Sarana Trim Tab

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Build Your Own Trim Tab Self-Steering System

By Eric Baicy
Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents
GETTING STARTED AND GETTING HELP......................................................................................... 2
WHY A TRIM TAB? ..................................................................................................................................... 2
DOWNSIDE OF A TRIM TAB ......................................................................................................................... 3
THE DESIGN ............................................................................................................................................... 3
TRIM TAB DESIGN PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................. 3
Testing for Yaw Resistance ................................................................................................................... 3
Determining the Self-Volume of Your Main Rudder ............................................................................. 6
Determining the Self-Volume of Your Trim Tab ................................................................................. 10
Determining the Chord Length and Span ........................................................................................... 10
Computing the Physical Design Profile.............................................................................................. 13
Building It ........................................................................................................................................... 16
TRIM TAB INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................. 20
TRIM TAB LOCK ....................................................................................................................................... 29
VERIFYING THE TRIM TAB DESIGN................................................................................................. 31
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................. 33
Rectangle ............................................................................................................................................ 33
Right Triangle ..................................................................................................................................... 33
Sources for Bearings........................................................................................................................... 33

List of Figures
Figure 1: Letcher's Yaw Resistance Setup......................................................................... 4
Figure 2: Four Possible Yaw Resistance Test Results....................................................... 5
Figure 3: Rudder Self-Volume........................................................................................... 7
Figure 4: Computing Surface Area .................................................................................... 8
Figure 5: Chord and Span ................................................................................................ 11
Figure 6: Trim Tab Arm .................................................................................................. 12
Figure 7: Profile of half of the trim tab foil ..................................................................... 14
Figure 8: Diagram of wood grain and epoxy lay-up........................................................ 17
Figure 9: A 2x4 template with the depths marked........................................................... 19
Figure 10: Sarana's Entire Trim Tab Assembly............................................................... 22
Figure 11: Sarana's Trim Tab........................................................................................... 23
Figure 12: Upper Strut Support........................................................................................ 24
Figure 13: Lower strut support ........................................................................................ 25
Figure 14: Above water support strut .............................................................................. 26
Figure 15: Bearing details of the above water support strut ............................................ 27
Figure 16: Trim tab control arm....................................................................................... 28
Figure 17: Control arm attach points ............................................................................... 29
Figure 18: Trim tab lock .................................................................................................. 30
Figure 19: Sketch of trim tab locking device................................................................... 31



This document is intended to illustrate the details of our trim tab design. It wont work
for every boat and it is still in the process of evolving on ours. If you are considering
building your own design, make sure you have plenty of spare time to play around with

We built our first pass design a couple of months before setting off on a two month
shake-down cruise. As time slipped away and we quickly neared our departure date, we
were unable to even test it until one week into our cruise. The first pass of the wind vane
design was a resounding failure and after finishing our cruise, we spent four weeks
dedicated to finding something that would work before heading offshore again.

Fortunately the trim tab itself was designed properly, and the work was all above the
waterline, but having the time to test it fully and make changes takes more time than you
would expect.

Getting Started and Getting Help

Saranas self-steering system is a trim tab based design inspired by John Letchers
drawings and design work (Self-Steering for Sailing Craft, Publisher: International
Marine/Ragged Mountain Press 1974, ASIN 0877420424,
1/ref=sr_1_1/102-9570029-3344115?v=glance&s=books). It was also built with
inspiration from Lin & Larry Pardey (and their builder at
and several other people on the wind vane online forum (
bin/windvane/ Bill Belcher also has an excellent book. If his book is
used in combination with John Letchers book, you will have an outstanding chance of

Why a Trim Tab?

Its simple, light, cost effective (metal is the biggest expense), and you dont need any
special tools, just some help from a welder. You can repair it fairly simply just about
anywhere, and it makes a great way to steer the boat with an autopilot or with an
emergency tiller.

If you have an aft hung rudder, youre a prime candidate for this type of steering system.
It can be done on spade rudders, or other types of rudders, but it is more complicated.
Also if you lack a boomkin or have a narrow stern, the standard servo-pendulum type
steering systems will require you to add quite a bit of stainless tubing to support it. In
contrast to off-the-shelf servo-pendulum designs, a trim tab doesnt need much hardware
for attachment and will probably save you some weight.

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Letcher suggests you perform a simple test for yaw resistance on your boat at different
wind angles prior to choosing the type of self steering system that will work for you. If
youre able to balance the helm under all different types of conditions and sailing angles,
and you know your boat well, then you can probably skip the yaw resistance test.

Downside of a Trim Tab

There are only a few negative aspects to using a trim tab. First, the trim tab does add
extra surface permanently in the water which will increase drag slightly. Second, the tab
turns in the opposite direction of the rudder which reduces the rudders efficiency so it
must be designed carefully to avoid impacting the main rudder. And, it is another thing
that could get fouled or damaged and ruin your day.

The Design
We broke the project into three separate portions: Trim Tab, Controls, and the Wind
Vane. The Tab had to be done with the most care, as we didnt have time to build more
than one, or haul out more than once if modifications had to be made. The Controls and
the Wind Vane were designed separately and not discussed in this article.

Trim Tab Design Procedure

The procedure for designing your trim tab requires the following steps which will be
explained in the text below:
1. Testing for Yaw Resistance.
2. Determining the self-volume of your main rudder.
3. Determining your required self-volume of your trim tab.
4. Determining the chord length, and span (or aspect ratio).
5. Computing the physical design profile for your trim tab using the NACA0010
6. Building it.

Testing for Yaw Resistance

The idea behind this test is to see how well your boat holds its course without much force
on the tiller or wheel while the boat is in motion. Additional forces due to the balance of
the sails, like weather or lee helm, contribute additional problems for steering gears
because they must correct for this force as well. Typically the sails can be balanced in
such a way as to help reduce any tendency for the boat to yaw because the steering gear
only needs to overcome the dynamic force due to yawing. Some of the early self steering
gears worked only because the sailor was forced to carefully balance the sails under all

If you are not sure how your boat yaws under sail, you can perform Letchers test for yaw
resistance as summarized in the following text.

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Youll need a stiff wire (like a coat hanger), a board which you can mark compass
headings on and clamp under the tiller, a friend to read the compass for you.

Take your boat out and find a nice reaching course in moderate wind. Clamp the board
under the tiller and tape a piece of paper to it. Once you are on course, calibrate your

To calibrate your markings, start by marking the point that holds your boat on course as
0. Next move the tiller until your course changes by 5 degrees. Mark this as your 2.5
degree increment. Now use this spacing to create the other markings on the board, until it
looks like Figure 1. If you have trouble visually lining up the tiller with the heading, use
a piece of stiff wire and wrap it around the tiller so that one end of it points down the

The resulting board will provide you roughly with a board which closely resembles a
commercial controlling system which often have a gain of up to 2.

-10 The compass heading
Tiller -5 for this example is 60
0 degrees sailing on a
+5 reach when the tiller
+10 reads 0.
Board with
Paper scale

Figure 1: Letcher's Yaw Resistance Setup

Once you are setup, steer the boat 10 degrees off course. After you are settled on the new
heading (dont adjust the sails!), have the person on the helm steer back to the original
course following the markings while the person on the compass calls out the headings.

The person on the helm may only look at the board while slowly returning to the original
heading of 0 on the board, while the compass person calls out the heading. The person
reading the compass should make note of the boats heading at a regular time interval.
The time interval should be long enough to average out changes from the wave motion,
but not so long that major heading changes are not recorded.

Through this process you are simulating a simple wind vane system. You are applying a
force proportional to the error to correct the course. Using the example above, if the
compass person calls out 65 degrees, the helms person should steer +5 degrees on the
marking (which is really a 5 degree correction in the opposite direction).

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If the boat oscillates too wildly for the helm to keep up with the compass, then you have
to change the scale on the piece of paper. Try using a spacing of less than the spacing
you used previously on the piece of paper. This will slow down the corrections to allow
for the natural delay between compass readings and the steering. If the smaller spacing
makes the steering too sluggish, then your scale is too small. This could mean that your
boat is negatively damped or neutrally damped, see Figure 2.

In general, you should note one of four patterns when you steer your boat back onto
course as illustrated on the following graph.



Strong Damping

Positive Damping
Neutral Damping
Negative Damping


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Figure 2: Four Possible Yaw Resistance Test Results

Strong damping means that the boat will progressively head to the right direction and stay
on course. This type of boat will tolerate just about any type of self-steering gear.

Positive damping shows that the boat is very quick to respond and overshoots, but it
eventually settles down onto its course. The self-steering design will require a bit of
damping in the linkage to keep the boat from over-steering in downwind conditions, but
you should be able to design a system to stabilize the boat. You might need to consider
over-sizing the trim tab some, ensuring you still have enough torque from the dampened
wind vane to steer the boat properly.

Neutral damping means the boat wanders around its proper course, but never settles
down. In this case, youll need to use a more powerful servo-pendulum type of design.
An auxiliary rudder could be designed, like a stand alone trim tab, to steer the boat with

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the main tiller lashed to reduce yawing. However, careful consideration must be taken
when designing the linkage and the vane to stabilize the boat.

Negative damping means the boat steers at ever increasing amounts of error. Only a large
servo-pendulum design with a large dual-axis wind vane and a dampened control linkage
design will probably stabilize this boat.

Determining the Self-Volume of Your Main Rudder

In order to discuss the tab in terms of force, Letcher introduces a term called self-volume.
Put simply, it is the surface area of a rudder times the length of the rudder arm. The
rudder arm is the distance between the center of pressure and the axis of the rudder.
Well discuss the center of pressure later, but first heres an example for a simple rudder:

A rectangular1 rudder that is 3 feet long, and 2 feet wide, has the surface area of 6 square
feet. If it is mounted on the transom of a boat so that the center of pressure is .5 feet from
the gudgeon pins, its self-volume is 6 square feet * 0.5 feet = 3 cubic feet. The units are
often dropped, as this is just a numeric tool for comparing the trim tab to the main rudder.

This term, the self-volume2, is handy because it lets us quickly estimate how much
rotational force must be applied to turn the rudder, which in turn will rotate the boat. It
also makes it easy to compare the boats main rudder to the new trim tab being added.

The basic assumption behind this analysis is the current rudder can steer the boat well, so
its volume is correct for the boat. Therefore, if we understand the force required to turn
the main rudder (the self-volume) then we can start to design the controlling trim tab.
With this as a starting point, the trim tab will be designed to simply steer the main rudder
with a force proportional to the main rudders self-volume.

Example of computing an odd shaped rudders surface area:

We will use our Mariah 31 for this example, which has an odd shaped rudder. We had to
estimate the area while it was in the water. Once we actually hauled the boat to install
the trim tab, we were able to make more accurate measurements of the rudder, just for the

For general geometric formulas for surface area see the Appendix.
For those interested in what this term really is, it is a force called a moment. A moment is a rotational
force, or torque, about an axis of rotation. It is calculated by M = F * D, or the Moment is the Force times
Distance. In our case, the force is the water acting on the surface area of the rudder times the distance
between the average center of that force (center of pressure) and the axis of rotation or the gudgeons on the
rudder. If we make some assumptions that the water forces are similar between the main rudder and the
trim tab, the force can be ignored, and substituted by the surface areas which the forces act upon. This is
where the term self-volume is created.

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The diagram of our rudder with the trim tab attached, looked something like the
following sketch:

Axis of Trim Tab Axis of

rotation Arm rotation

Cut out
for prop

Main Rudder Trim Tab

Approximate Center Approximate Center
of Pressure of Pressure
Figure 3: Rudder Self-Volume

There is a cutout for the prop in the main rudder, and the tab is mounted aft with the
arrows showing the distance from the axis of the main rudder to the axis of the trim tab.

The process of computing the self-volume includes finding the surface area and then the
distance between the gudgeon pins and the center of pressure. The center of pressure can
be difficult to estimate. For a rectangular shaped foil, the center of pressure is about 27%
of its width, or chord (which is explained in the next section), from the leading edge, but
for our main rudder with its funny shape, it is difficult to estimate. A figure between
25% and 27% of the width are typical estimates. For odd shaped rudders, this process is
less clear because the width is often asymmetrical. Well cover this after finding the
surface area.

The first step is computing the surface area. Often odd shaped structures can be sub-
divided into rectangles and right triangles. This makes estimating the surface area easier.
Notice the following drawing of the Mariahs rudder and the sections that it was divided

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1 A1 T2

h 3a 3
5 T1
64.3 Degrees

Figure 4: Computing Surface Area

Three right triangles3 can be constructed for our rudder, T1, T2, and T3. Notice that T3
is actually a cut out section of the area T1, so the solid area of T1 will actually become
T1 minus T3. The angle between sections 5 and 4 was measured at 64.3 degrees. The
following table shows the physical measurements of each segment as it was measured in
the yard.

Rudder as measured in yard

Segment in feet
1 1.5
2 1.667
3 4.58
4 2.667
5 2
6 0.5
7 1.5
Angle 64.3

Table 1: Measured Dimensions

Once the base segment measurements are known, the other segments such as 2a and 4a
can be computed. First we have to compute h, using the hypotenuse formula.

h = square root ( segment 7 * segment 7 + segment 6 * segment 6)

h = square root (1.5 * 1.5 + 0.5 * 0.5) = 1.5811

Also, by knowing the angle, we can directly compute 3a using the Sine formula:

A right triangle must have one side that has a 90 degree angle. See the Appendix for some basic formulas
for right triangles.

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3a = segments(5+h+1) * sin (angle)

So, pulling the measurements from the table:

3a = (2 + 1.58.11 + 1.5) * sin(64.3) = 4.5785

This allows us to calculate the area T1

Area T1 = 0.5 * (segment 4 * segment 3a)

Area T1 = 0.5 * (2.667 * 4.5785) = 2.5578

To compute A1 and T2, the segment 2a must be computed using the hypotenuse formula
2a = square root ((segment 3 * segment 3) (segment 3a * segment 3a))
2a = square root ((4.58 * 4.58) (4.5785*4.5785)) = 0.1173

Now A1 and T2 can be computed. A1 is calculated by the formula for a rectangle, using
3a and the difference between 2 and 2a:

A1 = segment 3a * (segment 2 segment 2a)

A1= 4.5785 * (1.667 1.173) = 7.095

T2 = 0.5 * (segment 2a * segment 3a)

T2 = 0.5 * (0.1173 * 4.5785) = 0.2685

The total area is T1 + A1 + T2

Total = 2.5578 + 7.095 + 0.2685 = 9.9216

But we have to remove the area of T3 because it is a cut out for the prop.

T3 = 0.5 * (segment 7 * segment 6)

T3= 0.5 * (1.5 * 0.5) = 0.375

So the final answer becomes (Total Area T3):

Surface Area = 9.9216 0.375 = 9.5466

Finding the center of pressure for a rudder that is a strange shape is not a simple task.
Designers do this with scale mock ups, or it is computed numerically with the aid of 3-D
fluid calculations.

There is no easy way to find the center of pressure. Some books recommend building a
scale model and testing it in a river. (?!) We estimated where the 25% point was along
the chord and used this for our center of pressure. I estimated it to be 7.25 back from

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the point where the gudgeons mounted to the rudder. Thus the rudder arm would be
7.25 (or 0.6 feet).

Using this number for the rudder arm, the self-volume = 0.6 * 9.55 = 5.73 feet.

Determining the Self-Volume of Your Trim Tab

Now that we know the size of the main rudder, the next step is to design the trim tab. A
full power trim tab needs to have the same self-volume as the main rudder, in our case,
5.73 feet. The ideal trim tab will have a 1:1 relationship with the main rudder. This
means that for a 5 degree turn on the tab, the rudder will turn 5 degrees the opposite

Earlier we found the main rudder arm to be 6 from the center of pressure to the axis.
For the trim tab, its arm is the distance from the tabs center of pressure to the axis on the
main rudder. Since the trim tab is designed to be balanced, the distance between its
center of pressure and axis is essentially zero. So for all intents and purposes, the trim
tab arm is strictly the distance between the axis of the main rudder and the axis of the
trim tab.

You can vary three parameters to achieve this self-volume, the chord, the span and the
rudder arm. Of these three parameters, the rudder arm has the biggest effect on the self-
volume calculation. The further aft you place your trim tab, the larger the self-volume
becomes, allowing you to reduce the size of your trim tab. The next section will help you
design a trim tab to the size which you feel is strong enough, yet small enough for your
application. From there, you can then calculate the required rudder arm distance. You
might find youll have to go back and forth between these two steps to find a solution you

We over designed our trim tab because we didnt have time to correct it if the design
turned out too small. Our final finished cut design after installation was about 7.11 cubic
feet for the self-volume.

Determining the Chord Length and Span

The next step, now that we know what the self-volume needs to be, is to come up with
some physical dimensions. But before we go into that, here are a few basics about foil

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Figure 5: Chord and Span

The span is the length of the foil, and the chord is the width. Together these parameters
define the foils aspect ratio:


The aspect ratio helps determine the amount of lift or force that your trim tab will
generate when moving through the water. A higher aspect ratio will generate more lift,
but it will stall faster. This means that as the angle of the trim tab increases, it will reach
a high turning force quickly, then it will stall and the force will drop more dramatically as
the angle is increased further.

If you want to look into this more closely, Letchers book has some nice graphs and
explanations on pages 96-99.

For our design we chose an aspect ratio of about 10. This is a very high aspect ratio,
and in retrospect, I would probably choose about 5 to 7 just to make the span smaller
because our final self-volume turned out to be oversized.

To define the physical dimensions, pick a chord and span that gives you the area you
need, and the aspect ratio you desire.

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In our case, we started with a 10 chord and a 3 span. This works out to be 2.5 square
feet for a surface area. Then use the information about your main rudders self-volume to
see how far back you need to set the trim tab. Remember, that the further back you place
the tab, the smaller you can make it.

So, for our design the required trim tab arm is calculated as follows:
Rudder Self-Volume = 5.73
Trim Tab Arm = (Rudder Self-Volume)/(Trim Tab Surface) = 5.73 / 2.5 = 2.29 feet.

So in our case the axis of the trim tab must be about 2.29 feet from the axis of the rudder.
Since the rudder is slanted, we tried to design the shaft of the tab to angle inwards so it
meets the top of rudder at 90 degrees (see Figure 16) to make connecting the controls
easier. This meant that the tab was at a different angle from the main rudder axis. I
computed the average trim tab arm and added a little extra distance of 6 to insure the tab
had enough force.

When designing the trim tab arm, keep in mind the clearance required for turning the
trim tab. Our tab was designed so that it could spin 360 degrees making rudder stops

Figure 6 and Table 2 show the physical parameters for our trim tabs arm.

Figure 6: Trim Tab Arm

Final measurements, after everything was assembled, for a, b, and c are as follows:

tab arm Feet

A 2.5
B 2.92
C 3.33
average 2.916667

Table 2: Trim Tab Arm Measurements

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After everything was fitted and attached, 2.92 was the average arm length, which may not
be very accurate because the forces arent averaged, but it was a good starting point.
The self-volume ended up being 2.92 * 2.5 = 7.3 cubic feet on paper. After all the
construction was done, some of the final dimensions were slightly different for the span.
The span ended up at 9.75 and the final self-volume was 7.11.

This is a little more power than we need and it might cause the tab to over-steer, but in
the control part of the design, we can add damping to easily reduce the feedback.

Computing the Physical Design Profile

Now that we know the chord and the span, we can begin designing the foil. The first step
is to compute the wing shaped curve.

The trim tab we made follows a formula characterized by the NACA0010 standard.
NACA denotes a standard family of foils devised by the U.S. National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics. The 00 in NACA0010 represents the percentage of its
symmetry (or camber, 00 is symmetrical) and the 10 is the percentage of the chord
length which is the maximum thickness. If this is confusing, youll see how this works
in the following tables.

If the foil is a NACA0010, the thickness is 10% of the chord length. If it is a

NACA0015, then the thickness is 15% of the chord length. A foil that is 0015 will have
more lift than a 0010 foil, but it will also stall out quicker. Typically on sailboats, either
the NACA0010 or the NACA0015 are used.

The following is a table of nominal factors Ive pieced together from different sources for
building a NACA0010 foil.
Position Thickness
(fraction (fraction of
of chord) the chord)
0 0
0.0125 0.30615
0.025 0.04340
0.05 0.05900
0.075 0.07000
0.1 0.07800
0.2 0.09600
0.3 0.10000
0.4 0.09700
0.5 0.08800
0.6 0.07600
0.7 0.06100
0.8 0.04400
0.9 0.02400
1 0.00200

Table 3: Nominal values for a NACA0010 foil

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Using the table above, we can compute an example foil. Lets say that after calculating
the required self-volume needed for our trim tab, we determine a span of 2 feet and a
chord length of 10 inches is required.

We go to the table and begin to multiply out the columns by the chord length. For our
example, the resulting table would look like the following:

Position Thickness
0 0
0.125 0.314
0.25 0.434
0.5 0.59
0.75 0.7
1 0.78
2 0.96
3 1
4 0.97
5 0.88
6 0.76
7 0.61
8 0.44
9 0.24
10 0.02

Table 4: Example of a NACA0010 foil with a 10 chord

So if you look at a cross section of your newly designed foil, at 0.125 inches along the
chord, it is .314 inches thick, at 1 inch along it is 0.78 inches thick. This thickness is the
total thickness, by the way. If you want to look at just of the profile (which is how
youll need to calculate it for building a mold or template), just take the thickness
numbers and divide them all by 2. The resulting profile looks like the following, using
our example numbers of a 10 chord.

1/2 Profile


1/2 Profile
0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 7: Profile of half of the trim tab foil

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Sometimes we need the foil to be a little bit thicker for strength purposes. I found a
fudge factor that can be applied to the foil to thicken it for strength. If you want to
increase the thickness for strength, modify the table by the following multiplier:


So if you want the same 10 inch chord as in the above example, but want it at least 1.5
thick, your multiplier is 1.5/10 * 10 = 1.5. (The result seems trivial only because of the
number chosen for the chord in this example).

Your new table would then be the previous table, with all the thickness values multiplied
by 1.5, like below.
Position Thickness
0 0
0.125 0.471
0.25 0.651
0.5 0.885
0.75 1.05
1 1.17
2 1.44
3 1.5
4 1.455
5 1.32
6 1.14
7 0.915
8 0.66
9 0.36
10 0.03

Table 5: Example of 10 chord, with a 1.5 minimum thickness

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Our final design ended up with a 1.75 minimum thickness, a 9.75 chord and is shown in
the following table.
Position Thickness
0 0
0.121875 0.5495
0.24375 0.7595
0.4875 1.0325
0.73125 1.225
0.975 1.365
1.95 1.68
2.925 1.75
3.9 1.6975
4.875 1.54
5.85 1.33
6.825 1.0675
7.8 0.77
8.775 0.42
9.75 0.035

Table 6: Saranas Actual Trim Tab Foil

Before building your trim tab, there is one final check you should perform. The
effectiveness of the main rudder is reduced by the trim tab, because they turn in opposite
directions. The moment, or forces, about the rudder axis is static when the forces are
equal. This can be expressed as:

Tab lift * Tab Arm = Rudder Lift * Rudder Arm

Solving this equation for the Tab Lift and assuming the rudder lift is constant, the
effectiveness of the rudder is reduced by the rotational moment related to the tab arm and
the rudder arm. It can be expressed as a percentage as follows:

Reduction in Effectiveness (%) = Tab Arm / Rudder Arm * 100%.

For example, a rudder arm of 0.33 ft and a tab arm of 2.66 ft will produce a reduction in
efficiency of the main rudder equal to .33/2.66 * 100% = 12.5%. As a rule of thumb if
you keep this below 15-18% you shouldnt notice any difference in how the main rudder
steers the boat when the trim tab is driving it.

Building It
There are several options for building the tab. You can build it out of wood and call it
done, or laminate it with fiberglass, or make a mold from the wood model and build the
entire foil with a cored fiberglass structure. Its your choice.

We used iroko wood for the foil, Silicon Bronze Metal, and thermoplastic bearings with
glass balls below the waterline and stainless steel thrust bearings in a thermoplastic race
above the water line. The shaft was solid silicon bronze, the supports below the

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waterline were 1/8 thick silicon bronze, and the support strut, trim tab arm and trim tab
lock above the waterline were made from thick silicon bronze. The threaded rod for
the trim tab lock was also silicon bronze.

Wood Foil
We made our trim tab out of two pieces of laminated Iroko wood (which is similar to
teak), saturated it with epoxy, and then used 2 coats of Interprotect 2000E barrier coat
and a bottom paint coating. If we would have built if from all fiberglass, it would have
been much lighter, but we were constrained by time.

The more laminations you use, the stronger the foil will be and the less likely it will warp
over time. We only used two pieces of 1 thick wood to make our tab. When you
laminate the pieces together, make sure you have plenty of extra length in both the chord
and span; youll want an extra margin for error. I suggest at least 2 inches of extra width
and 12 inches of extra length. If you use our table saw technique described below for
cutting the foil, it helps to have about an extra inch of wood on each side of the chord for
stability when running it through the saw.

To begin with, look closely at the pieces you plan to laminate. Study the grain of the
wood. Have them planed if they are warped or rough. Where the grain is closer together,
the wood is stronger. Try to design the lay-up so the area where the grain is tighter is on
the trailing edge of the foil where it will be thinner. Also, I suggest you laminate the
wood so the grains are in opposition to each other as illustrated below, this will keep
them from warping in the same direction.

Use epoxy and

add filler so that
it is runny, but it
still has some
thickness to it
like pasty glue.
Clamp the boards together in
as many places as possible to
help force out air bubbles, but
do NOT over tighten. You
want some epoxy left inside
for strength. It should just
ooze out gently.

Figure 8: Diagram of wood grain and epoxy lay-up

The purpose for adding filler to the epoxy helps fill in voids, dents, groves inside the
wood. It provides a better bond than just straight epoxy.

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Allow the lay-up to cure overnight. Then plane the board down to the maximum
thickness you want to use for your trim tab. In our case this was 1.75. If you dont
have a planer, then you could rescale your numbers to the thickness you ended up with
after the lay-up cures. Make sure that your surfaces are not warped! If they are youll
need to plane them.

Make a Template
Create a template for cutting the foil shape on a table saw. The profile has to be reversed
to know how much material to remove for creating the foil shape. This is done by
computing a set of offsets based on the profile of the foil. To compute each cut depth,
subtract your desired maximum thickness of the foil from the profile thickness at each
position of the foil. Since we are working on one side of the foil at a time, the numbers
should all be based on thickness.

The template for the 10 chord, 1 maximum thickness example becomes:

position thickness 1/2 depth to cut (

Thickness max thickness
0 0 0 0.500
0.125 0.314 0.157 0.343
0.25 0.434 0.217 0.283
0.5 0.59 0.295 0.205
0.75 0.7 0.35 0.150
1 0.78 0.39 0.110
2 0.96 0.48 0.020
3 1 0.5 0.000
4 0.97 0.485 0.015
5 0.88 0.44 0.060
6 0.76 0.38 0.120
7 0.61 0.305 0.195
8 0.44 0.22 0.280
9 0.24 0.12 0.380
10 0.02 0.01 0.490

Table 7: Example of a Template for a 10" chord with 1 max thickness

Now take a 2x4 that is about 6 inches longer than your chord, and carefully mark the
position lines and the depth to cut from one edge. Make sure you use a nice 2x4 that has
clean edges.

The 2x4 template should look something like this (but better than this poor illustration):

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Figure 9: A 2x4 template with the depths marked

Now that you have drawn the depths on the board, carefully connect all the endpoints on
the lines to make a nice dark shape of your foil. This template will be your depth gauge
for setting the saw blade depth on your table saw.

Begin by laying the template on the table saw and adjust the blade height so that the
deepest cut into the wood matches the outline of the profile. When you are sure things
look right, make a cut into your template with the table saw.

Check the cut on the template to make sure you did not cut past your profile. It is better
to be a little shallow than too deep. An error in either direction can be cleaned up later,
but a cut too deep will require using a faring compound to fill it in.

Once youre sure the cut is right, run the laminated wood for your trim tab through the
table saw making the same profile cut. Turn the board over and make the same cut on the
opposite side of the cut you just made. This insures the foil will be symmetrical.

Repeat this process for all the marked points on the board, then start cutting all the points
in between. Leave small comb teeth of wood about 1/8 or so in between each cut. This
helps keep the board on an even plane while running it through the saw. Always make
sure to test each new cut on your template before cutting your trim tab, going back and
forth between the two.

When youre done, the board should look like a two sided comb with a foil shape in

Chisel and Sand

The next step is to chisel out the foil, removing the combs teeth pieces, and then cut
off the excess material on the chord (you may need to run it through the table saw to
clean up the edges).

Now you can sand it smooth with a belt sander, being careful to sand it evenly and not
hold the sander in one spot. A trick a shipwright told me once was to take a pencil and
scribble on the surface of wood you want to sand smooth. The pencil marks are a good
visual indicator of how much material youve removed and where. Sand it evenly and
smoothly with decreasing grits of paper. Do a final sand with a palm sander and a fine

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Cut the span of the foil to its finished length, and keep the leftover chunk as it will be
handy for making templates or shaping metal later.

Epoxy Seal
If youre going to laminate it or use it as a mold for a fiberglass rudder, your construction
process will differ slightly from here.

If you want to follow our method, we heated the board up above a baseboard heater for
about 5 hours, then we used epoxy thinned with acetone and coated the board. As it
cools the epoxy will be pulled into the pores of the wood. Several coats and plenty of
curing time are also recommended.

Next, mix up some epoxy with fairing filler in it and coat the board. This will fill in any
grooves left by the saw or chisel, or a wild sander. Once it cures, gently fair the board
back to its original shape. Add another coat of penetrating epoxy (epoxy thinned with
acetone, about 60/40 of resin to acetone, mixed and then catalyst added to match the
amount of resin used).

Trim Tab Installation

Now that the basic tab is shaped and finished, you have to connect it to a shaft and
support struts on the main rudder. We used silicon bronze and bought the raw metal from
a local metal supplier. For sources on bearings, shaft collars and example part numbers
see the Appendix or follow this link:

We used a piece of copper pipe and built two mock mounting struts out of 2x4 sections
for our template. We cut 12 deep V-shaped grooves into the 2X4s that would fit over
the aft section of the main rudder which was the appropriate distance for our trim tab
arm. The bottom strut was longer than the top strut to compensate for the rake of the
main rudder and the hull so that the top of the copper pipe was perpendicular to the top of
the rudder. The copper pipe was inserted through holes drilled in the 2x4s and screwed
into place to keep them from turning while we were fitting everything.

We plunged this template into the water, positioning it over the rudder where we wanted
the struts, or gudgeons to be mounted. We modified it a few times to get the shape and
the angles to fit correctly and even dove with it a couple times. Trying to get the right fit
with the boat in the water was difficult at best. If you have the chance to haul out to
make these measurements, your measurements and templates will take much less work.

From this, we went on to make some mechanical drawings of the struts, the shaft and the
caps for the trim tab.

The shaft should be attached at the center of pressure for the tab to be properly balanced.
On this type of foil, this is approximately 27% of the chord length. To be safe, use 24%
to 25% to make sure you dont end up with an unstable unbalanced trim tab. We used

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24% and in the case of a chord of 10 this means the shaft should be at 2.5 from the
leading edge. If in doubt move the shaft closer to the leading edge.

We designed end caps for the trim tab out of 1/8 silicon bronze, which we secured to the
trim tab ends with 3Ms 5200 sealant. They are also positively held in place by the
squeezing effect of the bent 1/8 silicon bronze which was tightly shaped using the
excess chunk of the trim tab foil trimmed off earlier.

The following photograph shows the end results, before the barrier coats and bottom
paint. The purple color is the fairing compound that remained in the groves and dents of
the surface.

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Figure 10: Sarana's Entire Trim Tab Assembly

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Figure 11: Sarana's Trim Tab

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The structure of the man rudder struts is 3 wide plates with two 2 support plates brazed
to them. The 3 plates were cut to fit the shape of the main rudder, as determined by our
exercises with the 2X4 templates. The support plates flare out around the shape of the
main rudder and are thru-bolted with silicon bronze bolts and bedded heavily with 3Ms
4200 fast cure.

The shaft is silicon bronze and is welded to the top of the cap on the trim tab with a
thick plate welded under it for additional support. The welder has done a lot of
marine construction and felt that this heavy weld would not fail under pressure. A
photograph is shown below of the top strut and the weld.

This is a
retaining plate
for the radial

Make sure
there is plenty
of clearance
around all the
rotating parts
in both the
strut and the

Figure 12: Upper Strut Support

Both the top and bottom sections of the shaft are welded in the same manor. The
retaining plate you see in the above photograph holds the radial bearing in place. There
is some slop in the alignment of the holes for the plate to allow for aligning the shaft.
Clearance should be allowed for the bearing to rotate freely and without binding.

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The following is a photograph of the lower radial bearing.

Figure 13: Lower strut support

A 2 section of shaft was welded onto the bottom of the trim tab, assuring perfect
alignment with the main section of the shaft at the top. The bottom strut was then
attached to this with a radial bearing and retaining plate, same as for the top trim tab strut.

The support strut that is above the waterline, near the top of the main rudder, was made
with silicon bronze, as opposed to the 1/8 used elsewhere. This increased the
strength of the support, and made sure that if anyone climbed on the rudder, it would hold
without deforming.

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Figure 14: Above water support strut

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Shaft Collar

Thrust Bearing

Radial Bearing

Shaft Collar

Figure 15: Bearing details of the above water support strut

The upper support holds the weight of the entire shaft and trim tab. The shaft collars
prevent up and down movement of the shaft. The thrust bearing holds the weight of
everything and consists of stainless steel balls in a delrin race for low corrosion and high

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strength. The radial bearing takes any of the side forces and keeps the friction low. We
used radial bearings with glass balls and delrin races for no corrosion above and below
the waterline.

The last piece of the trim tab puzzle is the trim tab control arm. We made ours out of two
oversized nuts with an inner diameter slightly less than the shaft and a piece of
silicon bronze.

The nuts were threaded onto a bolt and brazed together, then bored out to inner
diameter. They were then brazed to a plate that has a 3/8 continuous grove cut into it
for the control attachments. The final part is shown in the following photograph.

Two silicon bronze nuts brazed

together, then brazed to the
control arm. They were bored
out to to fit the shaft, and
then 2 set screws were drilled
and tapped into the walls of the
nuts and the shaft to hold the arm
in alignment with the trim tab.

Figure 16: Trim tab control arm

One very important aspect in choosing the length of the trim tab control arm is to make it
longer than where the axis of the main rudder crosses it. You can find the axis by
standing over the top of the rudder while swinging it back and forth. Look for the point
where there is no rotational movement and mark it. This is where the axis of the rudder
is located. You need to make sure your tab arm slot goes slightly past this point for
maximum control range.

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Axis of Main rudder rotation Point where the trim tab

control attaches

Negative Neutral Positive

Damping Damping Damping

Figure 17: Control arm attach points

You can configure your controls to have negative, neutral or positive damping depending
on where you set your controls on the trim tabs control arm. Having positive damping is
vital if the boat is in heavy waves or swells. For example, if a wave pushes the main
rudder to starboard, positive damping will apply the opposite force via the trim tab and
the main rudder, which would normally swing hard over, will only slightly deviate to
starboard before the trim tab corrects it. The great advantage of positive feedback is it
requires no input to the trim tab to keep the main rudder stable in large waves. So,
whether it is connected to an autopilot or a wind vane, the boats main rudder is corrected
before a course error occurs without having to apply hardly any force on the trim tab
control arm.

If the sea state is fairly calm, then the control can be moved to a more neutral position for
a quicker and lighter response to the controlling device (either an autopilot or a wind

I doubt you would want to move to the negative damped condition, unless you like to
watch your equipment work hard to try to constantly correct itself and over steer its

Trim Tab Lock

Another key feature to your trim tab is a locking device. Youll need this for when you
want to back up, or just steer the boat in your regular old fashioned way.

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Our lock was overbuilt, but it works. We used two pieces of silicon bronze, 3/8
threaded rod, some 3/8 nuts and a bolt. We found a plastic handle for locking it down
and the final results looked like the following photograph.

Figure 18: Trim tab lock

The wing nuts on the side, allow you to fine tune the angle so you can adjust out any prop
walk you might have on your boat.

The bolt that the handle attaches to is actually two nuts brazed together, then threaded
onto the rod, with a bolt brazed to the top of the nuts.

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This bolt pokes up thru the

trim tab control arm and is
3/8 bolt secured by the plastic
brazed to the handle
top of the two
nuts Two 3/8 nuts

The threaded
rod runs
through here

Figure 19: Sketch of trim tab locking device

To unlock the trim tab control arm, just unscrew the handle and push the bolt down out of
the slot. We attached a small lanyard to the plastic handle so that it didnt accidentally
get dropped overboard.

As a final check, make sure you have plenty of clearance for the tiller arm to swing
around, and for the bolt to drop out of the way.

When everything is mounted and the boats ready to go back into the water, coat the trim
tab with barrier coat and bottom paint. Do not apply bottom paint directly to the metal!
You have to use some sort of barrier coat first otherwise the copper bottom paint will
corrode the metal.

Verifying the Trim Tab Design

With the boat in the water, lock the trim tab control arm in the center or slightly to port if
you have a right hand turning prop. The first thing you may notice is the extra weight and
stiffness of your tiller. It will feel different now that youve added more surface area to
it. Be wary that you might have to fight the tiller in one direction or another until you
adjust the tab lock into a nice neutral position.

Once you are in some calm open water, with no obstacles around, get the boat up to hull
speed. Then put the engine in neutral and unlock the trim tab control arm while holding
it in the neutral position.

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The first test is for the trim tabs balance. Move the tab arm back and forth 3-4 degrees.
Watch out, because the main tiller will swing around too, so try not to obstruct it or get
hit with it. As youre doing this, note if it has a tendency to continue turning, resist
turning or if the tiller is neutral. If it continues turning, then your shaft was too far back
from the leading edge and youre going to have to start over. If it is neutral,
congratulations, youll have a low friction trim tab. If it has some resistance, but not too
much, this is ok, but your wind vane might have to work a little bit harder.

The second test is for the proper self-volume. If you remember, there were some
estimates that probably had to be made about the main rudder to calculate the trim tabs
desired self-volume. This is tested by turning the trim tab arm by a fixed number of
degrees and then noting how many degrees the main rudder turns. They should be close
to 1:1. A 5 degree turn on the trim tab should produce a 5 degree turn (in the opposite
direction) of the main rudder.

Dont worry if they are not exactly 1:1. If youre able to steer the boat using just the trim
tab without any wild gyrations, you should be in good shape. It can difficult to steer the
boat with just the trim tab arm, so practice it a little before trying to make any judgments.

Also, make sure you lock the trim tab or have someone holding it before engaging the
prop. The turbulence over the trim tab can throw it in funny directions and steer the boat
wildly if the control arm is not being held. But you do have to have motion through the
water to perform these tests, so either sail, or coast along in neutral.

Good luck on your own trim tab design. It is very satisfying when you have the finished
product which was designed specifically for your boat, and it works great. And, you will
know the workings and design of the trim tab inside and out, and be able to perform
maintenance and repairs with relative ease.

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Surface Areas

Area = Length * Width

Right Triangle
Area = 0.5 * Base * Height
A = 0.5 * b * a
Lengths: c
c * c = a*a + b*b a

Where c is the length of the hypotenuse, which can Q

also be rewritten as any of the following:
c = square root (a*a + b*b)
a = square root (c*c b*b) b
b = square root (c*c a*a)

If you know either, all three sides, or 2 sides and an angle, you can compute the missing
dimension from the following formulas.
Law of Sines with angle Q in degrees:
R = 90 Q
Sin(Q) = a/c
Cos(Q)= b/c

Sin(R) = b/c

Sources for Bearings

The best deal we found for quality and inexpensive bearings was McMaster-Carr

Look for their Economy Ball Thrust Bearings, like part number 6655K39.
The radial bearings are Thermoplastic Semi-Precision Ball Bearings, like part number
6455K86. They also have lots of gears and other parts you might find useful for your

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