Traffic Condition Is More Than Colored Lines On A Map: Characterization of Waze Alerts

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Traffic Condition Is More Than Colored Lines on a

Map: Characterization of Waze Alerts

Thiago H. Silva1,3 , Pedro O.S. Vaz de Melo1 Aline Carneiro Viana3 ,

Jussara M. Almeida1 , Juliana Salles2 , and Antonio A.F. Loureiro1
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA
INRIA, France

Abstract. Participatory sensor network (PSN) enables the understanding of city

dynamics and the urban behavioral patterns of their inhabitants. In this work, we
focus our analysis on a specific PSN, derived from Waze, for sensing traffic con-
ditions. Our objective is to characterize the properties of this PSN, its broad and
global spatial coverage as well as its limitations. We also bring discussions on dif-
ferent opportunities for application design using this network. We claim that the
PSN derived from Waze has the potential to help us in the better understanding of
traffic problem reasons. Besides that, it could be useful for improving algorithms
used in navigation services: (1) by exploiting the provided real-time traffic in-
formation or (2) by helping in the identification of valuable pieces of information
that are hard to detect with traditional sensors, such as car accidents and potholes.

Keywords: Urban social behavior, city dynamics, participatory sensing, mobile

social networks, social big data.

1 Introduction
Participatory Sensing Systems (PSSs) [1,2] are revolutionizing the way we see cities,
societies and the interactions among people. PSSs provide a mobile interface that allows
people carrying smartphones to share data about the environment (or context) they are
inserted in at any time and place. These systems certainly have the power to contribute
in the process of making ubiquitous computing a reality. Consider the large variety
of PSSs already deployed and functioning at global scale, such as Foursquare1, Insta-
gram2 , Weddar3 , and Waze4 . Each of these systems can provide valuable information
about an aspect of a given city or society in almost real-time, such as its traffic and
weather conditions, local parties and festivals, riots, among others. More importantly,
the cost for obtaining this data is almost negligible, since it is distributed among all the
people who are sharing it.
From participatory sensing systems we can derive participatory sensor networks
(PSNs), where each node in the network consists of a user equipped with a mobile de-
vice, sending data to web services. In this direction, we can view PSNs as sensing layers

A. Jatowt et al. (Eds.): SocInfo 2013, LNCS 8238, pp. 309318, 2013.

c Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013
310 T.H. Silva et al.

of a global scale sensor network that uses humans in the sensing process. For example,
from Waze we can obtain a layer about the traffic, from Instagram a layer containing
pictures of places, from Foursquare, we can obtain a layer about the category of loca-
tions, and from Weddar, a layer about weather conditions. Each layer is responsible for
sensing data related to a certain aspect, for instance traffic or weather conditions, of a
specific area in the globe, such as countries, cities, or neighborhoods. In this work, we
focus our analysis on a specific sensing layer, the one responsible for sensing traffic
conditions. Data collected from this layer, as well as from others as mentioned above,
have the potential to transform society. They enable the understanding of city dynamics
and the urban behavioral patterns of their inhabitants, supporting smarter decision mak-
ing. In fact, real-time traffic maps could inform more than the traffic flows conditions
(usually represented by colored lines in the map), for example, it could provide routes
that cause less pollution to the city, dangerous areas to avoid, among others.
In order to evaluate the potential of the traffic sensing layer, we here analyze par-
ticipatory data coming from Waze the most popular traffic report application. Waze
was created in 2008 and recently, had approximately 50 million users [3]. Waze period-
ically collects sensor data from mobile phones, and uses it to compute the speed of their
devices to infer traffic conditions. The system also offers to its users predefined alerts
stating incidents such as traffic jams and police traps, extending the information about
traffic conditions. One of Wazes main features is the user engagement to contribute to
the common good, i.e., Waze is not just crowdsourcing, but personal participation [3].
The objective of this work is to characterize the properties of the PSN derived from
Waze, its broad and global spatial coverage as well as its limitations. Moreover, we dis-
cuss different opportunities for application design using data collected from Waze. For
example, such data could be exploited to drive improvements in algorithms for naviga-
tion services and to support quicker identification of information about car accidents,
potholes, and slippery roads, which are valuable information that are hard to detect with
traditional sensors.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present the related
work. In Section 3 we discuss the participation of human in the process of sensing. In
Section 4 we present the characterization of a PSN derived from Waze. In Section 5 we
illustrate some of the possible applications based on the data shared in Waze. Finally,
in Section 6 we present the conclusions and future work.

2 Related Work
Data obtained from participatory sensor networks (PSNs) may be very complex and,
therefore, a fundamental step in any investigation is to analyze the collected data to
understand its characteristics and usefulness. There are several proposals devoted to
the study of specific characteristics of PSNs. For example, in location sharing services
like Foursquare, Cranshaw et al. [4] presented a model to extract distinct regions of
a city that reflect current collective activity patterns. In a previous work [1], we have
characterized data collected from three distinct PSNs derived from location sharing ser-
vices, such as Foursquare. Among the results, we showed the planetary scale of those
networks, as well as the highly unequal frequency of data sharing, both spatially and
temporally, which is highly correlated with the typical routine of people. In another
Traffic Condition Is More Than Colored Lines on a Map 311

previous work [5], we performed the first characterization of Instagram using photos
shared by users, analyzing them from a sensor network point of view. We showed that
photo-sharing systems, particularly the Instagram, can also be used to map the charac-
teristics of urban locations at a low cost.
Quercia et al. [6] studied how social media communities resemble real-life ones.
They tested whether established sociological theories of real-life social networks hold
in Twitter. They found, for example, that social brokers in Twitter are opinion leaders
who take the risk of tweeting about different topics. Frias-Martinez et al. [7] proposed
a technique to determine the most common activities in a city by studying tweeting
patterns. Sakaki et al. [8] studied the real-time interaction of events (e.g., earthquakes)
in Twitter and proposed an algorithm to monitor tweets to detect a target event.
To the best of our knowledge, Fire et al. [9] is the only prior work to analyze Waze.
They showed that it might be possible to identify areas where accidents are more likely
to occur by analyzing user accident reports in Waze.
Our work differs from all previous studies as is the first characterization of Waze
from a crowdsensing point of view. Moreover, continuing our recent studies [1,5], we
show that traffic alert sharing systems, particularly Waze, can also be exploited for map-
ping the characteristics of urban locations at a low cost, providing complementary data
in relation to those obtained from other types of systems, such as location or photo
sharing system. As previously mentioned, we believe that the personal involvement of
users in such system can allow inferring much richer conclusions about traffic condi-
tions than the usual colored information about traffic jam provided by on-line traffic
websites. This work also discuss possible ways towards this goal.

3 Social Media as a Source Sensing

Social media websites based on location (also known as Location-based Social Net-
works LBSNs), such as Foursquare, Instagram and Waze, build new virtual environ-
ments that integrate user interactions. Such systems have been extensively used for dif-
ferent applications. The ubiquity of smartphones, associated with the adoption of social
media websites, enable unprecedented opportunities to study city dynamics and urban
social behavior by mining the social big data shared by users of these applications.
Social media websites based on location allow people sharing useful data about the
city area where they are located at any given moment, acting as a source of sensing
and, thus, leading to the so-called participatory sensing systems [1,2]. Participatory
sensing networks (PSNs) can be derived from such systems, where nodes represent
users equipped with mobile devices sending data to web services. For example, in a
Waze derived PSN, the sensed data consists of reports on traffic conditions of a specific
road/street. Data from PSNs can be usually collected through the API of the specific
system (e.g., Foursquare, Instagram or Waze APIs). More details about PSNs can be
found in [5,1], in [1] is also discussed in more details the challenges faced by this
emerging type of network. Different systems, e.g. Foursquare, Waze, and Instagram,
lead to different PSNs. Each PSN may enables the access to data related to a certain
city aspect, being considered a sensing layer.
312 T.H. Silva et al.

4 Characterization of Waze
This section investigates the participatory sensor network (PSN) derived from Waze.

4.1 Overview of the Dataset

Waze is a popular navigation system that uses crowdsensing to offer near real-time
traffic information and routing. The system was created in 2008 and registered approx-
imately 50 million users in 2013. Waze periodically collects data from the built-in GPS
typically found in smart phones, and uses it to compute the speed of the device. With
that, Waze can provide useful information about traffic conditions in different areas.
The system also offers to its users predefined alerts stating incidents such as traffic jams
and police traps, which extends the information about traffic conditions. It is also possi-
ble to use subcategories of incidents to better specify them, for example, heavy traffic
jam instead of just traffic jam.
Here, we are interested in characterizing user participation in the dissemination of
alerts about traffic. To that end, we collected a dataset of Waze alerts directly from
Twitter, since Waze traffic information is not publicly accessible by an API. Our dataset
covers the period from December 21st, 2012 to June 28th, 2013, and consists of 212,814
tweets containing alerts about traffic shared by Waze users, each one providing the user
id, type of incident (e.g., traffic jam), and the address of the incident. In order to obtain
the latitude and longitude of the provided address, we performed a geocoding process
using the Bing Maps API5 , which provides the confidence of the results quality: low,
medium, and high. We excluded all results classified as low. After this filtering process,
we extracted 162,212 tweets containing alerts, shared by 21,852 users.
In Figure 1, we provide an overview of types of alerts reported by users of our dataset,
using word clouds to represent the relative frequency6. Alerts were translated into En-
glish using a manually created dictionary of translation. As we can see, the most com-
mon type of reported alert is traffic jam7 , though police and hazard are also very popular.

Fig. 1. Overview of reported alerts Fig. 2. Spatial coverage of Waze in Rio

de Janeiro
The size of the word indicates its popularity.
Alerts containing a subcategory of an incident were unified to its main category, for example,
heavy traffic jam was associated to the word traffic jam.
Traffic Condition Is More Than Colored Lines on a Map 313

4.2 Sensing Layer Coverage

In this section, we discuss the spatial coverage of the PSN derived from Waze. Towards
a global view of this coverage, we first built a heatmap with all alerts shared by users in
our dataset8 , and then we selected the most popular cities for further analysis.
A popular city from our dataset is shown in Figure 2. In this figure we show the num-
ber of alerts in different regions of Rio de Janeiro by a heat map, where the scale varies
from yellow to red (more intense activity)9 . The spatial coverage is not as proliferated as
the one observed in location and photo sharing systems [1,5]. A factor that might help
to explain it is the user population of our dataset, which is smaller than those reported
in the mentioned studies. Another factor is that users might have fewer opportunities to
share traffic alerts, compared to opportunities to share photos or check-ins.
In order to evaluate user participation across different regions at a finer granularity,
we propose to divide the geographical area of each city into smaller rectangular spaces
(or quadrants), as in a grid, and analyze the distribution of the number of alerts across
quadrants. We here consider a quadrant delimited by steps of 0.0001 in both latitude
and longitude. This scheme produces quadrants of different spatial areas, depending on
the geographic location of the city, but this does not affect our analysis. For instance, it
represents an area of 811 meters in New York and 1011 meters in Rio de Janeiro.
0 0
10 10
data data
1 =1.95 1
10 =2.16
P[X x]

P[X x]

10 4
4 5
10 0 1 2 3
10 0 1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
x[# of alerts] x[# of alerts]

(a) Rio de Janeiro (b) All locations

Fig. 3. Distribution of the number of alerts

The complementary cumulative distribution functions (CCDF) of the number of

alerts shared in a quadrant of the city of Rio de Janeiro, as well as across all locations in
our dataset are presented in Figures 3a and 3b, respectively. Note that a power law de-
scribes well this distribution in both cases. This means that few areas have hundreds of
shared alerts, while most of the quadrants have just a small number. This finding is con-
sistent with previous results about user participation in location sharing services [1,10]
and photo sharing services [5]. As in those other services, it is likely that some areas,
such as large avenues in downtown, have more activity of traffic alerts. Note that the
number of vehicles circulating on each region greatly impacts the local coverage of a
traffic alert sharing system such as Waze, as shared alerts often refer to traffic jams and
hazards, or even police traps (see Figure 1), which tend to occur more often in locations
with heavier car flow. This is in contrast to location and photo sharing services, where
places often visited by a large number of people are not necessarily covered by a large
Figure omitted due to space limitations. We note, however, that user participation in Waze is
low is certain regions, particularly Asia.
The darkest red represents a region with 508 alerts.
314 T.H. Silva et al.

amount of shared data, because the motivation of users to share data in such systems
is different from Waze. For example, a large supermarket may be visited by a large
number of people on a daily basis, but it is not likely that those people will share many
check-ins or photos at it.

4.3 Time Intervals between Traffic Alerts

We now analyze the frequency in which users share alerts in Waze. This is important
because the success of a PSN depends on the continuous participation of the users, since
nodes are autonomous and responsible for their own operation and functioning.
The histogram of the inter-sharing time t between consecutive alerts (performed
not necessarily by the same user), in a popular quadrant is shown in Figure 4a. Note
that a log-logistic distribution10 ( = 2.931, = 1.065) fits well the data, reflecting
the fact that there are times when many alerts are shared within a few minutes and
there are times when there is no sharing for hours. As also observed for photo [5] and
location [1] sharing services, this result may indicate that the majority of alert sharing
occurs at specific intervals. For instance, alerts are more likely to be common in urban
areas during rush hours.
In Figure 4b, we show the odds ratio function (OR)11 of inter-sharing time t . This
function highlights the behavior of the distribution at both the head and in the tail.
As also observed in previous analyses of phone SMS usage and photo sharing [5,11],
the OR function of the inter-sharing time between alerts also presents a power law
behavior with slope 1. This suggests that the mechanisms behind human activities
can be simpler than those proposed in the literature, which depend on a larger number
of parameters [12].
The CDF of all observed inter-sharing times performed by any user in the same
quadrant is shown in Figure 4c. As we can observe, a considerable portion of users
perform consecutive alert sharing in a short time interval. In the present case, the portion
is around 25%. This is expected to happen because, for example, when an accident
happens many users tend to share it in a short interval.

2 2 1
10 data 10 data
loglogistic =0.93 0.8
Odds Ratio


10 0
10 0.4

10 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0
(min) (min)
2 4 6
10 10 10 10
t t t (min)

(a) Histogram (pop. quad.) (b) Odds ratio (pop. quad.) (c) CDF (all quadrants)

Fig. 4. Time intervals between consecutive alerts, not necessarily done by the same user

Probability Density Function: f (x|, ) = 1 x1 (1+e
z )2 ; x 0, where z =
11 CDF (x)
OR(x) = 1CDF (x) , where CDF(x) is the cumulative density function, in this case, of the
inter-sharing time t distribution.
Traffic Condition Is More Than Colored Lines on a Map 315

4.4 User Activity

We now analyze the contribution of individual users in the PSN derived from Waze. In
Figure 5, we show that the distribution of the number of alerts shared by each user of
our dataset has a heavy tail, as observed for photo sharing [5]. This implies in a great
variability of user participation. For instance, 35% of the users contributed with only
one alert during approximately the six-month period covered by our dataset, while 16%
and 0.006% of users contributed with more than 10 and 100 alerts, respectively, in the
same period. These proportions are similar to those observed in photo sharing [5].
1 1

10 0.8 0.8

P[x > X]

P[x > X]
10 0.6 0.6

10 0.4 0.4

10 0.2 0.2

10 0 10 5 0 5
0 4 2 0 2 4 6
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
All intersharing distances (Km) Median intersharing dist. (Km)
10 0
10 10

User data sharing

(a) All distances (b) Median distance per user

Fig. 5. CCDF of the number of Fig. 6. Distribution of the geographical distance between con-
shared alerts (same user) secutive data of the same person

We now analyze the spatial distance between consecutive alerts by the same user, by
taking the distance [13] between the geographic coordinates associated with both alerts.
In Figure 6a, we show the CDF of the distances between consecutive alerts shared by
each user, for all users. Note that a large portion of the distances are very short: for
instance, around 30% are below 1 meter. Such large fraction of small distances between
consecutive sharings were also observed in photo sharing [5] and, to a lesser extent,
location sharing services [10]. In the latter, Noulas et al. [10] observed that 20% of the
consecutive sharings by the same user were in locations that were apart from each other
by up to 1 km. For photos and alerts, this fraction raises to approximately 45% and 80%,
respectively. This suggests that users tend to share multiple alerts in the same location.
In Figure 6b, we show similar results for the distribution of the median distance
between consecutive sharings for each user. That is, even aggregating results for each
user, we still observe that alerts are shared at very short distances: around 15% of users
share alerts 1 meter apart from each other.

4.5 Influence of User Routines

In this section, we study how user routines affect the temporal frequency of alert shar-
ing. In Figure 7a, we show the temporal variations12 of the number of alerts shared
throughout the week (Monday to Sunday), for all locations of our dataset. As expected,
user participation presents a diurnal pattern, and the activity during late night hours
and dawn is much lower than previously observed in location and photo sharing pat-
terns [1,5]. During that period, traffic problems are typically rare, whereas users have
The time of sharing was normalized according to the timezone where the alert was shared.
316 T.H. Silva et al.

more opportunities to share data in location and photo sharing systems (e.g., in a night
club or in a concert).
Intense user activity during the weekends, as observed in location sharing ser-
vices [1,14] and photo sharing services [5], is not observed here. This might indicate
that the reasons motivating users to contribute alerts are distinct from the ones to per-
form check-ins. In Figure 7b, we show the average number of data sharings throughout
the day, separately for weekdays (Monday to Friday) and weekends (Saturday and Sun-
day). Note the two clear peaks of activity, one around 7 to 8 AM and the other around 6
PM, coinciding with typical rush hours in urban areas. This result is different from the
three clear peaks previously observed in location sharing services [1,14], around break-
fast, lunch and dinner times, as well as from the two peaks during lunch and dinner
times in photo sharing [5].
3500 4000
Total # of data

Total # of data




0 0
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Time (week days) Time in hours

(a) weekly pattern (b) Aggregated weekday and

Fig. 7. General temporal sharing pattern (all locations)

We now analyze the hourly variations of alert sharings in six large cities: Chicago
and New York (Figure 8a13 ); Belo Horizonte and Sao Paulo in Brazil (Figure 8b); and
London, and Paris (Figure 8c). Note that the curve of each city follows the general trend
observed for all locations (Figure 7b).
Belo Horizonte
1 Chicago 1 1
Sao Paulo London
New York
0.8 0.8 0.8
# of data
# of data
# of data

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Hour Hour Hour

(a) American cities (b) Brazilian cities (c) European cities

Fig. 8. Alerts sharing throughout the day in different cities around the world

We can also observe that the peaks reflect distinct rush times that are related to the
common working hours of different cities. In Chicago (Figure 8a) the morning peak is
around 7 AM, as in the two European cities (Figure 8c). In contrast, in New York and in
the Brazilian cities (Figure 8b), the morning peak is usually one hour later, suggesting
that people tend to leave later to work in those cities. The second most expressive peak in
Each curve is normalized by the maximum number of alerts shared in the city in question.
Traffic Condition Is More Than Colored Lines on a Map 317

both American cities is around 5 PM, which is similar to the European cities. However,
this is distinct from the Brazilian cities, which have a peak of activity around 6 PM.
To complement this analysis, we performed, from July 16th to July 18th, an hourly
collection of traffic conditions of Paris, using Google Maps. We note that the time of
the observed peaks reflects relatively well intense traffic conditions reported by Google
Maps, whereas the reduced activity prior and after the peaks also reflects better traffic
conditions. This suggests that this information could be used to assure the quality and
improve traffic condition information services, such as those offered by Google Maps.

4.6 Discussion

We showed the planetary scale of the studied PSN, derived from Waze. We also showed
the highly unequal frequency of data sharing, both spatially and temporally, which is
highly correlated with the typical routine of people. Our characterization provided a
deep understanding of the properties of this particular PSN, revealing its potential to
drive various studies on city dynamics and urban social behavior, as discussed next.

5 Opportunities for New Services and Applications

This section discusses some possible situations where a PSN derived from Waze can
be exploited to build new services and applications. As discussed in Section 4.1, the
most often reported problem by Waze users is traffic jam. Since this is a common cause
of complaints and many other problems may end up resulting in traffic jam, a natural
question that arises is: What are the causes of traffic jam? This is not an easy question to
answer, and it may vary from place to place. However, the shared alerts in Waze might
help us to understand the causes.
More specifically, we note that the analysis of the traffic alerts can lead to a more
detailed investigation of traffic conditions. For instance, the real-time identification of
locations with potholes or animals in the road, whose detection is hard with traditional
sensors, becomes more feasible when users participate in the sensing process. This
is useful to discover not obvious reasons for a frequent traffic jam. Besides that, such
detection opens opportunities for various services, such as, help smart cars in the correct
identification of problems on the road.
In the same direction, the identification of problematic roads might also be possible
by looking at the number of alerts reported on a road. For example, if we take the top
five reported locations in Belo Horizonte (Cristiano Machado Av; Raja Gabaglia Av;
Contorno Av; Beltline Rd; Amazonas Av) and Paris (A15; N104; A6 - E15; A13 - E05;
N118), we observe that all of them are roads that typically present traffic problems,
especially on rush hours. This shows that it is possible to identify problematic roads
using traffic alerts. However, the main advantages of using a PSN of traffic alerts do not
lie on discovering common problematic roads, but on detecting unusual ones. This is
possible thanks to the capability of Waze alerts in describing real-time incidents, what
can help to discover particular patterns not generally known.
This information could be used to improve algorithms for navigation services. Be-
sides that, traffic information services, such as Bing Maps, could also benefit from this
318 T.H. Silva et al.

information to assure the quality about the reported traffic condition, as we observed in
the Section 4.5. Moreover, an urban planner could use this information to assess the ef-
fectiveness of previous roadworks. For instance, it could be verified if roadworks in the
Cristiano Machado Avenue, a very problematic road in Belo Horizonte, were effective
to reduce the number of problems reported in that road.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

The better understanding of dynamics of cities and the social behavior that happens
on them can be achieved with the help of participatory sensor networks (PSNs). This
understanding allows system designers to offer smart services that meet peoples needs.
In this paper, we studied a PSN derived from Waze, the most popular traffic report
application, and characterized the properties of this network. Among other results, we
showed that the routines have a considerable impact on the data sharing, for example,
the peaks of activity reflect distinct rush times that are related to the common working
hours of the analyzed cities. A future direction we intend to pursue is the design of
new applications that explore traffic alerts shared in Waze, following the opportunities
presented in Section 5.

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