Pragma Seminar4 2017

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1. Below are some conversations between two people, A and B. After each conversation
an implicature from Bs utterance is given. In each case, say whether the crucial
assumption leading the hearer to this implicature involves the maxim of (R) relation,
(QT) quantity, or (M) Manner/clarity /brevity.

(1) A: (by an obviously immobilized car) My cars broken down

B: There is a garage round the corner
Implicature: The garage is open and has a mechanic who might repair the fault. R /QT/ M
(2) A: What subjects is Jack taking?
B: Hes not taking Linguistics
Implicature: B does not know exactly which subjects Jack is taking. R /QT/ M
(3) A: Have you brushed your teeth and tidied your room?
B: Ive brushed my teeth
Implicature: B has not tidied his room. R /QT/ M
(4) A: Who was that man you were talking to?
B: That was my mothers husband
Implicature: Bs mothers husband is not Bs father. R /QT/ M
(5) A: Is Betsy in?
B: Her light is on
Implicature: Betsys light being on is usually a sign of whether she is in or not. R /QT/ M

2. Give an implicature of Bs utterance in each of the following situations, and then

identify the maxim(s) that has/have been flouted (and thus which led the hearer to this

1. A: Professor, will you write a letter of recommendation for me?

B: Certainly. I will say that you were always neatly dressed, punctual, and are
unfailingly polite.
2. A: How are you today?
B: Oh, itll never stop raining, will it?.
3. A: Im not feeling very well today.
B: Theres a hospital across the street.
4. A: What did you think of that new movie?
B: Well, the costumes were authentic.
5. A: How did you get that car into the dining room?
B: It was easy. I made a left turn when I came out of the kitchen.
6. A: What colour did you paint your living room?
B: I painted the walls off-white to match the black sofa. The trimming will be gray
except by the door, which will be salmon to match the Picasso print I bought two years

7. A: Hows the weather?
B: Its 86.7 degrees Fahrenheit. The air is humid, muggy, and the pavement is so hot I
can feel it through my shoes.
8. A: Whats your recipe for a birthday cake?
B: It should have icing.
9. A: How do you like my new suit?
B: Well, your shoes look nice.
10. A: Have you done your homework and taken out the garbage?
B: Ive taken out the garbage.
11. A: I may win the lottery for $83 million.
B: There may be people on Mars, too.

3. For each of the following fill in an appropriate utterance for B which conveys the
indicated implicature. There may be several appropriate possibilities.

1. A: Lets see if this store has what we are looking for.

B: ...................................................................................................................
Implicature: The store sells expensive merchandise
2. A: Why dont we have lunch in this restaurant?
B: ...................................................................................................................
Implicature: The food there is too fattening
3. A: Are the Browns at home?
B: ...................................................................................................................
Implicature: The Browns are usually home when their car is in the driveway
4.A: Should we turn right or left?
B: ...................................................................................................................
Implicature: B isnt sure which way to turn
5. A: How is your pragmatics course going?
B: ...................................................................................................................
Implicature: B is having trouble coping with the course

4. Read the dialogues below and point out which Gricean maxim/s has/have not been
observed. Specify the type of non-observance (flout, violation, suspension, etc) and the
illocution the speaker may have borne in mind.

1)Patient (who seems to be pregnant): I'm a virgin, so is my fianc.

House: "I believe him."

2) Cuddy: "Is that Vicodin?"

House: "Breath mint. Thought you were going to kiss me."

3) House: "There's a bullet in his head."

Cameron: "He was shot?"
House: "No ... somebody threw it at him."

4) Marcy: Where's our money, Steven?
Steve: Marcy, you look beautiful.
(Married with children)

5) Penny: Leonard, I didn't know you played the cello.

Leonard: Yeah, my parents felt that naming me Leonard and putting me in advanced
placement classes wasn't getting me beaten up enough.
(The Bing Bang Theory)

6) Raj: Sheldon, is there ketchup on that table?

Sheldon: Yes, there is. But heres a fun fact: ketchup started out as a general term for
sauce, typically made of mushrooms or fish brine, with herbs and spices. Some popular
early main ingredients included blueberry, anchovy, oyster, kidney bean, and grape.
Raj: No, thats okay. Ill get it.
(The Big Bang Theory)

7) Leonard: So, tell us about you.

Penny: Um, me? Okay. I'm a Sagittarius, which probably tells you way more than you
need to know.
Sheldon: Yes. It tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the sun's
apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth
somehow affects your personality.
(The Big Bang Theory)

5. Formulate utterances meant to imply:

a) disapproval towards interlocutors opinion on an Oscar-winning movie by flouting

the Quality Maxim

b) refusal to comment on ones marital life by flouting the Quantity Maxim

c) reluctance to supply information about a blind date by flouting the Quantity and
Relation Maxims

d) rejecting an invitation by flouting the Quantity and Manner Maxims

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