La-Pentatonic Unit Plan Lesson 9: Stay Grade 3 Teacher Name: Objectives
La-Pentatonic Unit Plan Lesson 9: Stay Grade 3 Teacher Name: Objectives
La-Pentatonic Unit Plan Lesson 9: Stay Grade 3 Teacher Name: Objectives
Objectives: Students will learn to play Stay by Rihanna (feat. Mikky Ekko) on keyboard instruments;
Students will improvise in La pentatonic with peer accompaniment; Students will transcribe Stay into
musical notation.
Song Analysis
Tone Set La pentatonic
Range A4-E6
Pedagogical Use
Melody La, Do, Re, Mi, So, La
Rhythm Syncopation
Materials of Instruction:
Accompaniment patterns
Sheet music (for teacher):
Solfege Cards
Lesson 9: Stay
Complete the following transcription activity for the verse and pre-chorus of Stay. The blanks
above the staff are for your solfege syllables. The staff is for writing your actual note heads.
Use the color associated with each solfege syllable as a support if it is helpful when writing in
the blanks or on the staff. This assignment will be completed by you and your group. Raise
your hand if you have questions!
Lesson Sequence
Entry Activity/Transition: Students sing through the minor pentatonic scale on solfege, through patterns
within the scale, and through random combinations using the solfege cards.
1. T leads class in singing through la-pentatonic scale on solfege, pointing at solfege cards
(beginning with common patterns and moving to less common), and vocally phasing out until Ss
are able to sing the syllables and pitches without hearing them externally from the teacher first.
T will simply point to the syllable and Ss will sing it.
Assessment: Ss sing through La-pentatonic scale on their own with 90% accuracy.
Transition: T: Remember, we still have our two surprise syllables. Next, were going to play the
scale on the keyboard instruments, but this time were not going to remove the surprise bars
from the instrument! The song still does not use them though. What does that mean youll have
to do?
Ss: Pay attention and not hit them.
T: Exactly! Weve been playing through this scale for a while, so I think youre ready for
the challenge!.
Activity #1: Students will review minor pentatonic scale on keyboard instruments (with all bars on).
1. T plays through scale with Ss.
a. T: The first time we do this, I want you to yell skip each time we encounter our
surprise syllables in the scale. What scale degree, or number are they in the
scale? (Hint [if necessary]: the numbers are on the solfege cards on the board)
i. Ss: 2 and 6!
ii. T: You are correct! Lets go!
iii. Whole class plays through la pentatonic scale on keyboard instruments
and yells Skip! when encountering the surprise syllables (ti and fa).
Assessment: Ss play through scale accurately with all the bars on and without playing ti or fa.
Transition: T: Good work! That was short, I know. I just wanted to prep you for upcoming
classes when we stop removing bars from the instruments. Now, please take the bars off again,
and well learn a new song! Lets see if you can identify it
Activity #2: Students will play Stay on keyboard instruments (remove bars fa, ti)
1. T: This will be sort-of like a game: Build a Song! Start by following me. Ill play a pattern
and keep it going. Join in when you think youve got some of it. If youre wrong, no
worries! Just listen and fix it.
a. T plays the verse accompaniment pattern.
i. Ss join as comfortable. If class is off on anything for an extended period
well. Just expand the ideas, or start completely new, its up to you!
1. Ss accompany/improvise.
2. Ss switch parts.
3. Ss accompany/improvise.
ii. T: Great job, now lets number off, 1 - 5. 1s its your turn to improvise
first while the rest of us accompany. When they finish, 2s it will be your
turn. And so on.
1. Ss improvise.
iii. T: Nows for fun, lets go one by one down the line and improvise.
Remember, this is no test, just pure fun. Jump in there and share what
youve got!
1. Ss improvise one by one.
Transition: T passes out worksheets. T: You know the drill! Join your small group and lets work
this out! This time, you can choose whether or not youd like to use markers. They are there as a
support for you, so it is now your decision. You can use pencil instead if youd like. Just pay
attention and check your work with one another.
Ss join small groups and get to work.
Transition: T: Lets write the pitches! Same plan as with the solfege. Write them out with your
group. As before, the markers are a support to you, it is now your decision as to whether or not
you use them. If youd prefer, feel free to just use your pencil.
Transition: T asks a Ss to collect the assignments and place them on my desk. This can be an
opportunity to recognize Ss for a job well done or to get to know a Ss better by giving them
leadership opportunities.
Closure: On a scale of 1-5, 1 being the worst, and 5 being the best, how confident do you feel with
solfeging and transcribing the pitches? On the same scale, how confident do you feel about singing
the La-based pentatonic scale? Does someone on the high end of the scale want to share why their
rating was so high? ... What about someone on the low end? Next lesson will be our last on this topic,