Cetatenia Europeana
Cetatenia Europeana
Cetatenia Europeana
October 2015
March 2016
Survey requested by the European Commission,
Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers
and co-ordinated by the Directorate-General for Communication
This document does not represent the point of view of the European Commission.
The interpretations and opinions contained in it are solely those of the authors.
October 2015
Survey conducted by TNS political & social at the request of the European Commission,
Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
1 Familiarity with the term citizen of the European Union 8
2 Understanding of how EU citizenship is obtained 13
1 How informed EU citizens feel about their EU rights 23
2 Awareness of EU citizens rights 28
3 Knowing what to do when rights are not respected 34
1 EU citizens' voting rights Error! Bookmark not defined.
2 Views on the full political participation of EU citizens 60
a. Losing electoral rights in the country of origin 60
b. Acquiring electoral rights in the country of residence 63
Technical specifications
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
In 1993, the Treaty of Maastricht established the citizenship of the European Union, and set out a
clear set of rights available to nationals of all EU Member States. EU citizenship is additional to and
does not replace national citizenship of a Member State. The key additional rights EU citizenship
confers include: the right to move and reside freely within the EU; the right to be protected by the
diplomatic and consular authorities of any other EU country; the right to petition the European
Parliament and complain to the European Ombudsman; and the right to vote for and stand as a
candidate in European Parliament and municipal elections. The Treaty also prohibits discrimination
based on nationality. In addition, the Lisbon Treaty introduced a new form of public participation for
European citizens, the Citizens Initiative. This allows one million EU citizens who are nationals of at
least seven of the Member States to call directly on the European Commission to propose a legal act
within the framework of its powers.
The European Commission monitors Member States implementation and application of the EU
citizenship rights as provided by the Treaty. It also informs EU citizens about their rights. Work that
the Commission has undertaken in this area includes:
the Fundamental Rights & Citizenship Programme 2007-2013, which contributed to
developing actions aimed at promoting information and civic education initiatives to increase
turnout in elections
12 projects on active participation in the democratic life of the Union, which were financed with
grants of more than EUR 3.8 million between 2007 and 2010
a public consultation in 2010 that led to the first EU Citizenship Report1 identifying the main
obstacles citizens faced when making use of their EU rights in their daily lives, and proposing
25 actions designed to eliminate these obstacles
continuing to make active participation in the democratic life of the Union a priority in the Work
Programme of 2011
a further public consultation launched in 2012 and fed in to the second EU Citizenship Report2,
with 12 new actions in six key areas put forward to solve citizens problems
the European Year of Citizens in 2013, raising awareness among citizens of their right to
move and reside freely within the EU, and their broad range of rights in a cross-border context
the launch of a handbook in 2014: Did you know? 10 EU rights at a glance, giving citizens
information on their main EU rights in simple words and a few pictures
a third public consultation launched in September 2015, which will feed into the 2016 EU
Citizenship Report
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
This Flash Eurobarometer survey on EU citizenship (No 430) builds on the work of previous EU
Citizenship Flash Eurobarometer surveys conducted in 2012 3 , 2010 4 , 2007 5 and 2002 6 . It also
includes some questions about electoral rights that were first included in the 2007 Flash
Eurobarometer EU Citizenship survey, but subsequently formed part of a separate Flash
Eurobarometer survey on Electoral Rights conducted in both 2010 7 and 2012 8 . The survey
investigates how familiar Europeans are with their status as EU citizens; their understanding of some
of the key rights conferred by EU citizenship; their knowledge of electoral voting rights; and their
opinions about whether such rights should be available to EU citizens who reside in an EU country
that is not their country of origin.
This survey was carried out by the TNS Political & Social network in the 28 Member States of the
European Union between the 21st and the 23rd of October 2015. Some 26,555 respondents from
different social and demographic groups were interviewed via telephone (mobile and fixed line) in
their mother tongue on behalf of the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers. The
methodology used is that of Eurobarometer surveys as carried out by the Directorate-General for
Communication (Strategy, Corporate Communication Actions and Eurobarometer Unit)9. A technical
note on the manner in which interviews were conducted by the Institutes within the TNS Political &
Social network is appended as an annex to this report. Also included are the interview methods and
confidence intervals10.
The findings of the survey have been analysed firstly at an EU level and secondly by country. At an
EU level, the results are based on the 28 Member States. Wherever possible, comparisons are made
with the previous Flash Eurobarometer surveys conducted in 2012, 2010 and 2007 and 2002 11.
Where appropriate, a range of socio-demographic variables (respondents gender, age, terminal
education age and occupation scale) and two key variables from the survey (how familiar respondents
are with the term citizen of the European Union and how informed they feel about their rights as a
citizen of the European Union) are used to provide further analysis.
http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/flash/fl133_en.pdf (EU15 Member States only)
The results tables are included in the annex. It should be noted that the total of the percentages in the tables of this report may exceed
100% when the respondent has the possibility of giving several answers to the question.
At an EU level, the 2015 survey is based on 28 Member States, whereas the surveys conducted in 2012, 2010 and 2007 are based on
27 Member States. The 2002 survey is not used for comparisons in this report because it is based on EU15 Member States only.
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Note: In this report, countries are referred to by their official abbreviation. The abbreviations used in
this report correspond to:
Belgium BE Lithuania LT
Bulgaria BG Luxembourg LU
Czech Republic CZ Hungary HU
Denmark DK Malta MT
Germany DE The Netherlands NL
Estonia EE Austria AT
Greece EL Poland PL
Spain ES Portugal PT
France FR Romania RO
Croatia HR Slovenia SI
Ireland IE Slovakia SK
Italy IT Finland FI
Republic of Cyprus* CY Sweden SE
Latvia LV United Kingdom UK
European Union weighted average for the 28 Member States EU28
BE, IT, FR, DE, LU, NL, DK, UK, IE, PT, ES, EL, AT, SE, FI** EU15
* Cyprus as a whole is one of the 28 European Union Member States. However, the acquis
communautaire has been suspended in the part of the country which is not controlled by the
government of the Republic of Cyprus. For practical reasons, only the interviews carried out in the
part of the country controlled by the government of the Republic of Cyprus are included in the CY
category and in the EU28 average.
** EU15 refers to the 15 countries forming the European Union before the enlargements of 2004,
2007 and 2013.
We wish to thank the people throughout the European Union who have given their time to take part
in this survey. Without their active participation, this study would not have been possible.
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
The vast majority of respondents say they are familiar with the term citizen of the European
Union (87%). This is the highest level recorded, showing an increase of six percentage points
since 2012 (81%) and an overall increase of nine percentage points since 2007 (78%).
Slightly more than half of all respondents (52%) say they know what the term means. This is
the highest level recorded, and represents an improvement of six percentage points on the
figure recorded in 2012 (46%) and an overall increase of 11 percentage points since 2007
There is little confusion about how EU citizenship can be "obtained", with most Europeans (78%)
correctly saying that one does not have to ask to become a citizen of the EU. The proportion is
similar to that recorded in 2012 (78%) and shows a small overall increase of three percentage
points on the level recorded in 2007 (75%).
Almost all respondents (91%) know it is true that they can be both a citizen of the Union and
of their country at the same time. This figure is consistent with the results from earlier surveys
(90% in 2007 and 2010).
Just under three quarters of respondents (73%) correctly say that the statement 'If you so
wish, you can choose not to be a citizen of the Union' is false. This is in line with results from
earlier surveys, showing a small increase of three percentage points on the lowest level
recorded in 2010 (70%).
EU citizens awareness of their rights and of what they can do if these are not respected
Across the EU, just over four in ten respondents (42%) say they feel informed (either very well
informed or fairly well informed) about their rights as citizens of the European Union. This is
the highest level recorded, up six percentage points on 2012 (36%) and showing an overall
improvement of 11 percentage points on 2007.
Respondents are most familiar with their right to free movement and their right to petition key
EU institutions: 84% are aware that an EU citizen has the right to reside in any Member State
of the European Union (subject to certain conditions) and 83% are aware that a citizen of the
Union has the right to make a complaint to the European Commission, European Parliament or
European Ombudsman.
More than three quarters of respondents (77%) are aware that an EU citizen residing in another
Member State has the right to be treated in the same way as a national of that State.
Just over seven in ten respondents (72%) are aware that, when outside the EU, a citizen of the
Union has the right to ask for help at embassies of other EU Member States, if his/her country
does not have an embassy there.
Two thirds of respondents (66%) are aware of the right to participate in a Citizens Initiative.
Just over one quarter of respondents (26%) say they feel informed (either very well informed
or fairly well informed) about what they can do when their rights as an EU citizen are not
The economic benefits of free movement of people within the European Union
Around seven in ten respondents (71%) agree that free movement of people within the EU
brings overall benefits to the economy of their country. In fact, an absolute majority of
respondents in all countries say this.
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
(60%) think they should have this right. Despite a small drop in this proportion since 2012
(down four percentage points), it remains higher than the level recorded in 2010 (54%).
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
The first section of this report considers whether Europeans are aware of their status as citizens of
the EU and if they know how EU citizenship is obtained.
Almost all Europeans are familiar with the term citizen of the European Union
Just under nine in ten respondents (87%) say they are familiar12 with the term citizen of the European
Union in 2015. This is the highest level of familiarity recorded, showing an improvement of six
percentage points on 2012 (81%) and an increase of nine points on 2007 (78%).
A little over half of all respondents (52%) say they are familiar with the term and know what it means.
Again, this is the highest level recorded and represents an improvement of six percentage points on
the figure recorded in 2012 (46%) and an overall increase of 11 points since 2007 (41%).
Just over a third of respondents (35%) say they have heard of the term, but they are not sure what
it means - there has been little change in the proportion of respondents saying this since 2007 (37%).
One in eight respondents (13%) say they have never heard of the term citizen of the European Union.
This is the lowest level recorded since 2007 and represents a decline of six percentage points on
2012 (19%) and an overall drop of nine percentage points from the high of 22% in 2007 (also
recorded in 2010).
Across all Member States the majority of respondents say they are familiar with the term citizen of
the European Union. Almost all respondents living in Hungary (96%), Romania (93%), Italy and Poland
(both 92%), Spain and Bulgaria (both 91%), and Finland, Sweden and Estonia (all 90%) are familiar
with the term citizen of the European Union. Around three quarters of respondents say that they are
familiar with the term in Austria (73%), Belgium (76%) and the Netherlands (77%). The proportion of
Either saying Yes, and you know what it means or Yes, you have heard of it, but you are not sure what it means.
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
respondents who say that they have never heard of the term is the highest in Austria (27%), Belgium
(24%) and the Netherlands (23%).
In terms of knowing what the term citizen of the European Union means, a majority of respondents
say that they do in 16 Member States13, with the highest proportions in Spain (72%), Italy (64%),
Romania (63%), Poland and Slovakia (both 62%), Hungary (61%) and Ireland (60%). Among the 12
Member States14 where only a minority of the respondents say that they know what the term means,
the lowest proportions are in Latvia (28%), the Netherlands (30%), Croatia (31%), Austria (35%) and
Belgium (39%).
Hungary, Romania, Italy, Poland, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Slovakia, Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta, Slovenia and
the UK
Bulgaria, Estonia, Denmark, France, Croatia, Germany, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, the Netherlands, Belgium and Austria
Germany is excluded from the trend analysis due to a modification in the translation. The translation that is now used for citizen of
the European Union is more in line with that used in other Member States.
Romania, Italy, Slovakia and Ireland
Estonia, Finland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovenia and Latvia
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Q1 This'survey'is'about'European'Union'citizenship.'Are'you'familiar'with'the'term'"citizen'of'the'European'Union"?
94 95 88 93 92 95 92 88 93 82 80 90 89 85 90 87 88 89 94 92 89 92 92 87
90 89 88 88 88 88 87 87
79 79 79 91 96 91 72 66 84 82 84 83 76 86 89 77 85 88 83 90 83 78 78 81
86 86 85 85 85 84 83 83
77 75 84 76 78 83 77 77 76 85 80 79 88 84 76 88 85 81
82 81 77 76 73
87 90 78 74 77 80 68 71 70 64 70 69 71 72 70
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Q1 This survey is about European Union citizenship. Are you familiar with the term
EU28 52 35 13 0 87
Male 54 32 14 0 86
Female 51 37 12 0 88
15M24 46 42 12 0 88
25M39 53 35 12 0 88
40M54 53 33 13 1 86
55'+ 54 32 13 1 86
15M 43 35 21 1 78
16M19 50 37 13 0 87
20+ 58 32 10 0 90
Still'studying 49 39 12 0 88
Rural'village 47 38 15 0 85
Small/mid'size'town 53 35 12 0 88
Large'town 56 32 12 0 88
SelfMemployed 57 33 10 0 90
Employee 55 34 11 0 89
Manual'workers 43 39 18 0 82
Not'working 51 35 14 0 86
Informed 68 26 6 0 94
Not'informed 41 41 18 0 82
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
To test their understanding of how EU citizenship is obtained, respondents were read out three
statements and asked whether they thought each was true or false: "You have to ask to become a
citizen of the Union, "You are both a citizen of the Union and (Nationality) at the same time" and "If
you so wish, you can choose not to be a citizen of the Union".
Around eight in ten Europeans know that one does not have to ask to become an EU
Most respondents (78%) correctly say that one does not have to ask to become a citizen of the EU.
This result is the same as recorded in 2012, but slightly higher than the proportion recorded in 2007
and 2010 (+3 points and +4 points respectively).
Focusing on the 2015 results, respondents in EU15 are slightly more likely than those in NMS13 to
think it is false that one has to ask to become a citizen (79% vs. 75%).
Looking at the national level, at least six in ten respondents in all but one country know that one
does not have to ask to become a citizen of the EU. This understanding is most widespread
among respondents in Hungary (88%), Sweden (86%) and Spain (85%). The exception is Bulgaria,
where only half (50%) of respondents know that you do not have to ask to become a citizen of the
EU, which still represents an improvement as compared to 2012 (+5 points).
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Around nine in ten respondents know it is true that they can be both a citizen of the Union
and of their country at the same time (91%). This is consistent with the results from earlier
surveys (90% in 2007 and 2010, and 89% in 2012).
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Just under three quarters of respondents (73%) correctly say that one cannot choose not to be a
citizen of the Union. This finding is in line with the results recorded in previous surveys and shows
a small increase on the lowest level recorded in 2010 (+3 percentage points). Although the majority
know this is true, one in five respondents (21%) incorrectly think that one can choose to be a citizen
of the Union. The proportion thinking this to be the case remains unchanged since 2012, but is
somewhat higher than the figure reported in 2007 (+4 points).
Focusing on the 2015 results, respondents in EU15 are more likely than those in NMS13 to recognise
that one cannot choose not to be a citizen of the European Union (76% vs. 66%).
There is widespread national variation. At least eight in ten respondents in Sweden (83%), the
Netherlands (81%) and Italy (80%) correctly say that the statement If you so wish, you can choose
not to be a citizen of the Union is false. In contrast, only 46% of respondents in Estonia, 53% in
Latvia and 56% in Lithuania know that this statement is false.
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Looking at longer-term trends, the proportion of respondents understanding that one cannot choose
not to be a citizen of the Union has increased since 2007 in 12 Member States18, with the largest
increases in Belgium (+13 percentage points, from 64% in 2007 to 77% in 2015), Sweden (+11
points, from 72% to 83%) and the Netherlands (+9 points, from 72% to 81%),. Among the 13 Member
States where knowledge that one does not have to ask for EU citizenship has declined since 2007,
the most notable shifts are in Slovenia (-9 points, from 68% to 59%) and Romania (-8 points, from
67% to 59%).
Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Austria, France, Portugal, Ireland, the UK and Latvia
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
The chart below shows the proportion of respondents in each country in 2015 that gave a correct
answer, averaged across the three statements, which provides a summary measure of
knowledge of citizens rights for each country. Respondents in Spain and Sweden (both with an
average of 87% answering correctly) have the highest average knowledge. In contrast, respondents
in Bulgaria (with an average of 66% answering correctly) and Estonia (with an average of 67%) have
the lowest average knowledge, followed by Latvia and Lithuania (both 69%) and Romania (71%).
Looking at the proportion of respondents giving a correct answer to the statements, averaged across
the three statements, respondents who have the highest average knowledge are more likely to be:
Aged 25 -54 (83%)
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Q3 For each of the statements which I am going to read out, please state whether you
EU28 78 91 73 81
15N24 70 92 68 77
25N39 81 91 79 83
40N54 82 91 76 83
55&+ 77 91 70 79
15N 67 88 63 73
16N19 75 90 72 79
20+ 85 93 78 85
Still&studying 75 94 73 81
SelfNemployed 84 90 78 84
Employee 83 92 78 84
Manual&workers 75 90 69 78
Not&working 74 91 70 78
Yes 80 92 75 83
No 64 84 64 71
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Having explored Europeans awareness of their status as citizens of the European Union, this chapter
of the report looks at how knowledgeable they are about their EU rights and whether they feel
informed about what can be done if these rights are not respected.
Around two in five Europeans feel informed about their rights as EU citizens
Just over two fifths of respondents (42%) say that they feel informed (either very well informed or
fairly well informed) about their rights as a citizen of the European Union. Amongst this group, only
a very small minority (6%) feel 'very well informed', with most (36%) saying that they feel 'fairly well
informed'. Just over two fifths of respondents (42%) say that are not very well informed about their
rights as a citizen of the EU and just over one in ten (15%) say they do not feel informed at all.
Across the EU as a whole, the proportion of respondents who say that they feel informed about their
EU rights is at its highest level recorded, and shows a notable improvement on that recorded in 2007
(+11 points). The proportion remained stable between 2007 (31%) and 2010 (32%), but since then
has increased by four percentage points between 2010 and 2012, and a further six points between
2012 and 2015.
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
There are no marked differences between respondents in EU15 and those in NMS13.
Looking at the national picture in 2015, there are now five Member States where more than half of
respondents say that they feel informed about their rights as a citizen of the European Union.
Respondents in Sweden are the most likely to say they feel informed (57%), followed by those in
Denmark (55%), Malta (54%) and Luxembourg and Ireland (both 52%). At the other end of the scale,
Member States where respondents are least likely to say they feel informed about their rights are
Croatia (25%), France (30%), Austria (31%), and the Netherlands and Latvia (both 32%). Indeed, in
France and the Netherlands, a notably high proportion of respondents (24%) say they do not feel
informed at all about their rights as a citizen of the EU.
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
The chart below shows the evolution of results at Member State level since 2007.
Since 2012, the proportion of respondents who say they feel informed about their rights as EU citizens
has increased in 22 Member States. The greatest increases are found in: Germany (+18 percentage
points, from 32% in 2012 to 50% in 2015); Sweden (+13 points, from 44% to 57%); Latvia (+12
points, from 20% to 32%); Finland (+10 points, from 40% to 50%); the UK (+10 points, from 35% to
45%); Portugal (+10 points, from 32% to 42%); Malta (+9 points, from 38% to 47%); Hungary (+9
points, from 38% to 47%) and the Czech Republic (+9 points, from 32% to 41%).
Most of these countries also show some of the most marked improvements since 200719: Sweden
(+26 points, from 31% to 57%), the UK (+19 points, from 26% to 45%), Germany (+17 points, from
33% to 50%), Portugal (+16 points, from 26% to 42%), Hungary (+16 points, from 31% to 47%),
Finland (+11 points, from 39% to 50%), the Czech Republic (+11 points, from 30% to 41%) and
Latvia (+10 points, from 22% to 32%).
Other Member States showing marked improvements since 2007 include Poland (+15 points, from
33% to 48%), Lithuania (+12 points, from 26% to 38%), Denmark (+11 points, from 44% to 55%)
and Ireland (+10 points, from 42% to 52%).
Only a few Member States show a decline in the proportion of respondents who say they feel
informed about their rights as EU citizens and such changes are, for the most part, very small. Since
2012 the most notable declines are in Slovenia (-5 percentage points, from 41% to 36%) and Austria
(-5 points, from 36% to 31%). These two countries also show the most marked declines since 2007:
Slovenia (-13 points, from 49% to 36%) and Austria (-8 points, from 39% to 31%).
The only exception is Malta, which shows a small increase in 2015 vs. 2007 of +4 percentage points.
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
EU28 42 57 1
15=24 50 50 0
25=39 39 60 1
40=54 39 60 1
55(+ 42 56 2
15= 32 66 2
16=19 38 61 1
20+ 45 54 1
Still(studying 52 48 0
Rural(village 38 61 1
Small/mid(size(town 41 58 1
Large(town 46 53 1
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Part of the survey was designed to test respondents' awareness of some of the most important rights
that they hold as EU citizens. To this end, the interviewer explained to the respondent that since 1993
all citizens of the EU Member States are citizens of the European Union. Five statements describing
EU rights were then read out, and respondents were asked which of these rights an EU citizen has.
The five rights that were outlined are:
the right to reside in any Member State of the European Union, subject to certain conditions
the right to make a complaint to the European Commission, European Parliament or European
when residing in another Member State, the right to be treated in the same way as a national
of that State
when outside the EU, the right to ask for help from the embassy of any other EU Member State,
if his/her country does not have an embassy there
the right to participate in a Citizens' Initiative, a request signed by at least 1 million EU citizens
inviting the European Commission to propose a new measure.
The way in which this question was asked changed in 2015, so comparisons with results from
earlier surveys are not possible.
Europeans are most aware of their right to free movement and their right to petition key
EU institutions
More than four in five respondents (84%) say that an EU citizen has the right to reside in any
Member State of the European Union, subject to certain conditions (the right to free movement). A
similar proportion (83%) think that an EU citizen has the right to make a complaint to the European
Commission, European Parliament or European ombudsman. More than three quarters of
respondents (77%) say that an EU citizen, when residing in another Member State, has the right to
be treated in the same way as a national of that State. Around seven in ten respondents (72%)
think that an EU citizen, when outside the EU, has the right to seek help from the embassy of any
other EU Member State, if his/her country does not have an embassy there. Two thirds of
respondents (66%) think that EU citizens have the right to participate in a Citizens initiative.
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
In 15 Member States20 respondents are most likely to be aware of the right to free movement. In a
further three Member States21 this right, along with the right to petition key EU Institutions, receives
the most mentions; and in Croatia this right, along with the right,to be treated in the same way as a
national of that State, receives the most mentions.
The right to free movement
More than four in five respondents (84%) are aware that an EU citizen has the right to reside in any
Member State of the European Union, subject to certain conditions. This result has slightly dropped
since 2012 (-4 percentage points).
Respondents in Finland (96%) are the most likely to hold the opinion that EU citizens have the right
to reside in any Member State of the European Union, followed by those in Latvia (94%), Estonia and
Sweden (both 93%), Bulgaria and Ireland (both 92%), Austria (91%) and Spain (90%). Respondents
in the Czech Republic (74%), followed by those in Croatia, Italy and Slovakia (76% in each), are the
least likely to think that EU citizens have the right to freedom of movement.
The right complain to the European Commission, European Parliament or European
More than four in five respondents (83%) are aware that an EU citizen has the right to petition key
EU Institutions.
In five Member States22 respondents are most likely be aware of the right to make a complaint to the
European Commission, European Parliament or European Ombudsman. In Portugal this right, along
with the right, when residing in another Member State, to be treated in the same way as a national
of that State, receives the most mentions.
Respondents in Ireland, Finland and Sweden (91% in each) are the most likely to be aware that EU
citizens have the right to make a complaint to these Institutions, followed by those in Portugal (90%).
Respondents in Slovakia (70%) are the least likely to think that EU citizens have this right, followed
by those in Croatia (73%), Italy and Hungary (both 74%) and Romania (76%).
The right to non-discrimination
77% of respondents know that citizens residing in another Member State have the right to be treated
in the same way as a national of that State.
In Belgium, Denmark and Greece respondents are most likely to be aware of the right, when residing
in another Member State, to be treated in the same way as a national of that State.
Countries where respondents are the most likely to hold the opinion that an EU citizen has the right,
when residing in another Member State, to be treated in the same way as a national of that State,
include Portugal (90%), Malta (89%), Bulgaria and Spain (both 87%) and Poland (86%). In contrast,
only around half of respondents in Lithuania (52%), and just over two fifths of respondents in
Germany (62%), think an EU citizen has this right.
The right to consular protection
Around seven in ten respondents (72%) know that an EU citizen, when outside the EU, has the right
to seek help from the embassy of any other EU Member State, if his/her country does not have an
embassy there.
The right to consular protection receives the most mentions by respondents in Latvia and Portugal
(both 87%), followed by Estonia (86%) and Finland (85%); and is least widely mentioned in France
(62%), followed by Croatia and Slovakia (both 65%).
Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Spain, France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Slovakia, Finland and
Belgium, Denmark and Greece
The Czech Republic, Cyprus, Poland, Slovenia and the UK
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Q4 In fact, all citizens of the EU Member States are "citizens of the European Union" since
1993. In your opinion, which of the following rights does an EU citizen have?
EU28 83 84 77 72 66
Male 85 86 78 72 69
Female 82 83 75 71 64
15Q24 80 84 77 73 70
25Q39 84 86 76 73 69
40Q54 86 84 76 72 67
55&+ 83 83 78 70 62
15Q 74 77 73 65 59
16Q19 82 81 75 70 63
20+ 88 88 78 75 71
Still&studying 80 86 78 73 72
Rural&village 83 82 76 70 65
Small/mid&size&town 83 84 76 72 66
Large&town 86 87 79 73 68
SelfQemployed 87 86 78 73 71
Employee 87 86 77 74 70
Manual&workers 81 81 75 70 65
Not&working 81 83 77 70 63
Yes 84 86 78 73 68
No 79 75 71 65 58
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
A quarter of Europeans feel informed about what they can do if their rights as an EU
citizen are not respected
Just over a quarter of respondents (26%) say that they feel informed about what they can do when
their rights as an EU citizen are not respected. Amongst this group, most feel 'fairly well informed'
(23%), while 3% feel 'very well informed'. Around half of respondents (51%) say that they are not
very well informed about what they can do if their rights as an EU citizen are not respected, and a
further one in five (21%) say they are 'not informed at all' about what to do in such a situation.
At EU level, results remain broadly similar to those reported in 2012. There has been a very small
increase in the proportion of respondents who say that they feel informed about what to do if their
EU rights are not respected (+2 percentage points, from 24% in 2012 to 26% in 2015), with a
corresponding decrease in the proportion saying they do not feel informed (-2 points, from 74% to
72%). This small improvement is driven by an increase in the proportion of respondents saying they
feel fairly well informed (+2 points, from 21% to 23%) and a drop in the proportion who feel they
are not informed at all (-2 points, from 23% to 21%).
Q5 How&well&informed&do&you&feel&about&what&you&can&do&when&your&rights&as&an&EU&citizen&are¬&respected?
Don't&know Very&well&informed
2&(=) 3&(=)
Not&informed& at&all
Respondents in NMS13 are more likely than those in EU15 to say that they feel informed about what
they can do if their rights as an EU citizen are not respected (32% vs. 24%). This is driven by a greater
likelihood of NMS13 respondents saying they feel fairly well informed (29% vs. 21%), with no
differences between EU15 and NMS13 in the proportions saying that they feel very well informed
about what they can do if their rights are not respected.
Respondents living in Malta are the most likely to say that they feel informed about what they can
do if their rights as an EU citizen are not respected (40%), followed by those in Luxembourg (36%),
Romania (35%) and Ireland and Poland (both 34%). At the other end of the scale, only around one in
five respondents feel informed about what they can do in France and the Netherlands (both 18%)
and Austria, Spain and Latvia (all 20%).
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Luxembourg, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Greece and Austria
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Q5 How well informed do you feel about what you can do when
EU28 26 72 2
15=24 31 69 0
25=39 24 75 1
40=54 22 76 2
55(+ 28 69 3
15= 21 76 3
16=19 23 75 2
20+ 29 70 1
Still(studying 33 67 0
Rural(village 24 74 2
Small/mid(size(town 25 73 2
Large(town 30 69 1
Self=employed 27 72 1
Employee 25 74 1
Manual(workers 22 77 1
Not(working 28 70 2
Yes 28 70 2
No 15 83 2
Informed 50 48 2
Not(informed 9 90 1
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Moving and living freely within the EU is the EU right Europeans associate most directly with EU
citizenship, with more than four in five respondents knowing that they have this right (Chapter II.2).
This chapter focuses on whether Europeans think that such free movement of people within the EU
brings economic benefits to their country.
Around seven in ten Europeans think that free movement of people within the EU has
economic benefits for their country
Around seven in ten respondents (71%) agree with the statement that free movement of people
within the EU brings overall benefits to the economy of their country. Among this group of people,
around a third (32%) strongly agree, while around two in five (39%) say they tend to agree. Around
one in six respondents (16%) tend to disagree that free movement of people benefits their country
economically while one in ten (10%) say they strongly disagree.
Comparing the results with those from 2012, there has been a small increase at an EU level in the
proportion of respondents who agree that free movement of people brings economic benefits to their
country (+4 percentage points, from 67% in 2012 to 71% in 2015), with a corresponding decrease
in the proportion disagreeing that free movement produces economic benefits (-4 points, from 30%
to 26%). The increase in the proportion of respondents agreeing that free movement brings economic
benefits is largely driven by a rise in the proportion saying they strongly agree (+5 points, from 27%
to 32%) and a drop in the proportion who say they tend to disagree (-3 points, from 19% to 16%).
There are no marked differences between respondents in EU15 and those in NMS13.
Looking at the national picture, an absolute majority of respondents across all Member States agree
that freedom of movement within the EU has economic benefits for their country. There is however
widespread variation. Respondents living in Romania are the most likely to agree (87%), followed by
those in Germany (85%), Luxembourg (82%) and Austria (81%). In fact, in Romania and Germany,
there is a majority of respondents that strongly agree that free movement brings economic benefits
to their country (61% and 52% respectively). In contrast, 57% of Cyprus respondents (+6 percentage
points compared to 2012), and 59% of UK respondents (+7 percentage points compared to 2012)
agree that free movement brings economic benefits to their country.
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
The next chart focuses on overall agreement with the statement and compares the national results
with those from the previous survey in 2012.
The proportion of respondents thinking that freedom of movement brings economic benefits to their
country has increased in 13 Member States and decreased in 12 since 2012. The most notable
increases in agreement are among respondents in Germany (+21 percentage points, from 64% in
2012 to 85% in 2015), Austria (+14 points, from 67% to 81%), Spain (+9 points, from 67% to 76%),
Luxembourg (+7 points, from 75% to 82%), the Netherlands (+7 points, from 67% to 74%) and the
UK (+7 points, from 52% to 59%). In three of these countries there has been a particularly marked
increase since 2012 in the proportion of respondents who strongly agree that free movement brings
about economic benefits: Germany (+27 points, from 25% to 52%); Austria (+17 points, from 28%
to 45%) and Luxembourg (+13 points, from 28% to 41%).
Among the 12 Member States where the proportion of respondents who agree that free movement
brings economic benefits has dropped, changes are, for the most part, small. The most notable shifts
are in Poland (-7 points, from 76% to 69%) and Bulgaria (-6 points, from 79% to 73%).
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
EU28 71 26 3
15< 56 37 7
16<19 66 30 4
20+ 77 21 2
Still(studying 79 20 1
Self<employed 73 26 1
Employee 74 24 2
Manual(workers 61 36 3
Not(working 69 27 4
Yes 72 25 3
No 60 35 5
Informed 79 19 2
Not(informed 65 31 4
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
A majority of citizens are aware of their right to seek help from other EU embassies when in need of
help in a country outside the EU where their own Member State does not have an embassy or a
consulate (Chapter II.2). They are entitled to receive such help under the same conditions as the
nationals of the EU country that helps them. Respondents were now asked about whether they would
have the right, while staying in an EU country, to seek help from the embassy of any other EU
country if their own EU country did not have an embassy there.
A small minority of Europeans know they would not have the right to seek help from the
embassy of another EU country, if they were staying in an EU country where their own
country does not have an embassy.
The interviewer asked the respondent If you needed help (for example, if you lost your passport)
while staying in an EU country where your country does not have an embassy, would you have the
right to seek help at the embassy of another EU Member State instead? One in seven of respondents
(14%) know they do not have such a right. One in nine (11%) do not know if they have such a right..
In contrast, three quarters of respondents (75%) and an absolute majority of respondents across all
Member States, wrongly believe they would have the right to seek such help.
Views in EU15 and NMS13 are broadly similar. Respondents in NMS13 are slightly more likely than
those in EU15 to believe that they have such a right (77% vs. 74%).
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
The proportion of respondents which know they would not have the right, while staying in an EU
country, to seek help from the embassy of any other EU country if their own EU country did not have
an embassy there, is the smallest in Finland (4%), Portugal (8%), Estonia (5%) and Malta (6%). France
has the highest proportion of respondents, around one in four, knowing they would not have such a
right (23%). Other Member States where this proportion is notably higher than the EU average (14%)
include Belgium (20%) and the Netherlands (19%).
Socio-demographic and key variable analysis
Respondents who wrongly believe they would have the right, while staying in an EU country, to seek
help from the embassy of any other EU country, if their own country did not have an embassy there,
are somewhat more likely to be:
Women (77%)
Aged 15-24 (79%)
People who finished their full-time education aged 20 or over (76%)
Familiar with the term citizen of the European Union (76%)
Those who feel informed about their rights as an EU citizen (79%)
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Q7 If you needed help (for example, if you lost your passport) while staying
in an EU country where (OUR COUNTRY) does not have an embassy,
would you have the right to seek help at the embassy of another EU
EU28 75 14 11
Male 73 16 11
Female 77 12 11
15F24 79 17 4
25F39 75 16 9
40F54 73 14 13
55'+ 74 12 14
15F 71 14 15
16F19 74 14 12
20+ 76 13 11
Still'studying 80 15 5
Yes 76 13 11
No 71 17 12
Informed 79 12 9
Not'informed 72 16 12
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Having asked the respondent whether they would have the right, while staying in an EU country, to
seek help from the embassy of any other EU country if their own EU country did not have an embassy
there, the interviewer then followed up with the question: And in this situation, would you prefer to
seek help from..the authorities of the country where you are staying or the embassy of another EU
Member State present in the country where you are staying?
If they need help in an EU country where their own country does not have an embassy,
Europeans are more likely to prefer to seek help from the authorities of that country
than to seek help from the embassy of another EU country
Just over half of all respondents (53%) say they would prefer to seek help from the authorities of
the EU country in which they are staying. Around two in five respondents (38%) say they would prefer
to seek help from the embassy of another Member State present in the country where they are
staying. A notable minority (9%) are unable to express a preference.
There are differences between EU15 and NMS13. Respondents in EU15 are more likely than those in
NMS13 to say they prefer to seek help from the embassy of another Member State present in the
country where they are staying (40% vs. 32%) and less likely to say they would prefer to find help
from the authorities of that country (50% vs. 60%).
In 15 Member States24, an absolute majority of respondents say they would prefer to seek help from
the authorities of the country in which they are staying. In a further eight Member States25 the balance
of opinion is in favour of this option. The countries where respondents are most likely to say they
would prefer to seek help from the authorities are Bulgaria (71%), Greece (69%), Cyprus (68%) and
Hungary (65%).
The countries where respondents are least likely to favour this option are Sweden and Malta (both
41%), Austria and Spain (both 43%) and the Netherlands (44%). These are the only five countries
where the balance of opinion is in favour of seeking help from the embassy of another Member State
present in the country. Respondents in Austria (51%) and Spain (51%) are the most likely to favour
this option, followed by those in Sweden (47%), and the Netherlands and Malta (46%).
Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Croatia, Latvia, Romania, Poland, France, Portugal, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Italy, Slovenia and
Luxembourg, Germany, Finland, Slovakia, Denmark, the UK, Ireland and Estonia
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
The final chapter focuses on the electoral rights that EU citizenship confers. It examines Europeans
knowledge of electoral rights and their opinions about whether such rights should be available to EU
citizens who reside in an EU country that is not their country of origin.
Respondents were read out a series of statements about electoral rights in the European Union, and
asked to say if each was true or false.26
The majority of Europeans correctly identify their electoral rights at local and European
The majority of Europeans correctly identify the electoral rights that a citizen of the EU has in relation
to voting or standing as a candidate in European Parliament elections and municipal elections. The
results for each of these two electoral rights are discussed below.
Q9: For each of the statements which I am going to read out, please tell me if this is true or false: A citizen of the EU living in (OUR
COUNTRY) has the right to vote or to stand as a candidate in European Parliament elections; A citizen of the EU living in (OUR COUNTRY)
has the right to vote or to stand as a candidate in municipal elections; A citizen of the EU living in (OUR COUNTRY) has the right to vote
or to stand as a candidate in elections to the national Parliament; (ONLY IN AT, BE, CZ, DK, DE, ES, FR, IT, NL, PL, SK, SE, UK) A citizen
of the EU living in (OUR COUNTRY) has the right to vote or to stand as a candidate in regional elections (by "regional" we mean any
sub-national level of government between municipalities and the State); (Answers: True; False; DK/NA) [Note: Prior to the 2015 survey
the question was asked in a separate survey about electoral rights; in 2007 the question was formulated differently: In fact, all citizens
of the EU Member States are citizens of the European Union. In your opinion, what rights does a citizen of the European Union have?]
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Focusing on the 2015 results, respondents in EU15 are slightly more likely than those in NMS13 to
say it is true that a citizen of the EU living in their country has the right to vote or to stand as a
candidate in European Parliament elections (68% vs. 64%).
Across all but one Member State, the majority of respondents know that a citizen of the EU living in
their country has the right to vote or stand as a candidate in European Parliament elections. The level
of awareness is the highest in Ireland (76%), Italy and Luxembourg (both 73%). The exception
where only a minority think this is a right is Lithuania (46%), with Denmark (53%), Hungary (58%)
and Cyprus (59%) also showing relatively low levels of awareness.
Trend analysis at national level
The chart below shows national trends since 2007.
Since 2012, the proportion of respondents correctly saying it is true that an EU citizen living in their
country has the right to vote or stand as a candidate in European Parliament elections has declined
in all but four countries. The most notable decline is in Lithuania (-30 percentage points, from 76%
in 2012 to 46% in 2015) and Poland (-15 points, from 78% to 63%). There has been a decrease of
10 points in Romania (from 82% to 72%), Slovenia (from 76% to 66%), Spain (from 75% to 65%),
Hungary (from 68% to 58%) and Denmark (from 63% to 53%). In the four countries 27 where
awareness of this right has increased, one Luxembourg shows a notable increase in the proportion
of respondents correctly identifying this right as being true (+11 points, from 62% to 73%).
Italy, Luxembourg, Germany and Austria
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Looking at longer term trends, despite the recent downward shifts in many countries since 2012, the
overall level of awareness amongst respondents since 2007 has notably increased. Indeed, there has
been an increase of 20 percentage points or more in eight countries: Hungary (+29 points, from 29%
to 58%); Romania (+26 points, from 46% to 72%); Latvia (+26 points, from 42% to 68%); Sweden
(+26 points, from 40% to 66%); Finland (+23 points, from 41% to 64%); Portugal (+21 points, from
43% to 64%); Bulgaria (+20 points, from 47% to 67%) and the Czech Republic (+20 points, from
41% to 61%).
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
EU28 67 26 7
15< 61 27 12
16<19 67 26 7
20+ 70 24 6
Still2studying 66 31 3
Yes 68 25 7
No 62 30 8
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Focusing on the 2015 results, respondents in EU15 are somewhat more likely than those in NMS13
to say it is true that an EU citizen living in their country has the right to vote or to stand as a candidate
in municipal elections (55% vs. 49%). This pattern is similar to that found in relation to the right to
vote or stand as a candidate in European Parliament elections.
There are 15 Member States where the majority of respondents think that a citizen of the EU living
in their country has the right to vote or stand as a candidate in municipal elections, the proportion
being the highest in Slovakia (68%), Belgium and Luxembourg (both 65%). Among the remaining 13
Member States, the proportion of respondents who believe this to be a right is lowest in Lithuania
(29%), followed by Finland (39%).
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
The majority of Europeans know that their electoral rights do not cover national and
regional elections
EU citizenship does not grant the right to EU citizens to vote or stand as a candidate in national and
regional elections in the EU country in which they live28. The results for each of these two types of
elections are presented below.
EU law does not grant EU citizens the right to vote in regional elections. However, some Member States, such as Sweden and Denmark,
have decided to grant EU citizens the right to vote in the regional elections organised on their territory. For more details see the Annex in
the Commission Implementing decision of 24 July 2012 (2012/412/EU) http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Focusing on the 2015 results, respondents in EU15 are again somewhat more likely than those in
NMS13 to answer this question correctly, in this case saying it is false that an EU citizen living in
their country has the right to vote or to stand as a candidate in national elections (56% vs. 49%).
There are 20 Member States where the majority of respondents correctly state that a citizen of the
EU living in their country does not have the right to vote or stand as a candidate in elections to the
national Parliament, with this proportion being highest in Lithuania (75%), Sweden (74%), Denmark
(68%) and France (66%). Among the remaining eight Member States29, the proportion of respondents
giving the correct answer is lowest in Slovakia (35%) and Romania (38%).
Belgium, Hungary, the UK, Ireland, Latvia, Croatia, Romania and Slovakia
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Lithuania, France, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Portugal, Malta and Spain
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
EU28 39 54 7
Male 37 59 4
Female 41 50 9
15@24 49 48 3
25@39 40 55 5
40@54 36 57 7
552+ 38 54 8
15@ 45 45 10
16@19 43 50 7
20+ 33 61 6
Still2studying 46 51 3
Self@employed 35 59 6
Employee 35 59 6
Manual2workers 45 50 5
Not2working 42 51 7
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Since 2012, the proportion of respondents correctly saying it is false that an EU citizen living in their
country has the right to vote or stand as a candidate in regional elections has increased in all of these
13 Member States. The most notable increases are in Poland (+26 percentage points, from 26% in
2012 to 52% in 2015), Sweden (+16 points, from 40% to 56%) and Slovakia (+14 points, from 15%
to 29%).
Similarly, the proportion of respondents correctly saying that the statement is false has increased in
all of these 13 Member States since 2007. All but two countries32 show a percentage increase of 7%
or more, with the biggest shifts in Poland (+20 points), Belgium (+19 points), Sweden (+18 points)
and the Netherlands (+18 points).
See footnote 34 .
Austria and Slovakia
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
The last section of the report examines Europeans opinions on whether electoral rights should be
available to EU citizens who reside in an EU country that is not their country of origin (i.e. of which he
or she is a national).
Respondents were asked to consider a hypothetical situation where an EU citizen lives in an EU
country that is not their country of origin. They were then asked if they thought it justified:
that such a citizen loses their right to vote in national elections in their country of origin
that this citizen acquires the right to vote in national elections in the country they are living in
if this citizen should have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in regional elections in
the country where they are living
This question was first asked in 201033. The results are discussed in the following sections.
Just under three in ten Europeans consider it justified that EU citizens living in EU
countries that are not their country of origin should lose their national election voting
rights in their country of origin
Just under three in ten respondents (28%) think it is justified that EU citizens who live in an EU country
other than their country of origin should lose their rights to vote in the national elections of their
country of origin. Two thirds of respondents (67%) think that losing this right would not be justified.
The results are broadly similar to those reported in 2012. There has been a small drop in the
proportion of respondents who think it is justified that an EU citizen living in another EU country loses
his/her right to vote in national elections in their country of origin (-3 percentage points, from 31% in
2012), with a corresponding increase in the proportion who do not think this is justified (+2 points,
from 65% in 2012).
The 2010 survey collected information on voting rights for non-national EU citizens in their country of residence. In 2012, the survey
was expanded to cover voting rights for non-national EU citizens in their country of origin.
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Focusing on 2015, there are no notable differences between the opinions of EU15 respondents and
those in NMS13.
At a national level, there is a minority of respondents in all 28 countries who think it is justified that
EU citizens living in another EU country should lose their rights to vote in the national elections of
their country of origin. Those living in the UK are most likely to think such citizens should lose such a
right (42%), followed by those in Slovakia (39%) and Luxembourg (37%). The countries where
respondents are least likely to think that losing such a right would be justified are Finland (17%) and
Sweden (19%).
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
The majority of Europeans think that EU citizens who live in an EU country that is not
their country of origin should acquire both the right to vote in national elections and the
right to vote and stand in regional elections in their country of residence
Just under two thirds of respondents (64%) think it is justified that EU citizens who live in an EU
country other than their country of origin should acquire the right to vote in the national elections in
the country they are living in. Around three in ten respondents (31%) do not think such citizens should
have this electoral right in their country of residence.
The results are broadly similar to those reported in 2012. There has been a small decrease in the
proportion of respondents thinking non-national citizens should have this right (-3 percentage points,
from 67%), but it remains notably higher than the level recorded in 2010 (+14 points, from 50%).
There has been a very small increase since 2012 in the proportion of respondents who do not think
it justified that such citizens acquire this electoral right (+1 point, from 30%), but it remains markedly
lower than the level reported in 2010 (-12 points, from 43%).
Focusing on the 2015 results, there are no notable differences between the views of respondents in
EU15 and those in NMS13.
In almost all (25) Member States the majority of respondents think it is justified that EU citizens who
live in an EU country other than their country of origin should acquire the right to vote in the national
elections in the country they are living in. This view is most widespread in Ireland (81%) and Romania
(76%), and is held by at least seven in ten respondents in Italy (72%), the Netherlands (71%), Portugal
(71%), Greece (70%) and the UK (70%). The three Member States where only a minority of
respondents think it justified are Denmark and Sweden (both 43%) and Estonia (44%).
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
The Netherlands, Greece, the UK, Spain, Hungary, Lithuania and Latvia
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
EU28 64 31 5
15924 72 25 3
25939 68 29 3
40954 63 32 5
55/+ 60 34 6
Yes 65 31 4
No 60 34 6
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Europeans are somewhat less likely to think that EU citizens living in an EU country that is not their
country of origin should have the right to vote and stand as a candidate in regional elections, should
they take place in the country where they are living. Three fifths of respondents (60%) hold this view,
whilst around a third (34%) do not think such citizens should have this electoral right in their country
of residence.
The results are broadly similar to those reported in 2012. There has been a small decrease in the
proportion of respondents thinking non-national citizens should have this right (-4 percentage points,
from 64%), but it remains higher than the level recorded in 2010 (+6 points, from 54%). There has
been a very small increase since 2012 in the proportion of respondents who do not think it justified
that such citizens acquire this electoral right (+2 points, from 32%), but it remains lower than the
level reported in 2010 (-5 points, from 39%).
Focusing on the 2015 results, again there are no remarkable differences between the views of
respondents in EU15 and those in NMS13.
Looking at the national level, the majority of respondents in almost all (24) Member States think it is
justified that EU citizens who live in an EU country other than their country of origin should acquire
the right to vote and stand in regional elections in the country that they reside in. This view is most
widespread in Ireland (71%) and Romania (69%). The three Member States where only a minority of
respondents think it justified are Denmark (43%), Estonia (47%) and Bulgaria (49%). These findings
broadly reflect the findings reported earlier in relation to opinions on whether such citizens should
acquire national electoral rights in their country of residence.
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Greece, Austria, Finland, Cyprus and Latvia
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
EU28 60 34 6
15924 69 28 3
25939 63 32 5
40954 59 35 6
55/+ 56 36 8
159 54 37 9
16919 60 34 6
20+ 61 34 5
Still/studying 69 28 3
Yes 61 33 6
No 53 39 8
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015 specifications
Between the 21 and the 23 October 2015, TNS Political & Social, a consortium created between TNS
political & social, TNS UK and TNS opinion, carried out the FLASH EUROBAROMETER 430 survey on request
of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers. It is a general public
survey co-ordinated by the Directorate-General for Communication, Strategy, Corporate Communication
Actions and Eurobarometer Unit.
The FLASH EUROBAROMETER 430 survey covers the population of the respective nationalities of the
European Union Member States, resident in each of the 28 Member States and aged 15 years and over.
TS 1
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015 specifications
All interviews were carried using the TNS e-Call centre (our centralised CATI system). In every country the
respondents were called both on fixed lines and mobile phones. The basic sample design applied in all
states is multi-stage random (probability). In each household, the respondent was drawn at random
following the "last birthday rule".
TNS has developed its own RDD sample generation capabilities based on using contact telephone numbers
from responders to random probability or random location face-to-face surveys, such as Eurobarometer,
as seed numbers. The approach works because the seed number identifies a working block of telephone
numbers and reduces the volume of numbers generated that will be ineffective. The seed numbers are
stratified by NUTS2 region and urbanisation to approximate a geographically representative sample. From
each seed number the required sample of numbers are generated by randomly replacing the last two
digits. The sample is then screened against business databases in order to exclude as many of these
numbers as possible before going into field. This approach is consistent across all countries.
Readers are reminded that survey results are estimations, the accuracy of which, everything being equal,
rests upon the sample size and upon the observed percentage. With samples of about 1,000 interviews,
the real percentages vary within the following confidence limits:
TS 2
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Q1 This survey is about European Union citizenship. Are you familiar with the term
"citizen of the European Union"?
Yes, and you know what it means 1
Yes, you have heard about it, but you are not sure what it
means 2
No, you have never heard the term "citizen of the
European Union" 3
FL365 Q1
Q2 How well informed do you feel about your rights as a citizen of the European
Union? (M)
Very well informed 1
Fairly well informed 2
Not very well informed 3
Not informed at all 4
FL365 Q2
Q3 For each of the statements which I am going to read out, please state whether
you think they are true or false:
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Q4 In fact, all citizens of the EU Member States are "citizens of the European
Union" since 1993. In your opinion, which of the following rights does an EU
citizen have?
The right to make a complaint to the European Commission, European
Parliament or European Ombudsman 1,
The right to reside in any Member State of the European Union, subject to
certain conditions 2,
When residing in another Member State, the right to be treated in the same way
as a national of that State 3,
When outside the EU, the right to seek help from the embassy of any other EU
Member State, if your country does not have an embassy there 4,
The right to participate in a Citizens' initiative, a request signed by at least 1
million EU citizens inviting the European Commission to propose a new measure 5,
None (SP.) 6
Q5 How well informed do you feel about what you can do when your rights as an
EU citizen are not respected? (M)
Very well informed 1
Fairly well informed 2
Not very well informed 3
Not informed at all 4
FL365 Q5
Q7 If you needed help (for example, if you lost your passport) while staying in an
EU country where (OUR COUNTRY) does not have an embassy, would you have
the right to seek help at the embassy of another EU Member State instead?
Yes, you would have the right 1
No, you would not have the right 2
European Union citizenship
Flash Eurobarometer 430
October 2015
Q9 For each of the statements which I am going to read out, please tell me if this
is true or false:
1 A citizen of the EU living in (OUR COUNTRY) has the 1 2 3
right to vote or to stand as a candidate in European
Parliament elections
2 A citizen of the EU living in (OUR COUNTRY) has the 1 2 3
right to vote or to stand as a candidate in municipal
3 A citizen of the EU living in (OUR COUNTRY) has the 1 2 3
right to vote or to stand as a candidate in elections to
the national Parliament
4 A citizen of the EU living in (OUR COUNTRY) has the 1 2 3
right to vote or to stand as a candidate in regional
elections (by "regional" we mean any sub-national
level of government between municipalities and the
FL 364 Q1
Q10 Lets take a situation where a citizen of the EU lives in another EU country than
his/her country of origin (i.e. of which he\she is a national).
Q1 This survey is about European Union citizenship. Are you familiar with the term "citizen of the European
European Union"
not sure what it
"citizen of the
Don't know
EU28 52 6 35 0 13 -6 0 87 6
BE 39 8 37 -1 24 -6 0 76 7
BG 46 4 45 -3 9 -1 0 91 1
CZ 42 2 42 3 16 -5 0 84 5
DK 45 8 43 -4 11 -5 1 88 4
DE 42 23 43 5 15 -28 0 85 28
EE 44 2 46 -1 9 -1 1 90 1
IE 60 2 28 -3 12 1 0 88 -1
EL 53 2 35 3 12 -5 0 88 5
ES 72 10 19 -8 9 -1 0 91 2
FR 42 3 44 -1 14 -2 0 86 2
HR 31 31 55 55 13 13 1 86 86
IT 64 -1 28 0 8 1 0 92 -1
CY 56 10 31 -6 13 -3 0 87 4
LV 28 4 54 0 17 -4 1 82 4
LT 43 9 40 -2 16 -8 1 83 7
LU 53 9 32 -7 14 -3 1 85 2
HU 61 19 35 -11 4 -8 0 96 8
MT 51 5 34 4 14 -8 1 85 9
NL 30 2 47 5 23 -7 0 77 7
AT 35 4 38 -1 27 -3 0 73 3
PL 62 -2 30 4 7 -3 1 92 2
PT 59 5 29 -5 11 0 1 88 0
RO 63 0 30 -2 6 1 1 93 -2
SI 52 0 31 2 17 -2 0 83 2
SK 62 6 27 -8 10 2 1 89 -2
FI 54 7 36 -4 9 -4 1 90 3
SE 51 16 39 -5 10 -11 0 90 11
UK 51 6 30 -5 18 -2 1 81 1
Q2 How well informed do you feel about your rights as a citizen of the European Union?
Don't know
Fairly well
Total 'Not
Very well
Not very
at all
EU28 6 2 36 4 42 -1 15 -5 1 42 6 57 -6
BE 4 -1 31 1 43 4 21 -3 1 35 0 64 1
BG 3 -2 40 6 42 -3 14 -2 1 43 4 56 -5
CZ 3 0 38 9 41 -6 16 -3 2 41 9 57 -9
DK 8 0 47 6 34 -4 9 -2 2 55 6 43 -6
DE 6 2 44 16 38 -4 10 -13 2 50 18 48 -17
EE 3 0 38 1 47 6 10 -5 2 41 1 57 1
IE 8 1 44 5 40 0 7 -7 1 52 6 47 -7
EL 6 -2 31 3 44 1 19 -2 0 37 1 63 -1
ES 7 5 30 -1 46 2 15 -6 2 37 4 61 -4
FR 5 2 25 -4 46 1 24 2 0 30 -2 70 3
HR 3 3 22 22 55 55 19 19 1 25 25 74 74
IT 4 1 36 4 47 -3 13 -2 0 40 5 60 -5
CY 6 1 36 3 42 0 16 -4 0 42 4 58 -4
LV 3 1 29 11 49 0 18 -12 1 32 12 67 -12
LT 5 2 33 3 43 -1 17 -4 2 38 5 60 -5
LU 8 1 44 5 35 -6 11 -1 2 52 6 46 -7
HU 5 1 42 8 45 -3 7 -7 1 47 9 52 -10
MT 14 4 40 5 35 -4 10 -4 1 54 9 45 -8
NL 3 2 29 5 42 2 24 -9 2 32 7 66 -7
AT 4 -1 27 -4 46 2 22 3 1 31 -5 68 5
PL 5 1 43 2 40 -1 11 -2 1 48 3 51 -3
PT 3 1 39 9 46 -4 10 -6 2 42 10 56 -10
RO 8 3 34 -1 46 -4 11 2 1 42 2 57 -2
SI 5 -1 31 -4 45 0 18 5 1 36 -5 63 5
SK 5 1 41 -2 40 -1 11 1 3 46 -1 51 0
FI 3 -1 47 11 41 -10 8 -1 1 50 10 49 -11
SE 5 2 52 11 33 -8 9 -5 1 57 13 42 -13
UK 8 2 37 8 32 -5 21 -5 2 45 10 53 -10
Q3.1 For each of the statements which I am going to read out, please state whether you think they are true or false:
You have to ask to become a citizen of the EU
Don't know
EU28 18 1 78 0 4
BE 27 3 70 -2 3
BG 46 -3 50 5 4
CZ 16 6 81 -6 3
DK 23 5 73 -7 4
DE 15 1 81 3 4
EE 23 1 65 -2 12
IE 20 1 76 -1 4
EL 25 0 71 0 4
ES 13 -1 85 3 2
FR 15 -1 82 0 3
HR 14 14 82 82 4
IT 15 2 82 -1 3
CY 22 2 74 1 4
LV 23 0 71 0 6
LT 24 -2 71 4 5
LU 21 1 75 -2 4
HU 9 -7 88 9 3
MT 21 -2 73 2 6
NL 20 5 76 -4 4
AT 18 3 77 -2 5
PL 13 0 83 -2 4
PT 24 3 74 -1 2
RO 36 5 60 -6 4
SI 16 -1 75 -1 9
SK 22 6 72 -9 6
FI 14 1 80 1 6
SE 11 -1 86 1 3
UK 22 2 70 -1 8
Q3.2 For each of the statements which I am going to read out, please state whether you think they are true or false:
You are both a citizen of the EU and (NATIONALITY) at the same time
Don't know
EU28 91 2 7 -2 2
BE 92 2 7 -1 1
BG 88 0 10 0 2
CZ 88 0 10 0 2
DK 88 0 10 0 2
DE 94 8 5 -5 1
EE 89 2 8 -1 3
IE 93 -1 6 1 1
EL 89 2 11 -1 0
ES 96 6 3 -5 1
FR 94 2 6 -1 0
HR 94 94 4 4 2
IT 91 -3 8 4 1
CY 92 5 7 -3 1
LV 84 5 13 -5 3
LT 79 5 18 -4 3
LU 88 3 9 -4 3
HU 87 3 11 -2 2
MT 97 3 2 -2 1
NL 89 -1 9 1 2
AT 92 1 7 0 1
PL 92 -1 6 0 2
PT 93 2 6 -1 1
RO 94 0 5 0 1
SI 90 1 7 -2 3
SK 91 -1 7 0 2
FI 90 3 7 -2 3
SE 92 2 7 -1 1
UK 82 2 12 -3 6
Q3.3 For each of the statements which I am going to read out, please state whether you think they are true or false:
If you so wish, you can choose not to be a citizen of the EU
Don't know
EU28 21 0 73 1 6
BE 19 -4 77 5 4
BG 31 -4 60 3 9
CZ 25 6 68 -6 7
DK 15 0 76 -4 9
DE 17 -4 78 8 5
EE 35 -3 46 0 19
IE 24 2 70 -2 6
EL 31 -3 64 3 5
ES 18 1 79 1 3
FR 22 0 74 -1 4
HR 19 19 72 72 9
IT 15 1 80 2 5
CY 26 2 68 -1 6
LV 40 -2 53 3 7
LT 36 -4 56 4 8
LU 23 1 74 0 3
HU 24 -1 68 1 8
MT 21 1 71 1 8
NL 14 1 81 -1 5
AT 20 2 75 0 5
PL 22 3 71 -5 7
PT 23 0 72 1 5
RO 36 4 59 -4 5
SI 26 -2 59 1 15
SK 29 6 62 -10 9
FI 15 -1 76 2 9
SE 13 1 83 1 4
UK 22 -2 68 2 10
Q3T Knowledge of EU citizens rights.
correct answers
wrong answers
Don't know
Average of
Average of
EU28 81 15 4
BE 80 18 2
BG 66 29 5
CZ 79 17 4
DK 79 16 5
DE 84 13 3
EE 67 22 11
IE 79 17 4
EL 74 23 3
ES 87 11 2
FR 83 14 3
HR 83 12 5
IT 85 12 3
CY 78 18 4
LV 69 26 5
LT 69 26 5
LU 79 18 3
HU 81 15 4
MT 80 15 5
NL 83 14 3
AT 81 15 4
PL 82 14 4
PT 79 18 3
RO 71 26 3
SI 74 17 9
SK 75 19 6
FI 82 12 6
SE 87 10 3
UK 74 18 8
Q4 In fact, all citizens of the EU Member States are "citizens of the European Union" since 1993. In your opinion,
which of the following rights does an EU citizen have?
new measure
Don't know
None (SP.)
EU28 83 84 77 72 66 1 2
BE 83 83 74 70 62 1 1
BG 88 92 87 79 75 1 1
CZ 89 74 80 76 70 0 1
DK 85 85 73 69 60 0 1
DE 80 81 62 70 65 0 3
EE 88 93 78 86 69 0 2
IE 91 92 84 79 71 0 1
EL 85 85 80 78 74 1 1
ES 89 90 87 78 76 0 1
FR 83 86 71 62 69 1 2
HR 73 76 76 65 56 1 4
IT 74 76 75 70 61 1 2
CY 86 79 80 76 68 1 1
LV 89 94 80 87 71 0 1
LT 82 88 52 80 71 1 2
LU 84 86 78 70 75 0 0
HU 74 81 82 66 63 1 1
MT 84 87 89 77 76 0 3
NL 87 89 77 74 77 0 1
AT 85 91 77 84 80 0 0
PL 89 87 86 81 67 1 1
PT 90 87 90 87 76 0 1
RO 76 81 82 73 68 1 3
SI 86 84 71 75 70 2 3
SK 70 76 69 65 53 1 5
FI 91 96 84 85 82 0 1
SE 91 93 80 72 61 0 0
UK 89 87 81 67 57 1 1
Q5 How well informed do you feel about what you can do when your rights as an EU citizen are not respected?
Not informed
Not very well
Don't know
Fairly well
Total 'Not
Very well
at all
EU28 3 0 23 2 51 0 21 -2 2 26 2 72 -2
BE 2 0 20 0 54 6 23 -5 1 22 0 77 1
BG 1 -1 30 2 50 -3 18 2 1 31 1 68 -1
CZ 3 1 25 5 53 -2 17 -4 2 28 6 70 -6
DK 4 0 23 1 48 -3 22 2 3 27 1 70 -1
DE 3 0 23 4 52 1 18 -7 4 26 4 70 -6
EE 1 -1 28 2 50 2 16 -3 5 29 1 66 -1
IE 4 2 30 2 49 -1 15 -4 2 34 4 64 -5
EL 4 -1 21 -2 51 3 24 0 0 25 -3 75 3
ES 3 0 17 2 58 3 21 -4 1 20 2 79 -1
FR 2 0 16 1 52 -4 29 3 1 18 1 81 -1
HR 3 3 21 21 51 51 23 23 2 24 24 74 74
IT 2 -1 25 1 51 1 21 0 1 27 0 72 1
CY 4 -1 28 -1 48 6 20 -2 0 32 -2 68 4
LV 1 -1 19 4 54 -2 25 -2 1 20 3 79 -4
LT 3 0 27 5 48 -3 19 -2 3 30 5 67 -5
LU 6 1 30 -3 49 2 15 1 0 36 -2 64 3
HU 3 2 28 4 55 -2 12 -4 2 31 6 67 -6
MT 10 5 30 1 43 -7 13 -1 4 40 6 56 -8
NL 2 1 16 1 44 -2 37 0 1 18 2 81 -2
AT 3 1 17 -6 49 -4 29 9 2 20 -5 78 5
PL 2 0 32 0 52 2 13 -1 1 34 0 65 1
PT 2 1 27 7 57 -5 13 -3 1 29 8 70 -8
RO 7 3 28 0 51 -4 13 1 1 35 3 64 -3
SI 3 -3 23 -4 54 7 19 0 1 26 -7 73 7
SK 3 0 28 -3 48 -4 18 5 3 31 -3 66 1
FI 2 1 26 4 59 -4 12 -1 1 28 5 71 -5
SE 1 -1 26 6 54 -1 18 -4 1 27 5 72 -5
UK 5 2 23 3 42 -3 28 -2 2 28 5 70 -5
Q6 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Free movement of people within the EU brings overall benefits to the economy of (OUR COUNTRY).
Don't know
Tend to
Tend to
EU28 32 5 39 -1 16 -3 10 -1 3 71 4 26 -4
BE 21 0 42 3 21 0 15 0 1 63 3 36 0
BG 33 -3 40 -3 14 4 10 3 3 73 -6 24 7
CZ 23 5 37 -5 27 0 11 0 2 60 0 38 0
DK 23 -5 46 5 17 0 9 -1 5 69 0 26 -1
DE 52 27 33 -6 9 -17 4 -4 2 85 21 13 -21
EE 33 -3 39 1 14 1 8 1 6 72 -2 22 2
IE 31 1 47 5 13 -2 7 -5 2 78 6 20 -7
EL 37 -3 30 0 14 2 15 0 4 67 -3 29 2
ES 30 6 46 3 15 -2 5 -5 4 76 9 20 -7
FR 20 2 39 -4 21 1 18 1 2 59 -2 39 2
HR 32 32 44 44 11 11 9 9 4 76 76 20 20
IT 30 -2 39 -2 20 5 9 1 2 69 -4 29 6
CY 32 7 25 -1 17 2 22 -9 4 57 6 39 -7
LV 17 -1 45 3 27 -1 9 -1 2 62 2 36 -2
LT 36 3 38 -7 14 3 9 2 3 74 -4 23 5
LU 41 13 41 -6 10 -6 6 -1 2 82 7 16 -7
HU 26 3 41 -2 22 3 8 -2 3 67 1 30 1
MT 42 3 34 0 9 -4 5 -2 10 76 3 14 -6
NL 30 1 44 6 13 -7 10 0 3 74 7 23 -7
AT 45 17 36 -3 13 -8 5 -4 1 81 14 18 -12
PL 22 -6 47 -1 18 3 8 2 5 69 -7 26 5
PT 38 2 40 2 12 0 6 -4 4 78 4 18 -4
RO 61 1 26 -2 5 0 5 0 3 87 -1 10 0
SI 30 -8 40 6 21 6 8 -3 1 70 -2 29 3
SK 29 3 39 -7 20 -1 7 2 5 68 -4 27 1
FI 24 -2 51 -2 16 2 7 3 2 75 -4 23 5
SE 33 4 41 -6 12 -1 9 2 5 74 -2 21 1
UK 20 5 39 2 20 -3 16 -6 5 59 7 36 -9
Q7 If you needed help (for example, if you lost your passport) while staying in an EU country where (OUR
COUNTRY) does not have an embassy, would you have the right to seek help at the embassy of another EU
Member State instead?
Don't know
EU28 75 14 11
BE 75 20 5
BG 76 12 12
CZ 77 13 10
DK 72 14 14
DE 73 14 13
EE 86 5 9
IE 76 14 10
EL 73 15 12
ES 79 9 12
FR 68 23 9
HR 73 15 12
IT 81 11 8
CY 75 15 10
LV 81 10 9
LT 82 11 7
LU 78 16 6
HU 81 10 9
MT 83 6 11
NL 72 19 9
AT 79 13 8
PL 77 10 13
PT 87 8 5
RO 76 12 12
SI 81 9 10
SK 77 10 13
FI 91 4 5
SE 72 17 11
UK 69 17 14
Q8 And in this situation, would you prefer to seek help from.
EU Member State
Don't know
EU28 53 38 9
BE 51 45 4
BG 71 22 7
CZ 54 39 7
DK 48 39 13
DE 50 40 10
EE 47 36 17
IE 47 45 8
EL 69 27 4
ES 43 51 6
FR 57 37 6
HR 63 28 9
IT 53 40 7
CY 68 27 5
LV 62 29 9
LT 56 33 11
LU 50 45 5
HU 65 29 6
MT 41 46 13
NL 44 46 10
AT 43 51 6
PL 61 30 9
PT 56 37 7
RO 62 32 6
SI 52 39 9
SK 48 41 11
FI 49 38 13
SE 41 47 12
UK 47 35 18
Q9.1 For each of the statements which I am going to read out, please tell me if this is true or false:
A citizen of the EU living in (OUR COUNTRY) has the right to vote or to stand as a candidate in European
Parliament elections
Don't know
EU28 67 -5 26 4 7
BE 72 -4 24 6 4
BG 67 -9 24 5 9
CZ 61 -5 31 5 8
DK 53 -10 39 8 8
DE 71 1 22 0 7
EE 65 -5 19 2 16
IE 76 -5 18 3 6
EL 67 -9 27 7 6
ES 65 -10 27 7 8
FR 69 -3 26 1 5
HR 65 65 26 26 9
IT 73 3 22 -3 5
CY 59 -7 28 1 13
LV 68 -2 26 2 6
LT 46 -30 47 28 7
LU 73 11 23 -5 4
HU 58 -10 33 9 9
MT 62 -9 30 10 8
NL 67 -5 28 4 5
AT 69 3 24 -3 7
PL 63 -15 29 12 8
PT 64 -4 29 1 7
RO 72 -10 22 7 6
SI 66 -10 26 8 8
SK 70 -3 21 -2 9
FI 64 -6 29 7 7
SE 66 -3 29 5 5
UK 64 -9 25 6 11
Q9.2 For each of the statements which I am going to read out, please tell me if this is true or false:
A citizen of the EU living in (OUR COUNTRY) has the right to vote or to stand as a candidate in municipal elections
Don't know
EU28 54 -12 40 11 6
BE 65 -10 33 11 2
BG 47 -24 47 22 6
CZ 53 -14 43 13 4
DK 48 -10 48 9 4
DE 58 -7 37 8 5
EE 47 -20 43 17 10
IE 56 -10 35 11 9
EL 53 -10 41 7 6
ES 61 -12 34 10 5
FR 60 -4 38 3 2
HR 48 48 44 44 8
IT 49 -14 45 12 6
CY 44 -19 45 11 11
LV 57 -4 38 1 5
LT 29 -39 66 37 5
LU 65 -11 33 13 2
HU 47 -19 46 17 7
MT 52 -12 40 11 8
NL 61 -10 36 10 3
AT 52 -4 42 5 6
PL 42 -30 49 25 9
PT 45 -7 50 6 5
RO 57 -20 38 17 5
SI 44 -22 47 17 9
SK 68 -16 27 13 5
FI 39 -24 56 23 5
SE 49 -15 48 16 3
UK 50 -11 35 10 15
Q9.3 For each of the statements which I am going to read out, please tell me if this is true or false:
A citizen of the EU living in (OUR COUNTRY) has the right to vote or to stand as a candidate in elections to the
national Parliament
Don't know
EU28 39 -15 54 13 7
BE 49 -6 48 8 3
BG 41 -31 51 27 8
CZ 37 -16 54 14 9
DK 29 -12 68 11 3
DE 35 -12 61 15 4
EE 31 -25 62 25 7
IE 49 -18 45 17 6
EL 41 -17 53 14 6
ES 41 -13 51 10 8
FR 32 -9 66 9 2
HR 48 48 43 43 9
IT 41 -15 51 12 8
CY 33 -21 59 20 8
LV 50 -3 45 0 5
LT 21 -49 75 47 4
LU 33 -13 65 19 2
HU 47 -18 47 15 6
MT 39 -19 53 19 8
NL 42 -14 53 13 5
AT 38 -6 57 6 5
PL 39 -23 55 21 6
PT 39 -12 55 10 6
RO 55 -22 38 19 7
SI 39 -22 55 20 6
SK 60 -14 35 13 5
FI 30 -24 65 23 5
SE 24 -20 74 21 2
UK 41 -18 47 14 12
Q9.4 For each of the statements which I am going to read out, please tell me if this is true or false:
A citizen of the EU living in (OUR COUNTRY) has the right to vote or to stand as a candidate in regional elections
(by "regional" we mean any sub-national level of government between municipalities and the State)
Don't know
EU28 46 -13 46 11 8
BE 53 -7 42 7 5
CZ 50 -14 43 11 7
DK 39 -11 54 9 7
DE 44 -13 47 10 9
ES 47 -12 46 9 7
FR 43 -7 54 7 3
IT 46 -14 46 11 8
NL 52 -13 43 11 5
AT 42 -7 50 4 8
PL 39 -28 52 26 9
SK 64 -18 29 14 7
SE 40 -15 56 16 4
UK 49 -15 36 10 15
Q10.1 Lets take a situation where a citizen of the EU lives in another EU country than his/her country of origin (i.e. of
which he\she is a national).
Would you consider it justified that this citizen loses his/her right to vote in national elections in the country of
which he/she is a national?
Don't know
EU28 28 -3 67 2 5
BE 30 -9 66 9 4
BG 31 7 61 -11 8
CZ 25 -1 70 0 5
DK 26 -5 68 2 6
DE 25 -6 69 4 6
EE 22 -1 69 3 9
IE 34 -5 63 5 3
EL 26 2 71 -1 3
ES 23 -4 74 4 3
FR 29 1 67 -3 4
HR 33 33 61 61 6
IT 29 -2 67 4 4
CY 24 -4 68 -1 8
LV 29 0 64 -2 7
LT 31 5 62 -7 7
LU 37 0 59 -2 4
HU 21 -1 72 -1 7
MT 33 -5 60 2 7
NL 29 -5 66 5 5
AT 28 -4 68 4 4
PL 23 -2 71 -2 6
PT 24 0 73 -2 3
RO 26 -3 69 1 5
SI 22 -3 70 -1 8
SK 39 1 51 -7 10
FI 17 -5 76 3 7
SE 19 -1 76 0 5
UK 42 -4 50 1 8
Q10.2 Lets take a situation where a citizen of the EU lives in another EU country than his/her country of origin (i.e. of
which he\she is a national).
Would you consider it justified that this citizen acquires the right to vote in national elections in his/her country of
Don't know
EU28 64 -3 31 1 5
BE 67 0 30 0 3
BG 61 -6 31 2 8
CZ 55 -7 39 5 6
DK 43 -5 52 5 5
DE 59 -11 36 9 5
EE 44 -10 47 11 9
IE 81 -1 16 0 3
EL 70 2 27 -1 3
ES 69 4 28 -2 3
FR 59 0 39 -1 2
HR 61 61 32 32 7
IT 72 0 24 0 4
CY 63 -2 32 -1 5
LV 54 2 42 -2 4
LT 55 2 39 -4 6
LU 68 -2 30 2 2
HU 56 1 39 -2 5
MT 64 -6 29 3 7
NL 71 9 26 -10 3
AT 57 -1 39 1 4
PL 61 -8 33 4 6
PT 71 -4 25 1 4
RO 76 0 20 -1 4
SI 57 -5 35 2 8
SK 58 -3 32 -3 10
FI 53 -5 42 3 5
SE 43 -13 53 12 4
UK 70 1 23 -3 7
Q10.3 Lets take a situation where a citizen of the EU lives in another EU country than his/her country of origin (i.e. of
which he\she is a national).
Should this citizen have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in regional elections organised in the
country where he/she lives in case regional elections are held there?
Don't know
EU28 60 -4 34 2 6
BE 59 -6 37 5 4
BG 49 -7 39 0 12
CZ 56 -2 38 -1 6
DK 43 -3 50 2 7
DE 58 -12 37 10 5
EE 47 -10 43 9 10
IE 71 -4 25 4 4
EL 63 1 31 -2 6
ES 63 -3 31 0 6
FR 58 0 40 0 2
HR 54 54 39 39 7
IT 66 -2 29 1 5
CY 55 1 34 -6 11
LV 52 7 42 -10 6
LT 52 -5 40 2 8
LU 63 -9 31 7 6
HU 50 -6 42 3 8
MT 55 -14 35 9 10
NL 60 -3 37 2 3
AT 60 4 36 -4 4
PL 63 -5 31 2 6
PT 64 -5 31 2 5
RO 69 -2 26 3 5
SI 52 -3 38 -1 10
SK 52 -3 38 -2 10
FI 56 1 36 -5 8
SE 50 -7 43 4 7
UK 62 -2 27 -2 11