Poverty in America - Essay 3 Proposal
Poverty in America - Essay 3 Proposal
Poverty in America - Essay 3 Proposal
Lovie Luckie
Professor Vyvial
English 1302
April 28, 2017
According to recent data and statistics posted by the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately
43.1 million which translates to 13.5% of Americans live in poverty (Proctor, et al). While 13%
are seniors and 10% are disabled, more than a third of the people who live in poverty are
children. Poverty is described as the state of being extremely poor or as others put it, the
inability to maintain the basic necessities in life such as food, clothing, and shelter.
Understanding that poverty should be a leading discussion among U.S. leaders, Robert Putnam, a
Harvard political scientist and expert of poverty advocates for children directly affected by the
opportunity gaps that are the root of this problem. One major concern is that more and more
children are navigating through life without coaches, pastors, tutors, friends parents,
counselors, neighbors, community groups, parents co-works and family friends (Badger),
causing them to feel lonely and abandoned. His solution is to invest more money in the areas of
early childhood education and the criminal justice system so more low-income men can find
work and raise their own babies. But, who will take responsibility and pay the bill to finance
these corrective measures? If we are a government for the people, by the people, then
A solution to childhood poverty could come in several forms, but in order to address
poverty, one must understand the underlying basis first. There has been a decline in parental
involvement in the educational system, parents without medical insurance that have sick children
are unable to get medical attention or receive substandard medical care, children of poverty are
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suffering more physical and mental abuse, and homeless children are not receiving proper
nutrition. These are a few of the issues causing alarm because poverty is negatively affecting
society and Americas economy as a whole. Individuals are committing suicide from financially-
related stress and others are resorting to criminal matters to make ends meet.
A solution must be presented, but unfortunately, there is not a single solution to fix
poverty that is cheap, fast, or easy. Faced with the crisis of poverty, I propose that we place the
and fund efficient programs, that at the least, decrease the number of impoverished individuals.
The need for a solution to the poverty crisis is evident. Consider my proposal of investing into
early childhood education, parental training, increased funding into proven non-profit programs,
(SNAP), formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, additional funding for Medicaid, and
As Putnam suggests, investing more money in the areas of early childhood education
could play a significant role in decreasing poverty. It is a well-known fact that impoverished
children are already behind when they start school. They do not have early access to education
and some children never experience a simple story being read at night (Putnam). I propose that
we call on government to invest into quality programs that not only offer academic, but early
childhood skills such as sharing, negotiating, and reasoning with an underlying basis of high
expectations. Considering that one year of childcare costs more than a year of college in some
states. My proposal includes government investing more into non-profit programs such as Head
Start and the Child Care Development Black Grant. The outcome of this proposal should
provide students with a better education, allow them to live longer, earn more as responsible
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adults, be less likely to have early pregnancies, and less likely to commit crimes as statistics
show. This would be the first step in ending the poverty cycle for their own children.
propose that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides interventions that get
more parents involved in the education of their children, offer skills that focus more on the well-
being and improved development of their kids, and teach parents about being better role models.
As Putnam discussed, reforming the criminal justice system so more low-income men can find
work and raise their own babies could fall under this umbrella. Learning a simple trade for these
men could propel their families into a better future. I propose that the U.S. Department of Labor
assist these men with their reentry into society. Another proposal would be to provide more
money to other community-based mentoring programs such as Big Brothers Big Sisters that help
disadvantaged youth with no role models as Putnam discussed. Sadly, funding has recently been
cut from organizations such as this to fund other government policies (Bakst), even though they
have proven results that show a reduction in delinquent activities, a decrease in drug and alcohol
It is a well-known fact that most low-income people spend a substantial portion of their
money on basic needs, but there are some households with half of the children owning a video
game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation (Rector). Overall, one in five children live in
unstable households that have had difficulty providing enough food or have had their normal
eating disrupted due to lack of money. Because of these economic hardships, and being unable
to afford anything greater than their food and housing, government has back programs like
SNAP. The program assists lower income families with the monthly purchasing of food while
maintaining the goal of improving nutrition (Wiecha). While the dietary guidelines consider the
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size of teens and consider them adults, SNAP does not and the benefit calculations are
increase the maximum benefits, restructure the way maximum benefits are determined, and
consider the additional food needs of families with teenagers, all while considering the different
prices throughout the United States. Some areas have higher prices geographically and the
greater amount those individuals pay for the same items in another area should be considered.
Along with proper nutrition, government should focus on an opportunity for all Americans to
have insurance. Parents without medical insurance that have sick children will go without
medical attention or receive substandard medical care. I propose that Medicaid benefits be
increased as well. This will help individuals experiencing high levels of stress due to poverty-
related issues such as financial uncertainties and loss of employment. Higher incomes have
lower stress loads because they can afford more than the basics. In order words, the trend shows
that individuals with lower incomes experience more stress over time than those with high
incomes. As a result, they are less likes to experience some of the illnesses that stress can cause
like heart disease, obesity, depressions, anxiety, and even premature death.
Wage inequality has been a problem that does not allow low income families to escape
poverty or gain economic self-sufficiency. The minimum wage has not shifted with inflation
which means that an individual is able to purchase less for each hour of labor he works.
Ultimately, the worker must work more hours to stay above poverty. If not, they will still be
faced with the challenge to pay for their basic daily needs. Raising the minimum wage could
possibly result in businesses cutting back on their hiring or an increase in overall prices, but the
impact will not outweigh the benefits of raising wages for Americas lowest paid workers
(Kanopiadmin). I propose that state and local governments consider the cost of living increase
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and then set a minimum wage above the federal minimum. Increasing the minimum wage would
have positive economic benefits that lead to higher wages for the disadvantaged and lowering
Make no mistake, ending poverty is not in sight at all, but every effort should be made to
get America back on track and dramatically cut a sizable number of poverty-stricken individuals.
Not only is government involvement important, but outside organizations could help as well.
Investing in the future through educational programs, parental training, increased funding into
government and non-profit programs, and increasing the minimum wage will make an enormous
difference. Americans must unite with non-profit agencies, schools, churches, and any other
Works Cited
Basnadger, Emily. "The Terrible Loneliness of Growing up Poor in Robert Putnams America."
Bakst, Daren. Big Government Policies That Hurt the Poor and How to Address Them. The
Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation, 5 Apr. 2017. Web. 27 Apr. 2017.
Kanopiadmin. How Minimum Wage Laws Increase Poverty. Mises Institute. Mises Institute
Proctor, Bernadette D., Semega, Jessica L., Kollar, Melissa A. "Library." Income and Poverty in
the United States: 2015. U. S. Census Bureau, 13 Sept. 2016. Web. 22 Apr. 2017.
Rector, Robert, Rachel Sheffield. 15 Facts About U.S. Poverty the Government Hides. The
U.S. Government Initiative Reduces Hunger and Poverty for Millions." U.S. Agency for
Wiecha, J. L., J. T. Dwyer, and M. Dunn-Strohecker. Nutrition and Health Services Needs