CV Erwan 2016
CV Erwan 2016
CV Erwan 2016
Personal Identity
Name Erwan Agus Purwanto
Place and Date of Klaten, August 2, 1968
Office Address Master in Public Policy and Administration, Gadjah Mada
University, Jl. Prof. Dr. Sardjito-Sekip, Yogyakarta, 55281
Phone: (0274) 563825; 588234
Fax : (0274) 589 655
e-mail: [email protected]
Academic Background
2000-2004 PhD in social science, Faculty of Social and Political Science,
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Sciences, Gadjah Mada University.
Research and Consulting Experiences
2004 Management of Indonesian Civil Service, joint research
cooperation between Department of Home Affairs, JICA, and
Master in Public Administration Program (field research
coordinator. Funded by JICA).
Policy and Administration).
Agus Pramusinto. Funded by Norwegian Embassy).
Forest Decentralization in Yogyakarta Special Province
(member of research team of the Department of Public Policy
and Management GMU. Funded by the Department of Forestry).
8. Working group on coping with the crisis in Indonesia (2 monthly discussion
(January 2002-2003) conducted at Nijmegen University, ISS Denhaag, and
Amsterdam University) (speaker).
9. Working group on the Dynamic of Employment on Small-Scale Industry in the
time of crisis (June 2002-2003) (speaker).
10. Conference on Corruption, held by Amsterdam School for Social Science
Research, Amsterdam 12-13 December 2002 (participant).
11. Conference on The Implementation and Institutionalisation of Science and
Technology Development Policy at the Local Level held by Local Planning
Body of Sleman District, Sleman, 29 December 2004. (Speaker).
12. International Conference on Coping with the crisis and Social Change in
Indonesia, 6-7 January 2005 held by Institute of Social Studies, The Hague,
Royal Dutch Academic Institute, the Netherlands, and Population and Policy
Studies Centre, Gadjah Mada University (speaker).
13. Java Network Workshop, 14 January 2005 held by Centre for Religious and
Cross-Cultural Studies (CRCS), Gadjah Mada University (active participant).
14. Workshop on Social Policy Consultation, 15 January 2005 held by Population
and Policy Studies Centre, Gadjah Mada University (active participant).
15. National Conference on Revitalisation of Indonesian Bureaucracy held by
Lembaga Administrasi Negara (Indonesian Institution for Public
Administration), Jakarta, 14 February 2005. (Speaker).
16. National Conference on Disaster Management: Lesson from Aceh held by
Department of Public Administration GMU, 2005. (speaker).
17. Workshop on Public Service Reform held by Population and Policy Studies
Centre, GMU, Yogyakarta, 4-9 April 2005 (Speaker).
18. Workshop on Good Policy Adviser held by e-Gov Training Centre, University
of Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta (speaker).
19. Workshop on Good Governance and Public Services held by e-Gov Training
Centre, University of Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta (speaker).
20. Workshop on Understanding Policy Making Process held by e-Gov Training
Centre, University of Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta, 3 June 2005 (speaker).
21. Conference on Fisipol Update held by Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,
Gadjah Mada University, 12 September, 2005. (Speaker).
22. Conference on The Reposition of University in the Globalisation Era, held by
Widya Mataram University, Yogyakarta, 24 September, 2005. (Speaker).
23. Workshop on Redesigning Organisational Structure held by Dental Faculty,
Gadjah Mada University, and 21 October, 2005. (Speaker).
24. Principles of Quantitative Data Analysis delivered in the Workshop on
Precision Journalism held by Yogya Institute of Research Education and
Publication (LP3Y), 14-19 November 2005. (Speaker).
25. Developing Research Quality Strategy delivered in the Workshop on
Developing Research Quality held by Universitas Islam Negeri Yogyakarta, 23
October 2005. (Speaker).
27. Management of Water resources based on Good Governance Principles
delivered in the workshop on Planning and Management of Water Resources
held by NTB Province in collaboration with Gadjah Mada University,
Yogyakarta 21-15 November 2005. (Speaker).
28. Understanding Public Policy Process delivered in the workshop on
Empowering Yogyakarta Local Parliament held by Master in Public Policy and
Administration, Gadjah Mada University, 11-13 January 2006. (speaker)
29. Participatory-based Public Services, delivered in the training on Implementing
Good Governance Principles held by JICA- Training and Development Body,
Medan, 23-28 December 2006. (Speaker).
30. Gender Sensitive Quantitative Research Design delivered in the training
Program on Research Methodology with Gender Perspective, held by Institute
of Gender Research and Development, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, 25-
27 February, 2006. (Speaker).
31.The Evaluation of Anti Pornography Bill delivered in the Monthly Seminar,
held by Keluarga Mahasiswa Administrasi Negara, FISIPOL- UGM, and 23
March 2006. (Speaker).
32. SMEs and Technological Innovation: The Utilisation of ICT in the Industrial
Cluster, delivered in the workshop on Technology for Indonesia, held by
Ikatan Ahli dan Sarjana Indonesia di Jerman, Duisburg-Essen, Germany, 28-29
March 2006. (Speaker).
33. Post Disaster Management Based on Social Perspective delivered in the
Regional Seminar on Post Disaster Management held by STISIPOL Kartika
Bangsa, Yogyakarta, and 8 April 2006. (Speaker).
34. Rapid Appraisal delivered in the workshop on Social Research Methodology
held by Department of Public Administration, Gadjah Mada University, and
Yogyakarta 8 April 2006. (Speaker).
35. Transformative Leadership for Bureaucratic Reform, delivered in the seminar
on Leadership for Public Bureaucracy, held by Department of Public
Administration, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta 29 April 2006. (Speaker).
36. Local Governments Policy Adviser: Empirical need or Political one, delivered
in the seminar on Managing Local Bureaucrats and Political Appointees held
by Department of Public Administration-Gadjah Mada University and Pemda
Provinsi DIY, 17 May 2006. (speaker)
37. Managing Public Administration for Disaster Relief delivered in the workshop
for the preparation of Kuliah Kerja Nyata (internship) for Earth Quake Disaster
Relief in Yogyakarta Special Province, Gadjah Mada University, and
Yogyakarta 17 June 2006. (Speaker).
38. Redesigning Organisation, delivered in the workshop on Enhancing
Performance of Local Government Agency held by Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten
Kulonprogo, Jogjakarta 10 July 2006. (speaker)
39. One Year the Existence of Local Government Ombudsman in Yogyakarta: An
Evaluation of Its Performance, delivered in the workshop on Evaluation One
Year Ombudsman in Yogyakarta held by Partnership and Centre for Legal and
Humanity, Indonesian Islamic University, 30 August 2006. (Speaker).
40. Optimalisation of Legislation functions for Local Parliament. Delivered in the
workshop on Improving Local Parliament Performance, held by Master in
Economics and Development, Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta, 17
November 2006. (Speaker).
41. Social Planning as Development Projects Delivered in the workshop and
training on Social Planning held by Master in Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada
University, Jogjakarta, 29 November 2006. (Speaker).
42. Privatization: A Solution to Bad Public Governance delivered in the workshop
on Local Governance Transparency held by Population and Policy Studies
Centre in collaboration with Agder University College Norway, Yogyakarta, 26
January 2007. (Speaker).
43. Current Research Issues in Public Administration and Management delivered
in the Training on Quantitative Methodology held by Department of Public
Administration, Jendral Soedirman University, Purwokerto, 17 February 2007.
43. Workshop on In search of middle Indonesia held by KITLV-Leiden
University, Leiden 1-2 March 2007 (active participant).
44. The New Paradigm of Public-Private Partnership in the Development of
Regional Infrastructure presented in the workshop on Public-Private
Partnership held by Master in Regional Planning, Gadjah Mada University in
collaboration with Kab Bone, South Sulawesi, 10-17 April 2007. (Speaker).
45. Policy Research Method: Meaning, Boundary and Purpose presented in the
workshop on Research Methodology held by Pusat Kajian Media dan Budaya
Populer (PKMBP) in collaboration with Badan Pengkajian Pengembangan
Informasi (BPPI), Jogjakarta 12-15 April 2007. (Speaker).
46. Workshop on Governance Assessment Research Results held by Partnership,
Yogyakarta 11 May 2007. (reviewer).
47. Workshop on Developing Public Service Performance Indicator held by
Indonesian Public Administration Institution, Bogor 21-22 June 2007.
48. Social Problem Analysis For Local Governments Policy Adviser presented in
the Local Government Training Programme held by E-gov training Centre,
Yogyakarta 23 June 2007. (speaker).
49. Sencond round workshop on In search of middle Indonesia, held by The Faculty
of Social and Political Science Gadjah Mada University and KITLV-Leiden,
Yogyakarta, 25-26 July 2007 (moderator and active participant).
50. Workshop on Developing Governance Indicators held by Partnership for
Governance Reform, Yogyakarta 31 July- 1 August 2007 (reviewer).
51. The Quality of Education Services in Yogyakarta Special Province: Data
Analysis Based on the Baseline Survey of Public Services in Yogyakarta
Special Province presented in the workshop on Survey Validity Analysis held
by Partnership, Centre for Policy Studies and Master in Public Policy and
Administration-GMU, Yogyakarta 9 August 2007. (speaker).
52. Analysis of the Implementation of Civil Service Training Programme in
Indonesia: a Critical Review on Laws and Regulations presented in the
workshop on Review and Analysis of National Guidelines on Organization
Development and Human Resources Management in Public Sector, held by
GTZ and Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Samarinda
14 August 2007. (speaker).
53. Participatory Public Service delivered in the Training of Trainers on Good
Governance in Public Service, Medan 3-8 September 2007. (speaker).
54. Critical Review on Government Regulation No. 41/2007 on Local Government
Organisational Structure, delivered in the Training for the Officials of Local
Government Parliamentary Secretariat in Responding the Implementation of
Government Regulation No. 41/2007, held by Centre for Policy Studies, Hotel
Mutiara, Yogyakarta 3 October 2007. (speaker).
55. Local Government Performance Measurement: Methodological Problems and
Solutions, delivered in the National Conference on Local Government
Performance Measurement System held by Department of Home Affairs,
Jakarta 12-13 December 2007. (Speaker).
56. Post Crisis Recovery on Public Services delivered in Two-Day International
workshop on Recovery in Post-Disaster Areas in the Region: Experience from
India, Sri Langka and Indonesia, held by Coordination Ministry of Peoples
Wealfare and UNDP, Hotel Saripan Pacific, Jakarta: 14-15 January 2008.
57. Self Assessment Tools for Health and Licensing in Yogyakarta Special
Province delivered in the workshop on Developing Self Assessment Tools to
Evaluate Public Services Performance held by Partnership for Governance
Reform, Hotel Sahid, Yogyakarta: 8 March 2008. (speaker)
58. Critical Review on Government Regulation No 41/2008 delivered in the
Training for Local Civil Servants held by Masyarakat Madani, Wisma MM,
Yogyakarta: 18 March 2008. (speaker).
59. Positioning Ombudsman in the Public Service Bill: Critical Analysis delivered
in the public discussion held by National Ombudsman Commision of
Yogyakarta Subdivision, 31 March 2008 (speaker).
60. Public Policy Research Methodology delivered in the Training for Researcher
of Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Sosial
(B2P3KS), Yogyakarta, 16 April 2008. (speaker).
61. Government Accountability: Tools and Measurement, delivered in the
Training for Local Government Officialls held by Centre for Policy Studies,
Hotel Mutiara, Yogyakarta, 29 April-2 May, 2008. (speaker)
62. Optimalisation the Function of Policy Adviser at Local Government Level
delivered in Training for the Strengthening the Function of Policy Adviser held
by E-gov Training Center, Hotel Safir, Yogyakarta: 30 March 2008. (Speaker).
63. Policy process and formulation: Preparing Academic Paper in Formulating
Bylaw bill delivered in the Training for the Strengthening the Function of
Policy Adviser held by E-gov Training Center, Hotel Safir, Yogyakarta, 6 June
2008 (speaker).
64. Strategy for the Adoption and Management of Customer Complaint in the
Public Sector delivered in the workshop to prepare the writing of a Book on
Complaint Management held by Indonesian National Institute of Public
Administration (LAN-RI), Hotel Sahira Bogor, 11-12 June 2008. (Speaker).
65. Planning and Budgeting Process at the Local Government Level, delivered in
the internal discussion held by ERA-UNDP Jogjakarta, 16 June 2008. (speaker).
66. Accelerating the adoption of Change Management and Innovation through New
Public Services delivered in the Training for Local Government Civil Servants
to Adopt CMI Tools, held by Partnership for Governance Reform Regional
Jogjakarta, Hotel Sahid Jaya, Surakarta, 25-26 June 2008. (Speaker).
67. Complaint as Participation: Case Study Ombudsman of Yogyakarta presented
in National Conference on Public Administration held by Graduate Programme
in Public Administration, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, 27 June 2008
(speaker with Puguh Utomo).
68. Defining Plural Nationalism, Expert Panel Workshop held by Kompas in
collaboration with Faculty of Social and Political Science, Gadjah Mada
University. Yogyakarta, 26 August 2008. (active participant).
69. Bureaucratic Reform: Concept and Application delivered in the training for
local government officials on Developing Customer Satisfactory Index, held by
Pusat Studi Otonomi Daerah, Hotel Garuda, Jogjakarta 27-29 November 2008.
70. Optimizing best practice reward and replication system focused group
discussion held by Partnership for Governance Reform, Jakarta 11 December
2008 (active participant).
71. Strategy Implementing Standard of Public Service delivered in the Workshop
on Designing Standard of Public Service held by Indonesian National Institute
of Public Administration (LAN-RI), Hotel Sahira Bogor, 2009. (Speaker).
72. System and Model of Public Accountability for Head of Local Gavernment
delivered in the Limited Discussion on Building Public Accountability for Head
of Local Government held by LABDA Shalahudin Yogyakarta and TIFA
Foundation, Shafir Hotel, 18 March 2009. (speaker).
73. State illegality: Strategy to elude laws and regulations among Indonesian local
bureaucrats delivered in the international conference on Indonesia Ten years
after reformasi held by NIAS, Copenhagen-Denmark, 13-15 May 2009.
74. Strategy to elude laws and regulation among Indonesian local bureaucrats
delivered in the Staff Seminar, KITLV (Royal Netherlands Institute for Asia and
Caribean Studies), Leiden-Netherlands, 3 June 2009. (speaker).
75. Corruption practices in the public procurement: Case in six districts, delivered
in the Monthly Dicussion held by Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI, Indonesian
Student United)-Leiden, Leiden-Netherlands, 6 June 2009. (speaker).
76. Strategy to elude laws and regulation among Indonesia local bureaucrats
delivered in the Programme Southeast Asia Upade held by University of
Amsterdam and KITLV-Leiden, Auditorium Faculty of Law University of
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 19 June 2009 (speaker).
77. Strategy to elude laws and regulation among Indonesia local bureaucrats
delivered in the international conference on Insearch of Middle Indonesia
held by KITLV-Leiden and Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Pontianak 13-14
July 2009. (Speaker).
78. Benchmarking Agencification System in Managing Public Service delivered in
the workshop on Performance Evaluation of the Implementation of
Agencitification Policy in Indonesian Public Services held by Indonesian
Institute for Public Administration, Sahira Butik Hotel, Bogor 12-13 August
2009 (speaker).
79. Disaster and Bureaucracy delivered in the Monthly Policy Forum held by
Keluarga Mahasiswa Administrasi Negara (KMAN, Student Association of the
Department of Public Administration, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta,
and 8 September, 2009. (Speaker).
80. Supervision Mechanism of the implementation of Local Government Budget
delivered in the training on Orientation of DPRD Roles and functions held by
Pusat Pendidikan Otonomi Daerah (Centre of Autonomy Education), Hotel
Saphir, Yogyakarta, 11 September 2009. (Speaker).
81. Reforming mind set and cultur set Indonesian Bureaucracy toward the
formation of good governance delivered in the Seminar on Accelerating
Bureaucratic Reform in Indonesia toward the formation of good governance
held by the city of Pangkal Pinang, Gedung Pertemuan Hamidah, 12 November
2009. (Speaker).
82. Public Policy as an instrument and its process delivered in the public lecture in
Universitas Bangka Belitung, 13 November 2009. (Speaker).
83. Public services: standart and strategy for monitoring and evaluation delivered
in the workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation implementation one stop
services held by LPP-Otda, Hotel Shafir, Yogyakarta, 17 November 2009.
84. Good corporate governance in the pespective of Indonesian public
administration system delivered in the workshop on Leadership for Perum
Pegadaian held by Pusat Penelitian Manajemen, Faculty of Economic and
Business, Gadjah Mada University, Hotel Sheraton, Yogyakarta 30 November
2009. (Speaker).
85. Local government accountability in implementing development programme
delivered in the national seminar on Rearrangement of monitoring and auditing
system to realise good governance, held by Bappenas and ADB, Hotel Horison,
Semarang, 2 December 2009. (speaker).
86. One day seminar on Social Public Services held by Balai Besar Penelitian dan
Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Sosial (B2P3KS), Yogyakarta, 14
December 2009. (resource person).
87. Transparency in Indonesian Local Government delivered in the Public Lecture
on Promoting Good Governance in Indonesia held by Master in Public Policy
and Administration GMU in Colaboration with Agder University, Norwegia. 19
January 2010. (speaker).
88. Strategy to implement public service standart, delivered in the Training for
Local Civil Servant in Improving Quality of Public Service held by Lembaga
Pelatihan Otonomi Daerah, Yogyakarta, 9 February 2010. (speaker)
89. E-gov and Government Performance delivered in the Training for Head of
Civil Affairs Agency at the Kabupaten Level held by Lembaga Pelatihan
Otonomi Daerah, Hotel Safir-Yogyakarta:8 March 2010. (speaker)
90. How to become a good Public Policy Analyst delivered in the training on
Improving the capacity of Local Policy Analist held by E-gov Training Centre,
Yogyakarta:6 April 2010. (speaker)
91. Standart Operating Procedure in the Bureaucracy delivered in the workshop on
Formulating SOP for civil service training held the Training Agency of the
Department of Home Affairs, Yogyakarta: 15 April 2010. (speaker)
92. International Conference on Climate Change held by Japan Study Centre and
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, 4 May
2010 (participant).
93. Human Resources for Public Service presented in the one day workshop on
Improving Quality of Public Service through Human Resources Development
held by Indonesian Institute for Public Administration, Master in Public Policy
and Administration, Yogyakarta: 15 May 2010 (speaker).
94. Public Policy in the Divided World: Understanding Ethnic Politic in the Policy
Making Process delivered in the National Conference for Indonesian Public
Administration Expert, held by Padjajaran University, Bandung 6-8 July 2010.
95. Disaster Mitigation delivered in the DREAM Summer School Program held by
International Office of Gadjah Mada University, 13 July 2010. (speaker).
96. Subsidy as Policy Instrument: Dilemma Between Economic Rationality and
Political Pressure delivered in the International conference on Better
Governance of Indonesia: Comparative Study with Korea, held jointly by the
Department of Public Policy and Management, Gadjah Mada University and
KPC-KOICA, Korea. Goodway Hotel, Bali 16 July 2010. (Speaker).
97. Investment: strategy and issues dilivered in the traning on Improving
Competency of Public Officials at the Provincial Investment Agency, Central
Java Province, held by Provincial Investment Agency of Central Java Province,
Semarang, 20 July 2010. (Speaker).
98. Workshop on Transnational Agro-invesment in the Philippines and Indonesia,
held by University of Amsterdam, Alternative Forum for Research in Mindano
(AFRIM), and Gadjah Mada University, Water Front Hotel, Davao, the
Philippines, 16-18 August 2010. (Active Participant).
99. Social Policy, Public Service and Budgeting delivered in the National
Conference on Poverty Aleviation Strategy: A comparative perspective from
various local best practices held by Ford Foundation and IRE, Quality Hote, 3-4
September 2010. (Speaker).
100. Eluding Laws and Regulations: Case study the practices of KKN among
Indonesian local bureaucrats in six districts delivered in the international
workshop on In search of middle Indonesia held by KITLV-Leiden University,
Leiden 26-29 September 2010. (speaker)
101. Subsidy as a Public Policy Instrument: The Dilemma between Economic
Rationality and Political Pressure delivered in the International Conference on
Beyond New Public Management, held by Korean Association for Public
Administration (KAPA), Seoul, South Korea, 7-8 October 2010. (speaker).
102. Workshop on Bureaucracy and Politics held by Indonesian Institute for Public
Administration (LAN), Hotel Ibis Tamarin, Jakarta, 26-27 October 2010
(resource person).
103. Workshop on Defining Public Administration Expert Competency held by
Directorate General of Higher Education, Hotel J.W. Marriot, Surabaya 19-20
November 2010 (resource person).
104. Strategy to Formulate Training Needs for Local Civil Servants delivered in
the seminar on Strategy to Formulate Training Needs held by Human Resource
Department of Yogyakarta Special Province, Hotel Ross In, Yogyakarta 22
November 2010. (speaker).
105. Seminar on Indonesian Social Policy held by Balai Besar Penelitian dan
Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Sosial (B2P3KS), Yogyakarta, 24
November, 2010. (resource person).
106. Local Organisational Structure Based on Government Regulation No.41 year
2007 delivered in the workshop on Rightsizing Organisation held by The
Secretariat of Local Legislative of Wonogiri District in collaboration with
Master in Public Policy and Administration, Gadjah Mada University, Hotel
Saphir, Yogyakarta 29 November-1 December 2010 (speaker).
107. Transparency in the Policy making Process: Case Study on the Formulation of
Bylaws in Six Districts in Indonesia delivered in the 2nd Asian Association for
Public Administration International Conference (AAPA), held by AAPA and
Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 7-8 February, 2011. (speaker).
108.Opportunity and Challenges of Teaching Public Policy in Master in Public
Policy and Administration Program delivered in the workshop on Teaching
Public Policy in Indonesia held by Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Indonesian Program with Master in Public Policy and Administration Program,
Gadjah Mada University, 10 February 2011. (speaker).
109.The Role of Local Institutions in Creating Good Local Governance in
Implementing REDD paper presented in the National Conference on the
Occasion of Indonesian Forestry Olympiad held by Forestry Faculty, Gadjah
Mada University, University Club, 21 February 2011. (speaker).
110.Entrepreneurship and Local development paper delivered in the training on
Local Economic Development held by Asian Development Bank and Klaten
District, Klaten 21-24 June, 2011. (speaker).
111. An Evaluation of Disaster Management Policy in Indonesia paper delivered
in the International Conference on International Cooperation: Borderless
Public Administration held by Seoul Association of Public Administration
(SAPA), Korea Forest Service, and the Department of Public Policy and
Management, Gadjah Mada University, Sheraton Hotel-Yogyakarta, 7 July
2011. (speaker).
112. Conceptual notes for the improvement of business process reform paper
delivered in the workshop on Business process improvement concept through
business process management, business process re-engineering, and quick hit,
held by Indonesian National Institute of Public Administration, Jakarta 22 July,
2011. (speaker).
113. Conceptual notes for the Indonesia ministry of administrative reform on
business process management in the one day workshop on Business process
reform held by Ministry of Administrative Reform, Hotel Grand Cikarang,
Jakarta 22 September 2011. (speaker).
114. Improving coordination between central and local government to enhance
Indonesian competitiveness in responding the implementation of ASEAN
Charter 2015 paper presented in the round table discussion held by National
Resilience Institute (LEMHANAS), Jakarta 12 October 2011. (Speaker).
115. Decentralization and Disaster Risk Reduction: Implementation and Problems
Identification delivered in the round table discussion held by UNDP and
National Planning Board, Hotel Royal, Bogor, 11 January 2012. (Speaker)
116. Transparency in the policy making process: case study in six district in
Indonesia delivered in the monthly public forum held by the Local Parliament
of Yogyakarta Special Province, 29 March 2012. (speaker).
117. Local Government Performance Report based on Government Regulation
No.3/2007 delivered in the workshop on Local Government Report Evaluation
held by the Secretariat of Wonogiri District Local Parliament. 3 April 2012.
118. Functional Distribution Between Central and Local Government in Indonesia
worshop held by National Planning Board, UNDP, and MPPA-GMU,
Yogyakarta 5 April 2012 (resource person).
119. Developing Indicators to Measure the Success of Anti Corruption Policy and
Program in Indonesia workshop held by Indonesia National Institution for
Public Administration (LAN-RI), Hote Shantika, Yogyakarta, 5 July 2012.
(resource person).
120. Developing International Network to Support Indonesian Knowledge
Producers Expert Focused Group Discussion held by GIZ, World Trade
Centre, Jakarta, 5 January 2013. (resource person).
121. Doing Qualitative Research delivered in the national workshop on research
methodology for public administration and policy studies held by National
Institute for Public Administration (LAN, Lembaga Administrasi Negara),
Jakarta 3 July 2013. (speaker).
122. Transformation Communication and the New Media toward Asian Era
delivered in the 22th AMIC annual conference held by Asian Media
Information and Communication (AMIC) and Department of Communication,
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Hotel Melia
Purosani, Yogyakarta, 7 July 2013. (speaker in plennary season).
Teaching Experience
1. Under Graduate programme, Department of Public Administration, Gadjah
Mada University
3. Public Policy Analysis (1993-1999)
4. Institution Building (2004-2008)
5. Quantitative Research Methodology (2004-now)
6. Disaster Management (2005-now)
7. Public Administration Theory (2006).
8. Classic of Social Theory (2006-now)
9. Qualitative Research Methodology (2011-now)
10. E-gov (2011-now) a joint teaching via teleconference between UGM and
Sung Kyung Kwan University, Korea (in English).
1. Master in Policy Studies, Centre for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah
Mada University
1. Research Methodology (2004-now)
2. Policy Analysis (2006-2008)
3. Environmental Policy and Issues (2008-2009).
4. Public Policy (2010-now).
6. Setting goals and objectives (2006-now)
7. Forecasting Techniques (2006-now).
8. Training of the Trainers on Planning Exercise (2006).
9. Developing Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators (2007)
10. Globalization and Public Policy (2006-2009)
11. Policy implementation and evaluation (2010).
Article and Chapter in a Book
Good Governance Melalui Pelayanan Publik, Yogyakarta: Gama Press,
12. Pembagian Kewenangan Dalam Pelayanan Publik Antara Pemerintah
Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah, Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik,
V.10 (2), 2006.
13. Problematika Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Dan Latihan dan Alternatif
Solusinya, Civil Service, V.1 (1), 2007.
14. Revitalisasi Pembangunan Pedesaan Melalui Penguatan Industri Kecil,
Interaksi, V.2 (1), 2007.
15. Mengkaji Potensi Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) untuk Pembuatan
Kebijakan Anti Kemiskinan, Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, V.10
(3), 2007.
16. Kinerja Tata Pemerintahan Provinsi Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, in Agus
Dwiyanto (ed.) Kinerja Tata Pemerintahan Daerah di Indonesia,
Yogyakarta: PSKK-UGM, 2007.
17. Keluhan Sebagai Bentuk Partisipasi, Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi
Publik, V.12 (1), 2008.
18. Merumuskan Kembali Agenda Reformasi Budaya Birokrasi Kedaulatan
Rakyat, 29 Agustus 2008.
19. Reformasi Budaya Birokrasi Untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan
Publik, in Agus Wahyudianto, dkk. (eds.), Meretas Jalan Menuju Good
Governance: Bunga Rampai Hasil Diskusi Terbatas Tentang Isu Aktual,
Bandung: LAN-RI. 2008
20. Strategi Penerapan Standar Kualitas Pelayanan Publik untuk Reformasi
Birokrasi, in Agus Pramusinto and Erwan Agus Purwanto (Eds.),
Reformasi Birokrasi, Kepemimpinan dan Pelayanan Publik: Kajian
Terhadap Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah di Indonesia. Yogyakarta: MAP-
UGM, JIAN and Gava Media. 2009.
21. Public Sector reform and financial transperancy: experience from
Indonesia districts, Journal of Contemporary Southeast Asia, V.31/April,
2009. (with Stein Kristiansen, Agus Dwiyanto and Agus Pramusinto).
22. Strategi Adopsi dan Pengelolaan Pengaduan dalam Pelayanan Publik, in
Samodra Wibawa (Ed.). Administrasi Negara: Isu-isu Kontemporer.
Jakarta: Graha Ilmu. 2009.
23. Meninjau Kembali Renumerasi Sebagai Instrumen Untuk Mewujudkan
Profesionalisme PNS: Perpektif Teori Motivasi Internal dan Eksternal.
Jurnal Civil Service dan Manajemen PNS BKN. Vol 4 No 2 2010.
24. Seminar Proceding, Peran Kecamatan Dalam Mewujudkan Pelayanan
Publik yang Responsif dan Berkualitas di Masa Depan. PPKPP LAN. Cet
I November 2010.
25. Peran Pemerintah Daerah dalam Menghadapi ACFTA. Jurnal
Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik. Vol 15 Nomor 1 2011. MAP UGM
26. Kebijakan Publik dalam kancah Peradaban Dunia yang Terbelah:
Memahami Politik Etnis dalam Perumusan Kebijakan Publik. Jurnal Ilmu
Administrasi Negara dan manajemen Publik. Vol 1 Nomor 2 2011.
27. Merumuskan kembali agenda pembangunan budaya birokrasi yang
terlupakan in Agus Pramusinto and Wahyudi Kumorotomo (Eds.).
Governance reform di Indonesia: Mencari arah kelembagaan politik yang
demokratis dan birokrasi yang profesional. Yogyakarta: Gavamedia-MAP
UGM, 2009.
28. Subsidi Sebagai Instrumen Kebijakan Publik: Antara Rasionalitas
Ekonomi dan Viabilitas Politik, in Wahyudi Kumorotomo and Ambar
Widaningrum (Eds.) Reformasi Aparatur Birokrasi Ditinjau Kembali.
Yogyakarta: Gavamedia-MAP dan JMKP-UGM. 2010.
29. Peran Kecamatan Dalam Mewujudkan Pelayanan Publik Yang Responsif
dan Berkualitas di Masa Depan, in Yudiantari Safitri, Agus
Wahyudianto, dan Rosita Novi Andari (Eds.). Model Kelembagaan
Kecamatan Berbasis Pelayanan Publik. Bandung: Pusat Kajian dan
Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Aparatur, Lembaga Administrasi Negara. 2010.
(with Muhtar Habibie).
30. Meninjau Kembali Remunerasi Sebagai Instrument Untuk Mewujudkan
Profesionalisme PNS: Perspektif Teori Motivasi Internal dan Eksternal.
Civil Service. IV (2). 2010 (with Ely Susanto).
31. E-Policy Making: Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
(TIK) dalam Pembuatan Kebijakan Publik Pada Masyarakat Jaringan
Muhadjir Darwin (Ed.). Dinamika Kependudukan dan Penguatan
Governance. Yogyakarta: Media Wacana, 2010. (with Muhtar Habibie)
32. Subsidy as Public Policy Instrument: The Dilemma Between Economic
Rationality and Political Pressure in Ambar Widaningrum and Jin Park
(Eds.). Governance Reform in Indonesia and Korea: A Comparative
Perspective. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. 2011
33. Peran Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Menghadapi ACFTA Jurnal Kebijakan
dan Administrasi Publik, V.16 (1). 2012. (with Dyah Ratih Sulistyastuti).
1. Anggaran Berbasis Kinerja, editor With Wahyudi Kumorotomo,
Yogyakarta: MAP Press. 2005.
2. Birokrasi Publik dalam Sistem Politik Semi Parlementer, editor with
Wahyudi Kumorotomo, Yogyakarta: Gavamedia, 2005.
3. Ups and Downs in Rural Javanese Industry, Yogyakarta: Graha Guru
Press. 2005.
4. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Untuk Administrasi Publik dan Masalah-
masalah Sosial, Yogyakarta: Gava Media. 2007. (with Dyah Ratih
5. E-Procurement di Indonesia: Pengembangan Layanan Pengadaan Barang
dan Jasa Pemerintah Secara Elektronik, Jakarta: Partnership and LPSE
Nasional, 2009. (with Idham Ibthy, Nurul Rofikoh and Puthut Indroyono).
6. Reformasi Birokrasi, Kepemimpinan dan Pelayanan Publik: Kajian
Terhadap Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah di Indonesia. Yogyakarta: MAP-
UGM, JIAN and Gava Media. 2009. (editor with Agus Pramusinto).
7. Reformasi Birokrasi, Kepemimpinan dan Pelayanan Publik: Kajian
Terhadap Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah di Indonesia. Yogyakarta: MAP-
UGM, JIAN and Gava Media. 2009. (editor with Agus Pramusinto).
8. Implementasi Kebijakan Publik: Konsep dan Aplikasinya di Indonesia.
Yogyakarta: Gava Media. 2012. (with Dyah Ratih Sulistyastuti).
9. Mengembangkan Profesi Analisis Kebijakan. Yogyakarta: IGPA and
Gadjah Mada University Press. 2015. (with Agus Pramusinto, et al. )
10. Menggagas Peta Jalan Reformasi Birokrasi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada
University Press. 2015. (with Agus Pramusinto, et al. )