10commandmentsforlife 14

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Student Name: Fio Estuar Date: 5-8-17 Block: D

Ten Commandments for my Future Christian Vocations

Spring 2017

Commandment Rationale Scripture Suppo

I I will strive to live Holding the people Matthew 7:12
my life with around me in So whatever you wish
compassion and respect is the best others would do to you, d
also to them, for this is t
respect for all of way to make the Law and the Prophets.
creation. world a better place,
and I honor God by
doing so.
II I will seek to know I consider myself a Proverbs 2:6
the many faces of Christian, but at the For the LORD gives
God in as many same time I have
immense respect for wisdom; from his mou
ways as possible. other faith traditions come knowledge and
and have found that understanding.
there is always
something else to learn
that is not necessarily
from Christianity.
III I will always strive Justice is a very Hosea 12:6
to act in a way that important thing to But you must return
brings about justice me, as the world by your God; maintain lo
in the world. itself is not and justice, and wait f
inherently fair or
your God always.
just, but through our
actions and free will,
we can make it so.
IV I will respect the Freedom is a very Mark 14:6
freedoms of others, important thing to But Jesus said, "
as long as they do me, and I feel that her alone; why do
not infringe on since we were given you bother her? S
those of others. free will, we were has done a good
meant to exercise it. deed to Me.
Even if I dont agree
with what some
people do in their
spare time, what
right do I have to
stop them if they
arent hurting
anyone else?
V I will strive to I think that 1 John 1:6
understand the ignorance is If we claim to have
world around me as something that fellowship with him a
best as possible, in should be avoided, yet walk in the darkn
we lie and do not liv
line with current and only holds us out the truth.
scientific back as people. If we
understanding. can work together to
have a complete and
understanding of the
world around us, we
can do so much
good for everyone.
VI I will accept that I One of the things 1 John 1:9
am fallible, and that bothers me a lot If we confess our sin
acknowledge that I is when people he is faithful and just a
make mistakes and refuse to admit they will forgive us our sins
try my best to are wrong and
purify us from all
accepting the
consequences, so I
think setting an
example of how to
behave should be
written into my
VII I will accept that I think that as Exodus 17:12
other people are people, we should When Moses hands
fallible, and help always strive to help grew tired, they took a
them realize and fix each other be the stone and put it under
their mistakes. best versions of
and he sat on it. Aaro
ourselves we can be
and Hur held his hand
as possible.
one on one side, on
the otherso that his
hands remained stead
VIII I will make sure to I learned from the Ephesians 4:2-3
never neglect my lessons that
relationships with sometimes, even if Be completely humble an
others, and return were in very good, gentle; be patient, bearing
the love that loving relationships,
people give to me. we still need to take one another in love.
care of them. The
Make every effort to keep
grass is always
greener where we unity of the Spirit through
water it, and our
bond of peace.
relationships are the
IX I will respect what This goes beyond
belongs to others. just dont steal. Proverbs 10:2
What someone owns
Treasures gained by
is something wickedness do not p
precious to them, but righteousness
just as they are to delivers from death.
me. I will treat them
with the utmost care
and respect, taking
care not to damage
them, and definitely
not stealing them.
X I will always tell I appreciate honesty, Colossians 3:9
the truth. and I think its only Do not lie to each other, s
fair if I give people you have taken off your old
with its practices
the same honesty I
expect from them.

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