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LRUT Procedure

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Procedure for long range (guided wave) ultrasonic test-LRUT- for the in-service
monitoring of pipes and pipelines, using    , designed primarily for detection of
corrosion and other metal loss damage.

Provision for carrying out long range (guided wave) ultrasonic test-LRUT- for the in-
service monitoring of pipes and pipelines in compliance with standard procedures and
practices of NDT. It applies to both General Inspection procedure: Teletest data
gathering and   Interpretation Procedure for Examination of Pipes Incorporating
focusing of the guided waves.


It is the responsibility of Topline technician as the Teletest Operator to follow the steps
listed in these procedures; Data collection and Interpretation Procedure for Examination
using the    WaveScan.



Test Equipment
Laptop personal computer (PC) loaded with     -ersion 2 WaveScan
  ultrasonic unit
  tools to fit pipes to be tested (transducers and mounting devices)
Umbilical lead
Interconnection leads
Ultrasonic thickness meter or flaw detector
-arious tools

The laptop PC is supplied with    -ersion 2 WaveScandata acquisition and
processing software.
Laptop PC specification for Teletest WaveScan:
Processor: 2 Ghz Centrino equivalent or better
Memory: 2GB Recommended (1GB minimum)
Hard Disk: 1 GB Free (500 MB minimum)
Screen: 1024x768
Operating System: Windows XP/ -ista/7.

Transducer Requirements

The   tool consists of three or five rings of piezoelectric transducers. A flexible

modular arrangement is used. The tool size is chosen to fit the diameter of the pipe
being tested. The number of transducers required in each ring depends on pipe
diameter. The individual transducer elements are connected in either quadrants or
octants, each containing an equal number of elements

System Set-up
Powering the Equipment
A Lithium Ion battery pack provides 28- DC power.
The battery pack is rated for greater than 20 inspection locations.

Connecting the PC and  Unit

The PC controlling the   unit is located remotely from the test site, normally in a
cabin or vehicle. The data link is provided via a USB MAU (Media Access Unit), which is
inserted into an appropriate port in the PC. Data are transferred to the unit via the
umbilical cable which may be up to 50 metres in length.

Connecting the   Unit to the Transducer Tool

The    ultrasonic unit is sited close to the transducer tool, the leads being kept
short (~5m) to minimize any pick up of electrical noise. For the modular tools, the leads
from the    unit terminate in eight 5-way connectors, colored brown(a), red(b),
white(c), yellow(d), green(e), blue(f), black(g) and grey(h) each of which is connected to
the appropriate octant on the tool.

Transducer Tool
It is essential to establish that the individual transducer elements within the tool are
functioning correctly, so that the transducer as a whole behaves as expected. This is
most easily achieved by;
3 measuring the capacitance of the transducer elements. Measurements of
capacitance shall be made on the populated   tool prior to testing.
3 The required capacitance may be calculated from the individual transducer
capacitance and knowledge of the number of transducers in the tool.

It is also necessary to ensure that the tool does not present a low resistance load to
the   unit, as this causes over-current faults.
Using the transducer test box,
3 measure the resistance of each quadrant or octant for each ring on the tool
using a multi-meter with a resistance range of at least 60 MOhms.
3 The resistance of each quadrant or octant should exceed 30 MOhms to
avoid over-current errors.
3 Note, the insulation resistance may also be subject to a more rigorous check
in the workshop with an insulation tester using a dc voltage not exceeding
3 The transducer lead is tested for continuity and short circuits as part of the
test regime for the transducer tool.
3 The umbilical cable can suffer damage through use and shall be checked
before use using the umbilical tester box.
3 There shall be continuity from pin to pin at each end, and no continuity
between different pins.

Starting the   WaveScan Software

Launch the    WaveScan software by double-clicking the icon on the PC
screen. There are four options on the start-up screen:
3 Create a new inspection. (Sets up a new inspection session for a particular test
3 Create a new test from an existing test. (Sets up a new inspection session using
the parameters from a previous test. This is useful when multiple test locations
are required on a single pipe)
3 Analyse a previous inspection. (This recalls stored data for analysis)
3 Create a Teletest report.

Conducting a Test
3 During data gathering (and for subsequent analysis) relevant information is
required to be entered into the   program.
3 This information is also recorded in a log book for future reference.

Dimensional Checks
3 The diameter and wall thickness of the pipe to be tested shall be checked by
means of suitable measuring equipment.
3 Whilst measuring the pipe wall thickness it is also important to determine that no
internal metal loss is present at the proposed tool locations.

Tool Attachment
Surface Preparation
The    transducers require direct contact with the pipe surface to couple the
ultrasound into the pipe. No coupling fluid is necessary. The presence of thin, well-
adhered coatings, such as paint, does not adversely affect the coupling.
The region where the tool is to be located shall be prepared with a wire brush and/or
emery cloth to remove any loose corrosion products or poorly adhered paint.

Mounting the Tool

It is important that the coupling of the transducers is as uniform around the pipe as
possible. Care must therefore be taken that the device is centered on the pipe and that
all the transducers come into adequate contact with the surface.

Tool location

In the field the choice of suitable locations for the    tool may not be freely
available. Wherever possible avoid locations equidistant between two consecutive girth
welds, as this can cause superimposition of key features. Where possible the tool shall
be positioned in the , position between the welds. It is not advisable to position the
tool closer than 1m from a weld or other feature, such as a branch or flange.

When mounting the tool the forward test direction must be recorded along with any
angular offset. The location of the tool (measured to the centre ring of transducers)
relative to a known and agreed datum shall also be recorded. Note: the connectors on
the tools face in the 'backward' test direction.

Data Gathering

The following information is required to be entered or set up prior to testing:

On the Job Set-up Screen:

> General information about the client, job no. pipe reference, test procedure
etc, (There is a free text box to enter other relevant information)
> Pipe material (The default is ferritic steel. Stainless steel, aluminum and
copper are also selectable. Choose other if material differs from category)
> Standard to which the pipe was produced (if known)
> Nominal pipe diameter. (The actual diameter is calculated based on the
standard selected)
> The nominal wall thickness. This thickness will be used for determining test
conditions if no actual thicknesses are entered. (The range of thicknesses for
the selected standard and diameter is displayed to aid selection)
> The actual wall thickness, measured at the test location. Provision is made for
up to four readings. An average is taken of these and is used to set up the
test conditions.
> Whether any special conditions apply. These are: non-ambient temperature,
heavily pitted surface, viscous contents or a heavy coating.
> The transducer tool type.
> If a multi-mode tool is selected, the wave mode to be used may be selected if
only one mode is to be used.
On the Tool Set-up Screen
> Whether the pipe is horizontal or vertical.
> If vertical, whether the forward direction is up or down.
> The position of the datum for distance measurements relative to the
> The datum feature must also be described.
> If the pipe is vertical, the orientation of the top dead centre position has to be
> If the top dead centre of the tool is not aligned with the top dead centre of the
pipe, the offset angle must be entered
> The direction of flow of the fluid in the pipe may also be entered.
> The forward and backward test distances should be specified.
Excitation Parameters
> Once the pipe material, diameter and thickness, and the tool geometry are
entered, the excitation parameters are determined automatically.
> The selected test frequencies for the wave modes in operation are also
displayed on the Tool Set-up screen.
> The test frequencies selected by the software may be modified by, or on
the instruction of, a Level 2 certified technician. Where such modifications
are made a justification for the changes must be given.

Amplitude Normalisation
There may be differences between the output levels of the different rings or segments of
the tool and coupling may vary. It is therefore necessary to adjust the output levels of
the instrument to normalise the tool. This is done automatically by the   
WaveScan Software. If the relative response levels of different parts of the tool are
outside pre-determined limits, a warning will be displayed. If such a warning is displayed
it is recommended that the tool is re-positioned and the test recommenced. The
software does permit the operator to proceed without the responses from all parts of the
tool being within the limits, but a justification as to why this should be must be included
in the report.

Data collection

Once the normalisation process has been completed, the software automatically
collects the sequence of tests specified. Once the first data set have been collected
they are displayed for evaluation. Each test may be displayed in turn for viewing and


6.4.1. Determination of Reference Levels

The ultrasonic responses are assessed with respect to a number of thresholds. These
are represented by distance amplitude correction (DAC) curves at 5 levels:
Black (solid): 0dB, equivalent to a pipe end, (100% reflector)

Blue: -14dB, equivalent to an idealised weld

Red: -20dB, equivalent to the amplitude from an idealised weld.

Green: -26dB equivalent to an idealised 9% of pipe wall cross-sectional area

Black (dotted): -32dB The target noise level to achieve at least a 6dB signal to noise
ratio from a 9% pipe wall cross-sectional area reflector.

Determination of Valid Test Range

This is determined by the test length for which the background ultrasonic noise level
does not exceed the 32dB level, i.e. the range over which the signal-to-noise ratio is at
least 6dB at the 9% cross-sectional area loss level. The range from the transducer in
the test direction over which the above signal to noise criterion is met, shall be
determined and recorded. Beyond this range, weld signals and larger anomalies may be
reported but where possible should be re-inspected from another test location.

Evaluation of Responses

Data are evaluated along the valid test length in order to identify symmetric and
asymmetric pipe features. Peaks identified are automatically marked with a symbol on
the display and are entered on the reporting sheet. In practice, there is no lower cut off
amplitude for the consideration of responses in these tests. Any signal which is
recognizable above the baseline scatter level must be identified so that it may be
evaluated by the interpreter such that a decision is made regarding recommended
follow up.

Where responses are identified by this preliminary evaluation as a potential defect,

focused data must be gathered to provide additional information necessary for the full
interpretation to be carried out.


Focusing may show valuable circumferential positioning and distribution of a response.

In order to achieve a focus, the Teletest tool is split into 8 segments of transducers,
controlled by independent channels similar to a phased array. Time delays are
exerted on the firing of each segment. These delays are specific for test frequency, pipe
material and geometry (diameter and wall thickness), and focal position (both axial
distance from the transducer, and angular position around the pipe). This is
automatically controlled by the software.
To focus on an indication, click the Focus Here option. This adds the focused test to
the list of additional tests to be performed. For any one indication, the focused tests
must be carried out at all frequencies where the indication is observed.

Data gathering

Long range ultrasonic tests using guided waves normally employ an axi-symmetric
wave, typically either the L(0,2) or T(0,1) mode. Such waves are useful in that they can
be well controlled, but they only give a limited amount of information about any defects.
The reflection from a defect is effectively averaged around the pipe circumference, so
that there is little information about its size or shape. Associated mode-converted
signals do provide some information about the location of the defect on the pipe
circumference, but it is difficult to determine any degree of severity other than that
obtained from a very crude assessment of signal amplitude. As for conventional
ultrasonic testing, signal amplitude is a very unreliable means of determining defect

The additional use of guided waves focused at the defect, which is a unique and
essential feature of the    system, allows more information to be collected which
is specifically related to the size and shape of the defect. This permits a more accurate
assessment of the priority to follow up the screening information provided by   
with more non-destructive tests or other remedial work.

Evaluation method

Indications identified on the A-scan plots are evaluated on the basis of a combination of:

> The signal amplitude,

> The directionality of the focused response.
This takes into account that large amplitude responses will be from a large cross-
sectional area defect. Small defects cannot produce large amplitude reflections.
However, the converse is not always true; A small amplitude response does not
necessarily mean that the defect is small, as the response may be affected by a number
of factors.

In order to provide a means of identifying defects which are potentially significant in

terms of the integrity of the pipe it is also necessary to examine how localised the
response is in terms of the pipe circumference. This may be obtained from the focused
tests and is plotted on a polar response charts.

The responses may be categorized as;

Category 1 responses are those which are lower than the green -26dB line (formerly

Category 2 responses are those above the -26dB line, but are lower than the new red
line at -20dB (formerly Moderate)

Category 3 responses exceed the new red -20dB line (these are broadly the same as
the previous Severe classification, but the limiting amplitude is now better defined)

NOTE - In practice, there is no lower cut off amplitude for the consideration of
responses in these tests. Any signal which is recognisable above the baseline scatter
level must be evaluated by the interpreter such that a decision is made regarding
recommended follow up.
The overall classification is obtained by multiplying the two values, amplitude 
directionality, obtained from a defect. A score of 3 or greater gives a recommendation
for a High priority follow up, a score of 2 gives a Medium priority and a score of 1 gives
a low priority. This is summarised in Table below

cEvaluation matrix Table

Amplitude Directionality Score Follow up


3 3 9 High

3 2 6 High

3 1 3 High

2 3 6 High

2 2 4 High

2 1 2 Medium

1 3 3 High

1 2 2 Medium

1 1 1 Low

Hence a defect with a high amplitude response always results in a high priority follow up
(unless deemed to be a feature such as a weld), as does a low amplitude response
which is highly directional.

The sequence for data interpretation may be summarised as follows:

1. Gather data from the chosen test length using the test conditions identified by the
software as the most suitable. (The test schedule may be modified if the operator has
level 2 certification.)

2. Apply the DAC curves and determine that they are of the correct gradient and at
the correct level.

3. Identify the signals which are from:

> Identifiable pipe features, e.g. welds,
> Suspected defects,
> Mark these using the tool provided in the software.

4. Select a focused test at each location where a feature has been identified and
more information is required (Focus Here function) and collect the additional data.
(Focusing may be carried out at more than one frequency at a particular location, if
deemed necessary.)

5. The test data are now available for the full interpretation sequence and reporting

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