The Relevance of Malaguzzi in ECE
The Relevance of Malaguzzi in ECE
The Relevance of Malaguzzi in ECE
Loris Malaguzzi (1921-1994) is an educator from Reggio Emilia in Northern Italy. I
will present a brief history of Malaguzzi and the beginnings of Reggio Emilia
followed by some of the key concepts of his pedagogical philosophy. Then I will
conclude with a discussion of how Malaguzzi has influenced the Swedish curriculum
and the relevance of his work to current early childhood education.
I find that exploring the Reggio Emilia Approach is like a journey... always new
things to discover. The bulk of this text was written in 2009 as a part of my masters in
ECE and has been continued in 2017 to include my journey with the Reggio Emilia
Approach and to document it and share it with others.
Since I completed my masters I have
started writing a blog Interaction
Imagination - the word interaction
being directly inspired by Malaguzzi.
There I share my thoughts about being a
Malaguzzi inspired educator... as I have
found that the more I have explored The
Reggio Emilia Approach the more I
want to go back to how Malaguzzi
inspired his fellow colleagues and those
around him. Please take the time to read
to the end and discover why he is so
important to me... and how he can
inspire you.
A Brief History
At the end of the Second World War Malaguzzi heard about a group of women who
were building a school from the rubble and financing it with the sale of abandoned
German tanks (Hewitt, 2001, p.95) and his involvement with these women became
the beginning of what is now known as The Reggio Emilia Approach. New (2000,
p.2) writes that the parents did not want ordinary schools; rather, they wanted schools
where children could acquire skills of critical thinking and collaboration essential to
rebuilding and ensuring a democratic society. Moss (2007,p.136) writes that a
previous mayor of the city claimed the Fascist experience had taught the citizens of
Reggio Emilia that people who conformed were dangerous and that this is why the
parents so desired critical thinking for their children. They asked Malaguzzi to teach
their children, and he told them that he had no experience, but promised to do (his)
best. 'I'll learn as we go along and the children will learn everything I learn working
with them, (Atner, 1994). These were not empty words but the very foundation of
Edwards et al.(1998, p.22) says Malaguzzi decided upon limiting class size to twenty
as well as there being two teachers in every classroom rather than the customary one,
and that teachers should work collectively and without hierarchy as suggested by
Bruno Ciari, the leader of the Movement of Cooperative Education, another of source
of inspiration for Malaguzzi and someone he was in frequent dialogue with.
In 1970 the first infant-toddler centre was opened, one year in advance of Law
1044(1971) instituting social and educational services for children under the age of
three. This occurred on the demand of the mothers who requested a safe place for
their children as they returned to the workforce (Edwards et al1998 p.19, Malaguzzi,
1998, p61). This was followed by a series of social legislation making the availability
of nursery schools more readily available to the people of Italy and the number of
schools blossomed until the mid 1980s (Edwards et al, 1998, p.22).
The interaction of Swedish teachers together with those of Reggio Emilia resulted in
an exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm called The Hundred
Languages of Children (Barsotti 2009). The title of the exhibition also being the
title of a poem written by Loris Malaguzzi describing how children start life with a
hundred languages but are robbed of 99 continued Barsotti. Thus reinforcing his
pedagogical philosophy as being one that helps the children to maintain all their
different languages and to build upon them rather than telling the child which voice
should be used. Barsotti told us, at one of the many Reggio Emilia courses held in
Stockholm, that the interaction with Sweden has continued and in 1992 The Reggio
Jones (2000,) described the rights of children in Reggio Emilia as stemming from
common sense rather than an international declaration.
In this description the rights of children bend and sway with the society and the
culture that the child finds itself in a part of a family, a part of a preschool, and a
part of a city. The children can be assured the safety and guidance of the adults
around them as well as being heard and valued to have their own theories.
According to an interview between Malaguzzi and Rankin (2004) the interaction
between children and children, children and adults and adults and adults is an
essential part of the Reggio experience.
The word interaction felt so important to me that I chose it as part of the name of my
blog. That interactions are not confined to children interacting with the educators,
each other and the world around them, but also my interactions with my colleagues,
with the world around me and of course with the children I work with. The blog was
started as a way to interact with ideas... writing down my ideas so that I could reflect
on them build on them, and also so that others could read them with the hope that I
would get feedback in the form of comments that would allow me to think one more
time about the process of thought... maybe even have the opportunity for a
pedagogical somersault.. where my train of thoughts are turned on its head and I am
afforded a new perspective. This can only happen through interactions... with others,
with books, with experiences...
The third educator can be seen as your colleague, and just like yourself and your
human colleagues, it is in need of professional development to be able to interact with
the changing needs of the children and of society.
We teachers must see ourselves as researchers, able to think, and produce a true
curriculum, a curriculum produced from all of the children (Malaguzzi, 1993 p.4).
The word reconnaissance is used by Malaguzzi, (1998, pp.88-89) as an important
tool to overview the situation with the children, the preschool, the family, the town
etc. From this reconnaissance wisdom is acquired into how the children play, how
they pretend and how individual and group identities develop etc (p.89). Rinaldi
(1998, p.119) explains that the observations are documented and are used to stimulate
the teachers self-reflection as well as discussions with colleagues.
Projects arise from the interest of the children continues Rinaldi, they are of varying
lengths of time and children work by themselves and with the teachers. The teachers
continue to observe and document during the projects process and this
documentation makes it possible for the teachers to sustain the childrens learning
while they also learn (to teach) from the childrens own learning (Rinaldi 1998,
p.120) The documentation includes words and photographs at both adult and child
height (Leask, 2007, p.45) as well as diagrams, working models, paintings etc
(Bishop, 2007, p.76). Slide
documentaries, videos and books says
Rinaldi (1998, p.121) also support the
memory and interactions of the
teachers, children and parents. She
continues that by revisiting a project
by looking at the documentation the
children are offered an opportunity to
further reflect and interpret their own
ideas. Something I do with the
children in Stockholm with exciting
results. The artwork and results of the
projects therefore document the
process the learning of the children
which then offers further learning
processes for adults and children alike
by acting as a mirror of our
knowledge (Rinaldi, 1998, 121).
The parents are an important part of the Reggio preschool experience, they are also
considered a specialist and are recognised for bringing with them a particular
viewpoint as well as values (Rinaldi, 2006, p.157). Hunter (2007, p.39) says that
parents are encouraged to participate in the daily life of the preschools and that
parental observations contribute to lively discussions. Running the preschools
without the parents, write Sdergren and Wiking (2009, p.15), is unthinkable in the
Reggio Emilia preschools and are a part of their development rather than just
customers who drop off their children to professionals who make all the decisions.
This is very poignant when one considers that the preschools in Reggio Emilia were
started as a reaction to the fascism Italy endured during World War II. Rinaldi (2008
p.140-141) writes of the importance of democracy in the preschools in Reggio Emilia
and its connection to the childrens participation school as a place of democracy.
In Stockholm, we have not only the Swedish National Curriculum to follow, but also
Stockholms Preschool Curriculum, which is a compliment to the national one. In the
Stockholm Curriculum there is a section on pedagogical documentation (the word
documentation does not occur in the national curriculum), it describes documentation
as a tool to reflect and develop the setting, allowing the work at the preschool to be
visible so that children, parents and staff have a basis for reflection as well as it being
a support in self evaluation and part of the systematic quality of work (Stockholm
Stad 2009, p.14).
Warash et al (2008 p.447) write of the similarities of Reggio Emilia with DAP
(Developmentally Appropriate Practice) and the foundations of the Competent
Learner Model, as those that have an appropriate curriculum, teaching strategies, and
an appropriate learning environment so that children acquire the necessary
competencies to be competent learners. They continue that Malaguzzi and the Reggio
Approach have stimulated a powerful arena for reflecting on and questioning
educational practices.
Malaguzzi (1998 p.75-77) said that
creativity should not be considered a
separate mental faculty and that it requires
the partnership of knowledge and expression
rather than being at odds. Robinson (1998)
has also come to understand the importance
of creativity as a part of the educational
process rather than a separate subject.
Final Dialogue
The Reggio Emilia approach requires a great deal from its teachers, they need to have
the energy and enthusiasm to develop and evolve, to have the ability to believe in
themselves and in the children and parents, they need to be able to be part of a team
not just a team of colleagues, but of the whole community. Malaguzzi had great
expectations of his teachers and could be exacting and demanding, but this was a part
of his respect for their intelligence, abilities and possibilities (Rinaldi, 2008 p.59) in
just the same way that a teacher strives to help a child reach his full potential. Warash
et al (2008, p.445) observed that teachers in Reggio did not praise children for work
below their full capacity and that there is a persistence of questioning that is not seen
in the U.S.A, where fostering self-esteem is more dominant.
One concern is the lack of research into the effects of the Reggio approach. There is
no research into whether or not they achieve what they set out to do. There is no
knowing whether or not the children will grow up into adults able to think for
themselves and trust in their own convictions. There is a need to evaluate their own
effectiveness not to just continuously evaluate the time of the early childhood years
but to see whether it does have a lasting effect whether these children keep their
extra pocket into adulthood, and if they do, whether they use the contents of this
extra pocket (Hunter 2007). If they are not keeping or using these pockets there is
then a need to develop their practice further so that they do in fact achieve the goals
the original parents had set and the very reason for the preschools existing.
There are studies that show that preschool does have lasting effects - the High/Scope
method HAS been evaluated and showed that working with young children does in
fact improve conditions for adult life (Schweinhart 2009). The EPPE (Effective Pre-
school and Primary Education), the largest study in Europe on the effects of
preschool education on childrens intellectual and social and behavioural
development, has also shown that good quality preschool education has lasting effects
beyond the preschool years (Sylva & Siraj-Blatchford, 2009)
It is impossible to say just how much influence Malaguzzi and the Reggio Approach
has had upon early childhood educational practices, but without a doubt the sheer
numbers of educators visiting Reggio Emilia and reading the literature must be
having an impact on how teachers view the child and their own educational approach.
Carlo Barsotti (2005) described Loris Malaguzzi as a genuine person and that maybe
his greatness lay in the fact he was never satisfied with his successes. He continues
that Malaguzzi never wrote down his early childhood pedagogy as a method as he
believed it to be continually changing and evolving, that the teachers should also be
non static and offer tools and experiences that the children could use to stimulate their
creativity.It is this influence, writes New (2000, p.4) to promote, not change, but
reflection, debate, and conversation--that may well be Malaguzzis and the preschools
of Reggio Emilia greatest legacy.
Of course reflection is a must have part to any dialogue about Malaguzzi and the
Reggio Emilia Approach. Despite writing this eight years ago now I will still return to
read, to find those quotes and those references that inspired me then and continue to
inspire me... but now, with time I read them with a new perspective, giving me the
opportunity to reflect further and anew.
Also eight years ago I had to write with a word limitation which was not the easiest
thing to do, there was so much I wanted to convey about my relationship with the
Reggio Emilia Approach and there simply was not the word space to include
everything. Hence my desire to share this one more time with a few thoughts added
here and there. I still have not written as much as I maybe could especially about
EDUCATOR, CREATIVITY... etc etc... as I wanted this to not be too long that
readers do not have enough time in their busy schedules to read to the end and to
reflect on this article about Malaguzzi in its completeness. I am, though, I the process
of writing a book and this might also have impacted how much I share here... what do
I include in this extended article and what do I save for the book. Those of you
familiar with my blog will know that I have written a lot about listeningI shared my
journey as an educator learning more about how to work philosophically with 1-6
year olds.
I cannot express how important it is to reflect. And to do this with openness. That
kind of openness that allows you to see your mistakes and not be afraid of them, but
to see them as a learning opportunity. The kind of oppenness that allows you to
receive comments from colleagues that you might not want to hear at first, but
ultimately allow you to be a better teacher. The kind of openness that allows you to
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