Learning Project 6

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Learning Project #6
Learning Project Purposes
The goal of each learning project is to build a good foundation for future practice by examining performance, understanding the Iowa
Teaching Standards and Criteria, and continuing professional learning.

Growth Plan - Step 1 (Before Teaching)

Teacher Name: Matt Honken

1. Focus for Growth: What do I want to know/be able to do? Your learning is based on the gray boxes selected
from the ISEA Framework Book. This is something that you would like to improve or know more about in relationship to your teaching.
Your research will assist in your professional learning.
I chose to work on an element under Criterion A: the teacher creates a learning community that encourages
positive social interaction, active engagement, and self-regulation for every student. I want to focus on student
interactions with each other, trying to have students demonstrating genuine caring for one another. Also,
connected to this is that I want more students to be stepping up in leadership roles for the band.

2. Filling the Knowledge Gap: How and where will I learn about it? (readings, videos, talk to
experts, etc.) How will I build my skill level? What resources will I need and use? (Be specific. List names of
articles, videos, resources, etc) This is where you indicate how you are going to get this new learning. This could be done in
many facets such as: talking to an expert, watching videos, attending webinars, reading articles, reading research, reading books,
reading professional articles, or attending a professional development workshop/seminar. This should include more than one source to
improve your knowledge in your teaching methods.
Discuss with mentor and veteran teachers.
PBIS Poor peer relations http://www.pbisworld.com/behavior-descriptions/poor-peer-relationships/
Training students to be leaders: Captains, 7 Ways to Lead Your Team, Bruce Bowen
Discuss strategies with Mr. Mulder high school principal.

3. Implementation Steps: When and how will I use the new information/skill(s)? This is where you indicate
how and when you will use this new learning. Be specific about what classes and lessons you will use for
After researching and discovering ways to encourage positive interactions and emphasizing the importance of
leadership roles in the band, I will begin implementing them in my classroom.

4. Assessment/Data Collection: How will I know that I am appropriately implementing new

information/skill(s)? To what degree is this new information/skill(s) producing desired results? List the specific
data and/or formative assessment you are using with this new learning. How do you interpret the data to change your
I will use formative assessments based upon previous experiences and observations on the bands behaviors
and interactions with each other. I will be able to see success if, students are interacting with respect and
concern for each other, and more students are thoughtfully engaged in what we are trying to accomplish with
the marching band.

Tracking Your Progress - Step 2 (During Teaching)

This is a process that indicates all the steps to progress monitor your learning project. You need to indicate the date,
action, new learnings and new questions. Ask your mentor to help answer the new questions that you have. This also
provides you time to process and indicate your new learning over the time of the learning project.

Date What did I do? What action did I take? New Learning New Questions

I assessed students current feelings and Many students feel like our What can I do to make
10/10/16 actions towards their peers. I want more classroom (the marching more students be engaged
students to take roles of leadership in the band) is divided between in the classroom, and have
classroom. two types of students less students feel like they
caring and uncaring. are doing all of the work.

Try to find ways to get more students active Students that feel This action address
10/15/16 and involved during the rehearsal. Had overburdened do not think leadership roles, but what
individual conversations with students that felt there is a way to get others can I do to encourage
like they had all responsibilities. Asked them actively engaged. Students positive, genuine
what they could do to get more involvement. are very concerned about interactions between
having fun during students at other times.
rehearsals, and they might
respond better to what they
consider fun situations.

Students identify characteristics of leadership Creating genuine caring What

in the band. Before the year, seniors identified between students is not situations/opportunities can
10/25/16 what they wanted to have happen during this something that I can just I provide to students, during
season. Now, we can have them assess both make happen. I need to which they can display
what happened, and what needs to be done in provide the opportunities genuine caring responses
the future. I facilitate the discussion, and in for it and the framework for towards one another?
this way the students feel responsibility it, but in the moment it is
towards what is said, but I can also direct the the students responses that
thoughts/conversation in the focus that I wish. show their character.
Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia

Reflection - Step 3 (After Teaching)

This is your formative assessment. You take the time to look back and ask yourself some questions about the learning
project. What worked? What didnt? What would you do differently? What do you need to do to improve? This is one of
the most important components to improve your teaching.

1. Name two elements of your plan that went well.

a. Individual conferences with students. I learned a lot about the overall temperament of the band.

b. Whole group student reflection on the year. They got to think about both the past and the future of the band
program through their own mindset.

2. Name two elements of your plan that can be improved.

a. Providing more opportunities to have students display leadership roles.

b. Be intentional on creating a close-knit classroom. One in which respect is mutual across all students, and
students know they belong and are cared for by their peers.

3. What will you do to improve these two lesson elements for future success?
a. Something I have always wished to accomplish with my own band is an elected council. The band council
would meet periodically to discuss the issues and important things regarding band. I would have to come up
with topics of discussion for these students, and direct the conversation in the areas of my choosing.

b. I can stress from the very beginning of the year how much time that we will be spending together this fall
(during marching band) and how each student is a valued member. No one is going to be left behind, no one
sits on the bench, and everyone has a part. I also should begin having individual conferences with students
earlier on in the year to make sure all is well.

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