you do it and can add it to a 10+, you do what you set out to do and the
your powers profile if its not there already. threat doesnt come to bear or you endure it.
On a 7-9, you can do it, but the EIC will offer On a 7-9, you can do it, but to do so the EIC
you an ugly choice or hard bargain in order will offer you a worse outcome, hard bargain,
to do so; you also take a Minor Condition or ugly choice.
if it was Simple, a Moderate Condition if it
was Difficult, or a Critical Condition if it was
Borderline; and you cannot add it to your
Powers Profile sheet. On a 6-, you take a
Condition as per a 7-9 and the EIC also makes
a move.
Special Moves are moves that are only special in that they arent used
as often as the basic ones. They are more specific and focused. They
are mainly used during downtime, after the adventure and fights have
finished and the heroes have to deal with the consequences and get
back to their regular lives.


When the situation is desperate and you put all Whenever you have downtime and try to get When you take a fourth Permanent Condition
you have into one last attempt to save another back to your normal life in order to mend or and die, roll. On a 10+, you will return next
when they are about to die and let your powers create one of your Bonds, decide which Bond issue, having survived or been brought back
loose because of it, roll+Bond with that you want to focus on and roll+Bond. On a somehow; on a 7-9, you will return a few issues
person. On a 10+, you do something youve 10+, remove a number of Conditions equal later, but choose a complication from the list
never done, but possible with your powers, tell to your Bond with that person and then raise below. On a miss, you are dead until the EIC
the table what it is and add it to your Powers your Bond with them by 1 after doing so. On chooses to bring you back, with complications
Profile. After doing so, youre hanging on a 7-9, as a 10+ result but you have to deal with of their choosing. A complication might be
by a thread and can do nothing but move a danger threatening your mundane life with something like:
and mumble a few words until you rest and the Bond involved. Begin framing and playing
recover (and now have 3 Critical Conditions); out the scene as usual, the EIC will jump in Youve brought trouble with you
you may raise your Bond with them by 1 (if and add danger when they so choose. Youve lost all your powers
you Bond with them was negative, you may
LAST CHANCE Your powers are rather different than before
reset it to zero). On a 7-9, as a 10+, but make
When you try to keep on going despite taking Your powers have grown stronger or weaker
the Last Chance move upon completion. On a
6-, you do it, but youre Dead for Now (make a fourth Critical Condition and someone close You manifest a previously unknown power
the Dead for Now move). to you is in peril, roll. On a 10+, you do it, Youre not who you thought you were
youre in a bad spot but youre still alive and The secrets youve been keeping are revealed
GATHER INTEL conscious with three Critical Conditions. On Your history or origin is retconned, choose
When your leads dry up, take to whatever a 7-9, you do it, but you can only get up if
a new Origin book.
avenues are open to you and roll. If you do it ... you can keep your enemy talking (you must
Youre from an alternate timeline or reality
... by shaking people down, roughing people get them to reveal an answer to one question
from the list) or if someone close to you is in You are brought back for a reason, a mission
up or with direct force, roll+Smash
peril. On 6-, your fate is sealed and you have You dont remember anything
... by going places you shouldnt be, gaining
no control over what your enemies do to you You are indebted to someone you hate
access or being stealthy, roll+Maneuver
and those you failed to protect. The EIC will Your body has permanent modifications
... by doing research, gathering your thoughts, tell you what happens as the darkness takes made to it
debate or analysis, roll+Investigate you ... you are Dead For Now.
Everyone you know has moved on without
... by using your charm and social grace, A
AWhat started them on their road to becoming
you (reset all Bonds)
roll+Influence ... by calling in favors and a villain, what is their defining trauma?
You have trouble controlling your powers
relying on Bonds, roll+Bond A
AHow is their world view distorted and different
and emotions
On a 10+, ask one. On a 7-9, your first-choice from the norm?
method comes up dry, you must enlist the aid
AWhy are they upset with the status quo?
of another PC or choose a different method.
AWhat will the status quo look like after they
On a 6-, you dont find trouble, trouble finds
you. The EIC will ask you questions about succeed, in their mind?

what you were up to and then tell you what A

AWhat connection do they have to you or any
trouble arises. of the heroes?
AWho can tell me what I want to know?
AWhere can I find ?
AWhat are the rumors about ?
AWho is the most upset about...?
AWho stands the most to gain from...?
PRINCIPLES MAKING YOUR MOVE Tell them the requirements or consequences
Address the characters, not the players. When making a move, keep your principals in and ask
Embrace the weird, outlandish, alien and mindnever speak the name of the move and Threaten a Bond
address the characters, not the players.
Make a move that follows from and makes
Take advantage of a Limitations
Remember to cater the fiction and each
sense for the fiction. Threaten a secret
move, each panel to each characterplay to
Never speak the name of your move.
their strengths and weaknesses and keep the Encourage creative use of powers, showcase
Give every enemy life. unique qualities they have in mind at all times. an Advantage
Name every person. Its important to know who the characters Take advantage of a Condition
Ask questions and use the answers. are and what powers that have because it all Change the environment
Be a fan of the characters. affects the fictionyou know itll take a lot Point to a looming threat
Think like a villain. more to knock down a hero with a healing
Introduce a new faction or type of enemy
Begin and end with the fiction.
factor compared to a hero with no protection
Use a threat from an existing faction or
or defense.
Think offscreen, too.
After every move you make, always ask enemy type
Give the characters hard choices to make.
What do you do? Make them backtrack
Know your villains motivations.
Present a challenge to one of the players
WHEN TO MAKE A MOVE Every enemy the heroes encounter throughout CHECKLIST FOR
You make a move: the course of their adventures has at least CREATING ENEMIES
When everyone looks at you to find out one move they make, and so might some Here are some questions to ask yourself to
what happens locations. An enemy or location move is just help you when creating some enemies.
a description of what that location or enemy What is their main offensive power?
When the players give you a golden
does, like keep anyone from getting to the
opportunity in the fiction What is their main defensive power?
boss for a minion or summon aide from the
When they roll a 6 Are they immune to something?
subterranean depths for a cultist or monster
that is part of a horde. Are they resistant to something?
CHOOSING A MOVE Do they get stronger the more punishment
To choose a move, think of the obvious Reveal an unwelcome truth
Show signs of an approaching threat, advance they take?
consequences of the action that triggered it
in the fiction. If youve already got an idea for the Plan Do their powers/immunities/resistances
something to happen, roll with it as long as it Inflict an Appropriate Condition come from technology?
fits with your agenda and principles for the Use up their resources or take away their stuff Do they have powers that protect themselves
game. Let your moves snowball and build off or hinder others?
Reveal or Restore an Advantage
one another like when warning the use of a What is their state of mind and do they
Turn their move back on them
hard move by first making a soft one. Build on
Separate them have a weakness?
the success or failure of the characters moves
Give an opportunity that fits a characters How do they fight?
and your own previous ones.
If your first instinct is that it wont hurt abilities What is their motivation?
them now, but itll come back to bite them Show a downside to their character, At what scale do they operate?
later, great! Thats part of your principals (think appearance, equipment or power Where are they set up and based?
off-screen, too). Make a note of it and reveal How much to do the characters know about
Offer an opportunity, with or without a cost
it when the time is right. them?
Put someone in a spot
What do they look like?

CONDITION THRESHOLD (or Size Rating if mob)

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