The Art of SHEN KU - The Ultimate Traveler's Guide

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THE ART OF - SHEN Ku “The Ultimate Traveler’s Guide Of This Planet” The First Intergalactic Artform of the Rt Entire Universe —Re7r7 For A Child— ee og rg RCI ecco TUE) Barriers Of Time CBee Sin iee ae ‘ 3 ! . Lee aan se eS TEC Ue For A Child— Personally eed Applicable— fue Re eniiny eg aiiig > Governing All Transcending Reena UU lr Progress In Any CAT ee mL a Species Anywhere Lata ae | es ie as) Peed Ct OF... , Ta MARTIAL artists feature heavily in this powerful work. Multiple forms in crystal format by Lost Masters. MEN: Balance rhasculinity to an. ultimate degree with about 1,024 separate skills concisely detailed: How to choose the sex of yours before conception & about 204 other pregnancy entries. CHARACTER analysis from ‘external signs. Pick brave/calm/ trust/brains, etc. instantly. of multiple ailments {cause & remedy) 6g. nails/hair/ eyes/skin. & students of health, combat all ailments. A vast yet compact & explicit work with lightning access. SAILORS arts fromm across Asia in rapid access sections, Lots of drawings. Funny, valuable, unique. SEXUALITY is a vital part of us. About 320 self-help entries, Many transcultural secrets. FLEXIBELITY & breathing “MIRROR” health. Study with The Short Monk for multiple benefits. GRANDPARENTS We owe all to you, Please accept about 1,164 self-help “Age” entries specially for you. KIDS: U R OUR FUTURE. So this Arthas TONS 4U. Jokes/games/magic/ heroes & bad guys i who get it-GKAH! LADIES of ail ages: ‘Treasure about 1,026 vital female entries (e.g, how to choose “ideal” lovers). STREETWISE “How To Deal With Bullies & Bandits.” ‘The finest guide ever by Mistress Woo Chin. SURVIVAL is a basic skill of life (like CBR). Power cut to nuclear, in any climate. It’s here. LONGEVITY: Ancient Chines secrets & modern science combined give: the best 100-step plan ever. TRAVELERS: This Art is yours. Any journey, anywhere, any time. Unbelievably oid. Eternally valid. AAU i. Chicago Public Librery & 155, AL tHe TO Hi et ae ROL757b 7034 FTO The art of Shen Ke ; "the ultimate trave C V- BIOBr. cx “THE ULTIMATE TRAVELER'S GUIDE OF THIS PLANET” THE FIRST INTERGALACTIC ARTFORM or tHe ENTIRE universe & HUMOR is a Prince in this Artform because happiness is more valuable than gold. Artform because responsibility is an honor, most missed if 1 goes, PHILOSOPHY isa King in Ariform because the world is not flat nor are we alone in its time. EMAGINATION is a Queen it Artform because without it our dreams cannot ever come true. A PERIGEE BOOK wove nfo : nap awe apssttotr ning bic nas toe Bea ROR ADIT TNTLA ERASE oad Ae callin ese ecegen oman en Wee Zeek, OF The ort of Shen Ku : "the ultimate traveler's guide” artform ef the entire universe / by Zeek. DEDICATED TO ALL LIFE IN ANY GALAXY, SUFFERING FROMILLNESS, PERSECUTION, CIRCUMSTANCE, OR DESPAIR. THIS WORK IS FOR YOU. --- DONT GIVE UP. the ART OF SHEN KU is... intergalactic form, & as such exchanged across the ultimate b will in time be (& actually already is) oundaries of time & space (which it transcends), Its logics govern all conscious Progress & are profoundly applicable & totally diversifiable to any “intelligent” life or species on or off any celestial body absolutely anywhere. Tt is (& always was) both logically & culturally...... THE Fipst INTERGALA CTIC ARTFORM THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE A Perigee Book Published by The Berkley Publishing Group A division of Penguin Putnam Inc. 375 Hudson Street New York, New York 10014 Copyright © 1999 by Zeek Illustrations copyright © by Zeek Alt rights reserved, This beok, or parts thereof, fray not be reproduced in any form without permission Previously published in the UK by Shen Ku First Perigee edition: September 200! Published simuttoneously in Canad, Visit our website ot www. Library of Congress Cateloging-in-Publication Data pcm. ISBN 0-399-52725-7 1. Travel—-Safety measures, 2, Travel~ GIBB.AL 244 2001 910".2°020207—deat DISCLAIMER THIS BOOK IS DESIGNEDTO PROVIDE ACCURATE AND AUTHORE TATIVE INFORMATION. THE: INFORMATION PROVIDED INTHIS BOOK IS NOT INTENDED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL OR OTHER EXPERT ADVICE. THE PUBLISHER ANDTHE AUTHOR EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY UNFORSEEN CONSE- QUENCES ARISING FROMTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN, Printed ia the United States of Amerion WORTES EAD the first intergalactic “Health aspects. 3. Fantosy in art, Z. Title, 2001036109 REttS 167234 — & This work is dedicated to MASTERS OF THE PAST THE HEIRS OF TOMORROW this work was written for THE TRAVELERS OF TODAY by ACES, Greetings fellow traveler, : oe NS Ay) be your journey to the supermarket on a bicycle or NS o Lahother galaxy by starship, Each must start with a single oe step & embark on that uncertain road which is life. A toast to you who did not hide in some dark room waiting for death, but dared to set forth & face the unknown, Without such as you Magellan would not have reached Cope Horn nor Columbus the New World. Therefore intrepid voyagers, walkers of dirt tracks & passengers on fine yachts, may this modest work contain something for you. With ~ contributions from across our planet's spectrum I have sought in this De first edition to concisely resurrect the ancient skills of "Shen a ‘ Ku,” the philosophy of which though simple in text is profound & timeless in concept - & devastatingly iG applicable to absolutely every logically aware being in the universe ~ PARTICULARLY YOU! Tn conclusion, may I (your humble scribe) wish you safe passage - perhaps our paths will cross one day (the sea- shore is very restful) - God willing we might swap a yarn over a pot of Yang Yang Tee (or something stronger if you would prefer)! Qa UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN - LEEK A a he Personal Dedication Author Dedication / Foreword & Artist Auxiliary Contents (All Letters) Contents for The TRAVELER (pages 1-64) Contents for The PHYSICIAN (pages 65- 128) Contents for The SAILOR (pages 129- 192) Contents for The MARTIAL ARTIST {pages 193-256) tN The Sign of SHEN KU (the 4 symbols joined) The Art of SHEN KU (the 4 logics explained) Gallery of HEROES & VILLAINS (model index) The 4 BELLS (& a symbolic interpretation of the basic logic behind this section) The BEAST (& a symbolic interpretation of the basic logic behind this section) The SAIL (& a symbolic interpretation of the basic logic behind this section) The SWORD (& a symbolic interpretation of the basic logic behind this section) nate, J4& Ji The TRAVELER (graphic introduction) K4&k1 The PHYSICIAN (graphic introduction) L& Lt The SAILOR (graphic introduction) M&M1i — The MARTIAL ARTIST (graphic introduction) N The TRAVELER (graphic continuation) oO About The Artist/Author P_& P1-P41 Notes & INDEX Personal Log Fages i-3¢ * = Heading Code a -- 1, CP.R Mouth-To-Mouth Resuscitation. 2, CP.R Heart Massage. 3.4.4, A Traveler's Custorn Apparel. 5, A Traveler's Custom Case. & A Traveler's First Notes. Z.. A Traveier's Very Basic Self-Preservation. 8. A Traveler's Very Basic Self-Defense. C) CONTENTS FOR THE TRAVELER ___(-) ~ *9. A Traveler's Asian Health Secrets I (TAH.S. 1) * i (How to Maintain Sexuality While Traveling—Part A) A 10, (T.A.H.S, II) (How to Maintain Sexuality While Traveling—Part B) ‘ AL. (.AH.S. IIT) (How to Interpret & Remedy Skin Marks/Ailments) 12, (T.A.H.S. TV) (How to Interpret Dreams/Diet/Ki levels) 13, (T.A.H.S, V) (Extra-Valuable Pressure Points) 14, (T.A.H.S, VI) (How to Combat Body Cold From The Inside Out) 15, (T.A.H.S, VII) (How to Beat Depression/Food Poisoning—Part I) es 16, (T.A.H.S, VIII) (How to Beat Backache/Food Poisoning—Part II) Ti be ‘ee \ 17 & 18. How to Survive Disaster Situations. ade 19 & 20. How to Make Up Kits For Survival Situations. 21 & 22, How to Get Water in Survival Situations. 23 & 24, How to Make Shelters in Survival Situations. 25 & 26, How to Get Food in Survival Situations. 27 & 28, How to Catch Fish in Survival Situations. 29 & 30. How to Hunt Game in Survival Situations. 31_& 32, How to Cook in Survival Situations. CONTENTS FOR THE TRAVELER pages 33-64 Page # 33.& 34. How to Navigate in Survival Situations. 38 & 36. How to Signal in Survival Situations. tt 37_& 38, A Traveler's Guide to Staying Beautiful Naturally. 39._& 40, A Traveler's Guide to Natural Slimming. 41_4& 42, A Traveler's Guide to Stain Removal. 43_& 44. A Traveler's Guide to Radiation Protection. 45.& 46. A Traveler's Very Basic Guide to Kids’ Ailments. A7.& 48, A Traveler's Guide to Non-Violent Child Control. 492.4 50, A Traveler's Emergency Joke Guide. 51.4 52, A Traveler's Emergency Kids’ Entertainment Guide. 53.4 54, A Traveler's Emergency Magic Trick Guide. 55_& 56, A Traveler's Guide to Character Thru Hand Reading. 57.& 58, A Traveler's Guide to Character Thru Handwriting. 59.& 60, A Traveler's Guide to Destiny Thru Numerology. 61.8 62. A Traveler's Guide to Destiny Thru Ming Shoo. 63,.& 64. A Traveler's Guide to Destiny Thru Pendulums. | Page # 65 & 66. A Traveler's Condensed Accupressure Skills. * 67, Rapid Reference Accupressure Treatments I (R.R.A.T. T)* (Wrist Ailments/Etbow Ailments) 68. (RRA.T. 69, (RRA.T. 7O, (RRA.T. ZL. (RRA.T. 72. (RRAT. 73, (RRA.T. 74. (RRAT. 75. (RRAT. 76, (RR.A.T. 77. (RRA.T. 78, (RRA.T. 72. (RRAT. 80, (RRAT. 81. (RRAT. 82. (RRAT. 83. (RRAT. 84, (RRAT. 85, (RRAT. 86. (RRAT. 87, RRAT. 88, (RRAT. 89. (RRAT. 90. (RRAT. 91 & 92, Vitamins Rapid Reference Deficiency Chart. 93 & 94, Minerals Rapid Reference Deficiency Chart, CONTENTS FOR THE PHYSICIAN pages 65-94 * = Heading Code IT) (Ankle Ailments/Knee Ailments) ITI) (Hand Ailments/ Shoulder Ailments) Iv) (Hip Ailments/Foot Ailments) Vv) (Neck Ailments/Low Back Ailments) VI) (Rib Ailments/Headaches) VII) (Nausea/Stomachache) VEIT) (Diarrhea/Constipation) IX) (Toothache/Bed Wetting} x) (Hiccups/Nose Bleed) é XI) (Insomnia/General Well-Being/Thyroid) XII) (Ear/Hearing Ailments/ Eye/Sight Ailments) XIII) (Colds/Sinus/Coughs) XIV) (Throat Ailments/Breathing Ailments) XV) (Heart/Circulation/ Blood Pressure) XVI) (Fits/Fainting/Cramps/Fatigue etc.) XVII) (Impotence/Frigidity) XVIIT) (Wet Dreams/Periods/Urine/Menopause) a XIX) (Nerves/Stress/Temper/Shock etc.) 4 XX) = (Fear/Depression/Tension/Nightmares) XXI) (Rheumatism/Arthritis/Hemorrhoids) XXIT) (Allergies/Skin/Hair/Fever/Swallowing) XXIII) (Multiple Headings from Pain to Genitals) XXIV) (Multiple Headings from Sweat to Wild Eyes) continued over ———> (ca) CONTENTS FOR THE PHYSICIAN pages 95-128 —- *95_ Rapid Reference Natural Therapy A-B CRRNT. A-B)* {Acne - Bed Wetting) 96. (RRNT. B-C)( Bleeding - Colon ) 97. (RRN.T. C-E ) (Conjunctivitis - Energy ) 98. (RRN.T. E-T)( Eyes - Insect bites } td 99. (RRN.T, I-N)( Insomnia - Nightmares) 100. (RRNT. O-S) (Obesity - Smoking ) | 101. (RRNT. S-Z ) (Stroke - Worms ) 102. Rapid Reference Natural Therapy Notes. Sa nner ee *103, Rapid Reference Herbal Functions A-B(RRHF. A -B) *(Agrimony - Bee Pollen) 104, (RRHF. B-C) (Bistort - Camomile) 105. (RRHF. C - C) Catnip - Cramp Bark) 106. (RR.H-F. D - E) (Damiana - Eyebright) 107. (RHF. F - G) (Fennel - Ginkgo Biloba) 108. (RR.H.F. G - H) (Ginseng - Hops) 109. (RR.HF. H -L) (Horsetail - Lovage) 110. (RRHF. M - N) (Marigold - Nutmeg) 111. (RRHF. P-R) (Papaya - Red Clover) 112, (RRHF. R - S) (Raspberry - Saw Palmetto) 113, (RRHF. 5S - 5) (Sarsaparilla - St. Johns Wort) 114. QRHF, T-Z) (Thyme - Yucca) 115.4 116. A Traveler's Guide to Beating Sex Probiems. 117. & 118. A Traveler's Guide to Beating Allergies. 119 & 120, A Traveler's Guide to Beating Skin Problems. 121 & 122, A Traveler's Guide to Food Combining. 123 & 124, A Traveler's Guide to Tissue Salt Therapy. 125.4 126. A Traveler's Guide to Reflexology Zones. 127_& 128. A Traveler's Guide to Therapeutic Self-Hypnosis. Atty CONTENTS FOR THE SAILOR (cs) pages 129-156 Page # 129.4130. A Voyager's Guide to Fast First Aid Fact-Finding. 131.4132. A Voyager's Guide to Ailments by Physical Symptoms. 133 & 134. A Voyager's Guide to Healing with Aloe Vera. 135 & 136, A Voyager's Guide to Improving Eyesight Naturally. 137 _& 138, A Voyager's Guide to Drinking Water & Longevity. 139.4 140, A Voyager's Guide to Avoiding Parasite Infestations. *141, Sixteen Siamese Sailors’ Solutions I (S.S.S.$.1)* Forecasting Weather/ Surviving Storms. 142, (S.S.5.S.1T) (Muscle Building/Fitness Test/Heart Rate). 143. (S.S.S.S. ITI) (Sea Sickness/Swimmers Ear/Ticks/Bugs). 144, (SS.S.S.IV) (Warts/Hiccups/Nose Bleed/Bad Breath etc). 145, ( V) (Frost Bite/Jellyfish Stings/Breathing etc). 146, (S.S.S.S. VI) (Boils/Drug Use/Stitches/Belching etc). 147, (S.S.S.S. VIT) (Joint Pain/Backache). 148, (S.S.S.S, VIII) (How to Fight any Infection/How to Stay Warm). 149. (S.S.5.5. TX) (Sunburn/Stingrays/Removing Hooks etc). 150, (S.S.S.S. X) (Ships Dector/Weather Wizard). 15L. (S.S.S.S. XT) (Secret Messages/Throwing Knives etc). 152. (S.$.S.5. XII) (Shark Attacks/Fish Poisoning/Barracudas). 153. (S.S.S.S, XIII) (Laws of The Sea/Landfalls/Sailors are Tough). 154. (S.S.S.8,. XIV) (Lightning/Bunk Wetting/Alkaline/Acid Foods). 155. (S.S.S.S. XV) (Toxic Oils/Toxic Food Combinations). 156. (S.S.S.S. XVI) (Yang Food For Sailors), continued over ——~—> (cs) CONTENTS FOR THE SAILOR pages 157-19 ~W i> Page # 157_&.158. A Voyager’s Guide to Being Useful Back Home 159 & 160. A Voyager's Guide to Growing Plants in Pots. 161 4.162, A Voyager's Guide to Vermin Control. S 163 & 164, A Voyager's Guide to Food Storage. fie 165.4 166. A Voyager's Guide to Sprouting Beans, Grains & Seeds. 167. A Voyager's Guide to Preserving Food by Dehydration. 168. A Voyager's Simple & Healthy Dehydrated Recipes. 169 & 170. A Voyager's Simple & Healthy Macrobiotic ©, Recipes. 4171 & 172. A Voyager's Simple & Healthy Whole Food Recipes. 173_& 174, A Voyager's Simple & Healthy Vegetarian Recipes. 175 & 176, A Voyager's Simple & Healthy Oriental Recipes. 177, A Sailor's Basic Rig Terminology Reminders. 178, A Sailor's Basic Sail Handling Reminders. 179, A Sailor's Basic Anchoring Reminders. 180. A Sailor's Basic Docking Reminders. 181 & 182. A Sailor's Basic Navigation Reminders. 183. A Sailor's Basic Math Reminders. 184, A Sailor's Basic Formula Reminders. 185 & 186. A Sailor's Quick Guide to Knots. 187 & 188, A Sailor's Quick Guide to Splicing. 1 190. A Sailor's Quick Guide to Fancywork, 191 & 192, A Sailor's Quick Guide to Wind Surfieg = ae ( ) CONTENTS FOR THE MARTIAL ARTIST pages 193-220 ~ Page # 193. How to Deal with Bullies & Bandits I. 124. How to Deal with Bullies & Bandits LI, 195, How to Deal with Bullies & Bandits ITI. 196. How to Deal with Bullies & Bandits IV. 197. Asion Health Secrets of Pulse Diagnosis. 198. Asian Health Secrets of Face Diagnosis. 199. Asian Health Secrets of Hair Diagnosis. 200. Asian Health Secrets of Naif Diagnosis. 201 & 202. Asian Health Secrets of Foot Diagnosis. 203 & 204, Asian Health Secrets of Skin Diagnosis, 205 & 206, A Traveler's Concise Guide to Enhancing Ki (Life Force) 207 & 208, A Traveler's Concise Guide to Macrobiotic Principles. 209 & 210. A Traveler's Concise Guide to Juice Fasting. 211 & 212, A Traveler's Concise Guide to Aromatherapy. 213 & 214. A Traveler's Concise Guide to Yoga Postures. 215 & 216. A Traveler's Concise Guide to Therapeutic Stretching. 217, A Traveler's Concise Guide to Chang Ming (Long Life). 218, A Traveler's Concise Guide to Yin Yang Values. 219 & 220. A Traveler's Concise Guide to The 4 Secrets of Longevity. continued over CONTENTS FOR THE MARTIAL ARTIST pages 221-256 221 & 222, Women’s No-Equipment Exercise Plan. 223_& 224, Men's No-Equipment Exercise Plan. 225 & 226, Body Sculpture Program for Women. 227 _& 228, Body Sculpture Program for Men. tt tee 229. How to Execute Basic Wrestling Holds. fs 230. How to Execute Basic Judo Throws. is 231 & 232. How to Execute Basic Aikido Techniques. Stemi 233 4 234, How to Execute Classic Martial Art Stretches. 235, How to Execute Classic Martial Art Hand Strikes. 236, How to Condition for Martial Art Strikes. 237 & 238, How to Execute Classic Martial Art Kicks. 239 & 240. How to Execute Classic Kung Fu Moves. $e 241 & 242. Asian Secrets of Short Stick Combat. 243 & 244. Asian Secrets of Walking Stick Combat. 245 & 246, Asian Secrets of Long Stick Combat. 247 & 248, Asian Secrets of Manrikigusari (chain) Combat. tt tee 249, The Precious Set of Monks’ Breath Secrets. 250. The Precious Set of Monks’ Breathing Exercises I. 251 & 252. The Precious Set of Monks‘ Breathing Exercises IT. 253 & 254. The Precious Set of Monks’ Isometrics. 255 & 256. The Precious Ring. THE MARK OF SHEN KU SHEN KU.... TRANSLATES INTO ENGLISH according to context & area variously e.g., “Pure Traveler.“ “Secret Stranger.” “bork Visitor” or “Phantom Passenger”... The Art encompasses by far the widest diversity of skills & knowledge from by, far the widest spectrum of cultures & locations EVER (you will see why later), although this first formal contribution from our planet was mainly researched in Asia. An exact definition of the Art is elusive, a state of mind, a Spiritual elevation, a conditioning of the body or an evolving study of life, it is what you make it, BUT its four basic philosophies remain the same for all situations, They are simple but disturbing & GOVERN ALL CONSCIOUS PROGRESS IN LIFE. MOST SPECIFICALLY however this Art is that of the Traveler on &/or preparing for a journey... it is applicable to any journey, anywhere, anyhow, anytime... & to every logically aware being in exist ence, This ancient skill will (& actuolly already has, in these few seconds) change your life & you by being different have already changed the circumstances of the entire universe, perhaps a bit, perhaps a lot, BUT FOREVER. ... Don't laugh because soon you may cry, (the logic is deep)..., Just remain calm. “O.K, BUT I DON'T quite understand it yet... Where did this art come from?".... First answer where did F= MA come from?.... The formula bears Tsaac Newton's name & is a law of physics BUT Force = Moss x Acceleration is a principle that existed long before this planet did! SO IT WAS THAT the Art of Shen Ku came to us on our speck in space... perhaps in a Cambodian Jungle, the Pacific Istands, the Andes mountains or the deserts of Egypt, tens of thousands of years ago. BUT it surely came te others long before us somewhere, because its applicability is directly (& devastatingly) proportional to the degree of advancement we (or they) achieve. ‘THERE HAVE BEEN students (4 masters) of Shen Ku way beyond our short historical record, Buddha & Jesus Christ were its holy ambassadors, as were in their own vein the great explorers of yesteryear. Shen Nurg (1800 BC), Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Vasco Da Gamma... All knew & used this powerful Art to great effect. TODAY, THE SPIRITUAL & physical travelers of our age are its unwitting exponents. We all to a lesser or greater degree are its followers, for who among us has not dreamed of, planned, or embarked on many Journeys in their lifetime & who among us will not take that most uncertain of voyages at its end? HOWEVER MOST INCREDIBLY, cs it applies totally & indiscriminately & timelessly to all intelligent life anywhere, it is therefore universally exchangeable & thus we appear to have, on our 2000th birthday, recog- nized at last what logically always was THE FIRST. INT! PRGALACTIC ARTFORM the mark of SHEN KU symbolizes. ‘THE PHYSICS OF RASIC LOGIE BASIC LOGIC The choices of a single second affect ell those that follow. THE MYSTICISM OF THE UNKNOWN THE SPIRETUALETY or ACTION BASIC LOGIC BASIC LOGIC Within each ‘The means to of us lie the ony end is hopes & fears ultimately of everyone within the else. g the Artform for this Planet in Zeek would like to thank the. many powerful characters & beautiful models {young & old) who have contributed hereto... Bemonstrati LOM PING Translations of name over centuries can WY rot refer te 9 the sine man. REMARKS . porticulerly that of one= eyed Chinese, asar, fransient int nature, Frugal in speech. ..Lneluding the Captain & Crew of the Cceangoing Junk “Nok Ye Oh Dan” Black Hawk) €.9.1 “Big Joe Fung” (Engineer) 4 "Kwoi" (Buffalo) (beckhond) 4....... ORIGIN Nationalities unl but believed fromisland{(s) in SE. Asia. ; Mr. Pimple) (ships doctor) & “Old Yung" (Mesquite) (Sait Maker) & “Cho” Slow) (Deckhard} & "Moo" (Pig) (Cook) & Passengers (like me}. GALLERY OF HEROES & VILLAINS HISTORY Old friend of Black this Edition are: LUCY (HIT) ORIGIN Mixed race child of multinotion al parents. HISTORY. Traveled o lot. Attended far too many schools. ° REMARKS Real name withheld. Real face withheld. Nicknemed “Lucy Hit” because of hard punch & tough character, THE SHORT MONK OREGEN Nationality uncertain, but from Mongolia, Monk from Afghen Wor. Caribbean, Academie dropout. Physically outstanding REMARKS Refused tostudy et schoct. Numerous sporting {& beauty) quolities. Loves to grow & use. Aloe Vera. GALLERY OF HEROES & VILLAINS Also Demonstrating the Artform for this Planet in this Edition are: LITTLE NOO (RAT) ZEEK would also like to thank THE OLD MYSTIC— Beg Noi (Flower) For being ‘a geod mother & “Fat Aunt Ho" RK 3 tor being @ good friend... OREBIN forty Unknown notionallity. OREGIN Born 1 of 5 kids on farm burnt by extremists. talk about it. Mysterious traveler with carved wood cart associated HI with Shen kul 7 Saviour of |e.” = distressed = [*S” waa by bizarre " SB techniques. Sent by state fo live with evil cunt, Survivor of shark attack. Signed at 12 by coptain (pirates shot) of “Black Hk” Worked on fake Junk? Marticl Arts. Unaware of Sister Hoo. ...& Tom & Samantha for being us before we grew old & “Small Joe Fung’ & “Delicia" (Penn) for showing us how to live life well... By ORIGIN Unknown but served woriord in Shantung. REMARKS: Extensive Mortial Arts training depleted by greed & lazinees. _..& Finally Zeek would like to ‘Thank you (yes you) the reader for being in this book on some page, in some way, ct some Time. Until We Meet Again. (ucky guy). --& the Traveler came to four roads that met at one. place, & before each was a bell, & on each bell was arhyme.... A chime to pay for yesterday forever lost along this way. Arother for an old friend past on fortunes wheel did all we cast. One chime to God whoever be in blackness we before to see. Last for you an ancient rhyme cut in a bell on the edge of time. ~.& the Traveler chose aroad & struck the bell, for such was the destiny of that place, & in due course the Traveler came to four roads that met at one place... On desert broad toward the did weary feet go stumbling by. With bloodshot eye on distant peak might therein lie what all we seek. For has not each a secret dream a castle tall or sparkling stream. Or held inside a childhood fear grown darker with each passing year.-4 Hoa I a dread by night before of beastly face & ghastly jaw. — Inside deep cavern waiting still. up jagged path on lonely hill endl the wings of past fly now so near. In this black cave a phantom stole reflections of a galactic hole. roe _ ALonety ship by tempest drove ward a dark uncharted cove. bh tattered sail & bloody limb K-out thy half-forgotten. hy f so black asunder tore ing strike with crooked cl the storm did thunde jas fate this voyage crept t ship yon ghastly grave-to’ ¢ Baik tomb below. E’shall not fear: hed I this-feor for yest bs Lo May sorrows past no -siic across this way I_saitéday” In time all pain will sleep again” fer from by grace this haunted place. obbers four from hiding they, «(- y with fiercesome blade did rush to #lay—y hance passers-by this lonely way. ° No price too high for some this day. And so a traveler dusty came long that road which had no name. Fi Fo meet before at heaven's door coat a secret hide fate on such a gamble ride. es Weta _ Ne ‘, so p) OF 3 aera Pt > 2 + § = Od = i 2 & = cloth & severed limb did fly. Must all we by our hand so die once more as dust across the sky. * THE CHOICES OF ASINGLE SECOND a AFFECT ALL THOSE THAT FOLLOW. — The 4 SHEN KU cre jointly relevant & inextricably interlinked. Together and with devastating opplicability propertionel to species advancement they govern| ALL conscious progress in ALL situations throughout ALL of time, transcending ALL frontiers. THE OLD MYSTIC _ ANTERGALACTICALLY Old man ona dusty read bent forward with a heavy load. Ragged coat & filthy shirt scuffling through the grit & dirt. What happened in your life, old man, is this what you did really plan? There must be dreams that passed you by like those small clouds up in the sky. Or is there something I have missed a glimpse of phantoms in the mist. Traveling down a dusty road bent forward with this heavy load.... UNCONSCIOUS OR NOT? Jiggle/Shout/ Slap SHOUT FOR HELP Send bystander (if any) for ambulance ROLL VICTIM ONTO BACK Note victim must be on hard surface for heart massage OPEN AIRWAY Lift back of neck, tilt head back, pull chin up, check throat, clear BREATHING OR NOT? Listen close, feel for breath ion your cheek, watch for chest move Com GIVE 4 QUICK BREATHS (WATCH CHEST RISE) Adult: mouth to mouth, pinch nose with fingers Child: mouth to nose & mouth & gently PULSE BEAT OR NOT? Check with fingers here whilst continuing mouth-to- mouth at normal rate. @ SER HEART MASSAGE Emergency Stimulation For Victim With No Heartbeat KNEEL CLOSE TO VICTIM'S CHEST With victim on back, on hard surface, kneel facing chest. Here or here QUICKLY LOCATE E COMPRESSION POINT |< Pull clothes up. Locate bottom ro of center of rib cage & come [Lice up 3 inches (adult) less on child. \@/ WITH BALL OF HAND ON ADULT POINT (OTHER HAND ON 15 | O\TOP OF rT) - COMPRESS nches EST (ADULT) 1.5 INCHES 75 TIMES PER MINUTE ~ IMPORTANT - 2 QUICK FULL MOUTH-TO- LEG Ge MOUTH BREATHS ARE REQUIRED EVERY 15 CHEST COMPRESSIONS 12) Do NOT STOP FOR MORE THAN 5 SECS. |Times/Minute 13) 15 COMPRESSIONS, 2 BREATHS ETC. With Lbreath every 5 compressions. 14) CHECK FOR A PULSE OCCASIONALLY = [°"°F stopefther ~~ NOTES — e Before starting heart massage, a single hard blow with the ball of the hand to the victim's compression point (careful with children} may stimulate the heart to restart pumping immediately. @ Number of heart beats/minute is higher in young victims. @ An infant's pulse is best checked on inside of upper arm. @A child's compression point is about midway between nipples. @ the first breaths of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation are given as fast as possible to saturate the blood with oxygen. e If two rescuers are present #1 may do chest compression’s at 60/minute & #2 give a mouth-to- mouth breath every 5th compression & check the pulse (swap jobs periodically). WARNING: NEVER PRACTICE HEART MASSAGE ON A LIVING PERSON Dimensions about 1x3 inches \ & with a Velcro fastener. A TRAVELER'S CUSTOM APPAREL Unisex Travelers’ Shirt & Trousers Tailoring Design Versatile & highly functional—Commonly worn open with vest, with shorts or longs, in or out at waist, even with tie. 4 secret pockets at W,X, ¥ &Z on right side of shirt only, large enough to hold one folded note. YOUR MEASUREMENTS a This shirt has double chest pockets A_| Collar (buttoned) (ie: outside pockets are exactly duplicated B Sleeve (total) on inside, except with Velcro fasteners). Cc Cuff Only @ The shaded areas (front & back) over b Chest the shoulders is double cloth thickness E Pocket Height @ leyers of cloth) (sun protection & wear). F Pocket Width @Use a cloth of about 60% synthetic o Pocket Side Gap (ease of washing & crease resistance) " " & 40% cotton (comfort, sweat absorption, H Button Strip Width & sun protection). Ir Sleeve Depth At Top u Te Use a synthetic thread which is ultra- 7 Shoulder To Bottom violet (sun) resistant (i.e: Dacron K Bottom or terylene - not nylon). Ls] Shoulder Width @With each shirt please provide four spare M_| Shoulder To Pocket Top buttons, thread, & about half a square foot N Cuff (buttoned) of spare cloth. o ‘Spare Note : For your own use take this lication to your tailor with your own personal measurements filled in the inches column. A TRAVELER'S CUSTOM APPAREL Unisex Travelers’ Shirt & Trousers Tailoring Design Versatile & highly functional, wear with belt or bracs dress shoes or trainers, matching shirt or string vest. IMPORTANT NOTES \ arias © All pockets (rear, side, = front, & thigh) are on both left & right sides. © The two thigh pockets (left & right) are duplicated inside (except the flaps are secured with Velcro whilst the outside is secured with buttons). e Be sure the crotch is cut with enough material TO PERMIT KICKS. ® Use g cloth of about 60% synthetic (ease of washing & crease resistance) & 40% cotton (comfort, sweat absorption & sun. protection). © Use synthetic thread which is ultraviolet (sun) resistant (ie: Dacron or Terylene - NOT_NYLON). © Fly to be strong zip with button at top (inside). @ With each pair of trousers please provide one spare zip, 2 spare. buttons, thread, & about one. squore foot of cloth, fa[ wae Pe [tora reahe —Y TELAT, Note: Although this pocket ison the @— outside, do not pleat it, © There are two secret ye Hy . pockets (besides the two inside thigh ones) as per diagram, located inside the inside turnup on the inside of each leg (big enough to take one. folded banknote. each). For your own use take this publication to your tailor own personal measurements filled in the inches column. Note: A TRAVELER'S CUSTOM CASE Practical Hints & Ideas To Help Make Your Trip A Success The Golden Rules: TRAVEL LIGHT - TRAVEL PREPARED - TRAVEL SECURE PH’ nvccen BRIEFCASE (DIMS. ABOUT 18 x 14x © INCHES) —LAY } BEST TROUSERS & ‘SHIRT In Piasne SHORTWAVE RADIO WITH WAKE-UP 2 PLARM. e GENERAL PLAN is to travel with only belt bag (A) to hold documents & a little cash (main cash reseve to hide on bedy) & IGHT FOLDING BAG, breifcase (B) (see contents list) - This is also a seat CWHTH LOCK TAGS ) (on end) & a footrest to raise feet on long journeys. iG ys 2GESTED CONTENTS LIST XTRA HINTS ¢ BAG. B Tactic rain cope @ DIRTY CLOTHES: stow them in a plastic zip @ Sew repair ki he i ’ © Spare batteries @ Sports vest bag & try to wash them every night (try shampoo) Rubber bands BAG _F @ TOWELS are bulky to carry - if none available ‘ork & spoon @ Toothbrush - use face flannel. — Zip plastic bags @ Toothpaste @U BOLTS for attach- @ Safety pins @ Soap in box PA ing a shoulder strap to © Sungiosses Shampoo a briefcase can be electronic phrasebook} Suntan Cream purchased at a boat shop. Small lighter @ Vitamins @Nylon cord @ Comb/Brush @ WATCHES: the best @ Swiss army knife @ Scissors ones (even if you don't Secret container @ Tweezers like them) are quartz digital divers watches @Passport photos @ Mirror (200rm)} because they are strong, accurate & #Bag Cl or C2 @Band-Aids don't attract thieves. BAG.E Sete © Choose 0 strep # Underwear @ Socks o Swimwear @ Folding hat Shorts (Velcro is best) that goes thru (not on to) both pins. @ BAGS D, ELF ere cloth with a zip top (about 6" dia. x 10" feng). A TRAVELER'S FIRST NOTES Practical Hints & Ideas to Help Make Your Trip a Success CLEAR NATL POLTSH... js very useful, carry some. Glasses falling to bits? - Put a dab here & solve the problem. «Before setting out on your journey put a dab here & keep your buttons on for at least twice as long. @ Natural fiber shoe laces or drawstrings frayed? - Change them from “A" to “B" by cutting off & dipping or “painting” the end. @ There ore lots more uses. favorite color. Stick a scrap of foam up one end - the threaded needle down the other - secure in place with rubber band. Put the zip back together & sew over the break tightly - it should still work (break under). To | oms__] ozs kgs [ins [xi dv bya ans] [cms [div by 10x ins J How x30 - 1/20 = +1/20 div. by 30 = div. by 2 - 1/10 = +1/10 x22 TI0= [emir [dv by 8x52 [miles | [its [x2 div. by9= [mp al | X18 div. by 4 iv. cms ins : * Same for fluids ozs <* millilitres. SMELLS @ SHOES: Sprinkle baking soda in at bedtime & brush out before wearing. @GARLIC BREATH: Can be neutralized by chewing fresh parsley (or a coffee bean). @ TOBACCO ODOR: On clothes (& in rooms) will be absorbed by vinegar or weak ammonia solution in a bow! left overnight in room or closet. @ OPEN FIRES: Are a good excuse to throw your orange or lemon peel in & enjoy the fragrance. @ BATHROOMS: Can have embarrassing smells ~ strike a match for quick results. @ BLEACH: Smells on hands, neutralize by a dash of vinegar rubbed on & rinsed off. e@ TRAVEL BAGS: & their contents will stay fresh & sweet smelling if you include a sachet or two St of lavender. A TRAVELER'S VERY BASIC SELF-PRESERVATION Simple Counterattacks & Possession Safequar If prevention is better than cure then make a habit taking these simple precautions & reduce your vulnerability. @ Even on elderly lady GRAWAYS HIST. can PACK | OM HOE FF FERRSOWES” DISPLAYING VALUABLES is like begging tebe robbed (or worse) - Keep most of your assets OUT OF SIGHT. eTRAVEL with 2 wallets (or more) - one with a few $ in (keep in convenient place & use to pay all small costs [drinks, fares, in the market etc.]) The other wallet with your main bankroll keep in.a hidden place & DO NOT GET IT OUT IN PUBLIC. a little help from her purse, keys or a coin roli (clenched in the fist) can be quite deadly, TRAVEL LIGHT - Too. much. luggage is a loss (& a crime) i waiting to happen - It is also a burden on you & Jewelery. can SERIOUSLY CRAMP YOUR STYLE. (necklaces area prime - target BAGS ore much more secure than shoulder purses. good for passports & money, are very secure but a bit uncomfortable. a cord (or " wire}—clip @ SELF-CONFIDENCE (cr fear) are auras detectable by predatory around onimals, thieves & muggers - Even if you don't feel confident, practice waist & put looking like you do - IT COULD SAVE YOU A LOT OF GRIEF. in pocket. Countermoves Against Attack & Unwanted Advances These simple defenses will be even more effective if you con find a friend or relative to practice them onl! (s) A TRAVELER'S VERY BASIC SELF-DEFENCE INSTEP_ STAMP Easily executed & petentially very painful escape technique from hug from front or back ~ (instep, toes & shin- bone all useful targets). to effect an escape for woman or even child (kick, run & scream). Stamp with heel here. Grasp the upper outer small finger & bend back &/or grasp genitals & twist/pull. Anold favorite relied ‘hay . D Like any move it needs practice. ~ Stand in front of a mirror & kick out fast & hard ~(& dont forget to practice using the knee also). Grasp attackers hand very hard with both hands, ducking & twisting teward attacker - which will force attackers fingers open, & pitch him or her <) b forward. Ina i ° serious attack this would be followed by a kick to the face. ~, Grasp attackers foot with both hands i (one_on heel & oneon toe) & push & twist violently in direction of other Ls right: The victim strikes viol- ently with her right hand the right wrist of the attacker - “ followed by a kick or knee (right leg) to a the groin of attacker. Twist this foot in s) this direction. 'WRONE AGRN A TRAVELER'S ASIAN HEALTH SECRETS | Ancient Far Eastern Techniques For Combating Common Travelers Ailments. How to maintain sexyals @ CIRCULATION OF. KT: via the meridians. ly related to. well-being & tsubo stimulation (by pres~ sure 3 to 10 seconds &/or by massage 4 to 16 minutes) will benefit travel-weary sexuality of male or female. eTUMMY: Place fist on @SOLE OF FOOT: Pur belly button & open palin bare or stockinged foot jon top of it, push in & on a big marble or round massage (actual pointsare corner & press/massage. 2 fingers widths N.S.E, «point 1/3 from mid toe 4 W of belly button). tip to heel on centerline #GENITALS: Press the (just behind balls of foot). old favourite tsubo half- - @ KNEE: With thumb(s) way between genitals & anus (on centerline). @ ANKLE: Press two points press & massage center of hollows at back of knees. @LOW BACK: For self lone palm width above massage 1) curl into fetal inner ankle bone (in hollow position & roll back & behind shin) & 2} just forth (on back) on double behind & below inner towel on floor & 2) lie on ankle bone(s). back with clenched fists @SHIN: Press hard with — Knuckle up under low back boththunbsa point 1 pal & Move around. width down from bottom of @LOW BELLY: Deep kneecop & one finger knead with 4 fingers of outside of shinbone. both hands from groin to REJUVENATING SEXUALITY WITH HERBS 5 @ MIX 3 units each of manny Damionc Leaves, Yohimbe Bark, Muira Bark & one grind up & load in gelatin capsules. Take one capsule ~ reg. OTHER ENHANCERS chickweed, gold- enseal, fenugreek _ safflower, eryngo root, nettle seeds, kola, myrtle tree leaves, false hips, jasmine, nutmeg, lovage, belly button, True Unicorn Root, unit of Cassia Bark. Mix together, 3 times/day when __ Of Sexuality: saw palmetto, red pepper, gotu unicorn, rose saffron, variously demon- strated that a lack” of fullspectrum unfiltered (by glass) sunlight entering the eye adversely affects the pituitary gland and thus levels of testosterone (sex hormone). EXERCISE @ Particularly that which raises the heartbeat improves circulation, energy, metabo- lism & sexuality (particularly in men) - So after that long plane trip choose the stairs to your hotel room & be stronger (in more ways then one) tommorow. @ DIET WHEN TRAVELING is often very poor due to unavailibility &/or inconvenience & what is available may be extremely yin (ie: sweets, soft drinks, processed junk food etc.) therefore be. prepared & take basic yang staples (eg: raw carrots, apples, alrnonds [alkaline], rice cakes [neutral] & ginseng tea) & attempt yin/yang balance during Sometimes tiring & stressful journeys. @ SEXUALITY EXTRAS for maintaining levels of testosterone & metabolic virality include : Raise tow fat protein intake (white fish/turkey etc. two meals/ jf day), caviar, mussels, plantain, fig, mandrake root, | while traveling é LACK OF SUN a ea ri elthesbeen ——l—— es PE ‘ \ COR «IN SUMMER GROW Kis | / parsley, parsnips, fertilized eggs, bran cereals, avocado, onion, cayenne pepper, mushrooms, celery, pumpkin seeds, sassafras, walnuts, alittle sea salt & 4 tuber of orchid (eg: Orchis Mascula), also sprouted [/ wheat & adzuki beans. GENITAL CONTRACTONS @ SOUNDS RUDE but is actually 9 yoga. tech- nique for enhancing sexuality & general eam which is particularly applicable to travelers because it con be, done. almost anywhere: Tf possible sit cross-legged with straight back & breathe completely in (thru nose) & hold (rotal usually 10 - 20 seconds but even for men & odd for women). During “hold” time only, tense & contract genital/groin/anus area- then while brea- thing out thrumouth “> slowly to same count re- YA lax tensed crea. During 7 “in” time “feel” the Ki yy building & storing. ey 4 1 y A TRAVELER'S ASIAN HEALTH SECRETS II Ancient Far Eastern Techniques For Combating Common Travelers A Howto maintain sexuality while traveling @LIFE FORCE (energy) (Chi in Chinese & Ki in Jopan) is vital for sexual & reproduc-, tive well-being & as ions. vary with the seasons (e.g.: warm = yang, 7 cold = yin) it follows that to avoid fatigue, illness A loss of sexuality seek harmoniotis ‘7 balance with the time of year. This. , awareness is thus most important fer .* © travelers, who may experience many rapid changes such os diet, sleeping! culture etc. all of which affect Kix | Plant & Nurture Strengthen & Fill Gather & Store Conserve & Protect @ ORIENTAL MEDICINE holds that the health of the kidney meridian (sole of foot to inside ankle, calf, thigh, groin & 2 finger widths either side of center up tummy & chest) is vital to sexuality with anything ailing one_alse harming the other. @ TOO MUCH SUGAR, fructose (fruit), lectose (milk), molasses, @ TOO MUCH COLD from (a) exter- nal extremes (either continuos long- term mild cold or brief severe coid glucese etc. even honey but.parti- culorly. white ore all consi- den the adrenal glands & kidneys. - dered very Yin & alse seriously bur- or cold/iced drinks or ice cream etc. Kidneys & their meridian & associated functions Sweets, soft drinks, cream cakes, including reproduction/sexuolity. FATIGUE & SEX even fruit juices cre most harmful. @ TOO MUCH LOW BACKACHE F. Fs fat @ TOO MUCH FLUID in any often causes reproductive difficul- prigue dietary form (including “flushing” —_ ties & vice versa. This is because of RS = reduced with lots of water) but particularly the strong effect one has on the = re ii caffeine, alcohol & soft (sugar) other. Thus particularly when travel- . * sexuality drinks overburden the kidneys ing it is vital to stretch & exercise filtration function & by association @ STRESS /anxicty/worry/loss etc. (often experienced while traveling) can easily result in depression which in turn almost always leads to fatigue (& repro- ductive decline). Therefore attack this downward spiral at its weakest point - depression. EIX.ET_BY @ BREATHING: Slowly 4 deeply {abdomen & rib cage) all dey supplying more oxygen te blood & tissues (& removing more toxins) dramatically improving outlook & metabolism. @ CIRCULATION. degenerates wil Z exercise leaving blood & tissues short of nutrients & full of stagnate toxins leading to a rapid decline in optimism & metabolism : Exercise More, @ DIET if_poor_or_imbalanced with nutritional shoricges &/or alcohol etc. excesses inevitably leads to fatigue & sexual ailments: Study yin/yang & adopt macrobiotic diet or similar, @ A_SEASONAL. PERSPECTIVE: is also an invaluable skill in combating fatigue. the. lower back (see back sec.) K. interfere. with sexual well-being. 3-7 times/wee! WOMEN-ONLY SECTION @ MENSTRUATION DIFFICULTIES: (When. traveli so here are three main problems & what to do about then. @ AMENORRHEA: (No menstruction/egg) Possible causes: Stress, upset, unnunnmene $09 low (under 20%) or too high body fot, sickness (e.g, anemia) or malnutrition (particularly B-complex shortages) : Take high-potency time-release multi vit/min + extra B6, Bi2 & Vit E (100 1U/3 times a day), take hot baths followed by brief cold, take Aloe Vera & avoid constipation. @ MENORRHAGIA: (Excess Blood) Possible. causes: Stress, uterus dont need) injury/infection, underactive thy- + roid: Take extra Vit A, B12, C, E, folic acid, iron & zinc. Eat more whole grains, leafy greens, & chicken liver, igo aduki beans, comfrey root & lemon. @ DYSMENORRHEA: (Excess pain) ibie + Hormones foo high or low with associated muscle cramps : Take “400mg magnesium, 800mg calcium, 300 IU - OVER tng evening primrose ail | all

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