Excipient Journal PDF
Excipient Journal PDF
Excipient Journal PDF
, 2011]
ISSN: 0976-7126
Int. J. of Pharm. & Life Sci. (IJPLS), Vol. 2, Issue 8: Aug: 2011, 1006-1019
Review Article [Patel et al., 2(8): Aug., 2011]
ISSN: 0976-7126
processing(24-7 operation). For such manufacture, the oral solution & suspension products are formulated
lot number refers to define time in the plant, & the lot using corn syrup. In the U.S., FDAs remit is to
size is governed by the risk to the manufacturer of a safeguard the public health. The USP-NF supports this
recall. The capacity of such manufacturing plants is effort through the development of official standards for
rated in thousands of tone per annum. The plants are pharmaceutical materials & products. The
operated to produce material that passes specification, pharmacopoeia is concerned with the purity, safety, &
but there is an inherent variability in the output that efficacy of drugs & medicines. For excipients, the
cannot be avoided. In addition, the pharmaceutical issues are really safety & adulteration.
usage of many excipients is small in comparison with Excipients are seldom pure materials. Most
the overall output. excipients, with the exceptions of those intended for
If the excipient manufacturer is approached to parenteral or other similar products are mixtures of
undertake extra testing to select the lot(s) to be materials. Their functionality arises from the presence
delivered to a customer, they assumed that & upper & of other components that are crucial to the performance
lower limits exist for the functionality parameter of the excipient. These other components have been
(performance parameter or functionality-related variously termed essential minor components or
characteristic). In cases for which there is only an functional components. In the USP-NF, they are
upper or a lower limit, the following discussion may be referred to as concomitant components.We must
amended appropriately.The effect of the variability is continue to develop our understanding of both material
small in relation to the relation specification. In this and unit processes, & how they interact. Some recent
situation, there a negligible effect for either the initiatives such as the National Institute of
excipient manufacturer or the user beyond the cost of Pharmaceutical Technology and Education may help.
the extra testing. Nonetheless, this is frequently not the The pharmacopoeias can also help by providing the
case. The alternative scenario whereby only a necessary standardized method for performance tests.
proportion of batches meet the criteria. For example There appears to be broad agreement that such tests
approximately 50% of batches meet the criteria. The should not be mandatory & should not have limit
schematics are idealized & show a very regular cyclical imposed by the pharmacopoeias. Nonetheless, there
variation. Reality is not as regular, & the issue of how seems to be disagreement on how to incorporate such
many lots must be tested to identify one lot that meets tests in to the pharmacopoeias. The European
criteria is economically important. In this example, pharmacopoeia appears to favor designating the
three or four lots may need to be tested for each order. appropriate tests in the individual monographs but
In the required specification is at one or other extreme including the list in a nonmandatory section of the
of the observed variability. In these examples, about monograph. The USP favors a nonmandatory general
10% of excipients lots would meet specification, and information chapter approach based on what types of
10 or more lots may need to be tested for each other. In tests might be applicable for specific application rather
addition, the continuity of supply is an issue when lot than a specific excipients. TriPECs (an umbrella
selection is used. The excipients manufacturer may be international organization comprising the three regional
forced to set aside particular lots for the particular excipients concil: the international pharmaceutical
customer to maintain supply continuity, which adds to excipients council of the America, the international
the costs associated with the order.The excipient user pharmaceutical excipients council of Europe, & the
has two options: to change to a new supplier of the NF Japanese Pharmaceutical Excipients Council). Position
material or continue to purchase the material from the is straightforward. A harmonized approach is needed.
original supplier & do the necessary testing in- house Whether all these different views can be resolved
& undertake the necessary auditing of the excipient easily remains to be seen.
manufacturing site on a regular basis. A major supplier Performance tests ( functionality related characteristic)
of corn syrup NF cased supplying material with the NF will be an issue for the foreseeable future. We must
designation although it continued to manufacture to the establish a harmonized approach to how they are
same specification, in the same plant, & under the same incorporated into the pharmacopoeias & what tests are
quality management system. NF-quality propylene appropriate for which applications.There probably will
glycol stearate is no longer available. Propylene glycol not be any broad fixes, & we must continue to
stearate may not be a large volume excipient but it was develop our knowledge & understanding of the
a major headache for companies using it in either materials & processes & how they interact to produce
investigational medicinal or commercial products. The medicines that consistently meet the publics
corn syrup issue had wider ramifications because many expectations.
Int. J. of Pharm. & Life Sci. (IJPLS), Vol. 2, Issue 8: Aug: 2011, 1006-1019
Review Article [Patel et al., 2(8): Aug., 2011]
ISSN: 0976-7126
Economic issues must also be addressed. There is no excipients may be used. For oral administration tablets
advantage in having the best monograph possible if we and capsules are used. Suppositories are used for rectal
cannot get material that conforms to it. Robust administration. Often, once an active ingredient has
formulation and processes will also be a critical issue been purified, it cannot stay in purified form for long.
moving forward, particularly in the context of QbD & In many cases it will denature, fall out of solution, or
the trend toward less-soluble drugs for which stick to the sides of the container. To stabilize the
formulation robustness is more critical. Although it is active ingredient, excipients are added, ensuring that
outside the scope of this article, the issue of how we the active ingredient stays "active", and, just as
will train our future formulation & development importantly, stable for a sufficiently long period of
scientists also must be addressed.3 time that the shelf-life of the product makes it
Drug-excipient compatibility studies competitive with other products. Thus, the formulation
In the solid dosage form the drug is in intimate contact of excipients in many cases is considered a trade secret.
with one or more excipient; the latter could affect Pharmaceutical codes require that all ingredients in
stability of drug. Knowledge of drug excipient drugs, as well as their chemical decomposition
interaction is therefore very useful to the formulator in products are identified and guaranteed to be safe. For
selecting appropriate excipients. These information this reason, excipients are only used when absolutely
may already being existence for known drug. For new necessary and in the smallest amounts possible.9
drug or excipients the preformulation scientist must Classification of excipients in solid dosage forms
generate needed information. Additives are usually classified according to some
A typical tablet contains binders, lubricants, primary function they perform in the pharmaceutical
disintegrate, fillers etc. compatibility screening for a dosage form. Many additives will also often have
new drug must consider two or more excipients for secondary functions, which may not be of a beneficial
each class. The ratio of drug to excipients use in these nature in good, solid design of beneficial, while others
tests is very much subject to the discretion of the may impair dissolution .The most effective lubricants
preformulation scientist. It should be consistent with are water repellent by their nature, which may retard
the ratio most likely to be encountered in the final both disintegration and dissolution.1 The two major
tablet and will depend on the nature of the excipient classifications of additives by function include those
and the size and the potency of the tablet. Often the which affect the compressional characteristics of the
interaction is accentuated for easier detection by pharmaceutical dosage form:
compressing or granulating the drug-excipient mixture Fillers and Diluents
with water or other solvents. The three techniques Binders and Adhesives
commonly employed in drug-excipient compatibility Glidants
screening are chromatographic technique using either Lubricants
HPLC or TLC, differential thermal analysis, and Antiadherents
diffused reflectance spectroscopy. And those which affect the biopharmaceutics, chemical
1. Chromatography in drug-excipients and physical stablity, and marketing consideration of
compatibility study the pharmaceutical dosage form:
2. Differential thermal analysis in drug-excipient Disintegrants
compatibility study Coatings
3. Diffused reflectance spectroscopy1 Changing the dissolution rates of active species
An excipient is an inactive substance used as a carrier Colours
for the active ingredients of a medication. In many Flavours
cases, an "active" substance (such as aspirin) may not Sweeteners
be easily administered and absorbed by the human Preservatives
body; in such cases the substance in question may be Sorbents1
dissolved into or mixed with an excipient. Excipients Fillers and diluents
are also sometimes used to bulk up formulations with Fillers fill out the size of a tablet or capsule, making it
very potent active ingredients, to allow for convenient practical to produce and convenient for the consumer
and accurate dosage. In addition to their use in the to use. By increasing the bulk volume, the fillers make
single-dosage quantity, excipients can be used in the it possible for the final product to have the proper
manufacturing process to aid in the handling of the volume for patient handling.A good filler must be inert,
active substance concerned. Depending on the route of compatible with the other components of the
administration, and form of medication, different formulation, non-hygroscopic, soluble, relatively
Int. J. of Pharm. & Life Sci. (IJPLS), Vol. 2, Issue 8: Aug: 2011, 1006-1019
Review Article [Patel et al., 2(8): Aug., 2011]
ISSN: 0976-7126
cheap, compactable, and preferably tasteless or the active ingredients for absorption. Disintegrant types
pleasant tasting.Plant cellulose (pure plant filler) is a include:
popular filler in tablets or hard gelatin capsules. Water uptake facilitators
Dibasic calcium phosphate is another popular tablet Tablet rupture promoters
filler. A range of vegetable fats and oils can be used in They ensure that when the tablet is in contact with
soft gelatin capsules.Other examples of fillers include: water, it rapidly breaks down into smaller fragments,
lactose, sucrose, glucose, mannitol, sorbitol, calcium thereby facilitating dissolution. Examples of
carbonate, and magnesium stearate. disintegrants include: cross linked polyvinyl
Binders pyrrolidone, sodium starch glycolate, cross linked
Binders hold the ingredients in a tablet together. sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (crosscarmellose).
Binders ensure that tablets and granules can be formed Coatings
with required mechanical strength, and give volume to Tablet coatings protect tablet ingredients from
low active dosis tablets. Binders are usually starches, deterioration by moisture in the air and make large or
sugars, cellulose or modified cellulose such as unpleasant-tasting tablets easier to swallow. For most
microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, coated tablets, a cellulose (plant fiber) film coating is
lactose, or sugar alcohols like xylitol, sorbitol or used which is free of sugar and potential allergens.
maltitol. Binders are classified according to their Occasionally, other coating materials are used, for
application: example synthetic polymers, shellac, corn protein zein
Solution binders are dissolved in a solvent (for or other polysaccharides. Capsules are coated with
example water or alcohol and used in wet gelatin.
granulation processes. Examples include Colours
gelatin, cellulose, cellulose derivatives, Colours are added to improve the appearance of a
polyvinylpyrrolidone, starch, sucrose and formulation. Colour consistency is important as it
polyethylene glycol. allows easy identification of a medication.
Dry binders are added to the powder blend, Flavours
either after a wet granulation step, or as part of Flavours can be used to mask unpleasant tasting active
a direct powder compression (DC) formula. ingredients and improve the likelihood that the patient
Examples include cellulose, methyl cellulose, will complete a course of medication. Flavourings may
polyvinylpyrrolidone, and polyethylene be natural (e.g. fruit extract) or artificial. -a bitter
glycol. product may use mint, cherry or anise
Glidants -a salty product may use peach, apricot or liquorice
Glidants are used to promote powder flow by reducing -a sour product may use raspberry or liquorice
interparticle friction and cohesion. These are used in an excessively sweet product may use vanilla
combination with lubricants as they have no ability to Preservatives
reduce die wall friction. Examples include colloidal Some typical preservatives used in pharmaceutical
silicon dioxide, talc, and etc. formulations are
Lubricants antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin
Lubricants prevent ingredients from clumping together C, retinyl palmitate, and selenium
and from sticking to the tablet punches or capsule the amino acids cysteine and methionine
filling machine. Lubricants also ensure that tablet citric acid and sodium citrate
formation and ejection can occur with low friction ynthetic preservatives like methyl paraben and
between the solid and die wall. Common minerals like propyl paraben.
talc or silica, and fats, e.g. vegetable stearin, Sorbents
magnesium stearate or stearic acid are the most Sorbents are used for tablet/capsule moisture-proofing
frequently used lubricants in tablets or hard gelatin by limited fluid sorbing (taking up of a liquid or a gas
capsules. either by adsorption or by absorption in a dry state.
Antiadherents Sweeteners
Antiadherents are used to reduce the adhesion between Sweeteners are added to make the ingredients more
the powder (granules) and the punch faces and thus palatable, especially in chewable tablets such as
prevent sticking to tablet punches. antacid or liquids like cough syrup. Therefore, tooth
Disintegrants decay is sometimes associated with cough syrup abuse.
Disintegrants expand and dissolve when wet causing Sugar can be used to disguise unpleasant tastes or
the tablet to break apart in the digestive tract, releasing smells.
Int. J. of Pharm. & Life Sci. (IJPLS), Vol. 2, Issue 8: Aug: 2011, 1006-1019
Review Article [Patel et al., 2(8): Aug., 2011]
ISSN: 0976-7126
New pharmaceutical excipients propetis of Dicalcium phosphate, the compressibility of
Direct compressible diluents MCC, and a better solubility than lactose. As can be
Crystalline lactose 100% monohydrate seen in the microphotographs below of Advantose
Brand name: Tablettose 80 100 maltose powder, these spray dried particles are
It is an agglomerate crystalline lactose 100% spherical and the combination of fine and coarse
monohydrated (USP/NF-Ph.Eur. JP) that was particles contribute to superior flow.
designed in the Seventies for direct compression. It Applications
combines the good fluidity of heavy particle lactose 1. It can be used with low bulk density
and the good compressibility of a fine worn out lactose. materials.
It is white, smooth to tact, very stable and 2. It tolerates variability in lubricant levels.
nonhygroscopic dust. Its great specific area facilitates a 3. It produces stable tablets.
fast dissolution. The irregular surface of the 4. It has low hygroscopicity.
agglomerate one is structured so that it facilitates a 5. It is stable at various mix times.
good adhesion of the assets providing stable uniformity 6. It has good dilution potential.
of assets and mixtures. Silicified microcrystalline cellulose
Applications Brand name: PROSOLV SMCC
1. Conventional Tablets PROSOLV is a high functionality ingredient that
2. Effervescence Tablets offers significant benefits in terms of tablet size,
Property production yield and overall cost. Early use in
Fluidity: it demonstrates very good properties of formulation development can result in early market
flow, even mixing it with active principles of bad entry, direct compression formulas, and smaller tablets
fluidity.4 that consumers prefer.
Crystalline lactose monohydrate & amorphous PROSOLV Characteristics
lactose High Compactibility
Brand name: FlowLac 100 High Intrinsic Flow
Spray is a monohydrated lactose dried (USP/NF - Ph. Enhanced Lubrication Efficiency
Eur. JP) designed for direct compression. It is Improved Blending Properties
compound of a 85% of crystalline lactose PROSOLV Benefits
monohydrated and a 15% of amorphous lactose that PROSOLV provides tremendous benefits throughout
confers very good properties to him of compressibility. the product lifecycle in:
Due to the process of spray dried, the grains are Formulation
spherical which confers excellent properties of fluidity. Manufacturing
They are recommended for tablets of low doses, Marketing
masticables tablets, effervescence tablets and filling of Silicified Microcrystalline
capsules. Cellulose (Microcrystalline Cellulose, Ph.Eur., NF, JP
Applications & Silica, Colloidal Anhydrous, Ph.Eur. & Colloidal
1. Formulations of with low doses of assets Silicon Dioxide NF & Light Anhydrous Silicic Acid
2. Masticable tablets JP)
3. Effervescences Tablets High functionality excipients are inactive ingredients
4. Filling of capsules that meet four criteria:
Property 1. They are multifunctional. They contribute two or
1) Fulidity: it demonstrates very good more functions to a formulation through a single
proiperties of flow, even mixing it with ingredient.
active principles of bad fluidity. 2. They have high inherent functional performance,
2) Compressibility: FlowLac-100 does even at low use levels, allowing for increased batch
provide equivalent or better. sizes and higher drug loading.
Spray dried maltose powder 3. They require no complex processing, making them
Brand name: Advantose 100 ideal for cost effective direct compression processes.
Advantose 100 maltose powder is a spray dried 4. They impart their high inherent functional
disaccharide carbohydrate. The safety and mouth feel performance to the overall formulation. This last
qualities of maltose are well known. Now, by spray criterion is critical since it separates high functionality
drying, the flow and tableting properties are greatly excipients from other multi-functional excipients or
improved. It could be said that maltose has the flow conventional specialty grade excipients.
Int. J. of Pharm. & Life Sci. (IJPLS), Vol. 2, Issue 8: Aug: 2011, 1006-1019
Review Article [Patel et al., 2(8): Aug., 2011]
ISSN: 0976-7126
Binders are ingredients that can be used in a wet or dry <200micro>=80% Density tapped : 500(g/l)
state and help to bind all of the ingredients in a (Air jet sieve) Hausner ratio : 1.2
formulation together to achieve a robust dosage form. Applicatons
Microcrystalline cellulose is one example that enables 1. Herbal extract tablets
formulators to develop effective direct compression 2. Chewable tablets
and wet granulation processes.8 3. Mineral salt tablets
Poly Vinyl Pyrrolidone + Vinyl acetate 4. Cores for coating
Brand name: PLASDONE S-630 5. Oblong tablets4
Physical & chemical properties Microcrystalline cellulose+lactose
Hydrophilicity/ hydrophobicity Brand name: MICROCELAC 100
Addition of vinyl acetate groups to the Particle size distributon
vinylpyrrolidone polymer chainreduces its MICROCELAC 100 is spray dried compound
hydrophilicity relative to PVP homopolymer. consisting of 75% alpha-lactose monohydrate & 25%
Compressibility Microcrystalline cellulose DRY MATTER. Both filling
It has higher compressibility making it an excellent & binding propetrties of two excipients which have
choice as a tablet binder aid for direct compression and been synergistically combined to an one-body
dry granulation. excipients providing better tableting performance at
Compatibility lower cost.
PLASDONE S-630 polymer is compatible with a wide <32micro<=15% Angle of repose: 34
range of active and in active ingredients used in <160micro 70% Density poured :500(g/l)
pharmaceutical products. <250micro>=90% Density tapped : 610(g/l)
Solubility (Air jet sieve) Hausner ratio : 1.16
It is soluble in water and a wide variety of EMDEX
pharmaceutically acceptable solvents, including Dextrates, NF
alcohols, esters and ketones. Ideal for chewable and soluble tablets, EMDEX is
Viscosity the only compendial (NF) dextrate that delivers the
It is good viscous enough to be used as a wet required flow, compaction, taste masking and flavor
granulating binder. In tablet coating, the low solution carrying capacity. It is highly water-soluble and gives a
viscosity of PLASDONE S-630 copolymer results in cool smooth mouth feel. EMDEX is also available
higher solids coating formulations which can reduce GMO free.
application time and increase productivity.6 Disintegrants
Fillers and binders property togethers Starch + Lactose
Functional Filler Brand Name: StarLac
ARBOCEL It is directly compressible grade material. It is made of
Powdered Cellulose, Ph.Eur., NF, JP crystalline lactose monohydrate & maize starch in a
Powdered cellulose is used as an economic and inert portion of 85:15 respectively. It has good fluidity & in
diluent in tableting and capsule filling. Especially in their main application the tablet with low doses
wet granulation it works synergistically with other ,elobration of nuclei of coverings.4
economic excipients such as starch or lactose. Property
Combined with these, ARBOCEL improves tablet (a) DISINTEGRANTION: use as additional
hardness and disintegration time. super disintegrant can be reduced or avoided.
Cellulose + lactose (b) COMPRESSIBILITY: It is used as direct
Brand name: CELLACTOSE 80 compression & offer excellent
Cellactose 80 is spray-dried compound consisting of compressibility.
75% alpha-lactose monohydrate (Ph. Eur./USP-NF/JP) (c) FLUIDITY: It ensure uniformity of weight
and 25% cellulose powder (Ph.Eur.) dry matter. ,greater capacity of pick particle ,greater rank
Cellactose 80 , designed especially for direct tableting, of speed of compression.4
combines filling & binding properties of two Soy Polysaccharide
excipients which have been synergistically combined Brand name: emcosoy
to an one-body excipients providing better tableting Soy polysaccarides, is an all-natural, soft while to
performance at lower cost. light-tan power, which
<32micro<=20% Angle of repose: 32-35
<160micro 35-65% Density poured :380(g/l)
Int. J. of Pharm. & Life Sci. (IJPLS), Vol. 2, Issue 8: Aug: 2011, 1006-1019
Review Article [Patel et al., 2(8): Aug., 2011]
ISSN: 0976-7126
Dose not contain starch or sugar. It is derived from Sodium Stearyl Fumarate, (Ph.Eur., NF, JPE)
dehulled and defatted soybean fiakes by a special Brand name: PRUV
process. PRUV is a hydrophilic lubricant. It avoids many
Emcosoy is a kosher product and is manufacture problems associated with magnesium stearate including
without the use of bleaching agents. active incompatibility*, over lubrication, and film
Emcosoy typically has 75% dietary fiber with the main formation in effervescent tablets. Product development
components including five type of higher time and bioavailability of certain actives can be
polysaccarides: cellulose, hemicellulose, protein, gum improved e.g. Azathioprin, Cefaclor, Cilazapril,
and mucilage. It is ideally suited for low calorie(2 Clarithromycin, Clopidogrelacetate, Diclofenac,
kcal/g) and diabetic applications.Emcosoy sts ip Fosinopril, Ibuprofen, Ketorolac, Levofloxacin,
excellent disintegration and improved dissolution Nifedipin, Omeprazol, Ramipril, Trandolapril.
characteristics when tablets are prepared by direct Change Notification PRUV
compression. Its use in soluble system has evidenced Change Notification for PRUV Sodium Stearyl
fast and efficient disintion of tablets prepared with a Fumarate, Ph.Eur., NF, JPE
broad range of hardness values. Hydrogenated Refined Vegetable oil
Superdisintegrants Brand name: Lubritab
Despite a rising interest in controlled release drugs Lubritab is made from fully hydrogenated refined
delivery system ,the most common tablets are those vegetable oil that is sprayed into a dry, fine powder
intended to be swallowed whole, disintegrating and .Lubritab has been specifically created for application
releasing their medicaments rapidly in the in the production of pharmaceutical tablets.An edible
gastrointestinal tract. A Disintegrant is substance in a product of vegetable origin, Lubritab is low in ash
tablet formulation that enables the tablets to break up content with practically no trace of heavy metals.The
into smaller fragments upon contact with low iodine value and low acid value indicate that
gastrointestinal fluids .Such a rapid rupture of tablet Lubritab is less chemically reactive than other
matrix increase the surface area of the tablet particles commonly used lubricants, thus assuring excellent
,there by increasing the rate of absorption of the active formulation compatibility. While Lubritab is generally
ingredient and producing the desired therapeutic used as a lubricant in a range of 0.5-4.0%,it is also
action.The proper choice of disintegration and its employed as an auxillary dry binder when tablets and
consistency of performance are critical to formulation capsules tend to cap or laminate.In such cases, the
development of such tablets. In the past starch was one addition of up to 5% could eliminate these problems
of the most widely used inexpensive and effective and aid
tablets disintegrants. A high concentration of starch is in producing satisfactory tablets.It is most effective
required to bring about effective disintegration. when added in the dry state in the last blending
Examples of Superdisintegrants are crosscarmelose operation before compression and blended for 10-15
,crospovidone and sodium glycolate which are cross minutes.When using Lubritab it is recommended that
linked cellulose crosslinked polymer and a crosslinked an anti-adherent also be considered.7
starch, respectively. Viscous grades which form a gel Dibutyl Sebacate.
in water and chloride reduced types (PCF) complying Formula: [(CH2)4CO2(CH2)3CH3]2
with Japanes food regulations are available on request Mol Wt.-314.46
Sodium Starch Glycolate Synonyms:-Sebacic acid , Dibutyl Ester, Bis(N-
Brand name: VIVASTAR butyl)Sebacate; Butyl Sebacate; Decanedioic acid,
VIVASTAR (Sodium Starch Glycolate)-Super Dibutyl Ester; Di-n-butyl Sebacate.
Disintegrant having great disintergration power and General description and applications
cost savings.VIVASTAR PSF (Pharmaceutical Solven Dibutyl Sebacate is a plasticizer permitted in the field
Free) is innovative in that it can improve stability of of food contact material, medical and pharmaceutical.
certain drugs by removing residual solvents. Viscous It is used as a plasticizer for polymers and synthetic
grades which form a gel in water and chloride reduced rubbers.There are almost infinite esters obtained from
types (PCF) complying with Japanes food regulations thousands of potential starting materials.Esters are
are available on request. formed by removal of water from an acid and an
Lubricants & plasticizers alcohol,e.g.,carboxylic acid esters,phosphoric acid
Lubricant + Modified release esters, and sulfonic acid esters.They are also used as
intermediates for the manufacture of a variety of target
compounds.The almost infinite esters provide a wide
Int. J. of Pharm. & Life Sci. (IJPLS), Vol. 2, Issue 8: Aug: 2011, 1006-1019
Review Article [Patel et al., 2(8): Aug., 2011]
ISSN: 0976-7126
range of viscosity , specific gravity, vapor pressure, have the following special features: Because the
boiling point, and other physical and chemical geological conditions under which Chinese attapulgite
properties for the proper application selections9. was deposited are different from that of the USA
Glyceryl behenate attapulgite deposits , our attapulgite products have very
Brand name:-COMPRITOL 888ATO low grit (percentage retained on a 325 mesh wet
Description: Off white powder. Tasteless, non-reactive screen),low free silica content, and low carbonate
with other formulation Ingredients. content.
Physical Characteristics: Thickener
Water content:-NMT 0.5% Dextrin
Particle size Distribution Through US 250 Dextrin are a group of low-molecular-weight
mesh:85% carbohydrates produced by the hydrolysis of starch.
Applications Dextrin are mixtures of linear -(1,4)-linked D-glucose
Lubricant polymers. They have the same general formula as
Decreases ejection force and improves compressibility. carbohydrates but are of shorter chain length. Industrial
Not sensitive to overblending Does not interfere with production is generally preformed by acidic hydrolysis
tablet disintegration or drug release rate. of potato starch. Dextrin are water soluble, white to
Pellets slightly yellow solids which are optically active.
Can be incorporated into pellets via Analytically, dextrin can be detected with iodine
extrusion/spheronization.Microcrystalline cellulose solution, giving a red coloration with green spots.The
pellets containing Compritol 888 ATO, can be cyclical dextrins are known as cyclodextrins. They are
compressed into tablets10. formed by enzymatic degradation of starch by certain
Guar gum powder bacteria, for example Bacillus macerans. Cyclodextrins
Brand name: Ultra Guar have toroidal structures formed by 6-8 glucose
A pure, rapidly hydrating guar gum powder . Produced residues.For example, maltodextrin is a moderately
under the strictest raw material selection and hygienic sweet polysaccharide used as a food additive, unrelated
conditions, UltraGuar does things conventional guar to barley malt.Foods containing Maltodextrin may
gum powders cannot.This all natural polymer produces contain traces of amino acids, including glutamic acid
sexceptionally high viscosity, achieving 5600+ cps in as a by-product of the manufacturing process.
about two minutes . Due to its ultra power less is However, the amount of amino acids would not be high
needed.Its rapid hydration dramatically speeds up enough to have any dietary significance.9
processing times at a fraction of the cost of CMC. Ultra Microcrystalline cellulose and Carboxy methyl
Guar hydrates quickly in both hot and cold aqueous cellulose sodium
solutions making it ideal for instant beverages, sauces, Brand name: VIVAPUR MCG
dressings, soups, gravies and more.11 Thickener and Stabilizer for Pharmaceutical and
Glidants Food Products
Attapulgite VIVAPUR MCG :( Microcrystalline cellulose and
Attapulgite is a kind of crystalloid hydrous Carboxy methyl cellulose sodium) An excellent
magnesium-aluminium silicate mineral, having a thixotropic gelling agent to stabilize suspensions and
special laminated chain structure in which there is a emulsions. It is pH stable and could be used in hot and
crystalline lattice displacement existed.Thus it makes cold medium.8
the crystals contain uncertain quantities of Na+, Colours
Ca+,Fe3+ and Al, and present in the shape of needles , Titanium Dioxide and Iron oxide
fibers or fibrous clusters.Attapulgite has very good Brand name: CANDURIN
colloidal properties such as :specific features in CANDURIN range includes
dispersion , high temperature endurance. Furthermore, Silver Colours
attapulgite has certain plastic and adhesive Silver pearl effects based on titanium dioxide.
characters.Its ideal molecular formula is Interference colours: Interference pearl color effects
:Mg5Si8O20(HO)2(OH2)4.4H2O.Attapulgite clay mineral (gold, blue, red and green) based on titanium dioxide.
resources distributin only several countries in the world Golden Colours: Golden pearl effects based on
at the present . Attapulgite reserve capacity of Xuyi titanium dioxide and iron oxide. Iron Oxide Colours:
contains the 70% in China, and 35% in the Bronze-deep red pearl color effects based on iron oxide
world.Compared to the largest commercial attapulgite Influence of light: Light must reach the CANDURIN
deposits in the United States , Xuyi attapulgite products particles as directly as possible otherwise the desired
Int. J. of Pharm. & Life Sci. (IJPLS), Vol. 2, Issue 8: Aug: 2011, 1006-1019
Review Article [Patel et al., 2(8): Aug., 2011]
ISSN: 0976-7126
pearl effect will be reduced or not visible at all. Administration (FDA) labeling requirements, it has a
CANDURIN particle size: Small particle-sized caloric value of 0.2 calories per gram (95% less than
pigments (sheen range, 5 - 25 m) result in an sugar and other carbohydrates), but other countries
increased hiding power in combination with satiny such as Japan label it at 0 calories.
pearl effect. The largest particle sizes (sparkle range, Sucralose or Splenda
10 - 150 m) exhibit eye-catching glitter effects, Brand Name: - D-et
whereas medium sized pigments (luster range, 10 - 60 Discovered in 1976, sucrose is 600 times sweeter than
m) provide both, exquisite pearl luster combined with sugar and does not metabolize to produce energy, thus
a medium hiding power resulting in uniform luster it does not contain calories. It is the only low calorie
effects. sweetener that is made from sugar, which has been
Sweetners changed so passes through the body unchanged and
Enzymatically treated Sucrose unmetabolized. Substituting for three alcohol groups on
Brand name: Galen IQ the sugar molecule with three chlorine atoms creates
Manufacturing process sucralose.It is heat stable and can be used in cooking
Galen IQ qualities are derived from sucrose in a and baking or anywhere onr wouls use sugar without
two stage production process. First sucrose is losing its aweetness. Sucralose is currently used in
converted to the disaccharide 6-0D-glucopyranosyl more than 30 countries and the FDA approved it in
fructose (isomaltose), a significantly more stable 1998 as a table top sweetener. It has been studied for
reducing compound, in an enzymatic more than 20 years, and 110 published animal and
transglucosidation process. In the second step,the human safety studies have concluded that sucralose is
hydrogenation of isomaltose leads to ht estearoisomer safe for everyone to consume. Since, chlorine is
disaccharide alcohol 1-O-D-glucopyranosyl D- something we consume every day in our water and
mannitol dehydrate(1,1 GPM dihydrate) and 6-O-D- other foods we eat, it is safe in this formulation. As a
glucopyranosyl-D- sorbitol (1,6-GPS) in an result, sucralose does not require any warning labels.
approximate equimolecular mixture. Sweetness Receptor Site
The ratio between the main components can be varied The drastically increased sweetness of sucralose is due
with the an additional special crystallization process. to the structure of molecule. In the case of sucralose,
As a result, specific GalenIQ qualities are obtained, the two chlorine atoms present in the fructose portion
e.g. enriched in 6-O-Dglucopyranosyl-D-sorbitol (1,6 of the molecule lead to more hydrophobic properties on
GPS) Providing Higher Solubility. Depending on the the opposite side of the molecule (upper left), which
quality, the mixture contains approximately 3-5% extends over the entire outer region of the fructose
crystal water, which is strongly bound to the GPM portion o the sucralose molecule.
crystal. In its final state, GalenIQ is a white, Area (AH+): This area has hydrogen available to
odorless, water soluble, crystalline substamce.13 hydrogen bond to chlorine attached to the glucose
Isomalt (Brand name: CARGILL) bottom portion of the molecule.
Isomalt is a sugar substitute consisting of disaccharide Area (B-): This area has a partially negative oxugen
alcohols. It is derived exclusively from sugar by available to hydrogen bond to the partially positive
enzymatic conversion into isomaltose, which is then hydrogen of an alcohol group.
hydrogenated to obtain the two components mixture of Area (X): This area is more or less perpendicular to
GPS and GPM. the other two ares interacts through hydrophobic or
Xylitol non-polar properties to the fructose portion of the as
Description: white to off-white free flowing powder, previously noted molecule.9
with excellent compressibility. Xylitol is a sweet sugar, Acesulfame potassium
but is non-carcinogenic, and suitable for diabetics.9 Brand Name: Sunett
Erythriol Chemical Structure of Acesulfame Potassium
Erythriol (butane-1,2,3,4-tetraol) is a natural sugar Acesulfame K is 180-200 times sweeter than sucrose
alcohol (a type of sugar substitute) which has been (table sugar), as sweet as aspartame, about half as
approved for use in the United States and throughout sweet as saccharin, and one-quarter the sweetness of
much of the world. It is 70% as sweet as table sugar yet sucralose. Like saccharin. It has a slightly bitter
it is virtually non-caloric, does not affect blood sugar, aftertaste, especially at high concentrations. Kraft
does not cause tooth decay, and is absorbed by the Foods has patented the use of sodium ferulate to mask
body, therefore unlikely to cause gastric side effects acesulfames aftertaste. Alternatively, acesulfame K is
unlike other sugar alcohols. Under U.S. Food and Drug often blended with aspartame or other sweeteners.
Int. J. of Pharm. & Life Sci. (IJPLS), Vol. 2, Issue 8: Aug: 2011, 1006-1019
Review Article [Patel et al., 2(8): Aug., 2011]
ISSN: 0976-7126
These blens are reputed to give a more sugar-like taste Status: A petition for alitames use in a broad range of
where each sweetener masks the others aftertaste, and foods and beverages has been foled in the U.S. Alitame
to exhibit a synergistic effect wherein the blend is is approved for use in a variety of food and beverage
sweeter than its components. Popular products products in Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and the
containing acesulfame K include Diet Rite Cola, Fruit peoples republic of China. Approval also is being
Shoot, Pepsi Max, Coca-Cola Zero, Fresca, Diet Coke sought worldwide.9
with Slenda, Sprite Zero, Powerade, Trident gum, Thaumatin
Wrigleys Spearmint gum, some SoBe products, XS Thaumatin is a low-calorie (virtually calorie-free)
Energy Drink, Propel Fitness Water, Sugarfree Red protein sweetener and flavours modifier. The substance
Bull, Diet Lipton Green Tea with Citrus, Diet Arizona is often used primarily for its flavors modifying
Energy Drinks, Danone Silhouette spring water-based properties and not exclusively as a sweetner. Totally
beverages, Presidents Choice PC 0 Cola, Nestle natural, thaumatin is metabolized by the body as any
Natural Fruit Flavored Water Beverags, Sugarfree other dietary protein.
sugarfree Jell-O, Monster Energy low carb, and Equal Within West Africa, the katemfe fruit has been locally
table sweetener. In carbonated drinks it is almost cultivated and used to flavor foods and beverages for
always used in conjuction with another sweetener, such some time. The fruits seeds are encased in a
as aspartame or sucralose.9 membranous sac, or aril, that is the source of
Alitame thaumatin. In the 1970s, the Talin Food Company of
Brand name: Aclame Merseyside, in the United Kingdom, began extracting
Alimate is an artificial sweetener developed by Pfizer thaumatin from the fruit and selling it under the trade
in early 1980s and currently marketed in some name Talin. In 1990, researchers at Unilever reported
countries under the brand name Aclame. Like the isolation and sequencing of the two principal
aspartame, alitame is an aspartic acid-containig are not proteins found in thaumatin, which they dubbed
sweet, but the unexpected discovery of aspartame in thaumatin in genetically engineered bacteria.9
1965 led toa search for similar compounds that shared Flavorant & act as antioxidant
its sweetness. Alitame is one such second- generation Citrus Bioflavonoids
dipeptide sweetener. Neotame, developed by the Watersoluble citrus bioflavonoid can be readily added
owners of the Nutrasweet brand, is another. Alitame is to beverages, candies, and chewing gum to enhance the
an intense sweetener, with sweetness potency 2000 beneficial effect of bioflavonoid. Bioflavonoid save
times greater than that of sucrose. It is a dipeptide of L- well-documented anti-oxidant effect and are widely
aspartic acid and D-alanine, with a terminal N- used to enhance vascular system health. The bulk of
substituted tetramethylthietanyl-amine moiety. this important class of nutrients is lost when citrus fruit
Description:Discovered by Pfizer, Inc., alitame (brand is made into juice-but now you can enhance your
name AclameTM) is a sweetner formed from the amino product and restore some of those precious nutrients.16
acids L-aspartic acid and D-alanine, and a novel amine. Carob powder
Relative Sweetness: 2,000 times sweeter than sucrose. Carob powder comes in light , medium and dark roast
Metabolism: The aspartic acid component is and can be tailored to match cocoa powder particle size
metabolized normally. The alanine amide passes and flavor thus facilitating ease of application and
through the body with minimal metabolic changes. compatibility. Carob powders are low in fat, absent in
Alitame is such an intense sweetener: its caloric cholesterol, high in dietary fiber and contain beneficial
contribution to the diet is insignificant. anti oxidants. Carob is also theobromine and caffine
Limitations: Though alitame has excellent shelf life, free.
prolonged storage in some standard acidic solutions at Curcumin
elevated temperatures may result in off-flavors. This GRAS ingredients use dates back to ancient times.
Application: Alitame has the potential to be used in Its anti-inflammatory and anti antioxidant properties
almost all ares where sweeteners are presently used have been the focus of many studies. Curcumin
e.g., baked goods and baking mixes, hot and cold standardize to 95% curcuminoids in power &granular
beverages, dry beverage mixes, milk products, frozen forms
desserts and mixes, toiletries and pharmaceuticals. Neohesperidin
Safety: Extensive animal and human studies have been This GRAS citrus bio flavonoid is a grate flavor
conducted to support the safety of alitame. The petition modifier and enhancer, particularly for fruit flavors. It
for regulatory approval demonstrates its safety for enhances the fruiter notes and some of the more subtle
human consumption. flavors, while subduing the more dominant acid notes .
Int. J. of Pharm. & Life Sci. (IJPLS), Vol. 2, Issue 8: Aug: 2011, 1006-1019
Review Article [Patel et al., 2(8): Aug., 2011]
ISSN: 0976-7126
it is use in beverages, dairy product, confections, table claims. In vitro testing with Super Refined Oleic Acid
top sweeteners, snacks, and most fruit based products, NF, as compared with a standard, has shown a clear
it also masks the off tastes of synthetic sweeteners.16 reduction in intercellular leakage an indicator of skin
irritation potential. This benefit offers the formulator
Use as cores in sustsined release formulation
the option of reduced skin damage for an equivalent
Non- pareil seeds are specially designed spherical
formulation. Super Refined Oleic Acid NF is
particles of uniform granules that are practically inert,
recommended as an absorption enhancer in topical,
odorless and tasteless. Non-pareil seeds are available in
transdermal and oral dosages, an excipient in nasal and
the following u.s. standard sieve sizes:
pulmonary metered dose inhalers (MDIs) and as a
14-18 mesh sieve (1000-1400im), 35-40 mesh sieve
component of self emulsifying drug delivery systems
16-18 mesh sieve (1000-1180), 18-20 mesh sieve (850-
1000) References
30-35 mesh sieve (500-600), 40-60 mesh sieve (250- 1. Ansel H.C., Allen L.V., and Jr., Popovich
425) N.G. (2005). Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms &
20-25 mesh sieve (710-850), 25-30 mesh sieve (600- Drug Delivery Systems, 8th ed; Lippincott
710) 16-20 mesh sieve (850-1180) Williams & Wilkins, 121-145. .
Non-pareil seeds are intended for use as cores in 2. Aulton M.E. (2005). Pharmaceutics The
sustained release formulations. In this process, non- Science of Dosage Form Design, 113-138.
pareil seeds are the bases upon which drugs are coated 3. Gaud R. S., Yadav A. V. and Gokhale S.B.
and then given a protective barrier. A drug must then (2004). Textbook of Pharmaceutics, 10th Ed;
either diffuse through this barrier coat or the barrier Nirali Prakashan, New Delhi, 102-135.
layer must be dissolved away to release the drug.7 4. Gaud R. S., Kasture A.V., Gattani S.G. and
Stability enhancer in capsule Gokhale S.B., (2003). Textbook of
super refined PEG 300,400&600are highly purified Pharmaceutics; Nirali Prakashan.
polyethylene glycoals. Super refining is a technigue 5. Lachman L., Lieberman H.A. and Schwartz
that removes polar impurities, such as peroxide species, J.B. (1990). Pharmaceutical Dosage form-
aldehyde and ketones . removal of these polar tablets, 1:40-80.
impurities eliminates their adverse interaction with 6. Lachman L., Lieberman H.A. and Kaing J.L.
active pharmaceutical ingredient (APIs), thereby (1987). The Theory And Practice of Industrial
enhancing the stability of the drug and or the vehicle Pharmacy, Varghese Publishing House;; 185-
itself .in accelerated stability trials (50.c), Super 193.
Refined PEG 400 NF demonstrated a peroxide value at 7. Mittal B. M. (2007). Textbook of
least 50% lower than a standard pharmaceutical grade Pharmaceutical Formulation, New Delhi,
both initially and after four weeks. Formaldehyde value Vallabh Prakashan.
after four weeks were at least 60% lower. Super 8. Sobharani H. (2008). Textbook of Industrial
Refining of PEGs also minimizes the potential for Pharmacy, University press; Hydrabad.
gelatin cross-linking. Impurities found in some 9. Sumie Y., Stella and Valentino J. (2006).
standards Pharmaceutical grades of PEGs can lead to Stability of Drugs and Dosage forms, New
stability problems in gelatin capsule due to the Delhi, Springer.
impurities cross-linking with the gelatin. Super 10. Wells J. I. (1988). Pharmaceutical
Refining removes the impurities that cause this Preformulation, Ellis Horwood limited; 15-
problem.Polyethylene glycols are widely used as 213.
excipients in a variety of pharmaceutical products, 11. www.attapulgite.com(Accessed on 4th Dec
including topical, oral and parenteral preparations.14 2008)
Absorption enhancer 12. www.candurin.merck.com(Accessed on 12th
Super Refined Oleic Acid NF is a high purity lipid Nov 2008)
designed to aid drug delivery. Oleic acid can enhance 13. www.croda.com(Accessed on 26th Nov 2008)
transdermal drug transportation and is also employed in 14. www.ipecamericas.org/public/faqs.html(Acces
pulmonary and nasal delivery systems. By removing sed on 15th Aug 2008)
polar impurities including primary and secondary 15. www.ispcorp.com (Accessed on 2nd Oct 2008)
oxidation products, Super Refining of oleic acid 16. www.jrspharma.com (Accessed on 31th Oct
ensures formulations have greater stability and reduced 2008)
potential for cellular (skin) irritation, the company
Int. J. of Pharm. & Life Sci. (IJPLS), Vol. 2, Issue 8: Aug: 2011, 1006-1019
Review Article [Patel et al., 2(8): Aug., 2011]
ISSN: 0976-7126
17. www.meggle-pharma.com(Accessed on 2nd 22. www.pharmtech.com (Accessed on 15th Aug
Sept 2008) 2008)
18. www.nar-ex.com(Accessed on 6th Oct 2008) 23. www.plthomas.com(Accessed on 10th Nov
19. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov(Accessed on 3rd Nov 2008)
2008) 24. www.spipharma.com (Accessed on 25th Sept
20. www.palatinit.com(Accessed on 12th Nov 2008)
2008) 25. www.viable-herbal.com(Accessed on 18th Dec
21. www.pharmainfo.net(Accessed on 22nd Dec 2008)
2008) 26. www.wikipedia.com(Accessed on 1st Nov
Int. J. of Pharm. & Life Sci. (IJPLS), Vol. 2, Issue 8: Aug: 2011, 1006-1019
Review Article [Patel et al., 2(8): Aug., 2011]
ISSN: 0976-7126
Sugar free Lozenges Excellent compressibility, sweet, cooling taste, low calorie, and noncalorigenic
Sweetener Has a sweet, cooling taste, along with low calorie, and non- calorigenic
Int. J. of Pharm. & Life Sci. (IJPLS), Vol. 2, Issue 8: Aug: 2011, 1006-1019