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Academic Coordinator

Dr. Md. Ridhwanul Haq

PhD (University of Western Sydney, Australia)
Master of Management (ANU, Australia)

Associate Professor
BBA Chairperson
Institute of Business Administration (IBA)
University of Dhaka

Administrative Coordinator
Khaled Mahmud
MBA (Bentley University, Massachusetts, USA)

Assistant Professor
Computer Center Chairperson
Institute of Business Administration (IBA)
University of Dhaka

Contact Details Relationship Marketing

For application and other information please contact:
Management Development Program (MDP)
Room# 402, IBA
University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000
Phone: +88-02-9664691
Cell: +88-01783871105, +88-01766993390
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Website: www.iba-du.edu A Four-Week course by IBA, University of Dhaka

Institute of Business Administration

Disclaimer: The authority reserves the right to make any change in any
section of this brochure without prior notice. University of Dhaka
Background & Course Overview Takeaways From The Course
These days maintaining strategic relationship with in-house and On the completion of the module participants are expected to
external stakeholders in business is critical. Relationship with people achieve:
can be considered as one of the competitive resources for attracting To address the key tools and techniques of communication
and retaining customer for sustainable organizational growth. skills in relationship marketing and management;
Particularly, managing relationship in Business to customer (B2C), An improved understanding of the key of global issues and
Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Government (B2G) is not challenges in relationship marketing and management;
a static skills rather requirements not only for Marketing profession Understating the significance of relationship marketing both in
but also for other profession. This professional development course consumer, business and government market;
provides a solid foundation and reference for participants to present Insights into guiding the perspective of selling professional
insights in to organization at a range of levels-corporate both in services through relationship and public relations; and,
public, private and multinationals- as the interface with variety of Understanding and managing customer complaints and
relationship. On the other hand, soundness of communication with managing people.
stakeholders is prerequisite for relationship Marketing. Therefore, as
a part of its constant endeavors for professional development, this is
the first time ever Institute of Business Administration (IBA), is Application Procedure & Course Fees
offering a four week certificate course on Relationship Marketing
Competencies. Candidates fulfilling the above requirements should apply using
the prescribed Application Form available at www.iba-du.edu.
Completed applications are to be submitted at MDP Office, Room#
Who Is It For 402 (3rd Floor), IBA, University of Dhaka. Applications will be
This course is designed for professionals working is all areas of reviewed on Rolling (First Apply First Call) Basis. Each selected
customer relationship marketing and management. However, this is applicant has to pay total Tk. 22,000/- as course fees which include
open to anyone interested in gaining or improving their relationship tuitions fees, cost of lecture materials, refreshments, certification
marketing and management skills across all functional areas. etc.
Specifically, relationship managers, sales managers, marketing
managers, brand managers, managers in financial and nonfinancial Class Schedule
institutions, insurance managers, creative agents, media and Training will be conducted for 4 (four) weeks. Therefore, a total
professionals in service industry both in public and private sectors 20 contact hours will be conducted. Classes and assessment will be
are encouraged to apply. Moreover, officials from publics sectors will held at the IBA premises.
find this module helpful as part of their relationship knowledge and
skills in Institutions and government. Assessment & Certification
Eligibility Criteria The course assessment will be done through individual and group
assignments, case studies and examinations. On successful
Prospective candidates must have Bachelors degree in any discipline completion of the course, participants will be awarded a certificate
and minimum 2 (two) years of work experience with reputed issued by IBA, University of Dhaka. At least 70% attendance is
organization/s (work experience can be relaxed for exceptional needed as minimum to complete the course successfully.

Method of Instruction Key Resource Persons

The course assessment will be done through individual and group
Participants are introduced to the material through lecture and assignments, case studies and examinations. On successful
examples. Their learning will be enhanced with collaborative completion of the course, participants will be awarded a certificate
assignments, group activities, visual aids, and question/answer issued by IBA, University of Dhaka. At least 70% attendance is
periods. Cases and exercises are assigned to the students to ensure needed as minimum to complete the course successfully.
the development of their problem solving ability.

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