LO230 Capacity Planning

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LO 230 Capacity Planning


Release 46C 11.12.2002

LO 230 Capacity Planning ..................................................................................................................................... 0-1
Copyright ........................................................................................................................................................... 0-2
Production Planning ....................................................................................................................................... 0-3
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................... 0-4
Target Audience............................................................................................................................................. 0-5
Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 1-1
Course Goals .................................................................................................................................................. 1-2
Course Objectives .......................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Course Content............................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Overview Diagram 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Main Business Scenario ................................................................................................................................. 1-6
Overview............................................................................................................................................................ 2-1
Overview: Objectives..................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Overview Diagram 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Overview: Business scenario ......................................................................................................................... 2-4
Integration of Capacity Planning (1) .............................................................................................................. 2-5
Capacity Planning Environment (1)............................................................................................................... 2-6
Planning Views .............................................................................................................................................. 2-7
Capacity Planning / Elements ........................................................................................................................ 2-8
Work Center Data .......................................................................................................................................... 2-9
Overview: Summary .................................................................................................................................... 2-11
Capacity Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Capacity Evaluation: Objectives .................................................................................................................... 3-2
Overview Diagram 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Capacity Evaluation: Business Scenario ........................................................................................................ 3-4
Capacity Planning Environment (2)............................................................................................................... 3-5
Procedure in Capacity Evaluation .................................................................................................................. 3-6
Capacity Planning Phases .............................................................................................................................. 3-7
Standard Overview......................................................................................................................................... 3-8
Selection and Display Parameters .................................................................................................................. 3-9
Cumulated Display....................................................................................................................................... 3-10
Period Split................................................................................................................................................... 3-11
Detailed Capacity List and its Functions...................................................................................................... 3-12
Structure of a Profile .................................................................................................................................... 3-13
Structure of a Set.......................................................................................................................................... 3-14
Functions in the Variable Overview............................................................................................................. 3-15
Capacity Planning Environment .................................................................................................................. 3-16
Configuration Sequence Capacity Planning (1) ........................................................................................... 3-17
Capacity Planning / Overall Profile Evaluations.......................................................................................... 3-18
User Parameters - Evaluation....................................................................................................................... 3-19
Selection Profile (Capacity Evaluations) ..................................................................................................... 3-20
Options Profile (Capacity Evaluations)........................................................................................................ 3-21
Extended Evaluation (Standard Overview) .................................................................................................. 3-22
Extended Evaluation (Detailed Capacity List) ............................................................................................. 3-23
Structure of a Profile (Extended Evaluation) ............................................................................................... 3-24
Structure of a Set (Extended Evaluation) ..................................................................................................... 3-25
Capacity Evaluation: Summary.................................................................................................................... 3-26
Data used in the exercises ............................................................................................................................ 3-27
Capacity Evaluation Exercises ..................................................................................................................... 3-28
Capacity Evaluation Solutions ..................................................................................................................... 3-33
Capacity Leveling (Part 1) ................................................................................................................................. 4-1
Capacity Leveling (Part 1): Objectives .......................................................................................................... 4-2
Capacity Evaluation ....................................................................................................................................... 4-3
Capacity Leveling (Part 1): Business Scenario .............................................................................................. 4-4
Capacity Planning Environment (3)............................................................................................................... 4-5
Capacity Leveling Measures .......................................................................................................................... 4-6
User Interface for Capacity Leveling ............................................................................................................. 4-7
Capacity Planning Table (Tabular Form)....................................................................................................... 4-8
Capacity Planning Table ................................................................................................................................ 4-9
Dispatching .................................................................................................................................................. 4-10
Dispatching Procedure ................................................................................................................................. 4-11
Types of Dispatching (tabular)..................................................................................................................... 4-12
Capacity Leveling (part 1): Summary.......................................................................................................... 4-13
Capacity Leveling (Part 1) Exercises ........................................................................................................... 4-14
Capacity Leveling (Part 1) Solutions ........................................................................................................... 4-16
Available Capacity ............................................................................................................................................. 5-1
Available Capacity: Objectives...................................................................................................................... 5-2
Overview Diagram 5 ...................................................................................................................................... 5-3
Available Capacity: Business Scenario.......................................................................................................... 5-4
Capacity Planning Environment (4)............................................................................................................... 5-5
Capacities at a Work Center........................................................................................................................... 5-6
Available Capacity at the Work Center.......................................................................................................... 5-7
From Work Time to Operating Time ............................................................................................................. 5-8
Maintaining Available Capacity using Shift Sequences ................................................................................ 5-9
Available Capacity in the Work Center ....................................................................................................... 5-10
Available Capacity/Maintenance Variants................................................................................................... 5-11
Maintaining and Assigning Factory Calendar.............................................................................................. 5-12
Work Center Hierarchy ................................................................................................................................ 5-13
Shift Sequences and Shifts ........................................................................................................................... 5-14
Available Capacity: Summary ..................................................................................................................... 5-15
Available Capacity Exercises....................................................................................................................... 5-16
Available Capacity Solutions ....................................................................................................................... 5-19
Capacity Requirements and Reduction .............................................................................................................. 6-1
Capacity Requirements and Reduction: Objectives ....................................................................................... 6-2
Overview Diagram 6 ...................................................................................................................................... 6-3
Business Scenario .......................................................................................................................................... 6-4
Capacity Planning Environment (5)............................................................................................................... 6-5
Planning Levels.............................................................................................................................................. 6-6
Determining Capacity Requirements ............................................................................................................. 6-7
Formulas ........................................................................................................................................................ 6-8
Link between Formula and Standard Values ................................................................................................. 6-9
Setting up a Formula .................................................................................................................................... 6-10
Examples of Formulas ................................................................................................................................. 6-11
Capacity Reduction ...................................................................................................................................... 6-12
Determining Remaining Capacity Requirements......................................................................................... 6-13
Capacity Requirements and Reduction: Summary....................................................................................... 6-14
Capacity Requirements and Reduction Exercises ........................................................................................ 6-15
Capacity Requirements and Reduction Solutions ........................................................................................ 6-18
Scheduling.......................................................................................................................................................... 7-1
Scheduling: Objectives................................................................................................................................... 7-2
Overview Diagram 7 ...................................................................................................................................... 7-3
Scheduling: Business Scenario ...................................................................................................................... 7-4
Work Center and Lead Time Scheduling ....................................................................................................... 7-5
Lead Time Scheduling - Basics...................................................................................................................... 7-6
Scheduling / Time Elements in an Order ....................................................................................................... 7-7
Scheduling Types ........................................................................................................................................... 7-8
Today Scheduling .......................................................................................................................................... 7-9
Scheduling / Performance Efficiency........................................................................................................... 7-10
Correction of Execution Time...................................................................................................................... 7-11
Distribution of Capacity Requirements........................................................................................................ 7-12
Distribution Basis......................................................................................................................................... 7-13
Scheduling: Summary .................................................................................................................................. 7-14
Scheduling Exercises ................................................................................................................................... 7-15
Scheduling Solutions.................................................................................................................................... 7-17
Capacity Leveling (Part 2) ................................................................................................................................. 8-1
Capacity Leveling (Part 2): Unit Objectives .................................................................................................. 8-2
Overview Diagram (8) ................................................................................................................................... 8-3
Business Scenario .......................................................................................................................................... 8-4
Capacity Planning Environment (1)............................................................................................................... 8-5
Capacity Planning Table ................................................................................................................................ 8-6
Types of Dispatching (Graphical) .................................................................................................................. 8-7
Dispatching Operations.................................................................................................................................. 8-8
Planning Details at the Work Center/Capacity............................................................................................... 8-9
Lead Time Scheduling - Finite Scheduling.................................................................................................. 8-10
Finite Scheduling ......................................................................................................................................... 8-11
Rescheduling / Deallocating ........................................................................................................................ 8-12
Midpoint Scheduling I ................................................................................................................................. 8-13
Midpoint Scheduling II ................................................................................................................................ 8-14
Structure of a Profile (Leveling) .................................................................................................................. 8-15
Dispatching to Freely-Definable Period split............................................................................................... 8-16
Enhanced Handling Functions 1 .................................................................................................................. 8-17
Strategy Profile ............................................................................................................................................ 8-18
Planning Direction ....................................................................................................................................... 8-19
Dispatching at the Earliest Time .................................................................................................................. 8-20
Planning Strategy: Strategy Profile .............................................................................................................. 8-21
Treatment of Queue Time ............................................................................................................................ 8-22
Use of Order Floats / Operation Floats ........................................................................................................ 8-23
Various Functions ........................................................................................................................................ 8-24
Configuration Sequence Capacity Planning (3) ........................................................................................... 8-25
Capacity Leveling - Overall Profile ............................................................................................................. 8-26
Standard Overall Profiles for Capacity Leveling ......................................................................................... 8-27
Control Profile.............................................................................................................................................. 8-28
Selection Profile........................................................................................................................................... 8-29
Planning- (Scheduling) Levels ..................................................................................................................... 8-30
Time Profile ................................................................................................................................................. 8-31
Evaluation Profile ........................................................................................................................................ 8-32
List Profile ................................................................................................................................................... 8-33
Profile for Capacity Planning Table (tab.) ................................................................................................... 8-34
Period Profile ............................................................................................................................................... 8-35
Profile for Capacity Planning Table............................................................................................................. 8-36
Check Report / Overall Profile..................................................................................................................... 8-37
Requirements Grouping ............................................................................................................................... 8-38
Requirements Grouping - Example Group................................................................................................... 8-39
Cumulation of Available Capacity / Capacity Requirements....................................................................... 8-40
Cumulation of Available Capacity using Period Split ................................................................................. 8-41
Capacity Leveling (Part 2): Summary.......................................................................................................... 8-42
Capacity Leveling (Part 2) Exercises ........................................................................................................... 8-43
Capacity Leveling (Part 2) Solutions ........................................................................................................... 8-49
Extended Planning Functions............................................................................................................................. 9-1
Extended Planning Functions: Unit Objectives.............................................................................................. 9-2
Overview Diagram 9 ...................................................................................................................................... 9-3
Business Scenario .......................................................................................................................................... 9-4
Sequencing 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 9-5
Sequencing 2 .................................................................................................................................................. 9-6
Sequencing 3 .................................................................................................................................................. 9-7
User Exits...................................................................................................................................................... 9-8
Additional Functions 1................................................................................................................................... 9-9
Additional Functions 2................................................................................................................................. 9-10
Material Stock Curves.................................................................................................................................. 9-11
Planning in Non-Work Periods / Fixing....................................................................................................... 9-12
Temporarily Saving Results of Planning ..................................................................................................... 9-13
Mass Processing........................................................................................................................................... 9-14
Capacity Planning with Production Versions............................................................................................... 9-15
Notes on Documentation.............................................................................................................................. 9-16
Extended Planning Functions: Summary ..................................................................................................... 9-17
Extended Planning Functions Exercises....................................................................................................... 9-18
Extended Planning Functions Solutions....................................................................................................... 9-26
Detailed Planning ............................................................................................................................................. 10-1
Detailed Planning: Unit Objective ............................................................................................................... 10-2
Overview Diagram 10 .................................................................................................................................. 10-3
Detailed Planning: Business Scenario.......................................................................................................... 10-4
Application Criteria for Splits ...................................................................................................................... 10-5
Levels of Detail............................................................................................................................................ 10-6
Capacity Assignments.................................................................................................................................. 10-7
Qualifications - Objectives........................................................................................................................... 10-8
Qualifications - Abilities Required .............................................................................................................. 10-9
Qualifications - Assignments ..................................................................................................................... 10-10
Requirements Profiles ................................................................................................................................ 10-11
Splitting and Allocating ............................................................................................................................. 10-12
Ranking List............................................................................................................................................... 10-13
Types of Split ............................................................................................................................................. 10-14
Confirmation of Splits................................................................................................................................ 10-15
Detailed Planning: Summary ..................................................................................................................... 10-16
Detailed Planning Exercises....................................................................................................................... 10-17
Detailed Planning Solutions ....................................................................................................................... 10-21
Integration ........................................................................................................................................................ 11-1
Integration: Unit Objectives 1 ...................................................................................................................... 11-2
Integration: Unit Objectives 2 ...................................................................................................................... 11-3
Overview Diagram 11 .................................................................................................................................. 11-4
Integration: Business Scenario ..................................................................................................................... 11-5
Integration of Capacity Planning (2) ............................................................................................................ 11-6
CRP Along the Process Chain...................................................................................................................... 11-7
Planning Phases............................................................................................................................................ 11-8
Integrated Planning Levels........................................................................................................................... 11-9
Simultaneous Use of Different Planning Levels ........................................................................................ 11-10
Overall Profiles in the Applications ........................................................................................................... 11-11
Integration Types ....................................................................................................................................... 11-12
Integration: Sales and Distribution (SD) .................................................................................................... 11-13
Integration: Sales and Operations Planning - Planning Table (SOP) ......................................................... 11-14
Integration: MRP/MPS .............................................................................................................................. 11-15
Integration: Long-term Planning 1 ............................................................................................................. 11-16
Integration: Long-term Planning 2 ............................................................................................................. 11-17
Available Capacity and Requirements Versions ........................................................................................ 11-18
Integration: Repetitive Manufacturing (REM)........................................................................................... 11-19
Repetitive Manufacturing with Production Versions ................................................................................. 11-20
Integration: Shop Floor Control (SFC) ...................................................................................................... 11-21
Integration: Unit Summary ........................................................................................................................ 11-22
Integration Exercises.................................................................................................................................. 11-23
Integration Solutions .................................................................................................................................. 11-27
Appendix.......................................................................................................................................................... 12-1
Change Mode and GUI Status...................................................................................................................... 12-2
Layout of the Planning Table....................................................................................................................... 12-3
Chart Sequence ............................................................................................................................................ 12-4
Chart Sequence (cont.) ................................................................................................................................. 12-5
Actual Capacity Requirements..................................................................................................................... 12-6
LO 230 Capacity Planning

SAP AG 1999

n SAP R/3
n Release 4.6C
n October 2000
n 50041136

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SAP AG 2001

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Production Planning

Level 2 Level 3
LO980 3 days LO210 5 days
Engineering Production
Change Planning
LO215 5 days LO230 5 days
LO235 2 days
Production Capacity Planning

LO050 5 days
LO205 3 days LO206 3 days LO225 3 days LO720 2 days
Planning & Basic Data for Basic Data Repetitive CAP Calculation of
Execution for Discrete Part 2 Manufacturing Standard Values
Discrete & Repetitive Manufacturing

LO930 2 days LO275 2 days

LO985 3 days
Logistics Special Features of
Classification Information LIS in Production
System (LIS)
LO955 3 days LO990 5 days LO991 3 days LO935 2 days
Batch Variant Variant Logistics Info
Management Configuration Part 1 Configuration Part 2 Planning

SAP AG 1999

l LO050 - Planning & control for discrete manufacturing and

repetitive manufacturing
l LO205 - Basic data for discrete manufacturing
l LO215 - Prduction orders

SAP AG 1999
Target Audience

l Participants
n Members of the project team responsible for the
implementation of capacity planning
n Members of shop floor control

l Duration: 5 days

SAP AG 1999

Notes to the user

n The training materials are not teach-yourself programs. They complement the course
instructor's explanations. On the sheets, there is space for you to write down additional

l Course goal
l Course objectives
l Course contents
l Course overview diagram
l Main business scenario
l Introduction to course

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 1-1

Course Goals

This course will enable you to:

l Understand how to use capacity planning within PP

l At the conclusion of this course you will be able to:
l Describe connections between the elements of
capacity planning
l Use the capacity evaluation and the capacity
planning tables
l Make system settings

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 1-2

Course Objectives

This course will enable you to:

l Create available capacities

l Execute capacity evaluations
l Execute leveling of capacity requirements
and available capacities

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 1-3

Course Content

Unit 1 Introduction Unit 7 Scheduling
Unit 2 Overview Unit 8 Capacity leveling (part 2)
Unit 3 Capacity evaluation Unit 9 Extended planning
Unit 4 Capacity leveling (part 1)
Unit 10 Detailed planning
Unit 5 Available capacity
Unit 11 Integration
Unit 6 Capacity requirements /


SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 1-4

Overview Diagram 1

Overview Work Centers

Work Center
Capacity evaluation Jul' 98
W 26 W 27 W 28 W 29

1310 Capacity leveling (part 1)

1320 Mont. 1
Available capacity
1330 Mont. 2
Capacity reqmts / reduction
Work Centers
Jun' 98 Jul' 98
Material Order
W 28 W 29
Capacity leveling (part 2)
100-500 18752

500-300 600001650
Extended planning functions
100-500 18770
Detailed planning
500-300 600001699

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 1-5

Main Business Scenario

l You are running a manufacturing company and

aim to deliver materials for orders received by
the dates promised. Thus you want to provide
available capacity that is sufficient but not
excessive to cover requirements generated by
orders. This is why you are using capacity
planning; for example to spot overloads in time
or to carry out leveling for the requirements
dates using the capacities available and to fix
the requirements.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 1-6



l Integration of capacity planning

l Capacity planning environment
l Overview of elements and types of display

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 2-1

Overview: Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit you will:

l Have an overview of the integration of

capacity planning in the PP System and the
main elements of capacity planning.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 2-2

Overview Diagram 2


Overview Arbeitspltze / Work Center

Arbeitsplatz /
Capacity evaluation Jul' 98

Work Center W 26 W 27 W 28 W 29

1310 Capacity leveling (part 1)

1320 Mont. 1
Available capacity
1330 Mont. 2
Capacity reqmts / -reduction
Jun' 98 Jul' 98
Material Auftrag / Order
W 28 W 29
Capacity leveling (part 2)
100-500 18752

500-300 600001650
Extended planning functions
100-500 18770
Detailed planning
500-300 600001699

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 2-3

Overview: Business scenario

l You are running a manufacturing company

and need an overview of capacity planning.
Therefore you want to find out about the
capacity planning environment. You are
particularly interested in the basic data such
as the work center and the source of the

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 2-4

Integration of Capacity Planning (1)

Basic Data
Master Prod. Scheduling SD FI

Mat. Reqmts Planning PP
Capacity Reqmts Planning Client / Server
Shop Floor Control PM WF

Process Industries
Sales and Operations Planning
Repetitive Manufacturing

SAP AG 1999

n The PP production planning component consists of several integrated components.

n Capacity planning is flexible and can be adapted to the relevant point of view.
n The user has a planning instrument he can use to help in planning limited resources on various
planning levels (detailed, production-rate and rough-cut). It can be used for every application area
and it has specially-defined functions.
n Capacity leveling is an integrated component of the following R/3 applications.
SD Sales and distribution
SOP Sales and Operations Planning
MPS/MRP Master Production Scheduling / Material Requirements Planning
REM Repetitive Manufacturing
SFC Production Control
PD Personnel Planning and Development
PI Process Industries
PS Project System
PM/SM Plant Maintenance, Service Management

(C) SAP AG LO230 2-5

Capacity Planning Environment (1)

Basic data Production planning PM / PS

n Planned orders
n Production orders n Plant maint.
n Process orders n Projects
n SOP orders
Bill of material

10 20 30 40 50

TskLstGrp C1 Scheduling
10 Center 1



Capacity requirements

Capacity evaluation/

Available capacity

SAP AG 1999

n With the help of R/3 basic data such as Material Masters, work plans and work centers, as well as
planned orders and production orders, a database is created, which can show the available capacity
and the capacity required.
n Available capacity indicates which activity produces a capacity each day. A capacity is always
assigned to at least one work center.
n Capacity requirements shows how much capacity the individual orders need at a certain point in
time. Capacity requirements are determined during lead time scheduling.
n In Capacity evaluation, these requirements can now be compared with the available capacity.
n In Capacity levelling, orders can be shared out to avoid overloading. This way it is possible to
leverage the suitable resources or to plan optimal scheduling with sort criteria.

(C) SAP AG LO230 2-6

Planning Views




Today Months later

SAP AG 1999

n There are different planning levels available for the individual application areas. For example, you
can plan MRP requirements in the following three ways depending on how specific you want your
planning to be:
Rough-cut planning with a rough-cut planning profile
Production-rate planning with a rate routing or a routing
Detailed planning with a routing

(C) SAP AG LO230 2-7

Capacity Planning / Elements

Available capacity


Capacity requirements

Capacity evaluation and -leveling

Capacity reduction

SAP AG 1999

n The available capacity represents the capacity available for production.

n Scheduling the sequence of operations determines the times for the capacity requirements.
n The system calculates the capacity requirements using formulas and dates and quantities for
n The capacity evaluation gives you an overview of the load and the requirements for production.
n Capacity leveling allows you to achieve optimal planning and an optimal load.
n Capacity reduction occurs when operations are confirmed or order quantities reduced or deleted.

(C) SAP AG LO230 2-8

Work Center Data

General data Basic data l Name and description

l Standard values key
l Effciency rate key

Default values Default values l Control key

l Standard text key
l Wage data

Capacity data Capacity l Available capacity

l Formula key
l Individual capacities

Scheduling data Scheduling l Scheduling basis

l Queue and move time
l Formula key

Personnel system Assignments l Labor

data l Positions
l Qualifications

SAP AG 1999

n The work center contains several groups of data that are located on different screens. Only the most
important ones are shown in this example.

(C) SAP AG LO230 2-9

(C) SAP AG LO230 2-10
Overview: Summary

l You have an overview of the integration,

environment and elements of capacity

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 2-11

Capacity Evaluation


l Capacity overviews
l Order detail lists
l Graphics
l Printing functions
l System settings

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-1

Capacity Evaluation: Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic you will know:

l What options there are for comparing the

capacity requirements with the available
l How to create new overall profiles

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-2

Overview Diagram 3


Overview Arbeitspltze / Work Center

Arbeitsplatz /
Capacity evaluation Jul' 98

Work Center W 26 W 27 W 28 W 29

1310 Capacity leveling (part 1)

1320 Mont. 1
Available capacity
1330 Mont. 2
Capacity reqmts / -reduction
Jun' 98 Jul' 98
Material Auftrag / Order
W 28 W 29
Capacity leveling (part 2)
100-500 18752

500-300 600001650
Extended planning functions
100-500 18770
Detailed planning
500-300 600001699

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-3

Capacity Evaluation: Business Scenario

l You want to evaluate the work center load for

production. You use the capacity evaluation
functions to compare capacity requirements with
available capacity. You can see the pegged
requirements from the results of the evaluation
and thus decide whether you need to take
measures to keep to the production dates.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-4

Capacity Planning Environment (2)

Basic data Production planning PM / PS

n Planned orders
n Production orders n Plant maint.
n Process orders n Projects
n SOP orders
Bill of material

10 20 30 40 50

TskLstGrp C1 Scheduling
10 Center 1



Capacity requirements

Capacity evaluation/leveling

Available capacity

SAP AG 1999

n In the capacity evaluations, the capacity requirements are compared to the available capacity.
n Capacity evaluation has to perform the following:
Determination of available capacity
Determination of capacity requirement
Comparison of available capacity to capacity requirement

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-5

Procedure in Capacity Evaluation

Accessing Capacity Planning

Work center Variable
n Load n Profile 1
n Orders n ...
n ... n ...

Initial screen

Settings Selection

Capacity evaluation

Standard Variable
overview overview
capacity list

SAP AG 1999

n Capacity evaluations are basically accessed using two menu options:The menu Work center view
accesses evaluations for loads, orders, released orders, order in backlog or overloads.The menu
Variable allows you to access evaluations using profiles created for your specific needs.
n When accessing the capacity evaluation the settings are pulled from the overall profile.
n This overall profile can be one provided by SAP or a user-specific profile.
n To access the evaluation via the work center you can use standard profiles and user-specific profiles.
n You can change display using the menu option Settings.
n You can use the menu Selection to increase or restrict the selection criteria for the capacity

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-6

Capacity Planning Phases





Time - Display of
Month Week Day
Location - Work center
WCtr area WCtr group Work ctr
Incomplete Complete

SAP AG 1999

n Capacity planning can use different planning phases. For example, the level of detail of planning can
depend on how close the planning date is to the completion date.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-7

Standard Overview

Capacity evaluation

Standard Detailed Variable

overview capacity list overview

Graphics Lists Printing


t t

Work center Capacity Detailed capacity list

SAP AG 1999

n The standard overview compares the available capacity and the capacity requirements for the
selected work centers for each capacity category. The loads and remaining available capacity are also
n From the standard overview you can generate graphics, print lists, maintain work centers and
capacities and from the detailed capacity list you can process orders.
n The standard overview can be limited using minimum and maximum load percentages. You can
predefine these in the options profile.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-8

Selection and Display Parameters


Cumulated display yes / no

Capacity unit Time unit
Requirement unit Target / remaining requirement

Time segment / Periods

Selection of period to be displayed
Period split for display

Requirement prioritizing and comparison of offers can be
either static or dynamic

Through distribution keys
n from work center in production orders
n from operation or work center in network plans / maintenance orders
n from standard setting of capacity planning per capacity category
SAP AG 1999

n The selection and display parameters can be predefined in profiles. They can, however, be changed
in the menu settings.
n You can only update the reading time section via Customizing.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-9

Cumulated Display

Display not cumulated

B capacity

Cumulated display

D capacity



SAP AG 1999

n The cumulated display has the following significance for the standard overview and the variable
For every period the capacity requirements and the available capacity result from the sum of
the capacity requirements/available capacity in this and the preceding periods. The starting
point for the cumulation is the first period displayed. In this way you get an overview of the
period available for reducing the capacity requirements.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-10

Period Split

10 20 30
Period Periods

4 Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Week 1 2 3 4

3 Weeks 1 2

1 Month 1

SAP AG 1999

n To display the evaluations you can choose between the following period displays:
Factory calendar day
Posting period
n You use the period duration to define the number of days or weeks for a period.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-11

Detailed Capacity List and its Functions

Capacity Evaluation

Standard Detailed Variable

overview capacity list overview

Graphics Lists Printing


Order Stock-/
reqmts list

t t

Work center Capacity Order Stock-/

requirements list

SAP AG 1999

n In the detailed capacity list the orders and their operations are listed by period depending on the work
center selected. They may be sorted, for example, by order number, date, and priority.
n From this list you can make changes to the work center, the capacity and the order.
n You can call up additional information on the material and the stock/requirements situation.
n You can predefine the display using the list profile and change it using the settings menu.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-12

Structure of a Profile

Overall profile

Options profile Selection profile List profile Graphics profile

Order set Initial set Capacity category set Work center set

SAP AG 1999

n The overall profile contains the names of four subprofiles:

The selection profile determines which sets are used to generate the various selection screens and
for what period the capacity requirements are read from the database.
The list profile defines the layout of the detailed capacity list and the variable overview.
The graphics profile defines the layout of the graphics.
In the options profile the default parameters are set for the type of display, the display period, the
distribution and for branches in change or display mode.
The order set, the capacity category set and the work center set are used for the extended selection.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-13

Structure of a Set

Multi-dimension set

Basic set Basic set Basic set

Work center Capacity cat. Capacity planner

Value Variable Variable Value


SAP AG 1999

n It is important to distinguish between basic sets that always refer to one criterion and multidimension
sets that group together any number of basic sets.
n For example, which selection criteria are displayed in a dialog box for selection depends on the basic
sets the multidimension set consists of.
n Multidimension sets are always used in the selection profile, in the combinations and in the column
definitions in the variable overview.
n Whether and how you can specify values for a selection criterion is determined by the structure of
the relevant basic set. You can use the basic set to specify:
- whether an individual value or a value range can be specified
- whether the criterion is assigned a fixed value and thus no user specification is required
n Sets are specified in Customizing for capacity planning and grouped together in a selection profile or
in a combination.
n To make it possible to specify an individual value or a value range for a selection criterion, a variable
must be defined for the individual value or for the upper and lower limit of the value range.
n You create variables in Customizing for capacity planning.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-14

Functions in the Variable Overview

Capacity evaluation

Standard Detailed Variable

overview capacity list overview

Graphics Lists Printing


Detailed capacity list

SAP AG 1999

n You can define the form and content of the variable overview. You use it to display any capacity
data you wish.
n In the first column appear the periods. In the following columns you can display, for example,
capacity requirements, available capacities and formulas.
n You can predefine the display using the list profile and change it using the settings menu.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-15

Capacity Planning Environment

Arb eitsv orgnge

Materialkompon enten


Plan 100
t t

Order Capacity
Work center

Thats what
I want ! capacity list
4 434518 759691


requirements Stock/
reqmts list
Goods receipt
for order

Display Maintain

SAP AG 1999

n From the detailed capacity screen you can use the menu Environment to branch to further sections of
PP in change mode or in display mode.
n In the options profile in Customizing you can specify that the system is to branch to orders, the work
center and the capacity in change mode or in display mode.
n You can also get the system to branch by double-clicking on the fields for the order, the work center
or the capacity.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-16

Configuration Sequence Capacity Planning (1)

Maintaining and cumulating available capacity

Creating work center hierarchies

Defining distribution of requirements

Profiles for capacity evaluations

Profiles for capacity leveling/extended evaluation

SAP AG 1999

n Legend:
M = Mandatory action (mandatory)
O = Optional action (optional)
D = Action completed as a result of default setting

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-17

Capacity Planning / Overall Profile Evaluations

Overall profile

Options profile

Selection profile

List profile

Graphics profile

SAP AG 1999

n The overall profile contains four subprofiles.

n In the options profile the default parameters are specified for the type of display, the display period,
distribution and branching in display or change mode. Most of the settings can be changed in the
application using the menu options Settings General for this evaluation run.
n The selection profile determines which sets are accessed to generate the various selection screens
and for which period the capacity requirements are read from the database.
n The list profile specifies the layout of the detailed capacity list and the variable overview and
determines which list is automatically displayed.
n The graphics profile contains settings for the layout of the various graphics:
Determining the earliest/latest dates of operations
Sort sequence such as date, material number, order number
Displaying columns, bars or lines
n The line display only makes sense for a cumulative display.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-18

User Parameters - Evaluation

Overall profile evaluation Parameter / Std profile

Work center view

Load CY1 SAPX911
Orders CY2 SAPX912
Released CY3 SAPX913
Backlog CY4 SAPX914
Overload CY5 SAPX915
Variable CY7

SAP AG 1999

n An overall profile can be accessed with the user parameters CY1 - CY7 individually for every user.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-19

Selection Profile (Capacity Evaluations)

Overall profile

Selection profile

Selection control: Selection period for reading from the database (KBED)

Scheduling level: Selection of KBED records according to detailed-,

production rate- or rough-cut scheduling and specifying
order categories (take account of scheduling levels table TCX00)

Work center set: Read KBED records for work center(s)

Order set: Read KBED records for order type(s)

Capacity reqmts
Read KBED records for capacity reqmts categories
category set:

Initial set: Fields for initial screen

Version of available capacity

SAP AG 1999

n You use the selection profile among other things to specify which sets are used to define the layout
of the various dialog boxes.
n You can also specify the database read period in the selection profile in the section Interval period.
In the evaluation only those capacity requirements are read from the database where at least one date
(for example, the earliest start date) falls in the period defined. The display period (see settings) must
also lie in the database read period.
n During the capacity evaluation you can specify another selection profile with the menu options
Planning -> Profiles -> Selection profile.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-20

Options Profile (Capacity Evaluations)

Overall profile

Options profile

General settings: Cap. Unit, Remaining requirements, planned

requirements, cumulated display, load restrictions

Cumulating Hierarchy: Yes / no, dynamic, hierarchy name

available capacity:

Interval settings: Start / end of display, period split,

cumulate backlog to

Distribution of capacity From work center, operation or profile


Goto: Work center, branches in display / change mode

SAP AG 1999

n The options profile groups together general settings. You can change most of these settings during
the evaluation with the menu options: Settings -> General.
n You can change the following parameters during the capacity evaluation using other menu options or
a function key:
Values for the minimum and maximum load displayed in the standard overview
The standard distribution key for work orders and networks/maintenance orders
n You cannot change the following parameters during the capacity evaluation:
Date for dispatching the backlog: If remaining requirements are displayed then all the
requirements whose finish dates lie before the date for dispatching the backlog are dispatched to
the period that contains this date.
Indicator "Production order": The indicator specifies whether you branch to production orders
in display mode or in change mode.
Indicator "Planned order": The indicator specifies whether you branch to planned orders in
display mode or in change mode.
Indicator "Work center": The indicator specifies whether you branch to work centers or
capacities in display mode or in change mode.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-21

Extended Evaluation (Standard Overview)

Work center Indiv. capacity

Order view Project view
view view

Standard overview list

t t

Work center Labor Capacity Det.capacity list

SAP AG 1999

n In the extended evaluation you can display all relevant objects (persons, individual capacities, SOP
n You can sort all the lists in any way you like, even in groups.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-22

Extended Evaluation (Detailed Capacity List)

Work center Indiv.capacity

Order view Project view
view view

Det. capacity list


t t

Work center Person Capacity Operation

SAP AG 1999

n In the extended evaluation you can display all relevant objects (persons, individual capacities, SOP
n You can sort all the lists in any way you like, even in groups.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-23

Structure of a Profile (Extended Evaluation)

Overall profile

Control profile
profile Evaluation
Evaluation profile
profile List
List profile

Selection profile
profile Time
Time profile
profile Period
Period profile

Filter set
set Object
Object set
set Requirements
Requirements grouping

SAP AG 1999

n The overall profile for the extended evaluation contains six subprofiles whose settings are
compatible with one another. You can maintain them in Customizing for Capacity leveling and
Extended evaluation.
n In the selection profile you specify which sets are used for the layout of the various selection
n In the list profile you specify which list is displayed when you access the extended evaluation. You
can branch from one list to another with the menu option Goto.
n In the time profile you specify for what time period the capacity requirements are read from the
database. The database read period, the evaluation period, the planning period and the date for
dispatching the backlog are specified in the time profile. All the requirements are accessed that lie
wholly or partly in the database read period.
n In the period profile you specify in which periods the loads are to be displayed. For example, a
period can be one day, several days, one week or several weeks.
n In the options profile you specify the work center hierarchy name for the cumulation of available
capacity and capacity requirements and the distribution key.
n In the control profile you specify the type of presentation and the layout of the data (here lists in
period form).

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-24

Structure of a Set (Extended Evaluation)

Multidimension set

Object set

Set Basic
Set Basic
Set Basic
Capacity Cap.
Cap. planner
Plant Work
Work center
category group

Value Variable
Variable Variable
Variable Variable
1000 &5KEARBP

SAP AG 1999

n It is important to distinguish between a basic set and a multidimension set.

n The object set stands for a multidimension set. A multidimension set groups together several basic
n The field names for the selection fields are defined in the basic set. You can specify values or
variables for these field names.
n A default value can be specified for a variable for a particular field name.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-25

Capacity Evaluation: Summary

In this unit you have learnt about:

l The procedure with overview lists in the
capacity evaluation
l The structure of profiles and sets

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-26

Data used in the exercises
Explanation of symbols in the exercises and solutions


Course Objectives

Business Scenario

Tips & Tricks

Warning or Attention

Data in the exercises

Type of data Data in the training system
Plant 1000 and 1200
Material and routings T-F2## and T-F1## ( T-CV )
Material and rate routing R-1000
Product group PG-100
Work centers T-M##, T-V##, T-L##, T-E##,
T-F##, T-P##, V## and KS##
Work center hierarchies T-V, T-E and H-##
Pooled capacity VOR##
Capacity category P##
Grouping key 52
Formula LO##
Formula key FO##
Machines L1##, L2## and L3##
Overall profiles Z##SFCG011, Z##SFCG002
Activity group SAP_LO_PP_PRODMAN

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-27

Capacity Evaluation Exercises

Unit: Capacity Evaluation

Topic: Standard Overview

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Use the standard overview in the capacity evaluation
Change the display

You are a capacity planner and have to show an overview of the

capacity requirements versus the available capacity for your
organization. To do this, you choose the standard overview in the
capacity evaluation and, if necessary, switch to the cumulated

1-1 Look at the capacity loads for your work centers using your capacity planner group
0## in the standard overview.
1-1-1 In which evaluation period were the capacity requirements read?
1-1-2 Specify the menu path that you would use to find this out.
1-1-3 Change the settings in such a way that only those periods are displayed with
a load greater than 40%.

1-2 Now call up the standard overview for the work center T-M##.
1-2-1 Change the display for the standard overview by defining a period as three
1-2-2 Specify the menu path and name the indicator for a standard overview with
cumulated capacity requirements and available capacities over the entire
evaluation period.
1-2-3 Only analyze the pegged requirements in the first period. What sort of
pegged requirements are there?

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-28


Unit: Capacity Evaluation

Topic: Detailed Capacity List

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Use the detailed capacity list in the capacity evaluation
Test various selection options
Make changes to the detailed capacity list

You are a capacity planner and want to see in an overview the

pegged capacities for the work centers for which you are
responsible. After seeing an overview, you want to release a
production order.

2-1 Call up the detailed capacity list in the capacity evaluation for your work centers T-
L## and T-V##.
2-1-1 Describe the menu option for calling up the detailed capacity list directly.
2-1-2 You want to call up the detailed capacity list for 2 special work centers. To
do this you need an additional menu option. Restrict the selection of work
centers on the dialog box with the entry T-*. Describe the additional menu

2-2 You want to be able to see which production orders are to be released, and therefore
you want to copy the field "Overall order status" into the detailed capacity list after
the column for pegged requirements. To ensure that the standard list is not
overwritten when saving, you have to first create your own list variant in
2-2-1 Copy the list variant SAPDETC0 in Customizing for Capacity Planning
(Evaluation). Your detailed list profile should be called ZAPDETC##.
Before saving, it is possible to protect this profile from being changed by
other users.
2-2-2 Call up the detailed capacity list for your work centers T-L## and T-V##
again. Enter a column for the Overall order status after the column for
pegged requirements. Reduce the column width for the "Overall order
status" to 20 and the column width for "Material" to 8 spaces.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-29

Save the changes made to the detailed capacity list in your list variant
ZAPDETC##. Note that the subprofile SAPDETF0 is not changed for the
displayed fields. Before saving, overwrite this profile with ZAPDETF##.
2-2-3 Release the production order with the requirements quantity 80 and update
the evaluation so that you can see the status change directly in the detailed
capacity list.
2-2-4 Look at the detailed capacity list for your work centers T-L## and T-V##
again. Switch to the list variant you saved previously to control the detailed
capacity list you created.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-30


Unit: Capacity Evaluation

Topic: Creating an Overall Profile

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Define an overall profile with a new entry screen

You are a capacity planner and want to use certain work centers
in the entry screen for selection. You therefore create a new
initial set and include this in a new overall profile. In addition,
you always want to call up this overall profile automatically when
you choose Evaluation -> Variable.

3-1 Create for your group an overall profile for a new initial set. You want to see the
following entry fields in the initial set when you call up this overall profile:
Work center from:
Work center to:
Capacity cat.:
Capacity planner group:
In addition, the work center T-V## should be set as a value.
3-1-1 In the first step create a new basic set Z230-WC## for the entry Work
center from/to for the field name ARBPL. As descriptive text choose ##-
Work center from/to. Take two variables for the entry fields and set the
value T-V##.
3-1-2 In the second step create a new multidimensional set Z230-INIT## for the
complete initial screen. Copy this set using 5kstart1 as a reference. As a
descriptive text, choose ##-Work center, CapCat, CapPl. Change the
multidimensional set for the entry fields according to the defaults and the
sequence in 3-1.
3-1-3 Copy the selection profile SAPA010 as a separate profile with the name
Z230-SEL## and switch the initial set with the multidimensional set created
in 3-1-2. Enter Group ## Work Center Sel. Profile as a descriptive text.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-31

3-1-4 Copy the overall profile SAPX912 as a separate profile with the name
Z230-OVR## and swap the selection profile with the profile created in 3-1-
3. Choose ##-OVR as a descriptive text.
3-1-5 You always want to call up this overall profile automatically when you
choose Evaluation Variable. Maintain your user parameters by entering
your overall profile for this parameter.
3-1-6 Test your new profile using work centers T-M01 to T-M99-
3-1-7 Describe why requirements are also displayed for the work center T-V##.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-32

Capacity Evaluation Solutions

Unit: Capacity Evaluation

Topic: Standard Overview

1-1 Look at the capacity loads for your work centers using your capacity planner group
0## in the standard overview.
1-1-1 Logistics Production Capacity planning Evaluation Work
center view Load
60 days as of today
1-1-2 Specify the menu path that you would use to find this out.
Settings General
1-1-3 Change the settings in such a way that only those periods are displayed with
a load greater than 40%.
Settings Evaluations Standard overview

1-2 Now call up the standard overview for the work center T-M##.
1-2-1 Change the display for the standard overview by defining a period as three
Settings General and radio button Day, period duration 3
1-2-2 Specify the menu path and name the indicator for a standard overview with
cumulated capacity requirements and available capacities over the entire
evaluation period.
Settings General
Cumulate over Periods
Requirement: Production Order for 80 pieces
1-2-3 Select Period and button Capacity detail/period

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-33


Unit: Capacity Evaluation

Topic: Detailed Capacity List

2-1 Call up the detailed capacity list in the capacity evaluation for your work centers T-
L## and T-V##.
2-1-1 Describe the menu option for calling up the detailed capacity list directly.
Evaluations Work center view Orders
2-1-2 You want to call up the detailed capacity list for 2 special work centers. To
do this you need an additional menu option. Restrict the selection of work
centers on the dialog box with the entry T-*. Describe the additional menu
Planning Selection Work center
Once you have specified the restrictions choose Select indv wrk cntr

2-2 You want to be able to see which production orders are to be released, and therefore
you want to copy the field "Overall order status" into the detailed capacity list after
the column for pegged requirements. To ensure that the standard list is not
overwritten when saving, you have to first create your own list variant in


2-2-1 Copy the list variant SAPDETC0 in Customizing for Capacity Planning
(Evaluation). Your detailed list profile should be called ZAPDETC##.
Before saving, it is possible to protect this profile from being changed by
other users.
Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project. Button SAP
Reference IMG.
Production Capacity Requirements Planning Evaluation Lists
Define list versions of detailed capacity list.
Overwrite SAPDETC0 with ZAPDETC##, and ENTER

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-34

2-2-2 Call up the detailed capacity list for your work centers T-L## and T-V##
again. Enter a column for the Overall order status after the column for
pegged requirements. Reduce the column width for the "Overall order
status" to 20 and the column width for "Material" to 8 spaces.
Save the changes made to the detailed capacity list in your list variant
ZAPDETC##. Note that the subprofile SAPDETF0 is not changed for the
displayed fields. Before saving, overwrite this profile with ZAPDETF##.
Choose Choose fields.
Choose Overall order status and transfer it to the list Selected fields.
Select Overall order status and place the cursor on the line material. Press
Change the column width for the Overall order status and for Material and
save this list under your list variant name.
Settings Capacity detail Save list variant
2-2-3 Release the production order with the requirements quantity 80 and update
the evaluation so that you can see the status change directly in the detailed
capacity list.
Double-click on the order number and in the order header choose Release
and Save. Press Refresh.
2-2-4 Look at the detailed capacity list for your work centers T-L## and T-V##
again. Switch to the list variant you saved previously to control the detailed
capacity list you created.
Call up the capacity detail list again and go to your list variant.
Settings Detailed cap. list Get list variant

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-35


Unit: Capacity Evaluation

Topic: Creating an Overall Profile

3-1 Create for your group an overall profile for a new initial set. You want to see the
following entry fields in the initial set when you call up this overall profile:
3-1-1 In the first step create a new basic set Z230-WC## for the entry Work
center from/to for the field name ARBPL. As descriptive text choose ##-
Work center from/to. Take two variables for the entry fields and set the
value T-V##.
Customizing Capacity Planning Evaluation Selection set Define
sets. Create set.
For the variables, place the cursor in the entry field and press Variable.
Line 1: From value = 5KARBP1 First Work Center
To value = 5KARBP2 Second Work Center
Line 2: T-V##
3-1-2 In the second step create a new multidimensional set Z230-INIT## for the
complete initial screen. Copy this set using 5kstart1 as a reference. As a
descriptive text, enter ##-Work center, CapCat, CapPl. Change the
multidimensional set for the entry fields according to the defaults and the
sequence in 3-1.
Change the copied multidimensional set as follows:
Substitute the set in line 001 with Z230-WC##
Select line 002 and Insert a line
Insert in line 002, the set 5KKAPARV (Capacity Category), using the
selection criteria.
3-1-3 Copy the selection profile SAPA010 as a separate profile with the name
Z230-SEL## and switch the initial set with the multidimensional set created
in 3-1-2. Enter Group ## Work Center Sel. Profile as a descriptive text.
IMG Production Capacity Requirements Planning Evaluation
Profiles Define selection profiles
3-1-4 Copy the overall profile SAPX912 as a separate profile with the name
Z230-OVR## and swap the selection profile with the profile created in 3-1-
3. Enter ##-OVR as a descriptive text.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-36

IMG Production Capacity Requirements Planning Evaluation
Profiles Define overall profiles.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-37

3-1-5 You always want to call up this overall profile automatically when you
choose Evaluation Variable. Maintain your user parameters by entering
your overall profile for this parameter.
System User profile Own data.
Parameters tab page.
Assign your overall profile Z230-OVR##, to parameter CY7.
3-1-6 Test your new overall profile using the work centers T-M01 T-M99.
Evaluations Variable
3-1-7 Describe why requirements are also displayed for the work center T-V##.
The work center was also specified as a value in the basic set.

(C) SAP AG LO230 3-38

Capacity Leveling (Part 1)


l Use of the capacity planning table (tabular

l Dispatching procedure
l Preview of the capacity planning table

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-1

Capacity Leveling (Part 1): Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit you will be able

l How to use the leveling functions on the
planning tables.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-2

Capacity Evaluation


Overview Arbeitspltze / Work Center

Capacity evaluation Jul' 98
Arbeitsplatz /
Work Center W 26 W 27 W 28 W 29

1310 Capacity leveling (part 1)

1320 Mont. 1
Available capacity
1330 Mont. 2
Capacity reqmts / -reduction
Jun' 98 Jul' 98
Material Auftrag / Order
W 28 W 29
Capacity leveling (part 2)
100-500 18752

500-300 600001650
Extended planning functions
100-500 18770
Detailed planning
500-300 600001699

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-3

Capacity Leveling (Part 1): Business Scenario

l In your production you want to level the

capacity loads at the resources. To do this you
compare the capacity requirements with the
available capacity using the capacity leveling
functions. First capacity leveling should be
carried out with the tabular version of the
planning table. After simulating several
dispatching runs you save the results of your
planning and thus fix the capacity
requirements for processing in the planned

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-4

Capacity Planning Environment (3)

Basic data Production planning PM / PS

n Planned orders
n Production orders n Plant maint.
n Process orders n Projects
n SOP orders
Bill of material

10 20 30 40 50

TskLst C1 Scheduling
10 Center 1



Capacity requirements

Capacity leveling/-evaluation

Available capacity

SAP AG 1999

n Dispatching operations is the main function in capacity planning. Operations are dispatched to fix
them at a time when there is sufficient capacity for them to be executed.
n Depending on whether finite scheduling is to take place, operations can be dispatched based on an
unlimited available capacity or existing available capacity. The existing available capacity is equal to
the difference between the available capacity maintained in the work center and the capacity
requirements already dispatched. If necessary, you can specify a different work center when

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-5

Capacity Leveling Measures

Increase available capacity

Alternative work center

Date shift

Sequence planning

External processing

Lot reduction / splitting

SAP AG 1999

n There are the following ways to achieve the objectives listed in the preceding slide:
Adjust the available capacity by increasing the standard available capacity for the relevant
capacity category or increase the available capacity by inserting an interval of available capacity.
Determine an alternative work center with remaining available capacity, for example by calling up
the planning table using a work center hierarchy.
Find a period with sufficient remaining available capacity by dispatching using finite scheduling
or manually on the planning table.
Form optimal sequences to reduce setup times.
n You can only reduce/split the lot size or specify that operations are to be processing externally in the
production order.

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-6

User Interface for Capacity Leveling

Capacity planning table (tabular)

tabular) Capacity planning table

Work center: Turning capacity: Machine

06.00 10.00 14.00 18.00
05.1998 06.1998 07.1998

Avail. cap.
Order 100012 Operation 0010 Start 03.05.1998
Order 100014 Operation 0020 Start 15.05.1998
Order 100234 Operation 0030 Start 06.06.1998
Order 100333 Operation 0010 Start 09.05.1998
Order 100456 Operation 0050 Start 01.05.1998

SAP AG 1999

n The capacity planning module offers two interfaces.

n The main capacity planning module and its various views.
Work center view: You limit the selection for specific work centers. Work centers and capacities
are displayed in the planning tables.
Individual capacity view: You limit the selection for specific work centers. You can dispatch
operations both to work centers/capacities and to the corresponding individual capacities.
Order view: You limit the selection for specific orders. All the work centers and capacities
affected are displayed for one or more orders.
n Leveling directly from production order maintenance. Depending on the overall profile set for the
production controller/order type you branch to one of the two planning tables. If no overall profile
has been stored for the production scheduler then the planning table is called up using the overall
profile SAPSFCG001.

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-7

Capacity Planning Table (Tabular Form)

l Period-specific
l Aggregate information on available capacity, capacity
requirements and capacity load
l Distribution of capacity requirements by distribution keys

l Important for shareable

X capacities
Period 08.1998 09.1998 10.1998 11.1998 12.1998

l Display actual capacity

Avail.cap. 24,0 8,0 16,0 32,0 16,0
Dispatched 8 33%
Pool 2
load within a period
8,3% 6,5 81,2%

X 6,5h Pump

13,0h Washer

SAP AG 1999

n There are the following types of display on the capacity planning table (tabular form):
Work center/capacity with available capacity, load, dispatched and pool for several periods
Several work centers/capacities with available capacity and load for several periods
n The planning table (tabular form) can be called up for the work center view, the individual capacity
view and the order view. Available capacities and distributed capacities are displayed.
n The unit of display for the available capacity and capacity requirements is stored in the evaluation
n The planning table (tabular form) is divided up into a resource section and a requirements section.
n The resource section contains the following: name of work center or capacity and capacity category,
periods to which operations can be dispatched, capacity requirements from operations that have
already been dispatched to a period, capacity requirements from operations that have not yet been
dispatched to a period
n In the requirements section you can display requirements (dispatched and/or not yet dispatched).

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-8

Capacity Planning Table

Work centers
Monday Tuesday
Work center
00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 00:00 06:00




Monday Tuesday
Order Op. Qty
00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 00:00 06:00

2010 0010 10

2020 0020 5

2030 0010 10

Message line
Table section Diagram section

SAP AG 1999

- The capacity planning table enables you to carry out detailed planning of capacity requirements
continuously over time.
- The capacity planning table consists of several charts in which the available capacity (operating
time) and the capacity requirements (operation duration) are grouped according to various
criteria and can be displayed on the same axis. For example, all the capacity requirements for
one order or all the capacity requirements that have been dispatched to one capacity can be
grouped together.
- Each chart can have its own title bar and is made up of a table section and a diagram section:

The table section contains information for identifying and describing the objects displayed in the
diagram section.

The diagram section has a window on the virtual time axis in which the available capacity and the
capacity requirements are displayed in graphical form with the start and finish date. This window
displays the same section for all the charts. This section can be changed as much as you like by
altering the scale.

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-9


Available capacity

Capacity load

Order - 1
Order - 2

SAP AG 1999

n Automatic or manual dispatching of orders to times with remaining available capacity.

n Automatic as well as manual dispatching using planning strategies.
n Orders with dispatched operations are scheduled using midpoint scheduling.

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-10

Dispatching Procedure

Determining the dispatching date

- by scheduling or manually by the user -

Specifying the dispatching sequence

- when dispatching several operations at the same time -

Carrying out checks when dispatching

- checking dates and work center -

Executing finite scheduling Writing

Checking results of dispatching
- Operation date - planning
Setting the status "dispatched"

Executing midpoint scheduling

SAP AG 1999

n The central function of capacity leveling is the dispatching of operations. Operations are dispatched
so as to fix them at a point in time when there is sufficient capacity for them to be carried out.
n If you have set the indicator Finite scheduling in the strategy profile then the system looks for
remaining available capacity depending on the planning direction.
n During dispatching the user can enter another work center, if necessary. The work center may not be
locked or marked for deletion.
n A planning log is written for all planning activities.
n If errors arise during dispatching then it can be terminated (you can set this in the strategy profile).
n Midpoint scheduling is dealt with in detail in the unit Capacity leveling part 2.

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-11

Types of Dispatching (tabular)

Capacity planning table (tabular)

Select Select Select Select operation

operation operation, operation
capacity Manual dispatching
and period by
Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch dragging and dropping
manually to desired point
1 2 3 4 in time

Capacity planning table

SAP AG 1999

n This graphic shows the four possible ways of determining the dispatching date.
n The third way distinguishes between internally processed operations (plant maintenance and
networks) and operations that are subdivided into operation segments (production order):
internally-processed operations corresponding to the strategies:
earliest / latest start date
depending on distribution keys
operations with operation segments always with the latest start date for the operation
n In the first way you can also change the date, time and work center.
n The fourth way of dispatching is only possible on the capacity planning table as is dealt with in detail
in the unit Capacity leveling part 2.
n If operations are not to be automatically dispatched on the planning table (tabular form), then you
should set the indicator Date entry on dispatching in the strategy profile. In this case a dialog box is
displayed for entering the time for the function Dispatch.

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-12

Capacity Leveling (part 1): Summary

l In this unit you can dispatch operations to the

capacity planning table (tabular form).

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-13

Capacity Leveling (Part 1) Exercises

Unit: Capacity Leveling (Part 1)

Topic: Capacity Planning Table (tab.)

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Execute capacity leveling with the capacity planning table
(tabular form)

You are a capacity planner and want to simulate capacity leveling

for particular work centers using the capacity planning table
(tabular form), and only save the finished results.

1-1 Carry out capacity leveling with the capacity planning table (tabular form) for the
work centers T-M##, T-V## and T-L##, only for capacity category 002.
1-1-1 Call up the capacity planning table (tabular form) from the work center view
and specify your three work centers. Pay particular attention to the selection
criteria for the other input fields. Do not press Execute till after exercise 1-1-
1-1-2 Before you press Continue, save the selection criteria you entered as a
variant. Use V-## as a variant name and group ## as the description.
1-1-3 Look for the capacity requirements for work center T-V## and switch the
view to display just one requirements type.
1-1-4 To see the latest start dates for the capacity requirements in the lower chart
switch to a wide screen display for the planning table.
1-1-5 Dispatch the operation with an operation quantity of 120 pieces.
1-1-6 Display only those requirements that have been dispatched.
1-1-7 Display all the requirements again and dispatch another operation 20 with
the operation quantity of 100 pieces to work center T-L##.
1-1-8 Look at the planning log and analyze the planning situation at the work
center T-L##.
1-1-9 Go from the capacity planning table (tabular version) to the production
order and look at the operation status. Now save the results of your
simulated planning.

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-14

1-2 Call up the graphical planning table from the work center view for the work center
T-V## and compare the planning result with the result saved on the capacity
planning table (tabular form).

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-15

Capacity Leveling (Part 1) Solutions

Unit: Capacity Leveling (Part 1)

Topic: Capacity Planning Table (tab.)

1-1-1 Call up the capacity planning table (tabular form) from the work center view
and specify your three work centers. Pay particular attention to the selection
criteria for the other input fields.
Leveling Work center view Capacity planning table (tabular form).
Press the arrow multiple selection to enter your work centers.
1-1-2 Before you press Continue, save the selection criteria you entered as a
variant. Use V-## as a variant name and group ## as the description.
Goto Variants Save as variant
1-1-3 Look for the capacity requirements for work center T-V## and switch the
view to display just one requirements type.
Settings Change view. Next page T-V##
1-1-4 To see the latest start dates for the capacity requirements in the lower chart,
switch to a wide screen display for the planning table.
Settings Screen type Wide screen
1-1-6 Display only those requirements that have been dispatched.
Settings Requirements filter Dispatched requirements
1-1-8 Look at the planning log and then analyze the planning situation at the work
center T-L##.
Button Planning
1-1-9 Go from the capacity planning table (tabular version) to the production
order and look at the operation status. Now save the results of your
simulated planning.
Display work center T-L##, and select the dispatched order

Double-click on order. Save Planning table

1-2 Call up the capacity planning table (graphical) from the work center view, and
compare the planning result at T-L## with the result saved on the capacity planning
table (tabular form).
Leveling Work Center View Capacity planning table

(C) SAP AG LO230 4-16

Available Capacity


l Options for maintaining available capacity

l Factory calendar
l Work center hierarchy
l Configuration sequence

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-1

Available Capacity: Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit you will be able

l Maintain available capacities
l Maintain and assign shift sequences

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-2

Overview Diagram 5


Overview Arbeitspltze / Work Center

Capacity evaluation Jul' 98
Arbeitsplatz /
Work Center W 26 W 27 W 28 W 29

Capacity leveling (part 1)

1320 Mont. 1
Available capacity
1330 Mont. 2
Capacity reqmts / -reduction
Jun' 98 Jul' 98
Material Auftrag / order
W 28 W 29
Capacity leveling (part 2)
100-500 18752

500-300 600001650
Extended planning functions
100-500 18770
Detailled planning
500-300 600001699

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-3

Available Capacity: Business Scenario

l You have made capacity available in

production. This depends on the plant
calendar which is definable differently for
every work day. Therefore you use intervals at
capacities to increase the availability capacity
for periods where requirements are high. You
can maintain this manually or by using shift

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-4

Capacity Planning Environment (4)

Basic data Production planning PM / PS

n Planned orders
n Production orders n Plant maint.
A n Process orders n Projects
n SOP orders
Bill of material

10 20 30 40 50

TskLst C1 Scheduling
10 Center 1



Capacity requirements

Capacity evaluation/-leveling

Available capacity

SAP AG 1999

n The available capacity is the work that can be done by a capacity at a work center per working day.
n The available capacity is defined by the start and finish of work, the duration of the breaks, the
capacity utilization and the number of machines or persons.

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-5

Capacities at a Work Center

Work center Capacity categories Work center

Pooled capacity




Work center


Storage location Cap.


SAP AG 1999

n You can assign as many capacities as you like to a work center.

n Capacity categories serve to identify capacities belonging to the same kind.
n A capacity category can only be allocated once per work center.
n You can maintain a separate available capacity for each capacity category.
n If a capacity is allocated to several work centers, it is a pooled capacity. It must be maintained as a
pooled capacity separately before it is allocated to a work center.
n To calculate capacity requirements formulas must be allocated in the capacity overview.
n To simplify maintaining capacities you can set up a default capacity in Customizing.
n The capacity available in each capacity category can have different units of measure.

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-6

Available Capacity at the Work Center

Capacity Default capacity

Plant: 1000 Default values for every

Capacity: ABC capacity category
Cap.cat.: 003 For example: 001
Reference available

Work center

Capacity cat.: 001

Capacity cat.: 003
Capacity: ABC Capacity cat.: 002
Capacity: Group

Pooled capacity

Plant: 1000 Capacity: Group Capacity cat.: 002

SAP AG 1999

n The reference indicator is set for the available capacity of a pooled capacity in the work center and so
cannot be changed there.
n The available capacity of an external capacity as well as that of a default capacity is copied to a
capacity category at a work center and can be changed.
n However, an external capacity can also be referenced.

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-7

From Work Time to Operating Time

Number of hours Break Technical and Work center

times organizational

Time: Work time: Work time: Productive

minus work time
7:00 - 16:30 breaks

Data at Work start Operating time Efficiency Productive

work center Work finish per shift rate operating time

Work center
Operating time
per capacity category X Number of individual capacities
SAP AG 1999

n The basic work time (start of work until end of work) at a work center is reduced by break times and
organizational disruptions.
n The work time minus the break times is stored in the work center as the operating time per shift.
n Technical and organizational disruptions are reflected in the efficiency rate.

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-8

Maintaining Available Capacity using Shift

Day 1 Day 2 ... Day 5

Shift definition

Shift 1 Shift 1 Shift 1

Start of work
... Shift sequence
End of work


Shift 2 Shift 2 Shift 2

Shift 3 Shift 3


SAP AG 1999

n Shift sequences and shift definitions can be used to maintain available capacity in detail for every
capacity category, but only by using intervals of available capacity.
n Shift sequences and shift definitions can be created and selected for specific parts of Customizing
using the Grouping key.
n In a shift sequence you can define work start, work finish and break times for all work centers.
n In shift sequences the specific sequence of shift definitions is maintained for all work centers.
n You can automatically change available capacities that have shift definitions by changing the shift

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-9

Available Capacity in the Work Center

h Not a work day according

Interval 1
to factory caledar


Interval 1 Interval 2 Interval 3

Cycle duration
from to
Interval duration
SAP AG 1999

n An interval of available capacity has a temporal validity.

n By adding an interval for a particular period (date from/to) the standard available capacity for this
period is overwritten by a second interval.
n If this second interval is deleted again then the following interval is brought forward to the date of
the interval that has been deleted.

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-10

Available Capacity/Maintenance Variants

Standard available Interval without Interval with

capacity shift sequence shift sequence
Shifts not
Shifts possible ! Shifts useful !
possible !

Interval of available Interval of available

Screen : Capacity header
capacity capacity

automatic 01..... automatic 01.....

Version : Blank
activate! activate!

Breaks : Globally per work day Globally per shift In detail per shift

from/to from/to
Work days according
Validity : (any specification of (any specification of
to factory calendar work days) work days)

Central : Reference capacity,

Reference capacity Reference capacity
maintenance shift sequence

Interval cycle : 1 Work day 1 or 7 work days automatically = 7 Wd

SAP AG 1999

n You can maintain the available capacity in various ways.

n You can interrupt the validity of the available capacity (standard available capacity) by using an
interval of available capacity with a limited validity period.
n You can maintain intervals of available capacity using shift sequences.

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-11

Maintaining and Assigning Factory Calendar

1. Maintaining Definition Definition Definition

holidays holiday 1 holiday 2 holiday n

2. Maintaining Holiday calendar ID: 08
holiday calendar holiday 1
holiday n

Factory calendar ID: 01
3. Maintaining Holiday calendar ID 08
factory calendar Definition plant-/holidays per week
Special rules

4. Assigning
factory calendar Plant 1000 Work center/capacity
SAP AG 1999

n Capacities at work centers only have available capacity on work days.

n To calculate the available capacity a plant calendar must be maintained that clearly defines the work
n Plant calendars are maintained in Customizing and one can be assigned to a plant or to any particular
capacity if it is different from that of the plant.

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-12

Work Center Hierarchy

Manufacturing Turning

Manufacturing plant 1 Lathe machines

in company

Milling shop Lathe shop Paint shop


Machine t Lathe machines Lathe machine Lathe machine

in plant 1 in plant 2 in laboratory
Lathe machines
lathe machine




Machine t Machine t Machine t Machine t Machine t

SAP AG 1999

n You can place work centers in work center hierarchies. You can have as many work center
hierarchies as you wish.
n Work center hierarchies serve to cumulate available capacities and capacity requirements in capacity
n A work center can be assigned to several hierarchies. On this slide lathe machines are assigned to a
hierarchy called manufacturing and to a hierarchy called turning.

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-13

Shift Sequences and Shifts


Shift sequence
Shift Shift definition per day
Shift grouping
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reserved area for PP
application Shift definition
n Validity period, -rules (HR)
51 to 99 n Start of work/-finish
n Work break schedule

Work break schedule

n Start/finish of break
n Duration of break, according to number of hours

SAP AG 1999

n The tables used for the management of shift sequences, shift definitions and work break schedules
are also used in the application HR.
n Breaks are represented using work break schedules and are used in shift definitions.
n The argument shift grouping is used to distinguish between table entries for the applications PP and
n The groupings 51 .... 99 have been defined for PP.

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-14

Available Capacity: Summary

l This unit has shown you how to maintain

available capacities at work centers and how
to use work center hierarchies.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-15

Available Capacity Exercises

Unit: Available Capacity

Topic: Maintain Available Capacity

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Maintain a work center with available capacity.

You require a new work center in your organization and want to

maintain the available capacity for a capacity category Machine
and a capacity category Person at the work center.

1-1 Create a work center for pre-assembly with the following data:
Plant: 1000
Work center number: V##
Work center category: 0001
Work center description: Assembly-##
Person responsible: 0##
1-1-1 When you create the work center with the capacity category 0001, copy the
default values for task list usage, standard value key, control key, and the
data for cost center assignment. Save the work center.
1-1-2 Change the work center and for both capacity categories replace the planner
group with your capacity planner responsible (0##).
1-1-3 Maintain an available capacity that deviates from the standard available
capacity for capacity category 001 for the coming two weeks. There should
be two shifts from Monday to Thursday. On Friday, there should be a shift
from 8:00 16:00, with a 1 hour break. Do not use a shift sequence for this
interval of available capacity. For the available capacity from Monday to
Thursday use the possible entries function for the shift definitions. Analyze
the available capacity profile for the capacity category 001.
Assign your work center to the work center hierarchy T-V in the plant 1000. The
superior work center is T-VH. Look at the hierarchy as a structure and as a

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-16


Unit: Available Capacity

Topic: System Settings

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Create a capacity category
Create and use a shift sequence

For some of the work centers in your organization, the same

capacity is not available on each working day. You therefore
maintain for these work centers a special available capacity that
you can use for the available capacity maintenance for all
capacity categories.

2-1 Maintain a new capacity category for the category Person. The key for the capacity
category is P##, and as description you use the group ##.

2-2 Create a shift sequence for the grouping 52 with the work break schedule LO230.
The grouping 52 and the work break schedule LO230 have already been created
during the course.
2-2-1 First maintain a shift definition for an early and a late shift with the
following data:
Early shift valid from today until 9999 with the following key: ##E
Text: 1. shift ## Start: 05:00 Finish: 13:00
Late shift valid from today until 9999 with the following key: ##S
Text: 2. shift ## Start: 13:00 Finish: 21:00
2-2-2 Create a shift sequence with the description GR##. For Monday until
Saturday, use the early shift created in exercise 2-2-1, and for Monday until
Friday, the late shift.
2-2-3 Enter a pooled capacity for the capacity category P## with a grouping of
from exercise 2-1 . The description should be SET##, and the text Person
responsible for setup ##. This pooled capacity uses the calendar LO230 and
work should take place 6 days a week. The base unit of measure is hours.
The start time is 7.00, and finish is 16.00. The utilization rate is 90% and
there are 2 employees available. Instead of the work time in the standard
available capacity, you assign this pooled capacity an interval for the next
two years using the shift sequence from exercise 2-2-2.

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-17

2-2-4 As an additional available capacity, you assign the work center V## the
pooled capacity SET##.

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-18

Available Capacity Solutions

Unit: Available Capacity

Topic: Maintain Available Capacity

1-1-1 Use the default values when creating the work center with the work center
category 0001. Save the work center.
Logistics Production Master data Work centers Work center
Call up all the detail screens using the Next screen button.
1-1-2 Change the work center and for both capacity categories replace the planner
group with your capacity planner responsible (0##).
Capacities Tab
To change the capacity planner select each capacity category (double-
Capacities button. Overwrite the capacity planner group for every capacity
category in the header data.
1-1-3 Maintain an available capacity that deviates from the standard available
capacity for capacity category 001 for the coming two weeks. There should
be two shifts from Monday to Thursday. On Friday, there should be a shift
from 8:00 16:00, with a 1 hour break. Do not use a shift sequence for this
interval of available capacity. For the available capacity from Monday to
Thursday use the possible entries function for the shift definitions. Analyze
the available capacity profile for the capacity category 001.
Choose Intervals avail. cap. Button in capacity header screen.. Choose
Insert Button.

Interval 7 days
2 shifts
For Mon Thurs use the shift definitions for early- and late shifts and
for Friday enter the times manually.
1-1-4 Assign your work center to the work center hierarchy T-V in the plant 1000.
The superior work center is T-VH. Look at the hierarchy as a structure and
as a graphic.
Goto Hierarchy Relationships
Edit New entries
Goto Hierarchy Structure
Graphic button
(C) SAP AG LO230 5-19

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-20


Unit: Available Capacity

Topic: System Settings

2-1 Maintain a new capacity category for the category Person.

Customizing: Production Basic data Work center Capacity planning
Define capacity categories
New entries
Set indicator CapCatPer

2-2 Create a shift sequence for the grouping 52 with the break schedule LO230.
Customizing: Work center Capacity planning Available capacity Define
shift sequence
Select grouping 52 and choose Shift definitions
2-2-1 Select grouping 52 and select Shift definitions from the left window
New Entries

2-2-2 Select the Shift Sequences folder from the left widow.

2-2-3 Enter a pooled capacity for the capacity category P## from exercise 2-1.
Area menu Work center: Capacity Create
Pooled capacity indicator
Grouping 52
Choose the factory calendar ID LO230Select the Interval avail. cap.
Select the Insert Intervals button.
2-2-4 As an additional available capacity, you assign the work center V## the
pooled capacity SET##.
Work center Change.
Capacities button
Create capacity Button

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-21

Enter the capacity category P## and the pooled capacity SET##.

(C) SAP AG LO230 5-22

Capacity Requirements and Reduction


l Views of capacity requirements

l Formulas
l Ways of reducing the load

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-1

Capacity Requirements and Reduction: Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit you know how

l Call up the capacity requirements for the
various pegged requirements.
l Reduce or delete capacity requirements.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-2

Overview Diagram 6


Overview Arbeitspltze / Work Center

Capacity evaluation Jul' 98
Arbeitsplatz /
Work Center W 26 W 27 W 28 W 29

Capacity leveling (part 1)

1320 Mont. 1
Available capacity
1330 Mont. 2
Capacity reqmts / -reduction
Jun' 98 Jul' 98
Material Auftrag / order
W 28 W 29
Capacity leveling (part 2)
100-500 18752

500-300 600001650
Extended planning functions
100-500 18770
Detailed planning
500-300 600001699

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-3

Business Scenario

l You want to generate capacity requirements

for the various planning levels in your
company (SOP, MRP, SFC, ..). You want to
calculate them using the various scheduling
instruments and with the appropriate
formulas for the capacities affected. Once the
operation has been processed you want to
confirm the work done to reduce the capacity
requirements. For orders that do not have to
be executed the capacity requirements
automatically deleted by the cancelling order.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-4

Capacity Planning Environment (5)

Basic data Production planning PM / PS

n Planned orders
n Production orders n Plant maint.
n Process orders n Projects
n SOP orders
Bill of material

10 20 30 40 50

TskLstGrp C1 Scheduling
10 Center 1


Capacity requirements


Capacity evaluation/-

Available capacity

SAP AG 1999

n The capacity requirements are the work that arises at a capacity at a specific point in time because
of the individual orders. The capacity requirements are generated by lead time scheduling.
n The following pegged requirements are dealt with in the course:
SOP order
Simulated requirements for long-term planning
Planned order
Production order
Run schedule header
n Other pegged requirements include networks, inspection orders, maintenance orders and process
orders. These capacity requirements are dealt with in the relevant applications.

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-5

Planning Levels


Detailed planning

SAP AG 1999

n Capacity requirements can be generated for the various scheduling levels in different applications,
that is, on different planning levels. The capacity requirements that have been generated for a
product in an application at a particular point in time as a result of detailed-, production rate- and
rough-cut scheduling exist in the system in parallel. You can look at the capacity requirements
separately on every level.
n When a planned order is converted to a production order the production order is rescheduled and the
planned order is deleted. The capacity requirements for rough-cut planning and rate-based planning
are in this case copied to the production orders.
n Rough-cut planning is a long-term, aggregate planning. It is period-oriented and uses rough-cut
planning profiles.
n Production-rate planning is appropriate for medium-term, period-oriented planning and uses a rate
n Detailed planning is appropriate for the short-term and uses a routing which means that you can
plan is for specific points in time.

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-6

Determining Capacity Requirements

Work center Operation

l Formula key l Standard values

l Formula constants l Setup time
l Standard value keys l Processing time
l Teardown time
l Number of splits
l Control key


Setup Processing Teardown

Capacity requirements

SAP AG 1999

n To determine capacity requirements, capacity requirements records are written for every operation
and every capacity.
n Every capacity requirements record contains the dates and the requirements for setup, processing and

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-7


Execution time Costing

l Setup l Setup
l Processing l Machine
l Teardown l Labor
l Work (PS) l Work (PS)

l Command lines (ABAP)

l Generate
l Scheduling (Y/N)
Capacity requirements l Capacity reqmts (Y/N)
(per capacity category) l Costing PRT
l Setup
l Processing l Required quantity
l Teardown l Usage value
l Work (PS)

SAP AG 1999

n Every capacity at the work center can be assigned formulas for calculating the capacity requirements.
The formulas can be used for various functions (capacity requirements, scheduling, costing).
n "Generate" controls the immediate code generation for the formula. If no generation takes place in
formula maintenance then it is generated at the time of execution.
n A formula can consist of a maximum of 3 lines with the following operation: +, -, *, /, SIN, COS,
n The units of measure are converted automatically.

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-8

Link between Formula and Standard Values

Standard value keys Other origin

l General operation values

e.g. no. of splits, lot size
V1 V2 ... l User fields from operation
l Work center constant
l Values from PRT

Formula parameters

Setup Machine
Machine Labor
Labor Teardown
Teardown ...

The formula definition F3

F1 F2 F3 is missing the parameter ...
for teardown.

Formula definition
SAP AG 1999

n The formula definitions for calculating the execution time and the capacity requirements are stored
in the work center.
n The formulas themselves are stored in Customizing as formula definitions. The parameters used in
the formula definitions must first be maintained in Customizing as formula parameters. The standard
value key defines the entry fields for the standard values in the operation. The standard values
entered in these fields are used to calculate the execution time and the capacity requirements.

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-9

Setting up a Formula

Formula parameters Origins

l Parameter ID l General operation value

l Parameter origin l Work center constant
l Standard value from operation
l User field from operation
Parameter attributes
l Value from PRT assignment
l Keyword (short/long) l PRT constant
l Dimension (T006) l General formula constant
l Standard value (fixed)
l UMeas stnd value
l Field name (operation)

Formula definition
l Define
l Generate
l Test (CR04)

SAP AG 1999

n The parameters are distinguished by their origin. You can define the following origins for a
parameter in Customizing:
General operation value: The parameter is assigned a field directly from the general operation
data. The value of this field goes into the formula. Typical fields are lot size, basis quantity,
number of splits and the number of employees.
Work center constant: The parameter is assigned a fixed value in the work center and this value
goes into the formula.
Standard value: A standard value is assigned to the parameter that goes into the formula. The
assignment is by means of the standard value key.
User field from operation: The parameter is assigned a user-specific data field for the operation.
Value from PRT assignment: This may involve both the quantity and the usage value of the
PRT. This parameter can only be used for formulas in the context of PRT management.
PRT constant: The parameter is assigned a fixed value in the PRT master.
General formula constant: This parameter can be assigned a value that is then copied to the

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-10

Examples of Formulas

SAP_01 Operation value setup T
SAP_02 Operation value machine T
SAP_03 Operation value labor T
Formula SAP_08 Base quantity Q
parameters SAP_09 Operation value Q
SAP_11 Operation splits Q
SAP_04 Var.standard value 1 (teardown) T
SAP_05 Var.standard value 2 (per.setup) T
SAP_xx Setup branch Q

Formula for SAP_02 x SAP_09

periodic + SAP_05 x ((SAP_09-1) / SAP_xx)
setup SAP_08

SAP AG 1999

n Please note: The operation value must have the same dimension as the setup branch.

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-11

Capacity Reduction

BDE data

Order confirmation

Order status Confirmation data

10 Individual confirmation
Set status 20 Collective confirmation
Lock . Type of confirmation
Technically close .
Deletion flag . Standard confirmation
Milestone confirmation
Summary confirmation

SAP AG 1999

n Capacity requirements are reduced or deleted by order confirmation, setting one of the statuses
"Lock" or "Technically complete" or setting the deletion indicator.
n The following confirmations lead to a change in the capacity requirements:
Confirming quantities
Confirming forecast standard values
Confirming to another work center
n If an operation has been finally confirmed the requirements no longer appear in the capacity
evaluation or on the tabular version of the planning table.
The operation is no longer displayed on the graphical version of the planning table. However, this
does not affect the display of the following operations.

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-12

Determining Remaining Capacity Requirements

Planned quantity Actual quantity Forecast value

150 pieces 100 pieces per activity type

Standard value OR Forecast standard value

Formulas per capacity category

KBED = Setup + Lot size x Machine time

Remaining capacity

50 pieces x 0.1 h/piece = 5 hours

SAP AG 1999

n Remaining capacities are determined either using the standard values for each capacity category or a
forecast standard value based on the confirmed values.
n The remaining standard value for setup is set to zero after the first confirmation.
n The remaining standard value for teardown is set to zero with the final confirmation.
n All other remaining capacities can only be deleted by setting the remaining quantity to zero or the
forecast quantity to zero.
n An order is not automatically rescheduled if the actual capacity requirements differ from the planned
capacity requirements.

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-13

Capacity Requirements and Reduction: Summary

l This unit dealt with the capacity requirements

for the various pegged requirements and the
capacity reduction.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-14

Capacity Requirements and Reduction Exercises

Unit: Capacity Requirements and Reduction

Topic: Create Formula

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Create a formula for a 50% reduction of capacity
Test the formulas you created

In your organization, the people responsible for setup represent a

bottleneck in some areas. You therefore want to determine the
capacity requirements as a percentage of productive processing
time for the work done by those responsible for setup.

1-1 Create a formula for a 50% reduction of capacity requirements.

1-1-1 Define a new formula parameter LO## with the origin General formula
constant and maintain the attributes as follows:
Keyword: Percentage (in both lines)
Dimension: AAAADL (no dimension)
Standard value: 0.5
Standard value unit: %
1-1-2 Maintain a formula definition for a 50% reduction of the labor requirements
with the formula key FO##, and description Group ##.
To simplify creating a formula, you can copy a similar
formula definition and change it.

1-1-3 Maintain this formula definition in the capacity overview for the capacity
category P## in the work center V## in the field Processing formula.
1-1-4 Check the formulas for the capacity category with the function Test formula,
and 10pcs, and 1 hr of work.

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-15


Unit: Capacity Requirements and Reduction

Topic: Capacity Requirements and Reduction

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Execute capacity requirement reduction by confirming to
another work center or by locking an order.

To achieve exact capacity planning in your organization, you

want to confirm the work done. If the work center to which the
load was assigned for processing is not available due to machine
breakdown, you can confirm the work done at the alternative
work center. The confirmation of work done and the cancellation
of the capacity requirements that are no longer required leads to a
reduction in the capacity requirements determined.

2-1 Call up the capacity planning table (tabular version) using the work center T-M##.
Create a production order with the order type PP01 for material T-F2## with a
quantity of 500 pieces and a delivery date of four weeks in the future. Save the

2-2 Look at the capacity loads at the work centers with overloads in the whole of your
area of responsibility.
2-2-1 What options do you have to solve this problem? Write down the better
option first.
2-2-2 Which work centers have an overload? Make a note of the work centers
with the highest load first.
__________ __________ __________ __________

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-16

2-3 In exercise 2-2-2, you found out which work center has the greatest load. Only look
at the capacity requirements for the first period with a load for this work center on
the capacity planning table (tabular form) and describe how you could level this
overload, particularly on the planning table.

2-4 From which capacity planning instrument can you confirm operations?

2-5 You achieved a result in exercise 2-4 and want the overload in the work center T-
M## to be processed by another work center. Perform a final confirmation on the
operation with the operation quantity 80 at work center T-V## and look at the
changed capacity requirements at the work center T-M##.

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-17

Capacity Requirements and Reduction Solutions

Unit: Capacity Requirements and Reduction

Topic: Create Formula

1-1 Create a formula for a 50% reduction of capacity requirements.

Customizing: Production Basic Data Work center Capacity planning
Work center formulas Define formula parameters for work centers
New Entries button
1-1-2 Maintain a formula definition for a 50% reduction of the labor requirements
with the formula key FO##.
Customizing: Work center Capacity planning Work center formulas
Define formulas for work centers
Select the formula SAP007 and choose the Copy As button
Insert in the field Formula Key, FO##, and description Prod: Labor
( SAP_03 x SAP_09 / SAP_08 ) * LO##

Check new formula
Select formula FO##, and click on the formula test button at the bottom of
the screen.
Operation Qty: 10 pc
Labor: 1H
Select the Calculate button to execute the formula test. Continue

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-18


Unit: Capacity Requirements and Reduction

Topic: Capacity Requirements and Reduction

2-1 Create a production order with the planning table (tabular).

Leveling Work center view Capacity planning table (tabular form).
Goto Order Create Order

2-2 Look at the capacity loads at the work centers with overloads in the whole of your
area of responsibility.
2-2-1 Capacity evaluation for capacity planner 0##Capacity planning table
(tabular form) for planner group
2-2-2 Evaluation Work center view Overload

2-3 In exercise 2-2-2, you found out which work center has the greatest load. Only look
at the capacity requirements for the first period with a load for this work center on
the capacity planning table (tabular form) and describe how you could level this
overload, particularly on the planning table.

Call up the planning table (tabular form) for the work center T-M##. Deactivate
all periods by choosing Edit Period Deactivate all periods, and only activate
the first period by double-clicking on it. Change order quantity or reschedule order.

Dispatch operation to a period with remaining available capacity.

Dispatch operation to another work center (this work center must also have been

2-4 Capacity evaluation - Detailed capacity list

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-19

2-5 Confirm the operation with the operation quantity 80 at work center T-V## and
look at the changed capacity requirements at the work center T-M##.
Select line and Environment Confirmations Enter data

Perform a final confirmation on the operation with the operation quantity 80 at work center
T-V## and look at the changed capacity requirements at the work center T-M##
without leaving the transaction.
Evaluation Work center view Load
Select the period that is overloaded and view the detailed capacity list
Select line which has the released order for 80 pcs, and Environment
Confirmations Enter data
Confirmation type: Final Confirmation
Yield 80
Actual data button

The capacity requirement for this operation at the work center T-M## has been

(C) SAP AG LO230 6-20



l Scheduling types
l Distribution

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-1

Scheduling: Objectives

At the conclusion of the unit you should

l The main elements of the lead time with the
origin of the data.
l The capacity requirements are displayed
and distributed along the time scale.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-2

Overview Diagram 7


Overview Arbeitspltze / Work Center

Capacity Evaluation Jul' 98
Arbeitsplatz /
Work Center W 26 W 27 W 28 W 29

Capacity Leveling (part 1)

1320 Mont. 1
Available capacity
1330 Mont. 2
Capacity reqmts / -reduction
Jun' 98
Scheduling Jul' 98
Material Auftrag / Order
W 28 W 29
Capacity leveling (part 2)
100-500 18752

500-300 600001650
Extended planning functions
100-500 18770
Detailed planning
500-300 600001699

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-3

Scheduling: Business Scenario

l You want to reschedule orders in your

company because of the capacity overload
and therefore need to find out about the time
elements in the order and the scheduling
types. Since in the capacity evaluation and on
the capacity planning table (tabular form) the
capacity requirements are displayed in
periods you need to know about distributing
capacity requirements using the lead time.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-4

Work Center and Lead Time Scheduling

Basic data PP
Work center Routing

10 20 30 40

Default Costing Operating Available

values data time capacity

Lead time scheduling Capacity planning

22 10 20 30
Order dates

SAP AG 1999

n Lead time scheduling is carried out for various order categories (planned order, production order,
inspection plan, maintenance task lists).
n Lead time scheduling determines order dates and calculates capacity requirements.
n The capacity requirements calculated in lead time scheduling along with the available capacity in the
work center serve as a basis for capacity planning.

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-5

Lead Time Scheduling - Basics

Planned orders

10 20 30 Routing


Production orders

10 20 30 Routing


SAP AG 1999

n Lead time scheduling for planned orders always takes place in connection with the calculation of
basic order dates. If you execute the planning run with lead time scheduling this happens
n In lead time scheduling the scheduled dates are calculated for the order (production dates).
n Lead time scheduling for production orders is always carried out using a routing.
n The scheduled dates are not transferred from the planned order to the production order.

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-6

Scheduling / Time Elements in an Order

before Op. Op. Op. Op. ........ Op. Float after GR- Pick/pack Load time Transit time
production 0010 0020 0030 0040 0099 production Proc.time time

Queue Setup Processing Teardown Wait Transport

time time time time time time

Order dates Operation dates Time concepts

PS Planned start ES Earliest start Lead time or order
SS Scheduled start LS Latest start or operation
SF Scheduled finish LF Latest finish
Float times for orders
PF Planned finish
AD Anticipated availability date
Lead time for operation
LD Load date
GI Goods issue date
Interoperation times
DDD Desired delivery date
Processing times in sales
and distribution

SAP AG 1999

n The two order floats serve different purposes:

Float before production - date shift, capacity planning
Float after production - allow for disruptions
n The order floats can be predefined in Customizing and in the material master (scheduling margin
n The duration of an operation is made up of a maximum of five time elements:
Queue time
Setup time, processing time, teardown time
Process-specific wait time
n The duration of the move time lies between two operations but it is assigned to the preceding
n The material requirements are scheduled to the earliest start date (changeable in Customizing).
n The capacity requirements can be displayed at the earliest or at the latest dates.

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-7

Scheduling Types

Scheduling types

Starting from

1 Forward scheduling Order start date

2 Backward scheduling Order finish date
3 Scheduling to the day Day as basic start
4 Only capacity requirements No scheduling

Basic dates exact to the hour Production-, process order

Special types

Today scheduling As of current date

Midpoint scheduling As of operation
Finite scheduling With available capacity

SAP AG 1999

n Scheduling types (forwards, backwards) are assigned to the appropriate order types as default
n Today scheduling is automatically triggered for orders with a start date in the past.
n Midpoint scheduling is used in capacity planning and automatically executed for orders with
dispatched operations.
n Finite scheduling takes into account the available capacity at the individual work centers.
n With the scheduling type Only capacity requirements the dates of the operations are drawn from
the basic dates and the capacity requirements are calculated for these dates.
n As of Release 4.0 basic dates with the time can be determined for process orders and production

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-8

Today Scheduling

Order not started

Todays date

10 20 30


10 20 30


SAP AG 1999

n For a scheduling result with a start date in the past the system automatically carries out scheduling
again with the scheduling direction forwards and the current date. When it does this the system
carries out reduction measures contained in the reduction strategies specified in the operations.
n The reducible time elements along with the reduction strategy and the sequence are defined in
Customizing for each order type and planner group.
n Reduction options:
Queue time to minimum queue time
Processing time using the settings for optional splitting and overlapping
Move time to minimum move time
Float before and after production as a percentage

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-9

Scheduling / Performance Efficiency

Machine time
4h Standard values op.
14400 sec
Conversion to
to seconds'

Perform. effic.
effic. per.
per. act.
act. type

14400 sec
New standard value

Mach x Lot /
Formula from
from work
work center
center Base quantity

14400 (4h)
Ideal execution time
Work time (8h) /
Time factor
factor prod. op. time. (6,3h)
= 1,27
Ideal exe.tm. X
Duration on time axis
time factor
= 5,08h

SAP AG 1999

n To get from the standard values in an operation to the execution time various arithmetical operations
are carried out.
n The standard values are first converted to the unit of time seconds and adjusted using the
performance efficiency rate.
n The ideal execution time is calculated using a formula key from the work center.
n The ideal execution time is adjusted using the internally calculated time factor which is determined
by the efficiency rate and the break times.

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-10

Correction of Execution Time

'Ideal' execution time 4 h

8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00

Work finish
Work start

Dispatched execution time: 5,08 h

8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00

Work finish
Work start

SAP AG 1999

n The ideal execution time cannot generally be achieved in business practice since breaks and
disruptions interrupt work.
n With lead time scheduling the execution time is adjusted to take account of these facts.

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-11

Distribution of Capacity Requirements

Capacity evaluation

Capacity distribution

Distribution strategy Distribution function

Dates: Distribution pattern
Distribution at earliest or Duration [%]
latest date
Type: Distribution pattern
Distribution by function Requirements [%]
or discrete (point in time)
Basis of distribution:
Factory calendar
Gregorian calendar
Operating time

SAP AG 1999

n Capacity requirements are saved for each operation (order) and capacity category on the databank
n For display purposes the capacity requirements can be split up as you like using distribution
functions. Capacity requirements is only used for the display per period.
n Orders only determine the duration and capacity requirements of operations. The distribution takes
place using a distribution key for every capacity category.
n The distribution strategy defines the dates, type and basis of a distribution.
n The distribution function consists of a series of basic values each of which contains a percentage
time value and a percentage requirements value.

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-12

Distribution Basis

Gregorian calendar
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa So Mo Tu We Th

0% 30% 50% 80% 100%

Factory calendar
Not a
work day
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa So Mo Tu We Th Fr

0% 30% 50% 50% 80% 100%

Operating time
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa So Mo Tu We Th Fr
6h 8h 8h 12h 8h 8h 12h 12h 12h

0% 30% 50% 80%

SAP AG 1999

n The points in time can be determined for the percentage duration using the gregorian calendar, the
factory calendar or the operating time using the distribution basis.
n You can only dispatch exact to the hour using the operating time.
n In the distribution example using the operating time it is assumed that the requirements are 100
hours. Thus 30% of the requirements are distributed on Thursday after 8 hours of operating time that

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-13

Scheduling: Summary

l In this unit you have learnt about the basic

elements and effects of scheduling.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-14

Scheduling Exercises

Unit: Scheduling
Topic: Capacity Distribution

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Explain the scheduling of capacity requirements and capacity

1-1 Change the following scheduling data in your work center V##:
Location group: 0003
Normal queue time: 12h
Minimum queue time: 3h

1-2 Call up the capacity planning table (graphical) for the work centers T-V## and V##
and go to the production order with the requirements quantity 80 pieces.
1-2-1 Look at the results of scheduling for the production order in an object
overview (Goto Object overview, use overview variant - time
segments). Make a note of the values for queue time and processing time in
operation 20.
Queue time___________ Processing time___________
1-2-2 Dispatch the operation to the work center V## instead of to the work center
T-V##. Select the planning strategy Date entry on dispatching and deselect
Finite scheduling.
1-2-3 Analyze the planning log (information button) and look for the dispatched
requirements. What has happened to the requirements? Try to find the
requirements by using a smaller scale and compare the results on the
planning table with the scheduling results in the object overview in the
production order. Describe why the duration for processing is not displayed.
1-2-4 Save the results of planning.

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-15

1-3 Call up the capacity planning table (tabular form) for the work centers T-V## and
1-3-1 First look at the requirements for the work center V##. Why have these
requirements not been distributed?
1-3-2 Now look at the requirements for the work center T-V## and explain the
distribution. Determine which distribution key was used and cross out the
incorrect origin.
According to the distribution key in the capacity overview in the work
center or in the evaluation profile.

1-4 True or false:

1-4-1 In the capacity evaluation, the requirements are not distributed using a
distribution key.
1-4-2 The distribution key can be changed in the capacity evaluation and
displayed immediately using the Refresh function.
1-4-3 The distribution key is important for the capacity planning table.

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-16

Scheduling Solutions

Unit: Scheduling
Topic: Capacity Distribution

1-2 Call up the capacity planning table (graphical) for the work centers T-V## and V##
and go to the production order with the requirements quantity 80 pieces.
1-2-1 Look at the results of scheduling for the production order in an object
overview (Goto Object overview, use overview variant - time
segments). Make a note of the values for queue time and processing time in
operation 20.
Queue time: 0 minutes Processing time: 2000 minutes
1-2-3 Analyze the planning log (information button) and look for the dispatched
The formula at the work center V## needs a standard value for machine for
scheduling and the operation only provides a standard value for labor.

1-3 Call up the capacity planning table (tabular form) for the work centers T-V## and
1-3-1 Select order, Extras Evaluation Cap. distribution
Requirements are distributed over the duration, but no duration could be
calculated for processing.
1-3-2 Now look at the requirements for the work center T-V## and explain the
distribution. Determine which distribution key was used and cross out the
incorrect origin.
According to the distribution key in the evaluation profile.

1-4 True or false:

1-4-1 False The evaluation requires the distribution key since it is analyzing the
capacity requirements not the scheduling results.
2-4-2 True -
2-4-3 False Distribution is not required for the graphical planning table. The
graphical planning table is visualizing the results of scheduling.

(C) SAP AG LO230 7-17

Capacity Leveling (Part 2)

l Types of dispatching
l Dispatching procedure
l Dispatching strategies
l System settings
l Cumulation using work center

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-1

Capacity Leveling (Part 2): Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit you will know:

l How capacity leveling is carried out (mainly with the

capacity planning table).
l How to change profile settings or create new profiles.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-2

Overview Diagram (8)


Overview Arbeitspltze / Work Center

Capacity evaluation Jul' 98
Arbeitsplatz /
Work Center W 26 W 27 W 28 W 29

Capacity leveling (part 1)

1320 Mont. 1
Available capacity
1330 Mont. 2
Capacity reqmts / -reduction
Jun' 98 Jul' 98
Material Auftrag / Order
W 28 W 29
Capacity leveling (part 2)
100-500 18752

500-300 600001650
Extended planning functions
100-500 18770
Detailed planning
500-300 600001699

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-3

Business Scenario

l In your production process you want to level

the capacity loads on the resources. You
need to carry out capacity leveling with the
capacity planning table using various
planning strategies.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-4

Capacity Planning Environment (1)

Basic data Production planning PM / PS

n Planned orders
n Production orders n Plant maint.
n Process orders n Projects
n SOP orders
Bill of material

10 20 30 40 50

TskLstGrp C1 Scheduling
10 Center 1



Capacity requirements

Capacity evaluation/

Available capacity

SAP AG 1999

n With the help of R/3 basic data such as Material Masters, work plans and work centers, as well as
planned orders and production orders, a database is created, which can show the available capacity
and the capacity required.
n Available capacity indicates which activity produces a capacity each day. A capacity is always
assigned to at least one work center.
n Capacity requirements shows how much capacity the individual orders need at a certain point in
time. Capacity requirements are determined during lead time scheduling.
n In Capacity evaluation, these requirements can now be compared with the available capacity.
n In Capacity levelling, orders can be shared out to avoid overloading. This way it is possible to
leverage the suitable resources or to plan optimal scheduling with sort criteria.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-5

Capacity Planning Table

Work centers
Monday Tuesday
Work center
00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 00:00 06:00




Monday Tuesday
Order Op. Qty
00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 00:00 06:00

2010 0010 10

2020 0020 5

2030 0010 10

Message line
Table section Diagram section

SAP AG 1999

- The capacity planning table enables you to carry out detailed planning of capacity requirements
continuously over time.
- The capacity planning table consists of several charts in which the available capacity (operating
time) and the capacity requirements (operation duration) are grouped according to various
criteria and can be displayed on the same axis. For example, all the capacity requirements for
one order or all the capacity requirements that have been dispatched to one capacity can be
grouped together.
- Each chart can have its own title bar and is made up of a table section and a diagram section:

The table section contains information for identifying and describing the objects displayed in the
diagram section.

The diagram section has a window on the virtual time axis in which the available capacity and the
capacity requirements are displayed in graphical form with the start and finish date. This window
displays the same section for all the charts. This section can be changed as much as you like by
altering the scale.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-6

Types of Dispatching (Graphical)

Capacity planning table

Select operation Select Select Select

operation operation, operation
Manual dispatching capacity
using and period
Drag and Drop Dispatch Dispatch
to desired manually
4 point in time 3 2 1

Capacity planning table (tab.)

SAP AG 1999

n This graphic represents the ways of determining the dispatching date.

n To specify that operations are not to be dispatched automatically on the planning tables, set the
indicator Date entry on dispatching in the strategy profile. When this indicator is set then when you
execute the function Dispatch the system displays a dialog box where you specify the dispatching

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-7

Dispatching Operations

1 Specify operations to be dispatched

2 Specify dispatching dates

3 Sort operations (sequence)

4 Setup time optimization

5 Finite scheduling

6 Operation date check

7 Midpoint scheduling

SAP AG 1999

n The dispatching dates are the start dates for the search for remaining available capacity in finite
scheduling. You can specify them in several ways:
Manual entry
Using the scheduled operation dates (lead time scheduling of production order)
Drag and drop with the mouse
n Finite scheduling is a special type of lead time scheduling with an availability check. Finite
scheduling is only carried out for operations whose work centers have the indicator Relevant for
finite scheduling.
n Midpoint scheduling can be executed either during the simulation or on saving.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-8

Planning Details at the Work Center/Capacity

Shareable capacity Overload factor

Available capacity
not shareable
Op. 30 3 Available capacity
Op. 30 1
Op. 30 2

Available capacity
Op. 2 Op. 3
Op. 1

l Indicator: Relevant for finite scheduling

SAP AG 1999

n You can maintain further planning details for capacity planning for each capacity category.
n Indicator: Relevant for finite scheduling. If this indicator is set the system checks the current
dispatched load when searching for remaining available capacity.
n The indicator Can be used by several operations allows a multiple commitment when dispatching
operations to a capacity. With a non-shareable capacity only one operation can be dispatched at any
point in time. That means that the available capacity of another individual capacity is not taken into
account for this capacity category.
n The overload factor increases the available capacity by this percentage on the capacity planning table
(tabular form).

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-9

Lead Time Scheduling - Finite Scheduling

Lead time scheduling

23 Unlimited
22 available
21 capacity!

Order dates Capacity requirements

Finite scheduling

Changed operation dates and times

SAP AG 1999

n Lead time scheduling uses an unlimited available capacity to determine the dates for the capacity
n In contrast to lead time scheduling where the system does not take into account the load situation of
the relevant work centers, finite scheduling schedules the operations taking into account the current
load situation generated by operations dispatched to work centers.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-10

Finite Scheduling

Prerequisites and procedure

Work center / capacity Strategy profile

Ind.: Relevant for finite scheduling Ind.: Finite scheduling on / off
Search direction forward / backward
Overload factor for permissible
overload Time profile
Search period for remaining
Can be used by several operations available capacity

Sufficient available capacity at relevant date?

Shift operation to date without capacity problems

SAP AG 1999

n When dispatching operations using finite scheduling, the system takes into account the current
capacity loads of the capacities.
n In finite scheduling only those capacities are taken into account for which the indicator Relevant to
finite scheduling has been set. By not setting this indicator a capacity with sufficient available
capacity can be excluded from finite scheduling.
n Conflicts that arise between the operation dispatched and other operations in the order that have been
dispatched and/or with the order itself, do not lead to an automatic correction of dispatching.
n For every operation to be dispatched the system checks whether there is remaining available capacity
for it at the date determined. If the operation has suboperations relevant to scheduling then the
system also looks for available capacity for these.
n If there is sufficient available capacity then the system dispatches the operation. If there is not
sufficient capacity then the system shifts the operation to a date when it can be processed without
any capacity problems. You can specify the search direction in the strategy profile using the
indicator Planning direction forwards. The period for the search for remaining available capacity is
specified in the time profile in the section Planning period.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-11

Rescheduling / Deallocating

Rescheduling Deallocating

Dispatched Dispatched

Pool Pool

SAP AG 1999

n You can reschedule operations that have already been dispatched by specifying a different date
and/or a different work center. In the case of specifying another work center this work center must
have been selected when calling up the planning table.
n When deallocating operations the current dispatching date and the status Dispatched are reversed.
The order is rescheduled.
n The system can close gaps that arise when operations are rescheduled or deallocated. It does this by
shifting operations according to the key Close gaps in the strategy profile.
n Changing the order quantity automatically leads to the operation being deallocated.
n On the capacity planning table material availability checks can be carried out for production orders
using ATP logic. The system checks the availability of components at order level, that is for all
operations in the production order for the requirements dates. Operations with missing parts are
highlighted. The result of the availability check can be analysed in the planning log.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-12

Midpoint Scheduling I

1. Example: A dispatched operation

Before dispatching
10 20 30


Dispatch operation

Forward and backward

scheduling 10 20 30


SAP AG 1999

n The example shows the dispatching of an operation.

n Midpoint scheduling is always executed when at least one operation is dispatched.
n With midpoint scheduling the order is not scheduled starting from the basic start or basic finish date.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-13

Midpoint Scheduling II

2. Example: Dispatching a second operation

Before dispatching
10 20 30 40 50


Dispatch operation

Backwards 10 20 30 40 50

Lead time scheduling

10 20 30 40 50

SAP AG 1999

n The example shows the dispatching of a second operation in an order.

n If only one operation is dispatched then all the operations that precede it are scheduled backwards
and all the operations that follow it are scheduled forwards.
n If more than one operation was dispatched then the scheduling direction between the two dispatched
operations depends on the scheduling direction that was selected during lead time scheduling.
n If a subsequent operation is completed during a previous fixed operation, then you will be notified of
the duplication in the planning records

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-14

Structure of a Profile (Leveling)

Overall profile

Control profile
profile Evaluation
Evaluation profile
profile Strategy profile Time profile List
List profile

Profile cap.plan.table Period profile cap.plan.tab.(tab.)

Selection profile

Filter set
set Object
Object set
set Reqmts
Reqmts grouping
grouping Selection
Selection key

SAP AG 1999

n The overall profile contains subprofiles with settings that fit together; there are seven profiles for the
capacity planning table and eight profiles for the capacity planning table (tabular form).
n The control profile specifies the type of presentation and the layout of the data. There are also
indicators for restricted planning, setup time optimization and actions to start jobs.
n In the options profile you can specify the work center hierarchy name for cumulating available
capacity and capacity requirements and you can specify the distribution key.
n The strategy profile specifies the planning strategies for dispatching and rescheduling.
n The time profile specifies the period for which capacity requirements are read from the database.
n The list profile specifies the layout of the standard overview and the detailed capacity list.
n The selection profile specifies which sets are used to determine the layout of the various selection
n When calling up the overall profile for leveling with the capacity planning table the system also
uses the profile for the capacity planning table.
n When calling up the overall profile for leveling with the capacity planning table (tabular form)
the system also uses the profile for the capacity planning table (tabular form) and the period
profile. The period profile specifies the periods in which the loads appear. For example, a period can
represent a day, a week, several days or several weeks.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-15

Dispatching to Freely-Definable Period split

l Specification of period split for dispatching on capacity

planning table using following indicators:
n 1 = daily split, 2 = shift split, 3 = hourly split
l Specification of point in split from which the system starts
its search for remaining available capacity.
l Specification of point in split as start time or finish time of
operation, depending on planning direction,
l Specification that an operation is to be dispatched within a
period split

SAP AG 1999

n If it is necessary that the start times of operations should always be at the start of a shift or that
operations should only be dispatched to a shift if they can be completed in the shift then you should
use a period split to carry out dispatching.
n If you want to use this function, select a period split in the strategy profile (for example, a shift split)
and specify the conditions for dispatching using the following indicators:
Start search in period split - The search starts at the first point in the split in the
planning direction and the search is carried out in the planning direction.
Always adhere to period split - Specifies that either the start dates or the finish dates of
operations should always be on points in the period split.
Operation completely in period split - Specifies that the start time and finish time of an
operation must lie within a split interval.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-16

Enhanced Handling Functions 1

l Positioning on the time axis

l Selecting and moving groups of operations
l Changing the scale
l Planning - information functions

SAP AG 1999

n To position the graphical object at the start of the time axis, choose Edit - Position on time axis. With
the first graphical object the time axis is positioned such that the first graphical object in a selected
line appears at the left-hand edge of the diagram.
n To dispatch operations on the capacity planning table the objects must be selected. You have the
following options:
Select by clicking with the Shift button
Select by dragging a frame around the operations
Select all objects on a line or in a chart by choosing: Edit - Select - For line or For chart.
Select operations that have certain properties in common by using a selection key and choosing
Edit - Select - Objects belonging together
n To change the scale of the time axis in the capacity planning table online choose:
Settings - Scale. You can choose between several predefined scales and a variable scale.
n To call up a dialog box displaying data on the work center choose:
Extras - Planning info system.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-17

Strategy Profile

l Planning direction
Overall profile
l Dispatching at earliest point in time
l Finite scheduling yes/no
l Overall capacity load
Strategy profile
l Insert operation / Close gaps
l Date entry when dispatching
l Cancel dispatching due to error
l Dispatch. sequence
l Using order-/operation floats
l Treatment of queue time
l Dispatch internal production
l Operation date check
l Midpoint scheduling yes/no

SAP AG 1999

n The strategy profile is part of the overall profile for capacity planning and defines the parameters
for an individual planning strategy.
n Different strategies profiles reflect different planning goals.
n You can switch profile interactively during planning.
n If the indicator Cancel dispatching due to error is set then dispatching is cancelled if errors are
detected when the system checks the operation and order dates.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-18

Planning Direction



SAP AG 1999

n The planning direction determines the search direction for remaining available capacity.
n With automatic dispatching the system searches in the future for a possible dispatching date within
the planning period.
n The indicator Change planning direction has the effect that the system changes planning direction
when searching for remaining available capacity if it does not find any in the planning period in the
planning direction.
n If this indicator is not set then dispatching occurs in the past.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-19

Dispatching at the Earliest Time

SAP AG 1999

n When the system dispatches operations at the earliest point in time it does not take into account the
scheduled dates of the operation.
n By combining this planning strategy with the setting "Plan. direction forwards" you can achieve a
commitment without any gaps.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-20

Planning Strategy: Strategy Profile

Planning table (tab.) Planning table

Backlog Today line Inserting an operation


Planning period Closing gaps


SAP AG 1999

n Overloads in individual periods can only be taken into account in the capacity planning table
(tabular form). You can specify that when the system searches for a period with remaining available
capacity that the capacity overloads (for example, because of backlogs) in other periods within the
planning period are to be taken into account. For example, for a planning period with two periods
where one has a 200% overload, no capacity requirements can be dispatched to the following period.
n Operations can be inserted in an already existing capacity commitment in the capacity planning
table. The operations that have already been dispatched are shifted according to the planning
direction without changing the sequence. The capacity must not allow a multiple commitment.
n The function Close gaps is used when an operation is deallocated or rescheduled. Depending on the
planning direction indicator in the strategy profile the operations that follow or precede the operation
rescheduled or deallocated are rescheduled (shifted) to close the gap that has arisen. You can define
the direction and period concerned in the strategy profile. Thus this rescheduling either finished at
the next gap or at the end of the planning period. You can achieve a commitment without gaps by
using the function "Dispatch at earliest point in time".

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-21

Treatment of Queue Time

Float before production Queue time = Operation float Float after production

10 20 30 40 50


X Operation date check

X Use operation float

10 20 30 40 50


Dispatching period

SAP AG 1999

n To specify that the system is to check the operation dates and use the queue time you must set the
following indicators in the strategy profile:
Operation date check
Use operation float.
That means that the operation can only be moved within the earliest and latest dates (queue time).
The queue time is calculated according to the settings in the strategy profile.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-22

Use of Order Floats / Operation Floats

X Use operation float

X Use float before production

10 20 30 40 50


Dispatching period

X Use operation float

X Use float before production
X Use float after production

10 20 30 40 50


Dispatching period

SAP AG 1999

n To check the operation dates and use all the order floats the following indicators must be set in the
strategy profile:
Operation date check
Use operation float. This means that the operation can only be shifted within the earliest and
latest dates. The queue time is calculated according to the settings in the strategy profile.
Indicator: Use float before production
Indicator: Use float after production
n The time periods are extended by the duration of the order and operation floats.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-23

Various Functions

Display / maintenance


Arb eitsvorgnge

Materialkompon enten

Work center

Kosten Plan 20

t t
Soll 100

Order Capacity

Various functions

reqmts list
Personnel Inspection
data lot
Display list

SAP AG 1999

n With the functions in the upper section of the slide the simulated changes are based on the current
data that have arisen during the simulation.
n With the functions in the lower section of the slide the data is read from the database without taking
into account the current planning situation on the planning table.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-24

Configuration Sequence Capacity Planning (3)

Maintaining and cumulating available capacity

Creating a work center hierarchy

Defining distribution of requirements

Profiles for capacity evaluations

Profiles for capacity leveling

SAP AG 1999

n Legend:

M = Mandatory action

O = Optional action

D = Action executed by default setting

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-25

Capacity Leveling - Overall Profile

Overall profile

Control profile

Selection profile

Time profile

Option profile

Strategy profile

Period profile

for plan. table (tab.)
for planning table

List profile

SAP AG 1999

n When you call up capacity leveling and capacity evaluations all the necessary settings are taken
from an overall profile. This overall profile can be one provided by SAP or a user-specific profile.
n For capacity leveling the relevant overall profiles are tied to a menu option but you can access them
using the appropriate user parameters (see next slide).
n If an overall profile is called up for a capacity planning table then the profile for the capacity
planning table (tabular form) and the period profile are not needed.
n If an overall profile has been called up for a capacity planning table (tabular form) the profile for the
capacity planning table is not needed.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-26

Standard Overall Profiles for Capacity Leveling

Leveling Cap.plan.table Cap.plan.table (tab.)

Work center view SAPSFCG001 (CYA) SAPSFCG002 (CYB)

Individual capacity view SAPSFCG005 (CYH) SAPSFCG006 (CYI)

Order view SAPSFCG004 (CYM) SAPSFCG003 (CYE)

Variable access CYG CYG

Project views SAPPS_G002 (CYN) SAPPS_G001 (CYF)

Plant maintenance
Work center view SAPPM_G006 SAPPM_G005 (CYP)

Individual capacity view SAPPM_G002 (CYK) SAPPM_G001 (CYD)

SAP AG 1999

n The values in brackets specify the relevant user parameters where you can predefine a profile.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-27

Control Profile

Overall profile

Control profile Presentation: Planning table: tabular/graphical

Presentation type: Per period or continuously through time

Change mode: Lock objects when reading KBED or in

change mode

GUI status: Controls structure of menu in display- /

change status

Sort: Sort table section immediately after every

SAP AG 1999

n The control profile contains settings such as the type of presentation, whether the tabular or
graphical version of the planning table is to be used or only lists.
n With the presentation you define the type of display for your data within capacity leveling. You can
choose between the two types of planning table and the list display.
n You use the layout type to specify whether the capacity requirements or available capacity data is to
be displayed per period or continuously through time. The display per period is used for data for
example in the capacity planning table (tabular form) or in the planning tableau. The data is display
continously through time on the capacity planning table.
n If the indicator change mode is set then capacity leveling is called up in change mode and you can
make changes to objects. In this case objects can be locked when they are read from the database by
setting the indicator Lock all. If the indicator is not set then capacity leveling is called up in change
n The indicator Always sort specifies that the lines in the planning table after sorted after every change
(for example, once a requirement has been deallocated). If the indicator is not set then new lines in
the planning table are added to the end of existing ones.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-28

Selection Profile

Overall profile

Other Hierarchy explosion

Selection profile controls: Planning individual capacities
Version of available capacity

Object set: Control reading KBED for objects (work center, order...)

Filter set: Filter for fields of KBED object data read

Requirements grouping: Grouping of requirements into requirements groups

Scheduling level: Selection of KBED records according to detailed,

production rate- and rough-cut planning - scheduling and
specification of order categories
(Note scheduling levels table TCX00)

SAP AG 1999

n In the selection profile you make specifications for selecting, filtering and grouping data relevant to
capacity leveling.
n The object- and filter sets define the selection screens for accessing capacity leveling from the
capacity planning menu.
n An object set contains criteria and default values such as fixed values according to which objects
relevant to capacity leveling are selected.
n A filter set contains criteria and default values such as fixed values according to which the
requirements belonging to the objects selected can be filtered.
n The requirements grouping specifies according to which point of view the requirements are to be
grouped on the relevant planning table. They control the correct selection of capacity requirements
for the charts in the planning table.
n In the selection profile you can also specify which requirements for which scheduling level
(detailed-, production rate- or rough-cut scheduling) and for which order category are to be read by
the system. You can then process these capacity requirements.
n Note: Sets in capacity planning must be imported from the delivery client into the work client using
the report SETIMP00.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-29

Planning- (Scheduling) Levels

Rough-cut planning

Aggregate Rough-cut planning
Bottleneck resources
Periodic planning Rough-cut scheduling Routing
Planning recipe
SOP order
Production-rate plan.
Rate routing
Bottleneck resources Routing
Production-rate scheduling Master recipe
Run schedule quantity

Detailed planning

Short-term Routing
Indiv.capacities/ Rate routing
persons Master recipe
Planning to specific Finite scheduling
points in time
SAP AG 1999 Production- / process order

n In capacity planning there are three different planning levels.

n The capacity requirements on the planning levels each have their own capacity requirements ID.
n In the individual capacity planning applications (PP-SOP, master production scheduling, repetitive
manufacturing, shop floor control) the capacity evaluations are firmly defined for a specific level.
n Detailed scheduling is generally carried out for production orders.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-30

Time Profile

Overall profile Arbeitsplatz/Kap.art 14100/001 Drehmaschine

Periode 2.1996 3.19964.1996 5.1996 6.1996

Kapa.angebot 24,0 8,0 7,0 10,0 12,0
Eingeplant 8 33,3%
Vorrat 2 8,3% 6,5 81,2 13,0 185,7%

Time profile Bedarfe

Ges.Bed. Material Menge Eh Auftrag Vrg. Beschreibung

6,5 h Welle 1 20 St. 0001891 0010 Drehen

13,0 h Welle 2 35 St. 0001953 0030 Feindrehen

Database read period

Evaluation period

Planning period

SAP AG 1999

n The time profile defines the following time periods: the database read period, the evaluation period
and the planning period.
n All the time periods are defined relative to the current planning date (positive / negative). Various
types of date entry are possible.
n All the requirements are read that lie partly or wholly in the database read period.
n The evaluation period must be less than or equal to the database read period and reflects the range
of capacity requirements records (KBED records) that have been read.
n The planning period represents the range of the KBED records to be dispatched and must be less
than or equal to the evaluation period.
n The date for dispatching the backlog is a date to which all capacity requirements records are
dispatched that are at this time in backlog. This provides an overview of the operations that have
been delayed. It is used for the capacity planning table (tabular form), that is for the display per

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-31

Evaluation Profile

Overall profile

Evaluation profile

Unit of measure: Unit for available capacity and capacity


Distribution function: Control distribution of KBED

Cumulation of available Cumulation of available capacity using

capacity: individual capacities in a work center hierarchy

SAP AG 1999

n The evaluation profile contains settings that are important for evaluating data.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-32

List Profile

Overall profile

Subprofiles define the layout of the

List profile detailed capacity list
Profile for capacity requirements list

Percentage value display

Descending sort
List width
Column width

SAP AG 1999

n The list profile defines the layout of the detailed capacity list.
n In the overall list profile you can also specify subprofiles for defining the fields to be displayed on
the detailed capacity list. These subprofiles also define the sequence in which the fields are to be
n The profile for the capacity requirements list defines how the fields in the list are displayed.
n You can specify a profile for the standard overview and for the detailed capacity list and define one
of them as the default option.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-33

Profile for Capacity Planning Table (tab.)

Overall profile

Profile for cap. Planning table layout

planning table
Reqmts to be displayed (all, dispatched,
not dispatched)
Screen width
Formula to calculate remaining
available capacity
Start time for dispatching when

SAP AG 1999

n The profile for the capacity planning table (tabular form) specifies, for example, which
requirements are displayed in which charts as well as the type of requirements to be displayed.
n The layout of the planning table is dealt with in the next unit.
n You specify what type of requirements you want to display using the key "Rqts to be displayed".
You can choose between requirements generated by dispatched operations and those generated by
operations not yet dispatched.
n You can use the indicator Ind. width to control how wide the screen is that is displayed on the
capacity planning table (tabular form).
n You can use the field Formula rem. av. cap. to specify the formula used to calculate the remaining
available capacity.
n You can use the indicator Dispatch time to specify the time when the operation is dispatched when it
is rescheduled on the capacity planning table. The system proposes this time when an operation is

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-34

Period Profile

Overall profile

Period profile

Period type: Unit of measure of period

(day, posting period, MRP calendar...)

Period duration: Period duration for example 7

Planning calendar ID: MRP calendar

SAP AG 1999

n The period profile contains settings that are relevant to period-related displays. These settings
include the period type and the period duration. You use these two entries to specify the period split
for your evaluation period. You can also specify a planning calendar in the period profile. This
allows you to define period lengths flexibly.
n The period profile is only necessary if you want to see the capacity planning table with a display
per period. In this case you must have defined a display per period in the control profile.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-35

Profile for Capacity Planning Table

Overall profile Chart sequence (max. 8 windows)

Table section
Layout ID
Line representation selection in
Profile for cap.
planning table
table section

Diagram section
Scale / time scale
Graphical object selection
Representation profile
Graphics profile

SAP AG 1999

n The profile for the capacity planning table contains settings that define the structure and layout of
the capacity planning table.
n The capacity planning table should be used with the standard setting provided.
n Every chart is a horizonal window within the planning table.
n If not all of the charts fit in the screen then you can scroll through the chart sequence.
n Every chart contains a table section and a diagram section.
n You can define the display for the material stock curve in the section Histogram. For example, you
can define the color and width of the line for the chart to be displayed.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-36

Check Report / Overall Profile

Overall profile

Control profile

Selection profile

Time profile

Evaluation profile

Strategy profile

Period profile

cap.plan.table (tab.)

List profile

SAP AG 1999

n The overall profile can be a standard profile provided by SAP or a user-specific profile and consists
of a series of individual profiles.
n Since Customizing for the overall profile for capacity leveling is very complex errors frequently
arise when changes are made or new profiles created. The check report is a simple tool that analyzes
an overall profile for errors.
n The check report lists the profiles in the overall profile on the screen. The system highlights profiles
with errors. By double-clicking on a selected profile the profile hierarchy is exploded and possible
errors displayed. The long text for the error message specifies how to remove the error and refers to
the relevant transactions in Customizing.
n You can call up the check report with the transaction CMCH or in the capacity planning table with
the menu options Settings -> Display profiles. By calling up the check report with the transaction
CMCH and the menu options Edit -> Assign colors you can highlight errors in objects affected (for
example, missing parts in the ATP check).

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-37

Requirements Grouping

Group Description Set

1 KAKO/KBED (dispatched) 5KSAPGR1

2 AFKO/KBED (not dispatched) 5KSAPGB5

3 PLAF/KBED (not dispatched) 5KSAPGB9

4 PLAF/KBED (initial status) 5KSAPGB6

SAP AG 1999

n The requirements grouping specifies which objects are to appear on the planning table. A
requirements grouping generally consists of several groups that are maintained as a multidimension
n Every group contains a particular combination (production orders, planned orders) of capacity
requirements as well as filter criteria.
n These groups are assigned to the individual charts in the planning table. Typical charts in the
planning table include work centers, orders (pool), order (dispatched).

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-38

Requirements Grouping - Example Group

Group Set Description Field Value

1 5KARBPL Work center w/o value ARBPL -


3 5KKAPAR Cap.cat. w/o value KAPAR -



SAP AG 1999

n The example group has been created as a multidimension set 5KSAPGR1 with 5 basic sets.
n The first three lines have the following effects: They calculate capacity requirements for all selected
work centers (ARBPL) and all their capacity categories (KAPAR) that are not individual capacities

Groups 1 and 3 generate a new line for every capacity requirement calculated since they do not have
a value.

Group 2, since it has a value, only filters the display for main capacities.
n Groups 4 and 5 mean: Assign to this group all capacity requirements (KBEDS), that are dispatched
(selection profile SAP001) but not split (CANUMF = counter for leading capacity requirements

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-39

Cumulation of Available Capacity / Capacity


Manufacturing Assembly Engineering

Lathe shop
16h 18 h 3h

Maschine t Labor t Transport t

10h 8h 10 h

Work center Work center

group 1 group 2
Maschine t Labor t Labor t

10h 8h 2h 4h 6h 6h 1h



Maschine t Labor t Transport t Labor t Maschine t Labor t Transport t

Center 1 Center 2 Center 3 Center 4

SAP AG 1999

n Available capacity can be cumulated for a specific capacity category, statistically or dynamically
over several hierarchy levels.
n The available capacity can be cumulated dynamically during capacity planning.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-40

Cumulation of Available Capacity using Period

Period split key XYZ

Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 1

7 periods
3 periods of 7 days 1 periods of 1 month
of 1 day

Cumulated available capacity for one capacity


SAP AG 1999

n Available capacity can be cumulated for a specific capacity category for a specific period. It can be
cumulated statically or dynamically over as many hierarchy levels as you like.
n The dynamic cumulation of available capacity takes place during capacity planning.
n You must carry out a static cumulation of available capacity when maintaining work centers or
n You can use a period split key to define time intervals for cumulating the available capacity to a
superior work center.
n The period split key determines the degree of detail of the cumulation of available capacity and thus
capacity planning.
n The period split key is only used for static cumulation (that is, in the work center).
n The period split key is defined in Customizing Work center -> Capacity planning -> Available
n The cumulation of capacity requirements and available capacity is only relevant for the display per
period (capacity evaluation, capacity planning table (tabular form).

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-41

Capacity Leveling (Part 2): Summary

l This unit dealt with capacity leveling on the capacity

planning table with various planning strategies, with
creating an overall profile and cumulating available
capacity and capacity requirements.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-42

Capacity Leveling (Part 2) Exercises

Unit: Capacity Leveling (Part 2)

Topic: Capacity planning table

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Execute capacity leveling with capacity planning table
Reschedule operations

1-1 Execute capacity leveling using the capacity planning table.

1-1-1 Call up the capacity planning table (graphical) with the variant you have
saved V-##. You have created this variant for 3 work centers in the unit for
capacity leveling part 1.
1-1-2 You have carried out dispatching twice in this unit using the capacity
planning table (tabular form): once automatically to the work center T-V##
and once manually to another work center T-L##. Find out about these work
centers using the capacity planning table.
1-1-3 Go to the production order for the work center T-V##. What status does this
operation have?
1-1-4 Look for the dispatched operation at the work center T-L##. To do this, use
the hourly period split.
1-1-5 Do you remember why the duration of processing is not displayed for this
operation? Are there capacity requirements for this operation's processing
1-1-6 If you have answered question 1-1-5 with yes, state where these
requirements can be displayed.

1-2 Now dispatch a further operation to the work center T-L## with an operation
quantity of 100. Use the weekly period split again.
1-2-1 Make a note of the following dates in the order for the operation dispatched:
Order: Basic start ______________ Basic finish ______________
Operation 30: Start ______________ Finish _______________
1-2-2 Shift your operation on the capacity planning table two weeks into the
future. Look for the dates in the order and make a note of the order dates.
Basic start: ________ Basic finish: ________
1-2-3 Reschedule the production order with a finish date that is one week later.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-43

1-2-4 Explain what happened to the dates.
1-2-5 Increase the total quantity for this production order to 110 pieces and go
back to the planning table.
1-2-6 What has happened to the operation? ____________________
1-2-7 Explain why. ________________________________
1-2-8 Save the results of your simulation on the planning table.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-44


Unit: Capacity Leveling (Part 2)

Topic: Planning Strategies

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Create a commitment without any gaps.

2-1 Create a commitment without any gaps using the capacity planning table, Work
center view at the work center T-E## and the capacity category 002.
2-1-1 Select four operations and dispatch them using the planning strategy
Dispatch at earliest possible time.
2-1-2 Why must this planning strategy be used?
2-1-3 Now deallocate the second operation and make sure that the work center
still has a commitment without any gaps.

2-2 You want to make sure that when another operation is dispatched, this operation is
dispatched to a date, ensuring that the basic order dates are not changed.
2-2-1 In the following list, only select the dispatching strategies that guarantee this
Date entry when dispatching
Finite scheduling
Midpoint scheduling
Cancel dispatching due to error
Use operation float
Use float before production
Use float after production
Planning direction forwards
Operation date check
Change planning direction
2-2-2 With which strategies must the strategy Planning direction forwards be
deselected? _____________________________

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-45

2-2-3 Do not save the planning table.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-46


Unit: Capacity Leveling (Part 2)

Topic: Creating an Overall Profile

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Create a work center hierarchy and use it for leveling
Create an overall profile for leveling
Analyze errors with the check report

In order to carry out accurate capacity planning in a production

area, you want to create a work center hierarchy and level the
capacity requirements as well as the available capacity for the
subordinate work centers by calling up the planning table.

3-1 Create a work center hierarchy with the name H-## in plant 1000.
The hierarchy should have the following structure:

Hierarchy name: H-##

erarchy work center: KS##
T-V## V## T-M##

3-1-1 First create a work center with the name KS## and the description Area-##
as a capacity collector for the work center category 0004. When you create
the hierarchy work center make sure that you only maintain the basic data
and all of the capacity categories.
3-1-2 Create the hierarchy with the name H-## and the description Group-##.
3-1-3 Assign to this hierarchy the four work centers according to the pattern
above. Use the person responsible for your group as a selection criterion.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-47

3-2 Create your own overall profile with the name Z##SFCG... to call up the planning
table for your hierarchy. Use as a reference the overall profile that you find by
choosing Leveling Work center view for the work center V##. Note: Choose the
appropriate planning table.
3-2-1 Copy the overall profile you have found and call it Z##SFCG... using the
check report.
3-2-2 Change the selection profile copied by setting the indicator for the hierarchy
3-2-3 Change the evaluation profile you have copied in such a way that you can
read the current capacity requirements and current available capacity of your
work center hierarchy.
3-2-4 Call up the planning table with the overall profile you have created for the
work center KS## and look at the result.

3-3 You want to deallocate a planned order after it has been dispatched in simulation
and you discover that the planned order can no longer be found on the planning
table. Therefore you call up the check report and analyze the error.
3-3-1 Create a planned order with capacity requirements for the material T-F2##
with 100 pieces as a stock order with a delivery date in four weeks.
3-3-2 Copy an overall profile with the name Z##SFCG011 using the check report
and the overall profile ZPPSFCG011.
3-3-3 Call up the planning table with the overall profile Z##SFCG011 for your
work center T-P## and simulate the dispatching of the planned order.
3-3-4 Now deallocate the planned order and look at the deallocated capacity
requirements. What has happened? Refer to the help for the status row.
3-3-5 Analyze the error using the check report and try to remove it.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-48

Capacity Leveling (Part 2) Solutions

Unit: Capacity Leveling (Part 2)

Topic: Capacity Planning Table

1-1 Execute capacity leveling using the capacity planning table.

1-1-3 Created, dispatched
1-1-5 Yes
1-1-6 If you have answered question 1-1-5 with yes, state where these
requirements can be displayed.
In the capacity evaluation and on the capacity planning table (tabular form)

1-2-3 Reschedule the production order with a finish date that is one week later.
Select operation and press the Change order button.
Overwrite the basic finish date and the Backwards scheduling type
Choose the Schedule order button.
1-2-4 Explain what happened to the dates.
Midpoint scheduling was carried out on the basis of the dispatched
operation and therefore the order dates can only be changed by moving the
dispatched operations.
1-2-6 The operation was deallocated.
1-2-7 Explain why.
Lead time scheduling was triggered with the new order quantity.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-49


Unit: Capacity Leveling (Part 2)

Topic: Planning Strategies

2-1-2 Otherwise it would be dispatched according to the scheduled dates, which

would leave gaps.
2-1-3 Now deallocate the second operation and make sure that the work center
still has a commitment without any gaps.
Choose the Strategy button: Indicator: Close gaps to end of planning period.

2-2-1 In the following list, only select the dispatching strategies that guarantee
this condition.
X Finite Scheduling
X Cancel dispatching due to error
X Use operation float (not with planning direction
X Use operation float (not with planning direction
X Use float after production
X Planning direction forwards (if float after production)
X Operation date check
X Change planning direction (after all floats have been set)
2-2-2 Forward scheduling must be turned off in order to use the operation
floats for the operation date check.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-50


Unit: Capacity Leveling (Part 2)

Topic: Creating an Overall Profile

3-1 Create a work center hierarchy:

3-1-1 Create a statistical work center for category Labor KS-##.
Logistics Production Master Data Work Centers Work Center

Note: Make sure to view both the General tab, and the Capacities tab

3-1-2 Create Hierarchy H-##

Logistics Production Master Data Work Centers Hierarchy Create
Do not save!

3-1-3 Assign work centers KS##, V##, T-M##,T-V##, to Hierarchy H-## using
the graphical interface
Specify the hierarchy, plant and description on the following screens.
Choose button Work center assignment.
After selecting work centers choose the button Graphic.
In the graphic you can build your hierarchy using the buttons Connect and Split.

3-2 Create a new overall profile using the check report.

Customizing: Production Capacity Requirements Planning Capacity
Leveling and Evaluation Define Overall profile

3-2-1 Copy the overall profile you have found and call it Z##SFCG... using the
check report.

Copy the overall profile SAPSFCG002 using the button Check and the
button Copy overall profile.

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-51

3-2-2 Change the selection profile copied by setting the indicator for the hierarchy
Double-click on your new profile number
Double-click on your new Selection profile number
Select the Explode Hierarchy Indicator, under the Selection of capacities
BACK to overall profile details
3-2-3 Change the evaluation profile you have copied in such a way that you can
read the current capacity requirements and current available capacity of your
work center hierarchy.
Double-click on your new Evaluation profile number
Select the indicators Cumulation of requirements and Dynamic capacity
Enter Plant 1000, hierarchy name H-##
BACK to overall profile details
3-2-4 Call up the planning table with the overall profile you have created for the
work center KS## and look at the result.
Logistics Production Capacity Planing Leveling Variable
Overall profile Z##SFCG002 (Bill: You cant display cumulation of capacity
requirements in the graphical version of the planning table.)
Work center KS##

3-3-1 Create a planned order with capacity requirements for the material T-F2##
with 100 pieces as a stock order with a delivery date in four weeks.
Logistics Production MRP Planned order Create
Planned order profile LA
Schedule the planned order by choosing Edit Schedule

3-3-4 Now deallocate the planned order and look at the deallocated capacity
requirements. What has happened? Refer to the help for the status row.

The planned order is given an internal status Not dispatched and therefore
the group 5 is missing in the grouping in the chart.

3-3-5 Analyze and remove the error.

Customizing: Production Capacity Requirements Planning Capacity
Leveling and Evaluation Define Overall profile
(C) SAP AG LO230 8-52
Select and review the details for profile Z##SFCG011 using the check
Back to the details of the overall profile
Highlight and Copy the Planning table profile (Control + C), and select the
arrow button to the right.
Select the Position button and paste the profile value and Enter, and review
the details of the profile.
Highlight and Copy the Layout ID (Control + C), and select the arrow
button to the right.

Select the Position button and paste the profile value and Enter.
Select the Layout ID number and Double click on the Definition of Charts
folder to in the left window.
Select Chart number Three, and double click on the Grouping Name.
Select the grouping SAPSFCGR03 and double click on the Grouping
Select Group 6 Z##SFCAS12 and COPY AS, Group 5 Z##SFCAS12.

Repeat Step 3-3-3 and 3-3-4 to see if you corrections work!

Do not save!

(C) SAP AG LO230 8-53

Extended Planning Functions

l Sequencing
l Other functions
l Temporary saving results of planning
l Mass processing
l Capacity planning with production

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-1

Extended Planning Functions: Unit Objectives

By the end of this unit you will understand:

l How special planning functions are dealt with on

the two types of planning table.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-2

Overview Diagram 9


Overview Arbeitspltze / Work Center

Capacity evaluation Jul' 98
Arbeitsplatz /
Work Center W 26 W 27 W 28 W 29

Capacity leveling (part 1)

1320 Mont. 1
Available capacity
1330 Mont. 2
Capacity reqmts / -reduction
Jun' 98 Jul' 98
Material Auftrag / Order
W 28 W 29
Capacity leveling (part 2)
100-500 18752

500-300 600001650
Extended planning functions
100-500 18770
Detailed planning
500-300 600001699

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-3

Business Scenario

l In your production there are work centers that

are overloaded with capacity requirements.
Thus you use the following methods to try to
adhere to your delivery dates: generating an
optimal despatching sequence, mass
despatching and production versions to
process requirements at alternative work

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-4

Sequencing 1

1 2 3 4

Finite scheduling

3 Sort operations


SAP AG 1999

n You define the dispatching sequence for the selected operations using the sequencing key in the field
Dispatching sequence.
n The operations must either have the same start dates or the indicator Dispatch at earliest start date
must be set in the strategy profile.
n Once sequencing and dispatching have taken place the setup standard values are only reduced if the
relevant strategy is set in the strategy profile.
n You can also use other sort criteria by assigning sequence numbers in the order header (planned
order and production order).

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-5

Sequencing 2


Dispatch Deallocate Capacity Order Operation 1000 1 10 1 10 1 Min
1000 1 10 1 20 10 Min
1000 1 10 1 30 5 Min
June 98 July 98
Center Work center descr.
CW 26 CW 27 CW 28 CW 29 1000 1 10 1 50 25 Min

1906 Paint 1 60Min 1 / 10 5Min 1 / 30 30Min 1 / 20 15Min 1 / 40 1000 1 20 1 50 5 Min

1 / 10 25Min 1 / 50 12Min 1 / 30 1000 1 30 1 50 15 Min

1 / 30 15Min 1 / 50 20Min 1 / 20 1000 1 50 1 20 20 Min

Best time for setup 1 / 20 5Min 1 / 50 8 1000 1 50 1 30 12 Min

1000 1 50 1 40 8 Min
1000 1 50 1 - 30 Min
June 98 July 98
Order Center SG SK
CW 26 CW 27 CW 28 CW 29
PG Predecessor group
600001540 1906 1 50 1 / 50
(setup group category)
600001650 1906 1 50 PSG Predecessor subgroup
1906 1 30
(setup group key)
SG Successor group
SSG Successor subgroup
STD Standard value

SAP AG 1999

n With sequencing the setup time of an operation that is to be processed at a work center can depend
on which operation was processed previously at the work center. Thus the setup time depends on the
setup state of the work center. The following functions that automatically take into account the setup
state of the work center are available on the capacity planning table:
Adjusting setup times of dispatched operations
Dispatching operations at the best time for setup (see slide for example )
Dispatching operations in a sequence with minimum setup time (see next slide for example)
n To calculate the setup time of an operation these planning functions do not use the setup standard
value from the operation but instead an appropriate setup standard value from the setup matrix.
n The setup matrix shows how the setup standard value depends on the setup state of the work center.
The setup state of a work center is defined in the setup matrix by the setup group category and the
setup group key that are stored in the operation. The transition between two setup states is defined in
terms of the setup group categories and the setup group keys of two operations that are processed at
the work center one after the other. The setup standard value saved for a transition is assigned to the
following operation.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-6

Sequencing 3


Dispatch Deallocate Capacity Order Operation 1 10 1 10 0 Min
1 10 1 20 10 Min
CW 26 CW 27
1 10 1 30 15 Min
Center Work center descr.
Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 10 1 40 20 Min
1906 Lack 1 15Min 1 / 10 0Min 1 / 10 10Min 1 / 20 15Min 1 / 40 1 20 1 10 30 Min

1 20 1 20 0 Min
1 20 1 30 10 Min

1 20 1 40 15 Min
CW 26 CW 27
1 30 1 10 40 Min
Order Center SG SK
Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 30 1 20 30 Min
600001540 1906 1 20 15Min 1 / 20
1 30 1 30 0 Min
600001650 1906 1 10 15Min 1 / 10
1 30 1 40 10 Min
600001666 1906 1 10 15Min 1 / 10
1 40 1 10 50 Min
600001750 1906 1 40 15Min 1 / 40
1 40 1 20 40 Min
1 40 1 30 30 Min

SAP AG 1999

n In this example the dispatching sequence is determined by the setup optimization function instead of
by the sequencing key. In setup time optimization the standard value for setup is changed. This has
the effect that the values for the duration and capacity requirements are recalculated using the
n The setup group key and setup group category are a prerequisite both for setup time optimization and
for the sort sequence.
n A field Initial setup state has been integrated into the strategy profile. This field allows you to
maintain a predecessor operation for the first operation to be dispatched so that a setup time
adjustment can be executed. Operations are also deemed predecessor operations if they lie outside
the planning period but within the evaluation period.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-7

User Exits

Changes to operations

Change options

u Dates
Function u Standard values
u Dispatch
u Work centers
u Reschedule
u Sequence numbers
u Deallocate
n of operation
u Update
n of orders

Sort selected operations

User-specific sort

(function) module
g operatio

SAP AG 1999

n The user exit is an interface predefined by SAP. You can use the user exit to make customer
enhancements without making changes to original SAP objects. The enhancement concept is dealt
with in the course BC425.
n You access the user exit for changing operation data (CY190001) from the planning table with the
menu options "Function - User".
n You can only access one user exit to sort capacity requirements (CYPP0001) using the interface
defined in the program. If a user exit has been activated for the sort sequence then the sequence key
is ignored.
n You can automatically fix time periods for dispatching on the capacity planning table using the
enhancement (CY040001).
n In the table sections of the planning tables you can use the enhancement (CYPP0002) to fill the text
fields with any user-specific data you like.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-8

Additional Functions 1

l Changing time periods

l Generating a shift split
l Hiding break times
l Inserting date markers
l Displaying multiple commitments

SAP AG 1999

n To change the time periods on the initial screen, choose Time profile. On the capacity planning table
you can change the evaluation period and the planning period. On the capacity planning table
(tabular form) you can also change the database read period.
n You can display the shift calendar for a capacity on the capacity planning table. You can define the
properties of the shift split and the time fence belonging to it in Customizing for capacity leveling
under Define time scale profile.
n You can specify that the system is to hide non-work periods that are common to all capacities when
the capacity planning table is called up. You specify this in Customizing under Define time scale by
setting the indicator Hide NW periods.
n To aid orientation you can insert date markers in the diagram section of the capacity planning table.
In Customizing for the capacity planning table under Define chart sequence you must enter a color
category in the chart position.
n In Customizing for capacity leveling under Define chart sequence you can specify that multiple
commitments are automatically displayed in the capacity planning table.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-9

Additional Functions 2

l Creating an order
l Copying data from other structures
l Maintenance times of capacities

SAP AG 1999

n You can create a production order in both types of planning table. The order is scheduled
automatically and you automatically branch back to the planning table to dispatch orders.
n On the capacity planning table you can copy data from other structures to production orders and
maintenance orders. For example, you can copy material data from the structure MARA in the
capacity planning table (tabular form) and in the capacity planning table (table section) using the sort
layout key.
n If a work center is being maintained then the capacity at the work center carrying out the
maintenance is not available at this time. This capacity is assigned an unchangeable commitment. To
do this you must make the appropriate entry for the state of the machine in the maintenance order.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-10

Material Stock Curves

Dispatch Deallocate Capacity Order Operation

Work Centers
June 97 July 97
W. Cntr Description Cap
CW 26 CW 27 CW 28 CW 29

1310 Assembly I 2

Work centers
June 97 July 97
Material Order
CW 26 CW 27 CW 28 CW 29

100-500 18752

Material stock

SAP AG 1999

n You can hide and show a chart with material stock curves for the materials to be produced on the
capacity planning table. These curves are not automatically updated but updating can be triggered if
order data has been changed. The stock receipts are displayed in a daily period split for the material
selected. The material is only displayed as a receipt once the last operation in the order has been
n You can specify the type of stock curve in Customizing (available stock, safety stock, day's supply).
n The overall profiles SAPSFCG001 and SAPSFCG004 are equipped with this function.
n Prerequisites in Customizing:
In Define profile for capacity planning table you must specify the axis- and curve representation
In Define requirements grouping you must define a grouping with the usage 1 = material stock
In Define layout you must maintain for the material stock curves a further chart with an
appropriate grouping and sort.
In Define chart chart sequence you must maintain a chart position for the other chart and activate
Use as histogram.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-11

Planning in Non-Work Periods / Fixing

Dispatch Deallocate Capacity Order Operation

Work Centers
June 97 July 97
W. Cntrs Description Cap
CW 26 CW 27 CW 28 CW 29

1310 Assembly I 2 Company holiday

1320 Assembly II

Planning period fixed

Work centers
June 97 July 97
Material Order
CW 26 CW 27 CW 28 CW 29

100-500 18752

500-300 600001650

SAP AG 1999

n Planning in non-work periods is especially useful for plant maintenance. With this function you can
dispatch operations to non-work periods without first changing the available capacities in the work
n The indicator Planning in non-work periods determines that during dispatching the system ignores
the calendar, operating times and available capacities. Then a full 24 hours are available for the
available capacity.
n You can fix planning intervals on the capacity planning table. You can no longer change planning in
these time intervals. You cannot deallocate or reschedule operations in these periods and new
operations cannot be dispatched to them.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-12

Temporarily Saving Results of Planning

Leveling Variable

Own overall profile Reading the most Restricted planning

SAPSFCG016 important order functions

Only on capacity No locking of No changing of orders

planning table orders when
reading No changing of available
(graphical) capacity
No planning of
individual capacities

SAP AG 1999

n You can temporarily save planning results without automatically leaving the planning table by
calling up the capacity planning table with the overall profile SAPSFCG016. You can see
information on the result in a saving log.
n Conditions:

In the control profile the indicator Restrict. plan must be set and the GUI-status, change status
SAPPLT05, for the pull-down menu.

Midpoint scheduling should be turned on to update the planning table. Otherwise an inconsistency
will arise when temporarily saving because the orders will have been rescheduled.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-13

Mass Processing

Work Centers

CW 26 CW 27 CW 28 CW 29

1310 Assembly
Order 4711
Order 4725 Work Centers
Order ........
CW 26 CW 27 CW 28 CW 29
. 100-500 18752



Mass dispatching
online / batch

SAP AG 1999

n Mass processing in production planning and control can be used anywhere where large amounts of
data is being processed.
n The main use if with automatic dispatching and deallocating of operations for preselected work
centers in batch. For example, you can specify that for specific work centers at the start of each week
the pool of orders is automatically dispatched.
n Mass dispatching can affect the following profiles by calling up the overall proflile:
Selection profile
Strategy profile
Time profile
n Requirement grouping and planning are of no significance to individual cpacities.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-14

Capacity Planning with Production Versions

Material master (MRP 4) Dispatched

Center Description Cap. CW 26 CW 27 CW 28 CW 29
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3
Ctr A Assembly I 2

Ctr B Assembly II 2
Center A Center B Center C
Ctr C Assembly III 2
Routing Routing Routing
group 1/1 group 1/2 group 1/3
Material Order Center CW 26 CW 27 CW 28 CW 29

Op. 10 Op. 10 Op. 10 100-500 18752 Center A

Ctr 1020 Ctr 1020 Ctr 1020

100-500 18767 Center B

Op. 20 Op. 20 Op. 20 100-500 18752 Center B NEW in pool

Ctr A Ctr B Ctr C

Customizing - strategy profile

Op. 30 Op. 30 Op. 30 Indicator Reschedule with production version
Ctr 1022 Ctr 1022 Ctr 1022 Dispatching function Change production version
on error

SAP AG 1999

n If it is necessary to process an operation at another work center because of insufficient capacity in a

planning period, then a different work process is usually necessary. Not only does the work center
change but also data concerning times. If the operations to be dispatched involve planned orders then
you can read in the routing again and schedule it again.
n A condition is that production versions with alternative routings and production lines must be
maintained in the material master. These production lines must also be used in the routing.
n In Customizing the indicator Rescheduling with production versions must be set. With manual
rescheduling to a bottleneck work center the new version is read in, scheduled and dispatched.
With the dispatching function Change production version on error the next production version is
copied to the planned order with automatic dispatching and manual dispatching. The planned order is
scheduled again but not dispatched.
n With the strategy indicator Terminate when rescheduling with production version the system ensures
that an operation that is meant for a bottleneck work center can only be dispatched manually to a
bottleneck work center of another version.
n Note: When the planning table is called up using the work center view only the work centers
previously selected are displayed. If the operations that were scheduled again using the planned order
are to be displayed on the planning table then these work centers should be selected when you call up
the planning table.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-15

Notes on Documentation

l Changing the color of graphical objects

n Useful notes Color of graphical objects

l Changing size of display of data on the planning table

n Useful notes Change display area

l Copying and changing overall profiles

n Call up overall profile and use pushbutton CHECK

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-16

Extended Planning Functions: Summary

l You now know about extended planning functions

in capacity planning.
l You know how to change colors of graphical
objects on the capacity planning table.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-17

Extended Planning Functions Exercises

Unit: Extended Planning Functions

Topic: Sequencing

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Dispatch an operation at the best time for setup
Dispatch operations using setup time optimization.

In order to achieve optimal use of your resources, you want to

reduce setup times using appropriate dispatching sequences. You
therefore create a setup time matrix and create setup group
categories and setup group keys to optimize dispatching using
planning strategies.

1-1 Carry out sequencing for the work center T-L##. You want to dispatch an operation
to already dispatched operations, and at the best time for setup.
1-1-1 Create a production order for the material T-F1## with a quantity of 150
pieces, starting in 2 weeks.
1-1-2 Call up the capacity planning table for the work center T-L## and the
capacity category 001 using the menu option Variable with the overall
profile SAPSFCG014. Look at the setup group category and setup group
key for operation 30.
1-1-3 Use the strategy Dispatch at earliest possible time to dispatch the operations
with an operation quantity of 80, 120, 130 and 150.
1-1-4 Now dispatch the operation with the operation quantity 500 using the
strategy Dispatch at best time for setup and not Dispatch at earliest point in
1-1-5 Adjust the setup times automatically and compare them to the setup matrix
in configuration.
1-1-6 Leave the planning table without saving.

1-2 Carry out sequencing for the work center T-L##. You want to dispatch several
operations using setup time optimization.
1-2-1 Call up the capacity planning table for the work center T-L## and the
capacity category 001 using the menu option Variable with the overall
profile SAPSFCG014.
1-2-2 Make a note of the order number and the setup times for an operation with a
setup group key 20, and for another with a setup group key 40.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-18

Order no. _________ Setup time _____ Order no._________ Setup time
1-2-3 Dispatch all the operations using the strategy Setup time optimization.
1-2-4 Analyze the adjusted setup times.
1-2-5 Compare the result with the setup matrix in Customizing.
1-2-6 Leave the planning table without saving.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-19


Unit: Extended Planning Functions

Topic: Other Functions

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Select the graphical objects that belong together
Display material stock curves
Save the planning results temporarily

2-1 Call up the capacity planning table with Leveling -> Work center view for the work
center T-P##.
2-1-1 Select all the operations for material T-F2##.
2-1-2 Select all the operations in the chart.
2-1-3 What is the difference?

2-2 Now dispatch the selection operations in the chart and analyze the material stock
for material T-F2##.

2-3 Shift an operation into the past and update the material stock curve. Leave the
planning table without saving it.

2-4 You want to temporarily save the results of planning without having to call up the
planning table again. Call up the planning table with the overall profile
SAPSFCG016 for work center T-P##. Dispatch some operations from the area you
are responsible for and temporarily save the simulation results up to that point.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-20


Unit: Extended Planning Functions

Topic: Mass Dispatching

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Dispatch or deallocate operations in the background

In your company the capacity requirements are very high and you
therefore want to dispatch or deallocate your requirements at
specific points in time.

3-1 You want to define the control parameters for deallocating operations at the work
centers T-P## and T-V##. To do this, call up capacity planning by choosing
Leveling -> Variable. Enter the name CRP-A## in the field Job name. Mass
dispatching should be executed using the overall profile SAPSFCG001.

3-2 After saving the parameters, you now want to define the batch job for dispatching.
(The indicator Redefine selection must be empty, and the overall profile is set)
3-2-1 Now create a variant CRP-VA## and link this to the job name. The variant
should be called GR##-deallocate.
The variant links the job name with a report for executing
mass processing.
If a variant is already assigned to a job name, then this job
name is also copied over.

3-2-2 Select the variant you have saved for dispatching.

3-2-3 Define the parameters as follows:
Time 2 minutes later
Dispatch once
3-2-4 Look at the progress of the job.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-21

Additional exercise, if you have sufficient time.

3-3 You now want to dispatch all the operations for the work center T-P## using mass
processing. To do this, create the relevant parameters and variants. Use the job
name CRP-E##, and the variant CRP-VE##.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-22

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-23

Unit: Extended Planning Functions

Topic: Production Versions

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Dispatch and reschedule operations using production versions

In your company, you are often forced to use alternative

resources for some of the bottleneck work centers. This changes
the processing procedure and also the standard times. Therefore,
you prepare alternative work processes in the form of production
versions to manufacture these products. A planning strategy then
accesses these versions when dispatching operations to a work
center that does not have remaining available capacity.

4-1 You need scheduled planned orders to carry out capacity planning with production
versions. Look at the material T-F2## in the stock-/requirements list and try to get
an overview of the planning situation.
4-1-1 First set all production orders to technically complete.
4-1-2 Carry out an MRP run with lead time scheduling for planned independent
requirements, and look at the planning result.

4-2 Look at the material master and make a note of the critical work centers for your
production versions. Also note that every production version has its own routing
which contains the adjusted processing procedure and the adjusted standard values.
Look at these routings.
4-2-1 Look at the material master for the material T-F2## and complete the
following table:
Version Work center Task list group TskLstCounter
1 __________ __________ ______3
2 __________ __________ ______4
3 __________ __________ ______5
4-2-2 Use the task list groups and task list counters from exercise 4-2-1 to give
yourself an overview of your routings for material T-F2##.
4-2-3 Define your work center T-V## in such a way that the operations can be
dispatched without any gaps.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-24

4-3 For dispatching, call up the overall profile T-G001 for the work centers specified in
exercise 4-2-1 for the capacity category 002. Save this selection as variant FV-
GR## with the description Production version-##.
4-3-1 First dispatch the operations for the planned order with the order quantity
100 by choosing the functions Edit Select Selection.
4-3-2 Shift the dispatched operation to the work center T-V## to two weeks
before the end of the planning period.
4-3-3 Select two more operations from the pool for work center T-V##, and
dispatch these as well. Then look at the dispatching log.
4-3-4 Dispatch another operation and look at the planning results on the planning
table. Also look at the planning log.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-25

Extended Planning Functions Solutions

Unit: Extended Planning Functions

Topic: Sequencing

1-1-5 To carry out setup time optimization select the row with the dispatched
operations in the top chart.
Choose Functions Reduce setup time Automatically
You can find the setup matrix as follows:
Customizing: Production Capacity Requirements Planning Master
Data Routings Define Setup Matrix

1-2 Carry out sequencing for the work center T-L##. You want to dispatch several
operations using setup time optimization.
1-2-4 Analyze the adjusted setup times.
Functions Adjust setup time Manual
1-2-5 Compare the result with the setup matrix in Customizing.
Customizing: Capacity planning Master data Routing data
Define setup matrix

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-26


Unit: Extended Planning Functions

Topic: Other Functions

2-1 Call up the capacity planning table with Leveling -> Work center view for the work
center T-P##.
2-1-1 Select all the operations for material T-F2##.
Select an operation for material T-F2##.
Edit Select Objects that belong together
2-1-2 Select all the operations in the chart:
Edit Select Chart
2-1-3 In 2-1-1, the operation for material T-F1## was not selected.

2-2 Now dispatch the selection operations in the chart and analyze the material stock
for material T-F2##.
Extras Material stock Show
2-3 Adjust schedule and review stock curve
Extras Material stock Refresh Object list

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-27


Unit: Extended Planning Functions

Topic: Mass Dispatching

3-1 You want to define the control parameters for deallocating operations at the work
centers T-P## and T-V##.
Capacity planning Leveling Variable Background Execute
Parameters for mass processing
Overall profile: SAPSFCG001
Redefine selection: Set indicator
Action: Deallocate
Call up function: Save parameters
Execute button
Specify work centers
Continue/Execute button

3-2 After saving the parameters, you now want to define the batch job for dispatching.
(The indicator Redefine selection must be empty, and the overall profile is set)
Back twice
Capacity planning Leveling Variable Background Execute
Enter your job name CRP-A## and the overall profile SAPSFCG001.
Call up function: Schedule batch job
3-2-1 Now create a variant CRP-VA## and link this to the job nameCRP-A##.
Create variant
Enter CRP-VA## and Create
Specify the job name CRP-A## , and Attributes
Description: GR##-Deallocate

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-28

3-2-2 Select the variant you have saved for dispatching.
Place cursor on the variant and choosee Immediate
3-2-4 Look at the progress of the job.
Show scheduling button

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-29


Unit: Extended Planning Functions

Topic: Production Versions

4-1 4-1 You need scheduled planned orders to carry out capacity planning with
production versions. Look at the material T-F2## in the stock-/requirements list and
try to get an overview of the planning situation.
Logistics Production Production control Control Stock-/reqmts list
4-1-1 First set all production orders to technically complete.
Production control Control Mass processing
Material number T-F2##
On the Mass Processing tab, Action Complete technically
Technical data without the indicator for Test run
Execute button
Select all orders
Execute button
Refresh screen to ensure system status is set to TECHO
4-1-2 Carry out an MRP run with lead time scheduling for planned independent
requirements, and look at the planning result.
Logistics Production MRP Planning Sng.item sng.-level
For material T-F2## with indicator 2 in the Scheduling field
Process control parameters with Display result indicator
Save button
4-2 Look at the material master and make a note of the critical work centers for
your production versions.
Logistics Production Master data Material master Material
Display Display current status
View MRP 4
Versions button
Cursor on a version and Detail button to make a note of the work center in
the Production line field and the group with the group counter.
Next version button
4-2-2 Use the task list groups and task list counters from exercise 4-2-1 to give
yourself an overview of your routings for material T-F2##.

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-30

Logistics Production Master data Routings Routings
Standard Routings Display
Specify the material number T-F2## and plant 1000
(Bill: All should be used)Goto -> Object overview
Overview variant 000000000001
4-2-3 Define your work center T-V## in such a way that the operations can be
dispatched without any gaps.
In the capacity header, deselect Can be used by several operations, and
ensure the Relevant to Finite scheduling indicator is set.

4-3-1 First dispatch the operations for the planned order with the order quantity
Select a line with an operation for a planned order with the quantity 100
Edit Select Selection
Only select order
Edit Select Objects that belong together
Dispatch button

(C) SAP AG LO230 9-31

Detailed Planning

l Allocation of individual capacities and persons
l Qualifications
l Splitting and allocating

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-1

Detailed Planning: Unit Objective

At the end of this unit you will be able to:

l Explain capacity planning for individual machines and

l Maintain the master data required for individual
capacities and persons.
l Select employees qualified to carry out a specific
l Define data required in HR to create qualifications and
requirements profiles.
l Use split categories and make selections using a
l Confirm splits.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-2

Overview Diagram 10


Overview Arbeitspltze / Work Center

Capacity evaluation Jul' 98
Arbeitsplatz /
Work Center W 26 W 27 W 28 W 29

Capacity leveling (part 1)

1320 Mont. 1
Available capacity
1330 Mont. 2
Capacity reqmts / -reduction
Jun' 98 Jul' 98
Material Auftrag / Order
W 28 W 29
Capacity leveling (part 2)
100-500 18752

500-300 600001650
Extended planning functions
100-500 18770

500-300 600001699
Detailed planning
SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-3

Detailed Planning: Business Scenario

l Because of the continually growing

competition and the markets demands
regarding quality, it is necessary to carry out
planning in more detail. Therefore you must
dispatch the capacity requirements of the
incoming orders to individual machines or the
appropriate persons.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-4

Application Criteria for Splits

l Planning of individual capacities and persons

l Planning beneath the normal operation level
(capacity requirements)
l Planning in more detail than work centers or
l Splitting capacity requirements for the purpose of
assigning work to machines or for planning human
resources in the short term
l Use at the level of production control and in the
applications that also use human resources (PD,

SAP AG 1999

n A split is a partial capacity requirement that must be assigned to an individual capacity.

n The creation of individual capacities in defined in Customizing by the capacity category.
n Splitting involves the splitting of quantities or standard values.

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-5

Levels of Detail


Cost center Cost center ...

4210 4220
Machine group Machine group Machine group
1901 1904 1113

Capacity category
Individual machine - 1
Pooled capacity
Individual machine - 2
setup ...
Person A Capacity category
Person B Person
Person 1
Person 2

SAP AG 1999

n Detailed planning of resources and commitments up until now required maintaining a machine or an
employee as a work center. By subdividing the capacities at a work center into individual capacities
the work involved in maintaining them is significantly reduced.
n If no available capacity has been maintained for the individual capacities then the available capacity
of the main capacity is used.
n Any number of people from the Personnel System or other individual capacities can be assigned to
every capacity when maintaining work centers and pooled capacities.
n The corresponding requirements can be assigned and dispatched on either of the planning tables.

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-6

Capacity Assignments

Capacity category: Labor Capacity category: Not labor


Individual capacity


Checks made against HR - tables

SAP AG 1999

n These four elements can be assigned to the capacity.

n The possible assignments depend on the capacity category.
n You can only maintain links to persons, qualifications and positions if the SAP Human Resources
(HR) module has been implemented. These assignments can also be made to the work center
n Assigning individual capacities to a capacity allows you to carry out more detailed planning within
capacity planning. This assignment allows you to divide up the capacities for example into individual
machines for which available capacities can also be maintained.
n Linking persons with the capacity allows you to specify individual employees who are selected to
work at this capacity. The assigned persons must already exist in the human resources system.
n Assigning a qualification to a capacity guarantees that a person will be selected to work at this
capacity who has appropriate qualifications. You specify which qualifications are required for
someone to work at the capacity. If the capacity is assigned to a requirements profile then the
qualification is determined by the requirements profile.

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-7

Qualifications - Objectives

l Search for people,

n who can carry out an operation
n who can work at a specific work center
n who are in a position to carry out a particular job
l Direct assignment of operation to a person

SAP AG 1999

n In addition to purely manual assignment of individual capacities you can also select personnel with
the right qualifications on the basis of qualification specifications resulting from data entered in the:
work center,
work center capacity and
n You can maintain these qualifications or requirements profiles in the personnel system.
n You can also save positions in the operation (the former serve as the bearers of qualifications).
n All the data is linked when selecting a suitable person.

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-8

Qualifications - Abilities Required

Routing /
order Work center Capacity




Requirements profiles, Requirements profiles, Requirements profiles,

job or position qualifications qualifications

SAP AG 1999

n In the routing and in the order you can attach requirements profiles, a job and a position to an
n You can assign requirements profiles and qualifications (with characteristics) to work centers and

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-9

Qualifications - Assignments

Mr. Smith
Maschine operator A1

NC Programming experience

At least 3 years in the machining room

requirements Certified with QM deparment

Experience in drilling

Experience in lathing

Knowledge of English
SAP AG 1999

n You define a requirements profile in the HR System. To work with the profile it must be linked with
one or more qualifications. You can assign a characteristic to every qualification.
n An HR work center must be created if requirements profiles are to be assigned in work center
maintenance. This is not necessary with an assignment to a capacity with the category "labor".
n Labor can also be assigned to positions.

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-10

Requirements Profiles

Required Requirements Assignments

Qualifications profile


SAP course Profile A Work center

NC prog.

SAP AG 1999

n When you maintain work centers or capacities you can assign more that one object from the PD
system. However, since this close connection does not exist for operations, you cannot assign more
than one PD object to an operation.
n Another way of assigning multiple qualifications (requirements) to an operation consists in using
jobs and positions or the new object, the requirements profile. As always, you define a
requirements profile as an object in the PD system. To work with the profile, it must be linked to one
or more qualifications. You can assign a characteristic and a priority to each qualification.
n You can use requirements profiles with work centers and with capacities. It is up to the user whether
he wants to assign only qualifications or only requirements profiles or both.

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-11

Splitting and Allocating

Work center /
Capacity: Machine Capacity: Labor


Capacity Capacity
requirements: requirements:
Machine Labor

SAP AG 1999

n You can assign any number of individual capacities or persons from the personnel system (PD) to
each capacity in work center maintenance. If no available capacity has been maintained in an
individual capacity then the available capacity is calculated using the operating time of the main
n Capacity requirements can be assigned either partly or wholly to individual capacities. Finite
scheduling is not possible for individual capacities.
n You can assign all of the capacity requirements to people or individual capacities using the drag and
drop function. You do this on one of the two planning tables from the individual capacity view.

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-12

Ranking List

Person Requirements profile

Qualification with characteristic ( X ) Qualification with characteristic ( # )

Welding exam 5 Welding exam 5

Knowledge of English 7 Knowledge of English 6
Fitter 3 Fitter 3

Profile comparison
Characteristic 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Welding exam x
Knowledge of English # x
Fitter x
Foreman #

SAP AG 1999

n The ranking list is the result of comparing the qualifications in the operation, the work center and the
capacity on the one hand with the abilities of the individual employees on the other hand.
n The system compared the required qualifications of the operation, the work center and capacity with
the abilities of the employee.
n The result is a so-called "ranking list".
n You can select an employee from this list to assign the capacity requirements to him.

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-13

Types of Split

Quantity split or duration split

Different Different
capacities times

50 50

Standard values split or work split

Different capacities work

10 h labor time 5 h labor time on the same lot or the
for 100 pieces same job at the same time
5 h labor time but carry out partial jobs.

SAP AG 1999

n There are several types of splits available. The data that is used to define splits depends on the type
of operation (operations with work elements or internally processed operations).
n In the case of operations with work elements (SFC) you can split either the quantity or the standard
values of the capacity requirements (or both if this makes sense).
n In the case of internally processed operations (PS, PM, PP-PI) you can split the work or the duration.
n Splitting the quantity corresponds to splitting the duration and splitting the standard values
corresponds to splitting the work.
n It makes sense to split the quantity if parts of the task are to be carried out either by two or more
individual capacities at the same time or by one or more individual capacities at different times and
there are gaps between them.
n If an operation can be split into two or more partial tasks that can be executed by different individual
capacities at the same time and for the whole quantity then it makes sense to use the standard value
n In very specific cases it can be useful to split both the quantity and the standard values. This is also

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-14

Confirmation of Splits

l The confirmation of an individual split is identified by its

confirmation number.
l Summary confirmation are possible with percentage
l Capacity requirements for operation can be reduced
when splits are confirmed (Customizing).

SAP AG 1999

n A summary confirmation can only be carried out for splits that have not been partially or finally
n The capacity requirements for the splits that were not partly or finally confirmed are reduced when
the operation is finally confirmed. For example, that is possible in the case of splits with very small
requirements where a confirmation would mean too much work.
n If the requirements for the operation are only partly distributed over splits then the split requirements
are reduced when the split is confirmed. The remaining requirements that were not distributed to
splits are only reduced when the operation is confirmed.

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-15

Detailed Planning: Summary

l In this unit detailed planning was explained

by linking individual capacities with the main

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-16

Detailed Planning Exercises

Unit: Detailed Planning

Topic: Assigning Individual Capacities

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Assign individual capacities to a work center
Assign people and qualifications to a work center

The capacity planners in plant 1000 must assign specific

machines and/or persons to specific operations in contrast to other
plants that only have to assign work at work center level.
Test this functionality by first assigning the three machines to the
machine work center. Assign the two people who are to prepare
the parts to be processed to the appropriate labor work center.

1-1 Assigning individual capacities to a work center.

1-1-1 Assign to the work center T-L## the three following individual capacities:
L1## (machine 1) to L3## (machine 3). Assign these individual capacities
to the machine capacity category.
1-1-2 Change the standard available capacity from L1## and L2## as follows: The
day should begin at 5:00 and finish at 14:00. The break for each machine
lasts 1 hour.
L3## has the same hours as the standard available capacity of this capacity
1-1-3 Save the changes to the work center.

1-2 Assigning people and qualifications to a work center.

1-2-1 Assign Manfred Weinig and Udo Schttler to the labor capacity at work
center T-M##. Note: Use the standard matchcode.
Check the persons assigned.
1-2-2 To work at the work center certain technical knowledge is required.
Maintain the following qualifications with the characteristics:

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-17

Qualification Characteristic
Business Process Technology Good
Knowledge of materials Very good
Quality management Very good
As a help tool, use the structure search.

1-2-3 Save the changes to the work center.

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-18


Unit: Detailed Planning

Topic: Allocating and Dispatching Splits

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Assign capacity requirements to machines or people using the
capacity planning table

The person responsible for the machine must define the order
operations as specific machines and people, for which and for
whom he is responsible. First he wants to allocate or split the
work among the machines and persons before he dispatches the
operations. When the work is ready, he would dispatch the
operations to the work center on the basis of these splits.

2-1 Creating a production order for splitting.

2-1-1 Create a production order for the material T-F2## with the order category
PP01 in plant 1000. Order 100 pieces, scheduled forwards as of next
2-1-2 Once the availability check is complete, release the order and save it.
Make a note of the order number: ______________________

2-2 Allocating and dispatching with persons on the capacity planning table.
2-2-1 Start capacity leveling for individual capacities (machines 1 to 3) for the
work center T-L## in plant 1000 for the capacity category 001.
2-2-2 Select the production order from exercise 2-1 from the pool of orders for the
orders to be dispatched. Split the operations and allocate it to the appropriate
machines. Every machine should process the whole operation quantity but
with different standard values: Machine 1 = 2 minutes, machine 2 = 2
minutes and machine 3 = 1 minute.
2-2-3 What are the two changes on the planning table with respect to the order that
you have just split?


2-2-4 Dispatch the splits and save the changes on the planning table.

2-3 Allocating and dispatching with persons on the capacity planning table.
(C) SAP AG LO230 10-19
2-3-1 Start capacity leveling for the individual capacities at the work center T-
M## in plant 1000 for the capacity category 002.
2-3-2 Select the production order (from exercise 2-1) from the pool of orders to be
dispatched. Split the operation and allocate the most suitable employee a
quantity of 60 and the other employee a quantity of 40. Dispatch the splits
and save the changes made on the planning table.
2-3-3 Save the changes made to the planning table.

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-20

Detailed Planning Solutions

Unit: Detailed Planning

Topic: Assigning Individual Capacities

1-1 Assigning individual capacities to a work center.

1-1-1 Assign three individual capacities to work center T-L##.
Logistics Production Master data Work centers Work center

Choose Capacities for the capacity category Machine (001), and choose Capacity
Choose Goto Indiv.capacities
1-1-2 Change the standard available capacity from L1## and L2##.
Double-click on L1##.
Define the standard available capacity.

1-2 Assigning people and qualifications to a work center.

Logistics Production Master data Work centers Work center
Choose Capacities for the labor capacity category (002), and choose Capacity
Choose Goto HR assignment.
Select Create HR Work center button
Double-click on the person and enter the last name in the dialog box.
Expand person

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-21

1-2-2 To work at the work center, certain technical knowledge is required.
Maintain the following qualifications with the characteristics
Back to the capacity header
Choose Goto HR assignment.
Click on the button Qualifications and then Create.
Use the Structure Search Matchcode
Expand Technical knowledge general
Select the qualifications
Evaluate the characteristics using the entry help.

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-22


Unit: Detailed Planning

Topic: Allocating and Dispatching Splits

2-1 Creating a production order for splitting.

Logistics Production Production control Order Create With
Scheduling category 1
2-1-2 Once the availability check is complete, release the order and save it.
Release order button

2-2 Allocating and dispatching with persons on the capacity planning table.
2-2-1 Start capacity leveling for individual capacities (machines 1 to 3) for the
work center T-L## in plant 1000 for the capacity category 001.
Logistics Production Capacity planning Leveling Individual
capacity view Capacity planning table

2-2-2 Select the production order from exercise 2-1 from the pool of orders for the
orders to be dispatched. Split the operation and allocate it to the appropriate
Select the operation
Assign machines and split quantity
Standard values button
Change the standard values for the machine to 2, 2, 1
2-2-3 The splits are displayed in the chart Splits (not dispatched). In addition, the
requirements were divided up amongst the machines.

2-3 Allocating and dispatching with persons on the capacity planning table.
Logistics Production Capacity planning Leveling Individual capacity
view Capacity planning table

2-3-2 Split the operation and allocate the most suitable employee a quantity of 60
and the other employee a quantity of 40.

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-23

Select the production order (from exercise 2-1) from the pool of orders to be
Split/allocate button
Select one split and select the Ranking list button (percentage) Select
suitable person for quantity 60 Assign the second employee the quantity
40. Set the Dispatch (D) indicator for both split records.

(C) SAP AG LO230 10-24



l Planning levels
l Capacity planning integrated with:
n Sales and Distribution
n Sales and Operations Planning (SOP)
n Long-Term Planning
n Repetitive Manufacturing
n Shop Floor Control

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-1

Integration: Unit Objectives 1

By the end of the unit you will understand:

l The overall integration of capacity

planning on different planning levels
l The integration types in capacity planning

l Profiles that are used for the various

planning levels
l The integration of Sales and Distribution
with capacity planning
l Rough-cut planning in SOP

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-2

Integration: Unit Objectives 2

l Using capacity planning in MRP/MPS

l Capacity planning in long-term planning

l Capacity leveling in repetitive manufacturing
l Shop floor control functions that are relevant to
capacity planning (production orders, operations).

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-3

Overview Diagram 11


Overview Arbeitspltze / Work Center

Capacity evaluation Jul' 98
Arbeitsplatz /
Work Center W 26 W 27 W 28 W 29

Capacity leveling (part 1)

1320 Mont. 1
Available capacity
1330 Mont. 2
Capacity reqmts / -reduction
Jun' 98 Jul' 98
Material Auftrag / Order
W 28 W 29
Capacity leveling (part 2)
100-500 18752

500-300 600001650
Extended planning functions
100-500 18770
Detailed planning
500-300 600001699

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-4

Integration: Business Scenario

l You want to plan the resources for the future for your
company. For this purpose you need the capacity
requirements, for example, already at the planning
stage. This is possible when you, while creating a
sales plan, calculate the capacity requirements in the
individual production areas with a rough-cut planning
profile. You can pass these requirements along the
whole process chain and thus recognize your
capacity load in each planning phase.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-5

Integration of Capacity Planning (2)

MRP Service
PP Planning PS


SAP AG 1999

n The integration with the following functions is dealt with in this unit:
Sales and Distribution
Sales and Operation Planning (SOP)
Long-term planning
Repetitive manufacturing
Shop floor control
n The integration with other functions is dealt with in the relevant courses.

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-6

CRP Along the Process Chain

Sales and Operations Planning SOP

Planned independent
Capacity planning

Master production scheduling MPS

Material requirements planning MRP
Production order/
run schedule headers

Shop floor control SFC/REM

SAP AG 1999

n Sales and Operations Planning

No detailed planning involving exploding bill of material and scheduling routing
Rough-cut scheduling
n Master Product Scheduling
Separate planning run only for master schedule items without further planning of the bill of material
Scheduling: Rough-cut, - production-rate
n Material Requirements Planning
Planning run with complete planning of bill of material structure
Scheduling: Production-rate, - detailed
n Shop Floor Control
Conversion of planning data from material requirements planning into concrete production orders
Detailed scheduling
n Repetitive Manufacturing
For the continuous production of a product that remains the same over a long perio
Detailed scheduling
n Long-Term Planning
To simulate several versions of the production plan

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-7

Planning Phases

n Including sales orders
SOP / MPS Start n Material requirements planning
n Scheduling
n Sales plan
n Changing planned dates
n Demand program
n Capacity planning
n Master plan
n Capacity leveling
n Scheduling

u Detailed
u Production-rate
u Rough-cut SFC
n Creating production orders
n Scheduling
n Releasing production orders
n Order execution
n Confirmation

SAP AG 1999

n Scheduling and the calculation of capacity requirements can take place on different levels depending
on the application area:
rough-cut scheduling
production-rate scheduling
detailed scheduling

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-8

Integrated Planning Levels


Detailed planning

SAP AG 1999

n Capacity requirements are always attached to an order. If there are several capacity requirements for
a material from various planning levels they are copied when the planned order is converted to the
production order.
n Rough-cut planning
Long-term, aggregate
Bottleneck resources
Planning in periods with rough-cut planning profiles
n Production-rate planning
Bottleneck resources
Period-related with rate routing
n Detailed planning
Individual capacity/labor
Planning to exact points in time with routing

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-9

Simultaneous Use of Different Planning Levels

Production line
Run rate
schedule scheduling

Inspection Detailed
work center scheduling

Work center Work center Work center Work center
1 2 3 4

SAP AG 1999

n Repetitive manufacturing and discrete manufacturing can take place in the same plant. In this
example, run schedule headers and production orders are used with the same plant maintenance work
n The production orders and plant maintenance work centers use detailed scheduling.
n Repetitive manufacturing uses production-rate scheduling.

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-10

Overall Profiles in the Applications

Overall profiles

l SOP Special planning table (tabular) SAPSOPG001

l MPS/MRP Planning table (graphical) SAPMPSG010

Capacity situation (tabular) SAPMPS
l SFC Planning table (graphical) SAPMPSG014
Planning table (tabular) SAPCRPG0

l REM Special planning table (tabular) SAPSFCG001

Planning table (graphical) SAPSFCG0
SAP AG 1999

n The table only contains a selection of the most important profiles.

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-11

Integration Types

Application-specific Cap.plan.table Cap.plan.table

planning table (tab.)

Planning Capacity planning

application module

Integration type 1 SOP/ MPS/ MRP/ REM


Integration type 2 SD/ PS / PD Calling up capacity
planning using menu
Integration type 3 SFC/ PS/ PM/ PP-PI

Feedback 1, 2, 3

SAP AG 1999

n Integration type 1
The capacity planning mode is used by the applications as a source of capacity
planning data.
n Integration type 2
The capacity planning module and the planning tables are called up by an
n Integration type 3
The capacity planning module and the planning tables are configured as a
separate system for a special view.

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-12

Integration: Sales and Distribution (SD)

Sales order

Planned order Network

Capacity planning

SAP AG 1999

n Once a sales order has been created a production order, a planned order or a network can be
generated automatically.
n The planning table can be called up directly from these orders in display mode.
n Changed data is then copied back to the sales order.
n Integration type 2

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-13

Integration: Sales and Operations Planning -
Planning Table (SOP)

Material 5/99 6/99 7/99 8/99 9/99




Resources 5/99 6/99 7/99 8/99 9/99

Resource 1
Avail. cap.
Cap. load
Cap. reqmts
Resource 2
Avail. cap.

SAP AG 1999

n SOP uses the two-part tabular version of the planning table for capacity leveling.
n In the upper section you can enter the following data for a material or for a product group for specific
Planned sales
Planned production quantity
Warehouse stock and target stock
n The capacity requirements are generated by the planned figures that are entered in the line for
production (the so-called requirements entry line).
n The lower section displays the capacity requirements from Sales and Operations Planning and the
available capacities of the work centers where the material or product group is to be manufactured
and its load.
n Only SOP requirements are displayed on this planning table.
n Integration type 1

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-14

Integration: MRP/MPS

Capacity situation
for the material
Stock-/ Planning table
reqmts list graphic
Capacity situation
for the order

Capacity check
Planned order
Capacity leveling

Capacity leveling
for the material
Interactive Planning table
planning graphic
Capacity leveling
for the order
SAP AG 1999

n In MRP/MPS two lists are displayed on which the planning periods are shown on a vertical axis:
Capacity leveling - to carry out leveling with changes
Capacity situation - only display data
n The capacity situation or capacity leveling can be called up for all planned orders for a material or
for just one planned order.
n The following data is displayed for a work center per period:
Available capacity of work center in a period
Overall capacity load of work center resulting from all planned orders and production orders in a
Capacity requirements generated by the material for which planning was carried out in a period.
n By changing the order quantity and the basic order date, it is possible to reduce overloads and
underloads for the work center in question.

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-15

Integration: Long-term Planning 1

Planning for all

Independent MRP levels Bill of material
of operative for operative
planning planning

Comparison Routing
with operative Long-
Long-term planning for operative
planning planning

Several Master data

parallel Reporting as for operative
scenarios for operative planning

SAP AG 1999

n Long-term planning gives you an overview of plans for production and procurement.
n You can use the simulated planning run to plan several versions of the production plan and check the
results using special evaluations.
n The planning run and the evaluations in long-term planning are separate from the tools in MRP
because long-term planning runs in simulation.
n Entries are written in a special planning file for long-term planning as are simulated capacity
requirements for long-term planning.
n The description of the capacity planning functions in MRP is also valid for long-term planning.
n The result of long-term planning are the simulated planned orders at the level of the final material for
the long-term planning version of the production program.
n Separate requirements lists are generated for long-term planning. In the long-term planning menu the
stock-/requirements list is also available as is the planning situation for capacity planning.
n To compare the results of long-term planning with operative planning you can call up a comparison
function from all the evaluations. The operative plan for a specific material can be compared

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-16

Integration: Long-term Planning 2

Simulated planned
independent requirements


Simulated orders Simulated dependent Simulated capacity

requirements planning

SAP AG 1999

n The following steps are necessary for long-term planning:

Create the long-term planning scenario. The scenario defines the planned independent requirements
versions that are used in the simulation, the assigned plants and the capacity version for scheduling.
Create the simulated planned independent requirements.
Run single-/multi-level long-term planning.
Look at the results of long-term planning in capacity planning.

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-17

Available Capacity and Requirements Versions

Sales and
Planned independent Operations
requirements Planning

change Version 2

copy Available capacity

version 1
Version 03
Version 02
Version 01

SAP AG 1999

n You can create and maintain simulated independent requirements by copying them from other
independent requirements or you can maintain them manually.
n You can assign several versions of independent requirements to a planning scenario.

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-18

Integration: Repetitive Manufacturing (REM)

Production line view

Capacity situation per period for production
line selected

The manufactured quantity per period for

each material made on the production line

Material view
Overall supply and demand in relation to
material selected

Capacity situation per period in relation

to production line selected

Production quantity per period for the

corresponding production lines

SAP AG 1999

n Within repetitive manufacturing you can execute capacity planning from the point of view of the
production line or the material.
n The tabular version of the planning table for repetitive manufacturing consists of two parts:
n The Aggregate Information is displayed in the upper section.
The following data is displayed for the planning object:
Name of the production line
Available capacity of the production line
Total capacity requirements for the production line
The percentage capacity load resulting from the capacity requirements or the capacity
requirements for run schedule headers that are processed on this line.
n In the section Detailed Information you can specify the quantities per period over a specific period of
n From the quantities that you enter in the section Details on the Line per material per period the
system calculates the capacity requirements and the load of the production line. Thus the quantities
can be adjusted to the available capacities.

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-19

Repetitive Manufacturing with Production Versions


X1 W3 R2 K1 N1
Bill of
Production Production Production
version 1 version 2 version 3


Work center
Operation 1 Operation 2

SAP AG 1999

n A material can have several bills of material (BOMs) that determine the components for production.
The production process can also be described in different routings. The data on the various methods
used to manufacture the material are saved in the so-called production versions that are assigned to
the material.
Thus a production version can comprise the following data:
Alternative BOM and BOM usage for the BOM explosion
Task list type, group and group counter for the assignment of task lists (routings)
Lot size restrictions and validity period
Production line and storage location
n A material can have one or more production versions. Data on individual production versions are
located at plant level. You can define the production versions as you like; however, every number
must be unambiguous.
n You can use production versions to deal with the following situations:
Manufacture with various resources (for example, two different production lines)
Manufacture with various processes (for example, different routings)
Individual production quantities can be assigned to different production versions, for example to
achieve a uniform utilization of the various alternative production lines.

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-20

Integration: Shop Floor Control (SFC)

Create or change a with

Capacity planning
production order

Work center view

Individual capacity

Capacity planning menu Order view

SAP AG 1999

n Leveling of capacities directly during order maintenance

n Calling up capacity planning by selecting a role-specific view, such as the capacity planner or MRP
n Integration type 2 for calling up the planning table from order maintenance
n Integration type 3 for calling up the planning table using the menu
n When the order lot is changed the dispatched requirement is automatically deallocated but not when
the order dates are changed.

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-21

Integration: Unit Summary

l This unit explains the integration of capacity planning

along the process chain.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-22

Integration Exercises

Unit: Integration
Topic: Rough-Cut

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Create a rough-cut plan for a product group, taking into
account the available capacity

The planners for the pump product group must review the rough-
cut capacity plan before the production is approved. After the
rough-cut plan is approved, the planners will disaggregate the
plan to the individual materials and transfer the resulting
independent requirements to demand management, ready for
MPS/MRP processing.

1-1 Perform rough-cut planning.

1-1-1 Plan for product group.
1-1-2 Create an inactive plan for product group PG-100 with version 1##. Change
descriptive text to Version-##.
1-1-3 Create a sales plan for PG-100 for 5 months, starting in the third period.
Sales are 100 units per month.
1-1-4 Save your plan.

1-2 Display a rough-cut capacity profile.

1-2-1 Display the rough-cut planning profile for the product group PG-100 in
plant 1000, and list the following values:
Work center _________________
Time span _________________
Base quantity _________________
Usage _________________
Status _________________
Lot size _________________
1-2-2 Look at the capacity situation for Sales and Operations Planning for the
product group PG-100.

Select [inactive version 1##]

Look at the capacity situation.

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-23

1-2-3 Change the sales plan (and the production plan) in such a way that it
corresponds to the available capacity.
Then create the production plan again.

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-24


Unit: Integration
Topic: Repetitive Manufacturing

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Execute capacity leveling for repetitive manufacturing

The person responsible for the production line must dispatch

work every week to production line 2 in plant 1200. Run schedule
headers have been created for all the materials. The person
responsible must check the run schedule header, the rate routing
and the data for the production version.

2-1 Check the master data for repetitive manufacturing.

2-1-1 Look at the production versions in the material master for R-1000 in plant
1200. Make a note of the task list type and what this task list type means.
2-1-2 Look at the rate routings for material R-1000. Make a list of the task list
groups and production lines that are that are used in this routing. Also look
at the base quantity.
______________ _____________ ____________

______________ _____________ ____________

2-2 Carry out capacity leveling on the planning table for LINE 2 in plant 1200. Set the
indicator Capacity Planning and make a note of the correct scheduling type.

Note that generally only one capacity planner is responsible

for a line.
Therefore, save the results of your planning in this exercise.

2-2-1 Specify for the next week a quantity of 50 pieces for the material R-1000 for
every working day. How big is the load for this line on these working days?

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-25

2-2-2 You want to maximize the load on this line and therefore increase the
quantity on the first day of the week for this line.
2-2-3 On the second day of the week, you try to increase the load on the line by
using other materials.

2-3 Call up capacity leveling with the capacity planning table and dispatch the
requirements for Monday.

2-4 Only display the dispatched requirements on the planning table.

Do NOT save the planning table.

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-26

Integration Solutions

Unit: Integration
Topic: Rough-Cut

1-1 Execute rough-cut planning.

1-1-1 Plan for product group.

Logistics Production Sales and Operations Planning Planning
For product group Create
1-1-2 Create an inactive plan for product group PG-100 with version 1##. Change
descriptive text to Version-##.
Product group: PG-100
Plant: 1000
Version: 1##
Version name: Version-##
1-1-3 Create a sales plan for PG-100 for 5 months, starting in the third period.
Sales are 100 units per month.
Edit Create product. plan Synchronous to sales

1-2 Display a rough-cut capacity profile.

1-2-1 Display the rough-cut planning profile for the product group PG-100 in
plant 1000.
Logistics Production SOP Tools Rough-cut plng profl.
Product group: PG-100
Plant: 1000
Work center: 1310
Profile header button
Time split: 5 working days
Base quantity: 1
Usage: Universal
Status: Released general
Lot size: 1 to 3.450.000

1-2-2 Look at the capacity situation for Sales and Operations Planning for the
product group PG-100.

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-27

Logistics Production Sales and Operations Planning Planning
For product group Create
Inactive version button
Select version 1##
Views Capacity situation Rough-cut planning Show
1-2-3 Change the sales plan (and the production plan) in such a way that it
corresponds to the available capacity.
Then create the production plan again.
Edit Create product. plan Synchronous to sales

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-28


Unit: Integration
Topic: Repetitive Manufacturing

2-1 Check the master data for repetitive manufacturing.

2-1-1 Look at the production versions in the material master for R-1000 in plant
Logistics Production Master data Material master Material
Display Display current status
Material: R-1000
Select MRP 4
Plant: 1200
(on the screen MRP 4) Button: Versions
Detail button for the versions
Task list type R.
It is a rate routing.

2-1-2 Look at the rate routings for material R-1000.

Logistics Production Master data Routings Routings Rate
routings Display
Material: R-1000
Plant: 1200
Task list counter 1, Line 1, Base quantity 30
Task list counter 2, Line 2, Base quantity 30

2-2 Carry out capacity leveling on the planning table for LINE 2 in plant 1200.
Logistics Production Repetitive manufacturing Planning Planning
table Change mode
MRP area and plant: 1200
Select production line
Production line: LINE 1
Select the tab page Scheduling

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-29

Indicator: Select Capacity planning
Rate-based planning button
Enter and choose the Planning table button.

2-3 Call up capacity leveling with the capacity planning table and dispatch the
requirements for Monday.
Capacity planning Configure graphic

(C) SAP AG LO230 11-30



l This section contains additional material that can

be used for reference purposes.
l This material is not included as part of the standard
l It could, therefore, be the case that this material is
not dealt with during the course.

SAP AG 1999

(C) SAP AG LO230 12-1

Change Mode and GUI Status

Type of presentation Type of presentation

Planning Planning Change Display

table table
(tabular) (graphical)

Status Status Status Status

for for for for
change display change display
mode mode mode mode

Cap. planning table Cap. planning table


SAP AG 1999

n GUI status for display mode: You use this GUI status to define the menu structure for both types of
planning table for the display mode. If you do not maintain the GUI status for the display mode the
GUI status predefined in the system by SAP is used.
n GUI status for change mode: You use this GUI status to define the menu structure for both types of
planning table for the change mode. If you do not maintain the GUI status for the change mode the
GUI status predefined in the system by SAP is used.

(C) SAP AG LO230 12-2

Layout of the Planning Table

Layout ID

Chart 1 Work centers

Monday Tuesday
Work centers
00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 00:00 06:00
Group 1
Sort key
or sort-layout keys
Group 2 Lathe


Chart 2 Order. Op. Qty
Monday Tuesday
00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 00:00 06:00
Group 3 Sort-layout keys 2010 0010 10

2020 0020 5

Group 4 Sort-layout keys 2030 0010 10

Message line

Table section Diagram section

Reqmts grouping

SAP AG 1999

n The correct requirements grouping must be maintained for every chart otherwise the capacity
requirements are not displayed in that chart.
n A sort-layout key must be defined for every order type, planned order and production order. These
sort-layout keys are grouped together as a sort key.

(C) SAP AG LO230 12-3

Chart Sequence

Work centers

l 1 - 8 charts
l Each chart contains:
n Title (language-dependent)

u Color definition
u Form Message line

n Height Table section Diagram section

n Global calendar and calendar color

n Time scale for every section of the time scale
n Table heading incl. color and form definition

SAP AG 1999

n Every chart is a horizontal window within the planning table.

n If not all the charts fit into the screen then you can scroll along the chart sequence.
n Every chart contains a table section and a diagram section.
n The title, table heading and time scale are optional.

(C) SAP AG LO230 12-4

Chart Sequence (cont.)

l Graphics profile l Chart sequence

n Chart group n Chart
u Chart category u Chart category
l Color definition n Title
n Form group u Form category
u Form category u Color category
l Form definition - n Table section
field definition
u Form category
n Color group
u Color category
u Color category
l Color definition
n Diagram section

n Graphical element group u Time scale profile

n Options profile u Color category calendar

u Color category time-now

SAP AG 1999

n The chart group in the graphics profile contains all the settings that are needed to generate the
structure of the planning table in the individual charts. It consists of several chart categories, such as
00 for the capacity planning table standard and 01 for the histogram.
n In the chart sequence a special assignement is made for every chart based on the settings in the
graphics profile.
n You can specify the display of the visible sections of the chart, the colors and fonts using the chart
category in Customizing.
n The graphics profile consists of the chart group, the form group, the color group, the options profile
and the graphical element group.
n The graphical element group contains the forms such as lines, rectangles, triangles and symbols
along with their colors.
n In the options profile you make specifications concerning the window, the processing mode and the

(C) SAP AG LO230 12-5

Actual Capacity Requirements

Capacity category Actual capacity Activity 11

requirements Setup time 9
Machine 8
7 6 5


Activity 10
11 1
Tear down Processing 9 3
8 4
time 7 6 5

Capacity category Actual capacity Activity 11

10 2
requirements Tear down time 3
Personnel 8 4
7 6 5

Activity 10
11 1
Tear down Personnel time 9 3
8 4
7 6 5

SAP AG 1999

n The actual capacity requirement is the capacity requirement of a work order that has been torn down
since the start of the order processing, or since the last confirmation.
n In the extended evaluation you can display the actual capacity requirements, as well as the target
capacity requirements or remaining capacity requirements.
l Activities in which every actual capacity requirement is evaluated.
l Quantities, in which the formulas for determining the appropriate capacity requirements are used.
You must have entered these formulas on the capacity tab page.
n Example: Assigning activities to actual capacity requirements
l You have two capacity categories at your work center (for example: machine and personnel). Four
activities are confirmed (for example: setup time, processing time, tear down time, and personnel
time) for operations carried out at your work center.
l You want the actual capacity requirements setup (or tear down) to be equated to the setup time
activity (or tear down time).
n The actual capacity requirement processing will
l be equated for the capacity category machine in the processing time activity
l be equated for the capacity category personnel in the personnel time activity
The assignment of activities and actual capacity requirements, which you must carry out, is shown
in the diagram.

(C) SAP AG LO230 12-6

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