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2016 IJSRST | Volume 2 | Issue 5 | Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X

Themed Section: Science and Technology

Prevalence of Pre Hypertension Among the Women Aged 20-60 Years in

Coastal and Non Coastal Areas
Katari Kantha*1, Arumugam Indira2
Principal, Narayana College of Nursing, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India
Associate Professor Department of Community Health Nursing, Narayana College of Nursing, Nellore, Andhra
Pradesh, India


Background: Prehypertension is a warning to individuals with resting blood pressures between 120/80 mmHg and
139/89 mmHg of an insidious progression of blood pressure towards hypertensive levels (140/90 mmHg).
Prehypertension is associated with increased cardiovascular risk and end organ damage compared with individuals
who are normotensive.
Aim: To assess the prevalence of pre hypertension.
Setting and Design: The study was conducted in coastal areas and non-coastal areas by using a descriptive design.
Materials and Methods: A total of 514 samples were included in this study. Among this, 220 samples belongs to
coastal areas and 294 samples belongs to non-coastal areas by using convenience sampling technique.
Statistical Analysis Used: The collected data was organized, tabulated, analysed and interpreted by using
descriptive and inferential statistics based on the objectives of the study.
In coastal areas, among 220 samples, with regard to pre hypertension, 123 (55.90%) samples are with SBP pre
hypertension and 7(3.18%) samples are with DBP prehypertension. In non-coastal areas, among 294 samples,
with regard to pre hypertension, 97 (32.99%) samples are with SBP pre hypertension and no woman was
found with DBP prehypertension.
Conclusion: The above results shown that pre hypertension values are higher in the coastal areas than in the non-
coastal areas.
Keywords: Non Coastal Area, Coastal Area, Prehypertension

I. INTRODUCTION control (largely through diet and exercise) remains the

mainstay, except for individuals with diabetes, chronic
Prehypertension, defined as blood pressure between 120 kidney disease, and perhaps known coronary artery
139 / 80 89 mmHg, is a major public health concern. disease, because of the shot-term cost considerations and
The condition is very prevalent (30% of the adult unproven long-term prognosis. (Hypertens Res 2008; 31:
population), is often associated with other 16811686)
cardiovascular risk factors and independently increases
the risk of hypertension and subsequent cardiovascular Hypertension is a major cause of cardiovascular disease
events. The mechanism of elevated risk for (CVD). The excess risk of CVD may extend to those
cardiovascular events associated with prehypertension is with prehypertension (blood pressure [BP] 120139/80
presumed to be the same as that of hypertension. In the 89 mm Hg). (1) The risks were increased if BP was low,
general population, prehypertension can be lowered by as in low-range prehypertension (120 to 129/ 80 to 84
lifestyle modifications, but often not reliable. The mm Hg), and were further increased with high-range
Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on prehypertension (130 to 139/85 to 89 mm Hg). (2, 3)
Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of
High Blood Pressure (JNC-7) recommendation for
prehypertension management with optimal weight

IJSRST162520 | Received: 14 Sep, 2016 | Accepted: 29 Sep, 2016 | September-October-2016 [(2)5: 136-140]
Need for the Study Objectives of the Study

One in three adults worldwide has high blood pressure. To assess the prevalence of prehypertension among
Hypertension increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, women of coastal and non-coastal areas.
kidney failure and much other associated co morbidity. To identify the risk factors of prehypertension
Treating raised blood pressure and maintaining it below among women of coastal and non-coastal areas.
140/90 mmHg is associated with a reduction in To compare the prevalence of prehypertension
cardiovascular complication. The theme for World between coastal and non-coastal areas.
Health Day (WHD) 2013 is high blood pressure. The To find association between the prevalence of
goal of WHD 2013 is to reduce heart attacks and strokes. prehypertension with selected socio demographic
Keeping in line with the WHO-Government of India, variables.
Country Cooperation Strategy, the WHO 2013 events in
India are aimed at raising the awareness amongst II. METHODS AND MATERIAL
national policymakers, program managers and other
stakeholders on the need to strengthen the Indian health 2. Detailed Research Plan
system to make it competent enough to respond to
hypertension and related co morbidities (4). 2.1 Research Approach Quantitative Approach.

A cross sectional community based study was conducted 2.2 Research Design Descriptive design.
in 10 coastal and 10 non coastal areas to assess the
prevalence of hypertension in Nellore district. A total of 2.3 Research Setting
5000 samples were included in this study. Among this,
2500 samples belongs to coastal areas and 2500 samples The study was conducted in selected coastal and non-
belongs to non-coastal areas. In coastal areas, with coastal areas at Nellore
regard to blood pressure, 460(18.4%)samples were
found to have stage-1 hypertension, 139 (5.56%) The study was conducted at two parts:
samples had high normal blood pressure, 648 (25.92%) coastal areas: out of 19areas 10 areas are
samples were found to be normal, 656 (26.24%) had selected by lottery method.
optimal blood pressure, 112 (4.48%) samples had stage Non coastal areas: out of 22 areas 10 areas were
II hypertension, least samples 15(0.6%) belongs to selected by the lottery method.
stage-3 hypertension, 413(16.52%) had grade-1 systolic
hypertension, and 57(2.28%) samples had grade-2 Coastal area means areas within 2km from mean low
systolic hypertension. In non coastal areas, with regard water mark (MLWM) or mean high water mark
to blood pressure, 1419 (56.7%) (MHWM).

were found to have stage-1 hypertension, 637(25.5%) Noncoastal area means areas far 2km from mean low
samples had high normal, 198 (8.0%) samples had stage water mark (MLWM) or mean high water mark
II hypertension, 161 (6.4%) samples were found to be (MHWM).
normal, 67 (2.7%) had optimal, 18 (0.7%) samples under
the criteria of stage III hypertension, 6(0.2%) having Coastal areas like: Kotha koduru, Mypadu ,
grade-1 systolic hypertension, and 4(0.2%) samples Mahalakshmi puram, Pallepalem, Kudithi palem,
having grade-2 systolic hypertension.(5) Indukur pet, Varukavi padu, Koruturu, Legunta padu,
1. Statement of the Problem
A study to assess the prevalence of pre hypertension Non coastal areas: Papi reddy palem, Allipuram,
among women aged 20-60 years in coastal and non Pallipadu, Mudivarthi, Kakupalem, Inamadugu,
coastal areas at Nellore district. Kovur, Vidavaluru, Utukuru, and Vavilla.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com)

2.4 Sampling Technique: Convenience sampling This procedure repeated for three days to the
technique participants (Samples). In this the mean blood
pressure reading is taken and classified according to
2.5 Sample Size: A total of 514 samples were included INDIAN HYPERTENSION GUIDELINES-III
in this study, among this, 220 samples belong to coastal (IHG-III).
areas and 294 samples belong to non-coastal areas by However the newly diagnosed hypertensive
using convenience sampling technique. individuals were referred to the primary health
center for further investigations and management.
2.6 Tools for Data Collection The known hypertensive cases were emphasized to
continue their regular treatment.
Section A: It deals with demographic data including age,
education, type of the family, occupation, monthly III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
income, nature of the work, sleeping hours, exercise
type & duration, food pattern, type & amount of oil used 3. Plan for Data Analysis
for cooking, type & amount of salt used, amount of
vegetable used, habits & consumption of fast food, The data was analyzed by using Descriptive
height, weight, BMI, stress, waist circumference, chest statistics and inferential statistics i.e. Mean,
circumference and known hypertensive or not.
standard deviation, frequency, percentage, and Chi
square test.
Section B: Staging of the blood pressure According to
Table 1. Plan for data analysis
Data Methodology Remarks
2.7 Method of Data Collection analysis
Descriptive Frequency, To find out the
A total of 20 areas were selected. In that 10 areas are statistics Percentage, frequency and
coastal areas and 10 areas are non-coastal areas. Since Mean and percentage used
the sampling was done during the day time, it was a standard for analyzing the
household based study and questionnaires were demographic
administered to those in the household and the necessary variables.
information were collected to meet the objectives of the Inferential Chi-square To find out the
study. The medico social history and other required statistics Value association
details were filled up in the Proforma. The following between the
techniques were used as per the recommendations of selected
variables& the
blood pressure and
2.8 Procedure for Recording B.P
To find out the
The individual is seated in a chair with his back between the Blood
supported and his arms bared and supported at heart pressure and BMI.
level and was refrained from the use of tobacco in
any form or ingestion of caffeine during the 30 3.1 Coastal Areas
minutes preceding the measurement.
Palpate the brachial artery and position cuff 2.5 cm The findings in the coastal areas described in the
above brachial pulsation, wrap the cuff evenly following headings.
around the upper arm and record both systolic and
diastolic blood pressure. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of
Prehypertension in Coastal Areas.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com)

Table 2: Frequency And Percentage Distribution
of Prehypertention in Coastal Areas. N=220 The above results shown that prehypertension is
high in the coastal areas than in the non-coastal
Prehypertention Frequency Percentage
123 55.90%
SBP (120-139)
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International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com)


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