Magnetic Separators For Recycling: Driven by Magnetism Since 1959

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Magnetic Separators for Recycling

Driven by magnetism since 1959

2010.13.048 Goudsmit Magneetscheiders omslag UK.indd 2 03-12-10 10:57

In recent years, Goudsmit Magnetics has significantly extended its set of magnetic systems for the recycling
industry. This brochure gives an overall impression of the various systems for metal removal.
Goudsmits strength lies primarily in delivering customized solutions.

Since 1959, Goudsmit has built their magnet knowledge and experience and is therefore able to
find the right combination of machine robustness and magnetic force. This is especially important
in the development and production of permanent magnetic and electromagnetic separation
systems. Our team of specialists is constantly working on innovations that are tested extensively in
practice. An innovation is the removal of fine fractions and weak (para) magnetic metal parts, as well as
non-ferrous metal parts. This means an important step forward for the recycling industry.

The website includes several tables with data from our standard product range.
Please do contact us and explain your recycling issue to us. We will be glad to advise you by phone or in a
personal interview. You are welcome to our company in Waalre, where the necessary testing can be performed
immediately, if necessary.

Contents Block magnets

Permanent and electro 5

Overbelt magnets
Permanent NEOFLUX Ecoline electro 6-7

Head roll magnets

For conventional iron separation and/or high-grade
separation of weakly magnetic parts 8

Drum magnets
For conventional iron separation and/or high-grade
separation of weakly magnetic parts 8

I-Sens sensor separator

Conventional and/or high-grade separation of non-ferrous
metals (which may include stainless steel and copper wire)
and a metal content < 1% 9

Non-ferrous separators (Eddy Current)

Conventional and/or high-grade separation of non-ferrous
metals (except stainless steel and copper wire) and a metal
content > 1% 10 11

High-gradient magnetic separators

High-grade separation of weakly magnetic or very small
iron particles 12

Metal detectors
Conventional metal detection from about 0.5 mm,
only for waste flows with occasional metal particles in it
and a metal content < 0.2% 12

Goudsmit Research & Service

Testing laboratory Revision Service 13

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Block magnets

Block magnets are ideal for removal of iron particles from material flows
involving relatively few iron particles. They can be mounted above flat and/or
trough-shaped conveyors. Goudsmit provides block magnets in both permanent
and electro versions. These can be applied in all product and waste flows, and for
any bandwidth and layer thickness.
The choice of a permanent or electromagnetic design will depend on the specific
situation. We would be glad to advise you on choosing the right block magnet for
your application.
Please refer to the website for tables.

Permanent block magnets

Permanent magnets do not consume
any energy and as a result they provide
a cost-effective solution. Iron particles
absorbed by the magnet must be removed
by hand. Semi-manual cleaning with
a drawer is a possibility.

Electromagnetic block magnets

Electromagnets can be switched on and off,
making cleaning easier. If voltage is turned
off, the iron particles will drop simply off
the block. A deeper capture field is possible
for larger types of electromagnets.
Supply and installation of the control unit
for generation of the required DC current
will also be provided by Goudsmit.

Permanent block magnet for compost Construction parts under the magnet
should be of non-magnetic material for
optimal results.

Low-priced and easy to install
Available in various sizes, reflecting
the breadth and depth of the flow of
Opportunities for heavy duty
Deep magnetic field, depending on
strength of type

Electro block magnet for cement

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Overbelt magnets

Goudsmit has been successfully producing permanent and electro overbelt

magnets for many years. A recent development is the lightweight NEOFLUX
overbelt magnet and the ATEX electro overbelt magnet. Such magnets will often
be used in the first step of a deferrizing process.
The effectiveness varies from 70 to 90%. If a cleaner product is desired, one or
more steps can be added. Overbelt magnets can be mounted both in line with
and across the conveyor belt. Both possibilities are shown here.
Goudsmit would be glad to advise you! NEOFLUX overbelt magnet complete with
Stainless Steel Frame

Permanent overbelt magnets NEOFLUX overbelt magnets

Applicable to waste and/or product flows NEOFLUX overbelt magnets have been
with lots of iron particles. especially designed for use on wood and
Can be positioned across or in line with compost breakers that are relatively small
the product conveyor belt. and therefore not able to bear a heavy
Installation above flat and/or trough- magnet. This magnet often weighs half,
shaped conveyor belts. sometimes even less than a conventional
Capture field up to 450 mm is possible. (ferrite) overbelt magnet. Nevertheless, the
Certification possible for environments NEOFLUX magnet has a deep magnetic
prone to dust explosions, ATEX zones field to be able to separate normal iron
22 and 21. particles from various product flows.

Permanent overbelt magnet above sorting All magnets have a short weakening pole An important advantage of the NEOFLUX
conveyor at the end of the main pole, in order to version relative to a conventional overbelt
promote releasing of iron particles. magnet is that it is about twice stronger in
The magnetic field will become steadily the first 10 cm capture field. Therefore,
weaker, as a result of which iron particles NEOFLUX magnets are very well suited for
will be released easier and are less likely to fine-grained fractions, e.g., < 10 or 5 mm.
return to the magnetic pole. It is possible to separate particles from
approximately 1 mm from the product flow.
No energy consumption
Permanently magnetic
Low maintenance requirements
Continuous cleaning (automatic)

Permanent overbelt magnet in line above NEOFLUX overbelt magnet on wood shredder
conveyor belt (lightweight and compact)

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Cross installation Line installation

Standard stainless steel ecoline magnet 2 meter wide electro overbelt magnet for processing construction and demolition waste

Ecoline overbelt magnets Electro overbelt magnets

The Ecoline overbelt magnet series has Applicable to waste and/or product flows
been designed specifically for general and with lots of iron particles.
not too heavy deferrizing situations. Can be positioned across or in line above
The mounting height is up to 230 mm. conveyor belt.
Price (compared to magnets used) and a To be installed above flat and/or trough-
very fast delivery are of importance. shaped conveyor belts.
Goudsmit always has the right parts in Capture field up to 700 mm is possible.
stock to be able to deliver to you a complete Certification possible for environments
overbelt magnet within up to 2 weeks. prone to dust explosions, ATEX zones
22 and 21.
Benefits All magnets have an auxiliary pole to
Compact construction remove iron particles from the magnetic
Stainless steel construction field of the main pole.
Van der Graaf drum motor ATEX 22
 an be shutdown completely
L ow maintenance requirements
 ontinuous cleaning (automatic)

Please refer to the website for tables.

Electro overbelt magnet for construction and Electro overbelt magnet for the wood processing
demolition waste industry

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Head roll magnets

Goudsmit head roll magnets are very effective in making iron-free both coarse
and very fine-grained fractions. A head roll magnet is mounted as a drive roller in
a conveyor belt. Next, it will attract iron particles present in the product and
deflect these to the bottom of the belt. There, the iron particles will be released
from the magnetic field and collected in a funnel or a slide plate.

A magnetic head roll is regularly used as a FERROXDURE (FxD) 1800 Gauss

second deironization step in combination NEOFLUX 3000 Gauss
with overhead magnets, in order to realize conventional deironization
a finer separation after the first separation NEOFLUX 6000 Gauss
of coarse steel particles. In this way, the separation of weakly magnetic particles,
head roll magnet will increase effectiveness. with extremely deep magnetic field of
Goudsmit head roll magnets are available 150 mm
in various magnetic strengths. Not only NEOFLUX 9000 Gauss
with conventional ferroxdure magnets, but separation of weakly magnetic particles,
also in extra strong NEOFLUX versions. with shallow magnetic field of about
30 mm (High Gradient Separator)
There are four options for releasing iron
Separation particles from shredded aluminum particles from contaminated products:

Drum magnets
Goudsmit drum magnets are suitable for bulk and recycling products.
A magnetic drum is a stationary 180-degree magnet segment around which a
stainless steel drum with scrapers runs. Iron particles are held on the drum and
pulled to the bottom of the magnet. Scrapers will pull the iron particles from the
magnetic field. Result is a clean separation between product and iron particles.

Like head roll magnets, these drum NEOFLUX 9000 Gauss

magnets are available in various magnetic separation of weakly magnetic particles,
strengths. Besides conventional ferroxdure with shallow magnetic field of about
magnets, Goudsmit also manufactures 30 mm (High Gradient Separator)
heavy duty NEOFLUX versions.

Products can be made iron-free in 4 phases:

F ERROXDURE (FxD) 1800 Gauss

 EOFLUX 3000 Gauss
conventional deironization
NEOFLUX 6000 Gauss
separation of weakly magnetic particles,
with extremely deep magnetic field of
NEOFLUX drum magnet for glass recycling 150 mm NEOFLUX drum magnets with vibrating chute

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I-Sens sensor separator

A recent development within Goudsmit is the I-Sens sensor separator. This system
perfectly supplements the separation before or after the Eddy Current separators!
The separation principle consists of a conveyor belt in which a sensor plate has
been mounted just before the end roll. This sensor plate will detect a metal
particle as well as the line where this metal particle is located on the belt.
Next, the software will calculate the exact location and the metal particle will be
shot from the flow with an air pulse in its free dropping curve and dumped
behind a separation partition.

1500 mm wide I-Sens separator with vibrating chute and control unit

With the I-Sens sensor separator it is Available machine widths

possible to separate stainless steel, lead, 600 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000 / 2500 mm.
and copper wire from a material flow. Delivery may include or exclude matching
Obviously, this type of separator can also be BOGE air screw compressor.
used perfectly as a stand-alone installation.
Types of sensor and blow bar Sensor sensitivity adjustable for the
Fine fractions: desired result
sensor and blow pitch of 6 mm Suitable for all metal types
Medium fractions: Can improve product quality
sensor and blow pitch of 12 mm
Coarse fractions:
sensor and blow pitch of 24 mm Detail of I-Sens separation

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Non-ferrous separators (Eddy Current)

Goudsmit has been making Eddy Current separators for many years. This is a
conveyor system with a rapidly revolving magnetic rotor which generates an
induction field through magnet poles. The rotational speed generates a rapidly
changing magnetic field. In non-ferrous electrically conductive metal particles
(non-ferrous metals) a magnetic Eddy Current will be generated.
Through this interplay of forces, the non-ferrous particle will be shot from the
product flow.

The number of magnetic poles and the medium fractions. The rotation speed plays
rotational will greatly affect the separation a major role. In fine fractions (0-20 mm),
efficiency. Goudsmit manufactures the machines can run 4000 rpm and be Non-ferrous separator with a width of 2000 mm
magnetic rotors with 12 or 44 magnetic effective in the separation of small for processing of waste wood
poles. The 12-pole rotors are used in coarse non-ferrous metal particles from about
fractions from 70 mm. The 44-pole 2 mm.
magnetic rotors are used in fine- or Concentric Eddy Current separators
For this type, the magnetic rotor is
mounted in the middle of the revolving
drum. This results in a large separation
angle which is desirable for some product
types. This type of separator can easily be
used in product flows that are almost or
entirely free of iron and only contain
non-ferrous metals.

Available machine widths:

400 / 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000 mm

Non-ferrous separator type NF2000 in combustion slag fraction

Three non-ferrous separators type NF1500 on

plateau in combustion slag reprocessing

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Concentric separator Eccentric separator

Non-ferrous separator for biofuel (for green Non-ferrous separator in the shape of a cascade
electricity) for the separation of 2-10 mm metal particles
from slag

Eccentric Eddy Current separators Cascade Eddy Current systems

For this type of Eddy Current separators, Goudsmit provides and develops Cascade
the magnetic rotor is mounted from the Eddy Current separation systems, in 2- or
middle of the revolving drum. This allows 3-step towers. Specially developed for Cable connection between control panel and
the removal time of the metal particle to be processing of very fine fraction of 0.5 mm I-Sens is afffected by means of connectors.
affected, which may be desireable in some to 5 mm. It is necessary to process the Quick, safe and can be done by the operator
cases. Separation of non-ferrous metals product in multiple runs for optimal
from a material flow that still contains iron results. The speed can be increased up to
particles will not yield any problems for this 5000 rpm. The capacity of this Cascade E.C.
machine. separator is about 3 tons per hour for a very
fine fraction. It is important that the Eddy Current separators can separate many
Available machine widths: product to be processed is bone-dry alloy non-ferrous metals, including aluminum,
400 / 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000 mm (naturally or dried). copper and brass. Separation of stainless steel,
lead and copper wire from product flows
Available machine widths: streams is not possible; this could be done with
400 en 600 mm the I-Sens separator (see previous page).

Detail of non-ferrous separator (width: 1500 mm) for WEEE scrap

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High-gradient magnetic
High-gradient separators are magnets that are so powerful that they can attract
and remove para- or slightly magnetic materials. For example, stainless steel that
has been processed through a shredder can become magnetic by means of this
mechanical deformation. Think also, for example, of iron dust in the micron area
of ceramic materials.

A high-gradient separator can be

incorporated in two concepts: the head roll
magnet and the drum magnet.
Here, the capacity, the supply on the
magnet and the amount of magnetic
material are very important.

High Gradient 1500, 2-step version for plastic


Metal detectors
Goudsmit metal detectors are used, among others, in recycling flows as a security
device for grinders/granulators/shredders in the initial stage of a processing
process. But also as a means for control at the end of a processing process, for
example, when processing plastic.

A metal detector is an electromagnetic coil shutting down a belt or activating a

with an electromagnetic field. separation valve. Metal detectors can be
When a conductive metal particle ends up mounted around conveyor belts (METRON)
in this electromagnetic field, there will be or are used in free fall (QUICKTRON)
malfunction. An action can be triggered as situations.
a result of this malfunction, such as

Mounting of metal detector. Belt detector for plastic recycling Fall detector for dashboard recycling
Clearly visible: metal-free zone

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Goudsmit Research & Service

Testing laboratory
In order to provide you with the right
advice, Goudsmit has at their disposal an
extensive test lab with a wide range of
separation equipment. Whether it concerns
conventional or high-grade iron and/or
non-ferrous separation: everything is
possible. In the Goudsmit testing
laboratory, it can be identified which
separation technique would be the best
solution for you.

The Goudsmit revision department
restores used magnetic systems to their
top condition. Goudsmit also revises
magnetic systems from colleagues.
These can be all kinds of magnetic systems,
from head roll magnets to complete
Eddy Current separators.

A Permagraph determines the magnetic energy

Goudsmit Service
Goudsmit has highly motivated and well
trained service technicians. They are
perfectly able to analyze and solve your
issue. Quickly and effectively. If you have
any questions about maintenance, repairs
or spare parts, please contact Goudsmit.
Our service staff will arrive quickly on-site
to give expert advice.

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Petunialaan 19 5582 HA Waalre P.O. Box 18 5580 AA Waalre The Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0)40 2213283 Fax: +31 (0)40 2217325
E-mail: [email protected]

2010.13.048 Goudsmit Magneetscheiders omslag UK.indd 1 03-12-10 10:57

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