Learning Record Form
Learning Record Form
Learning Record Form
The purpose of this form is to document your learning as you are researching.
What you should see is that learning is a process. Your goal should be to update this form on a daily basis as you work and find out additional information:
Include the information you have learned, with the main ideas summarized in your own words. If you cant summarize it in your own words, you havent learned it.
Include the dates so that you can monitor your learning process.
As you learn more, you should always have more questions. We should see continuous questions and answers as you seek to deepen your knowledge.
Knowledge Section: This section will be where you record what you know, as well as what you learn. At the end it should give us a picture of the learning that took
place during this project.
Things you know and things you learned: This section will be the first section you will fill out. Here you will list, summarized in your own words, every important
idea that you know so far. Later, as you learn more, you should add to this list. Choose a specific color for all the things that you know. Choose a different color
for all the things that you learn. This should be summarized in your own words.
Question Sections: Questions drive learning. Asking effective questions is the key to real learning. You should keep a careful record of all questions that come to your
mind. If the teacher comes to ask what you are doing, you should be able to show them the question that is driving your learning.
Things you know that you dont know: These should be questions that come from you. Having focused questions is an important part of doing efficient research.
If the teacher comes to ask you what you are doing, you should be able to show them the question you are focused on. As you learn new information, add it to the
things you know section in a different color.
Things you didnt know that you dont know: As you continue to research and learn, you will come across words or ideas that you have never heard of before.
This is a very valuable chance to learn. It will also lead you to have questions such as: what does this word mean? Who made this theory? How does this relate to
this? These questions will add even more opportunities for you to learn. As you learn the answers to these questions, add them to the things you learned list in a
third different color.
Question Section: Things you know that you dont know Question Section: Things you didnt know that you dont know
What is some basic information about hamster?
What is some basic information about guinea pig?
How to train hamster?
Hamster cage should have space for it to run around and some toy for it to play with. Remember that hamster can chew any soft thing so make sure that you cage is hard
enough and be able to keep it inside the cage.
1. Wire bar cage: the thing that you should make sure when you buying a wire bar cage is that the gap between a bars is not too big. If there is big space, hamster
can wriggle out of the cage. Also make sure that material use to make the cage is strong and safe if hamster chew it.
2. Aquarium: big glass box can also be use as hamster cage. It should be high to put some sunning wheel inside. Hamster cannot climb the glass so it is the best cage
to prevent hamster from running away.
3. Tube cage: This is the same as playground for hamster. The size of it should be the largest area that you can provide.
Size of the cage is about 15 inches long and 12 inches high for one hamster. It can be bigger but should not be smaller than this size.(22/4/17)
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRrEPZR5iVc
2. http://pethamstercare.com/cage-habitat/
3. http://pethamstercare.com/care-sheet/
Question Section: Things you know that you dont know Question Section: Things you didnt know that you dont know
What will be inside the cage?
How often do we clean hamster cage?
What hamster eat?
Hamster diet can be mixed grain or pellets. You need to introduce new type of fruit or vegetable slowly to hamster. If you just give it to them, hamster will get diarrhea
and upset stomach. Start introduce new kind of food by one small piece and another piece after 2 days. Doo like this until hamster get used to it then you will increase
the frequency of the food. Twice a day of fresh food is the maximum number that you should feed the hamster. Fresh food is fruit and vegetable. Make sure that there is
no pesticide left on fruit and vegetable by washing it by water before giving it to your hamster. We should not feed our hamster with human food because it is dangerous
for hamster to eat. When we ggive the hamster fruit, we need to peel it first because it can be a pesticide on the cover of the fruit. (1/5/17)
1. http://pethamstercare.com/cage-habitat/
2. http://pethamstercare.com/care-sheet/
3. http://hamsterific.com/hamsterific-university/acceptable-hamster-food-list/
Question Section: Things you know that you dont know Question Section: Things you didnt know that you dont know
What food that hamster cannot eat?
Hamster can eat cheese and meat such as cooked beef, turkey or fish. It also can eat cricket, mealworm, grasshopper, yogurt without sugar adding or plain tofu.
Fruits that hamster can eat are apple without seed, banana, mango ,lychee, cherry, blackberries, raspberries, melon and strawberry
Vegetables that hamster can eat are Asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, celery, chestnut, corn, green peas, cucumber, spinach, and sweet bell pepper
There are more things that hamster can eat but I list only the thing that can find in Thailand(1/5/17)
Question Section: Things you know that you dont know Question Section: Things you didnt know that you dont know
What illness that can happen with hamster?
What body language of hamster?
Question Section: Things you know that you dont know Question Section: Things you didnt know that you dont know
How many types of hamster and what are them?
How can hamster find food?
Hamster has bad eye sight but it has very good sense of hearing and smell. It will follow the smell of food as a foraging technique. (3/5/17)
Question Section: Things you know that you dont know Question Section: Things you didnt know that you dont know
Are there any other types of maze? What is Morris water maze?
What is radial arm maze?
What is animal can learn faster mice or hamster?
Question Section: Things you know that you dont know Question Section: Things you didnt know that you dont know
Are there any other types of maze?
Question Section: Things you know that you dont know Question Section: Things you didnt know that you dont know
Are there any other types of maze?
Question Section: Things you know that you dont know Question Section: Things you didnt know that you dont know
Are there any other types of maze?
Question Section: Things you know that you dont know Question Section: Things you didnt know that you dont know
Are there any other types of maze?
Barnes Maze