PORT Connection To Other PC Through The Parallel Port
PORT Connection To Other PC Through The Parallel Port
PORT Connection To Other PC Through The Parallel Port
1. You need a special cable for the parallel port cable connection! This cable has crossed data
lines! Normal parallel extension cables may damage the parallel port(s) if you connect them to your
computers! You need a 4 bit (not 8 bit cable). See below for the connections.
2. Only connect the computers when they are turned off! Contrary to USB, the parallel port is
not suited for suited for hot-plugging!
3. There is always a danger of the destruction of the port by static electricity. Therefore please
touch the PC case before connecting the cable. Avoid rubber soles on a carpet floor.
4. Only connect two parallel ports, not a parallel with a serial! The parallel port on the PC has
25 holes (not pins). The cable must have two plugs with 25 pins each.
5. You should not use the parallel port connection with other devices on he same line, like a
dongle, ZIP drive (TM) or an external harddisk. Total Commader blocks all port access for the
whole duration of the connection!
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
= e = e =
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1