Syllabus PDF
Syllabus PDF
Syllabus PDF
Instructor: Ed Jorgensen
Office: RAJ 271 I
Class Hours: Mo/Tu/We/Th/Fr 1:00 - 2:30
Text / Information:
Computer Organization & Architecture: Designing for Performance, 8 Edition
William Stallings
Class Handouts.
CS 219 Class Page, URL:
Grades will be based on homework, quizzes, tests, and a final exam. Homework will be assigned and
due at the beginning of class on the specified date. In addition, copies of assignments and handouts
will also be available on the CS 219 home page.
Two tests and final exam will be given. Each test will be somewhat comprehensive, but will
emphasize material covered since the last test. Tests will be announced two or three class days in
advance. There will be NO MAKEUPS for missed tests.
No extra credit home works will be given. No make-up tests will be given. Exams will last for the full
class period. All exams are closed book and closed notes. Late assignment submissions WILL NOT
be accepted. All homework, material presented in class, and chapters covered in the book are
Tentative Topics:
Von Neumann Machine Memory
Instruction Sets and Semantics Input/Output
Arithmetic Logic Unit Pipelining
Performance Current Topics
Central Processing Unit Other topics if time permits
It is suggested that upon completion of an assignment you make two copies of it (one to hand in, one to
keep for your own reference). Graded assignments will be returned to you as soon as possible. It is
you're responsibility to check the grade summaries for posting errors.
Assignments may not be shared. Under no circumstances should you "work with" anyone else in the
class on assignments!! Cheating will result in a failure in the class and letter to the student's major
Library Services
The University Libraries offer free, brief clinics and workshops to help you increase your research
skills and save time searching. Bring your topic to a Research Clinic for in-depth, one-on-one
consultation with a research expert, or attend one of our more structured workshops on topics such as
finding books and articles, successful search strategies, or Internet research. Check out the schedule at or call 895-2123 for more information.
Documented Disability
Learning Enhancement Services (LES) houses Disability Services, Tutoring Services, and Learning
Strategies. If you have a documented disability that may require assistance, you will need to contact
LES for coordination in your academic accommodations. LES is located in the Reynolds Student
Services Complex, Suite 137. The phone number is 895-0866 or TDD 702-895-0652. You may also
visit our website at
Copyright Notice
The University requires all members of the University Community to familiarize themselves and to
follow copyright and fair use requirements. You are individually and solely responsible for violations
of copyright and fair use laws. The University will neither protect nor defend you nor assume any
responsibility for employee or student violations of fair use laws. Violations of copyright laws could
subject you to federal and state civil penalties and criminal liability as well as disciplinary action under
University policies. To help familiarize yourself with copyright and fair use policies, the University
encourages you to visit its copyright web page at:
Religious Holidays
As a general rule, a student missing a class or laboratory assignment because of observance of a
religious holiday shall have the opportunity to make up missed work. Students must notify of
anticipated absences by the last day of late registration, to be assured of this opportunity.
Also, students who represent UNLV at any official extracurricular activity shall have the opportunity to
make up assignments, but the student must provide official written notification no less than one week
prior to the missed class(es).