Criminal Law Book 2 & Other SPL (Weebly)

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Criminal law RPC (Book II)

4. One of the following felonies may be committed not

only during war but also during peace time.
Title 1 A. Treason
Crimes Against National Security and the Law of B. Misprision of Treason
Nations C. Espionage
D. Piracy
Title 2
Crimes Against the Fundamental laws of the State 5. An Act to punish Espionage and other offenses
against national security.
Title 3 A. C.A. No. 616
Crimes Against Public Order B. C.A. No. 716
C. C.A. No. 816
Title 4 D. C.A. No. 916
Crimes Against Public Interest
6. It is robbery or forcible depredation on the high seas,
Title 5 without lawful authority and done with animo furandi
Crimes Relative to Opium and Other Prohibited Drug and in the spirit and intention of universal hostility.
A. Piracy
Title 6 B. Mutiny
Crimes Against Public Morals C. High Jacking
D. Robbery on the High Seas
Title 7
Crimes Committed by Public Officers 7. The Unlawful Resistance to a superior or the raising of
commotions and disturbances on board a ship against
Title 8 the authority of its commander.
Crimes Against Persons A. Piracy
B. Mutiny
Title 9 C. High Jacking
Crimes Against Personal Liberty and Security D. Rebellion

Title 10 8. Anti-Hijacking Law is known as

Crimes Against Property A. R.A. No. 6553
B. R.A. No. 6523
Title 11 C. R.A. No. 6253
Crimes Against Chastity D. R.A. No. 6235

Title 12 9. The Anti-Piracy and Anti-Highway Robbery Law of

Crimes Against the Civil Status of Persons 1974 is known as
A. P.D. No. 532
Title 13 B. P.D. No. 523
Crimes Against Honor C. P.D. No. 253
D. P.D. No. 235
Title 14
Quasi-Offenses 10. The deprivation by a public officer of the liberty of a
person without any legal ground.
Criminal Law Review Questions 11 A. Arbitrary Detention
B. Illegal Detention
C. Kidnapping
1. Breach of allegiance to the government by a person D. None of the Above
who owes allegiance it.
A. Espionage Answer:
B. Rebellion 1. D
C. Sedition 2. B
D. Treason 3. B
4. C
2. Treason can be proven by Judicial Confession of the 5. A
accused or testimony of at least how many witness? 6. A
A. At Least 1 Witness 7. B
B. At Least 2 Witness 8. D
C. At Least 3 Witness 9. A
D. At Least 4 Witness 10. A

3. The Offense of gathering, transmitting, or losing

information respecting the national defense with intent Criminal Law Review Questions 12
or reason to believe that the information is to be used to
the injury of the Republic of the Philippines or the 1. One of the following is not a crime against the law of
advantage of a foreign nation. nation.
A. Treason A. Treason
B. Espionage B. Qualified Piracy
C. Sedition C. Flight to Enemy's Country
D. Rebellion D. Arbitrary Detention
1. D
2. One of the following is not a crime against the 2. A
Fundamental Laws of the State. 3. C
A. Qualified Piracy 4. B
B. Arbitrary Detention 5. A
C. Delaying Release 6. A
D. Expulsion 7. C
8. C
3. It is the offense committed by expelling a person 9. D
from the Philippines or by compelling a person to 10. A
change his residence.
A. Light Threats
Heinous Crimes Act Of 1993 R.A. No 7659
B. light Coercion
C. Expulsion
D. Grave Threats The Crimes Punishable by death are:
1. Treason
4. The term used where the object of the movement is 2. Qualified Piracy
completely to overthrow and supersede the existing 3. Qualified Bribery
government. 4. Parricide
A. Insurrection 5. Murder
B. Rebellion 6. Infanticide however, if any crime penalized in this
C. Sedition article be committed by the mother of the child for the
D. None of the Above purpose of concealing her dishonor, she shall suffer the
penalty of prision mayor in its medium and maximum
5. The term refers to a movement which seeks merely periods, and if said crime be committed for the same
to effect some change of minor importance to prevent purpose by the maternal grandparents or either of
the exercise of governmental authority with respect to them, the penalty shall be reclusion temporal.
particular matters or subjects. 7. Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention
A. Insurrection 8. Robbery - when by reason or on occasion of the
B. Rebellion robbery, the crime of homicide shall have been
C. Sedition committed, or when the robbery shall have been
D. None of the Above accompanied by rape or intentional mutilation or arson.
9. Destructive Arson
6. R.A. No. 6235 is known as 10.Rape - a. committed with the use of deadly weapon
A. Anti-Hijacking Law or by two or more persons.
B. Anti-Piracy and Anti-Highway Robbery Law of b. when by reason or on the occasion of the
1974 rape, the victim has become insane.
C. An Act to Punish Espionage c. when the rape is attempted or frustrated
D. None of the Above and a homicide is committed by reason or on the
occasion thereof.
7. All of the following except one are crimes against 11.Plunder
public order. 12.Violations of Dangerous Act
A. Coup D' Etat 13.Carnapping
B. Sedition
C. Treason General rule: the death penalty shall be imposed in all
D. Rebellion cases upon which it must be imposed under existing
8. This felony involves the raising of commotions or
disturbances in the State. Its ultimate object is a Exceptions: in which cases the penalty shall be
violation of the public peace or at least such a course of reduced to reclusion perpetua.
measures as evidently engenders it. 1. When the guilty person is below 18 years of age at
A. Coup D' Etat the time of the commission of the crime.
B. Rebellion 2. When the guilty person is over 70 years
C. Sedition
D. Treason
Republic Act No. 8294 Law Penalizing Illegal
9. Committed by a person who being under oath and
Possession of Firearms
required to testify as to the truth of a certain matter at
a hearing before a competent authority, shall deny the
truth or say something contrary to it. Persons Liable:
A. Slander
B. Perjury 1. Any person who shall unlawfully manufacture, deal in, acquire, dis
C. Libel found guilty of violating the provisions of the preceding paragraphs o
D. False testimony
2. Any person who shall carry any licensed firearm outside his reside
10. Lax, Unrestrained, immoral, maintainer of house of
prostitution. 3. Any person who shall unlawfully manufacture, assemble, deal in, a
A. Dissolute
B. Prostitutes 4. Any person who shall unlawfully repack, alter or modify the compo
C. Ruffians
D. Vagrants Act

Answer: No other crime: Illegal possession only

1. Covered Institution
Other Crime except homicide or Murder 2. Regardless of amount and
3. Any of the following circumstances:
a. no economic justification
b. client not properly identified
Murder or Homicide c. amount not commensurate with financial capacity
d. structured to avoid reporting
e. deviation from client's profile or past transactions
Rebellion or Insurrection, Sedition, or Attempted f. unlawful activity under this act
Coup d' etat g. similar or analogous

Unlawful Activity
1. Kidnapping for ransom
Unlicensed Firearms May Include 2. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (Sec. 4,5,6,8,9,10,1
1. Firearms with expired license or 3. Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act (Sec.3, par.B,C,E,G,H,I)
2. Unauthorized used of licensed firearm in the 4. Plunder
commission of the crime 5. Robbery and Extortion
6. Jueteng and Masiao punished as illegal gambling
People vs. Ladjaalam - (2000) The language of RA 8294 7. Piracy on the High Seas
effectively exonerates the accused of illegal possession, 8. Qualified Theft
an offense which may carry a heavier penalty than the 9. Swindling
other crime committed. Indeed, the accused may evade 10.Smuggling
conviction for illegal possession by committing a lighter 11.Electronic Commerce Act of 2000
offense like alarm and scandal. However, the wisdom of 12.Hijacking and Other Violation Of RA 6235,Destructive and Murder
RA 8294 is not subject to the court's review. 13.Securities Regulation Code of 2000
14.Offenses of similar nature punishable by foreign penal laws.

What is required to be reported?

Anti-Money Laundering Act Of 2001 R.A. NO. 9160 Covered Institutions shall report to the Anti-Money Laundering Counc

Money Laundering - is a crime whereby the proceeds of an unlawful activity to inquire into
are transacted, bank
thereby deposits
making them appear to have originate
1. Court order upon showing of probable cause that the deposit is rel
Persons Liable: 2. No court order required for the ff: unlawful activities:
a. Kidnapping
1. Any person knowing that any monetary instrument or property represents, involves orfor ransom
relates to, the proceeds of any unlawful activity, tra
2. Any person knowing that any monetary instrument or property involvesb. Comprehensive
the proceeds of anyDangerous
unlawful Drugs Act
activity, of 2002,orHijacking
performs and oth
fail to perform
3. Any person knowing that any monetary instrument or property is required under this act to be disclosed and filed with the Anti-Money Lau
Prosecution of Money Laundering
1. Offender
Covered Transaction: Transaction in excess of P500,000. within one banking day.may be charged with and convicted of both money laund
2. Proceeding of unlawful activity shall be given precedence over the
Suspicious Transaction, Requisites:

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