André Breton
André Breton
André Breton
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Andr Breton
French Theoretician and Writer
Movements: Dada, Surrealism
QUOTES "When will the arbitrary be granted the place it deserves in the formation of works and
"The man who cannot visualize a horse ideas?"
galloping on a tomato is an idiot."
Andr Breton
suitable original subject, to stare xedly Andr Breton was an original member of the Dada group who went on to start and lead the
at an old, decrepit wall. "Very soon," he Surrealist movement in 1924. In New York, Breton and his colleagues curated Surrealist
said, "you will notice forms and scenes exhibitions that introduced ideas of automatism and intuitive art making to the rst Abstract
that will become more and more precise.. Expressionists. He worked in various creative media, focusing on collage and printmaking as
From then on you will only have to copy well as authoring several books. Breton innovated ways in which text and image could be
what you see and to complete it where united through chance association to create new, poetic word-image combinations. His ideas
necessary." Whatever references about accessing the unconscious and using symbols for self-expression served as a
continue to be made to this, one can only fundamental conceptual building block for New York artists in the 1940s.
say that this lesson has been lost. The
the highway, before which a landscape Breton was a major member of the Dada group and the founder of Surrealism. He was
that never has had time to form itself dedicated to avant-garde art-making and was known for his ability to unite disparate artists
reconstitutes, furthermore, the magic through printed matter and curatorial pursuits.
mirror in which life and death may be
read.. Let us cast a glance of sincere Breton drafted the Surrealist Manifesto in 1924, declaring Surrealism as "pure psychic
appreciation on these elementary automatism," deeply affecting the methodology and origins of future movements, such as
surfaces in which the future world has Abstract Expressionism.
Andr Breton
Andr Breton
forebode the roar of tanks being hurled Andr Breton was born in a small village, although his family relocated to a Parisian suburb
against each other. One cannot help soon after. He excelled in school and developed literary interests quite early. Breton read the
being affected in one's inmost being. French Decadents, such as Charles Baudelaire, J.K. Huysmans, Stephane Mallarme, and the
Nothing will help to obscure the depths, German Romantic writers, all of whom informed his early thoughts on Avant-Gardism. By
not only of horror but, even more, of the 1912, Breton had a cultivated knowledge of Contemporary art and begun to study Anarchism
irrational and nonintelligent background as a political movement. While he loved the French Decadent artists, such as Gustave Moreau,
upon which, at least for the time being, he began to separate himself from their belief in "art for art's sake," in favor of art that
the intellectual and artistic gures of the appealed to the masses.
mind are traced."
Mature Period
Because Dada was originally associated with German Expressionism, many French critics
disliked it, thus Breton worked to tie this new movement to French literary communities. Dada
faded in 1924 due to personal differences between Breton and Tzara. This paved the way for
Breton's Surrealism. The Surrealist Manifesto interpreted Breton's experiments with psychic
automatism, which became popular in America when he brought exhibitions featuring
Surrealist artists to New York.
During the 1930s, artists within the Surrealist movement became polarized, some favoring 2/5
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political activism over commercial success. Artists such as Max Ernst, Rene Magritte and
Salvador Dal pursued furthered connections between dreams and art practice. Breton, who
rejected fascism, advocated for political responsibility and consequently many Surrealists
followed his cue. Interestingly, many women af liated with Surrealism, such as Lee Miller and
Meret Oppenheim, followed Breton, for his exploration of sexual identity themes at the time.
When the war was over, Breton continued to write and traveled the world, nally returned to
Paris. In the 1940s and 50s, Breton primarily worked on essays and poems, including Arcane
17 (1945), mythological prose set in Canada. He also published Constellations (1959), a suite
of poems inspired by Joan Mir's gouache paintings of the same name. He also collected art,
especially that of Indigenous peoples. His collection remained intact until 2003, when the
Atelier de Breton was dismantled and sold at auction. Some of his collection remains at the
Centre Pompidou. The Dossier Dada, an archive Breton built of press clippings and
publications related to these various art movements, can be found at Kunsthaus Zurich.
The legacy of Andr Breton is wide reaching and continues to this day. After coming to New
York during World War II, his ideas on Surrealism were essential to early Abstract
Expressionists, like Arshile Gorky, Roberto Matta, and Yves Tanguy, as well as second
generation Surrealists, like Joseph Cornell. He pioneered the concept of fusing art and culture,
which became a basic tenet in Pop Art. Breton's use of the media as a tool of art practice also
helped shape many contemporary artists who build personas as part of their work. In this way,
he foresaw Performance Art, Fluxus, Conceptualism, and what has followed on from those
movements. Perhaps above all, Breton's love of absurdist humor continues to inspire artists to
the present. 3/5
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Poeme (1924)
Artwork description & Analysis: This is an early example of a Surrealist collage that fuses text
and image. Breton wrote this poem the same year he published the Surrealist Manifesto. More
than a poetic expression, it reveals Breton's increasing belief in journalism as a potent artistic
form as the piece uses newspaper and magazine clipping materials as its source. The text is
absurdist and constructs its own logic that would not make sense to a reader trying to
understand it as traditional language.
Collage on paper - Elsa Adamowicz
Cadavre Exquis with Andr Breton, Max Morise, Jeannette Tanguy, Pierre
Naville, Benjamin Peret, Yves Tanguy and Jacques Prevert (1928)
Artwork description & Analysis: This is an example of an artwork made as an Exquisite
Corpse, a Surrealist game developed to free the mind and to tap into subconscious forces,
similar to doodling. In this game, artist fold the page into sections and hide previous
contributions or build upon one another's collaborative efforts to create a work that is inspired
by consecutive artistic moves. In Breton's early development of theories about automatism, he
and his colleagues made many of these collages. They also emphasize the act of
collaboration, which was a fundamental ideal to both Dada and Surrealism.
Collage on paper - MOMA, New York, Estate of Yves Tanguy