Overview of Retail Promotion
Overview of Retail Promotion
Overview of Retail Promotion
DPR6023 Retail Promotion
Public Relations
Any communication that fosters a favorable image for the retailer among its
Non personal or personal
Paid or nonpaid
Sponsor-controlled or not
Visual Merchandising
An art of presentation which comprised of six components :
Roles of Retail Promotion Program
Promotional program are the program INFORM potential or current
which been designed to inform, customers of a new product or
persuade, or remind the market of service or of an improvement to an
the firm and its products and existing product
ultimately to influence consumers Introduction Stage of the
feelings, beliefs and behavior. Product Life Cycle
Benefits and characteristics
Changes and Improvements
REMIND customers about existing
products on the market PERSUADE - attempts to encourage
a customer to take a specific action,
such as purchasing a product
Maturity Stage of the product - Negative meaning to some
life cycle customers
How good, how attractive, - Growth Stage of the product life
how it satisfies customers cycle
wants and needs - Advantages over the
competitors product
- Coupons, rebates, samples
Promotional Program Scopes & Objectives
Introducing new or revised products
Increasing distribution of new packages or sizes
Building retail inventories
Maintaining or increasing manufacturers share of
shelf space
Obtaining displays outside normal shelf locations
Reducing excess inventories and increasing
Achieving product features in retailers
Countering competitive activity
Selling as much as possible to final consumers
Paid, non personal
communication transmitted
through out-of-store mass
media by an identified sponsor.
Offer extra value and incentives to customers
to visit a store or purchase merchandise
during a specific period of time.
Operate Web sites devoted to community building.
Offer opportunities for customers with similar interests to learn about products and services that
support their hobbies and share information with others.
Visitors to these web sites can post questions seeking information and/or comments about issues,
products and services.
Web site visitors form a community of people with like interest.
i.e: www.theknot.com, www.communitysites.co.uk, Myvi Club, Kumpulan Ibu Mengandung
A communication process in which
salespeople help customers satisfy
their needs through
face-to-face exchanges of
Involves sending messages over the
Any brochure, catalog, It can be personalized to the specific
advertisement, or other printed consumer and thus is similar to
Direct mail
News about the retailer are published in newspaper, tv, radio and