2 Modeling DC Servo Motors
2 Modeling DC Servo Motors
2 Modeling DC Servo Motors
If = Const
The back emf is proportional to the speed of the motor and hence
eb =Kb 9 ..... (2.85)
The differential equation representing the electrical system is given by,
. +La dt
Ra la a + e -- e ..... (2.86)
b a
Taking Laplace transform of eqns. (2.84), (2.85) and (2.86) we have
T(s) = KT laCs) ..... (2.87)
Eb(s) = Kb s 9(s) ..... (2.88)
(Ra + s La) laCs) + Eb(s) = Ea(s) ..... (2.89)
I (s) = Ea (s) - Kb S 9(s) ..... (2.90)
a Ra +sLa
The mathematical model of the mechanical system is given by,
d 29 d9
J - 2 + Bo- =T ..... (2.91)
dt dt
Taking Laplace transform of eqn. (2.91),
(Js2 + Bos) 9(s) = T(s) ..... (2.92)
Using eqns. (2.87) and (2.90) in eqn. (2.92), we have
Ea (s) - KbS 9(s)
..... (2.93)
9(s) = KT (Ra + sLa)(Js2 + Bos)
Solving for 9(s), we get
(iii) (iv)
Combining these blocks suitably we have the complete block diagram as shown in Fig. 2.56.
Usually the inductance of the armature winding is small and hence neglected. The overall transfer
function, then, becomes,
..... (2.95) .
Kr IRa
..... (2.96)
s(Js + B)
..... (2.97)
where KM = R r is the motor gain constant
J . h .
and "m = B IS t e motor tIme constant
(Note: Kb and KT are related to each other and in MKS units Kb = KT. Kb is measured in V/rad/sec
and KT is in NmlA)
Armature controlled DC servo motors are used where power requirements are large and the
additional damping provided inherently by the back emf is an added advantage.
62 Control Systems
..... (2.101)
s('tms + l)('t f s + 1)
where ~ = KTfR.;30 = motor gain constant
't m = JlBo = motor time constant
1- = L/Rt- = field time constant
The block diagram i~ as shown in Fig. 2.58.
Field controlled DC servo motors are economcial where small size motors are required. For the
field circuit, low power servo amplifiers are sufficient and hence they are cheaper.