Problem Analysis Worksheet

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Problem Analysis Worksheet

Organizational Barrier: The teacher is solely responsible to teach one chosen

set of students.

Question Answer

What are the issues When the teacher is responsible for one select set of
caused by this? students, teacher leaders can be effective. To be a
teacher leader, the teacher needs to split his/her time
between the classroom and a leadership role. This
meaning, not one teacher would be responsible for the
students. When one teacher is responsible for a class,
that does not allow the time or flexibility for a teacher
leader to take on dual role.

Who is affected by this -Teacher Leaders

issue? -Students

What solution will benefit -Job Sharing

stakeholders? Job sharing exists when two teachers share the
responsibilities and the joys of educating one group of
students as a partnership (Research Report p.2.)

How will this solution One of the most obvious benefits of job sharing for a
benefit the stakeholders? teacher leader is that it would provide the flexibility for
a teacher to take on the leadership roles. Job sharing
would allow the teacher to teach part time and focus
the remainder of their day on the leadership side.
Studies also show that teachers who share a classroom
are happier and less stressed in their environment,
resulting in better teaching for students and
communication for parents.

What model or theory Social Constructivism- Knowledge is constructed within

supports this solution? social contexts through interactions with a knowledge
community (GSI p.1.)

This theory suggests that most learning stems collaboration

with others. In a shared classroom, the teachers collaborate to
develop lessons and accommodate to student needs. In this
model, the teacher leader also has the opportunity and time to
take a leadership role which could be coaching other teachers.
These opportunities allow for teacher to grow and learn through

1) Berkeley Graduate Division (2017.) Overview of Learning Theories, Retrieved


2) Blair, Julie (2003.) Job Sharing: Appealing For Teachers, retrieved from

3) Research Report. Succeeding with Job Sharing in an Elementary Classroom,

Retrieved from

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