Currentevent 2

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Martinez, Gabriela

Mr. Wisner

World History

Period: 2nd pd M/W

Date: 12/06/16

Current Event Title

*Your Task

Link to article

Key Vocabulary from the Article (Define at least 4).

Patriotic- Having or expressing devotion and vigorous support for
one's country.
Stifle- To restrain or stop oneself from acting on.
Dissenter- Person who rebels or protests.
American Exceptionalism-I one of the related ideas.
Grotesque-Comically or repulsively ugly or distorted.

Summary of the Event (at least 3 major points; each point will have its
own paragraph)
President elect Donald trump blames the PC for the attack at the

Pulse nightclub in Orlando, as well as the rise of the military group of the

Islamic State. Not only does he agree to this The Political correctness has

become a major bugaboo for the right in the past decade. Though the The
Daily caller has as far as to have claimed that the political correctness kills

the americans, but conservatives have their own different versions, their

own sets of rulers regulating speech, behavior and acceptable opinions,

calling it the patriotic correctness. examples would be like the aftermath

of the catastrophic event of 9/11 that ran up to the Iraq-War. Later on

causing so much controversy 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick sat and

then knelt for the national anthem to protest police brutality and had many

fans burning his jersey and complaining it he hates america so much to get

out. Till this day things just end up getting worse, and worse by the minute

especially after Donald's Trump win for the Presidency.

Your Opinion of the Event (at least 3 sentences).

My opinion on the event is that everybody should have the right to

think what they want, but treat each other equally and not call out someone

for the skin color or their heritage because that is who they are we are all

the same and shouldn't be treated like horrible for what people are. It is

also not fine to be calling a foreigner a illegal alien because one way or

another we are all the same we are all one species and are not different

from one another.

Relate your Event to the a Theme (at least 3 sentences). SEE BACK
The event chosen would be related to the theme about Political

Structures, because it has to do with the government and how the have

treated people and have had so many disputes they have not dealt with yet

causing so much controversy especially during the year of 2016.

Questions You Have About the Event (4).

1). Why would Black live matter be considered be considered racist.
2). In what way is waving the Mexican flag considered that one hates
3). What does the Political correctness do?
4). What has the government done to fix any of these problems?


1.Cultural Interaction 2.Political Structures

o Religions o State-building, expansion, and conflict

o Belief systems, o Empires

philosophies, and ideologies

o Science and technology o Nations and nationalism

o The arts and o Revolts and revolutions


3.Economic Structures 4.Social Structures

o Agricultural and o Gender roles and relations

pastoral production
o Trade and commerce o Family and kinship

o Labor systems o Racial and ethnic constructions

o Industrialization o Social and economic classes

o Economic theories


o Disease

o Migration & patterns of


o Population growth

o Technology

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