2 Modeling DC Servo Motors

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The key takeaways are the mathematical modeling and different components of feedback control systems including DC servo motors.

The different components of a feedback control system discussed are error detectors, power amplifiers, actuators, and sensors.

DC servo motors have a high starting torque to inertia ratio, fast dynamic response, high efficiency due to no field copper losses, and speed is directly proportional to armature voltage for a given torque. They also have low inertia armature design.

Mathematical Modelling of Physical Systems 59

2.6 Modelling of Elements of Control Systems

A feedback control system usually consists of several components in addition to the actual process.
These are: error detectors, power amplifiers, actuators, sensors etc. Let us now discuss the physical
characteristics of some of these and obtain their mathematical models.

2.6.1 DC Servo Motor

A DC servo motor is used as an actuator to drive a load. It is usually a DC motor oflow power rating.
DC servo motors have a high ratio of starting torque to inertia and therefore they have a faster
dynamic response. DC motors are constructed using rare earth permanent magnets which have high
residual flux density and high coercivity. As no field winding is used, the field copper losses are zero
and hence, the overall efficiency of the motor is high. The speed torque characteristic of this motor
is flat over a wide range, as the armature reaction is negligible. Moreover speed is directly proportional
to the armature voltage for a given torque. Armature of a DC servo motor is specially designed to
have low inertia.
In some application DC servo motors are used with magnetic flux produced by field windings.
The speed ofPMDC motors can be controlled by applying variable armature voltage. These are called
armature voltage controlled DC servo motors. Wound field DC motors can be controlled by either
controlling the armature voltage or controlling the field current. Let us now conside'r modelling of
these two types of DC servo motors.
(a) Armature controlled DC servo motor
The physical model of an armature controlled DC servo motor is given in Fig. 2.54.

If = Const

Fig. 2.54 Armature controlled DC servo motor.

e, J, Bo E
The armature winding has a resistance Ra and inductance La' The field is produced either by a
permanent magnet or the field winding is separately excited and supplied with constant voltage so
that the field current If is a constant.
When the armature is supplied with a DC voltage of ea volts, the armature rotates and produces a
back e.m.f eb The armature current ia depends on the difference of ea and eb. The armature has a
moment of inertia J, frictional coefficient Bo' The angular displacement of the motor is e.
The torque produced by the motor is given by,
T = KT ia ..... (2.84)
where KT is the motor torque constant.
60 Control Systems

The back emf is proportional to the speed of the motor and hence
eb =Kb 9 ..... (2.85)
The differential equation representing the electrical system is given by,
. +La dt
Ra la a + e -- e ..... (2.86)
b a
Taking Laplace transform of eqns. (2.84), (2.85) and (2.86) we have
T(s) = KT laCs) ..... (2.87)
Eb(s) = Kb s 9(s) ..... (2.88)
(Ra + s La) laCs) + Eb(s) = Ea(s) ..... (2.89)
I (s) = Ea (s) - Kb S 9(s) ..... (2.90)
a Ra +sLa
The mathematical model of the mechanical system is given by,
d 29 d9
J - 2 + Bo- =T ..... (2.91)
dt dt
Taking Laplace transform of eqn. (2.91),
(Js2 + Bos) 9(s) = T(s) ..... (2.92)
Using eqns. (2.87) and (2.90) in eqn. (2.92), we have
Ea (s) - KbS 9(s)
..... (2.93)
9(s) = KT (Ra + sLa)(Js2 + Bos)
Solving for 9(s), we get

9(s) = KT Ea (s) ..... (2.94)

s[(Ra +sLa)(Js+BO)+KT K b]
The block diagram representation of the armature controlled DC servo motor is developed in
steps, as shown in Fig. 2.55. Representing eqns. (2.89), (2.87), (2.92) and (2.88) by block diagrams
respectively, we have


(iii) (iv)

Fig. 2.55 Individual blocks of the armature controlled DC servo motor.

Mathematical Modelling of Physical Systems 61

Combining these blocks suitably we have the complete block diagram as shown in Fig. 2.56.

Fig. 2.56 Complete block diagram of an armature controlled DC servo motor

Usually the inductance of the armature winding is small and hence neglected. The overall transfer
function, then, becomes,

..... (2.95) .

Kr IRa
..... (2.96)
s(Js + B)

where B = Bo + KbKr is the equivalent frictional coefficient.

It can be seen from eqn. (2.95) that the effect of back emf is to increase the effective frictional
coeffcient thus providing increased damping. Eqn. (2.96) can be written in another useful form
known as time constant form, given by,

..... (2.97)

where KM = R r is the motor gain constant

J . h .
and "m = B IS t e motor tIme constant

(Note: Kb and KT are related to each other and in MKS units Kb = KT. Kb is measured in V/rad/sec
and KT is in NmlA)
Armature controlled DC servo motors are used where power requirements are large and the
additional damping provided inherently by the back emf is an added advantage.
62 Control Systems

(b) Field controlled DC servo motor

The field controlled DC servo motor is shown in Fig. 2.57.
Ia = Const

Fig. 2.57 Field controlled DC servo motor

The electrical circuit is modelled as,

lis) = Ef(s) ..... (2.98)

R f +Lfs
T(s) = KT Ir(s) ..... (2.99)
and (Js2 + Bo) 9(s) = T(s) ..... (2.100)
Combining eqns. (2.98), (2.99) and (2.100) we have
9(s) Kr
Ef(s) s(Js + Bo)(Rf + Lfs)

..... (2.101)
s('tms + l)('t f s + 1)
where ~ = KTfR.;30 = motor gain constant
't m = JlBo = motor time constant
1- = L/Rt- = field time constant
The block diagram i~ as shown in Fig. 2.58.

Fig. 2.58 Block diagram of a field controlled DC servo motor

Field controlled DC servo motors are economcial where small size motors are required. For the
field circuit, low power servo amplifiers are sufficient and hence they are cheaper.

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