Test Portal Run

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License #2010*1GN3RKR8FLUGYH5

SAP2000 Analysis Report

Prepared by

Model Name: Test portal run.sdb

28 April 2017
Test portal run.sdb SAP2000 v19.0.0 - License #2010*1GN3RKR8FLUGYH5
13. Design summary 28 April 2017

1. Model geometry........................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1. Joint coordinates............................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Joint restraints................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3. Element connectivity......................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Material properties.................................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Section properties..................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1. Frames.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
4. Load patterns............................................................................................................................................................ 8
4.1. Definitions......................................................................................................................................................... 8
5. Load cases................................................................................................................................................................ 8
5.1. Definitions......................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.2. Static case load assignments............................................................................................................................ 9
5.3. Response spectrum case load assignments..................................................................................................... 9
6. Load combinations.................................................................................................................................................. 10
7. Structure results...................................................................................................................................................... 11
7.1. Mass summary................................................................................................................................................ 11
7.2. Modal results................................................................................................................................................... 12
7.3. Base reactions................................................................................................................................................ 12
8. Joint results............................................................................................................................................................. 13
9. Frame results.......................................................................................................................................................... 14
10. Material take-off.................................................................................................................................................... 25
11. Design preferences............................................................................................................................................... 26
11.1. Steel design................................................................................................................................................... 26
11.2. Concrete design............................................................................................................................................ 27
11.3. Aluminum design........................................................................................................................................... 27
11.4. Cold formed design....................................................................................................................................... 27
12. Design overwrites.................................................................................................................................................. 27
12.1. Concrete design............................................................................................................................................ 27
13. Design summary................................................................................................................................................... 29
13.1. Concrete design............................................................................................................................................ 29

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model...................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2: Deformed shape........................................................................................................................................... 11

List of Tables
Table 1: Joint Coordinates............................................................................................................................................. 4
Table 2: Joint Restraint Assignments............................................................................................................................ 5
Table 3: Connectivity - Frame........................................................................................................................................ 5
Table 4: Frame Section Assignments............................................................................................................................ 5
Table 5: Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties..................................................................................... 6
Table 6: Material Properties 03a - Steel Data................................................................................................................ 6
Table 7: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data......................................................................................................... 6
Table 8: Material Properties 03e - Rebar Data.............................................................................................................. 6
Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 4......................................................................................... 7
Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of 4......................................................................................... 7
Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 4......................................................................................... 7
Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 4......................................................................................... 7

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13. Design summary 28 April 2017

Table 10: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 1 of 2........................................................................ 7

Table 10: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 2 of 2........................................................................ 8
Table 11: Frame Section Properties 03 - Concrete Beam, Part 1 of 2........................................................................... 8
Table 11: Frame Section Properties 03 - Concrete Beam, Part 2 of 2........................................................................... 8
Table 12: Load Pattern Definitions................................................................................................................................ 8
Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 1 of 2................................................................................................................. 9
Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 2 of 2................................................................................................................. 9
Table 14: Case - Static 1 - Load Assignments............................................................................................................... 9
Table 15: Function - Response Spectrum - User........................................................................................................... 9
Table 16: Combination Definitions............................................................................................................................... 10
Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 1 of 2........................................................................................................... 11
Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 2 of 2........................................................................................................... 12
Table 18: Modal Participating Mass Ratios.................................................................................................................. 12
Table 19: Base Reactions........................................................................................................................................... 12
Table 20: Joint Displacements..................................................................................................................................... 13
Table 21: Joint Reactions............................................................................................................................................ 13
Table 22: Element Forces - Frames, Part 1 of 2.......................................................................................................... 14
Table 22: Element Forces - Frames, Part 2 of 2.......................................................................................................... 20
Table 23: Material List 2 - By Section Property............................................................................................................ 26
Table 24: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-10, Part 1 of 4................................................................................ 26
Table 24: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-10, Part 2 of 4................................................................................ 26
Table 24: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-10, Part 3 of 4................................................................................ 26
Table 24: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-10, Part 4 of 4................................................................................ 26
Table 25: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 1 of 2............................................................. 27
Table 25: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 2 of 2............................................................. 27
Table 26: Preferences - Aluminum Design - AA-ASD 2000......................................................................................... 27
Table 27: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96....................................................................................... 27
Table 28: Overwrites - Concrete Design - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 1 of 2............................................................... 27
Table 28: Overwrites - Concrete Design - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 2 of 2............................................................... 28
Table 29: Concrete Design 1 - Column Summary Data - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 1 of 2........................................ 29
Table 29: Concrete Design 1 - Column Summary Data - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 2 of 2........................................ 29
Table 30: Concrete Design 2 - Beam Summary Data - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 1 of 3........................................... 30
Table 30: Concrete Design 2 - Beam Summary Data - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 2 of 3........................................... 31
Table 30: Concrete Design 2 - Beam Summary Data - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 3 of 3........................................... 33

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13. Design summary 28 April 2017

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and
element connectivity.

Figure 1: Finite element model

1.1. Joint coordinates

Table 1: Joint Coordinates

Table 1: Joint Coordinates
Joint CoordSys CoordType GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ
mm mm mm
1 GLOBAL Cartesian -6000. 0. 0.
2 GLOBAL Cartesian -6000. 0. 5000.
3 GLOBAL Cartesian -6000. 0. 10000.
4 GLOBAL Cartesian -6000. 0. 15000.
5 GLOBAL Cartesian 0. 0. 0.
6 GLOBAL Cartesian 0. 0. 5000.
7 GLOBAL Cartesian 0. 0. 10000.
8 GLOBAL Cartesian 0. 0. 15000.
9 GLOBAL Cartesian 6000. 0. 0.
10 GLOBAL Cartesian 6000. 0. 5000.
11 GLOBAL Cartesian 6000. 0. 10000.

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13. Design summary 28 April 2017

12 GLOBAL Cartesian 6000. 0. 15000.

1.2. Joint restraints

Table 2: Joint Restraint Assignments

Table 2: Joint Restraint Assignments
Joint U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3

1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
9 Yes Yes Yes No No No

1.3. Element connectivity

Table 3: Connectivity - Frame

Table 3: Connectivity - Frame
Frame JointI JointJ Length
1 1 2 5000.
2 2 3 5000.
3 3 4 5000.
4 5 6 5000.
5 6 7 5000.
6 7 8 5000.
7 9 10 5000.
8 10 11 5000.
9 11 12 5000.
10 2 6 6000.
11 3 7 6000.
12 4 8 6000.
13 6 10 6000.
14 7 11 6000.
15 8 12 6000.

Table 4: Frame Section Assignments

Table 4: Frame Section Assignments
Frame AnalSect DesignSect MatProp

1 K 40/40 K 40/40 Default

2 K 40/40 K 40/40 Default
3 K 40/40 K 40/40 Default
4 K 40/40 K 40/40 Default
5 K 40/40 K 40/40 Default
6 K 40/40 K 40/40 Default
7 K 30/30 K 30/30 Default
8 K 30/30 K 30/30 Default

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13. Design summary 28 April 2017

9 K 30/30 K 30/30 Default

10 B 30/50 B 30/50 Default
11 B 30/50 B 30/50 Default
12 B 30/50 B 30/50 Default
13 B 20/30 B 20/30 Default
14 B 20/30 B 20/30 Default
15 B 20/30 B 20/30 Default

2. Material properties
This section provides material property information for materials used in the model.

Table 5: Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties

Table 5: Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties
Material UnitWeight UnitMass E1 G12 U12 A1
KN/mm3 KN-s2/mm4 KN/mm2 KN/mm2 1/C
A992Fy50 7.6973E-08 7.8490E-12 199.94798 76.90307 0.3 1.1700E-05
BESI POLOS 7.6973E-08 7.8490E-12 199.94798 1.1700E-05
beton 22.5 mpa 2.4000E-08 2.4473E-12 22.29406 9.52737 0.17 1.0000E-05

Table 6: Material Properties 03a - Steel Data

Table 6: Material Properties 03a - Steel Data
Material Fy Fu FinalSlope
KN/mm2 KN/mm2
A992Fy50 0.34474 0.44816 -0.1

Table 7: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data

Table 7: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data
Material Fc eFc FinalSlope
KN/mm2 KN/mm2
beton 22.5 mpa 0.0225 0.0225 -0.1

Table 8: Material Properties 03e - Rebar Data

Table 8: Material Properties 03e - Rebar Data
Material Fy Fu FinalSlope
KN/mm2 KN/mm2
BESI POLOS 0.32 0.62053 -0.1

3. Section properties
This section provides section property information for objects used in the model.

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13. Design summary 28 April 2017

3.1. Frames

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 4

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 4
SectionName Material Shape t3 t2 tf tw t2b tfb
mm mm mm mm mm mm
B 20/30 beton 22.5 mpa Rectangular 200. 300.
B 30/50 beton 22.5 mpa Rectangular 300. 500.
FSEC1 A992Fy50 I/Wide Flange 304.8 127. 9.652 6.35 127. 9.652
K 30/30 beton 22.5 mpa Rectangular 300. 300.
K 40/40 beton 22.5 mpa Rectangular 400. 400.

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of 4

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of 4
SectionName Area TorsConst I33 I22 I23 AS2 AS3
mm2 mm4 mm4 mm4 mm4 mm2 mm2
B 20/30 60000. 469530864. 200000000. 450000000. 0. 50000. 50000.
B 30/50 150000. 2817370800. 1125000000. 3125000000. 0. 125000. 125000.
FSEC1 4264.51 96511.77 65724174.7 3301257.17 0. 1935.48 2043.01
K 30/30 90000. 1140750000. 675000000. 675000000. 0. 75000. 75000.
K 40/40 160000. 3605333333. 2133333333. 2133333333. 0. 133333.33 133333.33

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 4

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 4
SectionName S33 S22 Z33 Z22 R33 R22
mm3 mm3 mm3 mm3 mm mm
B 20/30 2000000. 3000000. 3000000. 4500000. 57.735 86.603
B 30/50 7500000. 12500000. 11250000. 18750000. 86.603 144.338
FSEC1 431260.99 51988.3 491187.5 80716.53 124.145 27.823
K 30/30 4500000. 4500000. 6750000. 6750000. 86.603 86.603
K 40/40 10666666.67 10666666.67 16000000. 16000000. 115.47 115.47

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 4

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 4
SectionName AMod A2Mod A3Mod JMod I2Mod I3Mod MMod WMod

B 20/30 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
B 30/50 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
FSEC1 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
K 30/30 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
K 40/40 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

Table 10: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 1 of 2

Table 10: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 1 of 2
SectionName RebarMatL RebarMatC ReinfConfig LatReinf Cover NumBars3Dir NumBars2Dir
K 30/30 BESI POLOS BESI POLOS Rectangular Ties 40. 3 3

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13. Design summary 28 April 2017

K 40/40 BESI POLOS BESI POLOS Rectangular Ties 40. 3 3

Table 10: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 2 of 2

Table 10: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 2 of 2
SectionName BarSizeL BarSizeC SpacingC NumCBars2 NumCBars3
K 30/30 #9 #4 150. 3 3
K 40/40 #9 #4 150. 3 3

Table 11: Frame Section Properties 03 - Concrete Beam, Part 1 of 2

Table 11: Frame Section Properties 03 - Concrete Beam, Part 1 of 2
SectionName RebarMatL RebarMatC TopCover BotCover
mm mm

Table 11: Frame Section Properties 03 - Concrete Beam, Part 2 of 2

Table 11: Frame Section Properties 03 - Concrete Beam, Part 2 of 2
SectionName TopLeftArea TopRghtArea BotLeftArea BotRghtArea
mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2
B 20/30 0. 0. 0. 0.
B 30/50 0. 0. 0. 0.

4. Load patterns
This section provides loading information as applied to the model.

4.1. Definitions

Table 12: Load Pattern Definitions

Table 12: Load Pattern Definitions
LoadPat DesignType SelfWtMult AutoLoad

dead Dead 0.
live Live 0.
quake Quake 0. None

5. Load cases
This section provides load case information.

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13. Design summary 28 April 2017

5.1. Definitions

Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 1 of 2

Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 1 of 2
Case Type InitialCond ModalCase BaseCase MassSource DesActOpt

DEAD LinStatic Zero Prog Det

MODAL LinModal Zero Prog Det
live LinStatic Zero Prog Det
quake LinStatic Zero Prog Det

Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 2 of 2

Table 13: Load Case Definitions,
Part 2 of 2
Case DesignAct

DEAD Non-Composite
live Short-Term
quake Short-Term

5.2. Static case load assignments

Table 14: Case - Static 1 - Load Assignments

Table 14: Case - Static 1 - Load Assignments
Case LoadType LoadName LoadSF

DEAD Load pattern dead 1.

live Load pattern live 1.
quake Load pattern quake 1.

5.3. Response spectrum case load assignments

Table 15: Function - Response Spectrum - User

Table 15: Function - Response Spectrum - User
Name Period Accel FuncDamp
UNIFRS 0. 1. 0.05
UNIFRS 1. 1.

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13. Design summary 28 April 2017

6. Load combinations
This section provides load combination information.

Table 16: Combination Definitions

Table 16: Combination Definitions
ComboName ComboType CaseName ScaleFactor

KOMBINASI 1 Linear Add DEAD 1.2

KOMBINASI 1 live 1.6
KOMBINASI 2 Linear Add DEAD 1.2
KOMBINASI 2 live 1.
KOMBINASI 2 quake 1.
KOMBINASI 3 Linear Add DEAD 1.2
KOMBINASI 3 live 1.
KOMBINASI 3 quake -1.
DCON1 Linear Add DEAD 1.4
DCON2 Linear Add DEAD 1.2
DCON2 live 1.6
DCON3 Linear Add DEAD 1.3
DCON3 live 1.
DCON3 quake 1.
DCON4 Linear Add DEAD 1.3
DCON4 live 1.
DCON4 quake -1.
DCON5 Linear Add DEAD 0.8
DCON5 quake 1.
DCON6 Linear Add DEAD 0.8
DCON6 quake -1.

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13. Design summary 28 April 2017

7. Structure results
This section provides structure results, including items such as structural periods and base reactions.

Figure 2: Deformed shape

7.1. Mass summary

Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 1 of 2

Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 1 of 2
Joint MassSource U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3 CenterX
KN-s2/mm KN-s2/mm KN-s2/mm KN-mm-s2 KN-mm-s2 KN-mm-s2 mm
1 MSSSRC1 0.000979 0.000979 0.000979 0. 0. 0. -6000.
2 MSSSRC1 0.003059 0.003059 0.003059 0. 0. 0. -6000.
3 MSSSRC1 0.003059 0.003059 0.003059 0. 0. 0. -6000.
4 MSSSRC1 0.00208 0.00208 0.00208 0. 0. 0. -6000.
5 MSSSRC1 0.000979 0.000979 0.000979 0. 0. 0. 0.
6 MSSSRC1 0.0035 0.0035 0.0035 0. 0. 0. 0.
7 MSSSRC1 0.0035 0.0035 0.0035 0. 0. 0. 0.
8 MSSSRC1 0.002521 0.002521 0.002521 0. 0. 0. 0.
9 MSSSRC1 0.000551 0.000551 0.000551 0. 0. 0. 6000.
10 MSSSRC1 0.001542 0.001542 0.001542 0. 0. 0. 6000.
11 MSSSRC1 0.001542 0.001542 0.001542 0. 0. 0. 6000.
12 MSSSRC1 0.000991 0.000991 0.000991 0. 0. 0. 6000.
SumAccelUX MSSSRC1 0.024302 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -1123.87
SumAccelUY MSSSRC1 0. 0.024302 0. 0. 0. 0. -1123.87
SumAccelUZ MSSSRC1 0. 0. 0.024302 0. 0. 0. -1123.87

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13. Design summary 28 April 2017

Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 2 of 2

Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 2 of 2
Joint MassSource CenterY CenterZ
mm mm
1 MSSSRC1 0. 0.
2 MSSSRC1 0. 5000.
3 MSSSRC1 0. 10000.
4 MSSSRC1 0. 15000.
5 MSSSRC1 0. 0.
6 MSSSRC1 0. 5000.
7 MSSSRC1 0. 10000.
8 MSSSRC1 0. 15000.
9 MSSSRC1 0. 0.
10 MSSSRC1 0. 5000.
11 MSSSRC1 0. 10000.
12 MSSSRC1 0. 15000.
SumAccelUX MSSSRC1 0. 8451.66
SumAccelUY MSSSRC1 0. 8451.66
SumAccelUZ MSSSRC1 0. 8451.66

7.2. Modal results

Table 18: Modal Participating Mass Ratios

Table 18: Modal Participating Mass Ratios
OutputCase StepNum Period UX UY UZ SumUX SumUY SumUZ
MODAL 1. 0.671453 0.84 0. 2.356E-08 0.84 0. 2.356E-08
MODAL 2. 0.200705 0.12 0. 1.385E-07 0.97 0. 1.620E-07
MODAL 3. 0.109025 3.305E-02 0. 4.095E-08 1. 0. 2.030E-07
MODAL 4. 0.02872 2.748E-07 0. 0.44 1. 0. 0.44
MODAL 5. 0.026536 3.906E-07 0. 0.31 1. 0. 0.75
MODAL 6. 0.024887 1.068E-08 0. 0.17 1. 0. 0.92
MODAL 7. 0.015988 7.086E-07 0. 1.959E-09 1. 0. 0.92
MODAL 8. 0.015896 1.941E-06 0. 9.695E-10 1. 0. 0.92
MODAL 9. 0.012919 1.928E-09 0. 9.081E-10 1. 0. 0.92
MODAL 10. 0.010504 3.148E-08 0. 3.117E-02 1. 0. 0.95
MODAL 11. 0.009984 2.765E-09 0. 1.378E-08 1. 0. 0.95
MODAL 12. 0.009952 4.530E-09 0. 2.610E-08 1. 0. 0.95

7.3. Base reactions

Table 19: Base Reactions

Table 19: Base Reactions
OutputCase GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ
KN KN KN KN-mm KN-mm KN-mm
DEAD -3.952E-14 0. 870. 0. 570000. 0.
live -1.621E-14 0. 392. 0. 363000. 0.

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quake -180. 0. -1.066E-13 0. -1750000. 0.

8. Joint results
This section provides joint results, including items such as displacements and reactions.

Table 20: Joint Displacements

Table 20: Joint Displacements
Joint OutputCase U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3
mm mm mm Radians Radians Radians
1 DEAD 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
1 live 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
1 quake 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
2 DEAD 0.329612 0. -0.371316 0. 0.000977 0.
2 live 0.140578 0. -0.178538 0. 0.000466 0.
2 quake 42.930092 0. 0.222383 0. 0.009366 0.
3 DEAD 0.381802 0. -0.633202 0. 0.000496 0.
3 live 0.179198 0. -0.307028 0. 0.000238 0.
3 quake 94.44416 0. 0.339036 0. 0.00689 0.
4 DEAD 0.40277 0. -0.78367 0. 0.001666 0.
4 live 0.218187 0. -0.384675 0. 0.000803 0.
4 quake 125.378616 0. 0.378033 0. 0.003589 0.
5 DEAD 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
5 live 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
5 quake 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
6 DEAD 0.341828 0. -0.609429 0. -0.000433 0.
6 live 0.146195 0. -0.276982 0. -0.000242 0.
6 quake 42.891984 0. -0.181545 0. 0.008939 0.
7 DEAD 0.395898 0. -1.038838 0. -0.000238 0.
7 live 0.185974 0. -0.475565 0. -0.000127 0.
7 quake 94.367949 0. -0.27541 0. 0.006661 0.
8 DEAD 0.359445 0. -1.291422 0. -0.000857 0.
8 live 0.197548 0. -0.597068 0. -0.000466 0.
8 quake 125.327014 0. -0.306753 0. 0.003341 0.
9 DEAD 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.000927 0.
9 live 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.000371 0.
9 quake 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.008684 0.
10 DEAD 0.366208 0. -0.424446 0. -0.001647 0.
10 live 0.155974 0. -0.167029 0. -0.000653 0.
10 quake 42.959033 0. -0.072601 0. 0.008406 0.
11 DEAD 0.411622 0. -0.74048 0. -0.000722 0.
11 live 0.192198 0. -0.290786 0. -0.000287 0.
11 quake 94.308619 0. -0.113113 0. 0.007859 0.
12 DEAD 0.305442 0. -0.945964 0. -0.002688 0.
12 live 0.176019 0. -0.37034 0. -0.001062 0.
12 quake 125.317794 0. -0.12672 0. 0.003969 0.

Table 21: Joint Reactions

Table 21: Joint Reactions
Joint OutputCase F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
KN KN KN KN-mm KN-mm KN-mm

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1 DEAD 9.482 0. 264.9 0. 14407.48 0.

1 live 4.596 0. 127.37 0. 7055.79 0.
1 quake -87.524 0. -158.65 0. -307905.71 0.
5 DEAD -6.384 0. 434.772 0. -11844.28 0.
5 live -3.364 0. 197.602 0. -6112.41 0.
5 quake -92.141 0. 129.516 0. -315386.35 0.
9 DEAD -3.099 0. 170.327 0. 0. 0.
9 live -1.232 0. 67.028 0. 0. 0.
9 quake -0.335 0. 29.134 0. 0. 0.

9. Frame results
This section provides frame force results.

Table 22: Element Forces - Frames, Part 1 of 2

Table 22: Element Forces - Frames, Part 1 of 2
Frame Station OutputCase P V2 V3
1 0. DEAD -264.9 -9.482 0.
1 2500. DEAD -264.9 -9.482 0.
1 5000. DEAD -264.9 -9.482 0.
1 0. live -127.37 -4.596 0.
1 2500. live -127.37 -4.596 0.
1 5000. live -127.37 -4.596 0.
1 0. quake 158.65 87.524 0.
1 2500. quake 158.65 87.524 0.
1 5000. quake 158.65 87.524 0.
2 0. DEAD -186.833 -16.291 0.
2 2500. DEAD -186.833 -16.291 0.
2 5000. DEAD -186.833 -16.291 0.
2 0. live -91.666 -7.726 0.
2 2500. live -91.666 -7.726 0.
2 5000. live -91.666 -7.726 0.
2 0. quake 83.221 48.764 0.
2 2500. quake 83.221 48.764 0.
2 5000. quake 83.221 48.764 0.
3 0. DEAD -107.345 -24.147 0.
3 2500. DEAD -107.345 -24.147 0.
3 5000. DEAD -107.345 -24.147 0.
3 0. live -55.394 -11.503 0.
3 2500. live -55.394 -11.503 0.
3 5000. live -55.394 -11.503 0.
3 0. quake 27.821 21.24 0.
3 2500. quake 27.821 21.24 0.
3 5000. quake 27.821 21.24 0.
4 0. DEAD -434.772 6.384 0.
4 2500. DEAD -434.772 6.384 0.
4 5000. DEAD -434.772 6.384 0.
4 0. live -197.602 3.364 0.
4 2500. live -197.602 3.364 0.
4 5000. live -197.602 3.364 0.
4 0. quake -129.516 92.141 0.
4 2500. quake -129.516 92.141 0.
4 5000. quake -129.516 92.141 0.

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5 0. DEAD -306.345 7.757 0.

5 2500. DEAD -306.345 7.757 0.
5 5000. DEAD -306.345 7.757 0.
5 0. live -141.671 4.315 0.
5 2500. live -141.671 4.315 0.
5 5000. live -141.671 4.315 0.
5 0. quake -66.964 55.954 0.
5 2500. quake -66.964 55.954 0.
5 5000. quake -66.964 55.954 0.
6 0. DEAD -180.196 12.108 0.
6 2500. DEAD -180.196 12.108 0.
6 5000. DEAD -180.196 12.108 0.
6 0. live -86.681 6.704 0.
6 2500. live -86.681 6.704 0.
6 5000. live -86.681 6.704 0.
6 0. quake -22.361 26.705 0.
6 2500. quake -22.361 26.705 0.
6 5000. quake -22.361 26.705 0.
7 0. DEAD -170.327 3.099 0.
7 2500. DEAD -170.327 3.099 0.
7 5000. DEAD -170.327 3.099 0.
7 0. live -67.028 1.232 0.
7 2500. live -67.028 1.232 0.
7 5000. live -67.028 1.232 0.
7 0. quake -29.134 0.335 0.
7 2500. quake -29.134 0.335 0.
7 5000. quake -29.134 0.335 0.
8 0. DEAD -126.822 8.534 0.
8 2500. DEAD -126.822 8.534 0.
8 5000. DEAD -126.822 8.534 0.
8 0. live -49.663 3.412 0.
8 2500. live -49.663 3.412 0.
8 5000. live -49.663 3.412 0.
8 0. quake -16.257 15.283 0.
8 2500. quake -16.257 15.283 0.
8 5000. quake -16.257 15.283 0.
9 0. DEAD -82.459 12.039 0.
9 2500. DEAD -82.459 12.039 0.
9 5000. DEAD -82.459 12.039 0.
9 0. live -31.924 4.8 0.
9 2500. live -31.924 4.8 0.
9 5000. live -31.924 4.8 0.
9 0. quake -5.46 2.056 0.
9 2500. quake -5.46 2.056 0.
9 5000. quake -5.46 2.056 0.
10 0. DEAD 6.809 -78.068 0.
10 500. DEAD 6.809 -68.068 0.
10 1000. DEAD 6.809 -58.068 0.
10 1500. DEAD 6.809 -48.068 0.
10 2000. DEAD 6.809 -38.068 0.
10 2500. DEAD 6.809 -28.068 0.
10 3000. DEAD 6.809 -18.068 0.
10 3000. DEAD 6.809 21.932 0.
10 3500. DEAD 6.809 31.932 0.
10 4000. DEAD 6.809 41.932 0.
10 4500. DEAD 6.809 51.932 0.
10 5000. DEAD 6.809 61.932 0.

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10 5500. DEAD 6.809 71.932 0.

10 6000. DEAD 6.809 81.932 0.
10 0. live 3.131 -35.704 0.
10 500. live 3.131 -31.704 0.
10 1000. live 3.131 -27.704 0.
10 1500. live 3.131 -23.704 0.
10 2000. live 3.131 -19.704 0.
10 2500. live 3.131 -15.704 0.
10 3000. live 3.131 -11.704 0.
10 3000. live 3.131 13.296 0.
10 3500. live 3.131 17.296 0.
10 4000. live 3.131 21.296 0.
10 4500. live 3.131 25.296 0.
10 5000. live 3.131 29.296 0.
10 5500. live 3.131 33.296 0.
10 6000. live 3.131 37.296 0.
10 0. quake -21.239 75.429 0.
10 500. quake -21.239 75.429 0.
10 1000. quake -21.239 75.429 0.
10 1500. quake -21.239 75.429 0.
10 2000. quake -21.239 75.429 0.
10 2500. quake -21.239 75.429 0.
10 3000. quake -21.239 75.429 0.
10 3000. quake -21.239 75.429 0.
10 3500. quake -21.239 75.429 0.
10 4000. quake -21.239 75.429 0.
10 4500. quake -21.239 75.429 0.
10 5000. quake -21.239 75.429 0.
10 5500. quake -21.239 75.429 0.
10 6000. quake -21.239 75.429 0.
11 0. DEAD 7.856 -79.488 0.
11 500. DEAD 7.856 -69.488 0.
11 1000. DEAD 7.856 -59.488 0.
11 1500. DEAD 7.856 -49.488 0.
11 2000. DEAD 7.856 -39.488 0.
11 2500. DEAD 7.856 -29.488 0.
11 3000. DEAD 7.856 -19.488 0.
11 3000. DEAD 7.856 20.512 0.
11 3500. DEAD 7.856 30.512 0.
11 4000. DEAD 7.856 40.512 0.
11 4500. DEAD 7.856 50.512 0.
11 5000. DEAD 7.856 60.512 0.
11 5500. DEAD 7.856 70.512 0.
11 6000. DEAD 7.856 80.512 0.
11 0. live 3.777 -36.272 0.
11 500. live 3.777 -32.272 0.
11 1000. live 3.777 -28.272 0.
11 1500. live 3.777 -24.272 0.
11 2000. live 3.777 -20.272 0.
11 2500. live 3.777 -16.272 0.
11 3000. live 3.777 -12.272 0.
11 3000. live 3.777 12.728 0.
11 3500. live 3.777 16.728 0.
11 4000. live 3.777 20.728 0.
11 4500. live 3.777 24.728 0.
11 5000. live 3.777 28.728 0.
11 5500. live 3.777 32.728 0.

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11 6000. live 3.777 36.728 0.

11 0. quake -42.476 55.401 0.
11 500. quake -42.476 55.401 0.
11 1000. quake -42.476 55.401 0.
11 1500. quake -42.476 55.401 0.
11 2000. quake -42.476 55.401 0.
11 2500. quake -42.476 55.401 0.
11 3000. quake -42.476 55.401 0.
11 3000. quake -42.476 55.401 0.
11 3500. quake -42.476 55.401 0.
11 4000. quake -42.476 55.401 0.
11 4500. quake -42.476 55.401 0.
11 5000. quake -42.476 55.401 0.
11 5500. quake -42.476 55.401 0.
11 6000. quake -42.476 55.401 0.
12 0. DEAD -24.147 -77.345 0.
12 500. DEAD -24.147 -67.345 0.
12 1000. DEAD -24.147 -57.345 0.
12 1500. DEAD -24.147 -47.345 0.
12 2000. DEAD -24.147 -37.345 0.
12 2500. DEAD -24.147 -27.345 0.
12 3000. DEAD -24.147 -17.345 0.
12 3000. DEAD -24.147 22.655 0.
12 3500. DEAD -24.147 32.655 0.
12 4000. DEAD -24.147 42.655 0.
12 4500. DEAD -24.147 52.655 0.
12 5000. DEAD -24.147 62.655 0.
12 5500. DEAD -24.147 72.655 0.
12 6000. DEAD -24.147 82.655 0.
12 0. live -11.503 -35.394 0.
12 500. live -11.503 -31.394 0.
12 1000. live -11.503 -27.394 0.
12 1500. live -11.503 -23.394 0.
12 2000. live -11.503 -19.394 0.
12 2500. live -11.503 -15.394 0.
12 3000. live -11.503 -11.394 0.
12 3000. live -11.503 13.606 0.
12 3500. live -11.503 17.606 0.
12 4000. live -11.503 21.606 0.
12 4500. live -11.503 25.606 0.
12 5000. live -11.503 29.606 0.
12 5500. live -11.503 33.606 0.
12 6000. live -11.503 37.606 0.
12 0. quake -28.76 27.821 0.
12 500. quake -28.76 27.821 0.
12 1000. quake -28.76 27.821 0.
12 1500. quake -28.76 27.821 0.
12 2000. quake -28.76 27.821 0.
12 2500. quake -28.76 27.821 0.
12 3000. quake -28.76 27.821 0.
12 3000. quake -28.76 27.821 0.
12 3500. quake -28.76 27.821 0.
12 4000. quake -28.76 27.821 0.
12 4500. quake -28.76 27.821 0.
12 5000. quake -28.76 27.821 0.
12 5500. quake -28.76 27.821 0.
12 6000. quake -28.76 27.821 0.

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13 0. DEAD 5.435 -46.495 0.

13 500. DEAD 5.435 -38.995 0.
13 1000. DEAD 5.435 -31.495 0.
13 1500. DEAD 5.435 -23.995 0.
13 2000. DEAD 5.435 -16.495 0.
13 2500. DEAD 5.435 -8.995 0.
13 3000. DEAD 5.435 -1.495 0.
13 3500. DEAD 5.435 6.005 0.
13 4000. DEAD 5.435 13.505 0.
13 4500. DEAD 5.435 21.005 0.
13 5000. DEAD 5.435 28.505 0.
13 5500. DEAD 5.435 36.005 0.
13 6000. DEAD 5.435 43.505 0.
13 0. live 2.18 -18.635 0.
13 500. live 2.18 -15.635 0.
13 1000. live 2.18 -12.635 0.
13 1500. live 2.18 -9.635 0.
13 2000. live 2.18 -6.635 0.
13 2500. live 2.18 -3.635 0.
13 3000. live 2.18 -0.635 0.
13 3500. live 2.18 2.365 0.
13 4000. live 2.18 5.365 0.
13 4500. live 2.18 8.365 0.
13 5000. live 2.18 11.365 0.
13 5500. live 2.18 14.365 0.
13 6000. live 2.18 17.365 0.
13 0. quake 14.948 12.877 0.
13 500. quake 14.948 12.877 0.
13 1000. quake 14.948 12.877 0.
13 1500. quake 14.948 12.877 0.
13 2000. quake 14.948 12.877 0.
13 2500. quake 14.948 12.877 0.
13 3000. quake 14.948 12.877 0.
13 3500. quake 14.948 12.877 0.
13 4000. quake 14.948 12.877 0.
13 4500. quake 14.948 12.877 0.
13 5000. quake 14.948 12.877 0.
13 5500. quake 14.948 12.877 0.
13 6000. quake 14.948 12.877 0.
14 0. DEAD 3.505 -45.637 0.
14 500. DEAD 3.505 -38.137 0.
14 1000. DEAD 3.505 -30.637 0.
14 1500. DEAD 3.505 -23.137 0.
14 2000. DEAD 3.505 -15.637 0.
14 2500. DEAD 3.505 -8.137 0.
14 3000. DEAD 3.505 -0.637 0.
14 3500. DEAD 3.505 6.863 0.
14 4000. DEAD 3.505 14.363 0.
14 4500. DEAD 3.505 21.863 0.
14 5000. DEAD 3.505 29.363 0.
14 5500. DEAD 3.505 36.863 0.
14 6000. DEAD 3.505 44.363 0.
14 0. live 1.388 -18.261 0.
14 500. live 1.388 -15.261 0.
14 1000. live 1.388 -12.261 0.
14 1500. live 1.388 -9.261 0.
14 2000. live 1.388 -6.261 0.

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14 2500. live 1.388 -3.261 0.

14 3000. live 1.388 -0.261 0.
14 3500. live 1.388 2.739 0.
14 4000. live 1.388 5.739 0.
14 4500. live 1.388 8.739 0.
14 5000. live 1.388 11.739 0.
14 5500. live 1.388 14.739 0.
14 6000. live 1.388 17.739 0.
14 0. quake -13.227 10.797 0.
14 500. quake -13.227 10.797 0.
14 1000. quake -13.227 10.797 0.
14 1500. quake -13.227 10.797 0.
14 2000. quake -13.227 10.797 0.
14 2500. quake -13.227 10.797 0.
14 3000. quake -13.227 10.797 0.
14 3500. quake -13.227 10.797 0.
14 4000. quake -13.227 10.797 0.
14 4500. quake -13.227 10.797 0.
14 5000. quake -13.227 10.797 0.
14 5500. quake -13.227 10.797 0.
14 6000. quake -13.227 10.797 0.
15 0. DEAD -12.039 -47.541 0.
15 500. DEAD -12.039 -40.041 0.
15 1000. DEAD -12.039 -32.541 0.
15 1500. DEAD -12.039 -25.041 0.
15 2000. DEAD -12.039 -17.541 0.
15 2500. DEAD -12.039 -10.041 0.
15 3000. DEAD -12.039 -2.541 0.
15 3500. DEAD -12.039 4.959 0.
15 4000. DEAD -12.039 12.459 0.
15 4500. DEAD -12.039 19.959 0.
15 5000. DEAD -12.039 27.459 0.
15 5500. DEAD -12.039 34.959 0.
15 6000. DEAD -12.039 42.459 0.
15 0. live -4.8 -19.076 0.
15 500. live -4.8 -16.076 0.
15 1000. live -4.8 -13.076 0.
15 1500. live -4.8 -10.076 0.
15 2000. live -4.8 -7.076 0.
15 2500. live -4.8 -4.076 0.
15 3000. live -4.8 -1.076 0.
15 3500. live -4.8 1.924 0.
15 4000. live -4.8 4.924 0.
15 4500. live -4.8 7.924 0.
15 5000. live -4.8 10.924 0.
15 5500. live -4.8 13.924 0.
15 6000. live -4.8 16.924 0.
15 0. quake -2.056 5.46 0.
15 500. quake -2.056 5.46 0.
15 1000. quake -2.056 5.46 0.
15 1500. quake -2.056 5.46 0.
15 2000. quake -2.056 5.46 0.
15 2500. quake -2.056 5.46 0.
15 3000. quake -2.056 5.46 0.
15 3500. quake -2.056 5.46 0.
15 4000. quake -2.056 5.46 0.
15 4500. quake -2.056 5.46 0.

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15 5000. quake -2.056 5.46 0.

15 5500. quake -2.056 5.46 0.
15 6000. quake -2.056 5.46 0.

Table 22: Element Forces - Frames, Part 2 of 2

Table 22: Element Forces - Frames, Part 2 of 2
Frame Station OutputCase T M2 M3
mm KN-mm KN-mm KN-mm
1 0. DEAD 0. 0. -14407.48
1 2500. DEAD 0. 0. 9297.93
1 5000. DEAD 0. 0. 33003.34
1 0. live 0. 0. -7055.79
1 2500. live 0. 0. 4433.45
1 5000. live 0. 0. 15922.69
1 0. quake 0. 0. 307905.71
1 2500. quake 0. 0. 89094.99
1 5000. quake 0. 0. -129715.72
2 0. DEAD 0. 0. -45305.05
2 2500. DEAD 0. 0. -4577.44
2 5000. DEAD 0. 0. 36150.16
2 0. live 0. 0. -21481.61
2 2500. live 0. 0. -2165.57
2 5000. live 0. 0. 17150.47
2 0. quake 0. 0. 98356.
2 2500. quake 0. 0. -23553.27
2 5000. quake 0. 0. -145462.54
3 0. DEAD 0. 0. -49244.95
3 2500. DEAD 0. 0. 11123.12
3 5000. DEAD 0. 0. 71491.2
3 0. live 0. 0. -23386.97
3 2500. live 0. 0. 5370.77
3 5000. live 0. 0. 34128.52
3 0. quake 0. 0. 21698.89
3 2500. quake 0. 0. -31400.18
3 5000. quake 0. 0. -84499.25
4 0. DEAD 0. 0. 11844.28
4 2500. DEAD 0. 0. -4114.63
4 5000. DEAD 0. 0. -20073.54
4 0. live 0. 0. 6112.41
4 2500. live 0. 0. -2297.4
4 5000. live 0. 0. -10707.2
4 0. quake 0. 0. 315386.35
4 2500. quake 0. 0. 85033.47
4 5000. quake 0. 0. -145319.42
5 0. DEAD 0. 0. 21247.44
5 2500. DEAD 0. 0. 1854.5
5 5000. DEAD 0. 0. -17538.44
5 0. live 0. 0. 11872.44
5 2500. live 0. 0. 1086.07
5 5000. live 0. 0. -9700.29
5 0. quake 0. 0. 118209.69
5 2500. quake 0. 0. -21674.51
5 5000. quake 0. 0. -161558.72
6 0. DEAD 0. 0. 24380.03
6 2500. DEAD 0. 0. -5889.67

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6 5000. DEAD 0. 0. -36159.37

6 0. live 0. 0. 13538.88
6 2500. live 0. 0. -3220.
6 5000. live 0. 0. -19978.88
6 0. quake 0. 0. 35184.82
6 2500. quake 0. 0. -31577.16
6 5000. quake 0. 0. -98339.14
7 0. DEAD 0. 0. -1.776E-12
7 2500. DEAD 0. 0. -7746.5
7 5000. DEAD 0. 0. -15493.
7 0. live 0. 0. 0.
7 2500. live 0. 0. -3079.43
7 5000. live 0. 0. -6158.86
7 0. quake 0. 0. -1.421E-11
7 2500. quake 0. 0. -836.4
7 5000. quake 0. 0. -1672.8
8 0. DEAD 0. 0. 24119.79
8 2500. DEAD 0. 0. 2785.13
8 5000. DEAD 0. 0. -18549.54
8 0. live 0. 0. 9629.82
8 2500. live 0. 0. 1100.15
8 5000. live 0. 0. -7429.52
8 0. quake 0. 0. 36561.5
8 2500. quake 0. 0. -1645.02
8 5000. quake 0. 0. -39851.54
9 0. DEAD 0. 0. 24179.98
9 2500. DEAD 0. 0. -5918.39
9 5000. DEAD 0. 0. -36016.76
9 0. live 0. 0. 9667.54
9 2500. live 0. 0. -2331.32
9 5000. live 0. 0. -14330.19
9 0. quake 0. 0. -6569.48
9 2500. quake 0. 0. -11708.43
9 5000. quake 0. 0. -16847.38
10 0. DEAD 0. 0. -78308.39
10 500. DEAD 0. 0. -41774.63
10 1000. DEAD 0. 0. -10240.87
10 1500. DEAD 0. 0. 16292.9
10 2000. DEAD 0. 0. 37826.66
10 2500. DEAD 0. 0. 54360.43
10 3000. DEAD 0. 0. 65894.19
10 3000. DEAD 0. 0. 65894.19
10 3500. DEAD 0. 0. 52427.96
10 4000. DEAD 0. 0. 33961.72
10 4500. DEAD 0. 0. 10495.49
10 5000. DEAD 0. 0. -17970.75
10 5500. DEAD 0. 0. -51436.98
10 6000. DEAD 0. 0. -89903.22
10 0. live 0. 0. -37404.3
10 500. live 0. 0. -20552.26
10 1000. live 0. 0. -5700.23
10 1500. live 0. 0. 7151.8
10 2000. live 0. 0. 18003.83
10 2500. live 0. 0. 26855.86
10 3000. live 0. 0. 33707.89
10 3000. live 0. 0. 33707.89
10 3500. live 0. 0. 26059.92

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10 4000. live 0. 0. 16411.95

10 4500. live 0. 0. 4763.98
10 5000. live 0. 0. -8883.98
10 5500. live 0. 0. -24531.95
10 6000. live 0. 0. -42179.92
10 0. quake 0. 0. 228071.73
10 500. quake 0. 0. 190357.25
10 1000. quake 0. 0. 152642.77
10 1500. quake 0. 0. 114928.29
10 2000. quake 0. 0. 77213.81
10 2500. quake 0. 0. 39499.33
10 3000. quake 0. 0. 1784.85
10 3000. quake 0. 0. 1784.85
10 3500. quake 0. 0. -35929.63
10 4000. quake 0. 0. -73644.11
10 4500. quake 0. 0. -111358.59
10 5000. quake 0. 0. -149073.07
10 5500. quake 0. 0. -186787.55
10 6000. quake 0. 0. -224502.03
11 0. DEAD 0. 0. -85395.11
11 500. DEAD 0. 0. -48151.32
11 1000. DEAD 0. 0. -15907.52
11 1500. DEAD 0. 0. 11336.27
11 2000. DEAD 0. 0. 33580.06
11 2500. DEAD 0. 0. 50823.86
11 3000. DEAD 0. 0. 63067.65
11 3000. DEAD 0. 0. 63067.65
11 3500. DEAD 0. 0. 50311.45
11 4000. DEAD 0. 0. 32555.24
11 4500. DEAD 0. 0. 9799.04
11 5000. DEAD 0. 0. -17957.17
11 5500. DEAD 0. 0. -50713.37
11 6000. DEAD 0. 0. -88469.58
11 0. live 0. 0. -40537.44
11 500. live 0. 0. -23401.37
11 1000. live 0. 0. -8265.31
11 1500. live 0. 0. 4870.75
11 2000. live 0. 0. 16006.82
11 2500. live 0. 0. 25142.88
11 3000. live 0. 0. 32278.95
11 3000. live 0. 0. 32278.95
11 3500. live 0. 0. 24915.01
11 4000. live 0. 0. 15551.08
11 4500. live 0. 0. 4187.14
11 5000. live 0. 0. -9176.8
11 5500. live 0. 0. -24540.73
11 6000. live 0. 0. -41904.67
11 0. quake 0. 0. 167161.43
11 500. quake 0. 0. 139461.06
11 1000. quake 0. 0. 111760.69
11 1500. quake 0. 0. 84060.33
11 2000. quake 0. 0. 56359.96
11 2500. quake 0. 0. 28659.59
11 3000. quake 0. 0. 959.22
11 3000. quake 0. 0. 959.22
11 3500. quake 0. 0. -26741.14
11 4000. quake 0. 0. -54441.51

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11 4500. quake 0. 0. -82141.88

11 5000. quake 0. 0. -109842.24
11 5500. quake 0. 0. -137542.61
11 6000. quake 0. 0. -165242.98
12 0. DEAD 0. 0. -71491.2
12 500. DEAD 0. 0. -35318.67
12 1000. DEAD 0. 0. -4146.14
12 1500. DEAD 0. 0. 22026.39
12 2000. DEAD 0. 0. 43198.92
12 2500. DEAD 0. 0. 59371.45
12 3000. DEAD 0. 0. 70543.98
12 3000. DEAD 0. 0. 70543.98
12 3500. DEAD 0. 0. 56716.51
12 4000. DEAD 0. 0. 37889.04
12 4500. DEAD 0. 0. 14061.57
12 5000. DEAD 0. 0. -14765.9
12 5500. DEAD 0. 0. -48593.38
12 6000. DEAD 0. 0. -87420.85
12 0. live 0. 0. -34128.52
12 500. live 0. 0. -17431.4
12 1000. live 0. 0. -2734.28
12 1500. live 0. 0. 9962.84
12 2000. live 0. 0. 20659.95
12 2500. live 0. 0. 29357.07
12 3000. live 0. 0. 36054.19
12 3000. live 0. 0. 36054.19
12 3500. live 0. 0. 28251.31
12 4000. live 0. 0. 18448.43
12 4500. live 0. 0. 6645.54
12 5000. live 0. 0. -7157.34
12 5500. live 0. 0. -22960.22
12 6000. live 0. 0. -40763.1
12 0. quake 0. 0. 84499.25
12 500. quake 0. 0. 70588.87
12 1000. quake 0. 0. 56678.5
12 1500. quake 0. 0. 42768.12
12 2000. quake 0. 0. 28857.75
12 2500. quake 0. 0. 14947.37
12 3000. quake 0. 0. 1037.
12 3000. quake 0. 0. 1037.
12 3500. quake 0. 0. -12873.38
12 4000. quake 0. 0. -26783.75
12 4500. quake 0. 0. -40694.12
12 5000. quake 0. 0. -54604.5
12 5500. quake 0. 0. -68514.87
12 6000. quake 0. 0. -82425.25
13 0. DEAD 0. 0. -48582.24
13 500. DEAD 0. 0. -27209.79
13 1000. DEAD 0. 0. -9587.33
13 1500. DEAD 0. 0. 4285.12
13 2000. DEAD 0. 0. 14407.58
13 2500. DEAD 0. 0. 20780.03
13 3000. DEAD 0. 0. 23402.48
13 3500. DEAD 0. 0. 22274.94
13 4000. DEAD 0. 0. 17397.39
13 4500. DEAD 0. 0. 8769.84
13 5000. DEAD 0. 0. -3607.7

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13 5500. DEAD 0. 0. -19735.25

13 6000. DEAD 0. 0. -39612.8
13 0. live 0. 0. -19600.28
13 500. live 0. 0. -11032.65
13 1000. live 0. 0. -3965.02
13 1500. live 0. 0. 1602.62
13 2000. live 0. 0. 5670.25
13 2500. live 0. 0. 8237.88
13 3000. live 0. 0. 9305.52
13 3500. live 0. 0. 8873.15
13 4000. live 0. 0. 6940.78
13 4500. live 0. 0. 3508.42
13 5000. live 0. 0. -1423.95
13 5500. live 0. 0. -7856.32
13 6000. live 0. 0. -15788.68
13 0. quake 0. 0. 39027.09
13 500. quake 0. 0. 32588.64
13 1000. quake 0. 0. 26150.19
13 1500. quake 0. 0. 19711.74
13 2000. quake 0. 0. 13273.29
13 2500. quake 0. 0. 6834.84
13 3000. quake 0. 0. 396.39
13 3500. quake 0. 0. -6042.06
13 4000. quake 0. 0. -12480.51
13 4500. quake 0. 0. -18918.95
13 5000. quake 0. 0. -25357.4
13 5500. quake 0. 0. -31795.85
13 6000. quake 0. 0. -38234.3
14 0. DEAD 0. 0. -46551.11
14 500. DEAD 0. 0. -25607.65
14 1000. DEAD 0. 0. -8414.18
14 1500. DEAD 0. 0. 5029.28
14 2000. DEAD 0. 0. 14722.75
14 2500. DEAD 0. 0. 20666.21
14 3000. DEAD 0. 0. 22859.68
14 3500. DEAD 0. 0. 21303.15
14 4000. DEAD 0. 0. 15996.61
14 4500. DEAD 0. 0. 6940.08
14 5000. DEAD 0. 0. -5866.46
14 5500. DEAD 0. 0. -22422.99
14 6000. DEAD 0. 0. -42729.53
14 0. live 0. 0. -18665.49
14 500. live 0. 0. -10284.79
14 1000. live 0. 0. -3404.09
14 1500. live 0. 0. 1976.62
14 2000. live 0. 0. 5857.32
14 2500. live 0. 0. 8238.02
14 3000. live 0. 0. 9118.72
14 3500. live 0. 0. 8499.43
14 4000. live 0. 0. 6380.13
14 4500. live 0. 0. 2760.83
14 5000. live 0. 0. -2358.46
14 5500. live 0. 0. -8977.76
14 6000. live 0. 0. -17097.06
14 0. quake 0. 0. 31500.56
14 500. quake 0. 0. 26102.01
14 1000. quake 0. 0. 20703.46

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14 1500. quake 0. 0. 15304.9

14 2000. quake 0. 0. 9906.35
14 2500. quake 0. 0. 4507.8
14 3000. quake 0. 0. -890.75
14 3500. quake 0. 0. -6289.3
14 4000. quake 0. 0. -11687.86
14 4500. quake 0. 0. -17086.41
14 5000. quake 0. 0. -22484.96
14 5500. quake 0. 0. -27883.51
14 6000. quake 0. 0. -33282.06
15 0. DEAD 0. 0. -51261.48
15 500. DEAD 0. 0. -29366.08
15 1000. DEAD 0. 0. -11220.69
15 1500. DEAD 0. 0. 3174.7
15 2000. DEAD 0. 0. 13820.1
15 2500. DEAD 0. 0. 20715.49
15 3000. DEAD 0. 0. 23860.88
15 3500. DEAD 0. 0. 23256.27
15 4000. DEAD 0. 0. 18901.67
15 4500. DEAD 0. 0. 10797.06
15 5000. DEAD 0. 0. -1057.55
15 5500. DEAD 0. 0. -16662.16
15 6000. DEAD 0. 0. -36016.76
15 0. live 0. 0. -20784.22
15 500. live 0. 0. -11996.38
15 1000. live 0. 0. -4708.55
15 1500. live 0. 0. 1079.29
15 2000. live 0. 0. 5367.12
15 2500. live 0. 0. 8154.96
15 3000. live 0. 0. 9442.8
15 3500. live 0. 0. 9230.63
15 4000. live 0. 0. 7518.47
15 4500. live 0. 0. 4306.31
15 5000. live 0. 0. -405.86
15 5500. live 0. 0. -6618.02
15 6000. live 0. 0. -14330.19
15 0. quake 0. 0. 15913.89
15 500. quake 0. 0. 13183.79
15 1000. quake 0. 0. 10453.68
15 1500. quake 0. 0. 7723.57
15 2000. quake 0. 0. 4993.47
15 2500. quake 0. 0. 2263.36
15 3000. quake 0. 0. -466.75
15 3500. quake 0. 0. -3196.85
15 4000. quake 0. 0. -5926.96
15 4500. quake 0. 0. -8657.07
15 5000. quake 0. 0. -11387.17
15 5500. quake 0. 0. -14117.28
15 6000. quake 0. 0. -16847.38

10. Material take-off

This section provides a material take-off.

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Table 23: Material List 2 - By Section Property

Table 23: Material List 2 - By Section Property
Section ObjectType NumPieces TotalLength TotalWeight
mm KN
K 40/40 Frame 6 30000. 115.2
K 30/30 Frame 3 15000. 32.4
B 30/50 Frame 3 18000. 64.8
B 20/30 Frame 3 18000. 25.92

11. Design preferences

This section provides the design preferences for each type of design, which typically include material reduction
factors, framing type, stress ratio limit, deflection limits, and other code specific items.

11.1. Steel design

Table 24: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-10, Part 1 of 4

Table 24: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-10, Part 1 of 4
THDesign FrameType PatLLF SRatioLimit MaxIter SDC SeisCode SeisLoad ImpFactor

Envelopes SMF 0.75 0.95 1 D Yes Yes 1.

Table 24: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-10, Part 2 of 4

Table 24: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-10, Part 2 of 4
SystemRho SystemSds SystemR SystemCd Omega0 Provision AMethod SOMethod SRMethod

1. 0.5 8. 5.5 3. LRFD Direct Analysis General 2nd Tau-b Fixed


Table 24: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-10, Part 3 of 4

Table 24: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-10, Part 3 of 4
NLCoeff PhiB PhiC PhiTY PhiTF PhiV PhiVRolledI PhiVT PlugWeld

0.002 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.75 0.9 1. 0.9 Yes

Table 24: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-10, Part 4 of 4

Table 24: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-10, Part 4 of 4
HSSWelding HSSReduceT CheckDefl DLRat SDLAndLLRat LLRat TotalRat NetRat

ERW No No 120. 120. 360. 240. 240.

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11.2. Concrete design

Table 25: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 1 of 2

Table 25: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-
08/IBC2009, Part 1 of 2
MinEccen PatLLF UFLimit SeisCat

Yes 0.75 0.95 D

Table 25: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 2 of 2

Table 25: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 2 of 2
Rho Sds PhiT PhiCTied PhiCSpiral PhiV PhiVSeismic PhiVJoint

1. 0.5 0.9 0.65 0.75 0.75 0.6 0.85

11.3. Aluminum design

Table 26: Preferences - Aluminum Design - AA-ASD 2000

Table 26: Preferences - Aluminum Design - AA-ASD 2000
FrameType SRatioLimit LatFact UseLatFact

Moment Frame 1. 1.333333 No

11.4. Cold formed design

Table 27: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96

Table 27: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96
FrameType SRatioLimit OmegaBS OmegaBUS OmegaBLTB OmegaVS OmegaVNS OmegaT OmegaC

Braced Frame 1. 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.5 1.67 1.8

12. Design overwrites

This section provides the design overwrites for each type of design, which are assigned to individual members of the

12.1. Concrete design

Table 28: Overwrites - Concrete Design - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 1 of 2

Table 28: Overwrites - Concrete Design - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 1 of 2

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Frame DesignSect FrameType RLLF XLMajor XLMinor XKMajor XKMinor

1 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
2 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
3 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
4 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
5 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
6 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
7 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
8 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
9 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
10 Program Program 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
11 Program Program 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
12 Program Program 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
13 Program Program 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
14 Program Program 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
15 Program Program 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined

Table 28: Overwrites - Concrete Design - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 2 of 2

Table 28: Overwrites - Concrete Design - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 2 of 2
Frame CmMajor CmMinor DnsMajor DnsMinor DsMajor DsMinor

1 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
2 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
3 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
4 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
5 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
6 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
7 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
8 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
9 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

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13. Design summary

This section provides the design summary for each type of design, which highlights the controlling demand/capacity
ratio and it's associated combination and location in each member.

13.1. Concrete design

Table 29: Concrete Design 1 - Column Summary Data - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 1 of 2
Table 29: Concrete Design 1 - Column Summary Data - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 1 of 2
Frame Location DesignSect PMMCombo PMMArea PMMRatio VMajCombo VMajRebar
mm mm2 mm2/mm
1 0. K 40/40 DCON4 DCON5 1.25
1 2500. K 40/40 DCON5 2323.359 DCON5 1.25
1 5000. K 40/40 DCON4 4703.79 DCON5 1.25
2 0. K 40/40 DCON4 3874.543 DCON5 0.559
2 2500. K 40/40 KOMBINASI 1 1600. DCON5 0.559
2 5000. K 40/40 DCON4 5167.717 DCON5 0.559
3 0. K 40/40 DCON4 2058.904 DCON6 0.634
3 2500. K 40/40 KOMBINASI 1 1600. DCON6 0.634
3 5000. K 40/40 DCON4 5005.836 DCON6 0.634
4 0. K 40/40 DCON3 DCON6 0.431
4 2500. K 40/40 KOMBINASI 1 1600. DCON6 0.431
4 5000. K 40/40 DCON3 5483.28 DCON6 0.431
5 0. K 40/40 DCON3 3256.14 DCON6 0.778
5 2500. K 40/40 KOMBINASI 1 1600. DCON6 0.778
5 5000. K 40/40 DCON3 4844.228 DCON6 0.778
6 0. K 40/40 KOMBINASI 1 1600. DCON5 0.569
6 2500. K 40/40 KOMBINASI 1 1600. DCON5 0.569
6 5000. K 40/40 DCON3 3403.384 DCON5 0.569
7 0. K 30/30 KOMBINASI 1 900. DCON6 0.
7 2500. K 30/30 KOMBINASI 1 900. DCON6 0.
7 5000. K 30/30 KOMBINASI 1 900. DCON6 0.
8 0. K 30/30 DCON3 3508.97 DCON6 0.323
8 2500. K 30/30 KOMBINASI 1 900. DCON6 0.323
8 5000. K 30/30 DCON3 2971.75 DCON6 0.323
9 0. K 30/30 DCON4 1391.191 DCON4 0.323
9 2500. K 30/30 KOMBINASI 1 900. DCON4 0.323
9 5000. K 30/30 DCON3 3406.56 DCON4 0.323

Table 29: Concrete Design 1 - Column Summary Data - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 2 of 2
Table 29: Concrete Design 1 - Column Summary Data - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 2 of 2
Frame VMinCombo VMinRebar Status ErrMsg WarnMsg
1 DCON6 0. See ErrMsg The required column No Messages
flexural reinforcing exceeds
maximum limit.
1 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
1 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
2 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
2 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
2 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
3 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
3 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages

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3 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages

4 DCON6 0. See ErrMsg The required column No Messages
flexural reinforcing exceeds
maximum limit.
4 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
4 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
5 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
5 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
5 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
6 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
6 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
6 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
7 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
7 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
7 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
8 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
8 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
8 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
9 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
9 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages
9 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages No Messages

Table 30: Concrete Design 2 - Beam Summary Data - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 1 of 3
Table 30: Concrete Design 2 - Beam Summary Data - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 1 of 3
Frame DesignSect DesignType Status Location FTopCombo FTopArea
mm mm2
10 B 30/50 Beam See ErrMsg 0. KOMBINASI 3
10 B 30/50 Beam See ErrMsg 500. KOMBINASI 3
10 B 30/50 Beam See ErrMsg 1000. KOMBINASI 3
10 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 1500. DCON6 1668.167
10 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 2000. DCON3 (Sp) 1556.099
10 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 2500. DCON3 (Sp) 1556.099
10 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 3000. DCON3 (Sp) 1556.099
10 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 3000. DCON3 (Sp) 1556.099
10 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 3500. DCON3 (Sp) 1556.099
10 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 4000. DCON3 (Sp) 1556.099
10 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 4500. DCON5 1688.343
10 B 30/50 Beam See ErrMsg 5000. KOMBINASI 2
10 B 30/50 Beam See ErrMsg 5500. KOMBINASI 2
10 B 30/50 Beam See ErrMsg 6000. KOMBINASI 1
11 B 30/50 Beam See ErrMsg 0. KOMBINASI 3
11 B 30/50 Beam See ErrMsg 500. KOMBINASI 3
11 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 1000. DCON4 2438.003
11 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 1500. DCON3 (Sp) 1279.315
11 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 2000. DCON3 (Sp) 1279.315
11 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 2500. DCON3 (Sp) 1279.315
11 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 3000. DCON3 (Sp) 1279.315
11 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 3000. DCON3 (Sp) 1279.315
11 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 3500. DCON3 (Sp) 1279.315
11 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 4000. DCON3 (Sp) 1279.315
11 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 4500. DCON3 (Sp) 1279.315
11 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 5000. DCON3 2469.978
11 B 30/50 Beam See ErrMsg 5500. KOMBINASI 2
11 B 30/50 Beam See ErrMsg 6000. KOMBINASI 1
12 B 30/50 Beam See ErrMsg 0. KOMBINASI 3

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12 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 500. DCON4 2307.385

12 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 1000. DCON4 1008.438
12 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 1500. DCON3 (Sp) 914.975
12 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 2000. DCON3 (Sp) 914.975
12 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 2500. DCON3 (Sp) 914.975
12 B 30/50 Beam See ErrMsg 3000. DCON2 (Sp) 1366.352
12 B 30/50 Beam See ErrMsg 3000. DCON2 (Sp) 1366.352
12 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 3500. DCON3 (Sp) 914.975
12 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 4000. DCON3 (Sp) 914.975
12 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 4500. DCON3 (Sp) 914.975
12 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 5000. DCON3 1286.68
12 B 30/50 Beam No Messages 5500. DCON3 2706.92
12 B 30/50 Beam See ErrMsg 6000. KOMBINASI 1
13 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 0. KOMBINASI 1
13 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 500. KOMBINASI 1
13 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 1000. KOMBINASI 2 (Sp)
13 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 1500. KOMBINASI 2 (Sp)
13 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 2000. KOMBINASI 2 (Sp)
13 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 2500. KOMBINASI 2 (Sp)
13 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 3000. KOMBINASI 2 (Sp)
13 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 3500. KOMBINASI 2 (Sp)
13 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 4000. KOMBINASI 2 (Sp)
13 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 4500. KOMBINASI 2 (Sp)
13 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 5000. KOMBINASI 1 (Sp)
13 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 5500. KOMBINASI 1
13 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 6000. KOMBINASI 1
14 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 0. KOMBINASI 1
14 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 500. KOMBINASI 1
14 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 1000. KOMBINASI 2 (Sp)
14 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 1500. KOMBINASI 3 (Sp)
14 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 2000. KOMBINASI 3 (Sp)
14 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 2500. KOMBINASI 3 (Sp)
14 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 3000. KOMBINASI 3 (Sp)
14 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 3500. KOMBINASI 3 (Sp)
14 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 4000. KOMBINASI 3 (Sp)
14 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 4500. KOMBINASI 3 (Sp)
14 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 5000. KOMBINASI 1 (Sp)
14 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 5500. KOMBINASI 1
14 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 6000. KOMBINASI 1
15 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 0. KOMBINASI 1
15 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 500. KOMBINASI 1
15 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 1000. KOMBINASI 1 (Sp)
15 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 1500. DCON4 (Sp) 753.971
15 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 2000. DCON4 (Sp) 753.971
15 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 2500. DCON4 (Sp) 753.971
15 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 3000. DCON4 (Sp) 753.971
15 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 3500. DCON4 (Sp) 753.971
15 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 4000. DCON4 (Sp) 753.971
15 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 4500. DCON4 (Sp) 753.971
15 B 20/30 Beam No Messages 5000. DCON4 (Sp) 753.971
15 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 5500. KOMBINASI 1
15 B 20/30 Beam See ErrMsg 6000. KOMBINASI 1

Table 30: Concrete Design 2 - Beam Summary Data - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 2 of 3
Table 30: Concrete Design 2 - Beam Summary Data - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 2 of 3
Frame FBotCombo FBotArea VCombo VRebar TLngCombo TLngArea

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mm2 mm2/mm mm2

10 KOMBINASI 3 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
10 DCON4 (Sp) 4519.417 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
10 DCON5 2510.231 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
10 DCON3 2487.29 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
10 DCON3 2509.116 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
10 DCON2 2515.679 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
10 DCON2 2950.488 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
10 DCON2 2950.488 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
10 DCON2 2470.946 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
10 DCON4 2312.627 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
10 DCON4 2221.454 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
10 DCON6 2322.082 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
10 DCON3 (Sp) 4962.216 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
10 KOMBINASI 2 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
11 DCON4 (Sp) 6345.635 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
11 DCON4 (Sp) 3162.201 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
11 DCON5 1614.523 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
11 DCON3 1701.719 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
11 DCON3 1941.273 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
11 DCON2 2433.814 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
11 DCON2 2885.059 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
11 DCON2 2885.059 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
11 DCON2 2421.952 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
11 DCON4 1868.257 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
11 DCON4 1615.141 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
11 DCON6 1548.482 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
11 DCON3 (Sp) 3249.305 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
11 DCON3 (Sp) 6463.258 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
12 DCON4 (Sp) 2687.934 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
12 DCON3 (Sp) 914.975 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
12 DCON3 (Sp) 914.975 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
12 DCON3 1293.873 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
12 DCON2 2025.623 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
12 DCON2 2631.675 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
12 DCON2 2570.218 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
12 DCON2 1898.717 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
12 DCON2 (Sp) 1126.934 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
12 DCON3 (Sp) 914.975 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
12 DCON3 (Sp) 914.975 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
12 DCON3 (Sp) 3550.559 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
13 KOMBINASI 2 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
13 KOMBINASI 2 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
13 KOMBINASI 1 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
13 KOMBINASI 1 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
13 KOMBINASI 2 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
13 KOMBINASI 2 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.

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13. Design summary 28 April 2017

14 KOMBINASI 3 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.

14 KOMBINASI 3 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
14 KOMBINASI 1 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
14 KOMBINASI 1 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
14 KOMBINASI 3 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
14 KOMBINASI 3 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
15 DCON4 (Sp) 753.971 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
15 DCON4 (Sp) 753.971 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
15 KOMBINASI 1 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
15 KOMBINASI 1 (Sp) DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
15 DCON4 (Sp) 753.971 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.
15 DCON4 (Sp) 753.971 DCON6 0. DCON6 0.

Table 30: Concrete Design 2 - Beam Summary Data - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 3 of 3
Table 30: Concrete Design 2 - Beam Summary Data - ACI 318-08/IBC2009, Part 3 of 3
Frame TTrnCombo TTrnRebar ErrMsg WarnMsg
10 DCON6 0. The required reinforcing exceeds No Messages
maximum allowed; The required
reinforcing exceeds maximum allowed
10 DCON6 0. The required reinforcing exceeds No Messages
maximum allowed
10 DCON6 0. The required reinforcing exceeds No Messages
maximum allowed
10 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
10 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
10 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
10 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
10 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
10 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
10 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
10 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
10 DCON6 0. The required reinforcing exceeds No Messages
maximum allowed
10 DCON6 0. The required reinforcing exceeds No Messages
maximum allowed
10 DCON6 0. The required reinforcing exceeds No Messages
maximum allowed; The required
reinforcing exceeds maximum allowed
11 DCON6 0. The required reinforcing exceeds No Messages
maximum allowed
11 DCON6 0. The required reinforcing exceeds No Messages
maximum allowed
11 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages

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11 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages

11 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
11 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
11 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
11 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
11 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
11 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
11 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
11 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
11 DCON6 0. The required reinforcing exceeds No Messages
maximum allowed
11 DCON6 0. The required reinforcing exceeds No Messages
maximum allowed
12 DCON6 0. The required reinforcing exceeds No Messages
maximum allowed
12 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
12 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
12 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
12 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
12 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
12 DCON6 0. The required reinforcing exceeds No Messages
maximum allowed
12 DCON6 0. The required reinforcing exceeds No Messages
maximum allowed
12 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
12 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
12 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
12 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
12 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
12 DCON6 0. The required reinforcing exceeds No Messages
maximum allowed
13 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
13 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
13 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
13 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
13 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
13 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
13 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
13 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
13 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
13 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
13 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
13 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
13 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
14 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
14 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.

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Test portal run.sdb SAP2000 v19.0.0 - License #2010*1GN3RKR8FLUGYH5
13. Design summary 28 April 2017

14 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages

Beam concrete fails in compression.
14 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
14 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
14 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
14 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
14 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
14 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
14 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
14 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
14 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
14 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
15 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.
15 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression. No Messages
15 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression. No Messages
15 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression. No Messages
15 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression. No Messages
15 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression. No Messages
15 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression. No Messages
15 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression. No Messages
15 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression. No Messages
15 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression. No Messages
15 DCON6 0. No Messages No Messages
15 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression. No Messages
15 DCON6 0. Beam concrete fails in compression.; No Messages
Beam concrete fails in compression.

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