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EDU Windmill Project 2015 ENG

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Windmill Project

Preparatory Vocational Training

and Advanced Vocational Training

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Lesson 1: Base Sheet

In this exercise, we will make a simple aluminum sheet. You will get acquainted with
Sheet Metal as a function in SolidWorks. And, of course, you will make a working
drawing of this piece. The lesson will also present SolidWorks SustainabilityXpress.

Work Plan

You will make the base sheet according to the drawing below.

1 First, draw a hexagon. (Polygon)

2 Sketch a circle starting from the center of the hexagon.
3 Next, make an opening at the bottom of the circle and the hexagon.
4 After this, draw a pattern of 3 holes.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 1

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

5 Finally, make a working drawing for use in the workshop.

1 Launch SolidWorks and open a new
part document.

2 Set the Units to MMGS.

3 Select the Front Plane.

Click on Sketch in the
Sketch tab of the
You do this to activate
the Sketch environment.

4 The base sheet is a regular hexagon.

Click on Polygon in the
In this exercise, we will draw a regular

2 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

5 Draw a hexagon from the origin.

1 For the first point of the hexagon,
click the origin.
2 For the second point, click at an
arbitrary distance to the right of the
Be sure that your cursor is horizontal
to the origin as indicated by the icon.

6 Set the following

settings in the
1 The number of sides
is set to 6.
2 Select the option
circumscribed 1
3 Click on OK.

7 Set the diameter of the circle to 230.94 mm using

Smart Dimension.
Because of the size and positioning of the circle, the
sides of the hexagon will be 200 mm.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 3

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

8 Draw and dimension a 100 mm circle from

the origin.

9 Now draw a Line from the bottom of

the hexagon straight up to the circle.
Dimension this line as shown in the
figure. The distance between the line
and the center of the hexagon is 40

4 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

10 Draw a Centerline from the

origin straight up to the top
of the hexagon. 1
1 Click the function
2 For the first point, click
the origin.
3 Then, draw a Centerline
straight to the top of the
hexagon as shown in the
figure. 3

11 We will now
mirror the line.
Select Mirror

12 The Options tab in the

PropertyManager shows
the selected components 4
you want to mirror.
1 First, select the line
The window Entities to
mirror displays the
selected component, in
this case, the line.
2 Click in the window:
Mirror about.
3 Select the Centerline. 2
Once you have selected
the Centerline, it is
displayed in the Mirror
about window.
4 Click on OK.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 5

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

13 We want to remove the

bottom of the circle and the
hexagon to make a recess
These areas can be removed
with the Trim Entities
In the CommandManager,
click Trim Entities.
14 In the PropertyManager,
select the option Trim to
closest. 3
Now, cut off the bottom
part from the hexagon
and circle.
In the image on the right,
the bottom part of the
hexagon has already been
Click on OK. 2

15 Now, draw a circle.

The center of the circle must be on the
centerline as seen in the illustration.

6 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

16 Enter the circle dimensions. The

circle has a diameter of 3.2 mm
and is a distance of 76 mm as
measured from the origin.

17 We want to add two more circles to the sketch. To do this, use the command Circular
Sketch Pattern.
1 First, click the arrow to expand the menu under Linear Sketch Pattern.
2 Select Circular Sketch Pattern.

18 Now, do the following:

1 Set the number of
copies to 3. 5
2 Check Equal
3 Click anywhere in the
window Entities to
Pattern. 2
The window is empty
at first, but as soon as
you click the 1
components to be
copied, the window
displayed the selected
4 Select the 3.2 mm 3
5 Click OK.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 7

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

Tip: You have just found out that using Linear Sketch Pattern or Circular Sketch Pattern
will considerably reduce your drawing time.
You can easily add objects (lines, circles, rectangles, etc.) according to a specific
19 Using the Smart Dimension
function, dimension the circles as
shown in the illustration.

20 The sketch still has not been completely defined yet.

Adding dimensioning and/or relations provide a
completely defined sketch. In this case, you want to
add a relation.
1 Click the arrow under Display/Delete Relations.

2 Then choose Add Relations. 2

8 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

21 Select the center of

the two lower
circles. The plus 3
sign shows you will
be selecting the
center of the circle.
The selected objects
will appear in the
blue window, in this
case, points.
Click the Horizontal

Tip: The function Add Relation allows you to add various relations to entities. This
function can also be started by selecting multiple entities while pressing the <Ctrl>
For example, you can make two lines run parallel, or set them square without using
the dimensioning tool.
To display and/or remove all existing relations, use the function Display/Delete
22 First, make sure the Sheet Metal buttons are available.

The best way to do this is to add them to the

1 With the right mouse button, click a tab in
2 In the displayed menu, click Sheet Metal. 2
If Sheet Metal it already checked in your system, continue
to step 23.

23 Click the Sheet Metal tab in the

Then, click Base Flange/Tab.
2 1

SolidWorks Windmill Project 9

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

24 In the PropertyManager,
enter 2 mm as the material
thickness. 2
Leave the rest of the menu
Click on OK.

25 Next, we will make the chamfer at the top of the holes.

1 In the CommandManager, click the arrow under Fillet.

2 Click Chamfer.

26 You must now set a few
things in the
PropertyManager. 6
1 Select the top edge of all
three circles. 2
2 In the blue area there are
three edges displayed. 3
3 Make sure the option
Angle distance is 1
selected. If not, check it. 4
4 For the chamfer distance,
enter 1 mm and 45 deg.
5 Make sure the option Full 5
preview is selected.
6 Once everything has been
set correctly, click on OK.

10 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

27 Change the material to 1060 Alloy.

The model is now ready.
In the toolbar, click Save and name the file: Base Sheet.

SolidWorks SustainabilityXpress

As a developer/designer, you must take several aspects into account. One of these aspects
in the environmental impact of your design. SolidWorks SustainabilityXpress allows you
to understand and visualize the environmental impacts of your designs and, if necessary,
improve the design.
This includes carbon footprint calculations, ((Footprint) is a measure of unit for CO2
emissions), and real-time feedback on the product, which measures energy consumption
during the production of the model as well as the effects on the air and water during
production, enabling you to adapt your design and improve the final values.

In the next steps, you will learn how to use this new function.
28 Start SustainabilityXpress

1 Click on the Evaluate Tab in the

2 Select SustainabilityXpress.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 11

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

29 After launching SustainabilityXpress, SolidWorks opens a

new window on the right.

30 The window includes six areas:

1 Material: Enter the material properties here.

2 Manufacturing: Specify where the product will be made

and using what process.

12 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

3 Use: Specify the region where the product will be used.

4 Transportation: The method used to move the product

from where it is manufactured to where it is used.

5 End of Life: The percentage of the product that gets

recycled, incinerated, or put in a landfill.

6 Environmental Impacts: Four diagrams are displayed

here. They show the environmental impact of production
and transportation.

31 Let us now take a more detailed look at how

SustainabilityXpress works.
1 In step 27, the material has already been defines as
Aluminum 1060 Alloy. The software copied and pasted
this automatically.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 13

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

2 In the Manufacturing window, select Stamped/Formed

Sheet Metal as the Process. For the region, select Asia.

3 In the Use window, select Europe as the Region. This

indicates that the product will be used in Europe.

4 Under Environmental Impacts 4 diagrams are displaced.

They describe the environmental impact of the product.

14 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

32 An important part of
SustainabilityXpress is the
Environmental Impact window. As a
designer, you can find here various
types of information on the
environmental impact of your
Double-click an individual impact to
display the detailed diagrams. They
allow you to quickly review the
environmental impact through the
life of the product.
Click on the home icon to return
to the main display.
E.g. Carbon Footprint: CO2 impact
on the environment, e.g. greenhouse
gas production.
E.g. Energy Consumption: The
total amount of energy required to
manufacture the product.
E.g. Air Acidification: Impact on
the air! In particular, contribution to
acid rain.
E.g. Water Eutrophication: Impact
on the water! Resulting in algae growth on coastal waters.
33 Let us now change the production location to see how the
environmental impact changes if the base sheet is not
produced in Asia but rather somewhere else, for example in
Change the Region to Europe.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 15

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

34 Now, watch the diagrams. There is a significant difference

between the first and second calculations. The emission of
Carbon is now lower than in the first calculation.
Current, is green which means better than the previous
location. 1
Previous, grey represents the first calculation, the
previous production location.

35 What happens to these values if we choose a different

material for the product?
SustainabilityXpress has anticipated that possibility.
Instead of having to search through a very long list of
materials, you will see a list of similar materials.
Click Find Similar.

16 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

36 A number of new values must be entered in the newly opened window. This allows you
to request a search in one other type of material only. Alternatively, you can ask the
program to search through all materials. You can also specify and change different
material properties. In this case, we will only change the tensile strength and yield
strength requirements.
1 Select Aluminum Alloys as the Material Class.

2 Next to Tensile Strength, change the condition to greater than >.

3 Next to Yield Strength, change the condition to similar to ~.
4 Click on Find Similar.


SolidWorks Windmill Project 17

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

37 Click the option 1345 Alloy. This is almost the same material as the one you had chosen
(1060 Alloy). There is one important difference: the tensile strength is significantly
The diagram section immediately displays the new calculation. It is almost identical to
the old one. This is because the materials are almost the same.
You can now do the following: Accept, Edit, or Cancel.
Let us choose Edit because we want to know what will happen if we choose steel
instead of aluminum.

38 Choose Steel as the Material Class.

Change the conditions for Tensile Strength and Yield Strength to greater than >.
Click Find Similar.

18 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

39 AISI 1020 is a low carbon machine steel offering good general and structural steel
properties. We will choose this type of steel.
Click AISI 1020.
The diagram section shows this choice is better for the environment, except for water.
Click Accept.


40 Click Save As and then OK in the window that appears.

This allows you to generate a full report.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 19

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

41 The report looks like

this. Take a closer look
at the document. The
report allows you to
make an informed
choice between the
original and the
alternative material

42 If you click Online Info, additional information on the

impact of your design is provided. This includes impact
equivalents such as the carbon footprint in miles driven
in a hybrid car.

43 Setting a baseline allows you to compare the current 1 2

selections against different selections.
1 This button allows you to set and lock the Baseline.
2 This button allows you to import the Baseline.
44 Close SustainabilityXpress.

1 Now try a few other materials yourself to see which is

the best solution (e.g. wood).
2 Click on the red X.

20 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

Base Sheet Drawing

45 Now, make a drawing

for use in the
workshop. 1
1 Click New in the
2 Select the Drawing
template. 2
3 Click on OK.

46 In the menu that appears,

choose B (ANSI)
Landscape. 1
Click OK.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 21

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

47 An empty drawing field is displayed. The Model View

command appears in the PropertyManager.
1 Make sure the appropriate part has been selected.

2 If not, use the browse button to find the part.

3 Click the arrow to continue.

48 Set the following options in the PropertyManager.

1 Select Create multiple views.

2 Choose the front, side, and isometric view in the Orientation menu.

3 For the Display Style, choose Hidden Lines Visible.

4 Leave the sheet scale at: Use sheet scale.

5 If all went well, SolidWorks has positioned the three chosen views. Click on OK.


22 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

49 Now select the isometric view.

Click Shaded with Edges.
Click on OK. 3

50 Distribute the views

on the drawing as in
the figure.

51 Change the units to MMGS.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 23

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

52 Add a detailed view to the

1 Click Detail View in the
View Layout tab.
2 Draw a circle as illustrated.

53 Enter the following

information in the
1 Type a capital letter A
for the label of the 1
2 We want to enlarge the
detail. Therefore,
choose: Use custom
scale and select User
Defined from the drop
3 Enter the ration 5:1.
4 Click next to the top 4
view to position the

24 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

54 Draw a centerline
from the center of the
circle straight up.
1 Click the arrow next
to the line tool to
show the Centerline
function and select it.
2 Click in the middle
of the circle; draw
the Centerline and
click anywhere
above the model.

55 You will add two more

lines using the
function Circular
Sketch Pattern.
1 Click the drop down 1
under Linear
Sketch Pattern and 3
select Circular
Sketch Pattern.
2 Enter 3 as a quantity.

3 Click in the Entities

to Pattern window
and select the
vertical line you
have just drawn. 2

SolidWorks Windmill Project 25

Lesson 1: Base Sheet

56 Dimension the drawings as in the illustrated figure.

This completes your working drawing. Save the file as Base Sheet.SLDDRW.

57 List the most important things you have learned during this lesson.

26 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

In this exercise, you will get acquainted with assembled products: Assemblies. This
assembly will consist of the part you made in the previous lesson, parts that you have
downloaded, and parts that you get from the Toolbox. In this tutorial, you will learn how
to connect one piece to another.

Work Plan

You will assemble a windmill. You will use the part that you have made yourself and the
parts that you have downloaded.
First, you will learn how to bring pieces into the Assembly environment.
Next, you will learn how to assemble the pieces (mate).
You will learn how to use the Toolbox.
Before you begin, make sure that you have downloaded and unzipped the necessary parts.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 27

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

1 Launch
1 In the menu bar, 1
click New.
2 In the displayed
menu select
3 Click OK.

2 In the Begin Assembly

PropertyManager, click
Browse. Using this command,
search for the appropriate part.
We are looking for
If this PropertyManager does
not automatically start, click
Insert Components in

28 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

3 Go to the folder where you

saved your models.
1 Select the model
2 Next, click Open.

4 The part is now attached to the cursor.

Click OK to place the part at the origin.
Placing the part at the origin is very
important for correct assembly of the
entire product.

5 In the CommandManager, click Insert

Components to add the next piece to the

SolidWorks Windmill Project 29

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

6 We will begin
searching for the next
1 Click Browse.
2 Next, select the
part Cap 1
3 Click Open.

7 Click anywhere in
the drawing area to
add the part.
The added part is
now positioned at an
arbitrary location in
the assembly.

8 Now, we will connect both parts together.

In the CommandManager click Mate.

30 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

9 You must now select two

elements between which a
Mate will be made.
This needs to be done very
Zoom in on the top section
of the housing. 1
1 Select the inner edge of 2
the hole.
2 In the blue area of the
PropertyManager, the
edge will be displayed.
10 Rotate the model so the
bottom of the Cap
Internal becomes
visible. To achieve this,
press the scroll wheel of
the mouse or use the
arrows on the keyboard.
Select the edge of the
Cap Internal as
illustrated. Make sure
you did not select a face.

Tip: You may accidentally choose the wrong face or edge. In that case, do the following:
With the right mouse button, click in the blue Mate Selections box.

Then click Delete to remove the selected part (displayed in dark blue in the
Click Clear Selection to remove everything.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 31

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

11 If necessary, move the

upper cap as illustrated.
Select the top face of the

12 Select the face on the bottom

of the Cap Internal as
13 Both parts now move to each
1 In the blue area of the
PropertyManager, the
following is displayed:
Face<2>Cap Internal-1
For the Mate, SolidWorks
has selected Coincident
this time.
3 Click OK to confirm the
14 The selection area in the
PropertyManager is emptied, so you can
immediately enter the next mate.
To fasten the cap, we mate the Front
Plane of each part. However, it cannot be
selected in the model but only in the
Since the PropertyManager and the not
the FeatureManager is displayed, you
have to use the FeatureManager
displayed in the graphics area.
Click the plus sign in front of the file name.

32 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

15 Click the plus signs for both parts.

Attention! After having clicked the first +,
the list scrolls.

16 Add the last mate

between the Housing
and the Cap Internal. 6
1 Within the Housing
part, select the Front
2 Within the Cap
Internal, also select 3
the Front Plane.
3 The selected planes
are displayed in the
4 1
blue area of the
4 SolidWorks has
selected Coincident 5
as the Mate.
5 Click OK to confirm
the Mate. 2
6 Click OK once more
to close the

SolidWorks Windmill Project 33

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

17 Now, add the other

required parts. 3 1
You can do that by 9 7 5
repeating steps 5 through
Add the following parts:
1 Wing Arm
2 Shaft 8 4 2
3 Base Sheet
4 Housing Base
5 Phone Holder
6 Windblade
7 Bottom End
8 Magnet Holder
9 Top End
18 We will now
continue will the
windmill 2
1 Drag the Base
Sheet and the
Housing Base 3
2Click the arrow
below Move
Component to
open the scroll
down menu. 1
3 Select Rotate
19 Rotate the Housing
Base as show in the
Click OK.

34 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

20 Zoom in at on the Base Sheet to see

on which side the recessed holes are
If visible, rotate the part in such a
manner that the recessed holes will be
on the bottom side.

Not like this! But like this!

21 Mate the two parts.
1 Click Mate.

2 Zoom in on the Housing

Base and select the lower
edge of the hole.

3 For the Base Sheet, select the

upper edge of the hole.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 35

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

22 Once you have clicked the

upper edge of the hole, the
parts start moving towards 3
each other.
1 The selected parts are
displayed in the blue area of
the PropertyManager.
2 SolidWorks selected
Coincident as the Mate.
3 Click OK.

23 Add the last mate

between the Housing
Base and the Base 3,4
1 First, select the 1
lower edge of the
Housing Base.
Then select the
upper edge of the
hole in the Base 2
2 Coincident is the
appropriate mate, so
well leave that
3 Click OK.

4 Click OK once more to exit the function.

24 Drag the Bottom End toward the Housing as shown in

the figure.

36 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

25 Mate the Housing and the

Bottom End as is steps 8
through 13. 6
1 Click Mate.

2 Within the part

Housing, select the
Right Plane.
3 Within the part Bottom
End, select the Front
Plane. 4 2
If necessary, click the plus
sign to open the list of both
The Front Plane of the
Bottom End now turns
towards the Right Plane of
the Housing.
4 SolidWorks has selected
Coincident as the Mate.
3 5
5 The keyway must be on
the right side. If not, read
the tip below.
6 Click OK twice.

Tip: To get the keyway on the right side, use the Flip Mate
Alignment option.

26 Zoom in, drag and/or rotate the Housing Base

and the Base Sheet as illustrated.
Both are linked together, which is why they
move together.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 37

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

27 First, Mate both

keyways together.
1 Click Mate. 4
2 Click the upper edge
of the Housing
3 Next, select the
lower edge of the
Bottom End.
4 Create the mate by
clicking OK.

28 Add the last mate

between the Housing
Base and the Bottom 3,4
1 Select the upper
edge of the hole of
the Housing Base.
2 Click the lower edge
of the vent hole of
the Bottom End.
3 Click OK once.
4 Finally, click OK to 1,2
close the command.

38 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

29 Zoom in, drag and/

or rotate the Shaft
and the Magnet 5
Holder as
1 Next click on
2 Select the outer
face of the Shaft.
3 Then choose the
inner face of the
Magnet Holder. 3
4 Using a
Concentric 4
mate, link both
parts together.
5 Click OK.

30 Add a distance
1 Select the upper 6
face of the Shaft.
2 Then choose the
upper face of the
Magnet Holder.
3 For mate, select
4 For the distance,
enter 150 mm. 2
5 Check or
3 1
uncheck Flip
dimension to
move the 5
Magnet Holder
to the right place.
6 Click OK.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 39

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

31 Mate the Front Plane of

the Shaft and the
Magnet Holder.
If you dont know how
to do that review steps
14 through 16 or step 25.

32 To finalize this piece,

you must position two
more parts.
You need a Magnet
and an M6x8 Allen
head set screw.
1 Click Insert
Components. 2 3
2 Go to the folder
where you saved the
3 Add the magnet.

33 Mate the outer face of the

Magnet with inner side of the
Then click OK.

40 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

34 Add the final mate between the

Magnet and the Magnet
Holder. 4,5
1 First, select the outer face of 1 2
the Magnet Holder.
2 Then select the top face of
the Magnet.
3 In this case, SolidWorks has
selected a Tangent mate.
4 Click OK to confirm the
5 Click OK once more.

35 We will now add a

M6x8 mm Allen
head set screw. We
will do that using
the SolidWorks
Toolbox function. 2
Before continuing,
you must first make
sure the Toolbox has been installed and activated on your computer.
1 In the CommandManager click the arrow next to the Options icon.

2 Select Add-Ins.

36 Make sure the SolidWorks Toolbox and

SolidWorks Toolbox Browser options are both
checked in the menu.
By adding a check mark to the right of both
options (SolidWorks Toolbox and SolidWorks
Toolbox Browser), they will be, from now on,
automatically loaded when SolidWorks is
launched. Therefore, you dont have to activate
the Toolbox each and every time. 1

SolidWorks Windmill Project 41

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

37 In the Task Pane (on the right side of the screen),

click the Design Library icon.

38 The Task Pane will open with the ToolBox. We

will now insert an Allen head set screw into the
threaded hole. 1
Successively click:
1 Toolbox
2 Iso
3 Bolts and Screws
4 Set Screws - Socket
The available screws will be displayed in the lower part
of the Task Pane.
5 Search for the following screw: Socket Set Screw 3
Flat Point ISO 4026.

39 With the left mouse button, drag the

screw from the Task Pane to your
model. As soon as the mouse moves
above the threaded hole, the screw
jumps to the appropriate position.
Release the mouse button.
The screw may seem too small or 1
too large. That is not important at
this point. 2
In the PropertyManager, change
the size of the screw to M6x8, and
click OK.

42 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

40 The screw is now locked to the

mouse and you could insert it
into other threaded holes.
But we dont have any other
holes so we no longer need the
screw. Therefore, click Cancel.

41 Add a Tangent mate between

the bottom of the set screw and
the Shaft.

42 Zoom in, drag and/or rotate the

Housing Base and Base Sheet
as illustrated.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 43

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

43 Add the following part in the same way as above.

Successively click:
1 Toolbox 1
3 Bolts and Screws
4 Cross-recessed Head Screws
The available screws will be displayed in the lower part
of the Task Pane. 2
5 Search for the following screw: 3
CTSK Flat ISO 7046-1.

44 Drag this screw to the hole.

In the PropertyManager,
change the size of the
screw to M3x8, and click


44 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

45 The screw is
locked to the
cursor so you can 2
insert it into other
holes as well.
Add two more
screws, then click

46 The screws are still

protruding from the base.
Solve that problem by 4,5 3 2
doing the following.
1 Click Mate.

2 Select the top face of the

3 Select the face of the
Base Sheet.
4 Click OK.

5 Repeat this for both other

6 Finally click OK once more.
47 Add the follow part to
the bolt ends in the same
manner: Hex Nut Style 1
ISO - 4032 (M3 Bolt).

SolidWorks Windmill Project 45

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

48 We will add a bearing. You will use the Toolbox once

Click the following: 1
1 Toolbox
3 Bearings
4 Ball Bearings 2
5 Drag Angular Contact Ball Bearing to the hole of 3
the Cap Internal.

49 Insert the bearing into

the hole.
Locate the appropriate 3
bearing: 8315.
Click OK. 1

50 Press Cancel to close.

46 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

51 Mate the bearing as


52 Mate Plane 1 of the

bearing and the
Right Plane of the
Cap Internal.
This is required to
fasten the bearing.

Tip: Sometimes a part is in the way during the assembly. For instance, it may not be
possible to select a part correctly. This can be solved in two ways.
You can hide a part that is in the way by clicking it and then selecting Hide

You can bring it back again by clicking the hidden part in the FeatureManager and
then selecting Show Components.

Or you can make the part transparent. Again, click the part and then select Change

If you want the part to be displayed normally again, click it once more and then
click Change Transparency.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 47

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

53 Add the Dynamo to

the assembly.
1 Click Insert
2 Click Browse.

3 Change the search

filter to Assembly.
4 Then choose the
file 2
5 Click Open.

4 3

54 Click Mate.
Choose the outer edge of the
shaft. 3,4
Then choose the interior of
the Bottom End.
Click OK.
Click OK once more.

48 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

55 Select the bottom

of the hole of the
Bottom End.

56 Finish the distance

1 Select the bottom 4
of the hole of the
2 Select the
Distance mate.
3 Enter 4.17 mm.

4 Click OK.


SolidWorks Windmill Project 49

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

57 Select the faces as shown in

the figure.
Select a Parallel mate. 4,5 1
Click OK.
Click OK once more. 2

58 Now Mate the shaft of

the dynamo to the hole
of the drive shaft. See
the figure.

50 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

59 Create another mate

between the bottom of
the Shaft and the top of
the Dynamo.

60 Now it is time to put

the Top End in place.
Click Mate and select
the upper face of the
Cap Internal and the
inner face of the Top
End. 1
Mate these two parts

SolidWorks Windmill Project 51

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

61 Select the threading of

the shaft and the
threaded M8 screw
hole of the cap.

62 Click OK once.

52 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

63 Select the Front Plane of

the Shaft and the Front
Plane of the Top End. 2,3
Click OK.
Click OK once more. 1

64 Mount the Wing Arm
to the Top End.
Use the following
mates to do this.
Concentric for the
shaft/ hole assembly.
Coincident for the
end shaft/ end hole
Finally, use planes to
straighten the
attachment rod. See
the figure.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 53

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

65 Now you can mount

the Windblade.
First make a
connection between
the holes
(Concentric). Next,
link the outside of the
Windblade to the
Wing Arm (Tangent).
1 Finally, choose the
Front Plane of the
Wing Arm and the 2
Top Plane of the
2 Use a 1
66 Get a rivet from the Toolbox.
Click the following:
1 Toolbox 1
2 GB
3 Rivets and Studs
4 Choose Rivets.
5 Drag Flat round head drive rivet GB/T15855.1- 2
1995 to the hole of the Wing Arm.
This should automatically create a mate between the
rivet and the Wing Arm.

54 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

67 Set the following:

1 Rivet size: 4.

2 Rivet length: 10. 3

3 Click OK. In the
next screen click

68 For the following features we need a guideline

running through the middle of the model. This axis
already exists in the model, but is invisible (in the 1
standard settings).
1 Click Hide/Show Items.
2 Make sure the button View Temporary Axes is

69 Choose the function: Circular

Component Pattern.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 55

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

70 Set the following:

1 Choose the axis of cap.
2 The window displays
which axis you have 2
selected. 3
3 Enter 360. 4
4 In the
change the number of
copies to 4.
5 Select the Windblade, the Wing Arm, and the rivet.

6 Click OK.

71 Insert and Mate the Phone Holder as

shown in the figure.

72 Add the Phone Holder

once more.
In the FeatureManager
click the second instance of
the Phone Holder.
Click Component

56 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

73 A new menu is displayed.

1 Choose Digital Speedometer.

2 The choose OK.

Tip: Another way to change the configuration of a part is simply to click on the part, and
select the configuration from the drop down. Finally, click on OK.

2 3

SolidWorks Windmill Project 57

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

74 Mate it in the same

way as the Phone
Holder. See the

75 Insert the phone

and the speed
indicator. Next,
mate the phone and
the speed indicator
to their holders.

58 SolidWorks Windmill Project

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

76 Finally, add the Magnet Detector to the assembly.

Then, mate the Magnet Detector, the Housing, and
the Bottom End.

77 When the assembly is ready,

save the file as

78 List the most important things you have learned during this lesson.

SolidWorks Windmill Project 59

Lesson 2: Windmill Assembly

60 SolidWorks Windmill Project

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